Rooney for clients and for business. Runic formulas for getting clients and success with the robot. Runichny put for business development

In our hour, Rooney for lucrative clients and pennies is becoming even more popular. Aje stinks do not help more than help the zlidniv, and the building attracts success in robots and in business. Find out how to work so that luck turns to you as a guise of yaknaishvidshe.

Rooney is a long-standing magical symbol, which is often victorious for various witches. Ale zastosovuvatisya such taєmnі signs can be made in the preparation of various amulets, talismans, ordering of special formulas.

Dosvіdchenі practices can independently fold the runіchnі put zaluchennya kliєntіv, attracting success from the robot. As you start your way, you can speed up with ready-made formulas.

Becoming a Golden Dragon

Do not varto underestimate the method, go to practice carefully. Aje incorrectly depicted symbols can lead to the fact that you do not take away the desired result. If you need to get clients and develop your business, then you can speed up in a runic way.

This becoming is called the Golden Dragon. You can depict the formula with a paper penny bill, after which you can trace it in your passport and gamants. Important: at the time of activation of the formula, it is necessary to reveal it, as it transforms into a golden dragon and acts. Also, after reaching the goal, mark that after the completion of the work, it is necessary to papier with the inflicted formula to burn and to subdue the greater forces.

Usy є kіlka working runes, yakі you need:

  • Teyvaz - you can attract dobrobut, koshti;
  • Algiz - will not let you fail, in any way, to protect you from inaccuracies on the way to the point;
  • Evaz - bring you to dobrobutu;
  • Dagaz - allow radically change life, attract pennies, clients;
  • Mannaz - symbolizes the people themselves;
  • Inguz (2 pcs) - wings of a dragon, є a symbol of wealth, as if he would come into the life of an individual without a hitch;
  • Laguz (2 pcs) - allows you not only to strengthen the potik of pennies, but also to grow yoga fast, which will ensure a safe life.

Rune for luck at the robot

If everything is not going well with you, business is not prospering, and hands are falling, then the time has come to go into magic. Vikoristovyte such a runic formula to turn the prosperity of your business.

Stavshi pani good luck

Krym tsgogo, such a runichny becoming to help you protect yourself from possible zazdrіsnikіv, unkindness. If you are not a private undertaking, then the whole one, having become more help, push through car'er gatherings, win the roztashuvannya of the authorities.

  • Mannaz - symbolizes an individual who has become shy.
  • Gebo attracts people who help you, trusted partners, philanthropists.
  • Eyvaz - ensures the influx of customers. Protects the individual himself from the unkind (magical and nematic attacks), and his business.
  • Fehu - Rukh pennies, prosperity.
  • Laguz - allows you to attract fortune to a person, success. The individual has the ability to turn the most profitable project, and not to take on the skin, who, having got caught, will start to attract a penny, get better.
  • Teyvaz - resilience among people, upliftment in their own strength.
  • Algiz - does not allow people to "drive" themselves into robots, helping to plan the schedule correctly.
  • Soul - allows you to reach meti: the pinnacle of career gatherings, your own on the right, a successful business.
  • Perth - allows you to lose fortune.
  • Air - don't give pennies and pay-per-click clients to get in your way.

This formula can be applied to the banknote. It is important: never take it out of the gamantsa and keep it with you. Such a becoming obov'yazkovo required to speak with these words:

Come on Silius Rune, I will have a constant flow of penny clients, as soon as they come to me (you can add in the amount ... (number)), agree that the favor will be far away for both of us, I will be handy! Pennies are regularly paid for vikonnі robots/services/goods. I independently control and regulate the flow of clients. Let Rooney protect me from negativity, like on the physical plane, so on the magical, energetic, mental plane, let there be enough strength in the future to support my development.

Runic formulas for getting clients

For the help of some more runic settings, can you get paid-for-promoting clients? The golden antelope is just one more runichny becoming, which allows you to increase the number of clients. In this way, the Gebo rune symbolizes the mіtsny partner union.

Stavshi gold antelope

Manaz + 2 Fehu + Nautiz - to secure the appearance of serious payment-promoting clients, as they will be ready to place a trivalent contract on their minds, as they will be vigilant for you.

Inguz - stable spivpratsya, guarantees of success.

