Vіlniy undisturbed style at shirts for release. How to tuck in a shirt at pants chi jeans.

It is important to reveal the wardrobe of a modern person without a pair of trousers, jeans, and various shirts. Some of us put pressure on the work, others protect for some tracts of vipadkіv chi forks with friends. However, in order to show caution, few people know how to properly tuck a shirt into pants: either you’ll be climbing all the time, unnerving your hairdresser, or it’s wonderful to step out of the sides, or you’ll make a neohain mіkhur on your back. Schob such an incident without becoming and with you, look at the sprat simple ways dressing shirts in pants or jeans. The stench, however, suits like girls, and people.

Refuel or not refuel?

Deyakі napolegly bring, scho podіl shirts can not be tucked in at the pants, and all the past century. Chastkovo stench wash the radio, but only chastkovo. Wear two types of shirts: sporty and classic. Firstly, it is permissible to wear a navypusk, then on the other hand, on the right, a little folded - everything is laid out in a cut. In addition, it’s easy to show a person in the office, like walking in a strict classic suit with a crib and a shirt on. At the shortest vіpadka v_n it will be an insignificant dogged dog. So how to wear shirts with pants - navipusk or refueling - rich in what to lie in a specific situation.

How to understand, what kind of shirt do you have?

Sports models in vіdіznyає shіlna tkanіn, skarі kolorі і vіzerunki, raznomanіtnі decorative elementi (poleti, stripes, kishenі).

The “classic” has a zhorst komіrets, calmly unremarkable zabarvlennya, soft tissue, maximum one fluff and a lot of decorative elements.

Classical shirts are made in three different cuts: with the same length of the front and back edges, with the same length of the front edge, with the same hemline, alée with ruffles on the sides and with rhinestones on the sides, aloe with a different length of hem (rear hem). If the first two models can be worn with a navypak, then the rest is categorically not possible.

Later, looking at the shirt, they took it apart, lost the ability to learn how to properly tuck a shirt in pants. є sprat simple methods how to get into life, if not the first time, then another time for sure.

Dіdіvskiy sposіb

It’s rich someone, independantly in the clothes, to tuck in the shirt quickly, to shy on the foot: put on jeans or pants, then the shirt is stuffed into the shirt under the belt. Apparently, it looks careless, and the shirt is constantly smeared with wisps, bulbs appear on the sides, and folds on the back. How to properly tuck in a shirt, or women - it doesn’t matter)?

Put on a shirt or a blouse at the back and fasten it on his ruff. Just pull on your pants and adjust, if necessary, the front side of the shirt, so that it doesn’t twitch, or it doesn’t make ugly folds. Fasten the width of that belt.

If the shirt is shaped according to the figure, then in this way you can tuck it in just perfectly.

If the shirt sat wider, you can put on a thin T-shirt under it. Only її need to be tucked into shorts.

Ati-bati, the soldiers have gone

Not everyone dares to tuck in the shirt at the pants the first time without folds. However, there is a miraculous way to reduce dissimilarity to a minimum. Yogo is also called army chi viysk, shards of wine are widely practiced by soldiers.

Otzhe, how to properly tuck in a shirt in army pants?

To put on a shirt on the cob and zip up the ruffs. Let's put on our pants, but don't fasten. Fold folds on both sides of the shirt and tuck in the pants. Sob it was better, dite in sequence: one bik, then another. The scheme is simple: they folded the fold, stretched it to the hem, squeezed it with a belt. I don't forget to put on your pants and jeans.

Today's classic

If you choose to spend an evening with friends, but you don’t have time to change, you can easily transform a strict office style into an informal one. How to properly tuck in a shirt at the pants in casual style? For whom, it is enough to carefully knit the left or the right part of the shirt from the trousers, leaving the tucked-in back part. But before leaving the place, change your mind, that such a style suits you yourself, otherwise the replacement of chic non-balance will be banal neohaynist.

For fashionistas

Shirts with trousers are worn not only by men, but also by women. Moreover, dressing up the set, you want to look sexy. How to properly tuck in a shirt in the pants of girls, so that you can spit on womanhood?

