Chi є at my squad kokhanets. For the sake of the squads, look like kohankas. Night SMS and eternal time pressure

Most people start suspecting have a squad through її postіyni try with all your strength to get away from sex - if you become hoarse earlier for a new one, or you know the "terms" right at home, to get better, if a person is asleep, and do not bother її.

Truly those who squad don't want sex, in most cases, I show only those who are very tired during the day, because they don’t receive compliments, respect that turboti. For 10 years, your squad said that you love and that you are the most beautiful, it does not mean that now you can not talk about you.

Vidnosini- Tse vzavzhd vzaєmnіst and exchange of emotions. If a person is respectful and dbaylivy, then the team will take everything away, and I’m ready to give you a reciprocal, preparing you a savory evening, and taking on the proposition to have sex every day. It’s not right for him to hesitate among the squad’s squad only to those who rarely get close to intimacy, it’s wrong and it’s not good to rule over the squad.

Obviously, deaki women in nature shillnі before. I don’t need a family, to bring on a person who gives gifts to everyone today, so that she will be happy. It’s crazy tedious to live with a person who is richly older for her, and you can’t please her physically in bed, but she’s free on her own.

The squad has a good mind, what її man richly practical, so that she lived in luxury, a chic house, drove an expensive car and so their children studied in shortest schools Ale, everything is the same, it’s self-evident and boring. The most important thing for such squads is tse gra, de їy it is necessary to be constantly hovatisya in the form of a person and to look new in the arms of the cochants.

In whatever mood, rarely a woman poachivshi on the streets garny man with inflated m'yazami, vіrіshuє vіrishuє change people. At the sight of the people, like shaking the girl with her feet, that you laugh at you, do not mind lying down with her in the bed, the women start a kohantsa most often in order to bring themselves, that they can still be like the people, but the people .

Use 5 top sign, as they indicate to those that the squad is changing for you:

1. Cardinal change of soundness. If your squad is strong on a diet and began to resolutely pursue for its zovnistyu, then Nova zachіska, manicure, pedicure, that one in the eyes can be a show of the fact that she has died into another person. As soon as she dressed those that were handy, then with the appearance of a dress, the woman begins to wear those that are beautiful and fashionable. Vaughn will tell about pidbori, about erotic life whiteness, make-up and diet, become beautiful, sexy and stringy.

2. Actively using gadgets. As for the computer and mobile phone, the squad put passwords, began to take the mobile phone out of the shower and toilet, and in the evenings they often receive SMS messages like "girlfriends", then the first little twinkle. Show respect, how to behave a squad with the appearance of the sound of SMS. If you want to live strimgolov, to read yoga, then, singsongly, it’s not a friend who rules them, but a friend.

Those same stosuєtsya і computer'yutera. If you remember to take a picture, as soon as you are approaching and change your password, then it is a sign that you are welcome. To improve the sumniv, change the browser on the computer in such a way that you remember the passwords. Without a squad, go to your profile and look through the notifications, e-mail.

3. Have a weekend away from home. A kind of show of the fact that the squad is irritating you or it will feel uncomfortable for you - if you go to the course, to the girlfriend, to the fitness, to the library, or to the fathers. Don’t lie about it, as the squad hadn’t choked on anything before, and raptly slammed the bazhanny to read English, or almost sew, and signed up for the course. It's crazy, such a behavior is not to talk about those who want to self-realize for help, just want new emotions. And as you see, whoever jokes, you know.

4. Behavior has changed. The woman, who has romantic feelings on the side, will change her behavior more and more, for days on end she only thinks about her cochance. You can become more drastic or, on the other hand, more lower and respectful, as if you are afraid to waste a person and don’t want to know that you should wear "horns".

5. Bring gifts and tickets. As a matter of fact, expensive speeches appeared in the wardrobe at the squad, perfumes and embellishments, but they didn’t see pennies for the purchase of visas from the family budget, so that they could get a sense of power from her, who gave them a gift.

Now, honestly, give evidence on the question: what do you do, how do you know for sure that the squad is hurting you? Will you give for separation, split everything up, and you will leave, having left the children from the retinue? If you are not ready for such a development of the future, then nothing and everything will be done to bring the squad to the rescue. If you understand that you love your squad and children, and it will be important for you to live without them, then it’s not a sign of the squad’s innocence. It’s easier to accept the squad’s zrada like flirting, which can be like skin and continue living far away, showing more kohannya, respect that turbot squad.

