Status, how to love me. Statuses of a kohan lad at VK іz zmіstom: short, beautiful

Dyakuyu, love, for those that I am a kohana.

I haven't gone yet, but I can already manage...

How do I check for a new one! And not only online, I check for a new one in my life ...

Nothing so warms the soul on a frosty winter evening, like a fortune-telling about the hot kisses of a kohan people.

Hug Yogo, one loop, I would crawl into a yak without thinking.

It's insanely welcome if you just call vin. No drive. If I saw a whilna. If the native voice feeds: "How can I do it?" І covenant: "I'm bored."

Like kissing the word, then I am serious before you.

Feel like, if you are hugged at night and the dream is attracted closer to you, it’s invisible.

Є 2 camps: if you are in order and if summarily.

You’ll turn around one morning and understand, how dear I am to you ... But if you come this day, I’ll go around with it, which I understand earlier ...

Bear with me. I'll see for you.

I know that you don’t like the one who needs me, but don’t blame me, even if I love you.

Tsієї nights I was worthy of you, dream more often.

Most of all, I would like to get into your head and find out who I am right for you.

Lord, bless me, give me the wisdom to understand the lad, love, to forgive yoga and that patience until the yoga mood ... or strength, respect, I don’t ask, because I’ll bring it for nothing.

Marvel at yoga eyes, bachish love love, and understand, as if you were spared.

I love you and I can. I don’t remember other couples. I need only ty cohanies - I will be happy with you!

At once, I would just squeeze up to you and tell you how much I have been summing up all the time.

I'm amazing, I show my boy with yoga colossal girl, how and what was in them, and then I sit and bish.

Win - my tears and my smile, win - my strength, win - the best!

I love you, if you hold me close to you so, why am I everything that is in you.

Kokhannya is still living fear, spend that most beloved person ...

I live with you, I breathe with you, kokhany, my dear, I can’t live without you ...

If we had been caught up in the past, I could not show myself that you would become so important to me.


Active divisions:

Good day sweet lady! Do you have a young man? If so, you come here. We tried to pick up the "status for the kohan lads" of the most relevant and most important words. Zagalom, no less than a girl, but lads love to take away respect in their manners, which is not all powerful, but they are still specimens in nature. I think you'll be well received, take a look at you a piece of romantic viraz in the evening, so that you can add your love, and feel that you'll have a warm mood. Varto also means that the women can have a good balance, if the girl assigns herself to the lads, and, navpaki, however. It is extremely kind to write a romantic message to a kokhan, but remember that everything can have a middle and do not overdo it. We wish you warm and romantic dreams from your other half. Success.

Status kohanom lad: I kohay you

Mustaches of knowledge are mentally podіlyayutsya on vіdkritі, hotіvlіvі natyakayuchi. Vіdkrite (directly vyznannya) give unequivocal opinion to us, who read the status about the accountant of the Vkontakte side. This option is suitable for those who are embarrassed and impressed by their own girls, who (for special reasons) do not want to speak in disguise close people about sympathy.

Kohanoma statuses:

  • "I love you, ****"!" - A classic version of the mysterious name of the happy guy.
  • You can dilute with specks (" Andriy.I.I.Just.Love.You.").
  • Beat im'ya (" Ivan Ivanovich, I love you so much!" or "Max, you love your girl and you know how crazy!").
  • Fill in the row with verses ( "I love you, and I'm not needed by anyone, You become me a boy, you become me a man ...", "I don't have any reasons to respect you. You are the best of people. And I'm yours. ").
  • Abo garne prose("My light has changed to "before" and "after": the frown of your posture and the fabulous light at your arms. I love").

Hot quotes about kokhannya for the VKontakte side

The girls with humor vvazhayut for the best surprise for the kokhan - the original recognition-zhart on the side of "VK". Golovnya, don’t overdo it with a dose of hotness: not all representatives of the strong half of humanity can feel a little humor, but a third of the lads and zovsim don’t know what to go for. A slight pressure on love vtihi - those that are needed.

