Slovyansk goddess Vesta. Who is Vesta Goddess

The goddess Vesta is special in the myths of different peoples - in the ancient words of the Greeks and Romans. But the functions of that cult of the goddess did not always escape, although it is still possible to draw some parallels. Tse, for example, svyazok її iz a woman's cob, іz warmth, fire. Report about the price and about those who call the priestess of the goddess Vesti, read on.

Provіsnitsa of spring

Among the Slavic peoples, the goddess is closely associated with spring, with the renewal of nature and the beginning of a new life. And so it was associated with wisdom and good sings, shards of a zvistka about the Swedish arrival of spring was the middle of the best and dovgoochіkuvanih. Therefore, it is important that the message of the name of the goddess Vesti in the words was connected with the word "vist", that is a call.

With this description, a lot of beautiful poetic epithets were sung, for example:

  • Keeper of the ancient wisdom of the gods.
  • Patroness of the renewal of the world.
  • Good spring goddess.
  • Ruler of the awakening of nature.

older sister

Vesta bula was closely associated with another word, the Yang goddess, Madder, who symbolizes the prolezhny cob - winter, silence, calmness. Її won’t change the circle around the feast of fate, bringing people the health of wisdom, like the ancestors passed on to them, telling them about those that after the winter calm, nature, warmth, it’s time to come warm, sleep, I bring in, the fertility of the earth.

Marena was the elder sister of Vesti, who was called the sister of the supreme god Perun. Vaughn opіkuvalsya night, Sleep of nature, potoybichcha. Madder escorted those who died in sweaty life, calming them down and punishing them.

Day of the Goddess of News

Tsgogo day svyatkuvavsya with a great scope. Yogo was celebrated at the birch, at the hour of the spring equal day - astronomical phenomenon, under the hour of some central point of the sony disk to cross the celestial equator. At Pivnіchnіy pіvkulі traplyayetsya near the birch, on the 20th, at that moment, if the sun zdіysnyuє transition from Pvdnіchnіy pіvkulі to Pіvnіchnі.

The power of the News was sung by the elements of fire, but not by burning, that everything is in the air, but by enlivening, that the light is warming. It was important that, having rounded the houses of the sky once, you could ask the goddess from your life, so that she would bestow good luck.

Folk festivities

Everywhere the nation-wide festivities were in power, the milkweeds vibrated in obov'yazkovo, yak symbolized the Yarilo-Sun. And also bagels, paska, bagels with poppy seeds, gingerbread, which imitate larks, - everything was respected by the earth's spirits, which rolled through the winter sleep.

At whom dances were performed and the great songs of the goddess Vesti were sung. They talked about those who came to the earth and brought new life, set fire to hellfire, melted winter snows, watered the earth with living power, waking Marenya into a dream. And now Mother Earth will give the fields of life and strength to fertilize, better grain and a rich harvest.

woman's day

All day long at the words of the women, the people hovered around the women and the girls, pampering them with generous gifts. It dawned on me, zgіdno zgіdno zіkіm zhіnki, yakі vmivayutsya every day with melt water, scho vozvaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє a gift of News, to become forever young and beautiful, like the goddess herself.

It was also important that the skin participant of the holy take away from this day the messenger of the ancestors, as well as a part of divine wisdom, to start living in a new way, to honor the family, to honor the homeland, to honor the fathers, to love children, to mothers of pure thought.

Crossing at the see off Mareni

Without the middle of the day of the goddess News, it was otherwise sacred, as it was a logical continuation of the first. See off Marenya, goddess of winter, at the Kryzhan kingdom, which is known on Pivnochi. For many days, a great bagattya was lit, in a yak of leather from those present on the holy claves, a small lyalka of straw was prepared in front. At the same time, a slander was tentatively on her - they were praying for joy, happiness, I give birth to good things.

Millions of grains (wheat, oats, millet) were also placed near the fire, so that bread and growing food for their creatures was born. After that, like chicks and grains were burned, they drank rose over fields, gardens and cities, but again to improve the fertility of the earth.

At the hour of folk festivities, people were stribal already through another bagattya, vvazhayuchi, that at the same stench they purify both the body and the soul.

