Yak narakhovuyutsya bali z ege. Translation of balls from his Russian language. Internet systems for applicants

Below is the scale for translating the first scores of the profile EDI in mathematics in 2019:

  • Gaining the first score is translated from the test. Skin for the task of the test part "koshtuє" 1 point. Head of the letter part - from 2 to 4 points
  • To pass the threshold on the profile ID, you need to check at least 6 days, so you need to dial 6 first ones 27 test scores.

Moreover, you can remember that the first part is already a “road” for balls, for one task of the first part you can take 1 Syrian ball, which can be converted into 5 or 6 test ones!

  • If you spell correctly all the tasks of the first part, you can type 62 bali.
  • If you want to sing the entire first part, number 13, 15 and 17 (most often the same number can be spoofed, tі, who may have a firm “5” at school), then you can dial 80 points.

Download the CHECK-LIST "EAT THIS MATHEMATICS" free of charge! Algorithm of preparation, literature, korisn_ posilannya, scale of balls ЄDI.

  • Further points can be taken on geometry (14, 16), parameters (18) or number theory (19). For example, you scored, for example, No. 14, took a couple of points for No. 19, violating a) and b) - no more 88 points.
  • In such a rank, to score over 80 points it is necessary to take care of the task I would like to do one of these topics, or a kilka:

- Parameters,

- Planimetry,

- stereometry,

For example, you scored 12 days, but on one day pardons were issued, as a result, you take 11 first and 56 test scores, but they could take 62 bali (!) The yakbies did not have mercy in my room, but in a moment they could win the simplest number 1. Have mercy again, take away 50 points for the first part. A ball for the simplest task No. 1 to “import” the styles well, skilki one point for folding planimetry No. 16, the computer can be used, de vi yogo scored. The main strategy is to respect the first part.

Exam plan robots EDI in mathematics

The robot is covered for 3 years 55 quilin. If you are planning to win a high level of folding under numbers 18-19, then you can go no more than 30 coats to the first part No. 1-12.

Good luck on your sleep!

How to evaluate the results of the EDI

The results are rated on a 100-point scale and are displayed at the special "Certificate of the results of a single sovereign experience."

Ottsiychi's result, Idi is getting up to the minimal kilkіstovikh binding on the skin, overstone object, pirkhardzhn, the main vibrants of the basal -syasyh (all) is applied to the whims of the federal owl standard of the middle sedentary (so far). As soon as a student has scored less than the established minimum number of balls (without having reached the minimum threshold), then EDI is taken into account.

The value of the minimum threshold is announced for 6-8 days after the completion of the ЄДІ from the subject in the main term and after 2-3 days after the ЄДІ at the additional term in the linden.

EDI rating scale

If you win a job on ЄDI, for a correct skin solution, you will get 1 point or more, fallow due to folding. When it is correct to vikonan, the task of part A or is estimated at 1 point, part C - up to 4 points. The sum of these balls is called the first ball (PB). In fact, tse kіlkіst correctly vykonanih zavdan.

    The number of minimum PBs from various subjects can vary, for example:
  • mathematics: 36 PB,
  • biology: 36 PB,
  • foreign movies: 22 PB.

But still you didn’t bali, as if you would be useful, for example, to enter the university. It is necessary to transfer them over a 100-point scale. Tse so titles test ball (TB).

TB evaluates the level of preparation of a student. Vіn to lie down due to the foldability of the vikonanih zavdan on ЄDI. For cym ball and a residual score is assigned. The maximum test score for a single subject: 100 points.

The first ball is translated from the tests for a special formula.

