What is the expanded scope and how її reach. The poses of these seem to be nothing that could be called light for the sake of it. Іsnuє only a limited amount of information

Lyudina, as she has reached the highest knowledge, expanding her life between, gaining a right sense of freedom.

Altruism and absolute freedom are reached like a natural camp without tension and oxen zusil to tsikh dіy.

The real life is the beginning of stress and struggle, the rush ahead is not possible without support, saying Maharishi, " however, considering the stress, the person has reached cosmic knowledge, not the head of the shkodi, it seems to be similar to the line drawn on the water, the stench is caught, the stench is, but the stench does not cover the scars and traces".

Maharish explaining that a person is free to bathe all objects in the true light and perceive it is not created, explained through the available awareness of their experiences.

It is similar to those, a yakbi person lived all her life in a dark dark oven, tied up with lancers and those that she could bachiti, and those about whom she could judge - only a few tins of vidbiti in the walls of the oven. Oskіlki people do not know anything except for the image of the shadows of the wines, that all the yogo experiences without intermediary are connected with them and the wines will be filled with their swell. However, if you see light from the stove in the sleepy area and light all the objects in real light, you just can’t believe that it’s possible.

Myth about the oven Plato

- A wondrous little image of that wondrous v'yaznіv on the wall!

- The stench is like us. Do you think that, while staying in such a camp, people can churn, that their own is alien, the cream of shadows, that they throw fire on the wall of the oven, that it is stoked in front of them?

- How can I bachiti schos іnshe, if all your life stink zmusheni trim your head unruly?

On the cob of meditation, the meditator can also experience without knowing it before. Turning to the end of the experience of the two for a day, you touch the light so and begin to resurrect the shadow of the right object.

Vіdkrite kosmіchne svіdomіst gives people the ability to bachiti real world. Without a sleepy light, man, as if resting in an indestructible camp in a furnace with the same, as if out, only the darkness that collapses, and will be its own mirkuvannya on this basis.

Maharishi wrote: " Lyudina, cosmic camp of the SVIDOMOSTII ... roding spiritual potential, vіdkriva, in the ownership, reached the rods of their own health .... high level. A person’s intelligence is important and the need for skin speech, his heart is filled with honor and even greater vivacity, and it calls out the happiness of the greater equal. Now, you’ll be filled with speeches, gazing deeper at your inner daily life ... but speeches won’t suffocate your soul. A person, who has seen cosmic knowledge, is left in a natural state, in which one is given a special attention to speeches, with which a person does not waste his individuality".

Psychologists have finished anonymous documents that show that the experience of more mature people is obvious.

Charles Tart saying what people are " sing to remake the judgments, an abstract stereotype of evidence and the behavior of impersonal people, the floors are deeply loaded in their minds, so the chance of changing them is even small. The stink of living and dying like a programmed machine. І all significant world similar to automatic".

People spend building a dream more realistically in the form of such templates and schemes, as if they were awakened once. Such a tendency to embrace the world is rude, linear, and such a person is deprived of the right insights.

Еріх Фром окреслив схематично, яким чином мова фільтрує інформацію, що надходить із зовнішнього світу, логічні схеми, поняття прийняті в тій чи іншій культурі, обмежують бачення та розуміння, підганяючи емоційне вираження відчуттів під лінійний шаблон, що не дозволяє вийти за межі слів та символів . Often, the language stands at the front of the line, changing in the light of happiness and in the light of the unity of life. The whole process, which is a kind of experience, can be called automatism.

New sightings

Vіlna kosmіchna svіdomіst pozbavlya cheloveka automatism thought. The people, who had for themselves discovered a cosmic awareness, recounted that they had become a guide for new perceptions of that experience. This is the freshness, bezperednіst, the severity of new insights in all spheres of life.

People, like a lot of fate, are engaged in meditation, having discovered that they saw absolutely new qualities in long-known subjects. For the stench, a new sensory building appeared.

For example, the spryyattya of trees was reminiscent of new sights; the truth is alive, What is sensible, viprominyuє whilі heat.

Glybinny svyazkas of quiet chi іnshih podіy that yavishch, zanurennya at cosmіchnu svіdomіst gave vіvnovazhennosti, happiness, energy, stіykostі and povnoti vіdchuttіv.

Violence from stereotypes

For the most vipadkiv, the price is paid for the stamps imposed on us by the stereotype of culture and supremacy, the price of impossibility and not the quality of accepting the light, the block, which does not give us a full-fledged connection and a full-fledged success in our hearts.

Under the hour of skin meditation, past stereotypes of thought emerge and a new sense of pure wisdom emerges. Spravzhnіy dosvіd people to bring peace and unskinned satisfaction.

