How to splurge with a kokhan, so that the wine suffocated. How to zmusiti kohantsa sumuvati, sob utrimati yogo order from yourself? Psychology of meeting with a friendly Kohanian and an unfriendly one

The obligation of respect for a person who is rebuking the social status of "employment" is to be blamed for the mother's vagoma for a woman. Aje, according to that b_k reach її, always know people who can suffer in the same way - the team of that child of potential education. In addition, trying to pick up a friendly person is the wrong thing from an ethical point of view;

Important! Today, follow yourself, that mother, I will add callousness to whatever it is, even easier. Yak? Read history carefully Marini Kozlova Read →

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    Chi varta gra candle?

    Nothing happens without a reason, and only light individuals can drink to the satisfaction of the meeting. Zdebіlshoy, woman shtovhaє tsey krok enough motivation - love. Only in this way, according to the words of psychologists, the woman denies the right to try the cohabitation of a well-wishered man, or to make her drink on richly crooks, “flattening her eyes” on the surroundings, looking already at the right motherland from her side.

    Good, if the lover of the future appreciates the risks and the possibility of life not to waste sensation, then a person does not dare to look at his squad. Vіdhіd іz sіm'ї - tse appearance is infrequent, it's more, that at half of the fallen cochants, after hesitating, they turn back to their old vіdnosin. And the kohanka is left behind under the subway program - without a man and with the great baggage of a ruined hour.

    Mensh gіdnі vpravdannya for nagodzhennya secret connection from a family person:

    • It is necessary to acquire a completely “domesticated” person, who already has the need to talk about the other half, bury the house, earn money “for family”.
    • Correction of the material station. It is possible, as a sim'yanin, to reach even the safest people and seeing from the budget of significant sums for the cost of a kokhanka not to inflict a blow on his kindness.
    • Kar'erne prosuvannya. Such a link is a mutual agreement, a kind of trivaє equally stіlki, sіlki is necessary to reach the mark - a new service station.

    Designated cordons for yourself - this is an important point for women who do not plan for a long time. Allowing you to fight in the near future, or standing as a significant part of your life, it’s necessary for the script, the girl is running into problems. From one side, she can sway herself, from the other side - “tightly” sway a well-armed person, which I’ll not think is necessary for a vikona її.

    The main risk, about what a trace to think about, calmly sіm'yanina, is the imovirne ruining of yoga sim'ї. And at the same time, there may be great evidence for the kohanka: a harsh condemnation, perhaps, the torment of conscience, the need to organize a new family nest for a person.


    How to gain the respect of a friendly person?

    Internet dating has a great plus, as a woman has the ability to deal with a potential gentleman in a special way.

    The psychology of an average-statistical friendly person is driven in such a way that it is rare for one of the physiologists to enter into a conflict out of conscience, so more attempts to awaken in a new mind the instinct of a heart are condemned to failure.

    It is necessary to pour on the strings of a person’s sensitivity with soft non-verbal signs, which will be accepted only on a real equal footing:

    • straightening the hair - insinuating, with a spovіlnenim rush;
    • zrіdka, at the hour of the day, move or laugh, lightly shaking your head so that you allow the earrings at the ear's urine to lightly move and play on the light (the method of calming the eyes of Scarlet O'Hara);
    • іnоdі, mute at the zabuttya, guiding with the tips of the fingers along the shiї;
    • laughing enigmatically and thoughtfully - at this hour you can zupinity like a bi unfamiliar glance at the shoulders of a calm person, and then pretend to be zbentezhenoy.

    Don’t be afraid to be able to look beautifully and elegantly, especially if you wear it with “him” it’s not planned, or it’s in the situation, when the uniform doesn’t transfer the clothes. In these situations, yoga can be conquered, playing with pure psychology. A man should not be fooled by a rose with a light girl inspired by his own, so as not to be ashamed to smile and look at everything with a glance to everything that rozpovida vin. Forget that the “object” itself does not take part in roses, it’s about to commemorate the burial in the eyes of other people and it’s a pity about those who don’t know about this dear person.

    You don’t need to take into account that everything has been spent, even though the first one, and the friend of the zustrich, did not bring a good result. The tactics of a good-natured Sim'yanin, instilling familiarity at the reception, transferring to dowge "twisting" for a long time to sweep the progressive sounds of space. From the great imovirnistyu, the person has long been zatsіkavivsya unknowing what to open, and in a deaky hour he himself went to her under the drive. Ale, don’t get drunk until this bagan. It is even more important to give a suspicion in the person's innocence and feel the need to grow the first crop - apparently to lay 70% success.

    Peace of mind for a foreign woman

    Vіdnosyn rules on vіdstanі

    Merezhev splintering a lot of cleverness, and buvay, scho іskra vzaєmorozumіnnya that primal zakohanosі jumps between people, yakі in other situations navit would not think about such a link. Between a man and a woman, they start listing, like the manager of both rich hospitality and reception moments. From the side of a person, such a splurge (“virt”) can already be called his own adultery, and in other situations, especially if you are going to another place, you really wonder about the possibility of real sensitization and physical for the sake of your squad.

    For a woman, the food chain is shown from a different angle - you don’t need to cross the line and you’re ready to serious stoks, to bring healthy deaks to the sight of the countryside. A thought about those who have family life, muffled by a specific, narrowly straightened manner of spluttering through special listing. For whom the Poles are slandered by "the sickness of stagnation", as if they were doused by the socialist mercenaries. Corystuvachі іnterneta zvikayut to intimacy splkuvannya in mezhі, scho often forget about the other, real bіk svogo іsnuvannya.

