Hamlet prince Danish analysis of creation. W. Shakespeare "Hamlet": description, heroes, analysis of creation. Analysis of Shakespeare's "Hamlet"

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Conflict and hero in W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet"

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Conflict and hero in W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet"

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Problems of interpretation of W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet"

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Remember the theme of W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet"

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Having rebuilt the plot of the old English story about Prince Amleth.

Hamlet. Artistic film 1964

Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, discovers the mystery about the vile invading of his father and rages to avenge him, in spite of his moral obligations, throw a cry to the suspense:

Vіk razkhtavsya, - i naigіrshe,
What people inspire yoga!
(Translated by M. Lozinsky)

However, in this struggle, Hamlet calls out, for an hour zhorstoko dorikayuchi himself for idleness. The reason for the importance of Hamlet's freedom, the internal difficulties that make it easier for him to struggle, was the subject of critical literature's trivial super-checks. The old criticism of the broadening has a wicked glance at Hamlet like a weak-minded person, a thinker and a spy, undeserving to diy. However, the prince is the specialty of the supervichy. Having come from the University of Wittenberg, passionately fond of art, theatre, he writes poetry himself, instructs actors, seemingly like a meta-dramatic art "as before, so now, bula and є trim like a mirror in front of nature ...". Hamlet is not a naive person. I will feel at night when I hear the news about the evils of the new king; Wine is sensible, sharply penetrating and deeply penetrating the essence of podia, from which it sticks.

Hamlet shows that straining power of feelings, which the people of the Renaissance epoch quarreled about. Vіn dearly loving father, yogo death and mother's cursed mother's hat cry out from the new serene bіl and gnіv. Hamlet to love Ophelia, but not to know happiness with her dribbling soul and cynical oshukanka. Yogo fierce and figurative words addressed to Ophelia speak about the power of so much love to her, which ended in disappointment.

Noble Hamlet and come out of high statements about morality. The very sound of yogo zhovchne anger, if the wines stick with the world of nonsense and recklessness.

Building Hamlet for great friendship. People are valued for their special qualities, and not for the camp, like the stench is occupied. The only close friend is the student Horatio; ignoring the courtiers, Hamlet is friendly and radiantly stuns the people of the art - actors. Hamlet to love the people. About tse z trivogo to speak King Claudius, who drove his father.

For Hamlet, the power of will is powerful, the building is filled with struggle. Having guessed the spirit of your enemies, wines are like mothers:

Well, let's go;
That's fun, shobi digger
Visaditi yoga with mine; it will be bad
Like I don’t break with a yardstick,
To let them go until the month. I belong to the fact
If two cunning people shut up with a cholom!
(Translated by M. Lozinsky)

Building Hamlet on a bold decision: on a ship, if one is being taken to England, to death, because of the blissful guilt of wine, one can find a way to turn around and replace oneself with sending to the stratum of the soldiers of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

Let Hamlet in the fight, his colivannya is often explained to the vodchaєm, which gives rise to a new inconsistency of action from his life ideal.

Hamlet is a person of philosophical thought. In okremih facts vin umіє bachiti viraz great slanderous phenomena. Ale did not draw to reflection, zatrimu yogo diї at the fight, but you frowned, until such wines come as a result of thinking over the soothing. Hamlet calls the world a “violent garden” that only the wild and the evil of the present can bear fruit (act 1, scene 2-a); Vіn declares to his comrades that they have arrived, that Daniya is in the house and the whole world is in the house.

Volodymyr Visotsky. Hamlet's monologue "Buti chi don't buti"

At the famous monologue "Buti chi don't buti" Hamlet speaks about the value of life itself. Pererahovuyuchi dashing people, vin describe zvichaї suspіlstva, de Panuyut oppression and injustice:

Falsehood of gnobiteli, nobles
Zarozumіlіst, vіdkinute a little,
Not a quick judgment and the most
The ridicule of the ungodly from the guide...
(Translated by B. Pasternak)

King Claudius is one of Shakespeare's best realistic images of the queens-dares. Approachable, arrogant and penetrating, vin dominating the throne at the cost of a crooked malice - fraternization - and then heavily guarding your power in the same unclean ways. But on the face of more early Shakespearean chronicles in "Hamlet" the peculiarity of the king-likhodiya is shown not in the Kremlin. Here, a wide picture of the royal court, destroyed, ravaged by Claudius's brutish policy, is blown up. Queen Gertrude, a weak woman, also falls under this rule. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are willing to take on the role of spies and guardians of Hamlet, their university comrade.

