Znedolenі short money for the worker. Victor Hugo - nedolenі. History of writing a historical novel

At 1815 p. Bishop of the city of Dinya buv Charles-Francois Miriel, pronounce for good Bazhanim - B'envenyu. Tsey unimaginable person in youth, the mav of impersonal love affairs and in the world of life - the protévolyutsiya broke everything. Having gone to Italy, Miriel turned back to be a priest. Behind Napoleon's advent, the old parish priest takes the bishop's throne. You begin your soul-pastoral activity of wine from the fact that you act like a miraculous life of the episcopal palace of the mystical liar, and you yourself move to this small house. I distribute my chimala payment to the whole day. At the door of the bishop knocking and riches, and bіdnі: some come by mercy, others bring її. Tsya holy man koristuetsya zagalnoy pogogo - їy granted zіlyuvati that forgiveness.

On the cob of zhovtnya 1815 on the Day to enter the mandrivnik - a flint-filled man at the rozkvit forces. Yogo zhebratsky robe and gloomy weathered disguise to celebrate indignantly. We are going to go to the city hall, and then we try to rule here for nothing. Ale yogo to marry a star, even if he is ready to pay in full coin. Qiu people's name is Jean Valjean. Having tasted nineteen years in hard labor - for those who once ate bread for their widowed sister's hungry children. Having become angry, he pretended to be a wild zatskovanny zvіra - with this “zhovtim” passport for a new place in this world. Nareshti like a woman, glancing at the new one, for the sake of you piti to the bishop. Hearing the convict's frown, Monsignor B'envenu orders yoga in the guest room. In the middle of the night, Jean Valjean wanders off: he is not allowed to rest in peace with six silver dining utensils - the only wealth of the bishop, as if saved in the master's bedroom. Valjean navspinki to go to the bishop's bed, to break the shafka with a silver and want to smash the good shepherd's head with a massive candlestick, but as if the power did not understand yoga. І vіn ryatuєtsya vtechey through vikno.

The vrantsі gendarmes bring vtіkacha to the bishop - tsyu pіdozrilu people caught up with obviously stolen srіblom. Monseigneur can send Valjean to his daughter's penal servitude. Natomist Pan Miriel to bring in two silver candlesticks, like a second guest, forgetting nothing. The last parting of the bishop is to live a gift for those who become an honest person. The enemy convict quickly fills the place. Yogi's coarse soul has a foldable sickness of the robot. At the entrance of the sun, I automatically pick up a coin of forty sous from a jagged lad. Only if the little ones are crying loudly, to reach Valjean a sense of yogo vchinka: we fall heavily on the ground and weep loudly - ahead for nineteen years.

In 1818 p. the small town of Montreil flourishes, and the goiter is one of the people: three fates that settled here nedomy, what a zoom to improve the traditional mystic promisel - the preparation of piece jet. Uncle Madeleine did not only grow rich himself, but helped others to make a fortune. Recently, in the city, unemployment was fierce - now we have forgotten about the need. Dyadechko Madeleine, defying her extraordinary modesty, did not add to her deputy's chair, nor the Order of the Legion of Honor. Ale in 1820 Yomu had a chance to become a measure: a simple old woman littered Yogo, saying that it was shameful to go back, as if the reward for doing good was right. And uncle Madeleine pretended to be Pan Madeleine. Everyone was afraid of him, and only the police agent Javert marveled at the new suspicion. The soul of a human being had more space for two pochuttiv, brought to the extreme, - that hatred to rebellion led to power. Judging in yoga's eyes, there is no moment to have mercy, but the evildoer - to recover. The very same vin buv bezzaperechny to the gods. Stezhennya has become a sensation of yoga of life.

Yakos Javert repentantly uphold the measure, scho can go to the judicial place of Arras - there they will judge the colossal convict Jean Valjean, who once plundered the boy. Earlier, Javert thought that Jean Valjean was hiding under the mask of Pan Madeleine - but then there was a pardon. Having let Javert in, we fall into serious thought, and then let's get out of the way. At the trial in Arras, the judge is reluctantly forced to recognize himself as Jean Valjean and insists that he is called uncle Shamantier and there is no one to blame for him. The judge is ready to blame the accusatory verk, but then there is a stranger at home that deafens that Jean Valjean is guilty, and the judicial requirement is to be admitted. Shvidko resounds the call, that the most important measure, Pan Madeleine, appeared as a Swedish convict. Javert triumphs - he has laid out the forces of evil.

The jury praised send Valjean to the gallery to Toulon dovіchno. Leaning on the ship "Orion", blame the life of the sailor, who was rising from the yard, and then we throw ourselves into the sea from the haunting heights. The Toulon newspapers report that the convict Jean Valjean drowned himself. However, after an hour, the wines will be deafened at the small town of Montfermeil. Yogo bring syudi obіtnitsa. At the hour of your rebuking by the measure of the wines, you were supernaturally suvoro with a woman, as if you had given birth to a child of love, and repented, having guessed the merciful Bishop Miriel. Before the death of the fantine, ask him to tell him about his girl Cosette, as he happened to tell the taverns of Thenardier. Befriending Thenardier, he inspired cunning and anger, as if they were friends. Kozhen from them tormented the girl in his own way: they beat and zmushuvali pratsyuvati to death - and in the bula wine squad; she went to the collection of the barefoot and in lahmitti - the reason for this was a man. Having taken Cosette, Jean Valjean settles in the deepest outskirts of Paris. Vіviv vchiv small literacy and not having forgotten їy grati I will want to - won became a sensation of the life of a colossal convict, who saved pennies, earned on the harvesting of jet. Ale, Inspector Javert does not give him peace here. Vіn vlastovuє nіchnu roundup: Jean Valjean ryatuєtsya diva, unrepentantly peresribnuvshi through a blank wall in the cage - tse appearing woman's monastery. Take Cosette from the monastic boarding house, that її priyomny father becomes a gardener's assistant.

Good-natured bourgeois pan Zhilnormand lives at once from onuk, who would wear another name - the boy's name is Marius Pontmersi. The mother of Marius died, and the old man was by no means a bachelor: Pan Zhilnormand, having called his son-in-law "the Loire rose-breaker", the shards of the Loire were introduced for the formation of the imperial military. Georges Pontmercy reached the rank of colonel and became a holder of the Order of the Legion of Honor. Vіn ice did not die at the battle of Waterloo - yogo vinіs from the battlefield marauder, which cleared the guts of the wounded and beaten. All the same, Marius recognizes the dying messenger of the father, who transforms into a new one to become a titanic. The numerous royalist becomes a half-dead chanter of the emperor and begins to hate the grandfather. Marius with scandal goes home - you have to live in extreme vigilance, may live in sins, then you feel free and independent. Under the hour of happy walks in the Luxembourg Gardens, the young man commemorates the handsome old, who is the head of the maiden of the fifteenth century. Marius is hard to succumb to the unknowing, the prote's natural rubbish and stinginess make you want to get to know her. The old man, having commemorated the respect of Marius to his companion, leaves the apartment and ceases to appear in the garden. The unfortunate lad knows that he has spent the kohana forever. But once I feel a familiar voice behind the wall - there, where the homeland of Jondrets is numerous. Glancing at the crack, cultivating the old Luxembourg garden - that one promises to bring pennies to the evening. Obviously, Jondrette can blackmail yogo: zatsіkavleniy Marius pіdslukhovuє, like a negligent person, they work with the members of the "Beep Hour" - the old one wants to rule over the pasta, to take everything into the new one. Marius alerts the police. Inspector Javert for help and handing him a pistol about every step. In the eyes of the young man, a motor scene plays out - the Shinkar Thenardier, who hid under the name of Jondrette, chasing Jean Valjean. Marius is ready to get in, and then the police officers on their necks with Javert are rushing into the room. While the inspector is arranging for the bandits, Jean Valjean is watching at the windows - only here Javert is wiser, having missed a lot more game.

