Slovian magical runes. Tlumachennya that vikoristannya words'yansk runes in amulets. Similarity of the words of the Yang runes, descriptions, clouding and meaning of the Scandinavian Futhark

Slovian runes are an uneasy set of symbols, for the help of which they fix important information. The price of an invisible part of culture, the system of saving and transferring knowledge. This symbolism is filled with special energy, streaked with atmosphere, ancient words lived in it. Rooney, and also protect them from the protection of the zakhist from the filthy eye, psuvannya, the slander of the evil-doers and all the filthy. Let's look at how the magic of ancestors works.

Amulets with runes at ancient words

Magic is a science, yak pratsyuє for sing laws, maє vlasnі causal-inheritance links. There is no place for rudeness, unceremoniousness, non-balance here. Be it a ritual, take the cob from the rich history of your land.

Sacred dosvіd ancestors help to touch the secrets of the light, to understand the meaning of their vchinkіv. Tim, who wants to master magic, don’t forget about those who won’t gain new strength with greater knowledge of history, mythology.

From long ago, the people were adorned with pictographic signs, reminiscent of them with a special zmist. In different lands in different epochs, enchanters, esotericists, sorcerers, sorcerers, priests zastosovu sing symbolism like a zahist in the form of a negative infusion, good luck, prosperity.

The Christian cross is also a sign, endowed with majestic power to the winds of the faceless people in the whole world. The Slovyans also tskavilisya tsimi practices. Back before Cyril and Methodius, our ancestors developed a well-written alphabet, which is victorious everywhere.

Signs of the family were hung on the odes of ancient words, objects with singing symbols were hung on the sides of the pottery, special signs were seen on the sides of clay dishes, in a special case there were strong talismans made of brush, wood, metal, and precious stone. But the forces of evil could not penetrate into the life, the doors were covered with runes.

On the sacred idols were depicted the words of the Yang runes from the meanings of the names, the powers of the deities. Kozhen choosing himself as a patron of any god:

    Warriors, princes worshiped Perun - the god of thunderclouds, thunder, bliskavki.

    Merchants and all, whose activity is small in the amount of pennies, sang Veles - I give birth to God, wealth.

    Beautiful pіdloga prayed to the patroness of the share, home fire- Makoshі, i Lade - goddesses of kokhannya, beauty.

Slovyanskі runi may have richer meaning, lower letters signs, shards of the history of the runic alphabet succumb to the bronze age.

Tsya symbolism helped our ancestors to get to the elements of nature. Shards and signs are straining conductors of energy;

Zgіdno with the comments of the sorcerers, the words of the Jansk runi show great efficiency on native land, lower to Scandinavian, maybe, at the link with a wild energy field, spiritual energy, historical roots. Pose with all sorts of doubts, for the singing minds, you can win the darkness of which forever. Ale skin virishuє independently, which is more drawn to your soul - to the words of the yansk symbols of the foreign earth.

Ti, who is no longer a novice, still cannot call himself an accomplished enchanter, combine symbolism with meditation. Having uttered the power of the runic formula, as if the meaning of the prayer-zvernennya can be, the stench of vicorist її, in order to strengthen the energy call. Meditation with the use of runic magic helps to achieve a miraculous effect.

So that the runes served the yakomog longer, better respect for wood, stone or metal materials. The easier it is to make a tree, the more amulets are prepared for it itself. From the selected boards, they make oval shmatochki, grind, depict runic symbols, then paint them with varnish, so that they are better protected. Stone, metal is more important to process, that and at home such materials are prepared to finish it importantly.

It is important that stone runes are strong, lower metal, and metal, at their own back, are strong for wood. Obviously, it was maddened by the non-infective power of the srіbl, the high stone of the stone. It is possible, obviously, to know the master, to prepare an amulet for a spell, or to reach the greatest effect, to apply the symbols with your hands - to allow them to gain wisdom with the energy of the hairdresser from the very cob.

Take away sets for a little bear with a lion and a bunch. To activate the rune, it is enough to take it in your hand and, flattening your eyes, think about it well, vlasnih bazhannyah, exercising. Tse allow us to use the possible negative ones, which are blamed for the hour of preparing the talismans for another person.

The meaning of the words of the Yang runes

It is necessary to remember that the skin runic symbol has its own para-antagonist. So, the runes of the creation of the Light show the sign of the ruin of Chornobog, Oud of the Berehynia. The antagonism of symbols does not mean the impossibility of their occurrence in one runic formulas Prote, in front of the difficulties of their sleeping wokry. Like a person, like only starting to touch the azi of a magical mystic, if you want to take care of the preparation of a talisman with your hands, not varto take on important runic symbols.

The first rune is the World (Bіlobog). Endowed with an effortful energy, the shards of the meaning of the words of the Jansk rune are the Light Tree, and also the great father of all the gods of our ancestors. A person, what to wear її, perebuє under the intercession of Bilobog, at his own place of guilt for the power of thoughts, deeds. Only one filthy vchinka is enough to destroy the zahisnoy energy of the symbol, the beast against the vlasnik.

Chornobog is a symbol of change, accident pіdvalin, shahraystvo. Let's go ahead of the team, who is ready to end the day. The sign of the dismantling of masks, the manifestation of emotions, the raising of numerous ties. If it is wrong to zastosovuvat yogo, you can harm the life of a person.

Alatir is the center of light, harmony of light and darkness, chaos and order, a symbol of stability. Appropriate for people, so as not to climb up new peaks, but for those who care to save those that are. A sign of greatness, turned to the root.

Veselka, being a symbol of the road to Alatir, is recognized for those who want to settle down in the best of life, notice their destination, reach them. In one formula with Alatir, the word "yansk rune" has the meaning "way and goal". In order to create and wear a charm with a similar symbol, you need to clearly see your message, you need it.

The need is between, squeezing, pov'yazu, imposing non-separating fences. Pushing out of this symbol becomes impossible. To finish a zhorstoy sign, to that vikoristovuetsya for shackling people, obezhennya її opportunities. Rune of imminence, primus.

Anti-symbol Consume - Steal. The meaning of the words of the yansk rune is to make it impossible. Pidide people, yakі pragmat work great do it. Those, who її wear, gain majestic strength. A sign of fire, truth, purification.

Treba is a rune, what is necessary, but not necessarily, it is taken equal to natomist. Being a sign of sacrifice, it allows you to take it without giving. Satisfied with the important symbol of the koristuvannya, yoga cannot be called universal. Transferring the voice to the dark part of your own specialty for the sake of the right mark.

Strength is a sign of power, power, reach of meti, victory, military zvityagi. Superficially folded, to that which they impose impersonal obov'yazkiv, as if they were not dermal.

Wind is a sign of creative peculiarities, which means a creative blow, naked. Wake up your fantasy, make your thoughts, don’t let yourself be confused, stay at home.

Bereginya is a sign of mothers that protects all women, from small to great. A symbol of soft female energy, the cob of life, which awakens tenderness, sensitivity, sexuality.

Oud - an exclusive human symbol, dedications to Yaril - god spring sun, addictions, untidy spragi of life. It does not allow the weakening of human potential, protects against ruin, heals against ailments.

Lelya is a sign of spring warmth, drive, joy. Sprinkle the development of intuition, attract spring. Ideal for young adults.

The meaning of the words of the "Janian rune" Rock is the presence of greater forces, the non-transferability of the next. It is impossible to predict the situation, because everything is in the hands of the share.

The support helps, supports, protects. This is a sign that allows you to exercise power in life, to believe in yourself. Serve as a straining amulet that protects against vigilance, anger, powerlessness.

Dazhbog is a sign of the solar god, the patron of kinship. To bring spring to all spheres of life, I guarantee to help my master in whatever nourishment, repair. The main task of this symbol is to secure the family, material well-being, save your health.

Perun is a sign of repair. Zavdyaki yogo tightness vdaetsya razrushit from the dead point to the right, as if it were hopeless. Add changes, new acquaintances, building change of the guardian himself.

The meaning of the words'yanskoy runi Є - the very life that is constantly changing, developing, renewing. Vaughn stumbles to growth, ruin, self-perfection.

A coil is a symbol of stagnation and completion. Upovilnyuyuchi energy circulation, calm, ordering thoughts, allow you to take a hard look at those that are coming.

Significant arguments about those that the words of the "Janian runic" letters still exist, appeared on the cob of the 20th century:

The testimony of Titmar, for some hour I will describe the words of the Yang temple of Retri, which is near the Lutich lands, clearly confirms the fact of writing on the idols of this temple, embossed with non-German symbols.

If Massoud gave a description of the word-Yan temple, he spoke about the signs hung on the stones.

Ibn El Nedim confirmed the fact of the use of the words of the Yanskian writing to Cyrillic, suggesting his own scientific practice an image of writing, embossed on a piece of wood (Nedimovsky writing).

Ibn Fodaln stverdzhuvav, that the words of the end of the 1st thousand years were small tombstone inscriptions on the stovpah.

In the Czech song "Court of Lyubush", as it was saved from the list of the 9th century, there is a riddle about laws, as they were fixed on wooden boards with symbols.

The basis of the words of the Jansk runic letters is also confirmed by archaeological data. Before the most recent, one can see the knowledge of ceramics, which to avenge the writings of the writings, which the Chernyakhiv archeological culture lay on, which the words are worthless, which are signified by 1–4 centuries of our eri. Already 30 years ago, the signs on these signs were marked as follows the writing.

Pіznіshi svіdchennya vikoristannya runes by our ancestors - tse monuments, yakі pov'yazuyut іz wends, Baltic words. Nasampered, varto zgadat Mikorzhinsk stone, found in 1771 roci in Poland. In addition, it is worthy of the riddle to write on the objects of the cult of the words of the Radegast temple in Retri, which was built in the middle of the 11th century by the German conquerors.

In such a rank, it is impossible to prove the use of runic symbols of our ancestors. Golovnya, before starting to practice, witchcraft, creation of talismans, add respect to theory. Without a thorough knowledge of the meaning of the skin word of the Yangan rune, one can go astray like oneself, and otochyuchim.

Ancient words were well known on magic signs and victorious everyday life. Slovyanskі runi, and їhnє tlumachennya in the exact meaning did not reach us. At the hour of the chase pagan culture after the baptism of Russia, a lot of runic knowledge was spent. However, 18 magical signs were left for the followers of the words of the Yan culture to know and decipher.

