I do not understand the behavior of a person. Psychology of people: How to understand a person and yoga behavior. Signs that a person loves a girl

Dosi guessing the death of a young man? Be respectful of the behavior of a person. What changed in the last hour? Can you become more respectful or romantic? Perhaps, being jealous of other people? In our article, we are aware of the 8 most widespread signs of human stagnation in behavior. You know everything about the psychology of human behavior.

Vіn pragne grows heroically in our eyes. For example, vryatuvati granny z-pіd kolіs avtomobilіl, sho proїzhdzhaє, but it's better to be, scho yogo in the eyes of the kohanoi on the coming rіven. As if you commemorated similar heroic signs in an inconspicuous speech, it’s worth talking about those that, perhaps, wine is beyond your reach.

Become romantic

The character of the new one changes in softness. Vіn do not allow yourself to raise your voice to the kohana, becoming in order with it “bіlim and puffy”, without respect for the black belt in karate, which is in the new one. Moreover, with other wines, behave like a vigilante, perhaps, more zhorstkish. І tіlki z vіn just “tane”. Allow yourself to “dissolve” like this, a person can allow himself, as much as true suffocation.

Zakohany lad more respectful to the needs of his kokhanoy. The new one has a memory, intuition and other organs are sensitive. Vіn obov'yazkovo vporaєtsya, chi zruchno їy, chi is pleased with the choice of the restaurant, constantly chimes with similar dribnitsa. Vіn want dbati i, vlasne, tse rob already.

A dead man's behavior changes on the side of a greater wind in the dark. Wine is constantly singing, whistling, resting in the present mood. And even if you fall in love with yoga, your emotions and zovsim can go wild.

Change the distance

Navitt as a person to be ashamed to look, You will always be able to understand that the guilt of dying, like the wine is trying to be closer to you.

Trying to get closer to the object of one's passion, spend the dawn to the field. Vіn rob tse specially, but even more so, so that your maneuvers went unnoticed. If a woman is able to posterigate, then obov'yazkovo commemorate the mustache and nibito "vipadkovі" zustrіchі, zіtknennya melancholy.

You want to spend the whole hour trimming її at the field of dawn. You commemorated at the sleeping company at the evening, which you know, friend of a colleague does not stare at you, and constantly spend your eyes on your field, do not hesitate, more for everything, wine dies.

Vіn always catch your glance. Tse naigolnisha is a non-verbal sign of yoga kokhannya. As if youma could look away at the vechi, try to laugh. Vin is supposed to be read on your eyes, as you put yourself up to something. More wine to love to look at the object of your pull, when you look at it, it becomes forged and crumbles the body of a woman - smartly and respectfully.

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The person tries to hit you. Believe me, as a woman doesn’t get used to, people don’t hesitate to think, take it by the waist, let’s say, to let it through at the door. Tilki z beauty, scho vouchsafed, the stink of doing such a rank.

A person gets better at talking with a kohana. The sleeping company tries to talk to her, start a rosemary. As if she had given him her phone number, you can often call, often ask where to go. Yogo rozpiraє vіd pochutіv, i vіn, zvichayno, if you want to keep order with kohanoy. Moreover, yoga calls will be without special leads.

The dead man does not hesitate to introduce the kohana woman to his friends and we know, especially, as we already know that he is almost inseparable. So you don't mind getting to know your relatives.

Learn to tell a woman about herself

If you want, you’ve recognized it and, with the help of this method, you can start talking about kickboxing and other main principles about quoting nickel on the stock exchange - about everything you need to say about kickboxing yourself. And if the woman showed even a little interest in these hoarse hoots, then we call you to suffocate and, perhaps, tell you about your childishness and to practice yoga with your mother.

The axis is already to reach the high bar of yoga trust you and, practically, proof of yoga love. Also, you are encouraged to laugh at the kohan woman and tell her a lot of comedy tales from your life full of enemies.

Ale, with the help of wine, do not rattle without a croak, like a parrot, but cluck likewise to life. Aja zakokhanomu cholovіkovі wants to know about the subject of his predilections literally everything.

If you tell the truth, then the suffocation of a person will not interrupt you. Youmu tsikavo everything you say. We are more tolerant of hearing, so that your story will be long and never-ending. Until then, you remember a lot of information that you told me about yourself. І s nagoda obov'yazkovo speeds up with her. For example, remember that you love wine and watch yoga in restaurants, or ask to see your love for movies.

