Gaslo of the Kronstadt rebellion birch 1921 Kronstadt rebellion ("rebellion") (1921). Government's reaction to rebellion

What is the Kronstadt stabbed? Tse zbroyne rebel sailors of the Baltic Fleet stationed at the fort Kronstadt. The sailors stood up against the vlady of the bіshovikіv, yakі resisted thrive from 1 to 18 birch 1921. The rebellion was zhorstok strangled by parts of the Red Army. The arrested rebels were tried. Before the shooting, 2103 individuals were sentenced. At tsioma 8 yew. rose up madly vryatuvatisya. The wolves left Russia and went to Finland. How did you change your mind and stab someone?

Rethink the Kronstadt stabbed

Until the end of 1920, the Gromadyan war ended in the greater territory of Russia. When tsimu promislovіst that silske gospodarstvo lay in ruins. In the country, the policy of Viysk communism was fierce, for which the grain was taken by force from the villagers. This provoked a mass revolt of the rural population of various provinces. The greatest strength came in the Tambov province.

In the localities, the situation was not better. Scattered decline in industrial production gave rise to total unemployment. Someone in a moment, big near the village, spodіvayuchis on the best part. The cultivators of the brewers took away food rations, but the stench was still small. A lot of speculators appeared on the Russian markets. And for the rahunok themselves, people seemed to live.

Under the hour of the military communism, the situation with food was very important. People went to demonstrations, demanding more rations

The grave situation with food gave rise to a strike of robot workers near Petrograd on February 24, 1921. And on the coming day, Vlad introduced a military camp at the city. Under this stench, hundreds of the most active workers were arrested. Because of this, food rations were increased, and meat canned food was added to them. For a deaky hour, the inhabitants of Petrograd calmed down. Ale entrusted buv Kronstadt.

Vіn, representing an ardent Viysk fort from the impersonal pieced islands and forts, which protected the arm of the Nevi. The goal was not a fort, but a whole Viyskove place, as if it were the base of the Baltic Fleet. Sailors and civilians lived in the New World. On the be-yakіy military base, there will be great food reserves. Prote already until the end of 1919, all food supplies from Kronstadt were taken.

And that is why the populace opined on common rights from the bagmen of the capital. At the fort, they began to import products. Ale with them screeched badly, and the military base became a vinyatka. In the wake of the midst of the sailors, dissatisfaction began to grow, but it began to grow stronger with praise at Petrograd. On the 26th of the fierce Meshkantsi, a delegation was sent to Kronstadt. Її reassured z'yasuvati political and economic situation in the capital.

Turning around, the delegates commented that the situation at the city was extremely tense. Skrіz vіyskоі patrols, backwaters strike and sharpened vіyskami. All this information slandered people. On the 28th of the fierce Bulo, a gathering was held, on which the vimogi re-elected Rad were lulled. The whole organ of the people's power at that time was a fiction. The new bіshoviki were in charge, under the control of the commissars.

On the 1st of February, 1921, a fiercely dissatisfied wailing wilted at a rich rally on Yakirny Square. The smut went out on a new bulo - "Fuck without communists." The head of the All-Russian Central Vikonavchogo Committee (VTsVK) Mikhailo Ivanovich Kalinin arrived at the rally terminovo.

Yogo's task was to defuse the situation, to smooth out the passions, to calm people down. However, the promo of one of the leaders of the Belarusian party was interrupted by stormy cries. Kalinina was ambiguously pleased to get out. Then he declared that it would be better to turn around, if not alone, but with the proletarians, as if to ruthlessly explore the foundation of the counter-revolution. The sound of Mikhailo Ivanovich's whistling and hooting left the square.

The protesters praised the Resolution(I won't repeat):

1. To conduct a re-election of the Rada from the previous free campaign of workers and villagers.

2. Freedom of speech for other peasants, workers, anarchists and leftist socialist parties.

3. Choose not later than the 10th of March a non-party conference of workers, Red Army soldiers and sailors of Petrograd, Kronstadt and the Petrograd province.

4. Say goodbye Politviddili, shards of the same party cannot earn privileges to propagate their ideas and take away for the cost of the state's treasures.

5. Skasuvati combat communist corrals near military districts, in factories and factories. And if you still need to corral them, then form them in military parts from a special warehouse, and in factories and factories for the investigation of robots.

6. Give the right to the villagers the land, do not bare the hiring of pracea.

7. We ask all military units and military cadets to come to our Resolution.

The resolution was adopted by the brigadiers unanimously with two votes. Stunned at the zagalomsky rally at the presence of 16 thousand. the hulks are accepted unanimously.

Kronstadt stabbed

The next day, after the rally, the Timchas Revolutionary Committee (VRC) was formed. Yogo headquarters was deployed on the battleship "Petropavlovsk". This ship stood in order with other Viysk ships at the harbor of Kronstadt. All the stinks were frozen in the ice, and like fighting loners, they did not show anything to themselves in such minds. On the ships, there were over-stretched harmonicas. And with such garmats it is good to shoot at the great strikers at the enemy’s warships with thick armor. And shooting at the firth - it's all the same, scho shoot z garmat on humpbacks.

On the ships there were also bullets of small, medium caliber, kulemets. Ale, in the rocks of the Gromadyanskaya war, from the idle ships and forts of Kronstadt, they brought most of the cartridges and shells. Guilt was also rejected, but the sailor was not given a twink. At the Viysk courts, the won was recognized as less for Varti. In this rank, Kronstadt was stabbed to death, not having a serious fighting base. Ale, the sailors did not plan to conduct battles. The stench was less likely to fight for their rights and to try to destroy all food in a peaceful way.

Skuty ice-flooded ship at the bay of Kronstadt

Ocholiv VRK Stepan Maksimovich Petrichenko. Having served as a senior clerk on the battleship Petropavlovsk, and having become a member of the committee, he did not show any special organizational talents. Ale zumіv organize the release of the newspaper "Izvestiya VRK". The headquarters also identified the defense of the strategic objects of the place, forti and ships. On the remaining boules of the radio station, and the stench broadcast on the air information about the rebellion near Kronstadt and the Resolution praised at the rally.

Sailors rose up and called their stabbed the third revolution, directed against the dictatorship of the Bolsheviks. At Petrograd, agitators were brought in, and a greater part of them were arrested. Tim himself, the bіshovitska vlada, gave the understanding that the rebels would not have any talks that day. You have created a headquarters of defense, to which the fahivts of the tsar's army and navy have gone.

From Petrograd to Kronstadt 4 telegraph to Trotsky. Vіn vimahaw negai capitulation. At the front, at the fort, there were pickings, on some insurgents they decided to repair the opir. Bulo created ozbroєnі pіdrozdіli zagalnіstyu number of up to 15 thousand. osib. At one time there were migrants. For the most part, 500 people have deprived the rebellion of the city to the cob of military action.

For bіshovikіv Kronstadt was stabbed to death by pretending to be a serious test. It was necessary to strangle the risings of the term, the shards of wine could instantly become a detonator, all of Russia could be burned. That is why the entire command depot and those loyal to the regime of the Red Army were pulled up to the rebellious place. But there was not enough of them, and even the party ruled to strangle the delegates to the tenth star of the RCP (b), which the Mav rose at Petrograd on the 8th of June. Usіm tsim people Trotsky poobіtsyav orders.

The writers-pochatkivtsiv were lifted up to the pianoforte, singing that they should be filled with classics. They also threw machine gunners at the strangled Kremlin cadets and formed the Zvedena division. Quiet communists were taken to the rest, as if in their time they blamed, drank, crept in. They drove out the rich of them from the party, and now they have given a chance to be rehabilitated in the eyes of the Radyansk government. Ocholiv division Pavlo Dibenko.

Until 7 birch, all the troops were raised to the 7th army under the command of Tukhachevsky. The new one had 17.5 thousand. fighters. The main strike force was taken in by the Zvedena division, which consists of four brigades. Before Kronstadt, Omsk was also destroyed by the 27th rifle division. In 1919, Omsk took the turn of the war, zvіlnivshi yogo from Kolchakіvtsіv, and now it is not enough to help in the cleansing of the rebellious fortress from counter-revolutionaries.

Looking ahead, next to say what total bulo 2 storming Kronstadt. The first assault broke out on the evening of 7 February 1921.. At the order of Tukhachevsky, an artillery fire was fired behind the forts. Basically, the fault was from the fort of Chervona Girka, which was left in the hands of the Radyansky power. At the end of the war they hit the garmaty on the battleship Sevastopol. The artillery duel thrived all evening, and yet the "exchange of love" of the serious expenses of the opposing sides did not cry out.

Early on the 8th of March the 7th army went to storm Kronstadt. However, the attack was carried out, and the deacons partly switched to the battle of the rebellious sailors, or they were forced to beat the order to attack. At one time, he shelled the forts, continuing. The Bolsheviks navit zadіya aviation, yak dropped bombs on ships that froze in the ice. Alece did not help. Until the end of the day, it became clear to the attackers that the assault, which had been the first in history, had failed.

Red Army soldiers of the 7th Army storm Kronstadt

Before the next assault, the Bolsheviks were prepared in a rich retelnіsh. The Kronstadt stabbing was becoming more and more popular with the people during the day, and another failure could lead to hundreds of similar stabbings all over the country. Near the area of ​​the island of Kotlin, additional troops were pulled together and the number of the 7th army grew to 42 thousand. osib.

The Viysk parts were diluted with militia officers, carny rozshuk, communists, security officers and deputies of the X z'izda. All the same, it was not enough to boost the morale and fighting spirit of simple Red Army soldiers, as they did not burn the bajans to fight against their own. From distant garrisons, additional artillery armaments and kulemets arrived.

Another assault on the rebellious Kronstadt broke out on the 3rd anniversary of the 17th of February.. How many times the advancing day was more blessed and organized. The stinks began to storm the fortress and take them one by one. The deyak zmіtsnennya trimmed for a few years, and the deyak were given one day. Here the signs of the marriage of ammunition among the defensemen were given. There, there was little detonation of ammunition, the rebellious sailors did not begin to repair the opir, but they went on the ice near Finland.

The air raid recognized the flagship battleship "Petropavlovsk". Members of the Military Revolutionary Committee were embarrassed to deprive the ship. Deyakі from them ocholilo defense in the very city, where the Red Army soldiers climbed after the fall of the forts, others on the choli from Petrichenko went to Finland. Street fights lasted right up to the morning of 18 January. Less than 7 years old, the wound of the opir of rebellious sailors at the city pripinivsya.

The Kronstadts, which were left on the ships, did their best to destroy all the floating supplies, so that the stench did not get to the Bolsheviks. However, the leaders already left the court and went to Finland, to which strife began among the sailors. On some ships, the rebels were disbanded, arrested, and the arrested communists were released from the holds. Since then, the court began one by one to rejoice that Radiansk power was renewed. Let's stop building the battleship "Petropavlovsk". On what Kronstadt was stabbed to death.

Zagalom 7th Army spent 532 individuals driven in and 3305 wounded. Of these, 15 were delegates to the 10th day. Three rebels died 1 yew. osіb ta 2.5 yew. was hurt. Close to 3 thousand. zdalosya in full, and 8 yew. went to Finland. Numbers of data are not known exactly, oskolki raznі dzherel give raznu kіlkіst of killed and wounded. Let me think that the 7th Army spent about 10 thousand wounded and driven in. osib.


Chi buv Kronstadt was stabbed with a headless meat grinder chi mav is politically significant? Vіn becoming the moment of truth, like a nareshti, showing the Belarusians all the hopelessness and ruin of the policy of the Viysk communism. After I stabbed the leaders of the Bolshevik Party to spratsyuvav іnstinct of self-preservation.

Lenin, Trotsky and Voroshilov were deputies of the 10th party of the RCP(b), as they took the fate of being strangled and stabbed to death near Kronstadt. Lenin at the center, evil in the sight of new Trotsky, Voroshilov behind Lenin's back

It is required to look after Lenin more closely. Vіn mav is supra-echoly spritny and rozum, scho quickly adhering to changing situations. To that after strangling, Volodymyr Illich stabbed to death the cob of the New Economic Policy (NEP). In this rank, the bіshoviki beat 2 birds with one stone. The stench called on "ni" political tension and stabilized the economy, which is falling apart. The deyakі fahivtsі vvazhayut NEP the most economical project of the radyansk doby. And zavdyachuva vі rich in what Kronstadt stabbed, scho having stolen the foundations of Radyansk power.

Following the defeat of the whites. The drive for the whistling was the march of the workers near Petrograd. On the 24th of February, 1921, the workers of the Trubkovy plant came over the top. Workers from other enterprises arrived before them. Sailors and soldiers appeared unexpectedly among the demonstrators. Natovp zvіlniv robіtnikіv, zareshtovanih for nevyhіd on the job (at the enterprise, scho zapinilis).

Information about the hvilyuvannya near the capital reached Kronstadt. At a rally of sailors in that population of the fort on 1 February 1921, a resolution was adopted, as it was supposed to “negainly elect to vote for the secret votes, and before the elections, hold a free agitation in advance of all workers and villagers.” The resolution also called for freedom of speech for the left socialists and anarchists, the introduction of other hromada freedoms, the strengthening of the politv'yazniv - socialists and the revision of the rights of others, the liquidation of the privileges of the communists, the structures of the greater economic economy. І main economic help: “give more right to the villagers over all the earth in such a way, as it is for them, and also mother thinness, so as to be guilty and cherubate self-harm, tobto. do not scorch with hired labor."

The rebels took the fate of close to 27 thousand. osib. The Bolsheviks voiced the Kronstadt posture by law, after which the fort rose. The Viysk Revolutionary Committee (VRC) was formed, most of the members of which were non-partisan. The most important meals were held at the gatherings of delegates in the 17th and 17th districts. Representatives of the leftist socialist parties and the current from the Menshovik-Internationalists to anarchists took an active part in the rebels. The leaders of the rebels stood up for the Radian power without the dictatorship of the communists. On February 15, 1921, in the Izvestia of the Viysk Revolutionary Committee, the establishment article “Vlad will be pleased, but not to the parties!” Was published. This idea of ​​a non-party democracy sang out of the ideas of the big bilshoviks (such were the rich members of the VRC and the participants of the rebellion, the head of the VRC S. M. Petrichenko). They got the revolution to die out, and it enchanted the totalitarian practice of Bolshovism. The leaders of Kronstadt paid for their money on their wide working grounds, as if in their own time they went for the Bolsheviks.

Prodovzhuyuchi "Right Zhovtnya", Kronstadt ishov at the river of working and soldier moods, yakі resist like a big dictatorship, and th "white" restoration.

The situation was unimaginable. Near Petrograd, in other places, there were great strikes; The expansion of the rush to Petrograd, inevitably at the time of the expansion of the ice, could radically change the camp of the country - the main forces of the Baltic fleet were in the hands of the new ones. The rebels also secured the offensive of the peasant armies of M.I. Makhno and A. Z. Antonov.

The Bolshovitsky ceramics of Petrograd lived in until the isolation rose. Bulo carried out the arrest of activists of the socialist parties near Petrograd, the division of military units, the soldiers of which spoke loudly to the Kronstadts.

On June 8, the first attack on Kronstadt by the 7th army (about 18 thousand troops) under the command of M. M. Tukhachevsky was announced. Povstali led the assault. The Bolsheviks hurried, because they were afraid that the fleet could destroy Petrograd from the tawny ice. Until the 16th of March, the number of the 7th army was increased to 45 thousand. On the 17th birch, the red ones crossed with the ice of the Finnish inflow and on the threshold of the coming day they swept up to Kronstadt. After the baked battles of the insurgency, it was strangled. At the city, red terror was flared up. Ponad 1 yew. Bulo hammered in, over 2 yew. injured, 2.5 thousand buried to the fullest. Close to 8 thousand. The participants of the rebellion (including Petrichenko) went across the ice to Finland.

Kronstadt stabbed to death, 1921

Stabbed to death

The essence of the stabbed

Zbroyny ledge against the Bolsheviks garrison of Kronstadt and other ships of the Baltic Fleet near the birch 1921.


The introduction of the military camp in Petrograd at the link with the active ledges of the robotic factories and factories, calling for the closing of 93 factories (there was no such fire).


    Dissatisfied with the politics of the Bilshoviks, especially the "viysk communism"

    Pogіrshennya stavishcha people, scho possililas zv'yazku z nevrogaєm in 1920-1921 p. and hunger.

    They called to whom the bilshoviks were calling, it went out: “Fight without communists!”


    Chapter 28- Narada on the ships "Sevastopol" and "Petropavlovsk". Solution: to hold a re-election of the Rada, to vote for commissars, to allow free trade, to give freedom of activity to socialist parties.

    1 birch- meeting near Kronstadt. Gaslo: "Vlada Radam, why not parties!" could not calm the people. And the commissar of the fleet Kuzmin N.M. that head of Kronstadt for the sake of Vasiliev P.D. vzagali was arrested.

    1 birch- fold " Timchas Revolutionary Committee"(VRK), on choli - sailor Petrichenko S.M.

    At the Radnarkom, a ledge near Kronstadt, calling for serious anxiety. At the animal "To all the workers of the city of Moscow" the reasons for Timchasov’s hospodar difficulties were explained, and those who remained were called “Antanti provocateurs.”

    At Moscow, they did not go to talks with the rebels, they called out to fold the armor. They voted them out with the law, and took relatives of the kerivniks to the level of zaruchniks.

    3 birch- at the fortress of creations defense headquarters, To what extent the main officers of the tsar's army were killed: General Kozlovsky A.R. commanded the artillery, Rear Admiral Dmitriev S.M. that officer of the general staff of the tsarist army Arkannikov B.A.

    4 birch- let's raise an ultimatum: otherwise the stench will come, or the assault will start.

    The 7th army, which commanded Tukhachevsky M.M.

    8 birch On the day of the arrival of the 10th star of the RCP (b), an assault began, but they rose up and beat Yogo. After that, two regiments of the army moved to take the fate of the strangled insurgents that were broken.

    Under the hour of preparation before another assault in the army, two advances were made: the first - Pivnichna group(Kazansky E.S., Veger E.I.) for the coming of the night on the people of the Finnish Stream, a friend - Pivdenna group(Sedyakin A.I.., Voroshilov K.Є.) - came from noon.


    The Bolsheviks zhorstoko dealt with the inhabitants of the city who had risen, respecting that the stinks were puffing up the rise (following the order of Dzerzhinsky F.E.).

    Figures and facts:

Rozstrіlyano-2103 individuals

Kronstadt slaughtered a long time ago part of the mythology of anti-authoritarian leftists - the possibility of a different path of the Russian revolution, without the great dictatorship and firmness. Axis on the photograph, like a modern Russian anarchist, to work on your feet.

Which is already a long tradition, even the Parisian leftists of 1968 liked to call themselves the decadents of Kronstadt (and under which Mao, the anti-authoritarianism of anyone who knows the history of the Chinese Revolution and the Maoist PRC, I often know because of the leftist history).

Tsia Statty, Shu Zami at the nitipchm, the time of the collapse of the Russian science, if the author of Pisl, the collapse of the Radyansky socialist, was virtually shut up the same to the estimates of the Tim Tim, and the Masoi, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot. there was no other way. Abo the Bolsheviks - or they were generals, like to come for Timchas's political pretexts of counter-revolution from looking like the Menshoviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries and Anarchists ("Fly without communists").

Tsikavo, which in the development of Russian fashion after 1991, in a paradoxical manner, confirmed the correctness of Lenin - no democracy was induced and could not be seen, but a vinicla quasi-monarchical power based on the right values, right down to the very least Absorb bezpechnі zdobutki radianskogo period.

"Bulletin of the Moscow University". Series: 8. History. 1995. No. 3. To be edited on 22.04.1994

In the spring of 1921. Russia became a podium, likened by the leader of the ruling communist party V.I. Leninim “bliskavki”, which visvetlila “dijsnist is more beautiful, lower be-scho” 1 . There was a rebellion on the island of Kotlin, de roztashovuvalosya place-fortress Kronstadt - the largest base of the Baltic Fleet 2 . The whole rebellion, which fell under the sound of "Vlad Radam, not the parties!" vladi.

Over the past few minutes, from that distant hour, interest in the dramatic podiums on the island of Kotlin has not faded either in our country, or beyond the cordon, intermingling, however, with stakes of politicians and historians 3 . Following the sich 1994 p. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.M. Yeltsin about the complete rehabilitation of the participants in the Kronstadt rebellion and the construction of a monument by him, again turning the respect of the wide zagal to the rebellion.

Substituting for the decree, having served the great Closing zvіt about the Kronstadt subdivision of the Commission under the President of Russia for the rehabilitation of victims of political repressions, preparations on the basis of education from the Archives of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation, the Russian Center for saving that war. documents of new history, Sovereign military archive, foreign policy RF 4 .

The rebellion near Kronstadt is rightly seen in Zvita on the aphids of the all-season crisis, which was shoveled on the cob in 1921. Radianska Russia. “A significant part of the peasantry and those workers,” they say in the document, “is still in progress hromada war, lingering on the positions of support of the vlady Rad, the Daedals, in a different way, protested against the growing monopoly of the bilshoviks on political power. Naprikintsі 1920 - on the cob 1921 rebellions slaughtered Western Siberia, Tambov, Voronezka province, Middle Volga, Don, Kuban. Until the spring of 1921. in fact, the rebels were palyakhkotili all over the country. The situation in the localities became more and more unsafe... At the rallies and gatherings of the Dedali, political vimogi often hung out, as if the foundations of the current regime were standing up.

