Theory from Russian. Materials for preparing for the EDI of the Russian language

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BALI FOR VIKONANNYA ZAVDAN For 1-6,8-14,16-23 days for 1 point For 7 days up to 5 points For 15 days up to 2 points For 24 days up to 4 points Usy for the day 1-24-32 points. Tvіr (zavdannya 25) maximum 23 balls The maximum first ball for the work is 55.

TASKS 1. INFORMATIONAL PROCESSING OF LETTER TEXTS Text for the vikonnanny task 1-3 (1) As you marvel at the map, move on, that Siberia is more than half of the territory Russian Federation, it is approximately as old as Europe, to become a quarter of the territory of Asia and one-fifteenth of all the land of the Earth. (2) Ale Sibir will surprise us not only with its volumes, but thim, what is the world's largest treasury of forest massifs, reserves of oil and gas. (3)Same<...>the plans of the economic development of Russia and Siberia are given great respect. Do any of the suggestions below have the HEAD information correctly conveyed, what should be hidden from the text? 1) Siberia, which occupies two-fifths of the expanses of Asia, has great respect for the plans for the economic development of Russia. 2) Siberia astonishes us not only with its dimensions and uniqueness, but also, what is the greatest treasure of brown copalins in the world. 3) The plans for the economic development of Russia and Siberia are given a lot of respect, shards in this region have great natural wealth. 4) For the development of the world economy, Siberia borrows a special place, the oskilki of this region borrows one fifteenth of all the dry land of the Earth, and here there are great natural wealth. 5) Siberia, which has majestic natural riches, has great respect for the plans for the economic development of Russia. ID: 3553

DOVIDKOVA INFORMATION Foreman 1 does not require special knowledge, but instead I thoughtfully read the text in good condition. Tse zavdannya reverify, chi you vmієte pratsyuvati s іnformatsієyu. The texts are different: deyak, crim main information, revenge dodatkov, deyak єk is clearly expressed, and information is attached. To understand the text - tse means to catch the logic of yoga, to understand the connection between the parts, to analyze the mind universally. To animal respect: Proposetsitsa, I am in conjunction vibrati I will correctly, I can signs the serpent with the text, include іnformatsky, in the text, transmit the deprivation of the uniform, yaks, yak є for the rosemino of the main thing. transfer of details and details. Such propositions do not fit. Most often, the correct statement will be the propositions, which, in a short look, convey the essential components of the mind, clearly formulate the dominant thought. So, in order to distort the correctness of your choice, and in important ways to do it correctly, it is necessary for you to designate, as the information is in the head text. For whom it is necessary to provide other information: details, applications, comments, explanations, descriptions. Put your own simple question: About what text or fragment of the text? What does the new one say? What is the main information? If the texts express a causal and inherited connection, then, naturally, it is necessary to sort out which is the cause, which is the last. As information should be taken, the minds and other possible components of the mind, it is important to understand which components in the text are dominant.

TASK 2. TAKE A LINK OF PROPOSITIONS TO THE TEXT Text for vikonanny zavdan 1-3 (1) If you marvel at the map, then change your mind, that Siberia is more than half of the territory of the Russian Federation, it’s about the most one fifteenth of all the dry land of the Earth. (2) Ale Sibir will surprise us not only with its volumes, but thim, what is the world's largest treasury of forest massifs, reserves of oil and gas. (3)Same<...>the plans of the economic development of Russia and Siberia are given great respect. 2. How can I put the lower words (lower words) in the middle of the pass at the third (3) word of the text? Write down the word. however, to the one that wants to Vidpovid: to that

DOVIDKOVA INFORMATION At the head 2 you work with the text, in which the omission of the word (or slіv) is allowed. One of the proponated variants of opinions helps you to choose the very nature of the text, such power, like integrity. Integrity reaches the heart of the meanings of completeness of yoga zmist. Most of all, having read the text carefully, you can intuitively learn correct choice. Perhaps the words were heard there: from one side, chi is better. Tse means that it may be sing-songly further to be continued: from the other side (from the other side) or in a different way ... As in the text, there is a mirroring, and the overflow is broken up like a fold, with a folded visnovka, then it’s a whole lot, that the missing words can show up words: Otzhe, otzhe, in such a rank. If you have any doubts about the correctness of the statements, win the method of substitution: successively, submit the suggested options for the proposition with a gap. Follow the changes of the sense. In some cases, the meaning of the text will be destroyed. Less than correctly pіdіbrana vіdpovіd її zberezhe. Porada: Read the text for the first time three times. The first time - for the infamous knowledge, the other - after the knowledge of the variants of the evidence. The third time, perevіrochny, schob perekonatisya, scho the text from the selected vіdpovіddu is taken in whole. Call the manager 2 missed splits and allied words otherwise, enter the words that will come out, which act like a link in the speech of the text. Guess what.

Splits Let's guess, the function (role) of splits is the viraz of syntactic links: coordinating and contracting. List call- Tse zv'yazok, which turns the equal rights of the elements. Contracting link - the link of uneven components, if one of the components is deposited in the other. So po'yazanі part of the folded word. Unions can also link the speech with the text. The axis of the main see the meanings of words, as they appear in the text. Sensual blues, which are expressed by coordinating conjunctions: Happy: i, so (=i), i…i…, not only… ale i, yak… so i, so, tezh Rosdіlnі: either, abo, those…that, not those… not that, chi ... chi, chi that ... chi Opposite: a, ale, so (=ale), prote, natomist Gradation: not only, but th, not stils ... skils, not those shob ... but Explanatory: tobto, but to itself Adjunctive: tezh, that th, and before that, moreover, unions do not get used to the proposition on the cob: tezh, that th, tobto, zokrema. The meanings are blue, which are expressed by sub-order splits: Timchasov: if, while, less, less, then, like only, troch, only Reasons: to that, to that, to that, to that, to that, to (outdated), at zv'azku z tim shcho Umovnі: yakshcho (kabi, if, yakshcho - outdated), yakby, once, if Tsіlovі: shob, shob, shob (obsolete), s tієї In order, shob, shob, and then the consequences: so Steps: wanting, not respecting those who are Porivnyalny: like, now, no, exactly, lower, no, similar to that before, lower (outdated.) Explain: what, like schob !!! Unions do not get used to the cob of proposition: so what, lower, and also z'yasuvalny unions: sho, yak, schob

INTRODUCTION WORDS THAT POEDNNANNYA Guess the topic: “Introductory words that day.” Nevipadkovo їх to divide into groups by meaning. Axis of the main ones: Emotions, feelings, assessment ↓ Levels of credibility, ability, insinuation of the group often win as a link to the propositions of the test)

TASKS 3. LEXICAL MEANING OF WORDS Text for vikonnnya zavdan 1-3 (1) If you marvel at the map, then change your mind, because Siberia is more than half of the territory of the Russian Federation, it is approximately half the size of Europe, to become one quarter of the territory of Asia all dry land of the Earth. (2) Ale Sibir will surprise us not only with its volumes, but thim, what is the world's largest treasury of forest massifs, reserves of oil and gas. (3)Same<...>the plans of the economic development of Russia and Siberia are given great respect. Read a fragment of the dictionary article, de to suggest the meaning of the word PLAN. Decide on the meaning in which the word is used in the third (3) word of the text. Write down the number, as if you are confirming the meaning of the indicated fragment of the dictionary article. PLAN, man. 1) Armchair, which depicts the area as a mass, a spore. P. mista. P. budіvlі (image of yoga in a horizontal rosette). 2) A system of duties has been planned ahead, which transfers the order, the sequence and the line of vikonanny robit. Virobnichiy p. Pratsyuvati behind the plan. Strategic plan. Calendar plan. 3) Mutually roztashuvannya elementіv, a short program for this week. P. dopovіdі. 4) Misce roztashuvannya such a subject in perspective. Anterior, posterior p. Hang the first p. 5) The scale of the image is chi chogo. Give a close-up view (at the frame of a movie or a TV movie: in the foreground, close to the gazer). 6) Show the area how you can see it, thought (book). Diya in vistavi develops in two plans. At the theoretical plan. Suggestion: 2

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION one. Word warehouse Russians have close to pivmillion words, to that, getting ready for the next task, it is fundamentally impossible to enter the list. I is not necessary. All information will be given to you. 2. Different words: some express only one lexical meaning, others - a sprig of lexical meanings. As the word expresses one lexical meaning, it is called unambiguous: lagidno, mizhrichchya, cockatoo, majestic, gadfly and others. As the word has a sprinkling of lexical meanings, it is called richly meaningful: root, head, gold, true, length, flow and others. Do not be surprised, there are much more richly meaningful words, less unambiguous ones. The leader 3 has richly-meaningful words. Porada: Read carefully the indicated proposition. It is not uncommon to take revenge on a tip. Why work, why don't you get any hints? Try the substitution method: by replacing the words that are being discussed, substitute them with synonyms or clouding, presented by the witnesses. You shove that in the most vipadkіv zmіst propositions after the substitutions fall apart. The loss of sense is an indication that the conclusion is wrong. Preservation of the sense of proposition - evidence of those that have been found correctly.

STATEMENT 4. SPELLING STANDARDS (STRIBUTION OF ACCENT) In one of the lower words, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word. let's call tore citizenship

DOVIDKOVA INFORMATION What do you need to know about the Russian voice? The voice of the Russian language is different and shaky. Tse means that in Russian words, the voice can be voiced in any language: there are no fastenings for any warehouses: 1, 2, remaining just or for the singing parts of words (morphemes). When changing words, for example, when changing words, or changing words, you can change your voice from one warehouse to another. Often people do not know how the word is correctly used, for example: heretic or heretic, enormity or enormity. Another problem is connected with a word change. For example, in the form of a scarf, you won’t have mercy, but how to say: a scarf, a scarf, a scarf or a scarf, a scarf, a scarf? The norm is a historical understanding. The norms are added up, as the correct options are opposed to the wrong ones, they are changed, changed. Tse trivaliy process. Vіn stosuєtsya less than deyakіh words chi groups of words. For example, for thirty years, the norm ordered to speak: in the middle, in the rivers, in the walls, in the middle, in the rivers, in the walls. At the same time, the norm was broken and insulting options are recognized as correct: in the middle and in the middle, in the rivers and in the rivers and so on. Possibly, after another hour, one of the options will be overcome and become a normative vim. Words that allow variant vimovi, KIMI YEDI do not turn on. Norms are fixed by dictionaries. The norms of the voice are presented in the dictionaries of the voice and in orthoepic dictionaries. The shards of the language are being changed in the post-change, the same word can be interpreted in a different way in different dictionaries. FIPD was announced that the materials for A1 in 2013 passed the revision for the new spelling dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences: "The Great Orthoepical Dictionary of Russian Language" edited by L. Kasatkin, M., "AST", 2012. at the warehouse of the official package of documents of KIM EDI from the Russian movie on the official website of the FIPD. 2014 clarifications list of words was published.

Task 5. LEXICAL STANDARDS (THE WORD DEVELOPMENT WITH LEXICAL MEANINGS AND VIMOGY OF LEXICAL CONNECTIVITY) In one of the suggestions below, the propositions are WRONG. Correct the pardon and write the word correctly. In the obscure, pink light of the night, the majestic and beautiful prospects of St. Petersburg appeared: the Neva, the embankments, the canals, the palaces. Chromium and manganese є farbovymi rechovina, components of rich farb, created on the basis of these minerals. Diplomatic representations between Russia and the USA were established in 1807. The most humane professions on earth are the ones that allow you to live a spiritual life and a healthy person. Success foreign policy power rich in what to lie in the sight of that talent DIPLOMATIV. Suggestion: barvniks

Let's guess, the words-paronyms are the same-root words, close to the sounding of the meanings, but can be distinguished: in sounding, in meaning, in the same with other words, so in lexical success. Apply an unfavorable vzhivannya paronimіv Dovirlivy tone of speech, soft manners pіdkupovuvali. (That's right: Confidential tone of speech, soft manners podkupovuvali.) Breathe better. (That's right: Zіtkhannya is relieved.) We already have a good work permit. (That's right: We already have a good record of work.) Deyakі authors are happy to try to pick up the words-paronyms synonymous with the appointment. But in that rіch, scho, not knowing exactly the meaning of the words, you can’t speed up such a recommendation.

TASKS 8. SPELLING OF THE ROOT Choose the word in which the voiceless root is omitted. Write the whole word, inserting the missing letter. in...rhove ornam...nt out...melting Vidpovid: upper

DOVIDKOVA INFORMATION Unvoiced voices in the roots of words can be different: they are reversed, unreversed, drawn. Їх writing follows different laws. Read the rules, look at them. For a faithful vikonnannya, it is necessary for you to decide, until such three vipadkiv lie down for your version of KIMU. The manager conveys knowledge of how words are spelled. For the correct interpretation, it is necessary to remember the spelling bezpomilkovo. This day is similar to the passage of passport control at the cordon: the guard looking at you, marveling at the photo in your passport, and the way out. There are 5 words in front of you, recognize the words with voices that are swearing, beforehand and turn on the rows with such words from the spheres of respect. Maizhe on the tsimu vikonannya zavdannya is completed. It was no longer enough to overturn the correctness of the choice, subtracting to the lines in the rows, which were left out, overturning. Reversing unvoiced voices in the root: At the unvoiced station in the root of the word, the same voice is written as in the voice. How to distort? Choose the same word, but in a different form, or a disputed word, that is a word with the same root.

A LIST OF 20 ROOTS WITH ALTERNATE VOICES NEED TO VIVCHIT. 1-9: -ber-//-bіr-, -per-//-pіr-, -mer-//-light-, -burn-//-burn-, -ter-//-tir-, - der-//-dir-, -even-//-chit-, -glitter-//-blist-, -steel-//-steel- 10: -cas-//-kos- 11: -mok-/ /-poppy- 12: -rivn-//-rivn- 13-15: -gor-//-gar- , -creator-//-creature- , -clone-//-clan- 16: -zor-/ /-zar- 17: -float-//-float- 18-20: -dew-//-growth-//-growth-, -lag-//-loose-, -jump-//-skoch-

The sounding of voices at the roots of Russian words is a systemic phenomenon. Roots with voiced voices are not too rich, in total 20. It is necessary to remember and firmly know the entire list. Tse dopomozhe vanish the impersonal cry of pardons. І easily vikonati zavdannya A13. 1. Vocalizing at the roots of ber//bir, lane//pir, world//light, palev//zhig, ter//tir, der//dir, h h//chit, bliss//bliss, stele// style: erase-praty Like in the words from the roots: -ber-//-bir-, -per-//-pir-, -zheg-//-zhig-, -mer-//-svіt-, -ter- //-dir-, -der-//-dir-, -even-//-chit-, - shine-//-blist-, -stel-//-steel-є suffix a, write dokorinno i: tidy up , shine, no suffix a, write: take, shine. 2. Calling the voices at the roots of the braids / / kas: toss - toss Yakshcho in the word є suffix a, write in the root a: toss, toss, no suffix a, write about: toss, dotik : vimok - makati Yakshcho in words with roots -mok- // -mak- meaning: “skip the homeland, take the homeland”, then write about: vimok under the board, “get into the homeland”, write a: makati. 4. Rivn//rіvn voiced at the roots: virіvnyati -zvnyati Yakshcho in words from the roots -rivn-//-rivn-meaning: “equal, smooth”, write about: virіvnyat the road, fill holes, “rivnіst”, write a : respect for rights, equilateral.

5. Vocalizing at the roots gіr//gar, creat//creature, clone//clan: milky pіdgorіv Yakscho root -gar- // -mountain-, -creature- // -creator-, -clan- // -clone - without a voice, write about: burn, leaning, create, in a voice, write, like you can hear: tan, bow, creativity, creativity. Vignatok: burnt 6. Calling the voices of the root dawns//zar: dawn 'As the root -zar-//-zor- without a voice, write a: dawn ', lightning strikes in a voice, write, as you hear: zo' ri. Vignatok: dawn´t 7. Drawing voiced at the roots of pilaf//float: float´– plіvtsі´ (vikl.) As a root -float-//-float- without voice, write a: float, write in a voice, like chuєsh: swim, float, bay. Vinyatok: swimmer, swimmer, swimmer, plivuni 8. Drawing voices from the root of the rіs//growth//groves, lag//lodges, jump//skoch: roslina grew, dodanok - dodavannya, gallops - viscochka Yakshcho in roots are good: s, write about: grew, st abo sch, then a: growth, growth, w, write about: rechennya, g, then a: dodanok, year, write about: viscochka, k, then a: jump rope. Vinyatok: Rostock, Likhvar, Rostov, Rostislav

TASKS 9. SPELLING OF PREFACES Choose a row, for which in both words the prefixes miss one and the same letter. Write down qi of the word, inserting the missing letter. pr...stand up, pr...dear pid...brothers, r...zaslav ra...throw, i...lyakati pr...sumiv, pr...tear about...throw, on ... pis Vidpovid: roses of data from wood from wood of roses of data

DOVIDKOVA INFORMATION Which prefixes are written the same way? Which prefixes are spelled differently? Prefixes in Russian language are rich. Some are written in the same way, rob the pardons of the written especially cover. Deyakі prefixes are written strictly according to the rule: zrozumіy, yak dіyati, i will not have mercy. And є so, yakі vimagayut postіynoї respect, for example, prefixes pre- and pre-. Previously, the task for the spelling of prefixes included th words with smaller spellings: - І ta Y before the root after prefixes for voices - Ъ і Ь. But at the same time, the formulation of the task was changed. Commanders 9 will have less words, those who have letters missing from prefixes.

How are the prefixes spelled the same way? 1. Prefixes in-, ob-, vіd-, over-, pіd-, u-, o-, vi-, on-, for-, before-, on-, re-: uvit - bring in - vbіgti - get up Ні problems! Write them all the same! Remember the prefixes in addition to the list of appendices: Write, signed and turn, finish, turn, leave, enter and attack, and reach, and relish, as well as exit, exit and subterranean transition. Russian words also have inverse prefixes: dez-, counter-, trans-, post-, sub-, super-, pan-. Write them all the same. 2. Prefix z-: building is used only prefix z-. Apomilkovі writing tsієї small prefixes of the flooring are wider, which happened to see a particular rule. On the right, for someone who confuses the prefix z-z with prefixes that end in the letter zabo z. Read about them below. Write the prefix at the same time: before the voices, and before the voices, whether they are vociferous: zdavannya, robiti, zmiti. Before the boys' twinkies, the prefix s-vimovlyayetsya like [z]: zrobiti, zdati. Do not stray: In the words here, wake up, zdorov'ya, (not visible) none of those other similar letters can be seen to the root.