Maharishi said that the main result of seeing the greater cosmic awareness is that of a person who is suffocating in "informed right happiness."

Vіn adding: " at that hour, if a person realizes his right "I", see his intellect, myslennya, de chi bazhanya, vіn svіdomlyuє, sho vzhe vvdchuvav earlier similar to his distant thoughts, fantasies.

To put it in other words, minuli, negative evidence is nowhere to be found, but you don’t win, don’t become a bar’er until you are brought to a greater certitude and otrimanny of your greatest satisfaction.

Step by step, with the revelation of the great cosmic wisdom, the great brilliance of profoundly lucid speeches is revealed, the intellectual brilliance of the people is expanding. At that hour, as a person realizes his inner bazhannya, dosvid tsikh vydchuttіv і nasolodu, svіdomlennya sverdzhuє yogo right "I".

Prote satiation tsikh bazhan, nasichennya schatyam not zvilnya people in the form of life problems.

Maharish having realized that meditation is to be changed by normal active activity, that it gives freedom to express one's inner "pure Self" and manifest outer feelings. A person is guilty of falling in love with the right, interfacing with people, not trying to be internally torn in the face of his occupation.

Only in such a rank can one take away the right greed and take up meditation.

Sense to take up meditation

The sense to take up meditation is not in the fact that you can deal with the existing problems, and drink in the illusion, but in your inner light, on the other hand, the sense of field is in the fact that, having changed internally, change the setting to the sound world, without being healthy for the sake of health with set life goals

Live in the light of light, and not in the dark shadows. Dzherelo svіtla is in the middle of the skin man, generating energy for that dzherel building skin, and if it’s light inflamed, it doesn’t just hang out in the outer light, it rages in the light of the light of the svіtu, vibrating in it. A pardon for rich practitioners for those who have become a method of light, pure light, but it’s not right, shards of a right method of life, life is illuminated by light of pure light.

Irrespective of those that a person self-realizes on a spiritual basis, she is left in real life, actively living in it. For such a person, the quality of the bazhan is changing, and the bazhanya is richer and tighter for the bazhanya of the person not realized. The strength of the bajan great people you can compete with the power of one people for yourself, the power of a person with pure knowledge is matched with the power of the power of all people, a person with cosmic wisdom is able to match the power that is good for the power of the All-Sveta.

Obviously, people, like to create cosmic awareness, to develop spontaneous, steady altruism of the higher level. It is not necessary to allow people to reach greater knowledge, that wisdom, justice, harmony, beauty - and people raise people to a new level of education, lead others after them, affirming life.

Virte, that I am That Old One. Do not hesitate to whomever you want. There is not much opportunity for me but for others. I'm not the body you want. Only a few coats, like I put on, if I see you. I am Neskinchenna Svіdomist. I sit with you, play and laugh with you, but at the same time I work on all equals.

In front of me are the saints who completed the saints and masters of the early stages of the spiritual path. Usі voni - raznі form me. I am the Root of all and sundry. There is an inexhaustible number of people growing up for me. I work through your skin, I suffer in your skin and for your skin.

My bliss, that my inexpressible sense of humor, feeds me with my suffering. Ridiculous vipadki, scho blame them for whose rahunok, lighten my load.

Think about me, get good at all your tests and I will be with you, helping you.

I am the song

My over-the-top experience I will become Life After Death, the flooring is over-the-top, that I at once look forward to everyone and everything. I am a song, її words and її melody, and I am a singer. I - musical instruments, musicians and listeners. And on your equal, I will explain the sensation of what I am, a sleeper, a sleeper.

Neskіchenne Knowledge

Nothing can be attached to the sight of the One who is the presence of a creak, the shards of Vine creak. And by a natural rank, as if nothing could be chained to New, then Vin is also guilty of being the All-Knowing, Knowing Everything.

Neskinchenne Knowledge - tse bachennia of everything at that very hour, the bachennya of which at once. Tse knowledge cannot be done on the cob, no kintsya, it is inconsistent and uninterrupted, until nothing can be added and nothing can be chosen.

Tse knowledge allows God to know at this moment those who know Vin those who have become infamous of that era, and they allow Yomu to know those who will be through the indefinite era, we will work everything to God at one and the same hour and at a time. Tse Knowledge of the Thorough Maistrіv and Avatar.

In terms that are simple for you, it means that you know at this moment, like people, I know the epochs of that, and those that you will come to know at that moment, I know at once.

Zahalne Tilo

The revelation of God gives rise to a Zagalniy Rozum, Zagalnu Energy and Zagalne Tilo, in which there are individual minds, individual energy and individual body of skin speech and skin essence in Creator.

