The Constitution of Russia is the fundamental law of the state. Constitutional law: understand, see, legal nature of the Constitutional law


1) one or a piece of normative acts, at the marriage approve (officially or de facto) the constitution of the state. For example, the Constitution of Austria is officially called the Federal Constitutional Law; 2) the law, which regulates the main suspensions and responsibilities for the adoption of the head of the constitution, or as an addendum to the constitution. Such K.z. dіє together with the constitution, becoming a part:

3) laws on amendments and additions to the constitution; 4) declarations about the adoption of the constitution, the voting of the constitution, about the procedure for introducing it into the parliament: 5) all the laws, the adoption of which is either directly transferred, or vyplivaya from the constitution; moreover, praised s tsikh nutrition acts are officially referred to as K.z.

K.z. characterize: necessity greater number votes cast at the hour of their adoption by the parliament or by the chambers (the majority is qualified);

the specifics of the recruitment of rank (for example, the impossibility of a presidential veto of such laws): great legal force against other laws, and even more so other normative legal acts (div. Federal constitutional laws).

Avak'yan S.A.

Law Encyclopedia. 2005 .

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    CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Legal Encyclopedia

    CONSTITUTIONAL LAW- (Federal constitutional law) one of the types of normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, transferred to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. K. z. one of the most difficult to understand constitutional law, which calls for different interpretations. On the subject of regulation, you can ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

    constitutional law- tse law, which in the lower powers to make changes to the constitution, or supplement it, or the law, which is adopted directly by the Basic Law. In Russia, wines are called federal constitutional law and are qualified. Great legal dictionary

    A number of countries have one of the main dzherels of constitutional law. In some powers (territories French movie, Romania and in) K.z. tse law, scho to make changes to the constitution, in іnshih (Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and іn) K.z. take food, ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

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    CONSTITUTIONAL LAW- in foreign constitutional practice, the law, which is to make changes and additions to the stately constitution of the country. All federal laws that have been adopted have been directly transferred to the formal Constitution of the Russian Federation. Definitely understand K.z. in… … Encyclopedic Dictionary "Constitutional Law of Russia"

    constitutional law- A number of countries have one of the main dzherels of constitutional law. In some (the lands of the French language, as well as Romania and other countries) there is a law to make changes to the constitution, in others (RF, Kazakhstan) K.Z. you can see the meals, the transfers ... Great legal dictionary

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The basic law of the state, which signifies yoga suppіlne that sovereign ustriy, choosing the system, the principles of organization and activity of the organs of state power and administration, the basic rights and obligations of the citizens.

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view lat. constitutio attachment)

the fundamental law of the state, a legal act, which will vote and guarantee the rights and freedom of the people and the hulk, designate the foundations of the supremacy, the form of government and the territorial system, the foundations of the organization of the central and local organs of power, their competence and mutual power, the symbol of the state. The Constitution is the basis of all current legislation. The formal sense of the constitution has a law chi group of laws, yakі mayut vishchoї juridical force. The Constitution is the most important legal form, in which values ​​are officially fixed, institutions and norms of the constitutional order, the foundations of the sovereign legal regulation sovereign bodies. Legal scholars differ in their understanding of the legal and factual constitutions. The legal constitution is a system of legal norms that regulate the number of suspense vodnosin, the actual constitution is to become real vodnosin. According to the form of the constitution, they are subdivided into codified, non-codified and changed types. The constitution is codified as a single legal act, which regulates all the basic nutrition of a constitutional nature. Since the food supply is regulated by dekilkom acts, the constitution is not codified. Constitutions of a mixed type include parliamentary laws, court precedents, which are similar to doctrinal clouding. For the way to change the constitution, they are subdivided into bellies and zhorstki. Gnuchki constitutions can be changed by way of praise of the savage law. Zhorstkі konstitutsії zmіyuyuyutsya only way spetsіlії oskladnenії procedures, yak require qualified more votes in the members of parliament (in the course of a referendum), ratification of the amendments by a single number of subjects of the federation. Behind the terms, the constitutions are subdivided into post and timchas.

