Judgment board and judges. Kerіvnitstvo zmagannymi that suddіvska collegіya

Suddivsk Collegium

1. Warehouse of the Judiciary.

1. For the holding of a loan, a judicial board is appointed at the warehouse of the head court, one or more intercessors, the head secretary, judges and secretaries.

2. For holding a meeting between two teams, a special secretary is appointed.

3. The next hour of the event on an international and national scale can be recognized by the Head of the Judicial Board. The warehouse of the head judicial board is confirmed by the organization, in order to carry out data collection, for the filings of the Federation or the board of judges.

4. To enter the warehouse of the main judicial board:

head judge;

intercessor of the head judge;

Head Secretary;

5. The Head of the Judicial Collegium works under the head court’s ceremonies. At their meetings, they look at the nutrition of the organization and the progress of the campaign that is being carried out.

2. Head Judge.

1. The Head Judge shall ensure the conduct of the assessment of the full legality up to the Rules and Regulations. Vin goiter:

Controlling the preparation of the mіsts zmagan and obladnannya;

rozpodіlyat obov'yazki mizh judges and zatverdzhuvati rozlad іgor;

Curry by the robot of the judicial board and virishuvate all the food, tied with an excess of zmagan;

Take care of the participants, observers, representatives of the press with information about the progress and results of the campaign;

Confirm the results of the slogan, which are served at the sight of the call to the organization, so as to carry out the slogan;

Evaluate the work of judges;

Sledkuvati for overrunning the gris on the maidanchiks and skasovuvat clearly pardon the decision of the judges.

2. The head judge has the right to:

At the process of gris usuvati in the courts of judges, yakі can not cope with their own bindings;

For the decisions of the head of the judicial board, zmagan the team and the participants, as if they grossly violate the Rules;

Skasuvati chi vіdkladati gru at zvyazku z unfriendly meteorological minds chi unpreparedness mіst zmagan;

Sign financial documents that financial sound about magic.

3. Vikonanny order of the head court and obov'yazkovym for all participants of the camp.

3. Protector of the head judge.

1. The intercessor of the head judge vouched for the holding of the money on hand-delivered trades. For the presence of the head judge, you need to wear the footwear.

3. Head Secretary.

1. Head secretary of goiter:

Review the correctness of applications;

Prepare materials for the foaling and draw up the results in a protocol;

Put together the score and after confirmation by the lead judge, bring it to the attention of the representatives of the teams and the participants of the special forces;

keep minutes of the head judicial board;

To draw up the order of the head court and the decision of the main court of justice;

Fill out all the documentation behind the inserted forms in your own time, correctly and clearly;

Enter the results of the mark on the special card and the classifier cards of the participants;

Cheruvati robot secretaries;

Fold (behind the established form) a call about magic.

2. The head secretary has the right to sign financial documents and financial statements about the loan.

5. Judge - inspector.

1. On the official charge for the filings of the board of judges of the presidium (vicon committee) of the federation, appoint a judge - an inspector with the method:

Revising the preparation of the sports base to zmagan;

Perevіrki will become the development of Russian sports in the region;

Ensuring the reliability of information about the vykonannya clasifikatsiynyh normatsiv "Master Sport", as well as blatant summaries and vodomosti, which are included in the documentation, which should be submitted to the presidium (vikonkom) of the federation of local sports;

Control over dotrimannyam Regulations and Rules, as well as decisions of the presidium (vicon committee) of the federation.

2. The judge - the inspector at times of gross damage to the hour of the conduct may have the right to take the head judge and override his functions.

3. Judge - inspector of the senior presidium (vicon committee) of the federation.

4. At the time of the presence on the court - inspectors, the functions of control over the carried out strike are assigned to one of the participants in the members of the presidium (vicon committee) of the federation, who take part in the carried out strike.

6. Judge - informant.

1. Judge - goitre informer:

Tell the participants of the zmagan and gazing about the overrun of the zmagan;

Know the watchers from the teams, participants, coaches and judges;

To help the head judicial board at the held court and zdijsnyuvat zv'yazok іz zabami mass information;

Explain to the observers the situation that they blame for the hour of the storm and the decision of the judgments.

7. Judge.

1. Judge without intermediary organizes the group and keruє її held on the Maidanchik. Vin goiter:

Before the cob of the skin grimy, the camp of the Maidanchiks, the presence of sports and state equipment (mistechka, mtli, crade, pisok thin), the presence and accuracy of the work of scientific information;

In front of the skin thunder, in the course of її, the camp was turned over and the place for the validity of these vimogams of the Rules;

Control the warm-up of teams and participants in special exercises;

Pіd hry uniosіbno sign the result of the kidka;

Follow up for the completion of the sequence and the correctness of the staging of the figures; when arranging standing figures, judging goiters, turn over the ends of the standing ones and the cylindricity of the upper spots;

Fix the damage to the Rules, prevent the graves, punish them for the damage;

Consider the camp of a small place with a creid or an olive in all situations, if the possibility of a "penalty" kid is real, or the adoption of a small place for some other reason.

2. At the skin moment, judging by choosing such a place, from which wine you can clearly see the correctness of the figure setting, the landing of the beat, and also the ruh and teeth of the place after the blow.