Zagalny Rozum, Zagalna Energia and Zagalne Tіlo іsnuyut zavdjaki Uyavi God, yak іsnuє yak He-іsnuvannya in Infinitely Eternal and Bee-penetrating іsnuvanni (Bozі).

Individual minds, individual energies, and individual bodies do not lose their own power, but only as a trace of a true He-found.

My Zagalny Tili has all the rude bodies of all the indistinct words and speeches of the Creator. individual thin body(energy) that mental body(Rozumi) is a part of my Zagalnaya Energy and Zagalnogo Rosum. Neither in Zagalniy Energiya, nor in Zagalny Rozum's field.

Stand between drops here and drops there, I don’t create any difference between skin drops to the ocean. Be it a drop in the ocean, be in the middle of the wholeness and uniformity of the ocean.

There are no daily podіlіv at Paramatmі, only the One Indestructible Ocean of Reality іsnuє like Vіchne іsnuvannya.

Know everything at sleep

How do I know everything? The nature of the infinitely foldable phenomenon - the All-World - is infinitely simple. Ale know that understanding is inexcusably foldable. If you know what is a Zagalniy Rosum, Zagalna Energy and Zagalne Tіlo and how it is set up to an individual mind, individual energy and an individual body, then you will understand, like a Thorough Meister knows everything.

Tse all-season Knowledge is filled with sleep. But to know everything at a spahu, it is necessary to spend eternity in illusion, while you step by step die for yourself. To be in the world for yourself means to spend yourself more in God, in order to know your true Self as God.

Tse in the world of your hell is not an easy task; to revive the corpse to life - the child of the gras in the por_vnyannі z cym.

Knowing and not knowing

Being greater and becoming lower, I manifest Knowledge and take on myself non-dominion in the same

And if I want to know what it will be like for a month, I can make a plan, so that it won’t happen and for the rocks. From the other side, knowing that if it were not for a long time, I look at him, who checks the swedish beast.

U Dnayan (Known) є Adnaya (Unknown chi Nevіglastvo). Ale in Adnaya can not be Dnaya. Mayuchi all knowledge of the greater equal, I can take on myself the non-dominance of your equal. Really, I am Neskinchenne Knowing, and, like this, I know what will happen in hundreds of years, even if I speak non-government, if you are equal.

Navit on a rough level and in the most prominent circumstances, knowledge and non-government can appear overnight. For example, you say: "I don't know how to swim." Tse means what you know, what you don't know, how to swim. Yakby, you didn't know what you don't know, you didn't have a single mind. Tse knowledge of non-government.

So I myself, that to the Knowledge itself, reveal the ignorance of knowledge. Knowing everything, at the same hour I am unknowing.

The will is restless

Dependence may be on the verge of separation. The division calls out fear. Fear of bringing anxiety.

Way of Unity - whole way to happiness, way to multiplicity - whole way to peace.

I have no other me, father, I am always happy. Look at the Kremlin in the sight of your True Self, then, you will always be turbulent.

Those you see are absolutely real for you, for me they are absolutely hellish.

I alone am Real, and my will holds a cosmic illusion. True, if I show that the wind does not flow and the leaves do not collapse without my will.

At that moment, if the intensity of your faith in my will reaches its heights, you will forever say goodbye to your troubles. And then all that you suffered and that you enjoyed in the past, at the same time, that you could have experienced in the future, would be the most loving for you and the uninterrupted manifestation of my will, and nothing more will bother you to be turbulent.

To live more and more in Today, as if it were always more beautiful and stretched beyond the boundaries of the past and future.

As soon as you start warto about being turbulent, then turbulate about those who are constantly remembering me. Vono varte of that, bring the shards to the troubles.

Think more and more about me, and all your worries will come from nowhere, for nothing. My will works to wake you up to what.

A mockery on my breasts

Yak Vishchy of Vishchogo, I am the Wise of the Wise, but still I allow myself to be foolish, even allowing myself to be a fool. What kind of bad my vchinok? Creation of CREATIVITY.

Creation is truly a great heat, ale for my rahunok, and now a mockery is a burden on my chest. Sometimes I get so tired that I'm ready to sleep 700 years.

For a fool, the bad stuff is the most natural and easy. Ale chi can you reveal yourselves to the Wise One, who lize from the shkir to get and pragne to grow vchinok, the yoga of Wisdom! Why am I saying that you don’t show yourself, that I’m on my way, if I’m talking about this: beyond the borders of human reason.


Vin is not guilty of the nobility, Vin knows. Vin knows what to know.


