Erotic banter in words and prose. Send the knowledge to your mobile phone. “Kohanna before you, I will protect the snow”

I love you, like the sky to love the stars,

I love, how to love the dark moon.

We are serious about you

And without you it is so important for me to fall asleep.

You dear me, and it’s not vipadkovo,

Delivered to me as a gift from the share.

And in my feelings there is no mystery,

Help me try it out for myself.

Ale tse zovsіm do not curse evil.

Alex Kudinov Sheffer and children, all rights reserved

And what is it?

Today's classes

hello now...

axis-axis gone

and it will mean

soul like a confession

Say a lot about what you wanted to

To friends and їy, only one

Cho pochutya-dumki like a comet

prik-skok - axis row

jump is different...


don't judge me

let cleanliness

only in your head

and let your soul be pure

fill the stupidity of the evil word

don't think badly about anyone

and you will play

you will live richer than rokiv, lower than that

who is angry, like a morel in morels

All aggressions and share of others

Live, kohai, ta hi garni

your soul ballet croque

holy earth

Oleksiy Kudinov-Sheffer (A.K-Sh.) - Mili

Your soul ballet croque

"Virshi about kokhannya" "Virshi about kokhannya" "Garnі vіrshi about kokhannya" "Beautiful clips about kokhannya" "new clips about kokhannya" "phrase about kokhannya" "new clips about kokhannyа" "beautiful clips about kokhannyа" "vіrshi kudiniv-sheffer "vіrshi ru" classmates classmates audiobooks

And don’t let it show you nonsense, but only faith gives love strength and joy.

not only the relish of my body, but that love and tenderness, for which I lie before you! * * * I want to pamper you,

I want to hug, kiss.

How can I manage without you

Words do not say! * * * I'm like a little krizhinka, I'm dancing in your strong arms, and I'm so happy,

what in me is such a treasure, like Ti! Candle burn, burn down.

People live, die.

You live do not die

don't forget me! * * *

Funny sms lad, sms lad.

send sms on besmobi for those who want to be seen in the kohanna, or just fire with the kokhana people. SMS funny for those who love drawing. Vulgar sms are funny for the quiet, who has a little bit of humor. Send SMS to girls, girls and other ladies of a woman's status. SMS picoli on besmobi for boys, people and other special needs. SMS rozіgrashі for quiet, who is sensible hot. Romantic love sms(sms) verses about kokhannya. Сміх СМС (SMS) z_znannya in the kohannі girls or lads. Ultnі SMS privіtannya, sms і sms toast for any relish. SMS (sms) valentines and sms (sms) greetings for all deaths - St. Valentine's Day.

Vulgar sms - love sms - clarification in the kohanna. - istor-love

Vulgar SMS..

On the relish, it didn’t look so good, about like beer. But then, I did spit out a small piece of lemon, afraid of the matting vagity.

Masha, beat God! Fourth year - "Sche trohi!" I need to bark obscenities, I am a person, not a vibrator!

Nich. Vulitsya. Likhtar. Pharmacy.

I buy Vaseline.

There are two more people with me:

One virmen, another Georgian.

Not May 100 friends, but May their girlfriends

You know what: the body, zanuren in the body, embracing the fuzziness and seeing the motherland!

Like a leather man, I carry with me a sign of violence!

Don’t tell me what, but it’s still acceptable to throw yourself over to look at life in shorts!

My baby growth is not for fate

And already bent the mature ladies,

If you take yoga in your hands,

You don't know a stronger cudgel.

Vchora strangled his sexual desires so that only the wet place was gone.

Mila, one more look like that, and I don’t see a sparkle on my jeans!

Akuratna Marinka

She ripped my fly.

Good, sho roared,

Nudga was blowing in the wind

Come to me kohaniya, bude sex is not repeated. So, the idea is good, I can’t live without the “baby”

Hot sex is not a vice, only one twink is needed.

To torment interest, sent a mittyu SMS

I arrive at the station,

We greeted the commanders

Sob they have a member getting up like that,

We got up to wake up.

If there are no eggs in you, you will be consumed by the one who can have two.

Erotica - if you marvel, you will like it, and pornography - if you wonder, you want ...

