Sublog sign icon. Povna encyclopedia of symbols. Human signs of the zodiac

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These symbols have survived dozens of generations, and people have endowed them with the power of that zmіst for hundreds of years. Every now and then the meaning of the symbols changes - it becomes overgrown with associations and becomes unrecognizable. I, maybe, tsey
a beautiful pendant on your pіdvіstsі nesespodіvaniya sacral zmіst.

website looking at the history of the most popular symbols.

Early riddles of the symbol date back to 4200 BC. Ouroboros is popular with religion, magic, alchemy, mythology and psychology.

Vin specializes in creation and ruin, the cyclical nature of life and death. The symbol of the letters of the positions of the Egyptians by the ancient Greeks for the recognition of speeches, as if not to wash the cob of that kintsa. The monad yin and yang is associated with the uroboros in Chinese philosophy. In Gnosticism, wine is good and evil.

It is supposed that the symbol of yin-yang arrived on the back in the Buddhist I-III centuries. In China and Japan, yin-yang is respected as a model of everything that exists.

Pochatkov’s understanding of “in” is “thinovy”, and “yan” is “sleepy shil burn”. Yin and yang are interpreted as an uninterrupted interplay of contrasts. The polar forces complement one another, and the skin carries a small piece of its own proportions. Yin and yang - this is a peaceful struggle, in which case the residual victory is impossible, the shards of the end do not exist.

Early images of creation in 2000 years before ours. The symbol is seen in Asia, at the Close Descent in Egypt. The wheel was an attribute of the gods of the sun, and it added to the cyclical nature of life, rebirth and renewal. In Buddhism and Hinduism, the wheel symbolizes the circle of Sansari, the change of change, the share of that hour.

Later, the concept of the “wheel of Fortune” appeared - a symbol of the timidity of the share. The spokes of the wheel of Fortune brought good luck and bad luck, as if invariably changing one another.

The first riddle of the symbol is dated to the year 1300 of our era.
Troyanda wind was a symbol of the road builder and a talisman of sailors.

In the XVIII-XX centuries, tattooing with a talisman was popular: it was important that you help sailors in the cost of returning home. Also, the trojand of winds was depicted on the cards, symbolizing the sides of the world.

The early peninsulas are dated 3500 BC.

The pentagram was considered a talisman against evil and dark forces. Merchants of the Ancient
Babylon was depicted with a star on the door for the protection of the goods in the vіd kradіzhki that psuvannya. Pіfagor vvazhav її mathematical thoroughness, shards of the pentagram melt in his own golden veil. The stars were a symbol of intellectual omnipotence.

In early Christianity, the pentagram was turned upside down with the symbol of Jesus Christ. And after the giving of Eliphas Levi, the upside-down p'yatikutna star became a symbol of Satan.

The fronts of the arrows for showing directly were boules: the footprint was for Ancient Rome, the pointed finger was for Middle Europe. For example, as if you were leaning in Ancient Rome and strumming on the wall of a little girl of a woman's disguise that trail, boldly go straight to it. Tse mean, there are heteri checking on you!

An arrow for direct insertion began to be drawn in cartography for direct insertion of a river from the 17th century, but before the end XIX century hoarse book-sellers depicted її with feathers. I have less in the XX century little ones becoming abstract.


With a small finger on the heart on the ring of your new acquaintance in the bar, you are hardly thinking about the resemblance of this symbol. Ale, if you think about it, it’s marvelous why the very organ is like a kohannya and why the little ones on the heart of a person are not similar, rather - on the heart of an amphibian.

It is possible, obviously, to attribute everything to the imperfection of the techniques of the ancient artists, even if the sign of the heart (otherwise it didn’t happen) is known to be found in the rock painting of the Cro-Magnons. The stench of yogo victorious, obviously, not in the meaning "Aouihh heart of Eeeooooaa."

Deyakі vchenі (we believe that they do not have “last hearts” in their specializations) to respect that this sign is not known to the heart, but to the growth of sylphium. Roslina was widely victorious by the ancient Greeks as an anti-cold zasib. Yogo fruit yakraz i mali the shape of the heart. For its dominance, the sylphium was valued even more highly, to that the image of fruit-heart was carved on coins.

For another version, the heart is an ivy leaf, a symbol of Dionysus, the god of winemaking and other malting. They (with the heart, and not with Dionysus) embellished the amphoria with wine, and this sign was rostashed over the old Greek public booths.

The third clouding came from Christianity and raised the symbol of the heart to the Sacred Heart, which symbolizes the suffering of Christ. Here you happen to turn on all your logical fluctuations, so that you can connect one with one, ale, as it were not there, such a version!

