Asking for the attendants. Vivchennya part of the prom: yakі pitanya vіdpovіdaє prislіvnik u rosіyskiy movі i scho it means. Authority to borrowers

For inter-special splintering, the process of roaming people is zastosovuyutsya different parts of the movement. Naibagatsha of them - clerk. Vono endows a specific sign with a specific sign, and a sign of a sign with a specific sign. The clerk can practically come to all modern parts. Mustache to lie in the modern part, which is in conjunction with the clerk, there may be a difference:

1. Yes, the clerk was brought before the word (diaspora), it means a sign singing dance(for example, deliciously cooked - come to the end of the word, scho deliciously prepared - to the devil);

2. If the clerk arrives directly before the name, then in such a way it means a sign of a particular object (for example, far away from the teeth);

3. Like a clerk of advent to the clerk, another clerk of the communion - in such a case it means signs of the sign (for example, more tedious - to the clerk, supra-evidently long - to the clerk, deliciously chirping - to the sacrament).

On yak_ pitanya podpovіdaє prislіvnik?

I would like to point out such a fact that the clergymen can be seen to an inexhaustible modern part. As a rule, the clerks perform the function of furnishing in the rivers. Russian clergymen can give an impersonal power, fallow in the face of the stink, so they themselves subdivide into groups:

1. The attendants of the month - give food - “Stars?”, “Where?”, “De?” (Toudy, near, far away);

2. Servants of the hour - "How long?", "Kolya?", "Docks?", "What time is it?" (before long, school, today, until tomorrow);

3. The attendants of meti say to the food "Navischo?" (specially);

4. Adherents to the method of diy can be distinguished by putting the question “What rank?” abo yak?" (correctly, nastily);

5. Servants who say food “At the sky?”, “At the sky?”, “The sky?” є by the servants of the world that step (more penetratingly, richly, long-awaited);

6. The attendants of the reason say to the food “Why?” (Mimovoli).

Morphological analysis of the appendix. butt.

For the reporter's commemoration, the clerk is sure to understand how morphological analysis. Vikoristovuetsya in order to see two permanent signs, since there are no inconstant signs. Below is a diagram of the analysis with the butt of the word "Low":

1. Part of the promo - Low - a clerk, shards mean a sign of singing.

2. Morphological signs:
the rank for the values ​​\u200b\u200bis the initial one;
if it is є, then the rіven pіvnyannya is lower;
nezminne word - the word nezminne.

3. Syntactical function - Vimikach near the apartment, the floors are low, so Oleksiy had a chance to heal, to raise the light. A shorthand "low" is a shorthand that describes the way of doing.

Suffixes of adjectives.

Sob not to have mercy in the spelling of the clerks, it is necessary to remember those who:

Adherents, mum prefixes -do, -s, -z matimut suffix -a (newly, long ago);
Adherents who start from prefixes -v, -na, -za - may suffix -o (levoruch, right-hander).

A clerk is one part of a movie in Russian language. Like in all independent parts of the mov, the signs of this structural unit are food and blatant meaning.

Nutrition also helps to bring the word up to that chi іnshoy raznovidu among similar parts of the mov - for example, determine the type of the word or the rank of the prikmetnik. Knowing that, as a nutritious person, you can recognize yoga, and zarahuvat to a singing semantic group.

The clerk can perform different functions. The purpose of the show is that tsya movna loneliness can designate either a sign of di, or a sign of another sign. Otzhe, it seems that it is possible to such a part of the promotion, as it signifies a sign.

Sens dії take away from your own diєslov, and navіt deyakі іmennik (for example, bіg, reading those others.).

Meanings of the signs may be used, the participles, the clergy themselves and the words of the category I will become in them. Vіd tsikh slіv і put food before the clerk.

First, put nutrition, it is necessary to explain, with a kind of word at the rechenni, they are tied for the sake of those who need to classify. A pardon for an inserted word can lead to an incorrect setting of food and, as a last resort, to a pardon classification.

Classification of adjectives

Russian messengers are subdivided into two main categories, like, with their blackness, they can be split up more drastically.

Important! Signs of classification, okrіm nutrition, serve as those, in the form of a part of the movie of the tasks, as well as the most important meaning of the word.

Podіl on the meaning of the group looked like this:

furnishing, what you say on your mind, what they say. They can be put up to the parts of the mov, the meanings of which are related to the action: to the idioms, the idioms or the idioms, and also to the names of the same meanings. Vidpovidno to the aspect of the characteristics of the diy are subdivided into chotiri vidi:

  • month,
  • hour,
  • cause
  • tsіlі;

vyznachni, yakі susyuyutsya whether there are any transfers of more parts of the wash, some of which may be deposited in the past.