Vinny offended

Natalia Kozhina, Oleno, I really think, what women are more likely to care about, lower men, why so?

Olena Tsedova: Women are often talked about for the sake of it, it’s just not customary to talk about them. Alya, a man should start a kohanka in front of him in order to take physical satisfaction and diversity, so that a woman satisfies her emotional needs. Whom has all the headlines. You are unlikely to see a woman, a yak, having danced a beautiful human figure on the way to work, you will soon change your squad. And from that the man shook his feet, and at the same time the volodarka smiled at you - you don’t mind lying down with her. Women are all closely related to emotional needs, for them sex is a matter of discussion.

- What can make a woman up to other people?

- The reasons for splint, but the main one - the marriage of emotional support in the form of a person. Possibly, the women do not win the vlasnoi prioblivostі, significance in the eyes of a person. With whom you can truly love yoga, family, children, houses, but you need affection, compliments, respect, but the person does not give them.

It’s like that, that women don’t get emotional, they don’t need a homeland. However, she is left behind by the slave, the shards on her embossed suspense: zamіzhzhya - once and for all life, you have children. I woman tries to know in this situation as a mind, more, in fact, she is not sovereign. The only one who will help you, if you are happy, is the trouble of another person. Such women in their novels on the boats do not marry enviable kohanci, but give practical advice to the first wiser, who hoots with roses about stars and rises in compliments.

For the sake of adrenaline through marriage. If everything in life is normal for a woman, then it’s too boring. І raptom vinikaє a corporate evening, de vain sip a cell of wine and once you know your own hero, in order to see if you can already forget it. Naigolnіshe in such a zradi - hovatisya like someone else. The whole quest is “Catch your own kohannya”. Zhіntsі not vystachaє gri, i won't know її for.

In addition, it’s like this, that a person is simply not a powerful woman in sex, and here you can find both about the most banal physical dissatisfaction, and about emotions, but more often present and those and other.

And yet the deacons irritate evil. If the squad finds out that a person is making a kohanka, they try to avenge themselves with such a marvelous rite, or to bring themselves to their own, what else can be like the people.

View good people"levoruch" rarely go. Ale, under the word "kind" I don't care about Bethman's respect, no. I may be on the lookout for a person who is emotionally satisfied with his other half.

- Come out, what if the woman changed, wine man?

- Ni. Have some kind of healthy wine resentment. But the people for their sutty are polygamous and, learn to change with the slaves, gain respect for the future, become more and more, lower women, thinking about sex. And a woman, if you know a person whom you love and who is comfortable with you, get stuck with your head only in a new one, skipping a decision. For her, zamіzhzhya є pevnym status, won tsіnuє їх. It’s rare to walk in the sight of good people “levoruch”. Ale, under the word "kind" I don't care about Batman's uvaz, no. I may be on the lookout for a person who is emotionally satisfied with his other half. If the woman is not physically satisfied - she won’t be able to survive, but if it’s emotional, then, more for everything, there’s more money on the side. Vipravdannya "I earn a penny, and my main function, like to rob її happy" does not work. A woman can understand with her mind, what a person works, she lives in a chic hut, she has an expensive car, children study in the best schools, but when you feel like yourself.

Night SMS and eternal time pressure

- How to understand what the woman is thinking?

- It is a clear sign - more actively listening to the phone, computer, if at the sounds of sms there are strimgols out, so that you can read the notification better. So, like putting passwords on the squad’s gadgets, you start taking a phone with you into the shower with an important call drive, and at night you systematically receive SMS like “Galini-Accountant”, which means they can’t get to the wound. The first little twink. The coming sign is a cardinal change of clothes, a change of whiteness. As before, the squad dressed those that were handy, then with the appearance of a coat, they began to wear those that were handy. Vaughn will tell you about picking, change the haircut, make-up, become a beauty. Everything depends on the fact that if a woman dies, she wants to be beautiful.

I respect that a person can easily walk at his head with a few kohankas and behave absolutely calmly. I can’t see my faults in my own clothes, I can’t see my own behavior.

And the woman's behavior is changing again, to the one who is out of her head in the new stance. Vaughn can become more or less drastic, or, on the other hand, don’t cover up your sins, more respectful, lower, lower.