3. When the participant leaves for the kіn chi pіvkin, having changed his mind about the correctness of the setting of the figure, and from the one who does not threaten the throw to anyone, judging by the whistle of the throw. The referee gives two short whistles, as the thrower is considered to be "used", and three short whistles - if the figure is damaged to the throw.

4. The judge is not guilty:

I’ll help the gravel to the graves, for a little wine of medicine;

Put and correct the figure and place.

8. Secretary.

1. The secretary writes down in the minutes data about the place and the nature of the strike, the date and hour of the cob, the names of the participants, the names of the teams, the names of that category of judges, the number of teams, the number of pieces in the party.

2. At the beginning of the meeting, the secretary kept the protocol of signing, fixing the result of the kick to the judge.

3. The secretary writes down the results of the kidkiv at the protocol as follows: hit the spot - in number, according to their number. "Intracheny" kidok - the sign of the plural (x). In team games, the engraving number is a number.

4. At the command zmagannyah, the secretary writes down the number of the engraving in the protocol, which throws, to stitch for the blackness of the exit of the engravings.

9. Commandant Zmagan.

1. To the commandant of the ordering of technical personnel, such service personnel. Before obov'yazkіv commandant zmagan enter:

Preparation of maidanchiks for igor;

Provision of squeaking, mats and other necessary inventory and materials;

taking care of that kind of place, їх tidying up after the fire;

Provision of participants with drinking water and water for sanitary needs;

Provision of Maidanchikiv by technical means of scientific information.

10. Likar zmagan.

1.Lіkar zmagan goiter:

Stezhiti for vikonannyam sanitary and hygienic standards pіd hour spent zmagan;

Give medical help to participants in case of injuries (illnesses);

Give visnovok about the possibility of participating in magic;

Submit to the organization to carry out the treatment, svіt about medical and sanitary security of the smagan іz zaznachennyam vpadkіv injuries and illness, visnovki and propositions.

58. The organization, in order to carry out the slogan, forms that firming the suddivian collegium of the slogan, as a reward for the preparation of that slogan.

The work of the Judicial Board will be subject to these Rules, the Regulations and the Regulations on Enforcement

To mark the status of the subject Russian Federation that lower organization can confirm the Head Judge and the Head Secretary, and the decision of the members of the Judicial Board can confirm the Head Judge.

The Judicial Board of the All-Russian zmagan is confirmed by the Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia.

59. The warehouse of the judicial board includes: Head judge zmagan, Head secretary, their intercessors, senior judges and judges in appearance, senior judges and judges of the brigades for types of programs (judgment of experts), commission for admission to the judge.

Depending on the status of that program, zmagan to help the Chief Judge and the Chief Secretary can be recognized as one or more intercessors, as they practice under their kerivnitstvom.

In the course of the campaign, at the same time from a number of disciplines (types of programs), judicial collegiums from these disciplines can be established, subordering the head judicial collegium.

Head judge zmagan, Head secretary cannot enter the court brigades.

60. The head court board - the head judge and yoga intercessors, the head secretary and yoga intercessors - virishue all technical support carried out zmagan, vodpovida for podbitya pidsumkiv zmagan, in due time that correct information about the results of zmagan.

60. Head judge zmagan.

60.1. The head judge zmagan ocholuє suddіvsku board that kuruє held zmagan. Vіn carry vіdpovіdalnіst for the correct organіzаtsіyu i chіtke conducted zmagan vіdpovіdno up to the Regulations that Minds. The order of the Head Court is the instructions for the judges, the representatives of the teams and the participants.

60.2. The head judge of goiter:

Before the cob zmagan to hold the next seminar and instruct the judges;

Recommend the judges from the brigades with the improvement of their qualifications;

Make decisions about how to file protests at the line designated by the Regulations;

To hold a meeting of the court board before the cob, at the process of conducting (as it is necessary) that after the end of the campaign;

After the completion of the task, make an entry to the Book of a sports judge and give an assessment of the work of the skin judge;

After the completion of the zmagan by the stretching of two tyzhniv buildings, the protocols, the filing of protests and the adoption of a decision for them in the organization that the zmagannya carried out.

60.3. The head judge may have the right:

Make changes to the program zmagan, as if for the minds of their behavior in the future;

Say goodbye to the decision of the court;

Succumb to the work of judges, as if they made rude pardons, or not to cope with their own bindings;

Succumb to the farther part of the zmagannya tourist groups, as well as representatives, as if they allowed a gross violation of the Rules, Regulations, Minds and sports ethics, and fuss about their disqualification;

Skasuvati zmagannya or reschedule the hour of pіdbitya results zmagan.

61. The intercessors of the Chief Judge hold the office of the Chief Judge and sign the relevant protocols. For the statement of the Head Court, in times of jurisprudence, one of the intercessors of vikonu ob'yazka that vouches for all the rights of the Head Court.

62. The secretariat of the city:

Reviewing the completeness of the available materials about the sconed routes, information from the Regulations on the road;

Receives representatives of the teams of the application and checks the correctness of their submission;

Prepare court records;

Keep the minutes of the meeting of the Judicial Collegium and draw up the order of the Head Court;

Vede appearance of robotic judges;

Make entries up to the qualification books for the participants of the zmagan.

