Two calves. Like a godfather from the first days? Concentrates, juice feeds and vitamin supplements

Vipiyuvannya calves - tse even important stage of growing the great horned thinness. During the first half of the year, to lay down the life of young animals, to gain a set of masi and to instill the milkiness of a cow in the future. Methods of vipoyuvannya іsnuє kіlka, all stinks may have their prevagi and nedolіki. The process is made up of a number of stages. Weep calves with colostrum, milk and water. Solid feed and natomist vipoyuvannya to enter step by step.

Vipiyuvannya colostrum is an important stage of the year for young animals. Trivaє won first 4-6 days after the people. Colostrum to avenge a lot of speeches, necessary new born calves. It has an ideal balance of proteins in carbohydrates and fats, vitamins (especially vit. A), minerals.

Energetic value of colostrum of a greater animal, lower of great milk. Proteins in the new one are 6 times more, mineral resources - 3 times, and vitamin A - 100 times more. In colostrum, there are proteolytic enzymes, which help young animals to conquer hedgehogs. It increases the acidity of the sink, which is also important for pickling.

Even more important is the yoga function - immunological. With the first 1.5 deb of antibody, withdrawn from cows, they will be conquered by calves again, fragments of the enzyme system are still immature, they cannot be distributed. Maternal antibodies allow you to protect young animals from faceless bacterial infections, changing the age of the first ten days after the birth. In addition, I will play the role of playing increased acidity colostrum. At the sluice and intestines, a medium is created that is unfriendly for the development of rotten bacteria.

Basic rules for drinking colostrum

We already said that the colostrum of calves is injected into their correct development of the nadal. Іnuє impersonal systems that vikoristovuyutsya as in private states, and in the minds of industrial farms. Ale є kіlka kіlka іїv, yakі sled dotrimuvatsі usі. The axis looks like a diagram of the breeding of calves:

  • The first portion should not be given later in 30-60 minutes after the people.
  • The volume of colostrum during the first fertilization is responsible for becoming 4-6% of the total weight of the body, the norm is 1-2 liters.
  • During the first day of the calf, you drink a lot of milk, as it becomes 17-20% of the amount of milk (approximately 5-7 liters).
  • For another day - 20-24% of the total amount.
  • It is necessary to spit the calves properly, otherwise the colostrum will accumulate in the flask, transform into an important over-fertilization of the breast, which will lead to the passage.
  • The temperature of colostrum can be 35-37°C.
  • In the first place, it is necessary to scare the creature 5-6 times, the next year is fast on one day, until you switch to three times.

Vicorist different ways vipoyuvannya calves with colostrum in the first days. Pіdіyde for tsієї meti plyashka іz nipple, simple wind or special єmnіst іz nipple. The first and last options are the most acceptable, the scallops allow calves to drink milk in small portions. Weakened individuals are swollen through a probe.

Deyakі farmers practice pіdsmoktuvannya for 4-5 days. Such a scheme may have its own advantages and disadvantages. Three achievements can be named:

  • Nature.
  • Possibility of partial years in the first days (6-9 times).
  • Correct colostrum temperature.
  • Drink in small portions.
  • Maximum saving of brown immunoglobulins.
  • Decrease in sickness by 50-70%.

Ale maє tehnologiya natural pіdsmoktuvannya and a number of its shortcomings:

  • Impossibility to control the consumption of boiled colostrum.
  • Nebezpeka that a cow can injure a body.
  • Impossibility of vikoristovuvaty with mastitis, injuries of the head, tuberculosis.
  • The uneven development of the age, like a calf's will, only smoktat milk from one nipple.

Sob colostrum was povnotsinnym, the cow before calving can eat normally. The correct diet includes a sufficient amount of proteins, carotene and other vitamins. Feed not guilty but acidified, do not choke on corn silage.

Drinking milk

After the completion of the calf breeding with colostrum, switch to milk. In the first 10 days before the diet, include maternal. Let's try three years of drinking whole milk for calves up to three years. Vykoristovuyut mishane milk from different cows. After that period, switch to wrapped or milk. Turn down energy value, the new one has no fat and fat-producing vitamins.

The scheme for the transition to milk production can be stepwise. Give 0.5-1 liter per doba. Gradually bring the quantity to 5-7 liters. In such a quantity, the cycle lasts up to 1.5-2 months, then the dose is reduced until the young animals switch to mature food. Deputy of the recipient can be continued with whole milk up to 2-2.5 months. Ale, this year is not very cost-effective. The axis is why whole milk is used as much as possible for the breeding of calves up to the 1st month.

