Yakі efektivnі right for the sides. How to clean up the sides - effectively right! Why not go out clean up the sides

Like yours string waist still modestly hovaєtsya behind the food side, the very hour of їх pozbutisya. If you are a product, you can help to tidy up your centimeters, read at the article.

The current cult of a beautiful body is not so much a fashion, but a trend, expressed by people's desire to look and feel better. Aje zaiva vaga not only the proportions of the figure, but also the normal robotic organism. Dodatkovі kіlogramma put pressure on the loamy nig, ridge, and fat deposits in the waist area disturb the internal organs, making it easier for them to work and disrupting blood flow.

The majority of people have problems most of the time due to various illnesses. But there is one more scourge of modernity - a passive way of life. In such moods, you can lose weight more than zastosovuyuchi complex pіdhіd, which polagaє in the creation and improvement of a positive psycho-emotional state, physical urges and dotrimannі diet.

Can you clean up your sides for the day at home minds?

Tidy up the sides and the quilted booth - it’s really possible to wind it up in a short term. In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to increase the weight loss with your priority. Speaking about those, how to clean up the sides at the waist, one cannot underestimate the role of the right motivation. It's more important and can call for a positive reaction. You can’t say to yourself: “I want to lose weight, because I look greedy, I can’t carry a garni speech, I hesitate to come over.” A more effective way to use a direct stimulus, if you follow the final meta:

  • look better, to be worthy of a lad like a girl;
  • improve your self-esteem;
  • start doing more active image life without pereshkod at the sight of the ass of chi litter;
  • stop seeing and natomist other people.

Ale, I’m not in the right mood! You can’t lie at home on the sofa, eat fat and eat licorice and throw off your vaga. If you want to help the body burn calories for the help of folk remedies.

For bowel cleansing, improving metabolism

Activate the exchange of speech and take extra kilos of infusions from 1 tablespoon of the mother, such as the number of horobini and 2 world fruits of the herb, pour 200 ml of okrop. Napolyagat close to 2 years, after which protsіdit and drink throughout the day.

To activate the processes of spalling fat

Detail 3 cm of ginger root and fill it with dill in a liter thermos. After a couple of years, you can drink infusions, but you can also take yoga varto no more than 200 ml of trichi per day. If you don’t like the relish of ginger, try brewing that drink, like a wonderful tea, red gorobini berries. On a large kitchen, stitch 20-25 g of fruits.

To reduce appetite

Grate 3-4 cloves of the teapot on a grater and fill it with a bottle of hot water. Take a tablespoonful before skin application. The less radical method is a cut from the chopped root of celery. Boil syrovina about 15 khvilin in 0.5 l of water, after which the brew is guilty of cooling. Drink half a bottle to go.

Vykoristovuvaty herbs can not only be used for making infusions, but also for preparing baths.

One of the largest simple ways- 600 gr. while leafing that brunok of birch, fill it with three liters of water, bring to a boil. Protsіditi i add | add | in warm bath water. Tse accepts blood circulation in capillaries and other vessels, as well as activates the process of spalling the vessel.

For active sweating and normalization of the salt balance, zastosovuyut baths from the mother of linden. For the first vipadka 400 UAH. motherboards need to be brought to a boil in 5 liters of water, and in another it is enough to take 300 grams of water on the same volume. nirok, leafing, flowers or kori lipi.

Take a bath with such water every day for 15 minutes for two days.

Obviously, there are only a few ways not to help grow a thin waist and save the achieved results for a long time. However, the stink is allowed near the term vikonannya your dream about a beautiful body. How about shaping the waist and tidying up the sides?

How to clean up fat from the sides of a person?

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are not too shy to the fullest, protecholoviki for 30 years more and more often "wear a beer belly." At the same time, most of them should not be blessed with fat sides, but the deacons should respect them as a sign of solidity. Tim is not smaller, he has acquired a figure, which he spilled out, he doesn’t become like that, and it’s lighter in weight. The appearance of a problem may be associated with a person's nervous tension with alcoholic drinks, which are not less than a calorie, but they also stimulate appetite.

To tidy up the fat from the sides, respectfully observe in the presence of any kind of drinking. Come in not guilty of being radical, otherwise you will know stress, which is also shkidlivy. Speak more briefly to yourself, scho you obov'yazkovo sit with a beer kelih, ale pіznіshe and so fast.

Obov'yazkov's mind is emaciated at home - stop snacking on chips, crackers and other chemical pests, like selling at the nearest store. To tidy up the sides at the waist at home - eat balanced and right. If you have a sound in front of a TV monitor or a computer - look at it! For re-watching whether there are any programs or videos, you can get a lot more, lower it is necessary, and remember not to remember. Start eating and living at home in silence, calmly and not hastening to live through life. Just so you can suddenly realize that the body is already saturated. It’s so easy for you to talk about silence and self-sufficiency - vlashtovite insults with friends.

Naturally, the lads tidy up the sides of one serpentine meal on a healthy diet, but the vagom first crock!

How to clean up the fat from the sides of the woman?

A beautiful excuse to sound reverently put up to its own perfection and to draw a line behind the figure. Tim is not less, the women are skhilnі to the stress to inspire the greater world, the lower people and often set the mood with licorice herbs, as if by luck they are put on the waist and buckles.

You can pick up the sides at the waist for the help of a balanced diet. But it is important to correctly put up to її choice. Do not varto shake the body with long-term hunger strikes. The diet is to blame but a new way of life and revenge on all major food groups. More than that, tidy up the sides from the back, enough to eat in the presence of shkidlivy zvichok.

  1. Do not add salt to zhu. The body is rich in salt, which is found in foods, but in pure appearance it is only needed by our gustatory receptors, which can be fooled. If you can’t eat freshly, add krip, parsley, ginger and other seasonings.
  2. Look at the circle. Adding yoga to tea or kawi, you save pure calories, as it is necessary to maintain, otherwise the stench will become folds on your body.
  3. Vlashtovite promotional days. For the girls, the fasting is short, but it is important to organize them correctly. You can be left without a hedgehog for no more than a day, and in an hour you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. Keep in mind that an empty tube is accumulating liquid, which is necessary to bring. For more help, take 1 tablespoon dewy olive in a day.
  4. Support the camp of sitting. The slug that stretched out is a good problem, so as to remind Yogo to have to take large portions of food. Clean up the problem, you can help shotgun and often eat or include in the fast diet of products, rich in cellular tissue. Vaughn clogs the hose with her fibers, inducing hunger and not zavdayuchi shkodi.

Dotrimannya principles of proper eating must be combined with physical desires. What are the rights of the varto to do? It is best to navantazhuvat all groups of m'yazіv, vikonuyuchi complexes of aerobics and force navantazhennia. However, this principle is only suitable for people who do not need to collapse normally, like the superworldly mass of the body. In case of severe obesity, it is better to get rid of it as simply as possible;


Be busy at home, or the gym needs to start with a warm-up. Since it is important for you to win the right, and you see weakness in the case of intense pressures, then you will need training of the whole body. Most of the time, the best way is to play m'yazіv hands, shiї and shoulders. For whom, close your hands in a lock behind your head and spread the words of the kill. With a small onslaught, move the litters back, with which you are making an opir.

