The best lyon. Life style: Linen clothes: pluses and minuses. Why is lion so expensive

Like only mi vіdchuvaєmo a rush of summer speck, like that year at the top of popularity and demand, clothes from lion are seen. Then why is the secret of invariability and dear to the lion, why, let's say, do not write about it and talk about it regularly?

Lyon became famous in the post-Victorian era. And for the recognition of all the great and current dandies, the very lion should be able to create a style and image at the same time elegant and elegant, as you know all the power and how to take the best look for your wardrobe.

What is lion?

Lyon is a natural fiber that is obtained from the stalks of the roslin. For the great light designers, the lion will turn and supply the backwaters of Linum Usitatissimum. Іsnuyut podstaví vvazhat, scho lyon as a culture developed and used industrial exploitation in Egypt, more than 4000 years ago. Snow -in -the processes of the incorporation to Lona in Kintsevo Rakhunk was poisoned to the PIVDENENENTENENELELEDENELENIKOPIV, Pershovidkrivach I monopolist at that hour BUV BELFAST, compounded by the SUNKOI, Glory to the Center of Svittor, Vytika’s tissue tissue tissue

Lyon at all times is especially important for the higher classes of society, for cool weather in a warm period of rock and for a soft, sensitive atmosphere for the shkir of the first homes and gentry bloodlines, especially for reception - lyon has become a status marker of wealth and social prevag. In our days, the textile linen industry has grown significantly, the number of garments on the fashion market from linen is seemingly small - to make a linen shirt in any wardrobe is especially valuable.

Why is leon so expensive?

The best price for the linen is higher than the temple, like, for example, for cashmere, through the laborious processes of yogo making and processing. Dodamo to the point that the weather can also shove into the quality of the harvest the value of especially sensitive growth - an important factor that often strikes a significant world at a price.

Zvernemosya to the process itself. The best fibers found in flax, as a rule, are picked by hand, after which the last one is removed. Let's introduce bacteria at the stem, so that the pectin is laid out, which thickens the fibers. This process, the titles of "lobe" and can take a little more than an hour, as everything is broken up organically and according to the rules.

Then comes the process of "chvari", which, as a rule, occurs during the period from sickle to chest. One of the methods of trepanning includes the use of two metal rollers, which break the stems, by which they themselves see out the unfortunate parts of the village. fibers, which We have lost, then we “interrupt”, - a process that does not have anything to add to the applied calcium and little bit of living tissue, on the other hand, її dbaily distinguishes the types of short fibers, leaving only the found and soft fibers for a farther weaving.

Vіdіbranі in such a rank dovgі fibers in their natural look are slightly twisted, so they are now processed with the help of the “vologous” technique to achieve more smooth and soft yarn. Deyakі podnyuyut vyrobnitstvo lyon and kotonu for a universal model of processing, to speed up the process, but, apparently, as a result, significantly reduce the level of fiber quality.

Why is flax dying?

Linen threads are reduced to "LEA", which is the number of yards per pound of flax, 300 division; so 1 Lea will give 300 yards per pound. We know that it sounds a little archaic, ale, prote, in our right, old traditions are overwhelmed.

Let's make a note of Lea at the designated quality of linen matter (so it is, like we've got a lot of whiteness and smell), but you rarely wear a sign in Lea on the etiquette of the shirt, jacket or pants from these fibers. In order to assess the quality, we, imovirno, carried out the most simple sensory test - they coated the fabric. As a guideline, it seems that the Khustka z lyona revenge is close to 40 - 50 LEA. Yakshto wine for visions is rough and hard, then, better for everything, the creations from short fibers of lyon.

The very journey of the growth is the guarantor of vigor. The best lyon is respected for its growth in the climate of Normandy, in France and Flanders, in Belgium. Ale, I’m still, finally, we don’t care about the information, the stars were supplied by another brand for a specific version directly on the label. Tim is not less, widely known, that the best weaving factories that work with lyon, may be all of them are located in Bielli, the brewery region of Italy - brandy, like vicorous textiles of these factories, most often it is necessary to re-purchase the purchase.

