Biology Ege Fіpі virishuvati online. Demo version of his book in biology. Structure of KIM EDI

Dzherelo information document from the official website of FIPI - METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for readers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical pardons of participants in the IDI 2017 year of BIOLOGY

Carrying out a clear analysis of the types of examinations, allowing you to identify a number of problems related to the mastery of the singing elements of change, the manifestation of difficulties and typical pardons that repeat rіk y rіk. In order to effectively organize the presentation of the course of biology and the preparation of graduates to the ЄДІ s biology, it is recommended to pay attention to a number of important and organizational aspects of the initial process.

Perche, next to carry out an analysis of typical pardons and difficulties that were revealed for the results of the test in 2017. For this, it is necessary to speed up the results, submit 4th star in the distribution, and also get acquainted with the results of the analysis given by the regional commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

In a different way, with the method of podlannya difficulties, scho winkli, and otrimannya more high result in 2018 p. the pedagogical practitioner (teacher of biology) needs to interpret the following definitions with graduates as deeply as possible: methods of breeding wildlife, breeding and biotechnology; biological terminology and symbols; chemical warehouse clitin; peculiarities of speech exchange and transformation of energy, stages of energy exchange, photosynthesis, chemosynthesis; chromosomal recruitment of somatic and state cells; phase of mitosis and meiosis; regularities of individual development of organisms, recession and sluggishness; ontogeny of roslin and creatures, development cycles of the main roslin species; main signs of kingdoms, types, species, classes of living nature, features of growing and growing creatures; Budova sensory systems, neurohumoral regulation of the vitality of the human body, the peculiarity of the autonomic nervous system, the higher nervous activity of the human being; the inner core of the human body, immunity, exchange of speech and transformation of energy in the human body; signs of identity and sporeness of people and creatures; the destructive forces of evolution and their meaning; attachment of organisms to dovkill; directly, that way of evolution, the main aromorphosis and idioadaptation in the development of roslin and creatures; ecosystem and її components, ecological factors, the role of roslin and creatures in biocenoses; functions of the living language of the planet; circulation of nitrogen, sour, coal, phosphorus in nature; global changes in the biosphere, viklikanі diyalnistyu people.

In order to get the maximum scores for graduates, an hour of preparation before sleep should be followed by respect for their mastery and substantive thoughts, and for themselves: know that intelligence: the day of mutual genes; patterns of minutiae; chained decline; reproduction and individual development of roslin; heterosis; circulation of speech and transformation of energy in ecosystems and biosphere; processes of life as a whole human organism, and other organ systems; Budov and signs of viruses; otrimanny polyploidiv and distant hybrids, and also to explain: the role of biological theories, laws; sleepiness of living organisms; the evolution of growth and creatures; mutual relations of organisms, people that dovkilla; causes of stability, self-regulation, self-development and change of ecosystems, causes of species evolution; remember: to establish interrelationships between the destructive forces of evolution, paths and direct evolution; correct the biological processes of that phenomenon; phase of mitosis and meiosis; recognize and describe biological objects; to assign the importance of biological objects to a single systematic group.

third x, before the cob of preparation, it should be respectfully placed before the selection of primary literature. Bazhano cognize graduates with the help of assistants, as recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for basic and high school, both basic and profile level. If the preparation is carried out, as a rule, for a large number of mentors, then some authors should give respect to the graduates for the graduation. In a number of vipadkіv dodatkovі assistants and assistants can vikoristovuvatsya і like dzherela applied that argumentіv when explaining that chi іnshoy process chi appearance.

Quarterly, in the lessons of that post-hourly activity, it is necessary to ensure the systemic development by graduates of the basic biology course (basic and profile level) and the introduction of the operation with various types of primary activity, which are presented in the codifier by the elements of the start-up program and ready to start. For this purpose, plan regular monitoring of how to practice as much as possible within the framework of both the in-line work and the repetition of the material covered.

At five, realizing the power working program she organizes the work with the primary literature, following the work of paying attention to the material, which traditionally calls out the difficulties of the rich graduates, it is wise to practice yoga.

Shosta x, in order to achieve high results in sleep at the initial process, it is recommended to step by step increase a part of the independent work of graduates, like at the lesson, and at the after-hours, accentuate respect for the completion of important, practical tasks. For the development of a reduction in the complexity of the task of cytology and genetics, it is necessary to adapt the algorithms of their implementation.