Laguz + Raido + Nautiz + Turisaz (to be roztashovuetsya on another plan) - allow you to get around, be it inacceptability and problems, bring you to stability.
By becoming such a victor, you can attract superior partners, platform-promoting clients, and improve your financial position. The formula is applied like on a special paper, so on pennies, and extinguished constantly with oneself.

This is a special formula for building success and success in business, and business customers. You should win the following symbols:

  • Ansuz - help people remember your company, kind of activity, do not let them forget about you;
  • Gebo and Fehu will change people from the one who needs to turn to you for help;
  • Teyvaz ta Soul - to earn pennies, to help reach the bagan;
  • Algiz i Turisaz - to defend against competitors, approaches to enemies, possible inaccuracies;
  • Dagaz - self-updating formula.

It is possible to beat the formula even more, as the terms require pennies, it is necessary to bypass the competitors of the messenger. Signs are applied on a business card, or on the surface in that fall, as if you were victorious, you will be like an amulet. And here the formula is always worn with you.

Vikoristovuyuchi Rooney for the best clients, you can get good luck, good luck to those best clients. Do not miss the chance to change your life to a better one and radically change the style of speeches.


If people start their own business, then they will inevitably stick out of competition. Today it is practically impossible to know such a sphere of activity, in which you can become the only postal worker of comrades and services. Until then, let's go around real stores and firms with a physical address, and an Internet company, which means that competition is inevitable at any time. Tim, who is engaged in business, will be more likely to put on the liquidation of all competitors and formulas that will help develop their right, get new customers. Let's talk about them in a report.

How can Rooney help the business?

Tim, who has never stumbled upon rune magic, it is important to understand that in some areas there will be zastosovuetsya. About love and love spells, if you want to, it’s better if someone is rich, and the axis of the power of the runes for business does not sound more popular. But it’s true, the omnipotent power is laid in the ancient taєmnichikh signs, and you can beat it in be-yakіy zhittєvy galuzі.

So, for example, put the runic formulas “to open the way for competitors” to create a right diva. More precisely, miraculously embedding the runes in similar vyazahs, it is given to them, who are victorious, and the axis of them, against whom the robot is straightened, on the other hand, is not licorice. Similar formulas literally “block” the way for competing firms: they win favors, good contracts are not signed, reliable partners and partners do not change. You can succumb to a similar position with a negative influx on superniks, who is far from rich enough to be victorious with similar staves.

Tim, who wants to act kindly and not be a competitor in principle, go to the formulas of another category. So, for example, becoming a runic for good business and build a penny turnover of your company, get the best clients, generous sponsors, in a word - make your work easier to go faster. Adzhe, let me tell you, and in the minds of hard competition, you can successfully stay afloat, as if you are permanent partners, post-employees, deputy partners, who are ready to work with you. Tody and superniki n_yak not startle.

In general, the principle of work with similar staves does not differ in any way in the activation of other runic formulas. Rooney is applied either on the photo of your competitor (for example, on the photo of your competitor (for example, on their business card), or on your own photo with your business (if you want to improve the performance of your project). We gave us that guarded formula, and then be it in some way.

The hour of the day I become individually in this skin type. Ale more formulas to give visible result already for a day or two. If you have any mood, not later in a month, you will be able to evaluate how the runes worked and what happened.

Runic bet on liquidation of competitors

The formulas introduced here, as we have already said above, will significantly improve the position of your business competitors. Tse runes are stronger than the yaz, before him, how to beat them, think about what you really need.

Becoming "Neutralize a competitor"

By becoming a rune on the liquidation of all competitors, allow your business to stay afloat and follow a strictly chosen course, bypassing all the barriers. Competitors won't be able to get over you;

To the warehouse you can enter:

  • Teyvaz: A symbol of victory and victory. Vaughn will give you innocence in yourself, give you the strength to achieve everything you have planned. The stars of your runes will take the leading positions and easily “beat” all competitors
  • Soulu: A sign of power, strength. The rune will become your dvigun on the path until you win. With your help, you can achieve success in all business endeavors
  • Otala: Symbolizes your freedom to choose right, to allow you not to enter, to be left behind by your best ideas. So it’s out to protect your power from the side of competitors, moreover, power is both material and not material.
  • Uruz: At the stavі vykonuє odrazu dvі dії. In a first way, you won’t be able to strengthen your strength, which is necessary to achieve victory over supermen, but in a different way, attack the enemies and create a “shield” of your own kind, which protects you from the approaches of unkind people

Formula "Block the road to a competitor"

Denmark, having become the best, put it on the yakus river, so that your superman in business or directly on your photo should fit. Regardless of those who have a stock of formulas, there are only three runes - two and one Raido, working hard. And along the edges of the Raido “freeze” the competitor’s road (Raido) from both sides: a situation is being created, if you want to go somewhere, it will be “closed”.