I’ll come on right, it’s necessary to beat the hardships. Stand up straight and take a hand from the skin on a small object or a dumbbell with a weight of 0.5-2 kg. Spread your arms to the sides so that between the body and in front of the shoulders it will be 90 degrees. Hold them in every position for a few seconds and lower them down.

For a warm-up of the back, the chest and the clavicle, move it to the right on the underside.

Lie on your life and voice on the front. With whom, put your feet on the scarves, and raise the whole body in a straight, horizontal position. Trim the position of a few seconds, and then lower yourself.

Lie on your back, standing up with your legs and spreading your elbow exactly under your shoulder. Rise up, spiraling on the front, and trim the body straight. With each one, place your hand on the hand and foot. Utrimyte tse position yakomoga dove, and then change the side.

How do you have the right to work, to stick your sides?

  1. Twisting. At the simplest vikonanni, they are vikonuyu standing. For whom, put your hands behind your head and open your elbows to the sides, and put your feet three feet wide. Slowly turn the body to the left and to the right, trimming the body for a few seconds at the end points. To make it right, lie down on the bed, on your back. Legs bend so that the knees were above the pelvis. Clasp your hands behind your head and raise your shoulders. On the video, turn the body to the left, at the same time pushing the right elbow to the left knee. The right leg is obliged to straighten up, but continue to trim її on the vase. Turn around at the outward position and turn inward. Repeat right in the next book.
  2. Pidyomi nig. Vikonuvat tsey priyom is necessary on the pdlozі, roztashuvshi tіlo on the botsі with the emphasis on the front. Raise your upper leg 30 cm and hold for a couple of seconds. Then try to pull your lower leg up to it, leaning on your arm rather tight. Utrimyte position, and then properly turn to the outward position. Follow along, so that the body does not roll back or forward.
  3. Nahili. The left-handed and right-handed body was badly wounded, and the right-handed one can be wound upright, for greater efficiency it is easier to fold it to the right. Stand on your knees, and take a small towel up to your hands. Raise yoga above your head, raising your arms as high as possible. Now swipe the sickly to the sides, robbing the maximum progin so that the pelvis is left on the mist.

Repeat the skin technique 15-25 times for 2-4 steps and step by step increase the tension.

In the gym

Speaking about those, how to tidy up your sides in the gym, it is necessary in the first place to give respect not to the right, but to those, how to beat them correctly. є sprat simple rules view of the hall.

  1. If you need to keep busy, otherwise you will not be able to pick up the amount of calories you need. With whom it is important to take water with you: not less than 0.5 liters.
  2. If you win right, you can’t work and interrupt. Beginners can work pauses between shells, prote navit at the right time you need to be in Russia: walk, get sick, don’t stand a smut.
  3. You need to start training with stribkiv on the jump rope or. It’s enough to add about 10 minutes to the back of the head, and then we’ll increase the hour to pivgodyny.
  4. If you don’t take a healthy diet, then you will definitely need to include in the plan to take aerobics or big, so that the cardio itself has the right to inject calories into the swede.
  5. Before power training, proceed carefully, respectfully listening to your observations at the hour of the choice of the vaga. To remove fat from the abdomen and back, beat 6-8 different shells.

Which simulator tidies up the sides? Right over the waistline, you can practice on rich shells: football, lava, horizontal bar and others. You can see the results of the big track, the stepper and the exercise bike.

Can you clean up the sides with a hoop? So, each projectile shows the garni of the results in wrestling with zayvimi centimeters at the waist. In addition, for the help of a hoop, you can stretch straight and slanting the belly and back, as well as clean up cellulite in problem areas. Today's sporting goods stores promote the grandiose choice of projectiles, soft models of hula-hoops, plastic and metal products, and wind hoops with massage nozzles. To help the hula hoop, put on fat pads on the stomach, or better yet, use plastic models with massage inserts. The stinks give an additional injection on the m'yazi and improve the microcirculation of the blood. However, in front of the victors of such a hoop, it is necessary to protect the body from the strokes. For whom you can win a special medical or sports belt, or just burn your body with a torch or a towel.

Hula hoop helps at the serious stages of obesity, but the effect of bloating is not noticeable. In order for the first results to appear, it is necessary to win the right 2-3 days. In this case, ensure that, depending on your position of the body, the effectiveness of weight loss is reduced: the more you put your feet, the greater the effect will be. How much do you need to spin the hoop? For the cob, 10 quills per day will be enough, 5 quills at the skin side, and then it will be necessary to increase up to 30 quills at a time, or in 2 times.

Tidy up your sides with the right in the halls to go approximately for the same term, but if you go to work, you can happen regularly: at least 3-4 times a day. How can you help fight with fat deposits? To tidy up the waist centimeters from the waist, work with the magnificent lava, fixed under the hood according to the length to the fold. The greater the pidyom, the more foldable the right.

Lie on your back on the lava with your head up. Grasp the handrails with straightened hands, and bend the legs of the troch and trim them on the vase. Raise your pelvis and legs up, winding them up behind your head, and turn around in the outward position. At any time, do not descend on the lava overhead - the press is guilty of being overwhelmed.

Stepping to the right - back press. Razgornitsya and sit on the lava faces back. Fix your legs on the handrails to flatten your body and round your back. Heal forward, let's bring the body back, but don't kick again.

After that, go to the equal lava or to the sublog. To win the right, sit down, lightly raising the body back, and bending your legs in knees and pulling them up to your chest. On the vidikha, strongly sigh, and straighten your legs, but don’t stick around with them under the logs. After that, I will turn again to the outward position.

Nahili on the Roman style - foldable, but even more so right. Yogo is beaten sitting on the simulator sideways and fixing the position of the body for help. Beat the sickly kill, reaching the bend of the body up to 90 degrees. Then let's flare up with our other side and repeat again.

What rights can you pick up a deposit on your belt? Really, be it physical ingenuity can help you on the way to the point. Sitting, walking, right-handed with a barbell, lifting, working on various simulators - all the stench is directed to the work of a large group of people. Ale is the best effective acceptance buduyuyutsya on the principles of twisting that nakhiliv or hitannya press. It's just that the more you do, the shells become more folding.

How to tidy up the sides on the quilts

The fat pads are tucked in like at the waist, and at the back, in the quilts. In general, it is necessary to fight against it by the very methods, the specific area of ​​the skin must be right. So, in order to tidy up the folds on the sides, the best way to wrap them up was to the sides of that twist, about which it was already said earlier. Ale sides across can be taken in other ways.