The obsequious joker and at the same time the cunning courtier Polony diligently and timidly help the queen in yoga intrigues against Hamlet. Vіn not guiding vicoristovuvaty z tієyu vlasnu my daughter, how to love Hamlet: pіdlashtuvav zustrіch Opheliї z Hamlet, podsluhovuє іz king їkhnu rozmovu. Polony and his own family vіdnosinakh: after the blue, where are you going to Paris, set the pace

Richly noble characters - the son of Polonia Laert and the nephew of the Norwegian king Fortinbras, as well as setting himself up for revenge for the death of his fathers. Ale Fortinbras is easily moved from the ground. Laertes does not complicate the crooked path with deep, suspenseful moral tasks. Vіn pragne beat Hamlet, and only. The king invites him to fight with a broken sword - vchinok, unacceptable to the ideals of the old personal morality. The most tragic for Hamlet are those who are in love with Ophelia, lagidna, but weak in character, not to know the strength to resist the will of the father. Vaughn pokіrno pogodzhuєtsya on zradlivu rozmovu with Hamlet, like zbirayutsya podsluhovuvat, and by the same time staє znaryaddy vile snake against kohanoy people.

In this order, Hamlet does not stick with a single enemy, but with a whole fortune of fortune-telling. Vіn hour close to that, shchob vіdchuti their powerlessness in the fight against evil.

Interest in Hamlet, a daring, noble and spontaneous fighter against evil; The coming great tragedies of Shakespeare continue to develop the theme of death the best people and internal discord.

Prototype Hamlet served Prince Amlet - the son of the ruler of Jutland Gorvendil and the daughter of the Danish king Rerik - Geruti. At the time of Batka Yogo being beaten by his brother Fengon, having become the man of Geruti, the hero of Jutland, having changed with the young man, ale, grown up, was mad, how to use his mind and cunning under the mask of madness. With the first attempt of Fengon to bring Amlet to clean water, she was sent to a new maiden (she was killed in a prince and was ahead of her about evil). Suddenly, the ruler of Jutland, having tried to throw off the mask from the prince, pidlashtuvshi you ma vіdvertu rozmovu z matіr'yu. Rozmova ended up driving in the king's guardian, who was hiding under the carpet, and Geruti's kayattu.

In the literary analysis of the historical plot, Shakespeare periodically appears in the wake of pershogerel: the blues of Geruti and Fengon start from the moment of fun (in p'єsі the stench often serves as the reason for the old Hamlet's beating), messages to England and betrothed to yourself (At p'єсі zahopleniy pirates Hamlet to England do not reach). The finale of the history of the prince of Jutland is truly dramatic: he turns to the country for his own feast, at the banquet he sings to the king's friends and courtiers, then he bends them with a kilim, nailing the rest of the palace to the fall. Shakespeare's rozvyazka may have a lesser rozbіynitsky character: skin death in her is natural and connected with other moral and ethical and philosophical problems.

The killing of the king of Jutland by Fengon was obvious, the killing of the old Hamlet is cryptically. Appearance of the primari, what you put on the blue of the zavdannya pomsti, the ostentatiousness of the change of the place, the love motive, the introduction of the “scene in the scene” into the plot (played by the metropolitan tragedies of the song “Gonzago’s driving in”), the approach of the head trick, directing to the “mesnik” and turned into the opposite of the most, є classic rice genre"The Tragedy of a Crooked Revenge", the creator of which is the champion of Shakespeare, Thomas Kyd.

Hamlet vikikuє, Hamlet prepares his podium, breaking the mother's heart with bitter, but truthful words about її zrada not only in memory, but in the life of the king, vipadkovy driving in the king's guardian - the cunning Shahrai Polonius, sent to death put before the new "friends" - Rozenkran that Gilden. Laertes, whose share is the Danish prince "reclaiming one's share", don’t check anything: I’m ready to hurt the death of the father at that very moment, if you pump yoga, let him go to the chapel. Rozuminnya that the true culprit of the tragedy is Claudius, to come to the son of Polonius only on his deathbed.

