Impulse soldering iron moment. A simple impulse soldering iron based on an electronic transformer. Designated number of turns

Sometimes you can create a splint of various strains and constructions. Promislov_st releases a lot of different models, they are easy to come by. The photo shows a pratsyuyuchiy zrazok release 80s rockiv.

However, rich minds can chirp self-contained constructions. One of them at 80 W is shown in the photographs below.

With a soldering iron, it was possible to solder mid darts of 2.5 squares on the street in cold weather and minat transistors and other components of electronic circuits. other boards in laboratory minds.

Robotic principle

The soldering iron "Moment" works in an electric wire of ~ 220 volts, which is an excellent transformer, in which the secondary winding is short-circuited with a copper jumper. When the voltage is turned on for a few seconds, a short-circuit jet flows through it, a copper tip, which is heated, of a soldering iron to temperatures that melt the solder.

The primary winding is connected by a cord with a plug to the socket, and for supplying voltage, the winding is vibrated with mechanical spring self-turning. If the button is pressed and pressed down, heat will flow through the soldering iron tip. Varto is less likely to release the button, as soon as it heats up.

In some models, for efficiency of work in case of insufficient illumination, from the primary winding, following the principle of an autotransformer, turn the input to 4 volts, as if to bring it to the cartridge with a light bulb from the intestinal light. Directed lightly selected dzherel visvitlyuy space soldering.

Transformer design

Before the cob of picking a soldering iron, it should be marked with yoga pressure. Sound 60 W for the installation of simple electrical installations and radio amateurs. To gradually solder transistors and microcircuits, reduce the pressure, and for processing massive parts, increase it.

For the preparation, it is necessary to vikorate a power transformer with a low tension, a power transformer from the old outbuildings for the release of hours in the SRSR, if all the electrical steel of the magnetic conductors was carried out under the GOST standards. It is a pity that the current constructions are based on the fact that the transformer hall was made from low-energy and high-quality steel, especially in cheap Chinese outbuildings.

See the magnetic circuit

Zalіzo nebhіdno pіdbirati for the intensity of the energy that is transmitted. For whom it is possible to win not one, but a sprat of the same transformers. The shape of the magnetic core can be straight, round or W-like.

You can vikoristovuvati be it in any form, but it’s easier to choose armor plates for the fact that she has a greater kkd of transferring tightness and won’t allow you to work warehouse structures with a simple addition of plates.

When choosing a gap, pay attention to the width of the gap, which victorious only in throttles for the folding of a magnetic support.

The technique of a simple rozrahunku

Yak pіdіbrati zalіzo for the necessary potness of the transformer

Let’s be clear that the technique has been propagated and broken down by the last path and allow in the home minds to select a transformer, which is normally working, and for the simple changes in the environment, you can see the parameters that the trochs are blown into the rosewood. It’s not easy to correct the brought, as in most cases it’s not necessary.

The connection between the volume of the hall and the tension of the primary winding of the transformer is manifested through the transverse section of the magnetic circuit and representations on the little one.

The tension of the primary winding S1 is greater than that of the secondary winding S2 by the value of kcd ŋ.

The square of the perimeter of the rectangle Qc is calculated according to the formula through the sides, which is easy to measure with a simple ruler or a caliper. For an armored transformer, the air gap requires less than 30%, for a lower shear one. Ce is well seen from the empirical formulas, de Qc is expressed in square centimeters, and S1 - in watts.

For the skin type of the transformer, according to its formula, the tension of the primary winding is calculated through Qc, and then, through kkd, it is estimated the value of the secondary lance, which is the soldering iron.

For example, for example, for 60 W of exhaustion, the W-like magnetoconductor, then Qc = 0.7 √ 60 = 5.42 cm 2.

How to choose the diameter of the rod for transformer windings

As a material for the dart, the next vicorist was made of mid, as it was covered with a ball of varnish for insulation. When winding coils on coils, the varnish turns off the appearance of inter-turn flickering. Tovshchina drotu picks up for the maximum strum.

For the primary winding, we know the voltage of 220 volts i was assigned to the primary tension of the transformer, choosing a transverse cut for the magnetic circuit. Having divided the voltage of the tension into the volts of the primary voltage, we take the winding jet in amperes.

For example, for a transformer with a power of 60 watts, the stream in the primary winding is less than 300 milliamperes: 60 [watts] / 220 [volts] = 0.272727 .. [amps].

In the same way, the jet of the secondary winding is calculated according to its values ​​of tension and tension. Our winding does not need it: a winding of two turns, the voltage will be small, but the strum will be great. Therefore, the transverse section of the current conductor is selected with a large margin from the mid-bar, so as to minimize the cost of the secondary winding electrical support.

By assigning a strum, for example, 300 mA, you can calculate the diameter of the rod using an empirical formula: conduct [mm] = 0.8∙√I [A]; or 0.8∙√0.3=0.8 0.547722557505=0.4382 mm.

Such precision, obviously, is not necessary. Calculations of the diameter allow the transformer to be allowed to run for a long time without overheating at the maximum voltage. A mirobimo soldering iron, which periodically turns on for a couple of seconds. Let's turn on and achieve it.

Practice has shown that a diameter of 0.14 ÷ 0.16 mm is suitable for the cycle.

How to calculate the number of turns of the winding

The voltage on the windings of the transformer should lie in the number of turns and the characteristics of the magnetic circuit. Sound we do not know the brand of electrical steel and power. For our purposes, this parameter is simply averaged, and the entire calculation of the number of turns is reduced to look: ? = 45/Qc, de? - The number of turns that fall on 1 volt of voltage on any transformer winding.

For example, for an analyzed transformer of 60 watts: ώ=45/Qc=45/5.42=8.3026 turns per volt.