I joke about something intimate! (do NOT prod the robot)

It’s not without reason that people get to know erogenous mіstsya!

B'є kopitom, land riє,

Young spermatozoon.

Student remember! Don't forget to look at the windows: then children will know something... and they will fool you!

Do you want focus? We come to me, have sex, and then ... you know!

We lay with you on a bed,

The stars laughed at the window,

Lie down on a soft bed already caught,

We didn’t get caught up in sleep.

Just more caress was left,

Lips zaschipal close mouth,

Just soared the darkness,

Starting quietly sex and sport.

Hands embraced everything stronger,

Tіlo tіlu robilo massage,

M'yazi became all greater,

They came in with a flourish...

Unknown witness in the kohanna. examination in the hood of a boy, a man. the most exclusive and most original knowledge. ways and methods.

Unknown to Lyubov lad, cholovik. The most exclusive and original knowledge.

The most important thing in life is svіt. Same is a kohanna. Combine the invisible and beautiful! Live at the world of kokhannya!

Kohannya is wonderful. For an hour, honestly, you pick up banalities, what a waste of time. People joke about new and new ways to get to know their feelings in an original way.

W look, how many people knew them! Don't get bored! Unknown evidence in the kohanna:

  1. On the snow, under the very end, you can write your name and be known. Ale, not just a farboi. All inconsistency lies in the fact that I can make a candle. Such, yaki ti often bachila and bachish in cakes. You remember, right? Might be a dark evening. You may have a flashlight and that mobile phone. Dial your number, ask for a vin looking at the end. For ten khvilin, not earlier. Light the candles, correcting the skin of them, so that everything was perfect.
  2. Come to the new home. Talk to him. Just talk. It is necessary to pokat, until the vin is proponing you to drink a cup of tea chi cavi. Proponuє - tell me what you want to drink youma kava or tea yourself. Zamіst tsukru, at the drink, put strength. Stіlki and a spoon, skilki would put a tsukorochka. Kill everything, don’t mention wine, what’s wrong. You can make your own tea from tsukrom, drink yoga from satisfaction. You can - kava. If you ask why you confused the strength of that tsukor, tell me what you oversalted. She froze. I give you your tea. Scrape your “rozsiyanost” with a kiss.
  3. Find a t-shirt in yogo's speeches. Without writing the pictures. Vikradi її at the new for the next hour. Vіdnesi tudi, de put on clothes. Ask them to write a letter from the unknown (with yakim - guess for yourself). Tell me, what color can I write about the world. Pay money. And everything will be crushed at the best looking! No one has ever experienced such a surprise! Sweat, picking an hour, give me that T-shirt especially, or you’ll go to the most prominent place. It is necessary, schob vin not at once, mentioning її.
  4. Unknown knowledge can be written on the kitchen. Tezh, obviously, not independently. Є gurtki, yakі when heated, "show" on your own little ones or a lot of little ones. What is not a space for fantasy? Fahіvtsі inflict on the kitchen everything that bothers you. You can put yours on it for more “cuteness”. Don't have any pictures? Take a picture, or just take another photo. Zagalom, be smart!
  5. Get to know the kohanna by radio! Why is the innocence? To the one that your knowledge is felt by the whole country. I will accept this fact for you (your kohanom). Soromishsya zіznatisya voice - write povіdomlennya on the air! Like in the new there will be no obscene chi vulgar - the exclamation of obov'yazkovo will be read and commented on by radio presenters.
  6. If you still don’t know about your feelings to the new, if you want to know in the senses “unremembered”. Tse can be robiti! Approximately so. You are gazing at the park. Walk, move, get excited. At that moment, if the heart is overwhelmed by feelings, you should know “from afar”.


“The weather is amazing! I like this dribny plank, yogo cold droplets. I like you! I love you, honestly like that ... And what day is it today?

How do not fit methods and methods - marvel, like others.