Weeping calves for the first months with milk can also have its own rules. To improve the pickling, give milk to sourdough. For whom to add the name octic acid even better than special starter cultures with brown bacteria. You can sling the young directly from the wind, or better, you can use special slings with nipples. The parents of the calf do not get larger portions at a time, the milk will not stagnate in the shell. Deyakі farmers vikoristovuyut special stationary buckets from nipples, yakі kіplyatsya to stіyla. It is possible to buy a pasteurizer with a high quality, a high quality wine, with a mass increase in thinness.

Piece summish

A lot of farmers are struggling with the problem of lack of colostrum in a cow. Deyakі pass after the colostrum period to the fermentation of calves with milk replacer milk, in order to protect the bones. If you want to save money for the same money, the savings are worth it. The colostrum substitute can be prepared on the basis of milk, or independently, at home. Axis of yoga recipe, z rozrahunka per liter of unselected milk:

  • 15 ml fish fat from the introduction of vitamins;
  • 5-7 g common kitchen salt;
  • 3 fresh chicken eggs.

Mustard components are mixed to a homogeneous emulsion. With the rib'yachim fat of the calf, we take away enough of the amount of vitamins A and D. In the testicles, lysozyme, which protects against infections. You can use colostrum from your own cow, or buy a ready-made substitute.

How do you see milk replacer for milking calves 2-3 months old on the market? The sums are brought together by themselves for the price and the warehouse. The more wines are closer to natural, the more expensive the sum of the costs. Milk replacer is prepared on the basis of milk powder from the addition of various components. Axis of main diversity:

  • Dry milk without fat plus dairy milk - high price category.
  • Sumish different types sirovatki, with a reduced amount of lactose and with the addition of syrovatkovy whites - the middle price category.
  • Dairy milkweed with additional whites from roslin - low price category, recognized for the breeding of mature calves.

Good sum has 20-22% protein, 13-23% fat, 0.9% calcium and 0.7% phosphorus. Cells are not guilty but more than 1%, the optimal quantity is 0.1%. Dry milk replacer should be diluted according to the instructions. How to be right, you can marvel at the video. For good, the diet of the calf is to be blamed for including 125-130 g of protein, it is important to take care of it, so that the kіlkіst itself drank it all at once from the sum.

Weeping calves with water

Properly raising young calves and new born calves can ensure sufficient intake of mothers in the body. In case of lack of water concentration shell juice move, milk feed is rotten and stagnate at the slunk. Up to two days to give boiled water, with a temperature of 20-25C °. If the calves are transferred to sulfuric water for a two-year period, the temperature is due to the same temperature.

Weeping calves with water is carried out from the nipple or vicorist water. It is necessary to give water after 1.5 or two 2nd anniversary of the year. How much water do you need? In the first 15 days of life, the norm is 0.5-1 l, in the next - 1-2 l after skin administration. To speed up the taste, improve the appetite of that poisoning, you can spit the calves not with plain water, but with infusions. Roar them from the great blue, medicinal herbs and needles.

Children's domestic creatures are forever without turbos, funny and gray. In the souls of people, the stench calls out to the best and the most reverent. Why dream of a calf, we know from popular dream books.

Tel uvі snі carried a lot of positive moments for the sleeper. Aje in rich cultures, a cow is a sacred creature, a symbol of status, kinship, prosperity. The cow is the source of milk, which is shared with people. This signifies generosity, fruitfulness, maternal turmoil, patience, kindness, self-giving, passive virility.

The body in dreams can be accompanied by the birth of a new life, dependent on feelings, instincts, emotional impulses, as it is necessary to tidy up, be careful. For a dreamer, it is a sign of a singing transformation, rebirth, enlightenment, a search for new facets of one’s foundation.

In some religions, calves played the role of sacrifice. At this sense, a storm can come to someone who has the sound not to harm his strength, health, financial losses to the mischief of others. Indulging, not showing the strongest ambition and vitality, a person can experience deep stress and fall into a trival depression. So take it easy on those that such self-giving can cost you dearly.

In the other interpreter, one who is afraid of the evidence and does not want to be accused for the sloping vchinka is dreaming. The domesticity of these creatures reflects the dream's dream but entrusted by the patron, which is direct, controllable and subservient. It is especially obvious that such a formulation, as if the body is higher, should stand in order with the cow.

The young person of the creator, as if lier than his hands - the checks of the best fortunes in life. Tse is nearing the long-awaited zustrіch from the future names, which will become a dbaylivim, viable person and father of the future children.

