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For a cob of online cashless magic, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about those you are guessing at. Trim the pressed deck until you come to see that the time has come to finish the shuffle.

Vorozhinnya online free of charge Tsigansky cross. Dosit seriously vorozhinnya new important description of all aspects of the querent's life. Looking at the problems of the querent, the life situation in which there is a fortune teller (fortune-telling), as well as the ability to pour the querent on the development of the situation, or the solution of the problems that are blamed. Tsya vorozhinnya zastosovuvala gypsies, zvіdsi i z'appeared yogo name. It’s highly respectful that the fortune teller can be folded and it’s not too difficult to do it as training for fortune-tellers-pochatkivtsiv, it’s not easy to carry out yoga, and the axis of confusion and use all the significant cards in the magic book for an unfinished fahіvtsya will be put to good luck, so it’s important significant cards.

Vorozhinna Technique online free of charge

For the conduct of the witchcraft, we have a deck of 36 card cards, the cards are guilty but not bordered, otherwise the result will be unreliable. It’s clear to the table below on the side of the card that we choose a blank card, if the card is like a representative of the querent, we’ll have it from the deck, and 35 cards that are left out, relatively shuffle and break part of the cards with our left hand to ourselves. We gave the card to the form on the table and next to it we carried out the laying out of the cards, which are shown, zgidno with the little one below on the side. We are to blame for 13 additional cards, which I will tell you about those who should be with the querent and about all the subdivisions, like її/yogo check. We suggest the meaning of the cards that are being played:

1 - Problem chi situation contagion,
2 - Share, those who become unbarred, it is impossible to change,
3 - Development of the situation, 4 - Help, how can you manage,
5 - Injecting a querent into a problem, I'll handle the situation,
6 - What are the problems,
7 - Injecting the past into today and tomorrow,
8 - Surround, yakі help the querent to pour into the future,
9 - Porada for vyshennya іsnuyuchoї problems,
10 - Cause of the problem,
11 - Details of clouding, I will lay out another card,
12 - Prihovani facts, secrets, to be brought to the third card of the layout,
13 - Explanation to karti chotiri.


In order to induce harmony with the other half, it is important to pay attention to the mass of factors: behavior, characteristics of specialness, date of birth is thin.

Lay out on the blue: why start

Tarot rozlad: we will be at the same time, to help recognize the prospect of the development of vodnosin, at times correct them, and also choose the right one directly.

Sob the fortune-teller has borne fruit, you should first tune in to the bazhan object. If you take away the necessary proof, you will not be able to do this work. Whisk the relaxing music, plow, as it suits or inspires the mood, you can dress up before the ritual - to give you the necessary confidence, additional strength in front of the witches. Possibility of adding additional special tablecloth or bіlі (red) candles.

Important moment! Don't try to spread the Tarot for the first hour filthy self-feeling but because of the high temperature - you can't concentrate properly. Fortune-telling is not allowed under the hour of the change I will become, for example, after the introduction of alcoholic drinks. It is necessary to take the cards with clean hands (it’s worth it and the surface, for which stench they will be sorted).

Fakhіvtsі gladden not put the same food kіlka razіv pospіl, oskolki tse mozhe vplinut on the objectivity of the final result. When laying out, be mentally prepared before the cards show not good prospects, on the back of your hand you will pay.

How to correctly formulate nutrition in the process of procreation

Schob rozlad on mutually Tarot is the most objective, next think about it, how to correctly put the power cards. You can paraphrase the following phrases, which are the most common way to sing words:

  • Yake staging at new / yogo before me
  • What thoughts of wine / won about me
  • How better (correctly) behave with him / niy
  • What next vrakhovuvaty on the cob vіdnosin
  • Chi є prospects for splkuvanni with him / niy

The layout of the Tarot on the future will help to identify the orientation path for the development of the future, but it does not give guarantees that everything will turn out on its own so as to show the cards. "Advanced means failure," so you can change the development of the future yourself, changing them on your own judgment, uniquely possible the appearance of negative consequences.

Tarot layout for three cards: for beginners and amateurs

Layout "Three cards"

This method of conjuration is not only simple, but it is informative, to help you to explain the right setting of the other half to you. In order to expand the layout, it’s enough to draw only three cards from the Major Arcana (there are 22 cards in a standard deck). Such a skin card has its own meaning, a specific baby, and also has its own special energy.

Before the cob of the fortune teller, it is necessary to look at the bagan object for the instructions given above, shuffle the deck, clearly formulate the food, as if to call you. The top of the deck of obov'yazkovo is znіmіt with the left hand, laying out the evil to the right, burn down the shirt. Draw three cards, after which proceed to their decipherment for additional materials shown on this site.


As if you have won a non-traditional technique of divination, it is allowed to win the Senior and Young Arcana.

Distribution "Share of Vіdnosin" and yoga particularities

Distribution "Share of vіdnosin"

This way of laying out the building Tarot cards characterizes the trivality of your stosunkiv from a kohan people. Krіm tsgogo, vіn dopomozhe vysvitliti vybіlsh razlivі (tsіkavі) aspects in vіdnosinakh, and also transfer the share of your kohanny.

Preparing to the cob of magic does not look like the front ones - the concentration of thought about the kohana person, the visualization of the image, the retelling of shuffling the cards. For this layout, you can twist like a standard Rider-Waite deck, as well as other interpretations of cards, for example, the Tarot of Thoth. Bazhano vikoristovuvati less than the Elder Arcani. At the process of fortune-telling, you recognize the same nutrition (depending on the number of cards, drawn from the singing sequence).