Standing against the moral pressure of competitors

If your competitors are actively fighting against you, zastosovuchi threats, psychological pressure, intrigues and other "unclean" ways, hurry up with the formula Uruz - Nautiz -. By becoming a rune on the liquidation of all competitors, to act as a kind of defender in the face of such a vice, and also to allow your business to continue successfully, bending over the peritoneum.

Runichny put for business development

Be it a runichny becoming for the development of a business, you can serve your mother well, smut - it’s right to pick it up. We suggest to you three cіkavі dієvі formulas for different business categories. Marvel, perhaps, as if one of them came to you?

Moisturizing Formula

Tsey having become a pioneer, who works with material objects, for example, in the sphere of indestructibility, everyday life of a farming state. Newomu has less than three runes:

  • Otala: Vіdpovіdaє za vіdpovidaє za vіdpoіdaє za vіshої vlastnostі, traditsії, sіm'yu, spadkoєmnіst. It expands the scope of your activities, allowing you to capture new territories.
  • Fehu: A symbol of material wealth, power, that you get “at the right”, as well as without intermediary finance, profit. Rune to allow you to know the day of zastosuvannya to that which you already can, and take away all good income
  • Yєra: Vіdpovіdaє for the results of your practice, for yoga fruit. If you will work hard for the sake of achieving results, the stench will be superb

Formula "Success in business"

Denmark to allow a businessman to activate his own needs and credibility, without any knowledge of such information, it is important to reveal. Vіdpovidalnіst for their vchinki, discipline, gnuchkіst, smart to know new non-standard solutions - everything is possible to take, vicorist formula.

Three runes enter before it:

  • Teyvaz: Activating the exercise of victory, allowing people to gain a strong will and militant character, not to fall under the yoke of difficulties, to fight to the last.
  • Fehu: Gives a material result, allows you to correctly win over available resources
  • Laguz: Turning on strong intuition, giving the businessman the opportunity to intuitively indulge, as and if more quickly, to achieve success.

Becoming successful in the negotiations

The guarantee of a good business is correct, reliable contacts. Sob the negotiations were successful, and the offending parties laid down more than mutually correct rules, you can use the formula from Gebo, Otala. The first rune attracts the partners you need, the robot will bring success to both sides. A friend - protects your company in case of any bad luck, and the third one symbolizes traditions, borders, power, that. allow you to create a militant foundation for your activity.

Runichnі put on trade that lucrative surplus

Give help to those whose business is related to trade. The stench allows you to win big customers, increase financial turnover and stay afloat to inspire fierce competition for the minds.

Having become for zbіlshennya surplus that lucrative purchases

This runic becoming on zaluchennya klientіv that pributka can be painted right on the doors of your store. At the new one, there is less than chotiri symbols:

  • Fehu: Attractive to you financial well-being
  • Uruz: It helps to destroy from the "dead center" to find the right things that are stagnant.
  • Otala: We protect the territory of your store, and at the same time bring profit from Fehu
  • Soulu: To grow your company with a successful and prosperous one

Runichna formula "To trade"

Whose runic having become a good trader, having recommended himself among businessmen, the activity of which is connected with sales. Before entering:

  • Straight that mirror Fehu - material well-being
  • Otala - the symbol of the seller himself
  • Chotiri - attract surpluses and gifts
  • - perevіrenі and nadіynі kliєnti
  • Soulou - the salesman at the distant light in front of potential customers
  • Єra - dvigun, which allows stavu pratsyuvati
  • Raido - symbolizes the legal ways of trading activities
  • Kenaz is a popovnyu gamanets of a businessman employed in trade

Let's hope that the transcribed formulas will appear to you in the same way. Success to you and prosperity to your business!