Which prefixes are spelled differently? 1. Prefixes that end in letters z i z: bezporadny - homeless Uvaga between the prefix that root! Prefixes: once-// race-, from-//is-, without-// bes-, air-// sun-, air-// sun-, bottom-// nis-, through-// through- / , through-// through- as the root of the word starts with a voice or a sound voice, write with the letter z: homeless, as the root starts with a deaf voice, - with the letter z: bezporadny. 2. Prefixes great-//pro: great-grandson - truant yaki іnshi - write the prefix pro-: Stay (dovgo), look over (shvidko, shvidko), prescribe (appoint likuvannya), pro-Russian policy, etc.

3. Prefixes raz- (ras-) / / roses '(roses '): rozpisati - rospis Respect for the voice: For prefixes raz-, ras- / / roz-, grew- without voice, write a: rose 'z, pid in voice - about: ro'execution. 4. Prefixes pre-//at-: premiums, pereskoda - come, tie, cover, roadside Think about the meaning: Write pre-, as the meanings are transmitted: “duzhe” - premiums, elderly, “re” - pereshkoda. Write when, as the meanings are transmitted: “nearby” - come, come, “arrive” - sew, tie, “troch” - cover, open, close, near - coastal, roadside transferred groups: call, be present, listen and others. Try to remember what you have written.

ZAVDANNYA 10. SPELLING SUFFIXІV LIFE PARTS OF MOVLENNIA (crim SUFFІKSІV С Н І НН) Write the word, in which the letter E is written in the missive. ..vatis Vidpovid: nickel

DOVIDKOVA INFORMATION Task 10 does not include spellings s n - nn (this topic is dedicated to the work day) . And without them, the great material was covered, for that Russian - cemova with a developed suffix system: suffixes impersonal. A literate person needs to know the spelling of the suffixes of names, examples, suffixes and deafs. However, not all suffixes are used in KIMakh. The formulation of the task is allowed to search for a word with the letter e, or with the letter i. Tse allows you to sound meaningfully around the “necessary” suffixes. Moreover, the majestic greatness training options, preparations of the FIPI, in the zavdannya, in reality, mostly words in non-insignificant form, dictionaries, idioms, phrasings are used. What can be fed to the spelling of suffixes of names? So, to that, in a first way, it was passed over by the “Uzalized Exam Plan robots EDI from the Russian language” and, in a different way, the suffixes of the namemen in the change to the variegated meanings are used in the instructions.

Sufiks dієslіv 1. Sufiks ova, eva, willow, willow: draw, grieve - zapіznyuvatisya, otsіnyuvati Porada: Revisit yourself, for whom you design the form of one individual of the present one or the next hour. If in the form of 1-ї individuals one day at the hour of the day є o o o o u o o o o u, then write the suffix ova, eva: raditi - raju, command - I command iva, iva, then write the suffix willow, willow: sleep - sleep, look - Note : Єva ta willow - ce phonetic variants of suffixes Ova ta Єva, yakі zustrіchayutsya after soft voices. 2. Razrіznennya sufіksіv e + va i willow, willow: dolat, ailments - correct, calm Porada: Respect for the voice. Suffix va zavzhdi under voice: dolati, ailments. Before the suffix you write the suffix f. Do not stray: In words like pour, sp_vati letters i e in the root. 3. Suffixes in the non-insignificant form of the dialect: bachiti, farbuvati Suffix of the fiestial basis of the 2nd introduction i. Uvaga: Diezlova-exclusion for vikonannya tsgogo zavdannya іnteresu not become: even it is necessary to recognize the letter not in the kinci, but in the suffix. To that, as you designate the letter in the suffix of the undetectable form of the word, boldly write it in the included words on the border with a naked letter in the suffix: form, bachiti, hate, fallow and the worst types of them: cheer, zabachit, form them. In other words-vinyatkah suffix in stressed position. 4. Suffixes in dieprikmetniks and dieprikets. At the head of the 10, no one verifies, who knows the suffixes of the diefprikmetnikiv and dieprikmetnikiv. Diprikmetniks and diprincipals omitted the voice stems, in view of the approved data in the form masters. Apply from the zavdan: gluing ... vismic ... wading, aiming ... wading, putting on ... waving, chervishing ... wiping ... wading

Suffixes of prikmetniks Here only suffixes of vіdomih prikmetniks are looked at, to that the same material is brought to those (suffixes of prikmetniks - only words, in the suffixes of which the spelling n-nn is used). The list of suffixes of examples, the adoption of names of names, is not made up to two rules, pointing lower, but in practice, ЄDI vikoristanі the words themselves on the rule. 1. Suffix verb, їv, liv, chiv: garniy - combative, happy, trusting Porada: Respect for the voice. For prikmetniki, utvorenih vіd іmennikіv: - in a voice write suffix verb: beautiful - without voice - suffix єv: combative. Write suffixes, chiv and in a voice: happy, and without a voice: dovirlivy. 2. Suffixes ov, ovate, ovit - ev, evat, evit: businesslike, syriy, otruynyy - moving, bluish, combative Rada: Respect for the remaining voice of the root. If you have a firm voice, write suffixes, ovate, ovit: businesslike, siriy, otruyny. If you write soft, voiced, hissing, h and c write suffixes ev, evat, evіt: moving, bluish, combative.

SUFIXI WITH THE CHANGE-TO-PLEASANT VALUES. 1) Suffix ik, ek: little boy - hustochka. Stitch for a quick voice when changing a word. Like when changing words in a new voice sound [i] is saved, write the suffix ik: m'yachik - m'yachi the voice sound is known, write the suffix ek: hustochka - khustochka 2) kind of name. In the names of the human family, write the suffix ets: brother, finger of the female family - itz: beautiful, wise woman of the middle genus can be buti і ets, і ts: in the transversal warehouse (before the voice) write the cz: coat ', letter ' in the shock warehouse (after the voice ) write іts: cloak, armchair 3) Suffix echk, ichk: donka, mistechko, Vanechka - cibulinka At іmennikіv write sufіks echk: bug, bottom, mіstechko, vremechko, Vanechka, Sashechka 4) Suffix onk and enk: apple tree - donechka Viznach, what a sound before the suffix. At the names of those who are hard-voiced, write the suffix onk: kitchenette, kitty, laponka of voiced, hissing and soft voices - suffix enk: Zoenka, darling, sweetheart, grandmother Like in the names of the female gender with suffix to the base, which virobleє on іn, write sufіksi іn і to: middle + ka← middle on n, write the letters enk: cherry + ka←cherry.

ZAVDANNYA 11. SPELLING OF SPECIAL COMPLETION DIALNIKIV I SUFIKSІV PARTICIPANTS Write the word, in which the letter І is written in the missive. reworked ... my dissolute ...

DOVIDKOVA INFORMATION In order to get around the "underwater stone", before the 11th task, get ready for the pokrokov. Usogo three kroki guarantee you a pardon. Krok 1. Choice of vowels in unvoiced endings of voices. Specysti Zakinchennya diSliv at the specialty of Zakinchennykh dіsliv tsoy-Maybutnoye in the Zachinchennya DIXLIV 1-AVIDMINY Write Golovni E, U (Yu): May, MAM, MAYT in the ZAMISHIKH 2- : marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel So, for the correct writing of voices in non-naked endings, it is necessary to remember without mercy to recognize the speech of the word! Guess: Until the 2nd introduction, the following words are introduced: with the suffix -i in the basis of the unknown form: love Vinyatok: Goliti, stelit - the idioms of the 1st introduction: spit, shave, lay, lay those їх хідні: lay, lay, re-lay that . 7 dієslіv-vynyatkіv from the suffix -е in the base of the unmarked form. Remember them: to be patient, to twist, to form, to lie, to hate, and to bachiti, and to marvel at them, for example: to marvel, look around, look, look, look, marvel, marvel at others. 4 words from the suffix - a. Memorize them: drive, trim, chuti, dihati and those are good: drive away, overtake, ignat, ignat and others. Until the 1st reconciliation, there are other words with unfinished endings: play, draw, pull, throw and other. Uvaga: Dієslova want, bіgti and shanuvati especially. Їх і all pokhіdnі vіd them, for example: pobіgti, kobіgti, surf, vkti, probіgtis і tp.

Krok 2. Choice of vowels in suffixes of dieprikmetniks in the present hour. The suffixes of the idioms of the present hour Communion can be different: the present and the passive, the present and the past hour. Keep the pardons from that spelling in addition to the knowledge that the dialect of the present hour was approved as the basis of the divine word of the present hour, and participle of the past hour - as the basis of the unknown form of the word. Therefore, when choosing suffixes of diagnosing at the present time, you should choose the introduction of the diaslov. Help me choose the right suffix. And for the unpardoned writing of dialects of the past hour, it is important to know the suffix in the basis of the unknown form of the dialect. 1. Suffix -usch (-yushch), - ashch (-yashch) in the daily dialects of the present hour: knowing, loving. For diprikmetniks, approving vіd diєslіv 1 vіdminyuvannya, write the suffix -usch (-yusch): know, read. vіd dієslіv of the 2nd vіdmіnіuvannya - - ash (-yashch): loving, sho to shove To give respect: Dіisnі dієprikmetniki of the present hour are settled in the basics of the fiєslіv of the present hour: know, know - 1st vіznіdmіnyuvannya - → knowing, the basis of knowing lyub іt, lyub yat - 2nd v_dminyuvannya, base lyub + suffix -box → lyublyachiy. 2. Suffix - їм (th), - їм in passive dialects of the present hour: rise, kind of imy In diprikmetniks, approved vіd dієslіv 1st vіdmіnyuvannya, write suffix -em -om: pіdnіmaєtsya, references, 2nd vіdmіnyuvannya - -im: kohaniy, visible, pіdnіmayut - 1st vіdmіnyuvannya, basis pіdnіmannya + sufіks -emma to love, to love - 2nd v_dminyuvannya, the basis of love + suffix - -im → love.

Krok 3. Choice of vowels in suffixes of dieprikmetniks of the past hour. Suffixes of dijectives of the past hour 1. Voices before suffixes - vsh, -sh in deisny diprikmetniks of the past hour: bachiv, chuv, sho yshov Significant final voice in the basis of the unmarked form of the word. In the past hour before the suffixes -vsh, -sh write the voice that is written in the basic undefined form of the word: bachiv←bachiti, chuv←chuti. 2. Differentiation of the vocal suffix of the discourse stem -a (z) before the suffix -nn and the suffix -enn in passive dialects of the past hour: intrusions, babbles Visnach of the final voice in the stem of the non-voiced form of the word. Yakshcho passive dієprikmetniki utvorenі vіd nevyznachenої forms dієslіv z sufіks -а- -я-, before the sufіks participle -nn- write lіteri a(i): intrusions ← vtratiti, with suffixes -і- and аbo -е-, at sufіksі -en- write the letter e: reminder ← reminder.

ZAVDANNYA 14. SPELLING -Н- І -НН- IN LIFE PARTS OF MOVEMENT Indicate the numbers, in the place of which PN is written. Originality of mysticism (1) to the world of (2) stories of N.V. creative Response: 124

DOVIDKOV MATERIALS H-NN IN NARICHKA, APPLICABLE I PARTICIPLES, SHORT I SHORT 1. With one letter n is written: 1. Appliances with a non-pretty base: chervoniy, juniy, blue. There is no suffix of such examples. The letter n enters the stock of the root. 2. Indicative examples from the suffix -n: winter (type: winter), summer (type: summer). 3. Indicative examples with suffixes -an, -yan: sings, srebniy (added to the meanings of "naming the material, speech"), i-in: bearish, humpbacked (added to the meanings of "belonging"). Vinyatok: wooden, tin, curses write from two letters nn. 4. Vіddієslіvnі prikmetniki, yakscho no prefixes and explanatory words: lubricated m'yaso. Vinyatok: Write with two letters nn words from the list: dans, swaggers, kinuty, bazhany, purchases, bobs, timidity, manirny, poloneniya, indulgence, sacredness, readings, vіdchaydushny, karbovany, damnable, nechuvany, nebacheniy, navmisny, nepodіvaniya: Before the list of blames does not include the words of non-pro-hany, non-pro-hany, names, as if they were more pronounced. Write them clearly up to the rule: an unstoppable joy, an unstoppable guest, brother names. 5. Short prikmetniki in the form of the human family alone: ​​glad tsіnna - (m.r.), as well as short prikmetniki in all other forms, as the stench is adopted in the latest prikmetnikіv with one letter n: red girl (in the same form with one letter : chervoniy), chervone sonechko, chervonі girls. 6. Adherents on-o i-e, adopted as examples with one letter n: windy, neat.

2. Z Two letters PN are written: 1. Vіdіmennі prikmetniki z suffix -n, so the root of the name ends with the letter n: autumn, spring, sleepy. 2. Useful examples with suffixes -en, -on: letters, portions. Vinyatok: windy people, windmill, windy weather, ale without wind, windward side. 3. Vіddієslіvnі prikmetniki with suffix -nn: uprooted plot, defective river. Figure out how the word is made: rejection ← slubuvati + nn. Suffixes -nn write at vіddієslіvnih prikmetniki, utverenih vіd viroblyayuchoї foundations with suffixes: -eva//-ova, -eva: wringing ← wrinkling, tucking ← making. It’s easier to remember like this: prikmetniki on eva + nn + y, ova + nn + y, eva + nn + y. 4. Appliances-exclusions from paragraphs: 1.3. Vinyatok: wooden, tin, curses write with two letters - nn. 1.4. Vinyatok: denials, swagger, kinuty, bazhany, purchases, bobbles, timidity, manners, poloneniya, concessions, sacredness, readings, vіdchaydushny, karbovany, accursed, nechuvany, nebucheny, nenavmisny, nevozniy. 5. Passionate communion of the past hour, yakscho є prefixes or explanatory words: spellings tvіr, knitting (by whom?) Grandmother's mittens, as well as dієprikmetniki and vіddієslіvnі prikmetniki, utvіd vіd ієslіv in full view without prefixes: purchases, inclusions to the list of words for memorization in paragraph 5 of the order with other butts). 6. Short prikmetniki, adopted in a new form with two letters nn (crim forms of m.r. one-ch., in the same name one letter n): nothing without a month, for the sake of a price. 7. Adjectives in -o and -e, adopted as examples from two letters nn: broad, thoughtful, calm.

M. M. Rozumovsky's line of teaching materials. Russian language (5-9)

V. V. Babaytsev's line of teaching materials. Russian language (10-11) (dead)

Line of UMK Kudryavtsev. Russian language (10-11)

Line of UMK Pakhnova. Russian language (10-11) (B)

ЄDI s russian movie: report reviewed by the head of the zі specialists

ЄDI s rosіyskoї є one of the obov'yazkovykh before the folding of graduation іspitіv subjectsіv. The results of the same Russian language will be required when entering universities for skin training (specialty). Today, we report on one of the options for the examination task.

New materials are available for reference at your request:

Below is a summary of the date of 2017.

3.5 years (210 minutes) are added to the examination work.

The minimum number of balls from the Russian movie:

  • for the withdrawal of the certificate - 24 bali;
  • to enter the university - 36 balls.

The structure of the examination work:

The leather version of the examination work is composed of two parts and includes 25 days, which are modified by the shape and equal folding.

Part 1 to avenge the 24th meeting with a short notice. In the examination work, it was proponated the coming of the day with a short notice:

  • zavdannya vіdkritoy type to record independently formulated correct vіdpovіdі;
  • order to select that record of one of the correct statements from the proponated transfer of statements.

Part 2 to avenge the 1st task of an open type with a roaring vіdpovіddu (vygaduvannya), which is corrected in the minnnya vlasne vyslovlyuvannya on the basis of the read text.

Our experts:

Sosnina Irina Vasilivna, teacher of Russian literature and literature, laureate of the competition "Grant of Moscow" in the gallery of science and technology in the field of education.
Awarded with Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science, work experience - 34 years.

Ryabtseva Olena Oleksandrivna, teacher of the highest category, lecturer at the senior school. Veteran of the Pratsі, Achiever in the contest of the best readers of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Priority National Project "Osvita". Dvіchi Laureate of the competition "Grant of Moscow" in the gallery of sciences and technologies in the field of education. Teaching experience - 46 years.

part 1

Read the text and read the task 1–3.

(1) L.M. Gumilyov, highlighting the features of the historical development of the peoples of Eurasia, having lost respect for those who turbulent social changes on the continent associated with sleep cycles , yakі dosit again described by astronomers (2) this call may have a natural character . (3)<…>vin hanging and raising the hypothesis that sharp increase in sony activity spriyaє to that , what is on the Earth at the great kіlkost “passionarians” are popular - people of increased activity , how to take social change and direct the historical development of peoples

1. Indicate two propositions, in which the HEAD information is correctly conveyed, which is to be found in the text. Write down the numbers of these propositions.

1) Main opinion of L.M. Gumilyova argued that the first time, having chimed in with the active members of the community - "passionaries" - and instructed historical backgrounds in Eurasia.

2) L.M. Gumilyov has given respect to those who are socially changing and strengthening ethnic processes on Earth, as if they were tied to the cosmic energy of the galaxy.

3) L.M. Gumilyov, vising the hypothesis about “pasionaries”, explaining the link between the cycles of sleepy activity and the strengthening of the social and historical processes of the Earth.

4) Peoples of Eurasia, according to L.M. Gumilyov, with their historical development ahead of the cycles of sony activity, as if to report on the descriptions of astronomers.

5) Taking care of the peculiarities of the historical act of Eurasia, L.N. Gumilyov hanging a hypothesis about “pasionaries”, zgіdno z іsnuє snuєmozv'yazok between the cycles of activity of the Sun and social and historical processes on the Earth.

