Analysis of Yesenin's poem “Spring evening. Analysis of Sergiya Yesenin's poem "Spring evening" Yesenin spring analysis

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Education MBOU ZOSh No. 127

Topic for group follow-up

Sergiy Yesenin "Spring evening"

Problem nutrition (food for follow-up)

Why is the image of spring pleasurable for S. Yesenin?

Initial food

Yaki imaginative works move vikoristovuyut sing at the hour of the description of spring?

Follow-up hypothesis

We took the miraculous verse of Sergius Yesenin about the beauty of the spring evening. Reading yoga, we imagine a picture of the spring setting of the sun and the pre-night silence. The vіrsh shows the lowness and tranquility of the evening nature of the curtains. The spring evening miraculously conveys the atmosphere of the spring evening landscape with hints of confusion.

Follow-up goals

  • Learn about the biography of the poet, his creative path.
  • Analyze one of the verses about spring.
  • Expand the task (presentation, photo support, wiki-page or booklet).


Presentation about the poet

Photo support


Quietly streaming the river of silver

At the kingdom of evening green spring.

The sun sits behind the leaves, burn.

Rig golden whistling month.

Zakhid smirked with a line of erysipelas,

The orach turned at the hut for watering,

І behind the road in the birch part

I sing the nightingale's puff.

Hear affectionately songs deeply

From the sunset of the horny line of the dawn.

From the bottom to marvel at the distant stars

And the earth smiles to the sky.


Analysis vіrsha

The skin of us is the most beloved, the most precious place on earth, the place, de mi were born, de spent the fates of their youth. From this time of the month, warmly help me, as if mi dbayly take all life from my memory. The place is ours little fatherland. And the Batkivshchyna of the skin is small, becoming a small, crying part of our sleeping Batkivshchyna - Russia.

It is not for nothing that the poet Yesenina Z.A. is called the soul of Russia, the image of the fatherland is the key to creativity. To learn from these creations, where the mysterious hidden lands are described, the author spends the whole hour drawing a parallel between the overseas beauties and the quiet, silent beauty of the native expanses.

Vіrsh "Spring evening" can be traced to the early work of S. Yesenia, the first time he wrote, if Sergius Yesenin was not yet 18 years old. Vіn shoyno having arrived to Moscow, yak struck him with its scale and fuss. However, creativity sings having left the native village of Kostyantinovo, in which he was born and spent his youth. For Yesenіn Yogo, Russia is unacceptable without її quiet, unmemorable, but such a living nature, as it is not just present in the yogi element, out there is wild, radiant, crying. І Vіrsh "Spring evening" - a miracle confirmation of this. At this vіrshi he sings even brightly and to the point of rіbnіt as if he paints a picture of nature in the song vіdrіzok hour, scho chaїvsya between nothing and on a clear day - evening. The description of the evening in Yogo Sprynyatti becomes boisterous and viraznim.

The virsh is small, less than three chotirivirshi, but sings, with a glance, the snake reminds him of life, beauty, the sounds of nature. At s. Yesenina nature - the truth is alive, out of breath, dіє, live.

After reading the verse, the picture is calm. A strong hut stands on a knot, in a streak of silver streams, and in a birch forest, a nightingale trills a little. He sings vicorist cicka metaphors “river strumu”, “the sun sits”, “rіg mіsyatsya crying”, 2 the dawn of hearing”, “the earth laughs”, as if reminiscent of the vіrsh lives.

Sings not just to rob a painting from nature. We vvazhaemo, the colors of yoga verses always sing a singing mood, I feel, I create an image, to that the colors of the designation become epithets. In this verse, there are lower, clear colors: greens, erysipelas, blaky and silvery. In Yesenin's verse, it is important not to pay attention to the lower trill of sounds [s], [s,] [r] [r,] in the first chotirivirshi. Transfuse yourself, in our opinion, to help create a picture of peace.

The nature of that person at Yesenin is changing at the harmony. He sings after singing the unimaginable beauty of nature, changing the people, giving them spiritual strength.

Tsey vіrsh permeations almost majestic love to the Batkivshchyna. I Yesenin are not those who teach us to love the Fatherland, but simply to love deeply and reverently ourselves, and it is impossible for us not to see love in ourselves.

Your creative path Yesenin began in 1912, if you come to Moscow, with a method to cheer the hearts of її meshkantsiv. The axis is only on the creation of one's own dream at a new place for a rich hour. A handful of wines work in a meat shop and only tell about the native village of Kostyantinov, helping you to get in touch with emotional experiences.

The village has become for him a symbol of a booth, the very same place for him to tie the best blessings of his life. The stench will be saved in yoga heart by stretching the strength of yoga creativity, and in the last period there will be yoga collection,

Diffuse confusion about the native land.

One of the main themes of yoga lyrics was the theme of the village. All guess what was saved in your memory, created a beautiful edge of the native land.

The first poems of Yesenin were filled with a patriotic mood and love to the native land. Vіn not rozmirkovuє about the problems of people, yoga lyric is laced with beauty and freshness. Already developing yourself like a poet, you will turn to the problems of love, poetry, bondage and death.

