The problem of vibachennya arguments ege. Arguments for the creation of EDI - a great collection. Fazil Iskander "The thirteen feat of Hercules"

It’s important to remember that there is no love without jealousy. Ale chi tse so true? Qi almost do not fit the mind. So it is, like kindness and soundness, the stink of living at the heart. Ale jealous of the building shtovhat people for madness, which turns into a tragedy for an hour.

In the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" by M.A. Sholokhov describes the love of Aksinia and Grigory Melekhov. They seem to be mutual and wide, but insulting is not true. Stepan zhorstoko took care of the squad, and the squad of Gregory, Natal, try to spare their lives.

The heroine of L.N. Tolstoy, Hann Karenina, in the one-men novel, through jealousy, throws herself under the train to the young Count Vronsky. The princess has been driven to rozpachu with the power of death to take revenge on the kokhan, who has cooled down to her.

In the story “The Wheel of the Hour” by A.I.

Kuprina Maria shares with her bachelors on jealousy. She calls her a black ailment, shards cannot be punished by people to love more, less they can. But jealousy will require sacrifice. Understanding that you don’t have to lie down anymore, it’s better to drink first, don’t desecrate the memory of the hour, if the insults were happy.

Kuprin shows in the Sulamith op-ed that a jealous woman is ready for the worst mischief. One of the squads of King Solomon - Queen Astis punishes to drive a new kohan man. However, the death of the young Sulamith did not change her pretentiousness of the king. Jealousy was finally sent to Egypt, and the will of the queen of defense was punished. Solomon himself summed up once more about his remaining kohannya.

Updated: 2016-08-14

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  • The power of love suffocates a person to change for the sake of the one who won't love
  • Kokhannya do not start the garne of the call, it will appear in happiness in the middle of the people
  • Kokhannya can make a person drink on thoughtless, fearless and immoral vchinki
  • The essence of love lies in the number and in the one who darling people no way to hurt the kohanom
  • Love for people - it is worth sacrificing oneself for the sake of their happiness
  • Kokhannya vydkrivaє in people's best sense


L.M. Tolstoy "War and Peace" The love of P'er Bezukhov to Natasha Rostova can be called right. Knowing that Natalya was named Andriy Bolkonsky, his friend, he did not allow himself to be. The best ones, almost like P'er, showed up in readiness to help, to support in a twisted situation. Vіn having respected a person, how to love. P'er had the ability to see Natasha, if Prince Andriy was out of the way, ale vіn vozvrashiv low overshkodzhat someone else's happiness, ruining the blue of people close to him. Such is the right kokhannya: it is alive in the middle of the people, it manifests itself in the nobility.

A. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet". Zhovtkov, a senior official, appears on the right side of the kokhannya. Love before Viri Sheina is the basis of yoga life. Zhovtkiv dedicating all his reasons to this woman. Vіn rozumіv, scho stinks can not be at once: the social camp of these two people was strongly irritated. Zhovtkiv not respecting the life of Mykolaiv, not dreaming of conquering, but simply loving - ce bulo for the new greatest happiness. The self-destruction of the hero is not fearful, even if he wins from life, so that Viri Sheiniy does not respect. Zhovtkіv gave їy yy dearest, scho mav - a garnet bracelet. Vіn said goodbye to life and pochuttya sympathy for everything that gave you a kohanna.

M. Bulgakov "Maister and Margarita". Margaret's love before Maistra can be called right, incredibly strong. Margarita is ready to do anything to allow her to be with a kokhan people again. Vaughn enters to please the devil, becomes the queen at Satan's ball. And all for the sake of one person - Maistra, you can't live without it. Kokhannya reluctantly rob the man of the most lazy vchinki. The power of love is stronger than fear. Margarita to bring the goal, for which I take away the city - the eternal calm at once from Maistrom.

Jack London "Martin Eden". Departed from the robotic class, a poor young sailor Martin Eden will suffocate in Ruth Morse - a girl that I will lie down to the next. Love spontaneously develops a poorly lit young man, in order to repair the prirva that spreads yoga and Ruth. Martin Eden reads a lot, starts writing his own work. Nezabara vіn becomes one of the most illustrious people, yakі mаyut on all vlasnym glance, most vіdmіnniy vіdminniy vіvnіh vіvnіh suspіlstvі dumok. Martin Eden and Ruth Morse are entrusted, but still stay in the dark, even if a young man, like before, he is trying to become a writer, but he still doesn’t have pennies in the intestines. Martin Eden has nothing to believe: no sisters, no Ruth, no homeland of Morziv. But in my love, I diligently practice: write, sleep for a while, read, write again, to love Ruth in a right way, if you want to secure your happiness. After the scandal, the person of Martin Eden, who was a young reporter, was torn apart. Ruth doesn't want to talk to him. And if you become popular, rich, gain recognition, then yoga and start to love. Ruth is no longer opposed to going for a new zamіzh: it seems that she always loved him, that she cherished a greedy pardon. Ale Martin Iden do not believe these words. Vіn razumіє, scho the anіtrochs did not change for the whole hour. If the handrails were broken, create, as if they took away the knowledge, already they were written. Also, if Ruth parted with him then, she rightly did not love. And the axis of Martin Eden's love was true, right, pure.

M. Gorky "Old Izergil". Spravzhnoyu can be no less than love between two hearts, and love to the people zagal. Danko, the hero of creation, sacrifices his life for the sake of a bunch of people. Yoga is noble. Danko virivaє from the breasts of the heart and visvitlyuє їm way. People come out of the forest and seem to be vryatovannymi. But no one already remembers the hero's feat, even if he has given life for the sake of happiness of the restless.

  • Right and wrong patriotism is one of the central problems of the novel. Loved by the heroes of Tolstoy do not speak high words about love to the fatherland, stink in them to shy away. Natasha Rostova is moving the matir to help injure the wounded near Borodino, Prince Bolkonsky buv mortally wounded on the Borodino field. Righteous patriotism, according to Tolstoy, among ordinary Russian people, soldiers, as if for the whilina of mortal insecurity, they give life to the Batkivshchina.
  • At the novel by L.M. Tolstoy's “War and Peace” the heroic deacons respect themselves as patriots and shout loudly about love until their homeland. Others give life for the sake of a successful victory. Just Russian men in soldier's overcoats, fighters from Tushin's battery, who fought without pretense. Good patriots do not think about their own good. The stench will need to just protect the land from the heaps of the witches. Their souls have an insipid holy sense of love to the fatherland.

N.S. Leskov "Enchanting Mandrivnik"

Russian people lie down, for the appointment of N.S. Lєskova, "racial", patriotic, svіdomіst. Let's learn all the tricks of the hero of the epiphany "Enchanted Mandriving", Ivan Flyagin. Perebuvayuchi in the full of Tatars, do not forget that wine is Russian, and with all my soul go to the fatherland. After blowing the unfortunate people of a frail age, Ivan volunteered to go into recruitment. The soul of the hero is untouched, unshakable. Vіn іz honor go іz usіh zhittєvih viprobuvan.

V.P. Astaf'ev
In one of his journalistic articles, the writer V.P. Astaf'єv rozpovіv about those who lived at the pіvdennogo sanatorium. At the seaside park grew rosliny, taken from the sides of the world. Ale raptom vin, having sipped three birch trees, like a diva, they took root to a foreign land. The author marveled at the trees and guessed his own village street. Love to your own small fatherland- Showing true patriotism.

The legend of Pandori's skin.
The woman made a wondrous picture in her man's booth. Vaughn knew that this object was terribly inconvenient to hide in her, and the alekness was so strong that she did not show it and opened the lid. From the crate flew all the bodi and scattered with light. At this myth sound a warning to all people: thoughtless actions on the path of knowledge can lead to a fatal finale.

M. Bulgakov "Dog's heart"
In the story of M. Bulgakov, Professor Preobrazhensky transforms a dog into a human being. Let's learn how to break the law of knowledge, how to change nature. But in the course of time, progress turns into terrible aftermaths: a two-legged stoutness from a "dog's heart" is still not a person, because there is no soul in it, no cowardice, honor, nobility.

N. Tolstoy. "War and peace".
The problem is revealed on the basis of the images of Kutuzov, Napoleon, Oleksandr I. Lyudin, who is aware of the reverence in front of the fatherland, people who are able to understand them at the right moment, is truly great. Such is Kutuzov, such are simple people in novels, like without high phrases they wrap their shoes.

A. Kuprin. "Wonderful Doctor".
Lyudina, tormented by evildoers, is ready to end her life by self-destruction, but the prominent doctor Pirogov says after her that a warrant has appeared. Vіn helps the unfortunate, and from this moment of the hero's life, that yоgo sim'ї is changed by the most important rank. This story is to speak provocatively about those who, in the hands of one person, can plunge into the lot of other people.

I S. Turgenev. "Fathers and children".
A classic tvir, which shows the problem of unreasonableness between the older and younger generations. Evgen Bazarov feels like a stranger and older Kirsanov and his fathers. I, wanting to love them for the knowledge of the Lord, to bring to them the blessings of my orders.

L. N. Tolstoy. Trilogy "Childhood", "Adolescence", "Youth".
Learn to know the world, become mature, Nikolenka Irtenev step by step know the world, understanding, which is rich in the new, is not enough, sticks with the unreasonable elders, he himself depicts them for an hour (head "Klasi", "Natalia Savishna")

Paustovsky "Telegram".
The girl Nastya, living in Leningrad, accepts a telegram about those who are mothers of illness, but do it, they are important, they do not allow her to go to her mother. If you won’t, having seen the amount of money you can spend, you come to the village, they show up late: mothers are already dumb.

V. G. Rasputin "French Lessons".
Reader Lidiya Mikhailovna, speaking to V. G. Rasputin, recited to the hero not only lessons in French language, but also lessons in kindness, speaking, speaking. Vaughn showed the hero how it is important to share someone else's life with a person, how important it is to understand something else.

An example from history.

Vchitel of the great Emperor Oleksandr II, V. Zhukovsky sings famous. Having pinned a sense of justice to the future ruler himself, he hopes to bring mischief to his people, to carry out the necessary reforms for the powers.

V. P. Astaf'ev. "Kin with an erysipelas mane."
Important frontiers of the Siberian village. Formation of the special character of the hero under the infusion of kindness of grandmother and grandfather.

V. G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

  • On the molding of the special features of the head character in important military fates, the reader stuck in. Your spiritual generosity is boundless. Vaughn pinched his moral stamina, almost a touch of goodness.

L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood", "Adolescence", "Youth"
In the autobiographical trilogy, the main character, Nikolenka Irtiniev, embraces the world of grown-ups, tries to analyze his own and other people's vchinki.

Fazil Iskander "The thirteen feat of Hercules"

A sensible and literate teacher even injects the molding of a childish character.

I O. Goncharov "Oblomiv"
The atmosphere of the nights, nebazhannya vchitisya, thoughts conspire to the soul of a small Іllі. In a grown-up life, the underdogs respected youma in a healthy life sense.

Vidsutnіst meti in life, the sounds of pratsyuvati formed "zayva lyudin", "his past".

Vidsutnіst meti in life, the sounds of pratsyuvati formed "zayva lyudin", "his past". Pechorin knows what to bring bad luck to everyone. Incorrectly vihovannya promotes human specialty.

A.S. Griboyedov "Likho z rozumu"
Vihovannia and learning are the main aspects of human life. Chatsky, the main character of the comedy A.S., hung in monologues before them. Griboyedov "Likho z rozumu". Having criticized the nobles, they recruited “readers of the regiment” for their children, and after all, no one “knowing and not learning” after reading letters. The very same Chatsky Mav rozum, "zazherlivy pіznannya", that th vyyavivsya inconsistent with the suspіlstvі of the Moscow nobles. So wadi wrong vihovannya.

B. Vasiliev "My horses fly"
Dr. Jansen, having perished, ryatyuchi children, yakі fell through to the sewer pits. Lyudina, yaku and for life they sang like a saint, hovav a mustache.

Bulgakov "Maister and Margarita"
Margaret's self-sacrifice for the sake of her kohan.

V.P. Astaf'ev "Lyudochka"
In the episode with a dying person, if everyone saw a new one, only Lyudochka messed up yoga. And after the yogo of death, all the little ones went in, what is the yogo Skoda, we will all surround Lyudochki. Virok Suspіlstvo, de people pozbavlenі human warmth.

M. Sholokhov "Part of the people"
In opisanni rozpovidaєtsya about the tragic fate of the soldier, what a pіd hіyny vіyni squandering his relatives. Yakos vin zustriv an orphan boy and virishiv call himself a father. Whose vchinok to talk about those who love and work hard to give people the strength to live, the strength to endure the share.

V. Hugo "Znedolenі"
The letter of the novel tells the story of villainy. Having spent the night in the bishop's house, the villainous thief stole from the new silver dishes. But for a year, the police caught up with mischief and delivered Yogo to the booth, but they gave Yogo nothing. The priest said that this person did not steal anything, that she took all the speeches with the permission of the sovereign. Evil, we will feel the enemies, having survived the right rebirth for one whil, and after that wine, becoming an honest person.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"
There is the butt of a just ruler: "Ale vin buv is kinder, and giving more reasonable punishment to him. "As if I will order my general to turn into a sea gull, - showing wine, - and as the general does not victorate the order, it will not be yoga wine, but my" .

A.I. Kuprin. "Garnet bracelet"
The author insists that there is nothing postive, everything is Timchasov, everything is going the same way. Only music and love solidify the right values ​​on earth.

Fonvizin "Nedouk"
It seems that a lot of noble children, recognizing themselves in the image of a non-robust Mitrofanushka, survived the right rebirth: they began to read diligently, read a lot and grew up like the good sons of votchisni.

L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace"

  • Why do you think people are great? It's there, de good, simplicity is justice. Having created L.M. Tolstoy's image of Kutuzov in the novel "War and Peace". I call Yogo the writer a truly great person. Tolstoy takes his favorite heroes from the “Napoleonic” principles and puts them on the path of getting closer to the people. “Evening is not there, there is no simplicity, goodness and truth,” the writer affirmed. Tse vіdoma phrase may sound today.
  • One of the central problems of the novel is the role of special history. This problem is revealed in the images of Kutuzov and Napoleon. The scribe knows that there is no greatness there, that there is no goodness and simplicity. To Tolstoy's thought, it is possible to add a break in history to specialness, the interests of which are taken care of by the interests of the people. Kutuzov rose in mood, bazhannya mas, great boon to that. Napoleon thinks less about his own greatness, to that adjectives to the astonishment.

I. Turgenev. "Notes of the Mind"
People, having read the light, eloquent stories about the villagers, realized that it is immoral to lead people like thinness. At the tran, a wide rumble appeared for the authority of the strong law.

Sholokhov "Part of the people"
After the war of the wealthy of the Radian soldiers, they ate to the full of the fortune-teller, sued as the soldiers of the fatherland. Rozpovіd M. Sholokhov "The share of the people", in which the gіrka part of the soldier is shown, zmusivstvo in a different way to look at the tragic share of the military captives. The law about their rehabilitation was praised.

A.S. Pushkin
Speaking about the role of specialness of history, one can guess the poetry of the great A. Pushkin. Vіn with his gift, pouring in more than one generation. Vіn bachiv, chuv those whom you didn’t remember and didn’t understand, a great person. He sings about the problems of spirituality in the arts, as if he was highly recognized, saying at the verses “Prophet”, “Sings”, “I am a monument to myself, arguing not made by hands”. Reading this, create, think: talent is not only a gift, but also an important burden, great is the promise. He himself sings as a butt of the public behavior for the coming generations.

V.M. Shukshin "Freak"
"Freak" - a man of rozіyana, you can get away unstoppable. And those who spontaneously do yoga and marvelous vchinki - motives are positive, rude. Freak rozmirkovuє over the problems that people praise for all hours: who has the sense of life? What is good and evil? Who in this life is “right, who is wise”? And with all the help to bring that the right wine, and not the one who cares

I. A. Goncharov "Oblomiv"
This is the image of a person who only wanted to. You want to change your life, you want to change your life, you want to make your children grow... Ale, you don’t have the strength to bring this bazhannya into life, so your dream was so deprived of dreams.

M. Gorky at the p'єсі "On the Days".
Having shown the drama of "many people", yaki spent their strength to fight for themselves. The stench spodіvayutsya for good, razumіyut, sho need to live better, and not to shy away anything in order to change your share. It is not vipadkovo diya p'ezi pochinaєtsya in nіchlіzhtsі and ends there.

From history

  • Old-time historians tell about those who, once before the Roman emperor, did not know, who brought the gift of a glimmering, like a silver, ale, superbly soft metal. Meister rozpovіv, schoi metal vіn vydobuvaє z clayey earth. The emperor, having snarled, that the new metal would signify the treasures, ordered to cut off the head of the culprit.
  • Archimedes, knowing about those that people suffer from dryness, from hunger, propagating new ways to grow the land. Zavdyaki yogo vіdkrittu sharply increased the yield, people ceased to be afraid of hunger.
  • Eminent research Fleming v_dkriv penitsilin. This medicinal preparation, having destroyed the lives of millions of people, had previously died from blood poisoning.
  • One English engineer in the middle of the 19th century, having propped up a cartridge. But the officials from the military department said to you in a wise way: “We are so strong, it’s not enough for the weak to demand more protection.”
  • In the sight of the great Jenner, who wins over for additional chips, the words of the great peasant woman struck a brilliant thought. The doctor said to him that there is a disease in the air. At the same time, the woman calmly said: “I can’t but, even if I was already ill at the cow’s whistle.” The doctor, not having taken into account these words as a result of dark non-government, but having become cautious, yakі y brought to a brilliant conclusion.
  • The early Middle Ages are usually called "dark ages". The raids of the barbarians, the ruination of ancient civilization brought culture to a deep twilight. It is important to know a literate person not only among the common people, but among the greater people I will become. For example, Charlemagne, the founder of the Frankish state, did not have time to write. Prote the right knowledge of the backbone of the powerful people. That same Charlemagne himself, walking for an hour, always carrying wax tablets from himself for writing, diligently typing letters on them.
  • Thousands of trees from the trees fell ripened apples, but none of them gave such a splendid manifestation its significance. It was necessary for the great Newton to be born, with new, penetrating eyes to marvel at the primary fact and recognize the universal law of revolution.
  • It’s impossible to cheer up, how many dashing people brought their non-government. In the Middle Ages, every kind of misfortune: the sickness of a child, the death of domestic thinness, planks, dryness, do not give birth, the sound of any kind of speech - everything was explained by the steps of unclean forces. Pochalos zhorstoke polyuvannya in the view, ignited bagattya. In lieu of that, in order to exult in ailments, to end the arable farming, to help one to one, people of great power spent on stupidity fighting with the mythical "servants of Satan", not knowing how to serve the Devil with their blind fanaticism, their dark non-government of the stench.
  • It is important to reevaluate the role of a mentor in becoming a person. Tsikavoy is the legend about Socrates' son with Xenophon, the future historian. As if having spoken to an unknown young man, Socrates asked someone where to go for that olive. Junius Xenophon zhvavo vіdpovіv: "To the market". Socrates squawked: “And for wisdom and goodness?” The lad jiggled. "Follow me, I'll show you!" - accused Socrates. І bagatorіchny way to the truth pov'yazav mіtsnoy friendship of the famous teacher of that yogic teaching.
  • Pragnennya know new life with the skin of us, and for an hour you feel the flooring of an opal people, that you are afraid of changing life way. Today, few people know that the Joule, which discovered the law of energy conservation, is a cook. Genial Faraday, having started his way as a peddler at the shop. And Coulomb worked as an engineer from the strongest disputes and physics, having done more than a free day of work. For these people, the search for a new one has become a sensation of life.
  • New ideas pave their way in an important struggle with old looks, tired thoughts. So, one of the professors, reading lectures on physics to students, calling Einstein's theory of visibility “I cover up scientific incomprehensions” -
  • In due course, the Joule squirmed with a volt battery in order to start the electric motor chosen by him. But the battery charge was soon exhausted, and the new battery was much more expensive. Joule vіrіshiv, scho kіn nіkіl nіkоl nіkоl nіkоl n_n_nіnіnі elektrodvigunа, іt іt іѕ tо thе horse thаt іѕ cheaper, nіzh change zinc іn thе battery. Today, if electricians are victorious everywhere, we are given a naive thought of a prominent scientist. This butt is showing how important it is to predict the future, it is important to look around at those possibilities, as they appear before the people.
  • In the middle of the 17th century, from Paris, on the island of Martinique, the captain de Clive brought a kawi petiole to a miner from the earth. The sailing was even more important: the ship survived a hard battle with pirates, a shriveled storm of ice did not break Yogo on the rock. On the ship there were broken shoes, broken gear. Step by step, the reserves of fresh water began to be depleted. You have seen suvoro with dim portions. The captain, limping on his feet in the sight of spraga, the remaining drops of dearly valuable water, letting in a green parost... A sprat of rock passed, and kava trees covered the island of Martinik.

I. Bunin at the interview "Pan from San Francisco".
Having shown the share of the people, the yak served the holy values. Wealth was yogo god, and to whom God's wines were worshipped. But if the American millionaire died, then it turned out that the right thing happened to the person: she died without knowing what life was like.

Yesenin. "Black man".
The poem “Black people” is the cry of the soul of Yesenin, what a hyne, churches for the stale back of life. Yesenin, like no one else, the zmіg of rozpovisti, to work life with people.

Mayakovsky. "Listen."
The internal perversion of the rightness of one's moral ideals made Mayakovsky one of the other poets, in view of the splendid interruption of life. Tsya vіdosoblenіst narodzhuvaval spiritual protest against the middle class, de boulo high spiritual ideals. Versh-cry of the soul of the poet.

Zam'yatin "Pechera".
The hero enters the conflict from himself, his soul splits. Gone spiritual values. I break the commandment “Do not steal”.