In 1832 p. Paris is a boon to the wanderers. Friends of Marius to dirty with revolutionary ideas, borrow the proteunak otherwise - they will carry on arrogantly rozshukuvat girl from the Luxembourg garden. For good luck, youma laughed. For the help of one of the daughters of Thenardier, the young man knows Cosette and is examined by the kohanna. It appeared that Cosette had long loved Marius. Jean Valjean does not suspect anything. The biggest convict of turbulence is Tim, who is clearly guarding Thenardier behind this quarter. Nastaє 4 worms. The city is sleeping in rebellion - everywhere there will be barricades. Marius cannot be deprived of his comrades. Strivozhena Cosette, if you want to send a call to him, and Jean Valjean's eyes will open up: his little one has become grown up and has known love. Rozpach and jealousy to choke the old convict, and vіn virushaє on the barricade, how to defend the young republicans that Marius. Javert's re-exposure is trapping at his hand - the detective is being seized, and Jean Valjean is rewiring his sworn enemy. Vіn mає povnu mozhlivіst razpravitsya z people, yоmu was in charge of the style of evil, but the gentry convict vvazhє for the better call the policeman. In time, the orderly troops of the army are advancing: the barricaders are dying one by one - among them is the glorious lad Gavrosh, the big Parisian shibenik. Marius' collarbone was crushed with a towel-strike - he is vindicated by the sovereignty of Jean Valjean.

The old convict takes Marius from the battlefield on his shoulders. Punishers rush everywhere, and Valjean descends under the ground - at the terrible sewer drains. After a long time, the wines are picked up on the surface only in order to get back to life with Javert. The detective allows Valjean to take Marius to the date and say goodbye to Cosette - he does not look like the pitiless Javert. Great was Valjean's surprise, if he understood that the policeman let him in. Tim an hour for Javert himself, the most tragic moment of his life is coming: first of all, having broken the law and let the malice go free! Unable to overcome the rubbish between the borg and the spivchuty, Javert caught on the bridge - and then the moon filled with a deaf splash.

Marius has been going through life and death for a long time. Zreshtoy youth wins. The lad is on the verge of meeting with Cosette, and love is revealed. The stench will take away the blessing of Jean Valjean and that of Pan Gillenormand, who, in joy, has completely pumped onuk. February 16, 1833 we had fun. Valjean knows Marius that the Swedish convict is guilty. Young Pontmercy is sighing. Nothing is to blame for obscuring Cosetti's happiness; On the back of Cosette's arm, we are a little surprised, and then we call for more rare visits of our colossal patron. Unexpectedly, the old one stopped coming, and the girl forgot about the new one. And Jean Valjean, having begun to languish and die: the gatekeeper asked for a new doctor, and even more so if she rose with her hands - this person, maybe, spent a lot of money for herself, and none of the faces can help here. Marius, on the other hand, knows that the convict deserves to be placed in a similar position - without a doubt, he himself robbed Pan Madeleine and drove in the bezakhis Javert, a kind of vryatuv yogo against bandits. And here the greedy Thenardier reveals all the secrets: Jean Valjean is not evil and not driven. More than that: the same vin vinis from Marius' barricade. A lad should pay generously to a vile tavern clerk - and not only for the truth about Valjean. If a bad man did good on the right, roared at the guts of the wounded and beaten, - the man who was vryatovan was called Georges Pontmercy. Marius with Cosette to go to Jean Valjean, for the blessing of forgiveness. The old convict is dying happily - the children in love have adopted the rest of their lives. A young couple is praying an incendiary epitaph on the grave of the sufferer.

Victor Hugo


At 1815 p. Bishop of the city of Dinya buv Charles-Francois Miriel, pronounce for good Bazhanim - B'envenyu. This unimaginable person in his youth is small of impersonal love interests and led a secular life - the protévolyutsiya ruined everything. Having gone to Italy, Miriel turned back to be a priest. Behind Napoleon's advent, the old parish priest takes the bishop's throne. You begin your soul-pastoral activity of wine from the fact that you act in the beautiful life of the episcopal palace of the mystical liquor, and you yourself move to this small house. I distribute my chimala payment to the whole day. At the door of the bishop knocking and riches, and bіdnі: some come by mercy, others bring її. Tsya holy man koristuetsya zagalnoy pogago - їy granted zіlyuvaty that forgiveness.

On the cob of zhovtnya 1815 on the Day to enter the mandrivnik - a flint-filled man at the rozkvit forces. Yogo zhebratsky robe and gloomy weathered disguise to celebrate indignantly. We are going to go to the city hall, and then we try to rule here for nothing. Ale yogo to marry a star, even if he is ready to pay in full coin. Qiu people's name is Jean Valjean. Having tasted nineteen years in hard labor - for those who once ate bread for their widowed sister's hungry children. Angered, he pretended to be a wild zatskovanny zvіra - with this “zhovtim” passport for a new place in this world. Nareshti like a woman, glancing at the new one, for the sake of you piti to the bishop. After listening to the convict's frown, Monsignor B'envenu orders yoga in the guest room. In the middle of the night, Jean Valjean wanders off: he is not allowed to rest in peace with six silver dining utensils - the only wealth of the bishop, as if saved in the master's bedroom. Valjean navspinki to go to the bishop's bed, to break the shafka with a silver and want to smash the good shepherd's head with a massive candlestick, but as if the power did not understand yoga. І vіn ryatuєtsya vtechey through vikno.

The lieutenants of the gendarmes to bring a vtikach to the bishop - they caught a suspected person with a clearly stolen weapon. The monsignor can send Valjean to his daughter's penal servitude. Natomist Pan Miriel to bring in two silver candlesticks, like a second guest, forgetting nothing. The remainder of the bishop's companionship is a victorious gift for those who become an honest people. The enemy convict quickly fills the place. Yogi's coarse soul has a foldable sickness of the robot. At the entrance of the sun, I automatically pick up a coin of forty sous from a jagged lad. Only if the little ones are crying loudly, to reach Valjean a sense of yogo vchinka: it is hard to settle on the ground and weeping loudly - uper for nineteen years.

In 1818 p. the small town of Montreil flourishes, and the goiter is one of the same people: three fates that settled here nedomy, a kind of zoom to perfect the traditional mіstsevy promisel - the preparation of piece jet. Uncle Madeleine did not only grow rich himself, but helped others to make money. Not so long ago in the city there was a raging unemployment - now we have forgotten about the needs. Dyadechko Madeleine, defying her extraordinary modesty, did not add the deputy chair, nor the Order of the Legion of Honor to the yogi. Ale in 1820 Yomu had a chance to become a measure: a simple old woman littered Yogo, saying that it was shameful to go back, as if the reward for doing good was right. And uncle Madeleine pretended to be Pan Madeleine. Everyone was afraid of him, and only the police agent Javert marveled at the new suspicion. The soul of a human being had more space for two pochuttiv, brought to an extreme, - hatred to rebellion led to power. Judging in Yogo's eyes, there was no moment for mercy, but the wicked man recovered. The very same vin buv bezzaperechny to the gods. Stezhennya became the sensation of yoga of life.