Somme, when carried out in various forms of in-line and intermediate control in the initial process, it was necessary to widely vicorize the quality control of various types. So, don’t forget about the manager with the choice of the right one. For the right organization of work with similar tasks, you can successfully carry out flow control. p align="justify"> Particular respect is given to the following tasks, as presented in the following options: multiple choice (with a little or without a new one); vstanovlenya vіdpovіdnostі (with a little chi without it); establishing the sequence of systematic taxa, biological objects, processes, phenomena; development of biological sciences in cytology and genetics; additional missing information in the schema; additional information in the tables; analysis of information presented in graphical form tabular form, as well as to the heads of the free-burning vіdpovіddu, who are important for the students, who are trained, primed and briefly and logically express their thoughts, put the theoretical knowledge into practice.

For unprofiting pidogotovka, to the PIDSUMKOVO at the Form, it is recommended that Vikoristovati Trendyvalni are methodically math, ros -grinding a member of the member of the Group of the Group of the federal, the oskilki is not an adequate vanity,

In control vimiruvalnyh EDDI materials in biology 2018 Changes to the type of structure and types of orders are not planned. With the method of expanding the change, which is being revised, and substantive reductions in the main line of the part 2, the inclusion of the task with new plots is transferred. Apply such pre-represented demos. Z urahuvannyam results ЄДІ 2017 the ribbing of the folding of the deyakyh lines was changed, which caused a correct modification in the spivvіdnoshnіnі zavdan of the base, advanced and high rivnіv.

control materials
of the unified state science 2017 of BIOLOGY

1. Appointment of KIM EDI

The only state experience (further - ЄДІ) is the form of an objective assessment of the quality of the training of students, as they have mastered the programs of the secondary education, from the selection of the standardized form (control materials).

ЄДІ be carried out on a regular basis until federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation".

Control materials allow you to set the level of mastering by graduates of the Federal Component of the state standard of middle (new) global education in biology, basic and profile level.

The results of the single sovereign research in biology are recognized by the lighting organizations of the middle professional education and the lighting organizations of the higher education
professional education as a result of entrance examinations in biology

2. Documents to be issued by KIM EDI

3. Come to the selection of a replacement, structure analysis of KIM EDI

Основу розробки КІМ ЄДІ складає інваріантне ядро ​​​​змісту біологічної освіти, яке знаходить відображення у Федеральному компоненті державного стандарту середньої (повної) загальної освіти, різних приблизних програмах та підручниках, що рекомендуються Міносвіти Росії для використання при реалізації мають державну акредитацію освітніх програм середньої загальної освіти from biology.
КІМ ЄДІ re-verify the mastering of knowledge and understanding by graduates of the main divisions in the course of biology: “Roslini”, “Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens”, “Creatures”, “People are healthy”, “Zahalna Biology”. Tse allows you to re-verify the main exchange rate, ensure the validity of KIM. Zmіst КІМ ЄДІ do not go beyond the middle course of biology of middle school and do not lie down, in addition, for some program and some kind of assistant, the work is carried out in a specific educational organization.

In the examination work, the students of the division “Zahalna Biology” are taken into account, the shards in the new one are integrated and the factual knowledge is taken into account, taken away in the main school, the fundamental biological laws are examined, which are revealed by the various aspects of the living organisms. Before them we can see: clitin, chromosomal, evolutionary theory; laws of recession and sluggishness; environmental laws of the development of the biosphere

The supervisors, who control the levels of knowledge and knowledge, slander the most important nutrition for the course of biology and distort the formation of graduates of the scientific spy and biological competence.

4. Structure of KIM EDI

The leather version of the KIM examination work is carried out on the 28th day and is composed of two parts, which are divided according to the form and equal folding. Part 1 to avenge 21 tasks:

7 - with a multiple choice of little ones or without one;
6 - on the installation of viability with a baby or without it;
3 - setting the sequence of systematic taxa, biological objects, processes, phenomena;
2 - on the development of biological tasks in cytology and genetics;
1 - to supplement the lack of information in the scheme;
1 - for additional information about marriage, in the table;
1 - for the analysis of information submitted in the graphic and tabular form.

The signature on the heading of part 1 is supposed to be written in the form of a word (word receiving), a number or a sequence of digits, written without gaps and different symbols.