Try tucking in the front part of the blouse, and leaving the back part of the blouse. Choose a belt with a cocked buckle, which is thrown at the vechi. But here it’s also important not to overdo it: it’s possible to see not only an accessory, but also you. So forget about the kilo "diamanti" on your belt.

A similar way to wear a shirt is pidide and for people. Golovna - remember about one important nuance: if you have a tummy, then it’s better to tuck your shirt in a different way, so as not to swear on the undersized figures.

Little tricks of a perfectly tucked shirt

Like bachite, there is nothing foldable about how to properly tuck in a shirt at the pants and jeans. However, no matter how trite it may sound, the shirt can sit on you well, seeing as it is richly stale. Therefore, choose only those models, which are ideally suited for size, shape and fit. The method “I will fill that pide” does not work.

If you see the great figure of that belly, then it is necessary to tuck in the shirt so that there are no folds on the front and sides. Important, but as much as possible.

Even if you have a waistband, it can be comfy, if you put on a shirt. Vaughn is not guilty of bubbling from the sides. You know how to properly tuck a shirt in your pants, it’s wrong that you didn’t have enough time to change the size of a shirt, trying to zero.

The value is correct. The shirt is not guilty of being too short, otherwise it will constantly slip from behind the belt.

To understand how well your shirt is tucked in, to draw a line of thought from the top of the board to the groin: gudziki, belt buckle and the width of the belt on it lie.

Girls, if they know the theory, how to properly tuck a shirt in pants without folds, but in practice they can’t tse vikonati, varto privititsya to shirts-body. You will be convinced of them that you won’t bubble up anywhere and don’t climb.

Use a comedy accessory that prevents the appearance of undesirable folds and bulbs - special braces. One end of the stench is fastened to the hem, and the other - to the scarves.

A navypak shirt is a miraculous way to develop your style freely and imperceptibly. Such a style always conveys the word, which does not fetter the movement, does not bind a part of the body, miraculously fits the season. The shirt for the release is suitable for all cim vimog.

Yaku needs to be tucked into the pants or the back, once upon a time, the rigor and officiality. In order to save the form and a beautiful old look, it is necessary to collapse with protection, a shirt for work in the office is tucked in most of the time, and a ledge at the official entrance. If you want to work physically, or if you just want to go for a walk, then you need to wear a shirt.

The shirt for release does not squeeze the body, does not overtighten, does not create any imperfections. It’s even more important to take care of yourself well, don’t worry about getting through the garbage, look after yourself after a whole day in a good mood. If you have a day of adventures, then you should choose a good robe, which means a shirt to wear.

You can wear a navypuska shirt, whether it’s time for rock, along with others. A shirt with a long sleeve is a wonderful fit for cold weather, an easy option to prevent overheating at the bake.

Іz what to eat?

The shirt vzagalі poednuєtsya practically s be-like object of clothing. It can be worn with jeans, classic trousers, shorts, backs and wrapped with cloth cases. But if you go yourself about a shirt with a navypusk, then you have a few options to follow along. Office sleeper for women, suvori trousers with arrows for people are unlikely to look organically from a shirt. And on the right - jeans, trousers with a sports cut, shorts, and whatever clothes are in the casual style.

The shirt gives a look of freedom for the rahunok of the fact that it itself collapses under the Russian people, changing its shape, creating a small volume at the upper part of the tunic. To that very thing it is necessary to move її z with a strong, structural bottom. Like a shirt with a navypusk dressed with wide, mischievous trousers, then we see a neohain, puffy silhouette. And on the right - put on a shirt with commemorative jeans, which are tight, stench is a real ensemble. The same should be done at the same time: choose the best straight style, and viconan in the lightest style, lower office and official linen.

So, just as the shirt's navypuska allows you to fold the quilt, then the shirt's shirt is not guilty of being too small, with such a shirt it's better to wear the shirt to the knee and lower.

What's the deal?