Table of conversion of YDI-2020 scores to scores (according to the five-point system)


Russian language

Mathematics profile

Mathematics basic





Informatics and ICT

English language

German language

French language

Spanish language

    Minimum balls ЄDI for the withdrawal of the certificate from 2020 roci:
  • Russian language - 24 balls;
  • mathematics of the basic level - 3 balls (score);
  • physics - 36 points;
  • chemistry - 36 points;
  • biology - 36 points;
  • history - 32 balls;
  • geography - 37 points;
  • social science - 42 balls;
  • literature - 32 balls;
  • Chinese language - 17 points.
    Minimum bali ЄDI for entry to the university:
  • Russian language - 36 points;
  • mathematics of profile level - 27 points;
  • physics - 36 points;
  • chemistry - 36 points;
  • informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - 40 points;
  • biology - 36 points;
  • history - 32 balls;
  • geography - 37 points;
  • social science - 42 balls;
  • literature - 32 balls;
  • foreign language (English, French, German, Spanish) - 22 balls.

Yak ЄDI vplyvaє otrimannya certificate

Substantiated for the graduating student of a certificate of secondary education and satisfactory results EDI, so that the number of points is not lower than the minimum threshold for obov'yazykovy subjects (Russian Language and Mathematics). For each student, the graduate takes 2 documents: a school certificate and a certificate of the results of the ED.

In the certificate, the badges are placed according to the traditional 5-point system, which are rated as the arithmetic mean of the graduate's marks for grades 10-11 (12).

The results of the ЄDI on the bag badges, as they are displayed in the certificate, do not inject.

If a graduate does not break the minimum threshold for one of the subjects - Russian language and mathematics - in the same basic term when reissuing, then you will not see a certificate.

How and if you can recognize the results of ЄDI

The results can only be seen by the participants no later than 3 working days after the Rosobrnaglyad has announced the minimum thresholds for skin tests. In this order, from the date of the examination, three days are not more than 12 days. Most of the regions inform their participants in the EDI in more early terms.

To the participants of the EDI - graduates of the streaming rock, evidence about the results of the EDI is seen in the lighting installation. Other participants of the ЄDI recognize their results there, de otrimuly transfer to ЄDI: tse or PPE, in which they stored the іspit, or the governing body of the subject of the Russian Federation, the municipal authorities of the illuminance.

Vіdpovіdno to chinnyh normativіv, kozhen subject of the Russian Federation independently vіdpovіdaє for informing the participants of the EDI about the results. In some regions, you can get access to this information without cost. You can find out about your results by looking at your individual code (passport number is short).

  • Moscow and Moscow region: www.rcoi.net
  • Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region: ege.spb.ru

Lists of participants with their results are posted on information stands (at schools, PPE, lighting management bodies).

Term dії testimonials about the results of ЄDI

On November 20, 2013, sheet No. DL-345/17 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On the development of results in ED" was published.

«Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the nourishment of the results of a single sovereign state, otrimanih until the recruitment of rank from the 1st of September 2013. federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On lighting in Russian Federation”(Dali - Federal Law), remind.

Vіdpovіdno up to part 2 of Article 70 of the Federal Law of the results of the single state іspit during admission to study for bachelor's programs and fahіvtsya programs dіysnі chotiri roki coming after rock from such results

Off, take the organiza, yaki health -like dial -to -east for signs of bachelorahmas by the signs of specialist, allowed the results of the sovereign іspita, piddrafrivniy svidsvy about 2015 tu 2020, and the same 2020 Rocks.

Certificate ЄДІ after April 1, 2020 So the certificate of 2018 will end at the end of 2022, and there may be contests for admission to universities in the period from 2018 to 2022. Also, certificates, issued in 2019 and 2020, due to 2023 and 2024 are valid.

In front of a skin graduate, which is the reason for becoming a student of one of the VNZ of the Russian Federation in 2018, it is not easy to stand up - successfully build an EDI, and also choose the right initial mortgage that faculty for submission of documents. Most of the 11th graders and their fathers for the first time stick with the system of estimating the amount of food spent on the bag and often cannot know the type of food they blame. We also wished to shed light on important moments.

In 2017-2018, the main rules for the building of the EDI will not be changed significantly. Tse means that a 100-point system for evaluating bag samples will also be relevant for graduates.

How do you see everything?