І є, nareshti, doslidniki, yakі vvazhayut that the heart is one of the oldest fake symbols. Aje scho, if not a phallus, can you take in the best sign of a kohannya that pretentiousness?

Dolar sign

A sign, which is commonly used all over the place for the value of the dollar (and if you want to be at your payroll), before you know the peso. Colonies, entwined with a line and symbolizing the feet of Hercules, from the coat of arms of Spain, are taken as a prototype. There were silver diggers in Peru and Mexico in Spain, and coins, which were carved right there, were of little use both in the New World and in the Old World.

Another version is to create a symbol right up to Ancient Rome, that silver coin of the sisters, whose sign is written as LLS, IIS, HS. With a short writing, it appeared to post, similar to the sign of the dollar. The Roman theme was even more popular in the era of Enlightenment: this is how the place of rallying to the US Congress is called the Capitol, and the Upper House of the US Congress is the Senate, like in Ancient Rome.


Zirochka has a great history. Behind some dzherels, whose badge was won by ancient Sumerians, in cuneiform writing there is a similar sign for the signification of God. But more real is the version about those that the symbol of the introductions of the introductions in the 2nd century BC. e. in the Oleksandriya Library by the ancient philosopher Aristophanes of Byzantium.

The texts in the period were written without podіlu on propositions and navіt words (higher, lower at the same time on the forums for young mothers), and Aristophanes bellowed as if: “Dosit tse patience!” - І becoming put icons for demarcation of words.

Even from long ago, a person with different little ones tried to convey the day of a man and a woman. The images were shown as if they were clearly imposing, and unity. The most common signs of a human and a female cob are “Yin” and “Yang”, and also the symbol of Mars and Venus. Kozhen from them may have his own history of guilt and significance.

Signs of a woman and a person

The first symbols of Mars and Venus appeared in Greek and Roman mythology. In the house, the signs were rich with astrology, and the floorings widened the stench of the botanist Karl Linney. Vіn vikoristav їх in order to differentiate the subtext of roslin. At the same time, the symbols began to be called gender, so that they would become the original ones.

The female sign of Venus it is depicted as a circle with a cross, straightened to the bottom. Yogo is also called the "mirror of Venus", behind the name's omissions there appeared a hint of a similarity. This sign symbolizes femininity, beauty.

Human sign of Mars it is depicted as a circle with an arrow, straight up on the mountain. It is important that the arrow, as if the anniversary dial is marveling, marveling for two years and means the power of the god of war. They call this symbol "shield and list of Mars" looking at the other side of the world. The sign of a man and a woman on the cob may have a meaning. The union of Venus and Mars instills heterosexuality in itself, so that it cohanns among the representatives of various articles. To signify bisexuality, different combinations can be stagnant, there is no single meaning, and today. Transsexuals have their own symbol - a sign of a woman and a man on the cob are superimposed one on one, so the ring can be written, and cross. Z'ednannya okremo of two people and two women's signs can not be clearly defined, but it can mean like a friend, so it can mean friendship.

Signs of a woman and a man - “Yin-Yang

In the philosophy of ancient China, it is shown that in the modern world, the interplay between the woman and the human cob is constantly observed. "Ін" is a woman's symbol and in the new deposit it is so clear, how to overcome that passivity. Protilezhnistyu є human symbol "Yang", which makes positive and development. In Chinese philosophy, it is appointed that, be it an object, roztoshovanie at the All-World, it is possible to describe the vicorist energy of a woman's and a man's cob. The laws of "Yin-Yang" subjugate all living things on earth, as well as planets, stars and signs of the zodiac. Skin from the basic zodiacs can have its own polarity. It starts from a human sign, and then it starts to draw.

More people and women are more likely to prove the Yin-Yang theory. For example, people love to demonstrate their pride, then it’s beautiful to become endowed with a commanding intuition and softness. Like in skin theory, there are some faults here. At to the current world It is often possible to finish a woman's mind, like a man's character, everything is connected with the individual characteristics of a person's psyche. Change, as if I didn’t want to be rich, it’s impossible, the shards of rice are born. An ideal couple is respected by the union, in which the person is clearly pronounced “Yan” and the woman is “Yin”. In such a couple, the man will be a lad and a healthy one, and his companion will be a guardian of the fire. Shcho tsіkavo, є spіlki, in which everything is seen, navpaki, and so bets are also mіtsnі, and traplyayutsya dosit often. Well, if people change among the natives, from whom they take one and the same cob, then the union will be important and, better for everything, not old-fashioned. There is only one way out of such a situation - he has divided the roles, de skin from the partners can vouch for the singing sphere.