And one more point, for some kind of warto turn respect, - it’s a kind of guide to the fact that the woman is not the one who hurts you, but it’s obviously uncomfortable for you, and, perhaps, let yourself fall into a romance on the side. You start to make your own time, where to drink, you can be not only a regular gathering with friends, but also a big schedule. For example, the woman is alive, she doesn’t get particularly drunk on anything, but one fine day she has English courses, tailoring and sewing, a gym, dancing, big, etc. You want to drink at home all the time. Ale, insanely, it doesn’t stop quietly, who truly self-realizes for help, like a suffocation. The suffocation may be but, but it didn’t seem like they were there, and then it became more and more - it’s a sign of what is bad in this people. So do not varto ominati the appearance of a great number of new friends, as if asking for zustrіch. You can say that your wife is in search of new emotions. And how it seems - whoever is joking, know that.

— Why is it necessary to get to know each other?

- I praise the decision of the skin for myself. But I can say for sure that women are more foldable in their own fact for the sake of it, they begin to prove themselves in the middle, to build a one-time history. If you change a person once, we’ll be very worried about the cause, we’ll forget about such an episode. Dokori conscience can only blame for that mood, like a new one has a long kohanka, for that it is important to live on a sprat of a family of more people, it’s important in an emotional plan.

Especially my pleasure - do not shift from an ailing head to a healthy one, vibatch yourself, take it for yourself and think well, first come with a confession to your own person. Naygolovnіshe - understand what is more important for you: I'll be especially calm. As you have won, turn your peace of mind, be ready to last.

Few people accept knowledge from the health. For the new tse humiliation of honor and goodness, it’s better to keep the tongue behind your teeth. Women are easier to forgive for the sake of it.

Zrada to melancholy?

- How do people behave, how do they think that the squad is protecting, why is it necessary to call a woman to the door of that exile?

- Genuinely give a back to you to ask yourself for food: what do you do, how does your team effectively protect? You need to program in your head all the possible language of the tongue. Vaughn has changed, now, I can’t go, we’re dimly, children are left behind with the squad, etc. As a person who is ready to go to the end, then you can catch up and get to the bottom of the truth. As if you’re wise, that you love your squad, and you don’t want to spend, don’t say anything. It’s easier to take a position that it’s just a flirt, and not a coward and live long and happily.

- I have often chulaed about those who could help the zrada to help the lit stosunki, but what do you think about it?

— I have a part of the truth, rightly so for the sake of it, and to instill some light flirting with a woman, you don’t give a strum, there’s a mind, there’s a family in her, children, dim, everything is good. This is the very emotional recharging, which didn’t happen like that. So, women will need a lot of words, swearing, caresses, but at that moment, if you take everything from another person, you will come to know that everything is a myth. But the real life is with a person and children. However, acknowledging the deaku’s fault for myself, you can become gentle, lower that more respect for the person. Apparently, what does a woman take off her natomist? More respect too. To that, so, really, buvay, that the zrada of the singing sensi vіdrodzhuє friends went out a little, but rather try to help your slub, vicorist, and other methods.

A woman values ​​a person for fillings; If the injections are sent to її address, it is unlikely that you will need pumping up a trainer from a fitness club for one night.

- What will please the robit of the people, so that their squads do not joke about the kokhannya on the bots?

- It is required to give a woman emotions, by no means forget what you need compliments, respect, turbota. For ten years already, their squad said that in her eyes, it doesn’t mean that now you can not talk about it. Give gifts, under the word “gifts” I don’t see those fur coats on the yacht today, just like small surprises. Obov'yazkovo needs to talk one by one, not only about the problems of the world economy, but about the success of a child in school, but about your special officer, about the experience of one of one, about the failure of one of one, to sort out dissatisfaction at the stage of their birth, and not if everything is already rush an avalanche ringing. Vіdnosini — tse exchange of emotions, reciprocity. Having presented the person with a ticket, the woman prepared for you a supper, for you - evening caresses, for you a massage, etc. A woman costs a person for the shots, if the shots are sent to the address, it’s unlikely that a trainer from the fitness club will need pumping up for one night.

The problem of manifestness of health love notes gostroy through those who finish a lot of people daylight don’t save your fidelity and behind the great rahunka don’t worry about turbulent speeches like that. A year of sexual brilliance, if the women began to show off their bodies, and the human zrada became a normal phenomenon, things have changed a lot. Now zhіnki can zradzhuvati cholovіkam, scho, of course, їhnіm other halves do not fit. That is why a person's magazine is a site of rozpovist, for some signs you can understand that the squad can.

Zrada has become a common name among rich modern families. As before, only people had sinned, the shards of a woman’s zrada were immediately sued and respected by slander, a brand on a woman, then in the current suspility everything is allowed and forgiven. Women do not care about people, so they can also start changing.

