Feminists, otherwise women are called, because they do not like people. Why does a woman not want a man? Causes

18 spring 2018

At the article you will know information about deaky terms, if you need to know everything, but you will not understand their meaning to the end. І the problem of dealing with different groups of the population. For example, how are women called, how not to love people? We'll talk about it later.

How are women called, how do they not love people?

And so women, if they don’t like people, they simply don’t need stench. Such women are called man-haters, or feminists. Basically, women are able to create a human warehouse for the character of that zvichki. For them, a person is a competitor, a supernik. Such a choice can grow like a child's head, so it can grow in maturity. From the children, you can be through the stosunki with the father, maybe, win її beating chi underestimating. Vtim, svіdomy vibіr tezh not varto write off s rahunkіv.

Such a woman will live her life in such a way that there were no people in a new month. She has a strong character; May your life be priorities and values. So the cause of hatred can be undivided kokhannya in school age, through the yak, the woman was angry at all people. After one moment, she formed a nasty thought about all people.

Feminist women do not have so much hatred garni vodnosiny with the opposite article. The women do everything in life themselves, they will make a career, they will care for children and they don’t need anything from a person’s state.

That is how women are called, how do they not love people?

smart people

Cholovіkіv chomus vіdlyakuyut sensible women. Maybe stink be afraid to look stupid in their eyes. Even if a woman wants to work better for a person, then yoga starts. The men who sing are spitting on these women, as if they are foolish for them. Vihodyachi z ogo, richly someone does not know the correct visnovok about those who are more like bad women.

However, sensible people are worthy of a weak position. Aje z such zavzhdi є about what to talk about and what to discuss. With them, you will not be boring and gloomy. In a twisted situation, a sensible person takes the confidence on himself, and a weak one - shifts to a woman. A sensible person can speak kindly and correctly, talk about his wife, show her innocence before her, maybe cheer up and raise moods, maybe bestow that kindness, but more than that, if you know how to solve problems, take care of yourself.

A reasonable person is praised by another person, and not only by oneself, it is not belittling and imaginable, it is showing respect. We love and love ourselves, and our wife. How is a woman called, how to love smart people? They are called sapiosexuals.

Womanizer, axis vin hto

Yes, people, like to love a lot of women and girls. Why so vіdbuvaetsya? Ninі tse already like a sickness chi epidemic. Not the skin of a man is a building value and love a woman, її beauty, character. He has no understanding about the correct relationship, wines do not understand the senses between a man and a woman, do not know what they stink about. For a new woman - toys. Vіn koristuєtsya them with a method.

In the greatest life of a person, the image of stosunkiv is taken from the stosunks of their fathers. Well, vin often changes women, it means that vin himself indulges in happiness. How is a person called, who loves a lot of women? Such people are called womanizers, womanizers. Such a lad does not need a single girl, for you and so well that kindness.

To change such a person, it is necessary for a woman to show her love, her turbota, her lowliness, how can these women be on a different level, fidelity and wisdom, wisdom and povaga. A sensible man of wisdom, that such a woman cannot be admitted.

Women at the Vic

Not all men love young girls, even though they love older women. Tse cholovіki, yakі joking calmly. Even women of the older age are more streaming and adequate. Stink to know what people want, for them stosunki are important. The stinks do not rule the stage of jealousy and do not sway the partner of the unimaginable. Such women are calm, on the lookout for young people, as if they are emotional. The stench accepts a person like this, like a wine, with a lot of it, they don’t try to change it.

Older women can value their partner and be wise. The stinks do not play yoga with their feelings, but, on the contrary, they show mutual respect. Therefore, a lot of young lads are robbed of themselves in the image of a woman of an older age, even if they save their family's fire, appreciate and respect their own person, be virna yoma, hope and vdyachna for everything.

Shukaemo mom

People, like choosing their own women from the capital, are psychologically immature, bezporadnі, nevpevnenі in their own way or quarrelsome lads, like they are joking with their “mother”. Ale, such a couple will not be together for a long time. How are people called, how do they love old women? This type of people is called gerontophiles. As a rule, such stosunki are trimmed for the rahunok vigodi, like a young lad. Mostly it's a penny, to the one who himself can't secure for himself.