“The sailors of Kronstadt, as if they were, as if apparently, the main support of the Bolsheviks during the Zhovtnevi days of 1917, - go far away from the Zvita, - they were one of the first to understand that, in fact, they supported the Radyansk government of the party government, and they fought, showed themselves as witnesses”. On the 26th of fierce Kronstadt, they sent a delegation to Petrograd, and after they returned to the island, they brought their resolution. Vaughn “was, in fact, a call to seek rights and freedoms, voted in the course of the revolution. They didn’t have calls until they were knocked down in the order, they were more straightened out against the all-powerful bіshoviks. And yet, in the opinion of the authors Zvіtu, Kronstadt's masi immusheni stati on the paths of a defensible rebellion through the position of ... the communist leaders, I put it in the ranks of the ranks on the 2nd of Birch. “The deafening Kronstadt movement was stabbed to death, organized by the French investigation and the colossal General Kozlovsky, and the resolution adopted by the Kronstadts was the Black Hundred-Eseriovsky, the Bolsheviks protected the same psychology of the masses and usampered workers. The main part is very negative, it was put before trying to restore the monarchy. For this reason, one riddle about the tsarist general, who was also tied up with the imperialists of Entente, is not enough to discredit the Kronstadts’ program.” Let's sweat the communes, having pulled together the army and blockading the island of Kotlin, fiercely strangled the rebels of the will-loving Kronstadts.

Zagalom qi. The provisions of the Closing Star are to be given to the lower level of the historical understanding of the Kronstadt podia, although in other cases, clarification is required. So, dear dissatisfaction with the people on the cob 1921. called out like “the increasing monopoly of the Bilshoviks on political power”, and the most importantly economic policy of the government, leading to the name “Viysk communism”. Until the end of the civil war, in the eyes of the most important population, they discredited the idea of ​​the monarchy and the image of the tsar's generals, and the installation elections were extinguished together with the dead socialists, who actively stole Yogo (Socialist-Revolutionaries and Menshoviks). At Kronstadt until birch 1921 it was not the sailors who were overwhelmed, but they were born in 1917. "The head support of the bіshoviki", and the young are green, recruited 1920 r. from rural areas of Pivdnya Russia and Ukraine (it is documented that more than 10,000 sailors and chervonoarmytsiv from the total number of ordinary military servicemen from 17,000 soldiers) 5 .

Especially Slid to screech with one central point of the final navit-about the role of the Viniknni Kronstadttska rebel, the ogo rodi antibylshovitsky half forces, the yaki svidomo vibir on the cinnamon of the liking of the Radiac-Komnostyanny, was active in the ros. minds, if the "bіla on the right" recognized the shocks.

The authors of the Zvіtu are in full solidarity here with the vysnovkom kerіvnik of the investigation, especially approved by the Cheka Ya.S. Agranova and ask exclusively for yogo dopovіd. “Kronstadt Rukh,” wrote Ya.S. Agranov at the KVITNI 1921 p., - Vikliklo Vetzhydiyiykh was unorganized by the rebellion of the sailor of Masi ... the head of the mouro of the roslice Bulo zero -rusty, the Viniknni trozniy, the tuning the territory of Radyansk Russia and beyond the cordon. Ale, put in such a link, it didn’t go away. ”

Visnovok Ya.S. Agranova is unlikely to be any less, more the head of the Petrograd Cheka N.P. Komarov, who started the investigation on hot tracks, unambiguously stating, for example, the birth of 1921. - Chekisti are not able to clarify the backstage history of the Kronstadt podiums, to the fact that the stalkers of the rebels ran into the cordon 6 . In this rank, the archives of the Cheka in principle cannot help such a difficult diet and need to turn to another gathering dzherel, what to revenge taєmnitsі, not known to today's security officers, not to modern special services, - founded by emigrants in Prague, the Russian Foreign Historical Archive (none of these funds are located in the Sovereign Archives of the Russian Federation).

The author of Zvіtu and the most important and especially upovnovazhenny VChK is trustingly placed - about those who "rebel ... seized from their vir mayzhe all the population of that garrison forte". If you don’t take it to the point of respect, that the Chekists needed a similar visnovok for mass reprisals against all the quiet, who just stayed at the birch days in Kronstadt and in the next moment they told the authorities the truth about the bachelorettes there. Try the historians to tell on the day of unity at the lavas of the participants of the Kronstadt rush, on the wealth of thousands of military servicemen and peaceful hulks in the hands of the invaders of the rebellious island are unambiguously qualified by Zvitia as “nonsense”. And all those who lived in the period of the rebellion in Kronstadt itself, but practically do not hang out in the country and beyond the borders of the Zvita, like a day and a day to understand these tragic undertones in a broader historical context.

There is only one place in the document, as if it were pretending to be a slander, looking like an offensive rank: “The truth about the Kronstadt“ stabbed ”... a purely simple version about those who practice crooked reprisals, concentration camps, zaruchniks, rozstrіchinl without trial and evil consequences, such mass deeds regime, which, having established itself in the country, began and rose only for Stalin. But, more, near Kronstadt, they were tried and tested and adopted methods of repression, as they were widely stoked by the Bishovitsky power ”at the onset of the decade. But here it is impossible to lose sight of respect: for nothing the authors of Zvit try to attribute the palm of the thumb to the “practice of crooked reprisals” to the richly suffering Kronstadt. It is good to see that, in fact, all the “acceptance of that method of repression” was “tested” by the Bolsheviks (like, vtim, and the greater generals) long ago before the crackdown on the Kronstadts - in the first month of the unbelievable hell of a mass war in Russia.

Vicladene more spontaneously ask the readers to re-garb the side of this old tragic story. The main help will be documents drawn from dozens of archival references, signed with the heading “Save Forever” pidshovkl rozvydki from the rebellious fort, protocols for supplementing the rebuffers and the captured insurgents, help the guards, add the secret letters.

Let’s look at food, which, at first glance, cannot be directly related to ours by those:

Chi Bulo y 1921 more pіdpіllya near Petrograd?

Torishny sickle 1921 The Presidium of the All-Russian Cheka published the sensational “Information about the revelation in Petrograd, and move against the Radyansk government.” The new one talked about the liquidation of "a sprat of militant counter-revolutionary organizations", "soldered by joint links and tactful associations of their foreign centers, found infirm in Finland". The most important bula, for the tribute of the Cheka, was the name of the Petrograd fighting organization. Professor V.M. Tagantsiv, Colonel V.G. Shvedov and the "agent of foreign intelligence" Yu.P. From the end of 1920, preparing a rebellion in Petrograd and adjacent areas at the time of the collection of food support, until the autumn of 1921.

At the same time, the “Information” of the Cheka is practically single-handedly viewed as a black evil misinformation “mystification of the Belarusian special services”. Ale chi tse so true? Slovy-hawkati vіdpovіd at the non-laid Сdd jerelah, and the male in Arkhivs, the newly Vіsyskovo-field organizasi Rosiysko-emigratsi, yaki Mali in the vigrian of the leading of the Rozgromolenich at that time Borotye Borchi Borchi Borchye Borchye Borchye Borchye Borchi Borchi Borchi Borchi Tse - Eserіvskiy Administrative Center (kerіvniki - A.F. Kerensky, N.D. Avksentiev , V.M. Zenzinov and in.), People’s Union for the Defense of the Fatherland and Freedom (B.V. Savinkov, D.M. Odinets, B.A. Evreinov and in.), Cadet-Enesov Center for Children (N.V. Chaikovsky, N.K. Volkov, I. P. Demidov, A. V. Kartashov et al.), Cadet Monarchist National Center (A. I. Guchkov, F. I. Rodichiv, P. B. Struve, M. M. Fedorov et al.) .

To learn from a closer look at all the totality of archival documents of these organizations 7 you can make a new visnovka: in 1921. The stinks were active in anti-radian activity from the territory of Finland, i.e., in close proximity to Petrograd. A member of the Central Committee of Cadets, a representative of General P.M. Wrangel near Finland D.D. Grimm and G.I. Novitsky, yakiy, born in 1919 buv upovnovazhenim NTs for General H.M. Yudenich. The stinks also represented the interests of the Center Dії. Samostiyny vіddіl TsD near Helsingforsі vinik after the arrival of the cob birch 1921. Colonel H.N. Poradelova. I will commemorate the role of the great stakes of Helsingfors, played by the captain of the 1st rank, Baron P.V. Vilken, the leader of the maritime officer organization and the head of the Russian emigrant association of the Red Cross near Finland G.F. Zeidler together with his assistant General Yu.A. Yavitom. The resident of the Savinkivsk People's Assembly was Colonel G. Ye. Elvengren, and I.M. Brushvit.

Now, for a detailed analysis, we take three groups of conspiratorial emigrant dzherels.

First, the documents are stored in the archives of the Center Dії 8 . Here we are going to pay respect to the retrospective “Note-memo about the CD” and the list of H.M. Poradelova - unremarkable for a conspiratorial practitioner from the vdvernosti (for what fault, before the speech, having repeatedly taken the bribe from his boss N.V. Tchaikovsky). Qi documents confirm the foundation of the Petrograd pidpill and confirm the deeds of qinn_ details. Zokrema, it’s clear that yogo’s core core was a misfortune National Center(Shvidshe for everything, even before the summer of 1921, it took away the name of the PPO). All information from Petrograd came to Helsingfors, to the hands of G.I. Novitsky. Vіn oroblyav її that transferring to Paris.

A small part of this information was sent without intermediary in the archives of the CD, de special interest calls out the links of the 1920s - the cob 1921 p. about the Baltic Fleet, we have carefully selected data about ships, their military presence, links about the arrival of the fire in Petrograd, food supplies, about the rukh military echelons, information about the reorganization of fortified areas. There, a part of the typewritten copies of the reports from the clerks of the Petrograd subdivision is collected. On one of them there is a reading of the addressee's statement: to the Helsingfors branch of the National Center.

Another group of dzherel includes original leaves for lyuty - lime 1921. prominent Russian foreign organizations closely related to Petrograd illegal immigrants: General A.V. Volodimirova and Yu.A. Yavit, professors G.F. Zeidler, Ya.S. Backlund and in. 9 At the discretion of N.M. Poradelova stinks were informed by conspirators and did not guess about the names of the day (Crimea, maybe, the name of the officer Yu.P. Prote and qi documents immaculately establish the presence of "bilih organizations" in Petrograd, engaged in the preparation of the rebellion. Pіznіshe list of Lieutenant V.M. Skosirova - trusted specimen of V.L. Burtsev in Helsingfors to make additional touches. Vin told Paris that "about Tagantsev's zmov... knowing few, and the organization itself was weak," and then after the defeat of "the zmov was blown", including "a lot of absolutely innocent people", objectionable to the authorities, to the number of conspirators 10 .

The third group of emigrant materials is made up of the confidential papers of the NSZRIS, including the anonymous addendum of the Savinka agent “About the Podії in Petrograd and Kronstadt in the Fierce Birch of 1921”, dated the same date. Through a path of simple archival research, you can install the name of the author of additional information. Nim buv colonel G.Є. Elvengren. We start from the vkazіvka, that "in Petrograd long ago an organization for the preparation of a coup in the middle was already working", and continued further: , independent groups, kotri, skin on their own, prepared before the coup. Groups of qi in the majority of vipadkiv are a daily military (fighting) organization”, moreover, “the greater number of them in political relations stand without on the look of non-partisanship. There are also small groups supported by leaders of various political parties” 11 .

Like a bachimo, kindly informed the emigres in one voice about those who, as a part of Petrograd citizens, the main rank of s-help of intellectuals, did not reconcile themselves to the Bilshovitsky panuvannya and did not mess up life in the fight against them. For what purposes?

It is clear that most of the Petrograd conspirators were pursuing a right-Kadet orientation. In order to understand the essence, we should look at the protocols of the rest of the zealous cadet people, as we saw in the grass of 1921. at Paris. At the ledges of the right part of the yogo participants, there sounded the condemnation not only of the Zhovtnevoy revolution, but of the Lutnevoya revolution, as if it had unleashed, on my mind, “I will destroy the elements” of the people’s speeches. The will of the people, blaming A.V. Kartashev, є "the will is pathological, ruinous"; Volodiyuchi such a will, “the people all the same vygnav us, navit єс Chi mi would fight with the bіshoviks in white mittens. The rights of the Cadets showed their readiness to go as far as the last steps at the "tidying of the people's element", to the Viysk dictatorship 12 . Podіbnі dumki vyslovlyuvav kerіvnik of the Helsingfors vіddіlu NTs Professor D.D. Grimm. “I don’t know what democratic reforms are,” having declared guilt at the day of the Kronstadt uprising at the door of the rose with Colonel M.M. Let's celebrate. “Without firm dominion, without harshness over a pissed off people, nothing can be done” 13.

And yet, by a paradoxical rank, the politicians of the right-wing Cadets and the monarchical orientation unimpressively gravitated to squabble, let it go and timchasovo, to the “ruinivnu will of the people”, varto was able to remove the conflict from the communist order from the hosts, and pure “for the sake of knowing the right” Radyansk Russia directly formulating his credo on the dopit at the VChK V.M. Tagantsiv, it is impossible to halt the creation of new white fronts, її "need to rebel" 14 .

The death of the crisis in Radyansk Russia, the growth of political wanderings in the versions of the sspіlstva, as before they served as a support for the power, the anti-British village insurgents, they took over information about yak “A blind man, for whom I was ready to go into the leaf fall of that chest (1920), — wrote the Petrograd conspirators in Helsingfors, — starting to change the hope for a shift in change, for the fall of greatness due to this internal weakness. The thought of intervention, obviously, nothing, let's say laughter, didn't wake up with us ... But then the inner front is more important. We clearly saw that it is impossible to change the psychology of the people, as it is impossible to inspire yourself to change, to feel yourself free in the face of oppression. Ale in sіchnі mi raptom recognized destruction "15.

Pragnuchy do not miss the moment and win in your interests, clearly hinting at the "psychology of the people" the destruction of the killers of the support of the communist order, V.I. Tagantsiv and yogo of the same mind were ready to take on the popularization of those among the working masses the “non-party”, “free” people were extinguished Porad - Tobto I'm glad to have given way to the taєmnih re-elections with freedom of agitation in the form of an important dictatorship of the Bolsheviks. For the sake of accuracy, for the sake of accuracy, it is necessary to respect that such a tactful change in the “ideological equipment” of the future ledge was made in the main after the insurrection in Kronstadt and under the influence of yoga lessons.

Petrogradsk pіdpіllya and Kronstadt

The dependence of deep mystery over food, which was in the middle of the Petrograd subdivision block in Kronstadt, was not drunk or drunk by the arrested rebels, nor was the meeting at the Cheka of the participants in the "Tagantsev's rally". Moreover, from the statements of the rest, they sing: the fortress on the island of Kotlin did not stand up to them. The stench told the Chekists that they were planning their own attack on the example of the summer of 1921. At that hour, at Kronstadt, it was already overtaken by the blows and the defeat of the insurgents. Live by the organs of power, come in, turn on whether you try to find out chi garrison of the sea fortat the new anti-bіlshovitske pіdpriєmstvo.

And here again I will come again to help G.E. Elvengren. First, for all faults, to clarify the supply of food about the hour to the anti-billshovite forces, who were planning on the back: ensure success, then she is respected by the language of the mind and the cob of the head of navigation (end of day)”. The important importance of establishing control over the sea gates of Petrograd - Kronstadt - sounded very important. And I gave the support of the Savinkivsky agent, the Petrograd pidpilny center "went smart", linking the term of the sleeping ledge with the anti-radian group, like a child on the island of Kotlin.

Actual details of the plan of the two conspirators can be gleaned from the “Additional note on the organization of the rebellion in Kronstadt”, revealed in the 1960s by the American historian P. Avrich in the Russian Archives at the Columbia University Center of the National Secretaries. The hour of folding this document is to lie on the cob 1921 r.

The author of the “Additional note” is an anonymous agent of the National Center (according to the idea of ​​P. Avrich, named after G.F. Zeidler) tells about the activity on Kotlin “a tightly knit group of energy organizers of the rebellion”, as well as "spring". Ale, I’m telling you that the “Russian anti-Billish organizations” are not able to independently ensure the stability of the insurgent regime in Kronstadt after the coup. The axis of which the author vvazha for the need to "turn back for help to the order of France", otherwise you will be "doomed to failure". On the other hand, the French stakes need not only to provide food and financial supplies to the rebels, but in the shortest term to secure the arrival of French, military ships, as well as army and military-sea wars, to Kronstadt. Wrangel". With this, before Wrangel's command, it is small "automatically" to go over the entire line of power at the fort.

In the emigrant documents, there is no daily clear information about the Kronstadt pidpillya. Less anonymous "Notes of a participant in the rebellion", placed near the apartment, 1921. one of the officers of the fort at the Revel magazine "Vidguki", named among the members of the illegal group of the senior clerk of the battleship "Petropavlovsk" S.M. Petrichenko. Those who Petrichenko could enter into the ranks of the group do not include the American historian P. Avrich.

The clerk S.M. Petrichenko was arbitrarily sued for the rebellious Kronstadt. To that varto cognize іz tієyu people closer. From the information taken in the first days of the rebellion to the command of the Baltic Fleet for the first time, they knew well that they were talking about Petrichenko, a sailor in 1913, the fate of his service, but behind his political views "a socialist for the season": a eser, an anarchist and until birch 1921 p. unaffiliated 17 . In the region, the assessments of emigrant children, as if they got to know Petrichenko near Finland, after the strangulation of the rebellion. To the thought of Eser I.I. Yakovlev, vin "volodymy unparalleled organizational vibes" and in the course of the experiment "displaying the mind of mass psychology". Those who are so many kerivnik of the Kronstadt insurgents “are close to us behind the scenes”, having voted among their comrades-in-arms the leader of the enesiev N.V. Tchaikovsky. Otherwise, I thought about Petrichenko, Eser I. M. Brushvit: “While our comrades are stverdzhuyut, scho in the head porridge, ale, in my opinion, the people are superbly spry. Vіn copes with zovsіm іntelіgentne vrazhennya i z thoroughly razumіnnyam to talk about political topics; And yet, in Rozmov, it is suggested to add singing notes - the wine is instantly wary and superficially spritically veered in direct responses. As a matter of fact, the tsі and іnshі, for an hour or more nevіshі іdguki about the specialty of the clerk, the great minister of the White Pivnіchno-Zahіdnogo order, cadet K.A. Aleksandrov stating: “Sailor Stepan Petrichenko is a typical figure for the hour you are experiencing. A great ambitious man, as if swaying at the big gasls ... Lyudina, at the reach of his own assignments, that go be some paths, like opening up before him, shy to lay down that agreement, be it some kind of political party, that organization (I want to be monarchic), like a monarchy їй korisnі. Ale people, no doubt, volova, you know what you want, and you want it. There is little enlightenment in the sky, but with self-illumination it develops itself strongly, a brisk and speeches "18.

With all the stringency and urivfrequentness, the characteristics are pointed out to the version about those that this person could win respectable gentlemen from the Tagantsevsky block and reach the middle of the Kronstadt.

Turning to the rest, we should note that there are no exact data about this number. Judging from the "Additional note", the group was supposedly small. The whole idea of ​​the rebellion was based on the fact that in the situation of “smiling to rebellion” among the rank and file Kronstadts, the rank-and-file rank-and-file chimes in the wake of the spivchutts and plunges into the mass anti-billshovitsky rukh. "Sailors," it was stated in this document, with a strong categoricalness, "they come to the rebels in one pack, only a small group of activists, with a quick and daring kid, want to take power in Kronstadt."

The cob of rebellion at Kronstadt

In the 20th of the fierce 1921 p. Petrograd was overwhelmed with a flurry of political strikes at the undertakings and demonstrations under the anti-Soviet banquets (importantly, with the help of the “Vilny Radas,” or rather, the Statutory Gatherings). Spontaneous appearances of the workers of the workers caught the energy boost from the side of the mystical organizations of the Menshoviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Anarchists and the illegal socialist bloc created by them - the Selection of Upovnovazhenih Factories and Plants.

The Tagants bloc took a different position. Yogo groupi, how do you designate G.Є. Elvengren, “suggested by the abhorrent term of Kronstadt”, “cherished by the outrageous center, did not take part in the turmoil, but on the contrary, tried to reduce their strength in. encryption,passive become, in order to save them for the moment of a wildly delusional organized ledge - until the beginning of navigation, without which the daily ledge cannot give the same results of sovereign significance.

Indeed, there were no active activities on the side of the white block on those days. Tse explained, however, not so high "sovereign" mirkuvannyah conspirators, as we are sure by the analysis of the political situation in the city. The leaders of the bloc were appointed її to dosit znenatska: "fun". In one report to Helsingfors, the lute podії in Petrograd was described in the following way: This first step is easy and, I repeat, here in Petrograd it’s fun.” And then the words “fun” were revealed: “Unfortunately, the voltage did not increase. The soldiers willingly gave armor (natovpі). On the other hand, the activity of the soldiers, closed by the soldiers in the barracks” 19 .

The authorities did not let the half-heartedness of the people's turmoil flare up, going into the old-fashioned policy of "batoga and gingerbread": the arrests of intellectuals-socialists (zokrem, one of the Menshovite leaders F.I. Dana) and workers-activists were promptly arrested; suddenly began to stock food cards (for that number and for such exotic products at that time, such as meat, milk, thickening, rice, chocolate), spread among the workers of the manufactory, vzuttya, vugillya. In this case, there were no casualties, the shards of the red cadets, who called out on the streets, dispersed the demonstrators with shootings in turn, about which they unanimously greeted and radyansky dzherel, and dopovіdі in Helsingfors and the Tagantsevsky bloc.

A little bit popped up in Petrograd and in the outskirts of Petrograd about the zhorstok slaughter of power over the workers, women and children, about shooting on the streets, shelling from the factories and factories ... According to the recent sociologist, in the recent past, the Eser Pitirim Sorokin characterizes the flow of evil speculations that splashed far beyond the boundaries.

On the 26th of the fierce day, the island Kronstadt was touched, and the mass wandering among the sailors and the Red Army men called out there. And now let's say a word to the Savinkivsky resident. “The cob of the Kronstadt insurrection has appeared; zavdyaki vіdsutnostі dosit a good link, the result of a total incomprehensibility and that was the desire before strong, ale, unfortunately, we’ll destroy the evil plan, we’ll insufficiently prepare it beforehand, - writing G.Є. Elvengren. - On the right, in that the Kronstadt sailors (an organization founded there, tied up from a sleeping place), having found out about the roc that they had begun in Petrograd, and about Yogo rosemir in spite of the understood term, respected Yogo for the ear of the heady ledge and, without fear of being left behind arrived to Petrograd. ... in order to take the fate of the order of the others, who already took the step. At Petrograd, the stench immediately looked up and remembered that it was not those who allowed the stench. I had a chance to turn quickly to Kronstadt, the rush at Petrograd was out of the blue, everything calmed down, and the stench - the sailors - already showed themselves to be compromised before the commissars, they knew that there would be reprisals to that. they sang, having grown the first rock, not stumbling on tsoma, but, chuckling in the cremation, independent of the mainland, bare themselves with the contributions of the Soviets and independently raise their ledge, which became (with such a rite of priming)".