Golovna Perevaga navypusk shirts we have already guessed - tse freedom is ruhіv, easy calm style. Prote, this kind of clothes can have other pluses:

  • A shirt with a navippusk helps to grab some nedolіki. Lives, over that great quilts and other positions are easily smoothed out with a plain shirt. As well as the purpose of the return, so that it is necessary to attach thinness and give the figures the necessary volume, then you can put on a belt for the shirt on the shirt: and the waist will be supported, and the virgin of the body will be commemorated.
  • The shirt is suitable for all types of figures and all styles of clothing. You can add decorative elements: scarves, a belt, a vest, to create an individual style.
  • You can wear such a shirt at any time. For young people, you will become a smart outfit for a wedding, dancing, for young people at the moment of an active wedding, for older people you can become an elegant addition to the popular casual style. A shirt is a “unisex” dress, so it is suitable for both articles. Both men and women can wear a loose-fitting shirt, look stylish and pleasant at the same time.

Nutrition about those who need or don’t need to tuck in a shirt in jeans and pants, fill up with some insoles and welcome, like a lot of it. For more than one century, the greatest mind in the world of style and modi lamyat their own voices, seeing the only correct solution to the problem of a serious dilemma. Let's try to make a short digression and provide some recommendations for our readers.

Behind orders, food “refuel or not refuel?” descend to their old and all-pervasive roots before the hours of the ancient Danish kingdom. Behind the tightly circulating feelings, if Hamlet wiggled his famous phrase “Buti chi don’t buti”, yoga friend Horatio will be busy with essential and important food. “Refuel or not refuel?” - muttering wines in front of the mirror in the background, reconciling their new Italian shirt and wrinkling their classic Roman cholo.

Zgіdno s іstorichnymi svіdchennyami, pіslya moreover, like Horatio in zbudzhennі screwed up to the point that sho pouchy torso the doors of his ribbed wardrobe, and the stench vіdchinilis, from the shafi having drunk the spirit of Hamlet's father. At the heart of my soul, there were only a bandage on the quilts and straw droplets, bandages with a line with an Indian painting “ogirk”. The spirit looked at Horatio with calamity eyes and yelled: “Mayonnaise was required to be filled with mayonnaise!”, after which he straightened with an unsteady pace all the way to Hamlet, whose friend Horatio had been roused by such lowly earthly turbots. The one at the rose, waving his hand, and still tucking his shirt into his pants. About those who were given, the story, unfortunately, is a lock.

For absolutely reliable information, like the author denies the Spirit of Style and Modi - the law enforcer of the Spirit of the father of Hamlet - a lot of representatives of the strong half of the people also spin around in front of the looking glass for an hour and think about what to do with that shirt. And because they don’t have any spirits in their wardrobes, and even though they have a spirit, the author takes on the important mission of enlightening the unruly gentlemen in order to wear a fresh shirt - that’s a classic shirt from Cherkizovsky speech market otherwise, a new ultra-fashionable model with a bare head of a high-ranking Italian fashion designer.

Also, all shirts can be subdivided into the following categories:

  • tі, yakim vyrobniki assigned a share of wearing more than navipus (tia less)
  • tі, yakі vyrobniks were assigned only for wearing in a dressed look (ce more)
  • tі, yakі cunningly wise gentlemen were prepared in such a rank that they can be worn and navypusk, і at the gas station
  • tі, yakі chinese prepared in such a rank, scho better not to wear them and vikoristovuvat khіba scho like ganchirka for pіdlogi

In the rest of the day, you will be left with only a little baggy and wear a shirt taemno - until you come from a line, and do not begin to wash and twist the sleeves and the curvature of the seams. Well, as for the first three vipadkіv, it is necessary to do some deeds of explanation. We call them the Ten Points of Wearing Shirts.

