How to signify the behavior of a dead man. The psychology of a dead man and non-verbal signs that he wants a woman

Who hasn’t been a little overwhelmed by the wiguks of the older generation - for such twisted hours we live? Moreover, the residents of the Western European lands are to be valued. It’s not for nothing that among the British, having become popular, we live for hours, if elementary voluptuousness takes on like flirting.

If weaving is regarded as enfeeblement, it is not uncommon to bring situations between people to insurmountable situations, as if they are closely intertwined. Particularly frequent victims of such situations are women, as they vvazhayut themselves as fahivtsy in human psychology, as the great gallantry is interpreted by them as.

In contact with

Psychology of a dead man

The woman, as if she suspected suffocation, often trapleyatsya on vladka vlasnoy pardons and goes down to the bottom almost to the man.

Whether some kind of yoga glance is taken as a try to “build bridges”, and a chuckle is like a confession in a kohanna, and take a hard look at the real camp of the woman’s speeches no longer in the mind.

Sob don’t take the bazhan for the day, let’s figure it out, it’s really signs of death in a person.

It feels like it’s slandering people, not feeding yoga, it’s like you often don’t hear the voice of reason, you can’t help but get into the behavior of a person. Yakim bi vin not buv until zakokhanostі - rіshuchy chi litter's sarcasm, the soul of the company a lover of chamber calm - vin obov'yazkovo change. Vіn can with all your strength repair the opіr to a new feeling, but, as a man, if you want a woman, I will not see the signs of whom I will not see very well.

Ale chi only the sexual inclination that dies as a person, are signs of that (from scientific assertions) ordering a single method - the expansion of the genetic material? And is it possible not to look at a strong pidlog like a creature? For all their pragmatism, people are not strangers to soulfulness and spirituality, otherwise “the development of genetic material” would not be so squeamish to the point of excellence, character, nareshti, intellect of a woman.

A person does not suffocate “with anyone”, but he or she shifts slightly to tієї, so that he understands about special spiritual comfort. And not every kind of stagnation overgrows in the right kokhannya - in the world of rapprochement with a woman's wine, or it changes, the kokhana is the one about whom the blame is dreamed, but she is enchanted by her heart for a new sense.

Henceforth, the signs of which I will become resolutely masqueraded by the doti, the docks of the wines will not be broken by myself, so you can name your wife. Ale, there’s no way you can get food, how can you understand what kind of person you are dying of? Signs of a dead man, which are important to take and may be impossible to control, and, moreover, both behavior and non-verbal.

Signs that you have a person dying

Let's read the 10th sign that the person is dying and equally with your sample. Signs are signs, and how many people - styles and characteristics, and those that are good for one, are impossible for another. Here play the role of relish and perevagi, and vihovannya, temperament, and intellectual riven of a person.

Guess, how old you were before, how you swayed in the new signs of the deadness of a person before you, like a woman. Be more respectful to the changes in yoga character.


Behavioral changes in character can be manifested in inappropriate changes in temperament:

  1. It is not uncommon to rob a sorom'zlivu a person who is completely daring and active, which is not only surprising, but she herself is surprised.
  2. And a person with a bright and cheerful vdacha can suffocate in a closed and non-balakuch way - so wines grow up in one’s own feelings.
  3. Signs that a person is dying, psychology, and in a fast-paced bazhanni talk about you - give a hand, pick up your handbag, what if you fall in, help put on a coat, etc. Zreshtoyu, just regularly click on your self-confidence.
  4. Even the behavior of a person is ostentatious in your day. As you maєsh nadіynu (nadіynu!) girlfriend, ask her to follow him, if you don’t have order. As if your daytime is boring and does not show interest before what you see, but with you a breeze of energy, these are signs that a person is dying, but he will feel his feelings in you.
  5. Vіn shukaє whether it's a good time to speak to you, lean closer to you, look closer, stare in your eyes, “vipadkovo” dotorknutis, call, write SMS. If you remembered it, you can recognize it as signs of a dead man.


There are a lot of obvious behavioral factors that can be seen almost, and there are non-verbal signs of stagnation in people, their memory is more folded, but the stench may not be controlled by him.

  1. Perebuvayuchi in one company, watch out, where you will marvel, as if you are going to let everyone cheer. Whether a psychologist in any group of people bezpomilkovo prihovani sympathy for tsієyu sign - it's all the same, how to react to the heat of others, the first glance of a dead after a friendly vibe of laughter will only be directed at you.
  2. Give respect to yoga hands. Vin obviously does not know where to go for you. Do not know anything better, like shove them in the gut, having dried up the great fingers of the bells - know that the man is suffocating. The psychology of a dying person is such a sign of zmushu demonstrating often.
  3. Like a grown-up person dying in you, non-verbal signs of yoga seem to appear in front of us when you look. You will be directing directly at your head, your eyes will be widened, your eyebrows will be slightly lifted, instead feeding: “What about you?”
  4. Your own hands can again see the signs of a dead man. Non-verbal signs of the woman's widowhood - the absence of pulling the pants belt with the thumbs.
  5. You didn’t mention, what, perebuvaya entrusted, did you copy a copy? You reached out for a ticket - and you already see it, you straighten your hair - and your hands dig deep into your hair ... Such a “mirror-like” behavior is well known to psychologists and is interpreted by them as signs of a dead man non-verbal.