Otzhe, behind the words of G.Є. Elvengren, the Kronstadt conspirators from the cruel kіntsya passed to the brave ones. Tse, before the speech, immediately catching the commissar of the Baltic Fleet H.N. Kuzmin, who lived in those days on the island of Kotlin. “I saw Kronstadt as a hand,” having confessed my guilt at the plenum of Petroradi on 25 February 1921, “and thinking that in the world of that, how to extend my hand, you can be on it. hit. I realized that it was a perfect preparation. It’s important to know the threads of the thread, but the stench of the bulls”21.

And all the same: what was the real “hand” of actions? Why do we give credit to the white colonel and the red commissar, look back at those who are known to be political antagonists - and why call the order for the reliability of the reports, how stink you remember? In searches, we can look at two surroundings, the keys for understanding the essence of what was happening in those days in Kronstadt.

First - the nature of the energetic anti-billshovitsky agitation among ordinary kronstadts. The center of the її, the Crimea of ​​criticism of the economic policy of the communist order, had a thesis that was clearly supported by mass moods and so clearly diverged from the truth about the Petrograd podії (about which, before the speech, the Bula miraculously recognized the demonstration, which turned on the 27th island). about the shooting of workers near the pivnichniy capital 22 .

More showy - obviously, the mood of the Kronstadt masses of the main political rebellion that was born was extinguished.

On the 28th of the fierce battleship "Petropavlovsk" a resolution was prepared for the brigade assembly of the crews of the line ships. The text її was not saved. Ale, an assessment of this document, given to you by the head of Petroradi G.Є. Zinov'єvim on the basis of the information that the new one had, like a document "very different of the Bilogvardiysky type", clearly indicates the presence of the new one, the least, most of the installation selections. About this document is found in one of the reports of the Petrograd conspirators, denaming the steps taken on the battleship resolution: "Installation selections"; "Get Communists and Jews" 23 . Such an anti-radian resolution called out the protest of the sailors of Petropavlovsk. At night, if the Viyskmori after the discussion had already dispersed, the stench, following the words of eyewitnesses, “began to hang out dissatisfied with such a Black Hundred resolution, began to call for amendments” 24 .

Before the propaganda campaign, the necessary changes were promptly made, and now it was carried out between calls to the “Vilny Rada” and specifically - to the re-election of the Mistsevoy Radi. “Kronstadt rebellion,” having recognized one of the yogo kerivniks, engineer I.Є. Oreshin, - under the drive, replace the old Radi, which had ended, with a new one, chosen on the basis of a secret vote. The food about the infamous voting, with the admission to the elections and the bourgeoisie, at rallies by the speakers, was carefully unique fear of the chvar in the middle of the rebels themselves, the Bilshoviks could speed up” 25 .

On the 1st day of the month, the commanding brigade of sailors of the battleships was assembled. Golovuvav at New S.M. Petrichenko. “Here again, under the pressure of the sailors, the political program of the anti-Bolshevik movement is being clarified. If Petrichenko urged to introduce before the resolution a paragraph on freedom of speech for all socialist parties, the attendees protested ardently: “We rule freedom for the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Menshoviks! Hi! I don’t care about anyone ... We know my їхні backdrops! Not necessary!" 26. As a result, the resolution was praised, until such basic decisions were taken: "For the sake of those who are right, for the sake of not violating the will of workers and villagers, negligently. socialist parties"; "Give more rights to the villagers over all the earth as it is forbidden to them."

A few years later, a resolution was adopted at the central garrison rally, which was attended by up to 16 thousand. sailors, red army soldiers and workers of Kronstadt.

Now about a friend furnish. It is related to the intriguing history of the creation of the core body of the rebellion - the Temporal Revolutionary Committee of Sailors, Red Army Soldiers and Workers in Kronstadt.

It is reliable that the Revolutionary Committee functioned already in the evening of the 1st birch (still on board the battleship "Petropavlovsk") 27 . Tim ts_kavіshe prostezhit, as yogo "legitimacy" was called up at the Zagalnokronstadt delegate gatherings on the 2nd birch day, as if they were called for the decisions of the first birch rally to discuss the free re-elections of the mass Radi.

At the presidium of the assembly, which took place at the building of the Engineering School, S.M. Petrichenko from a small group of his associates. Among those present, 300 delegates formed close to four quarters of communism 28 . Nezabara after the cob of picking under the drive for the security of "right freedom" of picking up to the Radi was arrested the commissar of the Baltic Fleet H.M. Kuzmin is that head of a mіskoї For the sake of P.D. Vasiliev. Immediately there was a proposition to take a varta and others, as they tried at the hall of the Engineering School of members of the RCP (b). Tі, hto hanging yogo, clearly quarreled. “Although the congresses did not attach their negative position to the communists,” wrote the newspaper of the rebels Izvestiya BPK about this episode a few days later, “protests that they stood up after the resignation of the conquests. Kuzmina ... food about those who were left behind by the communists, who were among the delegates, at the training camps and continued their joint work with non-party comrades, it turned out to be a positive sensation. Crowd, unreservedly protesting the current members, as if they propagated the communists, did not wait for it, knew it was possible to recognize them as the same important representatives of parts of that organization, as well as other members» 29 .

Assuming that in the hall of the middle of the delegates, the individuals were right, zatsіkavlenі in full rozrіvі z official power and successively going up to tsієї meti, then it was necessary to have a check of theirs at the vidpovіd, zdatny sharply change the situation. I did not get into trouble. At the moment, if the elections began to clearly stall (the presidium was busy with it, which had already held two meetings before the first resolution of the brigade of battleships and put to the vote the proposition to send a new non-party delegation to Petrograd, not sustrivshi, rapt truth, expanding delegates), As soon as the Engineering School is collapsing, cadets with 15 guns and 15 guns hit two thousand people.

The eyewitnesses-communists described these dramatic whims in the following way: “Rapidly the door to the hall with a noise rushed in, a sailor flew in, reached the presidium with a burn-out and shouted in an unselfish voice: “Polundra, non-partisan! We've been hurt! Viysko komunistiv school honed! Let us be arrested at once!..” And for the kіlka hvilin, the head of Petrichenko’s congregations, drowning out the voice, voiced: “The Revolutionary Committee, you have called at the warehouse of the presidium, I praise: all the communists present here will be hindered and not let out until the zayasuvannya.” At two or three whilins of all those present on the people of the communism were isolated by the castaway sailors” 30 .

In the description of S.M. Petrichenko keeps looking the other way. “Before the hour of discussing food about sending delegates to Petrograd,” he stverdzhuvav, “before me, as far as the head of the assembly, notes began to come from the participants in the assembly, which said: “Already in the wake of the comunist, they put “kulemets”; "The cadets go from Oranienbaum to Kronstadt." These notes were of a provocative zmist. They were sent by the attendants at the gatherings of the communism, the stinks scrambled to zalyakat the gatherings, they threw them to talk about it, they went off... My fault, as it is wrong to instill everything, still prepare for self-defense. Then, through the uncertainty of the camp, the attendants propagated the creation of the Timchasovsky Revolutionary Committee” 31 . I guess Petrichenko about the crazy sailor, who, with a panicked cry, escaped to the meeting room.

Basically S.M. Petrichenko does not disperse from the accounts of eyewitnesses-communists. The Revolutionary Committee “officially” took shape in the situation, if all the elections were confounded with a hint of repression, which were poised, from the side of the government. Vodnochas - and the most important in the position of Petrichenko, - vіdpovidalnіst for those who were trapilos, vin shifting to the bіshovikіv.

Where's the truth? Why did the Kronstadt commissars get ready for a violent dispersal of delegate gatherings? Present documents are allowed with a sufficient amount of evidence for the request.

We learn from the notes of the head of the Operational Department of the Headquarters of Kronfortets, Colonel B.A. Arkannikov. It was close to another year on the 2nd of Birch, which was not long after the beginning of the work of delegate gatherings, - arguing Arkannikov, - “all the most prominent communist practitioners began to gather in the office of the headquarters ... The communists were good, and the stench demanded 250 It became clear that they had been praised for the decision to defend themselves at the headquarters. Close to the 5th of the day, commissar Novikov, having waited for a map and a companion ust by the communists, that they arrived, a sign from the headquarters: maybe, take away some new tributes, they embarrassed the commissars to think about defending themselves at the headquarters ”32.

In the archives, it was possible to know the arkush paper with a glued line and a straight dart between three commissars of the Naval General Staff K.A. Gailis and the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet G.P. Galkinim, yaks stayed at Petrograd, and commissar to the headquarters of Kronfortets I. Novik. At the same time, the moment of tsієї rozmovi i buli otrimani peredbachuvani B. A. Arkannikov “new data”, as if spurred Novikov to change his plans. The axis of the document:

“At Kronstadt, the revolutionary committee “Petropavlovsk” has settled down. Just go to the Engineering School. Kuzmin, Vasiliev… arrested. Become more critical. I left alone in the corral of comunars at a terribly sloppy camp. What work: give a bіy іz corral chi to enter the fort? I ask for statements. - And in Kronstadt you can not get enough? - You can, but only if you need to be arrested and submit to the revolutionary committee. “Do not call out a vicious conflict and do not let yourself be arrested, but at a critical moment, if there is no other way out, attack the fort, but do not shut up” 33 .

Also, most of all, what the Kronstadt communes were thinking about, then about self-defense. And in the evening of the 2nd birch, they went to the warehouse of the Special Department, the Revolutionary Tribunal, the party school and the other children, following the directive of Petrograd, went to Oranianbaum according to the ice. Power at Kronstadt appeared completely in the hands of the Revolutionary Committee.

Introduced more facts allow you to grow more blazing vysnovok. At the avalanche-like slopes on the island of Kotlin, one can clearly see the firm will of the quiet, who, having taken a course to disperse the discontented sailors and red army soldiers, straightened to the right until the adoption of the military officers of the government and the establishment of government control over Kronstadt.

4 March at the new delegates' gatherings warehouse to the Revolutionary Committee of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, suttєvo replenishment and reach 15 osіb. Now all the elephants of the Kronstadts, like the big men, actively supported the coup on the 2nd Birch, made their representatives from the Military Revolutionary Committee.

The guard is not vipadkove, because the Military Revolutionary Committee did not have a proper military fahivtsya. Time after time, a block of revolutionary committees and a large number of officers called out to me once again. CM. Petrichenko to say that on the night of the 3rd birch, “The revolutionary committee asked for our chiefs of the fortress headquarters and military fakhivtsiv ... and ordered them to take their fate at the fortified fortifications from the battlefield, looking at the order that the stench was good for” 34 . The headquarters of the defense was founded in a negligent manner at the warehouse of the officers of the Kronfortest headquarters: the chief of lieutenant colonel O.I. Solov'yanov (now chief of defense), Lieutenant Colonel B.A. Arkannikov (new chief of staff) and other officers. In addition, the Viysk Rada of Defense was created from among the most prominent Kronstadt military specialists. Among them is the commander of the battleship brigade, rear admiral S.K. Dmitriev and General of the Old Army A.M. Kozlovsky.

However, they did not rush to tell about the vii organi "Visti VRK". On the 13th of June, the name of O.M. appeared on the side of the newspaper. Solov'yanova as head of defense. On the right, in the fact that the mass of ordinary kronstadts in the region was distrustfully put up to the number of officers and now the fate of the rebels was not directly advertised by the Revolutionary Committee.

Over a third of the members of the Military Revolutionary Committee were sailors, most importantly from the battleships "Petropavlovsk" and "Sevastopol" (Arkhipov, Vershinin, Patrushev, Perepelkpn and others.). Three civilians before the VRC included masters and robots (Valk, Pavlov, Tukin and others), as well as civil servants and intellectuals (head of the transport convoy Baikov, navigator of the distant navigation Kilgast, head of the school engineer Oreshyn).

About the party dependency of the revolutionary committees, it is important to judge from the strength of their appointment, shards, after the words of the guard of the next group of the Chekist Ya.S. Agranov, “the participants stabbed their party physiognomy under the banner of non-partisanship” 35 . From a small number of arrested members of the VRC, only V.A. Valk vyznav, scho from 1907. I was a Menshovik and I didn’t break the party organization. I.I. Oreshin, for the tribute of the head of the Political Department of the Baltic Fleet E.I. Batis, having recently joined the party of the Cadets 36 . Here we go, we can trust them. Under an hour I will review the protocols in the emigrant cadet group of P.N. Miliukov for 1921 - 1923 born we heard from them the riddle of the nickname Oreshina. Having gained power after the rebellion near Finland, he entered there to the group of the left-wing cadet shtibu 37 . Editor of Izvestia VRK O.M. Lamanov, who was not officially a member of the Revolutionary Committee, in his time recognized the Kronstadt organization of the Socialist Maximalists, which broke up before 1921, and in birch days again voted himself a member of the party 38.

A number of sailors-revolutionary committees of Radyansk Dzherel are attributed to anarchists. Anarchist look G.P. Perepyolkina and the Menshovitsky leader F.I. Dan, who was sticking with him at the birch - square, 1921. in Petrograd's Budinka of the front line. For all intents and purposes, among the sailors-activists of the Kronstadt movement, schilicity to anarchism was truly strong. A few dozen people from them were taken at once from Perepelkin at the DPZ. The same Dan, having written down his hostility towards them: “The sailors were even more embittered ... Having become disillusioned with the communist party, having lain so richly earlier, the stench of hatred spoke about the party in fire. The mensheviks and the eseri for nіk buli nіtrohi are not better for the bіlshovikіv: all the same, they try to take power into their own hands, but when they do, they fool the people by trusting them. "All and one company!" one sailor said irritably. It doesn’t require any power, anarchism is needed - such a boon for the great sailors”39.

Being, the same time, is clearly alone: ​​the penalty of VRK is incredible to the bell of the bells to the same time (and the middle of them, it waslessly transmitted by the non-navigation) holoved the Nybilsh in the antibylshovitsky dsi, to the rifle, the same civilian services. As far as the Kronstadt masses as a whole are concerned, then if they weren’t able to enlighten the Revkom, they would change in an indifferent camp, or they would strongly sway, not shirking on the other side of the opposite sides. The clear material for such a visnovka is given by the reports of migrants from the rebellious fortress (there were up to 400 cases) and the reports of the radian rozvіdniks 40 .

All this made the most serious corrections in the nearest plans of the leaders of the anti-billshovitsky movement that had begun.

“At the first meeting for Viysk’s sake,” General O.M. Kozlovsky, - the food was destroyed: defending actively and passively. However, the first option was discussed, shards, as can be seen from the notes of B.A. Arkannikova, the Kronstadt leaders kindly wised up all the benefits of burying the initiatives ahead of the "imminent fighting actions" with the Bolsheviks 41 . “There were two propositions,” Kozlovsky said. - Some people thought that it was necessary to direct the blow to the Oranianbaum coast, as the most important point for the enemy, others knew that the moment of the blow to the Oranianbaum coast was spent, because of the destruction of the others from 2 to 3 birch, and now we are moving on to the sister. and farther to Petrograd. Having offended the plans, they were founded on the hope of getting on their way along the way ... The military council rose up in the fact that either, otherwise it would be vikonan "42.

Ale Viyskov Rada failed and, as we regret to state, the general, "the headquarters of the defense gradually smeared over the project." O.M. Solov'yanov: “Kronstadt, with a great stretch, can form a death at 2 thousand osіb for the mind of the weakened garrisons of quiet forts, from the side of which one will come. radyansky viysk» 43 .

Later, a total of 2 out of 18 thousand military servicemen, behind the crown of a grown-up human population of the place, dragging with the help of forces from the cordon of the defense of Kronstadt itself. The kidok of such a corral in the absence of daylight, as if designating B. A. Arkannikov, “sufficient information about the enemy and the situation”, yoga “drilled on the ice, without shelter, not adjoining when entering the land with light field artillery”, being an obvious adventure, that the military specialists to the headquarters did not call on her drink” 44 .

Like Bachimo, the memory of the hope of the emigrant author of “An additional note on the organization of the rebellion in Kronstadt” was not true. The guilt of that yoga of one mind was cleared up that the initiators of the reinstatement of control over the fortification of the country there established a “one-stop trick”. But really, we got stuck with the attitudes of passivity and unsungness for tomorrow, with the door of the unfortunate rich of the cross-sectional participants in the rush to turn the enemy against the Radian side. The members of the Revkom and the military fakhivtsy daedals were more wise than they were. quiet, who, having changed at their real order, is not enough not only for carrying out offensive operations, but also the organization of the effective defense of Kronstadt itself. That stench caused the gurgling to be diyalnist, pragnuchi to put under your ensign psycho, building guards in the hands of a twine, to serve the guns and artillery shells. The “domestic policy” of the “domestic politics” was practically supported more and more to reach the goal. Dekilkom strokes are significant in the main її straight.

First, it’s direct reprisals against the unfit from the Revolutionary Committee. “The first good after the indictment of the Revolutionary Committee,” General A. M. Kozlovsky announced, “the one who remained at the warehouse was busy looking at the various meals about the arrests, admitting that passes” 45 . Already on the morning of the 3rd birch, about 150 communists slumped under the boil. Nezabar for kerіvnitstva obshukami and arreshtami zapochatkovuєtsya esp. With diligence, another 170 communists were consumed until the end. In addition, I was declared a prisoner for non-party members, because before the end of the rebellion there were a few dozen people 46 .

In a different way, "revolutionary troikas" are organized - the lower organizations of the insurgent regime, as if they were maintaining unwavering control over the usual civil installations, naval and army subdivisions. An eyewitness report about the work of one of these “revolutionaries” was saved - with the Moscow department of professional metal workers. Tse "the trio of the deputy of the vedennary working organization actively took care of the communists, as if they were once taken under suspicion and stooped, in such a rank, as if they were under house arrest" 47 . Approximately so did other "revolutionaries".

Thirdly, perhaps most characteristically for the “internal policy” of the new government, typing the Revolutionary Committee “agitprop” on the skin day by day. And here (not seeming already about the arrests) the leaders of the rebels showed themselves the good teachings of the bіshoviks they had toppled. “Ideological-Vikhovna Robot” was carried out both for the help of the sponsored newspaper “Izvestia VRK”, and without intermediary agitators at the impersonal gatherings that took place in Kronstadt and on the island forts. Moreover, the commune, in spite of the resolution, the zagalnogarnіzon. no rally 1 birchgranted the right to vote. The Zbori were only in power with the permission of the Revolutionary Committee, which was forced to approve those protocols 48 .

Swift propaganda from the very cob was anti-communism, which became especially sharp and opened after the shelling of the fort and the first (not far off) її assault on the 8th birch, which did not stick in the evening of the 7th birch.

Here, the Revkom played into the hands of the Uryadov’s House of Remembrance on the 2nd of March 1921. about the "bіlogvardіyskiy" "slaughtered the big general Kozlovsky and the ship "Petropavlovsk"" (not only having succumbed to the sense of extinction and the nature of the Kronstadt rush, but "deafening the yogo kerіvnikіv"), as well as presenting an ultimatum to the Kronstadts on the 6th day of an ultimatum about a safe delivery. All this led to the practical possibility of a peaceful resolution of the conflict through the way of negotiations with the mass of cross-sectional participants in the rush, for which the rest were broadly based and which, for propaganda purposes, supported the Revolutionary Committee. Yogo members miraculously saw the unacceptability for the order (among them, through the official interpretation of podiums on Kotlin), they had 5 brainwashed negotiations: parcels to Petrograd, where the lute troubles had not yet subsided, the Kronstadt delegations with the method of “rose clarification”. and with the right of freedom to transfer and agitate, and at one hour I will arrive at Kotlin without a party delegation of workers, freely recruited at Petrograd factories.

“There can be no middle ground in the fight against the communists, whom they spoofed by the krіpatstvo,” they changed from issue to issue of Izvestia VRK. - You need to go to the end ... No, you can’t be in the middle. Overcome and die!” And in order to raise doubts about who can win, the Revolutionary Committee officiousness systematically published information about the anti-billshovitsky rebellion in Russia. True, there was a significant part of mystification here (for example, bits were constantly exaggerated about the masses fighting in Moscow and Petrograd, about helping Kronstadt from the side of the rebels Makhna and Antonov) 49 .

Tsya agitation was supported by newspaper articles, as if to avenge deyakі zagalnennya. “At the same time in 1917,” one reads in one of them, “the bourgeoisie was killed. It seemed that the working people, having entered into their own rights, and yet the party of communists seized power from their own hands, having put the peasants and workers in their name, they were dying. Vaughn virilized, in the eyes of the landowner Russia, cherubing the country for the help of her commissars ... It became stuffy ... The rebellion of workers was approaching. Bright anniversary of the social revolution, Kronstadt, without oversleeping. Vіn buv at the first ranks of Fierce and Zhovtnya. Vin first raised the ensign of the rebellion for the Third Revolution of the Workers. Autocracy has fallen. Went to the region of Zasnovnik's instructions. Collapse and commissar power” 50 .

The program speeches of the “Third Revolution” were given special respect by the revolutionary committee “agitprop”. “It’s not enough that it’s fully designed, clear, and singsong,” wrote V.I. Lenin. - Foggy went out "freedom", "freedom of trade", "rozkrіpachennya", "Porad without bіlshovikіv" to the re-election of Glad, to the relief of the "party dictatorship" ... "51 N oh yak pokey naming facts, similar to the nebula was called not vipadkovoy.

