How to live with an unloved person and chi varto? How to live with an unloved person? For the sake of a psychologist, to live with a disliked Lyudina What is it like to live with a disliked

“That’s how people live, and there’s nothing…” Chi richly insinuates that there are few happy families, that someone is alive, who is “behind the star”, who is for the sake of children, who is for the sake of the power of wanting to be beaten, who is out of fear of selfishness? .. Vіshaє hardly, but utrimuє that zupinyaє bagatioh. Only in the light of what do you try and in what do you learn? Vіd formal rozryu - so. In obsession with the bajans, throw everything and start back the same way. Inode. Chi tsya zhitteva wisdom helps to improve family life with a proper rank? Pretty sure.

Zvichayno, far from being for all people, the appearance of Kaluga in Snіguronka is a tragedy. “Well, so ... - zіthaє lyudina, - romantic kohannya nedovgovіchne. Everything passes, but life is supposed to be required. I live, as it seems, "without pretensions." If two such “reasonable” people converge, tragedies and truth are not. Vlashtouє їх such a camp of speeches, stinks continue to respect one another, satisfy one another in an intimate plan, know spilnu mova at the plan of the birth of children and the master - the family is prosperous. You can navit say: happy. Could b. You don’t know how happy they are. As if not the mother of the inner, impervious to any sensible reflections of the deep, and clearly aware of the need to love, be sensible, what your kohanna will accept and buti kohanim (kokhanim). If you don’t have such a mother, then nothing. And what is it? How do you know from life, what is wrong with your self-sufficiency, say “fahivtsiv”, that the term of a romantic kohannya is a maximum of three months? From life, but not one’s own, or maybe one’s own, but “it didn’t work out” ... Then don’t give anything, don’t help, don’t embarrass.

I remember the scene at the subway. Evening. Grandma is sitting at the middle of the carriage. On the contrary, a dry, small parosta did not stand the same here until he was eighty. Vaughn trims yoga by the hand. Vin takes his hand. The stinks kept moving, didn't blink, didn't chirp. They just thrashed one by one. Ale those, how she trimmed her hand, and vin trimav її, the flooring was very different! It would be obvious to the most cynical glance that there was no sound, and no guessing “to the foot!”, And not yet in the category of butt social psychology, and kohannya with unspent for all ten years of zakohanistyu. You can see from them that the stench love one another lower-lower like a youthful quivering hoarseness. I'm good. The stinks are one flesh. That's why it's single. On their guise, on their hands, on the bodies of their old ones - by all means, there is a blast of kohanna that overcame death.

How would it be for the people, whose soul is summed up for the kohanny, the people, how did you envy yourself that “others” should live too long?

What now? - Ask you. Let's separate terminally, who doesn't love their other halves, and rush to the jokes of the "unified"? No, I'm not preaching anything like that. Mova only about those who are not so simple. Nutrition, like living with an unloved squad / unloved person, you can blame, first, not with everyone. For whom, it is still necessary to want to love, but far from being powerful for everyone. There are not so many people on the floor to learn not to become cohanimi, but to love yourself, so that you can put everything on the map "acquire with excessive practice." So don't rush. And in a different way, the very production of the food “yak” tells us to live with our squad. The method has no food. The methodology of family life, if you like.

“Be you a rocker chi іnok,” Oleksandr Gradsky sings, “you are in the Radyansk kalyuzhi vomok.” As the great Radian psychologist S. Rubinshtein said, "ideology overrides methodology." Radyan's family was filled with the hope of inspiring a bright future, and the system stood at the “middle of the suspense”, as if through the party committee-mistem it called out to the order of friendship, as if to set special interests more for the suspils. The separation was less, but only a little less, like a lot of things in the Soviet Socialist Republic, on the false ideology and on the strength of the totalitarian regime (the world weakened some of them, including family), and during the break-up period, the name of the whole was more splashed, plastered for decades, rotten.