During the re-examination of examinations for the skin correctly, the head of the graduate graduates will be protected by the title of “first ball”, so after the completion of the re-examination, the robots are supposed to be re-worked into a “test ball”, which is indicated in the ЄDI certificate.

Important! Since 2009, the scale of transferring the first and test scores ЄДІ to the traditional five-point grades for the school, even in 2017 and 2018, is not officially awarded until graduation.

Revalidation works in two ways:

  • automatically (for help special programs and technical zasobiv);
  • by hand (the correctness of the statements made is checked by two independent experts).

Cross over the result of the automatic re-checking smoothly. If the main rules were not completed when filling in the tables of statements, the computer might not save the result, and the graduate himself would be more to blame for not having learned a number of language rules.

Yakscho back moments blamed at the course of the expert review, the third fakhivets is radiating, the thought of which will be virishal.

When you score on results?

Behind the law there are such hours:

  • the processing of data (from obov'yazkovyh obtіvіv) at the RCCHD is not guilty of three days more than 6 calendar days;
  • for the collection of data (objects for selection) RCOI give 4 days;
  • rechecking at the Federal Center for Testing is required to take no more than 5 working days;
  • confirmation of the results by the State Examination Commission - 1 more day;
  • up to 3 days for distribution of results to EDI participants.

In practice, from the moment of folding the test until the receipt of the official result, it can take from 8 to 14 days.

Transfer of balls ЄDI to the assessment

Irrespective of those who officially in 2018 the scale of transferring scores from subjects EDI to a five-point rating does not win, it is rich who still want to interpret their result in a larger scale "shkilnіy" system. For whom you can use special tables or online calculators.

Table of conversion of ODE test scores into grades

Russian language




foreign movies




Another way is three times simpler and more efficient, lowering the required values ​​in the middle of the majestic table. It is enough just to choose a subject (mathematics, Russian language, chemistry, physics, history, English language, suspіlstvoznavstvo ... and other subjects), enter data and take it for a second and give the result.

It’s easy to try, it’s easy to try it out, it’s easy to win in practice on the online calculator and the ball ЄDI and it’s translated into a 5-point rating.

Transfer of scores from primary to test

Transfer of YEDI scores to assessments

Internet systems for applicants

The initial 2017-2018 rіk is completed, the sleep is stored, the results are in the house and now the interactive scale for the translation of the first balls showed that the result of the ЄДІ roztashuvavsya in a good range ... Well, is it enough to enter the bagan VNZ?

Estimate the real chances of joining, relying on test scores and the minimum passing threshold, to be admitted by the university.

Important! The minimum passing ball is the form of the VNZ itself. Vіn uninterruptedly stale in the form of balls of entrants, how to submit documents for 2018 roci. What is the popular specialty - Tim will be the next ball.

Often at the TOP faculties, it is not enough to get 100-point results to enter the budget. Chance to win your name among the lists is quiet, who nadіyshli on such a direct, є less at the winners of the olympiads, who give you dodatkovі balls.

In 2018, the most popular services for the selection of a university and monitoring the threshold of entrance balls in various specialties will be:

  1. Navchannya.ru
  2. Vchini online
  3. Calculator Your school economy
  4. Postyplenie.ru
  5. Typical applicant

It is easy to know what services are. It is enough to enter the name of the name into the poshuk system.

On the other side you will know the scale for translating the scores into the grades for the given subjects. Also, it is possible to recognize if there will be results ЄДІ. In addition, you may be zatsikaviti, who and yak recheck the forms of іspіtіv.