For the insistence of G.Є. Elvengrep, the Revolutionary Committee “out of tactful mirkuvan, having voiced for ourselves, we’ll tighten the Radyansk government with a hanger-on, giving up the dictatorship of the communist party, robbing it, that it’s important for the communists for such a platform to lead against them, defending the Rad, the Radyansk parts. The mustache was extinguished as the head rank at the rozrakhunka, so that we could beat the propaganda that ringing of Kronstadts from the hands of the communists.” About tse to speak and cadet G.F. Zeidler is the last good informer of the former emigrants. At the sheet, which was corrected in the days of the rise from Viborg to Paris, I sighed: reading the Kronstadt "zvernennya, you can, with a superficial glance, go to the visnovka, that the stench did not go far from the meetings and committee resolutions during the hours of the Lute Revolution. Indeed, the difference is great. Rіzkіst (that's what it is for the Cadets' eyes, it's radyansk zabarvlennya. Yu. Shch.) even after the storage of animals, after the words of the members of the Revolutionary Committee, it is explained the need to infuse and raise workers in Petrograd and respect less than timchasovoy "52.

I understood. The Revolutionary Committee was hanging on its own, addressing as much as possible to the people of Petrograd. Nasampred stinks were assigned to sailors, red army soldiers and workers of Kronstadt itself. How much respect for G.F. Zeidler - about the documents, which are looked at as if "well folded" - then it correctly reflects the essence of the document. Revkomіvskі ideologists paramountly acted as the very way of laying, widely scooping ready formulas and whole publicistic blocs of the government's pro-Tibilshovite "philippikіv" from the ideological and political arsenals of the socialist parties. You can talk about the similarity of the main points in the resolution of the central garrison rally on January 1 with the Menshovitsky draft resolution for the strike-strike Petrograd workers 53 . Among the leading socialists, the thesis about the future of the “third revolution” was put forward, “Vlada Radam, not parties!”

Confirmed by the facts, another one was appointed by G.F. The zeidler of the rice of the VRK was extinguished - its temporal, passing character. As far as entering the ledge, yoga meta was formulated more clearly. Of particular interest to this sensi is a radiogram, edited from Kronstadt on 15 February. "We are fighting at once, - it was pointed out in it, - for the fall of the party yoke, for the right power of the Rada, and there let it be free to order the people to swear, as if they want to be vigilant" 54 . Tse, for the appointment of the leader of the Socialist-Revolutionaries V. M. Chernov, the deathbed political order of Kronstadt called out comments in the emigrants' middle. So, the resident of the Center dії N.M. Paradelov appraised the document as “very, very famous”, to testify about those that “the Kronstadters in the rest of the days showed building before the democratization of their extinguished” 55 . Chernov, speaking more clearly: “Whoever talks about the free will of the people, he talks about a wild, direct and equal vote, he talks about the ruler of the people” 56 . Stay well, at yoga razuminni, it was a synonym for the Installation selections. Ale, in Kronstadt, they already spoke loudly about the new one.

Let's turn back to where we are. In the meantime, a cinematic look at the bottoms that were seen in those days beyond the borders of Kotlin Island.

Rebellious Kronstadt that lovely world

The news about the rebellion in Kronstadt called out the right vibe to the enthusiasm of the middle two-million Russian emigration. At the outskirts of the sailors, who missed their fatherland, they bobbed the ear of the hated reign over Russia. And right there, among the various political groups of the Russian abroad, a heated controversy broke out about the assessment of this rebellion, its prospects and the position of power in the minds of the people's struggle, which had flared up, with the communist dictatorship.

Glancing through the stilts of the week following the emigrant press and the Radiansk newspapers, they widely redirected the materials, the Socialist-Revolutionary N.F. Novozhilov remembering the list to the cadet I.P. Demidov: a communist friend flatly propagating the thesis that “the Kronstadt rebellion was organized by “bіli” hands… You need to marvel, how tenderly the bіshoviki fought! You know, you’re beginning to think, like a shameful national right to the head of our hopelessly compromised masters, like in a critical whirlwind of our own nir and so untactfully spoke to the whole gourd about help we’ll rise ... now, damn it! In the pursuit of sensation, such a jock did not let the world out! I reinstatement of the rights of the rulers to factories and backwaters, and the establishment of nationalization of the houses, and the restoration of private power over the land - everything has gone to the program of dear Kronstadt for the reminding of our deacons. Lord, how well the Bolsheviks fought for victory! And I so want to be pampered, to be stronger and smarter smacked, overlaid with hopelessly bad, stupid politicians. The devil, having smirked the monarchists, lifted the muck with Mikhails, Kirils, Mikolays and other names of the panivs, as if they would hasten to occupy the vacant ancestral throne. Know the hour, there is nothing to say! I will understand that all forces are to blame for themselves, but I am given, that it is necessary to practice nicely, remembering that only a fool sings panakhida at the party, dances at the funeral "57.

Not all emigrants, however, were wise to hindsight. Already in the days of the Kronstadt uprising, firm and turbulent voices sounded from the suffocated choir of politicians, as if they were categorically asserting: “The candidates for power, like living beyond the cordon, hurry up anywhere and there’s nothing to do!” On the side of the newspaper "Stop news" the cadet leader P. N. Miliukov criticized "naїvnyh people, foreign psychology of that revolutionary turmoil, which is happening in Russia" and called out "save the people's victory, which is expensive, in spite of the efforts of the forces of the reactionary forces of the reaction to the people results."

What was wanted for this call, let's put it on the proposition of P.M. Miliukov at the text of the transition of the Vikonavcho komіsiї members of the Constituent Assembly of Russia (established since 1921 near Paris) to “democracy of all lands”? Wedverta gave evidence of the transcript of the closed session of the Central Committee of the Kadet Party near Paris on the 7th of March: “V.A. Maklakov to put food, what does the riddle mean at the resolution of the commission about the influx of reactionary forces? If you give pennies for support (Kronstadtsiv) and great right elements, then what can you say about the other? Therefore, it is necessary to take great care and uniqueness, for example, such short cuts, like sending pennies for help, we will raise D.D. Grimm, which is the official representative of the gene. Wrangel, i.e. reaction flow… I.P. Demidov is aware that sending money to Grimm is a simple fact, which can be wicked. Kozhen, who gives pennies, like a bourgeois, is guilty of stealing ... M.M. Vinaver is aware that the fate of the Russian elements, the suspicions of the reactionary, may be discredited. You can take a penny and look like a devil, but only if we shove it with your tail "58.

The same true-hearted political rozrahunok, visibly intelligible at the pointed document, cherubed by milyukivtsy and polemics with those ideologists of the socialist parties, who hastened to be compromised in the masses by the mighty Constituent Assembly.

P.M. himself Мілюков рішуче підтримав головне політичне гасло бунтівного Кронштадта, відразу й без дипломатичних еківоків розкривши його справжній сенс: реалізація ідеї «Вільних Рад» «для цього моменту означає, найімовірніше, що влада має перейти від більшовиків до поміркованих соціалістів, які отримають більшість у Радах. For the wealthy, obviously, we will remain by the very light of the smear, like the bіshoviki themselves. Miliukov, with such a thought, is fundamentally unsuitable. Smoothly transferring power to the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Menshoviks within the framework of the Rada, at one glance, one building vryatuvat the country in the face of anarchy. New vlada, “sanctioned by installations on kshtalt Rad”, will be, “extremely, timchasovy” ... 59

As soon as the emigrant middle man reached the unity of thoughts of the Kronstadt insurrection, then the unity of the day was established in the air. “Our task, our binding,” said one of the leaders of the white emigration F.I. Rodichiv, - help in every way to rise up, which has begun morally and materially, we do not care about those who come to change the great power: it is more important to throw it off at once. Найкращою формою допомоги була б наша організована допомога ззовні: використання, якщо можливо, залишків російських антибільшовицьких армій, створення належного апарату постачання звільнених місцевостей... Це вимагає сприяння союзників і, головне, об'єднання всіх російських державних сил під гаслом повного визнання зсуву, what was seen in the people”6.

At the expense of the Kronstadt Revolutionary Committee, significant donations from emigrant organizations and private institutions are beginning to accumulate 61 . Tsі pennies were assigned to us for the purchase of food for the rebels. “If Radianian Russia is aware that Kronstadt, that it has risen from the Bolsheviks, having negligently taken food from Europe, - saying to a number of his comrades-in-arms, a memberPC eseriv V.M. Zenzinov, -I'll spark a spark in the gunpowder" 62 .

At once, the energetic preparation of the Viysk support for Kronstadt flared up. From the documents of the archives of the AC, CD and NSZRiS, it is clear that they were engaged in it without intermediary: the bіla of Finland — G.E. Elvengren, Estonia - V.M. Chernov, Poland - B.V. Savinkiv 63 . The stench quickly beat the battlefield corrals from the various militarized formations of the emigration and the surplus of the internings of the white armies. At the Baltic states, a flood of Russian officers was poured. Revelís had such an impersonal attitude that it predicted to eyewitnesses the hour of the campaign of General N.N. Yudenich at Petrograd 64. “These officers trembled and began to shuffle their abilities, to destroy the fight in Kronstadt,” guessing a large member of the Denikin Special Forces for N.M. Chebishiv. - No one is talking about who is there - the Esers, the Menshoviks, or the Bolsheviks, who are enchanted in communism, but to stand behind the guard. Iskra passed through emigration. Moustache was pissed off” 65 .

The activity of the anti-billshovitsky forces and other strategic directions was noticeably puffed up. The Wrangel army was worthy of the big one. Vaughn was formally interned and stationed most importantly in the Turkish Gallipoli, languishing, for tribute to the headquarters, 48 ​​thousand. viyskovosluzhbovtsiv, 14 ths. twinkles and 450 machine guns (in addition, there were reserves: “large reserves of Russian weapons”, which were lost after the liquidation of Rumunskoy “Until the autumn of 1921, reserve, - it was said in the headquarters of Russia, - were saved by the Frenchmen in the representatives of our turbo »66). Yak were yielded by the Radyanci Rosvіdniki, the Wrangel Staff “On the ears of the birch of the bureaucratic rosisyno, the recognition of the recognition on the all -in the states of the marine regiment, I zbilshenen Vobilino at the construction unit ... ​at the birch with a western front, they got used to come in for work in our body, ”and also in Russia’s pivdny, shards“ Wrangel maw on the verge of the possibility of landing on the Black Sea coast ”67.

The news about the rebellion in Kronstadt also roared anti-billshovitsky forces of various orientations in the middle of Radyansk Russia. The undisputed leader here was the party of the socialist opposition - the right eseri. February 25, 1921 fiery at the pіdpіllі of the Central Committee of the AKP, praising the directive about "the tactics of the party at the link with the peasant movement." Ascertaining the presence of some clearly pronounced anarcho-criminal tendencies and moods, the leaders of the Socialist-Revolutionaries wanted to help the work of the rebels, in order to “destroy the villagers”. On the 11th of March, near the Kronstadt ramparts, the Central Committee of the AKP developed a new document - “Instruction went out for flow work”. As a matter of fact, the first attempt was made to find out about the rebellion in Kronstadt. The “Instructions” proclaimed to conduct “campaigns of rallies and non-party workers, villagers and Chervonoarmy conferences for the critical discussion of all the good food of the experienced moment”, in order to “talk about the dictatorship of the RCP”, “everywhere re-elections of the military and the guarantor of the military forces”. The remainder of the vision drew on the "guarantees" of the Kronstadt soul - in the form of the creation of the revolutionary committees and organizational structures similar to them.

The voices of those two opposition parties knew a wide voice among the population of Russia. You can clearly see the zveden of the Cheka and the remembrance of the Mistsevoy rule for the birch tree of 1921, signs for the great ceramics near Moscow. Let us point out just one characteristic fragment of the great complex, if there are so many secret documents. “One thing can be said about the camp: we have to live on a volcanic crater,” we read from the link of the Atkar district of the Saratov province. - The whole world boils and boils. Here and there, rebellions are being saved from different yogis ... All forces are thrown into the fight against them. Under the influx of the Kronstadt podias, a rich siege ledge appeared near the Velsky district of the Vologda province, where the leaflets of rebellious sailors penetrated. For the support of Kronstadt, rebellions were prepared near the Pskov province, Kiev and other places of 69 years.

Now let's briefly dwell on what happened at birch days near Petrograd. The Tagantsevsky bloc was also in contact with illegal gatherings of upgrading factories and plants (which included eserivs, menshoviks, anarchists) and having informed Helsingfors that the socialists headed for the organization of a slaughtering ledge in the city, scheduled for 16 bereznya. “At the appointments of the day,” the dispatch said, “the ledge has risen. Workers from the shipyard arrived at the Putilivsky Zavod. When they left, they shot down the communists with revolvers and zatrimali, and among the workers there was no one who could zoom in to the ancestors of the "comrades". At other factories, there were no such meetings with arrests ... Undoubtedly, the success of the unarmed workers was even more doubtful” 70 .

There were conspirators, in this rank, believed little in the success of the undertaking by the socialists of the enterprise. Blood would be shed, but the ambush of the powerless yurbi robotniks could not be kidnapped. Well, what position did the Tagantsev bloc itself take from you?

Vaughn was appointed on the first post of the return of the Kronstadt report to the Helsingfors branch of the National Center (on the 4th day of the month). “In the middle of food, how to stand on a black, smut, obviously, food about food,” it was meant there. - We can see your plan (plan for delivering food to Petrograd, prepared by G.F. Zeidler. - Yu. Shch.), ale naskіlki vіn zdіysnenny? It is necessary to know exactly and exactly. Take the vіdpovіdіlіst, іf thе postachanny vіyavіvіtsya fіktsієyu, nebazhanі and chi can give іnshі results, іnіzh development іn the place аnarchії. For these minds, our “curiousness” (that’s why you are included before the struggle with power. - Yu. Shch.) may be kept until spring, before the freezing of the inflows and the possibility of the arrival of ships ... Only in the case of mutual relations with emigration, success can be achieved. Dali was told what to"Preparatory work" is urgently needed "to help great pennies, not sins, as before," as well as throwing "for the cordon" "brothers, people, a friend, that possession of a friend." The next day, before Helsingfors, a dispatch was delivered to a friend from Petrograd: “It’s necessary to help the robot, not to let the roar stifle, and for the sake of it, aim mi magaєmo against you cats ... I think it’s not necessary to explain, the situation here is risky, ... I respect everything that has been more than an ear of ruin, that develops in a winy-friendly environment” 71 .

Later, the Tagantsev bloc, not caring about the minds that rallied on a negainous ledge, tried to secure the survival of the executioner "island of freedom". Moreover, headlong hopes for such a transfer of wines, having put on material and financial support for emigration.

And at the same time, the emigration was on the side of the Western powers. The Russian foreign press is filled with brutality to the western orders. Prominent representatives of political and military émigrés, zokrema General P.M. Wrangel, who had beaten the French diplomats, that the sailors continued to the right, did not give in to him himself 72. I cannot say that such calls did not know the voice.

emigrant leaders, as recently, without much success, turned to Western European sovereign deacons s prohannyam about "subsidies", at birch days began to sound like bazhany guests. Tsіkavі in tsomu sensі facti listing kerіvnіkіv eserіvskogo administrative center.

When we heard about the podium at Kronstadt from Prague to Paris, and then to London, we went to A.F. Kerensky. Posted by V.M. Zenzinov nadіslav leaf, addressed to the member of AC E.F. Rogivsky. “We’re more than sorry,” he wrote, “What about Oleg (Kerensky’s pseudonym in the AC. - Yu. Shch.) give in to new fondies - if you tell the truth, it’s not now!” Rozrahunok eserіv was true, and in the list of the vidpovіd one of the devils of the Parisian branch of the AC V.O. Fabrikant, calming down Zenzinova: “With the smallest development of pods in Russia, the bik dzherela looks negligently. Aje and at once, under the first hostility, I went far away to win up to 600,000 francs” 73 .

On the 3rd of February, it became known about the French order to continue the allocation of funds for the redundancy of the Wrangel army. Potіm representatives of the French in the Baltic tu Fіnlandi Bula Dana Instroy “Nadavati Vylyakan, by the Rosiysky organized, who are easily negotiating the village of Chervinom (by the people) of the Terts, the vinikenuti at the Znosyns of the LIMITROPHITS” Znitannya, ”

Little bits of official Paris pointed out that until the singing hour of the wines, they took part in direct participation in the nadanny to help the rebellious Kronstadt, spontaneously spoofing on the frontiers of the RRFSR small powers. A similar position was taken by those other great powers. Thus, Minister of Foreign Affairs Anglin D. Curzon, having stated in a telegram to the British envoy in Helsingfors that"etc Yogo's vague is unlikely to come in the very entry of the Domoga to the revolutionaries ”, right there, right away: it is not necessary to call the fifth-thaws of the fifty nago nogo nogs of the Khddtatzovs.

The rulers of the stake of limtrophs leaned against the folding station. On the one hand, the stench recognized the pressure of the great powers, yakі "recommended" five nazi Russian emigrants and open a cordon to their combat pens and transport convoys for Kronstadt, on the other hand, they founded peace treaties with Radyansk Russia, which would show freedom to the people. Moreover, the significance of these treaties in the eyes of a wide spectator was raised in the minds, if on the contrary of the rebellious island there was a bubbling consolidation of forces, they acted in the rocks of the gromadyanskoy war under the accompaniment of "United and inconsistent Russia".

And although the orders of small powers did not hesitate in such a situation on the court of their great successor, it is important to call their position neutral. To finish saying that on the territory of the limіtrofіv without serious transitions, the work was intensively carried out for the formation of the emigrant forces of the invasion, and in the ranks of vipadkіv dіyachami, like tsim, they were engaged, given additional help and on the rank and file level.

Deyakі vіdomosti schodo tsgogo mіstjatsya at the leaf of І.M. Brushvita 12 Bereznya to the headquarters of the Administrative Center. At the end of the Kronstadt insurgency, this eserіvskiy émisar needed to fly from Finland to Revel (Tallinn) for justrichi from V. M. Chernov and the minister of foreign affairs of Estonia A. Piypom. I immediately, write wine, “in my order, they were given all the necessary transfers, beginning in the form of an orderly crygolam and ending with an aeroplane.” In addition, even before the exit, it was possible to “practically change” the food from all over the world with visas to the edge for the Socialist-Revolutionary activists and militants 76 .

Looking around sharply at Reveli, I. M. Brushvit, with satisfaction, said that “at the link with the remaining podias” and in the Baltic capital with the Socialist-Revolutionaries “they will already roar”. However, the results of his rozmovi z A. Piyp vin, however, did not leave him with a lot of satisfaction 77 and pleased the clerks of the AC with the term for a kshtalt of a diplomatic demarche, which, having done those days, may be silently: I remember a little bit of sympathy for Litvinov and a little more diplomatic stature before us”78.

Especially strong pressure was felt by Finland, the islands from the її territorії could only in quiet minds create an effective work of the “ice bridge” between the mainland and the island of Kotlin until the introduction of sea navigation.

Our order has documents for birch - April 1921 from the archives of Professor G.F. Zeidler, at that time "head-to-head Russian comradeship of the Red Cross in Petrograd, Finland and the Scandinavian lands." They have privacy issues lines how to organize food supplies to help Kronstadt and participate in all foreign powers. Significantly enough: the rest of the air was in full swing at the soul of the installation, driven by Lord Curzon's telegram.

“The apparatus is ready for us,” G. F. Zeidler reminded him to Paris. — All the achievements of the products that were found in Finland were brought, and we could take here and deliver everything we need to Kronstadt. They brought in pennies. There wasn’t one thing - I’ll allow the Finnish government to bring food supplies ... At that hour, the Finnish authorities explained to us that there was some kind of vantage and in any quantity, there could be deliveries to Teriok under the ensign of the American or British Chervonih Khrestiv ... "79

G.F. Zeidler, for yoga words, "rushed" to the representatives of two registered in Finland overseas committees of the Red Cross, the Englishman Collins and the American Hopkins. Tіz looking at the official position of their orders, they did not allow the emigrant “head-in-charge” to win for the posting of rebels the national ensigns of Great Britain and the United States. Ale Nezabara Zeidler perekonavsya, scho yogo activity tsієyu vіdmova not blocked. Navpaki, the “new readiness” of the Finnish authorities “to hide Kronstadt” unofficially appeared 80 .

“For the shelter of the merchants of Teriok,” wrote G.F. Zeidler, “it was purchased locally, and also for the first moment up to 300 pounds of boroshna was bought ... I had to hurry up, so that in Kronstadt I would like to have some kind of reserve of borosh to tannnya ice, after what for two tizhnі podomlennya zovsіm pripinyalos. However, on the right, there was a lot of good luck and there was a lot of hope, but for the period, if it were to be interrupted from Kronstadt, the remaining security would be a supply of boar to frighten the crisis ... .

In different ways, the spring ice drift was minted by the hoarders and opponents of the rebellious Kronstadt.

Anarchist Y.Yarchuk said the first words of hope: “It's a sleepy day. The snowy veil of the inlets burned with interchanges and, it seemed, told Kronstadt: Wipe yourselves this day, if the inflow, having wrecked your own lords, come to some distant place; then the independence of a mighty revolutionary pit would be vryatovano” 82 .

Anxiety grew among the opponents during the day, that on the pure ice of the raid of the "revolutionary pit" the military ships under foreign ensigns would not appear.

It seemed that the naygirshi battles against the bilshoviks began to sound. 9 by the park of out-of-the-way information G.V. Chicherin sent the RRFSR sheet to Revviyskradi. Vin recalled that, after taking him out of Berlin with the information, “on the 2nd-5th of June the enemy squadron left Copenhagen near Revel and Kronstadt. ym є 14 military courts (England and France. - Yu. Shch .) ... In honor of those, - Chicherin wrote in the distance, - that the Kronstadt Entente victorious sample was stabbed to the brim to give us a new blow, I respect the insanely necessary to be placed with the most serious rank to threaten from the side of the witch squadron "83.

True, for a few days it has come to be clarified: “Nothing was seen about the correction of the Allied ships to Kronstadt in Revel, the stench was not reported at the Revel raid,” the link of the Military Headquarters of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic on March 16 84 . This information confirmed the correctness of the quiet people of the Bolshovitsky Kerivnitstv, who were not able to overcome the readiness of the foreign powers to the negative and direct vtruchannia in the inner right of Radyansk Russia, which is more than slaughter.