W Look, as if the enemy is blinded by the invisible:

Karina, 20 years old, Yekaterinburg: I ​​was fourteen. Like I'm a fool! She succumbed to one of the boys. І vіn, nachebto, tezh I have suffocated. Ale vin mustache without talking and not talking about the kohannya. I tried to say everything, so as not to be tormented. Honestly, I didn't say. I wrote. On the bench. Felt-tip pens! But I didn’t know what I was guilty of, through disrespect, I sat down to write myself! Vіn buv todi in white pants…. Yaks have ceased to be beaten already for a sprat of mittevost. Quite a bit angry, laughing…. Having found out for a while that no one had robbed me of such surprises. We did not separate and we did not pick up. Tsya "non-violence" helped us to make a stosunki. Nevdovzі I'll see for the new zamіzh! Win me a proposition!

Camellia, 31 river, Poltava: My kohaniy is a great ox. So it was bulo tsіkavo that Korisno, I covered the majestic cake. The word "I love" is written on the new bulb a lot of times. I myself was worthy of this cake. Nicely appreciating my efforts. Through the river, to our sacred place, having also covered the cake. Even bigger for the roses! On the new bulb it is written: “I love you even more!”. Skoda bulo їsti such a bad taste.

Antonina, 23 rocks, Zaslavl: My aunt works as a lifter. I hurried tsim, asked її zupiniti lift for a sprat of khvilin, if we are s kohanim їhatimemo in the new. Titka could not help me. At your hvilini, I said that I already love yoga. Good, that wine does not suffer from claustrophobia. Tittsі I bought three boxes of scalded zuceroks. She said that she was the best titt in the world. And with Artemka mi at once for a long time. Our kohannya does not go out. Truth is, now we have unique lifts. Walk pishki on all gatherings. Zlyakavsya, maybe, the innocence of my knowledge.

What did you come up with? What did the innocence prepare for the kohan lad? Choose from an overexploited vishche. Or turn on all the middle parts of your fantasies. Be-yaky variant - neizchayny. Like your love is right.

Do not boast, as if nothing falls on a thought. Creation of the crisis in all trapleyaetsya.

Far be. . .

Original knowledge from Lyubov.- I want to tell you garno that I love you!

Vyznannya in Virsha. - Visnannya in kohannі lad, cholovіkovі.

Garni words about the kohanna.- I want to tell you kokhany.

Illuminated in the hutch of the lads at the top

"Nibi in a fairy tale I drank"

I drank nibi in a fairy tale,

If we were stalked by you.

There will be few good words in the world,

Shchob vyslovit my kokhannya.

I never loved so much

So she didn’t fly.

You became the dearest for me,

You be with me forever!

"The short lad in the world"

You are the best boy in the world,

I do not fall into a rage,

Ale pochuttiv cannot be expressed in words,

Do not describe them in dreams!

I can ignite the earth,

To bring your love!

"You are my half friend"

You are the best in the world,

І to you are assigned verse.

We are alone with you on the planet

Let's divide the kokhannya into two.

At the depths of my eyes you will read,

Yak I love you without a rose,

You are my half friend

I'll leave it forever!

"Without you my heart burns"

Without you my heart burns

And I live with you again.

The thought of happiness wins me over,

Let's get out of here in reality.

I know you in my feelings,

I do love you very much.

Let me be vain for an hour,

Ale zіgrієsh you my soul!

"If the heart beats synchronously"

If the heart beats synchronously,

When the eyes are sharpened,

If the strong feel the worldless

Mimovoli rolled tears,

I will understand that it was earlier

Don't bother me already,

Adja life gave great happiness -

Love you with all your heart!

"I know you, I blew it"

I knew you, I wrote

I've been cheering for you for a long time!

I have forgotten everything about the world,

Your skin glance forever catch!

And you could love so pure

So selflessly, like me?

I feel so promenade,

I shove, I shove, I shove you!

“We often talk to no avail”

We often talk to no avail,

"Razluchaemsya" іnodi -

Characters of all stories,

What to go from mouth to mouth.

Skin girl, however,

A hero is running around in the world,

І share gives me signs,

What am I guilty of buti with you!

"I can't move"

Like a maiden is seen at the kohanna -

It's too much to talk about

Save your knowledge

Hai out on the feat nadikhne!

So, I say to you - I love,

Although it is not easy for me to give,

Still, I can't move

I give you a piece of sleep!

"I love you and happy soul"

Tell me about those that I love you

That everything is ready for you,

Your own thoughts, and heart, and hopes

All the same, all the same, do not show the lower ones!

