A quiz for fairy tales is a methodical discussion on a topic. Literary quiz "Come on the way with the Cossacks" Children's quiz with the Cossacks

Nadiya Vasilyeva
Quiz for fairy tales with children of 3–4 years “Screen of fairy tales”

Quiz for fairy tales

for children aged 3-4 years.

« Skrinkka kazok» .

Tsіl: improve knowledge of Russian folk kazak.


Form the sound of a movement, improve the dictionary of children.

Develop respect, myslennya, memory, hearing and Zorov respect.

Develop the skills of collective work.

Development of fine motor skills, logic and creativity.

Vihovuvati good-natured babies in a childish team.


1. Illustrations before to the Cossacks(Puzzle).

2. "Wonderful Bear" h speeches: ripka, egg, pie, witch.

3. Chips for teams.

4. 2 carrots.

5. 2 balls and 2 plates

6. Skrinkka kazok.

7. Envelopes from tasks.

We know you love games,

Songs, riddles and dances.

Ale, I don’t hear anything,

What are our charms kazki.

Father, we mend our quiz.

Let's split into 2 command: a team of boys and girls.

For the correct skin, the team will take chips. For example, the contests will take away chips and significantly win. in front of you skrinka kazok. You are one person per team away from screenshot convert from the zavdannyami, who will give the first one the correct answer, take away such a chip. The skin team sends a bottle, in the yak you store the earned chips. Naprikintsі gri mi їх pіdrahuєmo that dіznaєmosya, whose team will become a winner.

So let's get it….

First competition "Zakoї fairy tales

1. Lived - buli did that woman, and bula with them (Hen Ryaba)

2. Do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie! Bring the grandmother, bring the children! (Masha and Vedmid)

3. She took the old porch, scraped it on the box, broomed it on the notch, and gathered a lot of sap from the door. Mixed with sour cream, lubricated with olive oil, and put at the end to cool. (Kolobok)

4. Once upon a time there was a pivnik that chicken. Pivnik mustache hurried, she hurried, and the hen know yourself so use: - Petya, do not hurry. Petya, don't hurry. (Pivnik and bean grain)

5. - I, a teddy bear!

I am a frog!

Who are you?

And I'm a bunny - pogoychik. -

Come live before us! (Teremok)

6. Tili - bom! Tili - bom!

Busy gut booty!

Busy gut booty!

Ide dim stovpom! (Kitty booth)

Other competition "Kolobok"

Veducha. Teams will need to carry a kolobok on a plate without letting yoga in.

Third competition "Give me the word"

1. Yaku pіsenku spіvа Gingerbread Man?

2. What did the goat sleep to her goats?

3. What did Mashenka say to Vedmedeva, sitting in a box?

4. What did the hen Ryaba say to the baby?

5. Whose names are - Nif - Nif, Nuf - Nuf and Naf - Naf?

6. Whom did the Geese - Swans take?

7. What did the animals feed on kazci"Teremok", persh lower to go there?

8. Who's in kazci"Ripka" buv mizh onukoy that gut?

Fourth competition "Take a picture"

Wash gri: the skin team is responsible for picking up the picture with the illustration kazki"Ripka". Peremagay that team, yak zrobitse shvidshe that name її name.

Fifth competition. "Bunny with carrots"

Veducha. And now we'll get warmed up. It will be necessary for two graves from the team to pretend to be a bunny and move the carrot from the garden near their own houses. We wonder whose team is more likely to get into trouble.

Sixth competition "Guess-but!"

Veducha. You deserve a lot of "Wonderful bear" be-yaku rich, and call it out kazki. Children from different teams come and go one by one and take a toy out of the teddy bear kazka.

Somy competition. "Screaming Sign kazak» .

Veducha. I put the skin command for food according to your will, and you are responsible for giving advice on food.

1. How did the hen Ryaba lay the egg? (gold)

2. Who broke Ryabi's egg? (bear)

3. What kind of sheep could not come out of the earth and did that whole yogo be friendly with them? (ripka)

4. Who did help to win the ripka? (Bug)

5. How many children did the mother goat have? (sim)

6. Where did the little goat hide, so that Yogo did not z'їv evil wolf? (Pich)

7. What kind of hero is so round that he squirmed and looked like a woman, and looked like a baby? (Kolobok)

8. Who is the name of Kolobok? (fox)

9. Terrible is that evil, to love litati on the mіtlі. Who is it? (Baba Yaga)

10. Yakі ptakhi bіrnimi pomіchniki Babi Yaga? (Geese - Swans)

11. Who is alive near the Teremts? (bear, toad, hare, fox, vovk and witch)

Well, axis mi th visited the country kazak. And at the same time mi pіdіb'єmo pіdbags. Fuck your chips. That team, which gained more chips, won over our team.

Publications on the topic:

"Integrated interaction with the children of the middle group for the Cossack "Kolobok"“More expensive is the Cossack “Gingerbread Man” Task: read the children to choose round objects for the word; to fix in the mind of children spivvіdnosti two groups of subjects.

"Quiz about nature". Ecological group with children of the senior group Program change: develop children's radio experience through participation in the quiz. Forming steels of interest to the objects of nature.

Gra-quiz with children of the senior group What do we know about sports? Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about sports, sportsmen, sports for children; call out povagu to Russian athletes, pride for the victors

Rozvaga with the children of the 1st young group "Come in at the Kazakh" Kolobok " Rozvaga with the children of the 1st young group "Come in at the Cossack" Gingerbread Man "" Purpose: Convince see different ruhіv, it's more fun to create with children.

