The princess is dead and this story is rich. "Fairy tale about the dead princess". Pushkin A.S. "Tale about the dead princess and this rich man"

Rick of writing: 1833

Genre: kazka

Head Heroes: princess, stepmother, rich, Elisha

You can know the prototypes of history in rich cultures and peoples, for which you see in the world, and Pushkin, having written his own version, without relying on other options, you can learn from it in the short story “Tales about the dead queen and these heroes.”


The king has a beautiful daughter. Machuha takes care of herself beautiful woman kingdoms, about which the charitable mirror speaks fast, but if the queen is naughty, the mirror reminds that the princess is beautiful. The stepmother, zazdrivshi, punishes the servants to deprive the maiden in the fox to live for the wolves, but the servant pity the lady and do not show her. The princess knows the houses of the rich and lives with them. The queen comes to her in the form of an old woman, she gives a broken apple. The princess falls into a dead sleep. Elisha to know the girl and wake up. The stinks make friends, and the queen dies in anger.

Visnovok (my idea)

Zzdrіst, hatred, anger, that anger does not give anything, the crime of evil. The skin of a person can be beautiful in life, it’s not necessary to marvel at others and to repent, life is short, richly sensible - enjoy the moment and delight in what is possible.

"A fairy tale about a dead princess and about these heroes" Oleksandr Sergiyovich Pushkin wrote in 1833 while moving to Boldino. Vіn retelling the German fairy tale, but also similar plots in rich folklore creations of various peoples of the world, including Pivdenna Africa. Among the most popular analogues are "Bilosnizhka and Sim Dwarfs", "Beauty's Sleep". Knowing their plots, it's easy to guess about "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs". Ale Pushkin does not create a simple copy of a fairy tale, but writes a story unique for its beauty about a kohannya at the top, with Russian color, with three repetitions, descriptions of the forces of nature, with vivid images.

Heroes of the fairy tale

As soon as the plan of the fairy tale about the dead princess was told briefly, then we saw the story about those, how evil the enchantress teased the young beauty, tried to beat her, but she didn’t die, but fell asleep in her doty’s sleep, without awakening the docks of beautiful names with a kiss. And what is the use of these dwarfs, these heroes, to bring 10 jigits to a similar story with such a plot? The heroes of the fairy tale about the dead princess played an important role - the stench stole my head, and then took away my sleep in the wake of a miraculous awakening.

The plot of the fairy tale

Otzhe, report rozpovіmo in order, scho wіdbuvalosa in tsіy kaztsі. The tsar is alive, who is from the retinue of the guard of the people of the fall. Ale, the young queen died the next day after the slopes. I was deprived of the sovereign from a small donka in his arms. Having summed up his short wines, he quickly made friends with a young, beautiful and even evil and furry woman. Vaughn was a chaklunkoy, єї the only friend was a mirror, as if the queen said today, that she is the most beautiful in the world. As if such a day had come, if the mirror, as if it didn’t please the lie, said the chaklunka, that it’s no longer out of place in the world, dear, that the young tsar’s donka has grown up, as if richly beautiful.

Chaklunka became even more angry, recieved an obedient moment, if the tsar-father was not at home, and ordered the Chernivtsy to bring the tsarina into the forest, tie her to a tree and throw it to the wolves. Chernivka could not bring the girl to death and let her into the forest. The princess went, where to marvel, and drank to the booth, where they lived with these brothers, with these miraculous heroes. The stench adopted you like your own sister. The stinks went out every day to water, and the princess bustled around the hut. Once the bogatyrs urged the princesses to convert one of them to a man, and then she was inspired, having spoken, that there are no names in her, the prince Elisha. So they would live happily, the yakby mirror did not bloom again machusa-chaklunka, that the princess is alive and has become even more beautiful.

The Likhodiyka was changed into a wife, she knew the princess and reprimanded her with a shattered apple. If the bogatyrs turned back to look at home, there she was already dead. Burned with grief, the stench was put into the krishtal string and hung up in the oven. It's time for Elisha to whisper his kohana with light. Iom was helped by the sun, the moon, and the wind. And I’ve come to know the cave, and after waving my princess there, they sleep like a dead sleep. Vіn kissed її, and with a raptom the princess came to life! With a great company, the stench turned to the king to the capital. Chaklunka patted happily and died in anger. It’s a fairy tale to read to the one who loves that friendship is the strongest in the world, that you can overcome good, as if evil didn’t hurt much. This is the main characteristic of the tale about the dead princess Oleksandr Sergiyovich Pushkin. You can read it again here:

Read the article short zmist in Pushkin's fairy tales "About the dead queen and 7 heroes". Before the speech, the plot is similar to the popular foreign fairy tale "Bilosnіzhka ta sim gnomi". Only dwarfs were replaced with riches and the young princess died after the 1st try to break.

