Lexicology as an independent division of philosophies. Lexicology, the main divisions Lexicology as a science about the vocabulary of a movie

Lecture 5

Lexicology, phraseology

The word yak is the main nominative unit of movement, її differential signs.

The lexical meaning of the word is understandable.

Movie system is lexical.

Types of phraseological units.

Lexicology as a division of philosophies.

Lexicology(Gr. lexis- Word + logos- vchennya) is called the division of philosophies, which develops the word as a unit of the vocabulary of the language (lexicon) and the entire lexical system (lexicon) of the movement. The term vocabulary (gr. lexikos- slovnikovy, slovnikovy) to serve as a sign of the word stock of the language. This term is also victorious in important meanings: for the purpose of the plurality of words, which get used to that other functional variety of language (book vocabulary), in a creative work (lexicon "Words about the death of Igor"); you can talk about the vocabulary of a writer (Pushkin's vocabulary) and navit one person (Using a richer vocabulary).

Lexicologists of the law of the law function of the function of the vocabulary of the movie vocabulary, the principles of the style of the stylistic classifіkatsya, the norms of the Litrate Word of the SPIVVISHENISHICH, Pitannya of the Professor, Dialekism, the Archiyamyv, the Archaima, the Remolizovs, the Armain

Lexicology can be description, or synchronous(Greek syn - at once + chronos - hour), then there is a vocabulary warehouse of the mov at the same time, that is historical, or diachronic (Greek dia - in + chronos - hour), then the subject is the development of the vocabulary of this mov. Razrіznyayut also blatantly lexicology, as a way of looking at the vocabulary warehouse of various mov, revealing the fundamental laws and functions of their lexical systems, that private lexicology, scho doslіdzhuє slovnikovy warehouse odnієї mov. Subject equally lexicology is a vocabulary warehouse of one language among other languages ​​with a method of revealing similarities and identities.

Usі divided lexicology mutually: data of global lexicology is necessary to understand the vocabulary of a specific language and to understand the glybinic essence of lexical units, their connection with the cognitive structures of information; a lot of lexical phenomena require a historical commentary to clarify the peculiarities of their semantics and living; vodostі zі zastavnoї lexikologiії podmagayut zozumіti rich sign and regularity of the functioning of the lexicon ієї chi іnshої movi, so, for example, as a spіlnіst lexical warehouse, position, interference and іnshі.

Lexicology occupies an equal place in the middle of other linguistic disciplines and is inextricably linked with them, for example, phonetics: the unity of lexicology is the signs of the link, which is established by our thoughts between the complexes of sounds in human movement and tim, which are named by these complexes in the world, the nomination of objects of activity. Among the naming disciplines of lexicology, there is more to say about grammar. In order to accurately determine the meaning of the word, its paradigmatic and syntagmatic links with other words, the role of the text, need to know grammatical status of the first word (part of the mov, primal categorical meaning, basic morphological features and syntactic function), in its own way, primal categorical meaning, these other parts of the mov are realized in private lexical meanings of specific words as units of vocabulary. The study of the rich grammatical forms of the word is directly related to the peculiarities of its lexical meaning, for example, short forms and forms of steps of equivalence. Poednannya words in the word-collection and phrases are also deposited in the form of features of these words as lexemes.

Catering 1

Lexicology as a science about the vocabulary of modern Russian vocabulary. Divided lexicology

Lexicology - in Greek. leksis, leksicos - word, viraz; logos - vchennya. Tsya science looks at the vocabulary (lexical) warehouse of the movie in other aspects. Lexicology examines the vocabulary of the language (lexicon) for a look at those that are the word, how and how it hangs, how it changes. Before lexicology, phraseology is used, as it is most often included in lexicology as a special division.

Lexicology is subdivided into formal, private, historical, and historical. The first, which is called the English general lexicology, is a division of the infamous philosophies, which develops a vocabulary warehouse, be it language, those who are brought up to lexical universals. Global lexicology deals with the fundamental laws of the future lexical system, feeding the functioning and development of the vocabulary of the world.

Private lexicology is based on the vocabulary of a particular movie. Private lexicology (special lexicology) deals with the subject matter related to the vocabulary of one, our type of English language. Thus, global lexicology can look at, for example, the principles of synonyms and antonyms in language, while private lexicology can deal with the peculiarities of English synonyms and antonyms themselves.

I general, and private problems of the vocabulary warehouse can be analyzed in various aspects. You can approach us before any kind of manifestation from a synchronic or diachronic point of view. The synchronous idiom conveys that the characteristics of the word are seen at the borders of the singing period of any one historical stage of its development. Such a development of the vocabulary warehouse is called descriptive, descriptive (English, descriptive lexicology). Diachronic, historical, lexicology (historical lexicology) deals with the development of the historical act of the meaning of the structure of words.

Contrastive lexicology is used to describe the lexical phenomena of one language with the facts of other language and other language. The meta of such doslіdzhen is to prostegize the paths of the crossroads of the rozbіzhnostі lexical phenomena, the authorities will call them zіstavlennya mov.

Historical lexicology simply changes in the meanings (semantics) of a given word for a whole group of words, and also continues to change in the names of objects of activity (div. gave about etymology). Porіvnyalna lexicology reveals similarities and vіdmіnnosti in articulation of objective reality by lexical features of different language. Por_vnyuvati can be like okremі words, and groups of words.

Main tasks lexicologyє:

*) designation of the word as a significant unit vocabulary ;

*) Characteristics of the lexical-semantic system, which is manifested by the internal organization of modern units and the analysis of their links (the semantic structure of the word, the specifics of the different semantic signs, the patterns of identification with other words and other).

The subject of lexicology, as it screams out of itself, is the name of science, the word.

Divided lexicology:

Onomasiology - cultivating the vocabulary of the language, yogo nominative research, types of vocabulary units of the language, ways of nominating.

Semasiology - learning the meaning of vocabulary units of the language, types of lexical meanings, the semantic structure of the lexeme.

Phraseology - growing phraseological units.

Onomastics is the science of powerful names. Here you can see the most important developments: anthroponymics, as if we were living names, and toponymy, as if we were weaving geographical objects.

Etymology - the vows of the ancient words.

Lexicography - is engaged in food storage and development of dictionaries. It is also often called applied lexicology.

Understanding the term "current Russian literary language".

Traditionally Russian language and modern times of A. S. Pushkin. The next difference between understanding the Russian national language and literary Russian language. The national language is the symbol of the Russian people, it will slander all spheres of the people's activity. On the vіdmіnu vіd nіgo literaturna mova - more understandable. Literary language - the main form of the basis of the language, the language of speech. That is why the form of the national folk mov is strictly standardized. Under the literary language of my mind, language is shrugged off by masters of the word, by great, hromadas.

Food 2

The word is the main unit of language. Word signs. Appointment of the word. Type slіv. Functions of the word

The word is the main structural and semantic unity of the language, which serves to name the objects of those authorities, manifestations, manifestations of activity, to the volume of semantic, phonetic and grammatical signs specific to skin language. Characteristic signs words - tsіlіsnіst, vidilimіst ta vіlna vіdtvoryuvanіst mоvі.

Vahovuyuchi skladnost bagatoplanovoї structure the words.

phonetic (or phonemic) design and presence of one main voice;

lexico-semantic significance the words, yogo okremіst that impenetrability the words without changing its meaning);

· Idiomaticity (and now - non-transferrability, non-motivation of naming, or non-pure yogo motivation);

· Vіdnesenist to tih chi іnshih parts of the movie.

Modern Russian lexicology seems to motivate short appointment, proponed by D. N. Shmelov: word- The unity of the name, which is characterized by a complete design (phonetic and grammatical) and idiomatic.

Razrіznyayut kіlka typeіv slіv. According to the method of nomination, chotiri types of words are distinguished: independent, service, borrowers, wiguks.

Behind the phonetic sign, the words are distinguished: one-strike, not naked, richly hit, folding.

According to the morphological sign, the words are distinguished: change, change, simple, easy, folding.

For motivation: unmotivated and motivated.

Behind the semantic-grammatical sign, the words are grouped at the part of the language.

From the point of view of the structural integrity, the words tsilisnі and segments are separated.

In the semantic expression, the words are unambiguous and richly meaningful, absolute and clear, which mean additional and transitional words. In speech, the word is included in the subtle semantic vіdnosini with other words and elements of the speech warehouse (intonation, word order, syntactical functions).


communicative function

function is nominative

function is aesthetic

movie function

splitting function

alert function

infusion function

FUNCTION IN PLIVU. The implementation of the її є is a voluntative function, that is. expression of the will of the one who speaks; the function is expressive, that is. information about the vislovlyuvannya of diversity; the function is emotive, that is. Viraz sensitive, emotions.

COMMUNICATION FUNCTION. Appointment of the word to serve as a reference to that reminder;

THE FUNCTION IS NOMINATIVE. Assignment of the word to the name of the subject;

JOINT FUNCTION. The main function of the language is one of the sides of the communicative function that affects the mutual exchange of the members of the collective team.

ATTENTION FUNCTION. The other side of the communicative function, which is related to the transmission of a certain logical change;

THE FUNCTION IS AESTHETIC. Appointment of the word є with the help of artistic virtuosity;

MOVIE FUNCTION. Vykoristannya potenciykh authorities zasobіv movi movi for various purposes.

Food 3

Lexical meaning of the word. Lexical Meaning Structure

Lexical meaning - spіvvіdnennia zvіvіdnennia zvіdnої obolona zvіdpoіdnimi objects аbo yashcha ob'ektivії іїsnostі. The lexical meaning includes all the sukupnіst sign in oneself, the power of their object, I will appear, I will be thin. bud., lest the most important, help to invigorate one object from another. The lexical meaning of the curves is the signs that signify the deep power of low objects, deeds, manifestations, and to establish the power, see the given object, deity, manifestation. For example, the lexical meaning of the word giraffe is designated as follows: “African parnokopitnaya ruminant creature with long neck and long legs”, so that those signs are re-ruffled, like a giraffe is called to look at other creatures.

Food 4

Types of lexical meanings

Setting different words and meanings allows you to see a few types of lexical meanings of words in Russian.

Behind the method of nomination one can see the direct and figurative meanings of words.

*) The direct (chi main, golovne) meaning of the word is the same meaning, as it is without intermediary spіvvіdnositsya with the manifestations of objective activity. For example, the words stіl, black, boil may have such basic meanings:

1. "A piece of furniture that looks like a wide horizontal board on high supports, legs."

2. "Colors of soot, vugіllya".

3. "Bubbling, screaming, steaming in the face of strong heat" (about the radii).

Qi meanings may have a stable character, although they can change historically. For example, the word stіl in old Russian language meant "throne", "knyazyuvannya", "capital".

The direct meanings of the least words lie in the context, according to the nature of the connection with other words. It seems to him that the most direct meaning may be the most paradigmatic rationality and the least syntagmatic appearance.

*) Transference (indirect) meanings of words are blamed on the result of transferring the name from one phenomenon of activity to another on the basis of similarity, the fullness of their sign, the function of the other.

So, the word style can have figurative meanings:

1. "The subject of a special possession or a part of the verst of a similar form": operational style, raising the style of the verst.

2. "Harchuvannya, hedgehog": rent a room with a table.

3. "Viddilennya in the installation, as I know it's like a special stake of rights": dovіdkovy stіl.

The word black has such a figurative meaning:

1. "Dark, in opposition to the greater light, which is called white": black bread.

2. "After accepting the dark, darkened, darkened": black look of zasmagi.

3. "Kurny" (only new form, old): black hut.

4. "Frowning, joyless, important": black thoughts.

5. "Evil, evil": black evil.

6. "Not head-to-head, pidobny" (only the same form): black head at the booth.

7. "Physically important and non-qualified" (only the same form): black robot, etc.

The word boil can have the same figurative meaning:

1. "Show strong": boil the robot.

2. "Show something with strength, strong peace": boil with storms.

Like Bachimo, indirect meanings appear in words, like not being directly understood by people, but approaching him for various associations that are obvious to those who speak.

Portable meanings can save figurativeness: dark thoughts, dark zrada; boil over. Such figurative meanings are fixed in the language: the stench is induced in the dictionaries for an hour of clouding of the lexical unit. As a result of creation and stability, figuratively figurative meanings are considered as metaphors, as they are created by writers, poets, publicists and may have an individual character.

However, in the case of transference, the meaning of figurativeness is lost in more vipadkivs. For example, we don’t take it as a figurative name, like a trumpet, a teapot spout, a year old is thin. In such situations, one can speak about the fading figurativeness of the lexical meaning of the word, about dry metaphors.

Direct and figurative meanings are seen in the boundaries of one word.

Behind the level of semantic motivation one can see the meanings of non-motivation (not similar, primary), which are assigned to the meanings of morphemes in the warehouse of the word; motivated (pokhіdnі, vtorinnі), as it is derived from the meaning of the fluctuating basis and word affixes. For example, the words stіl, buduvati, bіliy may have unmotivated meanings. Words of tables, laying, їsti, budіvnitstvo, perebudova, antiperebudovny, bіlіti, bіliti, whiteness with taman motivated meanings, stench like bi “virobleni” from the motivating part, word-forming formants and semantic components, which help to comprehend the meaning of the word from the meaning of the word S. .Slovoosvetnya semantics in Russian language and principles of description M., 1977. P. 100-101).

In some words, the motivation of the meaning is obscured, the shards in modern Russian language do not always go to see their historical roots. Proteo-etymological analysis establishes the ancient native links of the word with other words, giving the opportunity to explain the meaning of this. For example, etymological analysis allows us to see the historical roots of the words fat, benket, vikno, cloth, pillow, hmara and insert their svyazok with the words live, drink, eye, succhi, vuho, drag (envelop). In this way, the level of motivation of that number of meanings of a word can be different. Until then, the meaning can be given to a motivated person with a philological training, even though the meanings of the link of the same word are not fakhivtsev.

According to the lexical feasibility, the meanings of the words are subdivided into free and wrong.

The first ones may have at their basis only subject-logical links of words. For example, the word drink is combined with words that mean radiny (water, milk, tea, lemonade thinly), but cannot be combined with such words as stone, beauty, big, nothing. The success of words is regulated by subjective summation (or non-sense) to understand what they signify. In this manner, the "freedom" of the occurrence of words, which may have an unknown meaning, is evident.

