The merezhі z'appeared the results of his іz suspіlstvoznavstva. It became clear, if the graduates recognize the result of the experience of the science of science.

Among the schoolchildren, there is a thought that suspіlstvoznavstvo is the simplest subject of EDI. Too many people choose yoga for their own reasons. Ale tse pardon, yak to lead into serious training.

The results of the task of task 1 are processed automatically. Vіdpovіdі on the task of part 2 are analyzed and evaluated by experts on the basis of specially developed criteria.

Tasks 1-3, 0, 12 are valued with 1 point. The head of the office is respected by the vikonanim correctly, as the confirmation is written in the form, as indicated in the instructions for the appointment.

Correctly vikonannya zavdan 4-9, 11, 13-20 is evaluated by 2 points. Qi of the task are assessed as follows: more correctly than the task is - 2 balls; vikonannya zavdannya with one pardon (one incorrectly entered, including the zayvoi, number in order with the usual correct digits) or not exactly vikonannya zavdannya (with one necessary number) - 1 point; Wrong number of entries (when you enter two or more good numbers) - 0 points.

On the 29th day of KIM ЄDI, the branch of science is divided into two parts. First revenge 20 meals, where you need to give a short note. Friend - 9, the stench is roaring for explanations.

On the _spіryayutsya knowledge from five direct lines:

  • People and Suspіlstvo.
  • Social vision.
  • economy.
  • Politics
  • Right.

On the vіdpovіdі hope 3 years 55 hvilin.

For preparation to ЄDI іz suspіlstvoznavstva can vykoristovuvat vouchalni sibniks, manuals and online tests. FIPI having developed the codifier, in a way of representations complete list Tim, scho vinesі on іspit. Supplement No. 2 at the specifics of KIM zorientuє in obsіzі and change of regulatory legal acts, knowledge of which is needed for successful taskЄДІ іz suspіlstvoznavstva. Demonstration materials will help you understand, as if you were looking at the truth.

Minimum passing ball

The passing ball ЄДІ іz suspіlstvoznavstva do not zmіnyuєtsya since the beginning of the year and become 42 balls.

Who is allowed to reissue the EDI

It is necessary to understand that not everyone can be allowed to retransmit. The right to another chance can be taken away:

  • Like a schoolboy not showing up to sleep for good reasons.
  • I don’t know how to stop sleeping for good reasons.
  • Yakscho EDI results it was for the decisions of the examination committee.

Substations for refolding are not:

Absence to sleep WITHOUT good reasons.

As soon as the hour of sleep was revealed, the officials of the violation of the established order of the EDI were revealed.

The participants of the EDI recognized the results of the research from social science

“The results of suspensive science can be compared with those of minulorism. You can talk about a small increase in the average test score and a hundred of participants who passed the minimum cordon, ”appointing the Minister of Education and Science of Yakutia Volodymyr Yegorov. Having previously marked the wines that the results of the Russian language, chemistry and history were also lost on a par with the past fate.

The subject is often robbed on ЄDI. In 2018, the field of scientific science was not rich in profile mathematics (3774) - the subject was composed by 3112 grades.


Among the schoolchildren, there is a thought that suspіlstvoznavstvo is the simplest subject of EDI. Too many people choose yoga for their own reasons. Ale tse pardon, yak to lead into serious training.

The results of the task of task 1 are processed automatically. Vіdpovіdі on the task of part 2 are analyzed and evaluated by experts on the basis of specially developed criteria.

Tasks 1-3, 0, 12 are valued with 1 point. The head of the office is respected by the vikonanim correctly, as the confirmation is written in the form, as indicated in the instructions for the appointment.

Correctly vikonannya zavdan 4-9, 11, 13-20 is evaluated by 2 points. Qi of the task are assessed as follows: more correctly than the task is - 2 balls; vikonannya zavdannya with one pardon (one incorrectly entered, including the zayvoi, number in order with the usual correct digits) or not exactly vikonannya zavdannya (with one necessary number) - 1 point; Wrong number of entries (when you enter two or more good numbers) - 0 points.

EDI Suspіlstvoznavstvo 2018

It is more correct to complete the task of part 2 rated as 2 to 5 points. For the most correct vikonannya zavdan 21, 22 are set for 2 balls; Zavdan 23-28 - 3 bali each; task 29 - 5 balls.

The review of the task of part 2 is carried out by experts with the improvement of a specially divided system of criteria.