Perevagi to the lion in front of the bavovna (coton)

1. Granted coolness

Lyon may have a high step, more penetrative, richer, lower at the bavovny, through the yogo, a thin layer of weaving thread.

2. Power to the point of blasphemy

Lyon may even have a high degree of moisture absorption, which makes it an ideal fabric for a hot humid climate. Vin is also hypoallergenic, and tse means that it does not interfere with yoga balls, does not interfere with harmful microorganisms.

In the future, the springiness, the building of sandy clay and choose the water to shatter the fabric, pliable to the bending of that transformation.

3. Mіtsnіst i dovgolittya

In addition, the lion is 30% stronger, lower bavovna, and its main advantage is durability. Your new shirt will be smooth and shovkovisty on a dotik, only a shirt will be saved such a shirt after three to five years of wear. Llyana fabric, as a rule, becomes soft and scary with skin rashes, as well as more proliferating processes. Flax fibers are not stretched, stay up to the age of old and other types of old. Rich from lyon is overwhelmed in an ideal camp by the hour, wanting to fold that prasuvanni, the commissars can wear out.

How to wear clothes from lyon

At the same time, linen from cashmere and fabric class "luxury" are in a row with cheap fibers of a piece fashion, which in a large number of people will fill the market with high fashion. Lyon is another one of the polarizing materials.

Axis, having figuratively described the effect of a robe with a lyon, which vibrates on the otochyuchi, the British actor Bill Nye in an interview with The Telegraph newspaper in 2010:

“Never trust people in clothes with lyon. I can’t relax if I have a man in my suit. People in informal costumes are the cause of anxiety, the biggest malice of the one who has risked wearing a wine of vibrancy from lyon. I can no longer go to France, because I can not survive the whole lion for myself. Tuscany, obviously, became a fenced zone for me during the summer period. Yakby I ruled the world, mustache people, like wearing clothes from lyon, would be arrested for evil against aesthetics.

Tim is not less, those most naive Italians and Frenchmen can freely wear clothes with a little m'yatim effect, which can be worn with lyon, with air and with aplomb. So how does it work? Nasampered, the lyon at the singing sensi throws a viklik to the puritanic classical style - the British are the most unique, their art of art with a century of dynastic history judging the folds in the ode, "unsmoothness" goes to the point of anathema.

To wear a linen uplifted, it is necessary for a mother to be unbreakable and calm. It’s easy to work out of a linen shirt or a jacket. For example, it’s good to wear a smart jacket with a smart, stylish shirt - which creates an intellectual mood in terms of contrast in textures, and a smart shirt, on the other hand, worn with a smart jacket or a suit - in a smart way over the strict rules of the formal. Where more foldable you can get with your pants with 100% lyon - stink, you know, they quickly lose shape, they deform and look neohay.

The pair of boaters with a panama hat have a white-colored suit that once gives the impression of a life-radius vintage. sane looking. For more contemporary style The trend is to choose a dark blue or black suit with a chocolate-brown belt and suede shoes, a swarthy shirt. In addition, a brown lyan suit must be worn with a white, pastel green, light green or orange shirt and a madras-cravat (otherwise, a cravat-metelik) - you can look so calmly, like and at the same time elegantly. Instead of wearing a one-color suit, take a look at the contrasting jacket ( white color, color pisku, green moss or tyutyunov-brown v_dtinku) and trousers (blue or gray color) for a more classic, but modern looking look.

If you want to wear suits without a bed in the office, then you can wear dark suits in the office, as you practice in the settings with a suvorim business dress code. In offices with an unfazed atmosphere and no rules for clothing, the providence itself ordered the ladies to wear costumes to wrap around the color. If you want to change your mind, change your suit to make it smart and “in shape”, so that if you want the natural wrinkle in the flax can look chic on the street, you will walk on the robot for an hour for neohainist.

A pastel or neutral tone blazer is one of the lightest and most important summer speeches, accessible, handy and extraordinarily driven. The shirt can be worn with shorts or with a pair of thin brown pants - ideally everyday.