Incorrect meanings of words are characterized by the possibility of lexical coherence, as in different cases they are distinguished by subject-logical, and well-known clerks. For example, the word will go down with the words of victory, top, but not go down with the word of defeat. You can say lower your head (look, eyes, eyes), but you can’t - “put your hand down” (leg, briefcase).

Invalid meanings, in their own way, are subdivided into phraseologically related and syntactically understood.

The first ones are realized only in stable (phraseological) words: a cursed enemy, an inseparable friend (it is impossible to remember the elements of these phrases with the help of the mysteries).

The syntactically articulated meanings of the word are realized only once, as if they were victorious in the speech without its own syntactic function. So, the words kolod, oak, kapelyuh, acting as a nominal part of the warehouse property, take on the meaning of "stupid person"; "stupid, stupid people"; "Mlyava, uninitiated person, slob."

V. V. Vinogradov, who was the first to see such a type of meaning, calling them functionally-syntaxically abbreviated. The number of meanings is always figurative and, according to the method of nomination, is brought to figurative meanings.

In the warehouse of syntactically shaped meanings of the word, they see the meanings of constructive framing, so that they are realized only in the minds of singing syntactic constructions. For example, the word tuft with direct meanings "strіmky circular wind wind" in the design with a name in the form of a generic vіdmіnka nabuє has a figurative meaning: vyhor podіy - "strіmky rozvitok podіy".

According to the nature of the victorious functions, lexical meanings are divided into two types: nominative, recognition of some - nomination, names of phenomena, objects, their features, that expressive-synonymous, for which the most important is emotional-evaluative (connotative) sign. For example, at a word-received temple, a person’s word of the temple indicates a great spectacle; tse yoga nominative meaning. And the words of the dovgoteles, dovg in the future, with the word of a person, do not only indicate a great growth, but a negative, incomprehensible assessment of such a growth. Qi words may have an expressive-synonymous meaning and stand next to a number of expressive synonyms before the neutral word high.

Behind the nature of the links of some meanings with others in the lexical system of the language one can see:

1) autonomous meanings, like the words can be, visibly independent in the current system and which signify more importantly specific objects: style, theater, flower;

2) spіvvіdnosnі znachennya, yakі vіslі vіvі words, we oppose one to one for such signs: close - far, good - filth, youth - old age;

3) deterministic meanings, i.e., such, "like the meanings of other words, the stinks of stench represent their stylistic and expressive options ... "(Shmelov D. N. Meaning of the word // Russian language: Encyclopedia. M., 1979. С 89). For example: a cabinet (for the time being, stylistically neutral synonyms: kіn, kіn); beautiful, miraculous, miraculous (porіvn. good).

Food 5

Polysemy in contemporary Russian language. Directly that pokhіdne lexical meaning. tipi transferred name

Polysemy(Greek: rplhuzmeYab - “rich meaning”) - rich meaning, the presence of a word (one move) of two or more mutually related and historically meaningful meanings.

Modern mentality is seen to have grammatical and lexical polysemy. So, form 2 individuals od. hours of Russian discourses can be brought in not only in the upper-special, but in the narrow-special meaning. Porivn.: " Well, you will outshout everyone!» ta « You won't shout down". At this time, one should speak about grammatical polysemy.

Often, if we talk about polysemy, we think about the richness of the words as one of the vocabulary. Lexical polysemy - the purpose of building one word to serve for the recognition of various objects and manifestations of activity (associatively related to each other and to establish a collapsible semantic unity). For example: sleeve - sleeve(“Part of the shirt” - “the opening of the river”). Between the meanings of the word, there can be such links:


For example: kіn - kіn("creatures" - "shah's figure")


For example: strava - strava(“Looking at the dishes” - “portion їzhi”)


Sliding apart polysemy and homonymy. Zokrema, the word "key" means "dzherelo" and "musical sign" - two homonyms.

Catering 6

Homonymy in modern Russian language. Tipi homonyms. Paronimi and paronomasi

(Greek homfnyma, vіd homуs - the same and уnyma - ім'я), the units of the mov, which sound the same, have no meaningful semantic elements. Word creations and syntactical indications are not virishal objective criteria for the determination of homonymy in the form of rich meanings. The lexicon of O. is blamed for: after the sound zbіgu of different words, for example, “rice” (bіg) and “rice” (creature); after the new variability of the meaning rich word for example "svіt" (allsvit) and "svіt" (the day of war, witches); with parallel word-creation vіd tієї zh bases, for example "three" (horses) and "three" (badge).

1. Some words are written differently, but sound the same, following the laws of Russian phonetics: doc - dog ;kit - code ;rock rig ;stovp - stovp ;to lead - to carry ;to spread - to spread(deafening the sounds of the sounds at the end of the word, or in the middle of yoga, before the onset of the deaf, let's hear it, bring it to the sound of the words); znessity - znesity ;rebuke - rebuke ;multiply - multiply(reduction e in non-voiced positions, the same sounding of the words is pronounced) and so on. Such homonyms are called phonetic homonyms or homophones.

2. Homonymy vinikaє i todi, if different words avoiding the sound of any grammatical form (one or more): alley(dієprislіvnik vіd dієslova Alethi)- alley(name); guilt(provinstvo) - guilt(nar.p. one of the names of the name wine);slippers(gas) - slippers(Gra); or(form of the word є)- or(plural name yalina);kіs oblique)- kis(n.p. pl. name braid);gavkit - gavkit - gavkit (vіdminkovі forms birthday person hawkit)- gavkit - gavkit - gavkaєmo(forms of changing the words hawkati);varnish(tv.p. one part of the name varnish)- Lacham(short form of applicator lasiy);my(Borrower) - my miti);three(numbers) - three(mandate way of the word rub). Similar homonyms, which appear as a result of the combination of words in other grammatical forms, are called grammatical homonyms or homoforms.

A special group of omoforms - these are the words, which have passed from one part of the language to the other: directly(adjective) - directly(Pidsylyuval part); exactly(adjective) - exactly(povnyalny union); wanta(dієprislіvnik) - wanta(Progressive union) that pid. Prior to the homoforms, there are also numerical names, which were named as a result of substantiation of examples and dieprites. So, for example, name all the enterprises of the communal eating and trading, as you can read on the whiskey, going through the streets of the city: Bakery-confectionery, Sandwich, Diner, Pelmenna, Pivna, Charka, Sausichna, Far, Shashlichna. Words belonging to the group in the form of other homoforms, those that stink when used in one, so in the plurality of all the other forms, may have a distinct homoform - prikmetnik. However, a couple: name-list omoform yourself, to the fact that the clerk has a significantly larger change: alone human kind and one middle kind.

3. Homography - these are the words, which are written the same way, but may sound differently: frying(strava) - frying(letto), flour(for pies) - flour(flour); parity(in the sky) - parity(At the casserole); drotyan(changeable to drіt)- drotyan(Zatrimka, upovіlnennya at vikonannі chogos); taYa(dієprislіvnik vіd dієslova taiti)- Toy(dієprislіvnik vіd dієslova tanuti) and in. Significantly, that not all vcheni add similar words to homonyms, to that Head Feature- Rіzne zvuchannya - super-speak to the infamous denomination of homonyms.

4. Nareshti, naychischnіsh and naytsіkavіshu i raznomanіtnu group to become lexical homonyms, chi well homonyms, tobto. such words, as if they run one by one in all grammatical forms and independently of any phonetic laws: Boer(Drilling tool) - Boer(representative of the nationality who inhabit Pivdennu Africa); domino(gra)- domino(masquerade costume); tour(choven) - tour(chess piece); scrap(Instrument, how to break ice, asphalt) - scrap(Lamani or accessories for processing, mostly metal items); sailor(Sailor squad) - sailor(smougasta blouse, sailors wear yaku); mandarin(citrus tree abo yogo pld) - mandarin(Great official in pre-revolutionary China); conquer(Buti at the back) - conquer(soup at the pot); cartridge(combat) - cartridge(head) that in.

paronyms noun pl. year.

Words that may have similarities in sound, but differ in meaning.

"Radnik" and "Poradnik"

"base" that "basis"


It is stylistic to post, which is close to the punning svvzvuchnyh, ale different behind the sly words.


"Vin is not deaf, but stupid."

Catering 7

Ways appeared homonyms in the language. Criteria for demarcating the meaning of a rich-meaning word and homonyms

In the process of the historical act of the dictionary, the appearance of lexical homonyms was slandered by low reasons. One of them is semantically splitting, splitting of a polysemantic (rich-meaningful) word. In this way, homonyms are blamed on the result of the fact that a bunch of different meanings of one and the same word diverge and the floorings become distant, which in modern language are accepted as different words. And only special etymological analysis will help to establish their semantic links with any significant signs. In such a way, in ancient times, omonimisvіtlo appeared - illumination and light - Earth, light, all light.

The difference between the meaning of a richly-meaning word is observed in the language of the spokonvichno Russian words, and in the words that are similar to the same language. Tsіkavі poserezhennya give equal homonyms etymologically the same agent-representative of the state, organization and agent-representative cause of quiet chi іnshih phenomena (offending words from Latin language).

Homonymy can be the result of zbіgu sounding of words, for example, to speak “to fix teeth” (por. zmov) and to speak (beg, often speak).

There were few similar homonymous words and frequent lexical homonyms: homonyms of similar words zasipati vіd spati i zasipati - vіd sipati. The enlightenment of similar homonyms is rich in what is zoomed in by homonyms of word affixes.

Modern science has developed criteria for the differentiation of homonymy and richness of meaning, which helps to expand the meaning of one and the same word and homonymy, like vinickly, after a full analysis of polysemy.

Proponuetsya l e x i h e s k i y s on sib about demarcation of rich meanings and homonyms, which is similar to the revealed synonymous links of homonyms and polysemantics. If the sounding singles are included up to one synonymous row, then in other meanings semantic proximity is saved and, therefore, it is too early to talk about the transformation of richness into homonymy. If they have different synonyms, then we have homonymy. For example, the word root 1 meaning "native inhabitant" can be synonymous calm, basic; a root 2 in the meaning of "root food" - a synonym lead. The words main and head are synonymous, therefore, maybe two meanings of one and the same word. And the axis is another butt; word thin 1 "in the meaning of "not indignant" I establish a synonymous row with prikmetniks thin, puny, lean, dry, a thin 2 - "indulgence" positive qualities- with prikmetnikami filth, filth, filth. The words are thin, frail, and so on. are not synonymous with the words of filth, filth. Otzhe, analysis of lexical units of self-sufficiency, i.e. homonyms.

The m o r f o l o g i h e s k i y z is established in the way of delimitation of two similar phenomena: richly meaningful words and homonyms are characterized by a different word formation. So, lexical units, which make up a number of meanings, establish new words for the help of the affixes themselves. For example, names bread 1 - "bread cereal" that bread 2 - "food product, what is brewed from the boroshna, "approved by the clerk for the help of the suffix -n-; since. obviously: go get some breadі bready smell. More word-creation of power in homonyms thin 1 i thin 2. The first one has bad words lean lose weight; the other - perish, perish. Tse perekonuє in їhnmu new semantic vіdokremlennі.

Homonyms have richly meaningful words, moreover, and different forms; since. thin 1 - worst, thin 2 - worse .

Vikoristovuetsya th semantic way of delimitation of these phenomena. The meanings of the words-homonyms always mutually include one, and the meanings of a richly meaningful word establish one meaning structure, taking semantic proximity, one of the meanings is transferred otherwise, between them there is no non-brute force cordon.

However, these three ways of delimitation of rich meanings and homonyms cannot be considered entirely superior. Vipadki are trapping, if the synonyms to the different meanings of the word do not enter into the synonyms of the synonyms between themselves, if the homonymous words have not yet emerged during word creation. That is why there are often different readings among the distinguished between homonyms and rich meanings, which are indicated on the clouded words in dictionaries.

Homonyms, as a rule, are found in a few vocabulary articles, and richly-meaning words - in one of the upcoming visions of the word meaning, which are given under the numbers. However, in different dictionaries, sometimes the same words are seen in different ways.

So, in the "Glossary of Russian language" S. I. Ozhegov's words lay down- "Pomistit scho-nebud, de-nebud, somewhere-nebud" and lay down- "Virishiti, praise" are given as homonyms, and in the "Glossary of modern Russian language" (MAC) - as rich in meaning. Such is the very diversity and in the darkness of other words: borg- "obov'yazok" that borg- "taken to the borg"; fret- "good, peace" that fret"Bud musical creation"; slavonic- "corry with glory" and slavonic- "Duzhe good, nice."

Catering 8

semantic field. Lexico-semantic group. Hyponymy as a special kind of stosunks of units of the semantic field

Semantic field- the collection of my loneliness, united as a sacred semantic sign. The purpose of the association of new individuals, as it were, is carried out according to the change (semantic) criteria.

To arrange the fields, see the dominant on the field.

Dominant- A word, like you can name the field as a whole. Dominant to enter to the warehouse of the field.

The fields are booming synonymousі hyponymic. At the synonymous field of the dominant, enter the warehouse of the field similar to other members of the field. If the dominant is dominant over the other elements of the field, then such a field is called hypothetical.

The differential semantic sign is seme.

One of the classic applications of the semantic field can be the field of colors, which consists of ten color rows ( rederysipelaserysipelasraspberry ; blueblakitnyblakitnyturquoiseі etc.): the overriding semantic component here is "color".

The semantic field can also be the main power:

1. The semantic field is intuitively understandable to carry the language and may for the new psychological reality.

2. The semantic field is autonomous and can be seen as an independent movie subsystem.

3. Units of the semantic field are associated with other systemic semantic variables.

4. The skin semantic field is connected with other semantic fields of the language and in the aggregateness from it establishes the language system.

Lexico-semantic group- the confluence of words, which lie up to the last part of the mov, united by internal links on the basis of mutual intellect and mutual elements of meaning. So, up to the lexico-semantic group of lexemes Earth the words come out:

planet - earth cool - light;

Grunt - Grunt - ball;

volodinnya - maєtok - maєtok - sadiba;

country - state - state.

Hyponymy (in Greek. Urb - below, below, bottom, bottom, bottom, bottom - im'ya) - a type of paradigmatic words in vocabulary, which underlies the її ієarkhіchnoї organіzatsії: juxtaposition of lexical units the word with a major zmіstovim zmіst (hyponim; div.) is affixed to the word with a broader zmіstovim zmіst (hyperonym, or superordinate). The value of the first one is switched on to the value of the other, for example. the meaning of the word birch is included before the meaning of the word tree.