63. For the admission of athletes to the competition, a commission for admission is created.

The commission is responsible for rechecking the correctness of the submissions of the Application, medical clearance, qualification books of athletes and other documents for the validity of these Rules and the Regulations on Entitlement.

The functions of the commission for admission may be deposited on the judicial board.

64. Judges look at the itinerary documentation and give a certificate about the admission of groups to the airport.

65. Judicial experts evaluate the passage by participants of the claimed routes according to the accepted methodology for judging the damage on tourist sports routes (div. Regulations) and review the results shown by tourist groups, according to the judicial protocol.

66. Judicial experts do not have the right to:

take part in the judgment of the kind of program, de presentations of the route, passing by a tourist group for this part or a coach like a wine;

Be a representative of the team, like taking the fate of the magicians.

67. Judge-inspector of control over the work of ships for the type of admission of tourist groups to the route and category of routes passed, as well as the results of judges of experts assessing the passage by participants of the examination of the declared routes for compliance with the regulations, we shall add to the methodology of the court.

68. Warehouse, qualification, functional bindings of ships' settlements are assigned to Qualification officers to sports ships for sports "Sports tourism".

69. The number warehouse of judges of experts in mind (sports discipline) at the All-Russian zmagan can be such that it is possible to ensure the assessment of the passage by participants of the zmagan routes in the skin type program no less than five judges. On zmagannya, one day of landing is allowed until the judicial qualification.

Resolutely chasing after dotrimannyam rules zmagan, sob sports wrestling was conducted fairly and honestly, and the victory was determined objectively. Mustaches of sports ships, as servants of the magician, fold the court board. As far as promotion is carried out for dekіlkom kinds of sports, then the judiciary board is assigned to the skin view, which should be included before the program. The work of the judiciary is leading the main judiciary board. The courts of the collegiate form an organization, how to carry out these events - a council of sports associations, a sports committee, a sports club. The number of judges and their qualifications are determined by the rules of the award given species sports. What is the significance of the magnificence (the first place of the city, the republic, the country), moreover, the higher categories of the court are included in the judicial collegium.

Before the judicial board, ring out to enter: the head judge, the intercessor, the senior judges, as they entrust the courts, those judges, like the okrems of the bindings. Before the warehouse of the courts of the collegium, it is also obov'yazkovo to enter the doctor and the commandant zmagan. Decisions of the judicial panel can be looked over and cited only by the organization, in order to carry out a slogan, and then only in that time, as it will be established, that the rules of smagan are violated.

The Judgment Board will ensure the normal overrun of the city, creating the same mind for all the participants and objectively assessing their results. The head judge keruє usim zmaganyam. In the control of the readiness of sports disputes, where the shocks are carried out, follow them, so that the competitions were held clearly before the program, virishuє all the nutrition, which they blamed on the march, sorted out the protests, what they found, revering and verifying the correctness of the record result.

Head Judge rozpodіlyaє obov'yazki mizh okremi judges, and if the magic ends, the head judge will build up to the organization, as a tribute to the government, a letter will be written about them. The head judge at the time, you can change the program of damage, do not allow the athlete to participate, which does not comply with the rules, or the Regulations on the data of the increase, for example, do not follow the eye, or put the athlete out of the way, which, having allowed rudeness, unethical vchinok, put the judge, which does not cope with its own obov'yazkami. At the skin court board of judges about the language of the judge - head secretary help to organize the work of the Secretariat. Tse is more important that vidpovіdalnaya dilyanka suddіvskoy work. The head secretary accepts personal applications for participants, conducts a foaling, completes the protocols and displays the results of special and command halls, warehouses in his own time required materials for the information of judges, participants and gliadachiv about the beginning of the start, and after the completion of their warehouse, a deep technical sound.

Significance for track and field athletes, swimming, running on licks and on shoelaces, cycling cannot do without trial starter. You should follow him carefully, so that the athletes went to the distance in a reasonable way to the foaling, so that at the start they completed the rules and did not take off the odds. If the start was taken incorrectly (for example, some of the participants missed the start before the signal), the starter turned the athletes back. The team of wines is given with a shot from the starting pistol, or with a voice from the one-hour ensign, and the judge-timers stop the hour. Suddi-timekeeping appoint an hour for the help of a second or an hour, an hour for an athlete to walk a distance, or an hour for a grey (for games), an hour for a wrestling (for a fight), an hour for a fight (for a box).

In some sports, before the warehouse of the judiciary board, it is included judging the finish line. Vіn determines the sequence of the arrival of the participants at the finish line, led the rahunok kіl, in the distance, passed by the skin athlete, commend him for the length of the distance that he lost. At the great zmagans, de victorious photo finishes, at the first victories, if a few participants come to the finish line at the same time, judging by the finish line, you can put your decision on whether you will be able to revisit the film.

About overbig zmagan glyadachіv іnformuє judge-informer. Otrimuyuchi the rest of the information from the secretariat zmagan, vіn constantly rozpovida peeping about the participants, about the progress of the zmagannya, the sport in which athletes are zmagayutsya.

At ski races, cycling races on the highway, running at long distances, the head of the distance is appointed judges at a distance. Їhnє zavdannya - to ensure the conduct of the the best minds and to control their overrun.