    The underwater stone is richer, lower with special teeth, but it has its pluses. In socialist areas, it’s always possible to stand in front of a sampler, it’s less for a visible light. In the photographs, the skin of the girl is made to look good, and the filthy moods of the lack of character can easily be changed with statuses and cheerful comments to photographs of sleeping friends. Trivale splkuvannya helps people to understand one another, more value just moments at life.

    In order to make a well-meaning person, a mother in an escaping richness, the stock of words is not enough, you need more psychological acceptance, lower pid hour of talking with a free lad:

    • It is necessary for the minder to regularly draw, stretching on the black photo in a new cloth, sharpened from a prominent position. Let's take a closer look at yoga and at once evaluate the figure of a spiritualist. After a few years of fate, a person’s dream can be filled with such a careless look at other people’s forms.
    • You can turn that zatrimati respect into obrantsya by spreading about your love and acknowledgment from your own culinary victories. Help people to look into cіkavy maiden Garnu master and try to be annoyed with your other half, because you don’t have such talents.
    • The theory is calm with the wind, including whether it’s like a person’s rallying about his squad and directly matching himself with her not at the reproach of the squad. It’s possible, if the conversation continues for a long time and the person himself regularly shares his family problems. However, it is allowed to respect “better” about those who deserve more credit than they deserve.
    • It is impossible to criticize the squad for її zovnіshnіst, as if not far away її photographs would not appear on the side of the new one.

    In case of a tribal splintering, if it’s time to launch a decisive blow at the enemy, it’s necessary to strike the maiden with modesty, but be careful to fire the virt-cavalier. Shorter version- Send your photo to the cloth or the leotard. Spivrozmovnik can be queried, no doubt, chi not immodestly put the photo in the album. Cholovik, zatsіkavleny svіvrozmovnitsі already yоu ії ії ії іt's potential power, obov'yazkovo stand against the fact that Yogo Kohana was seen in a drunken look.

    How to calm down a person

    7 rules for creating the image of an ideal woman

    Sim'yanin, who allows himself to calm down, do not start a windmill. Shvidshe, vin just having spent that support in the family life, on which one can be inspired, and in the squad - that person, if you fell in love. Having tied stosunki on botsі, you know for yourself how to leave - to be deprived of a good person in the eyes of suspіlstva, take moral inspiration and release the sexual energy that has accumulated.

    As a method of yoga reflection, the creation of mіtsnih vіdnosin for all life, then a person can find out about it in the rest of the black. On the back of your head you need to change your mind, that yoga kohanka is the same one, about the yaku wine, everything is unfamiliar Rest of the Rocks. In order to help you in tsoma, the woman is obliged to know these rules, as an ideal for her training:

    • The callousness of the kokhanka is to blame not only for sex, but even before that, so that a person becomes proud of her and that is the order to go with her. To that - style, elegance, no vulgarity, and great respect for make-up.
    • The smell of a woman, the delicate aroma of garnet toilet water more respectful, even if you become a visiting card. This smell can be unobtrusively present on rich objects, which can make you feel confused, so that if you inject it from the area of ​​​​spriynyattya, you will start to feel psychological discomfort and anxiety.
    • The old look of the kohanka is not guilty of suffering from the home environment.
    • Mayuchi at the prospect serious stoks, girls, you can’t vibudovuvat їх on false information about yourself. It doesn’t seem like you should let intrigue, but there’s definitely no room for deceit in the created image.
    • A person needs to be heard constantly, even if through a lack of respect for wines, if you are safe.
    • It is not possible, if a person thinks, nibi yogo kohanka has set her life as a method of inciting yogo in other roles. It is necessary to competently draw a period of absolute peace of mind in short moments, if you can blame the fear of spending the kohana.
    • It is impossible to separate a person in sex, or to establish between what is permitted, even sex - those who are critically married at home, with a squad. Bedding blue is the most important act of manipulating knowledge. As a person, everything is in power, you can be instilled, so that like a hundred of wines, you can save yourself.

    Zakohati of a friendly person is irrevocably awkward, giving him a contrast between him, that he may be, filling his nest with love, and that moment, he is a mother, leaving him with him. If you don’t spoil yoga at home with savory food, the goiter must learn how to cook well and periodically demonstrate your culinary masterpieces. If this squad does not like the power to tidy up, then, coming to the hut of the kokhanka, they can be filled with cleanliness.

    7 fenced receptions calm down

    It’s not enough to create for a kohany comfortable mind on the cob of stosunkiv, even if it’s already passed the stage, if it’s a cicava sexy girl pretended to be a banal, tedious person, and almost certainly a similar transformation from the side of the kokhanka. The euphoric camp of a person was followed by a fast pace. And in order not to allow the suffocation to subside, it is necessary to remember about this stop-dії, building tightly close the heart of the dressing up to the kokhanka.

    Those who are not able to work with a hundred women with a friendly partner:

    • It is not necessary to speak yoga about the squad, children, and other relatives. A woman of wisdom is wise to tell Rozmov in such a way that the person himself wants to talk out of the door.
    • You can’t imagine joy, as if you’re talking about inaccuracies in your family, as you can’t play the superworldly turmoil, stitched falsely.
    • Don’t slander an intimate conversation with broad rhymes about the days of the past day and take this respect into the biographies of people who don’t know any wines.
    • Girls are not recommended to work and try to get close to each other, with friends and in other ways, to “vaccinate” a person to the idea that you will ever get to know it.
    • Natyaki about this future separation from the retinue, as if the man himself did not start a single move - the first step to the opening of hundreds of dollars.
    • You can’t do anything, it’s a sexual fiasco, it’s a sleep in the morning, even if there are hundreds of reasons not to come, or there are enough stressful moments, so you don’t interrupt the constant “readiness”.
    • It is categorically not allowed to declare in an ultimatum form that zmushuyut a person robit vibir mizh yogo sim'єyu that kohanka. 98% ymovіrnostі, scho after tsієї rozmovi pripiny іz pasієyu all sorts of stosunki.