He sleeps from the state of science, having become the most popular among the quiet, as if it were possible to rob it, which is not good for Russian mathematics.

Чотирнадцятого червня понад триста сімдесят тисяч російських школярів зважилися спробувати свої сили і показати знання з суспільствознавства: справа в тому, що цей іспит молодь віднесла до одного з найпростіших, оскільки навіть за мінімальної підготовки вже під час самого випробування можна зорієнтуватися і, спираючись на логіку, inquiries.

From the moment of submission to the publication of the results, call to pass from 7 to 14 days, depending on the number of participants - language subjects, such as Russian language and mathematics, to be done more for processing. However, sing the results and become richer swidshe.

The very processing of the results is considered at the end of the stages. All data from the forms are sent to the Regional Centers for processing information. For obov'yazykovih subjects, the processing may be revisited 6 calendar days.

ЄДІ sspіlstvoznavstvo 2018 fate, vіdomy: how was the re-examination of sleep?

Items for selection are reviewed promptly, for a period of 4 calendar days. Tse z tim, scho objects on the vibir zdaє significantly less people, lower obov'yazkovі.

Then all the results are to be centrally reviewed by the Federal Testing Center. It takes up to 5 calendar days for the price. At the upcoming stage, the results are confirmed by the State Examination Commission for 1 day. And only then should they be published in the single basis of the results of the EDI.

Podbags of the Uniform State Examination of the Supplementary Science were brought to the Altai Territory - among those who put together the subject, having scored one graduate student from the Barnaul school No. 127 with the maximum score.

Zagalom ЄDI z th object was given six thousand marks at the edge. The minimum number of balls, it was necessary for the participant to score YEDI from the state of science to enter up to Vishu, to become 42 balls.

Zagal for the quantity of quiet, who folds the subject, for the average ball and for the number of hundred stobalniks, the results of sleep were lost on the equal of the past fate.

Those who do not come to sleep for good reasons, can put it down on the reserve day - 28 worms. In addition, 2 lindens also organized a reserve day for the delivery of ЄDI z of the subjects.

ЄDI suspіlstvoznavstvo 2018 fate, vіdomiy: how did they put it together in the regions?

Ponad 9.2 yew. graduates of the school of Yugri have completed the ЄДІ at 2018 rotations. For the sake of pedagogical decisions, about 100 students were not allowed to take part in the trials. The reason is that the schoolchildren did not slander the programs of the general middle education, they supported the order of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra.

Graduates folded іspiti z 15 subjects. Traditionally sspіlstvoznavstvo robbed largest number eleventh-graders - over 4 thousand. On another mist, physics opinated, її zdali 2 yew. schoolchildren, on the third - biology. Among the ninth-class students, the priority is science, geography, informatics and information and communication technologies.

For the previous results, 17 Ugra graduates showed 100 years of knowledge in four subjects.

“The last fate of the stalkers was 33. For the pієї campaigns, we look for more. Tsikavo, most of them, 7 out of 17, - the most important results in chemistry," Oleksiy Drenin, director of the district department of education and youth policy of Yugri, appointed.

At Cheboksary, in 2018, roci z'stalkers appeared, as if they were building ЄДІ іz suspіlstvoznavstva. At anterior rotationїх not bulo, podomlyaє C-ib. About tse povіdomlyayut at the press service of the Administration of the occupancy of the administration of the city.

The 27th chervnya became the result of the Single Sovereign Research of Sovereign Science. Near the capital of the republic, 1086 graduates stored the subject. The maximum result was shown by two people: Anastasia Yakovleva from Lyceum No. 44 and Natalia Nikonorova from Secondary School No. 29.

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Suspіlstvoznavstvo is the largest mass experience that is formed for the choice of graduates. The demand for results in sleep for entry into various specialties of social and humanitarian and pedagogical profiles is connected with the fact that it includes re-verification of the foundations of social-philosophical, economic, sociological and legal knowledge.

The main stage of the ЄДІ іz suspіlstvoznavstvo proyshov 14 chervnya 2018 year. The results will be published until March 24, 2018.

Rechecking the results of ЄДІ іz suspіlstvosnаvstvo passim at kіlka іtapіv

The process of re-verification of examination robots is carried out at the stage. Data from the forms are sent to the Regional Centers for processing information, then for centralized rechecking to the Federal Center for Testing, and the third stage is the transfer of confirmation of the results by the State Examination Commission. After that, the results are reviewed on different resources.

