Vzhivannya rich-meaning words. Implantation of richly meaningful words Forms of richness

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Movna nadmirnіst- Tse richness. It manifests itself in different forms.

1.Empty tobto intrusive explanation of platitudes. For example:

“The preservation of milk is a tradition, not only children are eating milk, the need for milk, the star to milk is saved until deep old age. Chi tse filthy zvichka? What do you need to look into? - Ni!

Appreciate the informativeness of your high school speeches!

2. Absurdism. Butt: "the corpse was dead and did not take it." Such expressions are called lapalisiads. Pokhodzhennya tsgogo termіnі tsіkavo: vіn utavleniya vіd imeni French marshal marquis la Palis, who died in 1825 roci. The soldiers guessed about the new song, in which they said the following words: “Our commander is still alive for 25 minutes before his death.” The stupidity of lyapalisiadi is at the self-denial of self-evident truth.

3. Pleonasm, so that the living with my relatives for the sake of money and that zayvih words. Otherwise, apparently, pleonasm is about those same words.

“Turn back”, “fall down”, “the whole appearance is”, “together together”, “sang one song at once”, “head essence”, “valuable belongings”, “dark haze”, “everyday everydayness”, “marno” disappears”, “get back to the back” - all pleonasms. Literally, zayve explain that, for example, “dark darkness” is rich in meaning, but one of the meanings of the word “temryava” is deep, impenetrable dark.

Give respect to pleonasm, which people use when describing gestures: “stupid with your feet”, “gesture with your hands”, “hug your hands”, “marvel at your eyes”.

Synonymous with pleonasm, protect them like this: “dovgy and trivaly”, “masculine and courageous”, “wonderful and miraculous”, “rozciluvav and kissed”, “only, less”, “prote, prote”, “so, for example”.

4.Tautology, so the repetition of the words of the same root words. The pardon of the pochatkivtsiv has been expanded! "Spread the word", "multiply in rich times", "gain food", "renew anew" and so on. Quite often, tautology is established in the form of the Russian word with inshomovny, which duplicates its meaning: “a memorable souvenir”, “a crumbling leitmotif”, “an unimaginable phenomenon”, “debuting in the past”, “old veteran”, “biography of life”, “ own autobiography”, “zreshtoyu”, “minor drіbnitsі”, “providing leader”, “counterattack at the military”, “folklore”, “demobilization from the army”.

5. Repeat words. For example: “The results were taken, close to the results taken on the ship model. How to correct this proposition? “The results were taken, close to quiet, as if it gave a test of the model of the ship. Tse tell about those ... "

Like a bachite, it’s easy to repeat the words in a way to select synonyms. How not to go out - pick up the word, which is repeated, paraphrase, so that the descriptive turn, so that the name of the word is won. For example, in an article about A.S. Buvay, scho statti about yakes pіdpriєmstvo nіyak not vdaєsya pozbutisya repeat the word "factory", but the word "factory". Todi can help you to choose the abbreviations for the names of businesses. For example, BLMZ (Balashikha Livar-Mechanical Plant).

Including rich-meaningful words in your mind, we are guilty of more respect, guilty steps, to understand the same meanings, as we wanted to clarify our current situation. When living in richly meaningful words (like when living in homonyms), the context is more important. It is clear to the context itself that the other meaning of the word is clear. And as the context allows you to understand your feelings (the endings of the sensory speech, which allows you to set the meaning of the words or phrases that go in to the new one), then the skin word in the speech is understood. Ale buvaє th іnakshe.

Butt: Vіn already fell asleep.

Nezrozumіlo: chi vіn having begun to sleep, choking; otherwise, having fallen asleep for a deaky hour, having begun to sleep freely, easily.


There are such sights of richness:

1) Pleonasm(Vid Greek. Pleonasmos - superfluous, supermundane) - living with my relatives for money and it is logical to say that. Butt: All guests took away memorable souvenirs.

A souvenir is a gift for a riddle, to that in this proposition the word is - memorabilia.

A variety of pleonasmіv є vrazi type is more majestic, more small, more beautiful, etc.

1) Quote of zayvih words. Words є zayvim not to those who are powerful lexical meaning expressed in other words, to the fact that stench is simply not needed in this text.