    Navіt like a squad of a partner is an ideal master and a thin spіvrozmovnik; Yakby in the life of a man, everything is so good with his miraculous team, vin not pishov bi “levoruch”. Kokhanka cіkava for a person with the novelty of stosunkіv. Yakshcho wines are recognized from nіy zvichnі risi svoєї lawful halves, yоgo іnterest vystachit nenadno.

    Zodiac sign turned

    Character, the stage of death and moral stamina in all people of all ages, you don’t need to know the date of the people’s education, so that you know the date to the bottom of your heart. Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac:

    • Aries. A clear leader, who does not know the aggressive attacks on the side of the woman and once killed, as if he knew his own interest. Aries calm down only on a non-verbal level, and having sought this interest, they “allow” themselves to be drunk, making a small opera. Otrimavshi bazhany, vin is guilty of feeling like a survivor, otherwise the toy to you is smartly dressed.
    • Tilets. At the vpertіy, nadto vpevnenіy zhіntsi, pozbavlenіy m'yakostі that almost peace, tsey sign to threaten the threat to his peace. Tilts, as if to make stosunki on the side, more for other signs of calm before thinking, and you can’t quap. Unique to this, to start negainoly “domesticate” new women, have children and dress the squad in a bathrobe. For the conquest of Taurus, the mother needs great patience and learns to live by her interests.
    • Twins. The number of people building a drink from the life of a woman is so self-evident, as if they appear in it. And the chances to catch Bliznyukiv are only those of non-transverse characters due to a sense of humor and an adventurous streak. Sexual stench has a sharpness and willingness to experiment.
    • Crayfish. Let's talk about people's ingenuity. Poor razumіє "black" humor. It is possible to conquer Cancer, as if seriously put up to the yogo romantic porivіv that sentimentality. Realism yoga fast vimotuє. That is why, when you talk about Cancer, you need to be constantly aware of earthly problems and checks, until you learn to talk about food, what to chirp.
    • A lion. The man of this sign of the flooring of his charms, so that no forest can be seen as false. The lion quickly gets in the way of the hundred sonks and robs painless vibir at the beak of the kokhanka, as if you are aware that yoga has ceased to be valued in sim'ї. For the respect of the “king”, you need a lot of zusil. Except for the fact that it is necessary for you to show signs of suffocation, it will happen to another trimaty of the noble queen.
    • Diva. Zakohati of a friendly person, born under the sign of Divi, under the strength of only more pragmatic and respectful women, not to be afraid of a constant analysis of their vchinkiv and building tidying up, be flirtatious. Sexual energy, directed directly at the person-Diva, frightens him emotionally to curl up, that all try to calm him down, it is necessary to veil under the “businesslike approach” and the “big furnishing”.
    • Terezi. Neskіchenny poshuk of harmony - characteristic of rice what sign. Therese has no clear ideal, that stench is known in the constant respect for himself and his girlfriend for the sake of it. Having won this respect, a person is no longer able to let himself in at any time, otherwise he will again be more and more respectful and vagatisya in the correctness of the decision. Let go of this girl, so as not to be ashamed to put up all your pluses for show, even if this is a sign of admiration, which is the best.
    • Sagittarius. Set high power to old-fashioned look companions, but do not wait to be prepared to comply with the declared standard. Without a break, play in the games, imagining yourself in different roles. Partner sobі Strіlets pіdshukuє zі zіnim іvnem serioznosti і mundannostі.
    • Scorpion. It’s impossible to bring such a person out of this world, even if you choose one time, this stubborn sign to instill yourself is not known from yoga hybnosti. The only thing that is more beautiful is the stamina, the transcendental emotion of the new partner, even though this sign is not alive without adrenaline - screams, z'yasuvannya stosunkiv, divine sex. If you don’t get all the yoma in your family life, then the kohanka has a chance to make Scorpion “lose his head”.
    • Capricorn. To finish the good sign that the child can have good nature and honesty. Speech, sho garni vodnosiny you can only encourage the girl who demonstrates the same vibes, to that force, but for the sake of the kohanka, that she was able to show guilt.
    • Aquarius. This sign is opposed to everything ordinary and traditional. I’ll become a maiden, as if crying out, look at all the dovkols, we’ll make a choice for an incomparable zachіska. Aquarius needs surprises. Weekdays for the new one - the ability to see the NATO of the other osib, also the calm, vrіvnovazhenim women of the representative of whose sign of destruction can not be destroyed.
    • Ribi. To entice the respect of the person-Ribi into yourself, only having played before him, ready to give in to all yogic whims and vimog. Whose sign will require support, but it’s important to know. It is not easy for him to be a companion of such a person - to be able to steadily maneuver between the rank of a subtle romantic nature and specialness with spleen nerves and a great reserve of patience.

    The choice of all people without blame is attributed to internal motivation - an obvious chi unfamiliar. So if a person loses his family in the pursuit of adventure, it is logical to admit that the separation in this situation turned out to be only the "tip of the iceberg", then the very reason for the collapse of the family is richly glibshoy.

It is not easy to get along with a friendly person, especially if you die in a new one. It’s better for everything, you can imagine that your man will deprive the squad for you, even though it’s small. As you believe that you and your person were created one for one, talk to him about those that you see and what you want. Let us explain to you why you are the best game for him. However, it is not less important to be angry with your future, so that you can live happily.