V. Astaf'ev "King - riba".

  • In the description of V. Astaf'ev "King - Riba" the main hero, the fisherman Utrobin, having spied the majestic fish on the hook, could not run into it. In order to escape death, let the guilt of turmoil її to freedom. Zustrich from riboi, symbolizing the moral cob in nature, frightens the poacher to look at his own life. At the hvilini’s vigilant struggle with the fish of the wines, he forges all his life, assuring that he has made few wines for other people. Tsya zustrich morally changes the hero.
  • Nature is alive and spiritualized, endowed with a morally penetrating force, it is not only possible to protect, but also to blow. An illustration of the carnal power is the share of Gosha Gertsev, the hero of Astaf'ev's confession "Tsar Riba". Tsey hero is not punished for the arrogant cynicism of a hundred people and nature. Karna's strength expands like a dozen heroes. The destruction of jealousy carries a threat to all mankind, as if it were not sensible in their minds or minds of zhorstokost.

I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and children".

  • People forget about those that nature is the only one, which has a double setting to itself, to know the confirmation of the novel I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and children". The main character, Yevgen Bazarov, follows his categorical position: "Nature is not a temple, but a workman, and a man is a worker." This is how the Author succumbs to a new "new" person: he baiduzhy until the values ​​​​accumulated by the previous generations, live well and respect everything that is necessary for you, without thinking about those, until such heritage you can bring.
  • In I. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Children" the theme of the manifestations of nature and people is broken. Bazarov, showing every kind of aesthetic satisfaction with nature, takes it like a master, and people - like a practitioner. Arkady, a friend of Bazarov, on the other hand, is put before her because of the mustache of a young soul. In the novel's skin, the hero undergoes a revision by nature. Arcadia splintering with the necessary light helps heal spiritual wounds, it’s natural and acceptable to you. Well, Bazarov, on the other hand, did not make contact with her - if Bazarov was in a bad way, he was “yshov lіs and lamav gіlki”. Vaughn does not give you any peace of mind, nor spiritual zeal. In this manner, Turgenev speaks out on the need for a fruitful and bilateral dialogue with nature.

M. Bulgakov. "Dog's Heart"
Professor Preobrazhensky transplanted a part of the brain of a human being to Sharik, transforming a pretty dog ​​as a whole into the ogidic Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. You can't mindlessly get involved with nature!

A. Blok
The problem of the mindless zhorstoku lyudin to the world of nature was seen in rich literary creations. To fight with her, it is necessary to see that harmony and beauty, as if panuє came to us. Do all the help for A. Blok. With such love I describe Russian nature in my verses! Unstoppable distances, endless roads, fresh water rivers, windmills and siri huts. Such is the blocking of Russia at the verses "Rus", "Autumn Day". Spravzhnya, sinivska love of the poet to native nature is transmitted to the readers. You come to the thought about those that nature is spontaneous, beautiful and will require our zakhist.

B. Vasiliev "Do not shoot at the white swans"

  • Now, if atomic stations swell, if naphtha is flowing in rivers and seas, forest massifs are known, people can swell and think about food: what to waste on the planet? In B. Vasiliev's novel "Don't shoot at the white swans" the author's thought about a person's commitment to nature sounds like this. The protagonist of the novel, Yegor Polushkin, is haunted by the behavior of the visiting "tourists", which caused the lake to fall in the hands of poachers. The novel is taken as a call to all to take care of our land, that one alone.
  • The head hero Egor Polushkin loves nature unconditionally, works on conscience, live in peace, but always shows wine. The reason is that Egor could not destroy the harmony of nature, being afraid to invade the living world. But people didn’t understand yoga, they didn’t stick to life. Vіn kav, that the man is not the king of nature, but її the elder sinochok. Nasamkinets in the guinea of ​​the hands is quiet, who is not wise to the beauty of nature, who is the sound of nothing more than to sing. Ale grows syn. What is possible to replace the father, respect and protect the native land.

V. Astaf'ev "Bіlogrudka"
In the description of "Bіlogrudka" the dіtlakhs killed the white-breasted marten's broodstock, and won't, having God-willed in the face of grief, take revenge on all the world's superfluous, roaring the bird in two sudan villages, until they themselves die in the torch charge

Ch. Aitmatov "Scaffold"
Lyudina Vlasnoruch is rich in rich and rich populations of the world of nature. The letter guards that the guiltless creatures are a threat to earthly prosperity. The position of the "king" in relation to creatures threatens tragedy.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Evgeniy Onegin" the main hero was to know spiritual harmony, to get into the "Russian nudgo" to inspire that which was baiduzhy to nature. And the “dear ideal” of the author Tetyana considered herself a part of nature (“Vona loved on the balcony in front of the dawn...”) and showed herself in a complicated life situation as a spiritually strong person.

A.T. Tvardovsky "Fox of Autumn"
Reading the verses of Tvardovsky's "Autumn Fox", you are taken over by the primordial beauty of the natural light, nature. You hear the noise of a bright yellow leaf, the crackle of a broken branch. Bachish is a light haircut. I would like not just to be merciful, but to try to save all the beauty of the yaknaydovshe.

L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
Natasha Rostova, choking on the beauty of the night in Otradnoye, is ready to fly like a bird: Vaughn is overwhelmed to talk to Sonya about the beautiful night, about you, you can feel it, like you are changing her soul. Andriy Bolkonsky tezh, subtly discerning the beauty of natural nature. At the hour of the trip to Vіdradna, after macerating the old oak tree, vindicating yourself with it, going into vague thoughts about those that life for the new one has already ended. Ale change, like a year, you have grown into the soul of a hero, tied with the beauty and majesty of a mighty tree that has blossomed under the change of the sun.

V.I. Yurovsky Vasyl Ivanovich Yurovsky
The letter of Vasil Ivanovich Yurovsky, in his descriptions, tells about the unique beauty and richness of the Trans-Urals, about the natural connection of a strong people with the light of nature, that is why the rozpovid "Ivan's memory" is so amazing. I am destroying an important problem for this small work of the Yurovskys: having poured people into in the middle. Ivan, the main hero of the opi- danny , having planted in the swamps, lapped up people and creatures, sprats of bushes and shelyuga. A lot of years have passed. The nature of the dovkol changed: all kinds of birds began to settle in the chagarni, forty-five years ago they began to call their nest, to roam the nest. Nothing more blukav fox, the talnik became a landmark, how to know the right way. You can drink chagarnik and shovatsya in the sinter, and drink water, and just drink it. Having left Ivan in the midst of people for good memory, and ennobling the natural environment.

M.Yu Lermontov "Hero of our hour"
This emotional connection of a human being and nature prostzhuetsya in Lermontov's poem "The Hero of Our Hour". The life of the head character, Grigory Pechorin, is accompanied by the change of nature for the change of mind. So, looking at the scene of the duel, the gradation of becoming a familiar world is obvious in Pechorin. Just before the duel, the sky is given to you “fresh and bright”, and the sun is “clearly shining”, then after the duel, marveling at the corpse of Grushnitsky, the heavenly light was given to Grigory “dark”, but instead of yoga they “did not grill”. Nature is like the experience of heroes, and it is one of the diyovih osib. The storm becomes the cause of the trival banishment of Pechorin and Viry, and in one of the records of the student, Grigory says that “repeating Kislovodsk so and sprinkle love.” Lermontov, like this allegory, not only better and more beautifully portrays the inner state of the heroes, but signifies his author's presence with the path of introducing nature as a character.

E. Zamyatina "Mi"
Turning to classical literature, I would like to bring to the buttstock the dystopian novel by E. Zamyatin “Mi”. Watching the natural cob, the inhabitants of the United State become numbers, whose lives are marked by the framework of the Year's Tablet. The beauties of natural nature are replaced by ideally proportioned glassy spores, and love is only possible for the obviousness of an erysipelatous card. The head hero, D-503, of sayings on a mathematically viviren happiness, how to get it, however, after a distant fantasy. How can I imagine, with a similar allegory, Zamyatin tried to draw out the indistinctness of the connection between nature and people.

S. Yesenin "Goy ty, Russia, my dear"
One of the central themes of the lyrics of the greatest poet of the twentieth century S. Yesenin is the nature of the native land. At the verse “Goy ty, Rus, my native land” sings to protect paradise for the sake of the fatherland, playing її more of eternal bliss, which, judging by our lyric, knows less of the Russian land. In such a manner, almost like patriotism, that love to nature is closely intertwined. The very knowledge of stepwise weakened by the first crack to natural, right light, which enriches the soul of that body.

M. Prishvin "Ginseng"
Tsya theme Viklikana life morally - ethical motives. Before her, there were a lot of writers and poets. In M. Prishvin's novel "Ginseng", the characters can mumble and hear and be quiet. For the author, nature is life itself. To that in the new skelya weeping, the stone maє heart. The person herself can work everything for the sake of nature's foundation and not locking. Nini is very important.

I.S. Turgenev "Notes of a Mislivets"
Glyboku that lower love to nature, hanging I. S. Turgenev at the "Notes of the Mind". Zrobiv wine with penetrating watchfulness. The hero of the confession "Kasyan" came out of the Beautiful Mosque half of the country, joyfully recognizing that new city. Tsya people watched their inextricable link with mother - nature and dreamed that "every person" lived in prosperity and justice. Chi would not respect us at the new one.

M. Bulgakov. "Fatal Eggs"
Professor Persikov expressly replaces the great chickens to breed giant reptiles that threaten civilizations. To such naslіdkіv one can bring thoughtlessly vtruchannya in the life of nature.

Ch. Aitmatov "Scaffold"
Ch. Aitmatov in the novel "The Scaffold" showing that the ruination of the natural world leads to the unsafe deformation of a person. And why does it appear everywhere. Those that are seen near the Moyunkum savannah are a problem of global, and not of mundane significance.

The model of light in the novel by E.I. is closed. Zamyatina "Mi".
1) Zovnіshnist and principles of the United Power. 2) Opovidach, number D - 503, that її spiritual illness. 3) "Opir of human nature". In dystopias, foundations on quiet rethinks, the light is given to the eye of a yogo bagman, a hulk of a peresichny, in the middle, to prostrate and show a little people, as if they know the laws of an ideal state. Conflict of specialty systems of the Totaltarian systems for a voyage by the power of the power of the anti-utopian, permissible to be the anti-utopian RISI in the founding of the creatures ... SUSPANITY, ZNOVENELE IN ROMANIA, I knocked out in my own outbuilding, suffered from my own outbuilding.

A.P. Chekhov at the death of an official

B. Vasiliev "I didn't appear on the lists"
Create fearful thoughts about food, on the basis of pragne of your own skin: what to stand behind a high moral choice - like the strength of the human mind, soul, share, which help people to repair the opera, to show amazing, hostile life "ykіgaєst" live?

M. Sholokhov "Part of the people"
Undaunted by the difficulties, that test, which fell on the part of the protagonist Andriy Sokolov, was forever deprived of his own fatherhood. Nothing broke in the new spiritual strength and did not uproot in the new almost ob'yazka.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

Petro Grinov is a man of honor, if you have any life situation to fix it, as if you were to be honored. The nobility of the hero can be assessed by navit yogo іdeyny vorog - Pugachov. The very same wine repeatedly helped Grinov.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

The family of the Bolkonskys is an isolation of honor and gentry. Prince Andriy, in the first place, setting laws of honor, dorimuvavsya їх, to induce even tse vimagalo neimovirnyh zusil, suffering, pain.

Loss of spiritual values

B. Vasiliev "Deaf"
Follow the story of Boris Vasilyev "Gluhoman" allow you to sing, as in today's life, the so-called "new Russia" can get rich at any cost. Spiritual values ​​are spent, to that culture came from our life. Suspіlstvo broke up, for the new world of the merits of the people, the bank account has become. Moral wilderness began to grow in the souls of people, as if they had spent faith in goodness and justice.

A.S. Pushkin "Captain's Donka"
Shvabrin Oleksiy Ivanovich, the hero of the story O.S. Pushkin's "Captain's Daughter", a nobleman, ale wine without honor: having wooed Masha Mironov and otrimavshi vіdmova, take revenge, filthy about her; under the hour of the duel with Grinyovim, he gave him a vile blow in the back. It’s a waste of money that signifies honor and social zrada: the Bilogir Fortress is left to Pugachov, Shvabrin is transformed into a rebellion.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Elen Kuragina deceives P'era, then all the time we break Yomu, being a retinue, to slander Yogo, to rob the unfortunate. The heroine of Vikorist's nonsense, to get rich, to take a garne camp at the conscience.

N.V. Gogol "Inspector".

Khlestakov is deceiving officials, he sees himself as an auditor. Trying to cope with the enemy, he keeps a lot of stories about his life in St. Petersburg. Moreover, it’s so charming that it’s so charming that you yourself begin to believe in your excuses, you feel important and meaningful.

D.S. Likhachov at "Sheets about goodness and beauty"
D.S. Likhachov in "Sheets about goodness and beauty" rozpovidaє, like a clouded vіdchuva vіn, if he recognized that on the Borodino field in 1932 there was a rotsі bіv podіrvaniy chavunny monument on the grave of Bagr-tion. So, having left a gigantic inscription on the wall of the monastery, which was inspired at the death of another hero - Tuchkov: “To finish saving the leftovers of the past slave!” For example, in the 60s, near Leningrad, they brought the Shlyakhovy Palace, which we tried to save during the war, not to destroy. Likhachov vvazhaє, scho "the loss of any monument of culture is not unknown: even if the stench is always individual."

L.M. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

  • At this Rostov family everything was on the basis of breadth and kindness, one to one and wise, to that children - Natasha, Mikola, Petro - became according to the right good people Von chuynі on someone else's life, zdatnі ozumіti experience and suffering of others. Finish guessing the episode, if Natasha punishes you to take it, take care of them with family values, to help them to wounded soldiers.
  • And in sim'ї Kuraginih, de car'єra and pennies, they all lied, і Helen, і Anatole - immoral of his їsti. Offended joking in life is less than good. You don't know what the right cohanna is and are ready to exchange your feelings for wealth.

A. S. Pushkin "Captain's Donka"
At the “Captain's Donka” story, the father helped Pyotr Grinov to instill in the most critical whims of an honest man, a faithful companion. The hero calls out to him for the sake of his behavior.

N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls"
Following the father's command to "take a penny," Chichikov devoted all his life to saving up, pretending to be a human being without a rag and conscience. Vіn zі school rock having valued more than a penny, that in yoga life there were no true friends, so, about like a dream hero.

L. Street "Daughter of Bukhari"
Bukhara, the heroine of L. Ulitskaya's description of "The Daughter of Bukhari", thrived on her mother's feat, giving herself all the vibes of daughter Mili, how small Down's syndrome is. Navit being mortally ill, the mother thought out everything away from her daughter's life: she ruled over the work, knew his new family, man, and only after that allowed her to drink from her life.

Zakrutkin V. A. "Mother of Man"
Maria, the heroine of the story Zakrutkina “Mother of the People”, under the hour of war, having spent a son and a man, took upon herself the responsibility for her child, who was only born, and for other people’s children, she lied to them, became Matir for them. And if the first Radian soldiers went to the burnt hutir, Mary it happened that she gave birth to the world not only her own son, but the rest of the world's poor children. Axis of why won Mati lyudska.

K.I. Chukovsky "The living yak of life"
K.I. Chukovsky in the book “The Living Like Life” analyzes the Russian language of language, our language and comes to the next days: we ourselves support and support our great and powerful language.

I.S. Turgenev
- Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, all the belongings, the price of the bath, handed over to us by our successors, among whom to shine Pushkin again! Behave charismatically with these mighty znaryaddy: in the hands of the minds of the mind, perform miracles... Take care of the purity of the language, like a shrine!

K.G. Paustovsky
- With my Russian mother, you can work miracles. There is nothing like this in life and in our world that could not be conveyed in a Russian word ... There are no such sounds, farb, having formed such thoughts - foldable and simple - for those who did not know our language would have an exact expression.

A. P. Chekhov "Death of an official"
Official Cherv'yakov in the description of A.P. Chekhov's "Death of an official" in the nameless world of infection with the spirit of chivalry: chhnuvshis and shaved the fox in front of General Brizzhalov, where to sit (but he didn’t savage him on his uvag), the hero of the floor was angry, following repeated humiliation fuck off yoga, died in fear.

A. P. Chekhov "Tovstii and thin"
The hero of Chekhov's confession "Tovstii and the thin", the official Porfiriy, stole a school friend at the railway station of Mykolaivskaya Zaliznitsa and recognized that he was a secret guardian, tobto. in the service, poking out much wider. In one minute, the “thin” transforms into a work-sticky stota, ready to humiliate and fawn.

A.S. Griboyedov "Likho iz rozumu"
Molchalin, a negative character of comedy, slander, which should not only reach “to all people without education”, but also to instill “a dog keeper, a caressing bula”. It is necessary for me to inadvertently wait for birth and yogo novel from Sophia, the daughter of yogo pan and benefactor Famusov. Maksim Petrovich, a “character” of a historical anecdote, a kind of Famusov who told Chatsky about nasi-danny, for the sake of earning the empress’s applause, pretending to be a temptation to amuse them with stupid falls.

I. S. Turgenev. "Mu Mu"
The share of the silent krіpak Gerasim Tetyani virishuє panі. The person is not right. What can be better?

I. S. Turgenev. "Notes of the Mind"
The description of "Biryuk" has the leading hero, the forest ranger, on the basis of Biryuk, lives wretchedly, unimpressed on the sum of his shoes. Social arrangements of life are unfair.

N. A. Nekrasov "Zaliznitsa"
At the top there are about those who wake up zaliznitsyu. Tse robіtniki, yakі gave merciless exploitation. Attachment of life, de panue svaville, good judgment. At Virsha "Think about the front door": the villagers came from distant forces to go to the nobles, but they were not accepted, they were driven away. Vlad does not call on the camp of the people.

L. N. Tolstoy "After the Ball"
It is shown the division of Russia into two parts, a rich one and a bіdnu. The social world of power is unfairly favored by the weak.

N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"
Nothing holy, right can not be in the world, as if to rule tyranny, wildly divine.

V.V. Mayakovsky

  • At p'єсі "Klop" P'єr Skripkin dreamed that there would be a "full bowl". The second hero, a great robot worker, stverzhuє: "Whoever fought, may have the right to have a quiet river of choice." Such a position was far away from Mayakovsky. Vіn dreams about the spiritual growth of the fellows.

I. S. Turgenev "Notes of a Mislivets"
A skin person is important for the development of power, but if you don’t start talented people, you can develop your own vitality with the merit of prosperity. For example, in the Notes of the Mind by I.S. Turgenev is people whose talents are not needed by the country. Yakiv ("Spivaki") gets drunk in a tavern. Pravdoshukach Mitya (“Odnopalats Ovsyannikov”) stands up for kripakiv. The forester Biryuk has been serving for a long time, but he lives with the villains. Such people turned out to be uncommon. Above them navіt laugh. Tse is not fair.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"
Ignoring the terrible details of the life of the tabernacle, that unfair arrangement of the court, do Solzhenitsyn optimistically for the spirit. The letter of dovіv, scho and the rest of the world of humiliation can be saved from one's own people.

A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
Lyudina, as she did not call pracsyuvati, did not know her own worthy place in the life of the household.

M. Yu. Lermontov "The Hero of Our Hour"
Pechorin seems to have seen the strength of his soul, but did not know what to report to. Suspіlstvo such that in the new there is no good place for non-transverse specialty.

I A. Goncharov. "Oblomov"
Illya Oblomov, a kind and talented person, could not fix herself and reveal her best drawings. The reason is the presence of high goals in the life of the soul.

A.M. Gorky
M. Gorky's confession of heroes murmurs about the sense of life. The old gypsy Makar Chudra marveled at how people practice. At such a deaf kutі, the heroes of the admonition "On Salt" also stumbled. Near them - wheelbarrows, drank pickles, what you see with your eyes. However, no one got angry. Good feelings are born in the soul of such rotten people. Sense of life, behind Gorky, at the praci. It’s more than summarily pratsyuvati kozhen - marvel, and we will become richer and richer all at once. Adzhe "wisdom of life forever glibsha and shirsha for the wisdom of people."

M.I. Weller "Roman Vihovannya"
The sense of life is to the one who himself assigns his own activity for the sake of doing it, as he respects for the needs. About tse zmushuє zamyslitsya "Roman vihovannya" M. I. Weller, one of the most prominent modern Russian writers. Indeed, there were a lot of people to straighten people, and at the same time the stench lingered among us.

L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace"

  • The sense of life of the best heroes of the novel - Andriy Bolkonsky and P'єr Bezukhov worked their way up to moral self-development. Some of them want “to be wholeheartedly kind, to bring good to people.”
  • All the beloved heroes of L. N. Tolstoy were occupied with a strained spiritual joke. Reading the novel “War and Peace”, it’s important not to put yourself in sympathy with Prince Bolkonsky, what do you think, joke people. I read a lot about everything, about all the manifestations. The hero knows the sense of his life in the defense of Vitchizni. Not for the sake of ambitious glory, but through love to the fatherland.
  • At the jokes of the sense of life, people can take their own straight. In the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" the share of Andriy Bolkonsky is a foldable path of moral expenses and vіdkrittіv. It is important those who, walking along the thorny road, took the right human dignity. Nevipadkovo M.I. Kutuzov tell the hero: "Your road is the road of honor." Meni tezh to the soul, people are extraordinary, they try to live unmarried.

I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"
To bring bad luck to that rose of a non-transversely talented person is significant for success. For example, in the novel "Fathers and Children" Yevgen Bazarov, a fighter for democracy, called himself an indecent person for Russia. However, just look at the appearance of people who were built for more celebrations and gentry vchinki.

V. Bikov "Sotnikov"
The problem of moral choice: what is better - to vryatuvat your life at a cost for the sake of (how to rob the hero of the story Ribak) or die not a hero (no one knows about the heroic death of Sotnikov), but die with a god. Sotnikov rob uneasy moral choice: Guinea, save the human likeness.

M. M. Prishvin "Comira of the Sun"
Mitrasha and Nastya were left without fathers at the fate of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war. Ale's hard-nosed work helped the little children not only to survive, but also to earn the honor of their fellow villagers.

And P. Platonov "At the beautiful and fierce world"
Machinist Maltsev is a whole lot of work, his favorite profession. Under the hour of a blind storm, but a friend’s recognition, love to a new profession, shatter the wonder: wine, having consumed a steam locomotive for love, I know the world again.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvir"
The head heroine all her life called out to practice, to help other people, and although she did not acquire the benefits of the day, she is filled with a pure soul, a righteous person.