Fans of Scandinavian magic know that rooney is not only for getting lucky, but also for getting clients. Vіdomi formulas and put pleasantly infuse into business, spriyat yogo development and prosperity.

Rooney, what to get clients

For beginners: rozpochayayuchi applying the finished rune on zaluchennya clients, or adding your own combination, it is necessary to take into account information about the basic rules of work with runes.

Having come to pardon, it is possible, to call out great inaccuracies.

Become the "Golden Dragon"

Tsyu runic formula for lucrative clients is written on penny bills, like wearing a hamantzi, but they don’t pay for anything. At that hour, when the guard is moving, one should visualize the image of the golden dragon, on which the banknote is transformed and fly away.

Signs in the same runic position for getting clients and surpluses - Teyvaz + Algiz + Evaz + Dagaz + Mannaz + Inguz + Inguz + Laguz + Laguz, de:

  • Teyvaz works as a fighting energy, which makes the doors;
  • Algiz to serve as the protector of the intended goal. In the presence of all zazdrіsnikіv, zlomovtsіv and other unkind ones;
  • Dagaz is aimed at people, and tse means that the client will turn his respect for the goods or the service, the stench will begin to be like them.
  • Mannaz - this sign makes the person herself, like becoming;
  • Podviyny Inguz - the crown of the golden dragon;
  • Podvіyny Laguz - m'yaka zhіnocha force that calls wealth and with its charms, utrimuє yoga. Laguz, which is curving, will try to bring in a day, to secure a carefree life.

In this combination, it is like a person, so it is a woman’s energy, like a miraculously harmonizing with a well-folded runescript. After that, as having become the practice of your term, it is necessary to deactivate the banknote with fire, yakking the runes in front for help.

Rooney for successful business

The descriptions of runes for lucrative clients may be of great strength, but the stench is more suitable for a decent business, which brings a small surplus, and you want to increase your penny potik. Ale often says that you don’t go on the right, you don’t have a surcharge, but you need to pay for the rahunkami. I have a tendency to become stagnant, which is called "Mr. Luck".

Become "Mr. Luck"

Yak and the “Golden Dragon”, having become for the development of business, put it on a banknote and take it from the gamantsi.

Magic combination "Pan_ Luck" - Mannaz + Gebo + Algiz + Fehu + Laguz + Evaz + Teyvaz + Soulu + Єra, de:

  • Mannaz - the spirit of a person who has gone as far as the power of runes;
  • Gebo is a symbol of partnerships to attract trusted people, sponsors;
  • Algiz - protects from enemies, unkind people. Knowing clearly negative magical infusion and vіdbivaє be-like intrusion of negative magic;
  • Fehu - a symbol of pennies;
  • Laguz brings wisdom, chari. Tse attract a penny potik, but if business Laguz can “attract” new idea to be successful. It is possible that the business will change directly, and the best course of the idea, which is vinyl, will help Eyvaz.
  • Evaz, like a compass, pointing straight to the financial flow;
  • Teyvaz. human strength tsієї runi give energy, a person can easily endure a vise like a squeeze from the side of people, and from the side of life situations;
  • Era. The sign of this formula sounds like "cyclicality". In this way, having become vvazhayut stringless and pracyuє vіn doti, doki people do not deactivate themselves.

This runescript is also good for the team, who are only planning a business, and also for those who have not been able to stick their way through career gatherings for a long time. After activation, the robot will have a stream of changes at the back of the movement. Tse does not become just like that. For a career growth, Laguz and Evaz will try - they should be accentuated by the guards. They will give ideas for new projects. Zavdyaki їm lyudina bring to himself the respect of the authorities and kar'єra go uphill.

Rooney for the adoption of competitors

If the situation caught the situation, if the buyers began to go to the competitors, the runes needed additional help.

Having stood on the edge of the clients, their turn and morning will be called the “Golden Antelope”. They prescribe yoga on the visitor, but don’t tell anyone, but keep an amulet with you.