The women of the oppressor in style - it really means that their patience and indulgence create a beautiful couple with a good man, a future year-old and a support for all the right.

The girls grow up and play with the young scourges of the sky - to the light-weight vchinkіv, like that authority of the dreamer can get into the reputation. Immoral behavior can become the subject of trivial discussions and gossip of otochuyuchih and sign on your future.

People dreamed of bathing a heifer in the market - put it away financial benefits for a promising project. Great is the ability to achieve success in a short term and prosperity in the beloved right.

Yunakov’s vision of a supporter, which is moister than mother’s milk, is a sign that you are afraid of an independent life. It’s time for you to leave the Batkiv’s nest and make special plans for the future, develop your character, build up your will, bring to your building and deserving of deeds.

A smart person to give grass to the calves at the paddock - it’s true that mothers have been pardoned about their intercession, which is absolutely not required. Tim, you yourself will take care of those who are close to you, not giving them the opportunity to self-realization.

What more checks from calves?

  • smuggle a baby with milk - show the bajannya to help and support close people, which you should know about the future;
  • revisiting the young black scourge - whoever wants to win you out of his goals;
  • to the named pіdіyshov young tіlets — check on shvidka with the proposition of the hand and heart;
  • indignant young scourge is trying to lick you - get ready for a welcome surprise, a gift of chi unsupported material needs;
  • a bad and unfortunate creature - to the point of ailments of inaccuracies. Beware of hypothermia, unrealistic risks, doubtful propositions or situations of total uncertainty;
  • zlyakavsya you and vtik - your ill-considered behavior embarrasses you to brag about those close to you;
  • tіkaєte vіd vіd brіnі, yаkаєєєєєєєє svosity - check the tricks or for the sake of vіd relatives.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

To dream of a person - it means that in the intimate life of a person, you have problems, connected with your own fearfulness, unpretentiousness and caressing your dominating partner. It’s hard for you to know such a partner, who, in essence, has mastered your role and in the light of your self-confidence, your due respect, turboti.

Stretch your hand to stroke the young creature, but it looks like you are - really, the object of your sexual fantasies is within reach, otherwise you just don’t show it. Choose your own companion among peers, with similar interests, similarities. Just so you can easily know your other half, because your sexual desire and ability will be more enriching and comfortable for both.

I dreamed, like a young whip, marveling at you with great, watery eyes - this is a sign of rubbish and stinginess and the stinginess of a dream. You are afraid to know who your feelings, passions, sexual needs are. Your intimate life will require more activity and diversity. Confidence in one's sexuality comes from knowledge. Ask your partner for a joke, for whom sex will not be a little bit.

Gustiv Miller

A lot of calves that graze on green grass are a good sign. Seeing a new stage business sphere, successful financial operations, surplus ideas and ideas. What is the scale of your plans, the more active and more ochіkuє future. Financial hopes to become bigger and more stable in the future.

Bachchit a beaten young scourge - check for a low bead and misfortunes. You have to live through this difficult period of life independently, without spending money on help and encouragement of the restless. That same rage, if you slid yourself into vibrancy, self-sufficiency, that will to the point of victory.


It has become a dream, like a cow has calved - check on the side of the prospect. Everything that was planned is obov'yazkovo realized in an hour. I will grow up financially. A penny's need for stability and stability. Weekly hour for creative activities, rewarding pobutu, conceive future offspring. Everything you put in your practice, love, patience, diligence, will turn into positive results for the future.

Zhіntsi pobachiti u snitelya - to zustrіchi z naming. Marveling at the sights of that lagidnimi eyes - we will be happy with that mіtsnim. Letters black and aggressive uvі snі - checks of agility and unprimed jealousy in the form of a person. White or tricolor heifer - to stability and prosperity in family.

5 /5 (6 )

The one who wants to live near the countryside, show his mind with such images: milk for a guy, neatly crushed buds from logs with carved cavalry, a herd of cows that graze in the meadow, those other details of a strong butt, that remember vouchutsya. For this reason, the image of a calf does not evoke negative emotions.

True, such a dream does not bring up anything nasty. As a representative of a weak state, cry food: why dream of a woman’s body You can learn about popular dream books, guessing and setting important details of such a dream, for example, the mood of the dreamer and the behavior of the hoard.

Zhіntsi dreamed of a calf

Among other dreaming images, the image of a body is not a fault of the rules, that in the fallow of conditions, a dream can carry a different ambition, moving not only radios, but also a lot of money.

An important meaning in the darkness may be the following: the behavior of the scourge and the dreamer himself, the number and zabarvlennya of creatures, the place where you dreamed, and those other details.