The oscillators are connected to the primary winding at 220 volts, for it the number of turns in stock is ω1=220∙8.3026=1827 turns.

The secondary lance has 2 turns. The stench will blow the voltage close to four volts.

For an equal rozpodіl vytkіv drot in the middle of the magnetic circuit, it is necessary to prepare a frame from electrical cardboard, getinaks or sclotextolіt. The robot technology is shown a little, and the dimensions are chosen according to the improvement of the design of the magnetic circuit. The windings are insulated by the carcass and are rolled up at the coil, so as to pick up the plates for the magnetic core.

It is often necessary to change the factory frame, but in order to increase the tightness, it is necessary to add plates, to increase the dimensions. Details from cardboard can be sewn with fine threads or glued together. The case with sclotextolite with precise fitting of parts can be assembled without glue.

When preparing the coil, you need to try as much as possible to see more space for placing the windings, and when winding the coils, turn them into place and evenly. With the placement of the “bulk” dart, you can simply not pick up the space and the whole work will have to be reworked.

In the soldering iron shown in the photo, the secondary winding is made from a copper bar with a straight-cut ridge. Yogo size 8 by 2 mm. You can win other profiles. For example, a round drіt is handy for placement in the middle of the magnetic circuit. With a flat shank, I had to diligently tinker, vikoristovuvat bream, a hammer, templates and saws for an equal wig of a strictly configurable frame of a cat.

On the little item 1 shows a flat shank. After the preparation of the frame, it is necessary to designate a її dozhina, vrakhovyuchi vіdstan, like going on turns that distance to the tip of the mid-range dart.

At the position of 2 won, approximately in the middle, it smoothly bends in the breams with small hammer blows from the bottom of the orientation plane. When crossing the coil through a straight coil, it is necessary to twist the template with soft steel in the form, which will perfectly match the dimensions of the coil frame, and the winding will be placed in the yak.

The template is significantly easier slyusarni roboti z nadannya obmottsі required form. One half of the shank is wrapped around a new shoulder, which is shown in positions 4, 5 and 6, and then another (div. 7 and 8).

To make it easier to understand the process, the instructions from the images of the shank on the positions of the black lines with small creations show the sequence of deaths.

On position 8 is cleverly shown peretin A-A. You will need to twist the shank by 90 degrees to make the work more efficient, as shown in the photo.

To blame the virgin, if you want to freely place the power winding in the middle of the coil frame, they can be cut down with a file. The coils of metal are not guilty of sticking between themselves and that body. For which one they are divided by a ball of insulation.

At the ends of the secondary winding, open and cut threads for screwing in the M4 screws. The stench is used for fixing the copper tip from the dart 2.5 or 1.5 square. If the voltage fluctuations on the secondary winding are too small, then for the fineness of the electrical contacts of the tip, it is necessary to stitch, keep them clean, clean the oxides and squeeze them with nuts and washers.

Preparation of the primary winding of the soldering iron

After that, the power winding of the soldering iron is ready, and it is insulated, and it became clear how much free space was left at the coil for a thin dart. With a shortage of space, the coils can be strong among themselves.

The winding drіt is folded from the middle of the core and one or two balls of varnish and is designated for marking PEV-1 (single-ball coated with varnish), PEV-2 (two balls), PETV-2 (thermostatic, lower PEV-2), PEVTLK-2 ( thermoresistant) special).

Vymiryuyuchi the diameter of the dart with a micrometer, next change the indication to the insulation. But this general recommendation for our soldering iron is not critical.

Vrakhovuchi work in the minds of heating type PEV-1, it is better to use, to the point of speech, winding yoga “bulk” is not recommended.

Sound the drіt on the spool to wind it on self-made verstas.

When dressed on the frame of the power winding, turn the coils by hand and write them down on paper in a sing interval, for example, a hundred or two.

Before the cob of the work, solder to the cob of the winding the bagatozhilny drіt at the mіtsnіy іzolyatsії, bagan of the brand MGTF. Vіn dovgo vitrimuvatime bagatorazovі vagini, heating, mechanical injection. Z'ednannya kіntsіv vykonuєtsya soldering, іsоluєєtsya. The flux vibrates less than rosin, acid is not allowed.

Gnuchka lived to close in the cotushtsі vіd vismikuvannya and be called out through the opening at the bіchnіy wall. After the winding is completed, the other end of the winding is also soldered to the MGTF core, which is called.

The wires will be supplied with 220 volts, which should be well insulated in the case and the secondary winding.

Finished construction

After winding the coils, they are firmly installed on it, fixing it with wedges in the fall. Until the residual folding of the body, it is possible to override the soldering iron robot by applying voltage to the primary winding for reheating the tip and evaluating the current-voltage characteristic.

If the design is well chosen, it is possible and not to be engaged in it. Ale, before you see: it’s good to guess the working point of the CVC at the mist’s bend of the curve, if it has reached its maximum. To fight with the change of the number of turns.

The method of designating the foundations for supplying a variable voltage to the dzherel, which is regulated, to the transformer winding through an ammeter and a voltmeter. The sprat of vimiriv will fight, and a graph will be drawn from them, which will show the turning point (greater gap). Let's take a decision about changing the number of turns.

Handle, housing, vimicac

Like a vimikach pidide be-yak a button with self-turning, it is safe for streams up to 0.5 A. The photo shows a micro-permeability of an old tape recorder.

The handle of the soldering iron is made from two halves of solid wood, in which there are empty holes for placing wires, buttons and light bulbs. Vzagali something, pіdsvіchuvannya not obov'yazkove, for a new requirement to work okreme vіdpayuvannya or resistive-emnisny dilnik.

