Skіlki people zdavat ege s іnformatics. Whilya has gone. Inspiring results of EDI Mathematics

MOSCOW, 26 chervnya - RIA Novini. The results of the single state-sponsored experiences can be compared with the past fates, with which days the average balls are significantly improved in the minuloric, zocrema, from informatics the average ball of the score is on the chotiri one, and from the history - may be on three, clearly visible.

As previously reported by Rosobrnaglyad, the maximum average score for the ЄДІ z profile mathematics is six singles. This year, the number of wines was 56.5, the last - 49.8, and in 2017 - 47.1.

In addition, the positive dynamics is shown in the EDI of informatics, where the average score in 2019 was 62.4, in the past 58.4, and in 2017 it was 59.2. The average score in the history of two years invariably became 52.7, the last score of the stars in the past may be three times one, becoming 55.3.

Following the tribute of Rosobrnaglyad, stable results are observed on the ЄДІ z Russian language, so in 2017 the roci score was 69.1, the torik - 70.9, and the total - 69.5. So do it yourself with basic mathematics, as it is evaluated on a five-point scale: in 2017 - 4.2; in 2018 - 4.3, in 2019 - 4.1.

If there is a need for foreign languages, then there is a positive trend my German. In 2017, the average score became 63.8, last year it moved up by 5.1 and became - 68.9, this year - 72.4.

One of the most popular foreign language is English. The average score for the subject in 2017 was 70.2, the last year - 69.2, in 2019 - 73.8. Average score for French movie troch decreased: two years ago, becoming 75.9, torik - 77.3, and that year - 73.1. Average score for my Spanish also decreased by 6.9 units and became 72.2.

The most popular practice is already a litter of fates invariably being abandoned by spiritual science. The average score on the ЄДІ іz suspіlstvoznavstva remains stable: in 2017, the ratio is 55.4; 2018 rіk - 55.7, in line roci - 54.9. The average score on the EDI of Literature is also stable, in 2017 the ratio of wines was 59.6; in 2018 it was 62.7, which year it was 63.4. The ball from geography looks like an approaching rank: two years ago, becoming 55.1, the last year - 56.6 and the last - 57.2.

With which statistics Rosobrnaglyadu shows that the average Bali EDI of natural and scientific subjects have become the most stable. So, the average score at the ЄDI z physics was two years later 53.2; The flow rate of trochi pіdrіs i became 54.4. The average score from chemistry in 2017 became 55.2, last year it fell by 0.1 points, and in 2019 the ratio became 56.7. The average score of the EDI in Biology in 2017 was 52.6; in 2018, the ratio is 51.7, and in the lowest roci, it is 52.2.

The main period of the ЄДІ started on 27 January from studies in geography and literature, and on 29 January, schoolchildren wrote basic and specialized mathematics, on 31 January, graduates wrote the ЄДІ from chemistry and history. Naymasovishy іspit z Russian mov proishov 3 worms. ЄDI z physics and letter part z foreign languages schoolchildren gave 5 worms, 7 and 8 worms passed the last part of foreign language. The most popular ЄDI on vibіr - suspіlstvoznavstvo - proishov 10 chervnya. Sleep in biology and informatics will take place on 13 pm, the stench will complete the folding of ЄDI in the main period, reserve terms will last up to 1 linden. For the tribute of the Rosobrnaglyad, in 2019, the number of people to sleep is 750,000.

On the official website of the FIPD at the branch "Analytical and methodological materials" published "Methodological recommendations for readers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical pardons of participants in the Year 2017", you can find information about those What is the middle ball of the ЄDI from Informatics Buv u 2017.

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Table 1

Middle ball of YEDI 2017 in informatics

EDI of Informatics and ICT in 2017 took the fate of 52.8 thousand. osib, scho for 3.5 yew. higher, lower y 2016 This approximately shows the increase in the total number of graduates in 2017.

Zagalom part is quiet, who sleeps in the air savage number participants in the EDI are practically invariable: trochs of cherry for 7%. Regions by the largest number participants: metro Moscow (7.8 thousand), Moscow region (3.2 thousand), metro St. Petersburg (2.7 thousand), Republic of Bashkortostan (2.3 thousand), Novosibirsk region (1 , 8 thousand).

In 2017 dated from 2016 A small part of the unprepared participants in the test was short-lived (up to 40 test scores). The proportion of participants from the basic level of training remained practically unchanged (range 40 to 60 tons). Totally (by 5%), the group of the largest trained participants in sleep grew (81-100 t.b.), often for short periods of time, part of the group of participants, they scored 61-80 t.b.

In this manner, a total number of participants, yaki scored significant for the competitive entry to the establishment higher enlightenment balls (61-100 t.b.), increased from 46.0% to 48.6%, which is due to the increase in the average test score from 56.65 in 2016. up to 59.18 in the flow line. The growing number of participants who scored high (81–100) test scores are explained by the improved preparation of participants in sleep, and often by the stability of the examination model.