Quiz for fairy tales. "Our beloved fairy tales"

- improve and expand the knowledge of children about fairy tales;
- development of individual literary adaptations;
- arouse children's interest in a theatrical play, develop the intonation of promotional language, shape the dialogue between fairy tale characters, improve the vocabulary of children;
- vihovuvat such a quality, like a mutual hand, camaraderie, friendliness;
- to take advantage of the benefits of international specialties among the children of the group, their fathers and teachers;
- a positive emotional feedback, a chance to take part in the team's important games that develop character

Knowledge, communication, reading art literature, socialization, music, physical culture.
Front of the robot: reading, telling fairy tales, talking about fairy tales, thematic exhibition "At the world of fairy tales", theatrical play with a floor theater.
Organizational moment: children divide into 2 teams, guess the name of the teams
Material: audio recordings, slides of fairytale characters, fairytale subjects and illustrations to fairytales.
Head of the quiz:
Children play the music “Visiting the Cossack” to enter the group.
Hello lads! Tell me, do you like fairy tales? A fairy tale is a marvelous, enchanting world, in which one sees the most marvelous diva that transformation. Do you like fairy tales? Then I will preach to you to hold a literary quiz "Our beloved fairy tales." Let's welcome, one to one, the team - "Kazkari" and the team - "Charivniki". Boys, let's welcome our jurors. Judge your skin correctly with one ball, and for example, our quiz wins a bag.
And so we will read our quiz from the warm-up. I put the nutrition of the skin command according to my will, and you are to blame for the confirmation. Are you ready? Let's fix it!
1 competition "Rozminka"
1. Why did the Gingerbread Man get expensive for an hour? (With a hare, a wolf, a bear, a fox)
2. Who pulled Ripka? (did, grandmother, onuka, bug, gut, bear)
3. How did the hen Ryabya lay an egg? (gold)
4. Who did Red Hat go to? (before grandmother)
5. Crocodile, friend of Cheburashka. (Gene)
6. What was the name of the three piglets? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)
7. Who has spent the krishtal lace? (polyushka)
8. What did Mukha - Tsokotukha buy on the market? (Samovar)
9. Who broke the golden egg? (bear)
10. How did you catch fish Vovk at the Russian folk tale “Fox and Vovk”? (tail)
11. Who killed Pinocchio? (Tato Carlo)
12. Who helped the girls and their brother to run into the geese? (milk river - take care of jelly, apple tree, coarse)
13. Who took the arrow of Ivan Tsarevich? (royal toad)
14. Did the fox have a hut? (krizhana)
2 competition "Recognize a fairy tale from the description"
Well done, well done, well prepared. The upcoming contest "Discover the tale behind the description" listen respectfully, and then repeat.
1. Kazakh sky is blue,
Kazakh birds are scary.
Yablunka, scream at me!
Richko, lie to me!
"Geese swans"

2. On the forest node
There were two huts.
One of them broke
One to stand in the old way.
"Zayushkina hut"

3. Evil wheat krav,
And Ivan yogo vpiymav.
The evil enchantment appeared,
I Ivan rolled on a new one.

4. Vimoviv word -
Roughly rude
Straight from the village
Before the king, that princess.
For what, I don't know
Have mercy on the ledar?
"For the Pike Velinnyam"

5. Oh ti, Petya-simplicity,
Having knocked off the troch:
Not listening to the cat
Looking at the end.
"Kіt, pіven that fox"

6. There are no rivers, no rate.
Where do you want to get drunk?
Even savory water
The yamtsa has a smoke.
"Sister Olenka and brother Ivanko"

7. And the road is far, and the cat is not easy.
Get a stump, get a pie.
"Masha and Vedmid"

8. Z flour vіn buv biscuits,
On sour cream, bov mishany.
At the end of the day I was studying,
Road vin kotivsya.
Bov vin fun, bov merry
І in the dorozі vіn spivav song.
Hello yogo hot bunny,
Syrian Vovk and Bury Vedmedic.
And if the fox has a baby
Zustriv ore fox,
There was no sign of it.
What is a fairy tale?

9. Mishka dіm sobі knew.
The bear was good.
At the booth to that, let me
It became a lot of bagats.

10. Chervona girl, sumna
Spring doesn't suit you
It's hard on the sun
Slozi llє bіdolakh.
3 contest "Guess the hero of the fairy tale."
Lads, and at the same time, respect for the screen. You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale, and from the beginning of the fairy tale came before us. (There are slides on the TV screen) Children guess who the riddle is about

The dark fox has a hut to stand backwards.
At tіy khatintsі є old man - And call її (Yaga).
Well done, but let's fix it a little.
Fiz hvilin "Baba Yaga". (audio recording included)
4 competition "Viprav pardon"
"Pivnik Ryaba", "Dasha and Witch"
"Vovk and seven lambs", "Jacks - swans"
"Liska with a saucepan", "Zayushkin budinochok"
"Princess Indian", "Katya and brother Ivanko"
"Ivan Tsarevich and the Greens of Vovk", "Liska-Sister and Sira Misha"
"According to the order of the dog", "Bulbashka, a straw and a slip".
5 contest "Guess the fairy tale"
All respect for the screen. You need to guess and name the name of the fairy tale. (Illustrations up to fairy tales are displayed on the screen).
6 competition "Name a charming object"
Children marvel at the TV screen to name a fabulous object and why it is powerful.
Items appear on the screen:
Glove, kilim - letak, chobot - walker, dzerkalo, mitla, charіvna wand, ball, krishtal cherevichok, golden key, golden egg, rib whale, carriage with garbuza.
Well done, everyone named that vіdpovili.
Lads axis and our quiz went to the end. And at the same time, our shanovne zhurі pіdvede and announce the result.
The result is deafened and small gifts are given to children.
We don’t say goodbye to the lads with fairy tales, but we say to them until the new zustriches are sacked.

Quiz for young schoolchildren "What is the beauty of this fairy tale!"

The quiz is held in class. The boys sit at the tables. Usy 5 tables for 6 osib. On the leather table there is a tablet with the name of the kazka, a fragment of the text was prepared for the performance, for example: “Popeliushka”, “Chervona Riding Hood” thinly. The participants in the scenes are dressed in costumes of Kazakh characters.

(Sound "Cheburashka's Song" - music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by E. Uspensky. The leader appears in Fairy costumes.)

Fairy: Hello dear boys! Today we asked you from the guest to Kazka. Well well! Same there, Kazka, be today the living room host of our quiz “What a beauty of this kazka!”. And I will help you, lads, so that you will be cheerful, drinkable and warm. Let's read our warm-up quiz.


Well, lads, let's get warmed up?

I'll start, and you finish,

Give a shout to Rome!

(The fairy goes to the skin table, the lads sing in chorus.)