Ask your person to leave the squad

    Tell him that you are checking for these stosunkiv. If there are any people who are incomprehensible, then it is important to explain to people what you want. It’s possible, vіn vvazhaє, that you are allowed to stosunki without goiters, it’s an easy affair. Say that you are checking for a new identity, and you want to leave the squad.

    • For example: Having shown me that the unfortunate with my retinue, I always thought that we would be at once. I want to deprive you of її for me.
  1. Insert a term, for which person is guilty of the retinue of the squad and forfeiting you. Better for everything, having told you what you plan to drink as a result of wine, but for which one hour is needed. Tse extensions are accepted, and more people are not really going anywhere. It's unfair according to your age, and you deserve better. If you insert a specific term, you will understand that you do not want to lead you for nіs. Possibly, you won’t leave the squad, but you won’t waste your time for a new hour.

    • You can say: “I want you to discover the blue-ray process in the next two months. Otherwise, I don't think we can be together."
  2. Surround your conversation with him after you tell him about your conversation. You need to be shown that you are not jarring any term. As long as you are with her, do not attach all your respect to you. Otherwise, ignore the links and reminders, otherwise do not rely on them for a long time.

    • For example, do not repeat yourself, as only you take away the reminder of the new. Check out the sprat of years.
    • Don't fall for yoga calls. It's better to call back if it's convenient for you.

    Porada: speak briefly and to the point. Let the people know that you won't be responsible for the sins with them until you leave the squad.

    Don't try to tell your team about your stosunki. It’s possible, you know, that the person was more familiar with the squad, as if you told me about your novel, but it’s unlikely that you can do it. Really, a person can be irritated and try to intercede for this. Carefully choose people who can be assigned to the situation, and try not to be the same, who will be the best of your squad.

    • Tell you what you want, if you tell me the truth, check it out, and earn your choice. Possibly, the squad does not know the wine. At such a time, you will understand that wine is a dishonorable person.
  3. Put your stosunki on pause, so you won't leave. So it’s not enough for people to really deprive their squads, it’s great to think that they don’t choose to throw wine. Tse can be more painful dosvіdom, i shortest way to get into such a situation - don’t pinch a stone. If you continue to chat with a person, he will not have an incentive to unique the squad. In short, to say to you, you can’t be with a person, as you are not ready to tie yourself up with goiters with you, and if you don’t choose to care for her, the docks won’t be better than children.

    • Say: “Those who are robish are unfair to me. I deserve credit for the person who will be the best of me, for that I need to respect him. I will think about those who will turn before you, if you join the squad.

    Change yoga, scho you - the best party

    1. Guess you about the problems of the retinue. Yakshto Vіn zustrichaєtsya z you, svidshe for everything, vіn may have problems with vidnosinah with the retinue. Possibly, discussing these problems will help you to understand that you can leave її. Ask Yogo, who has changed, to tell Yoma about sick food. The axis of a sprinkling of wider family problems, with which people can get stuck:

      • rozbizhnosti schodo vitrat;
      • see that yoga is not valued;
      • vydchuttya, scho yoga partner is not enough;
      • it seems that they have nothing more to sleep with as a partner;
      • lack of sex;
      • unsatisfied needs.
    2. Show you that you can have more than a sleepy one, lower with a squad. One of the widest reasons, through which stosunki will end, is if people do not lack anything to sleep. Indicate on your sleep, interests and sounds, schob vin pobachiv, what you should do. In addition, spend the evening, taking care of it, so that both of you bring satisfaction, so that the person, having seen the soulful pidyom, peresbuvaya order after you.

      • For example, request yoga for a match, as if you are both playing for one sports team, discuss it with him, as you can win your future, as if you have a sleeping goal, or ask to take up a sleeping hobby.
      • Do not lie, so that you will make me love you more strongly for you. Zreshtoy, vin zrozumіє, scho you lied to you, and tse yogo to embarrass.
    3. Discuss yoga with the natives and try to please them. Possibly, you are helping the squad, but you know that you are not satisfied with your needs. Ask Yogo what you want in stosunkiv, and then proponate Yomu tse (whatever you want). Tse mozhe sponukati yogo vibir vibir on your selfishness.

      • For example, if you want wine, you should appreciate yoga. You can say: “I always show you how much you mean to me, and how you mean to me for those who work for me. I'll take care of my work."
      • Similarly, you can say that you need a partner, who always supports yoga and does not criticize yoga. Can you say: Remember, how did I support your decision to change the job? I will forever support you.”
      • Try vyavivit razuminnya yogo fears. Yogo child is an important part of yogo life і, more for everything, stinks even richer for the new one. Vіn is to blame for the mother's ability to support healthy babies with them.
    4. Do not try to manipulate him for additional nonsense, for that we will have a reversal result. As you can see that you and your man were created one for one, maybe you respect your nonsense as true. Tim is no less, shkidly stubbornly on bullshit, and, zreshtoy, a man of sensibility, what you see. Give you vibir: be with you chi ni. You deserve to be with a person who chooses you without a vice.

      • For example, don’t tell you that you guys were fighting, like a team of you were protecting you.

    Focus on your future

    1. Try to have sex with him, so that you can praise the decision. There is nothing nasty in the fact that you give people a loan, do it, prote a lot of people protect their squads for the sake of sex. If you have sex with him, save wine and sim'yu, and satisfy your needs. It’s unfair by the appointment to you and one of your friends, to put him to sleep with him, until he dedicates himself exclusively to you.