The image of a faithful friend of Hamlet - Horatio opposition to the "friends" of childishness, who follow the king's tastes - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. For the first Danish prince, it’s good - you can talk to him to your heart’s content, ask about it, ask for the best service (for example, forgive Claudius for the mimic of Claudius for an hour), entrust your life (calling to yourself with a leaf and calling about Claudius’s idea to beat yoga ); others Hamlet takes as if they were put to the new vartov, unworthy not to trust those, but to inspire a simple serious rozmove. Rosencrantz's and Guildenstern's tests with the help of rosencrantz rose in the hands of the yoga soul Hamlet in the hearts of the soul "negіdnoi rіchchu"- a tool, which courtiers can torment, but to fight against which - not in death.

symbolism tragedies may have a simple and sensible character. Just as a person is a tool, then death is a skull, the belonging of a person can only be established through human memory. The brushes of the royal blasphemy of Yorik are in no way seen in the remains of the great commander Oleksandr the Great. Decay is the result of a physical life, which is impossible for the spiritual development of Hamlet. Zvіdsi i yogo vіdome nutrition "buti chi not buti?". Do you want to fight with her? Die, schob pozbutisya "natural agony"? I chi tse viide? Yaki "sleep" will people dream of beyond the threshold of the grave? Chi varto death death, and life? The very ignorance gives people the power to live: put up with brutal violence and untruth, knowing that forged love - we have these misfortunes, which will end when a person dies. Ale chi will end? Depending on the exact dietary advice and that one thing is possible, as we hope for human life sensation. As long as the guilt is not taken away, as long as the person hesitates, roams, suffers, tries to grow up in that which he feels, - you are alive.

In the era of online igor and cinema, few people read books. Ale, I am a frame to deprive the memory of a sprig of khvilin, and from classical literature, like reading for centuries, it will be remembered forever. It is irrational to allow yourself the opportunity to enjoy the immortal creations of geniuses, to those who stink not only but on an impersonal diet, who have not been consumed by the guests through hundreds of years. To such diamonds of light literature lie "Hamlet", short retelling what check on you below.

About Shakespeare. "Hamlet": the history of creation

The genius of literature and the theater of peoples in the world in 1564, baptism on April 26. And from exact date the people are not visible. The biography of the marvelous writer is overgrown with impersonal myths and zdogadiv. Possibly, the fault of this is the presence of exact knowledge and the replacement of them with speculations.

It seems that little William is with a rich family. From the youthful years of the year, having seen the school, but could not finish it through material difficulties. It will not be a problem to move to London to create Shakespeare's "Hamlet". A retelling of the tragedy of exclamations spontaneously from schoolchildren, students, people who love literature, read it as a whole or go to the same vistava.

The tragedy was created on the basis of a “wandering” story about the Danish prince Amlet, who drove his uncle into his father to take over the state. Criticism knew the twists and turns of the plot in the Danish chronicles of Saxo Gramatik, dated around the 12th century. In the period of the development of theatrical art, an unknown author creates a drama after this plot, inspired by the French writer Francois de Bolfort. Nayimovіrnіshe, the theater itself knows the plot of Shakespeare and creates the tragedy "Hamlet" (a short retelling to marvel below).

First act

A short retelling of "Hamlet" by the acts will give an indication of the plot of the tragedy.

The act is initiated by the rose of two officers, Bernardo and Marcellus, about those who stank at night the primari, which is already similar to the late king. Then, roam the stench of the true ghost. The soldiers try to speak to him, but the spirit does not appear to him.

Dali chitach bachit the current king, Claudius, that Hamlet is the son of the dead king. Claudius seems to have taken Gertrude for his squad, the matir of Hamlet. Having found out about it, Hamlet is already embarrassed. Vіn zgaduє, like a good ruler of the king's throne buv dad, and like one loved one dad. After less than a month, Yogo died, and Yogo mother died. The prince's friend, Horatio, tells you that you have a ghost that looks like an old man. Hamlet swears to go with a comrade at night, so that everything is in good hands.

Brother of Hamlet's betrothed Ophelia, Laertes, here we say goodbye to my sister.

Hamlet on a chergovy maidanchik to see a ghost. Tse spirit yoga crooked dad. Vіn povidomlyaє sovі, scho perished not because of the bite of a snake, but because of the perfidy of his brother, who took his throne. Claudius Gulf at the mouth of brotherly sik whiteness, which shook and struck Yogo. Batko ask for revenge for Yogo vbivstvo. In the past, Hamlet gives a short retelling of the thought to his friend Horatio.

Another act

Fully roam with his daughter Ophelia. Vaughn zlyakana, more bachila Hamlet. Vіn mav is even more wondrous looking, and yogo's behavior spoke of strong confusion in the spirit. Zvestka about Hamlet's Goddess engulfs the kingdom. Completely speak with Hamlet and remember that, regardless of the madness that is happening, the prince is more logical and consequential.