Part 2 to avenge the 7th day of the roaring fire. At these zavdannyah, the examinations are formulated and recorded by the examination independently in the open form. The head of this part of the work may be on the mark of the graduates, as a high level of biological training.

At part 1, task 1-21 are grouped by replacement blocks, presented in the codifier, which is more accessible
receive information. In part 2, the workers are grouped fallowly according to the types of primary activity, which are reversed, and apparently to thematic belonging.


2. Choose two correct answers from five and write down the numbers in the table, according to which stinks are indicated. An example of some scientific methods to illustrate the plot of the painting by the Dutch artist J. Steen "Pulse"?

1) abstraction

2) modeling

3) experiment

4) wimir

5) watch out

3. What is the function of clitin nucleic acids?

1) using the savings of recessionary information

2) improve homeostasis

3) transfer decay information from the nucleus to the ribosome

4) take part in protein synthesis

5) enter to the warehouse of the cell membrane

6) check the signal function

4. What processes are observed in the prophase of the first under meiosis?

doubling of two cores

divergence of homologous chromosomes

approval of the metaphasic scarf

proximity of homologous chromosomes

exchange of homologous chromosomes by delyans

spiralization of chromosomes

5. To establish a distinction between a sign and an organoid of cells, for which wines are characteristic.



presence of two membranes

splitting of organic speeches to CO 2 and H 2

presence of hydrolytic enzymes

overetching of organoids in cells

energy storage in ATP

the establishment of herbal vacuoles in the simplest

6. Indicate spivvіdshenie phenotypes in naschadkіv for monohybrid crossbreeding of two heterozygous organisms with non-povial dominance. Indicate to write down in the sequence of numbers, which show the phenotypic characteristics, which were seen,starting from a dominant phenotype.

7. What are the regularities of the taman's modification sluggishness?

Minlivity may have an individual character.

Minlivity is a reserve for micro-revolution.

Signs in individuals develop at the boundaries of the norm of reaction.

Minlivity is formed by changing the number of chromosomes.

One and the same genotype in different minds of the middle form different phenotypes.

Minority is not associated with changes in genes and chromosomes.



9. Set the position between the future card and the way of filing such a card: to the skin position, given in the first column, take the position from the other column.



Yaskravy the Great Vinochok

the color and sawnness appear before the appearance of the leaf

flowers have nectaries

matochka with a fluffy great rilz

tichinki on long tichinkovy threads

flowers can smell



10. Mohi, on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd pokritonіnіh roslyn,

є phototrophs

do not wash the fabric

do not wash tickets

multiply by superchicks

wash rhizoids

approve the states of the clitin

12. Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers in the table, for which stinks are indicated.

Good tissue on the human body

represented by blood, lymph, cartilage

the mucous membranes of the sluice, the oral stool, were viscous.

you can be rare or hard

maє zbudlivіst i providnіst

may be weakly pronounced intercellular speech

improve the transport function



smoktalnі ruhi chіtini vіdpovіd
on dotik to yoga lips

the sound of the sky, illuminated by the sun

vikonannya hygienic procedures before bedtime

chhannya when hit by a saw in the empty nose

seeing a slip on the dishes
when serving the table

rolling on roller forgings

tie the bundle with a knot and tighten it with a wooden stick-twist

put a sterile gauze bandage on the wound surface and bandage it

attach to the jig a piece of paper from the appointed hour of the invoice

call before the name of the dress

For more wounded place, put soft cloth, and on top of yoga - humovy jgut

15. Apparently, potatoes or nightshade bulbous, a type of grassy dews, the most important food, technical fodder crop.

Vykoristovuyuchi tsі vіdomosti, choose from the list below indicated, as if they are worth describing the data of the sign of the organism.

Write down the numbers in the table, which should be given to the chosen ones.

  1. Potato herbaceous roslin with bare ribbed stem, unpaired leaves.
  2. Batkivshchyna kartopli - save Chile and Peru.
  3. Europeans did not know potatoes until 1565, before Pivdenny America Spanish
  4. Until the end of the 18th century, potatoes were cultivated as an ornamental plant.
  5. Three potato bulbs contain starch, molasses and alcohol.
  6. Potato vikoristovuyut for vіdgodіvlі sіlskogospodarskih brіvіn.