Before Pershovoi, Viyni Viddadava, Perevg Svitlim Llynim to the costumes of the bialonal ally, Koloero of Yanichnoye Kazalupi, Vershkiv, Su So Zvani Vivsyanka, Todi Yak VIISKOVIA VILIARY OF THE COLORIA OF THE KOLIRIA. keep clean suits. Later, bіlі llyanі suits became a symbol of wealth and status. The stench was loved by Scott Fitzgerald's characters - the same Jay Gatsby, Poirot Agati Christie's coats were inspired by other light-colored costumes. This is a specific and even more specific marker of an hour and a characteristic of an individual.

Tim is no less, it is really important to know 100% lyon in what is the element of clothing in our days in modern minds. Widely seen in the world of great brandy, with its rampant general hostility to the folds, as a rule, there is a tendency to mix pure flax with more or less seam. As a result, we take into account the light fabric with a vіdmіnnoy structure, more penetration, European comfort and turbo-free.

How to choose virib from yakіsny lyon

Vrakhovuchi, that the new lyan robe is hard on the dotik, we can make it easier before buying. There are no really hard rules about how to designate a brand, in most cases you just happen to trust the reputation of that other brand in your food.

As a rule, you can be sure that the fabrics of the Italian factories will be of the highest quality, with the improvement of the Italian textile history and the equal knowledge of the robots with thin and delicate fibers.

De buy clothes from lyon

In your opinion, you will be more comfortable with any other fabric difference when buying natural pure linen or lyano sumishi. The best breeding and the most expert methods of processing will be guaranteed in price, so don't spare the same food for the minds of the day.

We encourage you to take care of labels on different brands, which are written according to the preferences of your fabrics. Whether it be, on which Sevil Row is listed, it is the main point of authority and merit for your trust. For example, Richard James has fantastic collections of linen blazers. Still, after all, England, and the beauty of the Roe, know that these Italian cousins ​​can prevail, if on the right you reach the work with thin materials, such as shovk and lyon. In this rank, it would be docily to win the robots of Loro Piana, Boglioli, Canali, Berluti, Brioni and Brunello Cucinelli.

Vrahovyuchi dovgovіchnіst lyon that trend to poshchennya yogo z vіkom, ce rozny krok - invest in yakіsnі llyanі virobi your thorough, modern and rich wardrobe successful cholovіka. Tim is not less, it is low middle price category of brands, which generates inexpensive options, thus showing a good balance between quality and variety. Suitsupply and J.Crew are two great examples of this - their post-workers of fabrics in the backwaters of the illusory Bielli, the region of Italy.

How to look at the clothes from the lion

Behind the llyanim virob, look at the butt, just keep an eye on it. If you zaplyamuvali jacket, it will be enough splendid wet rubbing, without aggressive chemicals, to take the fate of a standard dry cleaner. Well, I didn’t survive anything serious, if there was enough dry cleaning in the fresh air.

Warmer hand and machine cold є in the best way to clean the lion. For that matter, just hang it on a plate. Don’t forget to iron the fold of the gate too early (that and the whole vibrir vzagali bazhano be deprived without prasuvannya), so that you can damage the fibers - you won’t forget to rob the comrade with a strong, you’re not powerful, but you can damage and wear the most visible fibers.

Closing word

The reputation of the lyon is often slandered for its wrinkled, serene look, to that very lyon is an inconspicuously ideal option for warm weather, about which it is not easy to often forget.

Llyan's costumes were left to be made popular right up to the Other Light War. At the rocky vіyni cholovіch fashion has become more streamlined and practical, but more and more suits, zokrema, have inspired their popularity already in the 1960s. In the rest of the year, you can watch the growing popularity of linen for a person’s wardrobe, especially in sums for summer jackets and suits, such material for a person’s modern look of special charm and calmness.

Until what hour, did you know about the high quality of such fabrics as linen, or, on the contrary, were unique, or did you not think about nourishing the material of the elements of your wardrobe? Chi іninvestuvatimete You in llanі speech, like only on the streets warmer? Chi will become your cause special dosvid abo our dosit perekonli rozpovid? All the same tsіkavo.