Response: 3 5

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1. See in the skin language the key words that are important for the understanding of that food, as it stands for the text.

2. Appreciate the causal and historical indications between the words in the text.

3. Shorten the text, citing other information (explanations of various kinds, details, descriptions of insignificant facts, comments, lexical repetition).

4. Pass in one word the main information that should be avenged in the text.

5. Spivvіdnesіt svіy variant of stylization of the text (your own proposition, as if conveying the main idea) with the variants of opinions.

Try the stylo to retell the text:

Let's make an order from the options:

  1. in the first variant, there is an accent on the links between the active members of the society - "passionaries" - and the low historical podia of Eurasia;
  2. in another option, submit information about those who are socially changing and strengthening ethnic processes on the Earth due to the cosmic energy of the galaxy;
  3. in the third variant, the hypothesis about "passionaries" is given, the link between the cycles of sleepy activity and the strengthening of the social and historical processes of the Earth is explained, which is correct;
  4. in the fourth option, pardon information was given about those peoples of Eurasia, goiter related to their historical development before the cycles of sleepy activity, as a report to report described by astronomers;
  5. in the fifth variant, the hypothesis about “passionaries” is clearly explained, for which there is an interrelationship between the cycles of activity of the Sun and the social and historical processes of the Earth.

The correct options are correct - 3 5

2. How can I put the words below the words? Write down the whole word (lower words).

Mіzh team
More than that

Suggestion: 5

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

To correctly assign a word (obtained words) for a given context:

1) Read the test carefully and understand the logic of the author's mind.

2) Vznachte, what a logical line in the author’s interpretations is a proposition with an overpass:

I do not indicate the reason for the descriptions of the phenomena (therefore, it is impossible to insert TO THAT );

Not to introductory phrases and not to suggest a riddle about something, MIZH TIM );

Vikoristovuetsya for the presentation, blatantly on super-accuracy HOWEVER, ZATE, ALE );

Vikoristovuetsya for vkazіvka special importance offensive phrase (later, on the pass pass for a zmist you need to choose MORE TOGO );

3) Create a substitution, and then re-read the option again, which is correct, and switch over to the one that correctly set the logical conclusion between the proposition with the gap and then, that you are going to change it.

3. Read the fragment of the vocabulary article, where the meaning of the word ROZVITI is suggested. Vznachte, for which meaning the word is implanted in the third (3) word of the text. Write down the number, as if you are confirming the meaning of the indicated fragment of the dictionary article.

ROZVITI, -Zov'yu, -Zovesh, owls.

1) Pіdsiliti, give me some shit. zmіtsnitsya, zmіtsnіti. R. interest in music.

2) Bring to the singing world of spiritual maturity, knowledge, culture. R. ditini. Reading has developed її.

3) Expand, expand, destroy the zmіst chi zastosuvannya chogos. R. idea. R. argumentation.

4) Vzhiti scho-n. at wide rosters, with the strength of energy, flare up sho-n. R. agitation. R. diyalnist.

Suggestion: 3.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1. Read the order carefully.

2. Find out the indicated proposition.

3. Increase the skin from the proponated lexical clutters to replace the word given for analysis.

4. Appreciate, spent or did not spend the proposition for the hour of the conducted linguistic experiment of its semantic value:

As if the proposition has not lost its semantic integrity – it is true;

If the propositions are changed, they are changed - it is obviously wrong.

Word ROZVITI, -Zov'yu, -Zovesh, owls. it is vital to expand, expand, destroy the zmist chi zastosuvannya chogos.

R. idea. R. argumentation.

4. Which word is pardoned by the voice: FALSE Did you see a letter, what does a stressed voice sound mean? Write down the word.




Suggestion: vulgarize

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

It is necessary to remember: the fragility of the Russian voice creates ob'ektivnі difficulties at vikonannі tsgogo zavdannya, to give respect to the recommendation and repeat the words of the force.

1. In the words of the past hour of the female family, the voice, as a rule, falls on the end of A: took, took, took, took, took, poured in, dodged, took, took, acted, drove, chased, got, got, checked, checked, borrowed, closed, called, lied, lied, lila, lila, narwhala, began, drenched, hugged, overtook, ripped off, vіdbula, vіddala, vidklikala, vіdklikala, poured, called, watered, understood, came, tore, took, created, zіrvala, tidied up.


Vinyatok to become the words of the past hour of the woman’s family with the prefix VI-, as if pulling a voice on yourself: Vilila, called out ;

Lay down, sneak, send, send, hear your voice in the form of a woman’s family, the past hour does not fall on the end of A, but is left on the basis: put, sneaked, angered, sent, sent.

5. In one of the propositions below, the word is WRONGLY implanted. Correct the lexical pardon, subtracting the paronim to the seen word. Write down the chosen word.

The jury took the indictment from the right.

So far, they have shown that when a sparkle hits the soil, that it is possible to avenge silicate and ORGANIC charcoal, a ball of silicon fibers and silicon carbide is established.

“Because the people were already chained, as if they were movcha,” the writer’s fellows guessed.

Useredin Rada zamіst demokratії vstanovlyuvavsya dictat bіshovikiv.

I'm ready to sing zhorstokіst, like I'm spitting svіchtu, scho LIKE the one who is talking about it.

Hint: secretive.

Paronimi - tse single-root words that lie up to one and the same part of the mov, close to the sounds, but may have different lexical meanings: addressee - addressee; nevigla - nevigla; dress up - dress up, etc.

Members of paronymic couples

There are different lexical meanings;

Rise with different words.

voicings- Communion in the goal. zvinuvatiti the one who wins knowledge.
Apply living: accusations from stealers, accusations from nonsense, accusations from stolen money, accusations for malice, innocently accusations, accusations from the right about driving in.

ACCUSATIVE- what to avenge the ringing.
Apply living: accusatory mova, accusatory virok, accusatory visnovok, accusatory side.

ORGANIC. 1. (special) lie down to the growing chi of the creaturely world, which lie down to living organisms.

2. What is the cost of the internal life of a person, її organism, її organіv.

3. What is the essence of the very essence of Chogos, root.

4. (transl.) Inside the authorities, be it anyone.

ORGANIC. The one who can be deeply rooted in a special or a hromada organism, powerful to anyone, to someone, not to be violent, naturally screams for something; wholesome, indistinct.

attachments. Chi is not easy to share with your other thoughts, experiences, thoughts, non-doors. Synonym: closures. Antonimi: vіdverty, schiry. Attachments: ~a people; ~a person; ~e istota; ~i people; ~th character.

attachments. Hidden, which does not appear clearly. Antonym: obvious. Attachment: ~ th sense, tightness; ~a vorozhnecha, irony, bіl; ~e hvilyuvannya, watchfulness; ~a strength; ~th temperament; ~і ability, reserves, thoughts, steps; ~th enemy.

DICTATION(Ped.). A writing robot, as if reading a written text that is being dictated.
classy, ​​control, healthy, important, easy dictation

DICTAT- Vymoga, vkazіvka, dictated by one strong side and imposed on the insane vikonannya by another weak side.
Roman dictate;

COB- Cob.
vacant moment, rіven know

OUTSTANDING- The term documentary.
Attach: reference number, document

Correct variant vіdpovidі « attachments”, not easy to share with his other thoughts, experiences.

6. In one of the visions below, a pardon was allowed in the illumination of the form of the word. Correct the pardon and write the word correctly.

STRAT from the board


in PIVTORASTA meters

two bets SOCK

not PROPHATE any words

Suggestion: promoters

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

For vikonannya tsgogo zavdannya garne knowledge of theory.

1. Consecration and implantation of the native and ancestral names of a plurality of names (For more names of the human family, in the pochatkovy form they end with a firm voice ( orange, tomato, fly agaric, computer, shkarpetka ), characteristically finished -OV in the form generic advice multiplier: oranges, tomatoes, fly agarics, computers, shkarpetok and etc.).

2. Living the numbers of the second, second generation ( Numbers of the second and the second of the second in all indirect opinions, krіm znahіdnogo, shape the form second, five hundred and fifty ).

3. Enlightenment of that vzhivannya stupenіv pіvnyannja prikmetnіv і prislіvnikіv

Steps of por_vnyannya prikmetniki and prikmetniki

Equal foot


Miracle foot



-ЇЇ, -E, -ШЕ






Mensch important










Porіvnyalny stupіn prislіvnik

Miraculous step of the clerk


-ЇЇ, -E, -ШЕ




BILSH І Mensch




Zaymennik ALL +

simple form of leveling step


Vishche ALL


Porіvnyalna miroy prikmetnіv i prislіvnіkіv vіdrіznyayutsya one vіd one for syntactic functions in speech: the equal foot of the applicator plays the role of assigning a special proposition, signifying i, even more rarely, spoofing; the footstep of the attendant is at the role of furnishing.

Pardon allowed at the word " uttering". Tse dієprislіvnik, utavleniya vіd ієslova thoroughly looking. Die-priests of a thorough mind settle for the help of the advent of the suffix -in- to the basics of the infinitive in voice: shtovkhnuti - shtovkhnuvshi, come - coming, marvel - wondering.

So proponuєmo your respect I work the program to UMK Gusarova I.V. (basic and burial level) for 10-11 classes.

From the fifth class on the robot you can already take I am working on the program to UMK Albetkova R.I. from Russian literature.

7. To establish the difference between grammatical pardons and propositions, in which the stench is admitted: to the skin position of the first column, take the appropriate position of the other column.


A) incorrect implantation of the native form of the name

with receiver

B) the proposition is incorrect

C) broken connection

D) the prompt speech with indirect speech is wrong

D) disruption of motivational speeches with the same members


1) In 1915, Charlie Chaplin took part in the competition of Charlie Chaplin's twins in San Francisco, not only did not win prote wines, but did not win at the final.

2) Having said to my reader that I have not yet prepared myself for graduation.

3) Nekrasov's "Zaliznitsya" verse presents a picture of the people's life.

4) Turning back, I realized that the dog was still following me, but there was no one.

5) For this reason, here, at the very center of the village, there was a wooden church, and all those who succumbed to it, groaning in the fineness of life.

6) From the first chervn, the primisky drafts are corrected by the summer schedule.

7) Zvir carefully made his way along the road that led to the village and walked like a wine more than once.

8) Nazustrіch groups of tourists hung up the corner of ryatuvalnikov.

9) All parcels that go beyond the cordon, pass suvory epidemiological control.

Write down in the table the selected numbers under the double letters.


A.8. Pardons, due to incorrect habitation of the PEDEGHNY FORM named after the IMITED PROPOSITION.

B.4. Pardons in encouraging propositions with DEEPLY ATTENTIONS.

Grammatically incorrect, such a proposition, in a yakіy dіya, is pronounced by a diabolical adjective, and dіya, pronounced by a diarist, are spoken by different persons.

B 5. Pardons, tied to broken bonds between the FOLLOWING and SHOWING.

At the folding words, prompted for the model " TI, XTO... », « ALL WHO... ", when pіdlyagaє XTO, the dієslovo-attribution is put in one, and when pіdlyagayut ТІ (ВІІ) the dієslovа-attributions get used to multiple.

D.2. Pardons in prompt propositions from INDIRECT MOTION.

It is unacceptable for an hour to shift the direct language from the indirect at the appendage part to implant the special borrower “I”: the borrowers of that word in the first individual should be replaced by borrowers and words in the third individual.

D 7. Pardons for encouraging propositions with HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS.

A pardon for the propositions with the same members (proposition 7) for the fact that a number of the same members include different syntactical constructions. It is necessary: ​​either two parable turns, or two homogeneous appendages.

8. Appreciate the word, in which the unvoiced voice of the root is missing, which is drawn. Write the whole word, inserting the missing letter.


prig..redny (station)




Suggestion: hug

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1) Change the words to the skin word, remembering those who can be among them vocabulary words;

If you know the words, in which it is voiced, which are perverted in the root, but the words of the dictionary, then you can reconcile them, so that the stench will not be correct

2) Respectfully read all the words and know the middle word with the voice that is drawn, in the root:


Memory sequence:

1. Revіrenі unvoiced voice letters before the original word

(At a naked camp, the same voice letter is written in the root of the word, which is voiced in the same root words or forms of the same word: accept - respect; take care - carefully; analOgіchniy - analOgіya).

2. Chergovі voices in the root of the word (Hug-hug).

9. Designate a row, in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write down qi of the word, inserting the missing letter.

pr .. miracle, pr .. gate (vitlumachiti)

pr..mazh (glue), pr..did

not..ginuty, ..give

voz..krayda, mizh..groviy

pid..yachiy, about..evsya

Suggestion: nepochitny, zdati

For the correct spelling, it is necessary to know the following spelling rules:

The spelling of the fixed prefixes: (be sure to write the same way. You need to know “on the face”: in-, in-, vzo-, vi-, do-, for-, izo-, on-, over-, must-, not-, under-, pro-, pro-, pro-, re-, in- , pіd-, pіd-, pr-, before-, pro-, dis-, s-, co- . In the word "promazh" (glue) write the prefix PRO-, and in the word "pradid" - PRA-)

Spelling of change prefixes that end in -3 і (the prefix is ​​​​written with the letter Z, as the root starts with a vowel, or with the letter C, as the root starts with a deaf fit (k, p, s, t - the word for memorization "KaPuST"): without-/without-, air-/vos- (air-/sun-), s-/ic-, low-/nis-, times-/growth, trojand-/growth-, through/through (through/through) ;

Spelling prefixes PRE-і AT-: (so don’t have mercy on the written prefix AT- or PRE- in a word, next to know its meaning. Qi prefixes are valued with meanings, so that the choice of writing is based on the meaning of prefixes, like the stink of introducing the lexical meaning of the word. So the roots of the word "primha" show a morpheme -CHUD-: Diva-Wonderful-Miracles ... The semantics (meaning) of the prefix PRI- in the word is unclear, so I remember the spelling of the prefix in given a word. And in the word "zvorotno vitlumachiti" the choice of prefixes is to lie down in the lexical meaning of the word. Words with prefixes PRE- / PRI-, which are the same, but may have different lexical meanings that indicate the choice of prefixes: to this particular type- “hibniy, creations”, we choose the prefix PRE-);

spelling I, S after prefixes (if the prefix ends with a voice, then І root change to S:gra- draw , vіdomy - nevidomy , history - prehistory .

Ale, after prefixes between-, over- and inshomovnyh prefixes dez-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans-, pan- I do not change: supra-institutional, inter-institutional, disinfection, counter-play, post-impressionism, trans-Indian, pan-slamism.

Excl.: tighten);

Spelling of different Kommersantі b signs (various Kommersant write less after prefixes in voice in front of letters e, e, u, i, which means two sounds (z'is the sound [th']): pіd'їzd, ob'їvsya. In the middle of words before letters e, e, i, u, i(not after the prefix!): curtain, serious, nightingale, zavіryukha, peasant, clerk (por. dyak) and write b).

The words "unbreakable" and "build" have a prefix missing FROM-. No prefix Z-. The prefix C- does not change. Formally, the prefix C- vicariously Sat, sg, sd, szh, sk, mid.

10. Write down the word, where the letter I is written on the pass.





Suggestion: Thoughtful

Tse prikmetnik, the spelling is changed from the suffix. Suffixes of examples -LIV-, -CHIV-, Always write with the letter I.

For example, suffixes -A LION-,-CHEV- don't be.

Microwave algorithm:

1) Indicate that a letter is missing from the part of the word: for example, chi suffixes.

2) If the voice letter is omitted in the kіntsi, then after the unmarked form of the diaword, insert the yogic introduction:

· In the special endings of the discourses of the first review, voices are written E, U ;

· In special endings of speeches of another opinion, voices are written I, A (I) .

3) As voice is omitted in the suffix, analyze the nature of the spelling:

Missed voice in the suffixes of the dialects ush, yusch, ash, box, їm, їm (om) .

Missed voice before the suffix dieprikmetnikiv vsh, nn.

4) Spelling of suffixes of dieprikmetnikiv ush, yusch, ash, box, їm, їm (om) lie in the wake of the observation of the outward speech:

· In dieprikmetnikah, utavlenih vіd dієslіv I vіdminyuvannya, suffixes are written ush, yusch, em (om) ;

· In dieprikmetnikah, utavlenih vіd dієslіv II vіdminyuvannya, suffixes are written ash, box, im.

5) Vocal spelling before the suffixes of the dialects vsh і nn lie down on yat-yat or iti - et the form of the verbal discourse ends:

· if the vihіdne dієslovo ends on ат or yat, then before nn in passive dialects of the past hour, voices a (I) are taken;

· yakscho vyhіdne dієslovo ends on iti or et , then before nn only spelled e ;

Before the suffix vsh she chooses to be voiced, which is before the end be in an invisible form.

Help: Putting the word in the 3rd person multiplier. (VONI sho robyat? VONI sho roble?) finished -ut-ut - dієslovo 1 yarn - in the end of the next write a letter E ,

Completion - at-yat - English 2 yarns. - at the end, write a letter І .

11. Write down the word, where the letter Y is written on the pass.


(stink) image..

(patient) mind.


(stink) pіslya..t

Suggestion: Will form

Tse dієslovo, approved in the form of dієslov "OFFEND", Scho vіdnositsya before another vіdminyuvannya. table:

Vіdminyuvannya dієslіv

II vіdminyuvannya

I introduction


1) Use the words to -it,

Crimea goliti і stealth .

2) also 11 dієslіv:

Drive, trim,

dihati, picture.

Feel, bachiti, hate.

І deposits, і patience.

And yet marvel, twist .

You remember, friends,

їх on -E- it is impossible to vindicate.

1) all other words, krim of differently conjugated;

2) plus words goliti і stealth




12. Appreciate the speech, in which NOT with the word it is written EVILLY.

Open the arches and write down the whole word.

We lived poorly, fast (NOT) until the end, mined for the products of those speeches, as they brought from them.

The training glance of my signified that my (NOT) LIVING IS, but I still poked around and wanted to see the signs of human presence.

It is still far (NOT) CLEAR that such a criterion of evaluation is necessary to all and the same world.