16. To establish the viability between the butt and the factor of anthropogenesis, for which wines are characteristic.



17 . In the agrocenosis, on the view of the natural ecosystem,

vikoristovuyutsya dodatkovі dzherela energy, krim sonyachnoy

zdіysnyuєtsya closures circle of speeches

bag is small number of types of producers

representation of all functional groups: producers, consumers, decomposers

life spans are short

dіє natural vіdbіr

18. To establish viability between the butt and a group of environmental factors, like wine illustration.





19. Set the sequence of evolutionary processes to explore the main groups of creatures that the Earth saw, in chronological order. Write down the sequence of digits in the table

20 . Insert into the text “Similar to mushrooms from roslins and creatures” the missing terms from the proponated translation, vicarious for this digital designation. Write down the digits of the selected entries next to the text, and then the sequence of digits (behind the text) enter the table below.


Mushrooms have signs of growing and growing, and creatures. Like growing mushrooms, unruly and constantly growing. Zovni їх kіtini, yak i roslinnі, pokritі ___________ (А). In the middle of the stench of the stink in the daytime greens ___________ (B). Mushrooms are similar to creatures to the point that they do not store ___________ (B) in them, and the stench is consumed by prepared organic speeches. Enter ___________ (D) to the warehouse of the clitin wall of mushrooms.


1) plasma membrane 2) clitin wall 3) plastidi 4) Golgi complex

5) mitochondria 6) starch 7) glycogen 8) chitin

21. P scaly table " Kharchova value some ribs "and knowledge from the biology of biology, choose the right statements

1) The salmon has the largest part of the whites against the other ribs.

2) Sprats have the largest part of the fat in the ribs.

4) Vobla is the most caloric fish.

5) Usi appointed ribis as representatives of the Selezopodіbnі corral.

part 2

22. Why is it not recommended to put a deposit in the grain warehouse for savings? What do you see with them?

23. What is the solution on the roots of the depicted growth? What type of interaction between organisms is illustrated in the drawing? Explain the meaning of these mutually between both organisms.

24. Find three pardons from the hovered text. Indicate the numbers of propositions, which have broken pardons, correct them.

1. Fungi and bacteria are brought to prokaryotes. 2. Among the mushrooms, there is a great diversity: yeast, splash, droplet mushrooms and others. 3. The main feature of bugatolytic mushrooms is the establishment of the vegetative body from thin threads, which swell, make the mycelium. 4. Mushroom clitina is a clitin wall, which is composed of chitin, and membrane organoids. 5. Spare livestock is glycogen. 6. Mushrooms are an autotrophic type of eating. 7. Growth of mushrooms is attached after the ripening of the superechok.

25. What are the functions in the body of a human being? nervous system? Introduce at least three functions. Please explain.

26. Flounder is a near-bottom fish, stuck to life by the seas, angry with the ashes of the seabed. Name the type of contamination and explain its meaning, as well as the visual nature of the attachment.

27. Chromosomal recruitment of somatic cells in potatoes is healthy 48. Chromosomal recruitment of the number of DNA molecules in clitins during meiosis at meiosis prophase I and meiosis metaphase II is significant. Explain the selected results.

28. In sheep in the homozygous state, the gene for gray infection leads to the death of embryos. At the first crossed among themselves sheep іz serim zabarvlennyam outside, the horned part of the offspring turned out from the outside of the black zabarvlennya, without horns. Another crossbreeded sheep among themselves from the sirim zabarvlennyam outside, horned (homozygous) had offspring from the sirim zabarvlennyam outside, horned and black zabarvlennyam outside, horned shodo 2: 1. Geni not zchepleni. Fold the scheme of rozv'yazannya tasks. Determining the genotypes of the Batkiv individuals, the genotype and phenotype of possible offspring in crossbreeds. Explain the phenotypic splitting of offspring in two crossings.


  1. Take a look at the diagram. Write down the omissions scheme of the term, meanings with a nutrition sign.
  1. Choose two correct answers from five and write down the numbers in the table, according to which stinks are indicated. The method of kіltsyuvannya vikoristovuyut for