Kaztsi has an uneasy kin:

Miracle mane of gold

To wear a clap in the mountains,

That n_yak do not skin yoga.

Є the horse has sinok

marvelous horse,

marvelous horse,

Nicknamed ... (The Hunchback)

Before Vovk Vіn Tremtіv,

Vіd vedmed vtіk,

And foxes on the tooth

Still got caught ... (Kolobok)

About the quiet booth

We'll start Rozmov.

There is a rich person

She lived and drank tea.

She drank tea, chewed on her food.

Unfortunately, the individual

Budynok is all vigoriv uschent.

Well, just think...

Mabut, titka ... (Kishka)

At the rivers of Africa for a long time

Evil floats the deck.

Who would not have drunk the nazustrich,

Usikh prokovtne ... (Crocodile)

Enemies of people

I enemy of the beasts

Evil robber... (Barmaley)

I didn’t take

I did not go for water,

I was afraid of the mountain

I bears, i spider.

And how I got in touch with the vedmedic,

Stopped being a boyaguz

About me, write a book,

And call me ... (Arishka)

All the best in the world,

Rejoicing in sick animals.

And once a hippopotamus

Wiimav vin from the swamp.

The kindness of the famous

Tse likar... (Aybolit)

Vіn z usіma nezmenno

Chemniy, who would not come.

Guessed? Tse Gena,

Tse Gena... (Crocodile)

Yogo gospodar - lad Robin,

Yogo friend - Pats.

Vіn yakraz buv gloomily similar;

Vіn is simple, but vin is not a fool

For a new walk - holy,

I have a special scent for honey.

Tse plush desert

Vedmezha... (Winn-Pooh)

Vin we know to our little children,

Love us yoga

Ale such in the whole world

You don't know the right one.

Vin is not a lion, not an elephant, not a bird,

Chi is not a tiger, not a tit,

Don't mow, don't twerk,

Chi is not a sheep, not a marmot.

Ale is taken for cinema

I have seen everyone for a long time

Tsya cute muzzle,

And ring ... (Cheburashka)

Fairy: Well done, lads! You know better the Kazakh heroes. And now look at the board. (On the doshtsi - the outline of the portrait of Cheburashka in full view.) Do you know? Maybe, tse all kohany Cheburashka. To the representative of the skin table, I pronounce one element of the portrait, for example: vuho, eye, and so on.

(The boys add a portrait of Cheburashka to the music "Cheburashka's Songs".)

Fairy: Oh, you are well done! And now let's guess a fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood.

Scene "Chervona Riding Hood"

Representatives of the 1st table demonstrate the fairy tale "Chervona Riding Hood". The scene includes the song of the Red Riding Hood. After the end of the scene, the spectators applaud.


Red hat.

Author: There lived a bula near the village, one woman Vaughn was small for a little girl. The woman bought her red hat. The girl’s red cap was so worthy that she didn’t know her at all. Everyone called її so: Chervona Riding Hood.

Like a mother, she baked pies and said: “Go, Chervona Riding Hood, to your grandmother, bring her pies, that mountain worker Oliya, and know that she’s healthy.

Chervona Riding Hood at once broke down to grandmother to another village.

Ide away with a fox, and nazustrich їy Vovk.

Vovk. Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?

Chervona Hat: I'm going to my grandmother, I'm carrying her pie, that mountain worker olії.

Vovk. How far does your grandmother live?

Chervona Riding Hood: Too far away. He is behind the molten, which can be seen in the distance.

Vovk. You know what, I'll go to my grandmother. I'm going down the road, and you go that way. Let's go, whoever will come with us better!

(Sound the melody "Songs of the Red Riding Hood".)

Author: Vovk rushed to the shortest road, and Chervona Riding Hood went to the one who found it. On the way, she picked peas, chased the blizzards, tore the tickets. I didn’t get out of the road, as Vovk had already come to my grandmother’s hut. Grandmother lay in a bed sick. Vovk rushed at her and shoveled at once. Let's sweat, having mended the doors, laying down at Grandma's bed and placing the check on Red Hat. Suddenly she came and knocked.

Vovk. Who is there?

Red Riding Hood: Tse I, your onuka, Red Riding Hood. Brought you pirіzhki that mountain worker Olії!

Vovk. Smiling for a motuzka - the doors and vіdchinyatsya! Put where the mountaineer olії and pie and sit with me, get out of the way!

Red Riding Hood: Grandma, why do you have such long arms?

Vovk. Tse, granddaughter, to hug you better.

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, why do you have such big boobs?

Vovk. Tse, onuche, better for you.

Red Riding Hood: Grandma, why do you have such big eyes?

Vovk. Tse, onuche, better bachiti for you. Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?

Kіnets skits.

Fairy: The hour of the kazkovo quiz has come. You are advised to give two reasons: about a fairy tale to go and who is the author of this fairy tale. The one who gives the correct answer, takes away the prize from me. Otzhe, respect!

Carpenter Giuseppe Siziy nіs

Polino like to hati brought.

Vіn having started a little work

For an armchair, there are no chairs.

Polino began to speak

I for nis yogo pinched.

(“Pinocchio”, A. N. Tolstoy)

Fruit-Gorodnya Krajina,

In one of the children's books, there is

And in it the hero is a lad of disgrace,

Vin is good, fair, empty.

(“Chipollino”, J. Rodari)

Picked up on the name day of the guests:

Bagato and great, and small.

Appearing raptom to them, three thousand in fierce anger,

Motor and substupny lihodіy.

So, the dashing mind is greedy to be angry,

Vіn gospodarku little not saved.

Arriving to the same fearless face

I cut my head off!

(“Fly-Tsokotuha”, K. Chukovsky)

Let's open up our pasture.

Htos shchos prokovtnuv.

Everything darkened for a long time,

Oh, what a twist!

(“The Stolen Sun”, K. Chukovsky)

Evening would come sooner

The first year of dovgoochіkuvan has come,

Sob me in a gilded carriage

Go to the Cossack ball.

("Popelyushka", C. Perrot)

Now let's talk about the next book:

Here is the blue sea, here is the seashore.

Stara zmusit -

Old vide to the sea,

Vіn nevid zakinė,

Catching Kogos

I want to ask.