It can be said that now it’s not only the squads who boast about the drive of the fact that these people walk lazily, but the people begin to sort out the giblets in those, as if they know that their squads are fighting. From one side, there is a difference of equality, how to talk about those that women are allowed to do the same as men. On the other hand, people do not care about their reactions to health, to women’s opinion, as if they are sticking to health.

First, let's move on to the article, then go back to all the readers, among which women can be: if you change, then you will show what is yours. How do you feel yourself? Do not forget that a woman can also have the right to protect people, since wine has not been worn out for a long time. That is why the team went livoruch through those that the person himself їy zradzhuє, having taken away wine according to his merits and himself becoming the cause of such a woman's behavior.

Let's go back to those. Mustaches of people are deprived of hairdressers, if in the middle of their family they are guilty of taking care of their children, and not sexual intercourse with other people. Today's women have already gone not the same as earlier. Now the stinks have all become bitches and ambitious ladies, like they can pierce the material peaks, reach wealth and wild love and glory. It’s not much turbulence at home anymore, but that care of children, who successfully shifts to a nanny, that housekeeper.

Shards from your squad can have impersonal claims to your address, and I’ll also have enough of a spare hour, she might have a litter of kokhanets, to that:

  1. Bagato modern women already we don’t know what truth is.
  2. Kokhanets becomes such an adornment for a woman, like a cloth.

Trivial signs of innocence

First, let's move on to looking at the alarming signs, for which you can begin to doubt the fidelity of your squad, focusing on respect for the fact that there is indirect evidence. As long as you didn’t find your squad in a bed with another person, until you pumped її in other people’s arms, or until you yourself knew about your innocence, don’t think of what to call you. The onset of signs can be less likely to incriminate those who are hurting you, but all your suspicions need to be authentically distorted, so that you know it in a melodious way.

Otzhe, signs of innocence of the squad:

  1. Wonderful remembrance of that call. A woman can often behave even more wonderfully, if she has a bad temper. If you don’t have to correspond by phone or via the Internet, then all messages are sent to you. Vaughn won't let you use your phone. The squad set passwords and don’t think you didn’t read the listing. So it is advised to carry the phone with you everywhere. If you want to call, then you are free to go to your room, or it’s wonderful to speak in your presence, if you want to finish Rozmov. Її svіvrozmovnik, with yakim won so marvelously spoke, signed to the women's names If you want to tell me, it happened to you that she was talking to a man. And deyakі telephoni mаut such dynamics, schoti, scho into the receiver it seems like a man's voice, but not a woman's.
  2. Zatrymki that zapiznennya. As before, the woman didn’t hover anywhere, always calmly explained, de bula and wrestled with him, didn’t sleep, and now she comes like a rozpatlan and no more than ohhaina, then it’s better for everything. On all your rozpituvannya, de bula and scho robbed, she will speak erroneously, clumsily, evasively.
  3. Attached. Previously, the team spoke openly about those who are out and about, and at the same time they can fight with such stereotyped phrases.
  4. Zustrichi with other people. A person can recognize from his or her acquaintances that one team can work here with another person: either in a cafe or in a restaurant. As if they once shackled a kimos, then you can believe that he was a big classmate. However, even if it’s out of here, walking around, then it’s not just knowing anymore.
  5. Chilled to a person. As soon as you show up at the squad, you can almost coldly put yourself up to a man. Previously, she twirled with her right, sawed and constantly turbulent, sho where to go. But at the same time, it’s all the same. Vaughn stopped sawing a man, letting yoga in, whether it was an hour to finish it. Let's suspect more intimacy, which may become more likely to occur. Other women can behave in the same order: the stench becomes sexy, so they try to make sex with their men (to pronounce different poses). Maybe such a behavior will appear for the squad, if there are servants of people, you try to appease him, then you will forgive your sins before him.
  6. The change at the edge is better. The squad began to look after themselves? Vaughn went in for sports, to lose weight quickly? Vaughn spent a lot of pennies, want to radically change your wardrobe? Do you remember that the squad began to spend a lot of time in front of the looking glass, to get that work done? I especially need to become lower whiteness, as you can be even more sexual and dress up not like a man, but if a woman chooses to work, or just walk.
  7. Talk about separation. A woman can, at the time of welding, declare to a person that she will part with him, or calmly react to the possibility of spending yoga. Such a thing is less possible in that mood, if the woman already wants to be a replacement for a person.
  8. Questionnaire on the dating site. If your team is not smart enough to take care of your own sake, you can remember that there is a side on the dating site. Tse still do not talk about those who already knew someone else. In such a rank, the squad can no longer compensate for the marriage of respect and love for themselves through intercourse with people they want to use in a virtual format.