The status of the lad, whom you love, with humor:

  • "You virishiv, what do I love you? I sum? Boasting? I'm on fire like a bugger? Zvichayno, lyuby, but how did you think?!?".
  • "I love you, even if you are not Brad Pitt, but I am not Monica Belucci. I haven’t piled on a yacht yet, but without a yacht I’m cooler with you!".
  • "I love, if you sleep, croaking white walls. I love marveling with you and football. I love your curls. I love you, like after the piatiki p'esh rozsil. I love your friends. I love, if you champ at the cinema, like you empty the refrigerator in the night, - you know everything, I adore everything!".
  • "I wanted to send you to the prosecutor's office - so impudently my heart is still not beautiful! Ale blew, I check you with guilt ....".

How to reconcile with a lad for additional status?

Miles bark more often, I would like to have skin from them. It is not easy to reconcile your pride, but Vkontakte and Twitter help couples to rise up. Declare about the kayattya and tell a little about something that has not gone out yet, to a single girl, help the status of the zmist.

  1. "With God, I bless everything at night: turn the one whom I love so much."
  2. "I am a girl, weak and defenseless, proud and prim. But I recognize my love before you and I support your boldness and masculinity."
  3. "Yaki would not be sick in the ocean, they would not break the ship, sayings to swim forever in that hay."
  4. "Life without you - I do not sleep at night. When I am with you - I say to God."
  5. "Happiness is obvious. Not bought, not sold, not exchanged - the new one has your smell, the color of the eyes and a smile. Turn me back my happiness ...".

Ale 15% of people do not tolerate arrogant (for a thought) romanticism. For a pragmatist, you can write the status "Vk" without intermediary (for a kohan lad, but tell about the experience) in the constructive form: " Vibach for everything, turn around, love.".

Individual payment for the folded status for the lad

Hobi, robot, special character when choosing a row of "Vkontakte" for a single one can and should be stagnant in practice - it is nicely attached to forestry not to be left unmarked, that status of a roaring lad in a special form, which is clearly "introduced by the Internet", not to everyone.

  • "It seems that the footballers of the most recent are not true. Football players are the most beloved ... ".
  • "I didn’t wince, if I knew that my lad was playing in the cards. Inspired: by myself, having added my heart".
  • "You teach children to remember the best books, learning about new things independently. And I'm learning to love you every day, squeezing myself out of my other side.
  • "It's hard to love a hooligan - but I'll run into it. I work to make it better, and help me to become smarter."

Short statuses for Kohanom

Shortness is good, if you want to overdo it with the display of feelings. Laconic quotes about kohanny - ideal for sharing symbols with the status of "Vkontakte", "Twitter" or "Odnoklassniki". What a lad not to love social services- for help, an SMS-information will come (although not more often than 1 time per day, for the day of the return call from the holder). Golovna - don't bother, people don't like promotions in the style of "Promotions in the store, in which I'm unlikely to buy otherwise I'll buy bad and obridla advertising."

  • "I have a kohanna. I will call її ****".
  • "There is no sensation without cohanna. No luck without you.
  • "Kohannya is a ship, and you are my captain."
  • "Instructed by you, my heart is gaining speed."
  • "Ye ti. Reshta - drank less".
  • "Forever young with you".

The statuses of the zіrіst are not obov'yazkovo owennі but they were written by the writers, but they belong to the stars - simplicity and breadth are better for the lads, less special for celebrities.

Quotes for Kokhan: what to write, like leaving a lad

A sumptuous story: they drank a little, another one showed up, the stosunki drank their own. And yet, as a girl’s heart is supposed to accept, the status of a lad, whom you love dosi, allow you to say everything without words. There are two options for citations for such a vipadku: znatisya u pochutty u nadії on yogo turn, or show your baiduzhіst that self-sufficiency. The first one is good for romantic lads, the other one is for those who are inspired by their own, to be hooked, that the girl ceases to put her respect on their bik. A part of sympathy and goodwill in both moods can be peaceful - you can’t give up on something weak, but, on the other hand, on your own thoughts.