(“Tale about a fisherman and a fish”, A. Pushkin)

Fairy: Well done, lads! It appears, you really love that you know fairy tales. Do you remember how you started to write and praise Pinocchio? Let's marvel at this fragment from the fairy tale "Fit Pinocchio".

Scene "Come Pinocchio"

Representatives of the 2nd table show a fragment of a fairy tale.




Malvina (pouring cocoa into a cup, looking Pinocchio from head to toe): Sit down!

Pinocchio siv, kicking his leg. Quietly suffocating at the mouth. Fingers vlіz vlіz vlіz z varnyam i іz satisfied obsmoktuє fingers. Having snatched a kavnik, drinking cocoa from a spout. Choking, spilling cocoa on the tablecloth.

Malvina: Pull up your leg and lower your leg. Do not bite with your hands, for which you need spoons and forks. Who will twist you, say, be kind?

Pinocchio: If tato Carlo vikhovuє, and if nothing.

Malvina: Now I'll take care of your wives, be calm!

Pinocchio: The axis is so stuck!

Malvina: Artemon!

Artemon: I'm ready!

Malvina: Prepare a table to take!

(Artemon cleans up everything on the table, brings paper and olives.)

Malvina: Now sit down, put your hands in front of you. Do not hunch. Let's do some arithmetic... You have two apples in your gut...

Pinocchio (blinking): Nonsense, dear ...

Malvina: I'm saying, let's say that you have two apples in your intestines. Htos having taken one apple from you. How many apples have you lost?

Pinocchio: Two.

Malvina: Think hard.

Pinocchio: Two.

Malvina: Why?

Pinocchio: I won’t let Nekt have an apple, I want to fight!

Malvina: You don't have enough talent for arithmetic... Let's do dictation. Write: "And the Trojan fell on the paw of Azor." Have you written? Now read this charming phrase.

(Pinocchio thrusting his nose at the inkwell and turning papyrus.)

Malvina: You are a smart deserter. You are guilty buti punished! Artemon, bring Pinocchio into the darkness of the Komirchina!

(Artyom introduce Buratino.)

Pinocchio: Axis is a foolish girl... You know a wiggler, think about it... At the very porcelain head, a sheepskin coat, stuffed with cotton... Do you want to shake children like that? . ... Child, maybe she hasn’t mastered the primer yet, but she’s grabbing the inkwell right away ...

(Artemon bring Malvina to you.)

Malvina: Pinocchio, my friend, do you think you're coming?

Pinocchio: I need to repent! Don't check...

Malvina: If you happen to sit in the commissariat till early morning...

Kіnets skits.

Fairy: Boys, don't you know all the fairy tales? Miraculous! Still, I doubt a little about your knowledge. I will preach to you the game "Recognize a fairy tale from a trick." The one who knows, vodpovida that tsukerku otrimu! Listen carefully!

Pivnik-pivnik, golden comb.

Butter head, shovkov's beard,

Look at the end, I'll give you peas.

("Pivnik Golden comb")

The girl took the biggest spoon and ate from the biggest cup.

("Three Bears")

Chervona girl is sumna -

Spring is coming.

It's hard on the sun.

Slozi llє, bіdolaha.


For a long time she ran fields, forests. Day to heal over the evening, work for nothing - you need to go home. Raptom bachit: stand a hut on smoking legs, about one last thing, turn around to yourself. At Khatintsy - the old Baba Yaga. And on the bench sit a brother, playing with silver apples.


And the road is far

And the cat is not easy.

Sisti b Mishkov on a stump,

Wish you a savory pie.

("Masha and Vedmid")

And її lord had three daughters. The eldest was called Odnooka, the middle one was called Two-Eye, and the youngest was Three-Eye.


No rivers, no rate.

Where do you want to get drunk?

Even savory water

The yamtsa has a smoke.

("Sister Olenka and brother Ivanko")

The old one lives in his old white of the bluest sea. The stinks lived with the old earthling for exactly thirty years and three years.

("Fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish")

Scoring ta biv

By the nose,

I didn’t forge anything

I having lost "with a nose".

("The Fox and the Crane")

Here, at the hut, the kuti trembled, and choked, the walls flew, and the bird itself went down the street, on the road straight to the king.

("For the Pike Velinnyam")

The handmaid began to beat the snow, so that the old one could sleep better, and at the same time, her hands, bіdnіy, were ossified and her fingers were bіlіl, like in ordinary people, to rinse the vzimka in the polontsi white. And it’s cold, and the wind is in disguise, and the whiteness is freezing, it’s worth a stake, and nothing, working people.

("Moroz Ivanovich")

Fairy: So, I have never seen such wonderful fairy tales! And how about a fairy tale today, having prepared the 3rd table?

Scene "The Snow Queen"

Boys show a fragment from a fairy tale.


Snow Queen.

4 cuts.

Snizhinki dance a waltz to the music of M. Legrand from the film "Cherbourg Parasols".

Painting I

Gerda: Look, Kai, yak garno! Tsikavo, why do the snowmen have a queen?

Kai: Yo! Snowflakes vanish in thick swarms, but there are more for them to dry and never leave on the ground - always rush on the black gloom. Often at nights it flows through the streets of Moscow and looks at the end; That stench and pokrivayutsya krizhanimi vіzerunkami, nache kvіtami!

Gerda: Can't the Snow Queen go here?

Kai: Let's try it! I'll plant її on the warmth of the rough, get out of the way!

Gerda and Kai look at the book.

The Snow Queen flew by.

Kai: Ay, I got a prick right in my heart, and I got it in my eye! (Pause. Continue in a rude voice.) It doesn't hurt anymore! Ugh! Qiu Trojan to sharpen the worm! And that one is called crooked! Like Bridky Trojans! (Vtikaє.)

Gerda: Kai! Zupinisya! turn around! (The Snow Queen knows Kai.) Still, I know Kai!

Picture II

Music sound. Gerda jokes a friend. The Snow Queen is sitting on the throne, Kai is trying to put together a krizhinok like a word.

Snow Queen: If you store the word "everything", you will be your own pan, and I will give you the whole world and a couple of new forges. And now I'll fly to the warm edge! The hour has come to beat their crumbs! (Vilitaє.)