The First Bile of Russia adopted the Bula Constitution of the RRFSR in 1918. Ninі in Russia dіє Constitution of the Russian Federation, which is the basic law of the Russian state; I can see the legal force, the direct effect of that zastosovuєtsya on the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Vaughn was praised by the nationwide vote on 12 December 1993; consists of preambles, two divisions, nine divisions, 137 articles and nine paragraphs of transitional and final provisions. The Constitution consolidates the foundations of the constitutional mode of the Russian Federation, the rule of law and the freedom of the people and the bulk, the federative system, the organization of the highest bodies in the structure of the sovereign power. p align="justify"> Particularly important in the life of the state and the suspіlstva play constitutional principles - enshrined in the constitution vimogi, obviously the system of legal regulation is to blame. Constitutional ambush establishes the foundations of the constitutional order of the power in the heat, її okremih іnstitutіv, political system, the legal status of the people and the bulk, the territorial organization of the state, the economic system. Constitutional principles legally and vibudovuyut zmіst konstitutsії i yakі see її razvitok zakonіv. Prior to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the foundations of the constitutional mode of Russia should be established by the republican form of government (republicanism), national sovereignty, priority of rights and freedoms of people and citizens, power, federalism. The principle of maintaining the constitution and constitutional and legal acts by the authorities, courts and citizens is called constitutional (constitutional legality).

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on the topic: "The Constitution of the Russian Federation - the basic law of the legal system"


The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the main law of the legal system.




The reforms that are taking place in the Russian Federation, in practice, in all areas of the life of the population, they will require active legal support, and this process is to be blamed for the rise and support of the population of the country.

Russian sspіlstvo zumіlo more importantly vanished ruinous shocks, managed to save suspіlno priyatny equal political stability and hromаdyanskoї sgoda, wanting to move away from the rozsharuvannya suspіlstva. For the past few years, you can speak with confidence more about the significant expansion of the situation in the constitutional sphere, in the sphere of parliamentarism, federal government, economics, land, international law, etc.

In times of legal nihilism in Russia, there is a strong interest in the suspense to nourish the law - a famous sight, shards mean succumbing to the suspense in various manifestations, and the suspense is not able to elude the legal regulation. Today, a little something meaningful decision cannot be praised without programming this law.

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the basic law of the legal system

The constitution is an attribute of the state. There are over 200 constitutions in the world (for the sake of historical evidence of constitutionalism, there are significantly more of them), one of them is the Constitution of Russia. The Constitution is the main body of constitutional law, the oskolki in this act are established legal norms of a global nature, which are in the middle of all Russian legislation: the Constitution of the Russian Federation can rule over the entire territory of the country (part 2 of article 4).

The Constitution is a normative legal act, which has a legal force, a regulatory decision, which is blamed between a person (suspension) and a power, and establishes the foundations of the organization of the self-power. Vykhodyachi zgogo can zrobiti vysnovok, scho priority meta constitution pov'azana z obezhennyam svavіllya public power schodo rights and freedoms osіb, yakі perebuvayut under the jurisdiction of Russia.

For example, in 1993, as a result of a referendum, a new Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted. Aligned with the previous Constitutions of the RRFSR and the SRSR, the new Constitution marks a fundamentally new period in the development of Russia - a democratic, independent Russia in the form of ideological kaydanivs of Marxism-Leninism, which voted with the right of freedom of the people to freedom of the people.

The vote on the Constitution was passed on December 12, 1993. 54.8% of all community members came to the polling stations. 58.4% voted for praise of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, 41.5% opposed. In this rank, apparently before the established order, the new Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted and nabula chivalry.

It is significant that the formal confirmation of constitutionalism in Russia began on the 10th day of 1918, when the First Constitution (Basic Law) of sovereign Russia was adopted. From that hour, a constitution was adopted in Russia on May 11, 1925, September 21, 1937, April 12, 1978. In the end of the Constitution (Basic Law) for the period 1989-1992. over 300 amendments were made, which changed not only the “letter”, but also the “spirit”. Tsya situation let me tell you that Russia had five, but six constitutions.