Like Javert, repentantly repenting of the measure, scho can go to the judicial place of Arras - there they will judge the colossal convict Jean Valjean, who once plundered the boy. Earlier, Javert thought that Jean Valjean was hiding under the mask of Pan Madeleine, but then there was a pardon. Letting Javert in, let us fall into serious thought, and then let's get out of the way. At the trial in Arras, the judge is reluctantly forced to recognize himself as Jean Valjean and affirms that his uncle Chamantier is called and there is no one to blame for him. The judge is ready to blame the accusation, but then there is a stranger at home and deafened, that Jean Valjean is guilty, and the judicial requirement is to be admitted. Shvidko resounds the call, that the most important measure, Pan Madeleine, appeared as a Swedish convict. Javert triumphs - he has placed the forces of evil in the air.

The jury praised send Valjean to the gallery to Toulon dovіchno. Leaning on the ship "Orion", blame the life of the sailor, who was rising from the yard, and then we throw ourselves into the sea from the haunting heights. The Toulon newspapers report that the convict Jean Valjean drowned himself. However, after an hour, the wines will be deafened at the small town of Montfermeil. Yogo bring syudi obіtnitsa. At the hour of your rebuking by the measure of the wines, you were supernaturally suvoro with a woman, as if you had given birth to a child of love, and repented, having guessed the merciful Bishop Miriel. Before the death of the fantine, ask him to tell him about his girl Cosette, as he happened to tell the taverns of Thenardier. Befriending Thenardier, he inspired cunning and anger, as if they were friends. Kozhen from them tormented the girl in his own way: they beat and zmushuvali pratsyuvati to death - and in tsomu the wine squad was beaten; she went to the collection of the barefoot and in lahmitti - the reason for this was a man. Having taken Cosette, Jean Valjean settles in the deepest outskirts of Paris. Having learned a little literacy and not having forgotten her grati, I would want to - she became a sensation in the life of a colossal convict, who saved a penny, earned on the harvesting of a jet. Ale, Inspector Javert does not give him peace here. Vіn vlaštovuє nіchnu roundup: Jean Valjean ryatuєtsya diva, unrepentantly perebіbnuvshi through a blank wall in the garden - tse vyavivsya zhіnochiy monastery. Take Cosette from the monastic boarding house, that її priyomny father becomes a gardener's assistant.

The well-ordered bourgeois Pan Gillenormand lives at the same time from onuk, who will wear another name - the boy's name is Marius Pontmersi. The mother of Marius died, and the old man was by no means a bachelor: Pan Zhilnormand, having called his son-in-law "the Loire rose-breaker", the shards of the Loire were introduced for the formation of the imperial military. Georges Pontmercy reached the rank of colonel and became a holder of the Order of the Legion of Honor. Vіn ice did not die at the battle of Waterloo - yogo vinіs from the battlefield a marauder, who cleaned the guts of the wounded and beaten. All the same, Marius recognizes the dying messenger of the father, who transforms into a new one to become a titanic. The great royalist becomes a half-dead chanter of the emperor and begins to hate the grandfather. Marius goes home with a scandal - you happen to live in extreme vigilance, may live in sin, then you feel free and independent. Under the hour of happy walks in the Luxembourg Gardens, the young man commemorates the handsome old one, who is the leader of the maiden of the fifteenth century. Marius is hard-wired into a ignorance, prote's natural rubbish and stinginess make you want to know her. The old one, having remembered Marius's respect for his companion, when he leaves the apartment, she stops appearing in the garden. The unfortunate lad knows that he has spent the kohana forever. And once in a while I feel a familiar voice behind the wall - there, where the homeland of Jondrets is numerous. Glancing at the crack, cultivating the old Luxembourg Gardens - that one promises to bring pennies to the evening. Obviously, Jondrette can blackmail yogo: zatsіkavleniy Marius pіdslukhovuє, as a negligent person, they move with the members of the "Pivnyachiy Hour" - the old one wants to rule over the pasta, to take everything into the new one. Marius alerts the police. Inspector Javert for help and handing him a pistol about every step. In the eyes of the young man, a motor scene plays out - the Shinkar Thenardier, who hid himself under the name of Jondrette, chasing Jean Valjean. Marius is ready to get in, and then the police officers on their necks with Javert are rushing into the room. While the inspector is chasing the bandits, Jean Valjean is watching at the window - only here Javert is wiser, having missed a lot more game.

In 1832 p. Paris is a boon to the wanderers. Marius's friends are to be tainted with revolutionary ideas, the protege of the young man is borrowed more - he will continue to arrogate the maiden from the Luxembourg garden. For good luck, youma laughed. For the help of one of the daughters of Thenardier, the young man knows Cosette and is examined by the kohanna. It appeared that Cosette had long loved Marius. Jean Valjean does not suspect anything. The biggest convict of turbulence is Tim, who is clearly guarding Thenardier behind this quarter. Nastaє 4 worms. The city is sleeping in rebellion - everyone will be barricades. Marius cannot be deprived of his comrades. Strivozhena Cosette, if you want to send a call to him, and Jean Valjean's eyes will open up: his little one has become grown up and has known love. Rozpach and jealousy to choke the old convict, and vіn virushaє on the barricade, how to defend the young republicans that Marius. Javert's clothes are dragged up to his hands - they seize the detective, and Jean Valjean renews his sworn enemy. Vіn mає povnu mozhlivіst razpravitsya z people, yоmu was in charge of the style of evil, but the gentry convict vvazhє for the better call the policeman. In time, the orderly troops of the army are advancing: the barricaders are dying one by one - among them is the glorious lad Gavrosh, the big Parisian shibenik. Marius' collarbone was crushed with a towel-strike - he is blamed by the sovereignty of Jean Valjean.

The old convict takes Marius from the battlefield on his shoulders. Punishers are everywhere, and Valjean descends to the ground - at the terrible sewer drains. After a long time, the wines are picked up on the surface only in order to get back to life with Javert. The detective allows Valjean to take Marius to the date and say goodbye to Cosette - he does not look like the pitiless Javert. Great was Valjean's surprise, if he understood that the policeman let him in. Tim an hour for Javert himself, the most tragic moment of his life is coming: first of all, having broken the law and let the malice go free! Unable to overcome the rubbish between the borg and the spivchuty, Javert caught on the bridge - and then the moonlight deaf splash.