Snowflakes dance to the music.

Gerda: Kai! Nareshti I knew you!

Kai (roughly). Don't respect me!

Gerda is crying. Kai third of an eye.

Gerda: Kai, let's go home!

Kіnets skits.

Fairy. And now, lads, I will pronounce a translation competition for you. I speak about the heroes of creation in simple propositions. And you, having found out who to go about, it is your fault to say about which hero, without repeating my desired word. In addition, it is necessary to know the “translation” either in the song or in the verse. Worthy job? Ale, I'm impressed that you can get into it! The one who answers correctly wins a special prize - Know the Apple!

Prepared 5 apples. Like the competition, it means that there are apples on some tables.

Translation competition

Granny is small for a creature of black color with horns.

(Alive-bov at the grandmother's lilac goat.)

The woman of the frail age was the keeper of the life-radius birds.

(The grandmother lived with two merry geese.)

The company of young people was engaged in handicrafts after the sun went down, I opened the door with a slope.

(Three girls were spinning pizno in the evening.)

A new marvel has appeared on the plantation of green plantations, like an appendage for the cultivation of the New Rock.

(A fox gave birth to a yalinka, a fox grew a won.)

In the thickets of low roslins, a green clod was growing.

(At the grass there are horses.)

Fairy. And now we wonder, like a kazka, having prepared the 4th table to the holy. You have the floor, lads!

Scene "Winnie the Pooh and everything-everything-everything..."

Learn to show a fragment from the book.


Winnie the Pooh.

Winnie the Pooh. How to pierce at the potilice - don't be fooled! There is tirsi in my head, so, so, so! (Zupinyaetsya in front of the entrance at the booths of the Rabbit.) Aha! If I’m in a wiser mind, then dira is the price of a hole, and the hole is a suitable company, and a suitable company is such a company, it’s less possible to visit and listen to my grumbling with pleasure. And so іnshe! Gay! Who won't be at home? (Noise.) I'm drunk: “Hey! Who won't be at home?"

Rabbit. Hi! I don’t have anything to rehearse like that, I’ve already miraculously understood you.

Winnie the Pooh. Vibachte! And scho, zovsіm no one at home?

Rabbit: We invite no one!

Winnie the Pooh (killed): You can’t be, because there wasn’t anyone there! Why is there still є - even if it is guilty to say: “We call no one!” Listen, Rabbit, why don't you?

Rabbit: No, not me!

Rabbit: In my opinion, no. In my opinion, vin zovsіm, well, not a bit similar! I can't be similar!

Winnie the Pooh. Axis yak? (Thinking.) Be so kind, tell me, be kind, where does the Rabbit go?

Rabbit. Vin pishov at the guest's to his friend Winn the Pooh. You know how friends are with him!

Winnie the Pooh. Ouch! So I am!

Rabbit. What does "I" mean? "I" are different!

Winnie the Pooh. Tse I mean: Tse I, Winnie the Pooh!


Winnie the Pooh. A whole lot, a lot of upheavals!

Rabbit. Well, garazd, come in! (Looking Pooh from head to toe.) Tim raciyu. You're right. Hello, dear radium to you bachiti!

Winnie the Pooh. And you thinking who?

Rabbit. Well, I thought, not many people can booty! You know yourself, here, at the fox, you can’t let anyone into your booth! Preservation is by no means bad. Well, good. And why is it not an hour to pidkripitis? (Putting cups, plates; Winnie the Pooh is terribly healthy.) What do you want to make - honey or condensed milk?

Winnie the Pooh (Iz zakhoplennyam): I of that, th іnshoy! And you can not give bread to Zovsim! (Having eaten, getting up from the table, with a wide heart, press the Rabbit's paw.) It's time to go.

Rabbit: Is it already time?

Winnie-the-Pooh (zam'yavsya): Well... I'm a moment to try more trochs, yakby ti... yakbi in you...

Rabbit: Seemingly true, I myself decided to go for a walk.

Winnie the Pooh. Ah, well, okay, then I’ll go. All the best.

Rabbit: Well, the best of all, you don’t want anything more.

Winnie the Pooh. And hiba still є?

Rabbit (having looked at all the jars): Unfortunately, nothing has been lost!

Winnie the Pooh: I thought so. Well, goodbye, it's time for me to go. (Stuck at the "doors" Rabbit's booth.) Ay, shout! Hey, help! I can neither go back nor forward!

Rabbit: Are you stuck?

Winnie the Pooh: No, I'm just wondering, I'm thinking about what...

Rabbit: Now everything is clear. You're stuck.

Winnie the Pooh: All through those who looked too narrow!

Rabbit: Hi, all through those who have been stingy! At the table, I was given all the hour, even though I didn’t say anything from the empathy, what should be rich! And I know for sure that this "htos" is not me! There's not much to do, to run after P'yatachkom.

Kіnets skits.

Fairy: Yakі vy well done, lads! I know, and artistic, in a word, talented! And I wanted to know: who are you friends? Can you help one to one? I give the skin table a leaflet from the crossword puzzle "Holy." Tsikavo, what kind of table will appear to the friendly and the first to give their work?

Crossword "Holy"

1. For some fairy tale, the rows are taken: “The miner is hung with buboes, and if it’s possible to cook in a new one, the buboons call an old-fashioned song: “Ah, my beloved Augustine! It's all gone, gone, gone! But only those who are more like a mountain worker are those who like to touch a pair of fingers over him - you can immediately find out who you are getting ready for in the city?

("Swineherd", G.-X. Andersen)

2. What was the name of the heroine of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? (Gerda)

3. Why are the rows taken?

little children,

Nothing in the world

Don't go to Africa

Walk to Africa!

Sharks in Africa

They burned in Africa

Great in Africa, Evil crocodiles,

("Barmaley", K. Chukovsky)

4. Did the heroine of a fairy tale spend a little lace at the ball? (polyushka)

5. For such a fairy tale, such rows: “It’s definitely a tulip, only in the very bowl on the green cloth sat a girl, zowsі krikhta, and such a bula was lower and a garnenka ...”?

(“Thumbelina”, G.-X. Andersen)

6. For yakіy kaztsі, they were so useful for a soldier:

“Watching the soldiers at the first door. A dog sits by the room, eyes of tea filizhanki, staring at a soldier.