  1. The situation with the other half, like for the whole period
  2. The right setting of the kohanoi people before you
  3. Cause, through the yaku you were shot
  4. Peculiarities and prospects for the development of distant vineyards
  5. Life lessons, as it is necessary to take into account in the situation that has developed
  6. Riven sumness for three main signs - mental, sexual, spiritual

Allocation "Chi we will be at once"

Allocation "Chi we will be at once"

Tsya fortune-telling will help to predict the future of your future stosunkiv. This layout can be sorted out for clarification of information about the basics of differences, factors, which bring you closer to this stage, as well as about those who are taєmnitsі chi incompatibilities on the side of a love partner. Krіm tsgogo, vіdeo raskladіv Tarot on stosunki that kokhannya will help you to choose the most rational variant of fortunetelling.

For this layout, you will need to draw these cards, as they will help you more accurately characterize the current camp of love affairs and recommendations for such requests.

  1. Mutually with a kohanoy people today
  2. The essence of your visions is the basis
  3. Attached nuances and "underwater stones"
  4. The main reasons for getting close to the kohan people
  5. What did you see one kind of one and call out "unreasonable"
  6. The prospects of trivaly vіdnosin and those, like stench, develop in the future
  7. Please, yakі can give a picture of how zmіtsnennya trival union

I am convinced that the above recommendations will help you save your money for a long time. Golovne - dotrimuvatisya positive mood and listen to the thought of that bazhan kohanoi people. Follow the updates on the site and you will find out some other information. I love creative inspiration and light Life Way. Success!

Video: Trinity of Cups. The meaning of the cards in the layouts on the blue

It appears, depending on the dates of the days of the people to lie down, what will people be at once that їхнє спілне future. In order to reveal the veil of the future, it is necessary to add up and bring to a single digit number of days of birth of both partners. Let them see from a larger number less and marvel at the retail - they won't be able to look at numerology, buti tsim vіdnosinam long ranks and scho checks them in front.

For example, one person was born on 05/01/1978, and її kohana person was born on 01/22/1975. Pіdrakhovuєmo number of people of the first person, go: 1+5+1+9+7+8=31=4, then її partner: 2+2+1+1+9+7+5=27=9. Far: 9 more, lower 4; it means that from 9 we can see 4 and we will take 5. This will be the number of your bet.

Find out what people will be at once, scurrying to online fortune-tellers for the date of nationality

Your couple is ideal, but still there is one small one - you constantly change in the fallow time in the minds of others. Stop looking around at the thoughts of the otochyuchy, and then everything will be just super!

Like a key and a lock, like adding one to another, your little ones will be long and happy. Golovne, do not call them as a bastard, for example, jealousy.

It's a pity, but there will be a third person among you - fathers, friends, children, to make a robot. Therefore, your stosunki can know the collapse, as only one of you will stop tolerating the handing in of other parties.

Two natural leaders at once - it's always foldable! Your victories will compete one by one - a robot, a penny, a goal or something else, that stench can’t be long, if you instill the spirit of supernativity and everything will end so quickly, like it started.

You are the lucky ones of life, if you don’t marvel at the future, live one day, but, with you, none of you will get confused from this drive - you go alone alone. However, life is not easy to live simply, but it means that everything is stale in your window dressing.

You are a wonderful couple, but only for sex. Otherwise, you categorically do not go alone to one. Ale, before speech, a lot of couples live for the sake of sex and for a long time and happily ever after.

Put your own spice to power. Chesnі vіdpovіdі on them will help you to understand, in which your stances will develop directly.

It’s not easy to see on the food chain: a romantic flair casts bachiti in front of you real people. Dosledzhennya show that the sound attracts partners who are not like us, but, for all the primary passions, such stances will quickly decline.

For the long-term union, it is important є spіlnіst, those who unite: similar life values ​​and ochіkuvannya, interests, rіven illumine, stating about those, how to spend their free time more often.

Chi wi got to know each other with friends?

Like a person, with some kind of sustrіchaєtesa, vіdkrit for trivaly stosunkіv, imovіrnіst, scho you won't include you among people who are significant to you - sіm'yu ta druzіv, - more than a temple. So I'm blaming you for your pomp in the wet life.

The one who, in the depths of his soul, sees himself as free before, wants to marvel at all sides

The more friends you turn on at the conversation and the more you like to pick up this link, the more it’s emoji that the blues will develop.

Are you afraid of being left alone?

Decals we involuntarily begin to look at new blues as ideal, as if we are afraid of losing ourselves.

Tim, who feels uncomfortable on his own, is important to look at the faces, so he can't seem to feel close to his partner. With this stench, you should behave with him as a potential companion of life: show off on the street, demonstrate the stosanki and romantic interest. However, every year it becomes more and more difficult to deceive oneself and to emulate the illusion of an enchanting zbіgu.

Does the partner show any interest in you?

Those, as we react, sensibly sexually attached representatives in the opposite position, may signify the prospects of the union. The following unfamiliar behavior will show that, in a well-trained way, partners indifferently stream their respect to the extreme.

Lyudina, stuck in short strings, unique, show proper closeness

In that case, if you don’t see one and the partner visually evaluates other potential candidates (otherwise, you see the importance in your own life), it’s better that the girls don’t see the test for an hour. The one who, in the depths of his soul, perceives himself, like before, freely, wants to marvel at all sides.

How does the partner react to trying to get closer?

Lyudina, zatsіkavlena at short-line vodnosinah, sound unique, show proper closeness. Vin is generous with dots, hugs, kisses, and even more, he shows his pretentiousness and dedication to show turbota.

Often, such people, under decent drives, ignore calls and messages, swindle in the face of acquaintance with a close stake. If you want to formally stink, you can talk about the sleep of the future, but you don’t initiate it yourself. In words, the partner does not block the possibility of double-string messages, but non-verbal signals can be evidence of something else.

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