Orthoepichni norms. Orthoepy Orthoepic dictionary for ege 8

Orthoepichni norms

(preparation to ЄDI from Russian movie

from selected materials

credited bank head of FIPD 2017)


Prylutska Lyubov Viktorivna

teacher of Russian language

NMBOU "Gymnasium №11"

m. Anzhero-Sudzhenska

Kemerovo region

The publication is given, selected, systematized and supplemented by the materials of the FIPD official given to the bank.


    Orthoepichni norms of Russian language (materials of FIPD).

    Mustache bank manager

Orthoepichni norms of Russian language (task 4)

Pronunciation Dictionary

The important side of orthoepia is the voice, that is the sound vision of one

fold words. The voice on the sheet does not sound, although in a few moods (when

learned Russian language (non-Russian) yoga is accepted.

Vіdmіtnі features Russian voice - yogo rіznomіsce i rukhlivіst.

The distinction is based on the fact that the voice of the Russian language can be on the same language (book, signature - in the first warehouse; lіkhtar, pіdpіllya - on the other; hurricane, orthoepia - on the third, etc.). In some words, the voice is fixed in a singsong warehouse and does not change when grammatical forms are adopted, in other words it changes its place (pair: tone - tony and stіni - stіni - stіnakh and stіnakh).

The remaining butt demonstrates the fragility of the Russian voice. Whom do you think

objective folding of the adoption of accent norms. “However, - as obediently appoints K.S. Gorbachevich, - Yakshcho is a rosemy -hand -handed by the Rosiyskiy navigation of the acting is difficult when Io Zhany, then the back of the unprofitable is the canal of the dimensions of the hollow. functional and stylistic consolidation of accent options (bay leaf, ale in botany: laurel family).

Particularly important in this plan is the role of the voice as a way of expressing

grammatical meanings that sublingual homonyms of word forms”. As established by the scientists, most of the Russian words (about 96%) are fixed in a loud voice. However, 4%, which have been left out, are the most common words to establish the basic, frequency vocabulary of the language.

Let's introduce some rules of orthoepy in the field of voice, which will help

ahead of the next pardon.

Naked voice in prikmetniki

In the newer forms of prikmetniks, there is less than a non-violent voice on the basis

but for the end. The variability of these two types in the word forms themselves is explained, as a rule, by a pragmatic factor, due to the difference between low-living or bookish examples and frequency, stylistically neutral or abbreviations. In fact, the little words of the book are often voiced on the basis, and the frequency, stylistically neutral lowering - on the end.

The degree of mastery of the word is manifested in the fluctuations of the voice: circle and

gurtkovy, reserve and reserve, navkolozemny and navkolozemny, minus and minus, clear and clear. Similar words are not included until Head of EDI, so that insulting options are considered correct.

And yet, choose the month, loudly calling out the difficulties, most often in short forms

prikmetnikov. Time for an hour to finish the last norm, zgіdno z some kind of shock warehouse in a new form, a number of living prikmetniks are filled with shock і in a short form: Beautiful - Beautiful - Beautiful - Beautiful - Beautiful; incomprehensible - incomprehensible - incomprehensible - incomprehensible - incomprehensible, etc.

The number of prikmetniks with a shaky voice in the Russian is small, ale stink

they often sing in mov, and that standard of voice in them will require comments.

The voice often falls on the basis of the form multiply, as well as in one in the human and middle gender and in the end in the form of the female gender: right - right - right - right - right; series - ser - gray - series - sіrka; jet - jet - jet - jet - string.

Similar applicators sound like one-fold bases without suffixes or

from the simplest suffixes (-k-, -n-). However, so what else is needed

up to the pronunciation vocabulary, a number of words “scrambled” out of the designated norm.

You can, for example, say: dovgі і dovgі, svіzhі і svіzhі, povnі і povnі, etc.

The following is the same to say about Vimov's prikmetniks.

