Contest for the graduation party - click and laugh! Right - hour

Competitions for graduates

"Boys chi girl"
The leader reads chotirivirsh, which graduates are taught to finish correctly - say the words “girls, girls” or “boys, boys”. Just play with a trick, graduate students need to listen respectfully. The boys are guilty only say the word "lads", and the girl is guilty say the word "girls".

1. On the draw of motorcycle races
Pragnut only ... (boys)

2. Grayut at the bows and vedmedics,
Zvichayno, only ... (Girls)

3. Whether there is any repair, do it subtly,
Zvichayno, only ... (boys)

4. Spring wreaths with kulbab
Weave, obviously, only ... (girls)

5. Bolts, screws, gears
You know in the intestines ... (cottons)

6. Tie bows yourself
Three different lines, well ... (girls)

7. Forges on the ice were chaired by arrows,
They played hockey all day ... (boys)

8. Chatted for a year without a break
At the square cloths... (girls)

9. With all, reconcile with strength,
Zvichayno, to love less ... (lads)

10. Wear uniform aprons
There are only girls at the old school ... (girls)

Gras with fathers.

1. A place that learners don't like. (Doshka.)

2. Surprise on the teacher's desk. (Button)

3. Flat globe. (Mapa.)

4. Dating club for fathers and readers. (Batkiv's pickings.)

5. Album for autographs of fathers. (Schoden.)

6. From two to five. (Assessment.)

7. Mіsce, de children vіdbuvayut 11 rokіv. (School.)

8. Signal to the cob and the end of the torment. (Twink.)

9. President of the scale of the school. (Director.)

10. Lobne place at the class. (Doshka.)

11. Boys don't sweat it. Accept Russian (Spidnytsya.)

12. Її wear the tops and the schoolchildren. (Spur.)

13. Three months of happiness. (Vacations.)

14. Ten times of will. (Change.)

Tі, hto vіdpovіv correctly on the supply, give tokens. Those who have collected the most tokens are rewarded with prizes.

Gras with graduates "De ti buv?"

The words "disco", "school", "laznya", "Batkivsky dіm", "market" are written on the great arches of paper.

Graduate student, don’t name the cards, you must confirm the presenter’s supply:

1. How often do you buy your equipment?

2. Z kim?

3. What do you take with you?

4. What is Robish?

5. How are you watching?

6. How do you guess, de ti buv?

Merry painting

For this competition, you will need two additional paper markers (so you will have to order two) and markers. Glue the insoles of the arches A4, the insoles will be engraved by the team.

At the command of the leader, the participants begin to repair the little kazkovy character. The head of the first grave is removed, after which the edge of the archway is lightened so that the other participant could see only the edge of the line. If so, the other gravel will step on a small part of the character, and then he will die his little ones so that the third artist could see less of the lines. If the rest of the engraver finishes the picture, the portraits open up and make masterpieces.

The team that has the most mischievous little ones is worthy of help.

"Setting the bet".

Competition, which I can call "Rosepan bet". Isnuє richly zagalnovіdomih wording and name, where to enter as well as im'ya. For example, "Children of Captain Grant" or "The Trojan Horse". At a time for this, you will try to guess the high school material and try to make a bet on the words. I tell you one word, and you will tell me, as if it were good for me to lay down.

1. Trousers ... Pіthagoras.

2. Binom… Newton.

3. Archimedes Gwent.

4. Vezha… Eifeleva, Pizanska

5. Lamp ... Aladdin.

6. Lichilnik ... Geiger.

7. Table ... Mendelev, Bradis.

8. Abeta ... Morse.

9. Thread... Ariadni.

10. Head ... Professor Dowell.

Leading: And the axis is another puzzle puzzle. Listen to the boss. Koshtuyut on the street two. One marvels at pivnich, and the other - at pivnich. Have you noticed how you look? And now give evidence, how can two of them fight one of one, without living a mirror for some other special outbuildings, and not turning their heads?

(Maybe it’s like stinks to stand one to one).


Our competition is coming - old orders for new way. I'll start in the house of the next, and you'll finish it.


Good, only one mind: I can tell you about school.


But it’s already your task, try to change it up in such a way, so that everyone understands what they said about school. Will you try?


I'll try.

The leader calls the cob of adjuncts, and the leader adds “shkilni” endings to them.

1. Do not zip oatmeal porridge ...

... saying quick-witted, stavlyachi about every vipadok, I’ll call someone in dictation.

2. Whoever is joking, know that one ...

...thinking smartly, peeping in at the hour of the control room, you get to the point.

3. Friendship and brotherhood are dear for wealth ...

… having vigilantly, having thrown a flask of cavi from his comrade for a break in the buffet.

4. Smoke-healthy shkoditi ...

... after sleeping pityingly, after reminding the head teacher about those that my friends smoke at the school toilet.

5. A copy of the ruble save ...

6. You know a lot - you will grow old soon ...

... having become calm, if you took off the chergovy dvіyka at the lesson.

7. Have a happy hour...

... having said cheerfully, vmotuyuchi s music lesson at home.

8. An hour is a penny ...

... virushiv rozvazhlivy, as if violating football, instead of victorious at home.

9. If you want to be healthy - get garnished ...

… wiguknuv dbaylivy, zіshtovkhnuvshi friend at the school pool.

10. Krokuvati in the foot - you don’t know about it ...

... having voiced a businesslike, arranging a classmate for an hour on a camping trip with sokirs and a bear with potatoes.

The animator asks the hall to make notes, as they write (typed on the keyboard) in the empty space of the text. Let's read (rozdrukovu and read) the text that we see.
Farewell autograph of graduates on 20__
_______ our readers!
On this ______ day of farewell to school, we want to say only _______ words.
For 11 years of _______ high school life, we experienced a lot of _______ meetings.
We will never forget you, our _______ readers!
Mi, your _______ learners, I wish you _______ health, more _______ hvilin in life, _______ learners, and let your guise start _______ laughter.
With the love of your _______ children.

Motto of the night

The skin team pulls from a deck of 5 cards with sufficient words (words are not repeated).
The team writes up the famous words "Devіz tsієї nochi".
It is necessary to spell out all the words, you can change the notes of that number, and add more - only priymenny.
Teams show the cards to the audience in their own words and say "Devizi".
Who has it better?

Teams select sets of cards with the same set of words. And who is to blame for combining "Devіz"?


Usі z chіtinstva to love grati і burimі. Let's play with you. The team of girls (not more than five osib) is obliged to write a verse in Rimi: “bee-candle, ogirok-well done; style-sublog; vinets-kіnets". The team of juniors (three more than five people) will take the following: “rіpka-cap; targan-hooligan; barking-fighting; spy-punished." While the teams are adding up, we will also be warmed by Rimi.

To be carried out by spies. Leading the thrower in the NATO, I will repeat the cull and name the word, and the one who catches, every word in Rome. Then the top teams will be read, and the team will win, the top team turned out to be funny.

Translating from Russian into Russian

The animator gives the contestants (teams) an arkush paper with the same phrase.
It is necessary to use the phrase "transfer from Russian to Russian", so that you can convey it in other words, without blocking the desired word from the original phrase.
Butt: "On the stiltsі sidіv CHOLOVIK 45 ROKIV".
At the graduation balls, we celebrated the phrase-zavdannya, for sure, from Bradbury: "THE LIFE OF THE SKIN OF PEOPLE IS ONE NICHA, YAKU VIN ZAPAM'YATAI NAZAVEZHDI".

Gras "Solodki couple"

In this country it is necessary to name people who are married in pairs:

- Junaki, I want to supply food. In chorus, I am to blame.

1. Everything was unchanging, like Paris loved ... (Olena)

2. And now the girls are fed - wiyshovshi once for a paradise galyavin, Eve shouted an apple to whom? .. ... (to Adam)

3. Tse food to you, lads, tell me, to whom did the Meister bestow? .. ... (Margarita)

4. Girls, it would be marvelous for us if we didn’t respond to the chain: Lyudmila loved well .. .. (Ruslana)

5. Yunaki, I’ll give you food, I’ll guess, Whom does Don Quixote love? .. (Dulcinea)

6. Sometimes, becoming jealous, people were fooled by Desdemoni .. well, girls, who? (Othello)

7. And our lads played history in the theater - Antony Bov was betrayed ... (Cleopatra)

8. I won’t try the girls for a long time: Whom did Izolda love? Tristan)

9. From the hours of Shakespeare, it seems, there was no beautiful bet. Skin gesture catching and skin look Junius Romeo, sighing at ... ( Juliet)

Girl, do you like boys?

This feature completes the disco, the new ball, the graduation party.
DJ ask to go to the new one of all young people. Only young people, girls, ask to be left on missions!
If the boys feel the DJ with a big ring, not into the microphone! - explain to them what to expect:

  1. stand one by one "engine";
  2. if the music begins to sound, roar the roar near the Maidan;
  3. when the DJ asks: "Boys, do you like girls?" - amicably vydpovisti: "So!"

The girls, for an hour of briefing, tinyayutsya around the hall and terribly chirping, what is such a secret DJ like lads?
Nareshti DJ shows generosity and ask to get closer to the stage of the girls. The girls will miss the DJ, and ask them:

  1. smash like that, how to smash lads
  2. ruhatisya so, like lads collapse
  3. when the DJ asks: "Girl, do you like boys?" - unanimously replies: Ni!

>> Music
Yunaki vishikovuyutsya "train" and "go" hall. The girls follow them.
- Boys, do you like girls?
- So-ah!
- Girl, do you like boys?
- No-ee!

"The bag burst"

At the end of the marathon, we will hold a fun dance competition, which is called “The bag burst!”. That couple, at which for an hour of dancing to splurge mustaches, take away the prize - cool with a surprise.

Skin dancing couple take 4 povіtryanyh coolies, yakі on cherzі rozmіschuyutsya between partners on the rіvnі belly (first dance), breasts (another dance), between backs (third dance), between foreheads (fourth dance).
For an hour, the partners dance, squeezing one to one, to open the bag. Zhurі vyznaє remozhtsya.


And now the contest "Zombie". Winners take away the prize.
Two young people are standing instruct: plіch-o-plіch. Dotichni hands po'yazuyut, and with free hands, the right one of the young man and the left of the other, stench is guilty, light up the soft toy in paper, tie the knot with tasma and tie a bow. Whoever gets in trouble - wins the prize.

"Try the taste"

Mustaches want to apply for a savory contest "Try it, taste it."
Walking up to a hank stretched on the nose, on which oranges, apples, bananas, pears are thin, and smacking on them, little things are tucked behind their backs. Whoever wants to go - take away the whole fruit.

"No-Problem Lottery"

Nasamkinets our rozvazhal program is a program-free lottery. I ask you to draw lottery tickets with numbers from the drum.

If all the tickets will be distributed, the handing over of the winnings will be repaid.

Veduchi (according to call).
Vlasnik of the lottery ticket for No. 1 will be taken, etc.
1. Universal device for a wound toilet (toothbrush).
2. Travel agency souvenir (badge).
3. The right to a car (lottery ticket).
4. Zasіb vіd aggressії (bagel on a skein).
5. Putivna thread (spool of thread).
6. Apparatus for transferring thoughts to the vіdstan (postage envelope with a stamp).
7. Most fashionable clips (pinching for whiteness).
8. Shmatok school (creid).
9. Spare parts for shoes (laces).
10. English castle (hairpin).
11. Fixer of a thought (olivets).
12. Typewriter, what do you write (pen).
13. Old hanger (flowers).
14. Vimiryuvalny attachment (centimeter).
15. Zbroya pratsi (spoon).
16. Dietary food (chew gum).
17. Krishtal chandelier (light bulb).
18. Disinfectant zasib (nice).
19. Universal backpack (cellophane bag).
20. Zasib for weight loss (skipping rope).
21. Lital apparatus (bag).
22. Bird of the future (egg).
23. Cleaning machine (gumka).
24. Painting by the artist (leaflet).
25. Electric igniter (box of sirnikiv).
26. Sewing machine (head with thread).
27. Poglinach sliz (nasal hustka).
28. Zasіb vіd balakuchostі (emptiness).
29. Plid calm down (apple).
30. Hair dryer for hair styling (combing).
31. Kiss M. Monroe (lipstick).

*** tell me - we prepare cards with confirmations, we distribute them, then we put food, and the fathers read what happened there. (I’m here already, I’ve set up a whole group here, ale for fun, but here I’m just minifying the food theme - Have you ever eaten from a cigarette behind the horn of a school?

Did you come to the lessons "under the shofoy"?

Have you ever played in gambling lessons? І etc.

On vіdpovіdі - Often had to suffer in vіd tsgogo.

It all happened without my will.

Wait! well, etc.

I'm talking about your class, according to your heart, I'll read it, and you - in chorus in Rome, I'll tell you. Are you ready? ..

Our class at the school is the most sensible, five to beat the ice.

Let’s say we’re not at once, class 11 ... (“A”)

Our class is the most active at school, both in education and in practice.

Let's say you're in the door, class 11 ... ("B")

Our class at school is the best, to be confused in the head.

We say to you honestly, honestly, tse class ..... (11 "A")

Who is the most cheerful here? Zavzhd with a grin in disguise?