The signs looked out in the middle to say that someone had appeared in the squad. However, it’s a good idea to bring it to light that you can get married with a Kohanian and turn Rozmov, if the squad confesses to its innocence.

How to distort the fidelity of the squad?

As indirect signs point to those who are defending the squad, it is also necessary to reverse the fidelity of your squad. Help someone with such simple tricks:

  • Unscheduled winding up. Tell the squads what you need to break for a few days at the resurrection. More shortly, as a vipadatime on weekends, if kohankas can get together. But really settle in hotels, so that mothers can follow their squad, where they go, where they come home, if they turn around, etc.
  • Fishing unplanned. If you love polyuvati chi ribality, then please the team with them, that you are violating on the ground. Give the retinue the opportunity to flirt with their kohanets, like wine.
  • Spіlne spent an hour. Nayimovіrnіshe, the squad already called to spend an hour not with you. Change tactics. Propose to go shopping at once, take a walk with your girlfriends, spend an hour together in nature, do your favorite right and wrong. In other words, do not leave the squad on its own, as long as it stays behind the house. You can start to start picking up a squad of robots, so that you will definitely be inspired by the fact that you don’t go anywhere and don’t accompany anyone. If the squad accepts your propositions with satisfaction, then you can not boast. If so, the squad will soon be guided by your presence, and then think about the reasons for this behavior. Zvichayno, do not reach the point of absurdity that you want to go to the toilet with her at once.

Why is the squad wrong?

Do not start the cause of the woman for the sake of crying in the quiet officials themselves, like they spur people to change. Why is the squad wrong?

  • Raptove kokhannya. Like a woman, she begins to feel suffocated, predilection, a flurry of feelings, then you can forget about everything. You can not be afraid of anything for the next hour and start moving in the air. However, if the addiction passes, you will understand, in what way you were inspired.
  • Replacing a person If a woman is already tired of a person, she can replace a person. Like a woman of pragne, so that they fought for her, then you can start to make yourself feel like people, so that you can consider yourself important and necessary for your life.
  • Pomsta of people. If a person hurts, belittles the squad and navit b'є, then the squad can take revenge on you with their zrada.
  • Sex. Just as the squad does not engage in sex, or sexually they are not satisfied in a lie with a person, then they can succumb to Chari Kohantsa.
  • Compensation. Even if the squads do not gain respect, feelings, emotions, then they can get out of the kokhan at once.
  • Raise your own importance. As soon as a person stays like the squad “Who needs you, will we surround me?”, Then the squad can start asking and overturn yoga viraz.
  • Nudga. A woman can also experiment.

What can a squad of sponukati do to harm? Next factors:

  1. Alcoholic sleep.
  2. The constant presence of a person at home.
  3. Welding and conflicts in this case, if the woman thinks that it is possible to do the amount of money needed at once from the Kokhan.
  4. Holiday romance.


As long as you don’t know for sure if you can join the squad, then you shouldn’t be very jealous and suspect something. Remember that with your unprimed deeds you can help the squad change you, so that you are not guilty without guilt.

Mustaches of the Vlasniki, such is human nature. Stand up for your readiness, fight to the last. Cholovik - healthy, zahisnik, vatazhok, vіd pilnostі, stіykostі kakogo lie down well-being all zgraї ta yogo special status. That is why I am weak to the point of jealousy, most of the time. The very thought of innocence calls out anger, anger, and vibity from jealousy. Ale how to signify chi bula zrada, chi tse our thoughts, fears?

Do not varto re-read the forums at the search for confirmation of vlasnyh battles. Do you remember the saying: “Fear has big eyes”? Don't wind yourself up. To give in to emotions, to vicious impulses, and at times of the least difficulties, scandals roam, hysterics are the sphere of women. Deep breath, more sight. Let's mirror logically.

Typical history. Vaughn garna, cheerful, comrade, live normally. I love, I give, my master, I help around the house, I take care of my family, I pay compliments, why don’t I receive? I’m watching, I’m constantly resting in my thoughts, I’m dumbfounded, repeatedly hovered either on a robot, or with a friend ... How to know, what is the reason for changing behavior?