The halves of the handles are tied with studs and nuts. They are mounted on a metal clamp, which must be insulated from the entrance to the magnetic circuit.

Shown in the photo self-contained construction the corps is more secure than cooling, but in the case of a worker, take care of that dotrimannya of safety rules.

Braviy Oleksiy Semyonovich

A standard soldering iron can be attached, which heats up, which is combined with nichrome. The warmth of this dart is seen on the tip of the midi. It is easy to learn from home minds. The only minus of this field is that it requires a long check, the docks of the wines heat up to the required temperature. Ale in an impulse soldering iron is such a short day. I will name this wine, taking into account the fact that it heats up in about 5 seconds and makes it hotter. Most often, the tip of the soldering iron is made from a piece of curved midi, which may have a diameter of 1 or 2 mm.

The tip of an impulse soldering iron heats up in just 5 seconds.

Impulse soldering iron and do-it-yourself yoga

The scheme, for which the vіn vіlshtovaniya, richly folded for zvichayny. To build such a soldering iron with your own hands, an electrical type transformer is needed. A sprig of halogen lamps is connected to the new one, as they can output a voltage of 12 volts. Potіm tsyomu transformer potrebne doopratsyuvannya. The bottom line is that you need a secondary winding and an additional winding at the sight of 1-2 turns of a wire from a midi winding 1 millimeter. I'm ready, already changing the winding is placed under the body, which looks like a pistol with a trigger. For the help of this trigger, an attachment for soldering is turned on. One more change - on the plate, where the stovbur of the removed pistol is located, the stalk of the dielectric type is hidden, with a bracket attached to it from the midi, as it took away the name "sting". Such a staple is similar to medical tweezers, with a spring, which can be brought to the brim through a vimic with a button. To modify the instrument, connect to a new light bulb type.

For the help of a light fixture, it will be easier to solder. Under the hour of vikoristannya such an instrument should be respected to one speech. Do not varto trim too long in the "on" position, the sting, in which case it is heated. Tse dopomozhe niknuti breakage yogo electrical circuit.

Warehouse of pulse soldering iron:

  • electronic type transformer;
  • halogen bulbs;
  • tip from midi;
  • svіtlodio.

Turn to hell

Self-preparation of a microcircuit soldering iron

Inspection of microcircuit soldering irons for other types of attachments is based on the fact that in the new tolerance to overheating of the electronic warehouse is clean daily.

One thing, it is necessary to use special attachments for protection, as they protect microcircuits from damage. In such soldering irons, attachments, which act as a block of life, are more likely to stop on the foot. It is the fault of the mother to regulate the output voltage, which can be from 0 to 15 volts. An element, which requires heating, can be an MLT resistor, which has a nominal value of about 8 Ohm and an intensity of 0.5 Vativ, or for which ultrasound is used.

In order to work such a resistor, you need to see one leg and in the field, it won’t be strong, you should open it (for additional drilling), so that the tovshchina is 1.1 mm. In order to save safety, it is necessary to create a shield with a piece of mica while facing the dotik from the internal empty bowl of the resistor, if a sting is inserted. Such a rank is a soldering iron for microcircuits. Even after "modifications" the soldering iron is best attached to the ends of the body, be it a broken handle, in which the haircut ends. Tse fight for the help of a special textolite, which can have two sides, or a mounting plank. Zavdyaki tsomu the voltage on the heater of the resistor type is the type of supply to the block of life. The tool is ready.

I took a look at the marvelous attachment of our engineer-Gennadych ... a good sensible person. solder everything and everything! and had a chance to get drunk on them. for a long time after practicing yoga, remember to choose yoga. ale vin not in yaku)
virishiv-robitimu himself.
disassembling the transformer - not showing up - Gennadich having exchanged me for the wrong one))
and rushed off.
having studied the Internet ... know 3 instructions - 300 joys. garne book, and 2 dzherel on the forums, people chose better ... but it’s wonderful ... the book says so for the knowledgeable .... you don’t guess anything ... on the forums they write better and briefly ... and I’ll renew well, it’s already a yak bi for those who know ... that’s why I’m writing this post.
I want to tell the greatest my simple as a marvel of attachment to the brothers.
for the cob I will explain "but now, what are the best soldering irons?"
firstly, on the vіdmіnu vіd zvichaynoy, tsey warm up to working temperature in seconds and in seconds we can reach, so you can put it in your bag and take it away. The most important fault and destruction of buv. In their own time (if you want, maybe at once), these soldering irons robbed their own boys, like they repaired TV sets at home. before the speech, you can say yoga and you can buy ... so to speak, sayings ... but choose those tsikavish + richly cheap.
to the speech about vitrati. soldering iron cost me 40 rubles. 20 per button, 20 per diode)

so we will need:
1) transformer. Here I took the Radyansky TVK-110-l transformer for the pleasure of the certified one (you can know it in old TVs.) on the food for which it was said that it was due to the tightness of the wines coming + for the dimensions. After choosing, I realized that the transformer could be the same and gave the planned choice for another.
2) tires. midna. tovshchina 2-3 mm, width 6-8 mm ... (I had 2 by 6) and more about 40 cm. (the tire can be taken in power units, or in old starters, say the same, I learned from electricians)
3) 2nd transformer with a larger winding or a winding or a medium winding. I was spared, I know the 2nd transformer for which the bula tovstіsha winding was.. de then 0.3mm. I don’t know for sure - the orientation is simple, the thickness of the winding can be 2 times larger than the primary winding TVK-110-l.
4) the button is a great strum and a streak of tension. tobto. not small buttons with "bears"
5) the lamp is necessary for the lamps, it can be used and the halogen lamp for 220v is connected without intermediary, otherwise the lamp is a great light car for 12V or small threaded for 2.5, 3.5 volts ... like a soul. we can increase the voltage on the lamps, be it for an additional secondary winding - the more it is wound, the more the voltage.
6) the part is constructive, or the handle, if you want a pistol gun. or you can buy a different frame ... and place our transformer in the middle of the new one ... like a soul for sure.
7) extremely well multimeter
8) soldering iron
9) insulating tape (insulating)
10) hammer, pasatizhi. - Don't tease.
11) twists, bolts, nuts and shmatok of a middling dart with a torso here 2-3mm ... for a sting.