Surprising yourself to the opposite position, do not forget that you understand the understanding of empathy and deviance. As if a colleague is hanging around with you today and saying goodbye, and you feed on something, how to do it, it’s still not a sign that you’re dying.

How to understand what a man wants a woman?

If you want to cackle seriously, and not a love-fitting romance, get better, to understand if the wines are dying, and if the person just wants a woman. What signs do you see in a new one, all the "creatures"? Chi can one hour?

  1. Win to marvel at you appraisally. 3 nig to the head and back. Yogo eyes do not just look at the soul - the stench is spreading. The stunned look of a person with such signs does not mean anything sleepy. The stagnant look - lower, lingering of your body - is greedy.
  2. I call you to care about those that are going on in your soul, about what you dream and learn how you feel. Yogo squawk is less than a handy vipadok in order to show your human strength. That’s why I’m trying to get in touch with you in the “nearest” places - a tight elevator, subway cars and trolleybuses.
  3. Obviously, not everyone is so maniacally napolegliv. If a man wants a woman for all the signs, but if he wants to (maybe, he himself is afraid of the wet "hіt"), then, like a woman, think about it, rapt himself from the first feeling, the right litter will rise up.
  4. Like a rubbish man, if you want a woman, її “permeated with a strum” like a viscous dotik, not tactile; “protecting”, you can become navmisne rude, or we’ll get away, but you can’t give up as a restless lover. Surprise yourself to the one who is constantly hot with you.

So, regardless of the obvious physical prevail, it is possible to become strong and become weak and become hopeless in death.

Until I show my feelings, rich people can’t stand up to exhibitionism and think for themselves in a different way.

Why work, like a man suffocated and want a woman, showing signs of non-verbal and behavior, but try to catch yourself?

  1. If you have known this person for a long time, if you have changed in your eyes, try to talk to her, ask what is going on with her. Vіn zrozumіє, scho ty bachish yogo camp і, it is possible to indulge in all the roses.
  2. If you know not long ago, to start a relationship, give non-verbal signs of your sympathy, pіdbadjoriti yogo (like, obviously, you need it).
  3. Do not try to ironize your yoga behavior. Yakshcho wins his own feelings, it means that he has reasons, and with his fires, you are even more distant from him.
  4. Do not pidsilay to the new girlfriend, sob to tell you about the yogic setting to you. I’ll tell you once and for all, and it’s impossible to figure out how. Be patient.
  5. Do not varto and viklikati in a new jealousy. Having sipped your pasіyu in the company of other people, sighing is unlikely to be taken as a signal to diї. Shvidshe, navpaki, vin to talk, scho yogo kohana is easy and accessible, but not shorter capacity for a woman.
  6. Like a person, you are unbelievable and you have signs of a dead person, give them the opportunity to show signs more clearly. Treat him with a glance, a kindly smile, a yearning for yoga, and I will be attached to you.
  7. Allow me to tell you about yourself, as if to rob you in the honor of praising you for an hour. Do not show that you are not a cry, that you are looking for a rose, and not a rose. Let's talk. It is possible, for the sake of giving you courage, not to exercise self-control in your presence.
  8. How can a person try to take their own felt floorings, which I call to ignore you and succumb to roses, give me peace. Mabut, if you are not yet ready for serious stosunkiv from a woman, let's get ready.
  9. Why work, like wine showing all the signs of a dead man, but continue to “disguise” and attack, to strike unrespectfully on your little nasustrich? E people, it’s easier to love an image, I live a person with usma її natural manifestations and imperfections. I adore you like wine, you won’t see anything good from your joint.
  10. And how buti, how vin defiantly prihovuє his senses, want you clearly gave razumіti, scho to the new sky? There can be two explanations here - either the new one has a damaged psychological character, or it’s clear that you are achieving it. Try not to give him your share, as you don’t want to spend your whole life in the company of a speed bump.


The deadness can grow out of the raging lad of a good face, that way out of the baked smile - the soft and pokirny conqueror, at the same time the behavior and signs of the dead man will be commemorated by a respectful look.

It doesn’t seem like a gift that a woman is that person from different planets: to think, to think, and to speak her mind in a different way. At that moment, if a woman pragne with all the fibers of her body to serious stoks, a person trims an emotional distance, trying to catch her feelings.