In this order, insults are holy by the sides of a single action, harmoniously passing from one to the other. So one goddess walks backwards, and then a friend sees off. At this two sisters, the symbol of Equality is displayed, and after Marenya’s entrance, the day turned into nothing. In the insults of the saint, the viability of intoxicating drinks and lily words was harrowed.


Goddess Rimu Vesta is the guardian home fire. At this place, having made dedications, the temple. The priestesses of the goddess Vesti were called vestals. They robbed the middle girls for six to ten years, as if they were up to representatives of a noble family. For 30 years, the stench of the stench would be filled with unstoppable, and in the times of the unpredictable rules, they could have been walled up with live bait.

The Vestal Virgins raised fire at the temple, which was a symbol of supremacy and stability. As soon as the fire went out with a rapt, it was already a filthy sign. Whenever the situation arose, they extinguished the fire specially once on the river. This was the first new day. After this yogo, they were scorched anew with a path, rubbing one tree after another. Znov zdobutyy fire was transmitted to other parts of the Roman Empire.

Paladiy ta regiya

Later, the goddess Vesta began to be taken away from the earthly sack, as if in the middle she was filled with fire and hanging unruly by the cosmic expanse. Others associated with fire, as the purest element. The cult of News of ancient Indo-European traditions and peace for Rome. Vіn mav tіsny zv'yazok іz mіsk shrines, such as paladin and regіya.

Paladiy - tse, in fact, an idol made from a tree, which depicts Pallas, which is otobrazhaetsya with the Greek goddess Athena. Roman mythology has an analogue of Bula Minerva. Roman paladin, behind one of the legends, brought from Troy to Aeneas. The paladin fell from the sky at the prayer of Troy's successor Dardanus.

Zgidno with a prophecy, crushed by the son of the king of Troy, Priam Gehlen, the place could not be conquered while the statue was in the dark. Pіznіshe її vykrali. Like a pledge of power to Rome, the paladium saved at the temple of the News.

Regiya - ce budinok at Ancient Rome, which was roztashovuvalos on the Roman forum. As a reminder of the antique dzherel, she was the residence or the presence of the kings, and then - the supreme pontiff. Tsya budіlya was roztashovuvaetsya bіla pіdnіzhzhya Palatinskogo pagorb, opposite the temple of Vesti and Budinka of the Vestal Virgins.

If there are private houses, then in them Vesti buv attachments enter to them, which is called the vestibulum.

Vzaёmopov'yazani stumps

The cult of Vesti buv duzhe closely connected with the cult of Penativ. In Roman mythology, there are gods, who were the guardians and patrons of the house, and later of all the people of Rome. Call sіm'ya small two Penatіv. They were made from stone, clay or wood and put in a shafka, where there was a big fire, where the whole homeland was taken.

On the sovereign level, the cult of Penativ, yakі to establish a well-to-do suspіlstva, heading the high priest. Vіn bringing sacrifices to them at the temple of the goddess Vesti. Offending these cults were mutually related among the Latins, and among the inhabitants of the Apennine Pivostrov - the Italians. The skin mist had its own Vesta and its Penati.

Entering the landing, the magistrates obov'yazkovo made sacrifices - like the Penates, so the news. They sounded the rest in disguise, closed it with a veil, with a bowl and a pitcher in their hands, and also with a scepter and a paladin. In ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of the family fire, similar to Vesti, was also called Hestia.

The goddess Vesta is special in the myths of different peoples - in the ancient words of the Greeks and Romans. But the functions of that cult of the goddess did not always escape, although it is still possible to draw some parallels. Tse, for example, svyazok її iz a woman's cob, іz warmth, fire. Report about the price and about those who call the priestess of the goddess Vesti, read on.

Provіsnitsa of spring

Among the Slavic peoples, the goddess is closely associated with spring, with the renewal of nature and the beginning of a new life. And so it was associated with wisdom and good sings, shards of a zvistka about the Swedish arrival of spring was the middle of the best and dovgoochіkuvanih. Therefore, it is important that the message of the name of the goddess Vesti in the words was connected with the word "vist", that is a call.