and so folded:
first thing choose the transformer carefully and wind the winding - EVERYTHING!

sweat winding the winding of the tovshchі from another transformer (like 2 times more than the first one on the designated place) or else it won’t be ready to wind up.
winding winding-That comrade's replacement of the primary for our external transformer

robimo tse yakomoga is equal and squeaky-shchilno. for we need to wind a tire for the beast and we need Sh-like suns to stand on the spot, as you remember the spot there.
wind up as needed opir tsієї windings viyshlo 40-50 Ohm(Which is less than the sting more sharply!). who can help us multimeter. Approximately 1500 hіlok how to write in books.
Porada: wind more-simply wind up lower-drink-dip.)
after that yak wound the primary and took off 40-50 ohms. insulator. we are old, like a buv on the output transformer, insulating the primary winding. I creaked with kapron threads for suppleness.
far winding 2.5 turns of the tire. and more and do not see the time not to win and dovg. for the sting, it's about 9-10 cm.

under a sting I have a 2.8 volt secondary wound under black electrical tape for living the diode. winding the primary winding of the TVK-110-L transformer. close to 30-40 turns. if we put a car lamp, then it needs to be wound more - up to 12 volts. lead for a sting, having pulled together a kapron thread between themselves ... so they sat more. seen in the photo above. + having insulated the inputs of the primary winding ... for reliability.

put everything. our soldering iron is ready constructively. you can pick up the cold, close them, apply for the primary 220 and marvel at the number of volts for the secondary lamp. By such an informed path, the voltage was selected for the life of the diode by another second.
so you can choose a sting for re-verification:

here tezh on what fantasies can be used. - you can use bolts ... you can also use fastenings.
dalі i radiv bi think over the constructive of the entire apparatus.
I especially virіshiv robiti with a pistol-handle I spent on my eyes a necessary and even more handy pen.

Here, too, there is freedom of fantasy: just like a pen, you can use a pen, you can just do it. but I was lucky to have a pen and know the best material for fastening.
so. Respectful respect if you choose a transformer, the plates should be firmly attached one to one, if you want, and so understand, if you turn on the plates, they will not be fastened, good-stink, they will vibrate and buzz. it is possible, necessary to drive in additional plates. so just raju drive the plates of the dielectric from the sides of the tire -in the light yakscho pridivity - you can see їх.
well, think over the wiring, install lamps, buttons and even the right moments.
and one more respect! driving in additional plates - be careful - do not tear the primary winding. sorry, I did it and had a chance to sort everything out and rewind the primary. good stock buv.
Well, from i everything. wait, nothing complicated?
do not hurry up and work hard, everything is understood and respectfully.
as a result go to type

Getting ready is not difficult for a person, as you know in electronics. The soldering iron is the main tool of any master, who is engaged in the repair and assembly of electronic equipment. A standard soldering iron equipped with a heating element, which is made up of dart made with nichrome. The heat seen in the heating process is transferred to the copper tip. The soldering iron can be easily built in household minds. One of the minuses of this design is the time spent on heating the soldering iron tip. Preparations at home pulse soldering iron is not possible for a short time. A self-contained tool with an impulse principle heats up to the required temperature even quickly, in fact, for five seconds and heats up quickly.

The soldering iron is pulsed victorious for the installation of elements and nodes of electrical components.

Most often, the tip of the tool, which has an impulse principle of action, is prepared from a copper dart with a diameter of 2 mm. The impulse soldering iron is more efficient when soldering small parts with occasional interruptions in the process of robotics, which means that the terms of the robot are broken.

Attachment of an impulse soldering iron

Impulse soldering iron is an attachment, suitable for carrying out assembly work when folding electronic circuits. The heating element of such an attachment is a sting, made from a medny dart. The heating of the working element is caused by passing through a new electric jet of low voltage. The instrument of pulsed type has a small amount of electrical energy. The high economy of such a soldering iron is due to the fact that the electric jet is passed through the working tip only during the soldering process. The attachment is built up by converting the wired electrical voltage to a voltage with a high frequency. The turner at the exit sees an electrostrum from a frequency of 18-40 kHz. Crimea, I will add a high-frequency step-down transformer and a microprocessor control circuit to the warehouse. The secondary winding in the step-down transformer on its own ends can be strumoznimach, appointments for fixing a sting on them.

Transformer diagram of a pulsed soldering iron.

The sting to strumoznіmachiv creep for additional bolts. Modern impulses for soldering may have their own design indicators of the level of tension and an effective improvement in the area of ​​the work being carried out. The body of the modern tool is made of heat-resistant plastic.

The advantages of such devices are low energy, small mass of the instrument and compactness, which ensures the congestion of the design of modern high-frequency converters. Deyakі pristroї mayut krіm іdkatsa and the regulator tuzhnostі, scho allows to carry out the work with both small virobs, and the details of electronic circuits of the digit size. The impulse soldering iron should be carefully tapped during soldering of electronic elements, as it is already sensitive to high-frequency voltage, which is to blame for the bad fitting.