Marius has been going through life and death for a long time. Zreshtoy youth wins. The lad is on the verge of meeting with Cosette, and love is revealed. The stench will take away the blessing of Jean Valjean and that of Pan Gillenormand, who, in joy, has completely pumped onuk. February 16, 1833 we had fun. Valjean knows Marius that the Swedish convict is guilty. Young Pontmercy is sighing. Nothing is to blame for obscuring the happiness of Cosetti; On the back of Cosette's arm, we are a little surprised, and then we call for more rare visits of our colossal patron. Unexpectedly, the old one stopped coming, and the girl forgot about the new one. And Jean Valjean, having begun to languish and die: the gatekeeper asked for a new doctor, and even more so with his hands - this person, perhaps, has spent a lot of money for herself, and none of the faces can help here. Marius, on the other hand, is aware that the convict deserves to be placed in a similar position - without reproach, having robbed Pan Madeleine himself and driving in the defenseless Javert, who has robbed him of bandits. And here the greedy Thenardier reveals all the secrets: Jean Valjean is not evil and not driven. More than that: the same vin vinis from Marius' barricade. A lad should pay generously to a vile tavern clerk - and not less for the truth about Valjean. If the wicked man did good on the right, roared at the guts of the wounded and beaten, - the man who was betrayed by him was called Georges Pontmercy. Marius with Cosette to go to Jean Valjean, for the blessing of forgiveness. The old convict is dying happily - the beloved children have adopted the rest of their lives. A young couple is praying an incendiary epitaph on the grave of the sufferer.

Charles-Francois Miriel - the bishop, who lives in a small booth, distributes his pay to the poor. Meshkantsi try yoga.

Before the Day, come bіdno robes mandrіvnik. You need a night, but no one wants to take yoga. Call this person Jean Valjean. Vіn buv in penal servitude, more vkrav bread, not letting your sister's children die of starvation. Nareshti the mandrinnik is consumed before the bishop. He listened to yogo, scolded, gave a butt. The priest is not given to the calm table for a large amount of malice, as she takes away the wine.

The gendarmes induce yogo, Prote pan Miriel not only did not see yogo, but to bring two candles to you, like that nibito forgetting. Jean is opposed to such attitudes. On the way, the man unseen took a coin from the child. If the lad has wept, the convict has understood, that he has robbed himself and wept.

The small town of Montreil accepts the unknown, like a rose rich on a prepared jet. Together with Pan Madeleine, everything was broken. Yogo ask to become a measure. People were doing yoga, only the policeman Javert stood up to the new fight.

Yakos Javert tells the pan measure about the trial of the wickedness of Jean Valjean, who, after the crime, stole the lad's pennies. At the trial of accusations, you do not recognize yourself as Valjean. At the hall, a person said that the wine was Jean Valjean. The novelty has stupefied everyone: the measures of Montreil are a big deal.

Court praising send Yogo to the gallery. There, Jean ryatuє sailor, which zіrvsya z rії, and he throws himself down. All newspapers wrote about Yogo's death. Proté vin goloshuetsya in Montfermeil. Being a measure, the monsieur unfairly dealt with a woman, as if she gave birth to a child of honor. Vmirayuchi, out to ask a podbati about your daughter. That bula was given to the taverns of Thenardier. The stinks imitated a girl. Jean takes Cosette away, vikhovuє її. The stench settled on the outskirts of Paris. Agent Javert know yoga and here. Ryatuyuchis, Valjean dragged to the monastery, de stench ruled.

Pan Zhilnormand lives with his onuk Marius Pontmersi. The lad is ticking from the house. A young person is framing an old girl with a girl. Vіn zakohuєtsya in it, but to be ashamed to go. Priyomniy father pomіtiv yogo Іnteres to his companion, also z'їzhdzhaє z hindering, stop caring for the garden. Marius is aware that he has been ignorant. Once a lad slew a man of a frail age at the court of Jondrets. The lad is sensible: they want to rob the old one, about what the police tell. A young man to churn, like a Shinkar Thenardier, who is alive under the name of Jondrette, to rob the swing for Valjean's pennies. Javert lies in here, and Jean rages furiously.

Marius knows Cosette and is examined by the kohanna. It appears, yoga is almost mutual. Sleeping insurrection. Lad, Jean, and a lot of other Republicans are getting on the barricades. The stench is taking Javert, Jean is letting yoga in. The lad is seriously injured.

A lot of convict swears at a young man, descending twice at the sewer hatch. Having risen, the stench sticks out of Javert. Inspector of admission їх. For a new important decision, for that vin stribaє from the bridge.