Old Slavonic runes and their meanings

To speed up with runes, it is necessary to know their symbolism, to understand the words of the Janskian culture. Rooney is not just a symbol, it's own keys that open the way to the gods of that power.

The runes of words'yan and their meanings are unique, so it is necessary to clown them in one by one. Kіlkіst runes pіd hour of work and lie in vіd meti. Rooney is read like a letter, and th image. When fortune-telling, runes help to transfer the result of the situation. For whom it is necessary to speed up independently by preparing a minimum set of symbols. You can vyrіzat іz wood or christen on paper. Golovne nobility їhnіy zmіst.

Rune "SVIT". A sign similar to a tree with gilks, or to a person, yak raised her hands uphill. It means I will help you burn, help you to get food, defend that rose in an unresolved situation. At magical rituals - the intercession of noble forces. As in the process of divination, one sign falls, you can boldly take on the right. You can't wink a rune in obscene toppings.

Skill Rune - Black God. The sign of the opposite “MIRU”, looking like that, only the hilts (or hands) are straightened down. The meaning of the symbol is absolutely evil. So that a new thing has come to life, it is necessary to get ready for the new ruination of the old. Order has been established and the way to collapse, clearing the way for other processes. And yet evil does not lead to a negative character, even if a person is made up of evil and good in a equal world. Therefore, Chornobog's glance at the vchinok develops absolutely differently in this other situation. In physical terms, it means death. In magic, the rune helps to emerge from an old stake, to break old uncommon ties.

Skill Rune - Alatyr. Sunshine and center, how much light is spinning around. That's all, and nothing for the hour. Її the symbol means the throne, where the head god sits and from which all roads are repaired. The magic of Alatir has a pure energy, if you lie down and start everything else. As soon as you fall, it is necessary to follow the laws of your ancestors, following the old traditions and your family. The Slavs zastosovuvali її as a talisman for children. "Alatir" - the rune of calmness and calmness nadal.

Skill Rune - Raiduga. The shortest path that connects point A with point B. Veselka symbolizes happiness, as it collapses and smoothly flows from Chaos to Prosperity. Magic has a foldable path, which goes in the right direction and ends without a hitch, all folds on that path will hang and be folded. When fortune-telling - otrimannya priceless evidence. The Slovyans stopped the "Raiduga" at the prepared amulets, which destroyed the long, unsafe road.

Rune "Consume". A symbol of pain and evil fate. It wins in two meanings: in a good one - awareness of the power of problems, be it a plan, in a filthy one - difficult, bіl, primus, tight. Yakshko vipav when fortune-telling - it is necessary to act in accordance with the planned plan, the shards of wine did not lead to success. Vikoristovuetsya like a talisman for people, like they got lost and ruined in life.

Skill Rune - Steal. A sign of sacrificial fire, purification of that vtіlennya. The fire will take away all the uncommon and clean paths without dishonesty and nonsense. Magic wins for what is tacked in the middle. Under the hour of the fortune-teller, scho taєmnitsі will be opened and publicized. Ale navit with such a path, the mark will be reached.

Skill Rune - Needs. Folding symbol. From one side - tse warrior-peremozhets, from the other side - wines ready to sacrifice for the hour of your path. It is impossible to reach the bagan without spending money. “Consumption” is the need to sacrifice to God, and not only what is materially valuable, but to yourself. Yakshcho blew when fortune-telling - the check is great pay for the last pardon. People who have been involved in crime and as a result of which they have been dragged into a complicated situation, win like a talisman.

Rune "Strength". The sign of power is that be-like strength, which is like a person, so it is for a more powerful action. Whether it be a folding path, you will be successful, regardless of those who go to fight like from the outer world, so from yourself. With fortune-telling - it's a total victory. Defender of athletes and businessmen among competitors.

Rune "Wind". Minlivist, shvidka diya, clearing the way. Victory in combination with other runes is necessary correctly, so as not to harm. When fortune-telling - prophetic success in self-realization. It stands like a talisman for graves and quiet, who needs luck.

Rune "Bereginya". The sign of the earth is that mother, as she gave birth to everything alive. When fortune-telling - protect, like your mother's child, think of everything. The words vikoristovuvavsya like a talisman for women and mothers, who only gave birth. The rune of fertility brought success to farmers.

Skill Rune - Ood. Symbol of women and human energy, fiery predilection, swiftness. When fortune-telling - everything is updated. At magic, she won for the lure of the other half, as well as at the splendid bezplydya.

Rune "Lelya". A sign of softness and warmth. Youth, purity, beauty of that spring. The beginning of a new life for the young is the new harmony with nature. Amulet in the face of the plight of the well-created sim'ї.

Skill Rune - Doom. Neminucha, prepared by greater forces, share. Those who can become, become. When guessing, for the sake of accepting the situation, you calm down, because there are no chances to change it and there will be no.

Skill Rune - Support. The symbol of zakhistu and support under your feet. Tse means that in important situations, God does not deprive people. A talisman for people who occupy high-pitched stone plantations.

Skill Rune - Dazhdbog. The goodness of that turbota in all manifestations, the end of our trials. For people - otrimanna pributka, for women - dovogoochіkuvan vagіtnіst. Vikoristovuetsya as a talisman and a talisman for the protection of the family and the house or for the prosperity of business.

Rune "Perun". The most powerful rune with powerful energy, it is impossible to resist. Like when fortune-telling, the client sang - sigh with him marno. The talisman of the military and ryatuvalniks.

Rune "Є". A sign of lightness, humility, nature and creativity. Intercede for scribes, artists, actors.

Skill Rune - Coil. Liodovy sign, vіdsutnіst Rukh. When fortune-telling - a new stagnation in life, a zupinka is right, a crisis is possible. Call to reprimand, just to recheck an important period.

Slovian runes and their meanings and zastosuvannya in antiquity:

  • vikoristovuvalis for life and share like amulets and zahisnyh amulets;
  • prohannya about the help of greater forces;
  • pushing at the kar'єri;
  • usunennya pereshkod;
  • improvement of splintering with otochyuchimi.

  • Rooney with a method of protection from evil was hung on clothing, applied to dishes and household items.

    - Significance, describing those clouding - can bring great mischief in different life situations. Ale, when choosing that third sign, it is necessary to concentrate that warmly in the middle of yourself. Yakscho viishlo - rune pratsyuvateme.

    Slovian runes are often called the alphabet of the gods, which our ancestors used to represent. The runes have a deep zmіst, and їхнє tlumachennya - the key to success and prosperity.

    The Slavs did not only tell fortunes and predicted the future for additional runes, but they victoriously casted them for the sake of zahist. Knowledge, filled with ancestors, to the current world do not lose relevance. The stench can help the skin in a twisted situation.

    World. Qiu rune is also called Belbog and the Tree of the World. Vaughn to speak about the inner "I". Tse is a symbol of the intercession of the Greater Forces. At the fortune teller, the rune indicates the need for the awakening of harmony, calling for a rethinking of values. The world symbolizes the path of goodness and honesty, zavdyaki like a person reaches new heights and sings the divine zakhistu.

    Chernobog. The rune shows people the way to happiness through the healing of evil. The way to well-being along this rune is impassible without a call from the internal protirich. Chornobog є protilezhnistyu Belbog, and in vorozhinnyh whose symbol is most often indicated on a closed vicious ring, for which it is necessary to vibrate.

    Alatyr. By analogy with the Alatir-stone, the rune symbolizes the cob and the turn of the whole light, the resistance of good against evil. The meaning of the rune is the exercise to a well-ordered life, the relief of factors, as they respect the development of a happy foundation. At fortune-telling, the rune calls to restore order in oneself, without which it is impossible to reach goals.

    Veselka. Tsya rune symbolizes the way to knowledge. Vaughn is the light of people and gods, providing important food about the future path. Veselka most often points to the right point, if a person is ready to enter the path to a special well-being and vitrimatization of testing, so that he will be spared everything that matters to his development.

    Need. The rune makes the lower light, or Nav. Vaughn means inevitability, if a person is not able to care for them, that they are in life, and they are less likely to watch for them, as the world is changing for a new one. At the fortune teller, the rune indicates fears and fear of the inevitable future, the impossibility of growing the first crucible to the point through internal wipes. The call of the rune is to get into your inner demons, to be foolishly afraid of fear, and distrust yourself.

    Steal. Qiu rune is called Holy Fire and Creative Power. Vaughn to talk about the presence of human forces, how to help them bachiti, but not ruin their lives. It’s stealing to talk about the importance of saving life forces, as if helping to collapse on happiness. The rune calls out to greet with addictive forces, pragnate to the positive and do not stumble on what has been achieved.

    It's necessary. The rune is often called the Warrior of the Spirit, mandrinnik, a kind of pragne vitokiv. The darkness and meaning of the rune is a joke of a better life, as it is impossible without compromises and sacrifices. Fortune-telling, the rune indicates the need for separation, for the sake of self-sacrifice for the sake of bringing harmony from oneself to that outer world. Cleansing through the waste is painful for those who let chaos into the soul and repair the ruins of the waters.

    Strength. The meaning of the tsієї runi is the awakening of new internal freedom. Strength indicates the ability to reach everything that is necessary for a happy life. For whom do people happen to bring the power of significance, to go through the trials, zagartuvav spirit and knowing in themselves the strength to fight against any manifestations of evil.

    Wind. The rune symbolizes strength, as if directing a person to the point. The significance of the rune is self-knowledge and easy-going knowledge, for which the prospects for development in all spheres of life are revealed. Having broken through and the wind of change does not get in, as if a person is sung in his strength and pragmatic to growth, we are ahead of the spiritual, which is capable of being cleansed of the types of vices, likened to a star, as if zmushuyut zalishatsya on the spot.

    Bereginya. The rune symbolizes the birthright and the woman's cob. The rune can be interpreted as a sprat, the main one being turbota. Take care of the strength of that wisdom, as a help to bachiti, protect the peace of your loved ones, take care of it, which is important for a woman: prodovzhenny family, saving a family nest. The fortune-teller has a rune to talk about the readiness to go to the mark, showing the paths that lead to the ruin.