- Garna, beauty! - Having said the soldier, putting the dog on the witch's apron, typing in the midyak, skilki got into the intestines, closing the screen, settling the dog on the plate and pishov to the other stone.

("Kresalo", G. -X. Andersen)

7. What kind of fairy tales?

Chali Vedmedi

on bicycles,

And behind them is a whale

Back to front.

("Cockroach", K. Chukovsky)

8. Who wrote "Kazka about dead queen and about this bogatiriv”, “A fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish”, “A fairy tale about a Golden pіvnik”?

(A. Pushkin)

Fairy. Lads, they reproached me this year. Otzhe, pіdіb'єmo pіdbags. They gave the correct advice... all the tables! It's just amazing!

After 5 the table rises Page.

Page. No, it's not surprising. We are not charmers. Mi sche tilki vchimosya. And friendship helps us to repair the right miracles.

Fairy: You're right. Boys, do you know what kind of fairy tale is this cute boy-page? Well, well, the hour of the fairy tale "Popeliushka" has come.

Scene "Popeliushka"

Representatives of the 5th table show a fragment from a fairy tale.


Її daughters Anna and Marianna.

Painting I

Machuha. Hanna! Marianne! Before me! Do you know what I'm holding in my hands? King asking us to the ball! (Come out).

Anna: I'll dress the red oxamite cloth with lace. Marianna. And I will clothe the dress of the dress. Then I’ll throw a cape on the beast with golden quilts and diamond clasps. Such is not found in the skin!

Hanna: Know, Popelyushko, would you like to go to the ball?

Popelyushka (pіdmіtayuchi pіdlogu): Oh, sisters, don't laugh at me! Hiba let me go there?

Marianna. Yes, true! The mustache would have swayed in laughter, the yakbies would have sipped such a mess at the ball.

Machuha (s'appear). My babies! Time to go. Follow me!

Picture II

Weeping weeping. Fairy: Poppelushka, why are you so embarrassed?

Popelyushka. I wanted to... I wanted to...

Fairy. You would like to go to the ball, right?

Popelyushka (zіthnuvshi): Oh, so!

Fairy. Are you obliging everyone to hear? Then I'll help you go to the ball.

Popelyushka: Wow! Just how am I going to go in such a floppy dress?

To sound "The Song of Popelyushka" (words by I. Reznik). Popelyushka is changing: she takes an apron and a khustka.

Fairy. Well, now you can go to the ball. Chi satisfied with you? (Give krishtal's shoes.) Remember, you can turn around before you try the first night!

Popelyushka: Dyakuyu, titonko!

Picture III

Music sound.

King: Prince! Prince! Look who came before us!

Hanna: Yaka beauty!

Marianna: What an important princess!

PRINCE Need frost?

The prince went for the frost Popelyushka treated the sisters with zukerkas, bypassed the guests, the anniversary was three times. Popelyushka lives.

Prince: Shoot! More than ever, the world’s most frosty has been squandered!

Popelyushka wears a shoe, the prince picks it up. Music sound. Yearbook b'є 12.

Scene IV

Prince of sums.

King: Shinku! Are you not sick? I showed you that it is impossible to eat so richly frosty.

Prince: I'm not freezing, tattoo.

King: Then what's wrong with you? Why are you so smart?

Prince: I'm dying, tattoo.

King: Yak? Who is out?

Prince. Our taєmnicha neznayomka. Vaughn flowed in so swiftly that she had squandered the axle of the whole little thread. And I don’t know how to sound ...

King: My lad, we know її! You will make friends with the girl, who will be brought along by the nose of the krishtal lace. I will help you to know! (Walk between the tables.) Tsієyu - big, tsієyu - small ...

Painting V

Machuha: Your majesty! Call the prince. This cherevichok was born alone with my daughters. Hanna! Marianne!

The stepmother puts on the little laces for her daughters and for herself.

King: Thank God! Chi didn’t come!

Popelyushka: Can I reconcile the shoe?

The sisters laugh.

King: Out! Oh God, get out! (Pull in the slipper, Popelyushka takes it to a friend.) Prince! Prince!

Marianna: Ah!

Machuha: I'll swear! My babies! Follow me!

Music sound. Popelyushka takes an apron and a khustka.

Fairy. Friendship helps us to create miracles!

Anna: Popelyushka, try me!

Marianna: Popelyushka, try us!

Popelyushka: I forgive you, sisters. Love people and do no harm to them!

Kіnets skits.

Fairy. Dyakuyu for a fairy tale! I will stop the quiz, but not simple, but musical. Music sounds at once, and you are guilty of recognition, rows of upcoming songs are taken from such cartoons.

Music quiz

(Music recording starts.)

I'm lying on the sun

I marvel at the sun

I'm all lying, I'm all lying

I marvel at the sun!

(“Yak Levenya and the Turtle sang a song”)

From the black stone, the river begins,

Well, friendship begins with laughter.

("Krykhitka Єnot")

I play harmonica

At passers-by on the eyes.

Sorry, national day

Only once per river.


I am watery. I am watery.

Having talked for a while with me!

And then my girlfriends

P'yavki that toad!

Eh, life is my plaque ...

Well, її into the swamp!

I live like a toadstool

And me litati hunting!

("Flying Ship")

There is nothing better in the world,

Why tinyatisya friends in the white world.

Tim, who is friendly, do not be afraid of worries!

We be dear!

("Bremen Music"),

By the grass sit a horse,

By the grass sit a horse,

We call it like a little stub,

Zelenenky vin buv.


Tell me, Sniguronko, de bula?

Tell me, but, love, how can you do it?

("Come on!")

Fairy: Otse so! Showing up, you guys, do you like to read fairy tales, but do you like cartoons? Tsikavo bachiti heroes of fairy tales not only on the screen, but also on our saint.

What beauty and fairy tales! Today is holy - it's wonderful, like you did it with your own hands. I ask all artists to come forward. Lads, let's once again give a shout-out to all the heroes of our saint!

And what is sacred without surprises? Where is my charm wand? (The page gives a charm wand.) Respect!

Fairy waving a wand and... The page carries a majestic box with gifts for all the holy participants.