Romanticism of the great French writer

At 1815 p. Bishop of the city of Dinya buv Charles-Francois Miriel, pronounce for good Bazhanim - B'envenyu. This unimaginable person in his youth is small of impersonal love interests and led a secular life - the protévolyutsiya broke everything. Having gone to Italy, Miriel turned back to be a priest. Behind Napoleon's advent, the old parish priest takes the bishop's throne. You begin your soul-pastoral activity of wine from the fact that you act like a miraculous life of the episcopal palace of the mystical liar, and you yourself move to this small house. I distribute my chimala payment to the whole day. At the door of the bishop knocking and riches, and bіdnі: some come by mercy, others bring її. Tsya holy man koristuetsya zagalnoy pogogo - їy granted zіlyuvati that forgiveness. On the cob of zhovtnya 1815 on the Day to enter the mandrivnik - a flint-filled man at the rozkvit forces. Yogo zhebratsky robe and gloomy weathered disguise to celebrate indignantly. We are going to go to the city hall, and then we try to rule here for nothing. Ale yogo to marry a star, even if he is ready to pay in full coin. Qiu people's name is Jean Valjean. Having tasted nineteen years in hard labor - for those who once ate bread for their widowed sister's hungry children. Having become angry, he pretended to be a wild zatskovanny zvіra - with this “zhovtim” passport for a new place in this world. Nareshti like a woman, glancing at the new one, for the sake of you piti to the bishop. Hearing the convict's frown, Monsignor B'envenu orders yoga in the guest room. In the middle of the night, Jean Valjean wanders off: he is not allowed to rest in peace with six silver dining utensils - the only wealth of the bishop, as if saved in the master's bedroom. Valjean navspinki to go to the bishop's bed, to break the shafka with a silver and want to smash the good shepherd's head with a massive candlestick, but as if the power did not understand yoga. І vіn ryatuєtsya vtechey through vikno. The vrantsі gendarmes bring vtіkacha to the bishop - tsyu pіdozrilu people caught up with obviously stolen srіblom. Monseigneur can send Valjean to his daughter's penal servitude. Natomist Pan Miriel to bring in two silver candlesticks, like a second guest, forgetting nothing. The last parting of the bishop is to live a gift for those who become an honest person. The enemy convict quickly fills the place. Yogi's coarse soul has a foldable sickness of the robot. At the entrance of the sun, I automatically pick up a coin of forty sous from a jagged lad. Only if the little ones are crying loudly, to reach Valjean a sense of yogo vchinka: we fall heavily on the ground and weep loudly - ahead for nineteen years. In 1818 p. the small town of Montreil flourishes, and the goiter is one of the people: three fates that settled here nedomy, what a zoom to improve the traditional mystic promisel - the preparation of piece jet. Uncle Madeleine did not only grow rich himself, but helped others to make a fortune. Recently, in the city, unemployment was fierce - now we have forgotten about the need. Dyadechko Madeleine, defying her extraordinary modesty, did not add to her deputy's chair, nor the Order of the Legion of Honor. Ale in 1820 Yomu had a chance to become a measure: a simple old woman littered Yogo, saying that it was shameful to go back, as if the reward for doing good was right. And uncle Madeleine pretended to be Pan Madeleine. Everyone was afraid of him, and only the police agent Javert marveled at the new suspicion. The soul of a human being had more space for two pochuttiv, brought to the extreme, - that hatred to rebellion led to power. Judging in yoga's eyes, there is no moment to have mercy, but the evildoer - to recover. The very same vin buv bezzaperechny to the gods. Stezhennya has become a sensation of yoga of life. Yakos Javert repentantly uphold the measure, scho can go to the judicial place of Arras - there they will judge the colossal convict Jean Valjean, who once plundered the boy. Earlier, Javert thought that Jean Valjean was hiding under the mask of Pan Madeleine - but then there was a pardon. Having let Javert in, we fall into serious thought, and then let's get out of the way. At the trial in Arras, the judge is reluctantly forced to recognize himself as Jean Valjean and insists that he is called uncle Shamantier and there is no one to blame for him. The judge is ready to blame the accusatory verk, but then there is a stranger at home that deafens that Jean Valjean is guilty, and the judicial requirement is to be admitted. Shvidko resounds the call, that the most important measure, Pan Madeleine, appeared as a Swedish convict. Javert triumphs - he has laid out the forces of evil. The jury praised send Valjean to the gallery to Toulon dovіchno. Leaning on the ship "Orion", blame the life of the sailor, who was rising from the yard, and then we throw ourselves into the sea from the haunting heights. The Toulon newspapers report that the convict Jean Valjean drowned himself. However, after an hour, the wines will be deafened at the small town of Montfermeil. Yogo bring syudi obіtnitsa. At the hour of your rebuking by the measure of the wines, you were supernaturally suvoro with a woman, as if you had given birth to a child of love, and repented, having guessed the merciful Bishop Miriel. Before the death of the fantine, ask him to tell him about his girl Cosette, as he happened to tell the taverns of Thenardier. Befriending Thenardier, he inspired cunning and anger, as if they were friends. Kozhen tormented the girl from them in his own way: they beat and zmushuvali pratsyuvati until they were drunk - and in the future the wine squad was beaten; she went to the collection of the barefoot and in lahmitti - the reason for this was a man. Having taken Cosette, Jean Valjean settles in the deepest outskirts of Paris. Vіviv vchiv small literacy and not having forgotten їy grati I will want to - won became a sensation of the life of a colossal convict, who saved pennies, earned on the harvesting of jet. Ale, Inspector Javert does not give him peace here. Vіn vlashtovuє nіchnu roundup: Jean Valjean ryatuєtsya diva, unremembered strebnuvshi through a blank wall to the garden - tse waving monastir appeared. Take Cosette from the monastic boarding house, that її priyomny father becomes a gardener's assistant. Good-natured bourgeois pan Zhilnormand lives at once from onuk, who would wear another name - the boy's name is Marius Pontmersi. The mother of Marius died, and the old man was by no means a bachelor: Pan Zhilnormand, having called his son-in-law "the Loire rose-breaker", the shards of the Loire were introduced for the formation of the imperial military. Georges Pontmercy reached the rank of colonel and became a holder of the Order of the Legion of Honor. Vіn ice did not die at the battle of Waterloo - yogo vinіs from the battlefield marauder, which cleared the guts of the wounded and beaten. All the same, Marius recognizes the dying messenger of the father, who transforms into a new one to become a titanic. The numerous royalist becomes a half-dead chanter of the emperor and begins to hate the grandfather. Marius with scandal goes home - you have to live in extreme vigilance, may live in sins, then you feel free and independent. Under the hour of happy walks in the Luxembourg Gardens, the young man commemorates the handsome old, who is the head of the maiden of the fifteenth century. Marius is hard to succumb to the unknowing, the prote's natural rubbish and stinginess make you want to get to know her. The old man, having commemorated the respect of Marius to his companion, leaves the apartment and ceases to appear in the garden. The unfortunate lad knows that he has spent the kohana forever. But once I feel a familiar voice behind the wall - there, where the homeland of Jondrets is numerous. Glancing at the crack, cultivating the old Luxembourg garden - that one promises to bring pennies to the evening. Obviously, Jondrette can blackmail yogo: zatsіkavleniy Marius pіdslukhovuє, like a negligent person, they work with the members of the "Beep Hour" - the old one wants to rule over the pasta, to take everything into the new one. Marius alerts the police. Inspector Javert for help and handing him a pistol about every step. In the eyes of the young man, a motor scene plays out - the Shinkar Thenardier, who hid under the name of Jondrette, chasing Jean Valjean. Marius is ready to get in, and then the police officers on their necks with Javert are rushing into the room. While the inspector is arranging for the bandits, Jean Valjean is watching at the windows - only here Javert is wiser, having missed a lot more game. In 1832 p. Paris is a boon to the wanderers. Friends of Marius to dirty with revolutionary ideas, borrow the proteunak otherwise - they will carry on arrogantly rozshukuvat girl from the Luxembourg garden. For good luck, youma laughed. For the help of one of the daughters of Thenardier, the young man knows Cosette and is examined by the kohanna. It appeared that Cosette had long loved Marius. Jean Valjean does not suspect anything. The biggest convict of turbulence is Tim, who is clearly guarding Thenardier behind this quarter. Nastaє 4 worms. The city is sleeping in rebellion - everywhere there will be barricades. Marius cannot be deprived of his comrades. Strivozhena Cosette, if you want to send a call to him, and Jean Valjean's eyes will open up: his little one has become grown up and has known love. Rozpach and jealousy to choke the old convict, and vіn virushaє on the barricade, how to defend the young republicans that Marius. Javert's re-exposure is trapping at his hand - the detective is being seized, and Jean Valjean is rewiring his sworn enemy. Vіn mає povnu mozhlivіst razpravitsya z people, yоmu was in charge of the style of evil, but the gentry convict vvazhє for the better call the policeman. In time, the orderly troops of the army are advancing: the barricaders are dying one by one - among them is the glorious lad Gavrosh, the big Parisian shibenik. Marius' collarbone was crushed with a towel-strike - he is vindicated by the sovereignty of Jean Valjean. The old convict takes Marius from the battlefield on his shoulders. Punishers rush everywhere, and Valjean descends under the ground - at the terrible sewer drains. After a long time, the wines are picked up on the surface only in order to get back to life with Javert. The detective allows Valjean to take Marius to the date and say goodbye to Cosette - he does not look like the pitiless Javert. Great was Valjean's surprise, if he understood that the policeman let him in. Tim an hour for Javert himself, the most tragic moment of his life is coming: first of all, having broken the law and let the malice go free! Unable to overcome the rubbish between the borg and the spivchuty, Javert caught on the bridge - and then the moon filled with a deaf splash. Tim an hour for Javert himself, the most tragic moment of his life is coming: first of all, having broken the law and let the malice go free! Unable to overcome the rubbish between the borg and the spivchuty, Javert caught on the bridge - and then the moon filled with a deaf splash. Marius has been going through life and death for a long time. Zreshtoy youth wins. The lad is on the verge of meeting with Cosette, and love is revealed. The stench will take away the blessing of Jean Valjean and that of Pan Gillenormand, who, in joy, has completely pumped onuk. February 16, 1833 we had fun. Valjean knows Marius that the Swedish convict is guilty. Young Pontmercy is sighing. Nothing is to blame for obscuring Cosetti's happiness; On the back of Cosette's arm, we are a little surprised, and then we call for more rare visits of our colossal patron. Unexpectedly, the old one stopped coming, and the girl forgot about the new one. And Jean Valjean, having begun to languish and die: the gatekeeper asked for a new doctor, and even more so if she rose with her hands - this person, maybe, spent a lot of money for herself, and none of the faces can help here. Marius, on the other hand, knows that the convict deserves to be placed in a similar position - without a doubt, he himself robbed Pan Madeleine and drove in the bezakhis Javert, a kind of vryatuv yogo against bandits. And here the greedy Thenardier reveals all the secrets: Jean Valjean is not evil and not driven. More than that: the same vin vinis from Marius' barricade. A lad should pay generously to a vile tavern clerk - and not only for the truth about Valjean. If a bad man did good on the right, roared at the guts of the wounded and beaten, - the man who was vryatovan was called Georges Pontmercy. Marius with Cosette to go to Jean Valjean, for the blessing of forgiveness. The old convict is dying happily - the children in love have adopted the rest of their lives. Tim an hour for Javert himself, the most tragic moment of his life is coming: first of all, having broken the law and let the malice go free! Unable to overcome the rubbish between the borg and the spivchuty, Javert caught on the bridge - and then the moon filled with a deaf splash. Marius has been going through life and death for a long time. Zreshtoy youth wins. The lad is on the verge of meeting with Cosette, and love is revealed. The stench will take away the blessing of Jean Valjean and that of Pan Gillenormand, who, in joy, has completely pumped onuk. February 16, 1833 we had fun. Valjean knows Marius that the Swedish convict is guilty. Young Pontmercy is sighing. Nothing is to blame for obscuring Cosetti's happiness; On the back of Cosette's arm, we are a little surprised, and then we call for more rare visits of our colossal patron. Unexpectedly, the old one stopped coming, and the girl forgot about the new one. And Jean Valjean, having begun to languish and die: the gatekeeper asked for a new doctor, and even more so if she rose with her hands - this person, maybe, spent a lot of money for herself, and none of the faces can help here. Marius, on the other hand, knows that the convict deserves to be placed in a similar position - without a doubt, he himself robbed Pan Madeleine and drove in the bezakhis Javert, a kind of vryatuv yogo against bandits. And here the greedy Thenardier reveals all the secrets: Jean Valjean is not evil and not driven. More than that: the same vin vinis from Marius' barricade. A lad should pay generously to a vile tavern clerk - and not only for the truth about Valjean. If a bad man did good on the right, roared at the guts of the wounded and beaten, - the man who was vryatovan was called Georges Pontmercy. Marius with Cosette to go to Jean Valjean, for the blessing of forgiveness. The old convict is dying happily - the children in love have adopted the rest of their lives. A young couple is praying an incendiary epitaph on the grave of the sufferer.