I can make a lot of history and inspire in this hour of victory as a sign of a human and a woman’s cob.

From ancient times to our days

For a long time, people have been trying for help with special symbols to depict a woman’s life and a person’s day. Varto indicate that such images were transmitted famous rice articles, and navit їх єдніст. Before the broadest signs of a man and a woman, the “Yin and Yang” can be seen, as well as the symbols of Mars and Venus. Kozhen from them can make his own history and recognition.

The sign "Woman and man" is the emblem of two protilazhny cobs: tse Moon, water and earth for the woman's daily life, and the Sun, heat, fire for the man. The human cob symbolizes the creative, social and active cob, and the female symbol symbolizes specializations of soft, passive power, consumed by nature.

Human and female signs

The first symbols of Mars and Venus appeared during the hours of ancient Greek and ancient Roman mythology. All the signs were taken from astrology, and the popular science popularity of the stench was given to the botanist Karl Linney. Zrozumіlo, Vіn vikoristav їх for poznachennya statі roslyn. Practically from that moment the symbol of a man and a woman became stagnant as a sign of articles.

The symbols of the human and the female on the cob are absolutely protile, however, they may be similar. For their own sutty, the stench in a certain order predicts the opposite types, such as life and death, top and bottom, moon and sun, earth and water, right and left, etc. You can choose them in one whole and characterize the beginning of a person as the day of the chid, the Sun is a landowner. So, pіd qiu praise pіdіdіdutya understand: day, budinok, elder, strong, male. And the axis of the woman’s day will be a full proliferation - zahid and pivnich, female, young, weak, Moon and night.

Mars and Venus

The symbol of Venus appears as a closed column with a cross, as if straight down. Sometimes there is a different name - “mirror of Venus”. Such a name was given to the symbol through the name similarity. This sign is characterized by beauty, femininity, warmth, turbota and love.

The human sign - the symbol of Mars - is such a closed group, but with an arrow straight uphill. If you reveal the dial, then the arrow is guilty of pointing out for two years - it is more characteristic of the god of war. "Shield and list of Mars" is another name for a human sign.

Poednannya tsikh dvoh simvolіv maє kіlka tlumachen. Nasampered, varto signifies one of the broadest interpretations - the concept of heterosexuality, which is what is meant by representatives of various articles. This symbolism is victorious and for the signification of bisexuality, only in this way the signs can be arranged in different ways (today there is no single signification).

This is a fact: transsexuals have their own symbols - a human and a woman's sign is superimposed one on one, establishing a cross with a cross and an arrow. Poednannya between a human and a female sign does not have a clearly marked clouding. So, this symbol can mean love, friendship, mіtsnu prihilnіstі that predilection.

Human and female ear at the Yin-Yang symbol

It seems: practically everything in the world is under the influence of a woman and a man on the cob. "Ін" is a woman's symbol, which is a specialization of passivity and submissiveness. The human sign - "Yan", with its blackness, stands out from the position of intensive development and activity. Laws can describe whether it be a manifestation that is near nature, an object that is created, from the look of a human and female beginning. The laws of "Yin-Yang" follow all the living sources of the planet Earth, and inspire the heavenly bodies. For example, the signs of the zodiac start from a human symbol, and then they are drawn from them.

Gender cob in the modern world

Most of the representatives of the strong and the weak half of the people in general support the ideas of Chinese philosophy. For example, it is practical for a person to love demonstrating his superiority, unparalleled strength and gaining the least help from looking at a well-groomed stool. Women, in their quarters, exude softness and miraculously awakened intuition. However, in the modern world, more and more often, women grow up, as if they have a strong and ox-like character, so that they are powerful in drawing a human cob. Abo, on the contrary, the character of a person is awakened by a softness and fearfulness. Tse, obviously, individual features, which were formed under the influx of psychological characteristics to the nature and life of the situation. Prote naivdalіshim i naimіtnіsh vvazhє that union, which harmoniously combines the sign "Woman and Man".

Gender Symbols

Symbols of human beings and may be different tlumachennya in different religions and cultures. Moreover, they are not as broad as theories, as if to propagate a different interpretation of all the symbols. Prote mugs with an arrow and a cross, like before, are overlaid with the characteristic and the most significant. The sign “Woman and Man” is the same hourly instillation of difference and unity, between representatives of the opposite status and a sign of their uninterrupted daily life. Gender symbolism is a simple sign that gives one a deep sense of human and female daily life.

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