We show you today, class ... (11 "B")

telegram. For graduates. For a long time, the words arose and could not be read. Need your help.

Telegram text

(1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ graduates! Mi, why follow you, gladly, why are you so (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. І in this (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day, scabby (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a flash, I want to tell you that there are such (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people , as you are not so rich on tsіy (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Let's hope that your (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ life will be (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. І you skin (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day you will be chosen by such (12) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company.

Traditionally bazhaєmo (13) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ healthy, (14) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ happiness, (15) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fate of life!

(16) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ generation! .

Manager No. 2

You will need to respond to my request, choosing one of the three suggested options.

How can a teacher turn up respect in a lesson?

A- Duzhe emotionally rozpovidat

B-inode to see wondrous sounds

B - Catch up on different objects and look at the stars

What can a teacher think, like in a lesson a young man will play with a girl?

A - Rozsaditi zakohanih

B - Systems between them

B - Create a romantic atmosphere for them

What can I learn to please you?

A - Vimagati to continue the lesson

B - I would like to come to the middle of the lesson

B - Don't come to class

Show that you are sleeping for a lesson, there is a parkan in front of you, and you ...

A - Try to re-cut Yogo

B - Go around

B - Break the parkan

Merry mavpi

Guess how fun it was, if we were called small, then we guess we’ll grow up. The leader is a graduate student, the participants are fathers and readers.

The presenter seems to say: “Mi - merry mavpi, mi loudly voiced too much. We are splashing in the valley, we are dull with our feet, we puff up our cheeks, we jump on our toes. Strive together to the stele, lift a finger to the crown. Vіdstovburimo vushka, ponytail on makіvtsі. Wider company vіdkriёmo, grimace rapt zrobimo. I’ll say the number three, freeze all with grimaces.

The participants repeat the mustache after the leader, and if they say "Freeze!" Is the camera far? And for nothing, such frames disappear!

Come up with a prize for the most ridiculous pick! Grass can be spent a few times, but don’t overdo it, otherwise it’s nabridne.

"Reversals" (for example: Black moon of the jungle - White sun empty)

Name the films.
A) sumn_ girls - Merry lads.
B) the cry of rams - Movchannya lambs.
C) cold nights - hot heads.
D) do not beat the bike - Watch out for the car.
E) the symphony orchestra has more than boys - jazz has less girls.
E) Kyiv is less likely to believe in laughter - Moscow does not believe in tears.

A) black shkarpetka - Red hat.
B) square - Kolobok.
C) hmarochos - Teremok.
D) one bjola - three vedmedi.
D) radish - Ripka.
E) a bear without captives - Whale in shoes.
G) a humpless camel - Konik the Humpbacked.
3) Edіk near the splendid village - Alice in the land of miracles.

Competition "The best role".Whiskers dreamed of starring at the cinema. Axis at once marvel at our artists. In the text, the words are written on paper and leather, a participant in the competition wins the arch of the paper and takes the role: hut, hare, horse, Ivan Tsarevich, year-old man, stone, Baba Yaga, Vasilisa.

The dark, dark, terrible, terrible fox had a preparation for the holy day. In the middle of the galyavini stood a hut on chicken legs. The self-propelled hare went up to the gank, fingering with shaggy paws and rubbing against the brush leg. Year-olds hung on the pine tree, sighing with snow. The stench creaked and trembled in the wind. Ivan Tsarevich appeared on horseback, angry, gritting his teeth, demonstrating the bitter swollen m'yazi.
The hare squirmed terribly, shrieked piercingly, rushing away. “Khatinko, khatinka, turn before me in front of me, and before the fox with teal!” shouted the prince. Khatinka did not succumb.
“Khatinka, khatinko, turn before me in front of me, and before the fox with teal, otherwise it will be worse,” Ivan repeated. Baba Yaga is singed out from the khati vibigla. Vaughn thumped her feet and threatened Ivanov with her fist. Ivan subdued his pride and laughed with a broad Russian smile. And having kissed Yaga, the grandmother in Batkiv's way hugged Vanya and presented him with a new jet stupa. Anniversary showing opivnochi. The sleepy zozulya, having thrown herself into a dream, shouted three times in a hoarse voice, and fell asleep.
Siv Ivan on a horse and Yaga, having hobbled out of himself, rushing to his Vasilini. And there she sits on the stone and weeping. Bachila won the betrothed, rushed to the new one, and began to bestow on all those who were taken with a friendly look.
The joys of the young did not come between, the stinks started dancing, and Baba wept in happiness. The young people hopped on and started dancing together.
So who is the best actor?

Hot food

Application with an area of ​​1/4 ha, where 2-3 classes can be occupied at the same time; de іnodi in the middle they stretch the ribal merezha. (gym)

A motor-driven interlude an hour between twinkles, in which readers try to walk less school corridors in order to save their health. (Change)

Zasіb samoporyatunku on the control, halls, іspitah, scho call nagaduє Japanese vialo. (cheat sheet)

A special clerical virіb, which in case of unforeseen moments is important for the reader, and then the children have the strength to learn yoga from the father. (Scholar)

A crowded place for readers of those classy magazines, hung with stands with a layout and a single mirror at the school, so you can have mercy on yourself at a later age. (vchitelska)

An hour, like a student, and a reader, check-wait, but it doesn’t come and doesn’t come. And then we raptom up and may be over again... And so - ten years of school life.

At once, if everything to sleep is already stocked up, you can open up a lot of mystery. Let the artists themselves applaud, for they have left their autographs on the desks at least once in 10 years. (applause). And now we are suggesting that you deprive yourself of the good memory that you will transform into the right designers. (8 bags, 8 markers).

Gra "Ornament".

Come up with an ornament for the trellis at the different cabinets:

1) chemistry;

2) physics;

3) distant;

4) history;

5) Russian language;

6) mathematics;

7) music;

8) gym.

Kuli are given to teachers.

Who in his life does not have his graduation bill so badly? Without a doubt, the skin wanted to, so that the whole day would be better. Just as we were impatiently checking for a new, nibi ticket for a new life. Ale, if the time had come to let go, tears welled up in our eyes, as if we didn’t want to go. Ale, you need to respect that on such a good day, it’s not necessary for someone to be embarrassed by that grief. It is necessary to try to recognize them with your classmates, who you won’t be able to do soon, to have some fun. І for whom it is necessary to hold a lot of competitions and competitions, yakі will help you to relax and voluntarily.

Competition "Princess of the evening"

Really, this competition is suitable for rich girls, even if for the help of a new stink, they can turn out to be the best. This competition is based on the fact that at the graduation party the garna vibrates that effective girl. Judgment is obov'yazkovo owe to pay respect for the cloth, clean that picture with a sack. So you can choose the princess of the evening for an additional vote. Skin people will need to distribute cards and pens. And I can write there for them ієї ієї dіvchini, like the stench vvazhayut on this evening the best. The helper can take the prize. And if the other girls didn’t have a cover, for those who didn’t play the stench, you can just give them some smokoliki.

Competition "Guess the song"

Sob to cheer up all the present, it is necessary to make them merry and have fun. For whom it will be necessary to prepare a narcissistic song. Ale in ts_y narіztsі not guilty but chutni words. Tobto may be less music. І the participants can guess in their own minds the melody. Indeed, as all guests and many scholars take an active part, it will be fun and happy. There is no silence at this competition, who won and won. Just skin can try your hand.

Gra "Staging a scene"

In order to go well with the thunder, all the participants will have a good chance to think over their roles and carefully prepare. Mustaches, who want to take the fate, may be divided into sprats, we don’t call great teams. And then we will need to draw up the leaves, on which the scene will be shown, as if you were guilty. An hour will be given to all the participants so that the stench could be well prepared. And then the skin team can enter the stage and show the spectators those that the stench caught in preparation. Skin people, as if they were by the hall, would watch for the actions on the stage. And for example, if all the performances on the stage are finished, the spectators will have the opportunity to choose a team, as if they ran into their tasks even more beautifully. I will be required to give prizes to those who are able to. Aje stinks take away their prizes deservedly. At this competition we have to take a great charge of energy and positive emotions.

Games "Estafeti"

If the festivities will be already in the very open, it will be necessary to have a few roses. Aje does not sit all the time, and eat without teeth. If you want to get a little bit together, it will be necessary to carry out the baton of the baton. The stench can be absolutely different, both physical and sensible. Usy, who takes part in the competitions, may take special tokens. For example, all relay races, if you collect enough tokens, the head leader needs to frighten them, and say who has scored the most tokens. I can help you to get away from the cicadas and the small gifts. And those who have not won, but having taken fate, may take licorice prizes for fate.

Competition "Khvilinka Glory"

This competition is not for everyone, but only for those who really work hard to be able to brag about it in front of others. In order to take part in this competition, the skin contestant will need to think about what talent youmu can boast of. And then, if the concert starts, you can show the skin of the willing, what the fault of the building is. You need not obov'yazkovo to show you genius. You just need to show everyone what you can. Tse can be and dance, and sing, and read verses. You can also play musical instrument show the scene. It will be good for you to be kind to the heads of the head and without rubbish to open up in front of the peeps. For example, for a small concert, it will be necessary for the judges to turn the best participant. And the one who wins can take a gift. And remember that litter of stinginess is not familiar here. The more you open up, the more will be the ability of what you win.

Competition "The most beautiful and the most privileged"

This competition of insurance for the participation of lads, but the girl will also help them. For the cob it is necessary, so that the mustache girl smeared her lips with lipstick of different colors and colors. And in the meantime, our lads will need to distribute white leaves. At їhnє zavdannya enters the selection of pozіlunkіv. If the leader says the start, the stench will be guilty with a piece of clean paper, go to the girls and ask them to put a kiss. Up to ten khvilin will be given to the lads. The one who gets the most money from the girls, wins this competition, and will get the title of the most attractive lad from the big class.

Competition "The Best"

If you thought at once that the contest is about guessing different riddles, then you will have mercy. Even more so, the contest is meant to cheer up the public and people. In which competition can take part as girls, and boys. The first participant takes up to the company a sprat of tsukerok on fingers. Keeping them at the company, wine is guilty of saying: "I am a graduate." Whenever you go out into a new place, then take one more zukerka and again say the same words. And so doti, doki youmu not dare to say tsi words. The one who is the best able to take up to a company of tsukerok, be a helper. And for example, you may be given garny gift. This contest will be even more fun and funny. To that, marveling at those, how young people are trying to say words from the same mouth of tsukerok, it’s impossible without laughing.

Contest "Popeliushka"

And this gra will be more insured for the girls. Oskіlki competition is about being funny, but you don’t have to look at it. For the cob, all the lads have to tie their eyes. If you choose yoga, you will need to throw a foal. For this, you will need to put all the girls on the chairs, and bare one leg. A lad from tying up his eyes can be recognized, as if in front of him we would change a girl by nose. And it will be even more funny, as if one lad sat down before the girls, but so, so that the leader did not know about it. Andje, you will be more surprised at the reaction of the lad from the tied eyes, if you replace the smooth legs of the vines and see the shaggy man's leg. And if you don’t guess wine, it will be even more ridiculous. As a leading lad, he can guess a greater part of the girls, which means that he won a win, and he will get a prize. Tsey competition needs to be filmed on video. That's why you want to look at a hundred funny, and three awkward moments more than once. But to the skin, looking at the video, it will be even more funny.

Competition "Fashion"

Tsey competition of preparations especially for women's partnership. At їhnє zavdannya includes the knowledge of the singing accessories, yakі povinnі start with a letter, like a leading one. Skin participants will have their own letter. For five coats of skin, a girl will need to know three things, which are based on qiu letter. And then, if their jokes are over, the girls will have a chance to show a good show and show all those who stink in the building. Aje skin is chosen by them richly maє buti is given to a vigilant and kind light. That girl, as the best fit for her bosses, may take the prize.

If you really prepare yourself for such a meaningful holy day, like a day of release, then everything can go well with you. Golovne, don’t forget about those who come in at your zavdannya, but everything is holy, that cheerful, positive person. And just as it seems to you, then all the people in the hall will be charged with positive energy from you. Remember that in order to make a laugh, you don’t need a lot. It’s just necessary to laugh at all people, and even the stench will laugh at you at the sight. Look at the skin saint, and then you will have miracles about the sacred.

Gris value

Grass of old, long ago was an invisible part of the life of a person, victorious with the method of vihovannya that physical development of a growing generation.

Physical culture has gone through a long and important way of penetrating the structure of foreign education on the rights of an independent primary subject.

Physical rights in the primary state were closely connected with labor processes, religious rites, vihovannyam, mysticism and military right.

Virishal significance is little understood by people around you, that the wise man is guilty of killing the swedish rich, carefully sneaking up to the wild game, be strong in the fight against the great beast, and with the sting of the swedish creature, he is guilty of calmly and without a miss. For this reason, it was necessary for the wise men to constantly train, to develop strength, serenity, and brilliance. When preparing shells for methane, it was necessary to work test throws. So rightfully became an indispensable part of the preparation of the growing generation to the vikonannya zavdan, as it set their lives in the horde, clan, tribe. In this manner, children and grown-ups took their part in the rotten games with balls and balls.