Sometimes you know on the basis of evidence that you have succumbed to death, but why don’t you know from whom. Why should a strong state of power attach one's own feelings? What does it take for you to cross the line and enter into serious stoks? And how can you recognize that you are not baiting up to which lad? Let's try to get to know each other.

It is simply necessary for women to understand what they love and appreciate. Bottom words, addicted hugs, beautiful vchinki you need to be like a girl like every other. Without showing feelings, it’s just marnіє, moreover, at the be-yakіy stage of vіdnosin.

Reasons, through yakі vin not iznaєєєєєєєє you have svoїhtah, may be rich. Let's look at the widest.

    Let's overcome the fear. Build a successful, self-sufficient and self-sufficient person, sometimes becoming fearful and sorry. Be afraid that your sympathy will not show up for each other, let yourself go, why do you want to baiduzha.

    The sound of living on your own. Vin just sounds like a bachelor life. Such an independent alpha male, you should live like this, and you don’t dare to change for the sake of you your pidvalin and zvichok.

    Nevdaliy dosvid. Possibly, your fiancé is not known by his own feelings, for having survived an important development for the new one. People, who may have such a good fortune in their lives, often try not to fetter themselves with serious goiters.

    Streaminess in emotions. This is a stereotype that a person can have a life of streaming and not emotional. A mustache is high, it feels like sympathy or a kohannya, they take it for weakness. I oskolki cholovik - tse strong to become, vin until the rest of the magatism not show up to you zatsіkavlenosti. Especially, so as not to become famous as a weakling among friends.

    Nevpevnenist in their feelings. If you’re a lad, you can’t get to know yourself, but if you’re aware of it, you’ll have a deep sympathy, or you’ll feel high, then you definitely can’t know the next hour.

    Fear of becoming pissed off. A person is often blamed for the fear of being convicted in a kohanna, then he is more often manipulated and chided by his feelings.

    Way to zahist. Really, the lads are sensitive, and at times even more indignant. Therefore, the skritnistness of the senses in times can be recognized as if it were armor, protecting a sensitive nature.

Psychological fact!
At the moment of winning a woman from a man, a great liberation of endorphins is observed, and it is similar to euphoria. And if a woman has a need to switch to a more serious level of stoksiv - a person feels stress and physiological discomfort. Most of all, people are ticking in the presence of serious stosunkivs.

A dying man is the one who loves to marvel at a woman, who fell asleep, and hour after hour enjoys her.

Frederic Begbeder

Signs of deadness in a person

If you try to know the attachments of the senses in the quiet of other people’s lives, you try to look at your eyes, you don’t know them, then you entrust your best respect for your behavior. І hoch kozhen cholovіk іndivіdualny, ale є deyakі zagalnі signs of zakokhanostі. Let's look at them in more detail.

Sweep for your own callousness

As soon as a person begins to be more resolutely put up to his own oldness - go to the gym, give more respect to his honor, get in, and look like an expensive perfume, then you can be inspired - you don’t baiduja!

Richly tell about yourself

As soon as you get buried in you, you immediately know about something very new, moreover, about your numerical positive vigor Vіn rozpovіst you yourself. A man, like a pavich, begins to “fluff up his tail” and work everything to be worthy of his appearance.

As if robbing you about all your gains, robbing about gentry vchinok, playing the guitar and robbing the verses, waving him in the third class - do not hesitate, your thoughts will only be occupied by you!

Shows turbota

A woman for a dead man is a krishtal vessel that protects the wine day and night. The new winemaker has no need to help and dbati about his companion. So what is the cold lad spring evening niby inadvertently, throwing your jacket over your shoulders - a mark of safety!

Think over material well-being

The person began to wonder about the stability of the financial plan? Quite impressively, the thought about the creation of Sims crept into Yogo's head.

If I don’t say anything, then it’s a good sign: oh, I’m alive. And if I'm afraid, then it's a good sign: otzhe, I'm zbentezheny. And if I hesitate, then it’s a good sign: oh, I’m dying. But if I suffocate, it’s a bad sign.

Frederic Begbeder

Crimea is clearly manifested by the sky, a person can see unknown signs. Vіn can fool you and grab your widows a little bit, but you can’t fool the language of the new one for sure. Remember, you may not know what you don’t recognize, take a position, mimic that gesture to say for him everything that you think about you.

Psychological fact!
A dead person has an unstable behavior. The mood is constantly changing - I’ll think of confusion to joy and cheerfulness.

Language of gestures of a dead man

    The body of a dead man is always looking tense and vaguely.

    Vіn often quarrel and worries, and a sign of this will be three hands and sweaty palms.