Sob pozbutisya sides zzadu, slid zmusiti pratsyuvati dosit "linivi" m'yazi. The adventage gives a sprat of awkward receptions. To see the first of them, take a cobrin pose: lie down on your life, and then raise your body on your twitched arms. The back should be bent at the same time. Bring the right leg into the air and at once turn the hull to turn it to the left. Repeat right 20 times, and then change the working side.

I’ll step on the right, so as to shake the sides of the back of the back, to roar from dumbbells or with a pіvlіtrovoy plyashkoy water. In order to vikonati yogo, become crustaceans, and put your right leg sideways. The body at the same time can be straight. Take right-handed tight fitting. Sweep the turn of the body in the middle, passing the hand under the body and straightening it in the kіntsi, and then turning the whole body with the hand, bent in the lіkt, uphill. Collect 20 reversals and remember the book.

Pull up the sides and help the butt to sit down with the ball, squeeze between the legs three more knees. It is even more important to win right, not to break the p'yat in the logs and save the steady pace. You can work on the back for 15-20 sittings, and in a year you can increase the number of them up to 100.

You can fight fat from your back and sides in another way: put your feet shoulder-width apart and open your feet. Squat down more, lift up your hands, chained to the castle. After 20 repetitions, trim yourself to the lower point, and pull your arms up on the level of your chest. Now protect the hull alternately killing, keeping the quilts intact.

One more option: lie on the bed, right-handed. Bring the right hand forward for support, take a 1 kg dumbbell from the lion, bend the hand in the elbow and put it behind the back. His legs lie straight. At once lift up the mountain and lead one to one the lion's foot and hand. It is not necessary to die with whom. Take 20 steps and repeat everything for the left side of the body. Tsya is right to help burn fat from across that side.

However, for such a complex, do not forget that it is necessary to clean up fat from the waist and sides not only with local training, but also with extreme physical efforts, as it will not help you lose weight, but also improve your self-perception of the body, heal and rejuvenate yoga.


Natalia Govorova

Reading hour: 15 minutes


In this year, more women began to stick together with such a problem, as if they were laying fat on the sides of those other caravans of the body. Tse umovlyuetsya tim, scho in to the current world There is a great variety of products from mixed heavy additives, which disrupt the exchange of speech, and lead to obesity.

Up to your respect, the representatives of various rights are right, as they will help to lift up the sides and clean up the fat folds.

Video: Correct the fat rolls on the sides, stomach and back

7 right for slimming the sides and abdomen without sports equipment

Varto razumiti, scho for relief from zayvogo fat from the sides you need not only the right, but th. It is necessary to drink beetroot, licorice, to avenge swedes in carbohydrates and fats, fatty dairy products, cowbass, as well as products to avenge preservatives.

  • Sit on a bed and give yourself a knee. With this, the back can be straight.
  • When inhaling, raise your left hand uphill and bring it right-handed, linger for a few seconds, when you see it, turn around at the outer position. You are to blame, how to stretch your sides.
  • Repeat qiu to the right with the other hand.
  • Stretch the sprat openly with black hands.

Plus, you have the right to the fact that, under Vikonan V, you train not only the sides, but also develop the bendiness of the ridge and nig.

Right 6 - Plank:

  • Omit the letters for the sublog. Take such a position, so that the body was perpendicular to the line.
  • The back is straight, the legs are equal, the head is one equal with the ridge.
  • In such a situation, try to get close to the hvilin.
  • Nadali can be increased
  • Do not be ashamed, that the body is shaking, even in your right backside all groups of m'yaziv.
  • Under the hour of the plank, do not lower the pelvis, trim evenly until the end of the hour.

Right 7 - Bichna plank:

  • Lie down on a bed on a bed.
  • Rest with one hand on the pidlog.
  • Put your other hand behind your head.
  • When inhaling, inhale the pelvis through the folds and lift it up to the maximum point and charge a little.
  • Lower your pelvis when you see it.
  • Fight the bar 20 times, changing sides.

5 Right in the form of fat folds on the sides - vikonuvat zі sports equipment

Right 1 - Roll on the gymnastic ball:

  • Put the gymnastic ball on the pidlog.
  • Stand with your back to the gymnastic ball.
  • Lower the arms to the width of your shoulders, and put your feet on the ball.
  • The back is just like the legs, can be straight.
  • It’s not good to bend your legs in the knees and make a roll on the balls, kill them, then - in the other side.
  • Repeat rolling sprat times

Right 2 - Nahili with dumbbells:

  • Take offending hands with a dumbbell with a weight of 2 kg and more.
  • Posture position - feet shoulder-width apart, back straight.
  • Start stretching with one hand from the dumbbells down, turn around and get hurt in the next beak. Zrobіt nahili sprat razіv.
  • You can change the number of dumbbells by the year.
  • Qiu can rightfully be beaten with one hand: hacking the body is killed, another hand is driven behind the head.

Right 3 - Turn the body with a string or neck:

  • Take a wooden stick chi vulture to the hands. If you are right at home, and you don’t have such sports facilities, then you can use a mop.
  • Sit on a stool or lava. Trim your back straight.
  • Get a club behind your back.
  • Start turning the body in one beck to the maximum point, then in the next.
  • Repeat tsyu right kіlka razіv.

Right 4 - Hoop twist

  • What is more important than this attachment, the sides are more effective.
  • For qієї have the right to take a hoop. A good alternative is hoop є hala - hoop.
  • Spin the hoop 10 quills. Nadali can be increased.
  • When the hoop is twisted, or the hula-hoopah, sinci can appear on the sides - to that, in front of him, like a wink, dress up a robe, in which you will twist it manually.

Right 5 - Rotate the toluba on the disk

  • Stand on the disk of the Swedish wall or the steel, so that the fall falls.
  • Trim your back straight, with your hands trim the steel wall.
  • Start turning the body right-handed and left-handed at an average pace. With whom, the legs are guilty to go in one beat, and the body in the other.
  • When you turn, you are guilty, as if you are working on the pain of the stomach.

Clean up the bіchnі fat is not so important, smut - regularly vikonuvat tsі (and richly іnshih) right , properly eating and leading an active way of life.

Slim sides - and not only - also take a light big, right for stretching and swimming .

Stuck with the problem of fat, which has settled in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sides and abdomen, a lot of people, especially women, often wonder about those, like virishuvati, to get unnecessarily fatty prosharkiv and excess vagina.

It's no secret that it's practically impossible to lose weight without gaining physical rights for fat loss. And the best approach is to lose weight in a complex way - cleanse the body, optimize the diet of eating, normalize the order of the day.

Next, choose the best hour for non-sleeping and respite, as well as the day to use the fat in the body physically, effective right for weight loss.

Such a pidkhіd mi and praktikavatimemo, shvidko tidy up zayvy fat from the abdomen and sides.

To lose weight, tidy up the life of that side, it is necessary to win the most effective right of the day, regularly increasing the vanity.