Ch. Aitmatov Roman "Mother's field"
The leitmotif of the novel is the mental strangeness of the pratsiovitih rural women. Aliman, who doesn’t eat, works on the farm, on the tower, in the greenhouse. She's the god of the country, people! І do not scribble the writer of anything more than tsієї chastki, tsієї honor.

A.P. Chekhiv. Rozpovid "Ionic"

  • Dmitro Ionich Startsev having chosen a miracle profession. Vin became a doctor. However, the presence of arrogance and arrogance robbed if a good doctor was a simple inhabitant, for whom the main thing in life was greed and dominance of power. Otzhe, insufficiently turn the future profession correctly, it is necessary to save it morally and morally.
  • The time has come, if we have to face the choice of a profession. To honestly serve the people of the dream hero of the opisanya O.P. Chekhov "Іonich", Dmitro Startsev. The profession chosen by him is the most humane. However, having settled near the city, de naiosvіchenishі people showed themselves to be drier and obzheniye, Startsev did not know the strength to resist stagnation, in his own strength. The doctor pretended to be a simple inhabitant, who thinks little about his ailments. Otzhe, the best mind, in order not to live a tedious life - honestly creative work, even though a person chose a profession.

N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace"
Lyudina, as a way to understand the vіdpovidalnіst in front of the fatherland, people who can understand them at the right moment, is truly great. Such is Kutuzov, such are simple people in novels, like without high phrases they wrap their shoes.

F. M. Dostoyevsky. "Zlochin i Kara"
Rodion Raskolnikov is creating his own theory: the world is divided into quiet, “who can have the right”, and “three creatures”. Behind yoga theory, the specialty of the building is to create history, like Mohammed, Napoleon. Stink in the name of "great goals" to fix mischief. Raskolnikov's theory knows collapse. Really right freedom is in the order of one’s own interests, in the mind of the work the right moral choice.

V. Bikov "Obelisk"
The problem of freedom is especially clear in V. Bikov's novel "Obelisk". Vchitel Frost mav vibir will be left alive and perish at once from the teachings. Vіn їх zavzhd vchiv goodness and justice. Yomu had a chance to choose death, but vin became a morally strong person.

A.M. Gorky "On the Days"
Chi є on svіtі sposіb virvatisya on will z hibnogo stake zhittєvih turbot i bazhan? M. Gorky's essay “On the Days” was based on the source. In addition, the writer has set one essential food: and how can one be respected by a free person who has reconciled. In such a rank, wiping the slave with truth and freedom of specialness is an eternal problem.

O. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"
Resistance to evil, tyranny gave special respect to Russian writers of the 19th century. The oppressive dominion of evil is shown in A. N. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm". A young, gifted woman, Katerina is a strong nature. Vaughn knew the strength to call out to tyranny. The conflict between the atmosphere of the "dark kingdom" and the bright spiritual light, unfortunately, ended tragically.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago"
Pictures are known, zhorstoke of setting up to political opinions.

A.A. Akhmatova Poem "Requiem"
This tvir about the repeated arrests of a man and son, the poem was written under the influence of numerous siblings with mothers, relatives of Khresti, St. Petersburg's colleague.

N. Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad"
In Nekrasov's story, there is a stingy truth about the heroism of quiet people, who, in the totalitarian state, were always respected as "guts" in the majestic body of the state machine. The clerk mercilessly sued the quiet, some calmly sending people to death, some shooting for a spent sapper shovel, some shaking people in fear.

V. Soloukhin
The secret of rosy beauty, according to the thought of the famous publicist V. Soloukhin, lies in miluvanni life, nature. The beauty of the world is poured out to enrich us spiritually, as if we learned to look at it. The author of the prayers, who needs to sing in front of her, “not thinking about the hour”, just ask you to be a conspirator.

K. Paustovsky
The great Russian writer K. Paustovsky wrote that “it’s necessary to get lost in nature, yakbi vy zanurili guise of leaves in a bath of wet wood and smelled of bitter cold, their smell, their breath. Seemingly simpler, you need to love nature, and you know the right ways, so that you can hang on to yourself with the greatest strength.

The current publicist writer Yu. Gribov stated that “the beauty is alive in the heart of the skin of a person and it’s important to wake her up, not to let her die without spilling over.”

V. Rasputin "The Remaining Term"
For the life of a dying mother, children were taken, as if they had come from a place. Before the death of the mother, start going out on the ship. Vaughn to talk about it, that among her children there is no great reason, children of roses, forgot about the lessons of morality in childhood. Ganna go from life, important and simple, good, and її for children to live and live. The story ends tragically. Hurrying up for their rights, children deprive their mother of dying alone. Not knowing such a terrible blow, there are those nights in the world. Rasputin is adored to the children of the colony for lack of breadth, moral coldness, forgetfulness and vanity.

Paustovsky "Telegram"
The rozpovid of K. G. Paustovsky “Telegram” is not banal rozpovid about the old self and the disrespectful daughter. Paustovsky shows that Nastya is not soulless: she is singing to Timofeeva, she spends a lot of time at the exhibition. How could it be that Nastya, as if talking about others, shows disrespect to her mother? It appears, one on the right - to mutter with a robot, to work in a broad heart, to give it strength, physical and spiritual, and another - to remember about your loved ones, about a matir - I will cherish the truth in the world with short, not intermingled with mere penny notes. Harmony between turbotami about "far away" and love Nastya did not reach the nearest person. For whom there is a tragedy, for whom there is a reason for a sense of wrongful guilt, an unbearable burden, as if in view of the death of a mother, she will settle down with her soul forever.

F. M. Dostoyevsky "Zlochin i Kara"
The main hero of the creation is Rodion Raskolnikov, having done a lot of good work. Good for the nature of a person, as it is important to experience someone else's life and always help people. So Raskolnikov rushes to the fire of children, his remaining pennies to Marmeladov, tries to protect the drunken girl from the people who stick to her, worry about her sister Dunya, pragna make a whore from Luzhin, to save mother, to love the mother do not turbuvat її with your own. problems. Ale bida Raskolnikov at tsomu, scho vin until the end of the flooring of global goals, having formed a zovsim nevidpovidny zasib. On the vіdmіnu vіd Raskolnikov, the right garni vchinki rob Sonya. She sacrifices herself for the sake of loved ones, more to love them. So, Sonya is a harlot, but there is no small opportunity to earn pennies on an honest path, and she was dying of hunger. It is a woman to destroy herself, but the soul is left pure, so that it is not possible to believe in God and everyone is encouraged to do good, loving and singing in a Christian way.
The most beautiful part of Sonya is Raskolnikov's order.
All the life of Sonya Marmeladova is self-sacrifice. By the power of his cohann, he will bring Raskolnikov to himself, helping him to overcome his sin and rise again. The children of Sonya Marmeladova show all the beauty of the human spirit.

L.M. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
P'єr Bezukhov is one of the writer's favorite characters. Perebuvayuschie in discord with the retinue, vіdchuvayuchi v_draz before that life in the world, like a stink lead, going through after his duel with Dolokhovim, P'єr casually wondering about the eternal, but such important food for you: “What is bad? What's good? Navіscho to live, and what am I? And if one of the most intelligent Masonic devils calls out to change his life and cleanse himself of the servants of good, bring reproach to his neighbor, P'єr broadly believe "the possibility of the brotherhood of people who, with honor, honor each one on the way." І for reaching the goal, aim P'єr to kill everything. what do you care for the need: donate pennies to the brotherhood, government schools, likarni and outbuildings, help to make life easier for villagers with small children. Yogo vchinki zavzhdy ladni z yogo conscience, and if you are right, give you the feeling of life.

Pontius Pilate sent innocent Yeshua to the stratum. All the life of the procurator was tormented by his conscience, he did not hesitate for a moment to be afraid of himself. The hero otrimav calm, only if Yeshuya himself vibachiv yoga and saying that there was no strategy.

F.M. Dostoyevsky "Zlochin and Kara".

Raskolnikov, having killed the old pawnbroker, in order to bring himself to the conclusion that the wine is "very" istota. But after the conscience tormented the malice, the mania of re-investigation develops, the hero becomes accustomed to those close to him. At the end of the novel, wines repent at the vbivstvі, becoming a path of spiritual healing.

M. Sholokhov's "Part of the People"
M. Sholokhov has a miracle speech “The share of the people”. A new one is told about the tragic fate of a soldier, which is the hour of war
having spent all the rest. Yakos vin zustriv an orphan boy and virishiv call himself a father. Tsey vchinok to talk about those
work hard to give people the strength of life, the strength of the one who stands up to the share.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Sim'ya Kuraginih - greedy, mischievous, mean people. In the pursuit of a penny, that power stinks of the building on whether it is immoral vchinki. So, for example, Helen, by deceit, makes friends with P'era and becomes rich with him, bringing him a little suffering and humiliation.

N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".

Plushkin kept all his life under control. And as if on the back of the head it was dictated by compassion, then let’s economize on everything we need, save on the least necessary, alive, at everything between us, and break the ties with my daughter, fearing that I won’t claim yogo “wealth”.

The role of colors

I.A. Goncharov "Oblomiv".

Zakokhany Oblomov presented Olzya Illinskiy with a bouzka. Buzok became a symbol of the spiritual transformation of the hero: he became active, life-radiating, cheerful, if he fell in love with Olga.

M. Bulgakov "Maister and Margarita".

Zavdyaki I'm going to paint the Zhovtim kvitam in the hands of Margaret Meister, having shaken me in the gray natovpі. Heroes fell in love with one another at a glance and carried their feelings through a great number of trials.

M. Gorky.

The clerk wondered what he had learned from books. Vіn not mav the ability to get enlightenment, to the very same in books, drawing knowledge, revelation about the world, knowledge about the laws of literature.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

Tetyana Larina grew up on love stories. The books grew її merry, romantic. Vaughn created her own ideal of a kokhan, the hero of her novel, who dreamed of wisdom in real life.

The problem of heroism, patriotism, love to the Fatherland

A.T.Tvardovsky "Vasil Tyorkin".

Yaskravim butt є tvіr A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasil Tyorkin". Do not be afraid of death, vorogiv, the main hero of the work Vasil Tyorkin, to rob the heroic vchinok, not caring for trouble, weeping the river of wine, in order to convey an important message that the victory over the enemy is near. To win the victory at the Other Svitovіy Vіynі fared richly into what the heroism of the soldiers was zavdyaki.

The feat of Oleksandr Matrosov.

Yaskravim with a butt - the feat of A. Matrosov. On the eve of the Other Holy War in one of the battles, Oleksandr, without sneering at death, for the sake of his comrades’ order of victory, covering the machine-gun pillbox with his body. The feat of Oleksandr Matrosov, who did not spoil his life in the name of the life of others, will forever be lost in the memory of people. Fearless soldier pretending to be a symbol of courage and courage

The feat of the inhabitants of Tula.

We will clear the butt of the exploit of the residential of Mist Tuli, the yaki pіd hour of another Viyni, not angry with the Grozny Torog, Yogo Potuzhno Vіskovo, non -rejoicing, diligent of death in the Ostachchi, the mayizh without a zbro did not allow the tanks of the Vorog, . The feat of these heroes is forever forgotten in the memory of generations as a specialization of courage and fearlessness

Kohanny problem

A.I.Kuprin "Olesya".

In the literature, one can find little confirmation of the author's position. One of the examples can serve as A.I.Kuprin's twirl "Olesya". The main heroine of the story, Olesya, is slain by Ivan. Ale love won't through the vigo chi pennies, її a little more right and wider. For the sake of your fucking won, I'm ready for a lot of sacrifices. At the end of creation, in order to bring your senses, go to the church, in those places, de їy not for the sake of it, it’s important that the girl is a witch, even if you know, it’s not safe. It’s clear from Olesya’s vchinka that there are no suitable shifts for the right kokhanny.

LN Tolstoy "War and Peace".

The second literary argument is LN Tolstoy's verse "War and Peace". Natasha Rostova, one of the leading characters in the novel, looks a little like Andriy Bolkonsky. Її a little right and wide. If Andriy is wounded and rehabilitated at death, he won’t know about the new one, and he can do everything possible to lighten his torment. The death of Bolkonsky is a great grief for the girl. Natasha's vchinki to give the reader a positive thought about her, to embarrass and respect her.

the problem of jealousy

W. Shakespeare "Othello"

Let's use our butt to create Shakespeare's Othello. In this tragedy it is shown. Jealousy can bring up such greedy nasledkіv, how low can a person sink, like jealous. The oshukaniy head hero, through jealousy, ceases to trust his image and at the end of the work he drives his team, as if he is not guilty of anything and love only his own person.

O.M. Ostrovsky "Dowryless"

Likewise, a fatal injection of jealousy into the inner world, you can play in the drama of O.N. Ostrovsky "Dowryless". One of the heroes of the p'yesy, Karandishev, bringing jealousy to the edge, leaning on the impermeable vchinok and driving in his image. Jealousy can’t be true for a person, don’t be embarrassed її grow up well, or maybe just succumb to the wrong, greedy vchinkіv.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

In the literature, one can find little confirmation of the author's position. One of the examples can serve as L. N. Tolstoy's book “War and Peace”. The main hero of the novel, Prince Andriy Bolkonsky, succumbs to Natasha Rostov. Archpriest Andriy vvazha Natasha as an unfortunate couple to his son and urge him to put the hats on the river. For the presence of Bolkonsky Natal, being an arrogant girl, she dies in Anatol Kuragin. Wonna navit maє namir z him flow, but її zupinyat in the rest of the moment. If Prince Andriy finds out about tse, if he is right, it hurts more. Bolkonsky is aware of the health on the part of Natasha, jealously reshaping his soul. If you want to know that Natalya should not be robbed because of the evil spirit, she’s just too young, she doesn’t dare to overcome her jealousy and her suffering. Andriy is separated from Natalka, to the one who couldn’t overcome himself, to step over hisism and that human vanity for the sake of a mess.

Russian language (head C)

The problem is up to the teacher.

We need to be respectful to our readers not only if we study at school, but if we enter at an older age. Immortal rows of Andriy Dementiev:

Don't you dare forget your readers!

The stinks are turbulent about you and remember,

І in the silence of the room

They check your turns and calls.

The problem of recognition of talent .

I respect that my responsibilities are placed more respectfully before talented people.

V. G. Belinskiy was sure to hang out from this drive: “True and strong talent does not have the harshness of criticism, so it’s not enough to instill it.”

Sgadaimo A. S. Pushkina, I. A. Bunina, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, the genius of such a bula was recognized as such. After a hundred years, it is important to realize that A. S. Pushkin, a genius, sings, having died in a duel, he is still young. I wine in tsomu suspіlstvo, scho otchuivalo yogo. Skіlki great tvor_v could be read more, yakbi not a dashing sack of Dantes.

Movie ruining problem.

I am profoundly perekonana, so thoroughly movi can lead to її improvement, not degradation.

Vichni words I. Z. Turgenev, the great master of literature: "Keep the purity of your language, like a shrine."

We are guilty of reading love to our native language, remember to accept it as a priceless gift from the great classics: A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, I. A. Bunina, L. N. Tolstoy, N. V. Gogol.

And I want to believe that the degradation of Russian language is going to overthrow our literacy, to read with love and to take the best of worldly classics.

The problem of creativity.

It is important for a skin writer to know his reader.

Volodymyr Mayakovsky wrote:

Poeziya is the very same kind of bottle of radium:

Gram vidobutok, on rіk pracі.

You call for a single word

A thousand words of verbal ore.

Virishiti problems and creativity of a writer help life itself.

Rich-faceted, fruitful was the life of S. A. Yesenin.

Writer, director, actor V.M.

The problem of protection is sim'ї.

I care what main function sіm'ї - the continuation of the human race, based on the correct vihovanni.

Even more precisely hung from the drive of A. S. Makarenko: "If you gave birth to a child, it means a lot of rock ahead, you gave him all the strain of your thoughts, all your respect and all your will."

I'm chomping family vіdnosinami Rostov, heroes of the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Old men and children here are one whole. This unity helped to survive in important minds, to become familiar with the Suspіlstvo, Batkivshchyna.

On my glibok perekonannya, the development of humankind begins with total sіm'ї.

The problem of knowledge of classical literature.

For the recognition of classical literature, a singing culture is needed.

Maxim Gorky wrote: “In reality, life is seen as a good fantastic fairy tale, as if to look in the middle, from the side, and motives, with which people are seen in their activity.”

Svіtova classic passed thorny path exclamation. The first right reader is aware of what W. Shakespeare, A. S. Pushkin, D. Defoe, F. M. Dostoyevsky, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, A. Dumas, M. Twain, M. A. Sholokhov, Hemingway and many other writers to form the "Golden" fund of light literature.

I respect that between political correctness and literature can cross the line.

The problem of creation of child literature.

In my opinion, the child's literature becomes more sensible only once, if you have created the right master.

Maxim Gorky wrote: “We need a fun, funny book that develops a child with a sense of humor.”

An unforgettable trace in the life of a skin person is filled with literature. Create A. Barto, Z. Mikhalkov, Z. Marshak, U. Bianka, M. Prishvin, A. Lindgren, R. Kipling zmushushuvali joy, hvilyuvatisya, zahoplyuvatisya skin from us.

In this rank, childish literature is the first stage of closure with Russian language.

Book saving problem.

The very essence of reading is important for spiritually elevated specialness, in any case it would not be there.

Such a thought and academician D.S. Likhachova: "... try to choose a book to your liking, to spend some time in the world, sit down with a book more handily and you will understand that there are a lot of books, without which one cannot live..."

The meaning of the book is not to be wasted, as if it were submitted in electronic version, as if to shy modern writers. Tse allows you to save an hour and work accessible to rich people, no matter what the world.

In this rank, it is necessary for the skin of us to learn how to read correctly and learn how to read a book.

The problem of vihovannya vіri.

I respect that faith in people can turn out of childhood.

The words of the great, spiritual deacon Oleksandr Men, who said that people need faith, “…More, in the Ideal” deeply stuck to me.

Virity in goodness is begun from the very childhood. Fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin, Bazhov, Yershov give us skilki light, warmth, positive.

After reading the text, it made me think less about those who are young, who appeared in childhood, are significantly multiplied in adult life and help to be inspired for our skin health.

The problem of unity with nature .

We are guilty of understanding that the share of nature is our share.

Vasil Fedorov sings, writing:

Sob to yourself that world vryatuvat,

We need it, without wasting fate,

Forget all stumps


The cult of nature.

The famous Russian writer V.P. Astaf’ev in his work “Tsar-Riba” opposes two heroes: Akima, who loves nature without reproach, and Goga Gertsev, who blames him hizhatsko. І nature to take revenge: Goga shamelessly kills his life. Astaf'єv perekonuє chitacha in the fact that the payment for immoral staging is inevitable to nature.

I want to finish with the words of R. Tagore: I have come to your shore, like a foreigner; I am alive at your house, like a guest; I leave you, like a friend, O my land.

The problem is set to creatures.

So, it’s true, God’s creature has a soul, and it’s better than other people’s minds, lower people.

I fell in love with the childishness of the story of Gavriil Troyopolsky “Biliy Bim Chorne vuho”. I will choke on the friendship of the Lord, that dog, who has been left alone until the end of his life. You don't develop such friendship among people.

The kindness of the people on the other side of Antoine Saint-Exuper's fairy tale "The Little Prince". Vіn hung up his head thought with a phrase, which became mayzhe extinguished: "We vouch for the quiet, whom we tamed."

The problem of artistic beauty.

In my opinion, artistic beauty is beauty, as it pierces the heart.

Let's fall in love with a kutochk, like a nadihav M.Yu. Lermontov's creation of reference masterpieces of art and literature, Kavkaz. In the bosom of the majestic nature, he sings, gazing at himself in a nasty, enlivened manner.

“I’ll give you a little hut, a quiet little porch, work that nathnennya,” A.S. Pushkin wrote with love about Mikhailovsky.

In this rank, the beauty of the artist is invisible - this is the share of creative people.

The problem of setting up to the Batkivshchyna.

The country becomes a great zavdyaka for people who live with it.

Academician D.S. Likhachov wrote: “Going to the Batkivshchyna gives a sense of life, transforming life from the animal on the understanding of reason.”

Batkivshchyna in life is the most sacred. We ourselves should think about it in very important situations. At the fate of the Crimean war, Admiral Nakhimov, conquering Sevastopol, died heroically. Vіn commanding the soldiers to defend the place until the last second.

Let's work for those who see us lie down. And don't let our tips say about us: "The stench loved Russia."

Why is it hard for us to teach our own?

Spivchuttya, spivchuttya - the result of knowing one's misfortune.

Unforgettable hostility to chant the words of Eduard Asadov on me:

And if it hits here,

I ask you: with my heart, never,

Don't turn to stone...

Bida, like Andriy Sokolov, the hero of M.A. Sholokhov's novel "The Share of the People", did not instill in him the best human qualities. After spending all your loved ones wines, don’t get tired of baiting to the share of the little orphan Vanyushka.

The text of M. M. Prishvin made me think deeply about those who, be it as a bida, do not become a stranger.

The problem is put before the book.

I care, the skin book is cicava in its own way.

Love a book. Vaughn to make your life easier, to help you grow up in strings and boisterous swindling thoughts, sensibly, podіy, to teach you to respect the people and yourself, they will turn your mind and heart with feelings of love to the world, to the people, ”said Maxim Gorky.

Another episode from the biography of Vasil Makarovich Shukshin. Through the folds of life, think less in your youth and for an hour I will enter the VDIK and learn about the works of the great classics. The book itself helped you to become a wonderful writer, talented actor, director, screenwriter.

Even after reading the text, I’ve killed it, and I’m still going on rozmirkovuvaty over it, what are you going to do in order for only garni of the book to be read to us.

The problem is vlivu ZMI.

I'm deeply perekonana, scho schasnі ZMI may pinch people morally and aesthetically more sensitively.

D.S. Likhachov wrote about it: "You need to develop in yourself intellectual flexibility, so that you can understand the reach and recognize the fake as a correct value."

