Skyrim mod overlay three charіv. Enchanting Awakened - Description Possible magical effects

Skyrim deserves its own balance of some crafting skills. After the passage of the gris vzdovzh that across, I tried to create speeches with maximum characteristics. Alchemy, enchantment and smithery of laying the flooring organically, so that over-speech does not come out. More precisely, it didn’t happen until Dirk was found, tied to the newcomer of inspiration. I will write about this dirka in order.

A piece of clothing from the beginning of the newcomer's enchantment does not fade. Zilla z + for enchantment weak, and recursive "enchantment set for alchemy - variant zilla z + for enchantment" ends by + 32% to newcomer. Zim Zillam get enchantment by + 28% to the alchemy skill.

I play archer. With this set, it was possible to brew a zillya by + 130% to smithery and to viculate a cibula by 250 vtrat + 4 words by + 47% to archery, in total close to 600 vtrat. However, on the forums they write about 1300. Sounds?

The trip for the Falmer sholoms was made and with it the set for alchemy from 5 items, and not from 4, the protégé added 32% to enchantment and +147% to the blacksmith's right, set to +29 % to alchemy and +48% to archery. On whom everything was skinned.

Shukanih 1300 didn’t go away, and even then a suspicion crept in, which is pouring in like a newcomer, like it’s not pumped in me. Yogo was found after the matching of all parameters. He showed a newcomer of inspiration.

Tobto. The inspiration skill is added to the parameters of enchanted items. Moreover, it pours in a dominant step and enter the recursion. So what if the next pumping becomes unimaginable.

Vario zіllya on to the beginning of the renewal, p'єmo, znіmaєmo zbrou, odyagaєmo їh new (a new bonus is painted on them), vario step and so on. After 3 iterations, I got the following zilla:

Dirk for making speeches from infinite parameters

Dirk for making speeches from infinite parameters

Behind him, such a zilla was brewed on the Koval’s right:

Dirk for making speeches from infinite parameters

Dirk for making speeches from infinite parameters

I enchanted the following items:

Dirk for making speeches from infinite parameters

Dirk for making speeches from infinite parameters

Dirk for making speeches from infinite parameters

Dirk for making speeches from infinite parameters

The axis is so dirka in gr. Yes, bug. Not those schob obvious pardon like іz ogma іnfinіumom (like є іnfinііumom u mіn u literal meaning:)). It’s just that the crafters’ beginners balanced out, and the inspirations forgot and yoga can be made into inconsistency. Before the speech, more food, why it’s blazing on enchanted objects.

We kindly ask you to Enchanting Awakened!

The mod is a new re-imagining of the enchantment system in Skyrim, in order to be more agile, balanced and better fit into the gaming universe.

Tired of the fact that you are not enchanted by the brown navichka and you don’t want to engrave before re-pumping? Needed to prepare for pumping a thousand enchanted daggers for pumping, selling some of the most economical storage of your gris? Have you tried other mods that change the enchantment, but you didn’t get lucky with them? We kindly ask you, mandrivnik, here is your back.

Short summary of features

  • Choose a path through the middle of three styles of enchantment - Efir, Chaos or Life - skin from the paths transferring a unique style and splitting with a method of increasing regrabability, and the interest of repeated enchantment by different characters. Leather from three styles has its own unique bonuses.
  • Remove the enchantment bonus for an hour to catch souls, unlock special perks of "presences", to add new souls to the souls of new hostile abilities. Buried souls will now become the main element of enchantment, as described by the all-world Skyrim. Passing on the tree of perks is now necessary to create more hard-working enchantments, to drink great souls and to increase the number of charges of enchanted armor.
  • The all over the fragmented is reborn: the varts of the shaking objects is reduced, the ethnicity of the focused is rejoiced, the Magica of the Estenia is to incur one scopely one - the deeds of them (on the other value. lower in original gr.
  • Sort in that Skyrim, which you love - all the main aspects of enchantment will be relatively oprated by the method of destruction and expansion of the game's knowledge, unique in case of some serious changes, building damage.
  • Enjoy a wide range of options, which allow you to increase the power of all enchantments for your character, as well as a special system for controlling the development of a character, so that you can continue your child, to increase the number of characters in the Skyrim Community. uncapper) .
  • Summing up with SkyRe, Requiem, SPERG, ACE and other mods!

Enchanting Awakened - perk tree

(Notes: bonuses for every other perk multiply one by one).

Three main schools of enchantment

Direct the naming power of the stars to the recognition of the secrets of the boundless energy and the development of magical powers. The imperceptible ether is your guide, the invisible links of the energies of essences and souls are your will. Manipulate with light, dark, sound and reality itself, flickering the enemy with invisible and neimovirnymi forces.