    Oud. The rune is to talk about the inner fire, which is a kind of human being, helping to develop and win innate talents for achieving happiness. Oud is also a symbol of kinship, ale, on the vіdmіnu vіd Beregіnі, cholovіch. The rune in the witches is to talk about those who are a person of a special breakthrough, discovering their talents and well-being.

    Lelya. Qiu rune is also called Diva and Love. Lelya is the rune of youth and maximalism, powerful people, who have not established themselves in their life path. Also, the rune indicates a strong intuition, as it helps to choose the right directions, successfully omit the cross. The inner voice, according to this rune, may have an important meaning, even if it is the same wine, it often helps people to get away with everything that they can get into trouble.

    rock. The rune of the valley speaks about the order, which the Creator created in Chaos. Tsya rune - madness, the share of that way of skin people in earthly life. The witches of Rock talk about the necessity of creation. Rock is also interpreted as unbreakable rules, the destruction of which can lead to impersonal problems.

    Support. The rune symbolizes Stovp Light, the sacral zmist of the whole light, which can be positive and negative. The meaning of the rune is sublime: tse ruh uphill through honesty and pratsyu chi pragnennya down through the weaknesses of that wadi. The rune of the Holy falls at the witches, if a person stands on the road and it is important to choose a distant path, which can be thorny, or lead to a win, or maybe be easy, or lead to a regression, rozcharuvannya she loses control over her share of power.

    Dazhbog. Runa to talk about prosperity is that joy. Dazhbog at tlumachenny persh for everything on financial well-being and the ability to change the material camp on the best. In general, the rune is to talk about the flow of energy, like a person victorious for creation, exalted success and glory. The fortune-teller Dazhdbog talks about the blessings of the blessings and the promising blues.

    Perun. God Perun is a force that protects against Chaos, a symbol of power and straightforwardness. The fortune-teller has a rune to talk about the zahist of any kind of evil, but with whom people have to go through the test. Show yourself the stench, what a person of divine help is, otherwise you will be inspired through the practice to spoil the low waters and nights.

    Є. The rune means the cob of life and yoga ruh. The meaning of fortune-telling is the ability to break through the podia, exercising against stagnation, which allows it to develop. It is also to say about the possibility of reaping the fruits of the reports earlier zusil. Є - tse pragnennya people, the foundations of life, like, like a river, flow and change. In life, it is possible to have miles and depths, with which people pass, growing up.

    coil. The rune of pershoosnovi, scho to tell about the vіdsutnіst ruhu. Turn to talk about the camp, if the look of the people of straightening is not called, but inside itself. The rune indicates the possibility of changing internally, wiping out those problems, as they do not allow to collapse forward to new goals. The turn is in the same place, in a yak they turn with unfinished right, unfinished obitsyanka, impossibility to work ahead, not having closed the door of the past.

    The ancient alphabets are victorious not only for writing, but also for various magical practices. The words of the yansk runes are rich in what they are similar to, they are also vicorous at the witch and like amulets. However, between the letters є th is low authority.

    The Slavic runic alphabet is made up of 18 characters. The skin sign is a special letter of modern Cyrillic. For a long time, writings were stagnant, both for splintering, and in magical practices.

    The meaning of the description of the words of the Yang runes is rich in what tlumachatsya apparently to the pagan religion. Symbols bear the names of Gods and Generic Powers.

    Veles is considered the creator of the alphabet. In the pantheon of words, whose God was infused with wisdom, knowledge, eternal struggle, Light and Temryavi.

    The runes of the Russians saved similar dogmas, leather from the signs of inspiration with a sacral zmist. Because of this reason, the words'yansky letters zastosovuyut at magical rites.

    The world always stands up for the Good and the Good, instills justice with a path of victoriousness, don’t get lost. The sign is not to be mischievous, the yogo code is not built to the bottom.

    The Scandinavian Futhark has an analogue of Svit є. This rune is also directed to the creation of links between people. The main idea of ​​Mannaz is the victim of special interests for the sake of a greater good.

    That's why the world is taught by the words'yansky writing. The rune points to the importance of the calls from the past, to the shanuvannya of the ancestors. Byduzhіst to your Family, bring the people to forgetfulness, її dіyannya life way not to get lost in the memory of lonely people.

    In the modern alphabet, the analogue of the symbol є beech H (inode C). Characterizing the elements of the rune:

    • Svіtove Tree, scho to the growth of the roots of the mountain;
    • clown.

    At the sight of the absolute light meaning of the world, Chornobog is an impenetrable evil. With whom the old Russian runes should be taken as a basis for pagan retellings, and not Christian religion. The evil of the roaming words is not only negative energy.

    Chornobog is a symbol of ruin, without any impossibility to move on to a new stage of life. In the wake of the Light, whose sign creates the circle of nature, People and Death, Creation and Evil.

    Among the Russian runes, a similar symbol often indicates a negative podium, which is ahead of the fortune teller. Prote sign also means that a person is chіplyaєtsya for an unbearable past. Kіnets kolishnіm vіdnosinam or zvіlnennya z unloved robots served as a postal order for a distant development tell fortunes.

    Chornobog is also aware of that cunning about nonsense. However, the deceit of the rune is absolutely significant, nonsense for the sake of nonsense, a wise person in the mind of the mind, that they try to circle their fingers for a long time. As for the one who tells fortunes, traipsing on some vivert, then in the future, the tributes will help to overcome greater inaccuracies.

    In the Scandinavian alphabet, the analogue of Chornobog is spoken and partly. The same symbol is associated with God Deception Loki.

    The symbol є is an analogue of the letter A in the modern alphabet. Among the characteristic elements are seen:

    • Holy Grail;
    • svіtova big.

    Alatir played an important role in the pagan world - wine is the cob of everything, I am the world. Svoєridna Alpha for all things. Alatir at once and panuє at the All-world, and do not have strength, to that there are concessions.

    Symbolizing the ear of the path, the rune sets the point, the deak's coordinate. However, the path to lay the sign is not in sight.

    The Slavs represented Alatyr as the peak of Svitov Gori. For the most part, these points always fight and change one another World and Chornobog.

    In Scandinavian writings, the closest analogue of Alatira is respected. The hot rune of the pivnichny Futhark is most often victorious in the sign of the path, prote incandescent clouding symbols may be similar to rice. Even the end of one way is often an ear of another.

    The rune stands for the letter R. The main symbols of the sign:

    • way;
    • joy, victory;
    • result.

    The middle of the Russian runes Veselka is one of the most important symbols. This sign is accepted as a short road, a cicava is more expensive. A similar sign at the fortune-teller indicates on the right path, step by step, what to tell fortunes, is approaching to the point.

    The runes of Russians are in line with symbolism, so Raiduga is a heavenly bridge that crosses the two banks of the river at the words of words.

    On the vіdminu vіd Alatir, scho asks the struma on the cob the way, whose symbol means ruh, diyalnіst.

    In the Scandinavian alphabet, the analogue of Veselka is є. Prote, on the vіdmіnu pіvnіchnoї runi, the word'yansky sign means a specific road, a short short time. In his line, Raido points to a post-yny rukh, a path to a life in the whole of life.

    The symbol of the speaker is an analogue of the Russian letter N. Symbols of the rune:

    • Nav, light of the dead;
    • Krivda;
    • dullness, inevitability.

    The need is a strong sign of punishment, which is injected into the negative character of the person. In a positive meaning, the rune helps to recognize a pardon, to reveal the regularity of punishment for the filthy fault, to repair the unfortunate bajan. At the negative layout of the letter of the runic alphabet of words, it is possible to tell about difficulties, negativity, evil, evil fate.

    I will need to respect the rune of Veles, who speaks at the sight of Viy. Tsey God panuє in world of the dead, yoga head managersє punish sinners for the wrong way of life.

    Fortune-telling Needs convey skutistity, stagnation. Must try to turn into a failure.

    The Scandinavian Futhark has runes of Russians. Having offended the signs of the common depot, which shackles.

    The sign of one's own two letters is G and K. Elements that characterize the rune, є:

    • half-mind;
    • dієslovo;
    • zdijsnennya, virobnitstvo;
    • righteousness.

    The rune of Krada is half-moon, fire on the sacrificial vіvtarі. The symbol is often interpreted as a tribute to the Gods. Like a victim of vicorist, pardons and stosunki passed by, on which they themselves have the power of the soul.

    Stealing helps to know the way to the darkness, reach the mark, bring up the closest people against. The rune gives strength to resist the spirit and follow your own world. However, the sign does not save people from filthy vchinkiv in the persecution of their method.

    Morality is not the basis of this symbol, but, on the other hand, you have the ability to succeed in conjuring up the building of a series of evil deeds.

    Close for the spirit to Steal the Scandinavian runes. Between them, richly sleepy, Scandinavian symbols also mean rebirth, a gift and a right to realization.

    The sign separates the letter T from the current alphabet. The main elements of the ancient Slavic rune:

    • be afraid;
    • sacrifice;
    • hardness of roses.

    Among the words of the yansk runic symbols, it is necessary to show for the military spirit, that masculinity. The sign makes an honest essence, we establish the order of the rules, the struggle of the place under the sun.

    You will need strength and fights, both physical and spiritual. Often it is a sign of reconciliation from trials, the passage of some kind of sprit to the inner growth of a person.

    It is also necessary to make a sacrifice. In Scandinavian mythology, the analogue of the old Slavic rune is a sign. God Tyr enters as a patron, who voluntarily sacrificed his hand for the sake of tying the wolf Fernir with fetters.

    I’ll match the price of mine on the vault and the requirement - not just mine in my victory, but my own body, and spirit. Alatyr, the Holy Grail, will stand in the city of the warrior, full inner harmony.

    Characterize the letter C in the Russian alphabet. Companion rune signs:

    • knowledge;
    • zakhist;
    • strength.

    In absolute terms, the symbol describes the power that is on sharpening. The sign characterizes the nature of the verse, the presence of the ghost, and the activity of the people. Strength - diya, zavdyaki zdіysnyuyutsya all processes in the world.

    On the level of the podia, the rune is ahead of the height of the ymovіrnіst vpliva zzovnі. Tі, hto guessing, sіd pіd podgotuvatisya to neperebachenih situatsіy, and then everything will go smoothly.