Catering 9

Synonymy in contemporary Russian language. Types of synonyms. Functions of synonyms

Synonyms - all words that sound differently, but are the same, or even closer to the light: treba - treba, author - writer, sympathy - chorobry, applause - splash and etc. It is accepted to distinguish between two main groups of synonyms: conceptual or ideographic, related to differentiation of words of the same and the same meaning (enemy - enemy, vologiy - Syria - wet), that stylistic, connected with us in front of the expressive-evaluative characteristic of that other understanding (disguise - pike, hand - doe - paw) .

A group of synonyms, which is composed of two or more words, is called a synonymous row. Can be synonymous with a number of names (robot - work - right - busy); prikmetnikov (Vologiy - wet - Syria); dіeslіv (bіgti - hurry up - hurry up); clerks (here-here); phraseology (transfer from empty to empty - carry water with a sieve) .

In the synonymous series, you can see a clear word (dominant) that carries the head meaning: clothes - cloth - costume .

Synonymous vіdnosini permeate the entire language. The stench is guarded by words (creepy - everywhere), between the word and the phraseological unit (rush - bіgti strіmgolov) between phraseological units (nі te nі se - nі riba nі m'yaso) .

Synonymous richness of Russian language includes different tipi synonyms, for example:

lexical synonyms, that words are synonyms;

phraseological synonyms, tobto phraseology-synonyms;

syntactic synonyms, for example:

1) allied and non-union collapsible propositions: I recognized that the train was coming about the sixth year. - I recognized: the train will come about the sixth year;

2) simple propositions with ambidextrous members and collapsible propositions: In front of me, a peeping shore was spreading, sizzling with turtles. - In front of me, a peeping shore spread out, sizzling with turtles;

3) folding and folding propositions: The messenger did not come, and they asked me to bring the sheet. -I didn’t come too strong, so they asked me to bring the sheet.

Use also a special kind of synonyms - contextual synonyms. These words, which by themselves are not synonymous, but become them in a singing context, for example:

Mіtsniy vіter is free to fly over a wide distance... Axis pіdhopiv vіn thin gnuchki gіlki. - і fluttered leaves, talked, chattered, chattered emerald rose in the black sky.

Synonyms play an even more important role in the language, to those who convey subtle insights, different sides of understanding, give the stench the opportunity to express a thought more accurately, to clarify a specific situation more clearly.

Stylistic functions of synonyms of various. The versatility of the meaning of synonyms allows one word to take the place of another, which is a threatening language, giving the possibility of surviving the offensive living of the words themselves.

The substitution function is one of the main functions of synonyms. The scribes attach great respect to those who avoid the snide repetition of words. The axis, for example, is like M. Gogol's victorious group of synonymous phrases with the meanings of "to speak, to speak": About what would Rozmov not bula, vin zavzhdi vmiv pіdtremati її: what was said about the kіnsk plant, vin saying the one about the kinsk factory; they talked about good dogs, and here we are having reminded more obedient respect, interpreted chiodo investigation, crushed by the state chamber, - vin showing that you have the judiciary windings; chi bula mіrkuvannya pro billiards group - і in the billiards grі without giving a fault; Chi talked about the chi, and about the chi mirkuvav win even better, bring on with tears in your eyes; about the brewing of hot wine, and in hot wine, knowing the melancholy; about the militant observers and those officials, and judging about them, judging in this way, you should not be an official, that observer.”

Synonyms can be used to represent the function of a substitute. Oleksandr Blok, in an explanatory note before the production of The Rose and the Cross, wrote about Gaetana: "... not eyes, but eyes, not hair, but coachmen, not a mouth, but a mouth." The same at Kuprin: "Vin, vlasne, not ishov, but stretching, not lifting anything from the earth."

Food 10

Antonymіya in modern Russian language. Semantic classification of antonyms (M. R. Lvova, L. A. Novikova - for selection). Functions of antonyms

Antonimi - all words of one and the same part of promo with opposite lexical meanings: food - sound, bad - reasonable, loudly - quietly, guess - forget. The stinks ring out for some kind of sign: dayі nich - by the hour lightі important- behind the vaga, in the mountainsі at the bottom- behind the camp in the open space, hotі licorice- For relish, etc.

Vіdnosini antonymії can be between words (pivnich Pivden), between words and phraseological units (overcome - know the blows) between phraseological units (Otrimati win - know the blows) .

There are also different root and same root antonyms: bіdny - rich, arrive - fly .

A richly meaningful word in its various meanings may have different antonyms. So, the antonym of the word light in the meaning "insignificant behind the vaga" є prikmetnik important, and for the meaning "simple to master" - important .

Main function antonymsmovnihі contextual-movement) - virraz protilezhnosti, as spokonvichno powerful semantics of similar contrasting and do not lie in the context.

The function of length can be vikoristan with different stylistic purposes:

· For showing on the border, show yakosti, dominion, vіdnosinі, dії:

· For aktualizatsii vyslovlyuvannya or posilennya image, vrazhennya just;

· For the assessment of the assessment (inodі in a povnyalny plan) of the opposite powers of objects, diy and іnshі;

· For the approval of two opposite powers, yakostey, diy;

· For confirmation of one sign, a sign is indicated, which may or may not be a manifestation of real action for the other sign;

· For vyznannya as a middle, intermediate, power, and so on, possible or already hardened between two words that are opposite to the meanings.

Inquiry 11

Vocabulary of modern Russian at a glance її trip. Lazy vocabulary. Adaptation of backward vocabulary in modern Russian language

Slovnikovy warehouse of the modern Russian language of the proishov trivaliy way of becoming. Our vocabulary is composed not only of old Russian words, but also of Russian words, and of other words. Inshomovnі dzherel ponovnyuvali and enriched the Russian mova protyazhu shogo process її istorichnogo razvitka. Some of them were built a long time ago, others were repaired recently.

The renewal of Russian vocabulary came straight from two people.

1. New words were created from the elements that were evident in the language of words (roots, suffixes, prefixes). This is how Russian vocabulary expanded and developed slowly.

2. New words were poured into the Russian language from other peoples as a result of economic, political and cultural links between the Russian people and other peoples.

The warehouse of Russian vocabulary at a glance can be schematically shown in the table.

Postposition є words, like in Russian language with other languages ​​in different stages of development. Cause postposition These are economic, political, cultural and other links between peoples.

Get used to the Russian language, which is foreign to them, behind words learn meanings, phonetic, morphological changes, changes in the morphemic warehouse. Deyakі words (school, soft, glass, loaf, chandelier, club) mastered fully and live according to the laws of Russian language (that is why they change and behave in speeches like the Russian words are calm), and the deacons save rice postposition(so they don’t change and don’t act like an ugly word), like, for example, unscrupulous names (Avenue, kimono, sushi, haiku, kurab).

Seen postposition: 1) zі slov'yanskih mov (old-slovak'yansk, czech, polsk, ukrainian and іn.); 2) from non-Slovak language (Scandinavian, Finno-Ugric, Turkic, German and other).

So, from the Polish movie behind the words: monogram, hussar, mazurka, philistine, opika, vіdvaga, jam, allow me, colonel, sack, doughnut, tint, zbruya; from many movies: polka(dance) tights, robot; from Ukrainian movie: borscht, bagel, dіtlakhi, khliborob, schoolboy, chaise.

W German movie came the words: sandwich, crib, decanter, capelyukh, package, office, vіdsotok, action, agent, tabir, headquarters, commander, verstat, jointer, nickel, potato, cibula.

3 dutch movie behind maritime terms: , harbor, wimpel, lizhko, sailor, yard, kermo, fleet, Prapor, navigator, boat, ballast.

Significant trace in the Russian vocabulary, leaving out the French language. From the new in the Russian language, the words of the butt confession were added: suit, jacket, blouse, bracelet, top, furniture, cabinet, sideboard, salon, toilet, chandelier, lampshade, service, broth, cutlet, cream; Russian terms: captain, sergeant, artillery, attack, march, salute, garrison, sapper, landing, squadron; words from the gallery of art: parterre, stage, actor, intermission, plot, repertoire, ballet, genre, role, stage.

In the rest of the decade, the connection with the development of computer technology, the Russian language acquired a large number of words, behind from English movie: diskette driver, converter, cursor, file. Began to get used to more actively behind the words, which reflects the changes in the economic and suspense-political life of the country: samіt, referendum, embargo, barel, ecu, dollar. |

Positional words are fixed by Russian etymological dictionaries.

Anonymous new words come from other words. They are called in a different way, most often - by positions. The need for naming (nominations) of new subjects is determined by the contacts of peoples, which calls for the need to name (nominate) new subjects. Such words can be the result of the innovation of this nation in the science and technology world. The stench can be blamed as a legacy of snobbery, mod. Іsnuyut and well linguistic reasons: for example, it is necessary to use a rich Russian understanding behind the help of a backward word, to popovniti viraznі (expressive) soobi mov and іn. At this stage, the words sche pov'yazan іz tієyu diysnistyu, yak їх spawned. At the beginning of the 19th century, in the midst of a wealth of new words that came from the English movie, boules, for example, a tourist and a tunnel. The stench appeared in the dictionaries of their time like this: a tourist - English, which will rise in price around the world (Kishenkovy dictionary of foreign languages, which went to the warehouse of Russian language. View. Ivan Renofants. SPb., 1837), a tunnel - at London's underground passage at the bottom of the river Thames (ibid.). If the word has not yet taken root in the later language, it is possible to change the spelling: dollar, doler, dollar (English dollar), for example: "Until September 1, 1829, the Treasury of the States of Pivnichnoy America had 5,972,435 doler"1 At which stage you can inshomovne vіdvorennya words on the sheet. In Pushkin's "Yevgeniy Onegіnі": "Before him is the roast-beef of curls, / I truffles, roses of young rocks ..." (Ch. I, XVI). Beastly respect, the word truffle, written in Russian, let Pushkin already master mine. Stepped word foreign movie, zavdyaky to the frequent chanting in the common and written form, takes root, this new form takes on a steady look, the adaptation of the word for the norms of the movie, which will zapozichuyut. This period is delayed, or the entry is before the movie. At this stage, there is still a remarkably strong semantic (which has a lot of meaning) infusion of movie-dzherela.

At the stage of acquiring an inshomonic word among the middle of the nose, in one mov, one starts its own work of folk etymology. If a foreign word is taken as an unreasonable one, then an empty sound form is smeared with a smear, which sounds close to and close to the meaning of a calm word. The famous butt - spinzhak (from the English pea-jacket - jacket) - an unknown word, spіvvіdnesene at the people's svіdomostі zі word back. The remaining stage of the penetration of a foreign word into a positional language is rooted, if the word is widely used in the midst of the language of the language and will adapt itself to the rules of grammar of the language of the language. It is necessary to enter at the beginning of life: you can grow with single-root words, establish abbreviations, acquire new meanings thinly.

Inquiry 12

Calculation as a special kind of posture. Exoticism and barbarism

In lexicology tracing paper(Vid fr. Calque- copy) - a special type of positioning of inshomonic words, verses, phrases. Russian language has two types of words: word creation and semantic.

Word-creating tracing paper- all the words, taken away by the "morphemic" translation of the foreign word by the Russian language. The tracing paper seems to sound like a positional word, the shards are composed of calmly Russian morphemes. Therefore, the real likeness of such words is most often unsuitable for a person, as before, you know. So, for example, the word "comaha" is a tracing paper from Latin insectum (in-- on the-, sectum- sekome).

Among other word-forming words, you can mean such words, like chronicler , painting(from walnut); flood , clerk(From Latin); tribute , pіvostrіv , humanity(From German); pidrozdil , get angry , anger , injection(from French), hmarochos (eng. skyscraper), napіvprovіdnik (in English. semiconductor). Rich Commonwealth - a literal translation from Latin into Polish of the word Respublika and Russian mine is translated - "sleeping on the right"

Buvaє calkuvannya chastkove: in the word workaholic (eng. workaholic) the first part of the word is calque.

Semantic tracing paper- ce Russian words, yakі nabulih new meanings in the plethora of inflected words of other language as a result of literalism in translating. So, for example, the meaning of the word chipati came from French movie. Similarly, the meaning of "vulgar, insipid" in the word flat .

Exoticism- a group of inshomovnih zapozichen, which designate the objects that are the manifestations of the life of another, call the overseas people. On the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih barbarismіv, through their stіyk ethnіchnu аsоtsіаcіyu ekoztisi, behind a rare blame, won't conquer until the end and sound like that and stay on the periphery of the word stock of the language. Close to exoticism are localisms, dialectisms and ethnographisms that describe the life of the realities of subethnic groups in the warehouse of a larger people (for example, sekleri (sekei) and chango (people) in the warehouse of the Ugric people). The exotic lexicon of culinary art and music is especially striking (understandable baursak, salsa, taco, tam-tam, merengue and ing.)

Exoticisms in princi- ples are transferred, in others it is possible to transfer opisi- cally, tobto. for help viraziv (for example, the English "nesting doll" for the description of the Russian. understand "matrioshka"). However, through the presence of an exact equivalent in translation, laconicity and originality are used, which is why exoticism is often called as a whole. Uvіyshovshi in the literary language, the stench of the world is still overflowing on the periphery of the vocabulary, in the passive reserve. Exoticism also comes and goes fashion. Today's friends and electoral ZMIs, zokrems and Russians often have a problem of slandering with exotic vocabulary. Zavdyaki cinematographer deaks exotic concepts have expanded widely and often get used to the ironic, figurative meaning (shaurma, harakiri, samurai, tomahawk, machete, yurt, wigwam, chum, harem, etc.)

Inshomovni blotches (barbarism)- Tse words, phrases, that speech, which is found in someone else's modern language. Inshomovni blotches (barbarism) are not mastered, but they are not fully mastered by mine, which they accept.

Inquiry 13

Spokonvichna vocabulary

The words of the common vocabulary are genetically heterogeneous. The stench is seen in Indo-European, zagalnoslovyansky, skhidnoslovyansky and good Russian. Indo-European words are called, as if after the collapse of the Indo-European ethnic sleepiness (the end of the Neolithic era) they were subdued by the old movs of the movno sim'ї, including the zagalnoslovyanskaya. So, for the wealthy Indo-European languages, the deacon terms of controversy will be blatant (or even similar): mother, brother, daughter; name the creatures, roslin, food products: vіvtsya, bik, vovk; willow, m'yaso, brush; diy: take, carry, punish, bachiti; bones: barefoot, old and so far.