With this description, a lot of beautiful poetic epithets were sung, for example:

  • Keeper of the ancient wisdom of the gods.
  • Patroness of the renewal of the world.
  • Good spring goddess.
  • Ruler of the awakening of nature.

older sister

Vesta bula was closely associated with another word, the yansk goddess, Madder, who symbolizes the ear of the ear - winter, silence, calm. Її won’t change the circle around the feast of fate, bringing people the health of wisdom, like the ancestors passed on to them, telling them about those that after the winter calm, nature, warmth, it’s time to come warm, sleep, I bring in, the fertility of the earth.

Marena was the elder sister of Vesti, who was called the sister of the supreme god Perun. Vaughn pissed on the night, Sleep of nature, sweat. Madder escorted those who died in sweaty life, calming them down and punishing them.

Day of the Goddess of News

Tsgogo day svyatkuvavsya with a great scope. Yogo was celebrated at the birch, at the hour of the spring eve - an astronomical phenomenon, at the hour of some central point of the dormouse disk to cross the celestial equator. At Pivnіchnіy pіvkulі traplyayetsya near the birch, on the 20th, at that moment, if the sun zdіysnyuє transition from Pvdnіchnіy pіvkulі to Pіvnіchnі.

The power of the News was sung by the elements of fire, but not by burning, that everything is in the air, but by enlivening, that the light is warming. It was important that, having rounded the houses of the sky once, you could ask the goddess from your life, so that she would bestow good luck.

Folk festivities

Everywhere the nation-wide festivities were in power, the milkweeds vibrated in obov'yazkovo, yak symbolized the Yarilo-Sun. And also bagels, paska, bagels with poppy seeds, gingerbread, which imitate larks, - everything was respected by the earth's spirits, which rolled through the winter sleep.

At whom dances were performed and the great songs of the goddess Vesti were sung. They talked about those who came to the earth and brought new life, set fire to hellfire, melted winter snows, watered the earth with living power, waking Marenya into a dream. And now Mother Earth will give the fields of life and strength to fertilize, better grain and a rich harvest.

woman's day

All day long at the words of the women, the people hovered around the women and the girls, pampering them with generous gifts. It dawned on me, zgіdno zgіdno zіkіm zhіnki, yakі vmivayutsya every day with melt water, scho vozvaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє a gift of News, to become forever young and beautiful, like the goddess herself.

It was also important that the skin participant of the holy take away from this day the messenger of the ancestors, as well as a part of divine wisdom, to start living in a new way, to honor the family, to honor the homeland, to honor the fathers, to love children, to mothers of pure thought.

Crossing at the see off Mareni

Without the middle of the day of the goddess News, it was otherwise sacred, as it was a logical continuation of the first. See off Marenya, goddess of winter, at the Kryzhan kingdom, which is known on Pivnochi. For many days, a great bagattya was lit, in a yak of leather from those present on the holy claves, a small lyalka of straw was prepared in front. I slandered at him timidly - they prayed for joy, happiness, I give birth to good things.

Millions of grains (wheat, oats, millet) were also placed near the fire, so that bread and growing food for their creatures was born. After that, like chicks and grains were burned, they drank rose over fields, gardens and cities, but again to improve the fertility of the earth.

At the hour of folk festivities, people were stribal already through another bagattya, vvazhayuchi, that at the same stench they purify both the body and the soul.

In this order, insults are holy by the sides of a single action, harmoniously passing from one to the other. So one goddess walks backwards, and then a friend sees off. At this two sisters, the symbol of Equality is displayed, and after Marenya’s entrance, the day turned into nothing. In the insults of the saint, the viability of intoxicating drinks and lily words was harrowed.


The goddess Rimu Vesta is the guardian of the home pit. At this place, having made dedications, the temple. The priestesses of the goddess Vesti were called vestals. They robbed the middle girls for six to ten years, as if they were up to representatives of a noble family. For 30 years, the stench of the stench would be filled with unstoppable, and in the times of the unpredictable rules, they could have been walled up with live bait.

The Vestal Virgins raised fire at the temple, which was a symbol of supremacy and stability. As soon as the fire went out with a rapt, it was already a filthy sign. Whenever the situation arose, they extinguished the fire specially once on the river. This was the first new day. After this yogo, they were scorched anew with a path, rubbing one tree after another. Znov zdobutyy fire was transmitted to other parts of the Roman Empire.