“The first day of your life, wearing a clean shirt and a suit - from the head to the bottom of the lion - so that the incompetence of the yogo old-fashioned look would hurt your eyes, yakby you looked at the new one,” - thinking like that Huckelbury Finn about the aristocratic colonel Grunderford, and writing Mark Twain in 1880, in his 26 years, looming on the vogue of the current fashion for the right British gentleman, yak, unguardedly, suited him himself, helped to write types. The favorite choice of the meter is a white linen suit, itself in the new image of Mark Twain in many photographs.

How I missed everyone! It's so important to concentrate on trips. They are careful, but there is no time to dim them, no need. I have been wanting to write about one thing for a long time, but in modern times it’s not so relevant, but then I forget.

Father, the lion is the dress of the lion. How warm, so evil on the skin. Why evil? There is nothing evil in himself. Deyakі llyanі speech miraculous, for example, tablecloths. Linen clothes are also good, although they are much closer to home textiles. However, it's nasty out there more often.

It is necessary to remember a simple truth: weaving for linen, yak and cashmere, for a worker. And just like with cashmere, the middle fabrics are yakіsnі (troch) and reshta (absolutely greater). At the same time, you can buy a cashmere light for $30, and it will say 100% cashmere on it. Ale tse forfeited 30 dollars, richer practical than їх vitratiti in the world from wool. It's worth it to lyon. Yakіsnі fabrics (from long fiber) are costly to sew, non-yakіsnі fabrics do not require bathing.

Words from a low-grade lyon often look like a ganchirka in the shops and every day after a long time on people. Іsnuє thought that the memory of the lyon is natural, and in this way it is the essence. Hello, a good lyon does not in any way guess a ganchirka for a lie and does not create an enemy of neohaynosti. So, thin fabrics wrinkle more strongly than not, but they don’t look like chewing. Shirts are sewn from them, and not sleeping bags, for obvious reasons.

Three reasons for the sleepers to cry out food

It is good to wear a linen at the resort places, under the singing sun, for a spring in Capri, and not on a robot near Moscow. Under the pivdennym light, the lion does not give up so obsmiknuty and sloppy, on the other hand, it starts to relax, inspire from a kind of splendour.

Dali, what is worth the color. Being exclusively a "natural" fiber, which is worth wearing with pride, lyon often has "natural" colors, earthy colors: brown, yellow-yellow-hot, beige, marsh. In whom you look vin looks especially unacceptable. Decorate a linen bag and a sling wrapped around your chest - and an image of preparations to a new ethnicity.

Mitya pіdlogu bіdіyshlo, lion kindly absorbs water

Therefore, good speeches from the lyon are often brightly colored, in order to drown out yoga zayva naturalness. The red lyon looks a thousand times better, lower brown. Lyon with a thin husband often looks prettier, the bottom is monotonous: the husband masks the wrinkling of the fabric.

Yaskravі, in a marriage, dark llanі cloths look richly richer

Speech from lyon does not need to be joined with other such unsightly elements. For example, put a wicker tablecloth on the linen with bark kozubki and cats. Krishtal and srіblo, navpaki, kindly look at the smoldering lion. So it’s not enough to dress up before the linen cloth, and take straw bags.

I know again, lyon is not for great women. Subtle and twinklings can make speeches for other minds. And the size of the woman in the lyanіy cloth is similar to the Batkіvshchina-mother in the desert. Large-scale women, vzagali, it is imperative to unique the least stress on non-balance and neohaynist. Ale about tse okremo.

Golden Flax Seeds

My grandmother is a fan of this. I thought I tried it for a long time and took the flax in the pharmacy. And then I drank again on the last lyona, only whiter. The stench, at the sight of the past, is easily rozzhovuyutsya and take on the savor. Everything that I bathed the brown lyon before. White and gusto with gusto and opulently curvy, especially for women.

White lyon revenge more lignans and polyphenols, Provided with increased antioxidant activity in lower brown.

It’s easier to know the sale in brown, but it’s better to try and look at it all the same. It is also whiter (abo golden) for the lion it is easier to zastosovuvat in recipes, as for example, children do not want to eat them just like that.