According to the statistical data, only 25% of the girls reward their permanent partners, while 75% of the boys may have such a mistake. Otzhe, podozri zdebіshgo absolutely bezpіdstavnі.

  1. Often vede unknowingly listing. Especially then we erase the notifications, the history of browsing in the browser, set passwords, try to hide the transfer of the phone to your hands, get very tense, boast, as if it were trapping. Don't let your gadgets go unnoticed, wear yoga out of the blue, including the shower. Come out of the room at the hour of the call, throw off the call, whisper, cover the phone with your hand, answer in short sentences type "So, razumіyu", "Hi, let's figure it out." Don't tell you the truth about the spivrozmovnik. The subscriber of signatures to the women's names, and behind the style of the rozmov, you can understand that the rozmov was carried out from the lad. You can just prepare a surprise for you, or you don’t want to get involved in work problems, but just twist the warto. Try to talk out of the door, calmly discuss the situation, think. If you can take something else, remember.
  2. Postiyni zatrimki, zapiznennya. She especially suspected that this had not happened to her before. Until then, it turns from the smell of alcohol, rozpatlanim hair, wanting to lay down the whole wound. If I explain the zatrimka, speak in a speedy way, stray, strongly gesticulate or, navpak, spoofed, vicorist to the same propositions, niby was prepared for a long way. A big look, a hvilyuvannya, an attempt to identify the direct evidence, change the topic of the conversation - suspected symptoms.
  3. Її commemorate the comrades of unknown people during the hour of a walk, for a caviar filigree at the cafe. Possibly, it’s true, he’s a great classmate, who didn’t play for ten years, but you need to reconsider, chi may the squad is on the side.
  4. Prikhovu kudi and navіscho go, if you want to sound a balakuch, you need a comrade. Use standard phrases, use direct words.
  5. Rizke cooling. Don't talk about sex, don't show feelings, sex becomes rare. Has ceased to click on your rights. Suspiciously, as if without visible signs, the lady began to fuss about it with a rapt, it was obvious to marvel at her eyes, it’s possible, it’s more difficult to blame. Nezvichayny sexual poriv, ​​experiments. It’s quite possible that a woman is trying to make a life of urgency, get away from everyday life, and all evening she was joking around on the Internet, “hot things to make a person happy.” You can also let it go that the squad is a "nathnennik".
  6. Start talking about separation. Often such a topic skips the hour of welding. A clear symptom of a crisis in your joint. Prompt to see a family psychologist at once.
  7. Giving supra-world respect to one's own soundness. Znenatska took up sports, changed the style of clothes, zachіska, color of hair make-up, strength for diet. Mark expensive fritters, bought not for the price, although the family budget does not change.
  8. We knew the profile on the dating site. This is the signal, the woman is trying to compensate for the lack of respect, talking with the person, going into virtual flirting with the unknown, or whispering to a more friendly party. Regardless of the situation, a similar situation will require a discussion, explanation of the motives for the filling. Some similar problems are escalated through looking at family life. Request її for a bachelorette, remember that you have lived at once for over ten years. Romance, flirting, new surroundings add spice to everyday life, help to get closer, reveal new facets of the other half.

How to distort the truth of the other half?

Option 1. Planned refurbishment. Check a few days at the hotel, guarding the retinue, or go back to the private detective. It is best to choose weekends to give me freedom. As soon as the squad may fight, they will quickly speed up your day.

Option 2. Install a guard for an additional attached camera. Look for an hour, for example, blame the "low fishing".

Option 3. Spend all your free time with your team, get together, accompany you to shopping, enjoy walks, romantic evenings, increase your imagination, be non-performing, gossip. As if suspecting a marne, a wildly spent hour for just a short time on the ship. A filthy sign - try to slither under some sort of drive, bury your company, hvilyuvannya, nervousness. Mean є scho prihovuvati. Possibly, on the horizon of love card gri the reserve jack showed up.

Psychologists say that the reasons for the innocence of ladies are radically different from people.

Why is she wrong?