The slave mode is the first historical form of class suspense. Physically, in the whole period, the class character was small and applied for the meanings. Slaves did not have the right to take up physical rights. Vіlnі hulks (middle versts and bіdnyaks) with only a small world could reach physical culture.

Development of specialization in the field of physical vihovannya, improvement of the technique and methods of vikonannya physical rights, large-scale games and svyatkuvannya, bathing and jubilant gymnastics - everything is about a higher level of physical development. Step by step, the most wide-ranging order of dances was the archery, fencing, wrestling, fistfighting, swimming, wrestling.

In the middle of the country near the borders, the zmіst osvіti incited panіvnі there religious ideologies and svetoglyad (Induїzm, Buddhism, Islam). For several reasons primary subjects physical culture orientation was brought to light for the sake of global education; the process of formation of physical culture as an independent element of the structure of change of global education, developments in the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome and other slave powers, was interrupted.

Становлення фізичної культури у змісті освіти на правах однієї з одиниць його структури вимагало багатовікових зусиль мислителів - гуманістів, педагогів та ентузіастів фізичної культури епохи Відродження, соціалістів-утопістів, російських соціал-демократів та інших представників прогресивної педагогічної думки. Let's fold this process most in Russia, regardless of the creation of that scientifically grounded system of physical education. Moreover, here one hour they victorious

theoretical and methodological provisions of the German, Swedish and "Sokol" gymnastic systems, rickety igor Froebel. On the national outskirts of Russia, in the Caucasus, near Siberia, on the Extreme Pivnoch, on the Far Skhod, physical development was developed from the victories of the elements of folk-national systems.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the subject "Physical culture" was transformed into a system-creating form of organization of physical education in the institutions of global education and community, and for the most part, after school, the organization took physical rights: physical culture and health

Come in at the beginning of the day (gymnastics before you take it, physical culture breaks and pauses in the lessons, games and physical culture fun at breaks), after school and after school sports and mass work.

The first child can take away the greed of formal training, the necessary development of self-expression, internal control, coordination of building, but it is easy-going, hot-tempered, drunken and fun-loving. Vin is guilty of learning how to reach meti and progravat. It is necessary for you to take satisfaction from physical and romatic activities. Games can help children to know the quality of that privacy. The grit shows guilt and demonstrates physical strength, it will serve to prepare children for social life. Tse spryaє shaping rozumovyh and moral to understand, creating the need for the rules.

For a child, the rule of gri is sacred, because ring out; for children of an older age, it’s out of the question to lie in mutual favor. Children discover that they can only be successful for their minds, that all participants voluntarily study the rules.

Today's children collapse a little, less, lower earlier, play at the collapse of the game through the predilection to the TV and computer games. The fathers and teachers were more turbulent tim, yak, de and if it is possible to give the children the opportunity to actively play that creative way. And if you want to raise the interest of children to such games, the stench is due to their recognition, and the task of the teacher to help them with this.

Understanding about gaming activity.

Gra - clearly independent activity of children and grown-ups. She satisfies the need of people for repair, rose, knowledge, for the development of spiritual and physical forces.

For a roaring grey, active creative rukhovo podії, motivated by a plot, is characteristic. Tsі dії chastkovy obmezhuyutsya rules (zagalnopriynyatnymi, vstanovlennye kerіvnikom or glaring), directing on the hem of the various hardships on the way to reach the goal set.

Pedagogical practice wins:



    games that lead to sports activity.

Collective roaring games - tse igri, in which one hour take part as a small group of participants, so i class abo sports sections, and in deyakih vipadka significantly more number of roaring.

Individual (single) rugby games ring out, they are created and organized by children. In such games, you can make up your own plans, set up civics for yourself, wash those rules, and change them for the bajans. Behind special bajans, there are also paths for building conceived ideas.

Games , what leads to sports activity, - tse systematically organized ruhlivі іgry, scho vymagayut staunch minds held and spriyat successful volodіnnya learning elements of sports technology and the simplest tactful actions in other sports.

Plot gri determines the method of roaring, the nature of the development of the game conflict. Vіn vzaєmodіє z navkolishnoї dіysnostі and figuratively vіdobrazhaє її dії (for example, myslivskі, trudovі, vіyskіvі, pobutovі), but they are created specially, arising from the factory of physical vihovannija, in viglyadі schemes opposing to sports games Oh). The plot of the game does not only pozhvavlyu tsіlіsnі dії roaring, but let's hope we'll fix the techniques and elements of tactics with purposefulness, robbing a groaning group.

Rules- Obov'yazkovі vymogi for uchasnikіv gri. The stench is zooming in and moving graves, specifying the nature of the behavior, the right-hand man and the bandages of the smoldering ones, designate the ways of conducting the fire, take that mind and shape її results. If you do not turn on, show creative activity and initiative quietly, who plays within the framework of the rules.

Dviguni the rotten games are more varied. The stench can be hereditary, figuratively creative, rhythmic, which can show physical traits.

Ruhlivі іgry in pedagogical practice

Pedagogical practice has two main forms of organization of rickety mountains: scheduledі after school.

Urochna form carrying out fluctuating games, transferring the uninterrupted role of the teacher, taking regularity from the inevitable stock of participants, regulating the contracting of the game material and yoga in conjunction with the organization, changing the methodology of the initial and secondary process, before which it is included dana gra.

Ruhlivі іgri, yakі hustle after-hours form to occupy, to play on the uvazi great role of organizers, vatazhkiv from the middle of the children themselves; stinks are organized, as a rule, sporadically, the warehouse of participants can be changed, and the games vary according to the amount and amount of the game material.

An hour to play in the ruins of the schoolchildren, lie down in the age, class, in which the children are trained, in the color order, the training and other types of activity and quality.

As it was guessed, in the case of a preordained form of holding a rotten mountain, the role of a grave worker is played, which is virushuє so zavdannya: 1) health, 2) illuminating, 3) vikhovnі.

Health care plant of rotten igor

With the right organization, to take advantage of the improvement of age-old features and physical preparation of the ruhli іgry, which are engaged in, give a pleasant injection on the growth, development and improvement of the bone-ligamentous apparatus, m'azovoy system, on the molding put it right in children and development, and also increase the functional activity of the organism.

Under the influx of physical rights, which are stagnant in games, all types of speech exchange are activated (carbohydrate, protein, fatty and mineral). M'yazovі navantazhennya stimyuyut the work of the inward secretion.

Ruhlivі іgri povinnі positively infuse on nervous system are busy. For this kind of goiter, it is optimal to dose the attention to the memory and respect of those who are aggravated, to play in such a way that it calls out to the positive emotions that they are engaged in. Poor organization of the crisis before the appearance of negative emotions, disrupting the normal interruption of nerve processes, stress can be blamed on the student.

Ruhlivі іgri zastosovuyutsya and in spetіalnyh likuvalnyh tsіlyakh zdorovlennі zdorov'ya ill children, oskolki funkіonal'nyy emotsiyny pіdёm, scho vinikaє іn іtі children іn the process і, nada revitalize іyu.

Consecration of the factory of rotting igor

Gradually, the formation of special features is added: this is such a svidoma of activity, in which it manifests itself and develops in the mind of analyzing, setting, zagalnyuvati, robiti visnovka. Busy games to spriyat razvitka in children in the age of zdіbnosti to dіy, yakі mаyutnja znachennіy praktіnіy prakticheskoї іyalnostі, zanyattyіh іgry, іnіt і gymnastics, і sports, і tourism.

Bagatorazov's repetition of the rukhovyhs for a half hour helps to shape the quiet, who are busy in the meantime economically and to a large extent win them over to the finished look. Required to be quiet, hto grє, vikoristovuvat nabutі navichi in non-standard minds.

No less important are games with various other items. Right with balls, little bears and ing., promote skin-tactile and soft-ruh sensitivity, improve the ruh function of the hands and fingers, which may be especially important for schoolchildren of the younger classes.

At roaring games, participants have to win different roles(leader, judge, helper of the judge, organizer of the gris toshcho), who develops the stench of the organizational skills.

Vikhovnі zavdannya rokhlivikh igor

Ruhlivі іgry big world spriyat vyhovannuyu physical agility: firmness, spritnostі, strength, frivolity, gnuchkostі, and what is important, qіzіchnі yakosti develop in complexes.

A hooting playful plot echoed in the participants in positive emotions and suddenly їх until the stench of the unrelenting activity of bagatorazovo added those chi іnshi priyomi, showing the necessary willfulness and vibrancy.

Ker_vnik is guilty of correctly rozpodіlyati іgrovі roles in kolektіvі, schob prichati quiet, hto graє up to mutually intelligible hour of sleeping vikonannya іgrovih dіy, until vіdpovіdalnostі for voї vchinki.

Rukhliva gra has a collective character. A thought of the same kind, as it seems, is already pouring into the behavior of skin engraving. Zalezhno in view of the victorious role of that chi іnshiy participant of the ruhomoi gris can deserve the attention or, on the contrary, unpraised comrades; so the children are accustomed to the duty of the collective.

Wellness, vikhovnі and osvіtnі zavdannya need to be virishuvati at the complex, only in such a time the skin ruhliva gra will be efficient way various physical education of children and children.

Preparing for the Gri

Vibіr gri lie down vіd head of the lesson when setting any main criteria є:

    century special features of children;

    їх development;

    physical preparation;

    how many are involved.

Vrakhovuvati form take (lesson, change, holy, walk). The lesson is that the change is obmezhenі by the hour.

Vibir gri lie down from the month її conducted. At a small vuzkiy hall or a corridor, to play games with a linear post, games in which to take fate according to one's will. At the great sports hall or on the Maidanchik, it’s good to play games with big voztich, with big and small balls, with elements of sports games. Under the hour of walks and excursions for the place, they play the game of sleep. On the Maydanchik, games are held on licks, kovzans, sledges, and games from sporuds from the snow.

When arranging the court games, it is necessary to insure the camp of the weather (especially the payment). Even though the temperature is still low, it is selected due to the active activities of the participants. It is not possible to win games, in which one has to stand for a long time, looking at one's own line. Small-sized games, in which the participants beat the game for the sake of the heart, the garni of the spec.

Availability of facilitators and inventory also injects choice. Through the absence of the necessary inventory, or for a sudden replacement, you may not be able to find it.

Games for students grades 1-3

    "Klas, calmly!"

Gravity stand in one line. Vchitel, standing up to the disguise until quiet, who is playing, give commands. Learn to win the command for more than that vipadka, as if the reader had started the command of the word “class”. Gravets, like having mercy, rob the crop in advance and continue the grati. The greeter has two pardons: the first one - as a grave member of the team without the front word "class", the friend - as a grave member of the team, if only the bula was given correctly.

Like a gloomy one, having made a pardon and having made a cry forward, having had mercy again, I have to make a cry forward. For example, gris are appointed by the scholars, as they did not give pardons.

    "Shvidko for missions"

Must learn to stand at the rank. Behind the teacher's command "Rise up!" roaring wildly with a maidanchik, kicking, stribayut, roaring.

Raptome team "Shvidko for the month!" - all students are responsible for taking their place at the rank. Vchitel vіdznaє quiet, hto svvidyav occupied a place in the ranks.


Seen "owl". Keep the nest away from the Maidan. Grati on the Maidan. Owl in the nest.

Behind the teacher’s signal “The day is here - everyone comes to life”, children walk, run, inherit the flight of blizzards, birds, beetles. Behind the signal "Nothing is here - everything is dying" they will growl, ringing in that position, in which they have caught the signal. The owl comes out polyuє, quietly, that they have rushed in, lead in at their nest. Behind the signal “The day is here - everything comes to life”, the owl goes to the nest, which will come to life again. The owl changes after two or three games.

Gra can spend pіd music.

4. "To your ensigns"

Mustaches are divided into chotiri-five groups and stand by the group, holding hands. At the center of the skin fold there is a gravel with a color ensign. At the signal, the moustache, encircling graves and ensigns, spread out in the hall (maydanchik), crouch and close their eyes. Grave with ensigns for the instruction of the reader to quietly move to the next month. The reader remembers: “Everyone to their own ensigns”, that they engrave, open their eyes and straighten up to their ensigns, make a call. The group is stunned by the helper, as if they were hanging around the first one.

    "Through buy that stumps"

On one side room (maydanchik) "Tabir Zhovten" (4-6 m from the wall). Behind the line of the camp, "fox" begins. On the ground (on the ground) rose (appointed) "buy" and "kicks". On the prolezhny side, a "temple tree" is indicated, in the hollow of some kind of wild "bjoli" (you can beat a stalk for stribkiv).

Mustaches of greyuchi - zhovtyany - perebuvayut at the camp. Three - bdzhіlki (leader) - stand behind a tree. At the signal of the teacher Zhovten, raising the knee high, go buy and stump and chant the words:

We went to the forest meadow,

Raise your legs higher,

Buy through the bushes,

Through the needles and stumps,

Who is so high krokuvav,

I didn’t stumble, I didn’t fall.

Look - the hollow of a tall yalinka,

Evil bdzhilki are flying!

The bdzhіlki begin to fuss around like a yalinka, and, having inherited the feathers of the hands, bent at the elbows, they vibrate: “Wh-w-w - I want to bite.”

Gravtsі seem:

Don't overtake the bistropods!