Up to what

As a rule, the image of a healthy calf, grazing, has come to the life of a dream of joyous occasions, success in conceived undertakings, a change of black smuga on white.

It is important to guess the camp of the creature. Like a child, cows have little money and a smart look, it means that the prospects are looking at you for a joyless bottom and an important waste.


Like in a dream child, milk is wet - check for a profit, a richness in the material side of life.

When you see the meat of the calf cooked, make the way of the people in reality, as if by stretching out the rich rocks, it was a reliable support for you.

Yakscho zamіzhnya zhіnka the little cow of the ore zabarvlennya blew up in the dream, even in life she can grow up with people, so that a lot of problems will be saved.

Indulge in a dream with the image of an ailment, a baggy creature - you are checked by welding and scandals.

Watch the video. Why dream of a calf?


The image of a calf in a dream of an independent girl means great changes in life.

As if the dream of an independent woman is a child with cow's milk from a bowl, it means that real life should be worthy.

In another interpretation, such a plot symbolizes the dream of a healthy dreamer. Take care of a cow with a child - to a calm, prosperous and harmless life.


Young girl obіtsyaє image of a calf shvidku vagіtnіst, how to end the people of the mіtsnogo and healthy lad.

Yearning for the dreamer - do not take it in reality.

85% of dreams are interpreted by fixing the details

Bachiti, like a creature p'є pure water - for good, like water in a dream of brudna - check the need for unacceptable news of an important rozmov with a mighty person.


The image of the mіtsnoї that doglyanutoї critter uvі snі provіschaє only radіsnі podії, garne zdorov'ya that prosperous. Krіm іnshoy, like a dream prophetic woman of the people of the syna.

dream interpretation

Below, we bring clouding of dreams by popular dream books. Interpretations of various authors can be illustrative, so choose an interpretation that is closer to life-like action.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller, the image of a calf is a woman’s great profit from looking at a winemaker for a vikonan’s work. Bachiti uvі dream of cow'yachih children - take good pennies and spend an hour.

The plot, in the summer of a woman, is a posterity for the people of a black calf, who sees her banquet. Possibly, the object of indestructibility is chi qinn_ paper.

Vagіtnіy zhіntsі narodzhennya dіtinchaty kovi obіtsyaє lung canopies and the birth of a healthy baby.

Take care of a cow that grazes in a meadow, with calves - to an incredible marriage in love and professional rights.

Bachiti, like a fork, polluted the black scourge - to the point of problems and inaccuracies.

Bachiti creatures at the booth - before welding, that dead stosunkiv from a kohanoy people. Mikayucha creature dreams of tragic dreams in the life of a dreamer, a sick child of a cow prophetic ailment.

Indulge in the dream of a dead creature of ore zabarvlennya - on the death of a close relative.

Bachiti, like a black calf drinking water from calamous waters - do not bring pink right to the end.

The image of the widowed creature of the prophetic great controversy, right up to total vigilance.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Bachchit u vі snі, like a white calf was born - until success with all initiatives. For self-sufficient, independent girls, such a dream prophesies a close marriage with a decent person and a long-term happy love.

Vagіtnіy zhintsі podіbnyy plot obіtsyaє narodzhennya sin.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

To help you dream of the death of a creature - you get stuck in reality with problems, as if you happen to act independently, without outside help.

Drive in a calf with your own hands - get rid of yourself and forget.

Aggressively lashed the creature vvazhetsya in advance about the nebezpeku, scho nasuvaetsya. Be drunk, do not calm down.

Freud's dream book

To the thought of psychoanalysis, the image of calves is emphasized by the natural female instinct to oppose and please your kohan. Possibly, at the right place, I entrusted a person with himself, a woman to cross between a special space, surrounding his freedom. Varto look over your behavior so as not to waste your shit. Pozbavte yoga in the epidemiological opik and control.

Why dream of a calf in a dream woman

Deyaki dream books are solidifying that the image is a specialization of female infantilism, the lack of maturity to solve problems independently. A similar model of the dreamer's behavior can be brought to the point of wasting life's interest and important information.

New people

The image of a baby cow, which has only just appeared in the world, is considered a good sign. Such a dream prophesy will appear in the dreamer's booth of a new person, a dear guest or a newly made member of the family.


A creature with great zabarvlennyam vvazhaetsya a symbol of a happy stage of life, vikonannya zapovetnyh bazhan. If the white of the body has gone to the booth, it means that you are doing everything right, if it has happened at home - you need a change of situation. Zustrich іz friends chi hospitable trip pidut on melancholy.