Recently, I read in one of the newspapers that in the 60-70 years of the popular magazines "Moscow", "Prapor", "Roman-gazeta" the best works of young writers and poets were admired. These magazines were loved by rich people, they helped to live in a right way, to support one another.

So let's learn how to choose colorful newspapers and magazines, from which you can make a deep impression.

The problem of splintering.

In my opinion, a skin person can practice a wide range of skills.

Andriy Voznesensky sings like a good thing about you:

The essence of the right splurge is to give the warmth of your soul to people.

Matrena, the heroine of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin dvir", live by the laws of goodness, forgiveness, love. Vaughn is that very righteous man, without whom, for the servants, the village cannot stand. No place. Nor all our land."

Even after reading the text, I’ve killed it, and I continue to rozmirkovuvat over it, it’s important for our skin to understand the essence of mutual people.

The problem is choked with the beauty of nature.

In my opinion, the beauty of nature is easy to explain, її you can only understand.

With the text of V. Rasputin, the miraculous rows of the verse of Rasul Gamzatov are twisted:

There is no falsehood in the songs of the dark waters,

Trees, herbs and skin creatures of God,

Im'ya "spivaka nature" mіtsno zakrіpilosa for M. M. Prishvinim. Yogo works have painted eternal pictures of nature, the miraculous land of our indefatigable land. I wrote my own philosophical tales of nature to the student "The Road to a Friend".

The text of V. Rasputin helped me to understand better that while the sun is still p'e dew, while the fish go to spawn, and the birds are in the nest, alive in the people's hope, that tomorrow it will come and, perhaps, it will be more beautiful, lower today .

The problem of innocence in everyday life.

In my opinion, less stability and solidity will help us to be inspired by tomorrow.

Think about T. Protasenok, I would like to add the words of Eduard Asadov:

Our life is like a lichtar in a bottle of light.

And vіd prominchik to the left and to the right -

Temryava: millions of silent fates...

Everything that was before us and will come next,

We are not given a treat, right.

If Shakespeare was hammered by Hamlet, saying: "An hour having twisted the snow".

Having read the rhymes, I realized that we ourselves should be able to correct the "wivihnuti sglobi" in our own time. Complicated and important process.

The problem of sense of life.

I am profoundly overwhelmed, that a person, being engaged in some kind of activity, is obliged to instill, now to break it.

A.P. Chekhov wrote: “Let them be appointed by their goals: the one on the right is called great, which has a great meta.”

With the butt of a man, yak, she jumped to live her life with greed, є P'єr Bezukhov, the hero of L. N. Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace". It is the very best to characterize Tolstoy’s words clearly: “To live honestly, you need to tear, stray, rush about. Have mercy. Start and throw again, and start fighting and throwing. And calmness is sincere pidlіst.

In this manner, Yu. M. Lotman added to a lesser degree to understand that the skin of us may have a headache in life.

The problem of folding literary practice.

In my opinion, in the mastery of the writer to convey to the skin of the people the secrets of the native and the alien, his talent is manifested.

Eduard Asadov, having spoken his thoughts about the foldedness of literary practice: “Save yourself a day and try to do nothing…”.

I guess that the brilliant Russian poets A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov were miraculous translations.

After reading the text, I’ve killed it, and I’ll continue to rozmirkovuvaty over him, so we can be vidyachni tim, who opens the unobstructed expanse of language to us.

The problem of immortality of singularity.

I am deeply overwhelmed that individuals of genius become immortal.

A. S. Pushkin dedicating his lines to V. A. Zhukovsky:

Yogo vіrshiv charіvna nasoloda

Pass for a long time for a long distance.

Immortal names of people who consecrated their lives to Russia. Tse Oleksandr Nevsky, Dmitro Donsky, Kuzma Minin, Dmitro Pozharsky, Petro 1, Kutuzov, Suvorov, Ushakov, K. G. Zhukov.

I would like to finish with the words of Oleksandr Blok:

Oh, I want to live crazy

Everything that exists - increase,

Bezosobove - crowd,

Nezdijsnene - vtіliti!

The problem of fidelity to which word.

A decent person can be honest, in first line, according to his age to himself.

Leonid Pantelєєv may rozpovid "Chesne word". The author tells us a story about a boy who, having given his word of honor, will stand on the anniversary until he changes his age. The tsієї child had a strong will and a mіtsne word.

“There is nothing strong for a word,” Meander said.

The problem of the role of the book in the life of a person.

Zustrich from a garnet book - bring joy.

Chingiz Aitmatov: “It is necessary to grow goodness in people, the sole binding of all people, all generations. Tse zavdannya literature and art.

Maxim Gorky said: “To love a book. Vaughn to make life easier for you, to help you grow up in strings and boisterous straying thoughts, pochuttіv, podіy, to teach you to respect the people and yourself, okriluє roza and heart pochuttya love to the light, to the people.

The problem of spiritual development of specialness.

In my opinion, a skin person can develop spiritually. D. S. Likhachov wrote "" The skin people of the Crimea have great "timchas" special goals, but there is one great special meta ... "

In the works of A. S. Griboyedov, “Daringly from the mind” Chatsky is the butt of spiritually distinguished specialty. Dirty interests, empty worldly life called out in the new guide. Zakhoplennya, intellect of yogo were significantly greater for the most suspіlstvo.

The problem of setting up television programs.

I know that at once it’s important to choose the best one from hundreds of programs for review.

In the book “Ridna Land” D.S. Likhachov wrote about reviewing television programs: “. Marvel at the choice.

The most famous, commemorative, moral programs, in my opinion, are “Wait for me”, “Razumniki and wise men”, “Visti”, “Great distillation”. Tsі transfers to start talking less to people, to recognize a lot of new things, to worry about your country and write it.

The problem of rank.

In my opinion, ingenuity, forests have not yet lived in our suspense.

In the work of A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon", the police chief changed his behavior slavishly in view of the fact that he was arguing with him: he was shirking before the official and belittling the worker.

At the work of N. V. Gogol's "Inspector", the whole elite at once from the mayor tries to be fit for the inspector, but if they say that Khlєstakov is not the one for whom he sees himself, all noble people are caught at him on the stage.

The problem of creating the alphabet.

I respect that the uncommon creation of the letter form leads to the destruction of the functioning of the language.

In ancient times, Cyril and Methodius created the alphabet. On May 24, Russia celebrates the day of the words of the Janskian writing. Why talk about the pride of our people for the Russian leaf.

The problem of enlightenment.

In my opinion, about the melancholy of enlightenment, judge by the final results.

"Learning is light, and ignorance is dark," the Russian people say.

Political fiend M. I. Pirogov, saying: “Most of the brightest of us are correct, say a little more, that there is no preparation for real life.”

The problem of honor.

In my opinion, the word "honor" has not lost its meaning in our day.

D. S. Likhachov wrote: “Honor, orderliness, conscience - these are the qualities that you cherish.”

The story of the hero of the novel by A. Z. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" by Pyotr Grinov is a confirmation of the fact that people give the strength to live properly, to keep their clothes, to take care of their honor and goodness, to honor themselves that others, the preservation of their spiritual human qualities.

The problem of recognition of science.

I respect that mysticism can be naturally recognized.

V. V. Nabokov, saying: “Those who in us are known as mysticism, in fact, nothing else, like the truth of life, it is necessary to take in and capture, from and everything.”

Great works of right artists know the knowledge of the whole world. It is not for nothing that the paintings of Russian artists Levitan and Kuynji were exhibited in the Louvre museum of art in Paris.

The problem of change in Russia.

In my opinion, we should play the role of the Russian movie.

In front of you is a bulk - Russian language. Glibok nasolod cry you. Porine for all the immensity of yogo and see the miraculous laws of yogo ... ”, - N.V. Gogol wrote.

“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, tse belongings, tse baton, handed over to us by our successors, among whom Pushkin will shine again! Behave charismatically with these mighty znaryaddy; in the hands of those who have been touched, they can work miracles in their hands... Take care of the purity of the language, like a shrine! - Called I. S. Turgenev.

The problem of human strangeness.

Reading this text, use your power to guess.

If the unknown woman helped us from the fathers to know the address at the city of Bilgorod, even though she hastened to her right. And її words pierced me into a riddle: “In our hours, we just help one another, otherwise we will turn into creatures.”

Immortal heroes to the work of A.P. Gaidar "Timur and yoga team". Children, as if without cowardice, they give help to help to formulate morally and aesthetically more sensitively. Golovna, wilt your own light soul, help people to understand and understand, Kim buti have a life of their own.

The problem is guessing about the next month.

Sergius Yesenin has miracle rows:

A low budinok with black-and-white veils,

Don't forget me for you, -

Too late to be so recent

Tі, scho they saw in the day of fate.

I. S. Turgenev left the fates of the life of the provinces behind the cordon. Vin died at the French town of Buzhevali in 1883. Before his death, an importantly ill writer turned to his friend Yakov Polonsky: “If you are in Spassky, bow down to my house, garden, my young oak - fatherland, like I already, maybe, I won’t care.

Reading the text helped me to understand better, what is more precious for the relatives, the fatherland, but in order to understand it, it’s richly invested, nothing can be done.

The problem of conscience.

I respect that the most beautiful embellishment of a human being is purely a sum.

“Honour, orderliness, conscience - these are the values, which you cherish,” wrote D.S. Likhachov.

Vasil Makarovich Shukshin made a cinematography "Kalina Chervona". The main hero Yegor Prokudin, a colossal karny malice, can’t tell in his soul what much grief he brought to his mother. When zustrіchі s summer woman vin can be known from tsimu, scho vin її syn.

After reading the text, if you think less deeply about it, which in some bi situations we did not show up, you cannot use your human appearance and your own goodness.

The problem of freedom of particularity and susceptibility to suspility.

Kozhen may usvіdomlyuvati his vіdpovіdalіnіst before suspіlstvo. There are rows, written by Y. Trifonov: We burn some wines with hot and dirty light, on others we remember ice, on others we warm, but on all.

Academician D.S. Likhachov, saying: “If a person is alive, to bring good to people, ease their suffering in case of ailments, give people joy, then she will evaluate herself on the equal of her humanness”

Chingiz Aitmatov, saying about freedom: “Freedom of particularity and supremacy is the most immutable meta and the greatest sense of butt, and nothing important in the historical plan can be, the price of the greatest progress, and also the welfare of the state”

The problem of patriotism.

“Kohannya to the Batkivshchyna gives a sense of life, transforming life from the animal on the understanding of the basis,” wrote D.S. Likhachov.

The exploits of the older generation at the fate of the Great Vitchiznyanoi war prove that the Batkivshchyna is the most sacred of life. You can’t get enough of the bait, reading the story of Boris Lvovich Vasiliev “And the dawns are quiet here ...” about young anti-aircraft gunners, like they perished, protecting the native land from the enemy.

The right soldier who loves his fatherland on his own is Mykola Pluzhnikov, the hero of Boris Vasiliev's story "Not on the lists." Before the rest of the hvilini the life of the vins, having stolen the Brest fortress from the fascists.

“People cannot live without the Fatherland, just as they cannot live without a heart,” wrote K. G. Paustovsky.

The problem of choosing a profession.

Only one person will be slaughtered by his right, as if he won’t have mercy on the choice of profession. D. S. Likhachov wrote: “We need to bury our profession, our right, with these people, like you need help without intermediary (especially teachers and doctors are necessary), and like that, you bring help “from afar”, not bachachi їх.

The role of mercy in life.

Russian sings G. R. Derzhavin saying:

Who does not misbehave and do not falsify,

I do not see evil for evil:

Blues of blues to cheer

And life is all good.

And F. M. Dostoyevsky should lie in such rows: “Not accepting light, for whom one tear of a child is shed.”

The problem of zhorstokostі and humanizmu on vіdnoshennia to creatures.

The kindness of the people on the other side of Antoine Saint-Exuper's fairy tale "The Little Prince". Vіn hung up his head thought with a phrase that became mayzhe extinguished: “We revere for the quiet, whom we tamed”

Chingiz Aitmatov's novel "The Scaffold" is famously ahead of us about the evil people. The leading heroes of the Vovka novel are Akbar and Tashainar, to die for the blame of the people. All nature perished in its guise. That's why the check on people is inevitable.

Reading the text made me think about it, what are my faults to learn from the creatures of wisdom, understanding, love.

The problem of folding together people.

The great Russian writer L. N. Tolstoy wrote: “Life is less then, if you live for others.” In "War and Light" they reveal this idea, showing on the butt of Andriy Bolkonsky and P'er Bezukhov, what he is doing in life.

A S. I. Ozhegov, saying: “Life is the activity of a person and suspres, in quiet and other manifestations.”

The problem is mutual “father and child”.

B. P. Pasternak, saying: “The destroyer of love to the neighbor is protecting himself…”

The writer Anatoly Oleksin describes the conflict between generations in his novel "Spawned the Lane". “To sue your own mother is the best on the earth on the right”, - you are judging a person-son, who is to sue his own mother.

The skin from us needs to learn to work good. Don't take care of inaccuracies, I hurt loved ones.

Friendship problem.

V. P. Nekrasov wrote: “The most important thing in friendship is to understand and forgive.”

A. S. Pushkin characterizing the right friendship as follows: “My friends, our wonderful union! Vіk yak soul is undivided and eternal.

The problem of jealousy.

Jealousy - tse sensible, uncontrolled by the mind, that zmushu robiti mindless vchinki.

In the novel by M. A. Sholokhov “Quiet Flows the Don”, Stepan zhorstoly beat his squad Xenia, as Grigory Melekhov fell in love with her in a right way.

In Leo Tolstoy's novel "Hanna Karenina" a man is jealous to lead Hanna to self-destruction.

I think that the skin is to blame for the pragmatism of the mind of a close person and to know in oneself the courage to work out.

What is the right kohannya?

Wonderful rows at Marini Tsvetaeva:

Like that left hand is right -

Your soul is close to my soul.

K. D. Rilyev has a historical thought about Natalya Borisivna Dolgoruka, the daughter of Field Marshal Sheremetyev. Vaughn did not deprive her betrothed, who, having spent her will, titles, camped and went after him to be sent. After the death of a man of twenty-eight world beauty, she cut her hair in blackberry. Vaughn said: “At the kohanna, there is a mystery, holy, there is no stone.”

The problem of sprinyattya mystetstva.

Truthful words of L. N. Tolstoy in the art: “Must of art wins over the robot of memory: it chooses from the stream the most bright, hvilyuyuche, signifi- cantly and imaginatively in the crystals of books.”

And V. V. Nabokov, saying this: “Those who in us are known as mysticism, in fact, nothing else, like a pictorial truth of life; you need to remember and catch, from and everything.

The problem of intelligence.

D. Z. Likhachov wrote: “... intelligence is good for moral health, but healthy is a requirement to live long as a physical, and rozumova”.

As a truly intelligent person, I respect the great writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Vіn having lived an important life, but until the end of his days, he was physically and morally healthy.

The problem of nobility.

Bulat Okudzhava wrote:

Conscience, Nobility, that Gidnist - Axis out - our holy army.

Stretch out your palm to you, For him it’s not scary and fire is near.

The appearance of yoga is high and marvelous. Dedicate your short life to you.

Perhaps you won’t become a survivor, Alez you will die, like a man.

The greatness of morality and gentry is the warehouse of a feat. In the works of Boris Lvovich Vasiliev “Not on the lists” Mykola Pluzhnikov is overwhelmed with people in any situation: in hundreds of women from a kohan woman, under the uninterrupted bombing of the Nazis. All right heroism.

Beauty problem.

Mykola Zabolotsky rozmіrkovuє about the beauty of his verse "Ugly girl": "The vessel is out, in such an empty chi fire, why should the vessel flicker?".

True beauty is spiritual beauty. To whom L. M. Tolstoy changed, the image of Natasha Rostovskaya Mariya Bolkonskaya is small in the novel “War and Peace”.

Happiness problem.

Wonderful rows about happiness by the poet Eduard Asadov:

Bring beauty into the ugly,

Take a look in the glasses, pour the river!

Who is happy in everyday life,

That's right, a happy person.

Academician D. S. Likhachov wrote: “Happy is the reach of the one who will not make others happy and want to forget for some time about your interests, about yourself.”

Growing up problem .

If a person starts to consider his accountability to the solution of important life problems, he starts to grow up.

Truthful words that belong to K. D. Ushinsky: "Meta in life is the heart of human goodness and human happiness."

And Eduard Asadov sings, saying this:

If you grow up, then from your youth,

Aje not with rocks, but with the right you see.

And everything that has not reached thirty,

Let's wait, you won't catch it soon.

The problem of wiggle.

A. S. Makarenko wrote: “Our entire system of vihovanya - ce realization went out about respect for the people. About respect, it’s no less interesting, it’s necessary, and it’s a tie.”

S. Ya. Marshak has rows: “Let your mind be kind, but your heart will be reasonable.”

Vihovatel, as if having grown his “reasonable heart” in terms of advancement to vihovantsya, reached the desired result.

Why do people have a sense of life

Russian Vіdomy sings O. Voznesensky saying:

The more we see the heart,

Tim is bigger, what is left in our hearts.

The heroine of the confession A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvir" live by the laws of goodness, forgiveness, love. Matryona shows the warmth of her soul to people. Vaughn “is the same righteous man, without whom, for the servants, the village cannot stand. No place. Nor all our land."

Teaching problems.

Happy is that person, in life as a teacher

For Altinay, the heroine of the story, Chingiz Aitmatov "The First Teacher", Duishen was the teacher, in front of "... the nayvazhchi hvilini of life" won the trimala and "... did not dare to step out" in front of difficulties.

Lyudina, for what a profession of a teacher - a call, є Lydia Mikhailivna V. Rasputina "French Lessons". She herself became a leading person for her teaching, having remembered everything about her life.

The problem of the significance of the practical life of a person.

The moral value of our skin needs to be humiliated to work.

K. D. Ushinsky said: “Self-education, as if it won’t make people happy, you can vihovuvat yoga for happiness, and prepare it to work for life.”

And the Russians used to say: “Without practice - you won’t win a fish and a bet.”

Behind the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky: “The work is necessary for people, just like a hedgehog, they can be regular, systematic.”

The problem of self-deception.

Consume people to be obmezhenі. The person is guilty of vitiating himself.

At the “Cazze about a fisherman and a fish” by A.S. Pushkin, the old woman spent everything that she helped with the arrival of the Golden Fish, to which the її bazhanya outweighed the necessary boundary.

Fair Russian folk saying: "Better than a titmouse in the hands, lower crane in the sky."

Baiduzhnosti problem.

It's a pity, a lot of people live for the sayings: "My hut is from the edge - I don't know anything."

Encyclopedia of arguments

First of all, here is the annotation, and then the arguments themselves.

While creating this book, we wanted to help the students to successfully compose the single sovereign song of Russian language. At first glance, the preparatory process before the creation had a marvelous situation: a lot of high school students can’t round that chi and another thesis with such butts. TV broadcasting, books, newspapers, and the most important information flow, we can provide the students with the necessary material. Why is the hand of creation shamelessly caught on that mission, where it is necessary to argue a special position?

Problems, yakі vіdchuvaє student, if you try to obruntuvat those chi іnshe firmness, viklіkanі quickly not tim, scho you don't know yakіhos vіdomosti, but tim, scho vіdomі yomu vіdomostі іn can't zastosuvati. There are no arguments "in the form of people," the use of the language of the function of the argument, if it is necessary to bring the simple truth or the hypocrisy of the thesis. The argument of creativity on the ЄДІ z Russian speaker speaks like a simple part of the meaning, as follows after a certain hardening (usіm vіdoma logic, be it prove: the theorem - obgruntuvannya - vysnovok),

In a higher meaning - a hundred years before writing in ЄDI, the argument should include a butt, which is a singing rank of design and borrows a lot of space in the composition of the text.

The butt is a fact, or a small amount of fluctuations, which vikoristovuєtsya as a starting point for a distant aggravation, or for a reinforcement of an aggravated aggravation.

An example is not just a fact, but typicalfact, then, the fact that shows a single trend, serve as the basis for a single trend. The typing function will explain in a broader sense the differences in the processes of argumentation.

Sob the butt is taken not as a water-reinforcement visley, which represents the information, but as an argument, it is necessary arrange in composition: Vіn is guilty of borrowing a new camp in the meaning of the ієrarchy according to the promotion to the solidified one, to serve as material for the position to be taken.

Our encyclopedia of arguments includes a few thematic rubrics, which are subdivided into such divisions:

  1. problems
  2. Sterzhuyuchi theses, yakі need to wrap


4. Apply how you can win for the argumentation of the general thesis.

It is possible, for someone to understand, the sameness of the arguments from various thematic headings is obvious. But be it a suspіlny problem, let's go to the bare opposition of good and evil, life and death, and the universal categories will draw in their orbit all the different mani- festations of human manifestations. To that, apparently, for example, about the need to protect nature, we are guilty of talking about love to the fatherland, and about the moral integrity of people.

1. Problems

1. Moral values ​​of a right person
2. Share of people

3. Humanely placing up to the people

4. Mercy that svіchuttya

2. Strong theses

  1. Bring light and goodness!
  2. Loving people is the main principle of humanism.
  3. We vіdpovіdaєmo for someone else's life.

4. Help, comfort, support - and the light will become good.


1. Light by itself is neither evil nor good, it is a place of mercy and those and more, marveling at what you yourself have done (M. Montaigne, French philosopher-humanist).

2. If you don’t wake up your life, you will forget the light of eternal change (I. Goethe, German writer).

3. One commandment: "Mountain" (M. Voloshin, Russian singer).

4. Lights, I burn (Van Tulp, Dutch physician).

5. While you are young, strong, badyor, do not get tired of doing good (A. Chekhov, Russian writer).

4. Arguments

Self-sacrifice. Love to the neighbor.

1) The American writer D. London, in one of his works, spoke about those who, like a man and his team, got lost in a serene low-lying steppe. Stocks have run out, and the woman has weakened more and more. If she has fallen without strength, a person knows she has crackers in her guts. It appears, woman, wisely, that you don’t hang out for two, took care of it, to give the kokhan the opportunity to turn around.