  1. Just under the lower working gudzik, a spare is sewn on, such a shirt must be tucked into pants / jeans.
  2. Even though the shirt is too short, you need to wear a navypak (having changed in front, so you didn’t have mercy on the size when buying).
  3. If a shirt is longer than a long one, then it’s better to shorten it in the atelier and wear it in a tucked-in look (if you want the style you allow, and if you shorten it in a cunning way, you can also navpusk).
  4. If a shirt has a strict comir (high - on two gudziks, with folded folds - a shirt for a tuxedo - and so on), then it is necessary to wear it with a tucked-in look; and the axis komir on udziks - mabut, the most informal.
  5. Even though the underside of the shirt is rounded, then її, ymovirno (but not a fact!), You can wear it in a tucked-in look, and navypusk (do not forget the point about the comir and spare gudziki).
  6. As if on a mannequin in a store, as if a shirt is dressed with a navlok, it means less than those that the salespersons and managers can not put on a navlok.
  7. As on the official website of the company, the shirt on the model is dressed with a navypusk, which means that it is recognized for wearing a navypuska (and similarly, in the case of tucked options, it is recognized for wearing in a tucked-in look). Sites of Internet shops like "Shmotkidarom.ru" are not official sites of any firms.
  8. Likewise, the shirt is fitted (with twists in the back), її, perhaps, it can be tucked in, and worn; like a shirt is not fitted (without turns in the back, it’s free), її, maybe, it needs to be tucked in. Ale, vines; div. front points.
  9. Vzagali, the world is not so rich and rich shirt, as it is not possible to refuel. As a rule, such models are tucked in smoothly - they are either too short, or they are constantly vibrating from pants or jeans. Then there is a rich shirt, which, when wearing a navypusk, does not look very correct.
  10. Well, come on, as the shirt was sold in an okremіy package, it was neatly folded and lay on the police, and did not hang on the hanger, out, more for everything, it was recognized for wearing in a tucked-in look.

P.S. It’s completely immovable that you will have the quotes of the article “” and.

Fashion has gone a long way from the subject of jarring to the splendid those human roses. Albeit your friends are still confused about this fact, you can talk to us.

>I know that the remaining tail of the jacket cannot be caught under fear of death. And how about a pea jacket? Vіn similar to the old jacket and tezh іz tryoma with gudzikami ... Cain

A pea coat on the back of his head was like a winter robe and a zahist in the wind, and mumbled about the roaring gudziki, standing on the deck of the pivnichnomorskogo trailer near the open sea, schonaimenshe
the world is wonderful. In human minds, a pea coat allows you to create an image of authority without looking back at those little gudzikiv and de zestebnuta in you. Stop the rest of the gudzik, if you want.

Why is it necessary to spread the cold fluff on the jacket? І nothing terrible, how to put there hamanets and other objects that are familiar to life? A. Motin, Mariupol

Sewing is a science to say that, even if the intestines do not fix, the process of saving and transporting the stench will be deformed and deformed, allowing the suit of the commodity to look and zavdayuchi butikam sucilnі zbitki. And just like a little to spare you some life and you see a suit at the store, for which you don’t have to pay dirty, after the purchase you can, from a clean conscience, robit the intestines. Dali began to naytsіkavіshe - equipment for the social event. You can put objects in the gut, but dotrimuyuchis two obov'yazykovyh rules: the gut is to blame, but the top, and the items are not guilty of dimensions, that etiquette significance is far removed from a business card or a simple one. Forget about the filling of the lower intestines: science has not yet known the truth of such blues-playing.

How to designate, how to wear a shirt, but how not? Anton

Marvel at what kind of falsehoods your shirt has. Even though the edges are straight, you can boldly wear a navypusk. Napіvkruglі vіrіzi z boіv - a sign that the shirt should be tucked into pants (prote you can and not rob it, so you can do it, so you can do it more and reinforce your individuality). Give respect to those who put on your beast. With a classic suit and a short shirt, tuck in a belt. A shirt that can be washed in the light, so you can’t embellish it (it’s like that and those and іnshe - these are the designer’s speeches in casual style, otherwise you shouldn’t wear it). "M'yati" shirts can be worn as a navypusk, so refueling. All lie down less than your taste. Do not refuel at the Hawaiian jeans and shirts with roses on the sides (these roses are used to keep your hands in the guts). Those same can be worn up to short-cut shirts.

What furnishings can I go to in the evening with brown boots? Is it important to know that after six of them you can’t get in? Behind the hell. GentleMan

But no, you can still navit. As if the shoelaces on your black ones were untied, and ask no one to tie them again: the servants had already gone to bed. Although it is not a single drop. Deyakі styles of clothes (zokrem and evening) are allowed to wear brown laces. Jeans, impractical suede outfits, as well as brown and light green color suits (especially tweed and velveteen) - all the stinks just seem to be browner. classic English style allow you to wear a red-brown gami with a blue suit, if you want it to be in the category of eccentrics.