      • Tell you: “I still want to be with you, but I can’t and just give you a kohanka. I will no longer sleep with you, until you lie down only for me.
    2. Surround yourself with him, so that you can see your vigilance. Better for everything, it will be important for you to take care of yourself on the vіdstanі vіd new, but on the best. Tse show you what you really want, so that you will leave your squad. Moreover, to give you space, so that you can become happy. Stop being a sleepy plan and don’t be alone with him.

      • You can say: “I would have dined with you with pleasure, but you know what is not an option for me. You are still with her, I can steal him for myself.

      Porada: do not spend the whole hour at home on your own. Encourage your friends to visit the world and have fun, go to a party with another person, or just do a hobby that suits you. If you will have fun, it will be easier for you to hang out on the sight of the same person.

    3. Do not compare yourself with your yogo squad - it’s more than enough to hurt you. Perhaps, it is important for you to understand why you continue to turn to her, and you ask what is in her, what you do not have. However, there are plenty of reasons why wine is left behind her, and the stench is not associated with you. Yakshcho anger yourself on thoughts about her, switch your respect to your own feelings and those that you love in yourself. Let's put together a list of everything that is stored away in your life.

      • You can say to yourself: "I love my eyes, my guilt, and those who are not my creatures."
      • It is possible, for your family, for your family, domestic creatures and a wonderful robot.
    4. Keep an eye on the future of your future, deputy of the one who is turbulent about that person. Under the hour of a hundred days with a friendly person, you can easily force yourself at a raised station. Do you want to start the future with you, ale, it’s possible that it won’t happen. Do not waste your hopes, but put your goals on the future and start reaching out to them. Tse help you to know the miracle of life, to build it like that, you won’t be tied up with a human being.

      • For example, you can put yourself for the mark of taking away the steps of the master. Start with the entry to the university.
    5. Revisit your goals and interests with your positions. You merit for happiness right now, don’t put your life on pause until you check your entry into the squad. Continue enjoying your favorite speeches and spend an hour with other loved ones. Help you to focus on your happiness, while you go through this stressful period in the waters.

      • For example, sign up with friends for painting lessons, go to a wine tasting or join an amateur sports team.
    6. Think about those who want to go to the wedding with other people, the docks of the wines can't wait to be with you. So, as your man is still overwhelmed by the retinue, your stumps are not serious. Tse means that you have no reason to save fidelity. Helping with other people will help you check if you really want to check. Possibly, zavdyaks to whom you will see a bigger party. Register with an addendum for dating, or try to establish a romantic connection with people who are familiar with real life.

      • Know that you are given that your person is ideal for you, better for everything, the world has a lad, who will become the best party for you. Don't force yourself to goitre with a friendly person, because you don't want to work for yourself.

Why do you think that no one respects the kohankas, they are called rozluchnitsy those other imaginative obitsyankas, but from the other side - is it inexactly whimsical? As you can see: it is necessary to fight for your own happiness! It’s like food has become bitter in life: as if you were coaxing in yourself, then it’s bravely required to work and don’t fool around with what people say. It’s trapping so that the cochants don’t tell about their family camp, they can sing richly in life, even in the process, encourage them.

The bottom line is that you really want to work so that if you are some kind of person, being afraid of spending you, you should grieve, think about you, roar like crazy. INODIK RIDKISNI ZUSTARIT BELE BITHER SHIST, NIZH post -the -person, LEAD THE CHED to the character of specialty, consuming, ALECH HTOS SUCHITENT IN BOTSI, INTIMNA RIZNOMANITHIA, TO THE ROSED LIVE OF PROBLEMS AND LOVENSIAL IN THE COMPLESS.

Sob to follow you, it’s necessary to remember to wait, to turn around, but for whom it’s not obligatory to “spread” it’s just a requirement to liar, to love and hate, to piss, to know the specialness of the specialness. If people have achieved happiness in the individual alone, then how can they have a sense of their status?

If the decision about peace is already firmly accepted, then it is necessary to clearly understand which women will be suffocated:

  1. Nasampered, those women are valued, as if they can act, do not show hisism, guard as if they were their own, and ready to make a compromise, accept the camps, wash the vigilance of both sides.
  2. As if they didn’t talk about the goodness of the soul, but the old data play a richly serious meaning, even if it’s necessary to know: how to suffocate a friend in yourself, then remember, first for everything - be ideal, repair the manicure and finish the spring, seal.
  3. Always keep intrigue, do not need a thread, swear by life, as if you are surrounded by friends, then you will see similar situations at home, be mysterious, bewitching, manly, let them write to them, to entrust them with themselves.
  4. In the meantime, rumors are valued more richly, lower building of the old garno balakati, superbly importantly clapping on the right, with success, without bothering with their problems, if possible, start fun rozmovi, yakіn

Yak Utrimati

The most wide-ranging meals: how to cut down on cochance, suss out the impatience of checks for zustrich, tie to yourself, or grow happy - may be superbly banal vіdpovіd - appreciate those that lads are powerful to you, show your work for the sake of being busy, don’t be easy . It's also important:

  1. Raznomanіtnіst poses, sexual experiments just zmusya bigati for you. Psychology has repeatedly argued that I make friends most of the time with my passions, devotion, that stench should go "levoruch".
  2. Golovna - do not depict a squad, even create a її, tse same, to lower the pride of the rebel. Like a serious pull, zatsіkavlenіst, carefully think over the words, even if one is not correct, you can provoke welding.
  3. The most sympathetic mind - if the kokhani work at once, like the boss and lay down, in such a rank, you can straighten all your femininity, turbota to the vikonannya right, in front of the zustrіchі, come in, so that the person will feel the support, podtrimku. The borg will not be deprived of a partner, show up for more than an hour, so that you can appreciate not only the cruelty, like a practitioner, but also like an affable, awesome, sexy, glanced lady.
  4. Smiling, engraved in yourselves, women are always valued, so that you can and need to ask first for a dance, dance, zustrich. Show your zatsіkavlenіnі that need in the object of your obzhnyuvannya.
  5. The lads can fall in love with the one who is ready to help, encourage, show their mind, character, a little humor, kindness to the point of overwhelming.
  6. Don’t waste your time, man, who is kind of healthy, you can heal a friend of life! Significantly become a standard of beauty, femininity, humanness.