Before Hamlet come yoga friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The stench tells the prince that the corpse of an actor's talanovite has come to the place. Hamlet to ask for їх rozpovisti to all, scho vin zbozhevolіv. Polony comes to them and also tells about the actors.

Third act

Claudius asks Guildenstern, which is the cause of Goddess of Hamlet.

Together with the Queen and Polonia, the stench will sing the sound of Hamlet with Opheleia, so that you will understand that there is no love before her and the will of God.

For whom the whole act is played by his brilliant monologue "Buti chi buti" Hamlet. The order cannot convey the whole point of the monologue, it is recommended to read it independently.

Prince shchos homely with the actors.

Vistava begins. Actors portray the king and the queen. P'yesu asking to play Hamlet, even briefly telling the actors of the rest of the episodes, allowing them to show on the stage the fatal death of Hamlet's father. The king will sleep in the garden, they will open it, and the villain will win the confidence of the queen. Claudius does not see such a sight and punishes the vista. Together from the queen of the stink to go.

Guildenstern gives Hamlet the mother's mother to speak to her.

Claudius tells Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that he wants to send the prince to England.

Full of franks in the room of Gertrude and checks for Hamlet. Under the hour of їхної rozmov to the prince є the spirit of the father and ask not to zhahat the matir with your behavior, but to be angry with the vacant place.

Hamlet beat with a sword with important curtains and beaten Polonia with a vivacious manner. Wine of the mother scary mystery about the death of the father.

fourth act

The fourth act of the tragedy of the number of tragic podias. Daedalī is bigger, it seems to be poignant, Prince Hamlet (a short retelling of the 4th act will give a more precise explanation of yoga vchinkіv).

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ask Hamlet, de tilo Polonia. The prince does not seem to call the courtiers of the one who stench whispers more than the privileges of the king's pretentiousness.

Bring Ophelia to the queen. The maiden in view of the experienced god-willed. Laertes turned secretly. Win with a group of people who support yoga by breaking the guard and running into the castle.

It is good to bring a leaf like Hamlet, where to go, that the ship, on which the wine was blown, was scrambled by pirates. The prince is full of them.

The king of rozpovіdaє Laerta, which is to take revenge for those who are guilty of his death, supposing that Laertes killed Hamlet.

The queens bring a message about those who lost Ophelia. Vaughn drowned at the river.

Fifth act

Rozmov of two grave-diggers is described. The stench vvazhayut Ophelia sued її.

At Ophelia's funeral, Laertes throws herself into a pit. There are stribaє and Hamlet, suffering widely from the death of a great kohanoi.

Then Laertes and Hamlet go to the duel. The stench hurt one by one. The queen takes the cup from Claudius, recognized by Hamlet, that cup. The cup is broken, Gertrude Guinet. Zbroya, having prepared Claudius like that, is also destroyed. І Hamlet, and Laertes are already watching the devil. Hamlet kills Claudius with a sword. Horatio gravitate for the culled kelih, but Hamlet asks him to sing, to reveal all the secrets and cleanse his name. Fortinbras recognizes the truth and punishes Hamlet with honors.

Would you like to read a short retelling of the Hamlet story?

Such food is often turbulent for today's schoolchildren. Let's start from the nutritional setting. Let's get the job right, the shards of "Hamlet" are not a rhyme, its genre is a tragedy.

The main theme is the theme of revenge. Vaughn may be considered irrelevant, but її are only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, in Hamlet, impersonal topics are intertwined: fidelity, love, friendship, honor and bondage. It is important to know the people who have lost their baiduzh after reading the tragedy. Another reason to read the immortal tvir is Hamlet's monologue. "Buti chi don't buti" was played a thousand times, here and food and drink, like five hundred years later, and have not wasted their hospitality. All the emotions of the creation, unfortunately, cannot be conveyed by a short order. Shakespeare's "Hamlet" created on the basis of legends, but then the tragedy outgrew the dzherel and became a masterpiece of light.

"Hamlet" by W. Shakespeare has long been considered as aphorisms. Zavdyaki strained plot, hospitable political and love kolіzіyam tragedy is already becoming popular already a century. The skin of the generation knows her problems, the authorities of the epic. Invariably attach respect and create a philosophical warehouse - think deeply about life and death. Vaughn pіdshtovhuє skin chichacha to svoіh vysnovkіv. Vivchennya p'yesi was delivered by that school program. Learn to get to know Hamlet from the 8th grade. Doing yoga doesn't always come easy. It is recommended to make the work easier, having become familiar with the analysis of creation.