More sprat brown colors How to recognize a dead young man on this video:

Get ready to help your dog

You won’t be advised, you’ll be true, you know that there are inconspicuous reasons for widowing at її prokhanni. Shvidshe for everything, you want to know, so that the woman asked for yoga about it.

To that, if you need additional help, and a person from the joy of working for you, it means that wine is definitely beyond you. And even then people don’t like to work hard at the principles, and they will work less for people who value the truth. Everything is for the sake of earning your trust, and for the kokhan the girl respected that you can swear on him. Vіn want to be the best for her.

It is obov'yazkovo to know the time for your wife. If you want to learn how to work on a robot, then all the same you will come in the evening to play with her.

Get better

For example, you can throw a fire after a rich experience. Moreover, it will be easy for you to separate with shkidlivimi zvichkami, with a splash of love to pass painlessly and naturally.

Vіn navіt ready to see your friends, as if it was a good evening for a dog maiden, to take your dog to the veterinarian. Zagalom, її interesi now become the main ones and overshadow friends and inspire close and relatives for an hour.

Even earlier, the moment did not give special respect to the authorities old look, then now, in order to be worthy of your kochanіy, you start to shine today, put on beautiful shirts, put on clothes, however, scarves. It starts with perfume novelties and human cosmetics. Possibly, sign up with the sports section. Such an improvement is to say, what people are for whom to learn.

Pragne with military strength to material well-being. Tse stosuetsya us in front of grown-up people. Aje wine is now dying and spodіvaєtsya, zvichayno, scho stosunki become serious and stable, and for this you need a good material base. It is important to him that youmu needs a lot of pratsyuvati at once, so that your homeland did not know the needs of the future.

A person begins to follow his promo. As a practice, you should use the slyusar at the factory and the main ones in your lexicon and obscene folk phrases and phrases, you should use them when you learn to live with you.

All details about non-verbal cues the one that the person suffocated.

Like a person of friendship, win more and more of your feelings. Prote є, yakі obov'yazkovo yogo vydadut.


Vіn pilno stezhitime for your skin croque, especially, as the warehouse of the character of the new one. A new man has wicked vlasnitsky instincts, and he, obviously, tries to protect his wife from the “encroachment” of outsiders.

It’s bad to endure the suffocation of the principle, as instructed from the yogo kokhan woman to turn around like a man, to wind up like a pratsyuete at once and to be brought to work.

Navit as a person taєmno zakokhany, yogo vіdchutya obov'yazkovo know vyhіd. In addition, having drunk you with the support of other people, we can become zhorstkishim, draitivly or rossiyanim.

Zdijsnyuє marvelous, inadequate vchinki

Deyakі cholovіki, yakі mayut yakіs complexes, can behave wonderfully and inappropriately like a woman, in a yak zakohani. They can show the coldness of the chair, the tightness of the joint, they can allow themselves to be slandered at the same address, little ones. Tsezh sposіb, even if it is your own, to gain respect for yourself.

How often a person is ruined in a rose, speaks erroneously, swindles the thread of roaming, nervous - it is a clear sign that you are boasting, and it means that a woman is fit for you.

A man to work like a tin, in order to streamline his zovnіshnіst. Beginning to chop off the drank from the jacket, smoothing the hair, rob more like a dії. So, instinctively urges to cheer up in front of you, fluff up feasts. You can go up to the mirror, straighten the bed just a little.

Another sprat is a sign of a dead person on the video:

If a person is rightly dying, it will be almost impossible for him to remember. Yakshcho, obviously, wines are not practiced by roses and all life is relativly masquerading. It will be more foldable here, but in other times, the mustaches of the people die approximately the same, to the fact that their instincts collapse.