Deyakі іsnuyut, schob іnshih іnshih, zadrіsnimi іnshih і robiti їs unhappy, є є іє іkі, scho іsnuyut, schob іnshih і robiti їх happy. The one who, having become the only God, is for everyone - both good and bad. And to become One with God, a person is not guilty of being inspired by anything else, except for himself.


Rose has no sense. Kohannya maє sens. Pokirnosti has more sense. Support my "daman" * - the axis of the greatest sense.


I know three words:

I am the Avatar of all the meanings of this word.

Everything that I work for - tse viraz of my unfettered love.

I am forever suffering, watching the inexorable agony through your non-government.

* "Daman" - clothes.

Maya Illusionist

Maya, Meister-ilusionist, what do you create illuminating light It’s nothing, if you show your master’s tricks, stunning everything, including my health, energy, words and obityanki, obviously go against me, and faith and confidence will die in me, I will be overwhelmed by the whole world. Ale Maya was powerless against my Roboti, the shards of Maya herself are a tool, like I am the result of my Roboti.

Being a tool in my work, Maya actually does everything she can to create the best results for her work. Maya is the inexhaustible shadow of the indistinctness of God, and, not looming any other reason, moreover, that in inconsistency, is naturally guilty of leading paths to the single Reality, like God. And then God reveals His majesty.

If the sun rises above the horizon, the shadow, which is seen by the object, is richer for the object itself, and if the sun stands directly above the head, the shadow lies under the feet, you won’t get angry with the object.

In my lower state of shamelessness, that humiliation of the Son of Truth is made dark and weak, and the Tin of May is great. And when the Sun is at its zenith, the Tin, which Ludina sees, as if that thought, hung over Yogo’s gaze, hung. Such will be the victory over Maya, if non-government will be smoothed out by the greatness of the viava of God through me.

Keep your appearances turned to the Sun, and your shadow of individualized May lies behind you and, although still strong, I do not have dominion over you. And if you turn your back to the Sun, your shadow will be in front of you, and you will follow. If you yourself, on your own, cannot sing in your shadow, if you keep it behind your back and continue marveling at the Sun, then at the hour of the same time, that greatness of your shadow will be born forever.

Svіdomіst - tse іskra zhittya, yak z'єdnuє z'dnuє skin z us іz Universal Zhittyam. The price of the thread, like nalashtovuє us in unison with the All-world. If you want to parity in Pogranichny, you need a thread of information.

Svіdomіst is the spark that allows us to see the Light. Itself svіdomіst podnuє us from God. Vono is a Lanka between God and people, between Heaven and earth.

In the physical world of the mother to speak to the children, who is the father. At spiritual light our pragnennya tell us who is God. Who is God? God is infinite Svіdomіst. Vin is also self-enlightening Light. And there are no such people, in which there would not be a cycle of inexhaustible Wisdom of the Self-enlightened Light.

Our meta is in the middle of us. To reach the goal, it is necessary to develop a spiritual life. And in the spiritual life, the most important thing is witness. Without it, everything is a wasteland. Entering into a dark place, we take a lighter from us, or a little light, to know where to go. If we want to know about our unenlightened life, we need to hasten to the help of knowledge.

In his own life, that reach of a person is already surrounded. Ale, that same person, who has been hidden in the secret hiding place of his heart, realizes what it is, what it is possible to gradually expand yourself. Tse svіdomіst. Svіdomіst poednuє dlyinu z vshchim Absolute.

Svіdomіst is our right teacher, dear friend and true slave. Like a slave, bring God our majestic non-government. Like a friend, let us tell you where the best knowledge is found. Like a teacher, svіdomіst vіdkrivає us neperechnі іtruє about those who today are not finished and nevikonana people - tomorrow's thorough and victorious God.

Svіdomіst svіvaє. Vono sings the song of the All-World Unity. Svіdomіst graє. Vono gray at the cosmic manifestation. Svіdomіst dance. Vono dances with the victorious Bachenny of God in the middle and with the vikonan Reality of God called. Svіdomіst dіє. Vono dіє through the pragnennya people, sho wailing, descending and reciting, and through the low, sho defending and enlightening the speech of God.

If svіdomіst is activity itself, they will bow before God the Mother, their Dzherel. If svіdomіst is insomnia itself, they will shirk before God the Father, their Dzherel. Seeing the Mother, I will take away the most intense Strength for the greater sacrifice for the sake of the unfamiliar land. In the light of the Father, we will take away the present Light for the enlightenment of the unenlightened land. Itself svidomost one hour є і Light that Power. Like Light, it is ottozhnyuetsya with pure spirits and deep exercises of our inner light. Yak Force, it manifests its divine supreme power over the gloomy slavery and the crazy ignorance of the world.