The graduates stopped calling EDI. In front, there are less reserve days for quiet, who could not save up and sleep at the hour, having taken off bad luck. At the Rosobrnaglyadi, the first pidbags were knocked out. The average score of graduates at the profile EDI in mathematics is 49.8. The figure of the past fate was absolutely the same. With the number of students with results below 40 test scores, the number of applicants with the results of over 61 points increased by 9 hundred. That changed the unsuccessful robots.

The graduates also gave the chemistry and history to the mayzha just like the last fate. 9 hundreds of graduates were taken away for the first time in history, the shards could not reach the required minimum. The volume of such bulo is approximately equal to 8.7 vіdsotka. And the axis on the ЄDI z chemistries engines was much larger. Chi did not get the required minimum of 15 hundred graduates. Schopravda, the statistics of Rosobrnaglyad showed: to which subject is the interest of the student.

Geography and mathematics of the basic level were given by graduates three times better, lower torik. The average score in mathematics of the basic level is 4.29, and 4.24. Dvієchnіv - three vіdsotki, іspit їm happen to be reissued, іnakshe can lose without a certificate. Why is the interest of graduates to the geography of zrіs. Її took 2,000 more people.

Graduates have done informatics a little higher, lower than the past fate.

The largest number of stobalniks in the Russian language (the largest sleeps), and less - in the social sciences. Want the item most popular on the selection.

View of the first person

Sergiy Kravtsov, Head of Rosobrnaglyad:

If you didn’t score the necessary points on the language of the EDI, and if the basic mathematics is Russian language, then you can rewrite it on the same day on the reserve day. If it didn’t come again, then at the faith.

Items for selection can only be reissued for the upcoming river. Do not add the results of the EDI to the assessment in the certificate. But if you don’t get the required minimum of language subjects - Russian language and mathematics, you won’t be able to take a certificate.

Yaku has a school to give a child, why would she build an EDI for 100 points?

Top 20 most competitive schools for graduates

  • SUNC MDU (Moscow)
  • Lyceum "Friend School" (Moscow)
  • Lyceum for Science and Engineering (Korolyov)
  • Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum 239 (St. Petersburg)
  • Physics and Mathematics Lyceum 31 (Chelyabinsk)
  • School 1543 (Moscow)
  • School 179 (Moscow)
  • Phystechliceu im. Kapitsa (Moscow region, Dovgoprudny)
  • Lyceum at TPU (Tomsk)
  • School 57 (Moscow)
  • Physics and Mathematics Lyceum (Sergiev Posad)
  • School 1514 (Moscow)
  • School 1535 (Moscow)
  • Lyceum 1580 r. at MDTU im. Bauman
  • Yugorsk Physics and Mathematics Lyceum-Internat (Khanty-Mansiysk)
  • Academic Lyceum "Physical-Technical School" (St. Petersburg)
  • School "Intellectual" (Moscow)
  • School 2007 (Moscow)

Top 10 schools of technical, natural science and exact sciences

  • SUNC MDU (Moscow)
  • Pereduniversitarium МІФІ (Moscow)
  • Lyceum at TPU (Tomsk)
  • Lyceum "Friend School" (Moscow)
  • SUNTS NGU (Novosibirsk)
  • Governor's Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 30 (St. Petersburg)
  • School 1568 p. im. Pablo Nerudi (Moscow)

Top 10 "economy and management"

  • Lyceum HSE (Moscow)
  • School 1535 (Moscow)
  • School 1799 (Moscow)
  • Lyceum 1580 r. at MDTU im. Bauman (Moscow)
  • School 1329 (Moscow)
  • School 117 (Moscow)
  • School 710 (Moscow)
  • Kirov Economic and Legal Lyceum (Kirov)
  • School 1518 (Moscow)
  • School 2086 (Moscow)

Top 10 schools for directly "medicine"

  • School 1535 (Moscow)
  • School 1253 (Moscow)
  • School 1501(Moscow)
  • Kurchativ school (Moscow)
  • School 1529 (Moscow)
  • SUNC MDU (Moscow)
  • School 1950 (Moscow)
  • School 144 (Moscow)
  • School 654 (Moscow)
  • Elista Lyceum (Elista)

The graduates stopped calling EDI. In front, there are less reserve days for quiet, who could not save up and sleep at the hour, having taken off bad luck. The entry to the VNZ is the first meta of the most graduates of the 11th grade. The very same stench so reluctantly picking up items for the task EDI, learning courses and hiring tutors, taking tests online.

Rosobrnaglyad oprilyudni pіdbags ЄDІ osnovnї khvili. The middle balls ЄДІ ЄДІ were broken in 2017 by rock, three of them grew up.