- School Enchantment -


  • Good health
  • Muted sounds


  • Wignanne
  • Electricity waste
  • Waste of magic
  • Poglinannya magic
  • Advance to the word: illusions
  • Newcomer promotion: chaklunstvo
  • Promotion of newcomer: shooter
  • Opir magic
  • Opir electricity
  • Solitude's Rebrace**
  • Enlarged magic
  • Magic Regeneration
  • Advance to the word: concealment
  • Newcomer promotion: evil

* Consumed the perk "Efirny mandrivnik".

** Enchanted on the shield of Solitude.

Tidy up the forces of Chaos at your mandrivkas, to deform the souls, making the nameless mitz. You see the victory of the ruin, decide, and do everything to put the whole world on a knee. Engage in stealing, open and deceive enemies, and also destroy them with a tight and baked stream of fire, which is beyond the reach of other enchanters.

- School Enchantment -


  • Poglinannya stock of strength
  • Advancement of the tightness of the dressing


  • Fear
  • fire vtrata
  • Chaotic Skoda
  • Quiet months
  • Fire Paste of Souls
  • Advance to the notice: ruination
  • Newcomer advancement: one-handed zbroya
  • Newcomer advancement: two-handed zbroya
  • Newbie Promotion: Light Armor
  • Promotion of newcomers: gut stealers
  • Promotion of newbies: Krasnomovstvo
  • Advance to the word: alchemy
  • Movement of hand-to-hand shkodi

* Consumed perk "Master of Chaos".

Achieve a perfect balance between your body and spirit, becoming an impregnable fortress that saves the energy of the soul. Recognize yourself and reaffirm the true purity of the world with your mighty will, reach full harmony in your body, and judge everyone who expands vices and evil in this world.

- School Enchantment -


  • Paralysis
  • Vodne dihannya


  • Indlyakuvannya undead
  • Introducing the cold
  • Poshkodzhennya reserve forces
  • mastery of thought
  • Serrated Pickaxe
  • Newcomer promotion: renewal
  • Newcomer promotion: change
  • Advice to the notice: koval'ska on the right
  • Opir cold
  • Opir for ailments
  • Opir otrutam
  • Movement of the vag to be carried
  • Health regeneration
  • Stamina Regeneration
  • Newcomer advancement: blocking
  • Advice to the notice: important armor

* Consumed perk "Wart's Life".

Entity Perks

Soul spawning is heavily woven into the history of enchantment in Skyrim, and Enchanting Awakened perks increase the importance of soul entrapment in the enchantment system as a whole. Leather perk of daily life to the unique intertwining of two schools of enchantment, giving a deep infusion to those, with which the characters of different styles greet their souls.

Why do you walk in the path of Chaos, uncomfortably groaning impersonal souls, and hastily transforming them into different spells, little caring about those who win over the souls themselves most effectively?

Why do you choose the chanting of our way of Life, more and more uniquely the suffocation of human souls and with a special relativism suffocating the souls of creatures like a danin of yours to the forces of nature?

Otherwise, you will win over the way of Efir, plucking as much as possible the energy of souls, who speak, write to them, what you can punish with them, and not especially worry about the methods of captivity of the victims?

Change of day

Life | Chaos

You take away the supplementary day when the soul is buried, so that you can allow the stone of souls to be filled great roses- Ale є risik know bad luck. Mortal Strike to the Core now recharges your armor. For the growth of the newcomers, the enchantment of the pervagi will be strengthened, and the risks will change.

newbie enchantment Chance to be patient
bad luck
Chance to get drunk
dod. daytime
35 6,40% 3%
40 6,00% 7%
60 4,50% 16%
80 3,20% 24%
100 2,10% 33%
120 1,20% 42%
140 0,80% 50%
160 0,80% 59%
180 0,80% 67%

Recharge charge = enchantment enchantment * 0.12 (that's 12% at 100 enchantment).

daytime management

Efir | life

Now you see the building maisterno curry the energy of souls. Soul Stones rotate shots by 2/3 more charge, charging more efficiently. You have learned how to make clay trivalo dії and repair an opir shkodi in an enchanted armor.

Possibly clayed buildings

(Skin for 1-7 days of play)

  • The power of the feast
  • Greater portability and portability.

  • Dissonance
  • Decreases blindness, chance to cast spells, regenerate health.

  • Evils of the essence
  • Reduces the cost of attacks and spells, speeding up the regeneration of magic and stamina.

  • Rozuminnya daily life
  • Mustache novice grow faster.

  • battle cry
  • Hour mіzh Shouts lowered.