Turn to hell

Preparation of a soldering iron, which can be a pulsed principle

To the warehouse of the design of the simplest tool of the impulse principle, the following design elements are included:

  • electronic principle transformer;
  • light indicators;
  • midny drіt for making a jala tool;
  • on/off button;
  • plastic case;
  • dielectric stand.

Wiring diagram of a pulsed soldering iron.

The scheme of attaching a pulsed soldering iron is significantly foldable, lower attachment to a great tool, which may have a heating element in its design. In order to prepare an impulse soldering iron with your own hands, you need to prepare an electronic transformer.

For this preparation, you can vicorate an impulse block of life, which vikoristovuetsya to start the lamps daylight with power 40 W. A transformer for such a block of life is needed for additional work. The bottom line is that it requires the removal of the secondary winding and the installation of an additional winding at one or two turns of a copper core with a diameter of 1 mm. The finished transformer with a changed winding is placed in the back of the preparatory body. The most handy shape of the body will be the shape of the pistol, on the trigger, in which a button is mounted to turn on the accessory.

A stick is mounted on the place of the glaring barrel of the pistol, prepared from a dielectric, and a loop from the mid dart is fastened to it - a sting. It is connected to the secondary winding of the transformer, I will attach it, when the lancet closes behind the additional trigger button, the sting heats up. For visualization of a robotic instrument, a light diode can be soldered into the lance. At the process of work, there is not a trace of three times, and the button is turned on in the "on" position, the stones can be brought to overheating and I will put it on the right way out.

Turn to hell

Preparation of a pulse microcircuit soldering iron

To the warehouse of the design of the microcircuit instrument, the following design elements are included:

  • resistor, which plays the role of the life block;
  • get an electronic sound out of harmony;
  • I will build the building;
  • svіtlodio.

Vіdminnistyu microcircuit soldering iron in vіd zvichayіnі і tool іpulse principle dіїє є vyavnіstі yogo konstruktsії circuit, scho shkodzhaє vyniknennyu overheating. Such attachments have special attachments for the protection of microcircuits in order to prevent overheating and breakdowns. In the new annex, a resistor is installed in the role of a living block. This component is attached to the mother to regulate the voltage output, as it changes in the interval from 0 to 15 volts. The element, which ensures the heating of the tip in the design of such a soldering iron, is an MLT resistor with a nominal support of 8 Ohm and an intensity of 0.5 W.

For the preparation of a similar resistor, it is necessary to remove one lower element and in the field, to de-embed it, to open it. For tієї meti, it is possible to vicorate a drill from a drill with a diameter of 11 mm. In order to ensure safety, it is necessary to create a mica with a piece of mica, butt up against the inside of the empty bowl of the resistor, which is recycled if the sting is inserted into the tool. For visualization of the robotic device, it is possible to mount a light indicator in the voltage socket, which lights up at the moment of pushing the power button.

A self-contained impulse soldering iron allows you to easily process the soldering process of any components in an electronic circuit.

Impulse soldering iron with a hand - not just, but even simpler!

More and more attachments for robots and radioamator are being prepared independently. Impulse soldering iron without becoming a wine. Yogo can be prepared with your own hands.

Radioamatori with experience of good memory of the impulse soldering iron of electric heating "Moment" with a light bulb at the heating element.

This technology is not forgotten today. You can buy a soldering gun from radio stores for a reasonable penny. What about for free? Just! It is possible to choose such an attachment from elementary details, like in the master's room of a homely self-confidence.

For the cob, we can look at the attachment of the soldering iron, which works for the impulse principle

A robotic sting is a small piece of a middling dart with a diameter of 1-3 mm (deposit in parts, as a requirement for soldering). Drawing a working tip is carried out for passing through a new struma of great magnitude at a minimum working pressure.

The principle of short-circuiting or point-to-point zvaryuvannya. Another element of the design is a voltage changeover of 50 Hz at high frequency, with a frequency of tens of kilohertz. The secondary winding is connected with the strum guns of the working tip.

Appliance dosit economical. Head rank through a short victoria. The main thing is in the presence of a powerful soldering iron - it is not necessary to constantly trim it, for adjusting the working temperature. Heating the sting lasts for a few seconds. That time, the prilad does not use electricity.

How to independently make a soldering iron "Moment" from a lamp-economy

It is necessary to know the warehouses of used parts, from old household electrical appliances:

  1. Peretvoryuvach (ballast) in the form of a lamp light. Sufficient pressure 40 W;
  2. Working transformer;
  3. Medium drill with a diameter of 2-3 mm;

The case, more precisely, the technology of preparation is not important.
Attached scheme:

In fact, everything that is based on the principle scheme of the left hand transformer Tr1 is to enter the ballast from the energy-saving lamp to the warehouse. Attachment is complete, it is not necessary to remake or change components.

The characteristics of the reworking machine are suitable for a pulsed soldering iron of medium pressure. Bezpeka konstruktsii poslyuє staff zapobіzhnik and control overheating on the thermistor.
The scheme comes out compact, її can be placed in any building.

The working transformer is prepared independently. For tsgogo pіdіyde feritovе kіltse vіd zlamanogo electronic transformer. Rosemary may be sufficient for the placement of windings. The first one is wound with a 0.5 mm dart. Number of turns 100-120.

The secondary (power) winding is prepared with a dart with a 3-3.5 square peretina. Robimo one turn. The tip of a soldering iron with a copper-plated nichrome dart 1.5 - 2 mm is attached directly to it.

IMPORTANT! The tovshchina of the secondary winding can be larger, the lower tovshchina sting.

Impulse soldering iron from an energy-saving lamp is ready. You need to come up with a smart case for you, install a vimikach, and you can quickly deal with the repair of electrical appliances.

Impulse soldering iron from a Chinese transformer.