I love you and happy soul

What am I telling you today!

Now you know everything, now you bachish,

I'm sure you don't skrivdish me!

"I love you, mon amour!"

Brutal, zuhvaliy, proud of himself,

Sound, mabut, remagati.

Shob buti with a beauty, be it,

You don't need a long check.

Ale, why don't you wonder

On the face of farbі pіd glamour.

I have one splash-pestish.

I love you, mon amour!

“I’m talking about kohanny today”

I’m talking about kohanny today,

What is a hundred times stronger than all earthly things,

I give a heart to a dear one

The bottom kiss is the same verse.

Yakshcho ti instruct, it's so easy for me.

Svіtіv i beautiful svіt great.

I soul expands so high,

If you want one more - be with you.

"We'll be a day away"

The day will be far away, I know.

With me at the same time at the same time

You will prokineshsya, chuckle,

You go to the kitchen to put tea.

I am with you at once

We know teapots from stoves.

And today is not the same

One of one zustrіnemo I and you!

“So I want to hug you!”

I can neither eat nor sleep.

So I want to hug you!

I guess your ruin, shoulders -

It will become easier on my soul.

You twisted my head,

Vіd kokhannya no more strength.

Call - and I will come ...

Simply I LOVE YOU!

"I can't have a good day without you"

I can't have a good day without you

I do not live peacefully at night.

It's just cold without you.

There is simply no sense in living.

So you can feel my love

My kohaniy and nayridnishy.

And give yours to you.

I want to live with you!

"Because of you, I check new zustrіchi"

With you I check new zustrіchi,

I am burning impatiently.

I want to hug you by the shoulders,

I whisper to you "I love you."

I want to laugh alone,

Moment skin nasolodzhuvatisya.

I be happy for everyone in the world,

The best couple on the planet!

“It’s more difficult for a kohanna to know”

It’s more difficult for a kohanna to know,

Sometimes it's just impossible -

Adzhe fearfulness, rubbish for the world,

Hotch from the middle and open

I feel less today

Ale, all the same, I will become merciful -

I will shout to the whole planet,

About those that I love you!

"I want to be with you at once!"

To you from the moment of our zustrіch

At night I'm dreaming about sleep.

It seems like it's time to rejoice,

Ale, don't help me.

And everything that I need for happiness,

I'll take a look at you.

It's so hard to feel tidy,

I want to be with you together!

"We are with you forever at once"

We are with you forever at once,

We will name and named

It's important to name

Only I want to say -

When they shoot at you,

A kohanna came to life at the heart!

Maybe the hour will come -

I can name us!

"Because of you, I am ruining"

With you I am ruining

Decals don't know what to say

I am not laughing until the month, I repent:

You can do it all wrong.

Aje I, sensible girl,

I don't recognize myself.

Baladi's soul pulls thin

Let's forgive the plot: I'm choking!

"I'll be sure to entrust"

I'll be close

I will entrust

All my lower

Viddam near the city,

I'll take it in the valley

Warmth and caress

Toby with love

I give for happiness!

"My Confirmation in the Kohanna"

Kokhannya for me is like water,

For all living to live,

Kokhannya for me forever,

I don’t give a damn.

Svidchennya in the kohanna at the same time

Tobi, loving friend, I ask,

I will say without embellishments

I love you and I don't care!

“Kohanna before you, I will protect the snow”

I will love you in the snow,

Vіd evil word chi people!

I don’t forget anything,

The first hour of telling about her has arrived!

I love you, as I did not love life,

I'm talking about everything, my love, forgot!

Tee the best lad and such a pity

I check on vіdpovіd nevpinno!

You are the only one in the whole world

You are the only one in the whole world,

My happiness is my share,

Ti - luck is unimaginable,

Tse so miraculous - live lyublyachi!

I today for joy and pride

I'm only talking about you

Sob it became a life story,

And the kohannya is less of a joy in the lot!

"I'm choked up!"

The axis is moving again with a tightness,

Loosen the thread vtrachaemo.

Aje beat us one to one -

We know well!

I tell you about the smut

So far, I haven’t bothered:

Let me know soon,

Ale, I sighed!