We do not have a terrible bdzhіlok rіy,

Vtechemo shvidshe home!

After the words "do home" Zhovtenka ticks for buy and a stump. Bdzhіlki sting (spit) tick. Stung by pіdrakhovuyutsya, vibirayutsya new leaders. Gra repeat.

    "Geese - swans"

On one side of the maydanchik (hall) there is a fold for "geese - swans". On the opposite side there is a mountain, behind which there is a “vovk”. Reshta maidanchik - field. From the participants of the grill you can see the "poultry house" that vovk, and other geese - swans. Before the cob of mushrooms, geese - swans roam at the paddock, for the fork ide over the mountain, poultry - at the field. Birds turn to geese - swans: "Geese - swans!" Tі їy vіdpovіdat: Ha-ha-ha. The birder asks: "Do you want?" Geese - swans hover around the field and pluck the grass. After 20-30 seconds, the bird seems to say: "Geese-swans, Syrian vovk beyond the mountain." Geese-swans inquire: "And what should we do there?" - “Pinching geese”, - the birder is saying. "Yakih?" - “Little ones, white ones, all kinds. Fly faster home." With these words, the swan geese look home (at the zagіn), and vovk, vibigshi from behind the mountain, is trying to evil the swan geese. Vpiymani vіdvodyatsya over the mountain. Grass three times 2-3 times, after which new poultry is selected.

Option: the deputy of the poultry house is seen as a “passion”, which is like a towel (three small balls). For the underpaska, the yogo misstatement is indicated. If for the time being you are vibing because of the fire, you are a faggot, not coming down from your time, shoot at him (throw balls). Shootings will be replaced by others.

    "Two Frosts"

On one side of the maydanchik (hall) everything is gray, we will surround two leaders (“Moroziv”). Frost to stand in the middle of the Maidanchik to the faces until quiet, who graє i vimovlyayat:

My two brothers are young,

Two frosts are far away,

I'm Frost - Chervony nis (as if one),

I'm frost - Blue nis (seems to be smaller),

Who cares about you

On the road - let the path go?

Children together say:

Not afraid of threats

I is not a terrible frost for us -

And they run over to the next bik of the Maidanchik (hall), the frosts are crying over the ones.

Frosts change after two or three breaks.

Options: up_yman_ p_drakhovuyutsya; spіymanі "freeze" (to stand on that place, de їх zaplyamuly frost); frozen ones can be frozen - bump with your hand for the hour of chergovy perebіzhok; frozen, not moving away from the month, freeze close, run through (stick with your hand).

    "Race of the balls on the stake"

Gravity settles widely and rozes on the first or second. First numbers - one team, others - another. Two graves to stand on guard - captains. They have a ball in their hands. After the teacher's signal, the balls are passed along the stake in different sides through one of the graves of their team. The skin command is to pass the ball to the yaknaishvidshe, so that the vin shvidshe turns to the captain. The team won, as soon as they passed the ball.

Options: the ball can be transferred according to the stake of the sprat once; balls on the cob are found among children who stand opposite, and are passed in one straight line, with which one team tries with its own ball to overtake the opponent's ball; be any of the options in the sitting position.

    "Race of the balls for the ranks"

The gravity is divided into two-chotiri commands. Command to stand at the ranks from the sides of the Maidanchik (hall). Stand between gravel - 3-4 meters. The right-flank skin team has a ball. Behind the signal, the right-flank one throws the ball to the grave, which one should be instructed, that one - to the offensive one, etc. Gravets, which is worth the rest, otrimavshi ball, run to the right flank.

Gratvaє doti, the docks of the right-flank do not come to your place.

The team wins, to finish the game earlier.

Options: the ball is not immediately passed by the sucrose, but in front of it it hits the ground, it goes up the hill; the rest of the gravel, otrimavshi ball, led Yogo to the right flank with blows on the pidlog.

    "Postribunchiki - Gorobtsі"

On the ground (on the ground) a stake is marked. At the center of the stake is the leader - "crow". Behind the line of the stake, everything is gloomy - "gorobtsi". The stench shakes at the stake, shakes at the stake, shakes from it. The crow is enchanted by the salinity of the humpbacker, if that one is interrupted by the coli. Spymany becomes leading.

Options: gorobtsі do not stribayut on the stake, but only stribuyut and vystribuyut; upipymani are left in the center of the stake, and if there are 4-5, a new leader is selected.

    Swidkoped Command

Must be divided into 2-3-4 teams. Commands to spread out around the playing maidan so that we can see everything (you can sit on the benches).

The starting line is indicated, as they go one step at a time from the skin team. For 12-16 hours of skin engraving, as if standing at the start, the meanings of gurtok, and in the new - a wooden stick.

At the signal of the teacher, the graves run to the heads, take the sticks, knock them three times with the earth (pіdlogu), put the sticks into the heads and turn back. The one who won the first, bring his team one point, the one who won the other two points, and so on.

The team wins, yak scored the least number of points.

variety : the gravel runs to the edge and back not in a straight line, around the place, chocks, maces placed on the way.

    Who came

All gloomy utvoryuyut kolo, scho vede iz zavyazami eyes to stand at the center.

Kerіvnik vkazuє on someone from the roaring ones, and that one goes up to the leader, lightly sticking out of his shoulder, giving a voice to be a creature, or calling him by his name, changing his voice. The leading one turns his eyes at the vkazіvkoy of a kerіvnik, if the approaching one takes his place. You can guess who has gone to the next. As the leader, having guessed the one who has come to a new one, the graves change roles.

Peremagaet the one who has never once been a leader.

Gris rules: 1. The leader is not guilty before the hour of opening his eyes. 2. The vote is given less to the one whom you like the ker_vnik. 3. the first leader does not get involved in such a program.

    "Dances (salki)"

Up to 10 people take part in grі. All rozbіgayutsya on Maidanchik, and leading nazdoganyaє їх, schob zaplyamuvati (salting) at the boundaries of the designations between. Salted become leading.

You can add some rules to the game:

    Everything is gray, crimson, waving behind the belt along the line. Pyatnashka, nazdoganayuchi vtіkacha, vismikuє at the new line, even the salted one raises his hand and seems: “I am a chicken!”

    A gloomy one can turn around in the presence of a chicken, as if holding hands with another comrade, stand on one leg, take a “last_vka” pose, and so on.

    If a tsyatka marries a Kim - abo, and another gravel stands on this path, then the leader is guilty of chasing after him, who blocked the path.

    The leader, retracing quietly, who is ticking, is guilty of trembling with his hand for those places of his body, having touched to what, yogo, having spluttered the other leader.

    Gravtsі prosuvayutsya maidanchik, stribayuchi through the rope. Plyashka nazdoganyaє їх, stribayuchi on one nose.

    On the maidanchik to arm 1-2 stakes with a diameter of 2 crocodile - "boudinka", children who are ticking can ryatuvatysya in re-examination, for more than 5 seconds it is not possible to stay in such a "boudinochka".

    "Dances on cola"

Gravity roztashovuyutsya on the stake on the vіdstanі vityagnutyh hands. Choose two leaders, one of them becomes a tick, and the other one ticks. In front of the cob, the stench melts behind the stake from the opposite sides.

For the signal of the chicken, run along the stake, picking salt and ticking. The rest, if the chicken is nazdoganya yogo, flock in a ring between be like two graves. At the same moment, the grave, which appeared right-handed in the new, becomes new, and the chicken continues to repeat it. As if tsyattsі in the distance, they stumbled with a ticking hand, the stench changed roles.

To make the game easier, you can make this rule. As if standing at the stake, then the gravel, which appeared to be right-handed (or left-handed - for housekeeping), becomes a tsyatka, and a lot of tsyatka, not wasting an hour, is guilty of a new tikat.

At the hour of the grill, the participants are not allowed to run up to the stake.


On the slope (on the Maidan), at 4-6 months, rockets are used. On the side of the missiles, I wrote the route, for example: Z-L-Z ("Earth - Mіsyats - Earth"), Z-V-Z ("Earth - Venus - Earth"). The skin rocket has 3-6 months. The whole hall is a rocket launcher. All missiles have 3-4 fewer, lower flammable ones. Gravtsi, holding hands, walk along the stake with the words:

Swedish rockets check on us,

For walks around the planets

I want to yak -

Let's fly like this!

Ale gree one secret:

Let's save the month!

After the words "nі" all expand and try to take up space in one of the missiles. Zapіznіli melt at the center of the stake. Gras are repeated sprat times. Those who win the most win “weed”.

    "Vovk at the rovi"

In the middle of the Maidanchik (hall) two late parallel lines at a distance of 50-70 cm, one type of one - “riv”. At the rovi leading - "vovk". Goats are located on one side of the Maidanchik (hall). At the signal of the teacher, the goats run over to the next bik, retributing through the river. Vovki, not vibrating from the ditch, catch (spit) kіz.

Spymani "goats" recover, wolves change after 2-3 shifts.

Options: rovi may have 2-3 wolves; goats re-string through the rіv here and back until a new signal; drunken goats get ditched in the ditch.

    "Homeless hare"

Gravtsі, krіm dvoh, stand in pairs on a stake (disguise one to one), holding hands. One of the engravings is “zaєts”, the other is “vovk”. Zaєts, ryatyuyuchis vіd pereslіduvannya, standing in the middle of the bet. The one to whom you turn your back, becomes homeless. As if nazdoganyachiy spitting, the stinks change roles.

Rating: the wagers are not on the stake, but rather on the Maidanchik, leading men run in pairs.

    "Another Zaiwi"

All graves stand on a stake, faces to the center. There are two leaders behind the stake: one is ticking, the other is rattling. The one that sticks in, stands in front of one of the graves, to stand on a stake. The one who showed up, hovered behind, ticked. As if nazdoganyayuchy zaplyamuvav tikacha, then the stinks change roles.

Mustaches walk around and run around with a maydanchik. Leading to stand at the center. At the signal of the teacher, or one of the students, “One - two - three, in the colo of a bee,” everyone glamorously approves of the stake, which you know, holding hands, and go to the right (levoruch) along the stake with the words: “Guess the riddle, who named you, confess!" After whom everyone sings, the leader flattens his eyes, and one of the roaring ones behind the teacher’s instruction calls him that name of the leader. As the leader knows, who, having said his name, that name, whose grave will replace the leader, and the game will be repeated.

Games for students of grades 4-6.

    "Viklik numbers"

All are divided into two teams, stand at the line one to one and are separated in the order of numbers. Stand between the ranks - 6-10 m. At 8-10 m, stuffed balls lie on the side of the ranks. The teacher calls the next number, for example 8. Eight numbers and both teams run to stuffed balls, wrap around them and turn to their place. The one who came first, bring his team a point. Then the next number is called, and so on until quiet feast, until all the graves are called. The team wins, it scored more points.

Options: command to stand at the columns; obbіgaєtsya like a ball, and the th line is a column; The participants cross over with haircuts on two legs, on one leg, sit down, and cross over.

    "Empty place"

Gravity settle the stake. Leading go along the stake (from the outer side) and hang out on one of the graves, after which you should live near the stake. Gravets, to which the water has reached, to live near the opposite bik. Skin from them is supposed to come to an empty city, which has happened. Whoever comes earlier, stays in the colo, who sleeps to lead.

Rating: Gravity stribayut on two legs and one nose.

    "Fishermen and fish"

The gravity is divided into two equal teams - "fishermen" and "fish". The “fishermen” are divided into three triplets, cheering, holding hands. At the signal of the "fisherman" teacher, catch the "fish", which move freely. An hour is appointed, for which the “fishermen” caught all the “fish”, after which the teams change roles. Peremagae team, which took less than an hour to bring in all the “fish”.

Gris rules: 1. Gras pochinaєtsya for the signal of the teacher. 2. "Ribka" gets caught by a fisherman, as if three "fishermen" close their hands around her.

    "Vluchno v tsіl"

The graves are subdivided into two teams. Behind the stallion out of the teams go to the line of fire (the line is marked) and shuffle into the line. Each team member takes one small ball each.

At 5-8m, the view is quiet, which plays in a line in parallel with the team, 10-12 spots are placed on a distance of 50-80 cm, one view of one.

At the signal of the teacher, all the graves command to throw balls in one gulp, trying to hit the largest spot. The beaten-up place is taken care of and put on the place. The team that shoots, picks up the balls and passes them on to other teams, so that it helps to hit more spots. Volleys are repeated sprat times. The team won, yak won a greater number of places.

Rating: the place was pofarbovani at two colors. The skin team is encouraged to throw to their places. After a volley, beat your skin spot one step further, beat the opponent's skin spot one step closer. The team wins, after all the volleys, to set their place for a greater number of klіkіst.

    "Anniversary and holidays"

The graves are divided into two teams - “rozvіdnikіv” and “vartov” - and vishikovyvayutsya vzdovzh two opposite sides of the Maidanchik at 18-20m one in one. For three steps in front of the ranks, a line is drawn, and in the middle, a volleyball ball is placed in the front of the groups.