Ale buvaє th such, that the woman simply priblyuє she befits, without the usual ugly thoughts. Andzhe є zhіnki, yakі spying on themselves, stink spying at their 40 not older, lower young at 20-25, not yet forgotten about the powerful knowledge and wisdom.

Now readers know how women are called, how they do not like people and others. Aje in to the current world qi knowledge will be brown.

There are more and more people in the world, who are encouraged to start a family, people to have children and have sex. They are called asexuals to generations of X.

Sociologists and marketers know about generation X, how they call people, the people of different lands in the period from 1965 to 1982. This term has become more widespread in the United States to describe a generation, having fallen on a sharp demographic decline in the aftermath of the sexual revolution.

Asexuals don't care about biological features or physical differences, they just don't stink about sex. I don't destroy pornography. Women's breasts for asexuals are less than a part of the body, and intimacy - if you can speak sloppily from a kimos to a sweatshirt. Sexopathologist, doctor of medical sciences, scientific researcher at the Moscow Center for Sexopathology Rostislav Beleda rozpovidaє: “It's a great pity, people become asexuals more often. In the rest of the hour, the number of Daedalus will increase more.”

Sociologists support generation X of the advancing group.

1 "Singletony", but are the same. Tse people who have sex, but do not want to start a family. In the extreme mood, the stench can give birth to a child for themselves. Or get a dog.

2 "Beavers", but workaholics. They are inspired by family values ​​for the sake of kar'єri and pennies. You don't like sports, but be active. Spend a lot of time on the Internet. In order to fill empty life, one often buys obscene speeches. "Beavers" sometimes unite in a bet. Ale is not for intimate stosunkiv, but for supporting the image. “We will see that rich people are crying too,” Rostislav Beleda told. - Me, for example, one patient said: “Rostislav Vasilovich, well, such a person is needed for me, who comes and seems to have earned 1.5 million this year.

3 "Meteliki". Intellectual elite, hope of the nation, how to deprive yourself of offspring. The stench flies without a turbo from place to place. To love to read and to raise the price. Change the order to take. I go in for sports. play on musical instruments. Buy everything new and best.

4 "Blue Panchoks". Stylish feminists, vegetarians, yoga dancers and parties. They dabble in astrology. View galleries. Spend a lot of time watching TV. I have a good idea, what friends support better, lower family.

Generation X is convinced that sex is a viable choice. Asexuals are not truly peopled, they are becoming. Actually, this is not a good choice, but the result of serious psychological problems.

The cause of asexuality may be the first sexual experience, which is traumatic. Marina, a patient of a sexopathologist, recounts that she has been married for 18 years. The man drank a lot of beer, and the friend's shoes were rudely swishing. For five years sleepy life Marina did not try anything, oh god. “Forever drinking is drinking. Surely, there is no such place. So, flatten your eyes, and everything seemed to fade away, so that you could see it. More, scorched, nothing, ”says Marina.

Marina grew up as a man and for over 20 years she became alone. Vaughn swung her son herself. The mustache of the choloviks is pinning on the roots. Marina insists that she won’t need intimate votives: “I don’t need any votives, and so you can take satisfaction. Satisfied richly: i theater, i cinema.

Asexuality develops and in the wake of the lame statuary links. Having tasted everything early, a person quickly takes an interest in sex.

Another reason is the transcendental propaganda of sex on television, in newspapers and magazines. Nav'azlivі please, de, s kim, like and if you have sex, do not deprive the space for your own fantasies that experience. Vinikaє bazhannya resist the annoying intrusion into the intimacy of life.

5. Vіchnі children. Asexuals become and have a pіdlіtkovu vіtsі. The reason is the early separation of the father in chi suvore resurrection. Asexuals, as a rule, suffer from selfishness. The stench does not tell about his experiences to fathers and fellows of the same age. Be afraid that they will not be understood. “Girls can develop a primary state of coldness from childhood, sexual life for them does not play an equal role,” says Rostislav Beleda.

Psychologists vvazhayut, scho to life on their own tyazhіyut people, yakі not zumіli grown up. As a rule, the stench grew in comfort, but they themselves did not want to talk about anyone. It is fashionable for modern society to be forever young, successful, mothers of garden houses and to rise in price a lot. Sim'ya and po'yazanі z it ob'yazanі z'їdaet youth, vіdvolіkayut vіd sspіhu, іt psuyut designer's inter'єr і resort vіdpochinok.