The New Constitution of the Russian Federation is an important legal document. Її accepting that holding of parliamentary elections є the most important milestone in the development of Russia as a new democratic power. The Constitution of the Russian Federation laid the foundations of a new suspіlnoї system, oriented to the best parts of the western civilization.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is characterized by the wide breadth of the norms that have been established in it, with which political, economic, social, spiritual blueprints are slandered.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation may have legal force, direct effect and be enforced throughout the territory of Russia, which is established by the Constitution itself. Laws and legal acts that are accepted in Russia are not guilty of the superstition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (part 1, article 15).

The Constitution of the Russian Federation fixed those political, economic and social changes, as a result of the reforms. Vіdpovіdno to the Constitution Russian power є democratic and legal. The principle of a right ruler of the people has been fixed. Private power is recognized and changed under the protection of the power order from the sovereign and municipal. Recognize ideological diversity, rich party spirit.

The supremacy of the Constitution means that it is an act of the greatest legal force, її norms є the main body of constitutional law, and the other corners of law - civil, administrative and others .; current laws and other normative acts of guilt are accepted only by sovereign bodies appointed by the Constitution and confirming the Constitution; sovereign bodies, organs of self-regulation, townspeople, communities and their association of goiters to reach the Constitution.

The supremacy of the Constitution in the legal system of Russia is secured by a special mechanism for the implementation of that protection. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (Article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) is responsible for ensuring the constitutionality of laws and other regulatory legal acts, the clouding of constitutional provisions.

The theory of the constitution goes to such a method of development, as a classification, which allows characterizing the normative legal act from different angles. So, for campaigns, the constitutions are opened (granted) and established by the will of the people. Chinna Russian Constitution was adopted as a nationwide vote. Otzhe, the norms established by them act as a form of the sovereign will of the people; in the legal form, the goals are established, as if to put before oneself the suspense, that principle of organization and life. For unity of the document, codified and non-codified (for example, in Great Britain) constitutions are divided. The Russian Constitution is a codified, oskilki is a single normative legal act.

The constitution was called to give the country stability. He has clearly defined and demarcated the rights of the President. Federal Conquests. Arrange. The calmness and the ability of the ruling structures to “tighten the carpet” on themselves is turned off. The democratic principle under the rule of insurance of Russia in the face of the recurrence of the state political crisis in the autumn of 1993. I create the necessary mechanism of countervailing, which includes samples (and the possibility) of burying the power of one of them. Powers will need a strong President and Order, even if they have a parliament with equal rights, which can achieve a wide revival in order not to allow the blame for an authoritarian regime.

During the process of preparing the draft Constitution, a great work was carried out by representatives of federal authorities and subjects of the Russian Federation; Sub-bags for compromise: Russia is deprived of the unity of all Russians, and the subjects of the Federation take away the possibility of their full development.

Like in the old parliamentary democracies, Russia has been created by the Constitution of the Russian Federation the functions of the Chambers of the Federal Elections. Consistently carried out the principle of equality of the subjects of the Federation for molding for the sake of the Federation. The request for a new institute of power for Russia was transferred - Appreciation of the people in the Russian Federation.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation to avenge one more important novel. In the Russian Federation, the organs of local self-regulation are not included in the system of organs of state power. Let's democratically challenge the organs of municipal self-regulation, which rely on the municipal authority and the municipal budget, to become the most important element in the structure of the community society.

The legal system of the power of the Constitution of the Russian Federation can have legal force. Її supremacy means that the Constitution of the Russian Federation is the main law, to become the pinnacle of the legal system and even throughout the territory of Russia. Compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation is the responsibility of all organs of state power, organs of self-regulation, townspeople, communities and their association. Obov'yazkov_st of the Constitution also means that the law and other normative acts are not guilty of anything supercritical (Article 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). In the other case, they are recognized as unconstitutional, they are forced to slander and they are respected not by the moment of their acceptance.

The position of the role of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the legal system is guaranteed to be stable, as it manifests itself in a collapsible order and change that review. So Bulo in the Constitution of the Russian Federation established a higher number of subjects, yakі may have the right to make propositions about amendments and revision of the Constitution against the right of legislators to initiate other laws. This right is vested in: the President of the Russian Federation, the Rada of the Federation and the Derzhavna Duma, the Council of the Russian Federation, legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects of the Federation, and to name less "/5 members for the sake of the Federation and deputies of the Derzhavnoi Duma (Article 134).