Paladiy ta regiya

Later, the goddess Vesta began to be taken away from the earthly sack, as if in the middle she was filled with fire and hanging unruly by the cosmic expanse. Others associated with fire, as the purest element. The cult of News of ancient Indo-European traditions and peace for Rome. Vіn mav tіsny zv'yazok іz mіsk shrines, such as paladin and regіya.

Paladiy - tse, in fact, made from a tree idol, which depicts Pallas, which is associated with the Greek goddess Athena. Roman mythology has an analogue of Bula Minerva. Roman paladin, behind one of the legends, brought from Troy to Aeneas. The paladin fell from the sky at the prayer of Troy's successor Dardanus.

Zgidno with a prophecy, crushed by the son of the king of Troy, Priam Gehlen, the place could not be conquered while the statue was in the dark. Pіznіshe її vykrali. Like a pledge of power to Rome, the paladium saved at the temple of the News.

Regiya - ce budinok at Ancient Rome, a kind of rosetashovuvavsya on the Roman forum. As if to remember the antique dzherel, she was the residence or the presence of the kings, and later - the supreme pontiff. Tsya budіlya was roztashovuvaetsya bіla pіdnіzhzhya Palatinskogo pagorb, opposite the temple of Vesti and Budinka of the Vestal Virgins.

If there are private houses, then in them Vesti buv attachments enter to them, which is called the vestibulum.

Vzaёmopov'yazani stumps

The cult of Vesti buv duzhe closely connected with the cult of Penativ. In Roman mythology, there are gods, who were the guardians and patrons of the house, and later of all the people of Rome. Call sіm'ya small two Penatіv. They were made from stone, clay or wood and put in a shafka, where there was a big fire, where the whole homeland was taken.

On the sovereign level, the cult of Penativ, yakі to establish a well-to-do suspіlstva, heading the high priest. Vіn bringing sacrifices to them at the temple of the goddess Vesti. Offending these cults were mutually related among the Latins, and among the inhabitants of the Apennine Pivostrov - the Italians. The skin mist had its own Vesta and its Penati.

Entering the landing, the magistrates obov'yazkovo made sacrifices - like the Penates, so the news. They sounded the rest in disguise, closed it with a veil, with a bowl and a pitcher in their hands, and also with a scepter and a paladin. In ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of the family fire, similar to Vesti, was also called Hestia.

Since ancient times, fire has been respected by the sacred element. This is light, warm, zha, that is the basis of life. For shanuvannyam fire, the ancient goddess Vesta and її cult were tied. At the temple of News near Ancient Rome, there is a burning fire of eternity as a symbol of this power. In other Indo-European peoples, unburned fire was also raised in fire temples, in front of idols, and in the sacred centers of houses.

Behind the legend, she was born in the god's hour, that goddess of space, that she was the first in the world, recognized for life, and, filling the space with energy that hour, gave rise to the evolution. At the sight of other deities of the Roman pantheon, the goddess Vesta is not small in human likeness, there was a special part of the light-bearing and life-giving half-moon, in this temple there was no statue of another image of that deity. Considering fire as a single pure element, the Romans represented Vesta as an unoccupied goddess, as she did not accept the beloved propositions of Mercury and Apollo. For this, the supreme god Jupiter gave me the privileges of being blessed. As the goddess Vesta, the ice did not become a victim erotic bazhan god of birth Priapa. Osily, who grazes nearby, with a loud roar, awakening the dormant goddess and vryatuvav її in dishonor.

From that hour on the day of the holy day, the vestal donkey was harnessed to the robot, and on the lamp of the goddess, the head of this creature was depicted.

Vognishcha Vesti

Її half-moon meant greatness, prosperity, and that stability of the Roman Empire, and it was not guilty that it would die out for the occasional furnishings. The most sacred place at the Roman city was the temple of the goddess Vesti.

It is important that you sound the fire of the eternal fire for the honor of the defenders of your fatherland, starting from the tradition of chanting the goddess. The Roman goddess Vesta bula was the patron saint of the state, temples were built near the skin place. As if the inhabitants were looking out of the place, the stinks were taking half a day from the day of the News, so that they could set it on fire wherever they arrived. Eternal fire Here reigned the banquets of outrageous messages, banquets for their honor.