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Marvel at the dovkola: the majestic number of families is falling apart. Every once in a while, people get separated during a lot of rokiv, spent together, children. The reason for this is often the extinguishing of a great passion, feeling that emotion. Let's get right down to the bottom, romanticism between a man and a woman, they start welding, scandals, they have problems with their sexual life. The simplest thing is to separate, where the folding is not just to save your family, but to turn a lot of warmth and passion at the stosunka. Let's try to find out the answer to the question, why the woman does not want a man, why in a friendly couple the fire of addiction is so quickly extinguished.

About friendly shoes

The intimate side is one of the most popular warehouses. Deyakі priymayut like shackles, forgetting about the one who showed love, tenderness and predilection for each other. The presence of sexual intimacy between a man and a woman will sooner or later become the cause of their remoteness, one kind of one. Scandals start at the same time, which are accompanied by mutual claims and almost one by one.

Obviously, you can know this way, de man does not show affection and respect for a woman. But most of all, the very representative of the beautiful state, ignoring the mustache of that person’s tensions. Itself through the woman, the problems of the sexual life of partners are most often repaired. The first axis is here, and there is food, why the woman does not want a man. Actually, the reasons may be impersonal.

First show carelessness

How did you start to understand, what did your friend get stuck with the problem? If a woman hides her unfortunate person with all the powerful witches, then, head bіl or filth self-feeling, from an enviable regularity, the hour to beat on a flash. A lot of couples, the problem just closes up, a person starts shukati those that are not taken away at home, for. And at that very moment, the girl gives a crack. At the same time, do not bring it to the point, obov'yazkovo to sort out the reasons for what is happening, and try to achieve harmony and mutual understanding in your homeland.

Physiological characteristics of the female organism

I have a thought about those that physical proximity is not important for women, like for people. Possibly, the same cim i can explain the problems of rich families. Why do women want less, less people? Nutrition may have a physiological and psychological character. like in humans, so in women, testosterone is present in the body, and yet another hormone, prolactin, is found in the female body. The hormonal background of a woman is far from the ideal, often under the influence of numerical stress, in the absence of sleep, under the hour of menstruation, a hormonal imbalance occurs, which is powerful for the human body.

As sharp drops in mood, tearfulness, dramatization, and being so close to a person, be of a short-hour nature, there is no cause for concern. Ale often ask for advice on food, why a woman does not want a man, she wants to be richer.

The reason for this may be recent welding between friends. A woman in such a rank gives her partner an understanding that he can again win his pretentiousness for additional care and affection. Why do women want to cook a man? Everything is simpler: because of the nature of women, they want to smell warmth, turbota, love. For most of them, sex is sensible, for that at the moment the stench wants to feel as much as possible in love with that bazhanimi.

Vagity and curtains

If you want to read the stories of rich families, you can grow visnovoks, that most of the problems in the sexual life of friends begin the very moment the child appears. After a gradual hormonal fluctuation, the process is characterized by prolactin production. The hormone itself, or rather, it is above the world in place in the female organism, blocks ovulation and, as a result, reduces physical intake. What is the function of the female organism, what will it benefit I will repeat the pregnancy. Prolactin required to the female organism for a complete renewal, even more canopies for a new majestic stress. It is necessary to take control of this hormone, even if it is not the case, it can lead to the development of plump newborns.

Problems in the robotic thyroid gland

Why does a woman not want a man? Reasons can be justified. Chi for a long time did you change the state of the thyroid gland? Even problems in the robot itself can be the cause of Obov'yazkovo consult with a specialist in nutrition, if necessary, take an analysis and go through a comprehensive diet.

Psychological problems

The history of rich families begins with roses about my raging youthfulness, regular sex and hygienic pulls one to one. Zvichayno, pobut, narodzhennya dіtey, problems zі zdorov'yam can znachitsya on sexual life, moreover, dosit negatively. But sometimes, for the solution of the problem, it is necessary to get professional psychologists.