The savage balance of naga in the implementation of the republic is clearly over the greed of the opponents of the great power, and the leaders of the Entente clearly understood. Showy discussion of "Russian food" at the meeting of the order of England on February 14, 1921. “The office,” it was appointed in the protocols, “having taken away the vіdomosti, scho ... unimportantly on the podium of Russia, the camp of the Radyansky order without the usual guards is mіtsnim and stable” 85 . Two days later, London pishov signed a trade area with the RRFSR, talks about yak were conducted from the leaf fall of 1920. Tse became the first sign of the Radyansk state de facto one of the great powers of Sunset.

But it was impossible to miss out of respect and those who founded the insurgent's fire on the cordon, commemorated the international positions of Radianskaya Russia, warmed up the situation around it, and showed extreme tendencies among the politicians of the great bourgeoisie of the country. All the stinks were obviously trying to drag out the "Kronstadt crisis", to win the maximum benefit from it. Nadal podії on Kotlin could, obviously, serve as a hand drive for a new invading invasion of the republic. The possibility of such a turn of events was aggravated by the policy of the rebels.

Kronstadt in the rest of the days of the rebellion

Revkom mayzhe from the very cob robbed try to install on the kshtalt zvnishnopolitichnyh zvyazkіv іz zarubіzhnі svіtom, enter the international arena as a representative of the "independent independent Kronstadt Republic". In the name of wine, zokrema, I turned from a vital radiogram to the new US President W. Harding. The 8th of the month of "Kronstadt's bells" is broadcast by a radiogram "women of the world" from the celebration of the International Women's Day. There was a black official messenger, who once again gave the “proletarians of the whole world” to the prohannyam a “moral encouragement” to the Kronstadts.

Vodnochas Revkom, according to V.M. Chernov, “the living room is calling to itself all those who chirp with their hands, right up to the correspondents of foreign newspapers.” It's true, there were radio broadcasts, but for sure, the names were not published before in Izvestiya VRK 86 .

Correspondentov western Europeanand that emigrant press. As far as the special category “tsikavih”, then, for the tribute of the Cheka, among them, Kronstadt was visited by agents of intelligence services to a number of foreign powers (Zokrema chief of counterintelligence of the General Staff of Finland Saljari), as well as active members of the Helsingfors group of officers Bunakov (N.K. ). V. Tchaikovsky at the link with other conditions shows that he is “a whole lot of links with his activities with the English”) and Shmidt 87 . Evidence of these facts was not revealed in the emigrant archives. It was established for sure that the guests of the Revolutionary Committee were the envoy of the Eserіvskiy Administrative Center I.M. Brushvita and members of the Helsingfors "group of cover" of the Tagantsev bloc: captain of the first rank, Baron P.V. Vilken (the former commander of the battleship Sevastopol) and General Yu.A. Reveal.

The two remaining ones formally entered the warehouse of the “red-hot” delegation from three persons, sent to the island of Kotlin by Professor G.F. Zeidler. Members of the delegation arrived to Kronstadt on the evening of 8 Birch and were immediately requested at the meeting of the Revolutionary Committee and the Defense Headquarters. Zeidler's confidential message was saved about the meeting, which may be of great interest for characterizing the moods of the diverse revolutionary committee middle 88 . Adzhe, for the richly significant respect of G.Є. Elvengren, "The Timchasovsky Revolutionary Committee, having settled down on a whiff of trouble, hastened to do it quickly." Причому кількість «випадкових», з погляду савінківського резидента, елементів напевно збільшилася під час довиборів ВРК на делегатських зборах 4 березня, коли вирішувалося завдання: терміново зміцнити зв'язки комітету з тими групами кронштадтців, які з різних спонукальних мотивів встигли проявити себе в антибільшовицькому.

Spochatka, write to G.F. Zeidler is in the air, everything went smoothly at the meeting. They thought about those who, without difficulty, Russian emigrants were able to deliver to Kotlin “the most delicious foodstuffs”, and then the complication began unexpectedly. Behind Zeidler's words, the leaders of the VRC (among them, the anarchist G.P. Perepelkin) hung summaries: “What is the right of the Revolutionary Committee to accept support for help?” “The motive,” Zeidler puts it, “was shown that the Bolsheviks are so corrupted by all sorts of vehemence, so as to discredit the insurgents, ringing in the venality of the bourgeoisie, and to help them, you can help them to counteract… As you can see, it was more often than not and not hang-ups, but, perhaps, the most heady one, - it’s fear, chi don’t hover over the Chervonim Cross as if it’s a political party, as if you’re trying to get in the way and take power into your own hands. It was worth noticing the floorings that our representative happened to repeat once again about the absolutely apolitical nature of the Red Cross, a stranger to all parties and exercises to power, and absolutely helplessness of yoga.

Hocha G.F. Zeidler described in idyllic tones the head of the negotiations, but did not get involved in the respect that “the food was brought to the deaku’s passion in the debate.” Vono understood. Already something false sounded in the mouths of the baron and the general of the zapevnennya in the "new apoliticality and lack of chivalry" of their mission. І less casually vtruchannya S.M. Petrichenko vryatuval camp. Vіn "especially energetically recited" to the members of the DBK, who are concerned, and, "pouring chimalu yu dol y. sarcasm at your own promotion, having finished it, stating that it’s necessary to take a decision for a decision, then you are ready to take it on yourself, if you had a chance to pay with your head. The result was earlier achieved homeownership, which was confirmed by the Revolutionary Committee.

Ale, only foreign guests, continue G.F. Zeidler said about the remembrance of the “renovation for the Red Cross, which gives him the right to work in the food of humanitarian aid in the name of Kronstadt”, as protests were heard from the Revolutionary Committee of the middle. “From the side of those groups, there was a recurrence, in which mistrust that suspicion was already rowing.” Shchob zlamati opir negodnykh, S.M. Petrichenko had a chance to interrupt a sleepy meeting, after which all the rіzkіvtsі went to the sudny kіmnati. "Khvilin after 50-20 members of the committee turned their heads and handed the necessary document to the representative of the Red Cross."

The next day, the delegation turned to Finland, leaving P.V. Vilkena as the most important controller for the distribution of food. The appearance of the baron on the streets of Kronstadt did not go unnoticed. Behind the words of the perebijchiks, the great commander of the battleship "corested with filthy glory among the sailors", and his arrival gave rise to "a lot of rumors" among them 89 . And yet the “chervonokhresny” mandate, having secured Vilken’s nadіyny іmunіt, and under yogo prikrittam vіn, igniting belligerent activity.

About її straightening it is possible to make vysnovkas according to one more remarkable episode from the same name of G.F. Zeidler. The envoys, chanting the VRK at the readiness of the emigrants to help the rebels, let the Nazis go ahead: “Food is less in the fact that it is delivered to that foreigner, in the case of such a deposit, the delivery of products to Kronstadt.” "In this case," Zeidler adds emphatically, "it was appointed that Petrograd's call would significantly lighten the supply chain."

I now P.V. Vyalken proponuvav Revkom help "with the help of brute force in the kіlkosti 800 osіb". Vіdomosti pro tse taken from іnshoy dzherel: notes of an anonymous member of the VRC 90 . “The proposition, - assigns guilt, - said that if the committee is suitable, then these people can be transported across the ice directly to Kronstadt, or it may be possible to cross the Finnish cordon and hit Petrograd. Discussing the proposition, the Temporary Revolutionary Committee found out that the enemy forces are surviving under the influx of monarchists, and, calling on the mood of the garrison, voicing more voices in the proposition of vidhility. Those who, with the Revolutionary Committee and at one time with the Petrograd subsidies of the white emigre grant organizations, were negotiating “with the method of inserting the most obvious term for a globally active speech and ways of starting yoga,” confirming in their own opinion and G.Є. Elvengren.

Having taken off the officer's command of the Revolutionary Committee, the baron was not angry. “Before Vilken,” an anonymous official from the Military Revolutionary Committee), “began to appear as individuals, as if they were negotiating with Petrichenko and the Defense Headquarters, zokrema from Solov’yanovym.” At the talks, there was a confidential discussion of food about bedroom battles.

Dzherela also points out one more between the propositions and recommendations of P. V. Vilken. On the 11th of June, when he saw the battleship Sevastopol, he called out to the sailors “to go further.” As soon as I find a political move, the baron hangs up the Establishment Assembly, declaring that it’s better for the mind to keep food out of the insurgent and regularly take food out of the cordon 91 .

With a united front from the monarchist P.V. Vilken spoke at Kronstadt and was a representative of the Yeserivsky Administrative Center. The sheet delivered to him by I.M. Brushvita, on the 6th of June, avenged the savagery to Revky, the call to go “forward” and “do not be afraid”, the shards “destroyed all their strength to help, as if they were trying beyond the cordon” from the eseri 92 .

Wash Yeserivskoy for help was appointed by V.M. We draft at Yogo's special envoy to the Revolutionary Committee. The stench was attacking: to you, as a colossal head of the installation camps, the opportunity was given to come to Kronstadt; Under the Constituent Ensign, there is little to be done and all the further struggle against the communists. In addition, the list, as if reminding the 7th birch to Prague Chernov, was sent and specific propositions about the conduct of joint military actions (about the present Kronstadt’s “at the straight line of Chervonoy Girka” for a one-hour rush to her Yeserivsk squads from the Estonian “territorial negotiations” and Whose food 93 .

At the core group of the Revkom, as they valued their “radianism”, it went out as if they were tactful, and the initiatives of emigrant politicians did not call out the old principles of their list. Head of the Petrograd Cheka N.P. This is how Komarov describes (in the words of G.P. Perepelkin and V.A. Valka) the meeting of the Military Revolutionary Committee on 12 Birch, when V.M. Chernov. “The list was discussed shortly ... Valk, having pronounced Chernov’s proposition to accept. Petrichenko, Yakovenko, and others, pleaded in principle, ale, talking, after 12 days: “If we swore in our Izvestia, we’ll go for the right, but against the communists, and we’ll immediately show our impossibility. Let's be reminded if there is a safe camp with food ... "94

Trivoga Revkom z drive public demonstrations of vlasnoy "impossibility" ate the main rank of tim, yogo zusillya to mobilize under his ensign of all kronstadtsiv, zdatnyh wear zbroyu, did not give a clear result.

At the march of the rebellion, the Radianian command took off reports (of rozvіdnikіv and rebіzhchikіv) about those that “mayzhe half of the teams of both battleships do not care about the battle”, that “the engine crew of the Sevastopol” (400 osіb) may be all against the rebels”, that the sailors are very old servicemen in the holds of "who kudi", abi do not take part in the "zavarus" 95 . More rozbrіd panuvav vіyskovskih pіdrozdіlakh. In the engineering and robotic battalion, for example, out of 750 privates who were listed there, about 100 soldiers took part in the "defunct military service" 96 . It was installed by a special investigation carried out by the year. Similar information was due at midnight. So, in the intelligence unit on 8 March, it was stated that the garrisons “fortiv Rif, Obruch, Shants, rise to the rebellion with kronstadts, bazhayut zdatisya chervonim” 97 . On food about the military forts, having paid special attention to his first emigrant interview, the commander of the battleship "Petropavlovsk" lieutenant Khristoforiv. “I had to constantly send 25-30 points to the forti to cheer up the mood, - without prihovuvav vіn razdratuvannya in front of the reporter. “Yakbi would have had a good discipline, the strength of that place could have been better” 98 .

Bida also believed in the fact that myslivtsy violating the front line of the Kronstadt defense were more important among the young sailors. “Parts, like sailors,” appointing B.A. Arkannikov, - if they were not trained in archery right, they were badly secured by the necessary military lane "99. The words of the lieutenant colonel are confirmed by another officer - the commander of the battery of important soldiers of the fort Rif Yu. Makarov. “At the period from 3 to 7 birch, - having guessed the wines, - our garrison was significantly replenished with infantry sea pens, but it was still young, hated, as if it had not been in battles, a healthy Kuban, and that it did not help much. Under the hour of the artillery skirmish on the right, it reached the point where the soldiers were slacking off to shoot their lords’ bullets” 100 .

Now we are going back to the civilian population, and we will try to find out, which position was occupied in the rest of the days of the Revolutionary Committee.

On behalf of the head of the intelligence service of the 7th Army, immediately after the capture of Kronstadt, a blitz-opituvanation of the bagmen was carried out on the kshtalt. The dowry, scho zagalnyu yogo pіdbags, said: “The Kronstadt population, being insanely negative to white, did not respect such rebels. The rest were not small for the great sympathies of the wide versts of the population, protesting in them like a deacon. From the survey of the inhabitants, the fact of voluntary sacrifices was confirmed by the retribution of uninterrupted participants in combat events, about which was published in the Izvestia of the VRK ... 101

But it dawned on me that in the sight of “what a dream” and to inspire voluntary donations, that dress with a huge bulk to the current active inclusion to the rebellious rush is a distance of great expansion. I її, calling on everything, the Revolutionary Committee did not even dare to podolat. Workers were especially appreciated.

The number of quiet Kronstadt proletarians, who still got entangled in the battles against the Radyansk troops, can be accurately reported, because the commission for the relief of Kronstadt after the strangled insurrection added a lot of respect. In її materials, taken from the 20th date of the birch of 1921, є danny schodo two of the largest enterprises of the city: the steam-and-power plant, the maisteren and the docks of the Viysk port. Over 90% of all Kronstadt workers worked there - approximately 5800 individuals. Of these, it appeared from the Radyansk government to Finland, or about 120 individuals were arrested 102 .

Put more together a large number of participants in the slaughter fight: at the waist there is a lot of variety. In radian military documentsit will appear at 3 yew. hman, who can hardly be taken seriously 103 . The rebels themselves are called vіd 5.5 (S.M. Petrichenko) up to 12 ths. (O.M. Kozlovsky) 104. The truth, the first one, including civilians in his motherfuckers, forgets about the artillerymen, as they serve the kripaks. For the improvement of these groups, the number of revolutionary committee activists can be increased to 9-10 thousand. osib. But still, it’s good to know about Kozlovsky, it’s overwhelmed by the fact: the majority of military servicemen (18 thousand people) and the overgrown human population of the city (8-9 thousand) didn’t sack the rebellion of the “Vilny Rada”.

All this is not enough for the Revolutionary Committee. There were no active guards in order to close weak areas in the defense of the island and forts. “Age one sumarna dozhina of the їhnyoї coastline,” General A.N. Kozlovsky said loudly, “overwhelmed 30 versts”, and “the free garrison of the fort, such a moment of attacking the attackers at the pishіy attacі, but the flooring of the enclosings, which brought people to one lantsyuzі for 5 sazhens” 105 . It didn’t take long for such minds to earn and regularly replace the soldiers from the front line, so, after the words of S.M. Petrichenko blamed “the overwatch garrison”: “Stomlen people literally fell asleep in their places, and the deacons, who went to the apartments to strengthen their forces, didn’t turn around” 106, otherwise they seem to have deserted. A lack of people called to the sight of other important entries in order to improve the defense of Kronstadt.

It is not surprising that the soldiers of the rebellion, like a good bachel, gleefully observed the shortage of manpower for the defense of the fort, felt restless. The alarming camp of their spirit was lifted by the daily superb information from the enemy. “The military exploration was carried out without interruption, like on the cob of fighting, and every hour,” B.A. Arkannikov. — Трудність руху по льоду, пильність більшовиків, неминучість розстрілу її виконавців у разі їхнього полону, а також повна непідготовленість самих розвідників, котрі здебільшого бралися з бажаючих, — усі ці умови робили розвідку зовсім непродуктивною, і штаб фортеці мав відомості про супротивника дуже схематичне. those lacking” 107 . Those who "headquarters of the defense were rottenly aware of the situation," designating and O.N. Kozlovsky: “After taking the offensive, I gave all the bellows and gave the soldiers a break” 108 . And vodpochinok for vidsutnosti chіnі bіytsіv bіytsіv vkrai nebhіdniy.

Ale, perhaps, the greatest battle with the revolutionary committees and officers called out not the marriage of bagnets on the front line, but the political instability of the air body, which is growing. Irrespective of the factual collapse of the militia of the Belarusian organization (about half of its members voluntarily left the party), a group of communists and Komsomol members (three or fewer under 300 members) did not put up with the power of the VRC 109 . A part of the non-party workers, sailors, red army soldiers arrived before them, and step by step at the fort took shape on the kshtalt of the anti-revolutionary committee "ruha support". Some of the participants conducted campaigning work at factories, ships, and near the coastal subdivisions, made calls from the Radianian command, handed over to them the prices of information, sabotaged various military calls.

The axis is only a handful of similar facts. For the help of their revtriyka, the working clerks gradually attached paper to the right stock of paper, so that Izvestia VRK was published in a smaller circulation, and on the 15th day they moved to drukuvate the leaflet “To all the gromads of Russia!”, as if calling the Revolutionary Committee. The team of mine-flooding minesmen systematically failed to achieve 50% of the standard for the preparation of six-inch shells, which insurgents were especially in need of. Minniy zagin forte on choli with his commander O.M. Nikitinim was advised to lay a long minuscule fence on the steps to Kronstadt. The most important thing: the decision of the Military Revolutionary Committee to break the krieg near the island of Kotlin was called. “At a call after the appearance, a little bit about the advance of our troops on Kronstadt,” it was said in the rozvіddenennі z fortetsі vіd 5 birch, “the “Uryad” sent zlamat ice shells through the day of krigolamіv. But some of the teams were against, after which we have seen many of them. The protidium of the rank-and-file kronstadts did not allow such an attack and a death, which would hardly have taken away the swedish rout of the insurrection. Zreshtoy, at the hour of the storming of the fort on 17-18 birch, the participants were on the opposite side, for B.A. Arkannikova and S.M. Petrichenko, they broke the lines of the link and shot at the back of the defenders of the Revkom 110 .

The situation that has evolved in Kronstadt has led the activist group of the rebels and their leaders to the conclusion about the need for terminological and cardinal solutions. Tsikavo at zv'yazku z cym sheet M.M. Poradelova dated 18 February 1921 Based on the information about how to leave the fort, he reminded his correspondents in Paris: “At the position of Kronstadt in the rest of the days, there was a cicavi, even an important turn. All perekonalis in the need for mental, soldered discipline and wisdom, like the greatness of the command will. It’s a pity, at the fort, maybe, there were no individuals among the military fakhivtsiv with great military talents, they didn’t know the “character” ... The officers, who saw themselves in the order of the Military Revolutionary Committee, felt n_yakovo: they took command. 111 .

Talk about the appearance of aspirations to the "united command will" among all Kronstadt residents, for sure, speak for a year. Ale is left with the fact: to get from the middle of the rank-and-file servants of the Revkom, the broad dbaylivtsiv about the "freedoms of the Radi" began to wonder about the need to keep the power in the hands of the mystic military fakhivtsiv. Such hostility, for example, was blamed on roses from representatives of this group of participants in the rebellion, as if they were taken to the Petrograd vault, F.I. Dan.Win to suggest words aboutof the bottom worker: “For the mother of military success, it was necessary to transfer the organization of the rebellion to the hands of the officers; but they were afraid of the political result of such an organization and that they recognized the failure of the war” 112 .

Deyakі danny svіdchat, scho revkomіvtsіv (direct visuvantsіv ordinary rebellious activists) vyslovlenі spіvrozmovnik F.І. Given the battle, they began to step into another plan before the need to secure the fort’s defense of the fort. Pokazova Rozmova stood between the head of the Petrograd gubchek N.P. Komarovim and a member of the Military Revolutionary Committee G.P. Pererobkinim. After that, as Perepelkin rozpoviv about the honor of Baron Vilken in Kronstadt, Komarov asked: “And tomorrow, which baron will show you not only a great successor, but also the power of the Viysk dictatorship? So, how did you ruin the food?…” “I’m sorry, – Vidpoviv Perepelkin, – now you can say for sure what you would have accepted, there would have been no other exit…” 113

Let’s take into account that individuals were changed at the warehouse of the Military Revolutionary Committee, as if they were not only ready to give up their mission to the Blogguards through the “freedom” of the camp, and as a whole they took away the “firm government” installed in Kronstadt. Thus, the more anonymous member of the Military Revolutionary Committee, bluntly stating: S.M. Petrichenko and his closest comrades-in-arms in contact with agents of foreign monarchist organizations “prepared soil for the committee’s fall, as Petrichenko had said on Fort Ino” near Finland 114 . Under the “committee downed”, perhaps, after understanding the adoption of the power of quiet “vipadkovyh” elements, G.Y. Elvengren. About the grounds in the official ceremonial organ of the new atmosphere of mutual suspicion and distrust, and the testimony of G.P. Perepyolkin, who admitted that “the troika is active for the Revolutionary Committee” (the head of S.M. Petrichenko and the two “comrade heads” - M.V. Arkhipov and V.A. Yakovenko) together with the officers could communicate with the emigrant correspondents of Kronstadt without the permission of everyone committee 115 .

It is a pity that the camp of the army base does not allow specifying the situation at the Revolutionary Committee. Ale scho far away z'yasuvati Ya.S. Agranov: at the meetings of the Military Revolutionary Committee on the 13th of June, it was said “to turn back to the whole world from the animals for help and with a method of defense not to give the same help and help, from whose side the stench would not come out” 116 . A day later, on February 15, a radiogram was sent from Kronstadt, addressed to the peoples of the world. They asked the leaders of the rebels for additional help with food and medicines, and for example they said that “maybe the moment will come, if you need additional help from the military” 117 . Also, for a detailed discussion of food supply to the territory of Finland, a delegation of Kronstadt arrived on the basis of members of the Military Revolutionary Committee N.V. Arkhipovim and I.Є. Oreshinim, zahopleno zastrіnuta mіstsevymi émіgrantskimi deyachami.

“In such a manner,” Y. S. Agranov robbed the whiskers, “the logic of the struggle in the process of its development shoved the Kronstadt rebels, independently for quiet purposes, for the sake of such bulos, the struggle was roared, right into the full reaction. Shvydka liquidation of the slaughter did not give the opportunity to remain residually visible to the Blogvardiysky elements and the gaslams” 118 .

Evaluation and lessons of the Kronstadt rebellion

Through the war, the assault on 17-18 Birch, 1921. Kronstadt was narrowed down with red wines. Ale political passions for the sake of dramatic podias that flared up there, continued to boil for a long time.