It should be noted that during the period of the so-called Indo-European movnoi splnosti, they founded a difference between the dialects of different tribes, as in these advancing settlements, they all grew apart from each other. But the obvious presence of similar lexical layers of the very basis of the vocabulary allows you to mentally speak about if there is a single basis - pramovi.

Zagalnoslov'yansky (abo praslov'yansky) are the words that have fallen into the old Russian language of the words of the words of the Yan tribes, which occupied our great territory between Pryp'yattya, the Carpathians, the middle stream of the Vistula and the Dnieper, and nadal it poked its way into the Balkans skhid. As the only one (the titles are so cleverly) make the conjugation of victorious victors approximately until the VI-VII century, to stolіt our eri, to do it, if the connection with the settlement of the words has broken up and the modern spіlnіst has broken up. It is natural to assume that during this period they based territorially on the territory of the Kremlin dialectic powers, which served as the basis for the formation of four groups of words of the Yan language: pivdennoslov'yanskoy, zahіdnoslov'yanskoy and skhidnoslov'yanskoy. However, in the language of these groups, words are seen that vindicated the development of modern systems in the early Slavic period. Such Russian lexicon, for example, naming, associated with the growing light: oak, linden, yalina, pine, maple, clear, gorobina, wild cherry, fox, bir, tree, leaf, gіlka, bark, root; cultural roslins: peas, poppy, oats, millet, wheat, barley; labor processes and znaryaddyami: weave, kuvati, sіch, motiku, chovnik; living quarters and parts: budinok, blue, pіdloga, dakh; with domestic and forest birds: bee, nightingale, shpak, crow, gorobets; food products: kvass, kisl, sir, lard; to understand the names of diy, timchasovs, yakost: mumbling, tinyatisya, diliti, nobility; spring, evening, winter; blіdіy, near, violent, merry, great, evil, lagіdniy, nіmіy i taki іnshe.

Old-Russian, or old-Russian, words are called, like, starting from the VI-VIII centuries, they blamed only in my old Russian words (tobto the old Russian nationality, ancestors of modern Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians), in the great feudal old Russian state. . In the middle of the words, more often than not in the skhidnoslov'janskih language, you can see the names of different powers, yakost, diy: white, selfless, chewy, cheap, musty, drank, brown, clumsy, gray, kind; borsatis, viruvati, blukati, spinning, zatіyati, endure, boil, kolupati, kolikhati, korotati, gurkotiti, bark; terms of controversy: uncle, stepchera, nephew; pobutovі names: hook, motuzka, motuzka, key, brazier, samovar; name the birds, creatures: jackdaw, chaffinch, shulik, snigir, squirrel, viper, gut; single rahunka: forty, ninety; words with temporal meanings: today, after, now and a lot of others.

Verisna Rosіyki edit the words (behind the venerable of the chanting), Yaki Z'yavavilovy in the Movili in the same place, the yak won, the spochas of the Rosіysko (Great Rosysko), and Potim Movyskiya (sedition. XVII-XVIII centuries).

Vlasne Russian є a lot of different names for diy: cooing, pouring in, doslіdzhuvati, loom, spread; items for pobutu, food products: jig, fork, tapestries, lining; boiled, stuffed cabbage, kuleb'yaka, shortbread; natural phenomena, roslin, fruits, creatures, birds, ribs: zaviryuha, zheleditsya, hitka, scoundrel; Chagarnik; Antonivka; vikhukhol, grak, cock, smut; name the signs of the subject and the signs of diy, I will become: opukliy, dozvіlny, vyaliy, smoky, special, pilny; raptom, in front, vseryoz, vschent, instantly, in reality; naming osіb for the family to take: vіznik, racer, molyar, stoker, litchik, compositor, adjuster; name the abstract ones to understand: pіdbag, deceit, obіnyak, ohainіst, guardianship and a lot of other words with suffixes -nіst, -stvo and so on.

Inquiry 14


A special group of backward words to become old-slovakisms. This is how it is customary to name the words that came from the Old Slavonic language, the most recent language language. At IX Art. This language was written language in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, and after the adoption of Christianity, it began to spread in Russia like a letter language, a book language.

Staroslov'yanіzmi mayut vіdminnі risi. Axis of action from them:

1. Inconsistency, i.e., the rise of ra, la, re, le of the house of Russian oro, olo, ere, ledve (vorog - vorog, licorice - malt, chumatsky - milky, shore - coast).

2. Poednannya ra, la on the cob of the word of the house of Russian ro, lo (robot - grain harvester, tour - choven).

3. Podnannya zaliznichny house w (stranger - stranger, clothes - clothes, water - I drive).

4. Shch of the house of the Russian year (lighting - a candle, mіts - mogti, burning - hot).

5. Pochatkovi a, e, u deputy of Russian l, o, y (lamb - lamb, single - one, young man - take away).

6. In Russian language, to complete rich morphemes of the Old Slavic adventure: - suffixes еni-, enstv-, zn-, tel-, in- (єdnannya, bliss, life, protection, pride);

Suffixes of prikmetnikiv and dієprikmetnikіv: eysh-, aysh-, ash-, ush-, om-, im-, enn- (kind, naygirshiy, stinger, life, knowledge, savings, blessing);

Prefixes: air-, s-, bottom-, through-, pre-, pre-(vіddati, vikinuti, throw off, over the world, znevazhati, vіddavati overwhelm);

The first part of folding words: good, god, evil, sin, great (charity, God-fearing, malevolent, sinful, generosity).

A lot of Old Slavonic words have been used in the spirit of bookishness and are taken by us as the main words of everyday speech: vegetable, hour, licorice, country. In the past, like before, they save the stylistic features of the “high bone” and get used to the special variety of the movement (for example, A. Pushkin’s “Anchar” or “The Prophet”, M. Lermontov’s “Zhebrak” etc.).

Inquiry 15

Vocabulary of modern Russian from the point of view of the active and passive stock

For frequency, divide active and passive vocabulary.

PHRASEOLOGY, linguistic discipline that develops idiomatic (in a broad sense) word formation - phraseology; impersonal idioms themselves phraseological units tієї chi іnshої movi are also called yogo phraseology.

Most often, under phraseological units, the phrases of such types of words are understood: idiomi ( beaty bikes ,drink girka ,drive for nіs ,shooting gorobets ,till you drop ,according to the latest); colocation ( pouring rain ,make a decision ,grain of truth ,put food); prislіv'ya ( quieter you will be farther away ,do not sit in your sleigh); orders ( tobi axis ,granny ,that yur'ev day ;kriga wrecked!); grammatical phraseology ( ice not ;not enough ;yak bi was not there); phrase schemes ( X wines and in Africa X ;to all X's X ;X yak X).

The term " phraseological unit” hundred of the term “phraseology” as a matter of discipline, which is based on the soundness of language, does not call for a list. Ale vin is inaccurate as a recognition of themselves current benefits, what is the object of phraseology; to complete the sequence of terms that have been established: phoneme - phonology, morpheme - morphology, lexeme - lexicology (sequence phrase - phraseology).

At the head and scientific literature, they tried to figure out the meaning of the phraseological object. It is given, for example, such a designation: “prepare the whole viraz іz let's go and give it a long way ahead of the meanings phraseological turn, or idiom". Signs of phraseological turns: direct meaning, figurative meaning, rich meaning, emotional intensity.

Phraseological turnover - tse vіdtvoryuvana movna odinitsa z two or more percussion words, whole for its meaning, that stіyka at its warehouse and structure.

When you see the following signs: vіdtvoryuvanіst, stіykіst warehouse and structure, steel lexical warehouse. The presence of at least two words in the warehouse of one, the stability of the order of words, the lack of penetration of more phraseological turns.

Supply 20

Lexico-grammatical classification of phraseological units

Classification of phraseological phrases in the warehouse.

One of the largest characteristic rice phraseological turnover as a moving unit, which is being created, is the steel of the warehouse. Vrakhovuyuchi character warehouse phraseological units (specific features of their words), N.M. Shansky saw two groups of phraseological units:

phraseological twists, created from the words of free living, which lie down to the active vocabulary of modern Russian language: “like snow on your head, a teaspoon in a year, friend of life, throw a look, tight green, stand with your chest, take it by the throat”;

phraseological twists with lexical and semantic peculiarities, so that, in some words, the words are connected with life, the words are outdated or with dialectic meanings: “Goosebumps, I knew the zbentezhennya, a parable in the tongue, in the arms of Morpheus, burn with your feet, you don’t feel the soul, like chickens at shchi, break vshchent.

5. Classification of phraseological turnovers in structure.

Like my own loneliness, which are created, phraseological twists always act as a structural whole of a warehouse character, which is formed from different words behind their morphological powers, which are among themselves in different syntactic words. Behind the structure of phraseology, N.M. Shansky divided into two groups:

Vidpovidny propositions

Vіdpovіdnі podednannyu sіv

Phraseological turnovers, following the structure of different propositions.

In the middle of phraseological units, which follow propositions behind the structure, N.M. Shansky sees two groups behind the meanings:

Nominative - phraseological units, as they call those other manifestations of action: “a whale has cried, hands do not reach, smoke does not peck, where you look surprised, next you catch a cold”, which act at the function of being a member of the speech;

Communicative - phraseological units that convey the number of propositions:

“you don’t watch a happy birthday, you’re not hungry, the grandmother said in two, to carry water on angry people, your head was spinning, you knew the scythe on the stone, don’t sit in your sleigh, don’t drink porridge,” you get used to it independently, which is partly structural more folding speech.

Phraseological turnovers, the structure of vіdpovіdnі according to words.

N.M. Shansky saw such types of groups every day

. "prikmetnik + name"

The name and the name can be semantically equal and insulting and sensory-creating components: “golden fund, bit of the year, it was night, Siamese twins, in hindsight”.

The name-bearer acts as a sensory-creating component;

. "Name name + form of generic name name"

Such phraseological transformations for meanings and syntactic functions are equivalent to a name: “the secret of an open coat, an apple for a brother, a thought, a gift of fame, a palm tree”. The words in such folds are semantically equal.

. "Nomennik + priymennikovo-vidminkova form of the name"

Given phraseology in the lexical and grammatical relationship with the name, all the fallow components are unchangeable, and the supporting elements are adjusted in different forms, may be strictly roztashovanny order of roztashuvannya components: “fight for life, big on the mіsci, on the right in drops. ruka je v rukave, caliph for a year, a mysticism for a mysticism.

. "priymennik + prikmetnik + imennik"

For lexical and grammatical meanings and syntactic familiarization with phraseological data, phraseological equivalents are equivalent to the words, warehouses of their words are semantically equal, the order of arranging the components of the anchors:

. "Vidminkova-priymennikova form of the name + form of the generic name of the name"

Numbers can be adjectives or attributive, in them the order of rotting the components in phraseology is fixed: “on forever and ever, to the depths of the soul, in the costume of Adam, in the arms of Morpheus, at the color of the rocks, on the vag of gold.”

. "priymennikova form of the name + priymennikova form of the name"

The phraseological units of the cereal for the lexical-gramatic values ​​of the zytaxic function of the Ekvillennik, in them, in them, Taautologically repeated, they are depressed by the Barry, the order of the component of the Social , from the small to the great.

. "dієslovo + name"

Phraseological groups of groups are more important, fiery-predicative, and in speech they act in the role of an award, the order of rotting the components in that yogic semantically spіvvіdnoshlennja can be different: “throw the vodka, let go of the roots, fill with laughter, save, move away”.

. "dієslovo + adjective"

Phraseological turnovers are disingenuous and in speech appear at the function of appropriation, the components are semantically equal in rights, the order of the distribution of the components can be direct and returnable: “Bachit through, spend in a chalepa, rozbity vshchent, abyss for nothing”.

. "dіёprislіvnik + іmennik"

Phraseologisms of this type are equivalent to a syllable, in the speeches they act at the function of furnishing, the order of the components of the attachments: "christening your head, creaking your heart, folding your hands, abyak".

. "constructions with author's splits"

Components of phraseology є homogeneous members words, expressed in the words of one and the same part of the promo, the order of rotting the components of the fixings: “totally and completely, without kerma and without vitrils, here and there, twisted and navskіs, oh and zіthannya”.

. "constructions with contractors"

Behind the lexical and grammatical meanings of such phraseological units and adverbs, in which order the components of the attachments are arranged, the union is on the cob: “like a snig on your head, even a kill on your head, silence, even if the grass does not grow, like two drops of water, like a cow’s saddle.”

. "constructions from the list not"

Behind the lexico-gramatical abloe of so phraseologism є є siblical abundance, vicony of the reichenni with the function of the nuclear fuel, the component is semantically, the roshtashuvanni is in the order, not the Solo, not at the same time , ".

Supply 21

Polysemy and homonymy in phraseology

The majority of phraseological units are characterized by unambiguousness: stench can have only one meaning, their semantic structure is monolithic, inextricable: the stone of the spot is "pereskoda", soak in the gloom - "behind the first enemy", put in - "lead to extreme twist, zbentezhennya" and so on.

Ale є idioms, yakі mаut kіlka meaning. For example, the phraseological unit of a wet cock can mean: 1) "a helpless, simple person, a mess"; 2) "a person who looks stingy is humbled; embarrassed"; play the fool - 1) "do nothing"; 2) "behave frivolously, stupid"; 3) "robit fools".

The richness of the meaning is blamed on the phraseological units that they saved the meaning of the phrase from the mov. For example, the phraseological unit of the battle is a godsend, which, meaning the first part of the battle, becoming accustomed to the broader meaning, pointing to the first serious test at the right. Moreover, the richness of the meaning is easier to develop in phraseological units, as it may have a whole meaning behind its structure of consonance with word formations.

For modern language, a characteristic development of a figurative, phraseological meaning in terminological terms: pet vaga, center of gravity, fulcrum, birthmark, bring up to one banner and pid.

Omonimіchnі vіdnosinі phraseological units are blamed for the same, if the same for the warehouse of phraseologisms appear in absolutely different values: take word 1 - "from the power of initiative to speak at the gatherings" and take word 2 (from someone else) - "take away the obityanka, swear an oath in chomus".