Docks by the power of laws and vdachas will create a social curse, as if in the midst of the development of civilization, piece by piece creating hell and a tight share, as if to lie in the sight of God, fatal human displacement; the docks will not overcome the three main problems of our century - the downgrading of a person due to influence to the class of the proletariat, the fall of a woman due to hunger, the falling of a child due to the darkness of non-government; until quiet fir, while in deyaky versions of the suspension of the social life; otherwise seeming and from the look of the broader - doti, docks panuvatimut on the earth need and non-government, books similar to qiєї, appear, perhaps, not maritime.

Otville House, 1862

Pan Miriel

In 1815, Charles-Francois-B'envenue Miriel became bishop of the city of Dinya. That buv old rokiv seventy five; the archbishop's throne at the Dinі vіn embraced in 1806.

If the situation does not in any way capture the essence of what we are choosing, it will be, perhaps, not without reason, for the sake of complete accuracy, guess here about the rumors and judge, yelling in the parish by the arrival of Pan Miriel. It is true that the human sensitivity is false, it often plays in the life of the people, and especially in the distant її share, no less important role, lower її vlasnі vchinki. Pan Miriel used to be the son of the ship's chamber guard in Exi, later, having leaned to the court's aristocracy. Rozpovіdali, yogo father, bazhayuchi hand over to yomu at the recession his settlement and dorimuyuchis call, even wider than in the case of court officials, making friends with the son early, if it was rokіv vіsіmnadtsat-twenty. However, even though he was sensitive, Charles Miriel and after the friendship gave bagata zhu for roses. Vіn buv good foldable, hoch i trohi maliy for zrіst, thinning, spritny, dotepny; I devote half of my life to the wines whole, dedicating the light and love favors.

Ale came the revolution; podії strimko changed one by one; Sim'ї suddіvskih officials, scho pridshali, persecution, persecution, rozіalis in different sides. Charles Miriel in the first days of the revolution emigrated to Italy. There, the yoga squad died of a chest illness, for a long time it had already suffered. Children don't stink. How did Miriel's share stack up? The collapse of the old French sospіlstvo, the death of vlas sіm'ї, tragic podії 93rd rock, perhaps even more terrible for émіgrantіv, scho stalked after them from afar the prism of their vision, - chi did not sink into my soul the thought of foretelling the selfhood of the world ? Chi not buv vіn rozpali kakihos rozvag і zahopleni, scho zapovnyuyogo zhiznі, raptov vnіnіv one of the quiet taєmnichіchі і grіznіh hits, like an hour, sipping right in the heart, throwing people to the ashes, zdatna stand in front of a suspіlnoy catastrophe what do you need materially well-being? Nothing could be said about the power supply; they knew less that in Italy Miriel had turned into a priest.

In 1804 roci pan Miriel was parafial priest at Brignoli. Vіn buv is already old and alive in the deep self.

Not long before the coronation, it was an insignificant matter, as if it were worth it for his arrival, - now it’s important to set it up, as it were, - led him to Paris. Among the other possible owners, to some vins, squealing for their paraffians, you had the opportunity to visit Cardinal Fesch. Like, if the emperor came to see his uncle, an important curate, like a check at the reception, appeared all the time with his majesty. Having remembered that he was looking at the old man, Napoleon turned around and asked sharply:

“What are you doing, good man, are you wondering at me like that?”

- Sir, - vydpoviv Miriel, - you bachite good people and I am great. The skin of us can take away the sting of the melancholy.

On the same evening, the emperor asked the cardinal about his curate, and a day later, Pan Miriel learned about those who appointed him bishop of Dinh.

Vtіm, naskіlki stovіrnimi bul rozpoіdі about the first half of the life of Pan Miriel, not knowing anyone. Sim'ya Miriel was little known before the revolution.

Pan Miriel had a chance to taste the share of a new person that she drank in a small place, de bagatoms, like a base, and even a few goals, like thinking. Yomu had a chance to try, even if he was a bishop, and the very same, who was a bishop. Vtіm, sensitively, like people pov'yazuli z yogo im'yam, were less sensitive, tensions, slіvtsya, empty wash, just seeming - nasitnitsa, going into the virulent mov of the inhabitants of the pivdnya.

How could it not be there, but after the nineteenth anniversary of the Bishop’s resurrection in the Day of all the fortunes and judge, as if they were always occupying a small place and small people, they were forgotten. No one would dare to repeat them now, no one would dare to guess about them.