It is impossible to guess the controversy between the leaders of two Russian parties - V.I. Lenina and Yu.O. Martova - at the call with an assessment of the rebellion.

“Don’t get carried away into the bear of that awl, as if we give the Kronstadt ledge a great historical significance,” wrote the Menshovitsky leader at the quarter of 1921. -Chilo Tsevo: Initivati ​​Rishchioi Borotbi z. The vihili vid Tikh Masa, yaki dosі boulot with a stronger tim Bolo, the fed-bolded fed-bolded, was brought by the Borotbi navigan fight without that, schob, went to the fury of the counter-revolution. Tse fact majestic vaga. І цей факт підтверджує цілком правильність позиції нашої партії… Ми говорили, що як тільки Радянська Росія звільниться від примари інтервенції, тоді саме створяться політичні та економічні передумови для ідейно-стійкого та дружнього руху пролетаріату проти режиму більшовицької: аракчеєвщини, за демократизацію створеного ладу, за restoration of political freedom. Everything was done with literal accuracy”119.

Statya Yu.O. Martov's "Kronstadt", fragments of a kind of homage, chimed the light at the quarterly issue of the journal "Socialist Visnik", which was seen in Berlin. And immediately came out of Moscow.

“The sensible leader of the bourgeoisie and helpers, Cadet Miliukov,” wrote: V.I. Lenin, out of power, in political discussions, speaks sharply, - more tolerant of roses, explaining the fool to Viktor Chernov ... why don’t you hurry with your co-founder, you can speak for Radyansk vlada - Tilki without bіlshovikіv. Obviously, it doesn’t matter to be sensible for such self-dead fools ... If Martov declares in his Berlin journal, Kronstadt didn’t just spend the menshovitsky extinguished, but gave proof that the anti-billshovitsky movement is possible, it’s not for itself . Let's just close our eyes on the fact that all the right Bilogvardiytsy hovered in Kronstadt and took funds through banks to help Kronstadt! Miliukov marches against the Chernovs and Martovys, for he sees the effective tactics of the military bilogvardiyskoy force: ... let's educate anyone, inspire anarchists, like a good day for Radyansk vlad, abi zdijsniti change vlady!.. , "mi", capitalist and helpers, "themselves" zrobimo, anarchist Kiev, Chornykh, Martovykh we’re progenemo with blunders” 120 .

Who is the maverick in this polemic? Here we are, without mercy, having said that we had passed through the paths of the rebellious Kronstadt, so that he himself could arbitrarily testify about the correctness of the Belarusian leader. Dzhe tsіkavo, scho pіd hour postannya "Sotsіalіstіchny vіsnik" itself inadvertently recognized the obstruction of Lenin's forecast. At the editorial article “Fantastically!”, published in the birch issue, the author (perhaps the same Yu. O. Martov) wrote in a storm: Petersburg in the face of hunger, send food! ”- with a fortune-telling cold, they struck the beasts ... But having risen Kronstadt, the picture changed. Godovat people - tse "sobi to the beat." Fighters - on the right ... Tsіy met and serve as a "Christian" campaign of cadets and trade and industry kіl under the ensign "to help Kronstadt." The White Guard is trying to throw a noose around the neck of the will-loving Kronstadt. Under the guise of a fuss about food supplies, a new undisguised intrigue is being conducted to prepare a new intervention. Persh lower Kronstadt will take away the first hundred poods of a boar, and will be ready for a chergovy expedition on foreign ships to liberate the pens of hirelings, the avant-garde of the occupying army”121.

The rebels of Kronstadt took bread earlier, lower behind the cordon, were brought into full combat readiness of the expeditionary corps for the military support of the rebellion. Ale tsya detail does not change the head one: such a pidtrimka was energetically prepared. The mensheviks fought for annitrochi no more for the bіlshovikіv and navit not strangers, they tried for the help of magazine speeches to spread the gloom of the "bіlogvarіyshchiny", which were thickly thickening over the "free-loving Kronstadt". However, the varto was resurrected in history, like the stench they tried to forget about their greater lower naїvnі susillya and reproached the interpretation of Kronstadt's approaches to the tasks of the current political struggle.

So, on the right, Kronstadtsiv was doomed. For the same time in the Radyanciye il all of the Rosstanovsi Klasovikh, the half-strength of the vitan sailor, the sailor of the Kronstadt, was not the same, to the prologue of the new one, the people of the naga, the folk-bay ... the attempt to get rid of the power of the great big party would lead the minds of those minds not to “urochist democracy”, but to the concentration of power in the hands of right-wing forces, a new round of gromadyanskoy war, massive white and red terror. And hardly before the famous Leninist vysnovka about the Kronstadt podiums (“Bolshoviks can’t replace anyone, for the vinnyatka of the generals” 122) can be put as far-fetched and far from rude.

It’s good to guess that even among the main antagonists of the bіshovikіv — the diyachіv of the bourgeois-monarchical camp — that alternative to power, which was founded in the country, was named in a similar rank. I present an irresistible interest here. one correspondence polemic, for once between the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the former general, a close associate of P.M. Wrangel in exile A.A. Lampe background. Vlitka 1921 in Praz, the Eseri published the book “The Truth about Kronstadt”, and they gave an assessment of the rebellion, close to Menshovitsky. “I re-read The Truth about Kronstadt - the axis was smeared with the Eseriv lance of snot,” the general wrote to his student. - The whole book was buried, like the sailors were generous, like the stench spared everyone, made true by the truth, God forbid, they thought that the sailors were under the influx of a lot of officers, blamed the "image" on the Bolsheviks, but it's not good for them, why " "overcame the" good ". Eseri do not understand that such a struggle will require sharp and swift approaches. As if involuntarily you come to Lenin's visnovka, - the general developed his thoughts, - that in Russia only two rulers can be - monarchical and communist; otherwise, vіrnіshe, the power is absolute and everything is ruled by itself and in its own way! And you won’t go far with intellectual psychology, what we brought brilliantly on our own” 123 .

At once, after the 74-year communist rule in Russia, there are a lot of people who would not hesitate to come up to one more visnovka: the dictatorship of the two generals, yakby won it established itself in the country, brought the result much less evil for those simple reasons, life. great utopia”, which turned over all the traditional economic, social, political and cultural foundations of Russia. At a glance, the history of the world is empty: history has long since ordered itself in its own way and we have not been given the opportunity to rewrite this side. Insha river - understand the reasons for what became of the country that people, and blame the lessons in the future.


Lenin St I, Poly. zib. tv. T. 43. Z: 139.

Before the month of 1921, in Kronstadt and on the island forts, where yoga was settled, there were 18,707 servicemen of private and command stock. The literature has expanded another figure - 26,887 people, but it is not accurate, but it includes, as a sign of respectful analysis of the official funds in the Russian State Archive of the Viyskovo-Naval Fleet (further - RDAV MF: F. R-34. On. 2. D. 532 ; F. P-52. On. 2. D, 36; F. R/-92. Inv. 3. D.. 833; F. P-705. On. 657; that in), garrisons of mainland forts, yaki did not take part in the rebels, as well as a few thousand civilians; workers and employees of Kronstadt factories). At the city, about 30 yews were delayed. civil population. Two heavy battleships "Petropavlovsk" and "Sevastopol" and a number of other military ships were moored at the harbor.

Pro we note only a part of the great literature on the topic; Pukhiv A.FROM. Kronstadt stabbed 1921 L., 1931; Semanov S.M. Elimination of the antiradian Kronstadt slaughtered 1921 M, 1973; Shchetinov Yu.A. Zirvana Zmova. M., 1978; Pollack E. The Kronstadt Rebellion: N. Y., 1959; Avrich P. Kronstadt 1921. Princeton; N-Y., 1970, Getzler I. Kronstadt 1917-1921, Cambridg, 1983; Thomsonn G. Kronstadt'21. London, 1985; that in.

RDAVMF. F. R-1. On. 3. dd. 531, 538; F. R-34. On, 2. dd. 310, 532; F. R-52. Op. 2. D, 36; F. R-92. On. 3. D. 376; that in.

Sovereign Archives of St. Petersburg (DASPb). F. 1000. Op. 5. D. 5.

Sovereign Archives of the Russian Federation (further - GARF) Ff. 5784, 5872, 5893 and in.

There. F. 5784, Op. 1. dd. i, 99, 100, 106.

There. F. 5822. Op. 1. D, 42; F. 5802. On. 1. D. 638.

There. F. 5802, Op. 1. D. 548.

There. F. 7506. Op. 1. D. 31.

There. F. 5784. Op. 1. D. 99.

GARF. F. 5784. Op. 1. D. 106.

Avrich P. Op. cit. R. 235-239.

RDAVMF, collection of materials about S.M. Petrichenko,

GARF. F. 5784. Op. 1. D. 100; F. 5893. Op. 1. D. 81; dd. 492, 603.

There. F. 5784. On. 1. D. 106.

Sorokin R. Leaves in Russian Diary. N. Y., 1970. P. 265,

DASPb. F. 1000. Op. 5. D. 5.

There. F. 1000. Op. 5. D. 5; that in.

GARF. F. 5784. Op. 1. D. 104.

DASPb. F. 1000. Op. 5. D. 4.

GARF. F. 5959. Op. 2. D. 141.

DASPb. F. 1000. Op. 5. D. 5.

Red Litopis. 1931. No. 1. S. 16-17.

News of the Timchasov Revolutionary Committee of Sailors, Red Army Soldiers and Workers of Kronstadt, 1921. 11 birch.

Semanov S.M. Decree. tv. S. 85.

Revolutionary Russia (Revel). 1921. No. 8. S. 8.

GARF. F. 5959. Op. 2. D. 2.

Russian State Military Archives. F. 190. Op. 3. D. 1131.

Petrichenko S.M. The truth about the Kronstadt podiums. Paris, 1921. Z. 9.

Vitchizna. 1993 No. 7. S. 53.

Russian Center for the Collection and Reproduction of Documents in New History (hereinafter referred to as RTSHIDNI). F. 17. On. 13. D. 761.

Russian state archives of the Russian Federation (further - GARF). F. 7506. On. 1. dd. 38, 71. 72.

Dan F.I. Two fates are lost. Berlin, 1922. S. 153, 155

Russian State Military Archives (further - RGVA) F 7 Op 2 D. 530; F. 190. Op. 3. dd. 791, 792; F. 263. Op. 1. dd. 35, 42; F. 264. Op. 1. D. 44; Russian state archives of the Viysk-Navy Fleet (hereinafter - RDAVMF). P-92. On. 1. D. 496; State Archives of St. Petersburg(palishe - DASPb). F, 485. On. 1. D. 117; that in.

GARF. F. 5959. Op. 2. D. 2.


GARF. F. 5959. Op. 2, D. 2. The original role of such a solution to the insurgent warfare was played by the failure of the landing on the Oranienbaum coast, which was brought in by small forces on the 3rd of June.

Kronstadt stabbed. C5. articles, compiled and documented. L., 1931. S. 75, Zb. materials to the committee of the Petrograd RCP(b). Pg., 1921. VIP. 3. S. 30-31; that in.

RGVA. F 263. On. 1. D. 42; DASPb. F. 33. Op. 2. D. 185.

RDAVMF. P-92. On. 1. D. 496; DASPb. F. 485. On. 1. D. 117.

Lenin St I. Poly. zib. tv. T, 43, p. 237.

GARF. F. 5802. On. 1. D. 638.

DASPb. F. 4591. Op. 5. D. 12.

Kronstadt stabbed, S. 160.

GARF. F. 5784. Op. 1. D. 106.

Revolutionary Russia. Revel, 1921. No. 5. Z. 6.

GARF, F, 5784. Op. 1. D. 99.

Same there, F. 7506. On. 1. D. 32.

Dictatorship of the RCP(b) Khlibna monopoly

Zhorstok strangled insurrection



Vasil Zhovtovsky

I. N. Smirnov

Stepan Danilov

V.I. Shorin

Petro Shevchenko

I. P. Pavlunovsky

Mikola Bulatov

Vasiliev Makar Vasilovich

Timofij Lidberg

Power of the parties

Close to 100 000 osib

Parts of Striletsky divisions
Dekilka of cavalry regiments
Dekіlka strіletskih regiments
4 armored trains
Parts of special recognition

Western-Siberian rebellion 1921-22.- the biggest anti-billshovitsky outburst of the villagers, cossacks, part of the workers and the Russian intelligentsia on the cob of the 20th pp.

The history of the civil war is shared by the historians of a small number of stages, the skin from which they are inspired by the warehouse and motivations of the participants, the scale, the disintegration of the struggle, and also by the surrounding environment, political, economic and geographical. The final period of the civil war, which sounds from the end of 1920 to 1922, inclusive, is characterized by a sharp increase in the role of anti-communist speeches, the main participants in that rush force are villagers. One of the most important of them, for the number of risen, and also for the scale of the shackled territory, was the Western-Siberian Insurrection of 1921.

Spalakhnuvshi naprikintsі sichnya 1921 у північно-східному районі Ішимського повіту Тюменської губернії, повстання за кілька тижнів охопило більшість волостей Ішимського, Ялуторівського, Тобольського, Тюменського, Березовського та Сургутського повітів Тюменської губернії, Тарського, Тюкалі Курганського повіту Челябінської губернії, східні райони Камишловського та Шадринського повітів Єкатеринбурзької губернії. In addition, it hit five pivnіchny volosts of the Turin county of the Tyumen province, turned into praises in the Atbasar and Akmola counties of the Omsk province. Spring 1921 Insurgent corrals operated on the majestic territory from Obdorsk (Salekhard) at the pivnoch to Karkaralinsk at pivdni, from the Tugulim station at the entrance to Surgut at the exit.

At the fierce fate of 1921, we stood afar off for three years to recut the insulting lines of the Trans-Siberian Gulf, and at the same time pinned the blue of Siberia with the reshtoi of Russia. At a different hour, Petropavlovsk, Tobolsk, Kokchetav, Berezov, Surgut and Karkaralinsk, Obdorsk were buried with them. There were battles for Ishim, Kurgan, Yalutorivsk.

The number of recent stories and memoirists is estimated at thirty to one hundred and fifty thousand. Ale, in whatever mood, their number, accept, does not compromise the number of Tambov and Kronstadt rebels.

Great boules and forces, thrown by the radian detachment, strangled the rebels. The number of regular units of the Chervonoi Army and communist formations outweighs the number of the Polish Radian Army that hour.

Kerіvnitstvo them zdіysnyuvav specially creations of the body, to which included prominent fiends of the political and viysk bіshovitskoy top - Pre-Siberian І.M. Smirnov, commander-in-chief of Siberia V.І. Shorin and the most important representative of the Cheka from Siberia I.P. Pavlunovsky.

In this rank, one can speak about the Zahidno-Siberian rebellion, as about the largest among the anti-communist rebellions of the peasantry. At the Zv'yazka, we’ll be seen at the same way, to the rod, on the butt of the Tsyogo rebel, the pantynna about the process of the Sibir Seaurism hour is an hour of the Bastard of the Gromyansko Viyni, the sponant, about the sponsor, about those sides of and yakі sub'ektivnі faktivnі mala The test of visvitlennya tsikh nutrition and is assigned to the course work.

Historiography of the Trans-Siberian Insurrection should be clearly substantiated by the Radian and post-traditional periods. If it is worthwhile for the Radian period, then in the middle of the new one you can prostrate the deacons to change how the rebellion rises. At the first rock, after the hromadyanskoy war, it appeared to make a lot of good luck. who took the fate of the podiah for the red ones. With an arrogant subjectivity, in these texts one can learn a lot of citations, as if they were witnesses of eyewitnesses, reports, from which, for a critical approach to their assessment, it is possible, for a reason, to be in the future. It is a pity that the picture of the mother is one-sidedly displayed, the fragments of the witnesses of the participants in the rebellion themselves were not spared. Memoirs of none of them for a number of sensible reasons, and their voices can be a little less than the protocols of drinking burrowings from full of rebels, and the entire range of documents is distinguished by special specifics and requires especially careful and thoughtful approach. Prior to that, in historical terms, documents, not like fragments, but in bulk, appeared relatively recently, just like the past century, and that was poorly mastered by historians.

Роботи радянських істориків, при всій своїй різноманітності, були єдині в прагненні трактувати Західно-Сибірське повстання як куркульське, підготовлене і проведене під керівництвом есерів і колишніх колчаківських офіцерів, участь середняків і бідняків у повстанні визнавалася, але зменшувалося, і пояснювалося обмануто чи залякане ватажками повстання . From the other side, politics radianska vlady was recognized as correct and only possible for the quiet surroundings, was assigned only for the raven and the shortfalls in the її practical zdіysnі, the guilt for the yakі іlkom and povnіst relied on the laborers. The main respect of the radian historians was screwed up by the daily military aspects of the rebellion, as if they were victorious to report back.

However, in the post-traditional period, if it was too rich to close the archives and it became possible to publish one’s thoughts independently in the party line, the yakis streak near the branch and the branch of the Western-Siberian rebellion did not come. Riven vikoristannya, that breadth of the stowing of available materials did not change in the blink of an eye, but the trend of some past successors changed the sign, and now all the powers of Radyansk were painted near the black light, and the bright farboa, navpaki, ї opponents.

Happy birthday to the work of the Omsk legate Vasil Ivanovich Shishkin. He compiled a two-volume collection of Siberian Vendee (Siberian Vendee. Documents. In 2-ht. Vol. 1 (1919-1920), Vol. 2 (1920-1921). - M .: MF "Democracy", 2000; 2001. comp. V.I.Shishkin), as well as the collection itself For the Poradi without kommunistiv (For the Poradi without kommunistiv: Selyanska rebellion in the Tyumen province. 1921: Collection of documents. - Novosibirsk, 2000. compiled by V.I.Shishkin) for its full time not there are analogues and before now it is practically a single dzherel for those who wish to familiarize themselves with the documents of that hour.

On qi work, I basically tried to get lost.

At the fall of the twentieth year, the ships sailed from the Crimean moorings, carrying the army of General Wrangel to the emigration. And in Transbaikalia, just two days earlier, for example, the 20th anniversary of the People's Revolutionary Army of the Buffer Far Republic, after a few recent trials, they hit the famous Chita traffic jam. Abandoned by the Japanese allies, Otaman Semyonov moved the remnants of his parts to China, to transfer the CER to Primorye, to delineate the remaining front between chervonim and more than once stood far from Khabarovsk, near Iman.

I wanted to fight more battles in Transcaucasia and Turkestan, but the result of them was few in anyone now, in doubt, the Bolsheviks everywhere took the upper hand. The necrotic land lived in the sight of a close world. It was more important for them to try out samples, which were vipalized on the її part. Promise stood. The transport system was trying to change between calls. Living in places, in front of which the primate of starvation death stood steadily, it was possible to add to them only by naming zusils.

The entire 20th century the countryside rebellions shook the provinces, and the significant forces of the regular troops were thrown at them to strangle them. To tell you what against the Antonov rebels in the Tambov region was about a hundred thousand groups, on which stood the commanders of the Gromadyanskaya war Tukhachevsky, Uborevich, Kotovsky and a lot of others.

However, in the lava of the Chervonoy Army, which was mainly formed from the same villagers, it was bought up and dissatisfied with the policy of the Viysk communism often broke through in the form of vіdkrity zakolotіv, such as the vistup of Chapaev’s associate, the hero of the defense of Uralsk in the bіlokozakіv, the head of ). The first twenty years of fate became inconceivable, the Kronstadt sailors rose, the beauty and pride of the revolution.

Don’t forget so much about the rampage of criminal gangs, as you don’t have a lot of political intrigue and that, which easily got attached to any kind of chaos. Vtіm, for the sake of justice, it is necessary to say that between criminal and political banditry was very thin. On the first side, under some ensigns, the stench did not come out, often-densely accompanied by robbery and violence against the dwellers. In the meantime, zdichavili and baked for the fates of the war, the inhabitants themselves often seized for the armor, which, despite the punishment of the strong authorities, walked on the hands of the same chimalo.

Western Siberia in 1920s

On this aphid Western Siberia is not blaming.

After the Battle of Tobolsk-Peter and Paul, Kolchak's army practically pinned down the organizations of the opir, those of її parts, as if they had saved the war effort, breaking through the crisis of the partisan barriers, unstrikingly went to the exit, to the west with the otaman Semyonov, to the taman Semyonov, and to China On the 14th leaf fall of 1919, without a fight, the thirty-thousand garrison of Omsk was destroyed without a fight. The capital of white Siberia fell.

Through such a strong development Western Siberia, with її rich land resources and foreign peasantry, did not have a chance to try the zhakhi and relief of the front-line resistance, which, obviously, visibly glimpsed її in the other regions of Russia, as if rotting the fire pit of the brother tusks. All the same, the furnishing played its fatal role in the nevdovs.

I.N. Smirnov at the twentieth roci: Sibir for Radianskaya Russia is important as a reservoir, from which one can draw not only food, but also human material. (Siberian Vendee comp. V.I. Shishkin)

If there is a need for human resources, then it’s more than possible to go about calling to the Chervonoy Army, as before that, in the minds of the transition to peaceful rails, which was reorganized at the so-called pracirmіy, stood on the brink of mass speed. (Note: Trudovі armії, armії pratsі - armії rshcha after the end of hromadyanskoy vyyni directed to work in the radyansk state with the savings of the viysk discipline that management system and try to encourage communism in 1920-1921…).

Decree For the sake of military and rural defense, on September 23, the Reserve Army of the Republic was directing Moscow to Yekaterinburg for the restoration of railroad prosperity.

2nd Special Railway Labor Army (Won - Trudova Railway Army of the Caucasian Front). Reorganized from the 2nd Army of the Caucasian Front praised for the sake of the robotic and peasant defense of the 27th fierce. Petrograd Labor Army. Created from the 7th army 10th fierce.

Another revolutionary labor army. Created on April 21 from parts of the 4th army of the Turkestan front.