Price: 66 rubles

Volume: 150 g.

Korisn_ doministnosti na lyon:

Today the lyon is darker than the crown, it’s wicked for an hour of weight loss, for cleansing the body, when the organs are ill, it is etched, like a mask for denunciation, it is hairy.

Let the last lion get away, otherwise, in front of gastritis, the tube of the tube and the twelve-fingered intestine.

Lastly, lyon helps to improve intestinal motility, and at the same time prevent constipation. For the intestines, scallops allow you to cleanse the intestines from toxins.

Last lyon revenge amino acids, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, manganese, fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9.

Sufficient supply of fatty acids to the body - prevention of heart disease. Oskіlki change risk of clotting, aka heart attack and stroke.

By accepting the lyon in the middle, I will improve the hairline, the hair and navit help to bring the vag to normal. On the flax, porridge, salads sip. You can also elaborate and I’m already ready to sip the grass for details.

The indestructible cellular tissue, which is hidden in our lyon, cleanses the intestines from shkidlivih speeches, from slags, toxins.

With regular use of flaxseed, blood cholesterol level decreases.

I’m sorry for the lion for people suffering from constipation, so as to give an easy carry-on dia.

And not all crooks of authority nasіnnya lyona.

Vіdmіnny variant, if you're bored with clots. Previously, I bathed dry calico (visivki) and added it to the scrambled eggs or kefir for cleansing, and then I lost weight. Klitkovina looks better and tastier for me. Tobto not only clean your body, but also take away the corny elements, so that you can improve your hair, nails, skin and coat.

I live only internally, I don’t wear any masks. For me, this is not the best way to make a mask .. if you can try to grind it.

Sound just a pink spoon for the lion from the wound. Otherwise, I add it to kefir, but I’m just going through it myself. So kіlka razіv added to homemade bread she sipped salad.

More recently, the lion can receive relish and is easily rozzhovuєtsya.

I have tried ollyana oliya before, but there may not be a pleasant smell and aroma .. that one is richer in terms of purification.

Today I live in the course of 3-4 days, obov'yazkovo on a spoonful of vrants (on a hungry slug ... washed down with water) or I add yogurt to kefir or yogurt. І plus by stretching this hour I will add to the next hour. In principle, it’s easy to simply introduce them to your diet, but for the slug it’s better for the sake of it.

* In case of problems with the hose, it is necessary to work the nasts on the lyon. And without any prescriptions, but the simplest thing is to fill it with sprinkles, and let it brew. My grandmother got used to such a look for an hour of gleeful virazka. I don’t like this option, well, it’s not tasty. I don't suffer from such problems especially. Then, in such a plan, the result is seen immediately, the flare of the sluice is noticed ... everything is already clear there. Nastiy needs to be prepared new before skin implantation.

After an hour after the implantation of the next day, the result is in the wind-stained hair and nails, at the foot of the shkir. Well, and the most cleansing (here I won’t go into details, everything is clear). І bonuses for looking at the normalization of etching.

For your respect, be healthy.

Llanі fabrics - tse natural material, Zrobleniy from the bast of the lion - the structural ball of the supporting part of the growth line. From the bast fibers of the іnshih roslins, twine, rope, and canvas are made.

Llyanі klaptі knew during the excavation of archaeological layers, which are estimated at a thousand sprats. For a long time in Russia, the canvases were called shovk.

Why shy away the fabric

For textile purposes, sing varieties of lyon are grown - dovgunets, curly. At the first stages of choosing a rose, you know:

  • soaking,
  • hanging,
  • zminannya,
  • trepannya.

So growing lion

After the first processing of the splint material, the flax-lilacs are pressed with stoses to direct the spinning to the spinning mill.

For the preparation of textiles, zastosovuyt dovge fiber, short tow, comb. From tow and chesіv to slacken technical products.

Dovge fiber lyon may have a transverse cut in the shape of a bagatokutnik with a space in the middle. The outer surface is smooth.