Let's think about those why a woman does not want to live with a man, and not spend specious nights with him. Without a doubt, she had accumulated numerous claims and images, as if she could not expect a positive reaction from a person or a partner. Often, a woman becomes the handmaid of her psychological state, falls into a state of depression, and without any outside help she definitely does not vibrate.

Pragnennya cholovіka to sexual intimacy is framed by the physiological features of his body, and inspire his emotional state. Often a man wants to finish his wife after a raging welding. For a woman, the physical closeness of us to the front is zoomed in by the emotions of a person. It’s unlikely that she wants to be close if she senses figurative words at her address. Navpaki, as a person to create a comfortable mind, to show his love and tenderness once again, then only to increase sexual indulgence.

For a woman, the greatness of the dialogue, spiritual closeness with a partner, Look, the lower dotik, biased kisses, small joys and nice surprises - all this will help the woman to find a good life and normalize the sexual life of partners.

We tried to give an open reply to the question, why the woman does not want a man, scientific opinions. However, this topic continues to be of interest to many sexologists. The stench does not blame the coldness of the woman's pull in the face of a number of factors. І axis scho їm managed to reveal.

It has been proven that dark chocolate will increase sexual cravings. And all the zavdyaki will replace dopamine and bioflavonoids, which make blood circulation. If you want to open up your kohana, indulge in chocolate before lovemaking. Ale є іnd іnshіy bіk medіlі: vchenі poslі nіїnіh pіslja vosluzheny vyvezhen, scho rich zhіnok zamenuyut sex іn chocolate, tim themselves compensating yogo yоgo ogo I'm missing. It is important for that to know the world and live only hot chocolate.

The woman positively pours dry red wine into the woman's sexual desire. Vono, again, I expand the judgment and stimulate blood flow. Ale superficially, the introduction of alcohol can give a beneficial effect. Well, it’s clear, it’s activating that sound of red wine. If you want to bring newness and cicada into your sexual life, try dressing yourself in a red-haired red dress.

Dumka experts

We tried to answer questions about why the woman does not want a man. Cause Olena Malisheva to take care of things in others, and herself - in So, we really forget about those that sex can bring satisfaction not only to people, but to women. It is important to state that few women in our country and in our world do not take away the necessary satisfaction from sexual life.

It’s rich why the women themselves are guilty, they don’t put their bazhannya at the forefront, to please their partner. Such a position is fundamentally not true, to produce serious and irreparable consequences. Zreshtoy, tse vydpovіd on the question, why the woman does not want a man. What is the job of this guy? The solution of the problem can unequivocally be opened from the door of the move. Partners without the least litter of anger are to blame for one to one their perevaga, indulgence, it is possible, to inspire naytaєmnishi. Tse become the first step on the way to mutual satisfaction. Well, then try to give one to one more respect, to keep your body on the presence of erogenous zones.

Problem Solving

As soon as you know the answer to the question of why a woman does not want a man, the solution to the problem can be negligible. No matter how marvelous it didn’t sound, far from all women can be called to close the door of a rose with their man, that one can be known at their own bazhannyah, their satisfaction can be far from skinny. Alecey krok is simply necessary. Start from small, from small short spans of arcs to a friend. For consumption, get professionals. Remember those who, with the attainment of absolute one by one, the normalization of sexual life, you can turn your family's love, trust, mutual understanding and normalize the microclimate.


Sexual life of partners - the topic is pedantic, at the same time stupidly recounting its significance. Just mutually, mutually intelligible, making friends by age one to one, regular sex and satisfaction can become a guarantee of mіtsnyh and trivaly stosunkіv. Do not shut up the problems, they need to be dealt with, until the situation is out of control. Be one to one more respectful, tolerant.

"I don't want sex!" - such a slanderous sound of roses and roses often sound on women's thematic forums. It’s a pity, to finish the great woman’s head at the singing moment, attaching interest to sexual life, which is invariably negatively signified on the head of a man.

Even more often, so that the women don’t cry, the women of the michka endure unbearable sex, in such a rite they pretend not to portray a person, or simply spit their eyes on the daily craving for an intimate life, calming themselves down, there’s nothing special in it, you don’t have to trap. Ale, how could it not be there, woman, in the head of which I would like to periodically blame the thought “I don’t want sex” as a whole, there are psychological, social and physiological problems.