There are three views:

  • yakіsni,
  • to the image and method of dij,
  • peace that step.



The adjectives for the meanings of the month at the suggestive word-findings give the meaning “de?”, “Where?” or "stars?" - the price and є їkhnya of the mark.

And you should go ahead and bark your call, we don’t mind. (I.A. Krilov)

To the right you walk - you will draw a horse, you will vryatuesh; levoruch pidesh - vtratish yourself, vryatuesh horse; straight ahead - for yourself, and for your horse. (Russian folk tale)


Yakshko prislіv'ya podpovіdaє nutrition "when?", "Vіdkoli?", "docks?". or how long?

come (when?) tomorrow,

it happened (vіdkoli?) a long time ago,

talking (doki?) dopіzna,

save (how long?) forever.

So, again, tomorrow you can fight the lie at the yard? (A.L. Barto)


Prior to the group, the clergymen are included, proving the food “why?” (“For what reason?”) Apply their representations to the next phrases:

And the order of spiritual death is fierce and mow down to the blind, drunk and strong. (Sasha Chorniy)


At a glance, take a look at the characteristic and indicate the food “Navischo?” (“for what?” or “with what method?”).

Wine is not for evil. It just didn't spare me! (B.V. Zakhoder)

Move on, get ready, want to get out of the way, fall in a rapt - already navmisne ... (A.S. Griboyedov)

Important! Practice shows that this group is easily confused from the front. Therefore, we should also respect the hour of the installation of the meanings. Vіdminnostі mіzh "why?" and now?” are often very important, so for clarification, it’s better to victoriously open up the forms.



Food "yak?" often sing more of the others, where the Russian clerk is confirmed. But there are no other options for the same group. Here we give an assessment and a characteristic of what is being considered.

Cheerfully, the month is over the village; white snow vibrating blue wagnik. (I.S. Nikitin)

I'll figure out how to do it

To what variety should the words be put, in the form of a food “how?”. But for them, wines can be replaced by the option “yak?”

My merry, dzvinky ball, where did you rush? (S.Ya. Marshak)

Come on that step

On the question of "what kind of world?" (“What kind of world?”), “Skіlki?” and "too much?" show the very parts of the mov, which show on the level of expression are characterized.

The group itself can signify the words with the meaning of the signs, I will become.

  • read (skіlki?) richly,
  • less (naskіlki?) six times,
  • shvidko (at the yakіy world?) more.

I felt a rich song in my native land, in them they sang about joy and grief for me ... (Russian folk song)

Authority to borrowers

Naskіlki is similar to being a slave to a borrower, remember awkwardly. It is a great group of them, as the deacons of linguistics inspire themselves to borrowers, emerging from the sleepiness of functions. These and other lexical units do not name the exact signs, similarly to the quiet ones, which were more pronounced, but may be less indicative of its obviousness. Names of classifying groups here are chosen from the names of certain categories of borrowers.

In general, there are five such groups (behind the others - six):

  • nutritious-visible (the same row of linguists is subdivided into two subdivisions) - de, kudi, why that іn;
  • negative, adopted by the way, adding the prefixes HE- and HI- to the words of the previous variety - nowhere, if, not much that іn;
  • invisible, settled in them, but after the additional prefix DEYAKO- abo suffixiv -THAT, -NEBUD i -ABO - podekudi, chomus that іn;
  • meaning - everywhere, otherwise and others .;
  • vkazivnі - to that, here, todі ta іn.

They are recognized and classified after the replacement of similar words in the very same way that they were named in the previous division.


In such a rank, the syllables are seen in the text and are divided into meaningful groups, it is easy to read from the butt of the proposition below.

Turning sharply too late, he stole with a raptom and sudominally choked on the letter stele, which stood as a warrant.

Follow-up algorithm:

The whisper of my loneliness is a sign of meaning: too early, abruptly, turning around, rapt, kidnapping, sudominno, vhopivsya, entrust, standing, writing.

Seeing the phrase, for some є headwords:

  • too sharp,
  • turning sharply,
  • raptly kidnapped,
  • judiciously vhopivsya,
  • standing in command

Establishment of meanings in exchange for word received.

  1. sharply (sharply?) too late - initially go in that step;
  2. turning (yak?) sharply - initially yakіsne;
  3. kidnapped (if?) raptovo - obstavinny hour;
  4. vhopivsya (yak?) sudomno - the significative way of doing;
  5. errand (de?) errand - furnishing the place.

Korisne video


Servants to shy away our language with richness and variety, give it expressiveness and accuracy. Competently living the words of a part of the language characterizes the one who speaks and writes like a person of high literacy, well-read, well-read, home-grown vikoristovuvat all the language of the Farbi in his own speech.