Bachiv one lad - tucking in the tail of the crib at the shirt. Is it ok? A. Before.

Don’t wait, but you didn’t bring a quick swidka. Historically, this style of wearing a crib originated in American pilots, who were terribly disliked, if the thing that was worn on the neck was pulled into some kind of mechanism that turned up. In modern fashion, tucking a crib into a shirt is possible only on such minds: a crib and the crest of a shirt should be narrow, and you are a member of the Franz Ferdinand group (picture) or else you want to be similar to this. Stuff a tovstu business-bed with great daisies in a shirt just for the sake of it, so that you don’t get confused with ketchup from a cheeseburger, not varto. For this, normal cribs have a special loop or zatiskach.

What are the classic tricky ways to tie a scarf? Sergiy

Yes. It's true, the stench is not more cunning: you are less likely to pay less for the flakiness, to wind up like you need handcuffs. Scheme No. 1 is used for a splendid woolen scarf. Well, if you have a wide scarf, fold the hip of the yogo sprat once in width (especially when you do not splutter, otherwise you will wind up the hose), and then make three magical pasti (div. diagram No. 2) and throw the yoga chin over your shoulders.

How does the black tie dress code look like white tie? Mykola

The dress code is black tie (abo cravate noir - "black cravat"), that is "just an evening party", often it is shown as a dress code, lower white tie (abo cravate blanche - "a white cravat") - "out of an evening party". For the first one, it means that you need a tuxedo, for the other - a tailcoat, and in both looks - a crib-panicle, like a shoe-skin element of the costume. As you can see, name the dress code, black is needed to the tuxedo, white to the tailcoat. Don't get confused. So it is said that you, like a right gentleman, vmіesh zavyazuvat tsgogo blizzard independently - blizzards on gumtsі vvazhayut mauvais ton.

We have to walk on robotic fences from fashionable triden unfavorable weather. It seems that you are naked, or let a normal beard go. Tse svavilla? TriX

Suvorikh ruled from whom the drive could not. If your boss leans on the singing internal company style, then it is easier to know another boss, less to change the one who is already more widely marveled at speech. Until then, the great Western companies do not brag about the truth. Regardless of popularity, the trident stubble has not yet become such a regular rіchchyu, like a beard, and in rich stakes dosі it is accepted like a wedding of a baiduzh old-fashioned look.

How am I guilty of wearing a belt, and how long can a tail be washed from the buckles? Vova

Crazy classic - ceremin, zestebnuty on a friend dirka (that is right-handed in the buckle, but only one opening). Ale tse, well, it’s less than that, because your figure allows such liberties. Otherwise, don’t tighten the belt, don’t harm your stomach, - get out of the mirroring of the hand. As long as the tail hangs, then you can be sure that you can live - for your mind, that you will pass through two (no more!) Slots (this is how the loops for the belt on the waist are called). Slots can be ripped at different widths (from five to fifteen centimeters). Obviously, the dozhina of the tail varies.

How can I ask requests from a girl, why should our odaz have similar sights? V. Rutsky

No great. Moreover, the stench is contraindicated for you (it is respected in a filthy tone). Vtіm, it's a lot to lie here in the middle of the situation. When you go to the club for the evening, dress up in contrast. Receive at high osіb, zvani vespers and auspicious balls deprive less room for creativity. But here your dress can't look like a uniform, otherwise everyone will take you for a waiter.

Cіkavo, why should I come to the world reception, like a dress code in a direct text, there are no prescriptions? V. Demidov, Moscow

It doesn’t matter if the dress code of the requested fortune-telling is not so obvious (for example, at a diplomatic receptionist), otherwise you won’t be surrounded by harsh frames when you enter. In a row of such a free request, you can read that the range of your toilet may have the right to stretch from jeans with laces and a white shirt to a tight suit with a light or retro shirt. Here it is more important to respect the arbitrarily accepted etiquette norms, as follows: do not make a woman of a shirt with a woman of a suit, do not catch the folds of gudzikiv and come and go from the evening with one and the same woman.

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