The zoo accepts (NOT) SALES on Novyi Rik fruits, such as elephants, kangaroos, bears and artiodome.

Vaughn is a sly Russian actress, vin - to no one (NOT) VІDOMIY a brilliant teacher, and insults - to the right servants of the theater.

Suggestion: We missed it, because.:

UNDER-- foldable prefix, which points to incompatibility, lack of dії or as a cost, for example, to underdo, to miss, to miss . It is made up of two elements that independently get used to: prefixes before- , What does it mean to reach the goal, bring the reach to the end ( to reach, to reach, to reach, to live ), and the parts not- I will block those that “before” means ( miss, miss …).

Dієslova z UNDER- The incompatibility of the diї, which is seen in the presence of a sufficient norm, is tied to the diєslov

1) with a lack of a quantity of chogos ( miss, miss, miss, miss ),

2) due to the lack of length of what is at the hour ( unsatisfied, unsatisfied, unsatisfied, unsatisfied ),

3) with an insufficient degree of intensity ( overlook, overlook, overlook, overlook ).

The largest number is the first group of children. Mid-dієslіv z UNDER-є ti, yaki without NOT do not get used (n underestimate, underestimate, underestimate, underestimate, underestimate, underestimate, marvel, underestimate... ) Dієslova domagati, understand, dovicoristati, appreciate, doublyuvati, dochuti, razumiti, dorahuvatisya ... daily at mov.

Keep in mind that the rules of writing NOT With different parts of the movie, you can group it like this:


Like a word without NOT getting used to: bewildered, bewildered, bewildered, nebilitsa

Yakscho є otstavlennya іz union, but False, but nonsense

How can you replace it with synonyms without NOT: narrow-barrow

Like with the word s NOT є the words are far, zovsim, anіtrochs, not even pretty

No drive between NOT and a borrower: No one, no one

With diєslovami and diєprislіvnikami: not knowing, not knowing

3 prefixes not + before

crushed not to the end
do not look at the film, do not take to the house
Vaughn did not finish and closed.

With short dієprikmetnikami: no_ closing

The borrower has a successor

No one, no kim

Vinyatki: over the world, over the world, not to good, not to haste, for gusto, over strength, over the inside, out of hand, etc.; b) neither date nor take, nor be nor me, neither there nor there, nor light nor dawn, nor for what

not about anything, not a bottom, not a tire, not for a sniff of a tyutyun, not for a penny.

zhoden (nіhto) - not one (bagato), once (nіkoli) - more than once (often).

13. Appreciate the speech, in which the offending vision of the word is writtenEVIL. Open the arches and write two words.

Additional evidence (IN LAST forward the voiced documents that formulate the call, and SO(F) discussion of the order of evidence.

Nihilistic philosophy does not allow any (BEAST) FEATURES values, as the specialty of the moment was stale, SCHO(B) correct your reason.

(BY PERCHE , everything can be done in fairness, so the video booth needs to be extended (PO) RIVNU .

(NOT) Stare to the fortunes of critics, Turgenev was extremely popular among Russian readers: yoga novels were crowned with great popularity to inspire ( ON THE COB XX century

buv theater (BILO) KAM'YAN booth with a high gank i STYLES W) high oak doors.

Suggestion: super-features, shob

Prikmetnik SUPERPERSONAL » to be written at once, because

The first part of the folding applicator BEAST "to bring in the meaning of the transcendental world, between;

Word " SCHOB є union, yogo can be replaced by a synonym.

Microwave algorithm:

1) Read the proposition, think about it.

2) Appreciate what part of the promotion should be seen the word.

Union shob, tezh, zate, before that, that, that write together; You can replace them with synonyms for those parts of the promo.

Similar to the sound of the words of other parts of the movie scho b, the same, just like that, for those, moreover, to what, and so, in that case write okremo. The stench is composed of two components: one of them (a, b) can either be taken away from the propositions, or rearranged in another place; іnsh component ( those, chim, so, that ) Replace with other words.

Pokhіdnі priymennikov are written angrily: SLIDING = through , UVAGU = through , NALIK = about , NAZUSTRICH = before , Irrespective of = beyond .

Pokhіdnі prijmenniki are written well: STRONG = TO CONTINUED, ON VІDMINA, FOR COMPLETION , STRONG .

For an angry, hyphenated number of different spellings of suffixes, set the rules.

Pokhіdnі prijmenniki - for the long haul E: There was no sound for the rock (meaning the hour)

Names with successors - for a long time І(What?) Rivers. Vaughn spoke in a long drawl. To marvel at the future І(What?) Series. On the vіdmіnu E vyd іnshih (vykoristovuєtsya z vіd). Lastly E= through

Names with drives - climb up the hill (lay down to the word),

Climb up the mountain.

Dієprislіvniki z zaperechennyam

Popri boards, swung out for the place (want to buv boards). Regardless of the indignation, we went to the hike.

14. Indicate the number (s), in the space of which (s) it is written PN.

Appointed (1) and in the regiment of young officers were izbalova (2) and soft appointments before them in the period of training and zdijsni (3) did not know anything about the truth (4) of the life of ordinary soldiers.

Vidpovid: 1,3,4.

The word “appointed” is more passive participle of the past hour next to write Mon

1. The word “rozpescheni” is a short form (crim forms of a human kind) of a scribbler with the same meanings, which follow the form with passive suffixes of the past hour for a thorough looking, written s nn

2. The word "True" - Mon - because it is settled on the base stick, which ends with the letter H, that suffix H

Microwave algorithm:

1 Significantly, what parts of the language should lie in the word with the omission of the letter;

2. Fix the spelling rule H і Mon at the suffix tsієї parts of promo.

Name: PN

1. How the root of the word ends in H , and the suffix begins with H: raspberry(raspberry)

2. How true. approved vіd dod., scho maє Mon, or as a participle: soreness (painful), rozpeschenіst (sores)

3. Remember'yatai: dowry

1. In words that have been established as nouns, they can have suffixes -ін-, -an-, -yan- : peat bogs (Vid days Peat)

2. In words, approved by vіd dod. with one H : study (Vid add. statements), martyr, laborer

3. In words: purple (crimson), hemp (hemp), dumplings (preparations), smoked meats (smoked products), bone marrow (brushes), wisdom (wise), butter (oily), v_vsyanitsa (v_vsyany), gothel (vitalnya), drov'yanik (wood 'yany) mercifulness, great martyr


1. day -H+-H -: intestinal

2. -VIN H- , -ENN- : commission, crane! windless

3. Vinyatki z -YANN-: Sklyany, tin, wood

Yunnati (juni naturalist)

4. -ІН- : goose , vignatok VITRENIE (Day, man)

5. -AN- (-YAN-) : shkiryany Remember: junium; chervoniy, rum'yany, zavyaty, p'yany, spices (Historical Suf. - YAN- ); mutton, pig, blue, green, single, vigorous .

In short prikmetniks, styles are written w n, skilki i in povnih

foggy far - far foggy, windy girl - windy girl


N - NN

1. Є prefix: prosіyane borosno (crim prefixes not-)

Ale: neprosіyane borosno

1. Є prefix not-: Nesiyane borosno

2. Ні, ale є ЗС: sіyane through a sieve borosno

3. Ні ¬: sіyane borosno

4. є suffix -ova-/-єva-: marinated sturgeons

Vinyatki: forging, chewing, pecking (-ів-, -єв- enter to the root warehouse)

5. Adopted in the form of an unattached discourse to a thorough look:

Virishene zavdannya (virishiti - what do you need?) Ale: wounds, wounds in the leg, fight! Being wounded, the soldier was left in the ranks.

The women immediately rose up the prana. (Suffering. moreover, so to. they take on a deaf meaning, point to a temporal camp, and not to a permanent sign-likeness)., windless

Vinyatok: wounds, wounds

6. These words in the direct meaning will be participles: the p'esa was named, the work was completed.

7. When the participle is transferred to the adjective, it is possible to change the lexical meaning of the word: a burdensome child, a restless guest, names of a brother, plantations of a father, a settlement, Forgiveness of the week, a dead person.

Vinyatki: manirny, bazhany, nechuvany, nebocheny, sacred, nespodіvaniya, nezagnosti, navmisny, timidity, povilny, not dormant, swaggering, karbovaniya.

8. The writing is not changed at the warehouse of folding words: golden fabrics, lamania-perelamaniy, The word is all zagalom maє meaning adj. (High level of quality), and not the meaning of “adj. + Communion.

9. Short communion: the girl is scribbled


short prick

The girl is vihovana (self-short adj.). You can replace it with a new one: vihovana.

Short communion

The girl was beaten into a child's booth (Kim?) - a short parable.

Impl. ? cr. moreover

On the right, it is thought out (yak?) from the sides. Considered - an award.

15. Set apart signs. Indicate two propositions, in which it is necessary to put ONE to whom. Write down the numbers of these propositions.

1) The jeweler was welcomed by his relatives and colleagues and numerous friends.

2) The hero-romantic knows less about his own cob at the intersection of the elements: from the light ocean, the sea, the sea, or the coastal skel.

3) At the urvka from “Antonivsky apples” Bunina seems to be not so important for the author to be an assistant, but rather for help with language references.

4) Postiyny ruh directing to other interfolds is the essence of creative life and just about it, having written Pasternak in one of the verses.

5) The vranci descended with a blush and a dribbling haze turned into the lower color.

Vidpovid: 2.3

2-proposition - union that is repeated ABO with the same members.

3rd proposition - union " insoles", which shows the z_stavlennja at obmezhennі; those same, scho " not such a world ... like". The rozdіlovy sign is placed between the parts of the speech (before the other part of the union).

Microwave algorithm:

1. Find homogeneous members in the speech.

2. Appoint, yakі unions їх to unite:

yakscho tse single happy or rozdіlovy union (i, abo, abo, so (= i) , Coma is not placed in front of him;

yakscho tse subvіyny union ( yak so i; not shoes, skils; not only ale; want ..., hello ), coma is placed less in front of the other part of the dependent union;

· as unions that are repeated, then only coma is placed in front of them, as they are known among the same members;

· A coma is put in front of the opposite splits between the same members.

3. Reverse, what is not in the proposition of the same members, connected in pairs. Remember: if the same members of the rivermen join in pairs, then the coma is placed between the boys' groups and only one.

16. Set up all the different signs. Indicate the number (s), on the place where the debtor (s) is guilty (s) are coma (s).

Mathematics (1), which originated in Ancient Greece (2), has two “fathers” - logic and geometry, that (3) without understanding (4) from nature “fathers” (5) її the essence is impossible to comprehend.

Vidpovid: a) 1,2-complimentary turnover, what is worth after a delusional word; b)3,4- dієprislіvnik (single)

Microwave algorithm:

Accountable turnover for meals what? yak? yake? yaki?;

Die participle vіdpovіdaє on food what did you kill? what are buggers? І means dodatkovu diyu with diєslovі - award; dієprislіvnikovy turnover vіdpovіdaє on zapitanya yak? if? why?

* the setting of rozdіlovih signs at the accountable turnover to lie down in the yogo roztashuvannya according to the date before the name, which is marked;

*dієprichetny turnover is always seen on the list as lumps;

*similar appointments and furnishings, expressions of accountable and derogatory turns and joined by a single union I, which they do not share.

Microwave algorithm:

1) Find out from the rechenni prichetni and dієєprichetni turnovers, correctly identifying their boundaries. Always see coma.

2). BEFORE- not seen as coma. PISLYA of the signified word - it is seen

3) Reverse, which is not in the proposition of the same members of the union I, expressed by adjectives or adjectives. Before the union I do not put a coma.

Important points of punctuation in affidavits and disclaimers.

Dієprikmetnikovy zvorot

Dієprislіvnikovy zvorot.

Seen a lamentable turn, what can be the meaning of the causes of chi actions: Tying from the great poet with heart friendship, Zhukovsky was having a hard time of death (surviving, the shards of the bands of friendship are the meaning of the cause).

Chi is not seen one by one, the priests, who stand after the award, as if they stink as furnishing the way of the house, and are also close for the function to the slaves: Vin ishov nakulguyuchi. Read recumbently.

Do not follow anyone similar parables and disparate phrases, connected by a single happy and diversified union: Pletnyov’s inconsistency, who worked in the name of the great Russian literature, and understanding the uniqueness of Pushkin’s appearance. The stench walked away, looking warily at all sides and not saying a word.

Can't be seen with words REPEAT Z, WALK OUT Z(їх can be omitted without shkodi for sensu): Before the robot, we proceed to COB Z of offensive tying. Phraseologisms are not seen, to the stock of which enter dieprikmetniks: The stench heard yogo rozpovіd ZATAIV DIKHANNYA.

17. Set up all daily signs. Indicate the number (s), on the place of which (s) the propositions are guilty (-la) are coma (-i).

Wind (1) wind (2) about snow (3) wind (4)

Respect my past life.

I want to be a bright boy

Abo a flower from the meadow.

I (5) want bi (6)

Embrace the earthly bush.

Raise w (7) and (8) monthly paws (9)

My turmoil at the sky is a wind.

(S. Yesenin)

Vidpovid: 1,2,4 - tse animal

8.9 - tse animal

Remember: introductory words can be changed from speech without changing the main idea of ​​the syntactic construction. Victory by the reception of the inclusion of visions of words.

Microwave algorithm:

1) Reverse, chi seen words є introductory.

· Introductory words can be changed from the speech, or replace them with synonymous introductory words; stinks are seen as lumps.

· Homonymous with introductory words, the members of the speech cannot be learned without changing the sense of the syntactic construction; stinks are not seen as lumps.

Remember those who are not introductory and are not seen as lumps of the word: nibi, nibi, maybe, zdebіshkogo, nibi, literally, to supplement, adzhe, zreshtoyu, nachebto, hardly, all the same, after all, navit, іnodi, like bi, before then, less, at the same time, singsongly, marvelously , perhaps, invariably, insanely, often, prinaimni, truly, like before, that, simply, let me, rіshuche, prote, nibito.

18. Set up all the different signs. Indicate the number (s), on the place where the debtor (s) is guilty (s) are coma (s).

Chekhov can’t seem to take long time at the focus of life (1) the essence of (2) such a (3) whistling yoga genius everywhere (4) to that he became the master of short confessions.

Vidpovіd: 1.4 - adnexa are water-reinforced

Microwave algorithm:

1. Know the grammatical foundations of speech.

2. Designate between the head and appendage parts.

3. Read the speech, completing the selected characters. Tse in addition to signify the wrong solution, now, confirm the correct choice.

Remember! As a rule, any manager has a foldable proposition with successive primary, they have allied word yakiy stand not on the cob of the adnexal part, but in the middle of the її, to that coma before the allied word is not put. (1. Turn on the numbers next to the word "yakiy"

4. Respect for union I). Vznachte, scho vіn z'ednuє: parts of a folding speech - coma, homogeneous parts of the speech - no comedy.

19. Set up all the different signs. Indicate the number (s), on the place where the debtor (s) is guilty (s) are coma (s).

It’s like watching from afar at a ship with large windows (1) and (2) if you’ve got a lot of gear (3) in front of them (4), there’s no way (5) and you’ve got a mustache in the middle (6) then you’ll know the steamboat over the windshield.

Suggestion: Komi is set

3-completed a contract, start a new one

5-part collapsible propositions

6-ended the contract

Microwave algorithm:

1. Know the grammatical foundations of the language.

2. Choose between simple words in a warehouse of a folding syntactic construction.

3. Marvel at how the parts are tied together.

4. Explain what the proposition is. Union I , and at the same time, in the presence of the river, it is important to know what the fault is:

· yakscho homogeneous members, then there is a coma in front of him not put;

· yakscho parts of collapsible proposition, then in front of him coma.

5. Find 2 unions in order: what if, what if, i yakshcho, i want, ale if, if, i if:

· Coma between spіlkami DO NOT be put, as if they were allowed to go at the spoken word then, yes, ale

Coma between unions to be put, as if not THAT, SO, ALE

Read the text that vikonate task 20–24.

(1) The sky was covered with evil gloom, the boards were summarily beating at the bump and shaking the soul with a tightness. (2) In a pensive pose, with a ruffled waistcoat and clasping his hands in the guts, standing white in the window and marveling at the gloomy street of the master of the Moscow pawnshop Polikarp Semyonovich Yudin.

(3) “Well, what is our life like? - mirkuvav vіn in unison with the sky, crying. - (4) What's wrong with that? (5) The book seems to be from many sides, on which more suffering and grief, less joys are written ... (6) Why was it given to us? (7) God is not for sadness, kind and omnipotent, having created the world! (8) And go out in the pack. (9) More tears, less laughter ... "

(10) Yudin vyinyav right hand from the intestines and smelling sweat.

(11) “N-so,” after continuing the wine thoughtfully, “the plan of the svetobudov, obviously, did not have evil, venality and slander, but really stench. (12) The people themselves created it. (13) Vono herself gave birth to the tsey scourge. (14) And now, eat, now?

(15) Winning the left hand and scrupulously proving it according to the guise.

(16) “And how easily it would be possible to help people's grief: it would only be possible to knock a finger with a finger. (19) The resinous ones proudly step out of the spirits. (20) Cardboard coats of arms are worn on horses: to be an important person, perhaps, the dignitary died. Why warm the day? (23) Of course, no ... tinsel!

- (24) What do you want, Semyon Ivanovich?

- (25) That axis is important to evaluate the costume. (26) In my opinion, more than six rubles for a new date is not possible. (27) And out ask them; it seems, children are sick, you need to exult.

- (28) I six rubles will be rich. (29) Don't give more than five, otherwise we'll get so burned out. (30) You just look around garnenko, you don’t have diroks and you don’t have depletion ... (31) “Well, sir, so the axis is life, as if you are thinking about the nature of people. (32) Behind the rich hearse, a pіdvoda is pulled, a pine string was called to the yak. (33) Zadu її weave, slippery through the ford, only one old woman. (34) This old woman, perhaps, puts it into the grave of her son-year-old ... (35) And ask, why give me a copy of that lady, how to sit by the carriage? (36) Obviously, don’t give it, if you want, maybe, hang your speech ... (37) What else is there?

- (38) She brought an old fur coat ... how many dates?