This is the norm: as soon as the voice of the short form of the female family falls on completion, then it will be broken on the suffix -її: strong - stronger, sickness - sickness, alive - alive, string - string, right - right; if the voice of a woman’s family stands on the basis, then the wines are divided and taken on the basis: beautiful - more beautiful, sumna - more summary, nasty - nasty. Those same stand and form a miraculous step.

The voice of the words

One of the most stressful points in the voice of implanted words - ce form

the past hour. In the last hour, sound falling in the same warehouse as in infinitives: sit - sit, stognati - stognal, hovati - hovala, repair -

started. At the same time, a group of living children (about 300) follows a different rule: the voice in the form of a woman's family goes to the end, and in other forms it is left on the basis. Tse dієslova brothers, buti, take, viti, lie, drive, date, check, live, click, lie, cast, drink, tear that іn. It is recommended to say: live - lived - lived - lived - lived; chekati - chekav - chekalo - chekali - chekala; lithium - lіl - lіlo - lіlі - lіla. Likewise, they sing and die words (live, take, drink, shed thin. p.).

Vignatok to make words with the prefix vee, as if I’m naked on my own:

Vigiti - Vizhila, Vititi - Vilila, Viklikati - Viklikala. Have dislivput, steal, send, send the voice of the female form of the past hour is lost on the basis: sla, ambassador, became.

And one more regularity. Dosit often at the return of the words (spread s

irrevocable) the voice in the form of the past hour to pass to the end: rozpochatis - pochavsya, pochavsya, pochavsya, pochavsya; take on - take on, take on, take on, take on.

Call about vimova in the form that is being considered. Orthopepic dictionaries

for the rest of the hour it is primed to continue to recommend voting on

ending: call, call, call, call, call, call. Tsya tradition spiraetsya on

classical literature (for us before poetry), I move the practice of authoritative noses of movies.

Naked at deyaky participles and dієprislіvniki

Most of the vowels are fixed when the voice is short

passive diagnosing. If the voice in the new form is known on the suffix -OH-, then it is left over in a new form in the form of the human family, in other forms it changes to the end: conduction - conduction, conduction, conduction; delivery - delivery, delivery, delivery, delivery.

Dekіlka zavezhen about VIMOV povnih dієprikmetnikіv s suffix -T-. Yakscho

suffixes of the undetermined form -o-, -number- on your own voice, then in the participles there

go one warehouse forward: empty - poloty, stab - stab, bend - bend,

burn up - burn up.

Suffering dієprikmetniki vіd dієslіv liti ta piti (with suffix -t-) vіdrіznyayutsya

unstable voice. You can say: spills and spills, spills and spills, spills (less!), spills and spills, spills and spills; finished and finished, finished and finished, finished and finished, finished and finished, finished and finished.

Die-priests often speak loudly in the same warehouse, which is in an inconspicuous form

vodpovidnogo dієslova: put in, asked, bay, occupied, washed down, emptied (NOT POSSIBLE:

vycherpavshi), pochavshi, pіdnyavshi, lived, watered, laid down, razozumіvshi, zradivshi, zrobivshi, pribuvshi, prinyavshi, selling, cursing, spilling, passing, drinking, creating.

The voice of the clerks was mostly followed by a path to remember that

orthoepic dictionary.


airports,unruly. voice in the 4th warehouse


beard,vin.p., but in this form one. voice in the 1st warehouse

accountants,rіd.p.mn.ch., neruhomy. voice in the 2nd warehouse

confession,in vіru spovidat


hyphen,from German, de voice in the 2nd warehouse


dispensary,the word came from English. lang. through French, de blow. keep in the rest of the warehouse






significance,add. zn BUT chimy

Іxi,im. pl., non-ruhomy. voice

catalog,in one row with the words dial Pro g, monol Pro g, necrol Pro R. etc.

quarter,from new. lang., de voice in the 2nd warehouse

kilometer, in one row with the words centimeter, decimeter, millimeter ...

cones, cones,unruhome. Nagolos in the 1st warehouse at all vіdminkah in one. and many others. year.