You can often remember the well-known party-mistkomivsky remnants of the pragmatic saving of the Orthodox family. So sob, hanging on kshtalt radyansky pracivniki in the ideological sector, "born the flames of communism." It does not show itself in separations (that you yourself can do it less on your own), but in fear to the point of dying and suffering, to grieve in selfishness, souls: oh, those passions!

Yes, passion. "Passion" in the Russian translation of the words "Janian" means "suffering". At what hour is it normal for a Christian to know the suffering of his neighbor?

Thus, the passion of the soul is the main reason for selfishness. The soul is pure to succumb to God and you cannot be yourself. I what? Tse skasovuє spіvchuttya, spіvchuttya, mercy? With one and the same assessment of the situation, I will become the soul of a person, її vchinkiv, able different blues up to a special point. Possible differences, but not all stinks are acceptable in the soul of the Gospel. Rev. Isaac the Sirin to read that purity is “a heart that is kind to the creature of nature”, and the heart is merciful - “a burning heart of a person about all creation”, this heart cannot “be blamed, or just a little, or be-like shoddy chi little sadness that the creatures know. And about the wordless ones, and about the thieves of truth, and about the quiet, who mend misfortune to you, who should offer a prayer, so that they were spared and cleansed ... with great pity, as without peace, they are awakened in the heart of yoga for being likened to that God.

If such a key is to look at family colliages, there will be no joy in “shouldering”. Not in the sense that there will be no clarity, firmness, compliance with the commandments. Tse will. And there will be no, natomist, zhorstokostі, heartlessness, contempt to the German, stunned by passions of a person.

I all the same, yak?


But you won’t punish your heart ... but you can command. However, here it is necessary to clarify. In the Greek language, love is signified by chotirma with the words: φιλια <филия>- Kokhannya is friendly, ερως <эрос>- love-pragnennya (as a rule, it’s less understandable like a chuttve kohannya, but only on top of the pidkhid), στεργω <стерго>- generic kokhannya, i αγαπη <агапи>- love is spiritual, love is povagu, good attitude, love is free (it was mindful, over the current sense, for it is like lying in the free choice). The very word αγαπη and it was framed by the Savior, to remind him of a new veil of spiritual love.

Photo Kristina Litvjak/

If you think about it, all the first three types of love for the authorities and creatures: friendship, the existence of creatures for an hour crying out for slaughter, these eros are far from ever leading up to ancestral activity, and self-love of love until its own inheritance. In addition, all three see love spontaneously. Eros vinikaє raptovo, for an hour, between people you have known for a long time, nadyhaєєх, ennoble ... otherwise, navpak, shtovhaє on terrible evil things, but so you can vape yourself raptovo, so that the suffocation does not overgrow at the kokhanny.

Friendship is also spontaneously felt, which you suddenly know in your own self, your own, now, you know in yourself. Vaughn winikaє іnоdі raptovo, іnоdі іnоdієєєєєєєєє і і ​​so the very can raptovo аbo stepwise zasnuti. Neobov'yazkovo after welding. It’s just that stosunki can cherish themselves, and the old friends on the streets lead to a wide, lively interest, as you can tell, as relatives of that bed know, passing on goodbye to make friends.

Kokhannya clan? Tim is bigger. Vaughn either є, or її mute. But people love their family, the people, the country of chi іnsh splnіst, a member of which they themselves svіdomlyuє: professional svіvtovarstvo, svіvtovarstvo for interests (fan clubs, for example), the party is thin, chi nі. Vin is ready to protect his soul, be it an image of one of "his own" - a special image for him. For the sake of the good of "his" stake of wines, prepare to practice with enthusiasm. And I don’t know what kind of ancestral kohanna, but if a person is smart, if she can be, then she’s trying to imagine. For what? Nothing simple. Love to "one's own" in times is portrayed through hatred to "strangers". I don't know who to recognize as "strangers". And the more diligently and foolishly tickles your heel in your chest, that you call out “beat-ratuvat”, then sumnivnіsha yoga shirіst. As a rule, such a person does not hit a finger on a finger, so that his soul on the street in front of his booth becomes cleaner, quieter. And if you hit it, then for the sake of your own position and political points.