That was the name of the priestesses of the goddess, yakі mali pіdtremuvati sacred fire. The girls were selected for the role. The stench is guilty of being representatives of the most distinguished budins, mothers of invisible beauty, moral purity and sensibility. Everything in them bears little resemblance to the image of the great goddess. The Vestal Virgins carried their honorable service for thirty rokіv, all the time loitering at the temple. The first ten years were dedicated to step-by-step training, for the next ten years the stench scrupulously victorious rituals, and the remaining ten years began their craft of young vital women. After all, the women could turn around to see them and get married. They called them "Not Vesti", they themselves were blatantly blatantly in foreign countries. The Vestal Virgins were celebrated with the same piety, that of the goddess herself. Poshana that povaga before them was so strong that it was in the power of the Vestals to inspire the stratum of the convict, as if in the hour of the night go to the path.

The Vestal Virgins sacredly protect and preserve their value, the ruins of this rule were similar to the fall of Rome. Likewise, with the dashes of the state, the half-light was fading away on the vіvtarі of the goddess. Whatever else happened, the vestal was punished with a cruel death.

History, sim'ya that power

The history of that part of the empire was so closely connected with the cult of the News, that the fall of Rome was implicitly told about it, that the ruler Flavius ​​Gratian at 382 rots of the Feast of Christ extinguished the fire at the temple of the News and the institute of news.

Understanding this power in Ancient Rome was equal, one was respected by the other. Therefore, the goddess Vesta was respected as the keeper of that family fire. Doslidniki vvazhayut that in ancient times the supreme priest of the News was the king himself, like before, like the head of the family was the priest of the home fire. The skin calling honored this fiery goddess with her special patron. Half a thought, why the representatives of the family celebrated the flames with tієyu and neatness, that the vestals in the temple, so much so, that this fire means the mіtsnіst of the native zv'yazkіv and the good of all the motherland. Like half a day it went out raptly, into which a bad sign was thrown, and the pardon immediately turned around: behind the help of a larger warehouse, a sleepy exchange of two wooden sticks, which were rubbed one on one, the fire was fired again.

Under the saw and the good-natured eye of the goddess Vesti, ritual ceremonies were held, in the middle they baked spring ritual bread. Here the family agreements were laid down, they knew the will of the ancestors. Nothing filthy and unworthy was guilty before the sacred fire of the fire, which is saved by the goddess.

Near Ancient Greece

Here the goddess Vesta was called Hestia and is of little importance to herself, patronizing the sacrificial fire and the family center. Її fathers were Kronos and Rhea, the youngest brother was Zeus. The Greeks didn’t mind the bachiti in her woman and portrayed her like a string of a great beauty in a cape. Before a significant skin deed, they made sacrifices. The Greeks saved the order to “start with Hestia”. The head center of the goddess of fire entered Mount Olympus from the її heavenly half-lights. The ancient hymns sing Hestia with a “green herb” Volodarka “with a clear smile” and call out “good luck” and “health with a healthy sage”.

Slovyansk deity

Chi bula own goddess Vesta at words'yan? Deyakі dzherela to talk about those who were called the goddess of spring. Vaughn made a special awakening from the winter sleep and an ear of flowers. Zhittedayny fire at to this particular type accepting our ancestors as a mighty force that shows magical infusion on the renewal of nature and kindness. Ymovіrno, scho pagan sounds, in some tasks there is fire, tied to the deification of the goddess.

It is easy to request the words of the Yang goddess of spring to your house. Sufficiently enough times to go around life for the year's arrow, adding "Luck, happiness, prosperity." Women, like curtains, waded in with melt water, mali, for povіr'ami, the chance to become young and addicted, like Vesta herself, for a long time. The Slovian goddess also symbolized the power of the light over the dark. That її was especially exalted on the first day of the new fate.

Who are the voices of the words

That was the name of the girls, to know the wisdom of the Lord, that satisfied person. You could see the zamіzh without fear: good gentlemen, wise warriors and good mothers came out of the west. Contrary to this, the most quiet young women were called names, as if they were not ready for the marriage of that family life.