Became the Golden Antelope

Rooney for trading and attracting clients - Ansuz + Gebo + Fehu + Teyvaz + Tourisaz + Algiz + Soulu + Dagaz, de:

  • Ansuz was inspired by fresh forces in the image;
  • Gebo - tse zavzhdi mіtsnі i dovіrchi vіdnosinі, scho means novopridbanu dovіru kієntіv;
  • Fehu - income, sales;
  • Teyvaz with his man, with the warrior's strength against all superniks and vitrimae be a vise;
  • Turisaz means unacceptability and an important struggle, as if blocking Algiz;
  • Algiz is a defender of unkindness and opposition to competitors. Sob they didn’t stink - everything will be bred, right up to the negative magic splashes;
  • Soulu - tse symbol of exit to new rіven life, higher quality, as well as the successful completion of the conceived bajan;
  • Dagaz - dіє on people, zmusit competitors calm down. Lock Soul and complete the competition stage. Pіdsilit vihіd new rіvnya.

Well, it’s impossible to get along without Turisaz here, wanting often a person, like a virisha to run with runes to earn pennies from that client, skipping їє, vvazhayuchi indecent. Don’t forget that the struggle can still be, competition is the struggle. It is necessary to recognize the fact of її presence, and then secure for yourself and create more soft mind for supernativity.

All you need is the basic, ready formulas for getting clients. Having learned more about the Scandinavian magic and the rules for folding runescripts, you can create individual links for the accomplishment of any day.

Rooney for lucrative pennies and the flow of clients is stoked by popularity. How do you manage in business not to go uphill, trade to stand, profit to fall, the time has come to hurry to the help of the runes.

yak rooneyhelp business

Rooney, yakі vplyvayut with a stretch of right from the business:

  • Mannaz symbolize the people.
  • Gebo know іz spitting people, make connections.
  • Eyvaz working on the study of clients.
  • Fehu direct streams of penny energy and attract goods, win from trade.
  • Laguz I turn a person into a magnet for pennies.
  • Teyvaz wake up a person as a leader.
  • Algiz to learn how to correctly share the hour and win the natural resources.
  • Soulou to live the human energy for rush to the point.
  • Perth flattening eyes on ways to earn income.
  • Єra attracting new clients, making them permanent.
  • Dagaz transforming the situation, transforming it into a positive one.

Magicians-practitioners depict runic formulas for educating clients on paper or objects natural material. The rules for applying runes for business allow applying runescripts to the body. Runes for the best clients are painted on the left hand. Duplicate the runes of success on the paper and put a pillow under it, so that the energy of the runes would inspire more dreams, and that indoor blocks would be surrounded.

For a splash on navkolishniy svit the runes are painted on the right side of the body, so that they can pour into their future on the left.

Operator vikoristovu for drawing runes pen, olive or marker of red color. Under the hour of work with runes, they sometimes blame the body, it feels like it’s harder, or it’s easier to sway in the kіntsіvki.

The principle of working with runes to improve stats and the development of trade is not affected by spells from other life spheres. The operator can't stand on a competitor's photo or a business card of a super-company, as it costs to see them on the market. One's own photograph is won for getting pennies to oneself.

The runescript must be discussed and activated manually. The work of the runes manifests itself in the middle after one or two days. The results are left with the operator forever, navіt as soon as the rune is already lowered and neutralized.

Put on trade that profit

We induce formulas for successful trading and winning a lot of penny flows at once. Runi to attract new customers, increase the volume of goods and not to suffer in the face of severe competition.


The runic becoming "Mlyn" will help you to get a penny income in one or two months.

  • Soulou reminiscent of an object of energy, fluttering to the bone.
  • Fehu expanding the financial flow and gaining wealth for clients and wealth.
  • Dagaz transforms the setting to life and the sharpening of the object, so that a penny income, which has grown, harmoniously fitting into the head of the stage.

The operator draws the sign of milk on the arch paper and puts it into hamanets. An amulet for a gamantsa to accumulate the energy of pennies and be charged for getting to the banknotes of new "susidiv". The guard is not needed.

"Penny Mlyn"

The runic position "Penny Mlyn" is a guarded variant of the famous formula "Potriyna Fehu". Rooney roztashovuyut like a shovel of milk, the image attracts material goods, pennies and success. The runologist is small, standing on the hard material with a pen or a marker green color, discussing the increase in income and the need for a specific amount. Take the formula recommended by gamants.

The operator activates the imprinting amulet for the gamantsya with a spin, visualizes the overrun of pennies and the necessary income. The image is spinning after the year's arrow, thoughts are set on the flow of the financial flow.