Children of the Donetsk Labor Army began in the 1920s

U sichni 1921 p. Bula formed the Siberian Labor Army

Likewise, before that, like the Chervonoarmіytsі, the deputy of the demobіlіzаtsії, already, like the workers of the army, they were guilty of taking part in the newly established ruminated state, so the hromada population itself, at once I'm talking about the villagers, the krіm buildings of the pro-layouts, in the primus order, they were widely lіsozagotivel. road repair too. Duties, especially, zvichayno, lsozagotivl, a heavy burden fell on the inhabitants of the taiga regions, which, like on me, was one of the reasons that the rebellion began in them in the twentieth rotation.

Political, economic and geographical features of the district of the rebellion.

Here is the next few reports on the geography of the Zahidno-Siberian rebellion.

At the fierce - kvіtnі 1921 r. повстанські загони і з'єднання діяли на величезній території Західного Сибіру, ​​​​Зауралля і сучасної республіки Казахстан, що включала по адміністративно-територіальному поділу того часу Тюменську губернію, Кокчетавський, Петропавлівський, Тарський і Тюкалінський Челябінської губернії, східні райони Камишловського і Шадринського повітів Єкатеринбурзької Provincial.* (For please without a communalist. Celestin, a rebel in the Tyumensky provincial 1921 r. Zbirnik Documentyv Sibir chronograph Novosibіrsk 2000) Tsoma Slid Dodati, the district of the reservoir. (Mikhailo Budarin Buli about security officers. Western-Siberian book publishing 1974, I.I. Serebryannikov Veliky vіdkhіd, z-vo Ast 2003)

In such a rank, it is possible that the fire of the rebels fell on the densely populated region with the rise of the strong state, surrounded by the Kazakhstani steppes from the first day, in front of the mountains of Altai, the taiga - right away and the forest-steppe of Peredurally from the sunset. It was crossed from the entrance of the two branches of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which converged in Omsk, and the Obta Irtish served as the main transport arteries for transferring from the meridial straight line.

Insurgent movement of 1920 to fate in Western Siberia.

Such a camp was adopted by the fact that the hour of the Kolchakiv ruler of the region was practically not destroyed by the partisan movement. The partisans actively fought along the perimeter, in tayzi, in front of the mountains, there, de mistevity more stole them, and only from the vicinity of the Chervonoy Army the stench came out of the taiga, to take the fate of the next Kolchakivtsiv. The re-examination often evoked the nature of the total guilt not only of the soldiers and officers, but of the refugees, as they accompanied them. The robbery was of a mass character and was not surrounded by military warehouses and women's convoys, under the threat they stooped down and places.

Showy is the story of the defeat of Kuznetsk, the lower Novokuznetsk, the corral of the anarchist Rogov at the breast of the 19th year, which took away thousands of up to two thousand people for various tributes, and did not take away unambiguous assessments. (div., for example, the newspaper Viche Tveri dated January 28, 2009, the article by Igor Mangaziev The honoring of the hero of the novel Zhakhiv or a discussion at the forum of Siberian local scientists

To go about those who surrounded the Rogivsky corral to Kuznetsk included more spits of partisan corrals, and on which of them lies the blame for those who were trapilos, unknowingly dosi. Prote, following the deeds of facts, as they are not disputed by anyone, among the partisans were beaten uncompromisingly to the quiet, whom the stench vowed with their enemies, moreover, in the ring of enemies, in a moment, spend practical be-xto, and here the massacre was a nuisance. Ale krіm them, vystachalo and such, yakі nі about scho, krіm plundering, did not think. From the partisans, the villagers of the most powerful forces went to the place, so as not to waste their part.

Later, at the city, in one day, they visited 4 to 6 "partisan" pens, moreover, the carnival zlochintsy, released from the bailouts, took the most important fate at the podia near Kuznetsk. The people of the most powerful forces are also guessing, as they rushed to rob Kuznetsk. And most of all, let the horsemen simply clear up with firmness, that in rich vipadkas they drove in, or they tried to drive in people of their sovereign judges and are called richly known to Kuznetsk. Let's not name them, the shards of sound are serious, so that they are presented to people on the basis of a few tiles, recorded in ten years. So, according to the words of a resident of Kuznetsk Konovalov: "our forgers were plundered by men of great strength under the brand of partisans." Deyakі z svіvts dіyali blіnіyno - they went into the booth, and having beaten in the lords, went shooping away, what was in the uvazi about those who shot, they were more than allowed (although they thought the same way on susіdіv). We see the role of such Aksyonov's friend, as she drove the "horns", showing them who should be beaten, and where you can profit well. And "alive", at the city bula. Place Bulo Bagatim, merchants. It’s clear here that one forged, like a rose, that today’s homeland was bouldering, that the horns, hankering for horses, didn’t become brothers, after pursuing such vigilance, but immediately add, that all one thing was taken from them by the bandits (!) horses"

Tsі podії for those of my text tsіkavі tim, scho shed some light on the mood, the expansion of the middle of the villagers and partisans at the time of the transition of Western Siberia to the power of the bіlshovikіv. About the expansion of these moods, there is no personal evidence, like the one that had these moods. If you remember that even before the revolution, the Siberian peasant, especially a migrant not in the first generation, not very stale in the state, had a great economic self-reliance, obviously, his character was independent and dependable, which, to say the least, played a role , that Kolchakivshchina with її mobilizations was revealed.

The presence of landowner landownership, the influx of landslides, the insignificance of the administrative apparatus and the remoteness of settlements scattered far from each other formed specific figures of the psychological warehouse of Siberians - rationalism, individual duality, self-reliance. V.P. Semyonov Tyan-Shansky in 1895 characterizing the region in this way: “The one who came from European Russia was immediately opposed by the freedom and insensitivity of the Siberian peasants driven by the foreign “officials”. A Siberian, without any kind of request, directly sitting and not respecting the yak, the authorities sat in front of him and spoke in an imperturbable rank »

Shilovsky M.V. The specifics of the political behavior of various social groups in Siberia in the other half of the 19th - on the cob of the 20th century.

The villagers, in their masses, the deputy of the white army, respected the partisans for better power of their blues, and rightfully respected Kolchak, like the Chervona Army, who came from European Russia, with the same strengths.

But let's turn to the Kuznetsk incident, the new one has one more side, as it can be directly related to food, which is being discussed.

A couple of words about those that have become with Horns and yoga corral. Zagin buv rozzbroeny chervonim vіyskami, and Rogov himself, that splinter of people close to the new one, turned to the Novomykolaiv Cheka (nine Novosibirsk), for ringing at the pogrom of Kuznetsk. The soldiers of Rogov went through filtration, some shots, some trials to the point of punishment, some mobilizations to the Chervonoy Army, or just admissions on all sides. Rogov, after a severe investigation, which was accompanied by beatings, nevertheless, because of the improvement of his partisan merits, they were pardoned, obviously, recognizing him as more careless, and having seen additional help in the obstruction of the state, they let him go. After that, in the summer of 1920, he himself slew the rebels of the villagers and many partisans of Prichumishsh, gave him his name, and died in a day. Similar to the rebellion and praise of the many partisans, unsatisfied with the divisions, mobilization and the establishment of the new government before them, equally easily humiliated, tried to the cob of 1921 rock.

Ale was praised not only by a lot of partisans. Axis to write about these recent deadly enemies, Cossacks, Volodymyr Shuldyakov ("Death of the Siberian Cossack Army" in two volumes: I vol. - 1917-1920 pp., II vol. - 1920-1922 pp. (M. Tsentrpoligraf, 2004 p. .) .)) The Cossacks, as the first in the Siberian army, began to lay armor in front of her. І recently the head of Omsk Regional Vikonkom Є. U. Polyudov, having realized that the Kokchetav Cossacks, not seeming already about the villagers, "are in a more revolutionary mood"

"... The communists have twisted the administration of the truly people's government. The stinks have gone astray, for the good of ... the working people, for the support of the people's well-being. The stinks thought more about themselves, about their party discipline, and not about us, the farmers ... the right rulers of the country. CHECK, nothing is visible on the objects of our practice, inexhaustible underwater duty, constant fears for the word is said, zayvu rich- all our life, even without that sadness, turned into hell, turned us into slaves of high-spirited temples, cotton from the uncertain past and today. Notwithstanding our goodness, the government has refilled the cup of patience with our kindness, and we... have denounced the insurgents and driven out the communists... We are fighting for truly people's power, for lack of specialty and private authority, for freedom of speech, seals, splinter, perekonan... We are not addicts streaks, bloods... a lot has been shed before us... Get out of the commune! Long live the people's power. Glad that the work is good!"

However, roztashuvannya Cossack villages, scho lantsyuzhek drag on pіvdennіy outskirts of the region, for the time being, the Cossacks were pacified from the vіdkritoy support. And the axis near the Stepovoy Altai, already in the spring of 1920, operated on the so-called. People's Insurgent Army, the number of soldiers in Yakіy was 15 thousand inhabitants.

V.I.Shishkin write that in the twentieth rotation in Siberia there were five great rises, savage kіlkіst participants up to twenty-five thousand osib (V.I. Shishkin Partisan-insurgent movement near Siberia on the cob of the 1920s).

Among them, you can see Kolivanske, behind the name of the taiga village near the Ob, in the summer of 1920. Tse, Mabut, Chi is not the same vipado, if the one is able to talk about Kerivna the role of Eserivo “Sibirskoye Celeansko Snpka”, uninvited by those, Sho Buv Mayzhey, and Zagoda, who was in the thorough -Siberian rebel. Before the speech, one more unfortunate incidents among the rebels took an active part and many Kolchakiv officers, some of whom practiced bilya Kolivani on logging. At the same time, hostility is building up, which happened to them under the pressure of the rebels. (Vadim Glukhov slaughtered the Epopee of Kolivanskogo).

From what has been said above, it is possible to introduce a lawfulness to the deaku. In 1920, there were more mobile elements in anti-communist Russia - more partisans, Cossacks, taiga craftsmen, militants, as well as during the hours of Kolchak's rule, roztashovanih, I repeat, along the perimeter of the area of ​​​​the possible Zahidno-Siberian rebellion. Tobto, the region of the most densely populated, meshkants, through those who were tying them to their own states, as well as through a geographic official, even if there was a forest-steppe, were not able to enter into conflict with any power, whether it be red chi or , namagayuchis for any furnishing zberіgati їй loyalty.

Fucking, with one side by one side, they served as a prologue to Vibuhu Two Dazhoki Roku, and with іnshogo - they had a yogo, they weded their likwydasia at that hour of Radyansko Vladi, they knew the village of Sibyan. hand.

The mood of the villagers and the policy of the bilshoviks

What happened in this interval of time, from the end of 1919 to the beginning of 1921? Why did the villagers, like strummers of the bіshovikіv, like the wily ones, did not pass the fate, by the thousands began to throw themselves on the Red Army guns with their bare hands?

For this varto guess the words of Pushkin, like the rebels of Pugachov, about the stupid and merciless Russian rebellion. Їх, як мені здається, слід приймати на віру з деяким застереженням, а саме - російський бунт буває безглуздим і нещадним рівно тією мірою, якою були безглузді і нещадні дії влади, що викликали його, що не раз знаходило своє підтвердження в російській історії. І more nizh be-if it manifested itself in the seasons of 1921. If the Russian Bilshoviks have become a clear demonstration of one more peculiarity of the Russian government, it seems that the low quality of management is most often compensated for by the zhorstokistyu zastosuvannya.

From the same time, zupinimos from the other side of the future resistance, on the bіshoviks themselves, they became, like 1919, the new rulers of Western Siberia.

Віддавши в сімнадцятому році землю селянам, більшовики отримали їхню підтримку, завдяки якій змогли захопити і утримати владу, але їм не вдалося зупинити руйнування промисловості, внаслідок чого в країні стрімко настала продовольча криза, оскільки місту не було чого запропонувати селянам в обмін за хліб.

When the situation changed, the Belarusians knew from the food dictatorship, from the introduction of the food supply, they tried to take the extra surpluses from the villagers, leaving them with the least necessary minimum of products.

It dawned on me that it could have been more than a violent path. Lenin, calling out to the workers before the cross-country campaign for bread. "Because the leaders of the workers are known - the robot workers ... piss off the kulaks ... or the bourgeoisie for help kurkulov ... the skin of Radyansk power" (PSS, vol. 36, p. 360). Near the village, spontaneously formed prodagons were thrown, the activity of which called out in 1918 to the first time of the village insurgents. The struggle for bread hastened the influx of 1918. regrouping of class forces in the countryside. The essence of the її was that the power in the village was transferred to the Rada of the Rada of Violence Committees. Lenin, having respected the merit of the RCP (b), that she “burned out” brought a gromadian war into the village, split the villagers, so that in the individual villagers, they would take support against the strong bourgeoisie (div.: PSS, vol. 37, p. 310, 315, 508 - 09).

They reached them with the ears of the enormous Viyni Politika of the Vorota Dictaturi reached 1920 of the rock of his own, the Sensi, the mechanism of the Two Rocks in 1918 Buvo of the rejection of the relic, did not give the sinking of the Removy rusty.

the lessons of the peasant uprisings of the other half of 1918 did not pass the bad luck. The stench was called to the liquidation of combi-divisions and vlady vlady tried to spy on the "strong nap_proletariat" - the village was abandoned to the village. The combi buli were angry with the strong and hairy Radas and in such a rank they raised a plethora of vigor among them, closely tied with the bilshoviks. Instantaneously (since 1919) the element of food preparations by robotic food trucks is replaced by a single system of food distribution, designed on a global scale. by crafting goods in ambush direct (not trade) rozpodіlu. At whom the whole idea was one of the main ideas of the "viysk-communist" organization of economic life. However, the flourishing bagatorium war industry could not satisfy the needs of the village. The "military-communist policy" in the countryside was immediately heard before the sale of food in the countryside states, which is necessary for the hungry army and the city's populace, a surplus of industry. The planting carried out the main line of splitting between the revolutions of the city and the village. Mobilization for military service, various types of duties (labor, guzhova and іn), try a direct transition to socialism on the paths of organizing a collective land-ownership more and more helped the resistance of the villagers of that power.

From the materials of the conference “Vlada and Villagers”, Moscow-Tambov, 1996, pages 4-23.)

In this way, all the people came in to do it effectively, to the senses that the peasants were already productive, regardless of the daily opera, they were prodarmієu, organized for the image of that kind of viyskovoї spoluky. Ale at the pre-strokovіy prospects, the stench led right to the catastrophe.

Persher, Leninska Practice Rosvynnya Gromyadyanco Vinyi in the village, ascended to the torch thrown into the powder llows, pydіloval, the SUSKILIKY OF NUSTRENSIA conflikti, and the mira of the seniles of the villagers, the strong Impulse I hung up. on the thought of more historians took life richer, the lower country spent on the fronts of the mass war.

In a different way, the villagers, surrounding the active forms of support, went into the passive ones, and themselves, cut thinness and rushed the soul area. Also, until the 20th anniversary of the Rilla in Russia, it shortened by 10-15 vіdsotkіv.

As a result of all this, the mayor of hunger relentlessly went after the radian power, falling into the flesh and blood in all the territories she occupied. Also, in the first half of the 20th century, all the agricultural provinces of the Don, the Volga region, the Tambov region and Ukraine were snared by the peasant rebels. Zahidniy Sibir was an oasis on the smoldering aphids, the laying in the new one did not stop until the middle of the rock, and all the tributes introduced by the Kolchakiv order were collected by the Bolsheviks.

Prote, until the summer of the twentieth year, having strangled the speeches of the Siberians, more importantly, about what was said more, the new government decided to make up for itself and even proclaim the fatal decree to the Radnarkom, signed by Lenin:


Workers, Chervona Army and the villagers in the provincial Radianskaya Russia meet the food needs. Neurozhay tsgo rock in the lower provinces threatening to worsen the food camp of the working people. At this hour, Siberia has up to hundreds of millions of pounds of bread, taken in huge rocks and lying in belongings and shirts at the unmilked look. The peasantry of Siberia, which endured the Kolchakivshchyna and went to the bitter end, that, without taking power from their own hands, workers and villagers are not able to secure their own land, no will, and once again, to be politically and economically oppressed, Workers and villagers are spared by the provinces, give them those that are rich in them and that lie without any kind of living, attacking the lack of safety of succumbing and rotting.

In honor of the Congress, the Rada of People's Commissars, in order to bring the workers to a viable end of hard struggle against their century-old exploiters and oppressors, decides in order of combat mandate:

1. The crops of the villagers of Sibir should not be started until the threshing of all the surplus grain in the past years with the delivery of them to the station of the bay and the steamboat wharf.

Note: laying out excess bread, which is used for new production, in the past years, the People’s Commissariat of Food and Beverage will be appointed and deafened by the People’s Commissariat of Food at once with the allocation of new bread for new crops.

2. After the presentation of the laying of goiter for hair and for the sake of strength, the Revolutionary Committee negainoly get all the population before threshing that building of bread; in times of consumption, the population is expelled before threshing in the order of labor service.

3. Vіdpovіdalnymi for virobnitstvo threshing and vykonannya laying bare all mіstsevі organs vlady, vіd vіd vіd volosnі and сіlskih rada, revkomіv i kіnchayuchi Sіbrevkomom.

4. Vinnykh in the threshing of the threshing and the surplus of the bulk of the population, just like all the other representatives of the government, who allowed the threshing, punish the confiscation of the mine and the aggravated from the concentration camp as the workers of the revolutionary villagers

5. With the meter of Lightness to the threshing of the little-consumed sinter dimensions Im'yi Chervonoarmiyv: a) Zobov'Soli VIISOKOVODBURO VOLIRICHOKOSHKOSHKO SPILOKO for the Knryannya Golovkompratov, to the prod-bonet in the siber, the derrymist sets of uniforms and warm clothing; b) to mobilize and send to the distribution of Siberian food organizations up to 20,000 employees organizing harvesting, starving villagers and workers in European Russia for work during the autumn and winter hours in the warehouse with 20% allowance for workers in the warehouse.

6. The People's Commissariat of Food jointly with the People's Commissariat of Practice generates instructions on selective corrals.

7. For the purpose of ensuring the full threshing, that building of oversized grains is put on a binding list for the chief of the military VOKHR of the vikonati, in the terminology, I will be presented by the People's Commissariat of Food and Beverage to the power for Siberia (there are 9,000 bagnets), and 300 boots will be driven and more uniforms are presented no later than 1 sickle c.

8. The final term for threshing that building of all excess crops in the past years is to be established on September 1, 1921.<...>

Head For the people's commissars V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

V. Bonch-Bruyevich, on the right

The laying out of bread forage for 1920/1921 food rations near the RRFSR was overdue, and more regions and provinces were announced by the decision of the People's Commissariat for Food on 26 lime 1920. Three 440 million poods, exacerbated the greed of the state, 10 million fell on Siberia, 17 million - on the Chelyabinsk province, 1 million - on Yekaterinburzka. The laying out in the Tyumen province was recognized later at the sight of 8 177 thousand. pudіv. Siberia has 35 million poods of grain fodder out of 110 million (31.8%), as they lay behind the allocation, the villagers of one of the Omsk provinces were to blame. Vdvіchі larger than the scale of the Tyumen province - 5 385 thousand. pudіv bread fodder or 65.8% of the necessary layout - bula pet vaga Ishimsky county (div.: HANS F.R. 4. Op. 1. D. 520. Ll. 6, 7 RGAE F. 1943. Op. 6. D. 1740. L. 75; Bulletin of the People's Commissariat of Food and Industry No. 15. 13 sickles, 1920; 528-530).

In this order, from 20 chervnya 1920 to 1 birch 1921, six Siberian provinces (Irkutsk, Yeniseysk, Tomsk, Omsk, Altai, Semipalatinsk) and Tyumensk, which was part of the Ural region, were due to build 116 million pounds. bread, which became one-third of the imperially powerful boss. The villagers goiter worked to produce grain, meat (6,270,000 poods of meat were deposited in Siberia), olive oil, eggs, potatoes, vegetables, shkir, wool, tutyun, horns, hoard, and richly other. Usogo they were expanding 37 layouts. In addition, all the working population from 18 to 50 years of age is not enough to pay different duties.

Majestic car dіyshla. Lenin's Decree succumbed to the negai and unskilled vikonnanny, not respecting those who put the villagers on the verge of starvation death. Prodpratsіvniki at the escort of the escaping corrals went to the villages.

I axis, Sibirski villagers, yaki were hidden, Sho Zyunschennyam Gromyadyancoi Viyni, Zhitty Uvіdye Naresti in Mirn, The yak was sent to the lakes of the Comor ib, to the dino, I call all over the hall, I call the rosy. de zіbrane often psuєtsya vіd nedbalogo zberіgannya. Moreover, to help the food processors, the residents of the poor were appointed. Before the speech, a part of the population, relying on the aid of the state, didn’t spend anything, but only to win and win, a small part of the chosen one went to help them. However, the odds were not good for the possible Siberia.

Here it is necessary to guess that in the Siberian village, a statement about bad people has long and deeply rooted, as if about people who cannot make themselves happy in Siberia through their laziness and foolishness. I'm giving up. there was not a small part of the truth in it, although, obviously, there were some blames.

As if it hadn’t been there, the fate of the bіdnyakіv in the activity of the food organizations added oliї to the fire, even more embittered and without that already embittered villagers.

Ale didn’t get to the slaughtered meeting, and the bachachis, the party’s ministers and the radyansk organs hurried to vikonate the leader’s order, not knowing what.


metro Tyumen<Середина октября 1920 г.>

All organizational work of food organizations has been completed. Rich volosts may end up picking bread. The practice of past work has shown that<продерганы>owe immediately with the moment of completion of the selection of bread to proceed<к>vykonannya of her battle task, so as not to give the opportunity to break the bread with foragers. The weather, worth it, gives the opportunity not to harm the government<вести заготовку>products. Whether it be a call, you can be known for the hour of our work<по>vikonannya rosettes. To that I punish with a stretch of three days from the moment of omission of which to bring all the otrimani of the layout to the appearance of the skin master.