Short analysis

Rik writing - 1600-1601

History of creation- Doslidniki vvozhayut that W. Shakespeare posited the plot of Hamlet from Thomas Kyd's p'esi, as it has not saved up to this day. The deyakі vchenі admit that the legend about the Danish prince became a dzherel, recorded by Saxon Grammatik.

Topic- Head topic create - evil for the sake of power. In її contexts, they develop for the sake of that unfortunate mess.

Composition- P'yesu organized so, shchob povkriti share of Prince Hamlet. It is composed of five assets, the skins of which represent the songs of the plot. Such a composition allows one to sequentially expand on the main topic, to emphasize respect for the most important problems.

Genre- P'esa. Tragedy.

straight- Baroque.

History of creation

W. Shakespeare's analyzes of TV in 1600–1601 pp. There are two main versions of the history of the creation of "Hamlet". First of all, the story was inspired by the story of Thomas Kidd, the author of "The Spanish Tragedy". Tvіr Kida doninі didn't escape.

A lot of literary scholars shirk to the idea that the plot of the Shakespearean tragedy is intertwined with the legend about the king of Jutland, recorded by the Danish chronicler Saxon Grammatik in the book “Dії danіv”. The main hero of this legend is Amlet. Yogo dad driving brother, congratulating wealth. Having created a vbivstvo, he made friends with the mother of Amlet. The prince found out about the cause of the death of the father and vyrishiv take revenge on the uncles. Shakespeare showed in detail tsі podії, ale, equal with the first generation, adding more respect to the psychology of the characters.

W. Shakespeare's play was staged as written at the Globe Theatre.


In "Hamlet" analysis її next to begin with characteristics main problem.

Motivations for the sake of evil, love for ever were more widespread in literature. W. Shakespeare, having understood the internal strife of people and clearly conveyed them for help, he could not be blamed for the overriding of problems. Head topic"Hamlet" - malice, sloppy for the sake of wealth that power.

The main creations are developing at the castle, which is the birthplace of Hamlet's homeland. On the cob, the reader knows about those who are ghosts with a lock. Hamlet is shaking from the frown of the guest. Vin appears as the mayor of Yogo Batka. A ghost of rozpovіdaє sinovі, hto yogo having driven in and ask for revenge. Hamlet knows that he is God-willed. True, the friend of Prince Horatiy is attacking the one that is worse. After long reflections and watchfulness for the new ruler, and after becoming Hamlet's uncle Claudius, who killed his brother, the young man hangs on the pomst. At the head of Yogo step by step, the plan is ripening.

The king will guess that the nephew knows the cause of the father's death. Vіn pіdsilає to the prince yogo friends, schob you did it, but Hamlet will guess about tsyu zrada. The hero pretends to be divine. Naisvіtlіshe in all tsikh podіyah - Hamlet's love to Ophelia, but he was not destined to be sued.

Possibility is suddenly appearing, the prince, for the help of the corpse of actors, beats the beat. At the palace, they play the song “Gonzago’s Beating,” to which Hamlet adds replicas, like demonstrating to the king that some evil has been revealed. Claudius is becoming nasty, and the wines are flooding the hall. Hamlet wants to talk to his mother, but viciously knocks in the near grandee of King Polonius.

Claudius wants to send his nephew to England. Ale Hamlet finds out about it, cunningly turns to the castle and beats the king. Having avenged, Hamlet dies in the face of destruction.

Keeping up with the tragedy, it doesn’t matter if you remember that there is an internal and external conflict in your mind. Zovnishniy - the setting of Hamlet with bags of the father's court, internal - the experience of the prince, yogo sumniv.

Creation develops idea about those who, be it nonsense, sooner or later open up. The main idea is that human life is short, it’s not worth spending an hour on those who cheat with bullshit and intrigues. Tse those who read p'esa chitacha that spy.


The peculiarities of the composition are dictated by the laws of the organization of the drama. TV is made up of five assets. The plot is developed sequentially, it can be divided into six parts: exposition - acquaintance with the heroes, tie-up - Hamlet's zestrich іz primaroy, development of the podium - the path of the prince to vengeance, culmination - watchfulness for the king for the hour p'єsi, Hamlet to be glorified , rozvyazka - the death of heroes.

The canvas is interrupted by Hamlet's philosophical thoughts about the sense of life, about death.

Head Heroes


Genre "Hamlet" - tse p'єsa, written as a tragedy, shards all under concentrated on the problems of murder, death and avenge. The opening of the creation is tragic. Shakespeare's "Hamlet" is straight-forward, baroque, to that creation there are a lot of metaphors and metaphors.

Creative test

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