View of real problems in chemistry

Types test tasks z khіmії mіstjat 10 variants of sets of zavdan, skladih z urakhuvannyam usіh features and vymog Uniform sovereign _spitu u 2017 roci. The purpose of the help is to give readers information about the structure of the KIM 2017 study of chemistry, the degree of complexity of the task.
The sampler was given opinions on all test options and solutions were given to all tasks of one of the options. In addition, the signs of the blanks were drawn, as if they were victorious on ЄDI, to record the opinions of that decision.
The author is a leading scientist, a vikladach and a methodologist, who takes an uninterrupted fate in the development of control vimiruvalnyh materials ЄDI.
Helper of appointments for teachers for the preparation of students to study chemistry, as well as for high school students and graduate students - for self-training and self-control.

Ammonium chloride has chemical bonds:
1) ionnі
2) covalent polar
3) covalent non-polar
4) water
5) metal

From the propionated translation of the speeches, wrap two speeches, with the skin reacting with some reactions.
1) zinc chloride (solution)
2) sodium sulfate (solution)
3) dilute nitric acid
4) concentrated sulfuric acid
5) aluminum oxide

Instructions for vikonannya roboti
part 1
part 2
part 1
part 2
part 1
part 2
part 1
part 2
part 1
part 2
part 1
part 2
part 1
part 2
part 1
part 2
part 1
part 2
part 1
part 2
Vіdpovіdі until the head of the part 1
The decision and the deadline for part 2
Razv'yazannya task variant 10
part 1
Part 2.

Freely grab an e-book in a hand-held format, marvel at reading it:
Download the book ЄДІ 2017, Chemistry, Typical test tasks, Medvedev Yu.M. -, free downloads.

  • ЄDI 2020, Chemistry, Typical options for examination questions in ЄDI retailers, Medvedev Yu.M., 2020
  • ЄDI 2019, Chemistry, Expert in ЄDI, Medvedev Yu.M., Antoshin A.E., Ryabov M.A.
  • ODE 2019, Chemistry. 32 options, Type tests for the distribution of ODE, Molchanova G.M., Medvedev Yu.M., Koroshenko O.S., 2019
  • Chemistry, the only sovereign test, Getting ready for the sub-bag attestation, Kaverina A.A., Medvedev Yu.M., Molchanova G.M., Sviridenkova N.V., Snastina M.G., Stakhanova S.V., 2019

YEDI 2017 Chemistry

M.: 2017. - 120 p.

Types of testing tasks in chemistry can be 10 options for sets of tasks, folded to improve the characteristics and strengths of the single sovereign sleep in 2017. The purpose of the help is to give readers information about the structure of the KIM 2017 study of chemistry, the degree of complexity of the task. The sampler was given opinions on all test options and solutions were given to all tasks of one of the options. In addition, the signs of the blanks were drawn, as if they were victorious on ЄDI, to record the opinions of that decision. The author is a leading scientist, a clerk and a methodologist, who takes an uninterrupted part in the development of control vimiruvalnyh materials of the EDI. Helper of appointments for teachers for the preparation of students to study chemistry, as well as for high school students and graduate students - for self-training and self-control.

Format: pdf

Rozmir: 1.5 MB


Peredmova 4
Instructions for vikonannya roboti 5
Part 1 8
Part 2, 15
Part 1 17
Part 2 24
Part 1 26
Part 2 33
Part 1 35
Part 2 41
Part 1 43
Part 2 49
Part 1 51
Part 2 57
Part 1 59
Part 2 65
Part 1 67
Part 2 73
Part 1 75
Part 2 81
OPTION 10 83
Part 1 83
Part 2 89
Vіdpovіdі until the head of the part 1 91
Decision and reconciliation before the beginning of the part 2 93
Razvyazannya zavdan variant 10 99
Part 1 99
Part 2 113

Denmark's headmaster's guide is a selection of the head for preparation for the preparation of the Unified Sovereign Internship (EDI) in chemistry, which is like graduation admission for the course of a secondary school, and an introductory admission to the university. The structure of the assistance book is helpful in helping you before the procedure for the admission of ЄDI z chemistry, which will allow you to better prepare for new forms of graduation attestation and enter the universities.
Posіbnik is composed of 10 options for the order, yakі for the form and the closer to demo version and do not go beyond the limits of the course of chemistry, normatively assigned by the Federal component of the national standard of global education. Chemistry (Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1089 dated March 5, 2004).
The riven of the presentation of the replacement of the initial material at the heads of specializations to the state standard before the preparation of graduates in the middle (new) school in chemistry.
In the control materials of the Single Sovereign Ispitu, there are three types of directors:
- setting the basic level of folding with a short break,
- zavdannya raising the level of folding with a short break,
- The head of the high level of folding with a roaring wind.
The skin version of the examination work was prompted for a single plan. The work consists of two parts, which include a total of 34 tasks. Part 1 on the 29th day of the short break, including the 20th day of the basic level of folding and the 9th day of the advanced level of folding. Part 2 to avenge the 5th day of a high level of folding with a roaring wind (the order of numbers 30-34).
At the heads of a high level of folding, the text of the decision is written on a special form. The task of the same type is composed of the main part of the writing work in chemistry at the entrance exams to universities.