Gravtsі the teams are paid in order by number. The head of the team of "rozvіdniki" - take the ball for your line, the head of the grave of the other team - cross it. The teacher calls out the number in a loud voice, and gravely, like to stand opposite (mayut the number), jump to the ball. As if the “year-old” gaped, the “rozvіdnik” hangs up the ball and ticks with him at his booths, and the “wart” goes full, stands behind the “rozvіdnik”. If the insults of the grave at once swerve to the middle, then the head of the “rozvіdnik” swears that, after scoring a row to the right, they pull (ruhi with their hands, haircuts on the mist and with a turn, vipadi, etc.), turn on the respect of the “wart” (wine repeat following the "rozvіdnik" qi ruhi) and take the ball. Like a “rozvіdnik” having collected a ball, but “vartovy” having overtaken yogo and having salted with a hand, we have taken the “rozvіdnik” flock, otherwise we will win a duel. Gra trivaє doti, docks all numbers do not take part in grі. Polonenі podrakhovuyutsya and vіdpuskayutsya to their teams. Gras are repeated, graves change roles.

Peremagaet that team, ya zumila take more brats.

Gris rules: 1. "Godinnik" is guilty of repeating all the rules of the "rozvіdnik", otherwise it will be a program. 2. You can go over the gravel, which you can stick in, only up to the middle of the booth. 3. Gravets, having let in the ball, we are afraid to catch it. 4. To put the ball to the place “rozvіdnik”.

    "Pull in the colo"

There are two concentric stakes (one in the other) with a diameter of 1 and 2m. all grievously vanish great colo and hold hands.

For the instruction of the teacher, the participants of the game should go right-handed or left-handed. After another signal (whistle), they roar loudly and try to pull themselves into the boundary of the great stake of their succes, without splitting their hands. Whoever sips at the open space between the great and small stakes with one or two feet, come out of the gry. Then the graves again join hands and, on the whistle, continue the grus.

Gravtsі, yakі not dragged into the colo after a few repetitions, vvazhayutsya with help.

Gris rules: 1. Graves are not allowed to break their hands for an hour of chaos and struggle. 2. Having offended the grave, which the hands have cut open, vibuvayut іz gri. 3. If there are few roaring people, the stench melts like a small stake and continues the zmagannya, dorimuyuchis quietly the rules themselves.

    "Tugging over the boundary"

Two teams of roaring people are one against another vzdovzh between them. The boys stand against the boys, and the girls against the girls are approximately equal in physical strength. Behind the chotiri kroki, behind the skin team, stand the gravity, the eyes for the motherfucking chick.

Following the command of the teacher, the graves approach the middle line and take one (or two) hands. After another signal, the skin is urged to pull your superman over the line, where the helpers will stand. Gravets, who was pulled over, having reached the bottom to the grave, which is a better glasses, I can drink again for the boundary and again play for my team. The skin of the overtightened gravel to bring the team that pulled over the yogo, one point.

The team that took off gris in an hour greater number win a point.

Gris rules: 1. At the hour of grilling, it is allowed to choke with less hands. 2. It is allowed to pull one by one, in pairs, and in a bunch of gravels at the same time.

    "Circular lapta"

Grave one team, standing on both sides of the Maidanchik, salute the ball with the grave in the middle, which run in the middle. Throw the ball at the foot, and stribati through the ball - the legs are cut. Salted to get out of the gr. Then the teams change missions.


The game can be played on a volleyball maidan. At this point, there are middle and face borders of the Maidan. Having stepped 1-1.5 m from the front line into the middle of the hall, draw parallel to the second line, so that the corridor is closed (full). Dodatkova line is carried out from the other side.

The graves are divided into two equal teams, the skin of which is quite roztashovuetsya at their place on one half of the Maidan (in the middle line to the corridor). At the turn of the gris, it is not possible to enter the opponent's half. The Kerivnik throws a volleyball at the center between the captains, and they try to kick it to their graves. The head of the skin command - having finished the ball, drink it from the opponent, not going beyond the middle boundary. The enemy dodges the ball and, at his own side, tries to saline the ball enveloping the team. Signed with a ball to go behind the full line to the opposite bik (into the corridor). Poloneny to be found there doti, doki yogo not to turn over their graves (having thrown the ball without touching the earth’s walls). After drinking the ball, throwing the ball over to his team, and he himself crosses the corridor to his own half of the field.

The team will remake, after 10-15 hvilin gris in the zone of cold, more gravel will appear. Grass ends before the line, as if all the graves of one of the teams leaned against the crowd.

Gris rules: 1. You can salt with a ball in whether or not a part of the coat, cream of the head. 2. You can catch the ball with your hands, but if you let go of the ball, you will be respected tagged and go full. 3. It is not allowed to kick with a ball in the hands of a Maidan, but you can do yoga. 4. The ball, which vyyshov for mezhі maidanchika, vіddaєtsya teams, through the line like vin vіkotivsya. 5. For allowing damage, the ball is transferred to the opponent.


The participants are divided into two teams, one of them goes to the stake, and the other is left behind a stake from a volleyball ball. The graves of the vishikovyvayutsya in a column on the choli with a captain and take one by one by the belt.

At the signal of the teacher, the gravity, yak, they make a colo, throw the ball one to one, using direct hits to hit the remaining grave of the colony. Vibity gravets vibuvaє іz gri. After 5-8 minutes, the teams change roles.

Override the team, for set number hour vib'є more gravity

Gris rules: 1. It is not allowed to twist the spiral (however the rest). 2. It is not the fault of graves to open hands. 3. Getting into a thought is not guaranteed. 4. Hit with vidskokami in pіdlogi are not protected.

    "Carp and pike"

On one side of the maydanchik there are “carp”, in the middle - “pike”. For a signal, crucian carp run to the next beak, pike to catch it. Spymani carp (3-4) join hands and make a seine net. Now the crucians are guilty of passing on the next bik of the Maidan through the seine (with hands). Pike stand behind the net and chat on them. If spіymanih carp will be 8-9, the cat-cola will be established, through the yakі venerable pass the crucian carp. If there will be more spymanic carp, if not spyman, then the top will be established - a corridor for spymanic carp, through which guilt you can pass through the not spyman carp, which you have lost. A pike that knows how to get out of the top, to catch them. Who will stop sleeping, that one will overcome.

Rating: Grey has two pikes.

Games for students grades 6-8

  1. Pioneerball

The gravity is divided into two teams and roztashovuetsya on two sides of the volleyball maidan. Between the teams, at a height of 2m, a volleyball net and a motuzka were stretched. The skin team has a ball (volleyball). Head of gravity - throw the ball on the ball of the opponent. Moreover, the skin team is activated in such a way that the offending balls suddenly stumbled on the opponent's field. With the ball, it is allowed to big on the entire Maidan; yoga can be beaten, passed one to one. The ball can touch the earth. Pardons: the ball after the throw of viyshov for the inter-Maidanchik of the opponent, the proishov under the net.

The game continues up to 10-15 points. A point is secured, if there are two balls on the Maidan, that one is for pardon.

Option: gra is conducted for the next hour; the team that scored more points in the song hour is a teammate.

    "Fight for the Ensign"

The playful maidanchik extends like a transverse line. On the 2nd line, the view of the transverse sides of the Maidanchik is carried out behind the "grand" boundary. Behind the gravel rice on a equal vіdstanі, one type of one is placed on 10 ensigns (spots) from one of that other side. The graves are divided into two equal teams and sorted out in sufficient order - the skin team is in its own half of the field, closer to its ensigns (spot).

At the signal of the guard, the gravitas of both teams begin to jump on the opponent's bik, pragmatically ensigns (little ones). Having zahopivshy little place, or ensign, roaring man tries to take yogo to his bik. Gravts salyat opponents on your side of the field. The osalenny is left there, de yogo bumped, and the ensign turned the captures on the spot. You can help the salted one with a grave yogo command, pushing his comrade with your hand. Virucheny grave to enter at the galnu group. Grayut vstanovleny hour. The team won, yak zumila to transfer to their bіk more place chi praportsіv.

Rules: Sality of graves is possible only on your own half of the Maidan. Gravets, what a pіdbіg to the enemy's place, you can take only one ensign. As if Yogo was swamped with an ensign, the ensign was seen by the enemy, placed on the plate, and the engraving of the shoe was left on that place, where they salted it, and checked the hands. Pass or transfer the ensign (mistechko) to the graves of your own commands to defend yourself.

    "Keep a Comrade"

The mustaches are gloomy, the cream of two, melt on a stake with a wind of wrought hands. Characteristics are carried out in front of their scribbles. Gravtsі otrimuyut volleyball ball. At the middle of the stake there are two leaders: they throw a ball at one, the other defends yoga, hitting the ball.

At the signal of the kerіvnik, the gravitators throw the ball one to one and sway the direct hit of the leader's hit. At times, when you become a leading yoga, you change the zahisnik, and the zahisnik becomes the one who zooms in salting the grave with the ball.

Peremagayut gravit, yakі dovely protrimayutsya in the role of leading.

Gris rules: 1. If you get outside the stake line for an hour, you will not be protected. 2. Getting into a thought is not guaranteed. 3. The protector can beat the ball with some parts of the body. 4. The leader is not allowed to hang around with the hands of the lunatic.

    "Zustrichna relay race"

The graves are divided into 2-3 teams. The skin team is divided into two parts.

The first parts of the teams stand at the colony one at a time. Stand between columns - 3-4m. other parts of the teams are also vyshikovuyutsya in the colony one special to their comrades with a wind 10-20m. after the signal of the teacher of the first gravity of the first part of the team, run to the first gravity of the other part of the team and pass the baton (more like a small ball), the relay race began. The team is vvazhaetsya as the first to finish the crossings.

    "Relay with maces"

The graves are divided into two equal teams and they form columns one at a time. A start line is drawn in front of the columns. At a distance of 10-15m, one in a row of three clubs at a distance of 0.5m, one in one. It is better to circle the maces with small circles.

Behind the command of the captain’s guard, who should stand in front of his columns, beat the line to start, run to the maces, standing opposite their columns, pick them up, turning back to their columns, pass them on to the offensive - graves, to stand in front. Take away the maces and place them on the circles so that the woman does not fall from them. After that, the stench turns around, sticking around with a twisted hand, standing in front, passing the baton to them themselves, and standing at the end of their columns. The stepping graves run to their maces, pick them up and by the cost back pass the maces to the stepping graves along the cheeks, and themselves go to the end of the colony.

So gra trivaє doti, the docks of the devil did not go to the grave, like a relay baton. The team wins, yak zumila finish the first baton.


For mushrooms, you need a place and shade balls (bazhano for a quantity of combustibles). Participants of the grill will be in one line and they will line up for the first - the other. First numbers - one team, others - another. Even though the width of the Maidanchik does not allow everyone to stand in one row, the graves make two rows, one in the front. And here the skin line is a team. Before the socks of the warming ones, rice is carried out, since it is not possible to come in for an hour of throwing a ball. In the 6th type of tsієї rice and in parallel їy to be placed in a row (in the second row, one crochet one per one) ahead of 5 spots of two colors. It is appropriate to give names to the color of the spaces for the teams (for example, blue and white).

At the signal of the teacher, the teams in one gulp (used gravity at once) throw balls into the place from the camp, standing from the knee or lying behind the minds of the gri. Skin the place of your color in the distance, and beat the place of the opponent's command - a little closer.

The team won, yak zumіla with a stretch of a lot of throws, they let you know.

Gris rules: 1. A place to be placed on a new month after a salvo of one

commands. 2. Abandoned balls are picked up by the gravity of the other team. 3. Fill in the place to put a new place in the memory of the teacher.

    "Biy pivniv"

On the ground, chair a column with a diameter of 2-2.5 m. Two teams stand in ranks one against one. Commands to rob the captains, yak send one of their graves at the stake. Zaishovshi in a colo, gravel, one leg melts and put their hands behind their backs; At the signal, the participants of the duel start stribati on one leg, using their shoulder and toulub to twist the superman from the stake. It is not possible to stand on the other leg with cioma, as it is not possible to take your hands from behind your back. Grad trivaє doti, docks all participants of both teams do not play the role of pivnіv, the captains fight the rest. Peremagaє team, in the future there will be more victors.

The duel will end in a vnichyu, as if the insults of the gravity (at the couple) stumbled behind the boundaries of the stake.

    "Rukhl meta"

Learn to make a big stake (to stand for 2-3 crochets one in one). You can draw a line in front of the toes of the gravel. One sees the leader, who enters at the middle of the stake.

At the signal of the leader, the children try to get a direct hit from the leader with a volleyball ball, like the leader, running around in the middle of the stake, dodge. To whom it is necessary to give in, become a leader. Gra can be carried out in 2-3 stakes.

Peremagaє gravets, which he found having tried in the role of the leader.

Gris rules: 1. Under the hour of fire, throwing a ball is not allowed to step foot in the boundary. 2. Don’t protect yourself from the grave after the ball hits the ground

games. 4. Getting into a thought is not guaranteed.

    "Drop at the ball"

For a warm-up, you will need one volleyball ball and tennis balls in the amount that is more than half of the participants. The graves are divided into two teams and lined up in ranks on the opposite sides of the Maidanchik at 18-20m, one and one. Lines are drawn in front of the toes of the roaring ones, and a volleyball ball is placed in the middle of the Maidan. Gravtsі odnієї teams (behind the foal) win over a small ball.