Confirmation in the robe of a boy, a girl at the top

"Kokhannya - tse theorem, as it is necessary to bring it up again today," - saying Archimedes.

Do you think it's easy to recognize girls in your feelings? That's right - it's foldable, words, as a rule, fall into a thought, but it's not like you ... even if you want to, so that the interview in the kohanna would be romantic, beautiful, scorched by yourself. And especially as everything is up ...

That navit is not the best, how can we know how can we be less wide, beautiful, slandering and outrageous? Adzhe binds himself with family ties, we are not allowed to speak one to one lower words kokhannya, it is possible to wind up at the tops, but with prose, as if it were louder. Prote the importance of which nobody can be overestimated.

You can't be beaten by the viraz "out of the house"? It’s like it’s supposed to sound pompous, even if you don’t ask anyone to work the whole day with a bouquet of red trojans by candles. Ale say kohaniy "Good morning, sonechko!" :)

Abo please Nadobranich kohanom? yak simple! Adzhe tsezh z_znannya from their own feelings, from the kohanna. And let’s go to the dobranіch and pray for your half of the leather day, especially smoked in the cheek, having corrected the little one, or having sent the sms to the kohanom - smut robit tse chiro, in porivi pochuttіv, and razumіti, scho z tsih drіbnitі vіnosinі і skіdіvayutsya ours. So, bestow knowledge on the kohanna maidens, friends, navit retinues - "and it will turn before you more than once."

One more important moment - how to bring, realize your vision? Send SMS to Kohaniy chi secretly send a note? Can you phone more quickly and get to know me by phone? Chi ask for a favor? Recently caught my eye one original way. Having recorded the lad on the camera for himself, following one word for the day, then mounting the film-recognition and correcting the mess. Garno, right? Tsіkavo, what kind of wine did you take away the breath? The history of the castle, but if you want to believe in the best, the people still tried, they didn’t say a few words - 360 words! So, the axis of the check was a girl, richer than a crocodile, a check was a check, she could fall in love for a river! and vin all the whole hour of knowledge adding up ...

You need to take a note, I’m only lying for myself, but on the day after the word - tse, maybe, sorted out, so you can live up to retirement on your own.

It's easier to know at the kohanna on St. Valentine's Day, if everyone gives one valentine to one. You can call without signing, maybe the person himself will guess who. But here, obviously, you don’t guess, but with a rapt roar about your own, the inlet has shorted?

One more way to get caught on the forums. Can you take garnu leaflet, on the back of which to write a garnier verse, otherwise knowing it in your own words - it doesn’t matter, it’s like going about the right kohannya! And they gave me a handful of leaves to cut into small pieces. So, take the axis so cut it, with scissors. Fold the little things in an envelope and send it to the kohan addressee. And vin (won) don’t let yourself suffer, otrimavshi your sheet. Prote skilki intrigue!

And you can absolutely anonymously write a song about the kohannya on a mobile phone like this:

Send a letter to your mobile phone

I love you - the song Zhіntsi: You like me and the axis R. Rizdvyany: Everything starts from love A. Pushkin: I remember miraculous mit I'm whispering yours, I'm seeing a dream in the kohanna (Group T9)

In a flash, guess the ways, in view of which your recognition in the kohanna only wins!

I already love you, you hear me?

I can't live without you, rozumiesh?

Ledve chuti sni ti dihaesh,

If you press hard to yourself.

I'm with you forever, do you believe me?

My dear friend, do you know?

Shvidko my fears rose,

Like nothing else inspires me.

You say what you love, say?

Will you kiss me and hug me?

Will you tell me, what are you thinking about?

Will you never leave me? ©

SMS flirt. the best sms-alert to a kohanom chi kokhanіy. knowledge in kohanna, reception of worship, vulgar bazhannya))

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Sms vulgar, sms vulgar funny

SMS vulgar funny...

Dah caress in the valley: "It's a good plan for everyone"

The carpet flowed in, the stretch flew in, And the pillow, like a toad, flowed into me for a candle - out in rudeness. I for a book - that big.

I wanted to send you a garne, lower, erotic, more intelligent, and more fun, but I can’t see on the screen.