    The man involuntarily tries to demonstrate his body - straightens his shoulders, flaunting himself, turning the woman's respect to himself.

    If a woman adopts yoga in a sexual way, then during the period of intercourse with her, she often hangs her stegon and puts her hands on the belt.

    A man for an hour to move with a kohan woman is practical to change the distance on the same level. With a drive and without a drive, they try to get close, penetrating into special spaces.

The look of a dead man

Nesvіdomlenі look at the stale lad at the bik of his object of burning. Like a young man, zatsіkavivsya maiden, vin will be merciful їy. And rozumіyuchi, scho to look at a woman so respectfully, simply obscenely, vin yak pіdlіtok hovatime glance and vodvodimé eyes.

So that your companion is not a special agent, then you remember your obov'yazkovo, as if marveling at you, unfamiliarly gazing at your lips. I want you to look and be a little quiet, you remember them all the same, shards of stink will be more frequent.

I believe! Tsi ochі do not lie. Aje skіlki razіv I have shown you that your main pardon lies in the fact that you underestimate the meaning of human eyes. Understand that the tongue can grasp the truth, but not the eyes!

Mikhailo Opanasovich Bulgakov

Some people pick up their feelings. Why stink? How to know what's new in the heart? About tse mi rozpovimo at tsіy stattі.

Why do people take kokhannya?

Often instill the greatest stagnation of a person, which is still being formed, launching the mechanism of defense against him. For the first time, it seems like a cotton is experiencing like before an alien invasion, which ruins the picture of the world. Contact with the "pribults" - a girl who has been honored, will be rewarded with a new man. Smiknut for a pussy, reward with a ridiculous prize, cry out tears and scares - a deviant way to gain respect on yourself, and at the same time grab a little bit that slipped through your mouth, and the head rank of one-liners to yourself.

The person, who, after seeing, has apprehended his death, is aware. Ale and here, tse zahisna reaction to the intrusion into your life of a strong sense, and the exercise of gaining control over the situation.


Prikhovu his zakohanist, schobi not rizikuvati. Zavzhdy domagyuchis bazhany, vin do all the changes, in view of which the value of the vidobutka is greatly increased in one's eyes. We will love our love until the moment of resurrection at the crossroads. Call for interest in yourself, lure closer, demonstrating inaccessibility - tse accept great gri in the fight for the top prize, to win that prize, we do not mind winning.

Cholovik - philosopher

Prikhovu your zakohanist, will not deprive the zvichnu zone of comfort. Do not hurry to get involved with rіshuchimi diami at the "stretching the valleys". Check on friendly surroundings. Rukh guarding and pulling with recognition through sumniv, and fighting sharp changes. Let's be careful about those who will first take away the virna outpost of mutuality, and then we will only open up our cards.


Naybanalnіsha reason to prihovuvati your feelings - inconsistency. Fear of failure through the presence of a sufficient connection with the women, or the innocence of oneself. A person hows a little, being afraid not to get into mutuality, be osmiyanim and vodkinutim. The paradox lies in the fact that love for a woman can be strong enough to destroy all your courage.

Negative report from the past

Mayuchi similar knowledge of intercourse with women, a person is defended, vvayayuchi, that showing the lower feelings to rob the weak, and I don’t want to become infuriating. We know ourselves to die in front of a woman - to get sick of the rizik for a new blow. Tse yak lay your head on the chopping block and take it with a sholom on a sharp turn. Attachment and movment is a kind of streak that protects one’s heart.

Human infantilism

Be afraid of the potential. Do not show independence. It seems that it’s like “it’s all going to work out on its own”.

How can you tell if a person is dying, how do you feel your feelings?

It would be bad to get into people’s heads and read thoughts, even if it’s too rich in which life would be forgiven. Ale telepathy for charlatans. Let's go back to psychology, let's see and maximize our caution.

Mova tіla that behavior of a person is richly told to a respected and obsessed looker. mi zchituєmo on the mental level, and tse zmushuє our heart beats faster, spodіvayuchis and zdogadіv. I want all the signs to be of a purely subjective nature, you can analyze them and recognize the suffocation that you are attracted to.

How wine is trimmed

Agatha Christi clearly made a sign of a dead man in a right way: like a wine of suffocation without an oasis of water, its gaiety and pihata chivalry are without a trace different.. Vіn is more similar to vіvtsyu. It’s better to be careful, although it’s not true for a skin person. All fall into the vіd temperament. It would be correct to say that a sign of stagnation is the state of a deaky strain, and not relaxation in the presence of a deyno kohanoy woman. You want to be vouchsafed and conduct internal work on yourself and on the situation. Tom definitely won’t be pozihati or nudguvati, as you can see here nearby. In folded vipads, you can wind up the memory of the three hands, or the hips of the arms.