2) Prominent Russian writer B. Vasiliev rozpov about Professor Jansen. Vіn having died, ryatyuchi children, yakі fell through to the sewer pits. Lyudina, yaku and for life they sang like a saint, hovav a mustache.

3) In one of the books dedicated to the Great Veteran War, the blockade tells about those who, in the hour of terrible famine, vryatuvav life on living susid, who brought a jar of stew, instilled a son from the front. “I’m already old, and you’re young, then live that life,” said the man. Vіn nevdovzі died, and the vryatovanny lad for all his life kept a memory of the new vdyachny.

4) The tragedy happened near the Krasnodar Territory. At the booth for people of a frail age, where old people lived in ailment, they could not walk, it began to get cold. Nurse Lydia Pashentseva rushed to help the disabled. The woman withstood the fire as many as were ill, but she herself could not go out.

5) Ribi pinagor put caviar on the border.

As soon as the water, which has gone, bares the purchase of the eggs, then you can sing a vicious sight: a male, who guards the eggs, waters it every hour from the mouth, so that it does not dry out. Ymovіrno, turbota about the neighbor is the power of all living things.

6) In 1928, having recognized an accident, the airship led by the Italian mandriving Nobile. The victims leaned back on the ice, the stench sent a dashing signal through the radio. Well, it was necessary to inform, the Norwegian mandrіvnik R. Amundsen, having arranged the water, rizikuyuchi life, violating the whispers of Nobіlі and yogo comrades. Nezabara zv'yazok z lіtak interrupted, less than a sprat of months was known yogo Ulamki. The famous polar explorer, dying, ryatyuchi people.

7) Under the hour of the Crimean war, the doctor Pirogov, having found out about the hard camp of the garrison, who defended Sevastopol, began to ask for war. Ioma was encouraged, but vin buv is stubborn, to those who did not think for themselves a peaceful life, knowing that the impersonal wounded would require the help of an experienced surgeon.

8) In the sayings of the ancient Aztecs, speaking everything to the one who light chotiri razi ruinuvavsya. After the fourth cataclysm, the sun went out. Then the gods got away and began to think how to create a new light. The stench spread the great bagattya, and it lightly blew up the darkness. And so that the light from the bagattya did not go out, if one of the gods could voluntarily sacrifice himself to the fire. And then one young god rushed into the half-light. So the sun appeared, which illuminates our land. This legend has a thought that self-confidence is the light of our life.

9) Vіdomy film director S. Rostotsky, saying that having made the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…”, like Danina’s lads, women-medics, like a hero of yoga from the battlefield during the hour of the Great Vitchiznyanoї war.

10) The naturalist Eugene Mare, who is alive three times among the baboons in Africa, having glanced once, like a leopard laying stitches, as he hastened a flock of baboons to the ryativnyh caves: males, females, babies - in a word, a true species. In the sight of the flock, two males cremated, slowly climbed on the skel over the leopard and at once stribbed down. One bit at the leopard's throat, the other at the back. With its hind paw the leopard ripped open the belly of the first and broke the wrists of the other with its front paws. Ale, a few seconds before death, the wings of the first baboon closed on the veins of the leopard, and the whole trio broke the world. Obviously, offending peacocks could not but see the deadly insecurity. Ale herd stench vryatuvali.

Spivchutya that mercy. Chuynist

1) In M. Sholokhov there is a miracle speech “The share of the people”. A new one is told about the tragic fate of a soldier, what a pid hour of war he spent his relatives. Yakos vin zustriv an orphan boy and virishiv call himself a father. Whose vchinok to talk about those who love and work hard to give people the strength to live, the strength to endure the share.

2) W. Hugo tells the story of villainy in his novel “Znedolenі”. Having spent the night in the bishop's house, the villainous thief stole from the new silver dishes. But for a year, the police caught up with mischief and delivered Yogo to the booth, but they gave Yogo nothing. The priest said that this person did not steal anything, that she took all the speeches with the permission of the sovereign. Evil, we will feel the enemies, having survived the right rebirth for one whil, and after that wine, becoming an honest person.

3) One of the medics stumbled upon the fact that the laboratory workers were working in the clinic: they stink a little bit, like they are suffering from ailments. The reason for this was that the young successors were excited to work out of the lost energy, the shards from their suspense lay specifically on human life.

4) In ancient Babylon, the ailing was blamed on the square, and the skin of the transitional moment gave you joy, as if it were healthy, or just say it well. This fact shows that already in ancient times people understood that there is no other person's dash, there is no other person's suffering.

5) On the eve of the film "Cold Summer 53 ...", which took place near a remote Karelian village, all the most important residents, especially children, gathered to play "Didusya Vovka" - Anatoly Papanov. The director wants to drive the bagmen away, so that the stench does not respect the significant process, but Papanov chooses the success of the ditlakhiv, spitting on them, writing to the skin at the skin. And the children, shining like happy eyes, marveled at the great actor. In my memory, the zestrich іz tsієyu people has been lost for ever, as if for their sake I interrupted the dear zjomki.

6) Old-time historians told about those that Pіthagoras bought riba from fishermen and woke back by the sea. People laughed from the divak, and saying that, ryatuyuchi rib in the net, they try to save people from the terrible part - to fall into slavery at the conquerors. True, everything alive is tied by invisible, almond threads of causality: our skin is vchinok, nibi hole the moon, rejoices with the expanse of light, calling out those other traces.

7) Pіdbadjorlivé word, dbaylivy glance, sane grin to help people achieve success, to strengthen their faith in their own strength. Psychologists have carried out an experiment in order to prove the truth of this assertion. They recruited vipadkovy people and asked them for a long time to work a bench for a children's garden. Pratsіvniki in the first group were constantly praised, and others - they barked for that non-balance. What is the result? The first group had more lava, and the other group had lower lava. So, a good word is right to help people.

8) The skin of a person will require intelligence, spontaneity, warmth of the soul. Like a well-known Russian commander A. Suvorov, having shaken a young soldier, who, having snarled at a future battle, vt_k near the forest. If the enemy was broken, Suvorov heaped up the heroes, the order went to the one who cowardly sat in the bushes. The bad soldier didn’t fall through the rags a little. Vecheri vіn turning to the city and knowing the commander at his boguztvi. Suvorov said: "I take your order for saving, to the one I believe in your goodness!" In an offensive battle, the soldiers defeated their fearlessness and courage and deservedly took off the order.

9) One of the legends tells about those who once went to the land of Saints Kasyan and Mykola the Pleasant. They kicked a man who tried to pull a wagon from a brazier. Kasyan, hurrying to an important right and not wandering around the paradise cloth, far away, and Nikola helped the peasant. If the Lord knew about it, he gave Nikola two saints on the river, and Kasyan alone on the chotiri rocks - 29 fierce.

10) At the early Serednyovichchi you wriggle, the godly ruler, having vowed with his obov'yazkom to tame his booth of the zhebrak volotsyug. It was important that the prayers of the underprivileged would sooner implore God. The householders asked the unfortunate vagabond to pray for them at the temple, for which they gave him a coin. Obviously, this friendliness was not spared by the sing-song, but at the same time moral laws were born among people, yakі vymagali not to show the miserable, shkoduvat їх.

11) Stanislav Zhuk, a coach from figure skating, gained respect for the girl, as they all respected the unpromising. It was worthy of the trainers, that there, without looking for a special talent, practiced, not harming themselves. The beetle, having trusted her, becoming involved with her, from the center of the girl grew up to find the body of the figure skater of the twentieth century, Irina Rodnina.

12) Numerical studies of psychologists, how to deal with the problems of school education, to bring, how important it is to instill a child's faith in his strength. If the reader puts on great hopes for learning, checks for high results in them, then it seems to be sufficient, to increase intelligence by 25 points.

13) Mayzhe neymovirny vapadok rozpovidali in one of the TV programs. The girl wrote a fairy tale about her friend, like a child, she couldn’t walk through an ailment. The Kazakhs talked about the charm of the healing of ailments. A friend read a fairy tale and, as if she herself knew, she wrote that now she can dress. Vaughn just saw the police and they went. The axis of such a marvel wraps up a wide kindness.

14) Spivchutya pritamanne like people. It is powerful to inspire creatures, and tse observation of the natural sense. Vcheni made such a conclusion: they placed a cell with a squint in order with the experimental chamber, as if it would take a blow with a strum to the eye, if one of the same tribe took a bread bag from the police. Deyakish shuri continued to bіgati and slander їzhu, not brutally respecting the severity that they are suffering. Others quickly grabbed food, ticked into the inner corner of the cell, and then ate yoga, having turned into a cage with a sick relative. But more creatures, having felt the squeak of pain and having revealed the reason, immediately moved in the air and did not go to the police with bread.

Black and soullessly standing up to people

1) In September 2006, fate near Vladivostok became terribly hot. An appointment was made to an oschadbank, which was on the eighth version of the "visotki". The head of the vimahaws, shobi spіvrobіtnitsy shoved all the documents into the safe, and then they were already evacuated. Poki tidied up the documents, littered the corridor, and a lot of girls died.

2) Under the hour of the recent war in the Caucasus, it was becoming a slump, which called out justly bewildered by the suspense. A wounded soldier was brought to the hospital, and the doctors tried to take him in, they sent them to those who had been installed to lay down the MVS system, and the soldiers to lie down to the department of the Ministry of Defense. For the time being, they joked about the need for a medical unit, dying of wounds.

3) In one of the German legends, it is told about one person, who, having spent a lot of fate in sin, decided to repent and start a righteous life. Vіrushiv to the Papi of Rome, to ask for a new blessing. Ale Papa, sensing the sinner's voice, yelling that the first reed is covered with leaves, lowering that one is shattered. The sinner is sensible, why should I repent penitently, pishov gave sin. Ale of the coming day, Papi’s club was covered with green leaves, after the sinner they ruled ghintsiv, in order to voice you for forgiveness, but nowhere could they know him.

4) The life of the abandoned leader is tragic. Learn how to bring new knowledge, new truths, no one has heard of it. Vcheni give respect, that such a manifestation is seen among creatures. Mavpu, as she occupied a low camp from her flock, was taught to get bananas for the help of folding manipulations. Relatives simply took away bananas, without trying to understand, they looked like a stink in some rank. If such tricks were taught by a team of zgra, then all the relatives z kavist strove for yoga manipulations and tried to inherit yoga.

5) In a word, you can vryatuvat people, but you can її zapastiti.

The tragedy happened the day before the operation. The English surgeon painted the famous Russian actor Yevgen Evstitniev in his heart and explained that there is more than one valve in the new worker, and then less than 10 vіdsotkіv. "You will die in any kind of depression," having said to the doctor, "you will have an operation no matter what." Sens yoga slew at the one who needs to risk, having waited for the operation, even if we are all mortals, we will all die early. The great actor mittevo, having revealed those about which he spoke, the doctor. I heart thumped.

6) Napoleon in his youth, when he was hungry, may be starving, his mother wrote to him the most beautiful leaves, wailing about help, to the one who was not able to fit his majestic family. Napoleon zasinav prohanny different instances, asking for some kind of mercy, ready to serve no matter who, abi earn a meager sum. Chi not the same, zіtknuvshis іz swaggering zorozumіlіstyu and callousness, vіn hiv weeping mrії about the power over the us world, sob to take revenge on all the people for tasting the flour.


1. People and fatherland

2. Zvezok people with their people

Solid theses

1. Love, value and protect your homeland.

2. Love to the fatherland is manifested not in verbose words, but in a double setting to the point that you feel like it.

3. Leather from us - a part of the river is alive for an hour, like a leak in the future


1. People cannot live without their fatherland, live without a heart (K. Paustovsky).

2. I ask my offspring to take my butt: to the death, be faithful to your patrimony (A. Suvorov).

3. Whether it be noble specialty to deeply understand its blood controversy, its blood ties with the marriage (V. Belinsky).


A person cannot live without his fatherland

1) Vіdomy pisnik rozpovіv іstorіyu decembrist Sukhіnov, which after the defeat of the insurrection, zmіg flowed into the police shukachiv and after the sick ponevіryans, nareshti, climbing to the cordon. More whilina - and I will get freedom. Ale vtіkach glancing at the field, the forest, the sky and ozozumіv that it is not possible to live in a foreign land, far from the fatherland. Vіn zdavsya police, yogo was wrapped in a kaydani and sent to hard labor.

2) Prominent Russian spivak Fedir Shalyapin, madness vikhati from Russia, carrying a picture with him for the whole hour. No one guessed what he was trying to change. It was only through a lot of roki in the near ones that they found out that Shalyapin had saved the native land from this screen. Not without reason to go: dear land and dear in life. Obviously, the great couple, who passionately loved his country, needed to recognize the closeness and warmth of his native land.

3) The fascists, having paid off France, urged General Denikin that, having fought against the Red Army during the hour of the great war, to join them in the fight against the Radyansk Union. Ale general vіdpovіv sharp wіdmova, to that the fatherland for the new boulder was dear for political strife.

4) African slaves, vivezeny to America, summed up for native land. At the rose, the stinks were driven into themselves, relying on those whose soul, having thrown off their bodies, could, no matter what, command them to go home.

5) For the most terrible punishments of old, the banishment of people from the tribe, the place of the country was respected. Behind the borders of your booth is a foreign land: a foreign land, a foreign sky, a foreign language ... There you are alone, there you are nothing, a thing without rights, that without a name. The axis of why to deprive the fatherland meant to spend everything in the people.

6) Prominent Russian hockey player V. Tretiak was ordered to move to Canada. They ordered to buy youma budinok, to pay a great salary. Tretyak, pointing with his hand at the sky, the earth, and dreaming: “Will you buy it for me?”. The appearance of the famous athlete zbentezhila, and no one else turned to the proposition.

7) If, in the middle of the 19th century, the English squadron took one hundred persons of Turkey in Istanbul, the entire population became zahist of its place. The townspeople ruined the storm-houses, as if the stench was in charge of the Turkish garmats to conduct an accurate fire with the fortune-telling ships.

8) As if the wind had broken, call the mighty oak that grew on the hump. But the oak is less bending under the blows of the wind. Having energized the same wind at the great oak: “Why can’t I overcome you?”.

Oak vіdpovіv, scho not stovbur yogo trimaє. The power of yogo lies in the fact that it is rooted in the earth, rooted for it. In this uncomplicated history there is a thought about those who love to the fatherland, a deep connection with national history, with the cultural knowledge of their ancestors, it is impossible to rob the people.

9) If a terrible threat hangs over England, that wasteful war with Spain, then all the population, who are torn apart by a witch, having gathered all around their queen. Merchants and nobles used their pennies to order the army, people of simple rank enlisted in the militia. Navіt pirates guessed about their fatherland and brought their ships to protect them from the enemy. I "impossible armada" of the Spaniards was defeated.

10) The Turks, during the hour of their military campaigns, were crying over their lads and youths. Children were forcibly converted to Islam, turned into warriors, who were called janichars. The Turks relied on those who had spared their spiritual roots, who had forgotten their fatherland, waving in fear and submissiveness, and new wars would become the stronghold of the state. Ale was gone: the janichars did not have anything to protect, zhorstok and merciless in battle, the stench in serious insecurity turned tikati, constantly demanded promotion of pay, prompted to serve without a generous reward. It fell away that the janichars were driven to the roses, and the inhabitants, under fear of death, were hindered to instill the word.

11) Ancient historians talk about one Greek athlete, who was inspired to fight for Athens, explaining to him that it is necessary for him to prepare for sportsmanship. If you have shown a chance to take part in the Olympic Games, the hulks said to you: You did not want to share grief with us, it means that you are not good enough to share joy with us.

12) The famous mandrіvnik Opanas Nіkіtіn performed the hour of his mandrіvok, chanting richly marvelous and extraordinary. About tse wines of roses in his travel notes “A trip across three seas”. But the exoticism of the distant lands did not fade away in a new love until the country, now, in my soul, the tightness of my father flared up even more strongly.

13) As if it were the first hour of the first light war, on one of the victorian days, Mikola-2, having read the phrase, began like this: “Me that Russia ...”. Ale is one of the generals present at this party, correcting the tsar in some way: “Your Majesty, VI, singsongly, wanted to say “Russia is to you ...” Mikola P recognized his pardon.

14) Leo Tolstoy in his novel “War and World” reveals the “war mystery” - the reason. I helped Russia during the Vitchiznyanii war of 1812 to win the fate over the hordes of French zagarbniks. Just like in other lands Napoleon fought against the armies, then Russia resisted the whole people. People of different statuses, different ranks, different nationalities rallied around the fight against the opposite enemy, and with such a mighty force, no one can be rewarded.

] 5) Great Russian writer I. Turgenev calling himself Anteym, to that which the moral strength of youmu gave herself love until her marriage.

16) Napoleon, having conquered Russia, knowing that the villagers were strongly squeezed by helpers, he supported the support of the common people. Ale, yakim buv yogo zdivuvannya, if yoma was added that the peasants do not want to sell fodder for hard currency. "They don't understand their vision?!" - the emperor bellowed and ruined by yelling.

17) If the well-known Russian doctor Pirogov, having invented an apparatus for inhaling ethereal vapors, he turned up to one blakhar with prohannyami to prepare yogo for armchairs. Blyakhar recognized that this apparatus was assigned for the operation of the soldiers, that they fought during the hour of the Crimean war, and said that they should do everything without cost for the sake of the Russian people.

190 The German general Guderian guessing the yoke that hit Yogo. Under the hour of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war, the Radyansky artilleryman, one by one, pulled the armature with a single projectile. It appears that the whole fighter has knocked out the chotiri of the tank guards and beat the tank attack. Yaka force rattled the soldier, who was relieved of the treadmill, fighting with the enemies with courage - which German general was able to understand. The same way, having revisited the historical phrase: “It doesn’t look like we were walking around Moscow in a month.”

20) The battle of the Chervonoy Army of Nikodim Korzennikov is called phenomenal: he is the only one in all the armies of the world deaf-mute type of the people of soldiers. Vіn pishov as a volunteer to the front, to defend his fatherland. Ryatuyuchi the commander of the corral, having drunk at full. Yogo was beaten zhorstoko, not guessing that he was simply not a building, you could see that he was a deaf-mute! Nicodemus was sentenced to a higher prison, but he managed to get smarter. Dobuv n_metsky machine gun and wiyshov to their own. Vіn fought as a machine-gunner on the safest farms of the war. Zvіdki from tsієї people, yak could not even a bit, nor say, did those forces work, in which nature itself urged him? Zvichayno, ce bula shira and self-sabotage love to the fatherland.

21) The famous polar explorer Sedov gave a gift like a ballerina Ganni Pavlovy a garna of a reasonable husky. Anna Pavlova loved to take her brother's dog with her for a walk. Ale trapilosa neperedbachene. The stench went up the Neva, the husky bobbed the boundless expanses of the snowy field, jumped out of the sleigh with a bark, and, to the delight of the familiar landscape, swept out of the fields at dawn. So I did not check Pavlova's repentance.

1. Problems

  1. 1. Sense of human life
  2. 2. Loyalty to your call
  3. 3. Poshuk life way
  4. 4. References and valuables
  5. 5. happy
  6. 6. freedom

P. Solid theses

1. The sense of human life is polygae in self-realization.

  1. Kokhannya rob a happy person.

3. The high meta, serving the ideals allows people to open mortgages with new forces.

  1. Serve right life - the main meta of the people.
  2. A person cannot be spared his will.

6. It is impossible to forcibly raise a happy person.

III. Quotes

1. There is nothing non-selective in the world (A. V. Suvorov, commander).

2. Only labor gives the right to harvest (M. Dobrolyubov, literary critic).

3. To live honestly, you need to tear, stray, fight, have mercy, repair and throw, start again, throw again, fight forever and have fun. And calmness is sincere pidlіst (L. Tolstoy, writer).

4. Who has a life? Why has її zmist? Why has a meta? There is only one reason: at the very life (V. Veresaev, writer).

5. I don’t shine anymore at night, two wings are on my shoulders (A. Tarkovsky, sings).

6. To be born, live and die, you need a lot of masculinity (A. McLean, English writer).

7. The sense of life is not in satisfying one's household, but in making one's mother happy (M. Zoshchenko, Russian writer).

8. As the main meta of life is not the number of lived lives, but honor and dignity, then as a mark, if you die (D. Oru EM, English writer).

9. There are no great talents without great will (O. Balzac, French writer).

10. Think and create, create and think - the axis of the basis of any wisdom (I. Gete, German writer).

11. A people is a people, to live either in convulsions, restless or in lethargy of boredom (Voltaire, French writer). 12. Lyudina, as she chose evil, the song of the world is better for the one who was humiliated to Good (E. Burges, English writer).

IV. Arguments

Self-realization of a person. Life is like a struggle for happiness

1) Let's make it clear that I was a kind enchanter, or that I was a highly developed alien who did good to mankind: the stench made people need to work, putting all the work on a smart machine. What would happen to us, to our age-old dream of an empty and merrier life? The person would have wasted the joy of the afternoon, and life would have changed on the pain of the day.

2) From a crying apple tree, thrown into the ground, for an hour the tree grows, like giving licorice, juice fruit. So a person can realize the mortgages in his nature of strength, sprouting, so that the fruits of his work will delight people.

3) The life of the drama of Eugene Onegin, a people of inexpressible, viklikana to the very same, that "practice was easy for you to be boring." What a virіs in medicine, not having learned to work hard for the most enduring patient, striving for one's own goal, to live for the sake of another people. Yogo life turned into a bezradіsne іsnuvannya "without tears, without life, without kohannya".

4) The colonists of Pivnichnoy America spun the native Indians from a special settlement - reservations. There were people who offered blessings to the Indians: the stinks were life for them, they took care of them with their clothes. Ale wondrous rіch: іndіantsі, having relieved the need to get their own prace, they began to die. Imovirno, pratsya, care, life is not necessary for people, just like it seems, light and water.

5) Self-realization is one of the most important human needs. At a glance, the philistine, who respects the tranquility of the greater good, the Decembrists’ vchinok is built on the horseback of God, like a mindless divacity. Aje mayzhe all the stench went out of the rich families, so that they could successfully do their job, they were home. Ale life superchilo їhnіm perekonannyam, їhnіm іdeals, and the stench forfeited rozkіsh on kaydani convicts for the sake of their meth.