It is necessary to know the reference, because with the secondary winding, which burned out, the 12-volt pulsed power supply unit. Pіdіyde be-like a Chinese attachment with more or less adequate components.

We make a diagram from the body, we check the correctness of the details and installation. The conversion is too short, for the conversion it is necessary to change the configuration of the transformer.

Carefully see the secondary winding of the transformer. For the preparation of a new one, we need a medium cut with a cut of 1.5 - 3 square mm. Yakshcho peretin is small - we store drіt udvіchі. There is nothing terrible in such a decision, we have an important overarching cut, we can only have at least 3 squares.

The winding is made up of one single turn. I carefully sell the winding into the transformer case, bending it forward according to the hairpin principle.

The transformer is soldered back to the control board;

The most important safety technique is working with a soldering iron, so the circuit is turned back at the case.

Like a handle of a wonderful wooden pidide, like a great soldering iron. Possibly options with an eye on the compact size of the annex. At the handle, a vimikach is installed, which does not fix.

IMPORTANT! The robot of the pulsed soldering iron is based on a short circuit of the secondary winding;

Therefore fixing the launcher is unacceptable.
It is chosen to attach it again, it is left to install fixators for the sting.

As a zatisk it is possible to vikoristovuvat inserts from a happy contact box for electrical wiring.

The soldering iron comes out compact, and it is easy to beat the other soldering robots. Change sting allows you to change the configuration.

Two considered options - there are only a small number of different schemes for the preparation of such outbuildings.

Golovne - understand the principle of work:

  1. Reversing the voltage at high frequency (what is set by the part);
  2. Lower transformer, high frequency increase;
  3. Power winding, which establishes a closed ring with a loop-like working jal.

And in the video, in which everything is reportedly shown and told how it is possible to work a pulse soldering iron

Attachment of supremacy, economy, and, yak z'yasuvalosya - practically cost-free.

A simple impulse soldering iron based on an electronic transformer

This idea was born after one good friend had built a similar soldering iron, de-wire ET (electronic transformer) for living halogen lamps at 12 volts. In fact, I didn’t invent anything new, but rather chose a similar soldering iron from a compact and low-power electronic transformer for 50 watts. On the vіdmіnu vіd ET vysokої natuzhnosti the transformer wobbles on the W-like core, it is necessary to wind the winding without hand, so for the cob it is necessary to solder and disassemble the transformer.

The scheme of such ETs is standard - a bridge inverter, on the view of the circuits of the Taschibra picker, the whole block is stable, there is no OS transformer, and the base windings of the keys are wound on the main transformer. See the diagram below.

The soldering iron is easy to finish, the tip heats up in just 5-6 seconds. Yogo can be used for assembly robots, but for larger scale references (soldering boards only) such a soldering iron is not the best option.

List of radio elements

Do-it-yourself impulse soldering iron

Do-it-yourself impulse soldering iron

Viklasti circuit diagram of a pulsed soldering iron fell asleep on the thought after having stumbled upon one of the forums. Perevagou impulse self-made soldering ironє shvidka heating the sting, and so the very clarity of soldering the details of small expansions.

The soldering iron is made from the middle of a low-power compact electronic transformer for 50W. On the vіdmіnu vіd ET vysokої natuzhnosti the transformer wobbles on the W-like core, it is necessary to wind the winding without hand, so for the cob it is necessary to solder and disassemble the transformer.

The winding for 12 Volts is folded with 8-10 turns of a 0.8-1mm wire, we need to wind the winding and wind it new.

The power winding is folded in just one turn, winding up with a tire with a 5-6 mm band. I have the impression that the bus has broken the screen through the TV cable.

After winding the winding, it is necessary to check the stability. For this side of the core, pieces of cardboard are inserted.
Earlier, I used a German soldering iron at the sight of a pistol. The basis of the work of such a soldering iron is the same as that of the pulsed, only in the new blocking of the fencing transformer. Practice with a soldering iron without hand through great vaga, And when the transformer is switched on for a long time, the transformer overheats even more strongly (once the wire winding burned out, I had a chance to wind it myself).

Our scheme does not have such shortcomings, it is not significant to install thermal imaging on the keys without heat sinks.
The last tires are simply soldered to the sting, thermal imaging is practically non-existent here, so the solder will be trimmed.

The payment of the electronic transformer was charged for the help of the superb silicone, and the additional additives and extensions were not removed.
The scheme of such ETs is standard - a bridge inverter, on the view of the circuits of the Taschibra picker, the whole block is stable, there is no OS transformer, and the base windings of the keys are wound on the main transformer.

In the course of the robot, the winding does not heat up, but when it is turned on, the heat is transferred from the sting to the winding.

soldering iron wiyshov dosit easy, the sting heats up in just 5-6 seconds. Yogo can be used for assembly robots, but for larger scale references (soldering boards only) such a soldering iron is not the best option.

Self-preparation of a pulse soldering iron

Apparently, for soldering wires, radio components, and various metal structures, short-hour heating of solder is required for melting, and heating the surface of the conductors to the required temperature.

When soldering, which is often repeated, the process of preparing parts before installation takes more than an hour, lowering the short dot of the heated sting to the surface, which are soldered.

It is obvious that at times the most famous (factory self-sufficient) soldering iron is mostly idle for an hour, robbing energy. To speed up the recovery of electric power of soldering tools for their downtime, breakage of a pulsed soldering iron,

Promislovy impulse soldering iron

for a short time it becomes less noticeable at the moment of soldering. Having taken the name of the given instrument through the reduction of electric energy at the sight of short-hour impulses, a period of a few seconds. enough for the rozіgіv sting that vikonannya roboti.