A leather sport has its own peculiarities, in which there is a storehouse of judges' colleges. In sports games, obov'yazkovo є judging on the field, boxy - judge in the ring, at the fight - judging by the kilim. Ale, before the judicial board, enter the judge with the participants of the zmagan. Vіdpovidaє for those that all the athletes, as if they were performing at the start, were immediately before the start, were dressed for the set uniform. Vіn also inform the participants about all the decisions of the head judge and the jury.

Let's look at the judiciary colleges on the grounds and establish the judiciary colleges for the presidium of the federation of sports. Tsі suddіvskі kіlіgії unite usіh сіх сідіві цого mind. The stench will thoroughly improve the rules, work on improving the qualifications of the judges - organize and conduct special seminars, support the formation of the judicial brigades.

Our country has a few suddivian categories. Pochatkova - junior judge. Tse zvonnya can be taken to be a schoolboy of 14-15 years of age, a kind to carry out high school education in this sport. Some young arbitrators succumb to trial on a grand scale. Zokrema, junior judges serve football and hockey tournaments for the prizes of the clubs "Shkiryany Ball" and "Golden Puck".

Judicial categories III, II and I are united by a single name - “judging by the sport”. Nadavati tsі suddіvskі categorії mozhut okremi for the sake of (mіska, oblastna) sports associations and departments. The main categories for judges are republican, all-Russian and international.

The title of judge of the republican category is assigned by the republican committee for physical culture and sports, the title of judge of the all-Russian category is assigned by the committee of physical culture and sports, the title of judge of the international category is assigned to the international sports federation.

Our country hopes for the title of "Honorable Judgment of Sports". It is awarded to the courts of the All-Russian and international categories for the high level of organization of the great All-Russian and international events and the same court services.

When assigned to judicial categories, the singing vimog are added. So, to win the title of judge of the ІІІ category, it is necessary to listen to the judiciary seminar and mother practice of judiciary work on 5-6 points. To win the title of judge of the second category, it is necessary to pass a seminar on advanced qualifications and at least one year of experience as a judge. For the removal of the title of a judge of the 1st category, it is necessary to have the practice of working as a senior judge on the magnificence of the city's rank on a regional scale and the total experience of a judge of at least 2-3 years.

For the removal of the title of judge of the republican category, it is necessary to practice the practice of judiciary as the main judge on the scales of the city, regional and republican scale and five years of work experience. For the removal of the title of judge of the All-Russian category, it is necessary for a mother to have two or three years of experience in judicial work as a judge of the republican category, the practice of judging the republican judges in the settlement of the head judge and the all-Russian judge as the intercessor of the head court.

Judges of the international category are in all kinds of sports. The International Wrestling Federation has put a stop to the courts of the highest international category. And the axis of the track and field athletics must be carried out, as a rule, by the courts of the same country, on the territory of which there is a magic. Only in the field of sports walking, the rule does not expand: here are the courts of the international category.

Judges, who are assigned that chi іnsha category, committee of physical culture and sport, they have a judiciary badge of that honor.

53. For the purpose of determining the results of the organization’s organization, how to carry out the organization’s organization, as well as to carry out the organization’s organization, and to confirm the judicial board (SC) of the organization.

For the purpose of raising the level of the subject of the Russian Federation and the lower level, the organization for the weather from the TZN of the highest level can confirm the Chief Judge and the Chief Secretary, and the decision of the members of the Judicial Board shall be confirmed by the Chief Judge.

The Suddivian Collegium of the All-Russian Zmagan is being consolidated by the TRSR.

54. To the warehouse of the judicial board enter: Head judge zmagan, Head secretary, their intercessors, senior judges and judges of the brigades for the types of programs, credentials committee.

When carrying out All-Russian zmagans, one hour from a number of disciplines (types of tourism), the courts of judges from these disciplines, the order of the head courts of the courts, are created.

The head judge zmagan, the head secretary cannot enter the warehouse of the court brigades and not take part in the uninterrupted judgment of the group.

55. The work of the Judicial Collegium is carried out by the Head of the Judicial Collegium (DSK). To її to a warehouse to enter:

The head judge is that yoga intercessors, The head secretary is that yoga intercessors.

On the scale of the international and all-Russian scale, the warehouse of the main judicial board can be expanded.

The warehouse of the main court of justice is solidified no less than 2 months before the ear of the ear, and on the marks of the international and all-Russian scale - no less than three months.

56. The Head Court Collegium conducts preparations for the trial, ensuring that it is carried out, in accordance with the Rules, Regulations on the trial of the Methodology of trial (Appendix 5).

57. The head of the judicial board violated all technical support, vouched for the bidding of the bag, and its own correct information about the results of the magan.

58. Head judge zmagan.

58.1. The head judge zmagan ocholuє suddіvsku board that kuruє held zmagan. Vіn carry vіdpovіdalnіst for the correct organіzаtsіyu i chіtke conducted zmagan vіdpovіdno up to the Regulations that Minds. The order of the Head Court is the instructions for the judges and the representatives of the teams.

58.2. The head judge of goiter:

Before the cob zmagan to hold the next seminar and instruct the judges;

Recommend the judges from the brigades with the improvement of their qualifications;

Make decisions about how to file protests at the line designated by the Regulations;

To hold a meeting of the court board before the cob, at the process of conducting (as it is necessary) that after the end of the campaign;

After the completion of the task, you can see the evidence about the judgment and the assessment of the work of the skin judgment;

After the completion of the zmagan by the stretching of two tyzhniv buildings, the protocols, the filing of protests and the adoption of a decision for them in the organization that the zmagannya carried out.