    The Russian rune may have a Scandinavian analogue -. Among the pіvnіchnyh narodіv, the symbol of Sili was added to the most ancient magical element - the Sun. Soulu is praised for the defense of the people, for the success of all initiatives.

    In the words of the Force, it is not success, but di, like to bring victory to the future. A symbol of success in all endeavors, prote to achieve goals, it is necessary to practice and constantly collapse forward.

    The rune Viter separates the letter V from the current alphabet. The key symbols of the sign:

    • strength;
    • bachennya;
    • knowledge;
    • wind

    The main meanings of the runes of the Russians are insipidity, ruination, cleansing and swedness. The symbol is to hide in oneself the strength of the elements. You can tidy up, for whom you will need knowledge.

    The wind also uncovers the secrets of the world, helping to know the signs of nutrition, what to call. However, a sign of diligence and diligence, otherwise the Wind does not show the knowledge of people.

    In ancient words, the symbol is also recognizable as fierce, exuberant. In Scandinavian writings, runes Kano act as an analogue of Vitr. The stench exclaims the people of the mystery and plays up the yogo bazhannya to know the light and the power of Ya.

    The sign is confirmed for the creation of the letter B. Elementi, which accompanies the symbol:

    • Mother of the Earth;
    • Birch;
    • share.

    Runa Bereginya is the key to the birth of the life force. The symbol of the Earth’s strength and Water, the same as the one of the same kindred meaning.

    Yak amulet Bereginya will bring beauty and wisdom to life, endowing the wearer with maturity and vitality in making decisions. It is also a sign to make a woman cunning, to smarten a person on his life.

    Bereginya is opiated by motherhood, the rune is called the symbol of Mother Makosh. At direct position a sign of transmission of the people, in an inverted one - death. That word'yano-Aryan rune vvazhayut the symbol of the Share.

    The Scandinavian Futhark has a Berehynia symbol. This sign also conveys fertility and kinship.


    The rune Ud is the progenitor of the letter U. The accompanying elements of the sign є:

    • into the fire;
    • youth;
    • Yarilo.

    The patron of the sign is the son of God Veles, Yarilo. Vіn specializes half-moon of youth, spring, rozkvit. Oud symbolizes femininity and masculinity, a transitional period, if children become youngsters and girls.

    Among the Russian runes, this symbol plays the role of a sleeping bag, a sweater, an empty animal in life. The sign is accompanied by spring, beauty, youth and closeness.

    The Scandinavian alphabet Udu has i. The combination of similar runes gives rise to that life-giving energy, building a change of light.

    In the current alphabet of Lelya, the letter L is found. Among the accompanying elements, one can see:

    • water;
    • youth;
    • spring.

    In the midst of the Russian runes, Lelya stands out for her innocence and purity. This symbol is especially strumok, love, softness and life intuition.

    Vminnya vіdchuvati vzaєmozv'yazok natural phenomena - the main rice of the sign. Next lie, that the symbol does not allow you to chime in and understand that you are wondering, it’s less likely to become more intuitive.

    The Slovyans chanted Lelya as the daughter of the Mother Goddess. The rune characterizes affection, tenderness and zahist. Tim is not less, do not varto underestimate the strength of the sign - do not lay down the kaydani and be-yakі cross over early, sooner or later.

    The rune of the building is a date of sight, especially of the rectilinear zhorstokost. Nemov's glass, out of the way around all the guests of the kuti, do not bother yourself with shkodi.

    In the middle of the Scandinavian runes, Laguz comes up behind the silver Lele. There is a gradual similarity of energy with the water flow, and instill a stronger intuition of wearing a talisman.

    In the Russian alphabet, the sign is embedded in the letter X. The main symbols of Roku:

    • share;
    • secret knowledge;
    • deaf cut.

    The sign of Rock emphasizes the inevitability of fate, the cyclical nature of life. The symbol is in a situation where there is no way out. Everything that comes to mind is prepared by the Gods; changing the order of speeches cannot be done by a mighty magician.

    If you take the three main worlds of words: Yav, Nav and Right, then the Rune Rock is a path that runs through the skin of expanses. People become people, delay their lives, after which they flood the land.

    On equal footing, the symbol does not give evidence. Vin is less likely to point to those that those who seem to be, do not change.

    As a rule, a sign indicates difficulties and negativity, and you can’t get lost. There is no need to fight with this problem, spiritually growing in a similar situation, you are on the path of humility.

    The Scandinavian analogue of Rock is a combination of s, Hagalaz and Perth. Okremo tsі runi not zdatnі vіdobraziti all the meaning of the depth of the words of the Yang sign.

    The sign є of the great-bat letter O. Complementary elements of the rune:

    • Vіtchizna;
    • Pantheon of Gods;
    • stovp.

    The symbol is used to help the Greater forces, the foundation of the life of the pіdvalin. The rune appears like a zahist in all spheres of a person's life.

    Support is the basis of life, stovpi, yakі utrimuyut svіt іvnovazi. So the rune is moved with a stake, with a stake, or a life cycle. A support for the people to live and shanuvat the Gods, honor the Fatherland and Ancestors. The symbol shows that the path of life can be passed only with faith and firmness of spirit.

    It is not possible to turn around in the face of your past, it itself characterizes the present future.

    Among the Scandinavian writings there is no clear analogue of the words "Janian rune". Fakhіvtsі pоrіvnyuyut Support with the signs of Ansuz and Odal.

    The rune Dazhdbog specializes the letter D. Її with the symbols є:

    • well-being;
    • Good;
    • talent.

    The symbol rises in the light of the tim, that yogo diya may be more clear direct. Rune of Dazhdbog to bring prosperity to the booth. The sign of the birth of the earth and the improvement of the situation with finances.

    Often a vicory symbol is used to get a light pributka. However, Dazhdbog does not tolerate nights and lightness. Reap fruit only for the one who yelled and watered the earth.

    For whom, Dazhdbog is similar to the Scandinavian rune Eroy. So richly hto povnyuє slov'yansky sign from Fehu, the German symbol of wealth and profit.

    The rune characterizes the letter P. The middle symbols of the sign are seen:

    • judge;
    • intercession of the Lord's forces;
    • justice.

    The runes of the Russians are trying to beat the old words. In their community, simplicity and justice were valued. Runa Perun is especially punishing for breaking laws. It is important to take care of the neatness, vikoristovuyuchy symbol - a sign that helps only innocently squealing people.

    Tі, hto skoїli zlochin, also incur punishment. The rune is characterized by straightforwardness and power.

    Among the key to understand the symbol, you can see masculinity and spontaneity. A sign of victory for the victory in an important struggle, for the preservation of Truth and Rod.

    In the Scandinavian alphabet, the closest analogue of Perun is є. The pivnіchny symbol also carries in itself the fight, but it has less justice and truth.

    The sign є is the great father of the letter E. The middle symbols are seen:

    • circle of life;
    • nature;
    • diyalnist.

    The rune Є characterizes the stability of what is being experienced. All situations have already been seen earlier and will be faced by the future, the blows are changed by victories, the life will end in death.

    On the vіdmіnu vіd Roka, Є indulge in dogma, yakі do not rule shkodi people.

    At the layout, the rune indicates stabilization, improvement of the situation, dressing up and dressing up. The symbol is to accept life in such a way as it is - with negative and positive podias.

    In Scandinavian writings, the analogue is Є є Eyvaz. The same life-like rice is seen in Berkani.

    The sign includes the letter І in the current alphabet. Companion rune symbols:

    • root;
    • cob;

    The rune symbolizes the cob of the way, prote, on Alatir's vision, the Coil does not give a positive or negative charge of energy. Tsya rune acts as a sense, laid in a person under the people.

    The coil does not reach the reach of any goals, the symbol is no longer indicative of the constant pace of life. The order from this symbol is the symbol of indestructibility, stability, shearing, to live the world with energy.

    The Scandinavian Futhark has a rune behind the silver. Prote, at the sight of the crying stream, the Source is resting with post-yoy Rus. Yogo stability manifests itself in the isolation of the energy field, the river does not consume water and live independently.


    Russian runes have a special strength, they win as a charm and for the fortune-telling in all spheres of life. The sounds of the words of the Yang signs are similar to the Scandinavian Futhark, the prote meanings of the runes are often discussed.

    The skin of Russian symbols is special as a divine essence. The basis of the clouding of the signs is as participants in the words of the Yang Pantheon, and sacred objects.

    Often, our distant ancestors, like amulets, vicorated the runes. The widest of their zastosuvannya was like this:

    Rooney was depicted on amulets and talismans. The Rooneys were painted, spitting or spun on embellishments, homemade fillings, and richly different ones. Runic symbols were applied to the skin like a tattoo and engraved the functions that protect. The stench protected the people from the strong misfortunes of those їх sleddkіv. Slov'yanskі symbols vikoristovuvalis so pіd hour vorozhinnya. As a rule, a ritual was carried out, if food was given. After what the runes were throwing, and їhnє roztashuvannya, that meaning was out of the blue.

    Talismans and amulets, tattoos and amulets, spells and rituals - the scope of the old-Slovak runic symbolism became even wider.

    Rune of Need

    Defender of the Family with runes victorious rich with voduns. What is a symbol? Vin is interpreted with inevitability, share, falsehood. This is the sign of Veles in the image of Niya (Viya) - the god of the Lower All-world Navi.

    This is a symbol of death, darkness, share, which does not shrink, underground fire that burns. This is a sign of rubbish, stinginess, I will primus that stinginess. The rune represents the fence of the end, whether it be die, material inconsistency, ultrasonic, fetter the person's identity, close the view of the divine, the true picture of the macrocosm.

    Veles, like Viy, є Terrible God, who burns with his gaze all alive. Vіn - Chornobog, who gets up to the Dark Road empty and unknown. The sacred essence of the rune is the Fire of Viya, which is shackled in lances, does not give light.

    Ale, it is necessary to remember that the power of Chornobog unleashes the whirl of the Road. As a result of the lance of a gloomy half-moon, Viy means less testing, like an obіtsyaє Dedicated, and not a shift to Dorozі.