Svіdomіst, kakoistuetsya nepryamované body, called svіdomіstyu, like giving hope. Svіdomіst, which koristuetsya vpertiy vital, vіdoma as zbіdomіst is ruined. Svіdomіst, kakostuetsya uncompromising mind, - tse vіdomіst, scho doubts. Svіdomіst, like a heart, which is revealed, - the truth is not true. And the svedomistity, with which the soul is boundless, is svedomistity.

Aum Anandamayee Chaitanyamayee Satyamayee Parame

"About Mati-Absolut Buttya-Svidomosti-Zakhoplennya". Tse potrіyne svіdomіst - found a dove, the widest latitude and deep depth. Finding a dovzhina - tse Neskinchennist. Naishirsha latitude - Vichnist. Glibok Glibina - Immortality. If you live in Butti, the people will accept those who, with a wide heart, proclaim Divinity to you. If you live in your sovereign kingdom, people and Divinity are more loving, and yet, with wonder, they share their experiences one by one. If the knowledge is alive at Zakhoplenny, the people are aware that it is transformed, and the Divine is manifested and vikonan.

Blind to the one who does not succumb to Svіdomostі-svіtla. Deaf is the one who does not swear at Svіdomostі-justice. Unfortunate to the one who cannot skushtuvati Svіdomіst-fruit. The fool is the one who blocks the foundation of the Svіdomostі-sea.

Nutrition: Svіdomіst i dumka - tse same?

Sri Chinmoy: No. Let's take it into account that svіdomіst - tse stіl, and thoughts - flies. Flies constantly sit on the table, call to them and fly from month to month. You don’t spit on the table, but it’s necessary to put it in order. And how to arrange the information? The light of your heart.

Encouragement: What helps the mind to lift the high rіven rіvenоmostі?

Sri Chinmoy: No. Our rozum zovsіm not building to emulate the high rіven rіvenіmоsti. Yakshko rozum shukaє and volaє, vіn can help raise the rіvіdоmostі. Ale vin can trim the high rіven of svіdomosti. Robiti tse may be less light of the soul. The soul has given this building the same heart, and the heart can be robbed in the name of the soul. If the soul itself helps us, then our knowledge is completely lacking. And if I help you get out of the heart, if I still don’t get enlightened, then I don’t get lost on the invariably high level. I, Tim is not less, my heart can be richer building up the high rіven svіdomostі, lower mind.

Nourishment: How do I begin in meditation to recognize, why does it rise, why does it rise, how does it fall?

Sri Chinmoy: The beginnings of meditation can easily be seen as rising awareness, overflowing with steady and decreasing. Yakshto vіn vіdchuvaє purity in the heart, in all its essence, it means that yоgo сvіdomіst is filled with stamina. If you are aware of the breadth, then you are aware of it. As soon as the wine becomes a victim of sumniv_when you think of your own, then your witness will decrease.

Encouragement: How do you raise awareness, how do you know that negative forces threaten us?

Sri Chinmoy: If we are threatened by negative forces, it is necessary to realize that in the middle of us is the strongest friend in the world, and that friend is our soul. Let's get together under the wings of the soul. Let's cry to the soul and be blessed її about kerіvnitstvo. Like a call to my friend for help, vin, obviously, to join in with the negative forces of our name. Soul vryatu us, zahistit, educate and rob us to perfection.

Asking: Why should I see Vishchu, or reach the greater knowledge, first of all, to communicate with undirected people?

Sri Chinmoy: I will first need to see Vishche. Less than that, you can boldly talk to people who are not direct. If you are in contact with incompetent people, it’s all the same to see a psychiatric clinic. As long as you yourself are not strong enough, you can also catch it.

As a directive to those who help others to direct, it is necessary to reach the Most High. As long as you yourself are climbing uphill, at Vishchu, you can help your young brothers, how to jump, but they have not yet reached your height. Ale stupidly from your side to try to help the help of these undirected people. You can't change your nature, shards of stench don't want to change.

For the unseen shukach, God sounds like: “Come on your own, and just, wake up, you’ll bang, you’re a little behind you, help you, sip yoga, lead after you, so that you can come there, you know you. But just don’t do it with undirected people, because in any case you yourself can’t be straight. And if you do not pray, then how will you understand Me? So let's be wise. On the back, at the singing stage, we are talking to those who are pragmatic. And then, having touched Vishche, we may be able to intervene with those who are not direct, as such is the Will of God.

Question: What is insincerity?

Sri Chinmoy: Nesvіdomіst - tse camp of svіdomosti, in which there is no light, but in the least glimpse of light.

Nutrition: If you are talking about the knowledge of minerals, roslin, people of that divine, what do you think about it?