The most compelling procedure has been moved to change Chapter 1 (Fundamentals of the Constitutional Harmony), Chapter 2 (Rights and Freedoms of People and Hulks) and Chapter 9 (Constitutional Amendments and Revision of the Constitution). The procedure has been simplified due to the importance of the successive decisions taken, the revision of the titles of the chapters entails the change of the Constitution, and may be equal to the adoption of the new Constitution. For the very same reason, you may have the right to look over the special Constitutional Elections. It is bound to the federal constitutional law from a single method - to revise the Constitution. However, the implementation of this procedure is only possible for the mind, that the proposition about revising the Constitution will be supported by 3/5 votes in the total number of members for the sake of the Federation and deputies of the State Duma (paragraph 2, article 135).

The word "constitution" resembles the Latin constitutio - instalment, establishment, ustriy. In Ancient Rome, the acts of imperial power, with which new orders were founded, were called constitutions. However current meaning to which term they began to give more than a period of vindication of the bourgeois powers, if, with an additional constitution, bourgeois orders were founded in that other country. The first written constitution (i.e., which represents the single fundamental law and internal structure, which is supported by all other legal acts in the country) can be called the US Constitution, adopted in 1787. and rank dosi. In Europe, the first written constitutions were the French Constitution of 1791 and the Polish Constitution of 1791. In this hour, the constitution is not only a legal act. At її zmistі є orienteers of justice for the whole society.

At that very hour of the constitution, there are such signs for the normative legal act of power: zagalnoobov'yazkovist; formal appointment; bagatorazovist zastosuvannya її norms to suspіlny vіdnosinny type; protection by the primus power of the state.

The constitution may special legal powers, which are reviewed by її in view of other legal acts. This is why, in modern minds, the constitution is the fundamental law of the state for the adoption of other laws - an act of legal foundation. For the new one, the whole way of life of our suspіlstva and that power is gaining the first legal form. The Constitution, as the basic law of the state, establishes, legally formalizes political form the foundation of the government, the system of organs of state power, establishing the order of their formation and the way of functioning, securing the rights and freedom of the people and the hulk.

In the light of the great laws, the fundamental law of the state can be stable and doable, the norms of the constitution can be of a violent nature, and the constitution itself is accepted by way of a referendum (Russia, France, Greece, Spain), convention (USA), establishing elections, (Іndіya) or we will specially call out to the constitutional elections of the country. The constitution can be oktroyovana, then introduced unilaterally by an act of vikonavchi vlady - the head of the state.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by a popular vote on December 12, 1993, and was officially declared on December 25, 1993, after the official vote of the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation, as the referendum was recognized as such, and the Constitution was adopted. At zv'yazku z cim pinned its own decree of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. praised 12 April 1978 This is a more important role for the current constitutional reform.

Alas, with the adoption of the Constitution, the constitutional reform of Russia did not end. Її prodovzhennyam є priynyattya transferring the Constitution of the federal constitutional laws (deeds have already been adopted, for example, about the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, about the Order of the Russian Federation), bringing legislation into line with the Basic Law, and also it is possible to change the Constitution itself.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is composed of a preamble and two divisions.

Preamble, then the introductory part, do not avenge the legal norms, protest against the meaning, the shards in the designation of the furnishings, which became the drive for the adoption of the Constitution. Rozdil 1, which consists of nine chapters, is the main part of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Rozdil 2 includes closing and transitional provisions.

At the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a new concept of organizing the structure of sovereign power was taken away, the basis of which was the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgiving power. Corner. 1 "Fundamentals of the Constitutional Harmony" solidifies the main ambush of the organization and the activity of the state. Private authority is recognized and changed under the protection of the power order from the sovereign and municipal; rich party membership, ideological diversity are recognized (Article 13).

Corner. 2 “Rights and freedoms of the people and the hulks” in the exact consistency to the primordial norms and principles of international law, the priority of the rights and freedoms of the hulks over the interests of the state is confirmed. This idea is one of the main ideas of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 3 is called "Federal Ustriy". After the signing of the Federal Treaty on March 31, 1992 The Russian state became a federal state, as a form, and u zmist.