Lower guidance text is suitable for quotation in to the reader. If you want, you can change yogo trochs.

Father, short story of Pushkin's fairy tale

The king said goodbye to his retinue and broke at the departure. The sovereign is more than sumu for a man. Day and night will be spent on a white day. At the holy evening, the queen's daughter is born, and the man turns the lie. Virna's squad only looked at him and died. For a long time the tsar, having experienced the death of the kokhan's squad, grieving greatly, only his daughter was a heartbeat - he could not hang on her in a moment. Having passed the river, the royal family suddenly became friends.

The new queen was struck by her quarrelsome character and egoism. Vaughn was ugly, ale was zhorstok. She had a miraculous looking glass, as if it were nice to hang out with my human being. The queen did not let yoga out of her hands, constantly nourishing about her wine-colored beauty. The mirror constantly confirmed the words of the master, seeming that she was the most beautiful in the world, "in the whole world."

The tsar's daughter grew up in an hour, garnished, and without a hitch turned into a charming girl. The princess has a beautiful character, and everyone loved her. Especially її adoring the names, young man of the royal blood, Elisha.

Once upon a time, the queen put her calmly energized mirror about her beauty. Vidpovid їy was not worthy, it appears, now the title of the most beautiful one belongs not to her, but to her stepdaughter. The empress was angry. Vaughn ordered the servants to take the girl to the forest and tie her to a tree. The stepmother wanted the stepdaughter to have a wolf. The servant took pity on the princess, she just led her into the forest, flooding there. And turning around, she said to the pani, what is the order of the vikons.

The young princess blew for a long time with fox thicket and revealed a high tower. The girl went to the booth, put things right and prepared the supper. In the evening before the tower turned the rulers, seven heroes. The brothers greeted the guests and asked to become a squad of one of them. The girl was emphatically inspired, she already had judgments, Elisha. The bogatyrs did not appear, the stench proclaimed to the beautiful unknown to be deprived in the tower and be her sister. Vaughn came in handy. The stench began to live together. The princess cooked the hedgehog, she created a calm at the booth, and the bogatyrs got their daily bread in the field.

Korolevich Elisey found out about the name of his name and hurried to jokes. And the queen of evil, at the same time, will turn back to the enchanting mirror. Vaughn was stunned that her padchera had perished. The appearance of the mirror led the woman into a tale. The miraculous contraption attacked its own, repeating that same phrase "The princess is more beautiful than all." The queen sang with her hands the supernice. Vaughn twisted in lahmittya and broke to the fox.

The princess checks on her brothers for their love, she does not look at the approach of dashing. Raptom the girl commemorates the old thief. The dog became alert and began to bark, not letting his master reach the zhebrachka. The princess is angry with the dog, and then we throw a piece of old bread. She treats the girl with an apple and go away. Virniy dog ​​pitifully marvel at his gospodarka, ahead of him about the bidu, but he won’t understand. The princess flickers at the light, tastes the apple and falls dead.

Turning back from the shower, the bogatyrs immediately commemorated us unkindly. Another dog lives nazustrich and barks. The brothers ran to the hut, and there they revealed their dead dead sister. The dog having tasted the ruined fruit and breathed a breath. The bagatirs understood everything. The stinks were already embarrassed, but they couldn’t see anything, they couldn’t revive the girl. The brothers buried the princess in the oven, in the krishtal's string.

Yelisei has been fooling around with his kohana for a long time. Rumors are unsuccessful. In the absence of a way out, the young man asks for the sake of the Son of that Moon, and the celestial luminaries are not able to help. The stench sker yogo to the Wind, which is like a greedy star. The princess is dead and lying by the krishtal's arm, in the oven. Elisha is virusha before her. If you win your name, if you fight with beauty, the princess is alive. The lad did not get involved and kissed the girl. Raptom the queen comes to life. There was no joy between! Zakohani go to the palace and play the fun. The stepmother, knowing about it, dies in aggression.

A short fairy tale nadala liliya-2018.

In one kingdom, a young king lives, having thought of making friends and choosing himself in the chosen one garnu girl in the whole world. The queen suffered and gave birth to a daughter, but she became so weak under the gentle hour that she died in the middle of the night. The king was at that hour at the march, and turning back home, not having found the squad already there.

Having mourned the trochs, having conquered the king, suddenly become friends, bazhayuchi, so that my daughter had a bail and a good mother. Having guessed the axis only with the choice of another squad of the kings, the woman of the garn got away to him, but that evil was approached. Volodila out with a magic mirror, building to say less

The truth. And the queen loved herself so much that every day she fed a white mirror, which is beautiful and sweet in the world.