Table of conversion of YEDI scores into marks for the five-point system

Subject / Evaluation 5 4 3 2
Russian language view 72 58-71 37-57 0-36
Maths view 65 47-64 25-46 0-24
Foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish) view 84 59-83 21-58 0-39
Suspіlstvoznavstvo view 67 55-66 40-54 0-32
Chemistry view 73 56-72 37-55 0-36
Geography view 67 51-66 38-50 0-37
biology view 72 55-71 37-54 0-36
Literature view 67 55-66 33-54 0-32
Physics view 68 53-67 37-52 0-36
History view 68 50-67 33-49 0-32
Informatics view 73 57-72 41-56 0-40

Scale for translation of balls YEDI 2014

first ball Russian language Maths Suspіlstvo-knowledge History Physics biology 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 3 3 4 3 2 5 10 6 5 7 5 3 7 15 8 8 10 7 4 9 20 11 10 14 9 5 11 24 13 13 17 11 6 13 28 16 15 20 13 7 15 32 19 18 23 15 8 17 36 21 20 27 17 9 20 40 24 23 30 20 10 22 44 26 25 33 22 11 24 48 29 28 36 24 12 26 52 32 30 38 26 13 28 56 34 32 39 28 14 30 60 37 34 40 30 15 32 63 39 35 41 32 16 34 66 40 36 42 34 17 36 68 41 37 44 36 18 37 70 42 39 45 37 19 38 72 43 40 46 38 20 39 74 44 41 47 39 21 40 77 45 42 48 40 22 41 79 46 43 49 41 23 42 81 47 45 51 42 24 43 83 48 46 52 43 25 44 85 49 47 53 44 26 45 87 50 48 54 45 27 46 90 51 49 55 46 28 47 92 52 51 57 47 29 48 94 53 52 58 48 30 49 96 54 53 59 49 31 50 98 55 54 60 50 32 51 100 56 56 61 51 33 52 57 57 62 52 34 53 58 58 65 53 35 54 59 59 67 54 36 55 60 60 69 55 37 56 61 62 71 56 38 57 62 63 73 57 39 58 63 64 75 58 40 59 64 65 77 59 41 60 65 66 79 60 42 61 66 68 81 61 43 62 67 69 84 62 44 63 68 70 86 63 45 64 69 71 88 64 46 65 70 72 90 65 47 66 71 75 92 66 48 67 72 77 94 67 49 68 75 79 96 68 50 69 78 82 98 69 51 70 80 84 100 70 52 71 83 86 71 53 72 85 89 72 54 73 88 91 73 55 76 90 93 74 56 79 93 96 75 57 81 95 98 76 58 84 98 100 77 59 87 100 78 60 90 79 61 92 82 62 95 84 63 98 86 64 100 89 65 91 66 93 67 96 68 98 69 100

The formula for translating balіv ЄDI

The scale for translating the first scores of the EDI in the tests is shown in the table. You can also raise your score using the formula below.

de tse test score ЄDI for a 100-point system, which is included in the ЄDI certificate, 0 - the first score giving ЄDI, 0 min score, which is equal to one primary score, 0max - the score, which is considered to be the first score, by one less possible. Round the result to an integer. The zero primary score is awarded 0 points for EDI, and the maximum primary score is awarded 100 points for EDI.

The scale for translating the balls of YEDI 2014 into assessments is Russian language.


federal service

from the sight of the sphere of education and science



About the establishment of a scale for translating the balls of the single sovereign education from the Russian language to the five-point system of grading, how to win for the issuance of certificates to the certificate of the middle (genuine) education in 2008

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraphs 9 and 27 of the Regulations on the holding of a single sovereign test in 2008, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the 5th of the fierce river. No. 36 (Zaretniki Miniystvo of Justice of the Federal District Federal Property Committee 29 Lyutia 2008 r., Reeded -up No. 11251), that on the PIDSTAVI RISHODOSIKASICASISE INDIVITAL INSISTICAL INSPITITION OF THE 2008 ROSIK, OF THE ROODAZ ROOLIGEN 5):

1. Establish a scale for translating the balls of the single sovereign education (hereinafter - ЄДІ) from the Russian language in the five-point system of grading, which is awarded for issuing certificates to the certificate of the middle (generally) global education in 2008:

0 - 39 points - note 2

40 - 57 points - note 3

58 - 71 points - note 4

72 -100 points - note 5

2. The federal state establishment of the Federal Center for Testing (S.S. Kravtsov) prepares protocols on the results of the ЄДІ cherubate item 1 of the second order.