Nutrition for a psychologist

More than two years ago, I got to know each other on a dating site. Listuvannya happened in different periods, then we actively talked, then we suddenly disappeared, then after a moment we inadvertently write "Hello, how are you doing?" I was more specific with him and wrote to you about myself the whole truth. Ale three months ago, becoming a turning point, we began to correspond more actively. And the rest two last call one to one. (I’ve been separated, I’ve lived a bad life with a man, I’ve beaten me. It’s already passed this fate after separation. then we got into trouble. Alone, de bulie kissed that hug. Win pressed me to myself, and I said to you that I’m good at once, that it’s scary to instill, that it’s possible to be like that. May I have good eyes. Because of which I called a taxi, kissed me and I went. Two days without calling me. I wanted to call before them 10 times a day. Yesterday I was already busy at work and missed one yogo of not receiving calls, Let's inform you on Skype why I don't know I agree. I called you back, but I didn’t answer. I wrote to you a reminder that I was too busy. Then I picked up a few more times, and then I didn’t win. I scored yoga after 2 years, and I'm going to repeat it again. I wrote to you on skype "do you specifically ignore me?" Vіn nothing so and not vіdpovіv, although earlier than me zavzhd vіdpovіd. What happened, why vin so-so having begun to lead. Before that, we broke all those rozmovi and vin saying that I’m already ready before the creation of this serious vіdnosin. I have been flying all day in the dark, but at the same time I feel like I’m scribbled. I've been crying for two days without interruption, I can't sleep. At the breasts, everything is pressed and it hurts. How to get me?

Vіdpovіdі psikhologists

Hello Yana!

Better yet, your mind will feel that experience, like a woman.

I veered my opinion on your request and at the same time I boast that it can help your experience, that irritating hope is ochіkuvannya.

Ale hto advances, that ozbroєny.

How often do I respond to your inquiry "How can I be a good man?" - Vidpovim briefly. Forget that life away. Blame the evidence from this acquaintance to grow the visnovka and vrahuvati on the future step:

1. Dating sites are a way to get to know each other, to choose the right one for the first time.

2. Zustrich or zustrich tse zasib in order to understand what you want to continue your acquaintance with.

3. Prodovzhennya znayomstva tsey zasіb dіznatisya one closer and more quickly and take a decision about the cob vіdnosin without goiter or even with goiter. How to shrug off offending parties. To that bazhannya can be blamed unilaterally.

The easiest test to understand what a person wants. Tse marvel at yoga vchinki: " For two days I didn't call me ... I didn't hear anything."

not in words: To what we were raised by all those roses vin saying sho already ready before the creation of those serious vіdnosin. ".

Already for the behavior of yoga in the listing "The listing was three times different periods, then we were actively collaborating, then we suddenly disappeared, then in a moment we inadvertently write" Hello, how are you doing? "- you can work first visnovki:

Maybe in life you can actively talk, disappear sharply, and then, through the night, inadvertently pick up the phone and ask "How are you doing?" And for no reason whatsoever, goiter and nothing is guaranteed to you.

On the site, behind the great rachunka, people behave like a life.

I would like to tell you, it’s good, that you only had one zustrich, shards after a lot of zustriches, because of this you should behave with wives, We would b “die on the whine”. And vibratisya would be more foldable ...

And the instruction is good, so as not to be enchanted, it is important not to be enchanted.

Instructions є, that follow їy smoothly ...

Women of nature are creative and often smart at home to show the image of a man in their own way, like a wine shaking his hand, then a gentleman, giving a ticket, then respectful and dbailivy ... and so on.

Є such a fever on this topic: “Vasya wrote to Masha “hello!” Masha in my dreams already lived for a new marriage and gave birth to 2 children”

It would have been funny, the yakby would not have been so summarily.

Yana. You are a sensitive, romantic woman, it's wonderful!

Just learn how to crumble properly in the windows, and in the real ones, not in the virtual ones (not in fantasies, but in real life and in the windows)

Talk more often, for full-time acquaintance .... Be careful good people(at first glance) marvel at the farther behavior, vchinki, do not hurry to work the whiskers.

I, obviously, try to walk on the ground, and not "Fly in the dark"

Litati good ... fall more painfully!

I’ll give “pardons” if a woman has received an unacceptable message from one person, she starts to be afraid of others, and vvazhat ALL SUCH.

People are all different, and among them is the one with whom you can be especially happy, don’t be smutty! Continue to know, chat, talk ... "water-creaming grains from the floor"

I wish you happiness in a special life!