Indulge in the eyes of a crooked white body - to the point of zadroshchiv of a beautiful girlfriend. Try not to share with her your secrets and secret thoughts. Bezmezhna Dovira can turn against you.

To dream of a dream of a body that is blowing, - the dreamer's innocence wins the reach of her lucky success.

The image of the new-born white child prophet will appear in the girl's sim. As if in a dream, you are watching a creature that runs across the field, in front of you, it looks like a scary podia of life.


The creature of the black zabarvlennya symbolizes success in the business and other spheres of the dreamer's life.

For an unmarried girl, the image of a black body is dragging away a hat with a non-drinking and master's man.

Bachiti uvі snі, like a black child of a cow p'є kalamutnu water - to the cost, zbitkіv that inaccuracies on the robot.

The black creature is twisted, prophesying a conflict on the robot with the coming waves. Do not get angry. Tsya is unacceptable to come to the dreamer's melancholy.

Bachiti take a cow with a black calf - until the stability of the day's surplus.

For mature woman Bachiti uvі snі, like a cow gave birth to a calf - to a large-scale purchase, for example, to the arrival of a car.

If you see a dream of a child of a cow that has been spent, it means that someone from friends needs material assistance. Do not varto inspire at the pіdtrimtsі.


The image of a red body symbolizes wealth, a great profit, or a great penny wine city.

As if the creature ran into a booth, it means that in reality you will have a pleasant period, you will get rid of the borg and problems.

A red calf in a dream of an unmarried girl - to be related to the garland of the motherland.

Bachiti uvі snі zhalіbno tormenting the body - to the cost and sbitkіv. It is great to spend money until the measure of Shakhraiv. Beware of gypsies and people with a dark past.

READ ALSO: Why dream of a cow with a calf?


Indulge in the dream of the calf - you are cherished for special purposes.


I dreamed of a sickness of a creature - check the filthy one, such a dream will come before the vtrata that rozcharuvan.

As if in a dream, a child is tormented by a pitiful torment - until a child’s ailment is crippled.

Bachiti, like a sick person, died - on the great misfortune in this world. Maybutnya pod_ya vimagatime v_d you maximum strength and patience.

As if you were violating the sick calves in your dreams, such a bachelor means your inner potential, which will help you to overcome any inaccuracies, spiraling to the aid of your friends.


Bachchit uvі dream dead baby cow - to the great inaccuracies in life. Similar dreams are respected in advance. You are to blame, but be ready until some kind of turn is coming, so that you don’t mess around with the blame.

Dream Interpretation: why dream of a woman’s body

Dreams, from which they take the fate of childish creatures, are taken in by a good sign, a symbol of a prosperous life.

7 out of 10 dreams - up to positive changes

In most dreams, the image of a calf is a prophetic dreamer of success and no success in all endeavors.

Z cow

Take care of a cow with a child - until the surplus is that distant solution of all problems. A young creature, how much better we remember our mothers, dream until the end of great incomes.

Indulge in a black cow with a calf of the same suit - to success in the business sphere of the dreamer's life, win over competitors in business.

For a young girl, a similar plot will change to a better one. Possibly, you know new job otherwise reach great success at the trainee.

Bachiti see the dream of a cow with a childish one, which are farther away from the dreamers - you will have a family reproach, hoarding more expensively.

Cow's family of white zabarvlennya to dream to a sensible proposition, to think about some kind of varto.


Bagato creatures dream of happiness.

To feed a herd of calves in the meadow is rather easy.

In another interpretation, the same dream-prophet takes me to spend an hour in the company of the Caviar.

To the booth

A dream, in a dream, like a bachelor, to lie at a booth, means peace and calm at home.

As if in a dream the creature ran into a house - check for success in reality. Your life is going through a pleasant period.

The image of a scourge, which runs along the booth and psuє speech, ahead of the future big losses, large-scale squabbles, as if you know your rash decisions after all.

The body, which has sunk into the bedroom, prophesies a new acquaintance with a handsome young man.

At the khlіvі

The bodies in the khlіvі dream about new repairs, vigіdnoї do it, or I give birth to a good one.

butting heads

The image of an aggressively lashed creature symbolizes the indolence of the dreamer.

A dream, in which the body is supposed to gore a young girl, prophesying folding choices in a special life, the need to make the right decision.

Like a creature in such a dreamy black suit, it means that in reality you will check for difficulties and failures.

Childish cows bad parkan - a halasli company has come to you.

Like a creature to beat you with his head in life - until the people of the son.