Your eyes are so bright, Like a wind in the spring puddle. I’ll give you one thing, Bo I really want!

I can't forget you, I dream about you at night. Your lower smell of relish and color, To stand in front of the eyes. If you don't care about me, Everything in life is so vague, I can't live without you, My day is BEER!

Well hello man...

The joy of the day is that your milk didn’t flow, it’s better to tie a cow

Do you want? .. i tezh. ... ... So, let's ... ... .. more ... so ...... mmm ... ... Dyakuyu, we have viishov classy with you GSM - sex

Do not be born beautiful, but may be ugly.

The authorities have established that more lesbians and homosexuals read SMS with their thumbs. right hand. DON'T WALK YOUR FINGER, YOU GET A BUNNY!!!

I renew the board after the end, I renew the sum of the crumbs,

Tears drip from heaven, you send me SMS!

I'll give you a happy friend:

Don't you fight

What a lad is changing,

Come and beat me in the face!

Like a lad laughing at you, spit at you in spades, let them choke.

If you want to make friends with the sensible, handsome and wealthy, you happen to go abroad three times.

Other sms1 : 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10

Statuses of certification in kokhanni lad, maiden (life)

My lower yangol! Z tієї mitі, as I slapped you, my heart for ever lost in your fullness. I love you

When the day comes and you understand, how much I love you. When the day comes, I condemn, I still check on you.

If we had previously met alone in the kohanna, I was not convinced that everything was serious. Ale, looking back at the paths we have traveled, I will understand that I can’t do without you.

My donechka wouldn’t give me a fuss, I still love crazy!

And I do love yoga. to goosebumps. until the third. to a hoarse stogin. if you are holding hands. along the skies. lips. according to shii. lower-lower... troch smiley. there is no one more important in the world.

I still remember .. do you think you’ve forgotten? ..

Probach, but I don’t know the lower ones.

I just want to say that I love you.

I love you so fiercely, like a sleepy light reminiscent of a dream. Today I want to know that I love you more!

Kokhana, without you, I can't even yesterday, today, or tomorrow.

Today, tomorrow, after tomorrow I want to be with you, I want you to be with me, I want to love you! I want to say you are the best, you are the ideal of my dream! And I know one thing for sure, that at once we will be!

Me zazdryat girlfriends, me zazdryat friends, most the best man in my world!

You are light for me, you are dark for me, as if you don’t know, I’m just divine. I'll check on you, I'll spit bridges. You only have a zumіy to understand what is in my heart less than you!

My sun, you are the ones that I always wanted, you are the whole world for me. I am happy that I will never be separated from you, because I love you with all my heart!

I love just marveling like you laugh, I love calling you my angel, I love just marveling in your eyes and can I say less? I LOVE YOU!?

How good, what are you in this world!

I am not afraid of neither storm nor snow.

My loves, (Im'ya),

I want to fuck with you!

I can’t live without you, I’m happy without you, I can’t love anyone else, I’m full of your charms, in your power!

So I want to squeeze up to you, touch my lips to yours, close my hands about yours, hug and never let me in! I love you!

(Im'ya kohanogo), I love you crazy! You are the best person for me! You are the brightest sun, it makes me happy today!

Nabridlo be alone, can you get in touch with me? I will ask you for tea, I will celebrate a glorious evening.

Once invisible, you may be left invisible forever.

You are a miracle and a dear person for me. I want so much, so that you are happy, and I will be your friend, if you allow me to take to your fate.

My sweet cat, I love you wildly! You are the best person for me! You are the brightest sun, it makes me happy today!

I am without you summarily and summarily, summarily, and not dearer to me was light, sensible, that my life cannot be happy, if you have no order for me!

Be a lad, so what else, love everything that costs. Especially, as a vulgarity, it looks like a yogo kohanoi girl. So why do you want to please Yogo and welcome native people, then right vulgar sms to the lads are short. Do not be afraid to give in to the light-hearted and the bad. With this gesture there is nothing unreasonable, as much as not, nothing. With the help of yoga, you can encourage not lightness, but courage and courage. Well, your lad, if you please, will be able to take radium on your phone, it’s better.