In contact with

Prayer- Tse independent (significant) part of the mov, as it designates a sign of a splash, a sign of an object or other signs. Food before the clerk to lie down in the light of its meaning, as it turns out.

At the rechenni, the clerk sings with the furnishing and confirms the food yak? what kind of world? de? where? stars? if? why? for what? : Autumn. (de?) Overhead (yak?) please start yellowing, scarlet, browning a leaf on the trees (V. Bianki).

In the majority of vipadkivs, the adjective is carried to the end of the word ( good writing); winter cold day; short-lived rozkvayuchy chagarnik; go, vtіshno pіdstribuyuchi; wonderfully easy to explain, tragedian passing).

Prayer- Invariable part of the movie: it won't shirk, it won't change, do not agree with other words.The clerk has nothing and cannot be finished.

Vіdminnіst svіvnіnіv vіd sіv categorії i will become

1) designate the camp of nature and living nature;

2) more words of the category will become the final suffix -o;

3) an award to a non-special rechenni (that is, to a rechenni, de not able and you can’t be fooled).

Porivniaemo, for example:

Meni is nasty (word category will become).

Vіn nasty read (clerk ).

Youmu cover ( word category will become).

The old man laughed ( clerk ).

Vіdmіnіst prilyvnіvnіv vіd splіk, priymennіvіv i pods

The attendants are waking up in the wake of spilok tim, that the attendants at the rechenni zdebіlshý vіdnosya until the word ( tremble troch), inode to prikmetnik ( already significant), to another clerk ( only slightly), numerical ( about 5) or name ( tragedian passing); at that hour the alliance is back homogeneous members propositions, parts folding propositions or whole propositions (inode paragraphs)( butt 1b).

Adherents are asked about the receptionists, what not to introduce vіdminkovoї form name ( apply 2a and 2b).

Adherents, to the sight of particles, which are impossible syntactically to follow the order of the name with the receiver and to change the name ( apply 3a and 3b).

Apply :
(1a) Trochy (adjective) three silver poplar leaves (Pushkin).
(1b) I'm on the road, trochs (Alliance) the dawn was busy (Nekrasov).
(2a) Vaughn made a couple of cracks of nazustrich (adjective) .
(2b) Nazustrich (receiver) guests viyshov vlasnik.
(3a) The brichka went straight (adjective) , and Mlyn chomus becoming go to the tank (Chekhiv).
(3b) The whole herd of deer, hush, passed right (chastka) close to me (Prishvin).

Later, the clergymen are characterized not only by their ambiguous meaning, but by the same syntactic role in the speech.

Vidminnosti prislіvnikіv z іnshih parts promo:

1 . Prayer like an unchanging part of the movie, there are no significant and fallow words, but it sticks to the devil like a set.

Names It is traditional to make words with one’s own, before which one can put food or insert a word between the receiver and the name: h (most) cob (of what?) winter.

Prikmetniki, numerals and borrowers think of the words, they fit in with them, and if in these situations the receiver is brought not to them, but to the name, then simply omit these words.

2 . Prayer Mayzhe zavzhdi є the possibility of replacing it with another adjective, close to the meanings: on the back - on the back, for nothing - for nothing, at the same time - at once with cym, then - for nothing.

Names, prikmetniki, numerals and borrowers zavzhd є the possibility of changing the tsієyu part of the mov or the other part of the mov: from the cob of winter - from the end of winter; at an empty room - at a free room; for one mile - for that mile; for tim kut - for tsim kut.


  • - a narrator like a part of the movie;
  • - permanent independent parts of the movie;
  • - Vіdminnіst svіvnіnіvіv vіd іnshih parts movі;
  • - the meaning of the category I will become, їх morphological signs that syntactic function;
  • - identification of prislivniks in splits, priymenniks and particles;
  • - material from Wikipedia - a free encyclopedia.
  • Dodatkovo to the site:

  • How do you separate the clerks and homonymous parts of the mov?
  • How are the homonyms and homonymous parts of the movie written?
  • What are the rules for the spelling of adjectives through a hyphen?
  • Yakі prislіvniki written at once?
  • Yakі prislіvniki are written okremo?
  • What are the rules for the spelling of voiced narrations?
  • How are the suffixes written, approved by the names of the people with the drive?
  • How are the clerks written, adopted as borrowers?
  • How are the sermons written in the form of numerals?
  • How are the sermons written as apprentices?
  • How are sermons written from other sermons?
  • Why don't the clerks have an end?
  • Where do you know how to test on the topic "Spelling of the sermons"?
  • Where is the right to know on the topic "Spelling of the clerks"?
  • Where to know the presentation on the topic "Spelling of the sermons"?
    • On yak_ pitanya podpovіdaє prislіvnik?