However, it is necessary to remember that a woman's interest in sex will soon become obvious to a man, so I won't be able to intervene with you access to your body. All the same, sex is not only a process of anger, but an intense exchange of emotions. A woman, who doesn't want sex, often becomes massive and learns to know a couple of women before her, so that there is no intimacy. People, without regard for today, I will show tovstochkirist, in such nuns they are completely penetrating. Tim is bigger loving people, stink to express the state of the emotions of your partner and ignorantly go to visnovkiv. And visnovok їhnіy simple - I їy nabrid otherwise she knew something else. Men rarely think about more subtle reasons, they are not able to criticize their actions and often do not feed women about the reasons for their thoughts. His vysnovok is straightforward and uncompromising, and after he accepts a person, he often changes his attitude to a woman and behavior, which does not help him solve the problem, but even more її posilyuyuchi.

“I don’t want sex” - I’ll ring again in the woman’s brain, and I’ll immediately ask for food: why? For many reasons, a woman is forced to have sex with a close person.


Even more often the woman's head is filled with some kind of butt problems, working moments, gospodaryuvannya that vyhovannyam children. One side of life takes a mountain over our sexuality, wears our body and our emotions. Coming home, a woman to work at home, do it, and the only єїї bazhannyam will fall without back legs and fall into good sleep. For an hour, she really gets a headache due to the accumulation of problems, weakness and malice can appear. In such a time, the saying “I’m tired, I want to sleep” is absolutely true and, moreover, it’s true. Ale cholovik, perhaps, not less languishing, all the same, it helps to discharge, and the wives to pretend yogo.

What is the job of such a time? The manager of the woman should understand that the very naughty pace of life zmushuє її do not want sex. It is even more important to explain to the people and to propagate you to win this moment with good susilly, or to allow you to take the initiative to your own hands. Samy shortest way- change of situation. Believe me, it’s a sense to leave children for granny and didusiv, take a ticket for a robot and leave for another hour in another place, village, in the forest for mushrooms or on a river for fishing.

Day of satisfaction

On the other hand, the partner is assigned to be a human being with the right sex giant, to bring her to the peak and deprive her of the fact that she is in love with Bazhan. Ale z rocky sex transforms into friendly shoes. People become more lazy and want to go right to the right once, without worrying about the preparation of a partner program and I will be enough to satisfy you. Insanely, stupidly rubbing two bodies without satisfaction, the woman is given an absolutely marvelous thing, and she loses interest in sex.

What is work? Virishuvati nutrition rosemary. Abo be cunning and first twenty hvilin not to let people pass without a middle to the state act. Play yoga, try to take yoga's hand in yours and treat yourself in the right place. Try to play it for yourself, and yoga, to turn sex too much addiction.


“I don’t want sex, that’s why it’s good, good, but it happens often,” the girls explain. At this time, madly, to occupy the cohannis, they are interested. Especially traplyatsya, as in partners of different sexual appetites. For example, women have enough 3 times a day, and people want a day. Also, part of sex becomes a real problem, as it replaces other spheres of sleep: love, bonding with friends, romance. One, partly, you won’t be having sex. It is not surprising that a woman begins to think that a person needs sex only for her and is forced to do it for another hour.

What work? Go for a compromise. Here, the initiative can also be two-sided, and the solution to the problem can begin to be reversed. It is important to simply spend an hour of satisfaction, but without lying. As Marilyn Monroe said: "Sex is the greatest step of intercourse, not the replacement of intercourse."

Sim's atmosphere

As in this case, everything goes shortly, then women in sex become fully primed. For example, a woman looks at the negative that she looks like a person, or she herself ceases to look up to a new positive emotion, she’s happy that she’s fading away, and in the process of solving other problems, the couple doesn’t converge at glances, sometimes sexually life is not controlled.

What a job: as a discord, becoming not only in a lie, but in the world, it’s a sense to carry out a serious rozmovu and put all the specks over the i. It is possible, on the right, to go to separation and absolutely stupidly to value one another in the moral and physical plan.

I don't want sex - such a problem, sometimes it's not more of a psychological nature, but it's also a problem. If you categorically do not understand the reason for the negligence of having sex, you may feel free to consult a qualified sexologist and psychologist for advice.

I don't want sex: video

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