Flax fibers contain 80% cellulose, a small amount of other polysaccharides: pectosans, pectin rechovins. Krym tsgogo, in lyanіy sirovinі є representatives of simple lipіdіv, lіgnіnі, deyakі proteins.

The dominance of flax fibers

  • Good mechanical power is seen in high strength, resistance to wear. In the Vologda region, the mineral wealth increases by 10-20% fallow due to the type of syrovin. The springiness, the firmness up to the lowering of the lily fibers is low.
  • Physical power is characterized by high hygroscopicity (up to 12%), swellness to swelling (it can increase by 45%), heat resistance (visible temperature up to 170 ° C), lightness (higher, lower at the bottom).
  • Chemical stability is recognized as high. I want this thought to be clever. Diya acids lyon vitrimuє. After acid processing, the material becomes soft. Puddles of difference are not visible. When heated in a different way, to take revenge on the meadow, the canvas loses its magic.

All threads from fibers are possessed by vicorist traditional technologies of spinning. The process includes three main stages:

  • preparation of mass of fibers;
  • front spinning;
  • spinning.

At the result, threads are established, among which textile materials are spun.

Varieties of fabrics and their dominance

Fabrics from the lyanoi syroviny can grow up to drink the veils of the sorority of the perevag.

  • Lion is a material suitable for words. Vіn viklikaє priєmnі asotsіatsії, miraculously looking, not fighting the skin, not giving allergic reactions.
  • Llyane canvas may be microporous, through which it circulates well. Fabric "dikhaє" is more beautiful, lower than other textile materials.
  • All fabrics provide thermal comfort. In a speku, a person in a lyan odyaz does not overheat.
  • Lyon is a very important material, which is important to erase.
  • The high quality of the fabric is taken positively by the people, the shards demonstrate the naturalness of the fabric, the high quality.
  • The hardness of the material can also be assessed as a positive characteristic that allows designers to model with a pronounced form.

Lyon is dear to words, looking beautiful

ZMI has information about the bactericidal properties of materials. Tse callikaє obґruntovanі sumnіvi. It is too small to save a sufficient concentration, activity of speeches with antimicrobial action during the passage of the entire virobnichesky cycle of transformation of growth into a final product. Stage rich, mind firm.

Pilne's diet allowed me to understand this:

  • In botanical plants, there is information about the presence of mucus-forming speech in lyon, which can swell in hot water and envelop the wound. There is a talk about the presence of such speeches in roslins of a singing appearance, and not in fabrics.
  • Llyany canvases make a great sorption (cladding) building.
  • Look at the sight on the poshkodzhenіy shkіrі, without a peep, may have a positive effect. The microbes are not left behind at the backpack, but are covered with cloth, which can be replaced.
  • At the vicinities enterprises, the method of taking away the clay from the great clay building was introduced. Successfully tested, getting ready for mass production of technology for the production of bandaging materials from lyon.
  • To be carried out the development of methods applied to the fibers and threads covered with bactericidal power.

From which the wrong vysnovok about the bactericidal quality of the fabrics was smashed.

This material can be richly corrected, distorted by the rich practice of victoria.

Classification by type of weave

  • Three of the most common types of simple weaves for weaving threads are linens.
  • In the range of fabrics there are varieties with a finely textured weave type (matting modification).
  • Beautiful products come out of canvases, broken by combinations of weaves, which shine through. Tse mozhut but tsіlіsnі virobi chi okrі fragments.
  • Cloths for sewing light cloth, blouses, curtains can be woven in the technique of folding weaving, as they are called openwork.
  • Fabrics for tablecloths, servettes, curtains, cloth, suits are often won over by high-quality weaving on special jacquard machines.

Designed types of wickerwork are used when weaving uniform linen or sumish fabrics.

How to keep an eye on the lyanim virobs

  • Homogeneous varieties of natural colors are good for high temperatures. You can use it at a temperature of 90 ° C, boil it if necessary.
  • For prefabricated fabrics, a maximum temperature of 60 °C is recommended.
  • Carefully follow vicoristovuvati for vіdbіlyuvannya. Under the influence of some aggressive oxidizing pigments, the flax may change.
  • Dry the flax from the linen at the straightened station, zapobіgayuchi dodatkovom zminanna.
  • Ironing can be done at a high temperature, vicorist function of steaming.
  • Save your products better in linen and paper bags. To zapobіgannya poglanannya odors next air the wardrobe.