    Lomonosov M.V. 1711 p. 1765 p. Kadri z HF 1984-1986

    In such a bitter struggle, the Millerian-Romanian version of Russian history was introduced to the Russian society of the XVIII century. Lomonosov, Mikhailo Vasilovich - one of the greatest Russian poets and scholars (1711 - 1765). Genial doctrine of the middle of the XVIII century. - one of the founders of science in Russia. Being a miraculous physicist and chemist, he also successfully engaged in astronomy, geology, geography and linguistics, and left a sparkling trace of his genius. Crimea scientific achievements, Lomonosov became famous as a singer and writer.


    The main meaning of the Rooney

    Straight mill

    Bilobig; Tree of the World; special "I" people; all svetobudovi. Creativity in the revealed world.

    The rune of Light is the sacred divine ear of the middle people, the image of God in our skin. Vaughn means great wisdom, goodness and pragnennya knowledge of all things. And so are those who lie in wait for the sky and far from the vanity of worldly turbots. More runes attribute the power to turn Chaos into Order. More archetypically її tlumachennya - the belonging of a person to the Family, then to the bulk, which the gods themselves stand up for.

    The image of folding, yoga pojzhennya sygaє glibini words'yanskogo svіtovіdchutya. In the whole world, the rune carried in itself a majestic positive force and victorious function.

    In the presence of the witches, the Light will gloom like intercession from the side of the greater forces, like a good chance to see what was planned. Krim tsgogo, it can be interpreted as a recommendation for children to sleep, not to seek help from relatives, and also as a pleasure to ask for help from loved ones.

    As if at the hour of the fortune-telling, Lelya blew at once with Light, it is necessary to interpret as a wise calm and vivazhenist. And in the future, with the Force, it’s impossible to talk about vminnya gnuchko podkoryat their people, reconquering them at the vlasny point of dawn.

    Flip the position

    In an inverted look, the rune wants and looks like Chornobog, prote, does not run with her in the cloud, so the rune Chornobog itself turned upside down does not become Light.

    The main meanings of the inverted world are as follows: unsuccessfully try to figure out in a confused situation; Problems that people create themselves. From the other side, the rune can talk about self-singing, about spending a connection with your people, as you sound like you want to sleep for sleeping about sacred human values and speculations on the theme of their belonging to civilization in the wake. The inverted World at the rozladі can be a people, as it has entered into its own culture, to the extent that it should lie with the people, and it choked like a stranger їy (zokrema, in combination with Chornobog). But for those who want to call themselves a “hulk of the world”, and not a representative of a singing ethnos.

    Krіm tsgogo, with the rune of the need for inversions, the Light symbolizes the new consumption of this world by a sense of admiration through the nevira (in such situations, it seems that the person has spent herself). And with the Requirement, such a rune signifies being stuck in the dribnitsa; This couple describes the people in a good way, as in the religious life they value our rituals, and the sacral change of religious dogmas is secondary for her.

    Pohodzhennya ancient symbols

    How did the Rooney become the Rode of words? Calling for everything, stink, like the letters of the continental and Scandinavian Germans, attack the Alpine alphabets. A few of the main types of Alpine cuneiform writing have been found, which were not only written by the Etruscans, but also by the English and Celtic tribes. With the same paths to the unknown words of the Jansk regions, the Italian leaf was brought - no one knows about the price today. So it goes, like about the interplay between Russian and German runes.

    Do you want to know what Rooney Roda is? Runic culture is the most significant layer of higher understanding, which includes religion, mythology, and various aspects of the Vedic mysticism. On the lands of the Venedi and Etruscans (near Venice and Etruria), the alphabet was venerated as a divine object, giving a magical infusion.

    About this, for example, there are tablets with alphabetic characters found in the European burials. The stench is an imperceptible kind of runic chaklunstvo, familiar to the pivnichny entry of Europe.

    From which one weeps, that the words of the pagan period were driven by a long-standing leaf. It was saved even in the era of "dvorstvo" (synchronous presence in Russia of paganism and Christianity from the 10th to the 16th centuries).

    Runic amulets of words

    For the long service of the runes, it is important to choose the right material. The simplest is stone, metal and wood

    The stench recommends cutting them out of wood, stone, and metal. The lightest and most important work is wood, so more runes are most often made from the tree itself. The selected wood is cut into small pieces, the shape of the oval is more likely to be fixed. The pieces are cut, then we put symbols on them. The skin rune is varnished and put into a cloth bag.

    The stone and metal are important in the work, so it’s not easy to finish the same rune to make a booth. If a rune is prepared from a stone, it can have more strength than metal, and metal can have more strength from a tree.

    You can prepare for the master, and the runes will be better tied to you. Especially applied symbols on the runes are an important stage. The very same starts with the runes from your energy. І not varto nehtuvat tsim at the cob stages of creation. It is necessary to save runes in a small bag with soft and natural clothes. Tse mozhe buti bavovnyan abo llyana fabric.

    How to activate the rune - put the rune in the palm, try it, flatten your eyes and think about the good. State what you want and what goals you want to achieve. So all negative effects are used, as if the rune was not prepared by you.

    Rune Perun

    Perun is the Nordic thunder god, who protects people and the world of creators, who saves the Truth and Order against the forces of Chaos. The rune Perun symbolizes power, vitality, strength, and man's straightforwardness.

    When fortune-telling, a symbol can mean a blame for some of the most important elements, as if it could replace the blue from the dead point, or give it additional energy of growth. This sign is also a special power, but for negative environments - will, not covered by wisdom.

    This is also the protection of the gods against the forces of Chaos, from the deadly infusion of material, psychic and other destructive forces.

    The meaning of old Slavic runes

    Old-Slovakian runes may have meaning. The skin of the okremy symbol and the sign can mean especially, yakі z'ednannya can be of the mother's unimportant and foldable meaning.

    - Goddess-Mother, yak є vіlennyam zhіnogo cob. To lie the guardians of life Live and respect the woman's symbol, a sign of motherhood. Suitable for women like a tattoo, and like a charm. Recommended to those who think about their family and children.


    - A man-God, which symbolizes the man's energy that is suitable for representatives of the strong half of humanity. Means a person with non-gamous sexual energy. Such tattoos could have been a sign of greater human strength.


    - a good harvest and generosity. Dani runi signified holy, dedicated to the garnier, as the words were carried out by the Yang people. A tattoo can be victorious for wealth, good luck and financial well-being.


    - God is a trickster, instilling potoybіchnyh forces. It is recommended in order to touch your friend "I", discover talents, improve your intuition and learn to live in harmony.


    - Mist between worlds. To pass this bridge, which symbolizes all life, can only be a day. And the goddess Rada helped tsyoma, straightening the people.


    - Fire, spiritual development. The meaning of the rune is spiritual growth, the development and understanding of everything new and unknown. It also means sacred fire and sacrifice, to which you were brought.


    - Order, life. This symbol is respected by the signs of the forces of nature and the structure of the world, dictates the law, for some traces of life.


    - Accept self-exchange. The meaning of the rune is the knowledge of the land, which will help you reach the mark.


    - Concentration of force. Such a tattoo will help to seal the spirit and get ready to change, as it will be unbarred.


    - Rotate share. Slovian runes Strength is cyclical processes in the world. The stench signifies that moment when two forces, as often proliferating, kick in and create especially.


    - Pojdnannya with himself, all-world and nature. Such a tattoo will help you to know yourself and go ahead.


    - Energy and management. A strong sign, the meaning of which is power over us, control over people by nature.


    - sacrifice. It symbolizes the cleansing of the earthly material and the indecent, the spiritual.


    - Woman-protector. The meaning of such symbols is the preservation of the kind of people, their promotion. Vvazhaetsya women's amulet.


    - battle, wind. Є human symbol fighters and warriors, who can be overtaken like death, so is victory.


    - The way to the vishchoi meti. The meaning is this: the sign of the strength of the family, yoga continuation, development, self-knowledge of that reach of meti.


    - Mati. It symbolizes the woman's cob, motherhood and the cob of the family.


    - calm, stability, and change for better, as you may find in the nearest future.

    As you can see, the words "yanskі runi" can mean practically everything. Varto їх vikoristati, like a person wants to save himself from something rotten, develop spiritually and reach his goals.

    Ancient Slavic runes were often made from expensive metals and stone. The stench was worn, ring out, on the wrist.

    Old-Slovakian runes not only protected against various problems and inaccuracies, black infusion of chi psuvannya. The stinkers added good luck and positive vibes to the life of their hairdresser. To this very choice of varto will be put in a positive way.


    Like and markets of the Scandinavian and continental Germans, the words'yansk_ markets judging, judging from the common language, to the Pivnichno-Taliysky (Alpine) alphabets. Vіdomo kіlka main variants of alpіyskої writing, which led, krіm pіvnіchnіh etruskіv, scho live according to the essence of the words "Janian" and "Celtic" tribes. Food about those, with the same paths, the Italian leaf was brought to the world of the words of the Jansk region, is left for the moment, it will be open again, so it’s like food about the mutual interplay of the words of the Jansk and German markets.

    It is necessary to note that the Rinsk culture has become richer in understanding, the lower elementary beginnings of writing are the whole cultural layer, which embraces mythology, religion, and singing aspects of magical art. Already in Etruria and Venice (the lands of the Etruscans and Venedivs) they put the alphabet before the object, which can be divinely inspired and can be pressed magical infusion. About tse to svіdchat, for example, znahіdki in the Etruscan pohovannya tablets z rerahuvannyam alphabetic characters. Tse - the simplest type of runic magic, extensions and in Pivnichno-Sunset of Europe.
    In this manner, speaking about the ancient Slavic runic writing, one cannot help but learn about the foundation of the ancient Slavic Rin culture as a whole. Volodili tsієyu culture slov'yani pagan hours; the won was saved, judging by us, and in the era of "dvovіr'ya" (one-hour foundation in Russia of Christianity and paganism - 10-16 centuries).

    A beautiful tomi butt - the most widely used words by Runi Freyr - Inguz. Another butt is one of the miraculous vyatich crypts of the 12th century. Signs are engraved on yoga shovels - just one more sign. The third view of the edge of the shovel carried the image of rhini Algiz, and the central shovel - a double image of the same rini. Yak and Rina Freyr, Rinka Algiz first showed up in the warehouse of Futhark; without changes, it was born close to a thousand and disappeared in the Russian alphabet, Crimean Swedish-Norwegian, in magic numbers, which did not stop (close to the 10th century). The image of the color of the rhini on the skroneval kіltsi is not vipadkovo. Rune Algiz - tserinka zakhistu, one s її magical authorities- zahist in the face of someone else's chaklunstvo and evil will of the navkolishnyh. Vikoristannya runi Algіz words by those їх ancestors may have a long history. At a long time ago, the chotiri runi Algiz were often struck so that the twelvefold cross was established, which may, perhaps, have the same functions as the rune itself.