The complex is entitled to pay for 1.5-2 years of work per day, which follows the recommendations of trainers from physical training.

In order to avoid possible injuries, stress for an unprepared organism, before any physical adventures, it is necessary to warm up the trivality of 5 to 10 quills.


Right 1. Preparation of m'yaziv stegon and sides to the head navantage

Vikhidna chi first position. People can stand on the ground. The legs of the new one may be spread out at the width of the shoulders, and the arms should lie with the palms on the waist. Nahili robiti alternately at different sides, not knowing the palms of the hands from the waist.

For beginners, the optimal number of repetitions in the right is 4 to 9 times for the child in the sick.

For additional information, if there may be a notification about physical intent, - the number of repetitions in the right of 10 to 16 times in the case of bad luck.

Right 2. Preparation of m'yazіv bokіv to the main navantage

Outside position: stand on the pidlozi. The legs should be placed shoulder-width apart, and the arms should lie flat on the waist. Sneak forward, then move back, trying not to change the position of the hands.

Before the cob of training, a good rozіm'yati m'yazi, schob increase the effectiveness of the right and reduce the imovіrnіst otrimannya injuries pіd an hour to take.

For beginners, the optimal number of repetitions is right at the entrance to 5 to 8 times. For people who know about physical challenges, the optimal number of repetitions is right to be 10 to 16 times for the walk.

Slow down smoothly, so that you can get away from the tight pull that hurts.

Right 3. Preparing for the main adventure - drawing m'yaziv stegon, nig that side

Outside position: stand straight, look ahead. Slid to beat the big on the mist.

For beginners for trivality big have the right to 30 to 60 s.
For people who may be aware of physical ambition, trivality is right to become from the first whilin to three whilins.

Under the hour of vikonannya tsієї have the right to follow your feet high, so that you can kindly remembrance the m'yazi nіg.

Set the main focus

On the right

Vikonuvat tsyu have the right to lie down on a special gymnastic kilimka or just a home kilim, which is to lie on a bed. Outside position: put your hands with your palms under the seats.

The legs should be slid into the podlogs by 5 cm (for beginners) and up to 15 cm (for advanced students).

The wind is growing step by step, 0.5-1 cm per day. In such a position, a person imitates “knives”, shredding legs alternately. For vikonanny tsієї it is right to recommend stained glass 5-8 hvilin per the introduced solemn hour.

Right 2. Main meta: training of all oblique abdominal ulcers

Outside position: stand on a special gymnastic chi home kilim on knees, with the hands of a top coat. Vikonuvat tsyu right next to the left position.

Trimming homilki evenly, it is necessary to put yourself a cob on a kilimok in one beak, properly lowering the quilt. Let's wait and put ourselves on a kilimok in the next day.

Lowering the stitches and moving to a new position, then spend so many seconds with skin repetition.

For beginners, trivality has the right to lay down a number of yogo repetitions (for 5 to 10 times) at least one approach, trimming for 2-6 seconds. at the skin position.

For already informed people, if they can understand about physical tension, trivality is right in the number of times repeated in one pass in 10 to 20 times on different sides, from a zatrimkoy in 3 to 5 seconds. at the skin position.

Right 3. Training of the transverse muscle of the abdomen

It is not necessary to vikonuvat tsyu rightly. Here there will be not less than black belly rubs, but a transverse rub. The outer position before the cob is right: stand on the knee with support on the palms of the hands at the position of their "on the knees".

It is necessary to squeeze the leg in a knee and pull it up to the breasts, squeeze the yakomoga more tightly and protrim in this position for a few seconds (up to 5-7), straighten the leg. After straightening the legs, turning at the outward position.

Irrespective of the folding of yoga vikonannya, the right to be true to myself.

Right 4. Training of all stomach ulcers

When vikonannі tsієї have the right to be behind not only all m'yazi sides, but the mustache of the bellies, including the transverse ones.

Outside position: lying on the boots on the kilimka. Lie down in such a way as to make it between the body and a flat, equal cut at 45 degrees, relying on one hand, and otherwise you can be on the waist.

When vikonannі tsієї right, it is necessary to trim the straight back, the cream lowering or lowering the pelvis.

For beginners, the number of passes is 2 per skin bik. For cutaneous approach, 6 to 10 repetitions. For additional information - 4 passes per skin from the sides. For skin approach, 15 to 25 repetitions.

In order to achieve the maximum result, fakhіvtsі recommend for the duration of 21 days step by step build up with repetitions. A break between steps in 30 to 45 seconds.

Right 5. Spalling of the fat on the stomach and sides

It helps to get rid of excess fat on the stomach and sides. Under the hour of the yogic vikonannya there will be intensively zadіyanі no less than a vaga of black m'yazіv (including transverse ones), but also mustard m'yazi sides.

Outside position: lie down, relaxing on the kilim (gymnastic kilim, or splendid), curling your arms and clasping your hands under your head. Legs toil buti pіdіbganі.

Alternately chasing at the symmetrical intersection of the column and the lecture, count 50 repetitions, regardless of who the person is a novice of chi dosvіdcheny.

Right 6. Exercise of the stomach and sides

Vikonuyuchi tsyu rightly be zadіyanі vsі m'yazi, especially cherevnі and bіchnі.

Outside position: lying on your back on a special gymnastic kilimka or a great kilim, your legs should be pulled up. The columns and feet are shaped like a river, and the sashes of the fingers on the legs are due to marvel at the different sides.

Razvodyachi hands killed, it is necessary to try to lift the toelub and reach out to the tips of the fingers. Let's raise our legs under the hood of 45 degrees. It was so hard that the back, at its transverse ridge, was stuck under the logs.

Qia is right to effectively train the m'yazi press. For yoga, you need to trim your back evenly.

Tack at position 3-5 seconds. After that, it is necessary to see and lower the coat on the cover.

You have the right to win 50 repetitions, regardless of the fact that the novice has been brought to the attention of a person to rob.

Right 7. Training of all groups of black meats for additional dumbbells

Vikonuyuchi right, there will be backs of all m'yazi at the total obsyazі (sides, cherevnі, wind the transverse m'yaz of the abdomen). Dumbbells are rightly victorious.

Outside position: For the cob, it is necessary to become equal, relaxed. The legs are spread out at the width of the shoulders. Let's take dumbbells with a weight of 1.5 to 3 kg.

Having sank down one of the knees, followed vishtovhuvati dumbbells with flywheels in an asymmetric side. Controlling, schob the girl's color is taken from the angle of 90 degrees for beginners. Let's change the number of times, but I have the right to work again.

For beginners, the number of trips is more than 2 per knee, for the skin approach, 6 to 10 repetitions. For reaching people - 3-4 walks per knee, for bajannyam, you can add 2 more. For skin approach, 15 to 25 repetitions.