Sri Chinmoy: There is practically no light in the mineral sky. Roslinnіy svidomosti has only a glimpse of light. There is light and you can be at the people's witness. Ale, the people's knowledge of the building is free to bezbezhne Light, as if it were due to the well-informed fools. Zreshtoy Divine Svіdomіst vtіlyuє bezbezhne, neskіchenne Svіtlo.

Catering: What is the limit of knowledge, what can the knowledge be overwhelmed?

Sri Chinmoy: From a strictly spiritual point of view nothing can be found. I change everything for myself. The Almighty Himself constantly turns over His high Height. The All-Vishishny is the One who forever sings the Song of Self-Changing.

We are called the best, based on our lowly knowledge. But those who are borderline today are not guilty and cannot be left behind tomorrow. The goal of the next day is the absolute point of tomorrow. There is no boundary reality. Reality is borderline today, for the smallest reach. But tomorrow we might rise more than that to overturn reality, as if yesterday they respected the borderline. Today's boundary is necessary to change the more intense exercises of tomorrow.

Nutrition: What kind of relationship between souls and souls?

Sri Chinmoy: The soul can be matched with a little ice, and freedom with water.

Nutrition: What is the relationship between the information and the notifications?

Sri Chinmoy: Recognition is like a smooth green field, and awareness is like the greatest peak of Everest. The field adjoins right up to the mountain, and the sun rises without a middle from the top of the mountain. Ale svіdomіst і svіdomlennya - offended by one unbearable stream of universal Svіdomostі.

Nutrition: What is the relationship between intuition and knowledge?

Sri Chinmoy: Intuition is the arrow, and knowledge is the bow. As soon as the arrow is released, it will be used in the target. Well, the cybules are dumb, the arrow cannot play its role, and navpaki. Offending the stench is inevitable.

Nutrition: Is it true that the soul is bound by a rank to him, what do we call svodomistyu?

Sri Chinmoy: Svіdomіst zavzhdi is tied to the soul. But those that in human life are called svodomistyu, do not є svozhny svіdomistyu, tse zvichayne pochutya. If we perceive it imperceptibly, which we cannot know the purpose of, we call it witness. Really, I don’t think it’s true. Tse sooner than a thin bag. We enter to the new and at the same time we realize that this is our knowledge. Ale spravzhnya svіdomіst - tse Svіtlo, like z'ednuє Heaven and earth. The Heavens themselves are resting with our witness.

It is impossible to cremate one's soul and one's soul, just as one can easily cremite one's soul and one's soul. If we are proud of the term "physical knowledge", we are talking about the end of the world. And there is a part of the inexhaustible Svіdomostі, as it has grown to a rough physical, and now it is itself a physical Volodya and Vikoristovuє її. Those same can become both vital svіdomistyu, і z mental svіdomіstyu. Ale divine svіdomіst - tse bezmezhne єdnіst, yak vmіschuє bezmovnіst, vomіschuє its vlasnu right form. If there is decency, then it reveals its inner reality.

The soul, like eternal, and svіdomіst, like inseparable, and inseparable. They have only one thing - the whole life, the eternal life. The life of the soul is inexcusable and the life of the soul is inexhaustible. Stink add one to one. The soul expresses its divinity through svіdomіst, and svіdomіst expresses its all-penetrating insensibility through the soul.

Nutrition: Sometimes I’m throwing myself into the vantage at the same time I’ve become one with a sense of unity, but I don’t know what happened. How can you wake up at night like a spiritual robot, how can we not understand?

Sri Chinmoy: You see some of this work. Yakby apparently didn’t inform her, you couldn’t tell me about her at once. You do not see it on the mental plane, but there are many other plans of information. If you truly accept this experience, your soul will notice it.

Svіdomіst podіbna to skhodіv. You can go uphill or go down different steps. At the same time, between a gathering, on which you know, that gathering, on which you had a experience, there is no connection. As you are left behind in physical knowledge, as to rob more people by the prolongation of the day, the same experience, as if you were in the inner world, you cannot act with a proper rank. Physical evidence cannot be freely accessed to a particular plan of evidence, on which you had an experience. At physical svіdomosti may be divinely light, and only then can mother have good access to all plans of svіdomosti.

Under the hour of sleep, if the soul passes from one plane to another, it is like a free bird. If you want to know how physically you want to know, to work your soul with a stretch of twenty years for production, it is necessary to shape and straighten a bright soul. Because you, you were aware of the experience of the soul, but then we forgot about something else, to that you do not know all the plans of information, which is to understand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe soul and physical wisdom.

Nutrition: Why is there a difference between human and divine wisdom?