Get a cash advance and clients

Chotiri Rooney enter the formula warehouse. The operator draws a lancet on paper, photos, doors of the office and shop.

  • Teyvaz add goodwill.
  • Uruz zsuvaє stoppages in trade from a dead point.
  • Odal guarantees the protection of the territory to the office and the store, vouching for the receipt of the profit and closing the position.
  • Soulou induce clients, granting prosperity and success.

for trade

This runny lancet vikoristovuєtsya for trade and sale. The image is recommended to be taken into a small bag with red oxamite or a seam at the work station.

  • The mirror is straight Fehu guarantee the supply of material goods.
  • Odal symbolizes trade and that seller.
  • Inguz attract customers, gifts that come.
  • Gebo privabluє nadіynih pokuptsіv and prіynih kієntіv.
  • Soulou help salespeople to look politely in front of customers.
  • Єra direct runestav, zmushuє runi pratsyuvati.
  • Raido open legal routes for trade.
  • Kano reminiscent of a penniless gamanets.

Set for business development

The help of runes is often needed by those who have been in trade for a long time and want to be afloat, but for newcomers, like little ones, they started right on the right and help to get clients, to need runic formulas.

Increased power

This runescript is pidide for work with physical objects in the sphere of trade, everyday life, the state of the country and indestructibility.

  • Odal expands the field for robots and symbolizes the borders of power.
  • Fehu raising a profit in the light of what a person already has in his own order, and also to count in a nice way to zastosovuvat zdibnosti.
  • Єra symbolizes the fruit of the object's work.

Success in business

Tsey runestav helps to grow in one's own business and learn to be feisty. For the help of runes, a person becomes disciplined and creative, not afraid to take on the goiter in front of others.

  • Teyvaz symbolizing the exercise of victory and awakening the will of the people, shaping the character.
  • Fehu help win the victory of people and guarantee a penny result.
  • Laguz awake "slightly better" that flexibility, which is necessary for the successful conduct of trade and the acquisition of customers.

Success in negotiations

Zv'yazki virіshuyut everything, make the right acquaintances and learn how to correctly behave during the hour of negotiations, helping the runescript.

  • Gebo attract need people, for the help of such people reach success.
  • Algiz vikonu zahisnu function.
  • Odal help to create a mіtsnu foundation for business.

Bet on liquidation of competitors

Not all practices are victorious and similar to runestavi, the rune operator’s shards lead to success, and competitors have a hard time. We have guided the formulas of building construction to the right of the enemy.

« Neutralize»

Runestav cleans up the infusion of competitors in the business and trade of the object. For the additional energy of the runes, a shield is vibrated, which, in turn, try to naughty children and negative influences.

  • Teyvaz symbolizes victory, bestows self-confidence, helps to take a leading position.
  • Soulou lead to the right to success and revitalize by becoming a sleepy energy.
  • Odal enhances the protection of your own ideals and protects against the approaches of competitors.
  • Uruz strengthen the special qualities of a businessman and ruin the minds of enemies.

"Close the road»

The operator is in charge of the photo of a competitor, otherwise it’s rich, for you to lie down.

  • Isa blocking the competitor's path for reaching the goal.
  • Raido symbolizes the way.

Against the moral pressure of competitors

Tsya formula protects the object from competitors and possible negative side. Brudni methodi vplyu for a moment of intrigue and psychological pressure will be neutralized.

  • Uruz protects the object from the negative.
  • Nautiz help to overcome the unacceptable period and protect the psychological calm.
  • Berkana protect a calm object.

Rooney for lucrative clients and pennies is even more popular, to the fact that stench will help you to get lucky and attract good luck on robots. Find out how to work so that luck turns to you as a guise of yaknaishvidshe.

At the article:

Rooney for getting clients and pennies

Rooney is a long-standing magic symbol, which is often the case. Ale zastosovuvatisya such taєmnі signs can be prepared, talismans, ordering special formulas.

Dosvіdchenі practices can independently fold the runіchnі put zaluchennya kliєntіv, attracting success from the robot. As you start your way, you can speed up with ready-made formulas.

Becoming a Golden Dragon

Do not varto underestimate the method, go to practice carefully. Aje incorrectly depicted symbols can lead to the fact that you do not take away the desired result. If you need to get clients and develop your business, then you can speed up in a runic way.