At the signal of the grave worker, they throw the ball at the volleyball ball, trying to kick it up to the opposite team. Gravtsі z іnshої teams choose to throw balls and after the signal they also throw them at the volleyball ball, trying to throw it back. So, according to the command to throw balls, a number of times is installed. Trivality gri 8-10 min.

The team wins, yak zumila zakotit ball for the team's boundary, what to stand on the opposite side.

Gris rules: 1. As in the course of a warm-up, a volleyball ball rolls around, killed quietly, who plays, put it near the Maidanchik zone on the same line. 2. In every case, the shelling of a volleyball starts from both sides at the same time. 3. Driving the ball behind the enemy's boundary will bring the team one point.

    "Rivok for the ball"

The graves are divided into two equal teams, like vishikovyvayutsya in a line on one side of the maydanchik. The skin team is covered by the order of numbers. Before the teams, a starting characteristic is carried out. Kerivnik with the ball in his hands stands between the teams.

Nazivayuchi be-what number, kerivnik throws the ball in front of yaknaydali. Gravtsі, yakі mayut tsey number, run to the ball. As soon as the ball turns around, it throws yoga again, calling out a new number. Grayut vstanovleny hour.

The team, which has scored more points, is considered a helper.

Gris rules: 1. You can start big from a high or low start (for housekeeping). 2. If two graves hit the ball at the same time, the skin team scores by a point.

Games for students in grades 9-11

    "Estafeti with leapfrog"

The graves are divided into two teams, as they stand at the colony one by one in parallel one to one. Intervals between teams 3-4m. in front of the skin colony with a winder 8-12 m in the direction of the cob line, a column (diameter 1.5 m) should be placed next to a straight cutter. The new one has the first team numbers. Kozhen rests his hands on one leg, and, having shriveled ahead, hove his head.

At the signal of the teacher of gravity, to stand at the columns in front, to run ahead and to hit the supporting strobok, with two feet and spiraling with your hands on the comrade’s pockmark (leapfrog strobok), and then we get up on the yoga floor. Gravtsі, through some kind of stribals, run back to their columns, stick around the bottom of the advancing gravels, after which they melt behind their teams.

Having taken off the torso with the hand, run forward, pick up the supporting haircut and get stuck in the bands, etc. the city will end, if the graves finish the haircuts, then. gravevets, through whom they shot the first haircut, having crossed over through a teammate, to be left standing in the group, and the one through whom they shot, crossed the start line, the stars of the grave started the start.

Remagay team, as soon as possible to finish the baton.

gravel, turning around, do not bump into the bottom of the worm gravel. 2. Gravtsu, through which they stribayut, it is impossible to change the posture for the hour of the grit and stand behind the borders of the group (square).

    "Relay with clubs and haircuts"

The graves are divided into 2-3 teams, like vishikovuyutsya in colony one by one in three-chotiryokh crochets one per one. Stinks stand in parallel in front of the boundary, in the hands of the head gravel is a gymnastic club.

At the signal of the teacher, the first number runs to the mace (stuffed ball) inserted into the 12-15th mace, wraps around її і, turning to its columns, passes the tsipok to one of the other numbers. Trimming for the ends of the club, insulting the graves, carry out її under the feet of the graves, collapsing to the end of the colony. Everyone is re-stringing, shuffling with two feet. The first engraver is left in the end of his colony, and the other one lives up to the post, oginaє її and carry the mace under the feet of the engravers with the third number and so on. It will end, as only all the participants will pass through the circle. If the gravel leans again in the column to the first and you bring a club, you will rise up the mountain.

Peremagay team, gravely as before, they sacked the zavdannya, without pardoning.

Gris rules: 1. It is fenced in to let the kіntsі palitsі, if you carry it under your feet. 2. Defend yourself to throw a club. Z. Usі gravts_ povinnі peresribnuti through tsіpok.

    "Big penguin"

Teams vyshikovuyutsya in the colony in front of the starting line. Gravtsі, yakі to stand first, zaskayut between the legs (more behind the knee) volleyball or stuffing ball.

At the signal of the ker_vnik in the position of the ball, between the legs of the grave, it is obliged to turn back, passing the ball with his hands to another number of his team. The participants, having finished their journey, are standing like colonies.

The team wins, yak zumila shvidshe that without pardon, finish the baton.

Gris rules: 1. Gras pochinaєtsya for the signal of the kerivnik. 2. As the ball fell to the ground, it is necessary to squeeze it again with your feet and continue the game.

    "Start after throw"

The class is divided into two teams - metal workers and runners. On a spacious maidanchik, the throwers are arranged in a row in the 3-4th line of the starting line, on the side of the ensigns, placed in the 5-6th one in one direction. Opposite them, on the finish line, which is 15-20m from the first starting line, 2 more warrants are placed. Runners vyshikovuyutsya in a line on the other starting line. On the starting line between ensigns - two small balls.

For the command "On the start!" two throwers (in order) take their balls and stand at the exit position for throwing. At the same time, two runners occupy the camp of a high (or low) start. Behind the command "Uvaga!" metachі konunut kidok, and for advancing behind her team "March!" - joggers straight ahead. Metachi reach the finish line, wrap around the skin of their ensign and turn back. The runners pick up the balls after throwing the metal ones, so that they can eat them in the metal ones. For the winning team, the runners will take a point. The balls kick anew between the ensigns, two blacks and two runners come to the start. So trivaє doti, all the metalworkers don’t win throws and a run (the points will be repaired soon, taken away by the team of runners). After that, the teams change roles.

Gris rules: 1. Throwers and runners vibrate forward one hour after the command “March!”. 2. Throwing and crossings are laid in corridors 10-15m wide. 3. Throwers after throwing a guilty plea obіzhdzhat ensign to the finish line, otherwise the stench will be tainted.

Ruhomі іgri for preschool children.

    "At the witch in the fox"

Mustaches grow wildly from one side of the Maidan. A line is drawn on the protilezh botsі - uzlіssya lіsu. Behind the line for 2-3 croques in it, there is a "wild bear barlig".

At the signal of the kerivnik, the children go to the “wild barlog” and start robiting the ruins, which imitate the selection of yagid, mushrooms, and at the same time they will sue at once:

At the witch in the fox

Mushrooms - I take berries,

And you must sit

Grumble at me.

If the children keep the rest of the word - "grumble", "witness" from the garchanny viskakuє z barlogi and smear someone evil. Spiymanogo vіn vіdvodat barlіg.

It will end, if 3-4 lads don’t get drunk, the stench will become a struggle.

Gris rules: 1. Gras pochinaєtsya for the signal of the kerivnik. 2. The leader can vibigati from the “dens”, only if the rest of the word is recitative.

    "We are fun lads"

On the opposite sides of the Maidan, two “boudinkas” are marked with lines at a distance of 15-20m, one or the other. Mіzh "budinami" in the middle of the Maidanchik is leading. All others are gravely known on the same side of the Maidan, behind the line "at home". As a gra to be held to the great Maidanchik, її the width of the trail is approximately 8-10m.

Leading, standing in the middle, disclosing to quiet, who plays, voiced: “One, two, three!” Mustache to speak in chorus:

We are fun lads,

We love bigati and grati.

Well, try to overtake us!

After that, all gravely go to the protilezhny bik for the line of the other booth. Leading to catch perebigayuchih. Spіymanі come out dead. If all the children lean on the other side of the Maidan, the presenter again gives the command "One, two, three!" Spymani anew come ubik.

After 3-4 perebіzhok (for housekeeping) to recover spіymanih, choose a new leader from the number of not spіymanih graves, and all again enter the group.

Gras is held 3-4 times, after which it is noted that they never spied graves and the best leaders, as if they were more evil than the lads.

    "Whale and Mouse"

Those who play (no more than five couples), stand at two rows of faces one to one, join hands, making a small passage - a hole. Cats stand in one row, mice in the other.

Gras starts the first couple: the whale catches the bear, and that one is like a roaring one. At an unsafe moment, a bear can shovatsya in the corridor, fixed by the gravel's chained hands. Like only a whale, having drunk a mouse, stand up in a row with a groan. Start a group of other couples. Gras continues until the cats catch all the mice.

Gris rules: A cat cannot run into a hole. The whale and the bear are not guilty of ticking far from the nori.

    "Earth, water, wind"

Graves melt at the stake, in the middle of it, the leader stands. Vіn throwing a ball to the comus from the roaring ones, whimsing with one of three words: earth, water, wind. As the leader, having said the word "Earth!" To the word "Water!" gloomy v_dpovidaє call be-like ribi; to the word "Povitrya!" - I'll name the birds. Let's turn the ball to the leader. Gris rules: pardon not grє.

    "Spritny lads"

Children are stunned by the transferred cubes from month to month. On two columns, between 8-10m, lay out 5-6 cubes. At the command of the teacher, the first one takes one cube from the next level and fights with it to the next level. Take another cube, put yoga on the first one and carry the insult cubes back. I repeat this way of wines again and again from the pyramid of three, and then from the four cubes at the hands. It is possible to lift with your hand only the lower - the first cube, it is not possible to correct the cubes in a high way. Help the one who is far away to bring more cubes. Like in Russia, the pyramid fell, the participant vibuvaє z gri.

    "Kit go"

At the kutku hall, the “cat booth” is christened. The role of the "cat" is victorious, and he is chosen for help by a lichilka. Vin takes his place in the "boudinka", and all the other crows - "bears" - grow up with their "minks": the bridles of the white lines of the maidanchik (bearing the walls of the hall) are melting.

The leader of the group starts the group with such orders:

Bears, bears, come on,

Play, dance

Come on out, quicker

Sleeping with a kitty is dashing!

The bears climb from their minks, dancing, running around the Maidan, repeating in chorus the words:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

No big cat!

Ale, the guides give a signal: “Kіt go!”. All the “bears” are immediately guilty, die on the mission and do not collapse. “Kіt” sneaks up to “bears”, bypasses them and then, as if to collapse, take them to their “dіm”.

Smiling "bears" behind the back of the "cat" is unstoppable to turn around and commemorate yourself, the "bear" is breaking into yoga "boudinok".

The leader seems to say: “Kіt pіshov!” - And the "bears" will "come to life" again, start big and dance, repeating the words "tra-ta-ta".

I renew the leaders of the command “Kit go!”, And I renew the “bears” to die. For example, there are more than 5-6 people who are roaring troch, they play until that hour, until one “bear” is left alone.

Vaughn becomes a “whale”, and the game continues.

If there are more roaring ones, then the leader - “whale” - changes after 2-3 repetitions. The new "cat" is selected from the unspoiled "bear".

    "Relay race of animals"

The graves are divided into 2-3 teams. The number of roaring people in the skin team can be equal. Teams are placed in a column one at a time and bailed out in the order of numbers. Gravtsі the teams accept the names of animals. The first numbers can be called "wolves", the others - "vedmed", the third - "foxes", the fourth - "hares" toshcho. Before the first numbers of the skin colony, a starting boundary is held, and two meters from it - a finish. On the vіdstanі 15-20 kroіv against the skin colony to be placed on the skittles.

The leader loudly calls whatever the animal is. Gravtsі, yakі step up under the name of the zvogo zvіra, quickly vibrate ahead, bend around the skittle and turn

back. The one who is the first to come back to his team (to cross the finish line), that one wins a point for his team. As the gravity goes in one hour, the skin of each team is awarded by a point. The leaders of the group called out wildly. Gravtsі, scho turned into a team, stand up in their place. Grad trivaє kіlka khvilin, after which the glasses are bolstered. The team wins, yak earned the most point.

    "Fox that smoke"

In the middle of the hall, 4 gymnastic benches were placed at the looking square with slats uphill, the center - seat. One leader is chosen - "foxes" and one - "myslivets". All other gloomy - smoke. In one corner of the hall, the “hole” is christened, in the yakіy the “fox” is avenged. In another kutka you get up "myslivets". "Smoke" is rolled around like "sivalki".

After the “smoke” signal, either get on the “sidala”, then get out of the new one, or just go around the “chicken coop” (whilst making the “chicken coop”). After another smart signal "foxes", having climbed to the "chicken coop", to catch, like a "trigger", that the earth is standing (podlogi), wanting to use one foot. "Fox" take the tagged by the hand and lead to his "nori". Yakshcho on the way youmu zaustrichaetsya "myslyvets", "foxes" let go of the spyman, and he himself ticks into the "burrow". Spiymany turns to the “chicken coop”, after which all the “smoke” grow out of the sital. As soon as you dare to piss off a fox, a new fox is selected. Play 4-6 times.

Gravity wins, do not drink once.

Gris rules: 1. Get into the "chicken coop", "foxes" can pickle only one gravel. 2. For the signal of the “fox”, the “chicken coop” is guilty of leaving the “chicken coop” independently, having drunk the “trigger” chi no. 3. Standing on the rails can push one to one to help (p_trimuvati).

Ruhlivі іgry at sports training

(game for b/b, w/b and hand ball)

    "Passed - sit"

The graves will be divided into sporadic teams of 7-8 people per skin and will be behind the main line to start in a column one at a time. In front of the skin colony, captains stand up to it with a 5-6m windlass, yak otrimuyut on the ball.