- (39) It's smartly bunny ... (40) It's nothing, minuscule, it's worth five rubles. (41) Give me three rubles, and two hundred, wisely, go ahead ... (42) “De, really, people, where are your hearts? (43) Bіdnyak perish, but rich and do nothing ... "

(44) Yudіn pressed his forehead to the cold slope and thought. (45) In the eyes of Yogo, great tears, glimmering, crocodile tears appeared.

(for A.P. Chekhov *)

* Oleksandr Pavlovich Chekhov (1855-1913) - Russian writer, prose writer, publicist, elder brother of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

20. How do you speak to the text? Please enter the voucher number.

1) Polikarp Semenovich Iudin is one of the ordinary spivrobitniks in the Moscow pawnshop.

2) The woman, who gave the suit to the pawnshop, the children were sick.

3) At the Moscow pawnshop Yudina, vіdsotki are taken forward.

4) The owner of the Moscow pawnshop is worried about the share of the people, and he is also ready to engage in charity.

5) One old woman went to the pawnshop to get a rabbit fur coat, because she was more poor and needed pennies for the funeral.

For vikonannya zavdannya, use the following algorithm:

Read the text carefully

· To find out from someone else the confirmation of the word of that chi of the other speech

· Choose the correct answers

Let's take a look at how you can fix the algorithm for solving this task.

    The first time false, because Polikarp Semenovich Iudin, the ruler of the Moscow pawnshop (proposition No. 2)

    Confirmation, declared the fourth variant vіdpovіdі, directly opposite to what the author says in the text itself. So, tsya vіdpovіd wrong.

    At the fifth option only part of the correct information (old bula bіdna), ale pennies will be needed not for the funeral

    So, vodpovid No. 5 tezh wrong.

    Statement No. 2 is more correct: “It seems that children are sick, you need to exult” (proposition 27). Tse virny proof.

    Vislav No. 3 virny: “Give me three rubles, and a hundred rubles, wisely, go ahead ...” (proposition No. 41). virny proof.

Otzhe, the correct answer is: 2.3

21. How can you prove it? Please enter the voucher number.

1) In proposition 2, the description is hidden.

2) Propositions 11–14 have a rhyme.

3) Proposition 23 to revenge on the supply, formulated

in words 21–22.

4) In propositions 34-36, the mirkuvannya is presented

5) Proposition 45 explains the reason for what is found in Proposition 44.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

    Read the carefully propagated passages;

    Guess what the description is showing, describing.

R_novidi description:

1) description of the object, people (yogo characteristic)

2) description of the place

3) description of the state of dovkіllya

4) describe the become of an individual (people)

5) description dіy

Opovіdannya rozpovidaє about diї, vchinki hero. We can walk low, let us go one by one (bulo, є, will be).

Mіrkuvannya be following the scheme: thesis, proof, visnovok.

Respect! Do not forget the urivka є the thesis is clearly pronounced. Ale, yakscho є explanation, discussion, as if they were coming, appearances, then mirkuvannya, not justification. The presence of rhetorical power and rhetorical remarks, introductory words, show you what it is.

Decide what type of movie to put a leather fragment on

Let's try the algorithm.

1) In proposition 2, the description is hidden.

“At a pensive pose, with a ruffled waistcoat and clasped hands in the intestines, standing for a long time and marveling at the gloomy street of the master of the Moscow pawnshop Polikarp Semenovich Yudin.”

The fragment describes a pose, clothing. Mi "bachimo" of which hero.

Father, cei vіdpovіd virna

2) Propositions 11–14 have a rhyme.

(11) “N-so,” after continuing the wine thoughtfully, “the plan of the svetobudov, obviously, did not have evil, venality and slander, but really stench. (12) The people themselves created it. (13) Vono herself gave birth to the tsey scourge. (14) And now, eat, now?

Tsya vіdpovіd wrong. In this urivka, the hero rozmirkovuє pro svіtobudova, zlidnіv, lyudstvo. The new one has an introductory word, a rhetorical food. So, e then mirkuvannya.

3) Proposition 23 to avenge the supply, formulated in verses 21–22.

(21) And why did you want to improve your life, want one good thing on the right? (22) What's the catch of the day? (23) Of course, no ... tinsel! Food, food-recovery. Tse the correct answer.

4) Propositions 34–36 have mirkuvannya.

(34) This old woman, perhaps, puts it into the grave of her son-year-old ... (35) And sleep, why give me a copy of that lady, like to sit by the carriage? (36) Obviously, I won’t let you, if you want to hang your speech ...

Tse is correct. Hero rozmirkovu about good, spivchuttya. We poserіgaєmo in this fragment of introductory words, rhetorically nourishing.

5) Proposition 45 explains the reason for what is found in Proposition 44.

(44) Yudіn pressed his forehead to the cold slope and thought. (45) In the eyes of Yogo, great tears, glimmering, crocodile tears appeared.

Low diy: squeezing their foreheads, thinking, tears came out. So, tsya vіdpovіd wrong, ce warning.

Otzhe, virna vіdpovid: 134

22. From propositions 39–45 write antonyms (antonymic couple).

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1. Guess what is antonymy.

Antonimi - all the words that lie up to one part of the language, that are divided for the written and the sounds and mean directly the opposite of the understanding.

Do not forget about the contextual antonyms, like the individual stylistic substitutions of that second word... The slanderous vzhivannі tsі words in antonyms do not stand one to one. Thus, in the context of O. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" the words "sweet" and "stone", "vіrshi" and "prose", "lead" and "half-light" are antonyms.

3. Designate the indicated lexical unit

4. Choose the correct answer

(43) Bіdnyak perish, but rich and do nothing ... "

Reference names from protolezhny lexical meanings.

Otzhe, we write: poor people, rich people

23. In the middle of propositions 15–23, find out such (-i), yak (-i) tied (-) to the front for an additional union that special borrower. Write the number(s) of the proposition.

Microwave algorithm:

Guess, yakі buvayut spіlki

1. Know the list union

2. Guess the ranks of the borrowers

3. Know the characteristics of the borrower

4. Marvel at what is said is a union, and a special borrower

Split splits

Happy i, so(=i), nі-nі, tezh, also

Opposites a, ale, so (= ale), then, prote, f

Other abo, chi that, chi that ... chi that, chi that ... chi that

Special borrowers (cob form)

Od. hours / many year.

vin, won, won / stink

Vіdminkovі forms

Win over there

Yogo, її, yogo

Youmu, oi, youmu

Yogo, її, yogo

Їм, їй, їм

About new, about her, about new

Respect! Vіdminkovі forms of special borrowers ЇЇ, YOGO, ЇX get away with borrowers ЇЇ, YOGO, ЇX. How to invigorate?

Behind the cob form, that food:

beating (who?) її, yogo, їх .

Pochat form: out, vin, stink.

Otzhe, tse special borrower.

Її, yogo, їх books (R. p.).

Pochat form: її, yogo, їх books.

Books (what?) її, yogo, їх.

Otzhe, tse privіynі borrowers.

(20) Cardboard coats of arms are worn on horses: to care for an important person, maybe the dignitary died. (21) And why did you want one good thing right?

24. Read a fragment of the review based on the text, which you have analyzed, solving problems 20–23. In all the fragments, the most specific features of the text can be seen. Actual terms, vikoristan reviews, omissions. Insert numbers in the spaces of the gaps (A, B, C, D) that indicate the number of the term in the list. Write in the table under the skin letter the correct number

Chekhov's explanations are compact in form and deep behind the light, moreover, the author has unique direct judgments - his voice sounds quiet, but at the same time firmly and sharply. Why spryaє foldable composition and, well, literate pіdbіr image-creator koshtiv. In the given fragment, the varto indicates the paths - (A) __________ (“with evil gloom” in the river 1, “I will frown the street” in the river 2), the lexical note is (B) __________ (“they bob” in the river 20, “burn out” in the river 29 , “Weaving, soldering ...” in speech 33), syntactically zasib - (B) __________ (propositions 3, 14, 21). Varto pay respect to such a reception, like (G) __________ (proposition 11), which becomes, maybe, one of the main ones when prompting the text.

List of terms

1) phraseology

2) antithesis

3) epithets

4) rozmovna vocabulary

6) nutritional propositions

7) lexical repetition

8) hyperbole

9) synecdoche

Microwave algorithm:

We divide all terms into 3 groups

The first manager has a tip:mean stitch.

stitches - the words ta virazi, yakі vikoristovuyutsya by the author of the text in a figurative sense.

    We make stitches: isolation, epithet, lineage, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, litote, irony, paraphrase.

    Wondering, how about them є at the list of terms: epithet, synecdoche, hyperbole - tse persha group

    It is possible to assign: Hyperbole - an overworld permutation of quiet and other powers of the subject that is being depicted. Synecdoche is a different kind of metonymy, if the name of the part is used instead of the name of the whole number of names. Epithet - figurative, emotionally-evaluative.

Hyperbole and synecdoche are not suitable.

« Evil gloom», « frown the street"- tse figuratively, emotionally-evaluatively expressed, expressed by an apprentice.

Otzhe, tse epithet.

Another manager has a word about lexicon.

    Let's add to our list: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, neologisms, archaisms, historisms, idioms, aphorisms, dialectisms, professionalisms, vocabulary.

    The list of terms is represented by: Phraseologisms - a st_yke of words, the meaning of which is marked by a zahal, and not the meanings of other words, which should be included before the new one.

    Rozmovna lexicon is inspired by the nature of insensitivity and active humiliation (rudeness, familiarity, zealousness).

Phraseology and rozmovna vocabulary - tse friend group

  • The words "bovtayutsya", "progorimo", "weave, slobbering ..." can be seen up to the rose vocabulary.

Otzhe, vodpovid: No. 4

The manager “B” asks about syntactic problems.

  • We guess syntactically distinguishable, and marvel at the list of terms:

antithesis, inversion, gradation, oxymoron, parcellation, anaphora, epiphora, rhetorical nutrition, nourishment, rhetorical animal, elіpsis, lexical repetition, nutritional form, syntactic parallelism, homogeneous parts of speech.

  • The list of terms has:

Antithesis - a sharp contrast to understand, thoughts, images.

Nutrition - nutrition, as if put with the method of otrimanny vіdpovіdі.

Lexical repetition - navmisne repetition of one and the same word or phrase.

Homogeneous members of the proposition-perehovani dii, objects, signs.

Antithesis, nourishment, lexical repetition. homogeneous members of the speech - the whole third group.

(3) “Well, what is our life like? - mirkuvav vіn in unison with the sky, crying. - (4) What's wrong with that? (21) And why did you want to improve your life, want one good thing on the right?

Tse zapitalni propositions.

Otzhe, report No. 6

Head of "G" I pronounce Vikonati with a turn off.

1) phraseology

2) antithesis

3) epithets

4) rozmovna vocabulary

5) a series of similar members of the speech

6) nutritional propositions

7) lexical repetition

8) hyperbole

9) synecdoche

(11) “N-so,” after continuing the wine thoughtfully, “the plan of the svetobudov, obviously, did not have evil, venality and slander, but really stench.

The text was promptly omitted. To counteract the thoughts and help the hero of the opivdannya.

Otzhe, prompt "No. 2

Fill in the table: A-3, B-4, C-6, D-2

25. Write tvir after reading the text.

State one of the problems set the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comments two examples of illustrations from the read text, which, in your opinion, are important for understanding the problem of the external text (unique the transcendental citation).

Formulate the position of the author (opovіda). Write what is good and what is not good at the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argument your thought, relying on us in front of the reader's knowledge, as well as on the knowledge of that life of caution (the first two arguments are protected).

Committed to creation - no less than 150 slіv.

A work written without reliance on reading the text (behind this text) is not evaluated. We’ll retell it, or we’ll rewrite it again in the original text without any

The authors of the articles are professional tutors I.M. Khrapova, T.V. Vorontsova and O.V. Gushchina

How do you get ready for the EDI from the Russian movie? The axis of you shows a selection of typical test tasks EDI s Russian language and understand that they caught the trouble, but we didn’t know about it. Then you take in your hands the volume of additional help and understand that you don’t know, on which side, in which way you spread the joke. How to get theory and practice?

We offer you a short and effective path to success. We have selected for you a skin care product from Russian language. In the skin statistics you will know the theoretical material, which can only be revenged on those that are necessary and sufficient for the victorious task of the EDI from Russia. we give you the algorithm of vikonannya zavdan ЄDI. Let's pretend that pastors can check on you from someone else. Material, which needs to be reminded, of representations in the table-suggestions.

Master test tasks in order, from 1 to 26. You remember that in the coming tasks you are spiraling knowledge that was taken away earlier. Pay attention to our materials as a guide-instruction, always look up to them, if you write testimonials from the Russian language.

What is EDI from Russian EDI. For the most part, those criteria. What is KIM?

Grodnevy tvіr on ЄDI z russian movie 2019-2020

How to prepare for the Breast Creation - 2018?

Video course on Russian movies and literature "Groudny TV 2014".

In this course, the naive writings are described by those who write in the chest, and the technology of writing is revealed. You know how it is guaranteed that with the minimum time spent, you will achieve high results in your work.
The author of the video course is Tetyana Volodimirivna Vorontsova, a contributor to the Russian language and literature of the company EDI-Studio, candidate of philological sciences.

Algorithm vykonanny zavdan ЄDI

from Russian language.

Part 1.

Task 1. In some of the suggestions below, the propositions are correctly conveyed to the HEAD information that is hidden in the text?

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

Task 2. How can I put lower words (lower words) can I stand at home to pass the third (3) text? Write down the word.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1. Read the text carefully.

2. By the way of the subsequent selection of the proponing aids, the link is to establish a logical consistency between the proposition with the pass and the time that I am forwarding to you. Tsej priyom will help you to signify, like the word can be on the pass pass.

Task 3. Read the fragment of the vocabulary article, where the meaning of the word is suggested (………). Appreciate the meaning, for which the word is implanted (...) in proposition to the text. Write down the number, as if you are confirming the meaning of the indicated fragment of the dictionary article.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

    read carefully;

    know the specified proposition;

    to increase the skin from the proponation of lexical cloaks of the name of the word given for analysis;

    listen aloud in the new sound of that meaning of speech;

    vyznachte, spent chi spent the proposition pіd hour of the linguistic experiment its sense of integrity:

    • as the proposition has not lost its semantic integrity - it is true;

      yakscho zmіst propozії zmenivsya - vіdpovіd vіrna.

Task 4. In one of the words below, a pardon was allowed in the statement of the voice: the letter was WRONGLY seen, which indicates a stressed voice sound. Write down the word.

Remember: the fragility of the Russian voice creates ob'ektivnі difficulties and under the hour of the day's work.

agent, Avgustovsky, agency, agony, acropolis, alcohol, alphabet, anapaest, anatomist, antithesis, apostrophe, watermelon, arrest, aristocracy, arcush, astronomer, astrons, astronomer, astronomer, astronomer, astronomer, astronomer

bureaucracy, airports


bartender, non-stringy, birch bark and birch bark, gas pipeline, blagovest, goodwill, blocking, bombarding, barrel, delusional and beacon, armor (fixed something for a Kim-nebud), armor (zahisna sheathing, timber, sheathing), bureaucracy

valovy, cook (cook, cook, cook, boil), watchman, willow, veterinary, turn on, water supply, Volgodonsk, vovk (wolf, vovka, vovkiv), evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, evil concave, scare, at exorbitant prices

gas pipeline, gastronomy, hectare, gnosis, community, grenadier, sinful

double, girlish, democracy, department, despot, hyphen, diya, diagnosis, dialogue, dispensary, dobuv, vidobutok, dogma, dogovir, dogovir, dog, dog, doc, doc, doc, dream, confessor,
blinds, vent, life,

to book (close something for a Kim-nebud), book it (cover it with armor), zazdalegіd, bending, zmovu (taєmna pleasing), zamovlyannya (spell), bending, back, frosty, busy (people), busy (), clog, clogging, flooding, sealing, sealing, zaporoshiti, call (call, call, call), winter, malice, banner, significance, sorcery, jagged

scoop, scoop, cleaner,
shasi, shvachka, shelekhnuti, syringes, sorrel, rubble, triska, triska,
Excursus, expert, Export, equipment, express, epilogue, pullover


vorospovidannya, vycherpaty,
kAmbala, catalog, rubber, cough, quarter, cedar, kilometer, cinematography, komora, whooping cough, college, ear, compass, complex, crust, prettier, nettle, cream, cream, cream, cream, cream, excess cream), flap ( piece of cloth),
attached, master, medicines, briefly, manager, metallurgy, minuscule (allowed - minuscule), juveniles, milkman, monologue, mitnitsa,

nabilo, nagolo (shorn), impudently (trimati checkers), impudent, long, namir, tilt, navidmah, poti, pochati, arrears, ailment, obituary, hatred, nevibaglivy, naphtopererobny
care, relieve, zagostriti, Embrace, embrace, relieve, pіdbadjority, pozichiti, embitterment, wholesale, osvіdomiti, vistrya, vodkorkuvati, Adolescence, partly, paralysis,
parterre, hunting, first place, plіsnyavіt, pіzerіya, zapronuvati, beating, zrozumіliy, zrozumіliy, zrazumіv, pіdnyatiy, noon, briefcase, pedestal, funeral, at the funeral, plateau, perebachiti, pochati

svіdkovy, beetroot, silo, orphan, orphans, plum vapadok, spivchuttya, squealing, serendipity, cats, status, status, status, stenography, carpenter, vessel, bending,
there, dancer, tortie, torty, shoe,
decoration, speed up, bury, Vugilny, Ukrainian, polypshity, died, guessing, guessing, zmіtsnennya, strength,
facsimile, porcelain, extravaganza, phenomenon, fetish, fluorography, flyleaf, shaping,
chaos, characteristic (typical), characteristic (actor), intercessor, intercession, intercession, well-groomed (adj.), exclamations (add.), Christian, Christ-seller,
cement, lanzyzhok, gypsy,

Task 5. In one of the suggestions below WRONG the word has been seen. Correct the pardon and write the word correctly. Algorithm for scheduling a task:

    read these propositions carefully;

    determine the lexical meaning of the dermal word-paronyms in a way to select synonyms and antonyms, or in the form of that, with which words you can combine dermal words from them;

    give the correct answer.