58.3. The head judge may have the right:

Make changes to the program zmagan, as if for the minds of their behavior in the future;

Move the judges for the next hour;

Say goodbye to the decision of the court;

Succumb to the work of judges, as if they made rude pardons, or not to cope with their own bindings;

Succumbed to further participation in the zmagannya tourist groups, as well as representatives, as if they allowed a gross violation of the Rules, Regulations, Minds of discipline, and fuss about their disqualification;

Skasuvati zmagannya or reschedule the hour of pіdbitya results zmagan.

58.4. Depending on the rank and program of the zmagan to help the Head Court, one or more intercessors can be recognized as practicing

58.5. The intercessors of the Head Judge mark with the help of the clerks of the work, which are appointed by the head judge and sign the relevant protocols. For the statement of the Head Court, in times of jurisprudence, one of the intercessors of vikonu ob'yazka that vouches for all the rights of the Head Court.

The intercessor of the Head Court with route qualification organizes the work of ships in route qualification for admission of groups to routes, category of routes.

The intercessor of the Head Court of Justice organizes the work of teams of judges-experts to assess the passage of routes by groups, and to determine the results of the journey.

Intercessor of the head judge hot meals is engaged in the organization of the movement and the maintenance of the service of informational monitoring of the course of the movement.

58.6. On behalf of many disciplines, defenders of the Chief Court of disciplines may confess to help the Head Court.

59. Head Secretary:

Designates the organizational structure of the secretariat and the core of the work;

Designing a scheme for the flow of documentation in the process of processing the results of the improvement;

Making a transfer application for office supplies, inventory, forms of protocols, diplomas and organization of their graduation;

Instructions to the secretariat;

Receives representatives of protest teams, prepares materials necessary for review and transfers them to the Head Court;

Prepare all materials and documentation for holding the trial, keeping the minutes of the meetings of the head judicial board, reviewing the correctness of the protocols of the court of disciplines, compiling the records of the results of the trial;

Get ready at once from the head judge about the magic.

60. The secretariat of the city:

accept documents from the credentials committee after completion of work;

Accepts representatives of the teams or the credentials committee of the application and checks the correctness of their submission;

Prepare court records;

Keep the minutes of the meeting of the court board and draw up the order of the Head Court for the hour;

Vede appearance of robotic judges;

prepare arguments about the court;

You see to the participants a message about the fate of the magicians.

61. Depending on the rank and program of assistance, the Head Secretary may be recognized as one or a few intercessors, as they practice under yoga.

62. Credentials commission

62.1. Credentials commission is being created for the admission of teams to zmagan. The mandate commission is confirmed by the proving organization less, less than 2 months per cob of zmagan, but in the zmagannya of the international and all-Russian scale - less than 3 months each. The head of the Mandatory Commission is collected from the warehouse of the DSC.

62.2. Credentials commission review:

The correctness of the application materials for the groups for the fate of the victims and their validity to the Rules and the Regulations on the promotion;

Completeness of the available materials about the shortcut routes, designated in the Regulations on the road;

The presence of route documents and the renewal of the route-qualification commission, which allowed the group to go on the route;

Give a visa about admission to zmagan.

The functions of the Mandatory Commission may be assigned to the Judicial Collegium.

62.3. The Mandatory Commission has the right not to allow participants to participate, until such training does not comply with the Rules, Regulations and Minds.

62.4. The Mandate Commission has a head. The head secretary, specialist in medicine and intercessor enter the warehouse of the credential committee. Lead ship with route qualification.

63. Judges of the route qualifications are judged by the functions, included in paragraph 22 and paragraph 24:

Look at the itinerary documents of tourist groups, apply for a change, categorize the declared routes and transfers, evaluate the special preparation of the group and the warehouse for the declared route, give the group access to the route, which is fixed in the group’s route documents.

64. Judges-experts work under the supervision of the senior judge of the brigade of judges-experts.

Judgment by an expert judge, according to the methodology of judgement of damage on tourist sports routes (Appendix 5, “Methodology of judgement of damage on tourist sports routes. Judgment of sums”, given after the text “Method of judgment”), the passage by participants of the judgement of declared routes, showing tourist groups, according to the court protocol

65. Judicial experts goitre:

Firmly know that unskillfully vikonuvati Rules, Regulations that Wash;

be objective, important and objective;

Keep track of the rules, Regulations, Minds.

66. Judicial experts do not have the right to:

take part in the judgment of the kind of program, de presentations of the route, passing by a tourist group for this part or a coach like a wine;

Be a representative of the team, like taking the fate of the magicians.

67. Judge-inspectors inspect the work of vessels in the route qualification for the admission of tourist groups to the route of that category of passed routes, as well as the results of judges-experts in assessing the passage of participants from the check of the declared routes to the status of vessels, reviewers at the "Minister".

68. Judges are responsible for the satisfaction of qualifications to judge for the sport of "sports tourism".

69. The number warehouse of the judicial board (the number of judges and the judicial brigades) is determined by the equal amount, the number of disciplines and the type of program.