1) designation of terms and ways of bird migration

2) the development of mechanisms for the use of birds at different heights

3) designation of the peculiarities of the behavior of swine birds

4) assessments of beats, heads of people by birds

5) the sign of the trivality of the life of birds

3. Diploid number of chromosomes may

birch leaf epidermis

cod intestines

female gametes of flower roslins

human gametes of the intestine

nervous cells mavpi

intestinal stick

4. Prokaryotic clitins are similar to eukaryotic

presence of ribosomes


visualization of the decorated core

visibility of the plasma membrane

in the presence of organoids

the presence of a circular DNA molecule

5. To establish the viability between the everyday organoid and the yogi looking.



folded in two perpendicularly folded cylinders

consists of two subunits

Nutrients with microtubules

avenge proteins that protect the chromosomes

revenge proteins and nucleic acid

6. Determining the spivvіdshenie phenotypes in offspring when crossing females and males with AaBb genotypes, zvajayuchi on those that genes are not matched one to one and poserіgaetsya outside dominance. Indicate to write down in the sequence of numbers, which show the phenotypic characteristics, which were seen,in the order of their decay.

7. To the causes of combinative inconsistency

loss of gametes in case of flooding

change of the number of chromosomes

recombination of genes as a result of crossing over

change in the nucleotide warehouse of the ring chromosome

deletion of a triplet of nucleotides during replication

combination of non-homologous chromosomes in meiosis

8. Set the difference between the characteristic of timidity and її look.



blamed on genetically identical individuals

vinikaє at anger stateevyh clitin

may group character change signs

varies between the norms of the reaction to the genotype

Vіdpovіdaє zminі dії factor of the middle

Based on independent chromosome variability in the process of meiosis


CLASS Arthropoda



Write down in the table the selected numbers under the double letters.

10. Until roslyn, scho do not wash roots

zozulin lion


human shield

mace-like club moss



11 . Establish a sequence of rotting of systematic groups of roslins, starting from the largest taxon. Write down the sequence of numbers in the table.

12. Heart disease of a person is characterized

visibly transverse swagger

great number of intercultural speeches

fleeting rhythmic speeds

presence of spindle-shaped cells

numerical spoluchami mizh clitinami

the presence of nuclei in clitins

15. It seems that the crit is splendid - savage the soil, that you eat the creature's hedgehog. Vykoristovuyuchi tsі vіdomosti, choose from the list below three solids, as if they are worth describing the signs of these creatures. Write down the numbers in the table, so that you can give the selected answers.

1) Dovzhina body of creatures to become 18–26.5 cm, and mass - 170–319 g.

2) Mature creatures are not livable one by one, attack relatives who have squandered on their yard, and can dirty them to death.

3) Naschadok mole people are blind, naked and hopeless. The same female is fertile with milk.

4) The nesting chamber is laid out at a depth of 1.5-2 m.

5) In the valleys of the river crit penetrates into the middle taiga, and into the typical steppes.

6) The mole eats wooden chrobakami, in smaller quantities it eats slimakiv, coma of those larvae.

17. Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers in the table, for which stinks are indicated. In the ecosystem of the mixed fox, symbiotic blue waters are established between


Rich algae



20. Insert into the text “Life of growth” the missing terms from the proponated translation, vicarious for this digital designation. Write down the digits of the selected entries next to the text, and then the sequence of digits (behind the text) enter the table below.


Roslina possesses water at the sight of a soil gap for the help of ___________ (A) root. The ground parts of the growth, the head rank, ___________ (B), navpaki, through special cells - ___________ (C) to extract a significant amount of water. In this case, the water is vikorated not only for evaporation, but as a source material for making organic speeches during the process of ___________ (D).


1) dihannya 2) root chokhlik 3) root hair 4) leaf

5) vtecha 6) stem 7) prodhi 8) photosynthesis

21. Using the table “Acidity of juices and secretions in the herbal tract of people” and knowing the course of biology, choose the correct statement:

2) When baking, the pH of the walker drops sharply.

3) At an empty (natshe) shell, the middle is the middle.

4) In case of starvation, there is an inability to get sick on the tip of the twelve-fingered intestine.

5) In an acid medium, the shells are more easily split into carbohydrates.

Part 2.

22. Vіdomo, scho for the high temperature of the navkolishny middle of the skin is red, and for the low it is pale. Explain why you want to.

23. Name the image on the little organism and that kingdom, to what extent it can be seen. What is numbered 1, 2? What is the role of these organisms in the ecosystem?

24. Find three pardons from the hovered text. Indicate the numbers of propositions, in which the stench is broken, correct them.