If you see the dreamer, it’s evil to live away - the dream is ahead of you about the infliction of bad things by you, as if to cause embarrassment to loved ones.

Watch the video. How many days do prophetic dreams appear?

Drink water

The plot of the dream, in which the creature is drinking pure water from the wind, the dreamers are saying good news and forward about those who do not accept the best decisions.

As if a young girl had a similar dream, it means that she always checks with people, like bringing good news to the booths.

An older woman has such a dream about a rich party in the company of relatives.

The image of a black-and-white calf symbolizes a lance of filthy and good pods, which replace one another.

With the birth of calves, breeders have an important role to play, even if at this moment breeders are vigilant for healthy young animals, so that they can lie in the quality of a properly folded diet. Yearning calves to milk is a laborious and complex process, so you should be familiar with different sides and methods of correct yearning.

Features of eating new people

On the first day of the people's day, it is necessary to give calves colostrum. The first week is the most important in the year. The valor of such eating in the minds of a home farm may be close to 10 days from the day of the people. During the whole period, the young animals need to be kept warm in the surrounding room, in which there will be no stretching, and there will also be a sufficient temperature regime.

Young growth is guilty of taking not only high-energy products in the diet, the stink of guilt is easily conquered, but colostrum, yakraz and є. The new one has essential vitamins, minerals and other necessary elements.

In calves with a weak immune system, and therefore the stench can easily be affected by various infections. Therefore, the anniversary of calves in the milk period is the most important colostrum.

Not knowing for an hour the creatures appear in the world, the first part of the colostrum is due to be given through the first year after the people. Otherwise, thinness is more likely to lick everything that is close to her, but it is harmfully indicated for healthy young animals.

The first thing to remember to all breeders is the importance of drinking. Increasing thinness, should be carried out even more consistently, especially in the first period of one's life. Drinking with colostrum is carried out up to 6 times a day. It's important not to overthink the youngsters.

Vikoristovuvaty is recommended only colostrum, like fresh, with which the temperature is to blame but 37 degrees. Recommended immediately after the hotel reaches thinness. The young are not guilty of drinking milk greedily, otherwise the process of poisoning will be more difficult. It is recommended from 1 day and up to 3 months to sip the creatures with special nipple pads.

Creatures need water until they are 2 months old. Therefore, in your diet, you can include a drink. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to overetch. As a rule, it can cause ailments of the ICT, weakness of the body, as well as problems with the exit of feces.

The mother's milk, the young are guilty of taking 2 strokes, the light appears on the cob. Dali, until one year old, the choice of milk is turned on, and you can make substitutes, for example, you can sing "Anniversary".

In Vіtsі vіd 3 tizhnіv thinness is already brought to zmіtsnіlih, and it means that it is possible to inculcate in colostrum and step by step transfer to a different diet. True, it is recommended to give a little selected milk until 1 month of age. As a breeding ground, breeders can vicorate brewed potatoes. If you want to collect milk, there is no possibility, then it is recommended to use substitutes, in which warehouses the basis is milk protein. Vykoristovuvaty zamіnniks are fenced, at the warehouse of some є proteins of dewy cultivation.

If the calf will be 1 month old, then his body and health will already have a mіtsnim, so the farmers can transfer them back to the year. And if you continue to celebrate the year of calves with milk, then you don’t get naughty.

Worth should be given to young animals only in small portions, but in the course of the year they can be increased. Dosvіdchenі breeders are not happy to give turnover from a dairy product overnight. It’s better to spend such an anniversary at a different hour, finish it okay.

If the year will have reverse inclusions, thinness can be repaired with growing products. Those products are harvested on the cob, yak quick and easy to conquer, as well as a high livelihood.

Starting from another month, the diet is supplemented with a product from concentrated warehouses, in which there are cereals, tops and whiskers. Deyakі breeders stverdzhuyut, scho in tsymu vіtsі can start mixed fodder.

Anniversaries of calves can be held for additional fresh grass. A handful will be enough for one head. Such a norm is vikoristovuєtsya on production. Until the birth of the age of norm and age, they gradually increased, and marveled at the age, as well as the mass of calves.

Eating after pivroku

If the calf will have its sixth month of life, you will need a stronger meal. Such a year is necessary, so that the creature grows as quickly as possible and becomes as productive as possible. When the creature grows fast, it gains mass, and in connection with it, the need for vitamins and minerals grows. If the body lacks such elements, then the following processes are blamed:

  1. Filthy development of a calf.
  2. Minimum activity.
  3. Minimal indicators of meat productivity.
  4. Parts of an illness, as if provoked by a lack of necessary elements.