Homonymous phraseological units can appear in language, as in the basis of figurative expressions there are different signs of that same understanding. For example, the phraseological unit of letting the pivnya have the meaning - "I'll burn the power, I'll never" go down to the image of a fiery-ore pivnya, which is guessed after the color by the shape of the half-light tail (option of the phraseological unit - let the red pivnya); And the phraseological unit of letting (give) a song at the meaning - "seeing false sounds" was created on the basis of similarity to the voice of a sing-along, which zirvavsya on a high note, with the "speak" of a song. Such homonymy is the result of a vipadic zbіgu of components that establish phraseological twists.

In other types of phraseological homonyms, there is a residual analysis of the meaning of richly meaningful phraseological units. For example, the meaning of the phraseological unit to walk on your back - "to walk on the tips of your fingers" served as the basis for the appearance of a figurative homonym to walk on your back - "be kind, do anything to please someone." In such situations, it is important to draw between a richly meaningful phraseology and homonymy of two phraseological units.

Especially next to say about the so-called "singular homonymy" phraseological units and free phrases. For example, the phraseological unit of namity means - "check (someone), punish", and the semantics of a free day of namity is fully motivated by the meanings of the words that go in to the new: namity shia children, to see all the rubbish. At times, the context suggests, how to understand those chi else viraz - like phraseology, how to use words, how to have their own outstanding lexical meaning; for example: A heavy and strong fish rushed ... to the coast. I'm shaking lead її to clean water(Paust.). Here, the words are seen to get used to that direct meaning, although the mov has creaked and metaphorically used the same wording - the phraseology leads to pure water.

However, the fragments of the word-formation are fundamentally divided into phraseological units, speak about the homonymy of such words in the exact meaning of the term, there is no substantiation: the tse vipadkovy zbіg of the movnykh odiniki different order.

Supply 22

Synonymy and antonymy in phraseology

Phraseologisms, which may be close or the same meaning, enter into a synonymous vіdnosiny: with one light smear - two chobots bet, one field of berries; there are many numbers - I want to row the gati, scho pisk of the sea, like unstoppable dogs. Similar to lexical units, such phraseological units establish synonymous rows, yaks can also include lexical synonyms of one row; porіvn .: zashit with the nose - zashit in fools, circle your fingers, put in your eyes [whom], rub the eyepieces [whom], take it on the harmata i: fool - fool, spend, go around, fool, fool, fool. The richness of phraseological, like and lexical, synonyms creates a great variety of Russian ability.

Phraseological synonyms can be added to one kind of one stylistic zabarvlennyam: stone on stone do not get rid of - a book, inflict reprisal - zagalnovzhivane, work on a mountain - a rose, put a pepper - a rose; for distant lands - zagalnovzhivane, at the devil on sticks - more spacious. The stench can be the mother of semantic vіdmіnnosti: shooting gorobets, tertiy kalach, and can be vіdіznyatsya vіdtinki in meanings: for distant lands, where Makar calves are not killed; the first one means - "it's far away", the other - "at the most distant, deaf places, where to send at the early warning".

Phraseological synonyms, like and lexical, can be raised by the degree of intensity of diy, show signs: pour tears - shed tears, stomp in tears, cry all eyes (skin attacks are called synonymous with intensely moving forward).

In a few phraseological synonyms, deuce components can be repeated (as in the basis of phraseological units lie different images, we have the right to call them synonyms): not varto candle - sheepskin vicinka not varto , put climb - put pepper, rise head - rise nіs, ganyat dogs - ganyat ledari.

In terms of phraseological synonyms, the following phraseological variants, structural differences of which do not destroy the semantic identity of phraseological units: don't hit in the ford of disguise - don't hit in a mess of disguises, throw wudku - throw vudka; in the first type, the phraseological variants are introduced by grammatical forms of the word, in the other - by the so-called "variant components".

They are not synonymous with phraseological units similar to the meaning, but they are used to get used to it and live in different contexts. So, idioms from three boxes and don’t peck chickens, even though i mean “more richly”, but in the language they are victorious in a different way: the first one uses the words to say, say, to say, to say, the other - only with the word pennies.

Antonymіchnі vіdnosinі vіdnosіnі іn phraseologiї rozvinenі less, nizh sіnоіmіchnі. Antonymy of phraseological units is often supported by antonymous links of їhnіh lexical synonyms: seven bullets at the forehead (reasonable) - do not foresee gunpowder (bad); blood with milk (Romanian) - no blood in the individual (blond).

In a particular group, antonymic phraseological units are seen, which often run behind the warehouse, and yet the components are compared with the meanings: with an important heart - with a light heart, not with a good ten - not with a timid ten, turn around the guise - turn your back. Components that give such phraseological units an opposite meaning, often with lexical antonyms (important - light, chorobry - fearful), or they can take an opposite meaning from the warehouse of phraseological units (disguise - back)

Supply 23

Semantic classification of phraseological units of V. V. Vinogradov

V.V. Vinogradov, having also laid the basis for his classification of differences, see persistence, and inspire motivation, seeing three main types of phraseological units:

*) Phraseological growths and chi idioms - phraseological units are brought to them, in which motivation is not easy. The stinks act as equivalents of words. How to apply phraseological extensions, or as an idiom, you can bring such virazi like strimgols, burn out with a dream that іn.

*) Phraseological unity - up to phraseological unity one can see motivated phraseological units, which will lead to wild inconspicuous meanings, as if blaming the meaning of the components as a result, for example: bend into a lamb rіg, give it on the hands of that іn. Qiu group V.V. Grapes also include word-terms: budinok for people of a frail age, a sign of hail, etc.

*) Phraseological words - before them turnarounds can be seen, before the warehouse of which there is a component that characterizes phraseologically the meanings that are manifested only within the framework of a strictly singing stake to understand those verbal meanings.

Tsі obezhennya are created by the powerful songs of the mov laws, for example: open your eyes, but you can’t say: open your eyes; look forward to seeing, but let’s say wait for the others. [Vinogradov, 1986].

Classification V.V. Vinogradov is often criticized through those who have no single criterion for classification. The first two groups - growing and unity - are separated from the improvement of the motivation of phraseology, and the third group - phraseological division - is seen from the improvement of the mutuality of the word.

N.M. Shansky adds to the higher types of phraseological units in one more - phraseological language. Under them, the rozumіє stіykі for the warehouse and the management of the turnover, which are not only members, but are added together with the same values; for example, you love to ride, love to carry sledges, small spool, that road that іn [Shansky 1964]

Seeing phraseological verses is entirely logical, because saving their direct meaning, the given lexical items are subsumed even by a high level of stamina.

Lexicology (Greek: lexikos - what goes before the word i logos - vchennya) - it divided the language of learning, in which the dictionary vocabulary of the language is developed.

The subject of lexicology is the word. And її ob'єktom - the designation of the word as the main unit of the language.

The main tasks of lexicology are:

z'yasuvannya zv'yazku the meaning of the word from understanding, seeing different types of meanings of words;

Characteristics of the lexico-semantic system, tobto. revealing the internal organization of modern identities and analysis of their links (the semantic structure of the word, the specifics of the distinguishing semantic signs, the regularities of yogo in combination with other words just);

Establishment of various types of systemic identities, which are based on the use of various groups of lexicons, the designation of quiet objective (including syntactic) indications, like words (in song meanings).

Lexicology includes the stylistic differentiation of the vocabulary warehouse, including thematic and lexical-semantic groupings of words, their spivvіdnoshennia one by one, that spіvvіdnoshennia one and the middle of these groupings. From the point of view of stylistic differentiation, words, in the first place, can lie down to singing functional types of movement.

Moreover, in lit. Language includes words that take away dialectal zabarvlennya, and artistic literature (ch. arr. with the method of moving characterization of characters) also uses slang words and slang words.

Dolіdzhuyuchi lexicon of the language in її system links, lexicologist vrakhovuє, scho, being cognizance of objects and phenomena of mutual activity, words, naturally, make those links, as if they are based on objects and objects of self-activity. At the same time, words are single words, and between them, they are able to communicate with each other: the stench is united in the songs of the lexical-semantic groups, in the skin language, in their own way, the members of these other words of action (for example, in Russian language are called : mountain, pagorb, pagorb, kurgan, hill, etc., the words move: go, їhati, litati, weave, call, etc. - do not know the full evidence of other language).

One of the main tasks of lexicology is the definition of quiet semantic comparisons between different words, zokrema. synonymous and antonymous; the very meaning of different words can be seen as semantic signs, which are used to signify the given meaning of the word (for example, the important semantic element in the words mountain and pagorb - “delivery”, which allows them to be set; I signify a sign for them differentially).

In the lexicologists, the same way is the same, yaki є roschlevanni, seniorly subjects of the il ie є ekvyvalents of the word. Qi should be put up to phraseology, which should be included in lexicology as from її divisions (such contributors, prote, to be respected by an independent division of science about language).

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“Lexicology as a division of the sciences about the language Lexicology (gr. lexikos - what goes up to the tin, logos - vchennya) - it divided the sciences about the language, which is how the vocabulary of the language is developed, or vocabulary. ..."

-- [ Side 1 ] --

Lexicology as a division of sciences about language

Lexicology (gr. lexikos - what goes up to the tin, logos - vchennya) - ce razdil science

about MOV, which develops the vocabulary of MOV, chi vocabulary.

The dictionary warehouse of the movie is an internally organized collection of lexical

alone, tied to each other, who function and develop behind the authorities

Russian mov laws.

In lexicology, there are 1) the word yak is an individual unit of mov, її meaning;

2) the place of the word in the lexical system of language; 3) the history of the formation of modern vocabulary; 4) extending a word to an active passive word stock; 5) the place of the word in the system of functional styles of modern Russian (neutral, scientific, business style). Lexicology develops the language vocabulary of the language at the time of the temporal development, the shards of the language in the vocabulary warehouse of the language make different changes, and find the causes of these changes.

Synchronous (descriptive) lexicology (gr. sin - at once and chronos - hour) is the current state of the lexical system. Diachronic (historical) lexicology (gr. dia - through, krіz ta chronos) develops vocabulary in the historical aspect.

One of the main divisions of lexicology is semasiology (rp. stasia - meaning, logos - vchennya), or semantics (gr. sta - sign), as you learn all the nutrition, explaining the meanings of the word, and also changing the meaning of the word. Onomasiology (gr.

o noma - im'ya and logos) embracing the principles and laws of naming things and objects; etymology (gr. etymon - truth and logos) - the exodus of the words of those words; lexicography (Greek lexicon - vocabulary and graph - I write) - folding words. For a broader understanding of lexicology, include the phraseology about the stanzas of words - phraseology.

The word yak is the unit of the Russian lexical system. Functions of the word (nominative, nominative).

The word is the minimum unit of movement. Vono maє zovnіshnyu form - sound shell: the sound chi is a complex of zvієї, formalized according to the laws of movement, and internal zmіst - lexical meaning. Meaning (chi semantics) of the word spіvvіdnosit yogo z singing understand. Otzhe, the word - tse complex of sounds, but one sound, scho maє peevne, fixed by the current practice of supplication of meanings. The meaning of the word can be utterly familiar and obov'azkovym for the members of this society, only in this way you can understand people.

The word is the unity of lexical and grammatical meaning.

The grammatical meaning of the word is the meaning, which extends the word to other words in the word received and speech: setting to the individual, action, hour, which is remembered, for example, the meaning of the gender, number, individual, hour of that іn. (SR small - small: the meaning of the hour).

The main function of the word є yoga: (According to Luria)

1) the initial (nominative) role. The word means an object, a deed, a quality of a setting. Zavdyaks to this light of a person are subdued, and may mothers right with objects, as if without a middle are not accepted and do not enter the storehouse of a sensitive sense.

2) The word helps to analyze the power of objects, introduce them into the system of links and vowels.

for example, a word-creative analysis of a word that establishes links between objects, phenomena:

Stil - stlat - tables - the capital.

3) The skin word improves speech, brings them to the singing category, being the master of abstraction, which is the most important operation of light.

Polysemy (the richness of the word). The words are unambiguous and richly meaningful. Directly that figurative meaning of the word. Tipi figurative meanings (metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche). The meaning of the word can be direct and portable. The direct meaning of the word is the lexical meaning of the wet mind, without the emotionally expressive remarks, which are to be drawn to the new one, without any middle nomination. The figurative meaning is secondary, worse, which is blamed on the basis of the similarity of objects for the shape, color, character, iconic function, association for summіzhnistyu: the donkey is a “creature” that “stubborn person”. The transfer of meaning is always motivated.

The meaning of the word changes in the process of the functioning of the word in the language: 1) the word takes on a new (or new) meaning: bear (computer);

2) the meaning of the word expands: ace (a little bit about a skier, at once and about other majors, for example, a football player-ace);

3) the sound of the meaning of the word: smorid (the first meaning is the smell, the infection is the smell of filth).

For obviousness, the meaning of the word is subdivided into single-meaning and rich-meaningful.

An unambiguous word (monosemic) can have one meaning: taxi, typhoon, tuft, conic and in. Name-bearers (taiga), prikmetniks (potaioyu), deeslovs (opening caps), clerks (at the ready) and so on can be unambiguous. A richly meaningful word (polysemichne) has a small meaning: potik - 1) "strіmko flowing water mass, river, stream"; 2) "streaming"; 3) "a group of students, with which to carry out some kind of employment with singers with the same, similar groups."

The creation of the word mother kіlka meaning is called rich meaning or polysemієyu (gr. poly smos - rich meaning). Regardless of richness of meaning, the word is a semantic unity, as it is called the semantic structure of the word.

At the moment of vindication, the word zavzhdi is unambiguous. Peredumovoy for vzhivannya words in figurative meaning vvazhaetsya podіbnіst yavisch chi yogo sumіzhnіst, on the basis of which all the meanings of the rich-meaning word poov'yazanі mіzh themselves. There are two main figurative meanings of the word:

1) metaphorical transferring warehouse basic similarities ominous signs: for the form, the purpose of the objects, color, relish, as well as for the similarity of the functions of the objects and others. For example: a caterpillar - 1) a larva of a panicle, sound worm-like from a kіlkom in pairs nіg; 2) a wide lance, which fits on the wheels of a tractor, tank, etc. movement of the machine;

2) metonymic transference - the transfer of naming for the sum of appearances, their interrelationship (spacious, timchas thin): steel - 1) hard silver metal; 2) steel mills. A variety of metonymy and synecdoche is a transferred meaning, if the name of the whole is victorious for naming a part of the whole, and navpacki:

The mustache of the guest will be before us (A. Pushkin).