  1. "I drink kava, tea. Siju sum. Pass the days of the calendar. I don’t mark me, but I check you painfully".
  2. "Mine is two days. Tizhden. Month. Pass the rocks. Ale not kohannya ...".
  3. "Before the true kohanny, I will be addicted to choosing the wrong one for a friend, and they will be scorched. God-willed to bet on the kohanny, but all the same, they will fail."
  4. "Don't think about it, I'm not crying, the little ones were sitting around the window. Since I mean so little to you, I'll be better off alone."
  5. "Having chosen freedom, this is your choice. I choose honesty, we are not dear."
  6. "Vovchitsі do not lick their wounds, stink to go nazustrich their share with a proudly raised head."

For the site "Vkontakte": status with an erotic subtext for a guy

Turn stosunki in need a channel otherwise, put on close people about those who you want intimacy, for helping the status of a kohan lad - it’s handy! Vinyatok: vulgarity, vulgarity, obscene viraz, overly intimate content (speak out loud about those lads garnied by the lizhku, rather plaited with girlfriends) that riddle of the third osib ("Your m'yaziste body is just super - like a fitness trainer Seryozhka !").

  • "Today again. All the garni of the girl are left at home and drink tea from the stoves, and the NAYBILSHA is afraid to drink tea without her lad.".
  • "Kokhannya are peopled under verses and sly glances, but they are spitting with zitshannyami and kisses ... ".
  • “The poets still don’t understand, how you want to love, how you want to hug, how you want to squeeze you to yourself and kiss you forever.”
  • "Status cannot convey the warmth of my body, the sintering of my lips and the volume of their hugs. Ale wine can tell you about those that the hour has come to see your girl!".
  • "Do you know what I don't hear? Hearing Yogo Beautiful Words...".

Non-banal statuses "Vkontakte" for Kokhan

If you want to call and get to know each other at once, without going into special contact, status about favorite lad help to increase the first crochet to the mark of stosunkiv.

Tim, who is not up to the likes of "licorice" and everyday life, classic love knowledge does not come. Creativity and guilt to awaken the passion that you feel.

  • "You say you love freedom. Let me be your wind."
  • "You are the best of people. And I am the most worthy of a woman. To that at once ...".
  • "Everything seems to me that I have a good taste in everything. You see, it's okay to be my lad?"
  • "Never before have I been so merciful - I've been marveling for so many hours, without love for you! I won't do this myself ...".
  • "Forget about the past. Forget about the past. I will become your rightful happiness. I promise."
  • "Tell your many Goodbyes! I'm your Girlfriend now!
  • "From us, good friends would have come - it's important to talk, if it's too hard to drag one of one into a lizhko!".
  • "Girlfriends zazdryat: such a red-haired woman! And I quietly laugh at the old woman: spared my lads with a beautiful-girl!"

Work on pardons: why don’t you quote on your side, turning to the bang

Taboos and moratoriums are imposed on all negative riddles about the peculiarity of the noble, in which case the stench would not be written. Emotions are more likely to show off in the guise of others, and not to swear at bannim enormity.

Tell me about the many cochants and "just friends" - fence No. 2. As a bi-loyal person, without giving up, few people can call Othello's name.

Sim'ya and friends of a kohany are not the best for the public. That yak yogo family values ​​can be added to the yakіst pozіlunkіv?

Forests in hyperkilkost are more than river for narrow-minded lads with a syndrome of narcissism. Normal clapping words about yogo talent, it’s impossible to call Cristiano Ronaldo like that, it’s better to win. At a higher vіpadku vіn think, scho kohana wants to be quick with servants with a scurrilous method.

Statuses for Kohanoi - Today I bachila, like a star fell. I could have guessed everything that was always possible: a car, a house of houses outside the cordon ... Ale, I thought: "Should we be at once."

Naivazhche - tse lie with you, at everyday life, if you need to get up, but you embrace me, press to yourself, and you don’t want to get up, go to work ...

And I'm dreaming about the son. Sob yogo in hockey, vchiti, how to behave with girls, and so vin bov such a garni, like yogo tato.

A second without a kohanoi people is a year. Year-book with a kokhanoy people - seconds ...

Popcorn... Loves for a movie... Loved by a man in charge... We sit in an embrace... Damn, I'm happy... Why the fuck is everything else?

If I kiss you, I know that I am the happiest person in the world.