taps,unruly. voice in the 1st warehouse

flint, flint,hit. in all forms in the rest of the warehouse, like in the word fire

lecturers, lecturers,div. word bow(s)


mist,genus.p.pl., in the same row with the word form p Pro honors, year E lyustey ..., ale

novelty E th

smіtєprovod, in one row with the words gas pipeline, naftoprovіd, vodoprovіd





obituary, div. catalog


new, new,ale: div. E ness

nigti, nigtya,unruly. voice in all forms of od.ch.

boyhood,view Pro troc-pidlіtok

partner,from French lang., de blow. keep in the rest of the warehouse




call, in one row with words call, call (ambassador), call, ale:

Suggestion (for publication)


orphans,im.p.pl., voice in all forms plural . only in the 2nd warehouse

koshti - a single voice (only to the first warehouse)

yelling,div. prize S in

A statue

carpenter, in the same row with the words painter, schoolboy ...

doYar - a single voice (only in another warehouse)


Torti, Torti - the voice of one dream (only in the first warehouse)




scarf, (div. b BUT nti) - Single voice (only in the first warehouse)

chauffeur,in one row with the words kiosk Yo p, control Yo R…

expert,from French yaz , de voice in the rest of the warehouse


right,short adj. zh.r.



More beautifuldod. іadv. st., the most beautiful,superior art.


seperately,short adj. zh.r.



perspicacious,short adj. zh.r., in one row with words mast І wah, motherfucker І wah, chatter І wa..., ale: Pro rliva

sultry,approved vіd sl І wa


pamper,in one row with the words pamper, rozpestiti, rozbaluvati ...,

ale: boven doli

brother-brother, brother-brother

take it, take it, take it

turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on -


wake up - wake up, wake up, etc.

evaded - evaded


did it - did it







call, call, call

dial up




occupied, occupied, occupied, occupied, occupied,


closed-closed(For a key, for a lock, etc.)


call, call, call, call




sneak - sneak

bleed - bleed, etc.




pissed off


overstrained - overstrained



poured poured


nasmіchati-nasmіchati, etc.

on the cob, on the cob, on the cob

call-call and etc.

relieve - relieve, etc.




pidbadyoryuvati-ripped off

pіdbadоriti pіdbаdоritisа-pіdbаdоryuєshsya, etc.


pose-position, etc.



sharpen, sharpen, etc.

seal,in one row with 3 words BUT t, normirov BUT th, sorters BUT th,



become aware-become aware




clicked-clicked, clicked-clicked

call back - call back, etc.


fruitfulness,ale fructose, etc.

repeat-repeat, etc.




put it down, put it down, put it down



pributi-pribuv-pribulo, pribulo


hang on


drill-drill-drill, etc.




smite-smite and the like.

tidy up tidy up

speed up, speed up, etc.

poglibiti - poglibiti toscho.

zmіtsniti-zmіtsnіt and etc.


pinch - pinch, pinch




inclusions,div. Yo ny






roses,div. ball Pro bath






scho poured-poured

scho hired




stars-stars,div. Yo ny…










having lived












having created


pid hour


to the top




enviably,at the value of the award

ahead of timerozmovne

light up


More beautifuldod. іadv. arbitrarily Art.


over a long time

for a long time

Usі zavdannya vіdkritogo bank єvdan FIPD

short circuits

3. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the production of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

pіdbadjoriti call priynyati zrozum_v usіr

4. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

tidied up the acceptances, lifting the blinds at the same time

5. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

got to understand the beginning of the lance turned

vіdklUchena pochavsya vіdkupovuvati scho vіddav

7. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

The mosaic expert was pouring out bending

8. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

zagostreniy drill a beard narwhal

9. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

Bunty to feel better drove an unfortunate beet

10. Which word has a letter clearly seen, which means a stressed voice sound?

shouting shooters long ago to children

11. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the production of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

see the bends populated see the land

12. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the production of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

to seal the vіdbula of allotments for a long time

13. In which word is the letter clearly seen, what does the stressed voice sound mean?

top pribula poured cement

14. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the production of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

homeliness of nails took on a bent beauty.

pіdbadіoriti call priynyati zrozumіvshi quarter

15. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

the beginning of the spiritual vision of the orphan clap

16. Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

created Catalog soil torti

17. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the production of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

call for a significant expert

18. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

I understood the beard of the airport and the most beautiful document

19. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

utterly handed over

20. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the production of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.


21. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

bunty is the most beautiful chasing lanzyuzhok

22. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

poured pidbadiorenii bending to the bottom, having created

23. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

namіr vodoprovid to give subdivisions to hand

24. Which word has a letter clearly seen, which means a stressed voice sound?

lila klala lila rivala

25. In what way does the first warehouse fall?

no buv no bula check on the cement

26. What word falls into another warehouse?

having accepted that having accepted the cobs (to sleep), having closed

27. What word falls into another warehouse?

call on the phone to the bottom seal

28. At what word does the first warehouse fall out loud?

it was reasonable to turn on the expert pribuv

29. Which word speaks loudly to the first warehouse?

the bustard took the roar

30. What word speaks loudly to the first warehouse?

hulkness was chasing scoops of wisdom

31. Which word speaks loudly to the first warehouse?

naked zdobula ring a beet

32. Which word has a letter clearly seen, which means a stressed voice sound?

call Wholesale cob forever

33. Which word has a letter clearly seen, which means a stressed voice sound?

krylasya ozumila (good) news

34. Which word has a letter clearly seen, which means a stressed voice sound?

sort occupied a great importance

35. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the production of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

rejoicing usir

36. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.


37. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the production of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

inopportunely impossibly taming zrozumivshi white

38. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the production of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

drove plum plum pіdbadjoriti dry deliveries

39 In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

raising the light, yelling a hyphen came

40. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

Kitchen accountant in Krasivisha laid bends

41. In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the production of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

got a cake

42. Which word has a letter clearly seen, which means a stressed voice sound?

Kilometer of Comoros was taken without instruction

43. Which word has a letter clearly seen, which means a stressed voice sound?

Quarter of enlightenment beautifully called

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

Inclusions of fruitfulness burn out after pouring water

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

residential quarter

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

hyphen vchasno

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

get through the call

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

drenched in the call

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

Cranes having taken the expert to hand over the advice

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

took insight

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

scarf folded krasuynay repeat crani

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

I want to wisely repeat the Childish poklav

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

sent to seal the dispensary of Dozville

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

obderla torti

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

locked up vіddala ruin news.

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

know the beautiful blinds

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

The cob of embitterment lived in the house of wholesale

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

which lived over a long time catalog to the bottom

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

scarf (fox)

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

pіdbаdоrеn pozichit nedіl nAlіta osvіdomitysya

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

Busy to the bottom

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

zrozumivshi burn down the kitchen scoop

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

zagostriti tore the document

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

wholesale paste over the orphans

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

Chat call cheap scarf bright

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

kitchen chauffeur delivered the most beautiful catalog

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

I understood

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

gas pipeline water has seen repetitions of significant

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

praises tore the beet to seal the significance

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

nіgtya dozvіllya torn clairvoyant dipper

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

for a long time

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

ozumila having begun to glue to the end of the world

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

put the good on the plumbing

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

mozichny obіynyavsya waking dry ailment

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

significance took over the phone, having become sensible

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

there Pozhezh the most beautiful dispensary kitchen measles

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

far away taken until the gas pipeline is not possible there

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

taming the unfortunate arrival overtook the significance

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

drill by clicking beet repetitions dry

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

catalog of wholesale acceptances up

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

call me back upstairs klala

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

wholesale bleed kitchen taps

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

a significant illness is more beautiful to present to lecturers

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

inclusions Adolescence of waters Wholesale news

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

call us more torti

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

start calling vulgarize hand over

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) took 2) rose 3) bunty 4) utterly

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) cement 2) pampering 3) call 4) accepted

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) to the top 2) hyphen 3) alphabet 4) sorrel

allowed to call intelligently (vin) to call

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) on the mountain 2) baluvati 3) nadan 4) cob