Nakaznenko Svitlana Petrivna, psychologist Ust-Kamenogorsk

Garna vіdpovіd 4 Pogana vіdpovіd 1

Hello. Yana You can’t tell people your feelings after three acquaintances. robiti visnovki. Three months of acquaintances will give you a picture of what is happening. At this point, it is important not to lie in the form of twinks, but to lie only in oneself. Be positive and lively. like suffocating blues, not love. So your setting to the situation can lead you to hell mental trauma navit on an empty space. Do not seem to be talking about stosunki. To that, think to yourself and do not be such an overconfident person, if you have not actually been accused of anything. seek help.

Karataev Volodymyr Ivanovich, psychologist of the psychoanalytic school Volgograd


Vіn pіshov to іnshоїMashі, having become more worthy of Petya. Vіn buv is beautiful in all vidnosinah as a person, endowed with only one nedolіk -. And, obviously, she was a savage vixen for Masha’s relish: she sawed the beautiful Petya steadily, didn’t give him any sleep, didn’t give him a break, stunned him to practice and wear a mammoth in a booth and singly put on his shirts. Masha began to attack Petya: bring pies to youmu, it takes a lot of time to prepare such a squad, give gifts to youmu, help with the robot, sell beer on Fridays. Petya was full of satisfaction. In order for Yogo to be loved, it was not necessary for Yoma to be a prince, it was enough to “stand here and try sexuality”. However, after a month of such a relaxed life, Petya voiced that he should love the shrew squad and turned to her.
Visnovok: It doesn’t sound trite, but after all, he’s a man of thought, and not a lowering of a domestic whale. I need a stimulus for mammoth species and life tonus. It’s not necessary to pamper a person.

Don't call Masha met Petya at the club. They exchanged phones, danced, sang. Petro honestly told me to call tomorrow. The bright tomorrow did not have a call from Petya. Yak and the day after tomorrow. Masha was worried, feeling “wrong” to herself, shed tears (Petya was more painful than her). The hero is less for tyzhdeny saying that he has practiced a lot. Actually, Petya is more generous at the club. Masha was honored with you, and with all the cocktails and nightly trips, he wanted to take care of her. From the wound, Petya opened a hamanets and revealed nothing there. Vіnіchogo pererahuvіv i zrozuіv, scho until the advance payment still tidzhen. And the wine is a person and can’t show up for a reprimand to the garnoy Mashі zovsіm, axis and vichikuvav.
Visnovok: Set yourself a place for a man. Think about what you can not call. Assess yourself - so beautiful, well, how can you not? Mabut, schos trapilosa.

Vіn don't give vouchers and gifts Masha lives with Petya for a whole month already. Petya, a lot of standard human beings are short, such as hair in their noses, a small salary and scarves in all cloaks can only be one filthy specialty. Petrik not to wear the suits to the house. Zhodnih. Not a million red trojans, not a fuzzy gladiolus. And Masha is addicted as much as she wants. Beautiful, red and sob all over the house, so you can’t go straight. If at dawn there were stosunkivs, if the stench lived together not for a whole month, but for the whole day, Masha really wanted to be special. And especially the women, on the other hand, they don’t like people, Masha said to herself and told Petya, who tried to differentiate the brand of flora, which she tried to please the woman’s wife. From that hour, Petya virishiv gave Masha chocolates. Masha always loved chocolates and never got inspired by them. Even all women love chocolates. Visnovok: A person can be misinformed by you especially from your nearest sharpening. But just don’t guess what you want, but it’s possible, you can’t live without it. The simplest way to clear the mind is to just talk.

Vin frowns like a thundercloud. Petro had already slept for three evenings when he came home, gloomy because of the gloom. Burkne at the entrance: "Hello, so, I'll be borscht" - and run to the TV. Don’t make yogo sex with sex, don’t make chops with meatballs, don’t melt yoga heart with football. І to all "How are you doing?" only to see. “Having fallen out of love, how to drink, give - having fallen in love!” - Mashka stated that she was formed. In fact, Petya took off on the robot a terrible dog in the form of ceramics. I am a healer of no filth. It’s just that curiosity didn’t get up on those legs. І Petya, having said at home in his heart: “I’m crying, I’ve come across!”. And having taken away a friend’s dog from Masha, it’s not її royal right to form the family budget. From and shutting up Petko, only the TV set and the whale will understand.
Visnovok: It’s not enough for us to have PMS. Individuals can also change their minds in a very humble mood. The nourishment of self-realization and the earning will be in the first place at the face of the person. To that, first of all, you need a fur coat, try to get to know what you think, people need a puff.