Yak vin seems

Already the very tone of the movie, savage to you, will be indescribably softer. If a person talks a lot about himself, his loved ones, pragmatically support Rozmov - I want to inflict damage on you. Tse is an obvious sign of congestion. Thus, I allow you to be present in your life, to know you with important speeches for him.

How can I hear

Spivrozmovnik, who respectfully listens, is a clear sign of the people's interest. Tse i your chance to create a correct self-image, know yourself, rozpovshi about your interests, life priorities. Tse miracle hour for poshuk dotik dotik. As a sign of your courage, you respectfully listen, support your voice, as it will be a sign of your grace, necessary for more courageous activities. And I also changed my mind to trivalih vіdnosin.

How to marvel

It is even more difficult for a dead man to control himself and to stream especially respect for a woman, as if calling for a hoover. From that, it’s easier to recognize what you’re seeing. Insanely yogo glanced at the hour of roaming and often buzzing on the lips. Rozumiyuchi, that it is not safe to respectfully marvel at the kokhana, people begin to look at their own look, marvel at the kill. Behind such a sign, it’s easier to name a little, the shards do not destroy the simplicity of the conversation.

Yak vin before you put

Another one characteristic feature can become turbota about you. For beloved people turbota is natural, like dihannya. Shaking your hand, opening the door in front of you, will you hurry to give small services? Might as well be garne vihovannya, but zvichayna vіchlivіst, but if it comes out of an enviable regularity, you can boldly add a plus to the vindictiveness of the argument, which is beyond you. Loyalty before what has been said, and laudatory laughter over your skin heat, navit there, de vin viishov is not far away, so talk about heaven.

How wine changes

If people start to add more than an hour old-fashioned look: buy new clothes, go to the gym, select and change your profile photo in social measures- it is a sign of the fact that we want to mark the wines and correct the worst damage.
Evaluate and analyze yoga behavior. As a marriage is a sign of the presence of warm feelings, support yoga in all ways. Let's change our minds, that the defender is not needed and you can be trusted.

For the sake of a psychotherapist: how to understand what kind of person you are dying of?

Can you re-verify it?

It would not sound unconstructive, but the best pleasure: listen to your heart. Do not hurry up, allow yourself to enjoy this period of hope for the future of the future. At the same time, admire the character of a person, її motives and ways of acting. It’s good for wealthy women to have an intuition to help them look at those who can’t be misunderstood in other ways, but you can feel the guilt of research in your generous heart.

And the axis can help speed up the process. Some kind of moods have a charming smile, a laudable respect, a hateful compliment, a wide glance of a person’s sighing at the rich crocodile. And then these commandments will become a city for wisdom and patience.

How to understand that a person is suffocating, but will he take his feelings? was last modified: Berezen 23rd, 2018 by Armina

We are talking about people: People love eyes

People love their eyes - everyone sees an order. Ale yak viniklo and on what is this judgment based?

On the right, in the fact that the building of reacting to the juicy details of the woman's beauty is the natural power of a normal person, laid down by nature. A woman walked through the street in a short-sleeved shirt with a slick neckline - which is sufficient enough for the representatives of the strong half of the people to become zatsіkavlenіnist. In this manner, the reaction, which is blamed, is without middle ground tied to the well-known hostility.

There are so many human qualities of a woman, such as orderliness, intellect and other traits of character - the stench is not a good call from a person of that impulse, which translates the sounds from the sphere of simple intercourse to more intimate contacts.

In the depths of the soul, men are afraid of women. The root of this manifestation swears childishness. The image of a woman of images in a person’s head is like an image of a mother, as you can praise, and cook, which is to be praised, first to be taken away, you need to deserve it. The axis of what in the human heart is alive easily in awe of the woman and high sensitivity to її praise (and sometimes, to the most obvious forests).

Beautiful women always attract people, crying out, at the slightest doubt in their strength, the fear of invisibility. Bazhannya looks brightly, commemoratively, calmly pointing out the presence of a woman’s singing temperament, and even the same energy potential zmushu її pragnate but become more attached, dress well, shrivele with skinny cosmetics. or downgrade. With these super-elegant honors, they are shown to be unacceptable by some representatives of a person’s status, that girls and women wear robes, that they enhance the dignity of figures, slacken effective makeup, in a word, do not be afraid to show yourself at all glare.

Trap, what more a woman is like, it’s more folding and impossible to get close to her. Tse, perhaps, but unseen, cover up the baiduzhistyu chi znevago. Sob not risky buti vydkinutim, a lot of people vvazhayut for better choose women "simpler". Axis why among the beautiful, stylish, self-sufficient modern ladies are trampled by those who cannot know the companion of life.