Pan Miriel arrived at once from the summer maiden, Mademoiselle Batistina, his sister, as if she was ten years younger than the new one.

The only servant, Mrs. Magloire, the same age as Mademoiselle Baptistini, who was earlier “servant of Pan Curé”, now took away the title: “Lady of Mademoiselle Baptistini” and “Economy of Your Eminence”.

Mademoiselle Batistina was tall, pale, thin and slender. Vaughn added to herself the ideal of everything that is included in the word “shanovana”, moreover, as we are given, only motherhood gives a woman the right to be called “worthy”. Vaughn didn’t blush with herself, ale її life, as if it were an uninterrupted lancer of good rights, nareshti gave її looking like whiteness, like clarity, and, having grown old, she got what could be called the “beauty of kindness”. What was thin in youth, turned into lightness in a mature age, and an angel shone through the vision of the shell. Ce bula was not occupied, moreover, the soul itself was seized. Vaughn was given a zіtkanoy z tіnі; evenly stilk of the flesh, skіlki are needed, sob trochs to name a pidlog; breast of mother, which shines in the middle; great eyes, forever lowered to the bottom, a mute soul її whispered a ghost for its rebuking on earth.

Pani Magluar was a little old woman, a gray-haired woman, a cloak, a clod, who was always suffocating, like a restless biganine, in a different way - through asthma, which tormented her.

If Miriel arrived at the place, he was settled with honors in the bishop's palace, zgіdno with an imperial decree, which is on the list of officials and the rank of placing the bishop without intermission after the major general. Measures and the head of the court first zrobili yoma visit; to the general and the first prefect, pan Miriel.

If the Bishop smashed the posad, the place began to check, like a wine to lean on the deli.

Pan Miriel pretending to be Monsignor B'envenue

The Bishop's Palace at the Dinya has become a liquor.

Tse buv majestic and beautiful stone booths, awakened on the cob of the past century by Monsignor Henri Puget - Doctor of Theology at the University of Paris, Abat Simorsky, who took the archbishop's throne from Dina in 1712. That's right, the prince's palace. Everything here looks a little majestic: the bishop's apartments, and the vitals, and the front doors of the rest, and the porch, narrower, with crypted galleries with an old-fashioned Florentine relish, and gardens with miraculous trees. At the farther - old and luxurious galleries, the yak bula was stashed on the lower side and looked out into the garden, - Monsignor Henri Puget gave the ceremonial obid on 29 lime 1714, de boules were present monsignors: Charles Brular de Janlis, Archbishop Prince Ambrinsky; Antoine de Megrine, Capuchin, Bishop of Grasky; Philip of Vandomsky, Grand Prior of France; abbot Saint-Honoré Lerensky; Francois de Berton Krillonsky, Bishop, Baron Vansky; Cesar de Sabran of Forcalc'ersky, Volodar Bishop of Glandevsky, and Jean Soanin, Presbyter of Oratory, Court Preacher of the King, Volodar Bishop of Senezsky. Portraits of these seven high-rise osіb embellished the walls in the distance, and the famous date - 29 Linden, 1714 - was engraved in gold letters on a white marmur plate.

Malyunok E. Bayar

At 1815 p. Bishop of the city of Dinya buv Charles-Francois Miriel, pronounce for good Bazhanim - B'envenyu. This unimaginable person in his youth is small of impersonal love interests and led a secular life - the protévolyutsiya broke everything. Having gone to Italy, Miriel turned back to be a priest. Behind Napoleon's advent, the old parish priest takes the bishop's throne. You begin your soul-pastoral activity of wine from the fact that you act like a miraculous life of the episcopal palace of the mystical liar, and you yourself move to this small house. I distribute my chimala payment to the whole day. At the door of the bishop knocking and riches, and bіdnі: some come by mercy, others bring її. Tsya holy man koristuetsya zagalnoy pogogo - їy granted zіlyuvati that forgiveness.

On the cob of zhovtnya 1815 on the Day to enter the mandrivnik - a flint-filled man at the rozkvit forces. Yogo zhebratsky robe and gloomy weathered disguise to celebrate indignantly. We are going to go to the city hall, and then we try to rule here for nothing. Ale yogo to marry a star, even if he is ready to pay in full coin. Qiu people's name is Jean Valjean. Having tasted nineteen years in hard labor - for those who once ate bread for their widowed sister's hungry children. Having become angry, he pretended to be a wild zatskovanny zvіra - with this “zhovtim” passport for a new place in this world. Nareshti like a woman, glancing at the new one, for the sake of you piti to the bishop. After listening to the convict's frown, Monsignor B'envenu orders yoga in the guest room. In the middle of the night, Jean Valjean wanders off: he is not allowed to rest in peace with six silver dining utensils - the only wealth of the bishop, as if saved in the master's bedroom. Valjean navspinki to go to the bishop's bed, to break the shafka with a silver and want to smash the good shepherd's head with a massive candlestick, but as if the power did not understand yoga. І vіn ryatuєtsya vtechey through vikno.

The vrantsі gendarmes bring vtіkacha to the bishop - tsyu pіdozrilu people caught up with obviously stolen srіblom. The monsignor can send Valjean to his daughter's penal servitude. Natomist Pan Miriel to bring in two silver candlesticks, like a second guest, forgetting nothing. The last parting of the bishop is to live a gift for those who become an honest person. The enemy convict quickly fills the place. Yogi's coarse soul has a foldable sickness of the robot. At the entrance of the sun, I automatically pick up a coin of forty sous from a jagged lad. Only if the little ones are crying loudly, to reach Valjean a sense of yogo vchinka: we fall heavily on the ground and weep loudly - ahead for nineteen years.

In 1818 p. the small town of Montreil flourishes, and the goiter is one of the people: three fates that settled here nedomy, what a zoom to improve the traditional mystic promisel - the preparation of piece jet. Uncle Madeleine did not only grow rich himself, but helped others to make a fortune. More recently, in the city, unemployment was raging - now we have forgotten about the needs. Dyadechko Madeleine, defying her extraordinary modesty, did not add to her deputy's chair, nor the Order of the Legion of Honor. Ale in 1820 Yomu had a chance to become a measure: a simple old woman littered Yogo, saying that it was shameful to go back, as if the reward for doing good was right. And uncle Madeleine pretended to be Pan Madeleine. Everyone was afraid of him, and only the police agent Javert marveled at the new suspicion. In the soul of a human being, there was room only for two sensibilities, brought to the extreme, - hatred to rebellion led to power. Judging in yoga's eyes, there is no moment to have mercy, but the evildoer - to recover. The very same vin buv bezzaperechny to the gods. Stezhennya has become a sensation of yoga of life.

Yakos Javert repentantly uphold the measure, scho can go to the judicial place of Arras - there they will judge the colossal convict Jean Valjean, who once plundered the boy. Earlier, Javert thought that Jean Valjean was hiding under the mask of Pan Madeleine - but then there was a pardon. Having let Javert in, we fall into serious thought, and then let's get out of the way. At the trial in Arras, the judge is reluctantly forced to recognize himself as Jean Valjean and insists that he is called uncle Shamantier and there is no one to blame for him. The judge is ready to blame the accusation, but then there is a stranger at home and deafened, that Jean Valjean is guilty, and the judicial requirement is to be admitted. Shvidko resounds the call, that the most important measure, Pan Madeleine, appeared as a Swedish convict. Javert triumphs - he has laid out the forces of evil.