In this hour, the territory of the Russian Federation is folded from the territory of її sub'єktіv (republic at the warehouse of the Russian Federation, territory, region, place of federal significance Moscow and St. Petersburg, autonomous districts, autonomous region). The subjects of the Russian Federation were far away from knowing a compromise formula for pursuing shared and private interests, skinning them from them, taking away constitutional opportunities for full-scale development.

The other heads are attached to the system of state power and to the principles of organizing mass self-regulation in Russia.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation as the Basic Law of our country may have important legal signs.

On the basis of other legislative acts, the Constitution of the Russian Federation may settling, basic character. It regulates a wide range of suspensory vessels, the most important of them, as they stick to the fundamental interests of all members of the suspense. The subject of constitutional regulation is the main power of the political, economic, social and spiritual spheres of the life of society. Therefore, the constitutional norms are fundamental for the activity of state bodies, political parties, community organizations, townspeople and communities. The norms of the Constitution are the first in relation to all other legal norms.

Supremacy as a legal authority of the Constitution of the Russian Federation means that it is for the significance of the regulation of the legal force and norms to become the top of the system of law and law on the entire territory of the Russian Federation. As the main core of the right to revenge the Constitution of the Russian Federation vihіdnі ambush all systems of law. Usі laws and іnshі acts of sovereign bodies are seen on the її osnovі and vіdpovіdno to it. More precisely, legislation develops the provisions of the Constitution. It is not uncommon for the Constitution of the Russian Federation to take revenge on the need to adopt this law (for example, Article 70 zakriplyu, that the status of the capital of our state is restored by federal law). Yak legal base of legislation The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the center of the legal space, it determines the development and systematization of law.

Vishcha legal force The Constitution of the Russian Federation is determined by the obov'viscosity. To reach the Constitution may be the organs of the sovereign power, the organs of the mass self-regulation, the townspeople, the community and their communities (part 1, article 15). Damaged persons are recognized as law-breaking, and guilty individuals fallow due to the severity of the offense, are attracted to different types of disability. Suvore and more precisely dotrimannya of the Constitution - the price of finding a norm of behavior for all subjects of law.

Direct diya The Constitution of the Russian Federation means that it has established norms, principles that are victorious directly and without intermediary in the regulation of specific waters, without the need to adopt additional regulatory acts. At zastosuvannі Constitution of the Russian Federation can buti vіdmovleno under the drive vіdsutnostі federal law, іnshoy normative act, poklikanogo to designate the order of vidpovіdnoї constitutional norms.

Stability The Constitution of the Russian Federation is secured by a special procedure for honoring that change. The Constitution is characterized by stability and is protected from later amendments by a special procedure for making amendments before it. Vіdpovіdno to norms goal. 9 The Constitution of the Russian Federation can be adopted either at a referendum, or at a specially selected Constitutional Election. Corrections to goal. 3-8 of the Constitution are adopted according to the procedure established before the approval of the federal constitutional law (it is necessary that two-thirds of the deputies of the Sovereign Duma and three-fourths of the members for the sake of the Federation voted for the amendment). Then we will need to praise the amendments by the legislative (representative) authorities at least two thirds of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Propositions about the new edition of the goal. 1, 2, 9 are considered by the Constitutional Choices, which can be the result of a popular vote - a referendum; no amendments to them. Goal review. 1, 2, 9 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation may be important, as if it were a burden to change the Constitution, it may be equally strong to adopt a new one. It is impossible to know that the titles of the chapters were reviewed by the Federal Collections (year 1, article 135).

Legal features of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993 written. The won was adopted by referendum, changed according to the zhorst order, for the sake of the procedure introduced before the її Art. 65 new names of subjects of the Federation.