  1. Passion. Raptova, merciless. The woman forgets about everything, she is ready to act in the same way, the sonorous way of life for the sake of the sumnivny vognik. You get a little dissatisfied, drastivlivist, banter, cut off a lot of ties, and at the same time, a little bit more guilty.
  2. Vіdplata. Pay for rudeness, careless staging, but for the sake of this coin. As it seems, I’ll sell a goat to evil enemies, because the children didn’t drink milk. Let it be known that the wicked is more painful. Pretty unfamiliar to young people, as well as to people with low self-esteem.
  3. Spare option. Particularly unacceptable. The skin of a man is pragne but the first, the main one for a woman. The prospect of a permanent super-nativity can calm a representative of a beautiful state, but it doesn’t mean a person’s special enthusiasm.
  4. Compensation. Replenishment of a small amount of that pіdsvіdoma try to call out jealously, turn your respect.
  5. Sex. Banal hit, search for new insights, for some reason it is impossible to implement in girlfriends.
  6. Nudga. The heat of experimentation, the diversity of manhood, the change in life, plus an extra free hour.
  7. Increased importance in the eyes of the eyes. Often, in the heat of welding, we are allowed to say something like “Who needs you, damn me?” Do you know? Self-esteem is lowered, it is necessary to assert oneself, the heat is filthy, shtovhayuchi a woman in practice to reverse the truth of his speech.

Officials, scho spriyat zradam

Pererakhuemo factor and a link appeared on the side:

  1. Trivala is the daytime of a person. A classic topic for anecdotes: “A man is turning around from the reunion…”
  2. Alcoholic sleep
  3. holiday romance
  4. Part of the conflict in them, dissatisfaction with the boat. The illusion of an easy way to please the authorities, take care of those that you don’t have with your love, try to solve problems.

Do not forget, the mitzna spilka will be based on trust, mutual understanding, readiness to help, support the twisted whimper. Above the world, the unprimed are jealous only to form a kohana. Be generous one by one.

How can you tell, what can you wear on the boots? It's best to know kohankas. We nurtured the women, like little bonds with friends. I axis yaki gave the stink to the squads.

rapt's impotence

My boyfriend told me that the squad had caught you in the lizhku. "One and the same, the post is strong, no diversity." How not to sound trite, to start a kohanka for bedtime. My Edik did the same ... I was convinced that, turning back home, I was no longer guilty of anything. Everything in me is depriving. Likewise, in the 100s, the sex has changed, in my opinion, a twinkle. There are no gaps here, but facts - the rich is stubborn. I marvel at the retinue, how long have they not guessed that she worked at night? Maybe they stink mutually wasted one interest? Tse my pleasure to the squads. Alina, 26 years


I had two friendly cochants. The first one is the creative specialty, the squad has nabridla to you, beaten (they only gave birth). Shukav on the botsі kohannya that zakhoplennya, which did not hang out at home. Having spent the whole free hour with me, including weekends, that is holy. The squad was sitting at home with a child. Brehav, with friends at the black art party. Vaughn believed, as if she was a fool not in the light of the bula, but in his fault. Well, what's the point here? Do you think that I am an artist, then in my mind, he has only creativity from inspiration? I bachila yogo nathnennya - at the bed. I recommend to the squads to take erysipelas eyepieces and do not trust them garnim words. Marvel at the right.

The other is a fellow worker. Having disappeared for an hour on a robot, only coming home to spend the night. Having left me on a robot dopіzna, sometimes they went to an apartment to my friends. Druzhini spivav, scho rich work and need to earn money. Chomus and in the first, and in another moment, the squads phoned the people very rarely. And in my opinion, as if the peasant had a rich work with a rapt, otherwise the terminology, otherwise it was necessary to get carried away - it’s an hour to reconsider, not to lead to suspicions.

Try zrobiti yoma "surprise" - pod'zhzhayte raptov, nachebto vipadkovo thinly. God save the berezhenogo (I’m up to the fact that a man’s raptom is the truth in sweat disguise). Svitlana, 32 rocks


I was on the side of the barricades: I was a kohanka, and a squad, whose man is "big". I'm not small, scho cholovіka xtos є, until you fool me. I just remembered that my new person is using words from my vocabulary (I am a designer), and I quickly saw a person: for the rest of the month, often talking about jurisprudence (yogo robot is not shown) and cooking. I thought a little about what was new, but I misunderstood about every change. Exactly! Kokhanka is a lawyer, she advises her firm, she is a great amateur homemade vipіchki. And as if I were watching, like my kohanets ide in the street with my retinue. So, from the wines, I tried to go to the pivkorpus in front of the squad, physically increasing the distance. And I remembered those myself. Ella, 27 years