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) joined 2) beaten 3) namir 4) uphill

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

beautiful document call

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

CATALOG I swear the document

1) deadly 2) bleeding 3) bled 4) homely

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) descended 2) far behind 3) sorrel 4) poured

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) bent 2) took 3) prettier 4) telephone

Show the date of the meeting in a sunny day Mark the date of the meeting as a virishene 339B78

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) zagostreniy 2) banti 3) almost 4) dozvіllya

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) alphabet 2) started 3) took 4) kilometer

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) more 2) taming 3) alphabet 4) prettier

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) alphabet 2) having accepted 3) kitchen 4) calling

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) chauffeur 2) baluvati 3) lancer 4) cobs

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) cement 2) laid 3) praised 4) call

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

1) accepted 2) portfolio 3) telephone 4) cement

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

hyphen spoil the cement

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

the one who started, turned on was called

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

utterly took the enormity uphill

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

kitchen malady poured call

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

started plum torti vіdkupiv

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

switching on took a call

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

Torti pribul beautiful orphans

Which word has a letter clearly seen, what does a stressed voice sound mean?

bunty block

endowing minds over a long time

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

(bіlka) sprytna zіrvala pour plum

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

the check was called out to usir obderla

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

bunty beard pinch

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

put clicked plum blossom for a while

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?


Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

to the bottom, having arrived at the acceptance of the click

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

accountants dispensary shrewdly zagostriti

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

clog subdivisions over long blinds

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

hyphen malevolent call ear

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

tidied up the mosaic beard

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

bent the beginnings to the bottom of the lie

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

cake catalog The most beautiful uvirvavsya

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

pributi took slivovy novin

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

The bulk of the lecturers drove the bends

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

bAnti orphans call the catalog

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

there the fire overtook plum repetitions

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

closed the door to destroy the enormity

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

more clairvoyant ringing blinds

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

blinds wholesale catalog lighten

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

overtook the quarter beautiful expert

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

accountants drove the arrival of a sudden

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

bAnti nakriєtsya mosaic vіdd.

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?


understanding our bones dispensary

Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?

beetroot beautiful plum cob

Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?


Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?

The offspring of the orphans laid p_dnyavshi

Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?


Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?

new took a hyphen recently

Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?


Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?

cakes repeat lands of taming

Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?


Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?

housekeeping occupied handrails lied

Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?

lived brightly to give a shout

Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?

callingWholesale mosaic connection

Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?

Znyata called for the fruitfulness of the wicked

Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?

catalogDisplay policy call

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

Buryak is clairvoyant to the bottom

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

vorospovidannya garne pribyv zagostrations

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

click took a plum mist

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

there the fire call to get sick of mischief

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

call the mitnitsa

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

airports and waterways narwhal

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

water of turns

Which word has a pardon for the production of the voice: the letter was wrongly seen, what does the percussive voice sound mean?

Accepting to drill to see the most beautiful

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

dznatisya dispensary pidbadioreni transfused

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

zvedeny embitter at once catalog

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?


Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

pіdnyavshi poured easier acceptance

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

feel better

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

lived watered bulkiness scoops

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

hyphen bANTi taming expert

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

scarf put on namir

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

put a scarf on a lancet

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

chasing a shrewd taming beet

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

I repeat to seal the beet settlements

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

call the settlements the dispensary is busy

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

tarnish bent white wiser

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?


Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

vorospovidannya calling the check was chasing

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

lanzyugok embracing zagostreni call

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?


Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

bear fruit subdivisions directory

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

verna got there

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

called for subdivisions to the top, roaring

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

leaning to the bottom, she called out for a long time

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

call Torti by taking a finger

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

quarter Dzvonish give away

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

raising the mosaic buildings for a short while

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

tortie hugged and called out significance

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

joined the kitchen hugged prettier

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?


Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

the most beautiful hourly about the dispensary

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

sverdlish over a long time dawned

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

Arriving wiser beet

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

pіdbadёreny otochuє nagoru wholesale

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

accountant's accountant

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?