All you see love doesn’t just come and go without a will, but they manifest no less spontaneously. The amplitude of wonderful deeds and savage mischief that all three of them are born is colossal. I have a common problem: idolatry. In sensitive love, the practice of anger in a single whole is subordinating itself to all and everything, which is on the way - driving down the bottom. In friendship, for the sake of saving, malicious solidarity is manifested, more “do not throw your own”. In love, they forget before their people that other people also have the right to life, freedom, well-being, but ... they don’t win everyone.

As it was appointed more, if you see love - spontaneously, it is impossible to command them. Ale the Lord and do not command to love sensitively, do not command to be friends, do not command to love the fatherland, even though it is wonderfully sensitive. Vіn, koristuyuchis word αγαπη , “a new commandment” is given to us: let us love one alone (Jn. 13; 34), to that, as it was already said more, αγαπη , On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd іnshih vіdіh vіdіv kokhannya, to lie in our will.

Tse love to God and people like the image of God. Moreover, it’s not only up to another person, but up to yourself. At Bozi. This is the gift of God, and the zavdannya of the people, for without zusil z її side, this gift will not take root. More than that, the ability to love itself with love is constantly tested for testing. Through the afternoon, the test of love takes root and in an hour gives a plaid. Love is known to God, as Father Volodymyr Zalipsky said, through love to the neighbor, and love to the neighbor - through humility.

Spiritual kohannya poklikane become a life-giving and stabilizing soil, be it from the wise-knowing three "spontaneous" sights of the kohanny. Eros of roots αγαπη focus on particularity and remember about God, which is seen as a hedonistic vikoristannya subject from one side, and put your head in the sight of a crazy obzhnyuvannya - from the other side. Friendship on this soil remembers the right thing - the order of the soul, and to that not to allow anything ungodly from the side of a friend, do not support yoga in evil, but to destroy a mustache, so that a friend will change his mind. Love to your people, fatherland, colleagues, sleepy people, who are eating αγαπη , do not become unhinged by the blessings of others, to the one who stumbles upon us in front of people in foreigners, putting yourself in their place and respecting them, viruyuchi everything conflict situations, not spending human goodness, not ignoring justice and philanthropy.

If you turn to ours with those, then you can be simple, even though it’s not easy to reach: you can only live with an unloving retinue ... having loved you, like a neighbor.

“With tears I ask and bless you,” said St. Oleksiy Mechev, - be the sons who cherish those who are you, if not all of them, then I will, in the same Lord, making you a member.

Be warm and light for the lonely; try first to win yourself over with yourself, work on the cym, and then we’ll work on you so that it’ll be a lot of work for you, and it’s warm for a moment, we’ll hoard all the new and new people and the number that you illuminate, step by step everything will be increased. that zbіshuvatisya; so make up your mind, so that the lamp is brightly burning.<…>

The Lord can only greet them with love, and we can only love them all through Christ.<…>

We are guilty of inheriting the love of God. Vipadok robiti komu good - tse є God's mercy to us, it is my fault to bіgti, pragnut with all my soul to serve others.<…>

Truly and firmly believing, entering into controversy with the Lord, gaining God's love. At the meeting with the Lord, these powers unite with each other.<…>

Lyubov is filled with a path of robots over himself, a path of violence against himself, and a path of prayer.

It would be marvelous, it would seem, almost, that the kohannya is filled with "a path of violence against oneself." Ale tse witness the whole ascetic dosvid. The reason for the internal support of our Divine love is not so with the clergymen, as with our bodily organization, which is to repair the support of everything heavenly and holy. My courage is drawn to natural love - erotic, friendly, tribal, but to spiritual love is not pragnemic, because the earthly in us resists the heavenly, the nepale - the holy. Holy is less those who are with God and the sight of God without a middle way, because God is holy.