Butt: Todі about those, schob you could laugh, 11 kvіtnya about tse podbaє bookstore "Friendship".

3) tautology(from Greek tauto - the same logos - word) - repetition of single-root words or similar morphemes. Tautological pardons "ripple" not only create academics, but newspapers and magazines. Butt: Nurseries of enterprises have been adjusted to business mood.

4) Splitting of the award. The purpose of replacing a diesel award is synonymous with a diesel-immense one: to fight - to fight, to clean up - to clean up.

Butt: Learned how to clean up the schoolyard.

Possibly, in an official-business style, it looks like a river, but in a modern situation it’s more beautiful: Learners vyrishili tidy school podvir'ya.

Alecia is a pardon, which is often-dense in common language, sometimes seeps into other languages.

Butt: At small cheap cafes, well, where people from your quarter go, sound no free places.

Lexical inconsistency

Tsya pardon for money is the opposite of richness. The inconsistency of the word is related to the omission of the word that is necessary for the speech. Butt: Kuprin's strength lies in the fact that there is nothing wrong.

In Kuprin, perhaps, there is nothing zayvogo, but in this proposition there are no words.

Abo: "... do not allow on the side of the other side that television broadcasting, building fire of the international sorcerer".

So go out - "storіka telebachennya".

When choosing a word, it is necessary to improve its semantics, lexical, stylistic and logical success, and the scope of expansion. Vzhivannya slіv, scho may surround the sphere of expansion (lexical new creation, outdated words, words of inshomonic pojzhennya, professionalism, jargonism, dialectism), always may be motivated by the minds of the context.

From the understanding of the "smistovna mova" is insane richness. The decals are important to be brief and promptly submit the necessary information. It is possible to boldly affirm that richness is not a good thing, regardless of the style and genre.

Richness, or movna nadmirnіst, may be manifested in the habitation short phrase. For example: In the past few days there have been snowfalls and a lot of snow fell; Now you're back! Zayvі words in the written and written language speak not only about the stylistic non-balance, the stench indicates the illegibility, inconsistency of the author's statement about the subject of the movie.

The French scholar, philosopher and writer B. Pascal respected: “I write for a long time, because I don’t have time to write briefly.” True, succinct and clear formulas are within reach of the strained work of the word. It is important to know the exact words and arrange them in such a way that the stench said a lot about what. “Shortness is the sister of talent”, - A.P. Chekhiv. All ce slіd remembrance to those who want to fully svіy words.

Richness is often between marnoslivs. So, the sports commentator says: Athletes came to international sports in order to take the fate of the sportsmen, who share the fate of not only ours, but also foreign athletes.

Richness can be shaped pleonasm(Type Greek. pleonasmos- Overworld), tobto. the living of loved ones for the sake of money (having fallen way down, golovna essence, everyday everyday life, marno know and etc.). Often pleonasms appear when synonyms are combined: masculine and merciful, only, zreshtoy.

Pleonasms are blamed for the author's stylistic shortcomings. For example: Mіstsevі pracіvniki fіsu don't merge only the protection of the taiga, but do not allow also, shob for nothing the best gifts of nature disappeared. Seen words without shkodi can be turned off.

A variation of pleonasm tautology(Type Greek. tauto- same i logos- word) - re-identification of the already named understanding (multiply a lot of times, renew anew, an invisible phenomenon, a devastating leitmotif). It is obvious that the tautology is blamed for the repetition of single-root words: It's possible, it's possible ask for food? Attached is the tautology of blame for the use of an inshomonic Russian language that duplicates one of the other (Memorial souvenirs, having made their debut earlier).

Zіtknennya single-root words that create tautology, in the land of negligence: The author is trying bring being right unproven evidence.

With all the use of single-root words in one word, the words are true in that case, as if they were the only bearers of the same meanings. Do not miss the repetition of single-root words, if you need to say: Mother to cook jam; Nakri cebro cap; Lyzhka bed.

The movie had a few tautological tales, the living of which is inevitable: glossary of foreign words, researched organs etc.

A tautology is attached to speak about those who, to the one who speaks, do not understand the exact sense of the word behind. So they blame every day; young child prodigy, miserable rubbish, internal interior etc.