Gods and stars

At the birch tree of 1807, the German astronomer Heinrich Olbers discovered an asteroid, which he named after the ancient Roman goddess Vesti. In 1857, Norman Pogson gave the English teachings to the rock of the asteroid named after the old Greek її іpostasі - Hestії.

Like at the Old Month of Dailet on the Day of the Spring Equality of the Orthodox people, the people will take birth in the Temples and in the Sanctuaries, as well as in the Old Tracts, zestrich-magnificence, and glorify the young sister of the Holy Goddess Vesta, who was carried on the Earth by the Holy Race. At її the honor is held by a nationwide festivity, obov'yazkovo bake milk, like a symbol of Yarila-Sontsya; Easter cakes, bagels and bagels with poppy seeds, like a symbol of the earth, which are thrown after winter sleep; Gingerbread cookies looked like larks and a stove with swastika symbols.
Goddess Vesta - Heavenly Goddess-Keeper of the Oldest Wisdom of the Cherry Gods.
It is also called the Patron of the Light, which is being renewed, the good Goddess of Spring, as she sees the coming to the earth of the Holy Russia - Spring, and the awakening of the Nature of Midgard-Earth.
In addition, the Goddess Vesta symbolized not only the health of the Ancient Wisdom of the Cherry Gods with the Clans of the Words and Ariev, but also the reception of good, good stars from the skin Family of the Great Race. On the first day of the skin, the representative of his glorious Family takes away the important sign of the Ancestors, and also I will set the Wisdom of the Gods of the Family to his Spiritual Development. And you can only know this call through Pure Conscience, that is an uninterrupted connection with your Family through the earthly Gods and up to the Heavenly ones. So we say in our Saints, Slavs Rіd svіy i Rіd Heavenly:

Batkam that our Mothers - Glory!
Glory to the Gods and our Ancestors!

On the Day of the Goddess News at the birth of Holy Russia, it was accepted to spoil and spoil the gifts of women, girls, the true Word of Women's Day. And it’s not bad to follow the lead of the servants of dark cults, who imposed such a name on the honor of a crooked cut of a blessed biblical Jew. For our squads, our Holy Day is one of them, even all our beautiful ones - Bіlі dіvchata - moustache of the Goddess.
And the next day after the day spring day see off at their Krizhan Halls and say goodbye to the fierce Winter, that the foxes and the fields were covered with a snow blanket, awakening the awakening of Nature and a varied life. In honor of the seeing off of the Goddess Marenya on Pivnich, holy Krasnogor, the Day of Maslyanoy-Marenya is celebrated, the titles are also Seeing the Goddess Winter (the current name is Seeing the Russian Winter).
Goddess Marena (Mara - mothers of RA, tobto mothers syayva, and vzimka snіg dodge on the sun) - the Great Goddess of Winter, calm, night, natural Dream of Eternal Life. Marena Svarogovna, one of the three naming sisters of the Bagatomwise God Perun. Even more often її call the Goddess of Death, as if pripinyaє earthly life of people in the Explicit Light, but we do not call it right. The Goddess Marena does not attach to human life, but gives people the Rasi Vіchne Zhittya near the Holy Glory.
Ale Goddess Marena, guarding for the cause of Nature on Midgard-Earth, if Mother Nature is gaining strength for the spring awakening, that life grows and the creaturely world, guarding for the lives of people. And if an hour comes to people from the Rodiv of the Great Race, to break their long road with the Golden Way, the Goddess Marena gives the skin of the dead people to the earthly Spiritual and worldly life, and also to the end of the creative life, in which you directly continue your life after death. Way, near Holy Navi chi Holy Glory.
For many days, a lyalka is sleeping, made of straw, which symbolizes the snowy Winter, and not the Goddess Madder, as some people think. Following the ritual of spitting the straw lyalka, the harvest was sown over the field, the garden and the city, so that the virus is kind, a rich harvest. Bo, as our ancestors said:

“Goddess Vesta came to Midgard-Earth,
brought new life to Krasnogor,
Fire lit and winter snow melted,
I filled the whole earth with living power
I woke up Mareni from sleep.
Mati Sira Land to our fields
Give life-giving strength,
Dobirne grain in the fields of our prorostatime,
Sob us to our birth - give a good harvest.