    At the same time, it should be noted that similar magical symbols can appear among different peoples and independently one type of one. For example, you can serve, for example, a bronze Mordovian plaque of the end of the 1st millennium AD. e. from the Armіїvskogo burial ground. One of the so-called non-alphabetic rhyming signs is the swastika, like chotiri, so trigillya. The images of the swastika in the word-Janian world are chanted everywhere, although not often. Tse i naturally - a swastika, a symbol of fire and, in singing vipadka, rodyuchostі, - a sign too "pulling" and too much meaning for a wide vikoristannya. Like the twelve cross, the swastika can be used among the Sarmatians and Scythians.
    He is of superb interest in the same place in his family, the folded kilce, but again it is more tyatic. On yoga shovels engraved a few different signs - the whole collection of symbols of the ancient words of the Yang magic. The central shovel carried a small image of Inguz, the first pellusts in the center - an image, clearly not as a whole. On the other hand, in the center of the pellust of drawings, there is a twelve-fold cross, which is more, more for everything, a modification of the cross with chotiryokh rin Algiz. I, nareshti, extreme pellusts carried images of swastikas. Well, master, what a pratsyuvav over the cim ring, creating a mighty talisman.

    Zvіdki be like words'yanskі runi

    Rooney - these are special signs, if they are wider throughout Europe. At that hour, they victorious for a number of purposes: witches and magical rites, and like a great alphabet. The runic writing has continued to our time. Rіznі nadі mali svoї runi. Today, the greatest runes are seen, with which the old Germans and old words were cherished.

    When did the words of the Jansk runes appear? Vcheni dosі discussing from the first drive, hanging different versions. However, the stink zіyshlisya in one thing: the words of the "Janian" runes are so old, like the Celts and the Etruscans. Shanovny chronicler Titmar Merzeburzkiy, who is alive at Nіmechchinі for example X - on the cob of the XI century, describing the words of the Yan temple of the Lutich tribe, talking about іdolіv іz with unimaginable signs. It dawned on me, what are the German and Scandinavian symbols, the fakhivets of such equals could recognize them.

    About similar signs, the Arabic writer Ibn El Nedim spoke about similar signs, like a sack in his capital. Youmu was far away to know the traces of ancient pre-Cyrillic writing on the gravestones of the words of the Yansky burials. Why is it obvious that the old Slavic runes were the first alphabet of our ancestors. About tse to speak and archeological excavations. Analyzing the knowledge, the wives worked out that earlier the maistri had decorated objects with runes.

    I applied mass. Near the village of Viyskove, which stands on the Dnipro, a miner made of clay knew that twelve words were written on it behind the help of six symbols. Deyakі z them predict the runes of the Scandinavians, and also, we can talk about the change of the cultures of the peoples.

    Similar signs were found when the ruins of Radegast were built: an old temple of the Polabian (Baltic) words, buried in the 11th century. Prote, vrakhovuyuchi the meaning of the old Slavic runes, pardons them only to the point of writing. Old Slavonic runes played a significant role in the life of ancient words. They embellished the body, pobutu objects, stuffing, their own creatures too thin.

    Read also:

    The main meaning of the Rooney

    Straight mill

    Life, nature, fragility, natural overrun of buttya. Separate Live - word'yansk goddess spring, love and prosperity.

    The rune represents great and mighty forces, like water roaring along riverbeds, juices along the needles and stalks of roslin, shelter along blood-bearing vessels, etc. Vaughn symbolizes life as a ruin, change, renewal against the indestructibility, as in to this particular type can look like death, tobto. the essence of life.

    The key aspects of the rune - ce, first, natural aspirations (for that number, and until the end of satisfaction), in a different way, the removal of the bazhan yak vono є, not "hanging" on the bazhan is necessary moral choice and intellectual argumentation, thirdly, accepting reality, which changes, in all its manifestations, to that, out of the blue, it gives people and their daily bread.

    When fortune-telling, it’s like spying, which you blame by itself, without special zusil from the side of the zapituvach. This is the same situation, if a person is opined at the necessary place at the time of the hour. At the same time, the obov'yazkovy moment at the first moment in the mood - apparently satisfied. I see that the flooring is outside, that you want to continue yaknaydovshe.

    However, it is not for nothing that one of the main meanings of the rune is silliness. Whatever the process that characterizes the rune, we cannot but cherish it for the appointment. E - zavzhd the moment, like a vine, but through your instability, you will soon find a new form, a different framework, a different emotional body. Before the speech, at the end of the Fate, the rune Є is ahead: about the shortness of Pan-Luck, people need to be remembered constantly, so it’s better to protect yourself from unacceptable failures, like be-like mites can be blamed in life.

    On a equal footing, a rune can mean dressing up, collaborating in a friend's company, a positive change in any right, etc.

    Flip the position

    In an inverted position, it is instructed to look at the view of real life, to close the view of the world, and also to the inability to notice about the life of the process. That is why a person created an illusory world of power and helps to live with a new one. Sounds not primed, and sometimes even wonderful claims, hopes, vimogi.

    And in the meantime, life, go with your blackness. A person spends kindness, do not talk about it new, which praises the health of the masses of people. And once, once seen, the floorings may appear significant, which will turn on in a real process, it is no longer possible to appear. And to that turned upside down, I should take it like an SOS signal, which is given to people, ahead of yoga: dosit, hit, the hour has come to turn to the light of appearances, delve into yoga problems and anxieties, so it’s the very same way and gladden yoga joys and successes.

    In the combination with Chornobog, it is turned upside down to witness about the great internal confusion, chaos in the soul, which people do not dare to repair, with the rune of Alatir - to those that the people have set before themselves as a mythical meta and to live just like it, not to live people.

    Skilki vsogo runіv i scho stench can mean

    The standard Karuna is to revenge 144 runes, in addition to which you can see the runes, the hour, the figurative (the stench is to bring the folds for the understanding of modern people). If you look at the carunian records as if you were storing information, then the stench is not folding like when you read it behind the letters, so behind the images. For example, Veles is a janitor, which is composed of “ve” - knowing, and “lis” - All-world. When written with an initial letter, the place "e" in the rune "lis" is baptized like "yat", so the image of the All-World, and not green plantings, will come out. І such examples of words, as victorious were made by our ancestors, and today, you can find thousands of thousands, and you can read reports about them in special historical and philological literature and special courses of universities.

    You can often finish the puzzle and the riddle of Kha'ariyskoy Karuni like a Scandinavian utkharka, which consists of 24 runes. Slovian runes and Scandinavian utkhark can only be victorious in an esoteric context, shards of stench are only a warehouse zagalno karunіchnoy or a symbolic system. Just to look at the runes with a glance of the present, then they have wasted their dotsіlnіst vikoristannya. You can stop only in order to know the traditions and zvichas of our ancestors, having squandered knowledge and knowledge.

    Rune Chornobog

    Cleansing the Family with runes in the house from old, long ago. What is the letter Chornobog? If the sign of Belbog symbolizes strength, how to pragnate the Light to an insane Order, then the rune of Chornobog is strength, how to lead the World to total Chaos. Silently pov'yazuvati Chornobog with evil and Belbog with good. The interplay of the central and pre-central forces represents the very foundation of the World.

    At the divine plan, the rune of Chornobog demonstrates the God of the Clown, the God of the Trickster and the God of the Jester, as they always fight with the Guard of the Order and constantly destroy the borders established by the gods of the Order. For sure, this sign is Tin - that archetype of the unfamiliar Jungian, which is forever known behind our left shoulder and, giggling, making us look like illusions of those masks. The magical essence of the rune signifies the breaking of the Vedic stake, the break from the isolated system, the breaking of the old links.

    Witchcraft on runes

    The principle of divination on three runes

    It is important that runi zdatnі transfer the result of the situation. Having speeded up with a minimal set of independently prepared words of the Yang runes (navit inscribed on a great paper), you can still conduct a witchcraft session.

    It is important to tell fortunes in the right mood. Be as calm as possible, nothing is to blame for the fortune-teller

    Work everything properly - without fuss. For the creation of a vіdpovіdnoї atmosphere, it is admissible to vicorist arable, essential oils, and other attributes that suit you. Food, what to say to you, can be short and understand, so concentrate on the situation and think about the simple food.

    For clouding, hurry up with a dovіdnik or a book (for example, "Runi skhіdnih slov'yan" - author Kreslav Ris). At the future, mi obov'yazkovo zrobimo on the site is a special service for witchcraft on runes.

    See the runes

    Rooney Roda and Makosh seem to be small vіdminnostі. Earlier letters were divided into three. The first symbols of the Family are in modern letters. Other signs of Makosh are called ligatures and form hieroglyphs. Third Rooney Marie - stink mystery and dosi.

    Rooney Roda did not victorious, this year people are gaining a new mind. Letters Makosh were victorious for the demand. Rooney Marie was vaunted by the prophets and they could zastosovuvat tі, hto mav on tse right. Mystery was stolen, so that grief on Earth became. These days, evil people vicorist tsyu taєmnitsyu and bіda neskіchen vіd tsgogo.

    The earth is alive and you can speak with it, only with my special, shards out of mind. Knowing the rіzіv tsikh nі up to what forgive people. Zvichaina people vkrav i having gained strength. Knowledge is given by the Earth, so that you can take care of it, and not exalt yourself.

    How to find out about your rune for the date of nationalization

    The skin man has his own rune, yak won you can beat the yak amulet

    But it is important to choose the very symbol that suits you.

    What is needed to grow:

    • Fold the numbers of your date people. For example, you people on July 16, 1991: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1=28
    • If the value is greater than 17, keep adding: 2+8=10

    The number that came out is the number of your sign. The butt has the number 10 in the wind. Tse means that a person has a great creative potential, which needs to be known. The amulet of the Wind will help you to know in yourself the talents and win them for the good, develop and strengthen them.