The tautological ones sometimes go over to the category of admissible ones and are fixed in the language, which is connected with the change of the meaning of the words: monumental reminder, real action, exhibition exhibits, second-hand book that in.

Tautology and pleonasm are stylistic tricks, which reinforces the emotion of the movie. So, the tautological words are victorious: serve a service, all sorts of things, woe to the girka, go along, see the bachiti, walk with a shaker; pleonasm: sum-tuga, way-road, scho save folk-poetic zabarvlennya. The artistic language is chanted with a tautological epithet (I new not the old bula, but new new that overcome.-Sluts.), with a tautological tool (І raptom bilim-bila there is only one birch in a gloomy pit.- Sol.).

A tautological repetition can give a sense of special significance, aphorism: Peremozhtsyu learn how overpowered teachers(Bug.). As a dzherelo viraznosti mov tautology is especially deva, as the same-root words are used as synonyms. (As if the stench did not flail two rocks, a kiss of their letters dovgy, trivaliy. - Ch.); antonymy (If mi learned be strangers? If mi have learned say?- Єv.); paronyms (“About pride and pride”).

The scribes write a tautology as a description of the creation of a comedy. Brilliantly welcomed by Gogol, Saltikov-Shchedrin (Allow me not to allow you; I write the scribe, but I read the reader).

Crowds of informational content of the language repetition slіv. Lexical repetition often confuses with tautology, pleonasms and speaks about the author's nevminny clearly and succinctly formulate a thought. For example: Gurtozhitok- budinok, de students live five long years of their student lives; which will be life - to lie down in the bag themselves. Ale in other types of lexical repetition help to see more important in the text of understanding (Live for a hundred years, learn more; Pay for good with good).

Bagatoslіvnіst - you see that understand. Classification and specialty of the category "Bagatosliv'ya" 2017, 2018.

Main types of lexical pardons

1. Wrong choice of word.

2. Lexical inconsistency.

3. Richness:



A tautology is attached.

4. Modern insufficiency.

5. Incorrect use of paronyms.

6. Vzhivannya slіv without urakhuvannya stylistic zabarvlennya.

7. Non-truthful choice of dialectisms, jargonisms, archaisms, neologisms, clichés, clericalisms, indirect words.

8. Pardons, pov'yazanі іz vzhivannâm idioms.

Wrong word choice

For example: A decade of Uzbek cuisine is held at the restaurant from 1 to 5 September. A decade is a period of an hour, which is 10 days old. Correct option: Uzbek Cuisine Days are held from 1 to 5 September.

Lexical inconsistency.

Lexical happiness- zdatnіst words get used at the same time with the other word in a moving mind. Cordoni by a significant world is signified by the meaningful features of the word, its meanings, as well as the tradition of its living.

Lexical innocence- the absence of words to fall one by one, broken between successes, for example: shouting whispers, an oxamite period.

Unacceptable words for vengeance scho one over one meaning signs:

The qi of the dehumidifier installation is high (+) deep (-) dehumidified. Next to say: a high drained rhubarb.

From the look of the modern movie, it is often important that it is impossible to explain the reasons for the different fortunes of relatives behind the words:

Give respect / give meaning to development sports. Bagato tradition. Tsі dnannya in the "ready look" to enter the vocabulary of the language, and vminnya їх vikoristovuvat become part of the movnoї culture.

Richness, types of richness

tautology- Repetition of single-root words, for example: angry, group in groups.

Pleonasm- the introduction of non-necessary clarifying words, for example: at the grass month, plans for the future, for example, to stand idle, progress ahead.

A tautology is attached- tse dnannya іnshomovnogo word with Russian, which duplicates its meaning, for example: commemorative souvenirs (souvenir - “a gift for remembrance”, the word “memorable” is a zaive), miserny drіbnitsі (minor - “insignificant beyond rozmirami ”, “nothing”), demobilization from the army (demobilization - the release of military servicemen from the armed forces).

However, the deacons of the pleonastics entrenched themselves in literary mine and none are correct.

Before such days lie like this: a period of time, real delicacy, a monumental memo, exhibits, exhibitions, second-hand book, people's democracy, practice of work, private power.

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