It can be said that we are two Holy one single action, that we can harmoniously move from one to another, if we sing the Goddess Vesta on the back, and then sing the power to the honor of the Goddess Marenya. In the whole period, the Holy Sisters themselves converge at once - Equality, and even after the exit of the Elder Day, they became for nothing.
The Skin is Holy for the Bіloy people on the top of Spirituality and spend May yogo vіdpovіdno until the Ancestral Remembrances. And that one itself is “oily”, imposed on the people by empty priests for only three hundred years to that which is celebrated for this day until the present “great fast before the Great Day (Passover)”, the reform of the Ancestors’ Spadshchyna is dark. That yak can buti zustrіch Spring at the fierce ?! Bachachi, that words yak and shake the Holy of their Great Ancestors - stench, at once from zhorstoky crackdowns and fences, they overhauled our Holy Light, pіdmіnivshi yogo, tying up monthly calendar. Spodіvayuchis themselves to erase the memory of the People, replacing Rіdnya with someone else, lubricated with predictions about unilluminated pagans, alcohol and the ritual of sleeping Marenya's baby.
Oskіlki Slov'yansk Holy Zustrіchі Spring and Seeing Winter Spent on the Judeo-Christian " great pіst before Pesach”, if that merry third-party church is holy with a fence, it was sacred to them that it was holy for an hour “zsunuto” ~ for a month (or more) from this cult - for fierce. The axis of the fierce and frosty fierce, in my mind, and spring begins!
Ale, let's turn to Rіdnih Traditsіy. By the way the Scarecrow of Zimi burns, they wonder what spring will be like. For example: if Lyalka-Winter burns for a long time, then the awakening of Nature and the warming will not be warm, and navpaki. And Maslyan’s oskіlki - tse farewell to the past, s vіdzhilim, then at the same time people indulge in every waste and old ganchira, and in their guise - in the form of old bid and unacceptable experiences. And so they take a drink of riches and grow over the earth in cities and gardens, so that, having filled the ground with Yaskravoy power, it brought a rich harvest.

Since ancient times, fire has been respected by the sacred element. This is light, warm, zha, that is the basis of life. For shanuvannyam fire, the ancient goddess Vesta and її cult were tied. At the Temple of the News at Ancient Rome, mountains are like and powers. In other Indo-European peoples, unburned fire was also raised in fire temples, in front of idols, and in the sacred centers of houses.

Goddess Vesta at Ancient Rome

Behind the legend, she was born in the god's hour, that goddess of space, that she was the first in the world, recognized for life, and, filling the space with energy that hour, gave rise to the evolution. At the sight of other deities of the Roman pantheon, the goddess Vesta is not small in human likeness, there was a special part of the light-bearing and life-giving half-moon, in this temple there was no statue of another image of that deity. Considering fire as a single pure element, the Romans represented Vesta as an unoccupied goddess, as she did not accept the beloved propositions of Mercury and Apollo. For the sake of the supreme one, having given us the privileges of being naishanovanish. As if the goddess Vesta the ice did not become a victim of Pryapa's erotic bazhan. Osily, who grazes nearby, with a loud roar, awakening the dormant goddess and vryatuvav її in dishonor.

From that hour on the day of the holy day, the vestal donkey was harnessed to the robot, and on the lamp of the goddess, the head of this creature was depicted.

Vognishcha Vesti

Її half-moon meant greatness, prosperity, and that stability of the Roman Empire, and it was not guilty that it would die out for the occasional furnishings. The most sacred place at the Roman city was the temple of the goddess Vesti.

It is important that you sound the fire of the eternal fire for the honor of the defenders of your fatherland, starting from the tradition of chanting the goddess. The Roman goddess Vesta bula was the patron saint of the state, temples were built near the skin place. As if the inhabitants were looking out of the place, the stinks were taking half a day from the day of the News, so that they could set it on fire wherever they arrived. Eternal fire Here reigned the banquets of outrageous messages, banquets for their honor.