The result of ЄDI z chemiї is not lower than minimal installed quantity balіv gives the right to enter the universities on the specialty, de at the crossroads of the entrance students to try out the subject of chemistry.

VNZ does not have the right to establish a minimum threshold for chemicals below 36 points. Prestigious universities, as a rule, set their own minimum threshold for richness. That is why, for the purpose of learning there, first-year students may have more good knowledge.

On the official website of the FIPI, options for ED s in chemistry are widely published: demonstration, pre-stroke period. The same options give a statement about the structure of the future sleep and the level of folding of the day and є dzherelami reliable information when preparing to ЄДІ.

Prestrokovy version of ЄDI z khimiї 2017 rіk

Rik Get pre-string variant
2017 variantpo himii
2016 take advantage

Demonstration version of ЄDI z khіmії 2017

Option zavdan + vіdpovіdі Get demo option
Specification demo variant himiya ege
Codifier codifier

In the variants of ЄDI z khіmії 2017, the year of 2017 was changed from the KІM of the past 2016 year, to that it was necessary to prepare for the current version, and for the various development of graduates of victories, to change the variant of the past years.

Additional materials and possessions

Before the skin version of the examination robots EDI from chemistry, the following materials are added:

− periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendelev;

− table of salts, acids and bases in water;

− electrochemical series of metal voltages.

Under the hour of scoring the examination work, it is allowed to test the non-programming calculator. The transfer of additional additions and materials, which are allowed on the EDI, is confirmed by the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

For those who want to continue their education at the university, a selection of subjects in May, depending on the choice of entrance tests for the chosen specialty
(Direct preparation).

The change of entrance examinations at universities for all specialties (direct training) was appointed by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The skin of the greater initial pledge is chosen from the first transfer of those and other objects, which indicate that I will accept in my own rules. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the information on the websites of the selected universities, first of all, apply for participation in the EDI from the transfer of these subjects.

For 2-3 months it’s impossible to learn (repeat, pull up) such a folding discipline, like chemistry.

Change at KIM EDI 2020 no chemistry.

Don't add preparation later.

  1. Coming to the task of arranging, vivchit theory. The theory on the site is presented for skin care in order to make recommendations that it is necessary to know the hour of the appointment. to send to the study of the main topics and to indicate that knowledge of that vmіnnya will be needed in the course of the study of the science of chemistry. For successful taskЄDI z khіmії - the theory is more important.
  2. Theory needs to be supported practice, constantly virishuyuchi zavdannya. Oskіlki more pardons through those who misread the right, not understanding what the task is. The more often you write thematic tests, the more you understand the structure of the experience. Training tasks are divided on the basis demo version in FIPD to give such an opportunity to virishuvate and to recognize the evidence. But do not hurry to look. You will win your heart out on your own and marvel, you will score a few points.

Bali for skin chemistry

  • 1 point - for 1-6, 11-15, 19-21, 26-28 tasks.
  • 2 balls - 7-10, 16-18, 22-25, 30, 31.
  • Z ball - 35.
  • 4 balls - 32, 34.
  • 5 points - 33.

Usy: 60 points.

The structure of the examination work consists of two blocks:

  1. Meals that convey a short sentence (they look like numbers and words) - task 1-29.
  2. Order from the fired vіdpovіdyami - zavdannya 30-35.

3.5 years (210 minutes) are added to the examination work in chemistry.

There are three cribs on the bed. I need to sort them out

Tse 70% of information, as an additional help to successfully put together sleep with chemistry. Other 30% - in the meantime, it is worthy of the presented cribs.

  • If you want to get more than 90 points, you need to spend a lot of time on chemistry.
  • In order to build successfully EDI s chemistries, it is necessary to virishuvate richly: training tasks, to instill stinks like a light one of the same type.
  • Properly expand your strength and don't forget about recovery.

Take care, take care of yourself, and you've got it all!

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