The man is more aware of himself and smilish crocodile on the way to get closer, so that the woman will give him signs, like talking about those who have a new chance to get її roztashuvannya. Non-verbal signals, so a kind of "mova body" is ideal for anyone. The move, as to confuse people, wrap you up, dії, to turn respect to your hair, demonstrating your wrist with an elegant and flirtatious hand, as well as impersonal other methods of giving people hope for success.

A woman can also understand that she is like a man. Yoga behavior, poses, gestures are easily caught and interpreted by a woman's intuition. As soon as you enter the room, and the person who has helped you, begins to "beautify", for example, straighten the bed or smooth the hair, which means that you are far away to cope with the injury. With a strong effect, a person can start to benevolent, lead to a kill, etc. An obvious signal of a person’s obsession is to increase close contact: put on, pidsisti, ask to dance Like a woman is like a man, marvel at her otherwise, lower it is accepted, let’s say, at a businesslike zestrich (right in the eyes): look at the body, start with the “strangle”.

With one more butt, we can use the zdіbnosti cholovіkіv "to love the eyes" є skhilnіst to fetishism. It is not a maniacal form, but a whole lot of admissible "bindings" to that chi element of the woman's state of being. There is a great variety of details, like praising a person, for example, like features of a figure (pishn stegna or, on the other hand, a subtle stature), a singing vіk (deaks will allow a woman to be richly young or older for herself), and gin and etc.). A good man can’t be fooled, prote deyak nuances of a woman’s appearance are still in favor with a skin representative of a strong status. The versatility of human tastes is great, so the skin woman has a chance to become one and the same for someone unique.

Zakohaniy zhіntsi vіd cholovіka necessitates vsogo nothing: heat, turbota, nadіyny til. Ale smut, who grants his bazhannya to continue close stosunki with a man - tse absolute loyalty to yogi breadth. And it’s easy to kill a person’s death.

And so, a man of suffocation, like this:

  • Vіn having instilled in yourself

The first is an obvious sign of yoga stagnation - death. A suffocating person, nauseous and self-singing, raptly becomes rubbish and irritable and indulges in his vchinkah. I’ve been thinking for a long time what to say to the girls and I don’t know how to behave correctly in their presence. With whom, a person is not able to overcome his innocence and constantly rebuke himself for bad behavior.

  • Vіn pragne zustrіchі with you

A man knows a thousand reasons to make a woman a kokhan. We'll call you once a day, ask for movies, cafes, restaurants. The one who is dead man wants to spend more than an hour with the object of his zithan.

  • Vіn pragne pratsyuvati

As if a kohanna has settled in the heart of a man, new powers of that kind appear in him, so that he can earn money. Aje, in the eyes of his kohanoi vin, may look like a self-sufficient person, for which he is not afraid to enter into a serious stosunki, to do his own thing.

  • Vіn ide for sacrifice

For example, as if you were at home about the party, man, without hesitating, say I planned an early meeting with friends or a business dinner with colleagues. For the sake of you, donate football, hockey, make a boy. And if you say that you can’t stand tyutyunov’s smoke in the spirit, you’ll try to force the signs of smoking (like this, obviously, є). Aje meta of a dead man - be a positive character in the eyes of your wife.

  • Vіn opіkuєє you

How do you know, what a person talks about you, talks about you, she shifts your problems on her shoulders, know that I can feel deeply about you. If a person dies, churn everything, so that you laugh and be happy. V_n_koli do not skimp on tickets, gifts, warm words that compliment.

  • Vin is jealous

Having suffocated with a woman, a man and close to her will not let his potential superniks in. At the new obov'yazkovo z'appear almost deeply jealous.

Obviously, in people with different temperaments, that suffocation manifests differently.

Deyaki zakohani cholovіki through pride try to graft their own feelings in some way, unique zustrіchi from a kokhan lady and try not to show special respect to her. To whom even more explanation - man, just be afraid to give in to the weak.

To that, in order to look at his own expanse of love, the woman needs to be smart and respectful to her behavior.

Tin tell a lot about what

The behavior of a dead man is constantly changing with the appearance of a dead woman on the horizon.

You yourself can’t remember these changes, but you can easily “bite” the same person like a man, watching for yoga.

  1. If a person nervously smacks his hair, smikas a jacket or a jacket, constantly sticking around his disguise is a good sign. It's just that if you succumb to death, then you will lose control over your actions and emotions. Talking about the same and nerve-wracking items at the hands (keys to the car, key fob, buzzers, igniters). In this rank, the wine is supposed to take a load, as if it were the object of burning.
  2. Raised eyebrows mean that she is seriously stunned by you. Demonstrate a similar zatsіkavlenіst and mimvolіly vіdkritiy mouth or ruin, scho lightly smack. It is most often seen if you respectfully hear what you are talking about.
  3. Like a person corrects his position, draws in life, shrugging his shoulders, and simply demonstrates his body, straining the m'yazi, - you want to be worthy of you.
  4. Good, for example, if I give you your jacket, I will help you take your bag. Such respect to tell about pragnennya pikluvatis about you.
  5. At the dead man, his wives are thrashing their wives. If you gently put your hand on your waist, or on your shoulder, you will try to get closer to you.