Which word has an incorrectly seen letter, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

Having taken repetitions of locking dry

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

narwhal including scoop driver

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

dispensary Beautiful significant lied

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

lifted up the ailment took

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

understanding of the settlements of taming

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

The one who is sensible when you call, overtaking

Which word has an incorrectly seen letter, which means a stressed voice sound?

Arrived perspicacious Buryak of inclusions

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

zirvala catalog

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

Buryak lecturer, expert repeat

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

pinch the far-sighted verospovidnya beetroot

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

suddenly raising subdivisions to strengthen

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

find out about living a beautiful quarter

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

nіgtya on the disease of the check of repetitions

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

Expert lanzyuzok call sverdlish

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

They accepted the light of day

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

beautiful little lansy

torti virna put it down having made a plum

In one of the words, a letter was WRONGLY seen, which means a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

pochavshi utterly vіdkupiv Beautifully significant

In one of the words, a letter was WRONGLY seen, which means a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

ringer tidied up the clicks, chiming every hour

In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

be aware of the blinds

In one of the words, a letter was WRONGLY seen, which means a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

Koristuvati perspicacious took a significant day

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

you can't start the cake the most beautiful

Which word has a letter incorrectly seen, which signifies a stressed voice sound?

bending vіddala kitchen hour

Russian Orthopedic Vocabulary - a dictionary of Russian words from the meanings of their literary language and voices. Often spelling dictionaries and vocabularies of voices are considered equal. However, Vimova’s words of the Russian language are correct in the same spelling dictionary, the oscillaries designate nevimovní prigolosnі dokorinno (sun, agency), Vimova [e] deputy [e] (baby, meringue, manager), vikoristanya letters e deputy e (scam, not scam) , engraver, not engraver), ending in words (bisovskiy, not bizovskiy; vizovy, not vizovy), later -ch-(bulkova [shn]) and other norms.

List of epic dictionaries from the author's designations, name the date:

  • Verbitska L. A. and in. Let's talk right! Problems of modern Russian language and voice: A short vocabulary-dovidnik. M., 2003.
  • Gorbachevich K. S. Glossary of difficult speeches and voices in modern Russian language: 1200 words. SPb., 2000.
  • Ivanova T. F., Cherkasova T. A. Russian language on the air. Complex dovidnik M., 2000.
  • Orthoepichny dictionary of Russian language: Vimova, voice, grammatical forms / S. N. Borunova, V. L. Vorontsova, N. A. Eskova; For red. R. I. Avanesov. M., 1983; 4th view., erased. M., 1988; 5th species., Vipr. that dod. M., 1989; 8th species., Vipr. that dod. M., 2000.
  • Kalenchuk M. L., Kasatkina R. F. Dictionary of difficulties in Russian language: Approx. 15000 sliv. M., 1997.
  • Borunova S. N. and in. Orthopepic dictionary of Russian language: Vimova, voice, grammatical forms. OK. 63500 slіv / Ed. R. I. Avanesov. M., 1983.
  • Vorontsova U. L. Russian literary voice XVIII – XX cent. Form words. M., 1979.
  • Russian Literary Vimova and Voice / For red. R. I. Avanesova, S. I. Ozhegov. M., 1955; 2nd view. M., 1960.
  • Avanesov R.I. Russian Literary Wimova. M., 1950; 5th view. M., 1972
  • Ogienko I. I. Russian literary voice. 2nd view. 1914.

List of vocabularies pointed to

The only sovereign іspit s Russian language and language for school graduates. A lot of schoolchildren in singing, it doesn’t matter to build yoga, shards for the big Russian and dear mine. Irrespective of what it is, it is recommended to show good faith and a few years to dedicate the practice of the rules and the repetition of spelling norms.

The main stage of the ЄDI z russian movie will be traditionally sprung from grass and trivatime to the cob of black 2018 rock.