That was the name of the priestesses of the goddess, yakі mali pіdtremuvati sacred fire. The girls were selected for the role. The stench is guilty of being representatives of the most distinguished budins, mothers of invisible beauty, moral purity and sensibility. Everything in them bears little resemblance to the image of the great goddess. The Vestal Virgins carried their honorable service for thirty rokіv, all the time loitering at the temple. The first ten years were dedicated to step-by-step training, for the next ten years the stench scrupulously victorious rituals, and the remaining ten years began their craft of young vital women. After all, the women could turn around to see them and get married. They called them "Not Vesti", they themselves were blatantly blatantly in foreign countries. The Vestal Virgins were celebrated with the same piety, that of the goddess herself. Poshana that povaga before them was so strong that it was in the power of the Vestals to inspire the stratum of the convict, as if in the hour of the night go to the path.

The Vestal Virgins sacredly protect and preserve their value, the ruins of this rule were similar to the fall of Rome. Likewise, with the dashes of the state, the half-light was fading away on the vіvtarі of the goddess. Whatever else happened, the vestal was punished with a cruel death.

History, sim'ya that power

The history of that part of the empire was so closely connected with the cult of the News, that the fall of Rome was implicitly told about it, that the ruler Flavius ​​Gratian at 382 rots of the Feast of Christ extinguished the fire at the temple of the News and the institute of news.

Understanding this power in Ancient Rome was equal, one was respected by the other. Therefore, the goddess Vesta was respected as the keeper of that family fire. Doslidniki vvazhayut that in ancient times the supreme priest of the News was the king himself, like before, like the head of the family was the priest of the home fire. The skin calling honored this fiery goddess with her special patron. Half a thought, why the representatives of the family celebrated the flames with tієyu and neatness, that the vestals in the temple, so much so, that this fire means the mіtsnіst of the native zv'yazkіv and the good of all the motherland. Like half a day it went out raptly, into which a bad sign was thrown, and the pardon immediately turned around: behind the help of a larger warehouse, a sleepy exchange of two wooden sticks, which were rubbed one on one, the fire was fired again.

Under the saw and the good-natured eye of the goddess Vesti, ritual ceremonies were held, in the middle they baked spring ritual bread. Here the family agreements were laid down, they knew the will of the ancestors. Nothing filthy and unworthy was guilty before the sacred fire of the fire, which is saved by the goddess.

Near Ancient Greece

Here the goddess Vesta was called Hestia and is of little importance to herself, patronizing the sacrificial fire and the family center. Її fathers were Kronos and Rhea, and the youngest brother was Zeus. The Greeks didn’t mind the bachiti in her woman and portrayed her like a string of a great beauty in a cape. Before a significant skin deed, they made sacrifices. The Greeks saved the order to “start with Hestia”. The goddess of fire was called by the head center in the її heavenly half-light. The ancient hymns sing Hestia with a “green herb” Volodarka “with a clear smile” and call out “good luck” and “health with a healthy sage”.

Slovyansk deity

Chi bula own goddess Vesta at words'yan? Deyakі dzherela to talk about those who were called the goddess of spring. Vaughn made a special awakening from the winter sleep and an ear of flowers. The life-giving fire at times was taken by our ancestors as a mighty force that gives a magical infusion of renewal of nature and kinship. Ymovіrno, scho pagan sounds, in some tasks there is fire, tied to the deification of the goddess.

It is easy to request the words of the Yang goddess of spring to your house. Sufficiently enough times to go around life for the year's arrow, adding "Luck, happiness, prosperity." Women, like curtains, waded in with melt water, mali, for povіr'ami, the chance to become young and addicted, like Vesta herself, for a long time. The Slovian goddess also symbolized the power of the light over the dark. That її was especially exalted on the first day of the new fate.

Who are the voices of the words

That was the name of the girls, to know the wisdom of the Lord, that satisfied person. You could see the zamіzh without fear: good gentlemen, wise warriors and good mothers came out of the west. Contrary to this, the most quiet young women were called names, as if they were not ready for the marriage of that family life.

Gods and stars

At the birch tree of 1807, the German astronomer Heinrich Olbers discovered an asteroid, which he named after the ancient Roman goddess Vesti. In 1857, Norman Pogson gave the English interpretation to the asteroid її іpostasі – Hestії.

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