Constitution RF may direct diya(Part I Art. 15, Art. 18). It is impossible to regulate all the possible ways of living in a legal system, but the legal system may have a lot of money, as for the existence of the Galuze norms, they can be victorious in order to overcome specific life difficulties. The constitutional norms that are recognized for the closure of “bіlih plyam” in law enforcement practice are specialized in this way. The Constitution is right at that time, if the legal norms are valid. Directly chi without intermediation of constitutional norms means the right of the people of the population to oppose them without intermediary, while maintaining their rights. For example, when sent to court for defending the right to friendliness in the middle it is enough for a hunker to claim the constitutional norm (Article 42) as a hardened law. Vin is guilty of applying to the norms of environmental, sanitary and epidemiological, local and other legislation. Tim more, that Galuze's legislation may have the necessary rules.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation may supremacy(Part 2, article 4, part 1, article 15). An act has been adopted, for whom it has not been passed, it cannot be accepted, as if it were contrary to the provisions of the Constitution. If the provisions of the Constitution supersede the act, adoption to the її recruitment of rank, then there may be reductions in the rank to it. In addition, from the named authority of the Constitution, the legislator’s obligatory language of the legislator details the legislator’s opinion on legislation. Names of obov'yazok zovsіm not vycherpuєtsya prinyatty zakonіv, directly transferring the Constitution of the Russian Federation (about sovereign symbols, about Order, about the Constitutional Court, then). Galuzeve, legislation can maximize the development of any constitutional norms. It is especially important for the development of constitutional norms to lie with federal constitutional laws (Article 108) - the transmission line between the Constitution and the outstanding legislation that details the most important provisions. The task of detailing the constitutional review lies with the law enforcement bodies, and even the courts themselves.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation may I have legal force(Part 1, article 15). Later, once the constitutional norms and other legal norms are closed, the norm of the Constitution may be stagnant. Part 4 Art. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to say that the international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes other rules, lower than before the law, the rules of the international treaty are established. Introduce a rule for the greater legal force of the Constitution does not expand by itself, and navit on laws about amendments to it.

Most of the legal force of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is supplemented with the special status of a goal. one "". The provisions of this division cannot supersede any other provisions of the Constitution. Otzhe, the norms that consolidate the foundations of the constitutional harmony, may have greater legal force, lower the norms of the Constitution. Chapter 1 is sometimes called "the constitution of the constitution." Other norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation develop, clarify the provisions of the goal. 1, spit out of them. So it was on the detail of the provisions of Art. 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation about the people, її rights and freedoms, how to see the value and about the obligations of the state to recognize, respect and protect the rights and freedoms of the people and the bulk of the people to direct the norms of the goal. 2 "Rights and freedoms of the people and the bulk" of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

One more feature of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is a special order of її protection. Mustache sovereign bodies can secure the vigor of the Constitution. However, the country has also founded a special body of constitutional control - the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. To wine competence Constitutional Court lie the corruption of the Constitution, the re-verification of the constitutionality of the dignified legislation, as they gained the decency of international treaties.

To the zmіstovnih features of the Constitution of the Russian Federation lie: a style, but a complex consolidation of the structure of the state and non-state institutions; priority regulation of the rights and freedoms of people against obligations; foundation of federalism, republican form of government, democratic legal regime. The structure of the Constitution of the Russian Federation includes a preamble and two divisions. The first of them has nine divisions, which include 137 articles. The other one divided “Prikintsev and transitional provisions” is composed of nine points.

Some provisions of the Russian Constitution can be qualified as real (for example, the rules about the status of the President), otherwise they are left with the significant world of fictitious ones (the rules about the rights and freedom of a person and a hulk).

The word "constitution" in translation from Latin means " attachment, installed". Tse means that the Constitution is the creation of a state and is established in new laws, behind which the sovereignty of the state is alive. There is a principle, how to live and die by the organs and structures of the sovereign power, the system of choice is chosen, the right-hand man and obov'yazki of the bulk of the people are chosen.

Constitution - ce supreme law of the state, Vіn may find legal force. Without a constitution, it is impossible to establish a legal state, the suspense will lead to chaos, if there is no stability and zahistu.

History of the development of the constitution

The similarity of the word “constitution” corrects us in the distant past, in a long time ago. Even Sparta and Ancient Athens have their own unwritten constitutions. In England in 1215 the First Constitutional Act was the Magna Carta. In the Middle Ages, a constitution (Basic Law) and chinny dosi of San Marino was created. Vіn buv prijnyati y 1600 roci, but also the base is vvazhaetsya "Missky statute", which is accepted bu v 1300 roci. Late in 1529, the constitution “Status of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania” was announced (updated in 1566 and 1588). And the first written constitution is respected by the US Constitution, adopted in 1787 and up to the present day with amendments.