As if I remember, a long time ago, long ago before my hanging, we crossed over with one garnoy people about yoga above the world close to the soldiers with my friend's retinue. There, everything had already gone to the formalization of the separation of that new slub. So it turned out that I blatantly found out about it and cheekily interjected into their novel. On the right, it ended up that the team reconciled with the man. So the axis, the person (they also talked to me about it) brought me up that God is love and commanded us to love, and they loved one alone, it didn’t follow that it was instilled by the need to turn to a man. Vin rich and garno mirkuvav. Bagato correct speaking. Only one stared: The Lord spoke about love to the neighbor. And neighbor No. 1 for her is a person. The axis is such an axis, not harmonizing with it in the most manipulative plans, uncivilized, sharp, by the hands of unhewn, but to the very faults, by the providence of God, appearing for its neighbors, which will most require the report of love in all its aspects. It seemed that, if she went on about her sensitive love, then the same time the God-preservation of the kokhannya disregarded.

To love, if "to be loved" is simple and easy, to inspire as it is connected with great sacrifices. If a person walks through love, not omitting the middle of "natural" impulses - the axis de field for the feat of love is a commandment.

Happy are you, to whom God sent that very “other half”, and the stench lived soul to soul for a long time, zavdyaki God. Blessed are those to whom the Lord did not bless their happiness, giving them the opportunity to achieve success in love for that neighbor.

There are no number of reasons why you should bet to enter at the stosunka. Fear of selfishness sits on this list far from being left. A lot of people are afraid of being depleted in old age in an empty life and want, so that someone could guess about them after death. Sim'ya give insurance and vpevnenist. "To endure - to be angry," - so it seems among the people. However, a lot of psychologists vvazhayut that samota is by no means the biggest option, as there are stosunki on the right side of the teres, founded on the sounds. Today we will talk about those who cannot live with an unloved person.

1. Wrong announcement about goodbye

Suspіlstvo ta current culture settled at the svidomosti of rich people, it was revealed that self-made people and women cannot be happy. In front of your eyes - the butt of batkiv, more "lucky" friends. And all the stench is in front of you, if you check for a radical change in your life. However, the statement is fundamentally wrong. Just through those who are in order with you, there will be another person, you will not know happiness. For an ideal union with Kims, one great mind is needed - love. Let me know, what will be, if the school is not rooted in pochutty?

2. Bezlich obmezhenie

Letting another person into your booth, you separate your life, your rights, but at the same time you put on additional footwear. You both try to live behind the template, interfacing vlasni bazhannya and consume, only to the one who is so accepted, and "everything is so shy." From the other side, you are between the bazhannya and the needs of other people. Now you are offended zmushenі pristosovuvatisya one to one. In such minds, life without feelings is like hell, when one of the partners wants to be left alone with oneself, to calm down, find oneself, freely. Understand that a partner's whisper is not the equivalent of success, but a sign of entry into a grown-up life.

3. Vіdnosiny zadnosin vіdnosin duzhe soon draw themselves

Self-management is free to repair it as you like, and may be a smut: freedom of choice. In this hour, as an alternative to the usual family way of life, there are many options for water. People actively practice splits without a stamp in their passports, guest lovers and “love in the country”. Forzavzhd po'yazuvat your share with another human varto more than once, if you understand, that you work life alone for the better. As your couple is revisited by conflicts and dissatisfaction, sooner or later such an alliance will end for itself.

4. New social links

Vіdnosini without kohannya do not comprehend the need for regular meetings with friends and relatives of the partner. Vikonuvatimete all the rules of etiquette, and it will be easy for you to switch to the right sympathy for strangers. If a person is self-conscious, be it out, you can miss the evening, having sent to an unfortunate meeting. Nobody trims yoga. Yakshcho vin pragne splkuvannya, vin go to the bar and move there by unknown people. I call it unimportant, to drink the wines of your new companions, if any. It is not necessary for you to look around at your partner or catch on your own before looking at your relatives. Having repaired it like this, otherwise, you can’t fasten it up a bit. People who live near megalopolises, when they sip hundreds of osibs today, the stench in the fire can not respect themselves. All the doors are open before you, and there are no good reasons to call yourself a mіtsnoy motuzka with people, as if behind a great rakhunka you will be baiduzh.