I order the commissars of the food office to refute it negligently, which split the distribution into villages, and by the villages - into the next rulers. Lists of household gifts from the assigned invoices for the payment of responsibilities, crime sіlrad, perebuvat at the food office, to control and increase the productivity of the work. Give an ultimatum to the volvikonkoms and the silrads about the negaine vykonannya layouts. Broadly tell the population that sales of products to speculators and speculators have only been brought to a speedy pace of their own norms, but given the power of the rise, they will not change. The layout is given, do not allow the same reappearances, amendments or otherwise. Until the end 60%<разверстки>head of the volvikonkomіv, sіlrad, yakі svіdomo zatrimuyut rozverstku and vzagalі passively lie down to її vykonannya, arreshtovuvat ta suprovodzhuvati * (Siberian Vendee)

It was clear that the bіshoviks had a chance to work at the overarching furnishing, but it was also necessary to remember that the stench carried the left part of the vіdpovіdalnostі for the folding of these furnishings. And now the skin of the їhnіy krok is even more polyuvav on the right. The execution of the supra-eternal decree on the missions turned into a direct brutality of those who spent yoga in life. And there were no other ways - vikonati with a new world, the order of the leader did not exist.

Those of the Mistsevyh party and Radyansky pratsivniki, yaki did not show any persistent obscenity, risked themselves but were ringing in sabotage and counter-revolutionary activities, and punishment for tse in that hour was assigned to them even more severely, lower for ordinary inhabitants. In the meantime, there was no marriage among the old vykonavtsy, and the great authorities themselves had an hour at a time to be quiet, who was overburdened.


On March 4, 1920, to the village of Kam'yanske, having arrived with the encouragement of the gubchek comrade. Kovaliv with a hundred accusatory materials, selected by him during the investigation in the volosts, which we see. From the last material and the special visnovka comrade. Kuznetsova dії gubkomіsії shkodo vykonanny derzhalokladok є in povno razumіnnі words of counter-revolutionary and incite the villagers against the radian power. Tov. Kuznetsov resounds in the fact that we are very zhorstoko and rudely behaved with the villagers, tobto. vimagaemo in their vikonati derzhrozladok, and not campaigning among the villagers for vykonanny derzhrokladok. For yoga visnovka, our vchinki girschi for Kolchakivshchina. In addition, the new one has the material that the commission of the tree of the villagers with lashes and the help of the villagers for the food of the greased goose.

Against such stupidity, the ringing is no less than a commission, but I veil zagіn burrows to the depths of the soul, like party comrades. True, with our important work, sometimes it is necessary to shout, if not at the villagers, honestly make a layout, but on the singing types of the rural turkuls, which are taken at the vikonann’s holdings of laying, and then in case of extreme fluctuations, if you need work in labor.

Your telegrams and punishments ring out to us at the dance and empty roses.

You must be smart and do not follow the tails of the villagers who cry. The order of tsim comes from provincial and other institutions<сотрудники>on kshtalt tov. Kuznetsov, they call us counter-revolutionaries and Kolchak guardsmen. We are now being rebuked between two fires. On the one hand, we are punished and punished by being merciless to everyone who does not win the royal rosette, and the rosette can be safely beaten. From the other side, a whip with hundreds of similar material trails behind us, which calls us from the plundered villagers with bread, fat bones and rudeness. Inspire the encouragement of the Ishim Politburot. Zhukiv<М.И.>especially for the Red Army Prokop'ev calling Zagin the Kolchak gang.

Until this hour, we did not give any respect for all the provocation, as if it had been unleashed in every way. I, pratsyyuchi 24 years on the extraction, we remembered our order from the center about the need to keep the laying out more and more. With the atmosphere, which was formed at a given hour, we do not know how to work, and all the trouble to work falls. We cannot afford more for such furnishings. We ask you to live in the wake of the visits: or take us out of the way of the food campaign, or else, as if they are getting in touch with the food policy. Prohannya say, as we can respond to your punishment, that kind of thought to the center: take a layout or ask the villagers to help you with agitation to make a layout. Mi dosi, guilty confession, went into the first method, tobto. vimagali vykonannya rosettes.

All of a sudden, we ask you to please “triika” to praise the same solution. As if we were accused of some kind of malice, we ask you to tidy up as malice in front of the republic. If we are too busy to carry out the work, then we go through the housework with the establishments, on the quarter of the gubchek, the people's courts, the robotic-village inspection, so that they did not get involved with the worker and did not show the authority of the food workers in the person of the dwelling house, even though the pcampani hour was held.

Vidpovid prokhannya give a member of the commission comrade. Gurmin chi telegraph.

Before the committee O. Selyannikov

Commission members: Lauris

M. Gurmin* (Siberian Vendee)


Y: before the gubernatorial committee S.A. Novosolov, gubernatorial food commissar G.S. Indenbaum, secretary to the provincial committee of the RCP(b) ІЗ. Kochish, peredubchek P.I. Studitov1, member of the provincial control and inspection commission M.A. Gurmin, encouragement of the Governor N.S Kuznetsov.

At the order of the day, a report and an addendum from a member of the provincial control and inspectorate commission comrade. Gurmina

Tov. Indenbaum read the report of the control and inspectorate commission about the camp, which took shape after the introduction of the regional governors. Kuznetsov.

Tov. Gurmіn rob vycherpnu dopov_d about the work of the committee. Upіvgubchek comrade. Kuznetsov povidomlyaє materials selected by him for the control and inspectorate commission, the work that was carried out to confiscations, arrests, etc. The commission put the bulk of the Chervonoarmіtsіv prodzagonіv in budinki, looking better than they were. The committee did not want to call for resolutions and punishments to the provincial and provincial committees. A member of the commission, Comrade Gurmin, who is not responsible for his words, and all those who wrote in the report, still work hard, otherwise the commission does not work. Vkazyuyuchi on the support of the governor comrade Kuznetsov, who bolstered the authority of that robot, comrade Gurmin, it seems that the th commission committed a mischief,<то необходимо>tidy up її, if not, then do not respect pratsyuvati.

Predgubchek comrade Studitov vvazha, scho yogo upgrades comrade Kuznetsov, having outperformed his revival, with his actions, he strengthened the authority of the control and inspectorate commission and weakened the visip of bread. For this reason, Comrade Kovaliv suffered a proper punishment.

The secretary of the provincial committee, comrade Kochis, said that the head of the governor Kuznetsov did not know at all from the work. Virushayuchi in the area, not navit zayshov at the provincial food committee, to find out, as if it were necessary to work. Food work is such a mechanism, it comes to some kind of necessary protection.

In front of the gubernatorial comrade Novosyolov, he also confirms the wickedness<действий>Kuznetsova, but at once put commissions on sight, so that she instructed<прод>drive that mіtsno trimala їх in your hands.

Gubprodkomіsar comrade. Іndenbaum vkazuє, scho dії, yakі having revealed the manager of Kuznєtsov, zіrvut rozverstku, yakscho tse continue far away.<Инденбаум>I tell Kuznetsov that he is guilty of punishing the gubernatorial food service and the gubernatorial commissar, otherwise to call him to order.

Tov. Novosolov to make a proposition, as if unanimously accepted, and to herself:

1) Recognize that the manager of the Kuznetsov, having crossed his own line, and that he has no right to intercede with the laying out.

2) Invite Studitov, the head of the governor's office, and the regional procurator commissar, to informally get used to coming in for the recognition of the figure of the huge hanging.

3) Request the control and inspectorate committee to proceed to their work on the very impulse, more instruct<прод>zagіn i mіtsno trimati yogo in your hands.

Head of the pro-radio Indenbaum

Until the speech, Lauris vreshti-resht buv shots for evil deeds, cut off the hour for the collection of refills, but it was already a year later, after the strangulation of the rebellion. Approximately one hour, having consumed the insurgent's corral to the hands, they stabbed the provincial food commissar Indenbaum with bagnets. The share of Chekist Kuznetsov is unknown to me.

And while on the right it went its own way, food was ditched without looking back at the day, standards were set by the government itself, right up to the present day. Non-food items were taken away. In the world of that, as the impossibility of the widow of the roses became sensible, the devils were crying out against the villagers. They took them to the handguards, until the laying of food was made by them, they planted the chicks at the cold komori, beat them, confiscated the mine. Vpertih vіddavali pіd court to the tribunal. Tse has become a common practice.

Rise up that yogo strangled. Acts of particularity.

I, in such a rank, at the twentieth rotation of the Siberian villagers, the villagers stooped before the election. different groups of the Russian population stumbled before the yakim at a different hour - the powers of swaville pokirno podkoritisya or, having set themselves a posture by law, stand up for their rights in their hands.

And the villagers themselves didn’t have a lot of money, I’m guessing that it’s about people who have been stitched together loyally to the Radians’ power. After the exit of the Kolchakivtsy, a lot of armor was lost on their hands, but for the first time, we could help the new power, at their own mass, the armor was built. Later, if the right went to the rebellion, the villagers had a chance to set up an abyak. One twine fell on a sprat of people, and the reshta went to the battle with draculas and spikes crushed from puss.

(For the sake of comparison - From the book of G. Drogovoz Istorija bronepozdіv - In serpnі-veresnі in 1925, one of such operations was carried out in Chechnya, where the population did not want to come to terms with the establishment of radian order. -Caucasian military district: about 5000 bagnets, two more than a thousand coats, 24 armies and one armored train.

During the operation, Ironim Uborevich, the special commander of the district, was in charge of the operation. The OGPU deployed 648 soldiers under the command of Yevdokimov.

Under the bag of the combat operation, having become the arrest of 309 rebels and forfeited thousands of screws and revolvers.).

And in the meantime, the situation was flaring up, dissatisfaction grew, the falls became more frequent, if the villagers tried by force to beat their imprisoned fellow countrymen, in these falls they were shot at astonishingly. For the rest of the drop, which refilled the cup of peasant patience, it became the order for the carrying out of the present laying, now the building was needed and those that were deprived of it for the present.

On the 8th of the Fierce Twenty-First Fate, the black radiotelegraphist near the circumpolar Obdorsk felt on the air positive of the radio station of Chelyabinsk: Obdorsk! Orenburg! Tashkent! Krasnoyarsk! Kyiv! Give me a call! The enemies of the republic in the Urals and near Western Siberia began counter-revolutionary slaughter. Esero-Kurkul gangs, led by officers and generals to commit violence ... (M. Budarin Buli about security officers)

So, in Obdorsk they found out about the beginning of the Trans-Siberian rebellion. The Obdorsk radio station until the middle of the birch was filled with a single line that called European Russia and Siberia.

Rest all the checks and, as a rule, for all it showed itself as a complete failure.

At the beginning of 1921, in the Іshim district, they came in, that they were standing for a few months, come in - we had bread on the hairline hanging points, it was no longer possible to take yoga to the air. I did not make up the gossip of the Radianski boss, the villages of the villagers of the Chelnoki Volosti, swinging to bury their own without nasіnnya, having called on the naval, they knocked out Vivezennye Klіba I entered the basting of the bang. Zvichayna on the right. For the analysis in the Chelnokivsk volost, again, in a working order, after sending messages to the provincial food committee, Lauris from the ozbroenim corral and nothing, having inspired peace there (Siberian Vendee).

Just a couple of days later, the Chovnokivska volost was shackled by the rebels, and at the same time, the sudan volosts - Churtanska, Vikulovska, Gotoputivska, then Kargalinska and Veliko-Sorokinska. At the same time, it was similar in Yalutorivsky, Tyumensky, Tyukalinsky districts.

Until the middle of the fierce air, the parts of Omsk, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburzsk provinces were already swollen, and it expanded a half day to Altai. The Cossacks of Kokchetav and the Tatar population of the national regions came to the villagers. Zagalna їhnya kіlkіst vyznaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє ієєє ії інії ії ії іd thirty up to one hundred thousand.

At the link with the crossroads, both roads of the Trans-Siberian Railway were erected, two tizhnі Sibіr were wrecked in Russia.

At various times, the rebels slaughtered Ishim, Petropavlovsk, Tobolsk, Berezovo, Obdorsk, Kokchetav.

For ker_vnitstva liquidation of rebellion 12 lit. 1921 Newly important troika is being created at the warehouse in front. Sibrevkom and Sibburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) I.M. Smirnova, pop. Siberian Cheka I.P. Pavlunsky and approx. Head of the Defense Forces of the Republic V.I.Shorin. Part 21, 26, 28 and 29 of div., ind. cavalry brigade, 209th regiment of the 23rd SD, Kazansky and Simbirsky sp., sche 2 types. cavalry regiment, 6 reserve battalions, a battalion of instructor courses for general military training, Vyatka infantry courses, armored trains, armored ships, artillery, 249th, 250th, 255th regiments ext. service (SCCHON), Tyumen school of the lower military warehouse, 6th reserve machine-gun battalion, and all military pens. For a few months the main middles were extinguished, and the battles were three until the end of the twenty-first fate.

The Radyansk historiographer had a thought about the preparation of this rebellion by the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Blogguards, about their choice of the moment for this cob. However, it’s time to talk about those that the rebellion was an act of robbing the people who were driven away from the yard, and not an action planned ahead of time, like an hour, if the wine began to appear.

True, in Russia, all the villagers may stab and riot, the initiators of which were the villagers themselves, the sound of autumn began, if the harvest is tidied up, and if it is still possible to serve as a shelter for different strikes. Siberian winter taiga or the steppe does not join active partisan actions and serve the filthy Ukrainians for great number people, especially how they are with them. In addition, there were also those who were villages in the rural subdar regions of Siberia, with a great number of inhabitants, often densely in a kilka of thousands of people, with which they were known in the great country one kind of one.

This, to say the least, became one of the reasons for the great expenses of the rebels, the stinks of the stink could feel themselves only near their native places, and through it they tried to fight against their own villages, entering into frontal zіtknenya with parts of the Chervonoi Army. It dawned on me that in such battles the filthy guards of the villagers stumbled into the camp that was most obvious to them.

In the meantime, it was already closer to the end of the rebellion, if the villagers were embarrassed, it was important to go on the defensive. Ale, in a fierce twenty-first, the stench was advancing.

Talk about those who rebelled a lot, talk for a year. As always, in such vipadkas there was a significant number of people who, for other reasons, were left out of the way. Some were afraid of payment from the side of the Radyansk government, the butt of a zhorsky strangled stand on Altai in the taiga regions near all in front of their eyes, others did not believe in the success of the support, the third - vychikuli that, as the side took the mountain. Motivation could be different, but in any event a significant part of the peasantry of the insurgents did not support, although the greater was more important, as if they did not fully sleep in the wake, then they understood them wholeheartedly.

A few villagers appeared among the opposing insurgents, ce, my glance did not supersede what was said above, shards, as if to take the silence of the strong comunist themselves, many of them acted as if not against the pro-project itself, then against the methods carried out and goodness, some you can hide. So, if these advances were rightly confirmed, in the most gloomy version, the people themselves suffered the first, worst blow, all the village anger accumulated over the course of an hour fell upon them.

Mova, ozzoumilo, not about the quiet rural communists, who came to the rebellion, but sometimes the rebel pens were stunned.

When it is necessary to guess what, when talking about the importance of quiet chi and other moods about participating in non-participation in the rebels, next, about the leather village, speak okremno, due to the Siberian specifics. In the social life of the Siberian peasant, the bulk played a primary role. And in the skin-filled village, all її sacks so chi іnakshe did not hesitate to the will of the greater.

At the principle and organizational moment of the insurgents, they were formed from the surroundings, the commanders were people who were authoritative in this village, and there was no such authority among the inhabitants. Before the speech, among the commanders of the insurgents, those її active participants were overwhelmed by the poor and the middle peasants, which was not called out in the rest of the day, and that the resurrection, through its filthy organization, was a heavy burden on itself.

The rebels strove to try to repair their roz'dnanist, but they slayed at whom directly less than the first crocodile, having made in some places the sing likeness of an infamous command, and yet, looking at the character of the combative diy cym, the mustache became fuzzy. For some reason, the mobilization failed.

The rise, similarly to the steppe fire, was thrown from month to month, so that, being extinguished in one place, fell off in another. The insurgents, who fiercely attacked the place, at the peaks, if they lashed out at the organization of the opir, they turned back, regrouping, repeat the test.

And it often happened that the broken insurgent corrals on the way of their own ran into the still undisturbed insurgents of the region and the insurgents saved with new strength.


m. Omsk on February 13, 1921 First notice<о>the cob rose up to the Stasib 6 fierce. 100 versts on the front line from Tobolsk and the district of Ust-Ishim and the Balshe-Sorokinsky volost.<в>area of ​​the station Golishmanov. In one hour, the rebels were fired<в>District Petropavlovska, hunting the area of ​​Zaliznitsi Kurgan - Tokushi rebel with a head rank, Zhvygovy Zhiznitsi I, browned the rosette of our roshtashuvanes, will hunt Zaliznitsy, і Porvyno Kilkista, pupils telegraph buzzer <на>different points in the hall. The beginning of the dispersal of the current rebels was not small for an organized character, but from the distant ones, it was necessary to let go, that among the masses of the population, agitation was carried out in advance. Ozbroєnnya rebels raznomanіtne: part ozbroєna guintіvkami, part - shotguns and revolvers, more rebels - pishі, ale є small kіnі corrals numbering 100-200 horses.

Our buds from the liquidation of the rebellion were aggravated, on one side, by a wide area, stunned by rebels, on the other hand, it was divided by a small number of troops and partly damaged by the linkage and interrupted by the bellows.<В>For the sake of good governance, the entire district was divided into two divisions: pivnichnu, Ishimsk, de cherues of the brigade commander-85, and pivdenniy, Petropavlіvsky, dovireny nachdivu-21.

When the first signs about the rebellion were taken away in the Ishim and Petropavlovsk regions, there were thrown in the air units of the 253rd and 254th regiments of the 29th division and, in addition, two squadrons were hung from Omsk. For a strong strangulation of the rebellion, the 232nd regiment of the 26th division and two battalions of the 256th | regiment of the 29th division, the 249th regiment of the 28th division is transferred to the Petropavlovsk region. Only with the help of these forces you can work on cleaning the head fires of the rebellion.

Commander-in-Chief Shorin Nashtasib Afanasyev

(Siberian Vendee)

As a result of the urgent visits of the villagers, the villagers were seen in the line and out of the places they occupied, now the war was approaching the forces of the rebels, where the most tragic scenes of the Trans-Siberian epic were played.

In the battles for their villages, the villagers showed a baked enthusiasm, and often defended themselves until the end, under artillery and machine-gun fire, and at the same time they were suffocating. The bіlshoviki themselves call spіvvіdnoshennia one to fifteen. If there was an opir buv zlamaniya, the execution began and the execution of the slaughtered was full, often without trial, that investigation.

A wildly expanded thought about zhorstokist, revealed by both sides, and it’s important to compare. However, a trace of memory that the growth of її was following the laws of the logic of struggle, and it was even more nervous, apparently up to the mood of the warriors. Ale, the victims from both sides were counted in tens of thousands, and the left part of the fall fell on a part of the village. Wanting to spend a lot of money on the side of the Radianian government, for example, the mass party organizations underestimated half of their members.

Before those dead at the battles, those shots led to add victims to hunger, like a vibuhnuv snail twenty-first.

Schodo extinguished the insurrections with the head boules For the sake of without communists and skasuvannya prodrozkladki, order z zim zastrichalas and yelled at the installation assembly and inspire the inspiration of the monarchy, but it looked sooner like an initiative of other commanders, and not a manifestation. Tsya istoriya still checks its progress.

Until the summer of 1921, the rebellion was strangled. Tse bula viiskova, but chi is not a political victory. The solution to the order about replacing the extension of the laying of food with a deposit did not succeed, the shards about the new one became known even after the fact that the main centers of the rebellion were destroyed. Before the suffocation of the rebels, until those of them, who were spared not being stricken by a hot hand, the survivors set themselves up to finish it softly, in front, in the meantime, shooting all the suspects at the active duty at the hour of the rebellion. However, later, after a dozen years of stretching, more of the insurgents let themselves down behind the gates or shot.

The hour of peaceful life has come.


Dosvіd yakobintsіv buv close to bіshoviki and develops such a hostility that the stench often cultivated tsyu podіbnіstі and won't navit served as a subject of their pride. We echo the words spoken by Napoleon's helper in Spain and beyond Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington about the current French army

* The battalions of the French army were chosen to respond to the call of soldiers and filthy and kind, noble, middle and lower class, people of all specialties and professions. French soldiers seldom demanded great discipline, or else to punish, as it were necessary, to trim the soldiers at the university. Good soldiers under the watchful eye and zavdyachennyu of the officers were battling about the filthy and the trims of them in order, and the smell of the stench was the best, the most orderly and the best to subdue, the team that blindly podkoryaetsya, and regulated military in Europe. Yogo was attacked by the system of confiscations. The French Revolution first revealed a new system of military warfare, the method and result of which was the transformation of warfare on the basis of income, and not traction for the aggressive side, putting all the traction to the country suffered and the mass of fighting.

The system of terror and infliction on the people of France, and the call, vikonannya which was called out by terror, they handed down to the hands of the order all the buildings before military service human population. And everything that was left in order, and those that really did it - organize people at the military corrals, build it up and teach the first ruham zі zbroєyu and the military right.

After all, they let them into the territory of a foreign power - to eat their resources. With their number they extinguished the stench, or they added whether it was a kind of mystic opir, and even if they used it, they would spend it and the misfortune that the system robbed in France, they could not swear dead, but they succeeded in drowning out the voices of the survivors.

Those same, with an amendment to those that bagnets were straightened not behind the borders of the edge, but in the middle of it, one can say about the Radian power. Only death appeared in this decade. The victory of the Bilshoviks against the peasants of the countryside was pierced by a Pyrrhic victory, the first crack to their shock. That system of vodnosin іz vlasnym people, as it was laid itself, on the cob of twenty rokiv, until the end, squandered the resource and fell under the vagary of accumulated pardons. But the paradox lies in the fact that all the pardons of the downturned fret were in full communion with those who entered the recessions.

Under the hour of the Western-Siberian rebellion, volleys of the rest of the war between the power and the people pierced. The state won. The kingdom of officials was setting in, now state politics lay behind them. I be-like a person, like a bazhaє to get into this politics, we are small in front of becoming an official, without this її spitting up to zero. it could order the people to the ruling court, not being afraid of wiping out the mass opinion. Alecia is a small win. The state appeared defenseless in front of the official and fell into the trap of vіddan їm. Vtіm, rozrahunok is not finished yet. Tsya іstorіya still checks for its progress.

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