    5 Slovyansky amulets for the date of nationality

    The words were based on the tradition of preparing and wearing amulets. Runic signs were victorious as symbols. It was not enough to prepare them: it was also important for the necessary to endow them with strength to help the ritual of the beast to the gods. Few people know that a red thread on the wrist can still lie with the ancient words of the Yan amulets.

    At the slopes, having established their own “horoscope”, and the wines are called the Svarog circle. Sob choose for yourself a symbol like a talisman or a charm, you need to set the date of the people with the words of the Jansk calendar.

    Zvarozh Kol divided into 16 segments (halls). The ringing amulets are similar for the date of the people: the stench of the vikonan at the sight of a nine-cut star is a sign of the palace, we spread it at the center. Nine was especially frivolous at the words and was respected by the strongest magic number.

    The skin talisman carries the same sacral recognition: some help love notes, if you promise success on the right - lay everything under the sign of the Svarog stake.

    Description of the signs in the fallage according to the date of the population of representations in the table:

    date of birth Rooney description
    Diva (September 27 - Spring 20) To people who were born under this sign, Jevana is described - the goddess of eternal life, the fox that love. The symbol allows you to save clarity of mind and beauty
    Vir (March 20 - July 11) The god of order, Ramhat, is your guardian. Vіn bring success to be-yakіy activity
    Pike (11 zhovtnya - 3 leaf fall) People of this sign are known under the intercession of the goddess of calm and prosperity of Rozhan. A talisman with such a symbol protects the family fire
    Swan (3 leaf fall - 24 leaf fall) Your master is the goddess of the fortune-teller and the happy mood of Makosh. Vaughn adds wealth and gives schilnistyu to risks and adventures.
    Serpent (2 leaf fall - 16 breasts) The God of living fire and generosity Semargl grants representatives of whose sign virility and practicality
    Raven (16th breast - 7th day) God dol Varuna opiums, and the amulet grants wisdom
    Witch (8 September - 31 September) God-Father Svarog grants the people under the sign of masculinity and virility, swearing the protection of the family fire
    Busl (1 fierce - 25 fierce) Representatives of this sign perebuvayut under the protection of the supreme god Rod. The talisman bestows self-confidence, marks family ties and controversy
    Vovk (25 fierce - 22 birch) The god Veles, the god of creatures and mysticism, knew the life cycle of people. Talisman building power of creativity
    Fox (22nd birch - 14th April) People who were born in this period are under the protection of the goddess dark winter cold Mareni. Amulet helps reach diplomacy and activity
    Tour (14 April - 6 May) This is the sign of the god Krishen, which brings light and wisdom. The talisman helps to make the life-like life of the membrane
    Elk (May 6 – May 29) The goddess of this spring, Lada, endowed such people with lightness of character. Amulet to help him in the combined mіtsnoї homeland
    Finist (29 May - 20 black) The god of justice Cherry, which guards the law-hearing, protects these people from misfortune
    Kin (20 worms - 13 limes) The God of joy that sleepy set Kupala, having put on his “podopіchnyh”, we will sharpen almost ob'yazka, high boots to the point. Amulet building pom'yakshiti character of people
    Eagle (13 limes - 4 sickles) This is a sign of valiant warriors under the intercession of Perun. Talisman of calls to protect them from the dangers
    Ras (4 sickles - 27 sickles) The character of such people is characterized by Dazhdbog. The amulet helps you to gain self-confidence and steel

    It is possible to speed up with the magical power of the signs that have come from the cultural recession in our days. Selecting a talisman, you need to know that magic can only be amulets, made from metal, stone or wood. Souvenirs made of plastic do not carry energy, building a change of life for better.

    Kolovrat. Transfer Kitchen DTRK Kuban 2000Look at the new version

    Those who read the vocabulary of Dal, Nikievsky - the tlumach of the 15th century - if anyone is engaged - there is still understandable. One s to understand "mova" - tse people. The representative of the people - tse "Yazichi". A representative of a foreign people, with other ways of thinking, with other rituals of life - tse “movi nіyakoї”, abbreviated “pagan”. To that, speaking in simple radiant language, a pagan is a newcomer and a foreigner, a representative of a foreign people, a foreign language, a foreign culture.

    At the same time, in the schools of Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, Chornogoria, Macedonia, I’m not even talking about Russia, the term is attached to the Christianization in these powers, on the territory of Great Russia, Chervonoi Russia, Sribnoi Rus and Pomor Rus was a skrіchnit.

    So for Christians, for example, there was innovation and foreignness, but for those who are still alive at these Libra, the creak of the Ridna Culture bula, inspired at the Ancestral Ambushes, at the Ancestral Wisdom, then at VIPI. Therefore, it is a good idea to create new neo-pagan organizations at once, to introduce words from their root as a whole naturally.

    Speech about. Oleksandra at the Krasnodar TB DTRK Kuban in 2000 rotations.

    GAME OF THE GODS Act 7.4 Living Fire. Abetkov's Truths

    Rune Clouding Features

    For a long time, in Russia, people believed that the power of the Gods was in the heart. The skin of a person connected with them through the forces of nature, as well as the runes themselves. A modern person has long spent many naviches, especially with the advent of Christianity before Europe.

    Ale deyakі "vіdbitki past" all the same lost. Frequently the stench of the cloudy runes lingers, roaming its deep meaning for yoga zastosuvannya with a singing method. Axis of action from them:

    1. "Bіlobig" - rune Mir. Father of all living things. Rune Peace, as people get away, protect them from the nasty right.
    2. "Strength" is a rune of victory, power and purposefulness. Її wearable may buti vitrivalym and mіtsnim spirit, shards of which symbol will require constant energetic regeneration.
    3. "Need" - the rune of war. Describe the constant struggle. Graє rule - take that vіdday. I carry, to take away the Bajans, it is necessary to be separated from our own.

    "Requirement" - the rune of war, which symbolizes the constant struggle

    In Russia, ancient tribes believed that what, what happens with people is the will of the Greater forces. A person is a part of the world and chaos, and to scoff at them, it is necessary to believe in God. Before that, there are a lot of magicians and charіvnikov different lands to talk about the strong energy of the words of the Yang runes, more powerful, lower in the Scandinavian ones.

    And yet another part of the magicians, as to know a richly sleepy between two ancient peoples and those traditions, which are also found in their writing. To that about those, yakі runi more dіznatisya do not see.

    4 Witchcraft on runes

    Deciphering the meaning of the words of the Yang runes is the same as they knew in the ancient times of the Magi and lead, it has not happened to this day. The meanings of the runes, which were seen in the spread, are interpreted in terms of the position in which one is known, and also in which one is used to see the court signs. An inverted positive rune can mean a bad podium. For help, divination on runes can be taken into consideration for food, or look into the future.

    The rune that vipala Alatir means the road or the change of activity. Veselka zavzhdy vkazuє on the friendly result of the plan. Need is a negative symbol, we can’t talk about future inacceptability and death is possible. Krada calls on people to clear their thoughts in order to achieve success. Strength is the proverb of victory and the height of complex problems. The wind indicates to those that the hour is for the brave ones, and the hour for people to explore their abilities.

    Tlumachennya signs zvoditsya to the main meanings of the runes

    Deploying them, follow the respect for the sequence that day.

    Vorozhinnya on the runes gained popularity and accuracy of transmission. For beginners, it’s more hospitably hooting, trying to get to know the names of the ancestors.

    Old Russian runes and their significance in the history of the development of writing

    Rooney was known and victorious for writing, for a rare vinyatka, all the words and peoples who alienated them. The runic sheet is foldable, not too hard for vikoristannya in a bag. Okrіm warehousing sheet at the words "yanorusіv at the walk" was a letter. After the vindication of Vedism by Christianity and the destruction of the sorcerer’s warehouses, the runes were victorious for the hour by craftsmen and merchants at the letter leaf.

    Kirilo and Methodius added in the Russian runic letters a letter of the same Greek letters for the recognition of Greek words and sounds, having learned with this letter that sounds, as if they did not take the Greek words and sounds. The Greek alphabet has less than 24 letters, and therefore there is a lack of transmission of all Russian sounds. That is why the Russian runic sheet, in which the successors have up to 144 basic runes, cannot be similar to the Greek alphabet.

    At the same time, on the basis of runic writing, virtually all alphabets in the world were called out - from Latin to Chinese and Japanese hieroglyphs.

    Podіl on atti ta row

    Word-yansk runes may have a tight energy connection from a person and they seem to be a reason. The constant balance of good and evil is the one on which the life of the energy of all mankind will be based. The symbols of the runes reflect the purpose.

    Words of old understanding of such an energetic connection are often forgotten, but not spent. Until then, to understand the whole picture of the “gift of the Gods”, you can know how runes enter before that number of others.

    The first att is a reflection of the balance of Good and Evil. The order and chaos are secured by 6 runes, in such a sequence:

    1. "Є".
    2. "Oud".
    3. "Dazhbog".
    4. "Chernobog".
    5. "Raiduga".
    6. "Steal".

    Another att is a manifestation of the Divine will, as a form of the foundation of a person. Before the runes of which ata are brought:

    1. "Rock".
    2. "Requirement".
    3. "Vitok".
    4. "Strength".
    5. "Support".
    6. "Perun".

    The third att - reflects "Java". The human spirit is eternal, but in the Earth it wins only its short-lived role. Such an att has:

    1. "Requirement".
    2. "Bereginya".
    3. "Viter".
    4. "Bіlobig".
    5. "Lelya".
    6. "Alatir".

    Rune "Alatir" enter until the third Att

    Meanings of the words of the yansk runes lie in the very same way, to the extent that the stink can lie. It is not easy to determine the belonging of tієї chi іnshої runi, even if the number of the symbol in the atti is specified on the tse.

    The first strength is internal. The rune Є, the rune Rock and Requirement, are brought up to it. The friend is a charge with energy. She has the rune Ud, as well as the need for that Bereginya. The third is the management of strength, the building of a person of wisdom and wisdom. Її v_dobrazhayut: rune Dazhbog, rune Vitok and rune Wind.