6) Deyakі travel companies in the United States to propagate to their clients the wondrous thing you see: change in full, flow out of the full. Rozrahunok vіrniy, to that people, languishing in tedium, in the gloomy everyday life, are ready to pay great pennies, to opine in extreme minds. People will need difficulties, they will need to fight against misfortunes and problems.

7) One talented wine-maker, having invented a container, did not break dishes in it, foreseeing special carriages for transporting the village. Ale yogo wines, they didn’t hit anyone. Todі vіn pochav robiti falsіvі pennies. Yogo was angered and imprisoned until the prison. Warmly acknowledge that suspіlstvo did not zumіlo svorit mind in order for this person to be able to realize his unabashed talent.

8) Deyakі vchenі continue to stverdzhuvaty, scho not human to look like mavpi, but on the other hand, mavpa to look like people, as a result of degradation they turned into creatures.

10) In the magazines, they talked about the cicavia experiment of the scientists: there was a nori, from which the sounds of menace were bellowing. The stinks put a cage with boys. The animals cautiously began to creep up to the hole, look into it, and then, having overcome fear, crawled into the middle. What made the creatures crawl in there? They have food! It’s impossible to explain such a “clunkiness” to any physiological need! Father, the creatures also have a power instinct of knowledge. As if a mighty force, as if it were disturbing us, it is new, expanding the borders of the already known. Inexhaustible dopitlivist, inexhaustible thirst for the truth - the imperceptible quality of all living things.

11) Shark, as if you stop crashing with swimmers, like a stone, go to the bottom, birds, as if you stop waving wings, falling to the ground. So a person, as if in him to die out pragnennya, bajannya, tsili, called to the bottom of life, yogo zatyagne thick quagmire of orphan everyday life.

12) The river, as it stops flowing, turns into a stinking swamp. So the people, as if they stop joking, thinking, tearing up, consuming “beautiful souls”, gradually degrading, life becomes aimless, greedy animals.

13) L. Tolstoy's heroes, it is more correct to divide not so on the filthy and kind, but in the quiet, who changes, and is quiet, who has spent building up to spiritual self-development. Moral collapse, innocent joke to yourself, eternal dissatisfaction and, according to Tolstoy, the most manifest manifestation of humanness.

14) A. Chekhov in his creations shows how sensible, more powerful people step by step use their “creeps”, as if their temples are fading away, as if the stench is rightly pierced by the swamp of everyday life. "Never give up!" - this cry may be heard by the skin creation of a writer.

15) N. Gogol, the vikrivach of human waters, hurriedly whispers to the living human soul. Depicting Plyushkin, as if he had become a “prophet on the earth of mankind,” he called out to the reader, who would come out of life, take all the “human ruins” with him, do not spend them on life.

16) The image of Oblomov is the image of a person who only wanted to. If you want to change your life, if you want to change the life of your mother, if you want to grow up children ... But in the new one I didn’t know the strength to keep the life in life, so my world was so deprived of dreams.

17) M. Gorky in the episode “In the Days” showed the drama of “many people”, as if they expended their strength to fight for their own sake. The stench spodіvayutsya for good, razumіyut, sho need to live better, and not to shy away anything in order to change your share. It is not vipadkovo diya p'ezi pochinaєtsya in nіchlіzhtsі and ends there.

18) Newspapers told about a young man who became a stone after the operation on the ridge. The new one had a strength-strong free hour, which one did not know, on which stained glass. You know that the most important moment in your life has come when a friend asks you to rewrite your lecture notes. Sickness understands that even in such a camp of wines, people may need them. After having mastered the computer, having become a roaming voice on the Internet, in such a way as to find sponsors for children, they will require a term operation. Being forged to a wheelchair, vryatuvav vryatuvav dozens of human lives.

19) Once in the Andes there was a plane crash: I fell into a gorge in a plane. Part of the passengers survived by miracles. Ale, how can you live in the middle of the evening snows, far from the human life.? Someone who has become passively helps help, someone who has lost his spirit, getting ready to die. Ale buli ti, who did not give up. The stench, falling by the snow, gazing at the river, went to the jokes of people. Wounded, the ice is alive, the stench still vibralis to the girskogo village. Nezabar ryatuvalniks deigned to be quiet, that they were deprived of the living.

21) Middle-ranking persons robbed of numerical feats, relying on those most worthy of them to shake the holy grail. If they called the most worthy to the temple, so that they could win the sacred vessel, then the lucky one

vіdchuv naygіrshe rozcharuvannya zhitti: scho robitem then? Why don’t we start our jokes, troubles, battles, why don’t we need more feats?

22) Podolannya difficult necessary mind for becoming a human being. Think of a parable about a blizzard. As if a person bobbed, as if through a small gap in a cocoon, a blizzard vibrates. Vіn dovgo standing and poserіg for the near-distant samples of the unfortunate іstoti vibrate into the world. The heart of the man was filled with pity, and he opened the edges of the cocoon with a knife. The quola comaha vibrated loudly, as if it were dragging the bezporadny krill. Lyudina did not know that a blizzard, tearing up the shell of a cocoon, curling its wings, developing the necessary m'yazi. And I’m sorry for my pity, I’m on the virnu death.

23) Like an American billionaire, maybe a Rockefeller, having grown old, I began to snicker at you. After reading wine, start one and the same newspaper. Sob not to praise the billionaire with various stock exchange and other inaccuracies, they let out one special copy of the newspaper and put it on the table. In this order, life went its own way, and the billionaire is alive in another, illusory, specially created for the new world.

Hibni values

1) I. Bunin at the “Pan from San Francisco” report, having shown the proportion of people who served as valuables. Wealth was yogo god, and to whom God's wines were worshipped. But if the American millionaire died, then it turned out that the right thing happened to the person: she died without knowing what life was like.

2) Newspapers told about the share of a successful manager, who choked on the role playing at the fighting club. Yogo was consecrated to the rank of a liar, given a new name, and the thought of life so choked the young man that he forgot about his work, about his family ... Now he has another name, another life, , which is impossible to remember the real. life in those lives, having thought up a wine of your own.

4) I'm a simple peasant girl Jeannie d'Arc today in the house of everyone. For 75 years, France waged an unsuccessful war against the English guards. Jeanne believed that she herself was judged to betray France. A young village woman urged the king to give a small death and could rob those who did not go into the most reasonable military leaders: she ignited people with her crazy faith. After a lot of fateful fatal blows, the French were able to overcome the enemy.

If you rozmіrkovuєsh over tsієyu truly miraculous podієyu, then rozumієsh, naskіlki importantly, so that a person was caring for a great meta.

5) The little girl, busy on the trapeze, fell and broke her nose. Mother rushed to her daughter, ale Illya Repin її zupiniv, to marvel at the roof, what strumuє from the nose, remember the color, the character of the rush. The artist spent the whole hour working on the canvas “Ivan the Terrible and Blue Ivan”. This fact, which most people recognize as showing callousness on the side of the father, speaks about the special nature of the artist. Vіn samoviddano to serve mystekstvu, yogo truth, and life becomes material for yogo creation.

6) Few people know that at the first hour of the film M. Mikhalkov's film "Burned by the Sun", the weather was cold, the temperature dropped to minus six. And in the meantime, behind the script, there can be a lot of speculation. The actors, as if they portrayed the resting, had to bathe at the crying water, lie on the cold earth. This butt shows that the art of vimagaє in the form of people victims of total self-discipline.

7) M. Gorky, working on one of his novels, describing the scene of the wife being beaten. Raptom scribe screaming and falling into an unobtrusive. The doctors who arrived, made a wound in the writer in the same place, where they stabbed the heroine of yoga creation with a knife. This butt shows that the right writer does not just guess what is right, but write with the blood of his soul, passing all creation through his heart

8) The French writer G. Flaubert, in the novel "Pan Bovary", having told about the share of the woman's own self, yak, having got lost in life's rubbish, virishila broke away. The clerk himself saw the signs of torment and turmoil, and he turned around for help. Not vipadkovo potim vіn kav: "Mr. Bovary - tse I."

9) Loyalty to your call is impossible not to call out. Narodovets Mykola Kibalchich was condemned to death for swinging at the king. Ochikuyuchi to death, having worked on the project of a jet engine. More, lower, the life of yogo was turbulent by the share of the winemaker. If they came for him, to wait until the month of strata, Kibalchich gave the gendarme chair to the spacecraft and asked him to hand it over to the scientists. “It’s amazing that a person in front of a terrible punishment could have the strength to think about people!” – this is how K. Tsiolkovsky wrote about his spiritual feat.

10) Vіsіm rokіv provіv italіyskiy sings and philosopher D. Bruno at the kaіvnyakh іnkvіzitsiї. Seen the new vimagali, schob zrіksya their perekonan, and vowed to save your life for the sake of it. Ale Bruno did not begin to trade his truth, his faith.

11) If Socrates was born, his father turned to the oracle, so that he could be recognized, like a sin. The oracle of vidpoviv, that the boy will not require mentors, nor tutors: he has already been turned on special paths, and he will be cherished by his spirit-genius. In the course of time, Socrates knew that he often felt a voice in himself, which punished you, what to work, where to go, about what to think about. Tsya napіvlegendarna іstorіya vyslovlyuє faith in the obranіst great people, like calling life for the great beasts.

12) Likar N. I. Pirogov, posterіgayuchi one time for the sculptor's robot, came to the thought of vikoristovuvavat while exalting ailments on a plaster cast. The use of a plaster bandage became a reference for surgeons, and it relieved the suffering of rich people. Tsej vіpadok to note that Pirogov was constantly slandering with his thoughts in order to likuvat people.

13) “I always marveled at the worldless practicality and tolerance of Kiril Lavrov,” says director Volodymyr Bortko about the prominent actor: “We needed to raise 22 hvilinnu rozmov Iєshua with Pontius Pilate, such scenes are counted twice. On a significant maidanchik, Lavriv, an 80-year-old man, spent 16 years in breastplates with a vag of 12 kg, without saying a word to the doctor of the significant group.

14) Scientific search for self-serving service.

The ancient Greek philosopher Empedocles, saying to his fellows: One does not make people for nothing and does not know anywhere, one goes to another. People laughed out of crazy madness. Todi Empedocles, to prove his case by throwing himself into the mouth of a volcano.

Vchinok philosopher zmusiv spіvgromadyan zamyslitsya: mozhlivo, truly with the mouth of madness spoke the truth, yak not be afraid to bring death. Nevipadkovo's ideas of the ancient Greek philosopher have become a treasure for scientific insights in the past era.

15) Michael Faraday once spent on a lecture before the leading English chemist Devi. The young man was fascinated by the words of the learned man and wished to dedicate his life to scientific knowledge. In order for the mother to talk to him, Faraday, victorious, becomes a servant in the Virgin's house.

1. Problems

1. Moral commitment of a person (artist, scientist) for a share of the world

  1. 2. The role of special history
  2. 3. Moral choice of a person
  3. 4. The conflict of the people and the souls

5. Human nature

II. Solid theses

1. A person comes to this world not to say, what kind of wine, but to make it better.

2. Looks like a skin person to lie down, like it will be light: light is dark, good is evil.

3. Everything in the world is tied up with invisible threads, and an unguarded vchinok, a hateful word can turn into untranslatable traces.

4. Remember your high human virtue!

III. Quotes

1. There is one infinite sign that spreads people's motives for good and evil: more love motives and people's days - good vines; celebrating the wine of fortune and roses - the wine of filth (L. Tolstoy, Russian writer).

2. The world itself is neither evil nor good, it is a place of mercy and those and others, marveling at what they have done (M. Montaigne, French humanist philosopher).

3. So - I'm on tour. Don't spill me! How can I live, if the people are my tone? (Saadi, Persian writer and thinker)

4. It is easier to light one small candle, to curse the dark one (Confucius, an ancient Chinese thinker).

6. Love - and work what you want (Augustine the Blessed, Christian thinker).

7. Life is the struggle for immortality (M. Prishvin, Russian writer).

IV. Arguments

At skin in the hands share world

1) V. Soloukhin told a parable about a lad who did not listen to an invisible voice and a blizzard of a blizzard. An invisible voice vaguely recalled what would become far away: anxiety blizzards to fly near the king's garden, a caterpillar like a blizzard called on the sleepy queen. The queen gets sick and dies, and the authorities in the country zahopit podstupny that zhorstoy king, which is rich in people's lives.

2) There is a long-standing word-yansk legend about Diva-Chum.

Yakos peasant pishov mows the grass. The terrifying Plague-Deva lashed you with a rap on his shoulders. Blessing man for mercy. The Plague-Diva was good enough to blow yoga, as if we were wearing it on our shoulders. There, where this motor couple appeared, all people died: small children, old blueberries, beautiful girls, and stately lads.

Tsya legend is savage to the skin of us: and what do you bring light - light to darkness, joy to grief, good to evil, life to death?

4) A. Kuprin wrote the description of "The Miraculous Doctor", based on real stories. Lyudina, tormented by evildoers, is ready to end her life with self-destruction, and then Dr. Pirogov orders her to come home. Vіn helps the unfortunate, and from this moment of this life and the life of this same life is changed by the most important rank. This story is to speak provocatively about those who, in the hands of one person, can plunge into the lot of other people.

5) At the combat operation under the Pervomaisky battalion, they fought the attack of the militants, rushed to the box with grenades. But if the stench yelled yogo, then they showed that the grenade did not make the bastards. The packer at the factory was forgotten to put, and without them a grenade is just a piece of stuff. The soldiers, knowing the heavy losses, were confused, but the militants broke through. The pardon of the nameless person turned into a terrible meal.

6) Historians write that the Turks could have captured Constantinople, having passed through the crack, as if they had forgotten to shut it down.

7) A terrible catastrophe in Ashi became due to those who, with a bucket, shoveled a pipe to the gas pipeline. At this place, through a rich rock, the gas blew up, roaring, and then came the right bida: close to a thousand people perished near the terrible fire.

8) The American space ship having known catastrophes through those who had missed the screw at the Palivinny vіdsіk.

9) Children began to disappear from one of the Siberian places. These deaths were known in different districts of the city. The militia scrambled from the ground, roaring the beat. All the archives were lifted, but only to the one on whom the suspicions fell, at the same time, without fail, having changed at the likarni. And then it was clear that I had already registered for a long time, the nurse just forgot to fill out the documents and calmly made her crooked right.

10) Moral obscurity is wrapped in stingy legacy. For example, in the 17th century, in one of the deaf American places, two girls showed signs of a marvelous illness: the stench laughed so much, fought in ships. Htos timidly admitting that the witch sent a psuvannya to the girls. The girls were crying out for this idea and began to call out the names of important citizens, who were immediately thrown to the yard and after a short trial they spent. Ale did not stick to the ailment, and on the chopping block the Daedals broke new judgments. If it became clear to everyone that those who are walking in the city are like a crazy dance of death, the girls have been fed up. The ailments admitted that they were just playing, it was fitting for them to be the center of respect on the side of grown-up people. And how innocently condemned? But the girls did not think about it.

11) Twenty centuries - the first century of the history of the people of the world's wars, the century of the creation of a mass strike. A unique situation is emerging: the people can be poor for themselves. At Hiroshima, on the monument to the victims of the atomic bombing, it is written: "Sleep in peace, pardon will not happen again." So that a lot of other pardons were not repeated, the struggle for peace, the struggle against mass defeat, is becoming universal in character.

12) Spilling evil turns into new evil. In the Middle Ages, there was a legend about the place, which was filled with blind people. The townspeople did not know where to go. One person accused of leaving the place of vile istot, as if to pay you. Meshkantsi, of course, they came in handy. Patsyukiv sounded on the pipe, enchanted by the sounds of the squint followed him. The charmer pulled them up to the river, siv at the head, and the eyes sank. Ale, the townspeople, having escaped the misfortune, were moved to pay the debts. That same chaklun avenged the place: I sank again on the hills, children ran away from the old place, and drowned them at the river.

The role of special history

1) "Notes of a Mislivets" I. Turgenev played a great role in the supple life of our country. People, having read the light, the bright tales about the villagers, realized that it is immoral

lead people like thinness. In the marvelous country, there has been a wide rush of the skasuvannya of the formidable law.

2) After the war of the wealthy of the radyansky soldiers, they ate at the fortune-teller full, condemned as the soldiers of the fatherland. Rozpovіd M. Sholokhov "The share of the people", in which the gіrka part of the soldier is shown, zmusivstvo in a different way to look at the tragic share of the military captives. The law about their rehabilitation was praised.

3) The American writer G. Beecher Stowe wrote the novel "Hatina Uncle Tom", in which it was told about the share of a lagid Negro, beaten to death by a ruthless planter. Whose novel, having knocked all the suspense, fell off at the edge Gromadyanskaya war, and slavery was destroyed. Then they said that this little woman evoked a great war.

4) On the eve of the Great Vitchiznyanoi war, G. F. Flerov, with a short admission, went to the science library. Winning respect for those that foreign journals have no publications about radioactivity. Otzhe, these robots are classified. Vin once wrote the alarm list to the order. On the heels of all the nuclear scientists, they called out from the front and started active work, tied to the creation of the atomic bomb, which in the future could help to mount a possible aggression against our country.

6) It is unlikely that the King of England Edward III was up to the end of his mind, to which I brought his praise: on the sovereign coat of arms of the wines he painted the lower lilies. Tim himself was the English king, having shown that France was the court of justice for you. Whose baby of the sovereign monarch, having become a drive for the Hundred's War, brought people numerical hardship.

7) “Holy place is not empty!” - this command with imaginative frivolity expresses the thought that there are no irreplaceable people. However, the history of humankind should be brought to the conclusion that it’s more rich to lie not only in the conditions, but also in the special features of the people, in the case of її believe in your innocence, in the її pretentiousness to your principles. Name of the English educator R. Owen is known to everyone. Having taken over the management of the factory, having created friendly minds for the life of workers. Having created handy houses, hiring clerks for tidying up the territory, opening libraries, reading rooms, a week-long school, a day nursery, speeding up the working day from 14 to 10 years. For a sprat of rock, the meshchantsi was literally reborn: the stench sang the letter, the piazza sang, the fortune-teller clung. It would have been better if the rich dream of people about the ideal suspіlstvo had been raised. Owen showed up with a lot of prodovzhuvachіv. Ale, pozbavlenі yogo half-moony vіri, the stench could successfully repeat the story of the great convert.

Human nature

1) Why did it happen that in Ancient Rome it became supernaturally rich in miserable “proletarians” who live? Aje in Rome accumulated riches from the usa of the oikumeni, and the nobles bathed in luxury and god-willed in the supernatural.

A great role in the lands of the metropolis was played by two officials: the blame of the lisiv and the exile of the grunts. As a result, the rivers were shallowed, the rіven of the ground waters decreased, the erosion of the lands developed, and the crops changed. І tse - with a larger and smaller permanent population growth. Posilyuєtsya, as we say now, environmental crisis.

2) Beavers will be a lucrative life for posterity, and yet the activity will never turn into the blame of this biomass, without any and їm - kinets. The human being, in our eyes, continues to be fatally right, as she began already a thousand years ago: in my need for her work, she vanished like a fox, dehydrated and transformed the continent on the wasteland. Aje Sahara and Kara Kumi are obviously evidence of the malicious activity of a person, like a triple doss. And hiba not svіdchennyam є zabrudnennya Light ocean? Lyudina indulges herself in the nearest possible remaining necessary resources of eating.

3) In ancient times, people clearly perceived their connection with nature, our first ancestors adored creatures, respected that the stench itself protected people from evil spirits, bestowed success in watering. So, for example, the Egyptians with honor were put to the guts, for the driving in of this sacred creature, the death penalty lay. And in India, at the same time, a cow, inspired by the fact that a person will never hurt her evil, can calmly go into a vegetable store and get everything that she is tempted. Kramar never married a sacred guest. It’s so rich that it’s so good for creatures to give up with stupid saplings, but in truth, in the new one, it’s almost a deep, sinful controversy with nature. Feel what became the basis of human morality. Ale, it’s a pity that today’s money has been spent.

4) Often nature itself gives people lessons of kindness. The vіdomy of the teachings, having foreseen a vipadok, which for a long time vіzavsya you on a riddle. Once wine, walking among the retinue of foxes, raising the fowl, which lie near the bushes. Bіlya new anxiously rushing about like a great bird from the bright feathers. People planted a hollow in an old pine tree and put a bird there. After a long stretch of many rokiv vdyachny birds, zustrichayuchi at the fox ryativniki of his bird, circling radiantly over their heads. Reading this intriguing story, thinking about those who always show us such a wide range of spirits, who helped us with twisted quirks.

5) Russians folk tales often glorified bezkorislivist people. Emelya did not dare to catch a pike - she herself ate the youma at the cebro. To indulge the mandriving bird, which vipalo - put yogo in the nest, eat the birds at the village - sing yogo vine, I’ll take the fish to the shore - let the vine go back to the water. Do not shukat benefits, do not destroy, but help, ryatuvate, take care - to teach people's wisdom.

6) The tornadoes that vibrated over the American continent brought people indescribable hardships. What called for natural disasters? Vcheni more and more schilyayutsya to the point that it is the result of thoughtless activity of a person, as most often ignoring the laws of nature, respecting that she was called to serve її іinteresi. Ale, for such a quicker setting on a person, a check of a zhorstok payment.

7) The involvement of people in the folding life of nature can lead to indelible heritage. One vіdomy vcheniy vіrіshiv lead from svіy region deer. Prote creatures could not attach themselves to new minds and perished. Natomist mites, yak lived in the skins of deer, got used to it, led the foxes and bows and became a good thing for other bagmen.

8) Global warming, it’s easier to talk about everything in the rest of the hour, threatening with catastrophic consequences. But not everyone thinks about those that this problem is a direct consequence of the life of a person, as in the pursuit of profit, destroying the balance of natural cycles. It’s not wise to talk more and more about reasonable self-subsistence needs, about those that are not income, but life saving can become the main method of people’s activity.