The middle ball of the Single Sovereign Ispitu in 2018 increased in number, moreover, the number of high-ranking people was raised, and there were fewer voluptuous sipu, having raised the head of Rosobrnaglyad Sergiy Kravtsov.

“Which fate did the middle ball of the EDI increase. From the Russian language, the score is 70.93, which can be equal to the minimum, 69 points in 2017. The average score of the EDI of Geography in 2018 is 56 points. For informatics - 58.5 points, the last fate of the last three years - 59 points," Kravtsov said in a wide-eyed conversation with the support of the bags in the ЄDI campaign.

Also, having scored a score, having scored a hundred high scores - graduates, they scored from 80 to 100 scores for a single.

“Vysobalniki – 25 thousand years ago, and 26.7 years old year,” the head of Rosobrnaglyad said, stating that the number of hundred thousand people in 2018 grew more and less by 1 yew. osib - from 5 yew. 62 to 6 tis. 136.

Among the stobalniks is a student of the Moscow school, having taken the highest mark on several subjects EDI. The head of the Rosobrnaglyad Sergiy Kravtsov explained that this is Russian language, biology, chemistry and specialized mathematics. Samy successful sleep most graduates have a Russian language. Average score - 71. Doubles at YEDI-2018 - less If you are not insured, the results are still reserve days, if a lot of dvієchnіv singsongly improved their marks.

So, for this reason, the number of graduates decreased, and they scored the minimum score: 0.57% in 2017 roci, 0.42% - in 2018 roci.

Kravtsov, stating that 478 errors were scored for telephones from sleep, and 463 for cheat sheets.

The main stage of the ЄDI-2018 project is from 28 May to 2 lime. 2018 EDI rock was built close to 730 thousand. osib.

Minimum points for budget support

Name the numbers, as if they would become a guarantor of budgetary support, it’s easy to finish. Possibility to become a student, who learns for a budget penny and wins a scholarship, to earn a lot of money. Nasampered, for such a possibility, a ball is poured in, recruiting for EDI from a profile subject.

  • biology - when entering a specialty that requires a certificate in biology, the average passing score is 45-78, and for the higher competition with a high competition you need 79-100 points;
  • Russian language - a threshold score that allows you to apply for the budget of the largest VNZ - 45-72, and for the most prestigious VNZ - 73 and higher;
  • Mathematics - the minimum that will allow you to study on a budget, up to 45-63 points. For highly competitive VNZs, the score of the certificate of guilt is 64-100;
  • foreign language - a certificate of 55-80 points gives the opportunity to become a state employee of a regional university or institute. At the metropolitan VNZ, it is necessary to build an item for 81-100 points;
  • suspіlstvoznavstvo - for the most VNZ Russia will be enough 45-72 points, prote for the top initial mortgages your ball is guilty of dorivnyuvati 73-100;
  • chemistry - when entering a specialty, which requires a certificate in chemistry, the average passing score is to be scored 45-80, and for the higher competition, the sum of the scores is overestimated 81;
  • history - a threshold score that allows you to apply for the budget;
  • physics - a guarantee of entry to the VNZ on a budgetary basis, a certificate of 45-65 points. Ale, yakshcho є bajannya to enter the prestigious metropolitan VNZ, to earn money on ЄDI vіd 66 balіv and more.

On the official website of the FIPD at the branch "Analytical and methodological materials" published "Methodological recommendations for readers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical pardons of participants in the Year 2017", you can find information about those What is the middle ball of the ЄDI from Informatics Buv u 2017.

Get the document.

Table 1

Middle ball of YEDI 2017 in informatics

EDI of Informatics and ICT in 2017 took the fate of 52.8 thousand. osib, scho for 3.5 yew. higher, lower y 2016 This approximately shows the increase in the total number of graduates in 2017.

Zagalom part is quiet, who sleeps in the wild number of participants in EDI, is practically invariable: a little more than 7%. Regions with the largest number of participants: metro Moscow (7.8 thousand), Moscow region (3.2 thousand), metro St. Petersburg (2.7 thousand), Republic of Bashkortostan (2.3 thousand), Novosibirsk region (1.8 thousand).

In 2017 dated from 2016 A small part of the unprepared participants in the test was short-lived (up to 40 test scores). The proportion of participants from the basic level of training remained practically unchanged (range 40 to 60 tons). Totally (by 5%), the group of the largest trained participants in sleep grew (81-100 t.b.), often for short periods of time, part of the group of participants, they scored 61-80 t.b.

Thus, the total number of participants who scored significant for the competitive entry to the pledge of the highest education ball (61-100 tons), increased from 46.0% to 48.6%, which is due to the increase in the average test score of 56, 65 in 2016 up to 59.18 in the flow line. The growing number of participants who scored high (81–100) test scores are explained by the improved preparation of participants in sleep, and often by the stability of the examination model.

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