Right 8. Dumbbell Workout

Tse is also right with dumbbells. With yoga vykonanna, there will be problems that are right 7. But the algorithm of yogo vikonanna is smaller, lower y is right 7.

Outside position: stand straight, look ahead. Zrobity kіlka krokіv on mіstsі s tight - dumbbells. Prodovzhuyuchi krokuwati, stick out 1-2 kroki forward. Get down on one of the knees, then raise your hands and turn around in the outward position.

Repeat the whole movement anew, but then go down on another knee.

Beginners can alternate 2 times on the skin, on the skin, on the skin 5 to 10 times. Dosvіdchenі can vykonuvaty 4 steps alternately skin kolіno. For skin approach, 10 to 20 repetitions.

Right 9. Training of all groups of pests

Yogo vikonannas take the fate of black earth, and th mustache of the sides. Outside position: lie down on a gymnastic kilimok or a pidlog, bend your legs and make a kut (with a kilim) at 90 degrees.

Pull up your legs as much as possible so that the knees can stick around your breasts. Dali next turn to the outward position. Novices are guilty of starting a vikonnannya in the right of 2 steps. Moreover, one needs to work less than 10 repetitions.

For the completion of the next steps, it is right to repeat 4 steps and not less than 15-25 repetitions.

In order to achieve the best effect, you need to improve regularly: 2 times per skin on the next day.

The maximum number of arrivals is not more than 12. The number of people is right to use all possible concentrations and serendipity in people.

Effective right for the sides

On the right

Post position: lying on your back on a gymnastic kilimka, your hands should be closed “in the lock” and over your head, and your legs should be together at the knees with turned killer homils.

When vikonannі tsієї have the right to practice the bіchnі and osnovnі m'yazi press.

With an even position, the backs are pulled up to the boarders uphill and they can see. Then it is necessary to take a position outside and to work in the air. Golovnya, vykonuyuchi right, turn the knee at the side of the wound.

Pochatkіvtsy tsyu have the right to win over 2 at a time. For one pіdkhіd win strictly 10 repetitions. Ascertained people who can understand about physical ambition, work 2 times a day, and not less than 30 repetitions for 1 day.

Tsya is right to vimagatime all possible intensity in concentration and serendency in the form of a person at the same time.

Right 2. Complex for the training of bovine and black earths

Outside position: lie down on a be-yaky bed on a special gymnastic kilim or on a great underfoot kilim. Yakshcho bik livy, then right hand drawn up in front of him, and the left hand is raised above his head.

Legs flexed in knees. Otherwise, navpak. The side is right, father, and behind the head is the right hand, and the lion is drawn in front of him. When vikonanna is right, immediately raise your head and legs, stretch your elbow with your hand.

This is the right of newbies to win on the skin bots 2 times a day. Moreover, there are less than 10 repetitions for one approach. Acknowledged people can win on the skin bots 2 times, 25 repetitions per 1 step. You can get more money for the money.

Right 3. Training of all groups of muscles of the sides and abdomen behind the help of the ball

When vikonannі tsієї have the right to take the fate of not only all the m'yazi sides, but also the black ones. It is right to be brought up to the gradation "with the ball".

Outside position: lying on the bed (as it is more appropriate) boots on the balls, the hand (so be-yak) spirals in the bottom and the legs stand with straight feet on the bed. Reliance on the old foot. I will lift the opposite leg up the mountain, then turn it to the cob position.

Tsya is rightly recognized for the effective training of the ovnishnіh m'yaziv stegon.

Pochatkіvtsyam tsyu have the right to follow, starting from 2 approaches on the skin from the sides. Moreover, one needs to win less than 10 repetitions for 1 step. Let's finish the next round of 2 steps and not less than 25 repetitions for 1 step. You can get more money for the money.

Right 4. Finished workout

Outside position: lying down. Lay a small pillow under your head so that your shoulders are on it. Retract life as much as possible, helping you to cope with the pains of the abdominal press.

Stay in this position for a short hour, and then relax. Kіlkіst pіdhodіv - for the bajannyam.

When vikonannі be-yakikh right to remember about the rules of safety and dotrimuvatisya porad coaches, as well as step by step increase the vanity, rightly, but vpevneno rushing to the appointed mark.

Corresponding video clips about those, how to tidy up that side lives for the help of the most effective rights in home minds

How to tidy up that side lives. Right the most effective for pochatkivtsiv and informed people:

The most effective right for the waist in home minds:

(2 marks, average: 5,00 іz 5)

Studies by American psychologists have shown that a woman can look sexually accommodating in the eyes of men, regardless of her body. One of the minds - the difference between the waist and the stegon can be approximately 0.7-0.8. Navit great women with embossed forms are less likely to call out sexual urges to people on equal footing. As part of the further investigation, the study revealed the presence of colds between the waist and the development of illness. Skin zayv 5 cm in the amount of waist zbіlshut risik. early death through ailments of the heart and oncological pathologies. With the improvement of the significance of the factors, the bazhanya tidy up the life and sides in the home minds, naturally, and wisely. Lost recognition, how to grow.

Experts are encouraged to systematically prepare to fight against imperfections in the waist. For food, how to clean up the sides, professionally give advice to nutritionists, fitness trainers, cosmetologists, psychotherapists. Kozhen propagated an effective technique in his galuzi. In order to achieve the result in a short term, varto reach three main directions:
  • Diet. It’s impossible to get fat deposits in one area of ​​the body, without sticking around other trees. Women and men, as if they are wondering about nutrition, how to eat fat from the sides, to be reconciled with the extra tightness in the area of ​​​​the breasts, stegon, guise, arms and nig after the correction of the diet.
  • The complex is right. Okremі complexes rozroblenі for specific lіlyanok tіla, zokrema zone tіlії.
  • SPA cosmetic procedures. It is possible to direct straightening, point injection into a problematic lot.

Natsilivshis on actively spalyuvannya fat, do not forget that it is necessary to preserve health, m'yazi and garne self-feeling. The main principles of the fight against fatty deposits in the area of ​​the sides and abdomen:

  • Dead calorie deficit. Change the calorie content of the diet by 20-25% for increased anaerobic benefits and short aerobic rights, say goodbye to the fat and save the m'yazovu mass.
  • Physically right on a hungry slug. Exercising in the present increases the rush of blood to the abdominal area, increases the amount of spent fat, which is treated and transformed into energy. The process of active transformation of fat is bound by a decrease in the level of insulin in the blood, which will speed up the process of lipolysis and oxidation of adipose tissue.
  • Vikoristannya natural fat-burning additives. Kava zavdyaki caffeine, which is stored in warehouses, stimulates the process of fat metabolism. The next thing to remember is that coffee as a fat-burner is effective when changing the way of life - regulation of the eating regimen and sports activities on post-yny bases. Do not varto zlovzhivat kavoi, as you can cause damage to the robotic mucosal-intestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Nutritionists recommend drinking no more than 2 cups of natural kawi per day. Pineapple and grapefruit are active fat burners, which speed up the metabolism of fats.