Video on the topic


  • Psychology of people in the cohanna - how to understand the behavior of those gestures?

Some problems in the articles are due to the fact that people and women have different physiology and psychology. To those same stinks to be surprised in a different way, and so react in a different way! As a whole, it’s natural that a person, as if calling to respect their own feelings and their reaction, is the only correct one, to be vigilant, to be excited and to inspire rozdratuvannya, without showing such feelings themselves and such a reaction from other people. How do you christen the maiden, what is the lad shiro kokhaє її? How can I learn to understand my young people, to tease the truth from nonsense?


Before us, understand and accept the truth: the lad is the other one for absolutely everyone. Gooflessly and stupidly, check it out, what will you do in this other situation, like another girl, make your best friend! Tse zovsіm not to tell about those who you do not like wine.

Remember that an absolute greater tolerance cannot be endless and empty (from the present point of view) balakanin. For 99%, a little ten, twenty, hundreds of words: “I love you, you are the best, the most beautiful, the best…” - heavenly music. The stench is ready to hear in two, and in the thousandth. For 99% of lads, endlessly repeating - torturi is such a big deal. Learn how to go about the words kokhannya.

The skin girl is guilty of memorizing, like “two girls - chotiri”: in a right lad, what to love, bring love to the right, eh! If you don’t repeat yourself about your godly lover, it doesn’t mean that it’s almost incomprehensible! Let her guess better: what did you do when you were in darkness, would you like to see you home? Chi, taking away the important thing from her, so that she doesn’t get tired? Chi dopomagav around the house, chi on navchannyu? Chi vyyavlyav іnіtsіativu at splkuvanni, for example, chi calling himself? Chi turbuvavsya, if she was ill, chi having drunk her help? Vіdpovіdі on qі nutrition say a lot about what!

Don't forget that the boys and girls have different interests! It’s a pity, not a rare situation, if it’s absolutely normal, not bad, the girl mortally looked at her cavalier: vin, talking, not feeling a little, hearing her voice, showing with her mustache that she had come across you! At the same time, on a reasonable basis, the question was: “And what did you tell you about?” next bulo detailed description going to the store for daily purchases, or ordering some kind of tiles. Bіdolashna dіvchina i didn't guess that those who sing-songly zasіkali girlfriend, call out the teeth gnashing at the very favorite lad.

People and women - the origins of different planets - are so firm, sing-song, you can confirm the skin with a butt from a wet life. Zokrema, people and women collide and express their thoughts differently. It is easier for a woman to see the difference, for sure, obviously, intuition is found in her and she wants a little wisdom of life. How can a woman learn to correctly understand the words of a person, helping him to get better at his mother's stature. Ale, how can I learn?


Remember: people love to speak directly, clearly at the right. The stench is richer, lower women, live in their promotional metaphors, povnyannya, figurative virazi. If a person talks about it, it’s important for a new one in a right way. Tse not sweet Balakanina girlfriend, tse number of specific and clear thoughts, like a woman is not guilty of "missing" the call.

The skin zhіntsі wants, schob її stosunki іz chelovіkom be happy. But reality is often far away from the world. To that, it’s not too much for me, women, it’s a mystery for people. Hour and stench give us surprise after surprise. Let's try today to unravel the phenomenon of human mystery and break their thoughts.

The first lower psychology of a person will become wiser to you, we will raise the need for you. The more information about people you take away, the more you will be able to see your blues with them. Do you want to know how to understand a person, what kind of charge is with you? Tsya article help!

The way of thinking and the style of your person's behavior were formed from a new beginning to the future with you. Yakshcho, obviously, you do not make friends with children. Ale, those who will go to all representatives of a strong state. I will point out three keys that open the command “doors” at the world of human witness:

  1. Rarely is a person at the rocky formation of his character unique in an exhausting woman's infusion. Therefore, one's reaction to a woman can be rebuffed and rebuffed;
  2. Sexual assimilation, which was formed into the fates of statutory maturity, is saved for all life. The stench can declare itself on equal footing. To that, don’t start a person, you can explain to me how your sexual skill is, navpaki, її unacceptable;
  3. The remaining key, and the most important one is the knowledge of the human "I". A woman, as a woman of knowledge, I can confidently say that the psychology of people is no longer a mystery to her!