    The fourth is diya forces. To this row you can see: the rune Chornobog, the rune of strength, the rune Bilobog. Fifth and sixth row - the difference between svidomo and self-sufficiency, as well as their spriynyattya. At the fifth row, enter: the Veselka rune, the Opora rune, and the Lelya rune. And in the shostіy - the rune of Perun, the rune of Alatir and Krada.

    Rooney in tattoo

    Today it is becoming fashionable to vikoristovuvaty old-Slovakian runes and their meaning in a tattoo. Tim, who has overcome the zastosuvat їhnyu zahisnu force, should be more careful, to that without knowing that you can believe in їhnі tse - in the shortest turn - you will be just a baby on the shkіrі, and in the worst possible way you will be able to take away the effect, the virtuous eyeballed.

    The very faith of people endowed runes with strength, even if their skin was tied with a singing god, for example:

    • The rune Viter symbolized Veles, who translated the souls of those who died near the kingdom of Mareni.
    • The sign of the Beregina buv povyazaniya z Makoshey - the goddess of the earth that I give birth.
    • Rune Ud - tse Yarilo.

    The very faith of these gods, that goddesses endowed the runes with an intense energy. Old-time words were painted on their heads like a defender against the dark forces of good luck. So the very same day, people make vikoristati old-Slovakian runes. Tattoo, podkrіplene to the knowledge of its meaning and faith in the ancient gods, will be a good amulet for your wear.

    1 Description of the words of the Yang runes

    Behind the Scandinavian legend, the first letter signs - similar to our alphabet - were given to people by God Odin. Historians do not have a single thought about the hour when the runes appeared, but even in the records dated to the tenth century, there is a riddle about “unreasonable symbols” on the walls of the words of the Yang temple. Archaeological knowledge about the origin of writing in the words between the fourth - the first century BC. Surpluses of old-fashioned words of Yansk burials were found from tablets and symbolic inscriptions. Tsі znahіdki lie until the end of the first thousand. Rooney was applied to stone, wooden planks and ceramic chips.

    Zastosuvannya to runіv vyznachennya "slov'yanski" do not call correctly. Historians have brought that in ancient times it was necessary to give birth, which can be seen to the Great Race:

    • Two families of Aryans (Х'Arіytsі, Da'Arіytsі).
    • І two words of the Yan (Raseni and Svyatorusi).

    The culture of writing from zastosuvannya runic signs is typical for the genus X'Aryans. Voni was based on a system of writing, named Karuna and with 144 runes. That would be right to b vvazhat, scho stink words'yano-Aryan.

    Slovyansko-Arijski Vedi boules were recorded with slags - a sheet in 9 rows, leather from some of them 16 runes. Sixteen slokas establish Santia. There are nine Saints in the scriptures.

    Runnі amulets

    Be a runic number of pragnes to describe the world with a set of symbols. Read on site

    For a long time, runes were victorious for amulets, yak were made from various materials - shkiri, wood, tassels.

    A lot of symbols lie in the complexity of the plant, like being placed in front of a talisman, and vikonuvat vіn can be different missions.

    The modern pagans swear by their own differences runes-tattooing symbolize the inner light of the people, the whole world and the blessings, as well as amulets.

    For example, the symbol of the wind helps to collapse to the top, reaching out to be able to reach. The rune of Perun, applied to the body, protects from black forces. The tattoo with the symbol of the veil makes the road, as if leading to the center of the light, and the tattoo with the rune of the world - the people's pragnennya to a quiet life.

    Understandably, Orthodox priests do not praise similar embellishment of the body, like a tattoo on whether or not they are. Ale, when the pagan rites are practiced, the behavior of the anthrohi is not turbulent, and the runic tattoos become the most popular.

    If you want to get yourself a tattoo with magic symbols, whether it be words, runes, or Chinese characters- thoroughly remember their meanings for the kіlkom by the authors

    Features of reading the words of the Yang runes

    It is important to understand that the standard 18 words of the Yang runes are most likely to be learned from the rich dzherelakh, the whole part of the runic symbols, which are victorious with the ancient words of the Yans. Karuna is small with one particularity, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo vrakhovuvat, runes in it can mother themselves different values- tse mozhe buti і okrema letter, і warehouse, і word, і navit tsiliy image

    Varto say that the image of the words'Yansky writing was priority, and one rune could have up to three meanings stalely in the features of vikoristannya (image, yakі can buti obov'yazkovo pov'yazanі among themselves).

    In order to write down the runes, slags were victorious - 9 rows with 16 characters in the skin. Leather 16 slokas approved more letters - Santi. In order for Saints to be not just a series of symbols, but they carried information and energy, they were applied to expensive metals (gold silver), rosy on plates. On the metal plate, up to 4 slokas were applied on both sides, such a plate was also called Santiyu. 9 Saints, taken from one place, were all around.

    One of the peculiarities of writing shlok can be taken into account is the fact that not 16, but 32 runes were rolled in the row. According to this rule, the skin of the first rune is a commentary on the other one, according to the context of the entire text. To finish often vykoristovuєtsya 64 runes, yakі signify a subway translation earlier applied to the text. In order to correctly read the slag of runes, it is necessary to read from the first row to the right until the remaining row. After which the procedure is repeated in reverse order rise from the extreme rune to the first. It is possible to read the text in two variants - behind the letters and images. For the first, everything is just that banal - the skin sound of encryption with a symbol. With a figurative reading of the back of the head, a key image is assigned, which is fixed in other runes, that reading is followed by a standard algorithm. Podsumok such a writing and reading - tse povіdomlennya, yak otrimano behind the letters and images. Varto say that the words of the yansk runes and their significance were attributed to specific high-profile literature, as if they were found in the closed funds of museums and central libraries not only in our country, but in the world.

    In order to understand the basic principles of reading runes, let's look at the butt - I'm familiar with the words of the god Perun. If it is written in runes like letters, then everything is simple - viyde im'ya Perun. And if you read it in images, then the phrase will be meaningfully folded - "The way is our battle in the air." If you don’t want to forget about those who have a more collapsible version of reading, but it’s more important for historians and past leaders, if you want to, then you can learn more about ancient words.

    Surplus strength and power of the past

    The Old Slavic runes are a set of signs, as if they were victorious by the most ancient tribes that inhabited the edges of central and similar Europe.

    For the sheet, people vikoristovuvali part of these symbols, which are called rows. The word'yansk runic alphabet itself survived faceless difficulties. The mustache is the fault of the Khreshchennya of Russia and the struggle with the mustache pagan after the date. Christianity accepted only a part of the Holy. To that, not a lot of information was saved about Boyanov and Veles runes.

    Runitsia suffered the same way, seeing her ancient riddles in Chinese and ancient Egyptian writings. For the assertions of the wealthy scholars, the very words of the Janskian runes, their meanings, the descriptions of that cloudiness were thrown into the appearance of writing at the wealthy lands of the Far Descent.

    The runes of words are now beaten with a magical method. The energy of the ancient tribes and their connections with the Greater forces can help the skin of people and their important life nutrition, give the world a transfer, and defend yoga, see the psuvannya. Ale, as if it were some other sign, the words of the Aryan runes will be effective only in times of faith in them.

    The shares of the ancients were generously vindicated by the Gods for their faith. She herself gave them hope in the light of the future and helped them to check on the boards during dry periods, or to take a good harvest in autumn. Whether it was important food, they vied with the help of runes, creating amulets, amulets, which were worn by their robes.

    Old-Slovakian runic symbols helped to prove whether it was important food

    Sacred meaning of old Russian runes

    It is important that the runes are a gift from the god Veles and creation at the time of the creation of the All-World. Not just letters, imagine how they convey information.

    Sacred figurative zmіst buv available only to the magi and passed on by them from generation to generation. To understand the reference meaning of the runes, it is not enough to know the meaning of the well-taken rune - it’s already rich in the dark to lie in the order of their roztashuvannya.

    For the help of the runes, the ancient Russians lifted the call from the gods. It is important to reevaluate the old-Russian runes and their meaning in everyday life in the butt. With their help, the magi created amulets and amulets, carried out snakes, witchcraft and other magical rituals. To activate the runes, you need to cast a spell. Most often, 18 magic runes were victorious at the sacred goals:

    • Rune "Є" - woman's cob on the whole planet.
    • Rune "Ud" - human energy, that power.
    • Rune Dazhbog - symbolizes the flooding of the Earth, I give birth.
    • Rune "Chornobog" - vіdkrivaє prihovanі, taєmnі forces of people.
    • The rune “Raiduga” is a place between the worlds of Java and Navi, which can bring happiness.
    • Rune "Theft" - the need for spiritual development.
    • Rune "Rock" - the power of the divine, natural order.
    • Fleece “Needs - subordination to a special law-order, victorious knowledge for one's own benefit.
    • Rune "Vitok" - accumulation of internal tension and strength.
    • Rune "Strength" - change of the share, unity of the lengths. The rights become one whole, if Java and Nav are mixed up.
    • The rune “Support” is a reminder of the different parts of one’s “I” and the All-World, protecting inner strengths and emotions.
    • Rune "Perun" - unlimited power, control, absolute human power.
    • Rune "Requirement" - a sacrifice to the gods, poklikana clear the mind of the zayvogo - wealth, knowledge, talent, kar'єri.
    • The rune “Bereginya” – protects words, which gave birth to young mothers from representatives of the other world.
    • The rune “Viter” is divinely pleased with the battle, death is the stage of the battle.
    • Rune "Belbog" - pull up to the reach of the greater mark.
    • The rune "Lelya" is the birth of the new, mіts і power of the tree of the Family.
    • Rune "Alatir" - absolute peace, accepting one single best decision.

    For vikoristannya the power of the runes is necessary to be clearly distinguished from the acknowledged ones. It is necessary to know the symbolism and mythology of the words of the Yan peoples. Without such knowledge, try to create a talisman and a talisman, you can not give a result. It is impossible to forget that the words of Yano-Russian had good and evil gods - all the gods were rich and fallow furnishings could bring mischief to shkoda.

    When fortune-telling, runes can only be interpreted daily. One by one, the stench cannot say anything to the informed koristuvachev.

    In this time of old Slavonic runes, that meaning is easily transcended through the Internet - the stench is described on rich sites. However, when choosing information for learning, it is necessary to have basic knowledge about the life of ancient words, even in the least, a lot of super-specific information, which means that it is critical to be critical.

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