From the middle of the birch to the middle of the day, go through the pre-stroke stage. You can fold the back of the bed and sleep:

  • graduated from school in 2017;
  • took away the completion of the replacement of the certificate of secondary education;
  • school graduates from the evening form of training;
  • yaki plan to continue training behind the cordon;
  • entrants 2018 to the year, yakі in the hour they wrote the initial plan;
  • schoolchildren, yakі pіd hour of the main stage ЄДІ can take part in the sunsets of the zagalnorosіyskogo chi of international significance;
  • students of the 11th grade, who need to be exalted for rehabilitation, recognized on the date of the main examination.

On the cob of spring, students are allowed to sleep, if they took a low score, or they missed EDI through a good reason (needs documentary confirmation).

Basic stages of sleep

The leather ticket includes the 26th day, including food for the examination of tests and writing on a given topic. It is planned to add a task to the advancing fate, as if to allow the knowledge of lexical norms to be revealed. Since 2016, the Russian Academy of Educate the Daedals has been talking more often about the need to introduce the “Speaking” stage into practice.

It is not included that, in 2018, it is up to the schoolchildren to revise and verbally express their thoughts, work on the windshield and argue their position.

Like words enter to the orthoepic minimum ЄDI

One of the features of the Russian language is different from the fact that the voice of the words can fall on a different warehouse, and not shards, for example, French - only on the rest. To that, only one person can speak correctly. For successful task Orthoepic minimum of Russian language can be remembered for about 300 words.

The latest list of words that are included before the orthoepical minimum of YEDI 2018 can be found on the FIPD website. We pererahuemo less than t, like yelling colloquially with more schoolchildren: alphabet, airports, banks, willow, vorospovidnya, hourly, long-standing, dispensary, up to the top, dial up, down, blinds, head, smіttєprovіd, ease, seal, troop, oter, rights, dowry, drill, orphans, plum, costi, carpenter, torti, lancet, scarf.

Yak take the maximum score

The first part of the ticket is folded out of 25 days. Successful vikonannya allowed to take 34 balls, which would become 59% of the total the result of ЄDI from Russian language. Task number 26 - tvir, the maximum score for the new one is 24 balls, tobto 41%, which is over. Vidpovіdalna preparation before sleep in power that knowledge will help you to win the most beautiful ball.

Video lesson about my Russian voices:

On the 27th day of the KIM of Russian language in 2019, traditionally there will be food for orthoepy, so at the stage of preparation it is important to remember all the words that go up to the pronunciation minimum of ЄДІ, folded by FIPD.

Orthopepiya - divided Russian language, scho vivchae norms and rules of language and speech and arrangement of the voice.

Orthoepichni norms in movement

Dotrimannya spelling norms - important parameter assessments of oral speech, even if vim’s words are wrong and unverbally voiced, they speak the ear of strangers and characterize the one who speaks, like a person who is unwritten and unillumined.

In the middle of millions of words, the sound of which is heard by the skin is a small group, the memorization of which for rich people is problematic.

Varto respect that the norms of orthoepia are static. In the hour of Vimov, the words of the day change under the influx of various officials. The current norms are selected in the spelling dictionary, but for a successful success in 2019, the number of Russian graduates of the 11th class will reach the good knowledge of the spelling minimum, to which they have reached close to 300 words.

Structure of KIMU 2019

EDI z Russian movie trivaє 3.5 years (210 khvilin).

The ticket of 2019 to the year of the Russian language will be included on the 27th of the day, 5 of which will be used to reconsider that, as a graduate of Volodya, the current norms of movement. In the midst of the day of EDI 2019, the fate of obov'yazkovo traps food for the arrangement of the voice in words, as it enters to the orthoepic minimum.

The mustache receipt of the ticket will be subdivided on equal terms in the following order:

In this rank, for the correct completion of 27 exams, you can score 58 first points.

List of words for the task of spelling

Specially for students of the 11th grade, in order to go through the preparatory stage until the ЄДІ 2019 year, at the FIPD they folded the spelling minimum - a minimum vocabulary, for which all the shock voices were shown in folding words for memorization.

Proponuemo to your respect, such a vocabulary with a handy line of words for the alphabet and a statement of the correct voice.

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