Sri Chinmoy: Basically, people's svіdomіst is made up of subsistence, underdevelopment, stagnation and non-government. I want to lose my sight here on earth. One should know the joy of the kіntsevu pіdbag: sіm'ї, suspіlstvі, terrestrial rights and turbots. Divine knowledge is built up with calmness, bliss, divine strength. Yogo nature - constantly expand. Human witness is given, that there is nothing important for earthly people. Divine witness, that there is nothing important and significant, lower heavenly Joy and Bliss on earth. People's knowledge is trying to pervert us, we are infinitely far from the Truth and vikonnosti. It is trying to confuse us, that God is far away here, millions of miles away from us. And the divine witness gives us an idea that God is right here, at the heart of the skin beaten, at the skin of the people, that everything is around us.

Human knowledge will change us, what we can do without God. As human knowledge is deeply unilluminated, you are given what you cannot require in God. Mi bachimo milyoni and miliardi people, if not pray, not meditate. You should think: "If God is - even better, if Yogo doesn't know - we don't waste anything." And wanting to smell the word “God” whenever and without a drive, the reality of God’s foundation does not cluck either in Heaven or in everyday earthly life.

Divine witness is known to others. Mayuchi to inspire that divine witness, as we have it, we see the need in God's skin. Vono gives us an idea of ​​what we are on earth to the very one that has Vin. If we weave divine thoughts, divine knowledge gives us the understanding that God Himself inspires us to weave these divine thoughts. Divine knowledge gives us an idea that everything has a divine will, a divine name, a divine ideal, a divine meta. There is no such thing as a splendid human spirit, a positive mind, just a naughty elephant, which rushes strimgols.

At the divine Svidomo, I will change the meta, and I will change the meta for myself. Today we are honored for the meth alone, but, having reached the threshold of the mark, it’s immediately necessary to turn it over. Tsya meta becomes the right point for the greater mark. So it seems to the one that God constantly reverses Himself. God is immeasurable and inexhaustible, but Vin will turn over to bring His own indistinctness. Oskilki God is constantly making progress, we are also making progress, if we are interrupted by the divine witness. At the divine light, everything expands and grows uninterruptedly in the greater world and wins Light.


(practical witwear):

Seeing from human evidence, zanuryuyuchis at witness, at a simple glance, you see that human witness is less than spitting, as we marvel deeply at the surface, deep, sensitively, emotionally calmly, easily, playfully ...

Ale mi rozumіёmo, scho bi kakim vile chi kind bov tsey dosvіd, tse only human dosvіd. And it is possible to shift the focus of information from human filmmaking, to the hour - to the space that will pass through us, but not in the same way. Shift somewhere else.

We know, we know everything, but at the same time we are concentrated on the sound, zanuren in human knowledge, with yoga thoughts, emotions and vitvors. In fact, we are not melting in the hour, but the hour - the expanse collapses around us. We are less surprised, we want to take a look.

І Meister - Svіdomіst calmly calm down His blissful turbot of His people, still restless, wicked, wasted, entangled in obscurity. Sob it calmed down when you got there, and saw that if you don’t know and won’t, you want to play for yourself, you don’t need to give up, it’s not important to trust, let in, allow.

Meister turns to his own account. I can no longer sleep in one illusion. Vіde z odnієї points priynyattya in wealthy vimіrnіst, hooting out of itself all human beings, at the top trust that goodness. We become others, less aware of what everyone experiences less, knowing that we are not worth it, and the film, which we marvel at, allows our own choice. We marveled at your dosvіd richly simpler, more elegant, more.

"Life - tse svіdomіst, not fate." - Ernst Holmes.

How do you think, the expansion of information is violating our daily life problems, why should the stench be in another world?

And maybe expand the information, like a rozsunennya kordoniv bachennya, to add to us already obvious new problems for the sake of what the stench is to waste the dawn in our field?

All nutrition cannot be seen in a linear aspect, and it can only be understood by logic. Bo extension of information- tse, persh for everything, building of a larger accommodation through usunennya bar'erіv spriynyattya accept the greater truth. And tse transferthe building of the mind expands, becomes plastic and accommodating, synthesizing and assimilatingly withdrawing knowledge from one side, and including in the process of processing information in the heart, as an exact repeater of organs of sensitivity (together with), from the lower side.

In other words, without a split of the head and heart - to the mind and mind, as if it were possible to lead up to - the process cannot be done.


Without a doubt, everyone sang the film trilogy “The Matrix”, the essence of which leads to the illusion of being born in the world of the third and fourth powers from one side and the collective and the programmed mind – from the other side.

Moreover, regardless of the fantastic plot, the faceless surreal special effects and the acting heroes, the essence of the film is true.