At the signal, the leather captain passes the ball to the first grave of his colony. Having drunk the ball, turn the gravel of the captain and squat. The captain throws the ball to another, then to a third and then to the stepping graves. Leather from them, turning the captain's ball, crouching. Taking off the sight of the remaining gravity of his colony ball, the captain lifts it up on the mountain, and all the gravity of his team gathers.

The team wins, gravitate like a quicker to win the task, and її the captain lifts the ball to the corner.

Gris rules: 1. Gras pochinaєtsya for the signal of the kerivnik. 2. Just before the hour of the grave to let the ball in, you are guilty of lifting yoga and throwing it to the captain, standing back in your seat.

    "M'yach to the middle"

The gravity is divided into 3-4 equal teams. Gravity of the skin command melts at the stake on the vіdstanі of wrought hands. At the middle of the skin stake - a leading w / w ball.

At the signal, the leader throws the ball to one of the graves, and, taking it back, throws it to the other participant. So the leaders throw the ball to sleep for our children, and having taken it off the rest, lift the ball to the corner.

Peremagaє team, as we know how to kill it earlier. Gras are repeated sprat times.

Gris rules: 1. Gra pochinaetsya for the signal of the kerivnik. 2. It is not possible to skip graves. 3. The ball can be transferred in any other way.

    "Attack the fives"

The graves will be in the rows of white cordons of the Maidanchik to the middle. One command is to stand right-handed, otherwise - left-handed in front of the shield. Walk between gravels 3-4 croques. The gravels are opened in order.

Kerivnik throws a ball at the shield and calls out whatever number. Offending gravity under this number vibrate ahead and hit the ball. The one who didn’t care, to rob the transfer to the rest of the grave of his team, which transfers yoga along the line in the distance (from hand to hand or by hitting the ground). Graveets, which does not zoom in on the ball, rounds the gravity of its ranks from the left side, trying to overtake the ball, which transmits the gravity of the other team. How to grave, how to live, finish in the end of the line before the ball, then a point is earned by the team. Our team will also take a point for those who hit the ball after throwing on the shield. If the finish is first by throwing the ball, then the team will secure two points. Let's call the clerk for other numbers. Gravtsі, yakі took their part in the fight for the ball, again melt into their place.

The team wins, yak scored more points.

Gris rules: 1. Gra pochinaetsya for the signal of the kerivnik. 2. Gravets, having put in a ball, is guilty of turning around in the middle and continuing the transfer. 3. You can pass the ball to the grave and your commands in any other way.

    "Ball in the window"

Whiskers are gloomy, crim one, melt at the stake, and signify their own place with a circle or a fireplace, a stick. One stands in the center of the stake, throwing a ball high above him, calling them children, yak you can catch, and live in the middle of nowhere. Viklikana child quickly run to the center of the stake and try to catch the ball on the fly. As if you should go, vin, with your blackness, throw a ball uphill and call them your child. And if you don’t catch the ball, then raise the ball quickly from the ground, shout: “Stop!” - and zaplyamuvat one of the graves, like rozbіgayutsya at the time of the fall of the ball.

The one who has consumed the leading ball, go to the middle to throw the ball, and the leading one - on the same place at the stake. As if the leader didn’t get it, I’ll go again into the middle of the stake and throw the ball at the corner.


Maidanchik is divided into a place, a field and a kin (behind the cordon of the field). One team roztashovuєtsya (for the foal) at the city, insha - at the field. Captains are selected (appointed). The captain of the team, who is in the place, will establish the blackness of the supply of balls, and the captain of the team, planted in the field, will place their gravels in the field, and send one to the place of supply of balls.

At the signal of the teacher of gravity at the city, with a bast shoe, beat a ball, throw it in such a way that it is served. The one who hit the ball, tries to hit harder, but so, so that the ball does not fly beyond the bichni between the fields. After a distant strike of the vins, run across the field to the kin, and as soon as you hit it, then back. In case of a sudden blow, it is left in the area, checking for a distant blow of another gravity of your team, and then run along with it.

As the graves in the field catch the ball, without letting it hit the ground, the teams change roles. If the ball is not far off, then they try to take yoga and drink it from someone on the graves of your team to run. When the ball is hit by the grave, the team from the field will quickly move to the place, and the other team will hurry up to catch the ball, at their own side, zaplyamuvat quietly, hto vtikav. The city is left with a team, so that you can go to the vikonati without being tagged.

The skin gravel may have the right to one blow, and the captain, as if we would stop, - to three blows. It is possible to go over from the place to the end only in the borders of the field.

Gras continues for 20-30 minutes. The team wins, yak played more in the field and less in the field, the hour of the team's rebuking in the city is fixed by the stopwatch or the year.

Rating: Grass 10-15 quills at the field and at the city; the team is rebuffed, as it made more rebuffs from place to place and back.

Games to occupy l / a, gymnastics and martial arts.


Z-pomіzh roaming one leader is selected. Others are divided into 4-6 groups, equal to the quantity. The skin group is formed into a column to the center, all the columns are placed on the wheel spokes. Leading to know aside.

At the command of the teacher, the leader walks around the wheel, the white spokes rattle and stick with the arm of the shoulder, gravitating to stand by the rest. To that hand over the dot, what to stand in front, vin - far to the center, etc. standing in the column first, vodchuvshi dotik, voiced like “Hop!” and run to the right (or to the left), hugging all the spokes of the wheel from the outer side. All the graves of the colony, including the leading one, run after him, trying to overtake one by one. It is important not to lose the rest, if the spoke turns in too much space. The one who will appear to the rest, go to lead. Vіn mozhe vyklikati on zmagannya at big gravtsіv іnshої colony.

Permagayut tі, hto once never cherubov.

Gris rules: 1. Enveloping the spokes are protected against the crucible of the gravel to stand. 2. The rest cannot win over. 3. The straightener cannot be changed directly on the go. 4. Team "Hop!" vikonuetsya obov'yazkovo.

    "Zumiya back"

For three kroki from the kutіv halls put up chotiri stіyki. The lads of the class are roaming around the walls of the hall, stretched across the whole stake. The stench turns right side up to the walls. The distance between the graves can be the same.

For the command "March!" everything starts against the year's arrows, hugging the stanchions from the outer side. The task of the skin - do not let yourself be overtaken and try to stick your hand in front. Significantly go to the center of the hall, so as not to inspire others.

The Greeks have three most important learnings.

Gris rules: 1. Grass is held for girls and boys. 2. It is necessary to salt the clothes with the hand of the engraving, which is to be lived in front.

    "Zmagannya wheelbarrow"

The main meta is the development of the strength of the hands, the speed and respect, the victorious as an underwater right for the first to take from the fight in the stalls.

The graves are divided into teams, which will be in columns, one by one behind the start line, and they will be separated in order. The first number, having taken the emphasis lying down, imitates a wheelbarrow, the other is the people who are lucky.

At the signal, the participants, who imitate a wheelbarrow that її people who are carrying, collapse to the point where they are in the 6-7th line of the start, turn around and turn to the line of the start. The first number goes to the tail of the colony, the other number turns into a "wheelbarrow", and the third number - the role of "wheelbarrow", which is lucky until the game task is to kill all the members of the team.

The victory is awarded to the team, as the vikonal of the leader of the court for others.

    "Rotten Ring"

Tovstu skein or a rope (3-5m long) is tied with free ropes and laid in the middle of the maidan. Gravity mentally rozpodіlyayutsya for your categories on four. The first four walk up to the rope from the outer sides and, taking it with your hands, lift it up and pull it tight, nibi making the ring. For three kroki behind the back of the skin gravel put on a stuffed ball.

Behind the signal "Pull!" the leather gravel is swayed by the first to reach the ball and kick with its foot. The one who wants to give in, will help her to get in the kill. The trio of graves that I have lost, I take the rope again and pull yoga already for the trio straight ahead, pragmatically vikonati the same task. Help me to sit in another place. So the third place itself plays out: gravity pulls at the different sides. The balls are quickly rearranged at the song camp, when you come to the Maidanchik in the distance, you can make marks. Let's help another four, after her - the third thinly, at the finale, the victories grow.

In the final struggle between the victories, the best one is shown, win and be respected in such a way that he wins.

Gris rules: 1. Gras pochinaєtsya for the signal of the kerivnik. 2. Obov'yazkovo required to kick the stuffed ball with his foot.

    "Tugging the Rope"

A rope (or a tovsta rope spool) with a length of 6-10m is placed in the middle of the Maidanchik. The middle of the rope is marked with a colored line (ganchirka). Vaughn is guilty before the thunder of perebuvati on the transverse line, crossed on the bed. Parallel to this (middle) drawing on both sides of the 2-3m in the middle, another drawing is carried out. Gravity is divided into two teams, equal for the number of gravity and strength.

Behind the first signal “Go to the rope!” Gravity, having split at the team for a bet, stand right-handed and left-handed on the rope. For another signal "Take the rope!" uch-sya nahlyayutsya and lift the rope. At the whistle of the teacher, the teams try to pull the rope at their bik. If one of the teams goes to the rope back so that the line crosses the control line for three meters from the middle, a whistle is given and the struggle is pinned. The rope is put on the floor again and they repeat the group.

Remagay team, yak could more times tug the rope on your bike.

Gris rules: 1. Grass begins only after the signal of the kerivnik. 2. It is not possible to cross the rope with your hands. 3. It is not possible to lift your hands from the rope during the hot hour.

Ruhlivі іgry with the after-school robots with children school age

(Game for saints and attractions)

63. "The best football player"

For 10 krokіv vіd m'yach (whether it be), which is to lie on the bed, becomes a participant in the tying of eyes.

At the signal of the grave worker, the grave-bearer is to turn around (360), go to the ball and hit the new one with his foot.

Peremagaet the one who was far away to get the ball.

Gris rules: 1. Gras pochinaєtsya for the signal of the kerivnik. 2. The blow needs to be beaten from the tie of the eyes.

Gras can be played in teams.

    "Planting and picking potatoes"

Two teams sit on the benches, setting the brace on the sides of the Maidan (hall), one to one. Between them is a playful maidan. For the skin team, a starting line is assigned, and in the 2nd-3rd round, a cola is assigned. For skin coli, one little bear with chotirma "kartopliny" (balls) should be laid. At 10-15m, there were marked nests for planting potatoes. There are two graves on the starting line, one each for the skin team. At the signal of the teacher of the stench, take the bears with potatoes, grow to the nest and plant potatoes, one potato in the skin of the nest. Having finished the landing, they turn around, put the little bears in the stake of the starting line and go to their place. At the hour of crossing the first gravel, other numbers will appear on the starting line. If the first laid the little bears, the others take them and start picking potatoes from the little bear. They pick up, turn around, put little bears with potatoes in a stake and go to their own place. The team won, as the first landing was completed by that picking of potatoes.

Rating: When turned, the participants pass the little bears to the worm's graves.

    "Cones, acorns, peas"

The graves make a ring, in the middle of which the leader flocks, and the reshta, divided into triplets, stand up one by one to the center (the first number is 3-4 steps from the leader). Kerivnik is given to everyone who is named: the first in the triplets are “bumps”, the other are “shlunks”, the third are “peas”.

At the signal, the leader voiced, for example: “Peas”. All grudgingly, called "mountains", are guilty of commemoration of the missions, and the leading pragno should stand in the place that rang out. If you want to go in, then grave, if you are left without a job, you become a guide. Like a leader, they say “shlunks”, they change missions, to stand at the trio with others, like “bumps” - to stand at the trio with the first. If the game is mastered, the leader can call two or three graves from three, for example: cones, peas. Viklikans can also remember the missions.

Peremagayut gravit, as if they had never done it once.

Gris rules: 1. Viklikanim zaboronyaetsya zalishatisya at home. 2. Gravtsі can not perebіgat in be-yaku іnsha troyka (іnakshe gravets becomes leading).

Participants: teacher, learner.

Conduct form: gra

Epigraph: "Gra - on the right is serious"

Hidden call

A. Creation of a friendly atmosphere, organization of communication

Weather Forecast Method

Assigned to the method: develop positive motivation, create a friendly atmosphere between the participants and communication.

Obladnannya: great arch paper and color markers or school board and color crady.

Working hour: 10 minutes.

Wash the implementation. Fix your spiritual, emotional state and try to pass it on to help the weather forecast.

What is our forecast today?

Is the frost clear on the heart?

Thick fog, boards to go?

Or maybe wind it here and there?

What do you have - zero chi plus ten?

Please, lads, I will tell you.

The graph “forecast, wait” is formed as follows: on the Y axis (vertically) the temperature of the emotional state of the participants is recorded (to reach 10-12 subdivisions), on the X axis (horizontally) the participants are fixed in mutual modality.

The skin participant (1, 2, 3…) tells about his mental state at the given moment. The remaining sign of which will be the temperature, as it is fixed on the Y axis.

The teacher can be the first to hang out, to set the appropriate tone for the grie.

I wouldn't say it's clear

Everything is so wonderful in my soul.

Often do everything to intercede,

The spiritual degree is lowered.

Ale varto me bash you,

Extraordinary, reasonable class, -

I want to laugh at me once.

Well, how are the temperatures not going up?

That's why I take it right.

І ten degrees, turn,

I put myself boldly!