The number warehouse of the judiciary college of the All-Russian zmagani can be such as to ensure the assessment of the passage by the participants of the zmagani routes at the skin view of the program at least five judges. Zrazkovy warehouse judiciary collegium pointed at Dodatku 2.

34. Warehouse of the Judiciary

34.1. For the implementation of sports and technical awards, the organization and the appointment of their results are formed by the Head of the Judicial Collegium, the head of the distance, senior judges, judges and controllers of the KP.

The Head Court Collegium is composed of the Head Court, the Head Secretary of those intercessors.

34.2. The head judge of the scam is the head judge of the court of the collegium, in order to carry out the scam, the proving organization shall be confirmed no later than 30 days before the ear of the smagan, and for the smegan, which is carried out by the FTS of Russia, - no more than 3 months in advance.

34.3. The head secretary of the zmagan is the head of the robot and the secretariat of the zmagan. Bear the acknowledgment for the correct and proper prank of the results of that maintenance of the documentation. To be confirmed by the Provid organization in your own terms, like the Head Judge.

34.4. Depending on the scale and scale of the program, as well as the number of participants to help the Head Court, the following can be recognized: defenders of the Head Court in organizing catering, sports and technical care, personnel, defenders of the Head Court for types of programs (like the program has more than one type); medical care, for information. One of them wins obov'yazki and vouches for the rights of the Head Court for yoga.

To help the Head Secretary, the advocates for types of programs (Head Secretaries for types of programs), electronic (software) security and information can be recognized. Candidates for the intercessors of the Chief Judge of the Chief Secretary (crime of the intercessor of the Chief Judge for sports and technical security)

"E" Candidates for members of the head judicial board (GSK), and for consumption and the entire warehouse of the judicial board, confirm the organization.

34.5. The number of judges and the number of judge brigades is determined by the scale of that program, as well as the number of participants. Suddivsk brigades are completed by the Organizer. The latest warehouse of the Judicial Collegium is confirmed by the Head Judge. Zrazkovy warehouse of the Judicial Collegium eight.

Zrazkovy Warehouse of the Judicial Collegium

Riven zmagan
Russian, international Vіdomchi, regional Regions, towns, districts Physical culture team
Judgment board:
Head Judge 1 1 1 1
Protectors of the Head Court 4-7 3-4 1-2
Head Secretary 1 1 1 1
Head Secretary's intercessors 4-7 3-4 1-2
Secretaries up to 16 up to 12 up to 8 0-2
Distance service:
Heads of the distance (at a distance) 1 1 1 1
prim. distance (at a distance) 1 1 1 0-1
Checkpoint controller for the amount of CP as needed
For zmagan z "LO" dodatkovo:
Worker for the training of the train (at a distance) 3-5 2-3 1-2 1
Water snowmobile (at a distance) 2-3 1-2 1 1
Brigade of judges at the start(on the skin start for the day):
senior referee 1 1 1 1
Starter 1 1 1
secretary 2 2 2 1
Judge 2-5 2-5 1-3 0-2
Brigade of judges at the finish line(on the skin, finish for the day):
senior referee 1 1 1 1
Judge-operator EOM 2 2 1
Judge-timekeeper 1 1 1 1
judge-informer 1 1
Judge-registrar of numbers 1 1 1
secretary 2 2 1-2 1
Judge 2-5 2-5 1-2
Team of judges at the assessment point(On the skin PO per day):
senior referee 1 1 1 1
secretary 1 1 1 1
Judge 2-5 2-5 2 1-2
Brigade of judges information:
senior referee 1 1 1 1
Judge-commentator 2 2 1
Judge 2-5 2-5 2 1-2

35. Headbands of ships

35.1. Judge goiter:

Nobles and vykonuvati Rules zmagan, but organized, disciplined and invincible;
- follow the participants of the Rules for dotrimannyam zmagan and norms of behavior;
- wear an official sign;
- win the robot over to its functional obov'yazkiv;
- save the taєmnitsyu raztashuvannya distances and CP.

35.2. The judge has no right:

Leave the work space without the permission of the senior judge of the brigade;
- slap the participants, be it help, krim medical;
- be a participant or a representative of the team, for a wink vipadkіv p.15.

36. Head Judge and Yoga Intercessors

36.1. The head judge is charged by the robot of the Judicial Collegium in accordance with the Rules of the Regulations on the scourge and in the preparation of the slogan on the scourge.

36.2. The competence of the Head Court includes:

Conducted a meeting of the Judicial Board (before the cob zmagan, to see that the results are confirmed, as well as in quiet situations, if you need wine);
- familiarization with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bzmagan bilya;
- priymannya work of the distance service for acts;
- Appointment of the control hour;
- confirmation of the schedule and intervals for the start between groups and four participants, acknowledging the value of the pre-start hour, as well as the wines required;
- re-verification of the obviousness of court receipts by judges and the level of knowledge of the rules by them;
- giving instructions to the senior judges at the start and finish about the cob zmagan and about closing the start and finish;
- giving orders to the intercessor of the Head Court for sports and technical security (heads of distances) about the control of the CP and the possession of distance protection;
- make a decision to interrupt the magic with the coming endings of them on the same day, or say zovsim, as if blamed, mind that you threaten the safety of the participants, the distance has become unacceptable, the medical service is not safe, the observers respect the conduct of the magic;
- Usunennya in the event of participation in the sportsman's work, violating the Rules, Regulations on the work of the sportsman;
- commendation of the decision about the annulment of the results.