Read at a glance

You can see the eyes of a dead man, as if diligently, without trying to grab your senses.

  • At the NATO people, at the party, visiting you with a sawy look And don't drink yoga for the whole evening. Abo navpaki: as a person how you look, his eyes run and know their own place - they boast, bachachi you. And tse tezh means that yogo ti enchanted yogo in the heart.
  • Vіn zakokhany, how you remembered, how you appreciate guilt, looking around at the figure. To give respect, to marvel at the part of the body of the wine. Todi ti vіrazu ozumієsh yogo natyaki ta namiri.
  • If you don’t get to the person, then you’ll make your eyes clog your eyes and feel warmth. If a man suffocates to marvel at a woman's wife, let's face it, look at the heart itself. With whom, in yoga eyes, it’s hard not to remember that very “come”.
  • The expansion of the eyes is a sign that the wines are filled with you.
  • If you marvel at you, then you are less likely to look at your image, and nothing is possible to turn a dead man into such a busy place.

Voice - even vin go from the soul

You can look at the suffocation of a person not only in your voices, but also in your promotions. Cholovik zakokhany, if:

  • Vіn respectfully hears you, wide-squashing your eyes, with which your head may be a little bit naheed in your direction.
  • Under the hour of dialogue, you are unfamiliarly copying your ruhi - so you try to impress yourself with you.
  • The person is serious about lashing, as if they let you in at your own special places: conduct sincere conversations, rozmirkovu about future, family, children.
  • Vіn pragne vouchsafed to you, to that vvіchlivy i gallantic with you at the rose. In a gentlemanly way, you will behave with other people, as if you are changing the order at the moment. For example, as if you were in a restaurant, you should not be rude to the waiter.
  • You should try to learn more about yourself. And to you, I will surely find out more about your life. And if you give it to you, please, please listen to them.
  • Hear Yogo's voice. The voice of a man, which is like a sigh of sigh, soft and lower, in a new one, that pretentiousness, and not rudeness, that aggression. Loving person no one speaks to you in a rising tone.

Zakokhanіst that zovnіshіy look

The dying person transforms simply in front of his eyes. In front of your kohana, you should always look at all one hundred views: smoothly trimmed, neatly trimmed, your shirt and trousers were perfectly tailored. For your age, you can really, possibly, update your wardrobe or sign up for the gym.

Follow the path of yoga - you will quickly become light and bright, and a smile will appear on the faces of the clothes. As if it were true sighs, then it is not possible to stream laughter, marveling at you.

Psychology of stagnation

Zakohanist - tse camp of the soul, yakі prihovat is practically impossible. And if you want to know, as much as you can think of your person, then you can remember the signs of death:

  • the dying person is dear to you and your thought;
  • vіn zavzhd rob those who professed. Let's not wake up at once, but to crush;
  • vin to know you zі your own family;
  • you will not put wine as the butt of your many girlfriends, or as a rank to equal you with them;

Bad sign, yakscho:

  • a person accentuates respect for your shortcomings;
  • under some kind of drive, you are prompted to ask you to your home;
  • vin free of charge to you with gifts, nibi want to make amends for your fault;
  • yogo zavzhdi no order at the required moment;


It’s important not to commemorate the dog of the man-Aries. There's a stick that emotional. To that, as you reproached Yogo's heart, I will once again charm you more. Moreover, yoga zalitsyannya will dosit napoleglivymi: vіn perezlіduvatime you on the phone, in social networks. І worktime tse doti, docks take away the rich result. There is no pereshkod for Aries.

Well, you have mutual sympathy for the person-Aries, wait a minute for yoga, because you don’t love wine. If you say “no” to you, you will immediately switch to another woman.


The Cholovik-Taurus is robitim everything, so that it would be good for you and calmly with him at the centipedes. Having choked, I will try to enchant you with my fires. To that, as it suits you, flirtatiously flirt with you.

Taurus does not skimp on gifts, but his expressions are romantic and deeply sincere. But it is also necessary for you, so that you recognize Yogo's unperfection. If you want to kill it, then for your sake Taurus will be ready to burn up.


Zagalom, the Twins are more cheerful and energetic people. Ale, squirming, the Bliznyuk man becomes serious and intransigent.

Do not lakay, as if I were following you, call us day and night, we will not let you pass. This is how the suffocation of the Bliznyuks manifests itself.