One of the first and most famous works, є verse “Spring evening”. The main yoga theme is the description of nature, її beauty and power.

Spring always means the awakening of that freshness, to that, in the light of which the reader is deprived of the vivacity of vigor and the joy of life. There is more than a garne behind the sounds, which spriyat epithets and metaphors, which the author often lives in his own verse.

Vin calls the river a bright one, because in the head of the reader there is a beautiful picture of a pure river, so the wine itself calls spring green, which tells us about the last її description, if it’s already between the summer.

Yogo Virshi has no troubles and no tension. Vіn, singsongly, nudguє, ale is not visible at the top. Mi Bachimo is less than yoga vіddanіst that zakhoplennya, yoga love that lowness to the familiar landscapes.

Varto respect that such verses were a good soul for the poet. Vіn pisav їх vіd sertsya, investing his soul at the row. Therefore, all the verses on this topic allow us to take over the true experiences of the poet, singing period yoga of life. Tse helps us to become closer to the great Russian poet.

"Spring Evening" Sergiy Yesenin

Quietly streaming the river of silver
In the kingdom of the evening green spring.
The sun sits behind the leaves, burn.
Rig golden whistling month.

Zakhid smiled at the erysipelas line,
The orach turned at the hut for watering,
І behind the road in the birch part
I sing the nightingale's puff.

Hear affectionately songs deeply
From the sunset of the horny line of the dawn.
From the bottom to marvel at the distant stars
And the earth smiles to the sky.

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "Spring Evening"

In 1912, Sergiy Yesenin came to Moscow, having succeeded in laughing at the young poet, not at once. Mine more spiels of rock, first lower yogo first verse will be published in the capital's journal. For the time being, Yesenin is working at the m'yasnіy lavtsі and with nostalgia, the native village of Kostyantinove, de bouve is happy in a right way.

Help yourself to give the strength to the poets to go forward and believe in those who are still within reach of their goal. More than that, the stench of Yesenin's breath at the writing of the completely clean and light verses, as if by the year to create a special halo of the poet "spіvaka polіv і rіchok" for the poet, signifying the head straight in creativity. Until this period, the verse "Spring Evening" has been seen, a kind of creations in 1912, a large number of works from the debut collection of the young author's works, published in one of the capital's journals. At the newest one, the natural gift of Yesenin the landscape painter is revealed, which in the past is a blessing to those that other people simply did not notice. Krіm tsgogo, marvelous rice of the poet endowed with a rose of mind and almost inanimate objects brought that warmth to each verse. In the skin line of which creation, Yesenin’s love is seen to the light, in which “quietly strums the river of silver” and “golden crying moon”.

Образність і вміння вловлювати навіть найнезначніші нюанси дозволяють Єсеніну відтворювати незвичайну у своїй простоті й красі картину, звичну для поета, але відкриває недосвідченим читачам двері в зовсім іншу реальність, де втомлений орач повернувся після важкої роботи в полі додому, отримуючи насолоду. "I'm singing the nightingale's tea." And in the first place, it’s not only the great villager who is built to please such dribnits, but the whole navkolishniy svit. The nightingale trills with malt for the dawn, like a “horny line” weaves the gloomy, foxes, early waterings and fresh water rivers, like a new world, the coming spring. The world of reminders of harmony, the fault of perfection, that bezdoganny in its beauty if "from the bottom to marvel at the distant stars and the earth laughs at the sky." This is how the quiet spring evening appears to Yesenin, wanting to sing and allow the opportunity to be savored by this warmth. Ale, tell me about those who are already in pain in your life, warm the soul of the poet and remind him of love to the native land.

Versh creations, if Sergiy Yesenin is less likely to get over to Moscow - to subdue the capital. Poetovі tse far away hoch bi with one lyrical verse.

In this verse, which is composed of three stanzas, there are already a lot of epithets. The evening is picked up from the little girls' clothes, like a puzzle: one is gold, the other is green. The two fortune-telling colors of erysipelas are the light of the dawn. Obviously, these little things transmit sound, and sound ... For example, the river streams quietly.

You create those characters. Orach z watering turning to himself - vdpochivati. The nightingale only takes up the right - for the kohannya "song". The whole word of the urochist, deshcho old looking. Invisibly little Yesenin has dialectic words, common folk vocabulary, and folk motifs. The whole verse, which describes the calm breeze, it’s very natural.

Here everything is spiritualized: the dawn, the earth ... and these characters are also in a calm camp. The axis of the dawn smiles relaxed, the earth axis smiles up to the sky, marveling at the stars.

Yesenin creates fairy tales at his own creation. To help youmu in tsyoma, form the "kingdom of spring", the "hatinki" of the oracha. The nightingale's songs are deep here, nothing like sensation. The greatest zmist is often not just in words, but in the senses itself. And if you don’t want to include these descriptive verses to love lyrics, but only to landscape ones, here the language is obviously about kohannya.

Analysis vіrsha Spring evening behind the plan

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