36.3. The head judge may have the right to judge the decision of whether there is a judge, as if he had especially perekonavsya at his wickedness.

36.4. The head judge on the presentation of the control card, submitted by the head of the distance, can make a decision about the class of the distance for the promotion of the CMS class, the 1st and the mass divisions. The head judge confirms the control card with his signature on the ear of smagan. At the time of the presence of the inspector, the Golovny judge does not have the right to say the decision of the inspector about the class of distances.

36.5. Intercessor of the head judge with organizational meals:

Vіdpovidaє for the material and state security of all services zmagan;
- in charge of the commandant's service;
- for the need to organize accommodation and meals for participants and judges;
- Virishuє organіzatsiyni podgotovki podgotovki and conducted zmagan.

36.6. Intercessor of the head judge from personnel:

Provides all services to the necessary number of people at the request of senior judges;
- Leading the appearance of robotic judges;
- compiling lists of judges and giving them to their head judge for evaluation.

37. Head secretary of the department and secretariat, information service

37.1. The head secretary designates the organizational structure of the secretariat, the system of interaction with other services, the method of facilitating the results and bringing them to the attention of the participants.

37.2. Secretariat office:

Accepts applications for the fate of the magicians (as the Mandatory Commission has not been created);
- carry out foaling;
- skladє start protocols;
- see the numbers and control cards for the participants and the badges for the judges and the representatives of the teams;
- reviewing the results of the assessment, reviewing the correctness of the checklist entries, compiling the protocols of the results, jointly reviewing the protocols of the checkpoint and compiling the graphs of the passage of the checkpoint by the participants;
- Take care of the printing of blank documentation;
- picking up the documents before the announcement about the design of that form (preparing) the announcement of p.42.

37.3. On the promotion of the class of the AP and the MS, as well as the conduct of the FTS, it is unacceptable to bind the Head Secretary of that intercessor for electronic (computer) security.

37.4. At the time of the presence of the intercessor of the head secretary, the head secretary has information.

37.5. Information service:

Bring to the attention of the participants, observers, press the results, information of the court panel, the Organizer;
- organize the awarding of winners and winners, reproduction and presentation of protocols of results and other information;
- reproducing protocols and other materials for visual teams and for calls.

38. Distance service

38.1. To prepare the distances for the launch, the Organizer forms (at the hover below the term) the distance service.

38.2. With the work of the service of the distance, the intercessor of the head court of sports and technical security. The organizer assigns yoga for the weather from the next organization.

To the warehouse of the distance service enter:

Defenders of the head judge with vivid programs;
- Heads of distances;
- Helpers of the heads of distances;
- workers, water snowmobiles;
- CP controllers.

The service of the distance at the level of the class of mass ranks can be formed from the head of the distance and yogo assistants.

38.3. The intercessor of the Head Court for sports and technical security and the areas carried out by the strike are appointed no later than the following lines:

On the scale of the all-Russian scale - 2 years before the event;
- on distances from distances to MS class - for 1 ticket;
- at distances from distances to the CCM class - for 6 months;
- on other fields - for 3 months.

38.4. The service of distance rozpodіlyaє in sobі obov'yazki and pratsyuє vіdpovіdno up to Instructions for the preparation of distances.

38.4.1. The distance service is not later than a year before the start, we give to the secretariat:

Once the cards are prepared, if necessary, then with numbers;
"E"- Acts of distance building (Sun, MS);
- links and control charts;
- zrazki badges according to distances and a star card (in case of electronic badges - less than a star).

38.4.2. The service of the distance takes part in the conversion of cards from the marks on the marking distance.

38.4.3. Oriented to given directly the service of the distance between the goiters is to ensure control over the order of the passage of the checkpoint, especially in the jumps, if the order is broken, the participant has the upper hand.

38.5. To ensure the work of the distance service, the Organizer is, at a minimum, guilty of:

Otrimati allowed to carry out a zmagan in the selected area to the beginning of the work of the service of the distance;
- to arrange the schedule of the work carried out with a wire organization;
- see the technical task, uzgodzhene s Organization, what to carry out, at all distances, as necessary to prepare;
- provide distance service with maps for planning and setting distances;
- at the declared service of the distance, the terms may be given an inventory for the possession of distances;
- at the winter camps, ensure the preparation of the lower stakes.

39. Inspector

39.1. The inspector is a specialist, who controls the training of the sports and technical points of view, which gives an assessment of the fitness, maps and distances of the mark, their compliance with the Rules and instructions of the FTS of Russia. It is assigned to the organization from the number of certification fakhivtsiv.

39.1.1. The inspector can only make appointments no later than 3 months before the start of the attack.

39.1.2. If the program has more than 1 type of program, a senior inspector and inspector are appointed.

39.2. Inspector pratsyuє vidpovidno to Instructions for inspecting maps and distances.

"E" 39.3. Distances of classes AP, MC and cards, on which stinks are placed, may be accepted by the inspector. To take the distance, the inspector may be present on the signs. In addition, you can be given the opportunity to know ahead of time the distance that is prepared, as a rule, 2-4 days before the ear of the zmagan, but not later, the preparation of the circulation of cards for the participants will begin.