The jury praised send Valjean to the gallery to Toulon dovіchno. Leaning on the ship "Orion", blame the life of the sailor, who was rising from the yard, and then we throw ourselves into the sea from the haunting heights. The Toulon newspapers report that the convict Jean Valjean drowned himself. However, after an hour, the wines will be deafened at the small town of Montfermeil. Yogo bring syudi obіtnitsa. At the hour of your rebuking by the measure of the wines, you were supernaturally suvoro with a woman, as if you had given birth to a child of love, and repented, having guessed the merciful Bishop Miriel. Before the death of the fantine, ask him to tell him about his girl Cosette, as he happened to tell the taverns of Thenardier. Befriending Thenardier, he inspired cunning and anger, as if they were friends. Kozhen from them tormented the girl in his own way: they beat and zmushuvali pratsyuvati to death - and in the bula wine squad; she went to the collection of the barefoot and in lahmitti - the reason for this was a man. Having taken Cosette, Jean Valjean settles in the deepest outskirts of Paris. Vіviv vchiv small literacy and not having forgotten їy grati I will want to - won became a sensation of the life of a colossal convict, who saved pennies, earned on the harvesting of jet. Ale, Inspector Javert does not give him peace here. Vіn vlashtovuє nіchnu roundup: Jean Valjean ryatuєtsya diva, unremembered strebnuvshi through a blank wall to the garden - tse waving monastir appeared. Take Cosette from the monastic boarding house, that її priyomny father becomes a gardener's assistant.

Good-natured bourgeois pan Zhilnormand lives at once from onuk, who would wear another name - the boy's name is Marius Pontmersi. The mother of Marius died, and the old man was by no means a bachelor: Pan Zhilnormand, having called his son-in-law "the Loire rose-breaker", the shards of the Loire were introduced for the formation of the imperial military. Georges Pontmercy reached the rank of colonel and became a holder of the Order of the Legion of Honor. Vіn ice did not die at the battle of Waterloo - yogo vinіs from the battlefield marauder, which cleared the guts of the wounded and beaten. All the same, Marius recognizes the dying messenger of the father, who transforms into a new one to become a titanic. The numerous royalist becomes a half-dead chanter of the emperor and begins to hate the grandfather. Marius with scandal goes home - you have to live in extreme vigilance, may live in sins, then you feel free and independent. Under the hour of happy walks in the Luxembourg Gardens, the young man commemorates the handsome old, who is the head of the maiden of the fifteenth century. Marius is hard to succumb to the unknowing, the prote's natural rubbish and stinginess make you want to get to know her. The old one, having remembered Marius's respect for his companion, when he leaves the apartment, she stops appearing in the garden. The unfortunate lad knows that he has spent the kohana forever. But once I feel a familiar voice behind the wall - there, where the homeland of Jondrets is numerous. Glancing at the crack, cultivating the old Luxembourg garden - that one promises to bring pennies to the evening. Obviously, Jondrette can blackmail yogo: zatsіkavleniy Marius pіdslukhovuє, like a negligent person, they work with the members of the "Beep Hour" - the old one wants to rule over the pasta, to take everything into the new one. Marius alerts the police. Inspector Javert for help and handing him a pistol about every step. In the eyes of the young man, a motor scene plays out - the Shinkar Thenardier, who hid under the name of Jondrette, chasing Jean Valjean. Marius is ready to get in, and then the police officers on their necks with Javert are rushing into the room. While the inspector is arranging for the bandits, Jean Valjean is watching at the windows - only here Javert is wiser, having missed a lot more game.

In 1832 p. Paris is a boon to the wanderers. Friends of Marius to dirty with revolutionary ideas, borrow the proteunak otherwise - they will carry on arrogantly rozshukuvat girl from the Luxembourg garden. For good luck, youma laughed. For the help of one of the daughters of Thenardier, the young man knows Cosette and is examined by the kohanna. It appeared that Cosette had long loved Marius. Jean Valjean does not suspect anything. The biggest convict of turbulence is Tim, who is clearly guarding Thenardier behind this quarter. Nastaє 4 worms. The city is sleeping in rebellion - everywhere there will be barricades. Marius cannot be deprived of his comrades. Strivozhena Cosette, if you want to send a call to him, and Jean Valjean's eyes will open up: his little one has become grown up and has known love. Rozpach and jealousy to choke the old convict, and vіn virushaє on the barricade, how to defend the young republicans that Marius. Javert's re-exposure is trapping at his hand - the detective is being seized, and Jean Valjean is rewiring his sworn enemy. Vіn mає povnu mozhlivіst razpravitsya z people, yоmu was in charge of the style of evil, but the gentry convict vvazhє for the better call the policeman. In time, the orderly troops of the army are advancing: the barricaders are dying one by one - among them is the glorious lad Gavrosh, the big Parisian shibenik. Marius' collarbone was crushed with a towel-strike - he is vindicated by the sovereignty of Jean Valjean.

The old convict takes Marius from the battlefield on his shoulders. Punishers rush everywhere, and Valjean descends under the ground - at the terrible sewer drains. After a long time, the wines are picked up on the surface only in order to get back to life with Javert. The detective allows Valjean to take Marius to the date and say goodbye to Cosette - he does not look like the pitiless Javert. Great was Valjean's surprise, if he understood that the policeman let him in. Tim an hour for Javert himself, the most tragic moment of his life is coming: first of all, having broken the law and let the malice go free! Unable to overcome the rubbish between the borg and the spivchuty, Javert caught on the bridge - and then the moon filled with a deaf splash.

Marius has been going through life and death for a long time. Zreshtoy youth wins. The lad is on the verge of meeting with Cosette, and love is revealed. The stench will take away the blessing of Jean Valjean and that of Pan Gillenormand, who, in joy, has completely pumped onuk. February 16, 1833 we had fun. Valjean knows Marius that the Swedish convict is guilty. Young Pontmercy is sighing. Nothing is to blame for obscuring Cosetti's happiness; On the back of Cosette's arm, we are a little surprised, and then we call for more rare visits of our colossal patron. Unexpectedly, the old one stopped coming, and the girl forgot about the new one. And Jean Valjean, having begun to languish and die: the gatekeeper asked for a new doctor, and even more so if she rose with her hands - this person, maybe, spent a lot of money for herself, and none of the faces can help here. Marius, on the other hand, knows that the convict deserves to be placed in a similar position - without a doubt, he himself robbed Pan Madeleine and drove in the bezakhis Javert, a kind of vryatuv yogo against bandits. And here the greedy Thenardier reveals all the secrets: Jean Valjean is not evil and not driven. More than that: the same vin vinis from Marius' barricade. A lad should pay generously to a vile tavern clerk - and not only for the truth about Valjean. If a bad man did good on the right, roared at the guts of the wounded and beaten, - the man who was vryatovan was called Georges Pontmercy. Marius with Cosette to go to Jean Valjean, for the blessing of forgiveness. The old convict is dying happily - the children in love have adopted the rest of their lives. A young couple is praying an incendiary epitaph on the grave of the sufferer.


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