The results will be published on the Portal of Sovereign Services, as well as on the official portal of the Single State Experience. To check your results, you need to enter your PIB, as well as the registration code and passport data. Also, the results can be recognized without intermediary in lighting installation But the paragraph of the EDI, the prote ce, as a rule, is already published after the official publication on refinancing resources.

Also, for the capital's schoolchildren, the possibility of nalashtuvannya online-recommendation was transferred. If the results will be published, the participant will be notified by e-mail or smartphone.

What work should be done after publishing the results of ЄDI from social science

It is important to remember that in times of trouble with the results of a skin participant, you may be able to file an appeal. Prote zrobity can only take two days after the official publication of the results.

So, at times of guilt, if you have any food, you can turn to the fahіvtsі of Rosobrnazor for the phone of the “hot line”.

After that, as the results of the EDI became known, the skin graduate can speed up with the EDI calculator.

How are the forms of ЄДІ іz suspіlstvoznavstva

The fallowing of the subject for re-verification is robbed and the results of the same are announced in 2018, the turn of the day is 15 to 19 days.

In view of the same ODE, which the ninth-graders put together, sleep and EDI are not only revised at the regional level, but also at the federal level, which also explains the threefold terms.

Three or more calendar days on those that the forms with robots were scanned, the information on them was recognized and recognized from the records on the EDI forms. The special scans are then revised by the commission on the equal region, in which the sleep was formed. The commission puts up balls for skin work.

It’s still necessary this summer for the examination work to be completed on the federal level, wherever the stink is straight for rechecking. At the same term, enter directly the results ЄDI back to the regions.

Another few days (from one to two) is necessary for the results to be confirmed. Vlasne, the publication of the results of the ЄDI-2018, as well as the publicity in schools, takes a few more days.

These terms are regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, which determines the order of organization of EDI zagalom.

The result of ЄДІ іz sspіlstvoznavstva 2018

On Thursday, 14 chernya 2018, 33 ths. graduates On the anniversary of the 29th day of the review of social, economic, philosophical and legal knowledge about the life of the social life, the students were given 3 years 55 minutes. The high level of knowledge of schoolchildren increased the value of the minimum threshold for passing sleep, which in 2018 became 42 first balls.

For information from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the results of ЄДІ іz sspіlstvoznavstvo will be released until 24 March 2018. The last term for the publication of data on the official portals of the EDI, FIPD, Rosspozhivnaglyadu and on the website of State Services. In order to recognize your assessment of a graduate student, it is sufficient to register on these information resources by indicating your passport data and the ID code.

Change in ЄDI shdo suspіlstvoznavstva

Suspіlstvoznavstvo is the largest mass experience that is formed for the choice of graduates. The results of what I need to sleep at universities for an hour I will enter a lot of specialties.

The system of assessment of the 28th task (the plan of assessment) has changed in the state sciences. It is recommended to give more respect to the heads of the logical interrelationship to understand, to the one who was awarded one point for the logician, to understand the mutual understanding. Before

Although this has not changed, the assessment criteria have changed. The maximum first score for victorious work has been increased from 62 to 64.

Experts do not lower points for spelling, punctuation pardons and more. Vinyatok becomes less of a temper, if the pardons of the pavement support the text of the vіdpovіdі, it's impossible to hear it. Ale, the participants of the EDI need to follow the moving statements of opinions, write them down randomly.

The main stage of the EDI 2018 has ended. Learn to lose less than a check for the rest of the results of drinking. So 14 worms of a lot of future students were piling up the food from social science. As reported by Rosobrnaglyad, their scientists can recognize themselves already on 29 chervnya.

Someone who rushed to study the science of science, spodіvayuchis to enter the university in a prestigious specialty. Prior to such professions, there will be a need for knowledge about the welfare as a whole, economics, sociology, jurisprudence, and pedagogical skills should be added.

If you want to vote the results of the EDI 2018 from modern science and the middle of the past years

The service of observation in the scientific community published the date of the announcement of the results of such a dermal state experience. Bali from sspіlstvoznavstva can be revered as early as 29 worms. You can do it on the official website of the EDI 2018. It is necessary to enter data from the student’s passport and go to this rank at special office. This is how the results of the successful participant of his experiment are published.