After the presentation of the gifts, the Fairy deafens the dance. Mustaches dance the joyful dance of the lyotka-enka.

Russian folk tales children, better for everything, listen and read forever. They have such a thing that the lads will take them and respect them “their own”. The crazy value of fairy tales was recognized long ago. Even though the past century, deaky vikladachs and literary deacons recited their positive infusion.

A quiz on the topic "Russian folk tales" to take place on Friday 15th Friday. On request

Introductory word

And today, children, we will talk about Russian folk tales. Everyone knows Mashenka and Vedmediev, Emelya and Ryaba hen, Tsarivna-Toad and Tiny-Khavroshechka. Often, fairy tale characters shy away good things, but in the middle of them, and so, it’s wrong to shy away. Today I put you inquiries, and you will respond to them. Who knows the rules for all nutrition, that one is the most folk tales.

1. How did the birds take the brother, how did the sister take a walk and play?
1) magpie-crows
2) swan geese +
3) pitching-quacks

2. Who did the brother Ivanko pretend to be, who did not listen to his sister Olenka?
1) at the sheep
2)in goat +
3) at the lamb

3. Guess riddles

"Vin vіd granny pіshov,
І vіd dіdusya pіshov.
New romanian bik,
Mean tse - ... (kolobok) "

“I didn’t carry glechik with kvass,
And the mountaineer with a savory olive,
The red hats are out,
One walked with a stitch.
Suggestion: Chervona Hat

4. What kind of good girl-orphan at the kazci "Morozko" should endure?
1) kind of evil motherfucker +
2) view of Baba Yaga
3) view of Zmiya Gorinich

5. Who sings a song "Bring me a fox for dark foxes", calling for help to the cat?
1) piven +
2) gander
3) indicator

6. Baby Yaga has an incredible booth. On what kind of legs do you stand?
1) on trees
2) on smoking +
3) on the outside

7. How is the fairy tale called, how is the dog: “You, ditlahi! You goats! Rise up, stand up... »
one) " Vovk and seven kids» +
2) “Vovk and three pigs
3) "Nonsense Vovk"

8. A pivnik has a comb. Which wine?
1) bronze
2) silver
3) golden+ (“Pivnik, golden comb)

9. What kind of sheep was pulled by a child, a grandmother, an onuk, a bug, a gut, a bear?
1) radish
2) radish
3) ripku +

10. In the kaztsі "For the pike velinnyam", what objects with water could walk on their own?
1) wind +
2) pans
3) teapots

11. Who built the teremok at the kazci "Teremok"?
1) witch +
2) vovk
3) marvelous yudo

12. Whoever sings a sweet song: “Pivnik, pіven, golden comb, butter head, shovkov beard ...”
Suggestion: fox

13. Do you know any Russian folk tales about creatures?
Suggestion:"Ryaba Hen", "Ripka", "Kolobok", "Teremok"

14. What kind of fairy tale is the princess?

“Yak came to the banquet,
Zivuvala tsiliy svіt.
And Ivan buv is a duzhe suvory.
I burned the frog's skin.
Suggestion:"The Queen's Toad"

15. Guess the riddle

“At the old wine was born,
I did not sit on a shovel,
Vin himself is just a cry,
And the sound ... (Teryoshechka) "

Order of the quiz: Iris Review

Tsіl: the development of educational activity of scientists before the wedding of Russian folk tales

Early preparation: the competition has three gris, 15 meals for the skin. If you win on the first five pits, the participant wins the prize, if you hit ten pits - the next prize, if you hit all five pits, the participant wins the top prize. Wildlife tours are held far ahead of time. We want to take the fate from them.

The rules of the game predict the rules of the TV show “Who wants to become a millionaire?”. A participant can be quick with a tip from a peeping eye, a tip from a friend, or a tip from a leader (two wrong clues are picked up). Usyogo - three tips for one game. In advance, children are recommended to re-read Russian folk tales from the collection "Beloved Beauty".

Hidden call

Persha gra.

Wildlife tour: name five Russian folk tales, the names of which have only one word. ("Zimіv'ya", "Zhikharka", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Ripka" and others.)

I take the fate of the one who called the tales the first.

Power supply:

1. Name the zasіb transferring Emelі at the kazci “For pike velіnnyam”:

2. Riba, on a yakіy їzdit water at Russian folk kazkah:

b) crucian carp;

3. Was Vasilina Wise turned into a toad for how many years?

a) on r_k;

4. How do Russian folk tales call a bird from golden feathers?

a) swan;

b) Firebird; +

c) marvelous birds;

d) vulture bird.

5. Who is named after Patrikeivna's father?

d) a dog.

6. What was the name of the eldest son of the king in "Kazzi about the rejuvenation of an apple and living water"?

c) Fedir; +

7. What is the name of the charming tablecloth, on which does the grass appear by itself?

a) Self-preparation;

b) self-giving;

c) self-chastity;

d) self-assembly. +

8. How did you give frost to Ivan-bіdnyakov at the kaztsі "Two Ivans"?

a) Viruchalochka stick;

b) handbag-viruchalochku; +

c) rolling pin;

d) a saucepan-viruchalochka.

9. What gave the sun to Ivan the badnyakov at the kazci "Two Ivans"?

a) Self-assembly tablecloth;

b) an invisibility hat;

c) Maistrin-seamstress;

d) golden goat. +

10. Did the old Kazakh “Sivka-Burka” have blue skils?

Gravtsev proponuetsya take the prize.

11. Who would be useful to go to the booths to Kuzmi Skorobogatoy, if the Lord was daily?

c) witch;

12. What kind of glass "wonder" was on the way of Ivan Tsarevich, if he violated the mother's whispers in the kazzi "Midna, silver and gold of the kingdom"?

a) Palace;

13. Yake human name more often for other folk tales in Russian folk tales?

a) Kuzma;

b) Vasil;

d) Mikita.

14. What was the name of the girl in “Tales about youthful apples and living water”?

a) Sinooka; +

b) brown-eye;

c) gray-eyed;

d) Green-eyed.

15. Did Ivan from Chudom-Yud fight on the river?

a) raspberries;

b) Kalina;

c) Ozhina;

d) Currant. +

Another gra.