For a long time, the mirror truthfully spoke about her beauty, but once she said that her stepchild had become beautiful and dear to everyone. The maiden, who has grown up, has waned the beauty of her mother and eclipsed the vain beauty of the evil stepmother.

The queen could not endure evil like that, she punished her servant Chernivtsi to lead the queen into a dark forest, tie her to a tree and deprive her of a living. wild animals. Hungry wolves and fierce witches small ripped apart the princess.

Vikonala Chernivka order pani, ale blew

I didn’t tie the girl, letting her in on all sides, scaring her by no means to turn back home.

Turning to the evil queen, the servant reminds her about the wicked mandate. Tієї zheny about zniknennya tsarіvni staє vіdomo i і at court, іїї danny batko assign wealth to the city to the one who turns his daughter home, and її namings Elisey is negainally warned about the jokes of Kokhanoi.

They joked about the princess with the whole kingdom, but they did not know. And in the meantime, she wandered out in a dark and unsafe fox, she didn’t drain the docks on a great garni of booths, the fox’s hobbies.

The princess was tormented to enter at the hut and lie down to sleep. Late at night її wake up a strong noise and homin - tse turned the lords of life - this beautiful bogatyrs. The princess told her story to the heroes, she asked for a back.

The bogatyrs took care of the unfortunate guests, and the princess began to live in them, and in spite of all the brothers-bogatyrs blamed discord, the skin of them dreamed of becoming a man of the tsar. The maiden was confused, embarrassed by the confession of all her benefactors, the mother, the shards of the virna were left only to her kokhan Elisha. The stench rushed to live like a brother and sister, they blamed that. The princess cooked and tidied up the huts, looked at the garden and the city, sewed robes, the rich men loved and fished, and so they lived.

Perekonana at the death of the queen, the evil stepmother again asks the mirror, as if truthfully confirming that the beauty is alive and resting in good health. Shows the mirror to the evil machus and the same place, where the princess lives.

Enraged over every world, the queen dresses up in lahmittya and stands in front of the queen at the sight of a poor wife, to beg for mercy. The merciful maiden is to bear the old hedgehog and take the great red apple, the ice tasting the yak, falling dead. Let's destroy the apple, let's re-bad the supernice, the witch slayed the evil, as if in a short time she scurried with kindness and pity of the princess.

The only thing that has bitten the thoughts of evil motherfuckers is the yard dog, which darts from the lance and rushes to the fox at the jokes of the rich.

The bogatyrs, who turned from the watering, know the lifeless princess, and, giving her truly royal honors, lay a krishtal string at the krishtal, swearing to forever protect the calm girl. The maiden is given to him in a unique way, don’t smell the stench, she’s dead, start sleeping the princess in a charming dream, but if they can’t wake her brother, they put a string in the girsk furnace and deprive her of doty there, the docks don’t come, I don’t wake up.

For the time being, the descriptions of the podії were being described, Elisha - the names of the princess, bleak with light, and nourishing the Sun, Wind and Month about the share of her named. The Sun and Moon know nothing about the girl, but the ever-present Wind tells the lads about the girsk cave and the krishtal string, in which lies the body of the yogo kohanoi.

Bіdolashny naming is corrected at the indicated place, so that you can rise to look at the beloved person. At the rose, Elisey breaks the krishtal string and a miracle occurs - the girl comes to life. Saying goodbye to her benefactors - the heroes, the princess that її namings without a bar breaks home, where the loving father checks on them.

Hurry home and evil stepmother, so that you can still calm yourself down, feel the praise of your beauty in the mirror. Ale, the mirror is no more a breach, and you can’t tell the queen that she’s so dead, the queen didn’t die, but fell asleep - that’s all, about talking about the mirror surface.

At the blow of the wrath of evil, the queen breaks the enchantment mirror. At that hour, the princess turned back home, babbling like an evil stepmother, falling dead, impromptu to see such a rose.

Elisha that tsarіvna glyat vesіllya, on a yak to ask people from the other lands of the earth, come to the fun of that bogatyr.

Creation date: autumn 1833.

Genre: kazka.

Topic: good and evil.

Idea. Good authority and trustworthiness that naivnist, youm will need a defender; evil strikes the footsteps, the zhorstokistyu and the falsehood, the hell out of it.

Problem. Outward beauty for the appearance of the inner can be irritating, sincere beauty is important.

Main heroes: princess, prince Elisha, king, queen of evil, this rich.