Such becoming is called golden dragon. You can depict the formula with a paper penny bill, after which you can trace it in your passport and gamants. Important: under the hour of activation, the formula must be revealed, as if it will transform into a golden dragon and act. Also, after reaching the goal, mark that after the completion of the work, it is necessary to papier with the inflicted formula to burn and to subdue the greater forces.

Usy є kіlka working runes, yakі you need:

  • Teyvaz- you can attract dobrobut, cats;
  • Algiz- not to let you find the right way, to protect you from inaccuracies on the way to the point;
  • Evaz- bring you to dobrobutu;
  • Dagaz- allow cardinally change life, attract pennies, clients;
  • Mannaz- symbolize the person itself;
  • Inguz(2 pcs) - wings of a dragon, є a symbol of wealth, as if you would come into the life of an individual without a hitch;
  • Laguz(2 pcs) - allows you not only to strengthen the potik pennies, but also to grow yogo postiynym, which will ensure the carelessness of life.

Rune for luck at the robot

If everything is not going well with you, business is not prospering, and hands are falling, then the time has come to go into magic. Vikoristovyte such a runic formula to turn the prosperity of your business.

Stavshi pani good luck

Krym tsgogo, such a runichny becoming to help you protect yourself from possible zazdrіsnikіv, unkindness. If you are not a private undertaking, then the whole one, having become more help, push through car'er gatherings, win the roztashuvannya of the authorities.

  • Mannaz- symbolizes an individual who has become shy.
  • Gebo- attract people who can help you, trusted partners, philanthropists.
  • Eyvaz- Take care of the influx of customers. Protects the individual himself from the unkind (magical and nematic attacks), and his business.
  • Fehu- Ruh pennies, prosperity.
  • Laguz- allows you to attract people to success, success. The individual has the ability to turn the most profitable project, and not to take on the skin, who, having got caught, will start to attract a penny, get better.
  • Teyvaz- Resilience in people, vpevnenist in the power forces.
  • Algiz- Do not allow people to “drive” themselves into robots, helping to plan the schedule correctly.
  • Soul- allows you to reach meti: the pinnacle of career gatherings, your own on the right, a successful business.
  • Perth- allow you to lose luck.
  • Air- don't give pennies and platform-promoting clients to drink from you.

This formula can be applied to the banknote. Important: don’t take it away from the gamantsa and keep it with you. Such a becoming obov'yazkovo required to speak with these words:

Come on Silius Rune, I will have a constant flow of penny clients, as soon as they come to me (you can add in the amount ... (number)), agree that the favor will be far away for both of us, I will be handy! Pennies are regularly paid for vikonnі robots/services/goods. I independently control and regulate the flow of clients. Let Rooney protect me from negativity, like on the physical plane, so on the magical, energetic, mental plane, let there be enough strength in the future to support my development.

Runic formulas for getting clients

For the help of some more runic settings, can you get paid-for-promoting clients? The golden antelope is just one more runichny becoming, which allows you to increase the number of clients. Chomu Vipadu has a rune Gebo symbolizes the militant partnership union.

Stavshi gold antelope

Manaz + 2 Fehu + Nautiz- to secure the appearance of serious, platform-promoting clients, as they will be ready to place a trivalent contract on their minds, as you will be vigilant.

Inguz- Stable spivpratsya, guarantees success.

Laguz + Raido + Nautiz + Turisaz (explain on another plan)- allow you to get around, be it inaccuracy and problems, bring them to stability.
By becoming such a victor, you can attract superior partners, platform-promoting clients, and improve your financial position. The formula is applied like on a special paper, so on pennies, and extinguished constantly with oneself.

This is a special formula for building success and success in business, and business customers. You should win the following symbols:

  • Ansuz- help people remember your company, work, don't let them forget about you;
  • Geboі Fehu- Convert people to those who need to turn themselves to you for help;
  • Teyvazі Soul- get pennies, help reach the bagan;
  • Algizі Turisaz- defend against competitors, approaches to enemies, possible inaccuracies;
  • Dagaz- Self-updating formulas.

It is possible to beat the formula even more, as the terms require pennies, it is necessary to bypass the competitors of the messenger. Signs are applied on a business card, or on the surface in that fall, as if you were victorious, you will be like an amulet. And here the formula is always worn with you.

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