The school program, and at the same time with it the exams, become more complex with skin rock. Regardless of the price, since 2016, the number of students, who could not cross the boundary ball, has significantly changed. So, in 2016, the growth rate was 17% savage number exams. Already in 2017, the number has changed by 3%. It’s all worth talking about the positive trend of successful development in the wake of the development of science by Russian scientists.

Assessment system

Suspіlstvoznavstvo enter obov'yazkovogo course school programs and vyvchaetsya protyazh middle and senior classes. In yoga, the understanding of sociology, philosophy, economics, and law is included, and psychology also takes up an indispensable part. Learn how to link a person with a suspіlstvo and in the middle, distinguish between different social roles of a person in a suspіlstvі (something is a student, a practitioner, a father, a child, a shopper at the store, too). At the course of discipline, children learn to communicate with the most important social world, learn to earn their rights and obligations, to explore the economic and political spheres of life of society and other things.

The knowledge of uchnіv at the first number of balls for the leather order of the ticket is assessed. Zagalom at the ticket 29 zavdan. Mustache food is divided into 3 parts. The first part of revenge on your own is 19 meals, you can score 35 points for them. The other part includes 8 days, the stench is estimated at 23 balls. The rest of the task, but if it is, it is estimated at 6 points. Potim zagalna sum to be transferred to the 100-point system. In this rank, you can signify that, having scored less than 41 points, the student does not pass the rating threshold. Bali from 42 to 54 means a score of "3". The "4" is claimed by those who scored from 55 to 66 points for the task. Those who scored 67 points were given a miracle rating of "5".

Yakі zavdannya enter at the ticket ЄDI іz suspіlstvoznavstva

At the tickets of ЄДІ іz sspіlstvoznavstvo 2018, deeds were changed. From the first part of the ticket, all meals were taken away, as they left only one variant of the performances on the left. The manager does not say how much of the top opinions can be fed. The student is guilty of knowing about it independently. Before that, the authorities united the blocks, the skin of them reflecting the theme of the song. Reserved for easy orientation of the structure of the examination paper.

The other part of the ticket is folded from the official meals. Їhnya foldability is also winding up. Є food, yakі mayut on uvazі a short answer from one word or understand. More collapsible meals need to decipher the term, a detailed description of the virishennia of the singing situation. The order for the visa is the same for the ticket. Mabut, the most convenient task at the ticket from the state of science is yes. Vono є mirkuvannyam on a given topic. Tse nutrition is estimated at the ticket. Usy vikonannya tsikh zavdan uchnevi is given 235 hvilin an hour.

Yesterday, at Saturday, 24 worms, Russian graduates of the 11th grade walked their graduation party. Regardless of the Christmas mood, there are many who boast of them - the publication of the results of the EDI project has not yet passed through all of these subjects. On the fifteenth day of the red, over three hundred and seventy thousand Russian schoolchildren dared to try their hand and show their knowledge of sophistication. Now all the stinks are whispering about the publication of the results at Merezhi. Hurry up to let you know that starting from 24 blacks, all ex-schoolchildren can be aware of their results in the tasks of social science.

The result of ЄДІ іz sspіlstvoznavstva, 2018: Terms of processing and publication of the folded іspitu

From the moment of submission to the publication of the results of the ЄDI-2018, it is necessary to pass from 7 to 14 days, depending on the number of participants - language subjects, such as Russian language and mathematics, will require a long time for processing. However, sing the results and become richer swidshe.

Hurry up to guess what, from the moment of submission, before the publication of the results, call to pass from 7 to 14 days, depending on the number of participants - obov'yazykovі subjects, so like Russian language and mathematics, wait more than an hour for processing. However, sing the results and become richer swidshe. The very processing of the results is considered at the end of the stages.

All data from the forms are sent to the Regional Centers for processing information. For obov'yazkovyh obtіv z obrobki it is not guilty to revisit 6 calendar days. Items for selection are reviewed promptly, for a period of 4 calendar days. Tse z tim, scho objects on the vibir zdaє significantly less people, lower obov'yazkovі.

Then all the results are to be centrally reviewed by the Federal Testing Center. It takes up to 5 calendar days for the price. At the upcoming stage, the results are confirmed by the State Examination Commission for 1 day. And then we’ll stink, and then we’ll publish in a single database of results in ED.

The result of ЄДІ іz sspіlstvoznavstva, 2018

The date of the announcement of the result cannot be more than 12 days for the Russian language of mathematics. For specialized subjects, the terms will be shortened up to 9 days. Practice shows that the best results are obtained in earlier terms.

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