You won!

Vikoristavshi cunning, madly, you can zakohat be-whom, ale varto understand, what is the majestic v_dpovіdalnіst, tyagar, and maybe, і suffering. It’s not a fact that it’s good to get rid of your family, the reasons may be impersonal. To be able to reconcile with them, that we spend all the holiness in chastity, we can’t look at ourselves, sound.

It is required to become a part of what is lacking, be quiet, joyful, and not a black-haired, fluffy, roaring girl. Come to stock up on patience, as far as possible, nicely talk to the friends of your young people, even if this factor (the thought of comrades) is important.

Povaga, mutually support for those who are worth it, even if it’s not worth it, if you don’t want to go on a leash, if you’re tempted by a lad, you need to pidlashtovuvati so that it’s handy for both. From time to time, to speak in other words: good luck, friends, rozvagi, it’s necessary in order not to become attached to a person, even in your life it’s impossible to plan in detail, early on it can be such that it’s necessary to know the strength to say goodbye.

To marvel at the speech is real, not to live with illusions, reasonably assess the situation, get ready for some kind of result.

Active activities

In order to zatsіkaviti, do not happen to apply a kupa zusil. Nav'azlivіst is not up to anything, navpaki - modesty, garniness, the presence of nearby shanuvalniks, frowning іstorіy to help you turn your respect to yourself. It is necessary to unify sharp transitions, rudeness, and unnecessary speeches at the address of an individual, or even more - relatives. Vlashtovuvatimut tsіkavі, pristrasnі zustrіchі, yakі rozburhuvatimut not only the body, but also grit the soul. The presence of children in the other half is not perishkoda, smut, show what is in the grip, without a mind in them.

Let’s go with us, it’s categorically harrowed, it’s boring, one-manit, it’s smartly nabridne, it’s possible to make your own thought, it’s necessary to remember it correctly: strimano, hatefully. Adequacy is over everything: do not rule scandals, do not re-examine, do not call home, do not impose yourself! The role of the kohanka of a well-meaning person is not so bad and bad, as it is right to take pluses and minuses, for example:

  • Behind the fact is freedom, but to be able to, in fact, live a subconscious life.
  • A minimum of moral shocks, pobutu, scandals; the other side is the option of losing oneself.
  • Have a good hour and ... the self-esteem of the saint.

The skin has its own life, health, privileges, we are happy over the mustache, and the axis in such a rank is the decision for you.

Take care of yourself with the needs of that bag - the main need of a woman. For the sake of this won, I’m ready to play with a man, whether it’s like a game: be turbulent and baiduzhoy, suffocated that cold, biased and lower. But how should you behave with a Kokhan, if you were afraid of spending wine?

Don't hurry to open the cafe doors yourself, don't book tables and don't book rooms - don't make yourself look like a gallant cavalier. Jerelo: Flickr (Jose_Hdez._Brito_Follow)

How to behave with Kohan: 5 golden rules

  • Say "Ni" with a touch of authority

So ruled by nature: the girls are sentimental. Tі, yakі vehemently tse zaperchuyut and schosli create the image of a fatal companion, sentimental podvіyno. As a rule, one mischievous night is enough for a woman to think about putting on her betrothed's suit. It’s hot, for the sake of cicadas, it’s possible, to inspire without showing yourself in the same light. The axis here is the attachment of the first stone: the woman wants to be appointed, the man - freedom.

It is impossible to resolve this conflict of interests, but to smooth it out realistically, and to work for the woman. How to properly behave with a Kohanian, being afraid to spend wine on you? Virna vіdpovіd - honor yoga specialty space and not show off your good manners. One place, de vie, you can allow yourself to command them a little - softly. For її between the borders, it’s better to stream like this.

  • Nadmirnі zusilla to lead to a vicious result

Relax. You don’t need to climb these shkiri, to lift yourself from the shortest side. You are already worthy of you and that is enough. Pekti pies, iron shirts and guess a hundred times about the squalor of a snidanka - the holy bindings of yoga matus. Look at the status of a kohanka, but call it another story. Your only task is to love yourself and allow yourself to work for yourself.

It dawned on me that a little bit of stagnation calls out from you, and we will accept it. But know another way, lower offense from three sufferings. Kohantsі, obviously, you also love to eat and your talents will be recognized, but would you be afraid to spend a cook?

  • Cholovik is a philanthropist, not a vidobutok

How to behave with a Kohanian, violating this rule? Like wild game in the fox? Live your life and do not rush through the skin bush with the blessings "Catch me, nareshti!". With viraz rebuke snow queen one by one, read out the propositions how to judge not varto. But let him understand that your life will not spin for a long time. Work, friends, hobbies, family - you don't have a lot of free time. Set boundaries, and then you want to destroy them.

Do not answer the call at once - you can be busy, do not wait for an hour to proponate it - this evening is already planned. Let the wine fall under you - zreshtoy, who needs more?