Plot. Saying goodbye to the tsar from the tsarina and breaking on the road, but the tsarina did not come out of the window, looking for a dear friend. Nine months after the tsar's departure, she will have a daughter. On the occasion of the birth of the daughter, the tsar-father turns around. The tsarina did not survive the spiritual praise of the hour of judging with the newlywed man. Tsar trivaly hour, going into grief, but through the river he became friends. The new queen is incredibly graceful and sensible, but her character is good: proud, jealous, approachable.

There was a luster in the queen with enchanting power: it was sweet to speak. With the love of fun, the queen was marveling at the mirror and moving with him. Only with a looking-glass, she was pleasant and cheerful. Shorazu asked yoga, chi all won beautiful. And the mirror rocked invariably gave a firm look.

However, the young princess blossomed indefinitely, and I know her names. The queen to perform her own ritual with a mirror, to put on a traditional diet, and raptom, a substitute for a stunned confirmation of the imperfection of her beauty, you won’t feel that you have passed. And not someone else, but її well padchera, who live with her under one stroke. The queen conceived the idea of ​​escaping the princess. With this method, she calls out Chernivka and orders her to lead the princess into a deaf forest and throw her to death. The servants are brought to the will of the pan. The princess realized the impending idea and asked Chernivka to let her in, calling on the city. She, in the soul of її lyublyachi, go, not zavdayuchi evil princess. Turning to the Tsaritsa, Chernivka seems to be, that the girl has lost her tie at the fox without any hope of survival.

Nezabar us became aware of the zniknennya tsar's daughter. The king is on the mountain, the prince Elisey sets off on a long journey, whispering his beautiful name. And the tsarina at that hour, having faded with a fox, went up to the great tower, covered with a forest part, went to the new one. The tower was empty, but according to the situation, it wobbled, that good people live here. Irrespective of the status of the princess, the maiden was of the master and kind: she tidied up, and flooded the house. Gentlemen, who turned, these brothers-bogatir, were welcome. For the promo, the stench ran away, what a princess. The first won was lost in them at the tower, clamored for dominion, and the heroes at the dawn of the rankings were violating at their right. I fell in love with the brothers for the lagidnu vdacha and beauty, and without a doubt, from the elder bula, the proposition to win for some of them zamіzh. Tsarіvna vіdpovіla vіdmova, oskolki won't have names, like all won't love like a sister.

And the queen of evil, sung by death to her stepdaughters, again enters at Rozmov with a mirror and, on her furry, learns about the rebuking of the living and unearthly queen from seven heroes. In anger, the queen calls Chernivka, she knows everything. The queen, threatening him with a slingshot, praised: die, blame the princess. A servant to rob vibir on her own selfishness. Having dressed up as an old feline, she went out into the forest, until the queen lived. The princess graciously accepts the old woman, but the dog Sokolko, watching her go, in every possible way crosses the current splintering: barking, squealing, throwing her feet. Same queen throws bread, and that one at the top is more beautiful than an apple. Ale, it’s full of alcohol, and the princess, tasting a little bit of yoga, falls dead. Z vytychas bogatyrs Sokolko, who turned around. Stink to drink the lifeless princess, in order of her - a bite of an apple, on a yak dog zі zіstyu rushed, prokovtnі vіrazu zdoh.

For the brothers, it is obvious that the princess became a victim of such hatred. The stench wanted to be pohovat її, but there was no sign of decay on it. The princess of the Nemov was asleep, and in three days the stench was carried up to the krishtal line to the oven, and they nailed the line to six feet on the chavunny lansyugs.

And the queen of evil otrimu nareshti in the mirror of the bazhanu to tell about her unperfected beauty.

The naming of this hour will be rozpituє all zustrіchnyh about their name. At the rose of the vines, it wanders through the sky until the sun, the moon is that wind. Stay reminding you of the mournful message about the queen's misfortune. The king's son, heartbroken, breaks down to the girsky oven, so that he rises to marvel at the betrothed. At the blows of the veins, they break the string, the princess smashes her eyes. Happy stench to go to the king-father.

And the queen, at the same time, seems to be a mirror again, which is more beautiful than all, and I can hear the words about the princess’s victory. In anger, the stepmother breaks the enchanting mirror, vibrates and at the door pierces her beautiful stepchild. Right there on the spot, the queen is dying because of the tightness that she took. And the fairy tale, as usual, ends with a spring banquet.

Note about tvir. The tale is brilliant. Vaughn is not only incompetent from the artistic side, but to take revenge on a deeper meaning. Tsya kazka is a variant of "Bіlosnіzhka" by brothers Grimm. But Pushkin's characters are more beautiful, the heroes are more morally good: more faithful, kind.

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