3. Control over the ordering of orders to be put on the Control Department and assessment of the brightness of lighting (V.M. Shaulina).


L.M. Glibova

ordering Federal Service in the sphere of education of science (Rosobrnaglyadu) No. 1271-08 dated 06/05/2007 to the date “On the establishment of a scale for the transfer of balls at the badge during the single sovereign examination of the Russian language in 2007”

The translation of the scores of the EDI is carried out after the first result is obtained, on the basis of the hardened wine scale, it is translated from the test score.

They play an important role when entering the university and are fixed at the certificate of passing the exam.

Tim, who graduates from the 11th grade, is preparing to enter the university, especially to learn how to translate the ball score of the ED.

A handful of hundreds of thousands of students undergo this procedure. For the completion of the certificate, it is enough to take only two subjects - mathematics of the Russian language.

Other items - and the beginning of їх 14 - are given on a voluntary basis, fallow in return.

In order for the results to be approved by the certificate, the graduate needs to score more points for at least the installations.

How are the results of the EDI evaluated?

The results of the test are evaluated by the commission and translated by a 100-point system.

Іsnuє algorithm for re-arranging tsikh sums for larger zvichnі estimates. The official method does not stop in 2009.

Ale for the bazhannya can be recognized by the scale of the translation of the scores of the EDI.

Evaluation of results is carried out in two stages:

  • for the number of victors, I will teach you to give the first ball. Vin is added up from the sum for all tasks, vikonanі correctly;
  • dalі vykonuєtsya translation of the first balls ЄDI at the testі. Tsya figure is fixed in the certificate ЄДІ that plays an important role for entering the university. Below is a translation table for studying mathematics.

Important: the scale has been broken down to improve the complexity of the task.

Up-to-date information can always be taken from the portal http://ege.edu.ru/ru.

What is the minimum score

In order to take the EDI certificate, I will learn the necessary Russian mathematics to score a higher score for the minimum cordon.

It is considered to be a skin-enclosed object. In essence, the minimum score is the equivalent of a three.

Such a result is evident that the student successfully mastered the initial program.

Minimum score:

  1. I will issue a certificate about the building of the EDI.
  2. Recover from a skin object carefully after folding and sleeping before the results are published.

For the sub-bags of 2016, for the graduation of the certificate, it was necessary to take away the Russian my minimum of 36 test scores.

For mathematics, this cordon becomes 3, and for the profile equal - 27.

Validation of the first scores from test scores

Assessing the results of folding and sleeping, the first amount is put on the back. We will then carry out the translation of the balls of YEDI 2017 at the test.

The stench is out of 100. Tsya ots_nka i bude stand in sertifikat ЄDI at razі, yakshcho vishcha for the minimum.

When pіdrahunku balіv, the algorithm of attacks:

  1. For the skin correctly, the vikonan zavdannya narakhovuєtsya one or a sprat of balls.
  2. Nasamkinets pays a sum for the whole work.
  3. There is a translation of the first balls of the EDI.

When it comes to test scores, the stench is struggling for a 100-point system. And the axis of the sum of the first ones can be adjusted for different objects.

For example, for mathematics, you can take 30 first points, and for foreign language tsey cordon 80.

Estimation of the order to lie down due to its foldability. For the head of the department, they are awarded one primary ball for the correct answer.

For part 3 of the number of options: for task 1 and 2, 2 first balls are scored, the correct answer for food 3 and 4 is given twice 3, and tasks 5 and 6 are added to the result of the study by 4 points.


Although there is a need for a scale of translation of the balls of the ЄДІ at zvichni for all academic assessments, starting from 2009, the system will not stop.

Vіdmova was translated into the assessments of the viklikan tim, that the sum of the balls does not add up to the display at the certificate. It will be fixed at the end of the certificate.

In times, if a student in one of the obov'yazkovyh subjects scoring the result less than the minimum, you will not see either a certificate or an attestation.

If the subject is quiet, which is given on a voluntary basis, the result is simply not guaranteed anywhere.