Ale entrusted such a person to be more respectful. If today's wines are confirmed to you at the kohanna, then tomorrow everything can change. That is why it is necessary to pray for a while and in the end to support Bliznyuk and accept all the divine diva and nedolіki.


And the axis of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac, the deadness does not appear so clearly. The person-Rak will not call you and without a reminder to write, that yogo zalitsyannya will be told by those sick. And all to the fact that Cancer whispers itself for a hundred years to an ideal girl.

If you knew how to win your trust and prejudice, then you are dearly loved by all of your life, take care and protect. Adzhe for Rakiv is characterized by fidelity and vіddanіst

a lion

The face of a human-Lev just gleams on the aphids of other signs of the zodiac. I give you chic gifts, drive in expensive restaurants and show it to everyone, what a perfect gentleman - without financial problems and life difficulties. Ale ti maєsh praise Yogo for such high vchinki, moreover, robiti tse bazhano in public.

Kokhannya for Leo is an important storehouse for life. Ale vin is not jealous, more you know, what better for him is simply dumb in this world.


Cholovik-Diva at the kohanna of amulets, he will not once dare to come to you. To give you a bunch of good wines, having experienced your girlfriends, that you know. Less than a second, he himself will ask you, to understand what you are for a “thing”. If the Diva changes, what is the same to you, negainally reveals your feelings to you. Or maybe, I’ll once again order you to win for a new zamіzh.

The person-Diva will die all the time and for a long time. Vіn udoskonalyuvatime your stosunki, until the stench becomes ideal. Even if the residual result is not to be comforted, Diva shukatime another soul mate for the creation of an ideal homeland.


This person is more generous, that in the camp of zakokhanost you need to know fast. I understand, chi vіn zakohany yourself, it’s already smooth.

People-Vags deserve it if they are robbed. So don’t fight to get to the next first - win obov’yazkovo follow you.

Teresa is extremely important to your thought about this new life. How can you brag about your victories before you, or begin to turn around, share secrets, know that you have already reprimanded Yogo.


Scorpio is napoleglivyy and stings in his own. Vіn practically immediately takes away everything that you need. And if the wine dies, then once and for all.

The deadness of that person is remembered by an indefatigable glance. You definitely don’t need to worry about him: you’re jealous of a bunch of wine, then we’ll blow powders from you, and then we’ll cry out to you more dearly.

What is characteristic, the Scorpio man does not require reciprocity, that you should periodically take your love to the new one, playing up your sense of such an intrigue. And then you will live happily all your life.


If the arrows of Cupid were consumed in the man-Archer, wings grow in a new nibi. You may from the first days of acquaintance know you in your love. Moreover, as if you don’t agree with me in return, it’s almost as if the Striltsy only burn with new strength, and you know a million other ways to win your heart.

Sob Strilec is also not passionate about another object of sympathy, I can be quiet and comfortable with you.


To whom a person needs a woman with high moral principles. And also wine is not permissive and unrepentant. As if you were fast at the same time, and then we’ll get drunk, don’t get embarrassed, we’ll just pishov ... think. Aje, first of all, a little more serious, Capricorn needs to be inspired by his image. Even more beautifully, it’s like yogo chooses to praise fathers and relatives.

Capricorn is not a romantic, but if you see it in a kohanna (with an expensive restaurant and a heel with a diamond) you are safe.


Aquarius also call us “for” and “against”, first of all, you will be acknowledged in the kohanna. And you can’t be surprised by yoga, you can’t do it the first time. Ale, if you watch Aquarius and piss off about the new one (which is more appropriate for you), and to assess your opium, it’s significant that the wine has died.

Aquarius needs to trim everything under control. Yogo friendship can quickly outgrow a cohan, and navpaki.

Kohanna wines are a great romantic and are often seen by stosunki, often forgetting about themselves.


Zakohana Riba can’t go to his kokhanoi for a long time. We suffer, we write verses, we think about you at night. And if the person-Riba is still called to the whole crochet, check for any lack of romantic vchinkiv. After suffocating, we bring you to heaven, adje ti - yoga ideal, yoga one and unique.

Be careful with Ribami, the stench is different. Do not imagine yoga dream, but rather share it with him.

The middle of the rib is like a womanizer, so vіddanі sim'anini.

Іsnuyut different signs of the death of a person. You can look at yoga behavior, gestures and mimics. But you won’t care for the worst.

It is necessary to feel with your heart, like a person looks especially warm, like your soul fell into a wide sense. A man, who loves, with his soul gravitates to women, to create with her this same thing and to bring children together.

Vin is ready to take care of his kohana and take on all the difficulties family life. Todі cholovіk sverdі zakokhany. Ale, don’t forget what is necessary for the creation of the motherland and the happy homeland, so that insults were practiced. Love that respect your person, that yoga will be visible to you with an indefatigable glance.

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