In other words, lyudina - programmed that automatic (unswidoma) istota from one side, rich in why the flames of deep emotional confusion, the more creative(which victorious non-linearity of the future and the past) - s іnshoy.

“By developing our integrity, we can reach the greater I will become witness.” - G. Gurdjieff.

And the axis, what do we say Ra, at the Law of One about the links to the mind, the knowledge of that body for the help of the matrix: At Tіlі, the Matrix of Tіla can be seen as a Balanced Robot or Leveled Functionality. Respect that the matrix is ​​already active, it cannot be inactive. The potentiator of the body’s opulence – the Potentiator of Thila – can be called Wisdom; – Materials Ra. Law of one.

“Vidpovidno to Space Science, іsnuє six mental spheres of information that expand the skyline beyond the trivi-world horizon Positivism accepts the trivi- mer horizon as between the All-world. Ale shodo you go after him? How does Vsesvit himself designate space and є kіtsevim, then how do you know beyond the boundaries of the Vsesvit? Expanse? Chi not prostir? How can we say, what is it? Tse mind? What is your mind posture with space?

The six mental spheres established by Cosmic Science are as follows: the front of the house (there is a glimpse of the future in psychology, the memory of the mind -author), unseen, the light, the light is uninterrupted, the top of the light is sublimated. - Jose Arguelles. Chronicles of Space History Volume 2.


And how to look consistency and її expansion as steps of the process of convergence in the area, dictated by the special soul, then I see a pre-river advancing classification:

  • 1st stepI want- Instinctive impulses that bug with thirsty bug. Vіdpovіdat masovіy kulturі that unrepentant evidence/non-government. Mass culture is a cult of squalor, like a far-off deity (light), which is protected through the cultivation of evil/created values.
  • 2nd stepI know what I want intellectually spontaneous, which are driven by ambitious and ambitious aspirations. Awakening of individual awareness.
  • 3rd stepI dance, I manifest, I see what I want - stremlinnya, in the basis of, what is revealedsvіdomіst sіduі, yak іtlki tіlki prokidaєєєє.
  • 4th stepI clearly understand and understand what I want, zavdyaki osyayanoy svidomosti soul and intuitive (5 feelings + reason, what to form the knowledge).
  • 5th stepI, inspired by knowledge, create, create, help that evolutionary. Special bazhannya act as a group of witnesses of unity with the existing.
  • 6th stepI’m free to see if there are any obmezhen and I’m wiser at the diversity, take care of the smallest conspiracies Divine/Universal Svіdomіst.


Expansion of information not a one-time process. Tse camp of eternal change that convey those chi and other effects that accompany this change.

In other words, expansion of information- tse pro Volodynnya with the singing step of the power of the power , In which the building is laid:

  • Accumulate and concoct information about yourself and your own for an effective solution to any life problems.
  • Turn on up to a respectful glance and away from the management of the deda and more life sounds and mental states (emotions, feelings, reactions, thoughts, spontaneous, patterns of response and behavior).
  • Zmіtsnennya that that self-discipline. How to testify to the occult truth: “Go to expand the information - this is the result of learning that is being transmitted; stink to lead a person step by step, the docks are out of reach of contact with your greater “I”, your Teacher, your own group of him (author - a group of “native” souls, which is confirmed by one Ray on the subtle plane), the First Initiator, the One Supreme Initiator , the docks of the wines do not close with the Divinity of their Promenade and do not see to the bosom of their "Heavenly Father". - A. A. Bailey. Leaflets about occult meditation.

    “The building of the Svidomo is to be called out and transformed into a part of the whole, I will again see the whole with a miraculous spiritual order, a gift of God to all. In charge of such a rank, no one wastes a portion of what is in his power and no one takes anything from anyone, adding to them the glory of God. - Saint Germain.

    So don’t let your individual reconciliation, roaring like a prayer under the sleepy promises of the sun, let’s go through, go through all the natural phases of reconciliation, with the skin of a new day, more and more familiar harmony, unity and integrity with your own unique rіn.

    Like in the ranks of Mirri Rishar: “The result of the creation is a report on the expansion of information. If the whole thing and the whole thing and all the details are thrown together in an active connection, the work will reach its progressive perfection”.Satprem. Mother's Agenda.

    “Expand and squeeze the power, so that you can see not only the necessary inner sphere of the butt, ale and All-world, that the calls are expanding, and you will see how your power is to fight the haircut in the arms of the Eternal Alchemist himself.

    Encourage your knowledge, rightly giving її respect and in such a rite open the key to the priceless treasure of the eternal substance of God. - Saint Germain. Alchemy course. DEVELOPMENT IN THE SPIRIT OF WHAT WAYS OF THE SOUL?

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