The skin power has its own adopted (written and unwritten) Constitution. The Constitution does not have the term dії. Won pіdlyagaє zmіnі (amendment), dopovnennyu, kotriy іnоdі revisited, if the suspіlstvo stand at the expense of zmіn.

At Russian Empire from 1832 the rock was d_yali " Main sovereign laws“And as a result, the Manifesto appeared, a kind of vision for the instructions of Mikoli II and called “About the perfection of the sovereign order”, the laws recognized great changes. And in the aftermath of these changes from 1906, on April 23, the stench is respected by the first Constitution of Russia.

The Russian Federation, in its history, had 5 constitutions:

  1. 1918 - The Constitution of the RRFSR was adopted after the "coup" in Zhovtni.
  2. 1925 - Constitution of the RRFSR - united in the SRSR with independent republics.
  3. 1937 - The Constitution of the RRFSR, adopted under Stalin.
  4. 1978 - The Constitution of the RRFSR, adopted under Brezhnev.
  5. 1993 - The Constitution of the Russian Federation - the first Constitution of the Democratic Russia, which is different.

See constitutions

In different powers, constitutions may differ among themselves. It is accepted to divide the constitutions:

  • Written constitution- The whole and the single act. There may be additional acts, but formally there is only one constitution.
  • Unwritten constitution- Tse sukupnіst zakonіv (superior). The stench is tied to a single act, and it is possible to establish other gerels, endowed with greater legal rights.
  • Constitution granted- to be introduced into the law by an act signed by the head of the sovereign state (emperor), without benefiting the people.
  • People's Constitution- Adopted by referendum, or by the greater body of power;
  • The gnuchka constitution is the main law, which can be changed as the supreme law of the state.
  • Zhorstka constitution- The head law, which can be changed through folding order, the lower law. Most of the constitutions (scriptures) can be shriveled up to zhorst.

Also constitutions are subdivided into:

  1. legal- all kinds of constitutions (folk, written and unwritten, gnuchki chi zhorstki) - all stinks may have legal rights.
  2. Actual- sovereign-suspіlnі vіdnosinі, zapіplenі at the juridical constitution.
  3. Real constitution- They have fixed laws - tse diysnist, but factual and juridical totozhnі.
  4. fictitious constitution- they have enshrined laws which are not true, and which stink in accordance with constitutional laws.

Amendment of the Constitution

Change that amendments to the basic law of the state without intermediary po'yazanі z hromadskimi life, yogo changes, rozstanovlenie political forces. Revisiting the current provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, for those who have seen changes, was transferred by the 9th chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law as March 4, 1998. No one knows about the procedure for approving amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Amendments can only be made by the president of the state, the Derzhavna Duma, the order of the Russian Federation, the Rada of the Federation, the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

But not all chapters of the Constitution are subject to amendments in the prescribed order. There is a review of provisions 1.2 and 9 chapters of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. VIN, VIDBUTH VISHEY VISHED AND ALEA, ALE YAKSHO Taki 3/5 GOLABIVIV OF THE DUMMIVA TO member for the sake of federal sake piditrima, Propositsia about the glance of the CICH, then the constitutes of the Russian Federation is nested by the constitutions of the Russian Federation, the project of the Russian in the popular vote.

Why the constitution is reviewed by the law

At the sight of constitutional laws, laws, seen in the country, not guilty of destroying the foundations of the Constitution. Vaughn is the basis of all current legislation in the state. And as such, the law does not conform to this rule, because it is anti-constitutional. Proceed with Article 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Vidani laws may be published officially. Law, what is not published, do not get stuck.

The law is the rule, as it regulates life less in the singing sphere and, perhaps, less locally, as well as the Constitution of the country on the entire territory of the state. The law seems to be an organ endowed with such improvements. The President of the Russian Federation can veto the Federal Law, and the law will not be praised. Except for constitutional laws, the President has no such right. The Constitution continues until the new project is praised. The law is simpler to say - you see a new law, otherwise the old law will run out of the term dії.

The constitution is stable. I praise the new Constitution leading to cardinal changes in the state.

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