People, yakі mrіyut tidy up that side, try to speed up metabolism. As discussed in detail, the rapid metabolism in life is related to increased appetite. After training, hunger becomes stronger, it is important for that to follow the dietary regimen of eating.

How to tidy up the sides for additional diet?

Fat clitiny, near the abdomen, stalk to splitting. Even if repeated tests of fat deposits near the waist zone were not less successful, they did not lead to doubts about the physiological adequacy of the upper body. Just fatty tissue on the stomach is the most protected by nature from the oval infusions and transformations. Salvation of fats proceeds for two schemes - lipolysis and oxidation. Stimulation of lipolysis is due to the increase in the production of hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine. On topic: Important! Lipolysis is a process of metabolism, if fats are decomposed into fatty acids through the participation of lipase. Oxidation occurs under the influence of the enzyme lipoxygenase. The reaction of fat oxidation gives the body 50% energy. When spalling 1 g of fat, 9 kilocalories are seen. It is not safe for health to be treated as a whole in the case of fats. Zhiri is part of a balanced meal. The stench takes part in the process of exchange of speech, zocrema, and in combination with fat-degrading vitamins A, D, K, E. Subcutaneous-fat tissue protects the body from heat loss, playing the role of an energy depot. During the period of starvation, there is a lot of energy. Fats enter to the warehouse of synovial rіdini - vnutr_shnyosuglobovoy mastic. With the right spozhivannі fat spriyat normal robotic organism and do not overdo tasks - tidy up the life of that side.

Important! For normal life of an adult adult, 15-30 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids are needed. If you don’t know how to quickly clean up your sides, hurry up with the orders of nutritionists. The first crock is the shortest amount of calories saved. When folding the diet of eating, it is recommended to follow the rules:

  • A portion of fat is no more than 1/3 of the main menu.
  • Include before diet sea ​​fish, fish fatі lyana oliya. Qi products are rich in Omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • It is unique to use trans fats and rich fats, which are found in sausages, fatty sausages, confectionery products, margarines.
  • Live clean water - no less than 3-3.5 liters per day.
  • Turn off alcohol and fast food.
  • Change the volume of a single serving.

Monodiet by stretching the day will help you to get 2-3 kilograms of wool and remove excess moisture from the tissues of the body. After the day of mono-diet, in order to keep healthy and lose weight steadily, it’s better to get a full and balanced menu.

Healthy diet based on Greek diet

Buckwheat groats contain protein, cellular tissue, rutin, flavonoids, folic acid, group B vitamins, potassium, zinc, salt, phosphorus. Greek diet spryaє removal of excess tissue from tissues, purification of the walls of the organs of the herbal tract from slags and toxins. As a reminder, clean up your sides and life becomes easier. The menu is composed exclusively of steamed buckwheat groats, green tea and pure water. You can add fresh greens to the porridge. If you don’t overfill your diet, you can add kefir to the diet menu - no more than 1.5 liters per day. Features and principles of the Greek diet:
  • Grains are steamed, not boiled. For 1 bottle of buckwheat groats, take 2 bottles of dill. Place the product and water near the pan, wrap it up with a towel and deprive it for the night.
  • Turn off the strength, zukor, spices.
  • Dozuvati physical urgency at the hour of the Greek diet.
  • Zhorstke obmezhennya in zhі - not more than 7 days. Dietologists are not happy to try mono-diets for the rest of the day. The mode of eating, which is the transfer of one or two products, can lead to a deficiency of vitamins and other brown speeches.
The portions of porridge are determined individually and intuitively - almost to the point of being rich. In intermissions, drink 2-2.5 liters of water between meals. Alternative options for eating, shvidko eat the sides - kefir, kefir-rice, syrno-kefir, fruit-kefir diet.

Interval fasting - a path to an accelerated spalling of fat

The essence of intermittent fasting is the same as that of a great diet. The head meta to the mode of eating is the creation of a calorie deficit, so that the person sipped more energy, lowered it. The principle of eating foundations on the basis of living in a song of the year. Sound the scheme, like 16/8, which means that for 16 years a person is not guilty of living, in another 8 years it is allowed.

The system was broken up by the Japanese scientist Y. Osumi, Volodar Nobel Prize in the gallery of medicine and biology (2016). The Nobel Committee awarded the scientist a prestigious award for investigating the mechanisms of autophagy - the process of self-destruction of defective clitin by the body. Dr. Osumі having established that in the minds of the fasting "cleansing" of the body in terms of non-functional components, the cells are intensively upgraded for the amount of energy taken away as a result of the spalling of fat. By topic:

Normalization of intestinal microflora

Corisna microflora of the intestine to help speed up the accumulation of fatty deposits in the abdominal cavity and sides. In the organs of the intestinal tract, there are over 50 trillion microorganisms, which take an active part in the process of digestion and digestion. Korisn_ microorganism pereshkodzhayut development of pathogenic microflora, to take the introduction of toxins and decay products. Vcheni have established a link between intestinal health and obesity. In times of dysbacteriosis, the function of the bowel is disrupted. The problem of constipation occurs in people who are suffering from a severe diet. The speedy obsyagіv їzhi, scho to come, bring to the її full prosuvannya along the grass tract. Accumulated shkidlivi speech otruyuyut organism, which calls for stress and self-perception. The lancet continues to increase the level of the hormone cortisol, which in its turn provokes an increase in the mass of the body. As it is necessary to clean up the sides and live, normalization of the intestinal microflora will help to develop a planned plan.

How to convert fat reserves at the waist into core energy?

The energy recovery mechanism in the body consists of three stages. At the back, energy is converted from glucose (to be found in the blood), then from glycogen (replaced by meats and livers) and later - from fatty cells. To clean up the sides and live, it is necessary to excite the body to extract fat as the main source of energy. Great impact on the metabolism of fats can be hormones - catalysts for the catecholamine process (dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine) and the inhibitor of the insulin process. Stronger blood supply to adipose and malignant tissue stimulates lipolysis. Ways to inject into the metabolism of fats:
  • Reduced portion of carbohydrates in the diet.
  • Moving instead of a cellar at the menu.
  • Increased physical rights.
The rate of oxidation of fats with physical stresses of average intensity should be 0.5 g/min. To get rid of 1 kg of pure fat, to get to the right stretch for 33 years.

How to clean up the sides for additional special rights?

Saluting fat for help is right in two ways: for help of anaerobic gains or intense strength training. Anaerobes have the right to provoke the expansion of the vessels and capillaries, potentiate a rush of blood to the m'yaziv. After anaerobic training, the rіven of the protein to myoglobin moves, which makes the sour in the skeleton of the heart, forming a sour reserve. The presence of a sufficient obsyagu sourness and increased blood flow to spriyat splitting of fatty cells. The effect of accelerated fat metabolism is three years old after the anaerobic rights are overcome. Important! Anaerobic training - tse physically right, yakі vimagayut great physical performance, vykonuyutsya a short interval of an hour with intervals in the intervals (sprint big, swidkіsna їzda cycling, vagary). Anaerobic activities transfer intensively to the reserves of energy depots without acidity.