As a result of the folding of the mind, an unsatisfactory assessment was taken away, like a buti? All lay in the form of that, from which object.

  1. If you scored a lot of balls below for the minimum of mathematics and Russian language, you can recalculate the same fate in one of the reserve days.
  2. If an unsatisfactory assessment is taken away from both subjects, the reissue can be less than offensive fate.
  3. If you didn’t get far enough to score enough points from a neobov’yazkovy subject, it’s possible to rewrite it more than offensive rock. An unsatisfactory result will not appear in the same document. In fact, everything looks like this, none of the graduates of the graduate sleeps in the air without folding.

Fallow type of the subject, reprinting is possible, or in the same roci reserve days, but offensive.

Also, if a student does not pass mathematics at the basic level, he can speed up with reserve days.

And even though the low score was due to the results of the profile peer review, it will be possible to reissue it only through the river.

Like a buti, like a graduate does not fit in with the assessment

As a graduate student who deserves a higher rating, he may have the right to file an appeal.

In such a situation, the robot will be re-examined by the conflict committee.

Possibly two results. If the assessment is given underestimated, I can teach you to add bali, or take it.

Important: according to the results of the ЄDI 2010 year, from the successful filing of appeals, the third was satisfied.

The first two parts of the exam are reviewed without the participation of people. It is impossible to turn off the imovirnist pardons.

The reason for this may be unrecognizable handwriting and similar furnishing.

As soon as the damage is formed, that the assessment is underestimated, learn to file an appeal.

Why is sleep

The central text of the task is composed of three parts.

  1. Part A is folded like dough. Of the four proposed options for the graduate, it is necessary for the graduate to choose one correct one.
  2. In part In the case, such a type of task: writing one-word statements, choosing how many correct options and establishing statements.
  3. At the part of the C, I learn to proponuetsya to give a broken meal.

Fallow according to the type of task, the overrun of the re-verification is considered. The first two parts are revised automatically. Vidpovidi are scanned by the system and are evaluated.

This process is carried out without the participation of people. After the verification is completed, the results are sent to the testing center, which is located in Moscow.

Part C is evaluated by two independent experts. As the results are folded, the whole result is displayed.

As soon as the score is not significant, the average result is displayed.

For commemorative superfluousness, a third fahivets is assigned.

After the completion of the re-verification, all data are transferred to a single testing center. There the stench grows and fixes at the base.

Sounds of stench are spreading around the schools, where they took it.

How the results of EDI are injected into the entrance to the university

In order to apply for admission to the university, graduates need to put in an EDI.

You can study up to 5 universities in the Usy, at the dermatological one there are no more, down to three specialties.

The application is prepared in a letter form, and it is handed over in a special way, or overpowered with mail.

If another option is chosen, it is necessary to issue a recommendation sheet from the description of the deposit, as well as a note about the delivery.

In order to find out, if the application was satisfied, it is necessary to go to the official site of Vishu.

If the acceptance of documents is completed, there is a list of those who claim to be archived. In the same place, you can see the results of the EDI building.

Zarakhuvannya vіdbuvaєtsya dvі khvili.

  1. If the first list is published, a few days will be allowed for those applicants to be able to submit the originals of their documents (for most applicants, copies are to be made).
  2. If the term for this document has ended, and if you have lost your free time, another list is being prepared.

To get started, you will need the following package of documents:

  • I will declare about admission;
  • certification of a copy of the certificate and the document confirming the person;
  • a form from the transfer of data collected for the results of the ЄДІ ballіv;
  • photographs (their size and number are established by the rules of the university).

For the applicant, you may need to submit other documents. For otrimannya report information, it is necessary to turn to the university, what to say.

Translation of the balls of ЄDI in 2017 is based on the same system, which is in the future.

For folding sleep, it is necessary to collect the minimum amount of balls you want, so that you can set up for a skin object carefully.

To take away the certificate and the certificate EDI results, it is necessary to relocate between the obov'yazykovyh objects.

How to translate the first balls to the test ЄDI 2015 from the Russian movie

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