This kind of vulgarity, present in a couple between couples, gives new farbies, new emotions and new anger. And if you lie, that the very diversity is rich in what it is, then it’s not just possible to drink on such a crochet, but it’s necessary to wind it up. So sho kill all sumniv and die just now. Well, we can help you with your help.

Selected on great collection beautiful vulgar, leathery ones, which may be the same, as you need for the implementation of your plan. Just take a look at the presented options, choose the most appropriate of them and right them to your crazy lad. Believe me, don't be fooled!

I know everything about secrets of sex,
Їх vіdkrivali mi at once -
Kokhany, wake up reflections,
Kohai me in the arms of darkness.

I want to give you a...
You don't need a hedgehog anymore...
I remember the skin zіtkhannya and stogіn,
Come to my dream!

Well, what a phrase: "I'm yours,
Yours in body and soul”?
I'll say this: "Take me,
I capitulate without a fight."

I want to snuggle up to you
To be deprived of you for the whole nothing,
Hug you, pestit,
Low-low kiss!

I want to post naked
Before you, my love, at sunset,
Sob ti zmіg kiss me
I pestit on a spacious bed.

Seeing you I just dance
Weakness in tili vіdchuvayu.
Well, hurry up, come on
Help me loosen up!

In the distance, a way to turn respect or a subtle strain on intimacy?

wrote a biased list of people

A biased sheet is a universal, original method to show one's feelings to a representative of a strong position. I know and I will share with you the cunning and subtlety of the message, so that the cohabiting person will be rooted in your talents. Change your mind, your little studs will be greeted with new farbs following my recommendations.

See the creepy leaves

There is no single classification of hidden reminders, but there is a stench behind the way of registration:


Golovne zavdannya - to intrigue the lad, so that the sheet does not give way at the distance.


The standard version of the message, written in the form of a hand, is worthy of kohanim and close people.


Tsey raznovid poednuє in sobі elements of electronic and paper remembrance. The essence of the fact that the object of the zіtkhannya otrimu garniy envelope, for example, on a white arcade paper in A4 format, there is a charge and a text.

Intrigue and originality are the main advantages of this method.

To whom to write and for some furnishing

Mentally, I see two categories of people, which can be used to write messenger sticks.

Kohany chi man

As if the blues have passed the stage of the “zukerka-bouquet period”, but the lad is not in a hurry to go to new rіven vіdnosin ta natyakіv not razumіє. Nezvichayne povіdomlennya letter to help reach the bazhany. A skin gesture, a glance that ruh cholovіka you know to remember. Ale, textual messages are a miraculous reward for urgency and intimacy of life and look at your stosunki under another hood. As soon as the meeting with the kohanim became a timchasovy membrane, then the lower zvіstka confuses the other half to think less about you under the hour of separation. Vkray nebazhano to hide the call of the people behind the working contacts, so that you don’t get confused. Such a reminder is an indispensable detail for the team, in which a person works.

Zithannya subject

If you want to cook a family couple with such reminders, then guess the heroine from the Radyansky film "Service Romance" - Olga Rizhova.

Frame from the film "Service Romance"

Zhіnka became a smile for everyone. Although I spoke to the woman, but she outdid the admissible limits of the hero's patience. Your stosunki after similar self-discipline can zavzhd zіpsuvatisya, not roaring to the tune.

  1. Write yourself and from the soul. The text can be written by you, and not by templates and stamps from the Internet. If you don’t hang out fantasies and feel a little on the paper, then before the victorious text, which you are worthy of, write: “Hello, my bazhany! Although I’m not the author of these rows, but the stench will again hang on to the most important ideas of that thought”.
  2. Stretch, but don't twist. The text may have some vulgar tensions that allow the kokhan to discover and think on his own. For example, the messengers may have the following phrases: “Dotiki lips and hands call out to my body the effect of a blizzard, so trippy, through which you are ready to burn in satisfaction”.
  3. Do not go over from love knowledge. The meta message is to express the best thoughts and ideas that allow you to change each other. Do not call a bazhany a bunny, a cat, a fish in such a context it is unremarkable.

My list

Regardless of free style in his innermost roses, it is necessary to identify the role of the kokhan in the text, fallow in his mind: pan, lion, tiger, leopard, wovk, sultan, king, king, king.