Addressee - addressee. Addressee - the person of the organization to whom the post office is addressed (observer); addressee - a person or an organization that oversees the postal administration (addressee).

anecdotal - anecdotal. Anecdotal - powerful anecdote, foundations on anecdotes (anecdotal explanation); anecdotal - ludicrous, stupidity (anecdotal outburst).

archaic - archaic. Archaic - domineering old times (archaic look), archaic - that vyyshov from vzhitku, that does not follow new views, rules (archaic vzhivannya).

Weekday - weekday. Weekday - not Svyatkovy (weekday); weekday - prosaic, one-man (everyday work).

Breathe in - breathe in. Breathe in - take in yourself, draw in more (breathe in the fumes), wind up (breathe in masculinity); zіtkhnuti - let go zіtkhannya (zіtkhnuti for relief); trohi vіdpochiti (give zіtkhnuti); sumuvati, sumuvati (zithati about children).

Vikhovny - vikhovny. Vikhovniy - what to lay down until vikhovannya (vikhovna system); vikhovny - what to lay before the vikhovator (vikhovna kіmnata).

Kozhen - all-powerful. Kozhen - kozhen (leather of whilina); all-powerful - the most manipulative (strong jokes).

Vibornium - vibrkovy. Viborny - what is brought to the elections, which is to be voted (viborn settlement); vibіrkovy - chastkovy (vibirkovy perevіrka)

Harmony - harmonic. Harmonious - what is brought to harmony (harmonious row); harmonic - stringy, uzgodzheny (harmonious singularity).

Golovny - great. Golovny - the main, most significant, central, senior (head street); heading - what is seen before the heading (the role is great).

Dvigun - dvigun. Dvigun - a machine, yak collapses, power (electric dvigun); rushiy - those who give the rush, sprinkle the yoma (rushiy suspіlstva, I will progress zastar.).

democratic - democratic. Democratic - which is to lay down to democracy, to a democrat (democratic tabir); democratic - characteristic of democracy, democrat (democratic insertion).

Dynamic - dynamic. Dynamic - what is brought to the dynamics, rush (dynamic theory); dynamic - that of great inner energy (dynamic pace).

Diplomatic - diplomatic. Diplomatic - what is considered to be diplomacy, diplomat (diplomatic post); diplomatic - subtly roaring, smart (diplomatic behavior).

Dovgiy - trivaliy. Dovgiy - maє great dovzhina (dovgu dopovіd); trivaliy - dovgotrivaliy (trivaliy release, trivaliy period).

Dobrovilny - volunteer. Dobrovilny - chinny without primus (dobrovilna pratsia); Volunteer - what can be done as a volunteer (volunteer initiative, volunteer army).

dramatic - dramatic. Dramatic - which is stronger, more dramatic (dramatic situation); dramatic - what comes up to dram (dramatic gurtok).

friendly - friendly. Friendship - what to lay down to a friend, friends (friendly friends); friendly - foundations on friendship (friendly country).

Zhalyugidny - pity. Zhalisny - which expresses sorrow, tightness, suffering; plaintive, sumny (pityful voice); zhalіslivy - skhilny to pity, spіvchuttya; pitiful, mischievous (pitiful words, people).

Spare - thrifty. Reserve - nayavny as a reserve (reserve out); thrifty - to stock up (thrifty people).

Evil - evil. Evil - spovneniy almost like a witch (evil people); evil - I can’t do it, navmisny (evil non-payer).

Vikonavchiy - Vikonavsky. Vikonavchiy - diligent, like a maє on the method of zdіysnennya chogos (vykonavchiy pratsіvnik); vykonavsky - what goes up to vykonavtsy (vykonavska maisternist).

Reconditioning - recharging. Commands - a person, like a rebuying officer (training specialist); resurrection - what is to be done before resurrection (resurrection).

Comedy - comedy. Komіchniy - what is brought to comedy (comic character); comical - comedy (comical look).

critical - critical. Critical - what is considered before criticism (the article is critical); critical - what can be built up to criticism (critical pidhіd).

logical - logical. Logical - what is brought to logic ( more logical thought); logical - correct, reasonable, last (logical mirkuvannya).

methodical - methodical. Methodical - how to approach the methodology (methodical conference); methodical - exactly an offensive plan (methodical robot).

Hateful - hateful. Nenavisnitsky - proynyat hatred (nenavisnitsky dії); hated - shouting hatred (hateful enemy).

Unbearable - intolerant. Unbearable - such that it is impossible to endure (unbearable cold); intolerant - unacceptable (intolerant setting).

Zbіdnіti - zbіdnіti. Zbіdnіti - become bіdnim (zbіdnіti after inflation); zbіdniti - zrobiti bіdnim (zbіdniti life).

insecure - timid. Unsafe - po'yazany іz unsafe (unsafe place); apprehensive - careful (cautious person), scho deіє.

Description - signature. A typo - a vipadka pardon at a leaf (covering a typo); vodpiska - vydpovid, yak not zachіpaє sutі do (zuhvala vіdpiska).

Master - master. Master - learn how to grow up, turn on your own activities (get the release of new products); to take over - to conquer the names; understand, memorize (get it read).

Organic - organic. Organic - to be brought to the growing or creaturely world (organic speech); organic - inconspicuously overlapping, regular (organic wholeness).

Judgment - discussion. Judgment - the execution of an unpraised, the guilt of a virok (a judgment of malice); discussion - universal view (discussion of the problem);

U vіdpovіd - vіdpovіdalny. In vidpovid - vіdpovіd (vіdpovіdna reaction); vidpovіdalny - bearing vіdpovіdalnіst, important (vіdpovіdalny practitioner).

Zvіtny - virazny. Zvіtniy - what is to be seen until the sun (zvіtny period); virazny - kindly commemorate (virazny sound).

Political - political. Politic - what is brought to politics (political fiend); political - fiery diplomatically, carefully (political pressure).

Utyamlivy - razumiliy. Urazlivy - shvidko rozumіє (truly person); lucid - clear (reason lucid).

representative - representative. Predstavnitsky - cope with the vigilance of the enemy (representative call); representative - vibornium (representative body); what should be brought to the representation, representative (representative vitrati).

Giving - giving. Submission - handing over for recognition, visualization for interest (submission of characteristics); nadannya - seen from someone else’s order (loan loan).

Note - remember. Primitny - building commemoration (primitny critic); commemorate - commemorate (commemorate dissatisfaction).

realistic - realistic. Realistic - offensive realism (realistic painting); realistic - vidpovidny action, entirely practical (realistic meta).

Attachment - secret. Attachment - hidden, invisible (a threat is attached); secret - nevidverta (a person is chained).

Tactful - tactful. Tactful - one that is volody by tact (tactful insertions); tactful - what is considered to be tactics (tactful task).

Technical - technical. Technіchny - what goes up to technology (technical progress); technical - may be high master (technical actor).

Lucky - away. Lucky - happy; the one who is lucky (lucky successor); far away - successful (far away day).

Factual - actual. Factual - according to the facts (the actual camp is right); factual - to avenge a lot of facts (actual dopovid).

gospodarsky - gospodarsky. Gospodarsky - what to lie down to the ruler; such, like a good ruler (governor's zatsіkavlenіst); gospodarsky - occupied by the state, scho with the state (state power).

Yavny - Virazny. Yavniy - obvious, non-committal (clearly overwhelmed); virazny - virazny, good memory (virazny whisper).

Task 6. In one of the visions below, a pardon was allowed in the illumination of the form of the word. Correct the pardon and write the word correctly.

Know pardons in enlightenment and living

    vіdminkovyh forms numeric names;

    numerical pіtora, pіtorasta;

    selective numerals, including the number of numerals resentment, resentment;

    porіvnyalnogo that miraculous step prikmetnіv і prislіvnikіv;

    nazivnogo i patrimonial vіdmіnka multiplicity of deakіh іmennikіv;

    forms of the mandate method of deyaky desliv.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1. Vznachte, to what part of the language, keep the whole word.

2. If it is a numerical number, remember those that

    at folding kіlkіsnih іmennikіv offended parts are shaking off;


Type 50 – 80

200, 300, 400

Type 500 – 900


p'yat і dozen і

p'yat і dozen і


five Yu ten Yu

about five і dozen і

two hundred

dv wow honeycomb

dv roseum st am

two hundred

dv vminnya st ami

about dv wow st Oh


p'yat і honeycomb

p'yat і st am


five Yu st ami

about five і st Oh

    when changing warehouse ordinal numbers, only changes are made rest word;

    numerically resentment get used to the names of a person and middle class, and offense- female family;


M., then. рід

J. reed






about both






about both

    selected numbers ( two, three, four etc.) get used to names that signify the characteristics of a person’s status, name children’s creatures, men’s objects, or make the shape of only a few.

3. As an example, please, just make sure that the forms of the steps of alignment are correctly established. Remember: it is impossible to change the simple form of warehouses.

Steps of prikmetnikov







beautiful´v- її (-ої)

less- she

glibsh e

more garni

less garni

beautiful´v- ash- ii

great- aish- ii

naї the most foldable

himself garni

most garni







-її (-ї)- Sore - ailments її, ailments їй

-e - easy - easier e-she- thin - thin e

clerk + more less) more thin

less tsikavo

equal footing + borrower all, all:

zrobiv best (everything)

4. As a matter of fact, to give respect to the correctness of enlightenment

    forms of the mandate method;

    forms of the past hour, which vikoristovuyutsya without the suffix є -NU-.

(є - well - in the discourse - a pardon - the statement is correct)

5. As a price maker, change your mind at the correctness of enlightenment

    forms of nazivny vіdmіnka plural;

    forms of generic vіdminka multiplier.



Іz completions - and I(voice at the end)

Іz completions - і, -і ( voice based)

injecting a number)

Addresses, take care, capital, viyala, directors, doctors, zholobi, inspectors, boats, stables, feed, boxes, bodies, nets, districts, admissions, passports, cooks, professors, sorts, watchman, haystacks, paramedic, outbuilding, shed, ramrod, stack, stamp, anchor, hawk.

sentence, diggers,

editors, snipers, tractors, torti, fronti, chauffeurs.


Slyusary bakers

1. Spiritualized inshomovnі noun. on the

-torus, -sor stylistically neutral: directors

1. Spiritualized inshomovnі noun. on the -єр,


2. Inanimate. other words on

-torus, -smittya:processors

3. Spiritualized inshomonic noun. on the

-tor with a book note: editors.

Remember: oliya - rich. hours - oil a

cream - pl. – cream s(not cream a)












sandals, boots

cuff, callus


reserved seat

pіdliva (with pіdliva)


shoe (no shoes)




Task 7. To establish the difference between propositions and the grammatical pardons allowed in them: to the skin position of the first column, take the correct position of the other column.

1. Shukay pardons in propositions:

1) from the same members; (Shukay similar adjudications with the union I. Set food in the form of the word to the same members of the proposition. Food can be the same, like not, then pardon !!! bachu??? (omissions member of the proposition) and I am writing nature? Bach sho ?, write chim?)

2) from accountable turnovers; (wondering at the end of communion, remember that with the original word you can be blessed at the genus, number, vіdmіnku.)

3) with powerful names, laid in paws and є the names of newspapers, magazines, books, paintings, films;

4) from other successors zavdyaki, zgidno, supererech and by a different drive on, living in modern gates after completion, after arrival, after completion, after arrival;

5) with hanging splits not only ale; yak so i;

6) from selected quotes;

7) repent of these words: all, who ...; ti, who…; nobody is quiet, who ...

Manager 8. The word was chosen, in which the unvoiced, distorted voice of the root was omitted. Write the whole word, inserting the missing letter.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1. Conquer the words with voices that swear, shards of stink will not be the correct answer:

1.1. carefully read the skin word and know the words with a vowel that are spoken, in the root ( gar - gіr, zar - zor, clan - clone, disguise - creation, lag - lie, bir - ber, benket - lane, dir - der, tir - ter, svіt - mer, blist - blist, stil - stel, jig - paliv, chit - cho, kas - kіs, rast - rasch - rіs, jump - skoch, poppy - mok, rіvn - rіvn).

2) to the words, which are lost, to pick up the translation, remembering those that among them can be words of words, not voiced in any way, remembering;

3) if you know the dictionary word, then you can recreate it, shards won’t be correct;

4) if you were far away to pick the brothers up, in a way that an obscure voice sound, having spent it on your voice and you can feel it clearly, then you knew the correct answer.

Manager 9. A sign row, in which in both words the prefix omitted that very letter. Write down qi of the word, inserting the missing letter.

You need to know the following spelling rules:

    spelling of prefixes on -З i -З;

    spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI;


AT -

Reboot (=re-)

Come (near)

Don't care (hate)

Look after (give someone a seat)

Zraditi (= re-)

Nadati (date dodatkovo, change it, add it)

Shylyatisya, skhiliti (= re-)

Nahilitis (approach)

Vіlity (vіlity)


Past (= re-)

to come (approach)

Endure (endure)

Be patient (call)

Advancer (= re-, take over)

Primach (radio)

Get up (die)

Put (put close)

Negativity (flip in proportion)

Bramnik - gatekeeper

Nezaperechny (non-destructive, indestructible)

Attach (come)

Neodminna umova (obov'yazkova)

Unacceptable mind (impossible)

Mezha (cordon)

Pribudova (pribudova in the church)

Changed (Duzhe)

Changeling (trochs)




preamble, prevail, power, predicate, present, presentable, president, presidium, presumption, price list, prelude, calmness, do not prem'yatati, premier, negligence, drug, present, obstacle, prerogative, prestige, applicant, preference

private, vivacious, privileged, furnish, comely, whimsical, prigoda, prima donna, primacy, primitive, priority, sumny, oath, homage, embellish, nonviolent, chimerical

Prefixes on -З and -С:
written lie down in the coming years

in front of the dzvіnky sing-song - s occasion, bezridny

before the deaf, listen - h

specti, turboless, noiseless

Manager 10. Write down the word for which the letter E /І/ is written on the missive

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1) Explain that a letter is missing from some part of the word: for example, chi suffixes.

2) If the voice letter is omitted in the kіntsi, then after the unmarked form of the diaword, insert the yogic introduction:

    in the special endings of the first speech, the voices E, U are written;

    in special endings of discourses of another voice, voices I, A (I) are written.

3) As voice is omitted in the suffix, analyze the nature of the spelling:

    voice omitted in suffixes of dieprikmetnikiv ush, yusch, ash, box, him, їm (om).

    vowel omitted before the suffix dieprikmetnikiv vsh, nn .

4) Spelling of suffixes of dieprikmetnikiv ush, yusch, ash, box, їm, їm (om) lie in the wake of the observation of the outward speech:

    at the sacraments , illumination vіd dієslіv I vіdminyuvannya , written suffix ush, yusch, em (om) ;

    at the sacraments , illumination vіd dієslіv II vіdminyuvannya , written suffix ash, box, im.

5) Vocal spelling before suffixes dieprikmetnikov vsh i nn lie down in addition, on at - yat or iti - et the form of the verbal discourse ends:

    ati chi yati , then before nn in passive participles of the past hour, voices are taken and I);

    yakscho vyhіdne dієslovo end on go chi go , then before nn only spelled e ;

    before suffix vsh is saved, she herself is voiced , what before the end be in an invisible form.

TIP: Putting the word in the 3rd person multiplier. (VONI sho robyat? VONI sho roblet?) ending -ut-yut - dієslovo 1 yarn. - in the endings next write the letter E,

Finishing - at-yat-dієslovo 2 yarns - in the endings, write a letter І.

Manager 11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written on the pass

It is necessary to know the spelling of the suffixes

    names ( ets, іts; ink, enk; viv, in; ichk, echk; ik, ek );

    names of prikmetnikov ( verb, єв; liv, chiv );

    dієslіv ( willow, willow; Eva, ova; І,E before the stressed suffix wa) .

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1) Vznachte, up to some part of the language (name, prikmetnik, dieslovo), put the word with the missing letter in the suffix.

2) Stop the rule you need.


-єв- non-naked: glue єв oh, emal єв uy

-willow- accent: lion willow uy

Vinyatok: grace willow yy, fool willow uy

-Chiv-:nastiy chiv uy

-Liv-: talent Liv uy


-ova- (-єva-)


I'll open



I will cover


Completion of diswords and suffixes of participles

End of the day

Suffix dіє. dieprikmetnikov

The suffixes suffer. dieprikmetnikov

I introduction







-usch-writeyi ii

-Yushch-thoughtYusch ii

-om-nіsohm uy

-eat-blowing ymuy

II vіdminyuvannya

N.F. on the - і be





-yatbe savedyat

-ash-dihash ii

-box-be savedcrate ii

-їм-be savedym uy

Manager 12. Appreciate the speech, in which NOT the nightingale is written EVILLY. (GENTLE). Open the arches and write down the whole word.

)? Keep in mind that the rules for writing NOT with different parts of the movie can be grouped like this:

    NOT with names, yakіsnimi prikmetniks, suffixes on - Pro i - E;

    NOT with idioms and idioms;

    NOT with dietary supplements.

    1. Not with names, prikmetniks., Adherents to O,

at once


1. Do not tack without NOT:




1. What is the indication іz uniona False but false

Not radio, but sum

Not close, but far

the clerk is not on O-E: having done not friendly

2. Just before the word with the prefix NOT, you can choose a synonym without NOT

Enemy (enemy)

Unhappy (grief)

Enemy (enemy)

Neradisny (summon)

Near (far)

2. As with the word z NOT є the words are far, zovsim, anіtrochs, anіtrokhs, already not

Far from pretty

Zovsim is not a friend

Anіtrohi not tsіkavii

Nitrohi not licorice





short cuts





over the world, over the world, there is no good, not in a hurry, not to relish, over strength, over the inside, from the hands of the skinny .; b) neither date nor take, nor be nor me, neither there nor there, nor light nor dawn, nor for what

not about anything, not a bottom, not a tire, not for a sniff of a tyutyun, not for a penny etc.

zhoden (nіhto) - not one (bagato), once (nіkoli) - more than once (often) .