For the uniqueness of such nasledkіv it is necessary to zastosovuvat different additives or work the diet rich in vitamins and minerals. For six months, the basis of the diet is high-yield compound feed, pure water. For a quick increase in masi, you can add potatoes, carrots or beetroot to the feed.

For walks, the ideal weather is a cold day without sun. The speku creatures are guilty of being in the shade, and if you go to fall, it’s better not to lead them to the shepherds and deprive the houses under the canopy. In case of bad luck, the calf can still get enough of the necessary quantity of green fodder.

If you are thin for 7 months, then in them step by step you will begin to mature. From this moment on, the heifers and bugs will have different consumption in the diet.

Vitamin supplements

Vitamins are important for any organism, especially young animals need stench during winter and spring periods. At this hour, carotene is not available in your body. Therefore, it is recommended to add 5 drops of trivitamin to colostrum, as well as 30 g of glucose and 0.5 g of ascorbic acid. Years of calves up to 6 months of age are due to supplementation with fish fat and dried fish. The stinks are even more kind to themselves when developing a calf.

A lot of vitamins can be shortened, but the charge can be increased. On this day, at specialized stores, you can easily get similar complexes for the development of creatures.

As if to extract natural vitamins, then you can saturate carrots, as they are rubbed and given to young animals up to 1 month old. You can also add that strength to the crade.

Іsnuє pevna scheme for the year of calves. Three kinds of years are seen in a zagal:

  1. Novonarodzhenist - in the year of colostrum.
  2. Dairy period.
  3. Pіslyamolochny period.

In the period of vigodovuvannya with colostrum, it is necessary to restore the norm of the day. Won to become close to 1/5 of the weight of the body of a calf. After that, as the colostrum will be taken, the creatures will need to provide drink for the help of water.

It’s better to give blue. One creature is responsible for sleeping from the tizhny century up to 10 days, and from another until the third tizhny, you can turn on the concentrated feeding of that sap. Dodatkovo breeders are guilty of zastosovuvat kreid, borosno z brushes that force.

Vik, days Whole milk, kg. Milk replacers, kg Concentrate, kg. Sino, kg. Silo, kg. Root crops, kg.
1-10 60 I'll make it to the end
11-20 60 1
21-30 20 60 2 1
31-40 115 4 1 2
41-50 120 6 2 3
51-60 110 8 3 5
61-70 90 10 4 3 5
71-80 80 10 6 5 7
81-90 80 10 7 12 7
91-100 80 12 8 15 7
101-110 35 12 8 15 8
111-120 25 12 8 25 8
121-130 25 10 10 30 8
131-140 20 10 12 45 8
141-150 20 10 15 45 8
151-160 20 9 15 45 8
161-170 20 7 15 55 8
171-180 7 15 55 8

Vikoristovuyuchi podіbnu scheme, you can breed and grow dairy calves without special folds. The data in the tables are averaged and may be changed or supplemented. Varto respect that this is the scheme of a correct, balanced eating.

Anniversary of creatures after 6 months

Vivchivshi diet of the anniversary of the calves, followed by the nobility of the specialty of the anniversary of the grown-up individuals. For scourges that have grown to stately maturity, it is necessary to drink more vicarious food. Tse is important, even the same whips are shriveled to the point of fodder, lower cows. In the average for the prey, the male will be guilty of taking close to one and more kilograms of food, for normal growth and a set of masi. Dodatkovo to the main meal, in calves, which zmіtsnіlo і formed, due to additions of zinc, midi, iodine and manganese.

It is necessary for the whips to collect the amount of water, and also to give only yakіsne sіno z rozrahunka 2 kg of sіna per 100 kg of water thinness. In the winter diet, it is necessary to add silage and vegetables.

Looking after the cows of that year, it seems, but in the period from birth to 2 years, it is necessary to increase some of the feed for the maximum swedish growth. As a rule, in the minds of a small farm, cows are no longer dead, they see males, but they also need to see only the sour product and clean, fresh water.

Young females can be taken for help with fresh or boiled potatoes. Dodatkovo breeders promote fresh carrots.

To promote a healthy livestock, it is important to respect the diet of calves. Vіn is guilty of revenge all the necessary vitamins and microelements. We will talk about those who can be the right year for calves in our article.

The newborn of the body is more weak, may have a low resistance to infectious diseases due to a small amount of erythrocytes in the blood. Looking after the calves up to three months is even more important, for those who see healthy creatures to lie. The application should be kept clean and dry, uniquely stretched. Welfare of calves is a process that requires a competent approach.