Illumination of figurative meanings of words For the similarity of objects For the sum (nearness) or the manifestations of objects or the manifestations for the form: the head of the yalini, the ring of dim for the material of the virobs from the new:

behind the color: gold hair, emerald steel rattled, the table darkened the grass for the day: the wings of the fly for the day, the result: taking five for the twir for the defeat: evil wind, zagalom and parts: putting the black thoughts of jasmine on the vase valuation: according to the author’s specialty, that yoga is vague to the works: having read Pushkin, having bought for the size: a sea of ​​Tolstoy’s poems, Rembrandt’s bachelors. head that in.). New, non-positive variants of the use of words in a figurative meaning are called individually-author's. Virazi, based on a figurative meaning of words and give a figurative imagery, vizance, called stitches: Rare gilding of the sun’s zahіd obryzkav sіrі fields (S. Yesenin) - a metaphor; ... serpasty and hammering Radyansky passport (V. Mayakovsky) - an epithet.

Homonymy. Types of homonyms: homophones, homoforms, homographs.

Lexical homonyms (gr. homo s - howevernovy, o puta - im'ya) - all words that have the same form (sounding, writing), but different meanings: pomegranate1 "pivdenne tree, as well as yogo round plaid of sour-licorice relish" ; pomegranate2 "drinking stone, more important than dark red color".

More lexical homonyms - the same words that are used in all grammatical forms: kotik1 "marine pinnipeds" and kotik2 "kit";

beat1 "to peel off, take the scruff" and beat2 "strongly beat, beat".

Nepovnі (or chastkovі) lexical homonyms lie down to one and the same part of the language, but may be different grammatical forms: zrіti1 (zrіє) "to sleep, mature" and zrіti2 (zrіє) "divitisya, divitisya, bachiti".

Homonymous words cannot be any kind of associative link, powerful meanings of a richly meaningful word.

Phonetic homonyms (abo homophones) - only words that have the same sound shell, but written differently: gin (n.) - gin (n.); blessings (go.) - apply (ch.) those others. Homophones can lie like up to one, and up to different parts of the movie:

mryaka (n.) - frost (n.), sleep (n.) - sleep (nar.). Before homophones, one can mentally recognize the words that word-finding that can sound sound: at the place - zamіst, that mark - Tamarka thinly.

Grammatic homonyms (or homoforms) are the same words that are used in sounding and written only in a few grammatical forms: sudіv (day ship in R.p. pl.) - sudіv (day court in R.p. pl.) h.), pіch (n.) - pіch (ch. in n.f.) and in.

Graphic homonyms (abo homographs) - the same words, which may be written the same way, but they are voiced in a voice, through which the stench is in a different way:

dominion (vіdmіnna osoblivіst chogos) - dominіvіst (synonyms of controversy on the blood, and vinicles between relatives of friends).

Ways to separate homonyms and richly meaningful words:

1) synonyms before words and similar synonyms between themselves: platform1 - peron and platform2 - program dіy

2) pіdbir of disputed (single-root) words and word forms: scythe1 - kiska, braid and scythe2 - mow;

3) the establishment of lexical acceptance of words, as well as their syntactic occurrence: clear up1 - sky and clear up2 - nutrition, situation;

4) variation of etymological records: tick1 "nervous disease" (French), tick2 "wood species" (English), tick3 "tissue" (Dutch).

The basis of polysemy and homonyms create difficulties in the process of assimilating words. The specific meaning of the word is revealed by the context, the context is to blame for ensuring the correct understanding of the word, otherwise it can lead to ambiguity. For example, in the context of the study, they listened to the explanation of the reader; they did not reveal the meaning of the word;

Synonymy. Understanding about synonyms and synonyms. Single root synonyms.

Types of distinctions between synonyms (synonyms of ideographic, stylistic, emotional-evaluative ones). Synonyms of modern and contextual.

Lexical synonyms (gr. synnymos - one-named) - all words that are close or the same for the meanings, which express the same understanding, but can be distinguished either by the same meanings, or by the stylistic zabarvlenny, or by them and in the other and in a different way sound: well-being, convenience , prosperity; shout, shout, shout, bawl, nadrivatisya; unsung, unsteadily, unsteadily.

Synonyms unite at the lavi. The dominant of the synonymous series is stylistically neutral and semantically the largest word for me, like the main one, shearing in the series: uncivilized, uncivilized, clumsy, uncivilized, stupid, negarazd, clumsy; run, run, run, fly. The dominant signifies the blatant clouding of the word synonymous article and the semantic point in relation to other members of the series. The meaning of the skin synonym is equal to the meaning of the dominant. For a number of words, the synonymous rows are not the same: selection - installation (2), smartly - unimaginably - diplomatically (3), licorice - tedious - yaleyny - licorice - licorice - tsukrovy - honey - honey-draining - treacle (9) thin.

There are such groups of synonyms:

1. Semantic (ideographic) synonyms are recognized by different meanings:

hot, smoky, spicy, show different levels of intensity, show signs;

explain, move, oratory reinforce a different way of creating action.

2. Stylistic synonyms, signifying the very manifestation of action, shattering the sphere of life, or different stylistic zabarvlennya: province (neutr.), wilderness (rod.), sumny (neutr.) - kruchinny (folk-poetic); father (neutral, lit.) - Father (obsolete)

3. Semantic and stylistic synonyms to differ lexical meanings and stylistic obsessions: lose weight - irritate; famous - woeful; vimoga - an ultimatum.

4. Absolute synonyms (doubles) - words that have neither semantic nor stylistic distinctions: oskilki - oskilki; hippopotamus - hippopotamus and in.

Behind the word-creating warehouse, one can see synonyms of one-root (last-research) and different-root (sleep-blind).

Synonyms can be treated with lexical success: a person works (practice) - a machine works (ale doesn’t work!); spelling literacy - recognition on the right.

Rich-meaning words in different meanings are included in different synonymous rows:

fresh - clean (hustka), cold (wind), badory (people), new (magazine), not salty (ogirok).

Reasons for the adoption of synonyms in Russian language:

1) to better understand the manifestation of activity, to give it a new name: aerobics - shaping;

2) penetration into the language and assimilation by him of inshomonic vocabulary: whistling - an aphorism, choking - exaltations;

3) replenishment of synonymous rows with dialectal and colloquial vocabulary: not long ago

- Hope, recently, ahead of time;

4) the development of the rich meaning of the word: narrow-minded - close (path), surrounded (people);

5) the appearance of synonyms in the result of word-forming processes:

copies - photocopies;

6) pragnennya nadat vyslovlyuvannya іnshe emotsiyne zabarvlennya: die - bend down, sleep.

Contextual synonyms - the same words, the closeness of which for the meanings is taken away from the minds of the singing context (because of the context of the stench are synonyms). Most contextually synonymous with expressive zabarvleni, but the main task is not to name the creature, but to characterize yoga. For example, in singing contexts, you can speak (say) verbally (say) you can throw synonyms, skip, let in, blurt out, vodkolot, freeze, see, bend, screw in and in.

Functions of lexical synonyms:

1) semantic - to serve as a differentiation of meaning (scream - cry);

2) stylistic development - pointing to the style, the sphere of living: zdіysnyuvati (mіzhstil'ove) - materializuvati (books);

3) well stylistic - express emotional and expressive meanings:

vilikuvati (neutr.) - zkіliti (book).

Lexical synonyms help to clarify, supplement the statement about objects, manifestations of action, more clearly and rіznobіchno characterize them. We are rich in synonymous rows, we are rich in language, we are rich in opportunities for the creative victorious language.

The stringing of synonyms lie at the basis of gradation - the figures of the mov, with some synonyms roztashovanie so that the steps of virility in them are signs of growth (high gradation) or decrease (low gradation): and zovsіm invincible (M. Aleksєєv) Antonimіya. Understand about antonyms. Antonym movnі and contextual. Types of antonyms for the semantic meaning of protolezhnosti and behind the structure (antonyms, which mean prolezhnі yakosі, become, that antonymy, which means protilazhny directing diy, dominion, signs;

antonyms of different root, single root, internal slang).

Lexical antonyms (gr. anti... - against, puta - im'ya) - the same words, prologue for meanings: straightness - curvature, dark - light, freeze - zіgrіtisya, long - short that іn. one and the same part of the movie. In antonymy vodnosini can enter and services (for example, apprentices: before - in, in - iz, with - without). However, Antonymіchni vіdnosini enter the words:

1) for the meanings of yak є dtinok akostі: high - low, straight - crooked;

2) how to name emotions: smile - frown;

3) specify the camp: warm - cold;

4) signify time and expanses of blue: yesterday - this year, in front - back, there - here, pivnich - pivden;

5) the names of the subdivisions: prikoryuvati - upovilnyuvati, pіdvesja - sіsti;

Do not make an antonymous bet:

1) words with concrete-objective meanings (with direct meaning): kіshka, shafa ta іn;

2) power names: Moscow, Taymir;

3) numerals: one hundred, eleven, two thirds;

4) more borrowers: me, stinks, ours and others.

Following the structure, antonyms are subdivided into:

1) different roots: zlidni - rose, active - passive, ringing - protect, nin - tomorrow;

2) single-rooted: happy - unhappy, vtishny - hopeless, come - see.

One-root antonyms are blamed on the result of word-making processes, that is why they are also called lexico-grammatical or lexical-word-creating. As a rule, stinks are settled as a result of adding prefixes with opposite meanings: in- - іz-, for- - in-, on- - z-, over- - pіd-, under-transfer- і first parts of folding words like easy-і important-, micro- and macro-, monota poly in .: underdoing - overdoing, microcosm - macrocosm, monologue - dialogue.

Sometimes in the process of functioning in the promo, the word changes the meaning of the protile, the phenomenon is called enanthiosemia, or internal antonymy (gr. enantios - protilezhny, protilezhny): divitis sho-l. , Don't spray '; to make a comment - 1) "say inadvertently", 2) "specially signify the advance".

A richly meaningful word in fallowness due to the meaning and lexical success of the building is not included in different antonymic rows: fresh - 1) warm (wind), 2) rotten (shmatok of meat), 3) old, vchorashnіy (newspaper number), 4) brudny (hustka) ) that i etc.; live - 1) move (about a person), 2) stretch (about an hour).

Antonimi are moving and contextual (abo moving). Modern antonyms are based on semantic proportions, which appear regularly and do not fall into the habitation (nomadic - assile, viznavati - repetitive).

Contextual antonyms are an occasional phenomenon, out of context:

Soon after the lasts - at the chaklunki! Youth! Let's go ahead of the day ... (Col.)

My faithful friend! my enemy is approaching!

My king! my slave! dear mova!

(V. Bryusov)

Based on antonymy, such image-creating-variety works are based, like:

1) figuratively equal: My rudeness is much easier for yours, comrade Tumanov, if I may say so, empathy. (N.A. Ostrovsky);

2) antithesis (representation): Budinki new, ale zaboboni old ... (A. S. Griboyedov);

3) an oxymoron (for the sake of the insane): Only evil spirits have lighted us.

(A. Akhmatova) Paronimia.

Paronyms (gr. para - bіlya, about puta - im'ya) - all words similar in sound, often of the same root, but different in meaning, or often zbіgayutsya in meaning:

bony - kіstlyaviy, sitiy - sitny, yuviley - juvіlyar, diplomat - student - graduate student and іn. The reason for the appearance of different root paronyms is the closeness of the words in the sound, which is most likely to be seen in the later words: Indian - Indian, Korean - Korean.

Single root paronyms can be modified:

1) meanings or other meanings: effective (yaskraviy, yaskraviy) and effective (effective, deviy);

2) lexical success: yalinovі (gulі, paws, foxes) - yalinkovі (decoration, toys, bazaars); sack (boudinki) - sack (mista);

3) syntactic acceptance: certification (relatives, administration - why?) - verification (of documents);

4) lexical-syntactic cohesion; dress up (what: a hat, coat) - dress up (whom: baby, child);

5) stylistic zabarvlennyam: zukhvaliy (neutr.) - Smіlivy (high.).

Quite often in the language there is a change of paronyms, which bring to the pardons: a fish rib, put on a jacket that іn.

Rules of normative adaptation of paronyms and yogo fixation in dictionaries of paronyms.

Differentiation of vocabulary from an expressive and stylistic point of view. Vocabulary of mixed styles (stylistically neutral) and stylistically zabarvlena Modern Russian literary language is characterized by stylistic diversity, so that it can have a wide system of benefits, which will ensure the movement of communication in various spheres of human activity. The style system of a literary movie can be presented in the visual scheme.

Functional Movili Books Style Rosain Style Stylekovy Office-Pubblesty Litherasting Litherapy Style style Style Style Viriy, Provide Function Movie, Vydodnnya, Valiy Vydvyni, Mosti, Movie, Movie). ta letter), but the greatest memory of vіdmіnnostі v vikoristanny lexicon and phraseology. Two groups of words can be named fallow in the area of ​​living; 1) the vocabulary is stylistically neutral, or interstitial, and 2) the vocabulary is stylistically zabarvlen (or marked), which is similar to the vocabulary of a book (scientific, dilov, journalistic) and rozmovnu. Prostor's lexicon comes to rozmovnoy lexicon, but beyond the borders of literary movement.

Words can name objects, manifestations of action, and they can be put up to these manifestations, give them an assessment. For the obviousness or the presence of emotional and expressive assessment, words are subdivided into emotionally expressive zabarvleni (vitonation, vitonation, global, patriotism, grace, etc.) and neutral (earth, navchannya, football, rain, other things). Vidminnist stylistic zabarvlennya such words appear when stating: life - animal, go - race, sculpture - a statue, short - lapidary that іn. The sphere of living words, which can be emotionally expressive, is surrounded.