39.4. Distances of CMS classes, 1st category and mass categories, sound, are not inspected.

"E" 40. Zhuri zmagan

40.1. In order to review the protests and appeals on the charges, the Providna Organizatsiya appoints a jury from three or five exceptions.

40.2. To obov'yazkіv zhurі enter:

zagalne guarding for a break zmagan;
- vyrіshennya sprinh nutrition, which is blamed on the process of carrying out zmagan;
- Review of appeals.

40.3. Decision of the jury є residual and obov'yazkovym for the judiciary board and the Organizer. The decisions of the jury are accepted by a simple majority of votes for the presence of a quorum.

40.4. If only one member of the jury could be present at the skin visit, the program will improve.

41. Claim, protest, appeal

41.1. Protest against the violation of the Rules, or the Regulations on the submission of a representative of the team, and in the event of a violation, the participant may declare independently - by the participant himself or by the coach, not later than a year after the closing of the finish line.

41.2. About bad luck with the previous result, it is necessary to send a letter to the Chief Secretary. If a decision is made to declare that the representative (participant) is not satisfied, a protest is filed. As a protest pov'yazanі z result, vіn may be filed later than 1 year after the publication of the previous result.

41.3. A protest against the admission of a participant to the start of the competition may be submitted no later than 1 year after the publication of the protocols at the start and may be reviewed before the start of the start. In case of impossibility to praise the decision before the start of the start, the participant is allowed to start under the protest, and the decision to protest is accepted until the results are confirmed.

41.4. The protest is written in the name of the Head Court from the designated paragraphs of the Rules and Regulations, if the protester is violating violations, it is submitted to the Head Secretary. The head secretary is obliged to put down an hour of the yogic filing at the protest and inform the Head Judge about it, immediately presenting the materials necessary for the analysis of the protest.

41.5. The protest can be looked at for a long time from the moment of yoga tribute. If it is necessary to take a closer look at the facts presented by the protesters, then the decision may be made only to confirm the results.

41.5.1. The solution to the protest is laid out in the letter form.

"E" 41.6. If the decision of the Head Court about the protest filed is not satisfied with the protester, he may have the right to file an appeal before the jury. The appeal can be looked at for a long time. As much as necessary more trivaly looking at the facts, which were found in the protests and appeals, then the decision may be blamed obov'yazkovo before the results are confirmed.

41.7. Protest, appeal is filed without cost.

42. Zvit about magic

42.1. Not later than 10 days after the end of the scam The Organizer will send a message to the Provisional Organization about the scam.

42.2. A reminder about the magic of revenge brought below the documents, completed and added to the repurchase of the sequence:

Title page;
- Description of materials;
- Regulations on scam;
- minutes of the credentials commission, which includes the centuries and qualifications of the participants;
- protocols of results in chronological sequence;
- a list of senior judges with assessments of work and signature of the Head Court
"E"- (The list is supplemented by the warehouse of the jury, inspectors, reports about the Controller of the Federation);
"E"- reports about the previous inspection;
- act of setting distances and submitting control cards to them in the chronological sequence (issued for skin distance);
"E"- act of passing the distance and passing to them control cards with the pathways of the winners and winners (1-3 months) in the chronological sequence (issued for the skin distance of the class AP and MS);
- Technical information;
- protest, appeals and accept any solution;
- zagalny vysnovok of the head court;
"E"- zahalny vysnovok of the Controller of the federation;
- Other documents required by the decision of the Organizer.

Zvіt is issued on A4 arches. Usі documents mayut mother field for filing. Cards can be folded in a larger format and folded in A4 format. Sound may be zbroshurovaniya.

42.3. Protocol of results

Name of the Organization, how to carry out the campaign, the Organizer;
- naming the mind of the program;
- Dovzhina distance, number of checkpoints, gain height;
- Control hour;
- date and place of the event (location, name of the card);
- name, name, qualification of the head of the distance;
- Vіkovu group of participants;
- information about the participant: name, name, team, qualification, character of participation in special team, team stuns (position by competition, especially skinny), starting number;
- the result of the participant (with the redevelopment of the warehouse result);
- space, special glasses;
- Viconian rank.

The protocol completes the record about the class of the distance, the rank of the rank, the rank of the rank.

42.4. In the protocols of the results of the relay races, all the results, listed above, the overall team result after the skin stage are residual, the points of the team score are assigned. If it is necessary to identify the participants at the stages, it is recommended to enter the code for the skin participant.

42.5. If the result of the participant is annulled, then the protocol of the results should have the following record: the removal for paragraph No. - sent to the paragraph of the Rules, the violation of which led to the annulment of the result.

42.6. Team results protocol:

Name of the Provider Organization, Organizer;
- name zmagan;
- Type of program;
- the date of the event;
- Vikovu group;
- The name of the team;
- Team result;
- mist.

42.7. In the protocols of the skin command, the eyepieces of the skin type are indicated, and the program is the total amount of points, the command space.

42.8. All results protocols (except for the skin group and skin type programs) are signed by the Head Judge and the Head Secretary, and their judicial titles are appointed.

"E" 42.9. A floppy disk is added to the message about the zmagannya with the use of zmagan protocols in electronic form (text format). It is allowed to overpower the electronic version of the protocols and send them by electronic mail.

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