Principle dії

The main power of the pulsed soldering iron is in the method of heating the tip, as it is a bending of the arc of the middle drіt (on the block of the letter “U”), an electric jet of great power is passed through the yak, which is necessary to reach the required temperature.

Midny drіt, which is played, at the sight of a sting

The block of life of such a soldering iron is responsible for ensuring the safety of a voltage of 1-2 V and a jet of 25-50 A. cut the wire of the sting, so that the heating of the winding itself is lost for an hour of work).

Also, a great cut is due to the mother of the streak-carrying tire, which serves as the function of the trimming of the sting, so the life block is placed near the body of the pulsed soldering iron, which through the revolver handle guesses the gun.

Typical form of a promissory pulse soldering iron

And yet, the non-abyakі dimensions and the important part of the step-down transformer roar with a non-handled robot with a soldering iron, that in the rest of the hour the pulse blocks of life began to stop, which are signifi- cantly smaller and lighter.

Vikoristovuvani jerela struma for living pulse soldering irons

Impulse soldering irons can be called such by improving the miniaturization of life blocks, which can be installed in these tools, which vicorist the electronic circuit for converting voltage impulses. high frequency, if you want to win and win step-down transformer indovidnoy tightness.

To that, creating a pulsed soldering iron with your own hands, it is necessary to build, which block of life will be victorious - with a transformer, which is lower, or electronic. The advantage of the first variant is based on a super-simple electrical circuit - the secondary windings are directly connected to the streak-conducting tires.

Self-propelled soldering iron stock with step-down transformer

Up to a short time, you can see the dimensions and fittings, as well as consider the vibration for an hour of work. Before that, the primary winding often burns out through an unstable voltage and parts of the rewind, and it is impossible to independently rewind it without a special possession of that winding winding rod.

To that, a lot of radioamators, repairing an impulse soldering iron, which is in harmony, based on a step-down transformer, vikoristovuyut vidpovidny electronic block of life. replacing the secondary winding.

Burning transformer for industrial soldering iron.

Bulky transformer replaced by a miniature electronic board

Step-down transformer conversion process

Using a pulsed soldering iron, for living it is possible to use a step-down transformer, which can be with any type of magnetic circuit, a smut, which is suitable for tension in the ranges of 50-150 watts.

The primary winding of the wire is stripped without change, and the secondary winding is removed by opening the transformer. The shards for the soldering tip of the soldering iron are of great importance, then with the exact cut of the number of turns it is possible to pinch, placing the susilla on the reach of the maximum possible area of ​​the transverse cut of the winding busbar.

As a rule, it will be enough to have two turns of a mid-rail, or a braided gnuchka-medium dart, with a span of 6-10 mm², so that it is necessary to turn it in such a rank so that the stench does not flicker one with one and the core of the transformer.

Mid-bar at the sight of the secondary winding

At the same time, the copper bus bar is like a winding, її visnovki vykonuvatimut functions trimach sting.

Continued winding

Wind the spring tire carefully, so as not to damage the primary winding, after which it should be turned over to shaving and flickering.

Electronic transformer refurbishment

Making a pulsed soldering iron with your own hands from “zero”, or else preparing a body with hairpins, a lot of radioamators, as a transformer, a real electronic power supply for 12V halogen lamps at a voltage of 50-150W, with which you also recycle the secondary winding.

Electronic transformer (impulse block for halogen lamps)

Shards of other changes at the annex are not required, a typical electrical circuit diagram impulse block eating is less like a butt, without analyzing the functions of the elements and describing the principle of work.

Impulse transformer on the scheme

At to this particular type, it is necessary to remember that in order to reach the necessary voltage in the pulse transformer, the dimensions of the magnetic circuit are not so large and there are fewer turns, so one turn can be sufficient for rebuilding the secondary winding.

One winding turn on the toroidal magnetic circuit of a pulse transformer

As for the obvious tire, or the flexible wire, it has been cut short, it can be increased with a parallel connection of turns of the windings.

Connection of visnovkiv of parallel turns to the vlasnik sting

Parallel coils of braided braided copper bagatozhny drotu

The old secondary winding can be removed without disassembling the transformer, but a new one can be created simply by inserting one turn into an empty one between the insulation and the magnetic circuit, the process of reworking the pulse block of life is not necessary to fold on the right for the maistra-cob.

soldering iron tip prepared

As a soldering iron tip, it is necessary to vicorate a medium-sized drill with a diameter of 1-2 mm, having come up to trimachiv for the help of bolted or obvious ready-made collet z'ednan.

Bolt-mounted stings on plates

More precisely, the comradeship of the dart is marked by the last path - for swidkist, with which the temperature of the soldering iron reaches the working range - the thinnest drіt embossing, the more it will be heated. But on the other side, the temperature is too high to slow down the soldering process and bring it to a dry wear and burn it out.

It is necessary to reach a pleasant hour (4-8 seconds) for drawing the sting and avoiding overheating. It is necessary to remember that due to the increase in the area of ​​the transverse cut of the core, the intensity of the heating of the secondary winding of the transformer was reduced.

To that, having been the same by the Trin -Diameter Drote, the self -fabric soldering iron at Roboti, having glozified Kilka, the process of soldering, the heating of the secondary winding is not guilty, and the tim is more likely to be in the reduction, the transformer is dragged over to the leak . insulation.

For clarity, robots often connect a light bulb or a light bulb, which turns on synchronously and illuminates the soldering area.