Forcefulness stimulates the synthesis of lipase - an enzyme that transforms adipose tissue into energy. Strength training with tight effective spalling of subcutaneous and visceral fat. Important! Forceful ambition - tse right, yakі vykonuyutsya z additional tightness. Busy directing on the active spalling of fat and the buildup of m'yazovoi masi. A complex of simple rights, to pick up the sides at home, borrow 5-10 minutes per hour. A few repetitions of training in the future with an adaptive mode of living will lead to a good result. Program to take:

  • Right 1. Take a lying position, bend your knees, clasp your hands behind your head. Raise the upper part of the body to the bent knees.
  • Right 2. Sit on the low lava, raise your straight legs uphill, trimming for a second at the highest point.
  • Right 3. Lie down on the bed, lift your legs, bend in the knees, draw up the handkerchief of the wrappers, like a bicycle.
  • Right 4. Standing in the position, take dumbbells in your hands, flail the flanks, on the other side.
  • Right 5. Lie on your back, put your arms straight behind your head, pull your legs up. At the same time, lift up your arms and legs, bending your toelub, sticking your feet with the toes of your fingers.

The skin has the right to be beaten in an intensive rhythm 10 times, two times, with a break for repair. P'yatikhvilinny complex, broken up by the famous Frenchwoman V. Turpin, guarantees an appreciable effect with regular vykonannі. One of the leading fitness trainers in France is advocating to work in the simplest way:

  • Right 1. Stand up straight, legs in parallel are less on the level of the shoulders, hands are spread out on the belt. Raise your hand uphill, at once zdiisnyuvati nahil at the protilezhnu raising your hands at a fast pace. Change your hand, which is raised, and bik nahely.
  • Right 2. Position, like the first one is right. The only difference is that the hand does not rise uphill, but is brought in parallel to the bottom of the body. Repeat badly in the next bek.
  • Right 3. The position of the body, the hand is lower, like the first one is right. The hand goes down from the belt at the back of the body. Vikonati got sick at the opposite bik.
The gymnast wins at the swedish rhythm. The skin has the right to resurface 10 times. main task- improve the systematic training, change the way of life, look ahead of the regional prospects and go forward to the future.

Psychological support in the fight against fat deposits on the sides

In order to achieve success in whatever you start, it is necessary to build on the victory. For people who feel weak willpower, it’s easy to prepare themselves to be able to be unhanded, as if they’re in the kitchen at the eating place, or they need to work out daily. Under an hour of stress in the body, there is a rise in the hormone cortisol, which improves metabolism and improves body mass. For these reasons, focusing on weight loss in problem areas, it is important to trim the aggravation mood. Dosvіdcheny likar-psychotherapist rozpovіst, how to tidy up that side lives without self-perception, emotional imbalance and psychological stress. Turning to a professional psychotherapist and nutritionist is necessary to achieve optimal results. Fahivets on the basis of the physiological features of the patient's body with the improvement of the health of the patient, I will individually determine the optimal dietary regimen, the type of physical education.

How to clean up the sides for additional salon procedures?

It is necessary to take care of your sides and live, dotally connect to go in for sports and dietary eating salon procedures. Golovnі shortcomings of apparatus methods, as cosmetologists propagate - high variability and rich contraindications. If the arguments are listed, it’s not possible to change them, you can try:
  • Myostimulators. Apparatus electrical stimulation in the sphere of fatty deposits to lead to splitting of fat. The rotation of the modes "relaxation", "electrolysis", "lymphatic drainage" allows you to change the total amount of adipose tissue in the zone of injection.
  • Liposuction. Examination of fatty tissues in problem areas by the surgical method. In the middle of it, there is a high level of speed to reach the result, not the need for susilly from the side of the patient. You can get fat in this way without diet and exercise. Nedolіki - part of the complication, necessary rehabilitation (it is necessary to wear a bandage, to avoid scarring and swelling). If you don’t change the way of life, that mode of eating, the lower fat accumulates again.
  • Vacuum roller massage. The principle of developing foundations for the use of vacuum decompression and roller massage. The procedure enhances blood microcirculation, removes excess fluids, toxins and slurries.
  • Mesotherapy. Pidshkirne zaprovadzhennya preparativ, yakі split fat cells. Depth zaprovadzhennya to become 0.5-6 mm. The procedure is to reduce the excess fat tissue and transfer it to a distant molding. At the same time, the characteristics of the skins in the zone of the inflow are reduced - the tone and springiness are moving up.
  • Cavitation. Painless, non-surgical technique. The principle of development is based on the careless destruction of fat cells for the help of a special apparatus. The effect of a change in the obscuration of the fat fold in the problematic area is noticeable after the first session.
  • Lipoliz. Non-surgical technology for modeling body contours, which transfers the splitting of adipose tissue in local areas. Adipose cells are transformed into fatty acids, which are found in the bloodstream in the liver and are transformed into ketone bodies (energy for the brain, m'yazovoi tissue and nirok). Among the pluses of the varto technique, there are directings, point injection. As always, it is necessary to clean up the sides and life, the beautician to carry out the procedure in designated areas. Aesthetic effect will go with a healthy diet for the whole organism. Explore injection, ultrasound, laser, electric lipolysis.

Svitlana Markova

Beauty - yak expensive stone: how easy it is, how dear!


If a person wants to mother a string of a figure, then she is guilty of practicing over herself: eat properly, exercise, lead healthy image life. If you reach the process of losing weight on the right, then the women want to know just right, so that they can live and live, but the fat just doesn’t know, it’s good to improve. Іsnuyut effective programs, yakі dopomagayut skoriguvati waist, tidy up the ear zі stegon, pull up the press.

How to clean up fat from the abdomen and sides

The reason for zayvih vіdkladen in cholovіkіv i dіvchaty zavzhdya act the very same reasons: re-dating, the absence of physical activity, which leads to a decrease in the frequency of exchange of speech. In some cases, there is a change in the vagi through a hormonal imbalance, but here it is already necessary to go to the endocrinologist, and not to be physically right to lose weight in the abdomen and sides. Mustaches are farther away, but they can be straightened out against these two officials. It is necessary to take care of diet, to improve the regularity of training and to improve the effectiveness of the right for weight loss of the abdomen and sides.

Zhirozpalyuyuchi right

Tse not so looking, like a way to conduct training. If a person is pissed, with what rights you can tidy up your life and sides, you are guilty of protecting, that you are guilty of viking at a swedish pace. Just for the help of quickening the speed of the heartbeat, go ahead and start the process of spalling the folds of the eyelids. The body of a person is enriched by the mother's supply of energy material (fat), so that in a critical situation there is yoga. Zhirospalyuyuchi right for the abdomen and sides of the guilt її creat and zmusiti the body to get rid of fat.