I have had three friendly cochants, even more accurate all the way to the pidbir. In us, they saved themselves. Behind the prikmets, we stole resolutely - hair, smells, I started swearing in front of the warnings not to get used to perfumes (they asked for stinks). I didn’t call them Nikola, every other day. One of them will always take me from the repair. The robotic legend was like this (in times of incompetence, it’s small to cover up): “For me, I’ll be (be, rebuy) a colleague in work, coordinator of our term project.” Zhodnogo never pierced. Vіn was afraid that the squad knew. If you spoke to her on the phone, you pidleschuvavsya. In my opinion, it’s like a man is pretending, he suspected, it’s necessary to marvel ... Lucyana, 30 years

Joke and you know

Friends, shake the pill from the vuh, don't swear to the people! Mustaches lie, but not all trap. If you convince yourself not of a retinue, but of a woman, you will quickly understand - what's up. They suspected something, but there are no facts, just joke. If you know a friend, think about it. To be busy with work - the time has come for shmonati. Often go to the vdryadzhennya - more time. Check the first-aid kits and swarms for condoms, stitch, like wearing white, don’t jump before the watch, that post at the bath ... Go to e-mail, ICQ, read telephone decryption, mobile phones are empty.

Turn around if you kiss yoga after roboti? Beware! Why not sleep with you for more than two days? Time to live in. Why stand on ceremony with the zradnik? Smell yoga, zreshtoyu, why are you given a nose? Don't waste your pennies on detectives, watch for the sake of obov'yazkovo vyyavlyatsya. I say that as a kohanka with experience, it is impossible to acquire fornication for a long time. As you see, as before, you don’t drink it, I know for sure that you don’t want it! You can't see tse bachiti! Tamara, 50 years


And we were spared from Kohan. Yogo squad zovsіm not vmila koristuvatisya computer, so we were leafing and zustrіchі recognized by electronic mail. I have written such leaves for me ... I don’t understand why I don’t want to drink in the squad, I don’t love її zovsі. So boof rude on the phone! Like a person to be rude to you, don’t mark the war! I fed: won't the squad figure it out? It’s like: no, because I, movlyav, її miraculously satisfy the nights (with the right state of the giant buv). The axle is out and spitting, I think I’m just a boor of nature, I called out ... Also, as a person, he correctly wears his friend’s shoes, but it doesn’t mean anything! There may be other symptoms. Anastasia, 28 years


I was the kohanka of my friend's man. So, the axis is such a bastard. Ale, I honestly succumbed, vin so. Their family had three children, and we did not change anything. But for me, the behavior of a friend became a mystery to me (she didn’t know anything like that). On the right, in the fact that we robbed him of a lot of pardons. Well, for example: I loved white lilies, I often gave them to me. And visibly guilty, and їy contagion. It’s like my friend is like, and it’s like: “Listen, I can’t understand - why is it rich. I can’t stand more lilies, Pashka knows about it, but I’ll give you the rest of the hour fast, but it’s hard for me to say to you, bringing trojans. I vzagali, vіn such a marvelous becoming. Walking happily, why not win a prize ... "

Axis out! Dear friends, as your raptom has begun to forget about important things from your sleeping past, do not deprive your posture of respect. And yakscho wines before that, having fallen into the mood of a bouquet-zukerk period of life in an even place, there are more. Sonya, 36 years


My brehav just sound. If you choose to stay out of the house before me for a sack, start to chime in to the squad and shukati bring you to cook, looking at the one who was distal, drink. Ring out the food of the squad, where you were merciful, saying: “To the kokhanka.” The 1st squad calmed down, never once believed. Cunning people sometimes trap, and with them cunning, they have trustworthy squads. And my hair was white in the car, the sprat once traples, and I sit back and turn back, and I blew on the black ots, I didn’t bring anyone, but in it, moving, glitches. I vila! Oksana, 32 rocky


I have boo sexy man, such a prosnuty at the lіzhku. I allowed you everything. I can make some erotic sounds, my own style. As if I knew the wines, that having started tsі zvichki try with the retinue. I scoffed (didn’t want to do it, I was friendly myself): “So there’s a mind, what’s in you!” I stopped shvidenko. Also, as a person, by rapt, he sharply changes the zvichnu manner of behavior at the bed, varto turns on his respect. And more: we have a suvoriy schedule of zustrіchey, trichі for tizhden, vіn grafted a squad, which at the same time at the new one. As if I could not get in touch with him. And all the same, without having gone home, tinyavsya here, so as not to call out to the squad pіdozr! Line, 30 years

Tse buli for the sake of the squads from the kokhanok. Let's hope you don't need any stink.

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