Bright light turns on synchronously with the soldering iron, illuminating the soldering area

Advantages and shortcomings

Having selected the necessary details on the market, or having selected other attachments, using the minimum switches in the radio, you can choose such a soldering iron with your own hands, having added to your arsenal a tool that can be easily considered for such parameters:

  • Ekonomychnist - electricity is not broken when the tool is idle;
  • Bezpeka - a sting for a non-working man colder. scho nemozhlivlyu op_kіri shkіri, zamannya obtіvіv and proplalennja іzolyatsії lint cord at vpadkovy dotik;
  • Durability in repairs - the presence of the heating element makes it difficult to burn out, and the preparation of that replacement tip is much simpler, lower at a powerful soldering iron, it often gets stuck.

Up to a few traces, one can see the non-abyaya dimensions and the appreciable vag, which takes into account the report of some physical evidence and calls out the hands of the three-time work. Therefore, a lot of radioamators add an electronic circuit and a pulse transformer, a working tool is light.

Electronic circuit and pulse transformer are divided

V_kremleniy v_d circuit transformer

Our article tells us about those who have a pulsed soldering iron. This tool is often used in order to complete the installation or dismantling of electronic and electrical components. You can get an impulse soldering iron in a store, or you can make it yourself.

Yak practice

Tim, who swears by this instrument, will sing well, like a wine of power. In the middle of the impulse soldering iron is a heating element with a copper dart. Crisis new to pass low-frequency electric viprominyuvannya, zavdyaky vydbuvaetsya heating. Impulse This soldering iron is called the fact that the electric jet is supplied to the heating by impulses, that is periodically. Therefore, heating up is less than an hour of soldering. Electricity is used a little, and also the use of this tool saves money. Vіn spozhivaє less than 75 W and can work without interruption 15-20 minutes. Before that, the soldering iron is compact and lightweight. Prote, don't make such wines. The transformation of the design was inspired by modern materials and technologies. Before the impulse soldering iron is overcome, it is possible to solder both small and massive parts.

You can rob yourself

Attachment to the tool is clumsy. It is not important for that people's minds to choose a pulse soldering iron with their own hands. The middle of the new one is a step-down transformer, which is the main part. In order to select the tool independently, the master may have before his eyes the circuit of the pulsed soldering iron and the necessary details. In addition, there is a resistor, a housing, a light diode, and an electronic shield. If you choose a self-contained pulse soldering iron in the future, you need to know that the attachment is not guilty of overheating. Therefore, when folding vicorist, a special attachment with a regulated voltage is created. And the heating of the tip itself is ensured by a resistor with an intensity of 0.5 W. Such a resistor is prepared independently.

Limits of craftsmanship

If you have a diagram of a pulsed soldering iron, it’s awkward to work with your hands. Emphasis is placed on the activation of this tool for an additional button, as it is ripped out on the first case. For the convenience of working with a soldering iron, an illuminating light bulb of low intensity is installed near the new one. Yogo tip vygotovlyayut z midny drota, tovshchina kogo dorivnyuvatime 1 mm. In addition, what will be the transverse cut, stale hour, for what tool will be heated, and the temperature of the tip. The transformer core must be taken from the hall (Sh-like). For example, Sh-26, Sh-20. They gave the primary winding a wire PED 0.22-0.25 for a quantity of 1500 turns. Use the same dart to wind the winding of a light bulb (25 turns). And then we will already wind the power winding of the core from the medny dart, rolyachi with 5-6 turns. Mіdniy drіt is guilty of mother pererіz 25x0.3mm. The heart of the beast is tightened with studs, as well as with nuts. It is necessary to insulate with cloth and textolite washers. Similarly, insulate and strumoprovidnі tires.

Cooking process

The impulse soldering iron is not obligatory to pick up new parts. Yogo can be chosen on the basis of a transformer from the old electrical engineering or to wind an energy-saving lamp. Whiplash transformer for the cob needs to spare the old winding, without damaging the wire of the primary winding, which can also be twisted at a distance. The rosemary of the coil can be adjusted in such a way that both the first and the winding of a friend are placed. In order to wind the primary winding, you can twist a special layout, or wind it manually. In addition, as the secondary winding from the mid-core dart is vikonated, it is possible to vikonate the insulation.

Additional details

Before the selected transformer, it is necessary to bring a handle, for example, a tree, a smut, some material, from which it is crushed, as a dielectric. Do not forget about the button, for help, like a soldering iron, you can get in and out. Moreover, the heating is due to zdijsnyuvatisya only once, if the button is pressed. It’s more convenient, that which allows you to save electricity and not let the soldering iron overheat. Also, it is prepared and attached a tip from a copper dart. The best, even though the diameter will be 1-3 mm.

Robimo tip

Midny drіt comes to the soldering iron for additional bolts or collets. It is necessary to prove, what kind of comradeship will need a tip, depending on what kind of detail it will be necessary to solder. Do not forget about those who will be thinner, and warmer will be hotter. On the one hand, it’s good, to allow the robot to wiggle quickly, and on the other hand, the temperature will cause the fire to burn out. Himself midnight the play takes 4-8 seconds. And here the tip wears less. But it is possible to achieve such an effect, only by increasing the cross section of the dart. The Alec method also has shortcomings. Improvement of the transverse cut leads to the fact that the soldering iron starts to save more electricity, which means it can overheat or start to fall off. In order to get rid of nebazhanih naslіdkіv, you need to try a soldering iron at the house, and then put a little bit, like there will be a stink.

Pid your hand

Obov'yazkovo is required to try and prepare a pulse soldering iron with your own hands. Such a tool is always indispensable for the state, and the shops can cost a lot if they do not confirm the statements of quality. At home minds, the master can create an excellent soldering iron, which supports all yoga needs. Golovnya, do not ask for a pardon at the warehouse. Ale, everything will come with dosvіdom. Choosing the right tool to help you solve problems with contacts, which you have seen, will be smart and simple for the user.

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