The key to the understanding of people

Well, are you ready to take the key to the psychology of people? Razіbratisya, how to understand a person, what is the order of you? - If your answer is "So", then read it boldly.

For an hour, people behave illogically, but it’s absurd to call it absurd, rather than shy away from evil. The reason lies in early childhood.

Who is the head of the boy's life from this people? Well, mom! And mom - who? Zhіnka! To come out, from the childishness of the woman, with a splash, the boy is shaped like a proper mother, grandmother, and wihovalettsi.

At the school, the future person is faced with another problem - the vice of a classmate. Girls, as a rule, mature and form physically earlier than boys. Zvіdsi can be gluzuvannya, vismiyuvannya yogo childish behavior, appropriated the title "mami sinok" too.

Yogo protest behavior can lead to the fact that even the reader (the same woman) can read yoga. In such a rank, urazhayuchi yogo cholovіche vanity that is being formed.

The situation is changing at the fate of state maturity. Here the psychology of a person knows the essence of changes. The lad raptomly understands that he is becoming an object of respect for girls, as if they are fighting for the right to be with him. This moment can be called a turning point in the life of a skin person. Vіn pragne virvatisya z-pіd zhіnochogo infusion and bring her masculinity. The greater the pressure of the wines during the whole period, the more aggressive the reaction.

May all the people writhe the same way and stick the stench with similar folds and tastes, if they grow up. Therefore, even if the calls of the people are strongly irritated, but in fact one can know a rich sleeper in them.

How can you be tormented by the food "how to understand a person?" please read the list below. Perhaps, not all, but rich in character, peculiarities of behavior, svetoglyad you can know from your known people:

  1. Faith in its uniqueness and originality;
  2. Tie yourself with the bonds of a slub of vines ready only for this woman, as you know the uniqueness;
  3. Polygamy to you is richer to the soul and radii bi to acquire a beautiful harem, but you can learn to live with one woman;
  4. The new one has mother's pragnennya have a good time, and at once - a test to tie a chain under the mask of an unjust bachelor;
  5. Often you look at your partner as your authority, you start to get angry, as another person shows signs of respect before her;
  6. More zmalku vin sound of hearing women, especially matir;
  7. Youmu deserves much more praise, less criticism. If you want to criticize wine, you don’t react so badly as women do;
  8. Without looking like a strong vein, in the depths of the soul everything is filled with a child;
  9. Vin maє his “mask” (special style of behavior) for the zovnіshny world;
  10. Building heritage sounds like the style of behavior of your stake;
  11. Faith in the supernatural, if you want not to believe in the astrology of the witch;
  12. Do not varto yogo fight with other people, for whom only get angry and begin to feel incompetent;
  13. Navіt yakscho wines are not seen in their team with special successes. Vіn all the same try to show yourself better for your colleagues and superiors;
  14. The spirit of supernativity never knows;
  15. Goodness. Vіn is ready to stand up for his wife, to instill that strength is not equal;
  16. Vulnerability. Vin is rather weak, lower at first glance. Tse become especially commemorate the hour of ailment, so that it is less easy to get a cold;
  17. Selfishness. Vіn vvazhaє for better, talk more about yourself and about those who sho yogo cluck;
  18. Win pratsyuє, schob earn your own life;
  19. At some point, the new one has a desire to have children and pass on their knowledge to new generations.

When the next time your person happens marvelous, do not hurry to call yogo chi angry. Better guess what we were talking about in this article. Guess how the psyche of a person is formed, and look at the world. Guess your sleeping pictures, yakі є all people.

It’s quite possible that after the behavior of a person, you will become richly educated and be able to know how to take care of him. Aje splkuvannya that vzaimnі kompromіsi significantly more zmіtsnyuyut stosunki, nizh image, claims, welding.

Good luck to you that Love!

Have you had a drink on this side?

What? Not to love? Want to guess on chamomile! Oh, so many people and that person's psychology in the box! It’s important to just pidit and vociferate about your feelings?!