In the gloomy dictionaries, there are special consequences that indicate the stylistic characteristics of the words:

book. - The bookish word, victorious for a written, bookish contribution:

manuscript, ailment, not good, sign that іn;

high. - High, let's move on to the urological cleanliness, the importance, the authoritative journalistic, oratorical, poetic movie: take courage, nevgasimy, obstruct, year, zhuiny ta іn;

official - Official, powerful promo and official vodnosin:

non-demanding, non-payment, non-appearance, order and order;

rozg. - rozmovne, vykoristovuetsya in oral, rozmovny move: artist, shrew, minister, slander that іn;

simple. - Spacious, authoritatively used by the mіskoї rozmovnoї mov, as well as victorious for stylіzatsії (“literary prostrіchchya”): litter, manatki, vnakladі, rub that іn;

uncomplaining. - Neskhvalne: jump, mask, fool that іn;

neglected - Znevyazliv: image, messy, miser that іn;

hot - Zhartіvlive: warrior, lover, ohrestiti (call);

irony. - ironically: kiseina (lady);

bran. - lailive: idiot, indulgence, bastard and in.

Also, the stylistic zabarvlennya of the word can, from one side, point to the sphere of living, from the other side - to the emotionally expressive change of the word, its function of evaluation. Everything creates the duality of the stylistic confusion of the word.

Ways of development and development of the lexical system of modern Russian language.

Formation of the vocabulary of the Russian vocabulary - the process of trivals and folding. Movі є words, yakі z'appeared at a long time ago and function dosi, є words that have become active in living together recently, є so, yakі have ceased to be zagalnovyzhanimami, but trapleyayutsya in literature. In this order, the lexical stock has a constantly active process: for a new one, it’s about to die, and it’s about to become new.

As a result of the development of political, economic, cultural achievements between peoples and powers, the words of other languages ​​gradually penetrate to our language.

At a glance, the Russian one can see two layers: the vocabulary is spokonvichno Russian and backward. The position of the word is to be guarded in all periods of development.

It is used in the vocabulary of processes, as in the case of suspility.

As a manifestation of social language for the bannim of all people, which lie down to one team. The majestic greatness of the vipadkіv collective of people, as if to say one of my own (“movna spіlnіst”), is an ethnic collective (nation, nationality, tribe). Be-like human society is heterogeneous behind its warehouse. It is divided into versvi chi class, split up into different groups, in the middle of which people are united as a sign, for example, of an infamous profession, the same age, equal to that character, illuminate it thinly. Tsya differentiation suspіlstva appears in movі vglyadі quiet chi other features, socially educated pіdsystems.

Mova perebuvaє at tisnіy vzaєmodії z razvitkom suspіlstva. Stan move and її lexicon to lie down in the future. Under feudalism, the skin of the feudal lord and the monastery was a power of its own kind, and it took on the appearance of other territorial speeches, as a powerful lexical vocabulary: one or three objects can be called differently in dialects (chicken and hut). In the world of consolidation of forms of historical cohesion of people (tribe, splka of tribes, nationality, nation) there is a growth of internal organization of movement and unity.

The nutritional characteristics of the mutually moving suspіlstva are more foldable, rich in facets, and for the reason of the drive there are different points of view. I think that the social character of the movie is less likely to be seen in the old minds of the mind, to lie in the minds of those who live in the minds of the movie. But the most in-depth look at this problem allows us to confirm that the social nature of the language is revealed not only in the outer minds of the mind, but in the very nature of the language (in the language of vocabulary, grammatical abilities, in the equal development of styles). So, for example, "naming fantastic piece people who change, and real" intelligent "machines - a homunculus - a robot - a computer - seems to be a special move in the development of science and technology from the mythical Pandori to a real computer." Pіd vpliv suspіlno-politіchnykh chinnіkіv z'yavlyayutsya forms mulіnі, so, for example, abstract іmennikіv, yak іnіtіativa (peaceful іnіtіativi), realnіst (pіslyavоєнні realіtі, novі realіtі), domіnіst (private domіlіnostі).

Injecting supremacy into language can be subject to laws of an objective nature, but it may also be the result of the activity of people, tobto. Be the result of a song-moving policy. Movna politics like svіdomy, active and organizаtions influencing the language is manifested, for example, in the normalization activities of the students (the creation of normative vocabularies and grammar, dovіdnikov;

improved spelling; vikoristannya for the promotion of norms zasobіv ta іn.).

Mova responds to all changes, like to the community and to the individual witness, inspiring them. It is manifested in front of us, of course, in the dictionary warehouse of the most popular and richly circulated vidan, tobto. newspapers and magazines.

Іlustratsіyu up to tsgogo can be ti protsesi, which characterized the vocabulary of the mass information of the 80-90s of the XX century - an hour, as it became one of the turning points in the development of our suspіlnoї svіdomostі.

In the circle, the stars were activated in front of the borders of life, as if on the periphery of my words: grace, mercy, repentance, gymnasium, lyceum, stock exchange, action, market, too.

Socio-economic and political transformations of the rest of the decade have brought to the top of our vocabulary without any difference, more importantly anglicisms: broker, dealer, marketing, manager, speaker, sponsor, supermarket just.

Significantly expanding our lexicon and zavdyaks to the fact that in our life our pobut came from Sunset all sorts of technical innovations, and at the same time with them and their names: display, cartridge, pager, player, printer, fax and innovate.

In the OstanniytliT, the wordwinkle Bagato has relayed themes, Yaki Trivaliy Hour Vicoristovili in the Literetoric Movilny Valnniy, Yak Vyb Vislovannya, Non -School, Take, Anatom, Anafa, Anatom, Anatom, Anatom, Anatom, Anatoma, Anatom, Anatom, Anaphinet, Anaphinet, Anaphinet, Anaphinet, Anaphinet. , priesthood too. None of the words of the tsієї group of the daedals often act as evaluative-neutral names to name those, if they live over the direct meaning.

The rethinking of historical evidence, the reassessment of the number of categories of evidence brought changes in the estimated power of rich words. Qi zmini vіdbuvayutsya at three straight lines.

1. Words that were evaluatively neutral become evaluative words. So, basically, in sharply negative contexts, after the cob of rebudding, neutral words began to get accustomed to us in front of us: aparat (administrative apparatus), administration, vіdomchiy (vіdomchi іnteresi), nomenklatura (nomenklatura practitioners), privilege, elite.

2. Words, yakі little value, spend її.

In a number of neutral contexts, many negatively-evaluating words dissident, radiologist (div., for example, newspaper headlines:

"Zustrich with radiologists", "About radiologists and Americanists"). They spent a lot of money on their eyes - sharply negative - assessment of the word opposition, fraction.

3. The word changes its value to the opposite. Such a share has been experienced in our hour by the words associated with the communist ideology and which were positively evaluated by us, and now the Daedals more often get used to the negatively evaluated contexts: radiant, bright future.

Old and new in vocabulary. Outdated vocabulary. Types of old words: historicism, archaism. New vocabulary (neologism). The reasons for that path are the vindication of new words.

The skin period of the development of the language is characterized by the sing of the active and passive word stock, the shards of those that were relevant in one era, can spend the actuality at a distance, and the words can go to the passive stock of the language.

For example, for example, on the cob of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century, they were wider and so called the transfer: horse-drawn carriage (rake road in the city with a film draft), brichka (light-smelling road carriage), drogs (long-term carriage without a body, as well as a funeral carriage), prolyotka (light the words limousine, sedan, hatchback, cabriolet (type of passenger cars, fallow in the design of the body) have gone up to the word stock.

The active stock includes words that may surround the sphere of living (terms, professional vocabulary), but also those that mean the development of a language that is relevant for a given period: ecology, computer, design, etc.

Actual words, which have passed to the category of old ones, can be reactivated and become zagalovzhivaniami: governor, seminary, gymnasium, lyceum, police and others. In the last non-trivial hour, they are actively victorious, and then once again they begin to become old.

Olden words of historicism and archaism of words, which came from the habitation of words, which signify understanding, objects, to which objects, manifestations arose from life, things that come to light in a given hour;

manifestations, what the stench meant; not vitiated from active living may be synonymous with modern language: in other words; to be synonymous in taverns (zazhdzhiy dvіr), the maid of the current my: kuafer (perucar), firewood confections (zukerki), karla (dwarf), daughter (room attendant), (village sleigh). (Daughter).

Thematic groups of stories:

1) name the old-fashioned robe: dressing gown, yarmolka, epancha, soul-warmer that іn; 2) name penny units: imperial, half, p'yatialtinny;

3) old titles, titles, names of settlements: high birth, lordship, mayor, hussar, dozhdzhiy, batman;

4) naming the items of the military pobutu: juice, brush, redoubt;

5) administrative names: parish, county, province;

6) naming the phenomena of social life: farm laborer, fist, comminist, own, duel;

7) name the letter of the old alphabet: izhitsa, az, yat that іn.


–  –  –

Reasons for the transition of the words in the passive stock of the movie:

1) pozamovnymi (extralinguistic), pov'yazanі iz zminami in cultural, economic, social spheres;

2) in a state of modernity, connected with the presence of functional differences of language and language, synonymous links (usually in front of the presence of stylistic synonyms) then.

The role of old words in Russian is different. History in special, scientific literature is vindicated for an accurate description song period development of the region. In the creations of artistic literature, the stench creates the flavor of dobi.

The vocabulary of the Russian vocabulary is constantly popovnyuєtsya with new words. New words - neologisms - appear in the language, in order to signify a new understanding, a manifestation. The butts of neologisms in our time can be the words samіt, valeology (a message about a healthy way of life), casting, the Internet, a modem, a tender, a supermodel, capri (shorten pants), a flash mob (action "mitteviy natovp"), fast food and іn.

Particularly actively popovnuyutsya new words of the terminological system:

transfer, advice, clearing (economics), lifting, scrub, phyto milk, peeling (cosmetology). Neologisms reflect the changes that are guarded in various areas of life: moderator, tutor, distance student, bachelor, master (education), security, presentation, monitoring, euro (suspile life) and other. Too many words to move into an active vocabulary stock. For example, terini, who were named in the 50-70s of the XX century, connected with the development of astronautics astronaut, cosmodrome, space station, telemetry, space ship and other. due to their relevance, they have already become zagalnovzhivanim.

Ways to settle neologisms:

1) elements that are in the movie: aeroslane, video broadcast;

2) position: diving, rafting;

3) illuminating the Russian language with the improvement of positions: PR - PR, PR, PR;

4) semantic transformation, development of rich meaning: krіt (rіdina, who cleans the pipes), misha (computer), chovnik (drіbny trader of imported goods) and іn.

Neologisms in the class of lexical lexical-semantic individual-author's

Words that have been named for a word, such words, created by writers, naming new ones, have been developed by new publicists, with significant meanings: collapse ; (to beat the expressive dog function): stihocrat (M.A.

Words approved (@ icon);

stroke (zasіb for leaderism normative models in Gorky), (Є.

poshlyapno already іsnuyuchih mоvi: corrected the record) and Єvtushenka), (V.

rocket carrier, post-ashlyahovik іn Mayakovsky) and іn.

Individually-author's neologisms (or occasional) are no longer an expressive function, it is rare to go over from the literary language and detract from the primordial people's living. Like modern neologisms, occasionalism are established behind the laws of the language, behind the models of morphemes, what is in the language, in order to get familiar with the context, the stench has dawned on: richly superficial, rosy, chim berlinity (V. Mayakovsky.); ask, gorobini (herbs), (S. Yesenin) and in.

In different periods, the activity of neologisms in different thematic groups is not the same.

Periods of appearance of neologisms:

1) period of the Soviet Union: new words of suspense-political themes came to the language (bіshovik, lenіnets, party organizer, Komsomol, pioneer, zhovtenya, factory committee, miscem, chervonoflotets, nepman that іn.), new nomenclature names (SRSR, Radnarkom, CPRS). ;

2) in the period of industrialization and collectivization: words that reflect changes in the economic life of the country (GOELRO, prodzagіn, zrivnyalіvka, prodrazvyorstka, kolgosp, radgosp, VDNG, p'yatirіchka and іn.), , asphalt, AES, ZIL, GAZіdr.), words related to the development of culture and education (labor faculty, hut-reading room, lіknep, bibliophile and іn.);

3) Great Vitchiznyan war: words that are related to military hours and name people for work (blockade, igniter, sanitary instructor and in.) , name dіy (reiduvati, buzzer and іn);

4) military period: words associated with the development of sciences, which enter terminological systems (narcologist, resuscitator, biogen, transplantation, etc.), associated with the process of space exploration (astronaut, lunititsya, moon, cosmodrome, etc.). );

5) the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century: words related to computerization and the development of new information technologies (computer, printer, scanner, disk drive, browser, portal and other); economic terms (leasing, logistics, consulting, brokerage, barter and other); words of a supple-political theme (GKChP, SND, pressing, impichment, inauguration and other).

Pokhodzhennya lexicon of Russian. Understanding the calm Russian vocabulary. Calmly Russian vocabulary at a glance and її viniknennya. Lazy vocabulary.

Cause zaposichennya її іnshoy mine.

Calmly Russian vocabulary For the similarity of words, roots, affixes, phonetic and grammatical features, proximity of the movement, the controversy of mov is established. The only early word-Janian ethnical spіlnіst koristuvala zagalno-Slovakian (pra-Slovian) mine (approximately the 7th century A.D.), as it sings even more early Indo-European tradition, which gave the beginning of the modern modern modern European. Before the Indo-European Sim'ї, the word'yansk group is included: skhіdnosl'yanskі (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian), zahіdnosl'yanskі, pіvdennoslov'yanskі movi. In Russian language, you can see the difference for the trips and hours, layers of calmly Russian vocabulary appeared: Indo-European, Zagalnoslov'yanska, skhidnoslov'yanska, Vlasne Russian.

The Russian language has a lot of words that appeared in ancient times and form a layer of calm vocabulary.

Vocabulary of the Russian movie

–  –  –

zagalnoslovyanskie words Indo-European words Spokonvichno Russian lexicon (words that were named after Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian language in the XVI century)

Utvorenny suffixes -shchik-, -chik- (drummer), Names

Hovk (a) (strike), -sh (a) (majorsha), -n_st іmenniki (pіdnesіnіst), -shchin (а) (panshchina)

Skladnoshorochenі: head teacher, oschadbank, physical culture

Na-ist-: irritability, cykavist

Utvorenny vіd dієslіv without the help of suffixes:

crossing, cry

With suffixes -chat-, -chіv-: vіychasty, lively Names sour-licorice, prikmetniki - folding prikmetniki:

pivnіchnorosіyskiy Dієslova -approved as dієslіv for additional prefix and postfix -sya: rozplakatisya, pobachitsya Prislіvniki - approved as prikmetnikіv for additional prefix in -i suffixiv -i, -omu, -omu: in comradely, in English, in English, On your own all the perishales: in the service of the part, the service of the sinking, the deputy of the moviovropeyki words are pacified by old-fashioned movariyvropi-sized sizhpada 4ndropeiskoe.