I love your tangled hair, let me call you again, let's help, laugh one to one ... - Statuses for Kohanoi

not.ti is very good, but I won’t give you. (With)

zadovbali tsі slini "I love myself at the very at the very..."

you need me internally ... skin day ... so that I could live

small, unremarkable

I love you, but I won't give you))

nafig with its panicles, people have organs in the middle, and її coma.

Ol .. tell me honestly .. I’ll give you a check for nothing? - Statuses about new. Status kohanom lad.
Who are you?

lads lads ... but who will read it

and my mother is worried about my lad ...
nothing .. you say scho in the new vila in the maldives, you will fall in love with it.

uh .. stop ... occupied by me ... I need to borrow a bag of bulo !!

you love yoga, you love ... and then bam and new in the class

I so want to write a phrase here, having read it, I understand everything)) but I still don’t know such words

You know, but I'm not nabridne. I know that I will not be with you, but it hurts more and more. Ale, I know that you won’t deceive me on the face of it ...

I know that you don’t know the one who needs me, but don’t blame me, because I love you

I remember that day when I fell ill on you. I didn’t know anyone else yet ... Statuses about the new one. Status kohanom lad.

Do you know why I fell ill on you? The one that you yourself are sick!

Sometimes you don’t see rudeness in front of you ... oh, in the face of which I ran into the past ...

I want to bury my nose in your neck and sleep ... for a long time ...

watch your breath, how dihati

Automatically on paper. Statuses about new. Status kohanom lad.

like a lad, it seems like you love, reversed yoga .. as much as possible, that you think so.

and inappropriate less tracks for me, tickets, gifts and more. less needed ty ... and that is enough.

check for yoga call?
child, vin has been busy for a long time ... іnshiy. Statuses about new. Status kohanom lad.

Girls, plz guess the status ... type 10 people shriveled in front of her, but she won’t love the one who’s on her, don’t be surprised ...

Before її legs 10 people shirked, ready to do everything, to be entrusted with her, but she chose 11...

Me to you, as it seems, is not enough. Statuses about new. Status kohanom lad.

Ochі vіchі I laughed at happiness.

Nі, ti is not so straight forward "uhh", but on "look at that, like you?" zidesh

Trim..Tilki trim, child.
you say yourself after that, like a moron, proyshov.

bring me to the state of insignificance, lower in love, attachment to eternal

Lord, bless me, give me the wisdom to understand the lad, love, to forgive yogo and patience to yogo moods ... or strength, respect, I don’t ask, otherwise I’ll bring yogo nafig

I love autumn, there I shot you ...

Zreshtoyu, it happened. We are now together. Wooooo, I love it.

My kohany cholovіchok, having started to get used to coming in to see the faces of the people in front of me - taking and perfumed me with his cologne ... now definitely nothing is missing.

I want to say a lot more, hello ... I'm talking. I just love...

Today I figured out why I don’t like oranges, sand, coconut peas, ketchup and Malevich’s square, they just don’t have it green color your eyes. - Statuses for Kohanoi

You are the guy I can't stop thinking about. You are the one who bothers me to scream. Let the building live one day in a million ways. The one to whom I write my quotes about kokhannya. If you still hesitate - then so, the whole lad - you.

Snuggle up in the dance, kiss the bottom, and rapt I will say what I love ... and that's it, I played this game!

I love one and love yoga all life!

Kokhana is a person - the one whose beloved music you hear, as if it were your own, if you want it to be bad and innocent.

I love you, and I don’t care, it’s not easy, I love and don’t let me bring pain, but know that I breathe you.

We can’t be alone without one, so what do you do, if I’m throwing a shoranka, first, what I want to do, - that’s your disguise.

Leaping in, you laugh at me, Your eyes light up with love... good life my...

You are a promise of light. You are the nicest. You are an angel. Who knew that to love not for the sake of it, but for the depth of the soul in the eyes. For the heart knocks at the silence.

We all laugh at the monitor, if we write a kohan people.

With your appearance, everything has changed in my life. You bring more and more light, happiness, love into my world with your skin day, you are my best, most beloved and dearest person. Dyakuyu for the skin of the day, conducting іz you. I do love you very much.