9) The Polish science fiction writer S. Lem described the history of space volatilians in his “Dawning Workers”, how they devastated their planet, dug up all the nadra with mines, sold the paintings of copalins to the bagmen of other galaxies. The payment for such blindness was terrible, but just. On that fatal day, when the stinks stumbled on the edge of the bottomless pits, and the earth under their feet began to sag. This history is a threat to all mankind, like a husky robbery at birth.

10) One by one, you see creatures, birds, roslin on the earth. Zipsovani rivers, lakes, steppes, bows, seas.

In the spirit of nature, a person is similar to a dikun, like, to get milk, to beat a cow and see it, to replace it, to yearn, nurture and take away the same milk every day.

11) Not long ago, deyak zahіdnі fahіvtsі zaproponuvali throw off radioactive vodhody in the depths of the ocean, respecting that the stink vyyavlyaetsya navіki canned. And yet, the robots carried out by oceanologists at the same time showed that the water is actively mixed vertically with all the tonnage of the ocean. Henceforth, the radioactive sources constantly expand in the entire Light Ocean and, henceforth, infect the atmosphere. It would have led to some indistinguishable shkidlivih nasledkіv, clearly and without additional applications.

12) In the Indian Ocean, there is a small island of Rizdva, on which foreign companies produce phosphates. People virubuyut tropic foxes, excavators zrіzuyut upper ball of soil and vyvozyat tsіnnu syrovina. The island, if it was covered with fresh greenery, turned into a dead wasteland with washing, rotten teeth, bare skeletons. If the tractors scrape the rest of the kilogram of soil, rich in manure. Nothing to do for people on this island. Is it possible, the sum of the share of which claptic land in the middle of the ocean gives the share of the Earth, the flow of the ocean to the cosmos? Could it be that the people who barbarously plundered the native planet will have their own new backyards?

13) Ryasnoy Riboi on the Danube. Ale riba is seen not only by people - її hoarding and cormorants. Even so, the cormorant, zvichayno, the birds are "shkidliv", I was praised for the decision to find them at the mouth of the Danube, so that they could catch more. Знищили… А потім довелося штучно відновлювати поголів'я «шкідливих» птахів – хижаків у Скандинавії та «шкідливих» бакланів у гирлі Дунаю, тому що в цих районах почалися масові епізоотії (інфекційні хвороби тварин, що перевищують рівень звичайної захворюваності), що занапастили величезну kіlkіst i ptahіv. ta ribi.

Because of this, for some reason, it was established that the "skidniks" are eating more importantly ill creatures and they themselves are ahead of mass infectious diseases.

Tsey butt in a kotre to match, on the scales everything is neatly intertwined in the navkolishny world and as a careful approach to the solution of natural problems.

14) After pumping the hrobak, beaten with a plank on the sidewalk, Dr. Schweitzer clave yogo back near the grass, and the clumps, which are fighting in the Kalyuzh, vyyma і from the water. “If I help the coma to vibrate from the body, I try to buy up a part of the fault of the people for scoien him against the creatures of evil.” For quiet reasons Schweitzer spoke out against the Zakhist creatures. In his own book, written in 1935. Vіn calling out "be kind to creatures for the quiet reasons themselves, through like kindness to people."

1. Problems

1. The role of science (science, zaobіv) in the spiritual life of society

  1. 2. Injecting mysticism into the spiritual development of people

II. Solid theses

  1. Spravzhnє mystetstvo ushlyakhetnuє people.
  2. The art of teaching people to love life.

3. To bring people the light of lofty truths, "pure truth and goodness" - the sense of right art.

4. The artist is guilty of putting his whole soul into the world in order to infect other people with his feelings.

III. Quotes

1. Without Chekhov, we would have been richly divided for spirit and heart (Do Paustovsky. Russian writer).

2. All the life of the people was consequently settled in books (A. Herzen, Russian writer).

3. Sovіsnіst is the axis of a sense, as if literature can be praised (N. Evdokimova, Russian writer).

4. The art of poklikane save people in people (Bondarev Yu., Russian writer).

5. The light of the book is the light of the right diva (L. Leonov, Russian writer).

6. Garn book- Simply holy (M. Gorky, Russian writer).

7. I create art good people, shaping the human soul (P. Tchaikovsky, Russian composer)

8. The stench went to sleep, but not a sign of their next (W. Shakespeare, English writer).

9. Art is the essence of divine perfection (Michelangelo, Italian sculptor and artist).

10. Meta art - condensed to convey the beauty of the world (French philosopher).

11. Nema kar'єri poet, є share of the poet (S. Marshak, Russian writer).

12. The essence of literature is above wisdom, but you need to tell your heart (U. Rozanov, Russian philosopher).

13. On the right of the artist - people's joy (K Paustovsky, Russian writer).

IV. Arguments

1) Vcheni, psychologists have long been stverzhuyut, scho music can razzniy influx on the nervous system, on the tone of a person. It's absurd, what do Bach promote and develop the intellect. Beethoven's music evokes spontaneity, clears the minds of those who seem to be negative. Schumann helps to understand the soul of a child.

2) What can the art of life change? Actor Vira Alentova makes such a vibe. As if she took away the leaves from the unknown woman, as if she spoke about those who she herself had lost, she did not want to live. Ale, marveling at the film “Moscow Can’t Believe in Tears,” she became another person: “You won’t believe me, I raptomed that people laugh and not so bad stink, as all these fates were given to me. And the grass, showing itself, is green, And the sun is shining ... I dressed, for which I thank you very much.

3) A lot of front-line soldiers tell about those that the soldiers mined smoke and bread for virizki from the front-line newspapers, and published the poems of O. Tvardovsky "Vasil Tyorkin". So, for the soldiers, the word was more important for the hour.

4) The prominent Russian poet Vasil Zhukovsky, speaking about his anger at Raphael’s painting “The Sistine Madonna”, saying that the year, having passed the guilt in front of her, lay down until the best years of my life, and I thought that this picture was a diva.

5) N. Nosov, a childish writer, having expressed his temper, as if standing with him in childhood. Once I slept on the train and spent the night on the square near the railway station with no shelters. The stinks pumped a book in yoga bag and asked me to read it. Having waited for the noses, and the lads, having relieved the father's warmth, having clouded their souls, they began to hear a story about a self-made old one, thoughts like a girka without a burden of life with their share.

6) If the Nazis took Leningrad as a cover, Dmitri Shostakovich's 7th symphony was small for the inhabitants of the majestic place. yak, yak to witness eyewitnesses, gave people new strength to fight against the enemy.

7) In the history of literature, few references have been preserved, connected with the stage history of "Undergrowth". It seems that a lot of noble children, recognizing themselves in the image of a non-robust Mitrofanushka, survived the right rebirth: they began to read diligently, read a lot and grew up like the good sons of votchisni.

8) At Moscow, a gang was operating for a trivaly hour, as if it were virulent with a special zhorstokistyu. If the evil-doers stumbled, the stench knew that it was on their behavior, on the studenous stage to the light of majesty, having made the American film “Natural Vivtsi”, which the stench marveled at for a day. The voices of the heroes in the picture of the stink jumped to copy and real life.

9) An artist to serve eternity. Today we are showing ourselves that other historical person herself, as she is depicted in artistic creation. Before the authority of the artist, they tried to instill tyranny. Axis stock from the era of Renaissance. The young Michelangelo wins the prayers of the Medici and dosit zuhvalo behave. If one of the Medicis was dissatisfied with the drive of the lack of similarity between yoga and the portrait, Michelangelo said: “Do not worry, your holiness, in a hundred years you will be similar to you.”

10) Children have a lot of people reading A. Dumas' novel The Three Musketeers. Athos, Porthos, Aramis, d'Artagnan - these heroes were given to us by instilled nobility and personhood, and Cardinal Richelieu, their opponent, was given to us by particular accessibility and zhorstokostі. But the image of the novel's lihodiya bears little resemblance to the real historical singularity. Even the same Richelieu vvіv may well forget the words “Frenchman”, “Fatherland” at the hour of the religious wars. Vіn having fought duels, respecting that young, strong people are guilty of shedding blood not through rubbish strife, but for the sake of their own family. Ale, under the pen of the novelist Richelieu, knows the other way around, and Dumas's guess at the reader is richer and more powerful for the historical truth.

11) V. Soloukhin has such a temper. Two intellectuals clashed, like a snow. One seems to be blue, the other to bring, that blue snow is priceless, a clue of impressionists, decadents, that snow is snow, white, yak ... snow.

Peppin is alive at his house. Pishli until the new virishity superchka.

Repin: not loving, if Yogo was wounded by robots. Vin shouting angrily:

Well, what do you want?

What snow?

Only not white! - I repaired the doors.

12) People believed in the truly magical power of the mystic.

Thus, the deacons of the culture of culture proclaimed to the French at the hour of the First World War to protect Verdun - their strongest fort - not with forts and garmats, but with the treasures of the Louvre. “Put “Gioconda” or “Madonna of Silence and St. Anne”, the great Leonardo da Vinci in front of the obliging ones - and they don’t dare to shoot! - the stench roared.

1. Problems

1.Enlightenment of that culture

  1. 2. Vihovannya people
  2. 3. The role of science in modern life
  3. 4. People and scientific progress
  4. 5. Spiritual heritage of scientific findings
  5. 6. The struggle of the new and the old yak dzherelo rozvitku

II. Solid theses

  1. The knowledge of the world cannot be known by anything.

2. Scientific progress is not to blame for the moral vigor of the human being.

  1. The meta of science is to work for a happy person.

III. Quotes

1. We can do it, we know it well (Heraclitus, ancient Greek philosopher).

  1. Not every change is a development (old philosophy).

7. We were going to finish civilized, to wake up the car, but we were supposed to be primitive, to make it look like it (K. Kraus, German teachings).

8. We came out of the cave, but the cave came out of us (A. Regulsky).

IV. Arguments

Scientific progress and morality of people

1) The uncontrolled development of science and technology has led to more turbulence of people. Let's get ourselves a little one, like putting on his father's suit. On a new majestic jacket, long pants, capelyuh, which spy on the eyes ... Why don’t you guess the picture of a modern person? Having not grasped the moral vehemence, grown older, married, and became a volunteer of hard technology, as a building, all life on Earth is rich.

2) Humanity in its development has reached great successes: a computer, a telephone, a robot, a rooted atom ... Ale marvelous verse: the strongest a flock of people is, the more anxious the future is. What will become of us? Where are we going? Let's find out the unseen water, which rushes with crazy swedishness in your brand new car. How to recognize the speed, how to recognize that the motor can move your skin! Ale raptovo is a driver with a sense of wisdom that you can’t fix your car. Humanity is like that young water, which rushes off nowhere, not knowing what is lurking there, around the corner.

3) In ancient mythology, there is a legend about Pandori's tablet.

The woman made a wondrous picture in her man's booth. Vaughn knew that this object was terribly inconvenient to hide in her, and the alekness was so strong that she did not show it and opened the lid. From the crate flew all the bodi and scattered with light. In this myth, there is a warning to all people: thoughtless actions on the path of knowledge can lead to a fatal finale.

4) In the story of M. Bulgakov, Doctor Preobrazhensky transforms a dog into a human being. Let's learn how to break the law of knowledge, how to change nature. But in the course of time, progress turns into terrible consequences: a two-legged stoutness from a "dog's heart" is not a human being yet, because there is nothing in her soul, there is no foolishness, honor, nobility.

b) "We were strong in the air, but we don't know where to fly to!" – wrote Russian writer Y. Bondarev. In these words, the sound of overprotection is brutal to the whole of humanity. Definitely, at times we are even more careless, we robimo “sit in the air”, not worrying about what the consequences of our hasty decisions and thoughtless actions will be like. And the consequences of qi can be fatal.

8) The press told him that the elixir of immortality would soon appear. Death will be overcome residually. But among the wealthy people, this call did not call out a surge of joy, but, on the contrary, the anxiety grew stronger. What will turn out for a human without death?

9) Dosi not zgasayut superechki in that, naskіlki pravіrnі z moralі ї opperimenti, pov'yazanі z klonuvannya people. Who will appear in the light of the future of cloning? What is the truth? Lyudina? Cyborg? Zasіb virobnitstva?

10) Naivno vvazhat, scho like fences, strikes can lead to scientific and technical progress. So, for example, in England, during the period of turbulent development of technology, there was a rush of luddites, as if cars were breaking at the rose. You can understand people: they spent a lot of work on them after the fact that the factories began to make vikoristovuvatysya. And the achievement of technical achievements ensured the growth of productivity, to which the successors of the sub-major Ludda bu v denunciations came forward. Insha river, that the stinks with their protest zmusilistvu to think about the share of specific people, about that pin, how to pay for the traffic in advance.

11) In one sci-fi legend, there are those who, like a hero, leaned at the booth of a leading vchen, bobbed a vessel, in which a yoga twin was alcoholized - a genetic copy. The guest was amazed at the immorality of his instigation: “How could you create such a thing of your own, and then beat him in?” I heard from the witness: Why do you think that I did yoga? Tse vin me created!

12) Mykola Copernicus followed the 3rd anniversary of the development of the Visnovka, which is the center of our All-World, not the Earth, but the Sun. For a long time, I did not dare to publish data about my opinion, so I understand that such a call is reversed by people's statements about the lights. but you can bring it to the point of non-transferable heritage.

13) Today, we have not yet learned the jubilation of a lot of deadly ailments, we have not yet overcome hunger, we have not overcome the worst problems. However, technically, a human being is already built, and everything is alive on the planet. Dinosaurs once inhabited the Earth - majestic monsters, right machines for driving. In the course of evolution, many majestic reptiles arose. Chi did not repeat humanity share dinosaurs?

14) There have been ups and downs in history, if some secrets, like they can lead the people to mischief, have been miserable. Zokrema, in 1903 the assistant of the Russian professor Filippov, a vinaish method of transmitting the radio to a distant place, percussion whistle from a vibuhu, was known to be dead in his laboratory. After that, following the order of Mikoli P, all the documents were burned, and the laboratory was destroyed. It is not clear that the tsar was guarded by the interests of the sovereignty of the security of the future of mankind, but still make sure the transfer of power

atomic and water-based vibuhu would be really disastrous for the population of the earth's backwoods.

15) Not long ago the newspapers told about those who carried the church in Batumi and who will be. And for tyzhden collapsed the life of the district administration. Seven people perished under the ruins. A lot of inhabitants sprynnyali tsі podії not like a simple zbіg, but like a terrible warning about those who took a wrong path.

16) In one of the Ural towns, they were visaditi and left the church again, so that it would be easier to get marmur in that city. If the vibes were played, it appeared that the marmur slab cracked at the rich places, and it became unsuitable for victoria. This butt shows at once that the zhaga mitteva has led the people to a headless ruin.

Law at the suspіlny rozvitkovі.

People that power

1) History knows a lot of recent attempts to forcibly raise a happy person. As soon as freedom is taken away from people, then paradise is transformed into a vyaznytsia. The lover of Tsar Oleksandr 1, General Arakcheev, building on the cob of the 19th century of the military settlement, having followed the good intentions. The villagers were harrowed to drink a bottle of water, on a good year they had to go to church, the children were followed to school, they were harrowed to karate. It would be good, everything is correct! Ale people zmushuvali buti kind. They were mocked by love, practice, read... I was spared the will of the people, turned into a slave, rose up: the whistle of the outrageous protest was lifted, and the reforms of Arakcheev were burnt out.

2) One African tribe that lived in the equatorial zone was given help. Young Africans were taught to beg for rice, they were brought tractors and windrowers. Having passed the river, they came to wonder how the tribe is alive, gifted with new knowledge. Well, it was like a rose, if they blew it, that the tribe lived like that, so they live in the primary communal structure: they sold stench tractors to farmers, and on the basis of the money they ruled holy nationwide.

This butt is a promoter of the fact that a person can see to the understanding of his needs, you can’t make anyone wealthy, reasonable and happy by force.

3) In one kingdom, a strong drought came on, people began to die of starvation and death. The tsar turned away to the Vyshun, who had come to them from distant lands. He said that he would die dry, like only to sacrifice a foreigner. Then the king punished him to kill the vischun and throw Yogo into the well. The dryness faded away, but from that hour, a steady watering began on foreign mandrivers.

4) Historian Y. Tarle, in one of his books, tells about the recognition of Mykola I of Moscow University. If the rector presented a great number of students, Mykola 1 said: “Don’t need me smart people, but need me novices.” Remembrance to rosumniks and novices at the rіzni galuzyah, the knowledge of that mysticism can be eloquently mentioned about the nature of the suspense.

6) In 1848, the townsman Nikifor Nikitin was sent to the distant settlement of Baikonur "for seditious promotion about the watering of the month." Obviously, no one could know that through history in the very same place, in the Kazakh steppe, a cosmodrome and spaceships will fly there, where the prophetic eyes of a buried mortal will marvel.

That person is familiar

1) Old-time historians talk about those who, once before the Roman emperor, did not know, who brought a gift of glimmering, like silver, ale superbly soft metal. Meister rozpovіv, schoi metal vіn vydobuvaє z clayey earth. The emperor, having snarled, schoo new metal znetsіnit yogo karbi, having punished the head of the culprit.

2) Archimedes, knowing that a person suffers from drought, from hunger, propagating new methods for expanding the land. Zavdyaki yogo vіdkrittu sharply increased the yield, people ceased to be afraid of hunger.

3) Fleming's eminent opinion on penicillin. This medicinal preparation, having ruined the lives of millions of people, died like us in front of them due to blood poisoning.

4) One English engineer in the middle of the 19th century, having propped up a cartridge. But the officials from the military department said to you in a wise way: “We are so strong, it’s not enough for the weak to demand more protection.”

5) Seen by the great Jenner, who wins over for additional chips, the words of the great villager struck a brilliant thought. The doctor said to him that there is a disease in the air. At the same time, the woman calmly said: “I can’t but, even if I was already ill at the cow’s whistle.” The doctor, not having taken into account these words as a result of dark non-government, but having become cautious, yakі y brought to a brilliant conclusion.

6) Early Middle Ages are usually called "dark ages". The raids of the barbarians, the ruination of ancient civilization brought culture to a deep twilight. It is important to know a literate person not only among the common people, but among the greater people I will become. For example, Charlemagne, the founder of the Frankish state, could not write. Prote the right knowledge of the backbone of the powerful people. That same Charlemagne himself, walking for an hour, always carrying wax tablets from himself for writing, diligently typing letters on them.

7) Thousands of trees fell ripened apples from the trees, but no one gave any signifi- cance to this splendid manifestation. It was necessary for the great Newton to be born, with new, penetrating eyes to marvel at the primary fact and recognize the universal law of revolution.

8) It is impossible to cheer up, how many dashing people brought their non-government. In the Middle Ages, every kind of misfortune: the sickness of a child, the death of your own thinness, planks, dryness, do not give birth, the sound of any kind of speech - everything was explained by the steps of unclean forces. Pochalos zhorstoke polyuvannya in the view, ignited bagattya. In lieu of that, in order to exult in ailments, to end the arable farming, to help one to one, people of great power spent on stupidity fighting with the mythical "servants of Satan", not knowing how to serve the Devil with their blind fanaticism, their dark non-government of the stench.

9) It is important to re-evaluate the role of a mentor in becoming a person. Tsikavoy is the legend about Socrates' son with Xenophon, the future historian. As if having spoken to an unknown young man, Socrates asked someone where to go for that olive. Junius Xenophon zhvavo vіdpovіv: "To the market". Socrates squawked: “And for wisdom is that honesty?” The lad jiggled. "Follow me, I'll show you!" - accused Socrates. І bagatorіchny way to the truth pov'yazav mіtsnoy friendship of the famous teacher of that yogic teaching.

10) Pragnennya know new life with the skin of us, and for an hour you feel the flooring of an opal people, which zmushuє її change life way. Today, few people know that the Joule, which discovered the law of energy conservation, is a cook. Genial Faraday, having started his way as a peddler at the lava. And Coulomb worked as an engineer from the strongest disputes and physics, having done more than a free day of work. For these people, the search for a new one has become a sensation of life.

11) New ideas pave the way for an important struggle with old looks, tired thoughts. Thus, one of the professors, after giving lectures on physics to students, called Einstein's theory of visibility “I cover up scientific incomprehensibility”.

12) At the right time, the Joule squirmed with a volt battery in order to start an electric motor according to his choice. But the battery charge was soon exhausted, and the new battery was much more expensive. Joule virishiv, scho will not be vitiated by an electric motor, so it’s cheaper to blow a horse, lower the zinc in the battery. Today, if electricians are victorious everywhere, we are given a naive thought of a prominent scientist. This butt is showing how important it is to predict the future, it is important to look around at your ability, as if it were in front of a person.

13) In the middle of the 17th century from Paris, on the island of Martinique, captain de Clive brought a caviar petiole to a miner from the earth. The sailing was even more important: the ship survived a hard battle with pirates, a shriveled storm of ice did not break Yogo on the rock. On the court of the boules, the burglars were broken, the tackles were broken. Step by step, the reserves of fresh water began to be depleted. You have seen suvoro with dim portions. The captain, trotting on his feet in the sight of spraga, the remaining drops of dearly valuable water, giving in to the green parost ... A sprinkling of rocks passed, and kava trees covered the island of Martinik.

Tsya history allegorically forges the difficult path of being scientific truth. People are spitting wildly at their souls the steam of the still invisible breath, watering it with water over the air and nathnennya, vkrivaє vіd zhittєvih storms and roaring… The first axis of the wines is the ryatіvny shore of the residual osyayannya. The mature tree of truth will give us a day, and the number of plantations of theories, monographs, scientific laboratories, technical innovations will cover the continents of knowledge.

1. Problems

  1. 1. historical memory
  2. 2. Set to cultural recession

3. The role of cultural traditions in moral development


4. Fathers and children

II. Solid theses

  1. There is no future without the past.

2. People, consolation of historical memory, transform into a pill, like to wear the wind in the hour.

3. Kopiykov idols are not guilty of the right heroes, as if they sacrificed themselves for the sake of their people.

III. Quotes

1. Minule is not dead. It didn't go away (Faulkner, American writer).

2. Who remembers his past, sayings to survive yoga again (D. Santayana. American philosopher).

3. Remember about the quiet, hto buv, without whom you wouldn’t bov bi (V. Talnikov, Russian writer).

4. The people are dying, if the populace flocks. And the people become guilty if they forget about their history (F. Abramov, Russian writer).