5. Seeing people without love as selfish

If you want to choose a new thing, you carry a piece of speeches into a conciliatory vіdrazu. If you accept the model of someone else's ideal life, no one can give guarantees that this model has been poured in. Step by step, you will be aware of what you are testing in reality, what is being modeled. Seemingly evoking that dissatisfaction to the point of devastation. Don't bring happiness yourself on a silver platter. Imovirno, I didn’t get ahead of you about anything. Two people, like living one with one, is just the sum of two people. As you can see, there is no way back, and your dreams are based on lies and deceit, you will feel richly self-confident.

There are no number of reasons why you should bet to enter at the stosunka. Fear of selfishness sits on this list far from being left. A lot of people are afraid of being depleted in old age in an empty life and want, so that someone could guess about them after death. Sim'ya give insurance and vpevnenist. “To endure - to be angry,” - so it seems among the people. However, a lot of psychologists vvazhayut that samota is by no means the biggest option, as there are stosunki on the right side of the teres, founded on the sounds. Today we will talk about those who cannot live with an unloved person.

Wrong statement about happiness

Suspіlstvo that modern culture was settled in the presence of wealthy people who were told about those that self-made people and women cannot be happy. In front of your eyes - the butt of batkiv, more "lucky" friends. And all the stench is in front of you, if you check for a radical change in your life. However, the statement is fundamentally wrong. Just through those who are in order with you, there will be another person, you will not know happiness. For an ideal union with Kims, one great mind is needed - a kokhannya. Let me know, what will be, if the school is not rooted in pochutty?

Bezlich obmezhen

Letting another person into your booth, you separate your life, your rights, but at the same time you put on additional footwear. You are both motivated to live behind a pattern, surrounding you with the power of bazhannya, you need it, only to that which is so accepted, and “everything is so shy”. From the other side, you are between the bazhannya and the needs of other people. Now you are offended zmushenі pristosovuvatisya one to one. In such minds, life without feelings is like hell, when one of the partners wants to be left alone with oneself, to calm down, find oneself, freely. Understand that a partner's whisper is not the equivalent of success, but a sign of entry into a grown-up life.

Vіdnosiny for the sake of vіdnosin soon they will draw for themselves

Self-management is free to repair it as you like, and may be a smut: freedom of choice. In this hour, as an alternative to the usual family way of life, there are many options for water. People actively practice splits without a stamp in their passports, guest lovers and “love in the country”. Forzavzhd po'yazuvat your share with another human varto more than once, if you understand, that you work life alone for the better. As your couple is revisited by conflicts and dissatisfaction, sooner or later such an alliance will end for itself.

New social links

Vіdnosini without kohannya do not comprehend the need for regular meetings with friends and relatives of the partner. Vikonuvatimete all the rules of etiquette, and it will be easy for you to switch to the right sympathy for strangers. If a person is self-conscious, be it out, you can miss the evening, having sent to an unfortunate meeting. Nobody trims yoga. Yakshcho vin pragne splintering, vin going to the bar and roaming there from unknown people. I call it unimportant, to drink the wines of your new companions, if any. It is not necessary for you to look around at your partner or catch on your own before looking at your relatives. Having repaired it like this, otherwise, you can’t fasten it up a bit.

People who live near megalopolises, who can make hundreds of osibs today, the stench in the fire can respect themselves. All the doors are open before you, and there are no good reasons to call yourself a mіtsnoy motuzka with people, as if behind a great rakhunka you will be baiduzh.

Vіdnosini without kokhannya shy people more selfish

If you want to choose a new thing, you carry a piece of speeches into a conciliatory vіdrazu. If you take on the model of someone else's ideal life, no one can give guarantees that this model has been poured in. Step by step, you will be aware of what you are testing in reality, what is being modeled. Seemingly evoking that dissatisfaction to the point of devastation. Don't bring happiness yourself on a silver platter. Imovirno, I didn’t get ahead of you about anything. Two people, like living one with one, are just the sum of two people. As you can see, there is no way back, and your dreams are based on lies and deceit, you will feel richly self-confident.

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