Wildlife tour: name five Russian folk tales about birds. (“Crooked Kachechka”, “Pivnik - Golden Comb”, “Crane and Chaplya”, “Bila Kachechka”, “Crow and Cancer” and more.)

Power supply:

1. Whose death is like a neck?

a) Zmiya Gorinich;

b) Baby Yagi;

c) Koshchia of the Immortal; +

d) Miracle Yuda.

2. How many kids are z'їv vovk at the kazci "Vovk and seven kids"?

a) Sixth; +

b) simoh;

c) p'yatoh;

3. What did mother Vasilissa the Beautiful give before her death, spodivayuschie, scho "tse" viruchitim Vasilev at the twisted whip?

a) Kiltse;

b) a ball;

c) spindle;

d) lyalechku. +

4. To whom was Vasilisa the Beautiful Mother Donka sent for the fire?

a) To Zmiya Gorinich;

b) Babi Yazi; +

c) didka;

d) kikimore.

5. Yaku proclaimed the tsar at the kazts «Flying ship» to the one who will call the flying ship?

a) a bear of gold;

b) a princess; +

c) the kingdom;

p) the royal palace.

Gravtsev proponuetsya take the prize.

6. Who sang and cheered, at the lazna shiryav Ivan Tsarevich in the kazts «Princess-toad»?

a) Princess-toad;

b) take;

c) Baba Yaga; +

7. Yaky musical instrument at the kazci “A silver saucer and a pouring apple” roared about those that the sisters beat Masha?

c) pipe; +

d) balalaika.

8. What kind of armor did Mikita Kozhem'yak fight against the Serpent?

a) club; +

c) write-off;

d) juice.

9. What color luska does Zmiya Gorinich have?

a) Black;

b) red;

c) greens; +

d) brown.

10. Where did Miracle Yudo live?

a) At the stone chambers; +

b) on the mountains;

c) at the tower;

d) at the palace.

Gravtsev proponuetsya take the prize.

11. Who in the kazci “While the rocker” zishtovkhnuv the queen in a glass and said: “Drink on the water with a white rocker”?

b) sister of the queen; +

c) servant of the queen;

d) chaklonka.

12. What did you let into the well of the paddock at the kazci "Two Sisters"?

c) a lock;

d) spindle. +

13. How did Baba Yaga bestow the line in the tale "Two Sisters"?

a) golden

b) a screen with gems;

c) resin; +

d) self-spinning.

14. Who in the kazzi "The Tsar of the Sea that Olena the Wise" grabbed by the Tsar's beard and yearned for help from those whom the Tsar did not know at home?

b) domovik;

c) water king; +

d) Olena the Wise.

15. Who changed the water tsar to make Ivan Tsarevich in the kazzi “The Tsar of Water and Olena the Wise”?

a) at the vovka;

Third gra.

Wildlife tour: name five Russian folk tales for children. (“Masha and the Witch”, “Havroshechka”, “Sister Olenka and Brother Ivanko”, “Finger Boy”, “Geese Swans”.)

Power supply:

1. How many heads did the Serpent have from the fairy tale "Pokatigoroshok"?

d) nine.

2. Why did the Seven-Headed Serpent have bread, as if he frequented Pokatigoroshka?

a) from the hall;

d) sribla.

3. Why did the crane make a fox in the kazci “The Fox and the crane”?

a) Z glek; +

b) plates;

c) frying pans;

d) saucepans.

4. Who vtіk z home, i, having done up a lot of nebezpek, yet having perished, fooled by a cunning fox?

a) Snow Maiden;

b) Zaєts-boast;

c) Gingerbread man; +

d) Pivnik - a golden comb.

5. What was the name of the girl who appeared from the vegetables, at the Kazakh “Medvedko, Usinya, Gorinya and Dubinya”?

a) Morkvin;

b) Ripka; +

c) Buryachok;

d) Cibulina.

Gravtsev proponuetsya take the prize.

6. Whom did Fedir Tugarin baptize at the black comorian at Mary Morivna at the kazci "Maria Morivna"?

a) Koshchiya of the Immortal; +

b) The Nightingale of the Rozbіynik;

c) Zmiya Gorinich;

7. How marvelous was Tsar Vasil at the kazci “Ivan Tsarevich and Sirius Vovk”?

a) Charivna wand;

b) chobots-walkers;

c) kilim-litak;

d) an apple tree with golden apples. +

8. Who helped Ivankov to win the king's bastards at the kazci "A pig is a bristle of gold ..."?

a) Gold pitcher;

b) princess;

c) Sivka-Burka; +

d) Mumps - a golden bristle.

9. What did the young daughter ask the old daughter to buy for the fair from the Kazakh “Finist – Clear Sokil”?

a) Sarafan seam of Blakit;

b) dear to us;

c) mirror;

d) Chervona ticket. +

10. What woke Finist - the Bright Falcon from the chaklunsky dream?

a) Enchanting comb of a girl;

b) weeping tears of a girl; +

c) a charming hairpin of an overseas princess;

d) dzvin.

Gravtsev proponuetsya take the prize.

11. What did the Serpent want about nine heads from the king and the queen in the kazzi “Mar'ya-Krasa - long braid and Vanyushka”?

a) A flock of thinness to live on;

b) a day to live a girl; +

c) young people for a living;

d) a day to live a hundred osib.

12. Why did Vanyushka pull in before the battle with the Serpent?

a) chain mail;

b) cold feet;

c) a shirt soaked with resin;

d) a shirt with sprinkles. +

13. From whom two little princes were slaughtered by the evil sisters of the queen at the kaztsa "To the knee of the leg of gold"?

a) graduates; +

c) rabbits;

14. How did your brother die at the kazci "Sim Semioniv - with these practitioners"?

a) For the day, grow up, plant it, give birth;

b) drive a fly from a cybuli into a fly;

c) sleep, dance, play the pipe; +

15. How many people were born of the people of Ivan Tsarevich, if they violated the tricks of Beloved Beauty in the fairy tale "Beloved Beauty"?

a) one rіk;

b) nine dib; +

c) ten years;

d) seventeen years.

Delivery of pidbags. Rewarding the victors.

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