2.Not with diєslovami that diєprislіvnikami

at once


1. Do not tack without NOT:

get pissed off (get pissed off)

shalenity (shalenity)




1. Start okremo

not buv

Not catching up

I don't know

2. With the prefix under-

UNDER-= below normal, not 100% be in insufficient quantity,
є antonym z re- (= overkill)
undersalt the soup (oversalt the soup)
unsatisfactory result
defective = few
You don't have patience.
^ Meni zavzhdi marriage pennies.

2. With prefixes not + before

not crushed until the end
do not look at the film, do not take to the house
Vaughn did not finish and closed.
(until the end messing around)
do not reach = do not reach
Motuzka is not far away before article.
Before the fifth on top of the poplar is not far away

3. Not with dieprikmetnikami and vіddієslіvnimi prikmetnikami.

at once


1. do not win without NOT:
n one zooming (moreover, not packing without NOT)
2. НІ contrasting with the union A that
fallow land: n no osіyane field (nі, zs)

1. h short dieprikmetnikami: not_ closing
2. Є opposing from union a:
not_ finished, a rozpochati zbori
3. Є deposits the words:
no seedlings pid hour a field that is not yet a field

4.NOT and NI with negative MAYSAME

at once


No drive between NOT and a borrower: No one, no one

Є receiver

No one, no kim

Manager 13. Vznachte rechennya, in yakom obdіlenі vіdіlenі words are written EVILLY (GENUINELY). Open the arches and write two words.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1) Read the proposition, think about it.

2) Appreciate what part of the promotion should be seen the word.

    Union shob, tezh, zate, before that, that, that be written at once ; You can replace them with synonyms for those parts of the promo.

    Similar to the sound of the words of other parts of the movie so what, those same so very, for those, with that, up to what , and so, in view of that write okremo. The stench is made up of two components: one of them (a, b) you can either take it away from the propositions, or rearrange it in another place; third component (te, tim, chim, yes, that) replace with other words.

    Pokhіdnі priymennikov are written angrily: SLIDST = s-for, VIEWING = s-for, NALIK = o, NAZUSTRACH = before, NEVER LOOKING AT = in front of.

    Pokhіdnі prijmenniki are written well: DURING = AT THE PRODUCTION, AT VІDMINNIST, AT THE WIRES, ON THE STRETCH.

    For an angry, hyphenated number of different spellings of suffixes, set the rules.

Pokhіdni priymennikov

Names with successors


There was no call in leak fate.

How long?

(hour value)

stretch (of what?) small rivers

marvel in prodovzhennya (of what?) series.

At(Shvidky) leaks small rivers

marvel in(nezabar) Proceedings series

in the continuation

Vaughn spoke in the continuation godini.

for the end statti

Nasamkinets, as a result

Sidiv in visnovki.

Sidiv in(dovgom) visnovki.

on vіdmіnu other

(victorious vіd)

Retail in vіdrіzni life.

Retail in(to the strong) vіdrіzni life.

lastly= through

Vin not arrived lastly ailments.

Remember'yatai: zgodom I - clerk

at the heritage

trutivsya at the heritage inquiries about the theft.

trutivsya in(new) consequence inquiries about the theft.

nachebto\u003d for a zrazok

vessel nachebto Colby

pardon in born name-list.

shodo= about, about

home shodo excursions.

put down on the rahunok at the bank.

put down on the(Svіy) rahunok.

naustrich= before

Іti naustrich others.

Pete on zustrich with friends.

Pete on the(documented) zustrich.

looking back=through

3 look around we didn’t go to the movies at the cinema.

I maw on the go tomorrow. (steady viraz).

at the sight cones

on uvazi place

(View of the cone, view of the place)


Names with successors

rise on mountain (lie down to the word)

rise on mountain burn

on the(himself) top burn

shoes for me hourly

just in time flower -

in ( spring) time flower

Pokhіdni priymennikov

Dієprislіvniki z zaperechennyam

Regardless of plank

(want buv dosch).

Regardless of Bad luck, we went to hell.

(beyond what?)

Regardless of old man, vin moving from the table.

Regardless of me, vin viyshov іz kіmnati.

(=Don't be surprised)

Manager 14. Indicate the given numbers, in the spaces of which it is written PN (N)

    designate what parts of the language to lay the word with the omission of the letter;

    fix the spelling rule H and PN in the suffix ciєї part of the promo.




1. How the root of the word ends with H, and the suffix begins with H:

malinn ich(small n a)

2. How true. approved as add.

ailmenten ist(sickness en ii)


3. Remember'yatai: Unpried nn itza

1. In words that have been established as nouns, they can have suffixes -іn-, -an-, -yan-

peatyang ich(Vid days Peat)

2. In words, approved by vіd dod. with one H: yesterdayn ich(Vid add. on Thursday n ii), martyr, worker

3. In words:

gaff yang itsa (bagr yang ii), cannabis yang ik (cannabis yang ii)

var wine ik (var wine ii), kopch wine ost (copch wine ii)

brushes yang ika (kist yang oh) wise wine awn (wise wine ii)

oliya wine itsa (ol wine ii), sun yang itsa (Sun yang ii)

gost in itsa (gost in ii), firewood yang ik (drіv yang oh)

laughing wine awn (think about it n th), great wine itza




1. day -H+-H-: karmann uy

2. -ONN-, -ENN-: comision ii, craneen ii,

! without wind nn uy

3. Vinyatki z -YANN-: SkloMon YIY, TINMon YIY, WOODMon YII

YU nn a ti ( youngї nat Uralist)

1. -ІН-: goose in uy

2. winyatok VITRIH YII(Day, man)

3. -AN- (-YAN-): shkiren uy

Remember: Yu n ii;

gaff yang ey, rum yang ii, r yang ii, p yang oy, straight n ij (historical suf. - YAN-); bar n oy, svy n oh, si n uh, green n yy, go n uh, core n uy.

In short prikmetniks, the styles are written w n, skilki і in the latest

Tuma nn and far away - far away fog nn a

wind n girl - girl in the wind n a


N - PN



1. Є prefix: about sіyane borosno

(cream prefixes not-)

Ale: no problemїї nn I am flour

1. Є prefix not-: not sowing n I am flour

2. Ні¬, ale є ЗС: сія nn and I through a sieve borosno

2. Ні¬: sіyuchi n I am flour

3. є suffix -ova-/-єva-:

marine ovann e ogirki

3. Vinyatki: kova n oy, zhova n oh, peck n ij (-ів-, -єв- enter to the warehouse of the root)

4. Adopted in the form of an unattached discourse to a thorough look:

Cherry nn e task (virishiti - what h work?)

Ale: h early nn uy , early nn uy at the foot be afraid

! Being earlynn ym, the soldier was left in the ranks.

Zhіnki vіdrazu rose prannynn e.(Suffering. moreover, so to. they take on a deaf meaning, point to a temporal camp, and not to a permanent sign-likeness)., windless

4. Vinyatok: early n oy, windy

5. These words in the direct meaning will be participles : name nn oh p'yesa, end nn I'm not a robot.

5. When turning the sacrament into a prikmetnik, it is possible to change the lexical meaning of the word: a burdensome child, a restless guest, the names of a brother, plantations of a father, a settlement, Forgiveness of the week, a dead person.

Vinyatki: manirny, bazhany,

insensibility, insensitivity, sacredness,

inconsistencies, inconsistencies, hatreds, timidity, fullness, wakefulness, swaggering, karbovaniya

6. Writing does not change at the warehouse of folded words: golden n uh, bruhtu n u-fracture n ii, Word everything is crazy adjective meaning(High level of quality), and not the meaning of “adj. + Communion.

7. Short participles: girl izbalova n a


short prick

Short communion

The girl is vihovana nna (self-short adj.). You can replace it with a new applicator: twisted I.

The girl is vihovana n and in a child's booth (kim?) - a short parable.


Short communion of the middle kind

 Goal.  adv.

Vіn vіdpovіdav considered(Yak? Yakim rank?).

Considered - furnishing.

noun  cr. moreover

On right thoughtfully (like?) from the sides.

Considered - an award.

Manager 15. Set up different signs. Indicate the numbers of propositions, for which it is necessary to put one to whom.

Wicoon algorithm:

1. Find homogeneous members in the speech.

2. Appoint, yakі unions їх to unite:

    yakscho tse single happy or rozdіlovy union ( i, abo, abo, so (= i ), coma in front of him not put ;

    yakscho tse subvіyny union ( yak so i; not shoes, skils; not only ale; want ..., hello ), coma is put less before the other part of the dependent union ;

    yakscho tse repeating splits , then coma only in front of them, what do you know between the same members ;

    in front of the opposite splits between the same members put into a coma .

3. Reverse, what is not in the proposition of the same members, connected in pairs. Remember: yakscho homogeneous members at the rechenni they rise in pairs, then coma to be placed between boy groups and only one!

Manager 16. Find out the rozdil signs: indicate the given numbers, on the places of which the Komi stand.


    dieprikmetnikovy zvorot inquiring what? yak? yake? yaki? ;

    dієprislіvnik inquiring what did you kill? what are buggers? І signifies the dodatkovu diyu with diєslovі - award ; dієprislіvnikovy zvorot inquiring yak? if? why?

    setting of rozdіlovih signs at the accountable turnover to lie down in the yogo roztashuvannya according to the date before the name, which is marked;

    dієprislіvnikovy turnover is always seen on the sheet as lumps;

    uniformly appointed and furnished, pronounced by the relative and derogatory turns and joined by a single union I, which they do not share.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1) Find out from the rechenni prichetni and dієєprichetni turnovers, correctly identifying their boundaries. Always see coma.

2) Significantly, as the position of the rechenni borrows a receivable turnover (DO- do not see lumps !!! PISLYA of the appointed word - see !!!).

3) Reverse, which is not in the proposition of the same members of the union I, expressed by adjectives or adjectives. Before the union I do not put a coma.

4). Respect! in the middle of the turnover are not responsible for the numbers, provocation! Turn them off!Vykoristovuy priyom vyluchennya vіlennogo turnover.

Manager 17.

Remember: introductory words can be changed from speech without changing the main idea of ​​the syntactic construction. Victory by the reception of the inclusion of visions of words.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1) Reverse, chi seen words є introductory.

    Introductory words can be learned from the speech or replace their synonymous introductory words; stinks are seen as lumps.

    Homonymous with introductory words, the members of the speech cannot be learned without changing the sense of the syntactic construction; stinks are not seen as lumps.

Remember those who are not introductory and are not seen as lumps of the word: nibi, nibi, maybe, zdebіshkogo, nibi, literally, to supplement, adzhe, zreshtoyu, nachebto, hardly, all the same, after all, navit, іnodi, like bi, before then, less, at the same time, singsongly, marvelously , perhaps, invariably, insanely, often, prinaimni, truly, like before, that, simply, let me, rіshuche, prote, nibito.

Manager 18. Put the rozdіlovі signs: indicate the numbers, on the place of which the rechenni are guilty of the Komi.

Wicoon algorithm:

1. Know the grammatical foundations of speech.

2. Designate between the head and appendage parts.

3. Read the speech, completing the selected characters. Tse in addition to signify the wrong solution, now, confirm the correct choice.

Remember! As a rule, any manager has a foldable proposition with successive primary , they have allied word yakiy stand not on the cob of the adnexal part, but at the middle її, that coma before the allied word is not put. (1. Turn on the numbers next to the word "yakiy"

4. Respect for the union I). Vznachte, scho vin z'ednuє: parts of the collapsible proposition - coma, the same members of the speech - no Komi.

Task 19. Put the rozdіlovі signs: indicate the numbers, on the place of which the rechenni are guilty of the Komi.

For vikonannya zavdannya vikoristovyte algorithm:

1. Know the grammatical foundations of the language.

2. Choose between simple words in a warehouse of a folding syntactic construction.

3. Marvel at how the parts are tied together.

4. Explain what the proposition is. Union I , and at the same time, in the presence of the river, it is important to know what the fault is:

    yakscho homogeneous members , then there is a coma in front of him not put ;

    yakscho parts of collapsible proposition , then there is a coma in front of him put .

5. Know 2 alliances for instructions: what if, what if, i yakshcho, i want, ale if, if, if, i if:

    Coma between splits DO NOT put yakscho gave to go at the spoken word then, yes, ale

    Coma between splits put, like nemaє THAT, SO, ALE.

Task 20. How do you speak to the text? Please enter the voucher number.

Special respect should be given to another and third words:

    they have (arguments and visnovka) and they have head information;

    In addition, among the options, the following statements are followed, in which the information of the 2nd and 3rd propositions is combined.

    Remember the main information is given only for direct meaning. (EXACTLY that SPECIFICALLY)

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1. Seeing key words in the skin speech that are important for understanding that food, as it stands for this text; give respect to the head part of the folded speeches.

2. Appreciate the causal-observable references between the sentences in the text, having analyzed the links, allied words, introductory constructions.

3. Shorten the text, citing other information (explanations of various kinds, details, descriptions of insignificant facts, comments, lexical repetition).

4. Pass in one word the main information that should be avenged in the text.

5. Spivvіdnesіt svіy variant of stylization of the text (your own proposition, as if conveying the main idea) with the variants of opinions.

Task 21. Yakі z tsikh hardness є vіrnimi? Please enter the voucher number.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1. Read the text.

2. To achieve this type of movie, speed up with the use of explicit “photography”:

    how can you "take a picture" of the entire text in one frame - tse description ;

    how can you “take a picture” of the text with the last row of frames - ce warning ;

    how the text cannot be "photographed" - tse mirkuvannya .

3. Remember what

    description showing (tse those that bachimo: portrait of a person, landscape, interior);

    warning rozpovidaє (tse lanciug podіy chi diy and vchinkіv characters);

    mirkuvannya to bring and will follow the scheme: thesis - proof - subbag visnovok.

    Decide what type of movie the proponing text should be.

tipi movie

composition scheme


(what happened?)

Priyshov poached a win.

tell me about the sequence of events.

Words are victorious.

Dekіlka shots



    Rosvitok diy


5. Decoupling



indicate the signs of the subject, individual, place, become. Vikoristovuyutsya prikmetniki.

1 frame

Vіd zagalny vrazhennya to the details.

Microwave (why?)

to ground those other places that are hanging (thesis), explain the essence, the reasons for that other manifestation, podії.

Talk about the causes and consequences, the appearance of that phenomenon, about our statements about them, assessments, feelings. - About those that can not be photographed.

1. Teza (dumka, yaka brought) →

2. arguments (prove, apply) →

3. Visnovki.

Task 22. From the indicated propositions, write down synonyms (synonymous pair). (Maybe different lexical skills.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1. It is necessary for the commander to know in the ordered text a simple lexical unit, it is necessary

guess the meaning of the given lexical unit:

Antonimi- all the words are one and the same and part of the promo lexical meaning.! Antonyms can be contextual, so they become antonyms only in this context.

Synonyms- These words are one and the same part of the mov, however, they are similar in their meanings, but different in their sounds and spellings. Like and antonyms, synonyms can be contextual

Omonymy-those words, howevershі for sounds (withpossible differentwritten) or writesanіyu (for abilitynom different soundні), but different for the meanings.

Historicism- tse old-fashioned words that came out of vvytku at the connection from the knowledge of the life of objects that phenomena, like stench meant.

Neologisms- New words of a fringed koristuvannya.

Phraseologism- Lexically inappropriate phrases that appear in the finished look: stand up, win over, the voice of a wailing)

Manager 23. Middle propositions 1-8 (may have other numbers of propositions) borrower(inshoy zabu vyazku). Write the number of the proposition.

Lexical order, you need to use it in task B7:

    lexical repeat (repeat the same word and phrase);

    synonyms and synonyms;

    contextual synonyms;

    antonyms (zokrema and context).

Morphologically make a connection:


    special officers, vkazіvnі and deyakі іnshі borrowers deputy words from earlier words;


    the step of matching the prikmetniks and the clerks.

Before the syntactic rules, the connection of propositions can be seen:

    syntactic parallelism (the same order of words and the same morphological design of the members of the propositions, which should be ordered);

    parcellation (exclusion from propositions, be it a part of that formalized її in a seemingly independent, non-pure proposition);

    incorrect propositions;

    introductory words and propositions, animal, rhetorical food.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

1. It is necessary to firmly rank the ranks of borrowers, the shards of the borrower are most requested in assignments of this type.

2. Remember that you are guilty of denoting the links of these propositions from the front , stim, what to know to the proposition you looked at .



Od. h. pl. year.

1 l. - I mi

2 l. - ti ve

3 l. - Vin, out, out, stink

turning point




who, sho, yaky, whose, yaky, skilki, yaky


xtos, xtos, xtos, xtos, xtos, xtos, yakis, yakis, yakis, yakis, yakis, skilkis, skilki-nebud


none, none, none, nothing, nothing, nothing


my, yours, yours, ours, yours, yoga, її, їх


that, tsey, such, such, stilki, tsey (obsolete)


all, skin, skin, himself, be-what, other, himself, other

With the introduction of such borrowers, the whole word is changed: I - me, you - you ...

Separate the categories of borrowers.

Porivn. Її (yogo, їх) book- whose? - a borrower.

Mi slappedїї (yogo, їх ) - Whom? - special borrower.

Who chervish today? - A borrower.

We don't know who today chergovy is a viable borrower.

Manager 24. Indicate the omissions in the text of the review of the term, for the help of which it is characterized by the current features of the text.

Algorithm for scheduling a task:

    Carefully read the list of image-creating features of the language presented by your choice of voices.

    All terms were divided into 3 groups: stitches, figures, vocabulary.

    Read the review carefully, insert the necessary ITT.

four . At times of folding, you can speed up by accepting the inclusion in the list of such terms, as for a change you can’t but in the middle of the text.