1. R. Mendel is respected as the founder of genetics. 2. Vin, having stood up, at the monogbride scribble, the rosquella is familiarized in the spіvvіvіnni 3: 1. 3. Under Digbride, scribbled by the roscheln, the familiarity of the other as a submissions 1: 2: 1. 4. Take out of the rosema, yakschina 5. T. Morgan, having established that if the genes are staggered in one chromosome, then the signs will decline at the same time, so they are connected. 6. Such geniuses establish a group of cells. 7. The number of chain groups is related to the diploid set of chromosomes.

25. What is the role of mitochondria in speech exchange? Yaka fabric - m'yazova chi happy - revenge more mitochondria? Explain why.

26. Why is there a negative impact of activity on the growing world of the biosphere? Point out a few examples and explain their influx.

27. The karyotype of one species of ribs has 56 chromosomes. Determine the number of chromosomes during spermatogenesis in clitins of the growth zone, and in clitins of the maturation zone, for example, the first pod. Explain how the processes are carried out in these zones.

28. Human deafness is an autosomal, recessive trait; daltonism is a recessive sign, linked to the status (Xd). Healthy for two signs, the woman became a woman who is suffering from deafness and color blindness. They had a daughter with good hearing and color blind and blue, deaf and color blind. Fold the scheme of rozv'yazannya tasks. Determining the genotypes of the fathers, using the possible genotypes and phenotypes of children. Vyznachte ymovirnist narodzhennya children, yakі suffer on both anomalies. What will the stench be like? Specify your genotypes.

EDI 2017. Biology. Types test tasks. Kalinova G.S.

M.: 2017. - 112 p.

Types of tests in biology were tested 10 variants of sets of tests, folded with the improvement of the necessary features and in the power of a single state sleep in 2017. The purpose of the help is to give readers information about the structure and the content of control materials for 2017. from biology, vіdmіnіst vіd vіd poperednіkh rіkіv, step folding zavdan. The helper was given an opinion on all the test options, moreover, the signs of the blanks were given, yakі vykoristovuyutsya on ЄDI to record the results of that decision. Helper of appointments for teachers for the preparation of students to study biology, as well as for high school students for self-training and self-control.

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Entry 4
Instructions for vikonannya roboti 9
Part 1 Yu
Part 2 15
Part 1 18
Part 2 24
Part 1 26
Part 2 31
Part 1 32
Part 2 38
Part 1 39
Part 2 45
Part 1 46
Part 2 52
Part 1 53
Part 2 58
Part 1 61
Part 2 67
Part 1 69
Part 2 74
OPTION 10 76
Part 1 76
Part 2 82
Option 1: 83
Option 2 86
Option 3 89
Option 4 92
Option 5 95
Option 6^98
Option 7 101
Option 8 104
Option 9 Yu7
Option 10 110

The proponation help is addressed to high school students and graduate students for preparation to the Unified Sovereign Education in Biology. Іspit from biology to lay down to іspitiv, like a graduate of the middle class sacred lighting school I'll give you a choice. ЄДІ be carried out with the help of students of a standardized form - control vimiruvalnyh materials (КІМ), yakі reverify biological knowledge for the entire school course from 5 to 11 grades. In 2017 a special emphasis is made on the strengthening of the operational basis and the practice-oriented directness of KIM. Tse vimagalo skoriguvati come up to induce a new examination work, including the task of a new format.
Основу розробки КІМ ЄДІ, як і в колишні роки, становить інваріантне ядро ​​​​змісту біологічної освіти, яке знаходить відображення в Державному освітньому стандарті середньої (повної) загальної освіти, різних зразкових програмах та підручниках, рекомендованих Міністерством освіти України до використання при реалізації освітніх програм , which may receive state accreditation. middle global education in biology.
p align="justify"> Change of control materials for the study of biology in basic and secondary schools. The object of control is the knowledge of schoolchildren, formed according to all divisions in the course of biology: “Roslini”, “Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens”, “Creatures”, “People are healthy”, “Zahalna Biology”. This allows you to re-verify the main exchange rate, ensure the validity of control materials. В екзаменаційній роботі, як і раніше, переважають завдання по розділу «Загальна біологія», оскільки в ньому інтегруються та узагальнюються фактичні знання, отримані в основній школі та середній школі, розглядаються загальнобіологічні закономірності, що виявляються на різних рівнях організації живої природи. Zmіst КІМ ЄДІ do not go beyond the intercourse of biology of a specialized secondary school and do not lie down, in order for such a program, such a teacher conducts writing at school.

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