IV. Arguments

1) Let's get people, like a lie, to start building a booth, and the coming day, without finishing the rose-colored one, they start building a new booth. Nothing, I’ll believe, such a picture cannot be called. Ale itself so shy of people, as if they were giving the remembrance of their ancestors and as if they were rebuilding their “budinok” anew.

2) Lyudina, how to marvel at the distance from the fire, you can do more. So a person, yak spire on the dosvіd svoїprednikіv, run richly far away, and її way to the truth becomes short.

3) If the people mock at their ancestors, over their light-gazer, their philosophy, zvichai, wines to this share

get ready for yourself. Give some bait, and the stench will laugh at their fathers. Ale progress is seen not in the old, but in the creation of the new.

4) Zarozumіl lackey Yasha z p'єsi A. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" does not remember his mother and will soon fly to Paris. Vіn live vіlennya obzmyatstva.

5) Ch. Aitmatov in the novel “Storm Pivverstat” recounts the legend about mankurt. Mancurti - these are the people who forcibly allowed the memory. One of them kills his matir, as if the virvati was slandering in the fullness of his son's unconsciousness. І over the steppe sound її raspy cry: "Guess im'ya yours!"

6) Bazarov, who is disrespectfully placed before the “old ones”, will shut up their moral bases, vanish in the face of a dribbling junk. And this dramatic finale shows the inanimateness of the quiet, who defying the “grunta”, the traditions of his people.

7) In one sci-fi report, it is about the proportion of people who fly on a majestic space ship. The stink of flying richly rocks, and the new generation does not know where to fly the ship, where to find the end point of the їhnої bagatovіkovoї road. People are stunned by the pain of tightness, their life is better for sleep. Tsya rozpovid - troubling guessing to all of us about those who have been troubled by the generations of generations, like a careless waste of memory.

8) The conquerors of old scorched books and ruined monuments in order to spare the people of historical memory.

9) Old-time Persians gave to the captive peoples to read their children letters and music. It was the most terrible punishment, the threads of life were torn in time, the national culture was ruined.

10) At their hour, the futurists hung out the sign "Throw Pushkin from the ship of modernity." Ale, it is impossible to create empty. Nevipadkovo, the creativity of the mature Mayakovsky has a lively connection with the traditions of Russian classical poetry.

11) The film "Olexander Nevsky" was filmed at the rock of the Great Vitchiznyanoi War, so that the spiritual blues appeared among the people of the Ryansk people, almost unity with the "bogatyrs" of the past.

12) The eminent physicist M. Curie was forced to patent her own opinion, she voiced that it should belong to the mustache people. Vaughn said that she could not recognize radioactivity without great champions.

13) Tsar Peter 1 having thought to look far ahead, knowing that the fruits of Yogo Zusil reap future generations. Yakos Petro, planting acorns. remembering. like one of those present at whom the nobles smiled skeptically. The wrath of the king, saying: “To my mind! You think that I will not live to see baked oaks. Truth! Aleti is a fool; I fill the butt with others, so that they robbed themselves, and the baits were made from them for a year. I do not work for myself, the greed of the state has been given.

14) If the fathers do not understand the pragma of their children, do not understand their life goals, then often lead to an inextricable conflict. Anna Korvin-Krukovska, sister of the famous mathematician S. Kovalevsky, was successfully engaged in literary creativity in her youth. As if she took away a good-natured remark from F. M. Dostoyevsky, as if pronouncing his speech in his journal. If Father Hanni found out about those that his irreplaceable daughter was listing with a man, then he became angry.

"Today you are selling your poetry, and later on you will sell yourself!" - I threw myself at the girl.

15) Great Vitchiznyan war a bleeding wound will forever turbulate the heart of a skin person. The blockade of Lenin's city, in which hundreds of thousands of people died of hunger and cold, has become one of the most dramatic sides of our history. The summer sack of Nimechchini, executing the fault of her people before the perished, withdrew the commandment about the transfer of her penny savings to the consumption of the Piskariv Memorial Tsvintar in St. Petersburg.

16) Even more often children are ashamed of their fathers, as if they are given to them stupid, stupid, steely. Once a vagrant blasphemy in the eyes of Natovpu, who had fun, becoming a young ruler of one small Italian town for those who in that mother was a simple wretch. And why did the lieutenant roar? Vin punishing kill your mother! It is obvious that such a young nonhuman’s appearance in a normal skin person calls for a natural bewilderment. But let's marvel at ourselves: how often have we observed incompetence, annoyance and annoyance, if our fathers allowed themselves to express their thoughts in front of our one-year-olds?

17) It is not for nothing that I call the hour the best judge. The Athenians, not understanding the magnitude of the truths, condemned by Socrates, sentenced him to death. A little more than an hour passed, and people realized that they had beaten people, as if they were standing behind them at the spiritual development. Suddiv, they praised the mortal virok, drove them out of the place, and put a bronze memo to the philosopher. And now the name of Socrates has become an inspiration of the restless exercise of the people to the truth, knowledge.

18) In one of the newspapers, they wrote an article about the woman’s self-esteem, yak, being afraid to know the good work, began to treat her breast son with special faces. schob viklikati in new epilepsy. Todі їy was awarded a pension for looking after a sick child.

19) As if one sailor, who dopіkaє the entire crew with his hot winds, I am mercifully lamenting in the sea. Win leaning in the sharpened eyes of sharks. The ship was shvidko ishov ubik, there was no sound to help the check. Todі a sailor, a perekonan atheist, having guessed a picture of childhood: a grandmother used to pray for an icon. Vіn beginning to repeat її words, wailing to God. A miracle happened: the sharks didn’t hook up the yoga, and for a couple of years, having remembered the loss of the sailor, the ship turned after him. After the sailing, the sailor wailed from his grandmother for those who, in childhood, fell over її faith.

20) The elder son of Tsar Oleksandr P was snuggled up to bed and already died. Today the Empress saw the Grand Duke after the obov'yazkovo walk at the vіzka. Ale, as Mikola Oleksandrovich, seeing himself better and victorious in the year of his great visit to his new mother. As a result, the stench did not last for a few days, and Maria Oleksandrivna shared with one and the maids of honor her annoyance at this furnishing. “So why won’t you go in this year?” - She cheered. Ni. I’m not handy,” the empress said, not having the strength to destroy the institutions, to restore order, if it was about the life of her beloved son.

21) If in 1712 Tsarevich Oleksiy turned from behind the cordon, passed three rokiv close, Father Petro 1 energized yoga, not forgetting the guilt of those for whom he was standing, and immediately ordered to bring an armchair. Oleksiy, be afraid that the father will embarrass the armchair at his presence, having succumbed to the most fearful rank. Vіn "thinking up zipsuvati right hand» We shot at the valley. Rіshuchostі vseryoz vikonati namіr yoma didn't stick, and on the right she was surrounded by the opіk of the hand. Simulation nevertheless spared the tsarevich from sleep.

22) In the Persian legend, it is told about the kicked sultan, which was the hour of the shower when he saw his servants and, having lost his way, nabbed the shepherd on the hens. I was tormented by sprago, I asked for a drink. The shepherd poured water into the little casserole and served yoga to the owner. Ale the sultan, having shaken the inconspicuous dish, knocking it out of the shepherd's hands and yelping angrily:

I never drank from such nasty flecks.

Ah, the sultan! You're fucking with me for nothing! I am your great-grandfather, and I used to be, like you, a sultan. If I died, they buried me in a miracle tomb, and for an hour they turned me into gunpowder, which was mixed with clay. The miner, digging that clay, having accumulated from it faceless miners and vessels. To that, Vladiko, do not disdain the simple earth, for which you stand and if you change your mind.

23) At the Pacific Ocean, there is a critical land mass - Easter Island. On this island there are gigantic stone statues, as if they were already praising the minds of the great world. Why did people argue about the majestic statues? How did the islanders go in and shave the rich-toned stones? Ale mіstsevі inhabitants (and they lost more than 2,000 osіb) do not know the signs of the power supply: the thread, happy generation, broke, the legacy of the ancestors was irrevocably spent, and only the stoneless colossi tell fortunes about the great atrocities of the past.

1. Problems

  1. 1. Moral Violence of People
  2. 2. Honor is that goodness, like the real values ​​of people
  3. 3. The conflict of the people and the souls
  4. 4. People and social media
  5. 5. International stosunki
  6. 6. Fear in life people

P. Solid theses

  1. A person can always be overwhelmed by a person.
  2. A person can be beaten, but honor cannot be found in her.
  3. It is necessary to believe in oneself and she will be left with oneself.

4. The character of the slave defines the social middle ground, and the strong specialness itself infuses the necessary light.

PI. Quotes

1. To be born, live and die, you need a lot of masculinity (English writer).

2. If you want to give lined papers, write across (J. R. Jimenez, Spanish writer).

3. There is not a lot of share, as if the anger could not have overcome (A. Camus, French writer and philosopher).

4. Go forward and never die (W. Tenison, English sings).

5. As the main meta of life is not the number of lived lives, but honor and honour, then as a mark, if you die (D. Orwell, English writer).

6. I create people in the middle (M. Gorky, Russian writer).

IV. Arguments

Honor is dishonor. Virnist - zrada

1) John Brown sings after taking the project of Enlightenment in view of the Russian Empress Katerina, but he didn’t come, because he fell ill. However, he had already taken away pennies from her, to him, ryayuyuchi his honor, laying his hands on himself.

2) The melting of the hero of the Great French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat, who was called the "Other People", from childhood, was greeted with a sense of wetness. Like a home teacher, hitting Yogo on the guise with a pointer. Marat, who was 11 years old today, I am writing to accept it. The fathers, angered in the mouth of their son, closed the yogo to the room. Once the lad broke the window and hung on the street, grew older, but on the guise of Marat, all his life was covered with a scar in his pores. This scar, having become a kind of sign of the struggle for human dignity, even if the right to be yourself, the right to be free, is not given to people on the back, but to be conquered by it from the resistance of tyranny, obscurantism.

2) Under the hour of another svetovoy war, the Germans told one karny malice for a great penny wine city to play the role of the main hero Opor. Yogo was put in a cell until the prisoners were arrested, so that they could find out the necessary information from them. Ale carny zlochinets, vіdchuvshi turbota unknown peopleїkh povaga and love, raptovy vіdmovivsya in the zhalugіdnії role of the informer, not becoming seen počіlnіnіv vіdomostі and buv rozstrіlyanyy.

3) Under the hour of the Titanic catastrophe, Baron Guggenheim gave up his life at the sloop of a woman with a child, and he himself was seriously shivering and having accepted death.

4) On the eve of the Crimean war, the commander of the brigade (minimum - colonel, maximum - general) promised to give half of the money to “save” money from the sums that are admitted to the yoga brigade. Corruption, stealing, slander in the army have been brought to such a point that, regardless of the heroism of the soldiers, the country has recognized the ganebic defeat.

5) One of the soldiers of the Stalinist camps has such a tendency in his memoirs. The convoys, bazhayuchi rozvazhitytisya, embarrassed the aggravated squat. Confused by beatings and hunger, people began to listen to this foolish mandate. Ale bula one person, yak, unconcerned by threats, moved to succumb. And having guessed all the vchinok about those that a person has an honor, I can’t choose anyone.

6) Historians tell about those who, after the appointment of Tsar Mikoli II to the throne, the deacons officers, as if they swore allegiance to the sovereign, laid their hands on themselves, shards respected the dishonorable to serve someone else.

7) In the most important days of the defense of Sevastopol, the eminent Russian naval commander Admiral Nakhimov was sent a message about the temple of the city. Having found out about it, Nakhimov said in an exasperated manner: “It would be better if they sent me cannonballs and gunpowder for garmats!”

8) The Swedes, yakі took Poltava in a tax, urged the townspeople to give up. We baked the camp of taxation: it did not lose any gunpowder, no cores, no sack, no strength to fight. Ale people, like climbing on the Maidan, virish stand to the end. Luckily, the Russian army went off without a hitch, and the Swedes had a chance to levy a tax.

9) B. Zhitkov in one of his confessions portrays a person who was even more afraid of flowers. As if a little girl was ruined and asked to be brought home. The road went up the tsvintar. The man asked the girl: "Aren't you afraid of the dead?" "I'm not afraid of anything with you!" - Vidpovila the girl, and these words made the man feel better in spirit and overcome a little fear.

In the hands of a young soldier, a defective combat grenade did not break. Poachivshi, scho for a few seconds to become wrongful, Dmitro kicked a grenade out of the soldier's hands, waving him with himself. Rizikuvav is not the right word. The grenade exploded in a certain order. And in the officer - the team is one-to-one donka.

11) I waved at Tsar Oleksandr 11 with a vibe of the bombs, the carriage was shattered. The coachman of the blessing of the sovereign does not leave her and quickly go to the palace. Ale, the emperor did not immediately throw okhorontsiv, who dripped blood, to him from the carriage. At the same time, having pierced another vibe, and Oleksandr -2 having taken off the mortally wounded.

12) Zrada in the usa was venerated by vile vchinka, to slander the honor of a person. So, for example, a provocateur, who, having seen the police members of the Petrashevsky group (the great writer F. Dostoevsky was among the arrested), was condemned as a city to rule yoga on a robot, which will be paid well. Ale, not respecting the diligent sting of the police, all the St. Petersburg clerks acted as servants of the hospital.

13) The English athlete Crowhurst won the fate of the most famous race of yachts - the same. Vіn not mav nі dosvіdu, nі maisternosti, necessary for such a magic, but termіnovo you will need pennies to pay off the Borg. The sportsman has outwitted everything, outwitted the main hour of the ferries, and then at the necessary moment he will appear on the track, to finish earlier for the border. If, it seemed, having thought, having succeeded, the yachtsman understood that it was impossible to live, ruining the laws of honor, and ended his life with self-destruction.

14) This species of birds, in some males, have a short and hard dzhob, and females - long and flexed. It appears that birds live with a couple and always help one to one: the male breaks through the bark, and the female, for the help of her dzhoba, sees the larvae. This butt shows what to instill in wild nature is rich in nature to establish harmony. Tim is bigger, people have such a high understanding, like fidelity, love, friendship - not just abstractions, invented by naive romantics, but real I really feel, enlightened by life itself.

15) One mandrinnik recited that the Eskimos gave you a great bundle of dried ribi. Hurrying to the ship, forgetting її in the plague. Turning for the pіvroku, vіn znayshov tsyu vyazku on kolishnom mistsi. Mandrivnik recognized that the tribe survived an important winter, people were very hungry, but no one dared to destroy a stranger, afraid of inciting the wrath of greater forces on themselves with a dishonorable venom.

16) If the Aleutians share a vidobutok, stench respectfully chase after them, so that we can get away equally. But even if someone from myslivtsiv shows greed and helps himself more, then they don’t compete with him, don’t weld: everyone gives him his part and moves to go. The scribal gets everything, but, having cut off a cup of meat, wines of reason, having spent the honor of his fellow tribesmen. and hurry up to beg for their forgiveness.

17) The ancient Babylonians, bazhayuchy punish the people who were guilty, stole yoga clothes with a batog. Ale, it was not easier to see the wickedness: having saved the body of the vines, then the wicked soul dripped with blood.

18) English navigator, vcheniy i sings Walter Reli all his life fought fiercely for Spain. The enemies did not forget what. If the belligerent lands began to talk about peace for a long time, then the Spaniards waved, so that they gave Reli. The English king virishiv donated to the great seafarer, truly giving his life to the turbot for the good of the state.

19) Parisians under the hour of the Other World War knew a better way to fight against the fascists. If the fortune-teller officer entered the subway car by the tram, then everyone left in unison. Nimtsі, bachachi such a protest, they understood that they did not want to resist the purchase of the unfit, but the entire people, I hate solderings to the point of zagarbniks.

20) Czech hockey player M. Noviy, as the best gravel of the team, was presented with a Toyota of the remaining model. Vіn having asked to pay to you the car’s rank and having distributed pennies among the team members.

21) The famous revolutionary G. Kotovsky was sentenced to the line through promotion for robbery. The share of this non-peresic people slandered the writer A. Fedorov, who began to fuss about pardoning the robber. Vіn the reach of the son of Kotovsky, and that urochisto told the writer to pay him kindly. Through a sprinkling of roki, if Kotovsky became a commander of red, until the next time a writer arrived and asked to bury the son, whom the Chekists had hoarded. Kotovsky, rejoicing at life, called out to the youth in full.

I will apply the role. Vihovannya people

1) An important role is played by the butt of the creatures. It appears that not all guts catch mice, even if the reaction is considered instinctive. Vcheni z'yasuval, scho kochenyat, persh nizh began to catch bears, mayut batachit, like robbing grown-up intestines. Cossacks, bred at once from mice, rarely then become their beats.

2) All the world's wealthy Rockefeller, already among the children, showed signs of acceptance. Bought by my mother tsukerki wine divided into three pieces and with a nationality selling them to her little sisters-lasoons.

3) A lot of people are smarter at the whole sounding unfriendly mind: family, friends, way of life, rulers. And then there is the struggle itself, the hardships of the most important intellectual and spiritual molding. Nevipadkovo in folk tales, the biography of the hero starts only once, so that he can go through trials (fight with the monster, ryatu stole a name, look for an enchanting object).

4) I. Newton started at school in the middle. Like Yogo, having formed a classmate, like wearing the title of the first student. I Newton vyrishiv avenge youmu. Vіn began to read in such a way that the rank of the best was given to you. The head of the reach of the set mark became the head figure of the great scientist.

5) Tsar Mykola I hired the consecration of his son Oleksandr II, the prominent Russian poet U. Zhukovsky. If the future mentor of the tsarevich presented the plan of enlightenment, the father punished the vikinuts of his plan of employment in Latin and ancient Greek language, he himself was tormented in childhood. We don’t want to, we’ll have a blue hour for an hour on the stupidity of a bison.

6) General Denikin guessing, as if, being a company commander, he tried to see through the blue with the soldiers, based not so on the “blind” ordering commander, but in the light, rozuminni order, slandering the suvorih punishment. However, it is a pity that the company appeared among the largest among them. Then, following Denikin's instructions, sergeant-major Stepura intervened. Vіn roused the company, raising his majestic fist, rubbing the line, beginning to repeat: “Otse you are not captain Denikin!”.

7) Blakitna shark vines over fifty children. And yet, in the womb of the mother, between them, a pitiless struggle for survival begins, because they don’t win at all. There are only two people in the world - the strongest, most pitiful huts, as if they were vying their right to a crooked duel.

Light, in which there is no coward, in which the strongest one lives, - the light of pitiless huts, the light of silent, cold sharks.

8) The teacher, as she was the head of the future venerable Fleming, often took her students to the river, the children knew about the cicava, from the hoards they talked about the devil's knowledge. If the inspector came, to overthrow, teach the children well, the teacher that teacher climbed up to the class through the window and went in, as if they were busy doing science. The sleep was laid down for good, and I didn’t know anyone. that children learn not only from books, but from the walk of a living intercourse with nature.

9) On the molding of the prominent Russian commander Oleksandr Suvorov, the majestic injection was shot with two butts: Oleksandr the Great and Oleksandr Nevsky. Mother told youma about them, as she said that head strength a person is not in his hands, but in his head. Pragnuchi nasleduvati tsikh Oleksandriv, tenditny, sickly lad viris and becoming a miraculous military leader.

10) Show that you are sailing on the ship, which was a terrible storm. Roaring whistles rise up to the heavens. The wind sees the stumps of the stump. Bliskavki roztinayut lead-black gloomy and drown in the sea abyss. The crew of the unfortunate ship is already tired of fighting the storm, in the dark you can’t see the right coast, no one knows what to work, where to swim. Ale raptom impenetrable nіch spalahuє yaskraviy promin lighthouse, scho show on the way. Nadiya radiant light shines on the eyes of the sailors, the stench believed in their salvation.

The great wild men have become for the people like beacons: their names, dumb roads, showed the way to people. Mikhailo Lomonosov, Jeanne d'Arc, Oleksandr Suvorov, Mykola Vavilov, Leo Tolstoy - they have become living butts of their selfless power of right, they gave people the power of their power.

11) Childhood is like a grunt, in which one falls down. The stench is crying, you can’t see them, ale. Let's sweat the stench to repair the germs. The biography of the human soul, the human heart is the growth of the present, the development of their mіtsnі, great growth. The deyaks become clean and bright, the deyaks become bread colossi, the deyaks become an evil bug.

12) It seems that a young man came to Shakespeare and asked:

I want to be like that myself, yak vee. What do I need to work to become Shakespeare?

I want to become a god, and becoming less Shakespeare. But you will be Kim, why do you want to become less than me? - Vіdpovіv youmu great playwright.

13) Science saw little vipadkiv, if a child was stolen by wolves, bears and mavps, it swung: stretching a lot of rocks far from people. Then they caught yoga and turned it into a human soul. In all these ways, the human being, as it grew among the creatures, became a beast, used up all human signs. The children could not acquire the human language, the crustaceans walked, that they had a building up to upright, the stench of the ice wriggled on two legs, the children lived about a century and a half, the animals lived in the middle, they swung them.

About what should you tell the butt? About those who need a child every day, who need to wihovuvat, purposefully straightened by її rose. About those that the posture of the human child transforms into a creature.

14) It’s been a long time since we’ve been talking about the so-called pyramid of well-being. At early age maybe there are no untalented children, schools have significantly less of them, even less - at universities, wanting to go there for the competition; in a grown-up woman, there is already an insignificant number of talented people in a right way. It’s backed up, zokrema, that really ruins science forward only three hundred of employees scientific robot. In the socio-biological plan, the loss of talent is explained by the fact that the greatest benefits are needed by people in the period of assimilation of life and self-denial in them, then in early rock; then, in my mind and behavior, we begin to overcome the newcomers, stereotypes, assimilation, mentally inculcating knowledge in the brain. In his plan, a genius is “grown up, who has become rich in a child,” that is a person who takes a little bit of novelty in terms of speech, to people, to the light.

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