Not such an optimistic mood may appear among the students. It's natural. A bunch of people are a bunch of people and attitudes. Since all the participants talked about their “degree of mood”, all temperature points will be updated and the schedule will be changed.

Participants can, for a reason (because the schedule may not look like a regular one) analyze yoga (not getting the temperature for the cob; singly, judging by the schedule, everything is not in the skin today; chi do not put everything on the offensive once in a while).


People are all good,

Everything will be wonderful with us.

The schedule just once again confirms the idea that the skin of us is individual and may have the right to our own state of mind and mind, to spriynyattya of this world.

Method "Remember the missions"

Assigned to the method: the creation of an undisturbed, friendly atmosphere for communication on the cob and the inclusion of learning in activity.

Number of participants: up to 30 persons.

Obladnannya: stіltsі (participants can also stand in a stab and change months, skipping from one month to another).

Working hour: 5 hours.

Wash the implementation. The reaction of the participants in the way to change the mission will be a kind of response to the teacher's supply. In such a rank, the stench hangs its setting to the occasional manifestations, objects that come. Bazhano, so that the dії were victoriously, on the rest of the word, the teacher was fed.

Teacher's food:

Who has already prokinvshis for a long time, stretching licorice-licorice?

Taking something from the wound to the right, will you be bold?

Anu, tell me quickly: “Do you drink green tea for a snack?”

Who loves a sandwich for a snack?

And who often drink kava?

And who will be the best-seeing?

Snidanok, who are you taking with you?

And who has left the wind?

Who got to school not by car, but by puffs?

Who, without changing the lies of the filthy moods?

And who is lying, stretching, sleeping, laughing brightly?

І who wants more friends?

And to whom did our splurge send a rapt mood?

Then the lads join hands and, rushing alternately to the right, then to the left, it seems:

An angry friend and a friend on the right - how can you not laugh?

Because it is so acceptable for me to talk to them.

Teacher. I hope that this mood and laughter, as if they appeared on your faces, will help our further mutual modality.

B. Concentration of minds for concentration and concentration

Method "Magic Day"

Recognized as a method: reaching a special success of diy partners.

Obladnannya: great coins and objects, great behind the worlds, like they see a clear sound.

Number of participants: 10-20 persons.

Working hour: 10 min.

Wash the implementation. The game begins in pairs, step by step turning into threes, fours, etc. Gra vimaga new concentration on your actions and those of your partner. If the participants are successful, if you call out the sound of joy in them, they stench in great satisfaction. Zavdyaks of concentration and feeling of satisfaction are moving in mood and readiness to actively and steadily continue other types of activity.

1. Participants make bets and sit at tables. Leather may be the same value for the coin. Chim more expansion coins, it’s more fun to ring out, falling on the steel.

2. Achieving synchronous processes is not easy. So give the participants a little time, so that the stinks linger one to one.

3. Partners spin their coins at once, trying hard to get the stink so that the stench rises at once.

4. After reaching the result, the game is aggravated (three, four then).

B. A creation of minds to exchange diyalnistyu

Method "Maysternya of the future"

Assigned to the method: the development of the idea, the formation of central orientations, the “I”-concept, the realization of creative activity, the modeling and construction of activity.

Ownership: arch paper (A4), pens.

Number of participants: up to 30 persons.

Working hours: depending on the year and more.

Wash implementations:

1) the teacher to know the participants with the goals and tasks of the skin stage, the order and the minds of their implementation;

2) a teacher to know about the problem (the problem can be propagated by the boys, you can discuss the problem at once); for example, practice the problems “Culture of a modern place that people

3) lads prepare two arkush papers and a pen;

4) positive (+) and negative (-) aspects of the socio-cultural state of human life are fixed;

5) participants submit the results of their analytical work, with a short commentary.

For example, "+":

Socially organized middle of life;

Good mind for life;

Possibility to create a large number of non-intermediate special interactions, contacts;

A sufficient number of material and spiritual minds for the foundation, formation, development and activity of a person;

the presence of information exchange of a high level;

Opportunity for intellectualization of practice and development on this basis of particularity;

Comfortable and orderly living mind;

Availability of mortgages of culture and art;

Possibility to reach physical culture and sports;

Good mind for the creative development of children;

Great number of objects of service;

Free access to information resources and cultural values;

Opportunity for self-realization and self-significance of particularity.

For example, "-":

Numerical groups of people scattered to the great expanse, there are no direct contacts among them;

A lot of minds have been created for supernice and zadrosti;

The need for high qualifications, to help promoted respect;

Great display of human energy, mental stress, which is indicated for health and self-esteem;

A high qualification will require a thriving training to bring young people to social maturity;

One-time forgetfulness, life near the skyscrapers reminds of discomfort and ruin;

Difficulty getting to cultural values ​​through the great gates (residential quarters on the outskirts and center);

Feel the ruin and drativity, like a lot of people are welcomed by the city of NATO, hostre bazhannya usamitnitsya;

Vimusheni, which always receives contacts with numerical susіdami;

Increased noise level and significant negative reaction to the body;

Hypodynamia, stress anxiety;

Ecological problems; mindfulness for the full biological functioning of the body.

Participants can comment on their analytical views, and listen to their opponents on especially important nutritional problems.

The whole stage of the work will end with the teacher's final step.

Graduation evening - the radiance of that sumna podia in the life of the skin. Schoolchildren celebrate the new growth of life, the readers say goodbye to the students, to which they consecrated more than one river, the fathers assure that the children have grown up. The skin school of the celebration of the graduation evening may have its own traditions: here you can transfer to the territory of a cafe or a restaurant that is left in the walls of your own school, but in another case, the skin participant wants to remember these moments.

On the shoulders of the organizers (vchitelіv, batkіv chi themselves chnіv) lie uneasy zavdannya to prepare sacredly in such a rank, so that the visit does not appear tedious, and vouchsafed dekіlkom vіkovim categories. We will help you to correctly pick up games and competitions until graduation evening.

The competition can be organized in one topic or by a competitive program. The games can be team-based and individual, with a choice of participants, or they can be developed on the basis of the audience's wishes. It is better to get everyone - fathers, learners, readers.

Cheerful competitions, cicaps for skin

  • "The most charming and the most privileged".
  • "Fashion 2017 rock."
  • "Chupa-Chupsi".
  • "Important way".
  • "Licorice of Life".
  • "Clap-Top".
  • "Cipher".
  • "Classy Magazine".
  • "Girls and Boys".

Competition for boys

Materials: arkush paper for the number of participants, lipstick.

The leader to ask the girls from the hall to get ready for the competition - to get spoiled (bazhano with your lipstick). The young skinned people see the arkush paper and pronounce in a short term (30 seconds) the choice of the most "potsіlunkіv" in the form of beautiful classmates. Let the one who picks up the largest number of students win and vote "The most successful graduate".

Competition for girls

Choose a sprat of a participant (3-5) and give them for a sprat of whilin to pick up at the hall accessories for a fashion show. Ale, the names of the subjects of guilt should be based on a single letter and not be repeated. For example, on "C": servette, bag, flask and others. Then the participants defile, trying to visually submit the accessories. The helper is appointed by the lookers.

Cool contest for raising the mood

take the fate
young people. Materials - tsukerki on fingers for the number of participants.

For the cob of cotton, with one zukerka in their mouths, they chant the phrase: I am a graduate. They gave a handful of zuceroks to three to three and said: “I am a graduate of secondary school No. ...”. There are more and more chupa-chupsіv in the company, and the text is more and more. If a participant does not cope with tasks, wines vibuvaє. A graduate student becomes a helper, a kind of zoom to say a phrase with a great number of zukerok at the company (alle chupa-chups can be no less than 6 pieces).

Igor options:

With such a competition, it’s fun to finish sacredly. Leading to ask the young people to go to the new and quietly tell them the rules:

The juniors begin to finish the task, and the girls ask for the leader, three more instructions are given to them, the stench is to blame:

  • walk like that, like boys;
  • the whole hour to collapse behind them;
  • response to the request "n_".

After the cob of the “steam locomotive” the leading question:

Boys, do you like girls?
- So-ah!
- Girl, do you like boys?
- NOT-Є-Є!
- And why are you following them?

Global competitions for fathers, teachers and graduates

Graduation contest with students and fathers - video

Tsіkava rozvaga, similar to the famous group "Kamin, knives, papir", but with the elements of the theater. The group includes 2 teams - grown up and children, stink to stand opposite one of one. We will need to remember the characters and diї (you can guess at once). For example, such heroes:

  • Uchen (singing a song “la-la-la”, you know, it’s all the same for you, but be afraid of the harsh Teacher).
  • Vchitel (shaking his finger, barking, but afraid of the Old Man).
  • Batko (dissatisfied, flattening his eyes, afraid of Uchnya).

Teams play one against one and set up one of their "fighters". You will show one of the heroes and you will show who wins and wins a point. Grade up to 5 points. If the heroes are the same, then they are none.

  • qia
    gra tsіkava tim, scho you can look in a new way at otochyuyuchih, for example, graduate students - on readers, and fathers - on children. Kozhen write on a piece of paper yaki cicavia fact to himself, bazhano, nevіdomy that chesny (“I love sir carrot”, “I dream of becoming a veterinarian” or “I respect myself with fish in childhood”). The leaves are folded into a large compartment, mixed and removed one at a time. Vsіm tsіkavo guess the author of the skin sheet.
  • The game is active for all bugs. The leader is constantly changing and standing at the center, and all the graves are at the head of the stake. The leader preaches “commemorate the missions of those who have…” (select whether it is a sign that unites a large number of people). Meta - take a place at a time, docks are mined by a place other. As if the reason for the sign is daily, then the “vir” is voiced and everything changes randomly, naturally, it is impossible to stay in the place, as if the mind of the leader is conned.
  • Tsya gra is similar to the front, but calm. The participants sit at the stake, and the leader stands at the center. Yogo zavdannya - take away the place from the stake. A person in the middle of the stake can tell a fact, choose whether it is a sign so that if there is another participant, he can bring it to himself. At this moment, the stinks are changing missions, and a new leader appears. Tsya gra cіkava, yakscho torkaetsya not only banal speeches, for a glimpse of soundness, but glib ones. Before the speech, the phrases of guilt start from the words “The sun shines for the quiet, who ...” (believing in a fairy tale, loving guts, not enduring the smell of tyutyun too thinly).
  • It's possible, it's possible divide the participants into a few teams and organize one. We all put our hands on our shoulders, shuffling like a snake, and then we get lost in a ball, or at the great miracle. Leading vigaduє zavdannya for zvіra (abo kіlkoh): reach the goal, get someone else.
  • Tsyu rozvagu needs to be prepared ahead of time. The leader of the classy churchman selects the children's photographs of the students (bazhan sprat, for example, at the turn of the century, three and five years). You can show everything like a wall newspaper or a leaflet, or transfer it to the projector screen. Head of graduates - guess who is in the photo, know the similarity and recognition from today. You can also win photos of readers and fathers.
  • One more option for graduation at school. The participants break into teams (they follow the classes, roar against the fathers, the girls against the lads). The leader pronounces the envelope from an envelope of 5 cards with words (without repetition or, on the other hand, however, sets for commands). Zavdannya gravtsіv - create the maiden of the evening (of the graduation or class), vikoristovuchi all words, adding more priymenny, changing more than vodminki that number.
  • Materials - ice cubes and sticks for sushi. The participants are encouraged to throw the ice packs from one dish into the other one, huddled with little more than chopsticks. You can make the competition easier by tying the eyes of gravity.

  • Meta contest - translation of the phrase from Russian language to Russian language! It is necessary to convey the sense, replacing the words with synonyms without repetition and prompting. Admittedly, “A lad of 6 years sits at the armchair” is changed to “At the softest version of the style, the ruling child of a person of the preschool age, may be a first-grader.” This competition is more often held between teams of chi okremi uchnyami, zarakhovuchi for a distant version of the bali, or giving an hour of encirclement. The text can be seen near the theme of the graduation ceremony, for example: “The life of a skin person can be nothing, as she will remember forever.”
  • The competition is specially for readers, until the new one is better prepared ahead of time. Leading at once from the teachings, write cards with a description of the person, as if characteristic feature otherwise, play the scene in such a manner that the teacher could instantly recognize himself. It’s better not to spell out the names and names of the subjects, as if they were the readers, in order to simplify the task. In such a competition, correctness and subtle humor are important. The prize (you can select portraits and cartoons) will be taken by the teacher, whom you have guessed.
  • Until the beginning of the competition, those (nature, creatures are too thin) are written on arkush papers, and they are folded into an envelope. The participant gets to know the topic, and the next task is to come up with a phrase on the go in such a way that she will answer the topics, and the skin word begins with a letter of the alphabet in order. For example: Anaconda Boris walked all day, їla їzhachkіv, lived miraculously and beautifully loved m'yaukati. Help the one who has reached the next letter of the alphabet.

You can spend an unforgettable graduation ceremony with your own efforts, not necessarily ask for a professional leader, even an active and smart father, and learn how to learn more about the audience and know how to get out of a difficult situation. Golovna - it’s right that it’s too late to think over the rozvazhalnu program, to pick up competitions and games, so that you can easily replace it in the coldness in the mood of the public.

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