  • Leave the word for the woman

It is important that the girl is guilty again of dividing the interests of her young people. "Nisenitnitsa!" - say psychologists. Global interests - a garna is the basis for mіtsnih vіdnosin, but only if it stinks of true sleep. Kokhanets asking you to drink beer and watch football? Wait a minute, but still love beer and fight for the fee. Otherwise, don't be afraid to say "no". Letting people down with everything is a nasty tactic.

  • The strength of a woman in her weakness

Great is the truth: a man loves a woman for those who feel like wine. How to behave with a Kohanian, for fear of spending wine on you? Psychology gives one more joy: give the pavich the opportunity to unleash his tail. Don't hurry to open the cafe doors yourself, don't book tables and don't book rooms - don't make yourself look like a gallant cavalier. Ask Yogo about a small service (the key word is small, give your titsa a headstand from Urengoy - obviously not from this opera), and then do not forget to chiro chiro.

Tse tsikavo! Vcheni have established that people become more sympathetic not to those who have given them a service, but to others - to those who have been helped by themselves. The reason is in physiology: if you are lying, the body vibrates the hormones of joy (endorphins).

Behind the doors of the bedroom: how to call your kohant from the mind?

Sex is the head of a zbroya kohanka. Ale, like and be-like a sbroya, she’ll carry an impersonal problem with her, so behave with her in the right way. Before the speech, behind the bedroom door - smart viraz. How to show the sociological experience, the most popular places of the German co-owners - offices, hotels, apartments of close friends and car dealerships. Such a change of location already by itself turns off the nuisance in the sphere of intimate intercourse. Ale, in order to call out the mind of your kohantsya, which is not enough.

  • speak

Navit yourself, it would seem, self-suffering people be afraid to strike the faces at the fords and enchant their lady. A dissatisfied woman is the head nightmare of a kohant, so don’t let him sleep. The phrase “Tse Bulo is miraculous!” is banal. unmanageable to you vtishit. Inspired by your praise, the coming time of wine will be magnified even more.

Sob your praises were wide, learn to voice your bazhannya. Give orders like a commander on the parade ground, obviously, not warto. Just gently guide your person to need a channel- The awakened become more pliable. A woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to speak her voice, become a good expert for her cochance.

  • Die spontaneously

Too late, the preparation and obmirkovuvannya details, as a rule, all pseudo. Watching staged scenes, vividly described in cheap women's magazines. Shovkov's whiteness and heights - speeches vzagalі nesumіsnі. Іskrometny sex - the axis of which gives the opportunity to enjoy your bazhannyam that closeness.

Tse tsikavo! How to zdivuvati kokhantsya? Dance sensual dance - striptease. Just don't get hung up on the fact that, as a work, you don't sleep with choreography. Rush like this, as if guessing the inner rhythm.

  • Check hot spots

If you care that there is only one erogenous zone in a person, you will be deeply merciful. Strong pidloga is not less sensitive, lower is weak. To have a drink in the apple, choose to what type of light perception your kohany should be. All 3: auditory, visual and kinesthetic.

A pronounced auditory can only be called to mind by the sound of your voice. The lower whisper about the kokhannya is yours. With visuals it’s more foldable: you happen to be especially resolutely chasing after yourself and picking up your whiteness. Okrim temryavi - their enemy. If you want to fill in one muted light, the kohanets-visual can bachit you and enjoy it. The most common type is kinesthetics. How to please the Kohantsya? Learn different massage techniques and learn about olives.

The axis is only persh lower with passion to take up the development of how to behave friendly Kohan, rather, it would be better to think: what do you need for yourself?

Passion and inclination to the point of cochance is fooled by us in front of yoga inaccessibility. I entrusted the axis of wines at once, and for a few years you will have if you have your own homeland. I can’t do anything about it: having separated your life, having set the kochantsi zhorstky framework - there’s no more woman for a short time.

And how can you tie a friendly kohant to yourself, abi wanting to expand your boundaries?

No need for water

I don't want to be a noblewoman,
And I want to be a free queen.

"Tale about a fisherman and a fish" A. S. Pushkin

The axis is the same in the life of women: having suffocated with a friendly person, she is ready to put up with the share of an obliging kohanka, for a little while, she will have a lot of respect, and it’s safe to want to change her status to a legal squad. And why is it not scary to be left with broken corite?

On the back, you need to understand the psychology of friendship. In some kind of vipadkah vin, you start to protect the squad:

    As a family, you build up a life for you. Romance was replaced by everyday life, the squad chirped all the time the problems of the state, and they began to blame the brain of their unfavorable slander.

    Sex from the retinue of zvedeniya nanivets chi in a new way there is no diversity. And here comes the banquet of the hospitality of the sights: the kohanka is rich in virtuosity for the team, plus it adds some extreme - we’ll catch you from something else.

    You are more like another woman. She looks like a friend, like a rodinka, like yoga lures. It’s too bad that you can’t mount these two women into one in order to have a perfect lady of the heart.

Ale, you can’t leave the retinue of wines - after that, you have boiled your soul to this. If it’s logical to think with your head (and not with your head, as if you’re known in a new one for your fly), then you’ll smash a hundred krokiv ahead of time, which you’ll be breaking up with your squad.

If a kohanka from the first zestriches is more likely to be squeezed onto his kokhanoy, if you have already virishuvav іz serious studs, then 99% of you will be left with a beaten korita. Navіscho youmu minyati lull home fire how else is it unknown? There aren’t any other good ones, there’s no pretense, why do you have a sense?

The person is still safe, periodically zbіgayuchi in the face of family problems, to know the peace of the hour. But another woman is not yet in his head. Navіscho youmu those same, like a saint with a kohanka will not be?