Zhirozpalyuyuchi have the right to direct them to the spalling of calories, it is rarely necessary to use supplementary vagi, it is necessary to increase the heart rate by stretching for a good hour. Zrobiti z obtyannyam even more smoothly. Classic vvazhayutsya:

  • swimming;
  • exercise bike;
  • haircuts on jump ropes.

Forces have the right

A Danish type of training of straightening to improve the mind, to improve its tone. It's important, if you want to speed up your waist and stegon. If your m'yazovy corset can trim the internal organs, then you will relieve the appearance of the abdomen, which is often called "beer" yoga. It’s even more important, so that the forces of power are right, so that they are alive and flanked, they didn’t shrug off the m'yaziv. For this one, take the maximum weight and beat 5-6 repetitions, so that you can grind the soft fibers without losing weight.

Yaki has the right to work, to take away alive

Beginners in sports are kindly aware that you can lose fat, and that you are right for those groups of diseases, as you are in the problem zone. That's right, the program for slimming the abdomen and the sides adds up to more aerobic training (cardio training), as it helps to speed up the exchange of speech. At the same time, everything was dead at once, and not only as one part. Take care that the cardio-advantage can be at least 30-40 minutes, so that the body gets rid of fatty deposits.

Another part of the busyness for the slimming of the abdomen, that side is due to the formation of the whole groups of m'yaziv, so that the stench was lifted, mali is correct, garn form. Like a girl, or a lad, they can simply throw off their vaga, but if they don’t bring the body into tone, then they look sluggish. For the belly, the fitting of a m'yazovogo corset is especially important, to the one that vindicates the internal organs, it will not give them vipirati.

Best in order to stick your hips, zrobiti springy m'yazi pres vvazhayutsya static options for training. Miraculous increase in calories, exercise the abdominal group right vacuum. It helps for a short term (with a stretch of a few days) to signify the press. This is a simple option for training at home, it is more suitable for girls due to the Swedish effect.

Right plank

We can easily call this option, because it helps people to reduce the static tension in the shoulders, arms, backs and black m'yazakh. This is a miracle option, if you want to grow your own flat, garny tummy. Right plank for thin belly and sides just win in the minds of the home, that does not require additional equipment, you need only kilimok. Wrap like this:

  1. To turn the kilimok at the kіlka once, it is necessary to put it on the back of the tongue.
  2. Take a position, like for a vigiman, hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. Get down from the bottom on the elbow, trim the body, as before, evenly, as in the vigiman.
  4. Trim the position. We’ll take 20-30 seconds to start, then increase this indicator to 1-3 whilins.

Haircuts on jump ropes

This is a miraculous way in the home minds to change the size of the waist (just change your mind, there’s no one in the order). Haircuts on skipping ropes will help you get fit, because this is an option for cardio training. It’s just right, for which you need more than a free room by the room. You create a constant pressure on the vessel system, which increases the heart rate and energy consumption.

On the back of the body, the body needs additional strength from glycogen, and then, after 20-30 minutes of veins, proceed to fat deposits and burn the liver with kilograms. Tsya is just right to often include in the complex circular training, crossfit programs. This is an easy way to start metabolism without using additional inventory, or else the weather is bad for horses and you can’t go out for a walk.


Tse is classical, simple right for the training of the black meats. Lose weight no more, and do not clean up your sides, but help raise the tone of the mind. It is possible to indulge in even richer variations of the training of the press, but all the stinks are worked up to the point that the maximum tension of the gums is at the stage of rapidity. It is necessary, with special care, to twist the twist for thinning the abdomen and sides, so that it is necessary to increase the amount of m'yazovoy mass to increase your waistline more actively.

The maximum visual effect in the form of twisting can only be taken for granted, if you regularly perform fat-burning training and do it if you want a simple low-carbohydrate diet. It is important to win the ruh correctly:

  1. Choose a convenient place near the apartment, so that you can lie down, sock your socks on the floor, bend the knee.
  2. Put your hands behind your head, close your fingers at the castle. If in such a position it is more foldable, then you can trim your hands to the top of the coat.
  3. Pochnіt tyanutisya pіdborіddyam to the pelvis. It is important not just to lift the tulub to the knee ( frequent pardon), but stretch to the pelvis.
  4. Whack 15 repetitions.

Bichni twisting

For the sake of the right, the girls need to be more protective, because the increase in oblique belly fat will make your waist even wider. A lot of coaches vzagali zagali zagoronyat zhіnka robiti bіchnі kruchuvannya on the press. Dane training is more suitable for people, girls, varto in a new way. Vikonuwati can be done in two ways:

  • standing with dumbbells;
  • lying on the bed.

Another variant is simpler, so that the technique has understood and can recognize the working groups of m'yaziv. For whom you need a kilimok and a little bit of free space. The bichni are twisted with an offensive rank:

  1. You need to lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, close the lock.
  2. Bend your legs in knees.
  3. Stretch with the elbow of the hand, like an animal, for the rahunka of the fast-moving beetle.
  4. Hit the 15th repetition, then we’ll work out the pidkhid from the other side.

Right pidyom nig

When exercising the abdomen, it is to blame that all the gums are strained, but some people think that the lower part of the press is left behind. Pidyom nig lying down - a simple way to navantage the bottom of the black m'yaziv. You can wrap yoga at the waist on the horizontal bar (folding option) or close (simple option). At home, minds have another way to go faster, the technique is advancing:

  1. To know at home the stiles of the free city on the slope, so that you can climb more and more.
  2. Hands zachepitsya for shchos stiyke.
  3. For rahunok m'yazіv press pochnіt podnіmati feet uphill.
  4. Then don't just throw them all the way down, carefully lower them, don't hang around the logs, I'll start again. Utrimannya have povіtry to create dodatkove navantazhennya for the stomach.

Bicycle lying on the back

Tsei variant of the turnover of insurance for the training of slanting and black m'yaziv. The right bicycle for the press does not require additional equipment and may simply use the equipment. The girl should be careful with such training, to the fact that it is risky to increase the size of the waist through the growth of m'yazovoi masi. Perfectly suitable for people for molding a garnier press. Clean up the life, but the sides for the help of the “bicycle” are not visible, but fix the corset like this. It’s easy to win the right, so that you can clean up your life in this order:

  1. Lay a bed on the soft bed.
  2. Put your hands behind your head. close at the castle.
  3. raise your legs so that the homilka is parallel to the foot.
  4. pochnіt vikonuvati ruh feet like that, nibi you pedal the bike.
  5. To pull with the lіktem to the protilezhnoї colіn, pіdnіmayuchi svіy corps for rahunok m'yazіv presa.
  6. On the skin side, count 15 repetitions.
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