The first day of life is an important hour. From the first days, young animals need to be given colostrum. Young animals may weaken their immunity and such a year in the milk period is simply necessary. Colostrum has a large amount of protein, vitamins and, which is important, it is easy to acquire. They give yoga after 30 minutes after the people, without checking the body, lick everything that you like, and you can get an infection.

For the first day after the people, the frequency of the year is 6 times a day. Eating colostrum coryne to the fact that it is worth taking revenge on magnesium salts and having a high acidity, which gives you the ability to cleanse the intestines from the original feces.

Schob mother's milk, small children need to be fed 3 ten days a day with milk from a rosemary 2 liters per dose. To take revenge on the okremіy kіtinі, pіdtrimuyuchi comfortable for life temperature. Up to one month old young animals are given (cream of milk) boiled concentrates and carrots. Such a home inspection is required for 10 days.

For calves in age 3, it is recommended to use teat covers. As a variant, you can fool with the help of the method. Golovna umova - Danish vicorist method is no more than 5 days. For young calves on meat, vicory is enough for milk sums, which is rich in protein and calcium.

It is also important to keep up the drinking regimen. Vipitya water newborn calves begin on the third day. Until two tizhnіv vykoristovuyut boiled pіdіgіtu water, scho pokrashu etching; medicinal infusions - for the growth of creatures. If it's time to wake up, start giving sleep. Vono obov'yazkovo can be cleaned. Yogo is offered at the anniversary, or they are lifted, guarding the growth of creatures. Kіlkіst sіna іz vіkom zbіlshuyut. In a three-month period, yoga vaga becomes 1.5 kg.

Vitamins and supplements

It is important to give vitamin complexes to calves, especially calves and supplements. To that, in the first year of life, add vitamins for calves A, E and D (drop by drop), as well as glucose and ascorbic acid into colostrum. Be sure to follow the instructions. The vaga of the creature is taken as the basis. Norm vltku and vzimka raznі.

You can buy ready-made supplements and vitamin complexes. For example, "Kostovit forte", "Bacitracin", "Grizin". When reaching a monthly age, you can give the additive "Felucen", as it may look like granules.

In age 2, calves are given concentrated feed. Vivsyanka is good for the organism of young animals; A lot of farmers buy starter feed. The goal of balancing the complex of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which is to compensate for the necessary vitamins and microelements. You can also work together on your own. Take oats, corn, tear barley as a basis. As additives vikoristovuvat meal, ribne borosno, fodder dryness, borosno from grass, creid, phosphate. Don't forget about vitamins.

How to fold the diet

Fakhіvtsі developed a special diet for calves. Do this for the following periods:

  • colostrum;
  • dairy;
  • pіslyamolochny.

The first product that a cow gives to a child after a nation is colostrum.

The scheme of yearning with colostrum transfers the following norm of the day: five parts of the masi. After a deaky hour give bagatto pitta. For the breeding of calves, farmers should try to speed up the scheme in front of the table. She will help to grow young without problems. In order to feed the calf, it is possible to take close to 9.5 kg of milk fat until the age of the skin of the calf.

Dry food in grain crops is more brown for young animals, shards of vines replace the grass system and spray the development of the scar.

In the milk period, give manna porridge. Although the portion is small, the creature is more swishy. Step by step, the diet is supplemented with mixed fodder, specially for calves.

Prestarter - mixed fodder with pellets, which can be used to breed calves from the fifth day of birth to three months. Vin to be administered in the milk period. Feed enriched with additives, until the stimulant enters the warehouse at the development of the rumen.

Anniversary to pіvroku

In the diet of calves that have grown up, include muesli, which does not only change the period of breeding, but also prepare the grass system of calves until they have acquired a rough diet. For a month, babies can drink milk from the wind independently. Two-month-old youngsters eat milk, back from the addition of boiled carrots, boiled potatoes.

Eating after 6 months

Since the six-month-old, the calves will need a stronger meal. Such a year ensures maximum productivity and shvidky rist. The creature is rapidly gaining mass and as if it will require increased infusion of minerals and vitamins. If you ignore it all the time, then the creature is often sick, it’s nasty to develop. Tse everything to crush the meat is less juicy and savory.

In order to avoid negative consequences, the diet should be balanced and enriched with vitamins and supplements. Vletka for good weather lead the young cows to pasture. It is the mother's responsibility to induce the scoundrel's ability to scavenge the green stern. At the seven-month-old, the diet of bugs and heifers is fresh.

Video "Anniversary of calves at 4-5 months"

From this video you will know about those how to properly fold the diet for calves in 4-5 months.

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