      The clerk is an independent (significant) part of the mov, as it signifies a sign in the flow, a sign of an object or other signs. Food before the clerk to lie down in the light of its meaning, as it turns out. At the rechenni, the clerk sings with a furnishing and confirms the food yak? what kind of world? de? where? stars? if? why? navischo?: Osin. (de?) Above your head (yak?) please...

    Our language is rich and varied. One of the її elements is the adjective. How do you see the morphological features of the promo part? І on the yak Please check with our stats.

    The clerk is like a part of the movie

    Nasampered, it is necessary to say, what is the clerk like a part of the movie? This is an important aspect. Vіn will help us to clearly indicate your food, on the way the clerks at the rechennya say.

    Otzhe, the clerk - tse part of the mov, as if turning signs of diy (mostly) or signs of other signs. In this case, it is important to indicate that a part of the language is independent and unchanging, independent of the position, as if it borrows from a specific proposition. As a rule, clerks in speeches are attached to a vodpovidny dictum, closer to a decency.

    The term itself has a Latin root and is used as a way of linguistic calculation. My Latin word "govirka" sounds like "adverbium" ("ad" - before, on; "verbum" - mova, mova).

    Adverbialization is the name given to the mechanism of the adoption of the adverbs of words, which belong to other parts of the mov. So, the clerks can be adopted from other forms of prikmetniki, imenikiv, dієslіv, as well as other types of word forms. In such a rank, a way of adverbialization, the word somehow changes its grammatical meaning.

    On yak_ pitanya podpovіdaє prislіvnik?

    Russian language has a lot of sermons. Let's translate, as a nutritious example, the adjective:

    • Yak? What rank?
    • Kudi? De?
    • Naskolki?
    • How long? If?
    • Why?
    • For what? New?

    The most extensive food groups. Let's look at them in more detail, on specific butts of words.

    So, fallow, in addition, on the yak of food, a clerk is seen, they see a sprat of their groups. Tse:

    1. Adherents to the way chi to the image of dії (quietly, summarily, amicably skinny.).
    2. Servants of the mission (close, below, right-handed).
    3. The servants of the stage of that world (little, over, vtrichi).
    4. Adherents to the hour (already, not long ago, fast).
    5. Causes of reason (burning, in a bad way, mimicry).
    6. Meti's servants (for evil, on purpose).

    It’s even easier to recognize, as if feeding a clerk from those other groups. So, the injunction of the month gives the food "de?", "stars?", the inscription of the reason - the food "what?", "what?" and so far.

    Of course, according to the algorithm of their own enlightenment, adjectives can be prefixed, suffixal, or prefixed-suffixal.

    The main signs of sermons

    The clerk is a part of the mov, as it is invariable in the speech. You can’t cheat chi vіdmіnyuvati, stench can’t think of pologіv chi numbers. Likewise, the clerks have no endings. Deyakі privnіniki (and the very same, yakі were established on the basis of prikmetnikіv) can mothers equal parity, zokrema parіvnyalnu and miraculous (for example: strong - stronger - stronger - stronger for all).

    If you talk about the syntactical features of the adjectives, then in the speeches the stench, as a rule, is attached to the dialects or the adjectives (or, more likely, to the other adjectives), with which the stench is approved by the verbalization. In the structure of the proposition, the adjective most often plays the role of furnishing.

    Varto signify that in the text it is often not easy to add an ancestor as a receiver (or as a part). The reason for this lie is that the rest are often settled in the form of serfs. Here we should respectfully analyze a specific proposition. Match, for example, two propositions:

    1. Our light of future - in front! (AT to this particular type the word "in front" is an adjective, what does it say to the food "de?").
    2. Bigti in front of the locomotive (here the word "in front" is a great drive).

    Krіm tsgogo, dosit often the clerk stray from the prikmetnik in the middle genus. Schob virishiti tse zavdannya, problematic word next put in multiple. Yakshcho tse viyde - means that the word is a prikmetnik, yakscho nі - a clerk. For example:

    1. The canvas of this mitya is wonderful! (The artist paints a miracle).
    2. Paintings by these artists are miracles! (Qi artists miraculously paint).

    Otzhe, in times the word "wonderful" є prikmetnik, same as in another - prikmetnik.

    At the end

    Otzhe, the clerk is one of the independent parts of the mov, which has its own morphological and syntactical signs. From our statutes, we have found out about the main types of parts of the mov, and also about those that serve as a source for the narrator.

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