With the right eye, the llana products do not waste cobs for three hours.

A film from the series “Tse tsikavo” about those who vibrate like a lion:

Packing with us

Lyon - roslin is widely planted. Yogo vikoristovuyut at the state, and th at the grub industry. Today we live like an additive, and oil is like a top dressing, but you can’t cook on it. And all to the fact that the oil is already oxidized and change the taste. To live in and buy a new lyon and oliyu can be practically leather, without borders, prote, vicorist yogo with an exuberant method, varto all the same.

Look more respectfully

At the same time, it is most often and vikoristovuetsya as a food additive in the pickling system. Vіn є nevycherpnyj dzherelom vіtaminіv, mikroelementіv, energії pri healthy food, i yak brown product, .

Today, it is practical for leather to be able to buy linen or products from it. It’s rich in why it’s connected with yoga, to improve self-confidence, become internal organs and navit.

A sharp drink calls to the point that it is not easy to know the product. If you put food to make a purchase, then you can lower the price of selling yoga.

Place for sale now

  1. Local pharmacy. Practically in any pharmacy you can find us, packed in small bags or boxes.
  2. Great Trade Merezhi(sound there, de є rіznі gorіhi, additives). There, it is often sold for sale at a vіdkritumu looking at the vag.
  3. Market. On the market in places where they sell fruits, herbs, spices, you can also find flax.
To know, to buy a new lyon, madly, required, but with whom else it is necessary to choose the right lyon, so that it will be defiantly like, fresh and brown. The axis of a few simple recommendations, which will help you choose the right one, so choose the right one for a more trivial choice.

We choose lion correctly

Having returned respect for the nuances, you can be convinced that you are far away to buy linen today, as it is the best. Only in the light of such a nasіnnya it is possible to ochіkuvat coris effect.

Lyon, what growth in the country

Buying a lyon can be acknowledged. Not to the one who could have said about the yoga of power. Yak guessed more,. You can buy flax for this, both for improving health, and for preparing savory, brown gastronomic pastries. Possibly, the first knowledge of such a key will be effective.

After that, the decision “I will buy a new lyon” is accepted, the varto will be appointed, de and yak it will be saved. And all to that which is our fault to be saved in the singing minds. Only in this moment you can invest like on a day's card, so on the trip of saving.

Wash the savings of the lion

  1. Immediately after unpacking the brewed brew in a dry airtight container and put in the refrigerator. Obov'yazkov's mind - dryness. The least bitty, drive that about as far away as possible, you can forget about it. Especially, the varto is respectfully set to the detailed date. On the right, in the fact that as little as a grain was smashed, the building before oxidation of the preparation grew in a sprat of times. To that you it is necessary to ensure the minimum contact with the help of the water.
  2. Also, the minimum hit on the present day is the oliya of light. With the overworld sun, we are growing, what would be wrong for the singing minds of the koristuvannya.

Well, and stop, which is not less important - prepare the present correctly and make it right. The axis of deyakі stravi, yakі can be prepared from the last lyon, the price of їх is not too high, but the melancholy is great, that can be prepared often.

Stravi z lyona

Health is the most important official in life, and hedgehog is the basis of life. Zvіdsi and the first rule of a happy one healthy way- the hedgehog is correct, like a neobov'yazkovo maє buti ogidnoy. It’s good to bring the lion to the present. The stench is to be drunk with relish, a faint pea aroma can be smelled. You can raise the product with vegetables, herbs, syrup, mayonnaise, sour cream and other products. Need to say what lyana oliya also practical s usim. To that, zastosovayuchi oliyu that nasinnya, you can work savory, I’ll accept it.

Video supplement

So you will be tsіkavі:

Yak viroshchuvati savory stubs at the dacha - sort from "A" to "Z"
In some kind of fertilizers, you can see the lack of soil in the country?

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