Outwardly conquering the heart of an unfortunate cavalier - on the right is a copy and a dovga. From the statistics you know, how many times do you need that woman's tricks to kill your dead zombie boyfriend.

Sex is like a "short story" for a cochants

Sex itself is attached to the fact that a person’s brain moves from the head to the head below the belt. If the craving becomes unbearable, the person is important to take in the “lіgvі” sіm'ї — vіn novu i novu shukaє Zustriche іz tієyu hut, like vlashtovuє yoma “shizgaru” at the lizhku.

How do you work? Let's support your knowledge for the help of one of the life stories of the maiden Christina. Let's not verbatim describe his speech, but the deacons of the tsikavi notes that it will be independent.

Being a foreign woman, Kristina could not have made a nap with a young, friendly lad, who was motorically in a new zakokhan. Sashko, tormented by the pain of conscience in front of his retinue, but his lack of knowledge at the bed drove the lad back into the arms of Christina.

The two of them periodically chatted at the parties of friends, even though they were not the same team, just know. I didn’t know about their stosunki legally, I didn’t know about them, I had to bula great difference in Vіtsі mizh kohances - mayzhe ten rokіv.

If Sasha’s interest in Khristina was weak, and she became a smart sim’yanin, Khristina ruled you a “calm session” for an hour of chatting with friends:

    I tried to look better for all those present, and myself to lead the program of the evening. Enchantment does not appear to her, to that all respect was bestial to her.

    Vaughn nibito "vipadkovo" was doused with sparkling water, so that the maximum opening of the buzzards on the blouse, covering the wide opening of the neckline.

    Vaughn erotically ate the midnight, licking the ruins, looking at Sasha. A banana is also a kind of attribute of sexuality, if you nibbled yoga neatly.

Everything that robbed her did not look out, and everything is vulgar and natural. Well, she drenched herself, well, she took a bite. Everything was more sensible to Sashkov himself. And Khristina felt funny bachiti, like Sashko red, sweating, pulling tight comir of her shirt and nervously adjusting her fly.

Just then, having poked the moment of recognition, Sashko hissed Christina in the ear: “What are you doing with me, you vermin!” Here Christina also had her own cunning: it’s not safe for a long time to start talking - Sashko is “hollow” and the interest is lost. Ale y vishukuvati once a quiet little bit of vain didn’t hurry: it’s risky, that’s what sex is - as required.

“Let the lad go through nothing in thoughts about supersex!” - so thought Khristina and small ration. On the coming day, Sashko tried to “tear” him into a lie, and then he snarled for a long time, that he couldn’t achieve the same thing at once from the retinue, and that Christina had bewitched him.

So, the windings of Christina are cynical and approachable. And the visnovok axis is yaki:

With what rank can you vtrymati kohantsa and zakohati yogo in yourself? The point is unequivocal - we are in front of sex.

And in the article you know how to understand the bazhanya and the cares of a person, what should be unique, and what should be spoken in love.

Cold setting to kohantsya

Most friendship of a person Leading the woman's self-esteem on the side, drinking in her significance in front of her and thinking that she is irreplaceable. In principle, the head of the kohanka is so important, but if it’s already three hundred years, and the woman’s kohannya is mitzne, then you don’t change your thoughts.

Notified without leaving to come to her later, if she breaks her eyes on the right side of the right:

    Nothing will change. A person is accustomed to the status of a permanent kohanka and does not take everything seriously - it’s almost as if without trembling that tremtinnya in the voice.

    Vaughn cannot rule over her homeland. Don’t let spiritual pretense, even if you try to get to know other people and give the right reason.

    A couple of cochants sound like this to live. The woman on the back allowed herself to trim in such a camp, that її mіsce was beaten in the end, looking like a kohan.

When it comes, you will notice especially warmly. You can put an end to your special life and justice, so as not to risk it with the words: “Abo pan chi is gone!”.

On the vіdmіnu vіd zhіnki, її druzheniya navіt do not think about the future changes, іn evangelism at її stastі. Ale here starts a bummer - it went wrong. And tse "not so" can be done in two ways.

Sharp opening of the vіdnosin

The article describes the method of "shock therapy". A man to change sharply without fear of spending his kohanka, but a message about those who are with him forever, shocking Yogo.

The primal rhythm of the life of the “dim-kohanka-robot” is changing, the everyday-holiday lansy is torn. Marry tsієї lanka, and it means that life is especially not sensu - without tsієї lanka and there is no joy especially. Minyat post_ynu kohanka even more smoothly, even if you know that checks.

A person rethinks his life and tries to get to the bottom of the knowledge: what is more dear to you. Axis here and come your “pan chiznik”: if you are right to go to the grave in separation and fit on your mind, then you yourself have already tied it up without any tricks. Otherwise, you’ll spend yoga, as if you didn’t appreciate the blame.

Separation steps

The most effective way, if the risk of breaking up the blue is not a big deal. You want to be robish looking, that your kohanets are becoming bait, you have a chanuvalnik, and you can call the bells for the hour of your care. Well, it’s true, if your friend can call you, you’ve been home for a long time.

You disappear in the evenings, you don’t want to wait for a pampering, you don’t want to relax in sex activities on rare occasions - so go “with a bang!”. You rush about at the suspicions, you begin to look at your inconsistency, and you add oil to the fire. How to tell? And read the article, and you will understand everything.

Method of action. Ale wine is less so that a person learns to value you, honor that terribly afraid of spending you. Maybe, I won’t become your man, but you can tie Yogo to yourself, sing-songly, you can. As if to paraphrase A. S. Pushkin, then the viraz “The less beloved of my man, the more befitting of you” will be more familiar to your camp.

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