1. stitches - the words are virazi, which have a figurative meaning:

    epithet - figurative purpose (Krіz sloppy the fog makes its way for a month ... / A.S. Pushkin/);

    isolation - Attributing yakost, diy, emotions of people to objects, nature, abstract concepts ( Sleep earth u syaivo blakitnim/M.Yu. Lermontov/);

    division - stating two objects of chi phenomena, to explain one of them for the help of the other ( Lead nezmіtsnіly on rіchtsі jelly , nemov yak tsukor, sho tane lie on. Nekrasov/);

    metaphor - Transfer of authority from one subject to another on the basis of their likeness (Light bagatya gorobini Chervonoy / S.A. Yesenin/);

    metonymy - allegorical cognition of the subject of the movie, “renaming”, replacement of one understanding by others, that there is a causal link with it ( Ussi prapori the guests will be before us / A.S. Pushkin/);

    synecdoche - A variety of metonymy, if the name of the part gets used instead of the name of the whole or the whole (We all marvel at Napoleoni / A.S. Pushkin /);

    hyperbole - zayve rebіlshennya quiet chi and other powers of the subject, which is depicted (One hundred thousand sons іv zahіd sontsya plav / V.V. Mayakovsky /);

    litote - the transcendental application of the powers of the object of the image (your spitz, charming spitz, trochs larger than a thimble / A.S. Griboyedov /);

    irony - Taunted; the introduction of the word chi to the sensi, the literal return (Break away, reasonable, marish tee, head? /I.A. Krilov/);

    paraphrase change the name of an object or a phenomenon with a description of their significant signs or a statement on characteristic rice (king of the beasts/deputy a lion/);

2. Figures Movie - special syntactical constructions that give visibility:

    antithesis - Rizke to understand, thoughts, images (You are wretched, You are bright, You are mighty, You are powerless, Matinka is Russia! / N. A. Nekrasov /);

    inversion Return order slіv ​​(Bіlіє glass of self/M.Yu. Lermontov/);

    gradation - expansion of words or viraziv how to increase or change their meaning (meaningful numeric) ( Shvitilis, burned, shone majestic black eyes);

    oxymoron - contrasting lines of words, protilene behind the zmist ( Dead souls, living corpse, total joy);

    parcelization – navmisne rupture between propositions (It has been a long time ago. A long time ago. Hanni’s bida has collapsed. Great.);

    anaphora - single, repetition of similar words on the cob of stanzas or close phrases ( Chekay me, and I'll turn around. Just keep checking. Chekay, if you cause confusion, Zhovtі boards, Chekay when the snow is cloudy, Chekay, if speck, Chekay, if you don’t check on others, forgetting vchora /K. Simonov/);

    epiphora - repetition of some and the same words or phrases, for example, a few constructions, to stand in charge (I would like to know why I titular radnik? Why same titular radnik? /N.V. Gogol /);

    rhetorically - nutrition, how to be put in order to turn the respect to that other manifestation (Buti chi not buti? /Shakespeare/);

    rhetorically - emotional savagery to people, yak without intermediary not to take the fate of splkuvanni, or to inanimate objects (People of the world, save the world!);

    ellipsis - transfer of the award, which gives movi dynamism (Mi villages - in drunk, hail - in gunpowder / V.A. Zhukovsky /);

    lexical repetition - navmisne repetition of one and the same word, or word-finding for the strengthening of emotion, the variety of vislovlyuvannya (It seemed that everything in nature fell asleep: sleeping grass, slept tree, slept gloomy).

    energized - form - The form of cladding, when yakіy cherguyutsya nutrition and vіdpovіdі (What work? I don’t know. Whom can I ask?

    syntactic parallelism - however syntactically pobudova susіdnіh propositions, but roztashuvannya in some similar members of propositions (I marvel at the future with fear, / I marvel at the past with tightness. /M.Yu. Lermontov/);

    similar members of the speech .

3 .Lexical characteristics of diversity: Vocabulary

Dialect words - the word is either a turnover, which is used in the sevnіy mіstsevnosti (territorial dialectism), social groups (social dialectism) or professions (professional dialectism): piven-koche

jargon- language social group, vіdmіnna vіd zagalnoї movi, scho to avenge a lot of piece words and virazіv. There are jargons: saloon, mishchansky, evil, student, school, army, sports, skinny. “Smell” - from the jargon of myslivtsiv, “amba” - from the sea.

Antonimi(Greek Ant - against and on uma - im'ya) - words that may have opposite meanings: "Initiation and love", "White more shine, black shade".

Archaisms(Vid Greek. Archaios - old-fashioned) - the word is outdated, or a new turn.

Neologisms(Vid Greek. Neos - new and logos - word) - a word, newly illuminated, which viniklo at the link with viniknennyam in the lives of new people to understand (in science, technology, culture, in pobuti). Neologism underpins the promotional character of the movie. For example, "mediocrity" instead of "mediocrity".

Synonyms(from Greek - one-named) 1) Words, different for writing, ale close (or the same) for the meanings: overcome-podolati (heap); bigti - rush; garniy - charivny; hippopotamus - hippopotamus. 2) Contextual synonyms - the whole word or phrase, which are close to the meanings in the minds of the same context, the words have an individual, situational character: golka - Ostankinskaya golka (vezha); homein (remembrance) hvil; noise (rustle, sherekh, whisper) of leaves.

Contextual synonyms - the words chi are more slavish, yakі nabuvayut close meaning less in the singing context. “Nothing to be broken” is a passive remedy.

Phraseologism - lexically inconsistent, standing in one's own warehouse and structure, not following the meanings of word-finding, which is realized in a ready-made movable unity. (Frown up your eyebrows, win over, lower your head, sour your nose, burn in the dirt, gargle your teeth, rapt death, take it tight, harsh frost, soft chauvin, delicate food, losquit camp)

Omonymy- words that sound the same different values, for example: a club (a couple of sports), change your mind (big and change the decision). In oral speech, sound homonyms (homophoni) are blamed - words that sound the same, want and are written in a different way: crying and crying, vіdvariti and vіdchiniti.


It is necessary to analyze the proponing text, revealing the author's position, although one of the problems that have been broken by him, correctly hanging that proverb in the right place before reading. Committed to creation - less than 200 slіv.

For the correct vikonannya, it is necessary to know criteria for evaluating part Z.

The plan of writing to the creator is the mirroring of what is proponated to the text

Independently from the text, you can build on the next plan, put it together on the basis of it, as it is presented before the end of the task of the part C:

1. Formulate the problem - Up to 1

2. Comment on the problem.

4. I’ll hang my thought, having waited for it or not having waited for the author.

5. Bring your point to light by giving at least two arguments (skins from them are given in a new paragraph).

6. Podbag vysnovok (vysnovok).

Problem - food, like to say the author of the text that says something, think about it, think about it.

Preparing to EDI from Russian from scratch and building yoga for 100 points on your own is not such a coherent task. However, for this purpose, planned preparation is needed, ideally, it is better to choose one option for the most complex parts. Ale smut - the nobility of the enemy in disguise, understanding, what is necessary to grow in the skin guard, to take away the observances of the Bali.

Magal recommendations for the Maybutnih Stobalniki Nebagato: Know the aurization of (in Idali), I would like a part of the theory (and Yaki Znannya Nekhokhidniy, Vyzumiyt, who has gathered the nonsense of the RIZNIKH Zavdan), study the plumber of the FIP SPETITIONAL DROPOPITS (SPECE other information about Russian EDI), carefully read the assessment criteria, the rules and the order of the examination and the table of points (all information is contained in this article).

It’s not necessary to be afraid of yakikhos zavdan, but it’s not necessary to take into account the deeds of them who are unimportant and such that they don’t need to be corrected. Like one ball, you can help a lot (or navpak), nadali. Remember that the kіlkіst pass from the yakіst. To speed up this transition, Bagatomudry Litrekon prepared for you the selection of skin care, so as to facilitate self-preparation. Apply the name of the EDI from the Russian movie taken from the demo version of 2019 rock.

The task of the group is bound to a small text. The stench is easy to do and it is less than a respectful reading of the tasks of a few propositions. All meals are evaluated with 1 point.

The head of the 1st appointment of truth has three words about the text. How to get ready? In order to remember the essence of the text, it is necessary to learn how to mark over the reading. If you are a beginner to come to practice, then try to formulate the head ideas of clear posts from your beloved public, journalistic and blogging materials. Tse dopomogaє feel vpevneno in robots with information that bezpomilkovo in nіy orientation.

In number 2, it is necessary to select the missing part for a change. To make this operation automatic, read more. Comments on memes are unlikely to come, but the axis of information materials about cicava for you is a whole sphere. There are a lot of brown and literate blogs about beauty, health, literature, technology, computer games, etc.

For 3 nutritionists, it is necessary to choose the appropriate variant of the meaning of the word in the text (itself in the text, you cannot forget about this fact). Active reader vzagalі not rahuє tsey item for zavdannya. As you see native language, you won’t get any problems from the victories. How to learn what? Open for yourself the light of reading and you sing, that the understanding of the meaning of the word will come by itself. That and regular work with similar tasks can also work on your right.


Tsі zavdannya mіzh pov'yazanі, but at the skin it is necessary to choose a pardon option. All meals are evaluated with 1 point.

Number 4 re-verify the knowledge of the voices (for example, it calls out the colloquial words, to help the spelling dictionary). It is impossible to forget that you need to write the wrong variant in your form, in the same way in the representations of the phrase.

5 zavdannya reverify the knowledge of paronyms (to help with the dictionary). To give respect: here it is necessary to replace the wrong paronim with the correct one (unbearable).

Number 6 is also directing to knowledge of vocabulary, here it is necessary to turn on the input word. Sob tse robiti, slid respectfully read the speech, think about the meaning of the skin word. Here the meanings of judicial words can be increased, so we will take one of them.

7 zavdannya reverify vminnya shalyat and establish the form of a multiplier. The most important thing to repeat for this food is the introduction of numerals, borrowers and names in a plurality (especially in a generic one).

In all types, step by step mastering the type of task and instead of dictionaries. Take as a rule to use 20-30 sliv per day. Just write them down and put them out loudly correctly, or (at times with a paronym) take the correct pair, having written the meaning of the paronyms. Those same ones can work with collapsible numbers and borrowers from a multitude. Remember all the information you need to help you just right: it’s necessary to put together the words and phrases in words, like a bazhano to remember, and get used to them at the listing, rose, everyday life. Preparing according to tasks is not only a “stretching” on demos, but also gaining real knowledge, which will enrich your cultural and enlightening baggage.


The task is estimated at 5 points, in the new it is necessary to grow those who love so much to know other people's pardons. Here there is a trace of respect for the next word of the middle of the speech. Most often, it is necessary to know that the parable turnover is to be blamed for the initial word after the number and vіdmіnk, the dієprislіvnik is guilty to be placed before the diєslov, name in the paws (they are called inconvenient appendages) can only be shilyatsya without the initial word “Greebaki” says K. Savrasova "and" on the "Rooks" by A. K. Savrasov").

The greatest folding room for yourself can be made and corrected, violating the impersonal leader of the type. Reading regularly also helps to address the problem, even if the correctness of the idiom can be recognized by the one who doesn’t know the rules, then he understands the language and thinks logically. Wait, obviously, what is the pardon here: "Znіmayuchi cap, yogo's head is bare." To go out that the head took off the cap, but it’s absurd. Otzhe, schob know nedolіk, ask yourself, hto vdatkovuyu dіyu, what zavlenno dієprikmetnik toshcho.


Here it is being reconsidered that graduates remember different spelling rules. Qi nutrition is rated 1 point.

On the 9th day, the task is to evaluate the correct spelling of unvoiced and blacked out voices. The simplest thing to do is to switch off by switching off, starting from the rest. Cherguvannya in Russian language is richer less than vocabulary words. Having placed the letters in all the letters, you change the way that the deuce options fall out, and the vocabulary words in this number are incoherent, so obov'yazkovo fits.

Number 10 is re-verifying the knowledge of the spelling of prefixes. What will be here for sure - the prefixes “pre” and “pri”, as well as the prefixes in the word, the root of which is based on “i”. Nainadiynishe - repeat the simple rule and blame it, it’s not so rich.

11th task - spelling of suffixes. I especially respect the need to turn on "o", "e" and "e" after the sibilants, as well as on the suffix of the syllables.

12 food reconsideration in the mind of the mind of the word and put the need for completion in the fallow in the view of the house. Also, varto repeat the blame from the rules (golit, lay like a fiesty of the 1st vіdmіnyuvannya; marvel, chuti, bachiti, fallow, hate, twist, trim, dihati, endure, form, drive like a fiєslova of the II vіdmіnyuvannya).

Number 13 is one of the most unloved days, but the problem with the written “not” is for whatever it is, to wind through the rich fates of the school. Here you can also use the disable method. Having read in the exact formulation of the fact that the word itself needs to be seen (angrily or okremo written), to know the middle of the proponated options t, how to write exactly at once (do not get used to it without “not”), or exactly separately (dієslovа i dієprіvnika). It means to ring a joke.

14th day, the task is to rewrite, to separate the prefix and the receiver (most often it is necessary to write the adjectives). Can you help those who are given two words. If you are not inspired by the writing of one - confuse it with a friend, perhaps, on this basis, you can make up your own version of it. You can help the Vikonan if you can insert one more word or omit another if you write differently between words.

15 food is also often not suitable for bagat, shards vibir one or two "n" - hard to test. And here is the same method of turning it off: choose the most simple vipadki for yourself and turn them off (otherwise, write down like one of the vidoes), so look at the skin word.

So that it’s easy to get ready for the next day, it’s necessary to repeat all those rules and blame, as if you’re asking to sleep. There is not much here, so everything can be accommodated in a small cheat sheet, as it will help you quickly cope with the tasks of the preparation process. Don’t take it better to sleep (it’s a sin), even if a person forgets those who stick with him regularly, and you remember the rules for sure, so you’ll spend an hour every hour turning to a cheat sheet written with a hand in hand.


The task is evaluated with 2 points. Here it is necessary to know 2 propositions, in which there is only one coma. Repetition of the rules of punctuation and the method of inclusion є by the order of vikonannya zavdannya. For it to be simpler, paint the simplified scheme of the speech: consider the subject and the award, so you will be able to match the same terms, and simple propositions in folding.

In order to take away the commandments of Bali, Bagatomudry Letrecon for the sake of learning how to paint schemes of speech, as if they hadn’t killed Vitsogo yet. Science is not so coherent, but the result of that warty.


Mustache numbers and revise knowledge of punctuation. Here you will have to see the rules of the song and train constantly. Repeat the staging and com for simple ones folding propositions, і dashes, і doubles. To keep everything in mind, you can paint the schemes of speech in your favorite books, and also explain yourself why in the text there is that chi іnsha coma. Similar occupations are not so complicated and tedious, but effective, low-profile cramming.

17 power to reconsider the knowledge of the rules of seeing on the list of accountable and accountable turnovers. It’s a big time: the clerks are seen forever, and in the clerks it’s necessary to follow the misunderstandings of the misunderstood word.

18 zavdannya - written animal. The stench always looks like lumps, but they can include not one word, but a sprat in a row, it’s necessary not to instruct someone in the middle of the beast.

Number 19 - divided signs in folding propositions (mostly, with the word "like"). The complexity of the factory is due to the fact that the split of the “yak” does not get used here in its own form, for those who do not drink it are rich. Do you need more help drawing schemes, as if you would show me the simplest words in a folding warehouse.

20 zavdannya reverify vminnya put Komi at folding words, here it’s obov’yazkovo є poddnannya splunk. For the correct vision between the propositions, follow two rules: 1. A scheme is drawn to help reveal everything; 2. If a coma is needed between the splits, then there will be no “that” splicing between the propositions.

21 nutrition vimagatime for you theoretical knowledge of punctuation. It is necessary to choose options that follow one rule, for which it is necessary to know all the options for setting different signs.


Qi zavdannya pov'yazanі s text, which is also victorious for creation, it is respectful to read it. Tim is bigger, that the leader of the greater world is tied with zmist. The stench is rated 1 point, the crim number is 26, which can be taken as a score of 4.

22 food re-evaluates the respect of graduates. It is necessary to choose the options that you want to display in the text. I will update you with regular help and knowledge of reading. You don’t need to take the classics of the newspaper, as the stench doesn’t suit you, but ZMI is immediately impersonal, and choose your skin. Reading the articles, find out the essence, discuss the thought with the same-minded tutors. Such training in the game version will definitely bear fruit.

Number 23, reversing the knowledge of the types of movies (description - images of what, descriptions - dії, mirkuvannya - thoughts about it, not related to actions), so here it is necessary to shuffle logical links in the middle of the text. Designing texts is even easier, gaining respect, as the author expresses a thought. If there is a typical artistic literature with leading characters and a plot, then we have a rhyme before us. Yakshto tse low warning about the object of the presence, then described. A classic article from the magazine is mirkuvannya.

24 zavdannya review the knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, phraseological units, direct and figurative meanings of words. Tsya theory is clumsy, easy to remember, and with a great amount of practice, it is easy to stick in memory. Some people blame the problems because of the romanization of phraseological units. Tse stіyke poednannya unreceived slіv (often old), as it can be replaced with one modern word. For simplicity, create your own plate with butts, which means the other term.

25 feed direct to the search for links between propositions. Here it is necessary to know the union, the borrower, from which propositions unite with each other. Tsezh come from dosvіdom vzaєmodії z literature.

Number 26 is reversing the knowledge of the features of variability, expression and grammatically (similar terms, call and quote, quotation), and lexically (epithety, metaphors, isolation, synonyms, antonyms). Remember tse tezh to help the table with butts, yakі will help you to sort out quickly. Boring and unintelligible definitions of terms can sometimes lead to confusion, don’t try to cram it, it’s important to try to understand it yourself.


Tvіr behind the text gives a significant part of the balls (24 out of 58), to that їх varto write a great number. Usі zavdannya ЄDI vmagayut practices and the simplest knowledge. Navit tvir does not require special creative abilities. Vsogo superfluous dotrimannya to the plan that dotrimannya of criteria. Here, Bagatomudry Litrekon reportedly described how to write tvir on ED

Eat schoolchildren from the first class. However, an analysis of the EDI from Russian language has shown that people are afraid of the unacceptable, but the situation is not correct. Practice is the key to success in sleep. If you have a technical warehouse of mind, then remember the main rule: the amount of knowledge increases in direct proportion to the number of vicons. Success!

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