The axis of the representative of the beautiful state is on the right, just give them free rein, they can tell for a while, what kind of mistress is nice, reasonable, kind, in a word, nai-nai. The behavior of dead people, like a song: talking, guess it yourself. And I want to know for sure!

Human psychology - tips needed

How to understand that a person is dying? Varto immediately put specks over the "i". Quite faithfully, cholovіkovі, inspire broadly zakokhanom, more importantly dress your experience with a verbal form. It’s already been established that it’s easier for him to bring his kohannya, and not to serenade under viknam kohanim to sleep.

That hour is not the same. However, nature itself, which endowed a strong part of humanity with a more secret character, deprived women of the gestures of dead people, as if they could help them to know the evidence for those most important food for them, from which rosemova began.

Words - stinks and can fool you, but the axis of the behavior of a dead man, his gesture and mimicry, can not be blown out of his head, you only need to learn how to correctly guess these prompts.

Є great change - means: a man of suffocation

Chi began to remember that your model is not similar to itself? Be in the present mood, dear s usima, murkier sobі nіs, don't walk, but don't fly? Tse, like a child's grі, already warm.

Psychologists about dead people seem to think that their behavior is already passed on:

  • wine constantly jokes with you;
  • call more often, make more calls;
  • constantly demonstrating the readiness to protect and protect you;
  • often give bouquets, tsukerki and all sorts of sweet treats.

Yakshcho є two or more hardness - even hotter! Vіn is clearly joking zustrіchі, you want a little voice of the object of yogo obzhnyuvannya, pamper, protect, in every way zmіtsnyuvati enchanting sound between you. Zakohany cholovik behave so romantically. Before the speech, the very bouquet-tsukerkovy period of the rich girls will then guess like the very same in their hundred years.

How to make people die on their territory

Romantic walks, meetings at the cafe, on the dance floor, a sleepy look at the cinema - now, your little ones are developing, and once you receive a request to sit at a filizhanka for tea at a guest. Іti? Don't go? What do you think? What for tsim will be? - food is like that and embossed at the charіvnіy zhіnоchіy headіvtsі.

Calm but calm! How to develop under the following, how you lean on this sovereign territory, you sing together. For the first time, evaluate the importance and the rіshuchіst of the crop crushed by it.

For a woman, ask for a couple of friends as a guest, or else you’ll call a galasliv company - a couple of friends, then the people of power are different. The stinks try to keep the distance, let outsiders not hurry into their territory. So, it’s like there’s a lot of blame for you, it’s too much to talk about.

If your brother knows you with fathers, or more - he propagates sharing personal square meters with him, there are great chances that you will be ready to share with you.

Such is the psychology of dead people. It's true, everything works, as if it were true deaths. A situation is quite possible, if a family builds a nest on your territory for the day of power.

From one side - be sure to set it up, before that you vitrati navpіl. From the other side - є privіd alert. As if thinking about a stronger man’s shoulder, the hairdressers of such a one calmly solved the problems themselves, and did not shift them to the tenditny woman’s shoulder. Vtіm, svіlne residing soon everything will be arranged for the month.

As if you were simply propagated by the vacancies of the cook, the laundress, the rest of that beloved sultan's concubine, languor proponing the right to appease the yogo, the one-of-a-kind, guess not to love you. You are less likely to be victorious. It’s smart, but better than growing the whiskers on the cob itself, then we’ll be sore.

Tin of a dead man

Unfortunately, words are great nonsense. What is work? How to understand, what is the truth? Give respect to the mime of that gesture.

Psychologists say that with great omnipotence one can judge the death of a person, like a wine:

  • at your presence, you straighten your shoulders, bulge your chest, as if you are ahead of your possible competitors about the readiness to give advice;
  • “Demonstrating a pir'ya”: lash out for zvnishnistyu, often straighten hair, clothes;
  • take a proud pose - straighten up, put your hands in the stegna;
  • sigh in passing, touch, with a patronizing gesture, put your hand on the back of your style, embracing dumbly;
  • urge to stare;
  • "mirror-like", casually copying your gestures.

Try to speak eloquently about those who are kokhani and bazhani. However, having learned about the knowledge of human psychology, take it with respect:

The category of people, as miraculously recognized about those who see dead people, and victorious all the same, I’ll take it. Lack of indulgence, so that similar types do not stare at your way of life. Be happy!

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