How miraculously after the new welding, I will renew the order from the cohanim !!! I think I have a lot of understanding.

I don’t need me, so the tsukerkovo-bouquet period is trivav forever, I want wild welds! Ale with you, so we’ll hug you, mіtsno-mіtsno and whispering "I love you, du * a." I don't want you to be mine, I want you to be yours!

Give me the letter "I". Vaughn is great. You can eat everything you want: heaven and earth, day and night, you are the same.

You drive me crazy. I start forgetting the words. The skin of the whilin is reminiscent of pochutty. With skin zіtkhannyam razumіu that I can not do without you.

Do you know what happiness is for me? Happiness is just ... tse Ti and I!

I love the sea. Yogo noise. Yogo pist. Yogo sun. Yogo hvili. It's already a garnet. And if the order of a kokhan is a person. Just heaven. I don't need anything more than you.

Deputy "I love you" feel enough for me "My little girl, I need you more..."

so I love you ... ale me more painful wonder how that bitch will be your eyes - Statuses about new. Status kohanom lad.

and I just stand and choke with tears and show you I LOVE YOU and you just go ... saying nothing * and I'm still standing ...

I want this, to whom I can call all the tears of 3 nights, and I will say "De you? ... I'll be right away!"

mean not self-destructive, not hisist and so far ... which one can sacrifice himself for the sake of Kohanoi is now called a ganchirka ?!

І tі almost flowed into you nafig ...
I'll tell you more... don't relax!

And with the eyes wide open, I lower my distance.

somehow marvelous ... earlier "the best", at the same time "nafig wali the creature." the axis of such love is not with us, comrades.

Vaughn will check on you, and you fuck.

marvel at the vechi and tell me everything you think about her. Then you will be a boy.

you, bitch, guess less, if you marvel at your wife.

that, your new maiden, you will be very upset by the fact that you put 3 spoons of tsukra in tea, as if I loved.

my nervous cells do not recognize your grip.

forget the cohanna, go dance. - status kohanoma

the problem is that you might not know what a lad-gunner is. And not your thought.

I marvel at yoga eyes and dance my heart into them

So low-low kiss... until you get goosebumps

You are very vibach, but I love you - status to the kohanoma

Who is the first to know at his own kohanna, having consumed that one.

wine of the one to whom I will cook kava vranci

and the deputy of a plush vedmedic, you have a kokhan. grown up.

and the girl is no longer yours.

pray, goat, so I turned around.

and on my "pishov get" vіn take i tsіluє. - status kohanoma

I'm with him, and not with you, nothing more than that, which I already misinterpreted ... and you only have to lie down.

Do not rub your words on the quiet, who do not feel them, on the dribnitsa I do not use the image. On the quiet, who is in order with you evenly breathing, your heart does not hurt.

Love the one whose heart is restless, the one whose thoughts are always occupied, whom the eyes joke about everywhere, the one whom you cannot forget.

Navit the one who is far away, stand on a charge, like a wine in your heart; navit the one who stands in charge, distant, as your thoughts are far away in sight

What was between you? - But nothing special ... just a reminder, like re-reading before going to bed ... - Status to the kohan

[A glimmer of darkness. The fire is out. Cover. Ale is not up. In the soul, it became empty. Everything is simple. Feel free to walk like that.]

Darling, you don't practice your posh principles. Don't love you, I love you!

I will not have a memory for a long time

You, scho again in the new one, suffocated? - No, I just got very drunk.

I want you to bula mine! You, why am I zіp'yusya to the devil's mother.

And the axis of you already suffered .. I brought you back to tears ... you repeat to yourself that you will send yoga ... and if you marvel at your tears in your eyes, you seem to be ruined.

on the streets it is snowy, cold, cold...

the axis is so zavzhd ..: earlier you wanted to be with him, but the new one had a girl .. but now you have a lad, and you are trying to reach you

Vіn vіchno її barking, screaming, jealous... Sometimes you don't understand... Often imagining... But one tear from її eyes and vіn torn apart.

remember once and for all, I'm only with you, I'm only yours - status to the kokhan

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