Similar words appear in rich Indo-European languages: Russian. three, Ukrainian three, s.-Chorov. three, Czech. ti, English, three, lat. tres, vic. tres. The most recent layer in the warehouse of calmly Russian vocabulary. Before the words of the Indo-European campaign lie:

deyaky terms of controversy: brother, daughter, mother, sister, son;

name the creatures: bik, vovk, v_vtsya;

name roslin, food products, various life needs to be understood: willow, water, meat, day, firewood, smoke, im'ya, month;

numerals: two, three, ten;

name dіy: take care, buti (є), carry, command, virity, twist, bachiti, date, diliti, check, live, mother, carry;

name the sign of that yakost: barefoot, old;

receivers: without, before that in.

Zagalnoslov'yanska (pra-slov'yanska) vocabulary - all words, declined by the old Russian movi of the words of the Yan tribes (period from ІІІ - ІІ st. . not.) .

Zagalno-Slovakian words show phonetic and similar meaning in the language of pivdenno-, zahіdno- and skhidno-Slovakian: Russian. ensign, bulg. ensign, Czech, zname, Polish. znami.

Zagalnoslov'yanskie words to become a small part of the modern vocabulary, but to become its core, shards are the most coexisting. To zagalnoslov'yanskoy ї lexicon lie:

name the sign of the agricultural practice and other signs of virobnitstva: harrow, rake, scythe, motika, sickle, plow; a head, a hammer, a lower, a saw, a sokir, an awl, as well as a list, a cybula, an arrow, a pull;

name the products of the agricultural practice, roslin toshcho: live, cereals, borosno; birch, tree, viburnum, cabbage, maple, crane, lyon, linden, wheat, rye, apple, barley;

name the creature, rib, bird, komakh: vidra, hare, kobila, cow, fox, elk;

snake, lizard; lin, vugor; woodpecker, magpie, swift; mosquito;

name the part human body: quilt, eyebrows, head, tooth, hand, coat, knee, face, forehead, leg, n_s, shoulder, arm, body, ear;

terms of controversy: onuk, godfather, mother-in-law, father-in-law, titka;

name the dwelling, filling that richness of other lives necessary to understand: doors, houses, road, hut, gank, shop, pіch, pіdloga, stele, blue; spring, winter, summer, autumn; clay, salt, gold; kalach, porridge, sour; evening, night, early; century, year; dibrova, іnіy, іskra, lis, pit;

abstract vocabulary: hvilyuvannya, grief, on the right, good, evil, thought, happiness that іn.

Skhidnoslov'yanska (old Russian) vocabulary - the same words, which were vinified approximately from VI to XIV - XV centuries. I don't have any more similar words. Tse words, spelling for Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian language. Before the skhіdnoslov'yanskih one can name the names of different yakos, domineering, diy: zhvaviy, stormy, pilny, dark;

dzizhchati, blukati, rozburhuvati, kolikhati, vibachiti, maniti;

terms of controversy: uncle, nephew;

other names: strap, samovar, gaff, motuzka, goat;

name the creatures: squirrel, viper, snowman, gut, finch;

single rahunka: forty, ninety; thirteen;

words with temporal meanings: today, now.

Vlasne Russian lexicon - the same words that vinkli from the moment of the establishment of the Russian (Great Russian) nationality (from the XIV century) and people (and not say, to that words can appear) in the language and in the given hour. Before the Russians, the names of the processes were set up: flirting, fawning, growing apart, swaggering, throwing, zastebnut, blaspheming, have mercy;

name the objects of use, food products: tapestries, tiles, pendulum, cabbage rolls, jacket;

natural phenomena, roslin, birds, ribs, animals: necklace, bee, honey agaric, dodder, seal, outline;

name the sign of objects, the sign of diy, staniv: peresichny, rubbish, stingy, frowning, amulets, wholesale, burnt, tick;

the name of the specialty for the activity: a layman, a liotchik, a stoker, a racer;

name the abstract ones to understand: satisfaction, protection, result;

expressive-estimated names of people: pigalitsa, okhalnik, naked, bovdur;

abbreviations: GOST, CPRS, university and in.

In the warehouse of Russian vocabulary, new words are called such ways:

1) in the process of word creation: orientation - in the form of the word orientation (reverse);

2) as a result of semantic transformations of words, albeit already boules in the language (vindication of homonyms as a result of the disintegration of the polysemy, the formation of a new, figurative meaning): class, party, pioneer and in.

At some point in the development of the language, the vocabulary of other languages ​​is inevitably consumed until the new. One of the ways to develop the Russian lexical system is behind. Positive language vocabulary is observed in the wake of the development of political, economic, cultural, scientific connections between peoples and powers. The morpheme can be positioned: prefixes a-, super-, counter-, post-ta in;

suffix -ізм, -іst, -ція and ін.

Потрапляючи в російську мову, іншомовні слова можуть піддаватися повній асиміляції, так що сприймаються носіями мови як російські: грінки, школа, буряк та ін, а можуть зберігати прикмети, частіше фонетичні, рідної мови: шт у кореневих морфемах слів, запозичених з німецької або голландської mov (nim.:

curtain, standard, assault, fitting; Dutch: storm, steering wheel); pojdnannya j - s English (jam, jumper, jeans). As the process of positioning the language vocabulary is being assimilated, Russified, then in the language language there are changes of graphic, phonetic, grammatical, semantic. This process is called mastering. Graphically mastered - the transfer of an inshomonic word to a sheet using the Russian alphabet - posterizes with words, posterior signs, mayut a different system of graphics: English. feetness - Russian. fitness. Phonetically mastered - the change of the sound look of the word in the aftermath of yoga to new phonetic minds: the overcoat - looks like [n'e] similar to Russian words. Grammatically mastered

– the purpose of attaching an inshomonic word to the Russian grammatical system:

for example, in English cakes - plural, and in Russian cake - single. If it is delayed, it is possible to change parts of the language: Russian. out (n.) – English. out (adv.).

The positions are subdivided into two groups: 1) words of the yansky mov (old syllable yansky, ukrainian, belarusian, czech, polsk and іn.); 2) from non-Slovak language (Greek and Latin language, Western European, Turkic and other.

Mov). After an hour, they appeared in the Russian position on the early (the period of the introduction of the old Russian language and the old Russian language) and the early Russian language (the period of the beginning of the Russian lexicon). Until recently, the words that came to the Russian language, the zokrema of the Old Slovak, Finnish, Tatar and Greek language can be seen. In different periods, there are active positions of different mov: after the adoption of Christianity - from the Old Slavonic mov, at Petrovsky doba - from the German and Dutch mov); can be one by one (jap. geisha, sakura ta in).

From the Scandinavian mov to the Russian language, a few words have gone, which lie down to the business and butovo vocabulary: brand, hook, tiun, sneak, yakir; name the rib: shark, sedentary, stingray;

special names: Askold, Igor, Oleg, Rurik and others.

From the Finno-Finnish languages, name the rib, the natural phenomena of the growing world, the national strains and inn: flounder, sprat, smelt, saffron cod, Baltic herring, catfish; snowstorm, tundra; egg; dumplings; narti ta in; geographic names:

Kandalaksha, Kineshma, Klyazma, Kostroma, Totma, Sheksna

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Lexicology is a science, like looking at the vocabulary of a specific language. Vaughn maє its law and that category. This science deals with various aspects of words, as well as their functions and development.


Lexicology is a science, as it develops the vocabulary of language and її particularities. The subject of this division of education is the following:

  • Functions of lexical units.
  • The problem of the word yak of the basic element of the movie.
  • Tipi and see lexical units.
  • The structure of the vocabulary of the movie.

This is not yet a complete list of what lexicology is developing. The given science is engaged in nourishing the expansion of the vocabulary warehouse, as well as looking at the links and protirichcha between lexical units.

Event object

The word that yoga meaning is the basis for rich sciences. Morphology is engaged in these nutrition, and navіt raznomanіtnі directly word-creation. However, in these sciences of the word, it is necessary to develop grammatical structures and to develop different models other options word-creators, those who develop lexicology, victorious without intermediary knowledge of the specifics of the words themselves. Lexical units are considered not just as a collection of letters and sounds, but as a whole system that can make its own connections, functions, categories and understanding. І tse performance is the object of the study of lexicology. She doesn’t look at just the words, but the whole vocabulary, as if it were intact and inseparable.

Such a pidkhid may be special. Tse allow you to enter into the category like words, and st_yk_ word-finding, like you can play a single analytical role.

word problem

The lexicology of contemporary Russian focuses on the object and subject of its study. The oskіlki word is seen as a lonely deak, if it can be connected with its form and zmіst, then it is seen in three main aspects:

  • Structural. The form of the word is being developed, its structure and warehouse components.
  • Semantic. The meaning of lexical units is considered.
  • Functional. The role of words in the language of the language and in the global structure of the language will continue.

If we are talking about the first aspect, then lexicology is a science, as it establishes specific criteria for denoting the identity and identity of other words. For which lexical units are compared with word-collections, and also the analytical structure is expanded, as it allows to set the invariant of the word.

As far as the semantic aspect is concerned, then the science is engaged in semantic science - semasology. Vaughn vivchaє zv'yazok mіzh word and song object. Important for lexicology. You will see the word of that yoga meaning, and also of the yoga category, that tipi, which allows you to see it so understandable, like monosimia (unambiguity) and polysimia (rich meaning). Lexicology deals with a number of reasons, such as to produce before the appearance or use the word of its meaning.

The functional aspect considers the lexical unit as an object, which appears with other similar elements and vibudovu tsilu the system of the movie. Here the role of the interplay of vocabulary and grammar is important, yaki, from one side, to support, and from the other side - to separate one from the other.

Understanding vocabulary

Lexicology considers words as a system that is formed from a number of subsystems. Lexical loneliness utvoryuyut groups, yakі raznі for obsyagom, form and zmіst. It is part of the one that develops lexicology. Vocabulary stock is completed at the same time in two aspects: as a group of words between okremimi odnos and їх correct rotting by appointment one to one. The beginning of this vocabulary can be divided into different categories. For example, homonyms, paronyms, synonyms, antonyms, hyponomies and in.

Dodatkovo is practical whether it was a division of mentality, zocrema and Russian chi English lexicology, cultivating the general grouping of words, which are called fields. It will sound on the basis of the core of the field, for example, the singing number of key words, and the cordons themselves, as they are different paradigmatic, semantic, grammatical and other types of words from these lexical units.

Divided lexicology

As if it were another science, lexicology may have its own system of disciplines, as if it were recognized as the main aspects of the object and subject of the study:

  • Semasiology. Engage in the meanings of words and phrases.
  • Onomasiology. Vyvchaє the procedure of naming objects and phenomena.
  • Etymology. Dolіdzhuє pohodzhennya slіv.
  • Onomastics. Engage in powerful names. Dress up like the names of people, and geographic names.
  • Stylistics. Showing the meaning of words and viraziv of a connotative character.
  • Lexicography. Engaged in methods of organizing and folding dictionaries.
  • Phraseology. Doslіdzhuє phraseology and stіykі virazi.

The lexicology was divided into different categories, and to name the object and subject of the study. In addition, they see the deacons of the type of science. Zocrema, let's talk about the formal, private, historical, relative and applied lexicology. The first type stands out for the general regularities of vocabulary, including its structure, stages of development, functions and in. Private lexicology deals with the development of a specific language. Historical type is based on the development of words in connection with the history of the names of objects and phenomena. Porіvnyalna lexicology doslіdzhuє words with the method of manifestation of controversy between different language. The rest type is based on such processes, like the culture of the language, especially translation, linguistic pedagogy and lexicography.

Categories of lexical items

The dictionary warehouse, whether it is a language or language, is different and different. Vіdpovіdno, they see categories, yakі make their own famous rice that singularity. Russian lexicology conveys the following:

  • Outside the sphere of stagnation: zagalovzhivanie words and lexical units that zastosovyvaetsya in particular situations (science, poetry, vernacular, dialectic and other).
  • Emotionally driven: neutral and emotionally charged alone.
  • From historical development: neologisms and archaisms.
  • Behind your journey and development: internationalism, positioning and internationalism.
  • For functionality - active and passive lexical units, as well as occasionalism.

Vrahovyuchi postiyny development of mov, between words fuzzy, and stench can move from one group to another.


As if it were another science, lexicology deals with the top of singing problems. Modern fahivtsy see this:

  • The frequency of words in the text.
  • The difference between lexical units in writing and in oral language.
  • Possibility of words, which allow creating new names for objects and phenomena.
  • Changing the meaning of vocabulary.

Science also develops variants of words on different levels: semantic and lexical.

Ways to improve vocabulary

Lexicology deals with the selection of options for nominations. Pіd tsim razumіyut razumіyut raznі ways that method of expanding the vocabulary warehouse. For whom it is possible to highlight both the internal resources of a particular language, and the study of lexical units of other language. Explore the following ways to replenish the vocabulary warehouse:

  • Slovotvir - creation of new words.
  • Construction of new meanings for essential words: polysemy, transference of meanings and others.
  • Enlightenment of stable phrases.
  • Positioning.

These methods are typical for any movement, however, a specific skin type may have its own peculiarities and influences.


For the needs of lexicology, it is based on linguistic methods of follow-up. Before them one can see:

  • Distribution. Vіdpovidaє vznachennya framework lexical units, the number of meanings and others.
  • Substitution. Showing phenomena of synonyms and variations of words.
  • component method. Vіdpovіdaє for splitting lexical units okremi components, and navіt is engaged in їkh zagalї structure.
  • Transformation. Vykoristovuєtsya in the process of word creation from the designation of the head component of the word.
  • The selection of the frequency of the selection of lexical units is chosen, and it is used to calculate their semantic, paradigmatic and other types of links.

Information, taken as a supplement to these methods, is also victorious in other sciences, in the middle of psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, as well as a number of disciplines of a social nature.

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