I will direct as a butt my message for a person. Vono Bulo was written under the splash of the series "Chudovy Vik".

Hello, my suvory and rich sultan!

Your slave and concubine are impatient with checks for your money. I am standing in front of you. My ruin on the vіdstanі 5 cm vіd dovgoochіkuvannogo pozіlunku. І tsey moment has come. Vladni dotiki lips, quickened heartbeat, heat in the lower abdomen - the worst verdict. Your mercy is my chance to show you what such unearthly bliss is. A lower whisper, a kiss at the lips, a voice that shakes the mind to tear up the mind's cloak of clothing. I am the axis of the soul and the body will be naked in front of your advance. And we are ready to shut up and get unearthly bliss. Full of lips, hands that never let you in so easily. In my eyes, you read the opinions on all nutrition, connected with the search for new points to dotik. You will not forget this night, and tomorrow I will come to the halvet again for your command and call of the flesh.

Viddana's favorite is that slave

I will confirm that the text is not ideal, but in the new main recommendations: breadth, creativity, hateful attacks. My man was at the capture, and our stosunki were littered with new bright farbs.

The skin of the messenger is an individual recognition of the most intimate bazhan. More expressiveness, improvisation, empathy, originality and that other half of a potential gentleman would never show such a fatal and temperamental, creative woman.

Oh so, days girlfriend
asked me for help.
rich to the one who stinks with the lad
vyrishili take care of one
we’ll be busy, and
by myself, with the help of one to one
podomlen type "who before
grow ill. "I waited. true
choked up and їy had a chance to correct 8
sms)). below I will lay down those that have happened, but now
I will say that we reached the result. lad
bv prigolomshheny i z yogo love for
masturbate pishov at the toilet... ;)

Reveal, darling, you zaїhav after me
I say that I will see the hvilinka in
Ale ... I'm troubling, you're going to find out what
me so
zatrimalo and bachish come
I'm practically naked, on me only
merezhivo that black panchokhi,
on the face of zukhvaliy make-up, hair
straight, broken.
You marvel at the doors, and I
I go to you sweetly
zustrich, I grant you empty
you come to you and make yourself
reach out to me
I take your hands from mine and don't give it to me
in parallel, I start kissing you,
snuggle up to you
body, chest-ty on a knot, namagash
virvatisya, but I don’t
I let go, for your winding I win
punish you
I blow you to the wall, lift
leg and cowardly about yours
organ with a quilt, oh so! I feel like you
wake up!
I hug you, I hug your hands for
back. I start kissing yours
pіdborіddya, I work so, what's in you
anger builds up
why don’t we call wine, but those who
you call
my Friend... mmm... going down,
whole, lower, chest,
even lower, nareshti, I got to
bases of the abdomen
you nervously zіthaєsh, you already feel comfortable
pacify, prote
I break your jeans with one hand,
i lower my hand
nazustrich to your burning
mmm... Mily, you have a wine
so great? it doesn't matter, i want
skushtuvati yoga for relish. Oh my God! yak tee
in your body, in your relish, in your
I have a headache! I'm all wet!
I'm getting drunk
I let your hands in, I kiss you
more sharp and
intimidate, you help me. Tee
want me!
Your hands swirl to my thought
gorgeous body! you vіdshtovhuєsh
I don't see myself in a T-shirt,
kiss me, i renew
vіdshtovhuєsh schob take jeans. Tee
naked! oh Maluk! ti
miraculous! you come to me
grab me with your strengths
hands around the waist and sit on
I clean the car
release the strap of the bodice and repair
eagerly choose your own
my body with my lips! "Lord, Love, I am all
you pull me panties,
rose my legs and sharp mail
come in!
We are crumbling at the same pace, we are so
you grab me for the seats and the mail
become more zukhvali
and easy-going. I see you like this
good, like never
earlier! I'm on the edge!
my ohs become all voiced and
that and you are already on the border! i axis, one more
final mail and mi, yak
attacker and goalkeeper, you score - I
I'm catching
everything is in sync so clearly! we kinchaemo.
in wild passion you press me to
do it stronger... then,
already of power, I kiss your lips. Tee
buv beautiful Mily!

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