  • Beach shower

Like a stone of souls, having filled up to the point that the building was clayed over, it will be weak.

Opirnosti: base health 30%, 45% at enchantment 75, 60% at enchantment 100+.

Daily fee

Chaos | Efir

Vivchili darkness mystetstvo zahoplennya human souls. Death strike on people to steal a small portion of the soul, recharging your armor. When the soul is buried, there is a chance to lose too much energy, taking away short magical effects.

Possible magical effects

(skin dіє 1-3 hvilini)

  • In the distance of the future
  • It's time to improve the two.
  • Spalakh is fierce
  • Greater speed of shifting that attack.
  • Equity of the essence
  • The magic and the reserve of forces are renewed five times faster.
  • Battle of life
  • Potrіyna regeneration of health, the manifestation of life.
  • Luskata shkira
  • Fermentation 50% shkodi, regeneration of health.
  • Stage zakhistu
  • Increased stock of health, reduced by 20% of possessed shkoda.
  • Stronghold of the Existence
  • Opіr golomshennyu, cast a spell, regenerate health.
  • Ruinivnik souls
  • All opponents attacked by you are sued to death.

Tsey perk is NECESSARY for burying human souls.

Recharge charge = 0.035 * initial enchantment (total 3.5% at initial 100).

Chance to remove the root effect = (new enchantment - 25) / 40 (that's 1.9% with 100 newbie). The lesser the expansion of the soul at the cost, the lower the chance.

What else do you need to know about fashion?

Extensions list of functions and fixes:
  • If you remove the perks from new enchanters earlier, they will be automatically removed after the mod is installed, the eyepieces of the perks will be rotated to your character (the same as the original grey, SPERG, SkyRe and Requiem).
  • Effects of increased magic and speed of regeneration are completely reworked, the bonus scales up to the value of your enchantment skill. Tse allow otrimuvati richly everything showing off on pіznіh equals. Unfortunately, the exact percentage values ​​cannot be shown in the description of speeches, but you can still show them in the active magical effects, or you can activate the display of the note with the description of the effect in the finals.
  • The trade reduction enchantment has been replaced with the krasnomovstvo promotion enchantment. The replacement of a simple increase in prices for the hour of sale, a new enchantment is added to everything that is connected with redism - prices, reconsideration of that zalyakuvannya.
  • Added to the new enchantment - increased speed. It increases the speed of transferring approximately 30-70%, fallow in the beginning of the enchantment. Tse additional enchantment dodane with the method of balancing the school of Chaos is like two others, before that I could not choose, as if from enchantment with the exclusive for the school of Chaos. I plan to add one or two unique enchantments to future versions (if there will be a school for Efiru).
  • I will rewrite the script for burying souls, integrating with fashion: now, with the sparkle of Zirka Azuri, the stone of souls will not be filled with smaller souls beyond the world. In addition, now your companions will also be able to bury souls - just give them a stone of souls and an armor with a positive effect.
  • Optional module for regulating the range of shower stones, which is recommended to be activated. A function is available at HSC that changes the assortment of soul stones at merchants, when the filling is activated, soul stones will be increased for sale by 80% more.
  • Larger enchantment effects now scale independently one type of one a substitute for a simple three-time strengthening of effects, like in the original grі. Deyakі efekti povіlnіyutsya povіlnіshe, іnshі shvidshe і may vyshchy maximum threshold. Tse can save all the valuable charms on high equals.
  • The power of the current charms has been lowered. This is broken to damage the balance and use too strong game indulgences, to reduce the ability to cast a spell to zero (now it’s impossible to use spells for locking)
  • Enchanted with a spear of a spat can have fewer charges. To imitate your initiation, enchant and confuse you, go to the suffocation of souls in the future. A specialization has been chosen in line with those, which number of charges you can put on a load of weapons. Followers of Chaos to show how to carry out the most powerful charge, but the stench can create the widest range of attacking effects. Soothing enchanters will give the building a great charge.
  • You can't enchant enchanted items until you've removed the appropriate perks. Armor enchantment just won't affect enemies, armor enchantment will only affect you for a few seconds. You can gain access to virtually all enchantments by putting three points into the cob perk Soul Molding (Div. offensive spawn).
  • Fixed enchantment Quiet months. In the original version, it did not give a shkodi (an unofficial patch corrects it in the same rank).
  • Poklikana zbroya maє correct visual effects of flooding of souls And after you have taken the Soul Stealer perk. Now the visual effect really looks like a suffocation of souls.
  • Spell Pastka shower buv dodany directing visual effect Now you can bachiti yogo polit (also corrected in the unofficial patch).
  • Additional information at the enchantment may be well-being when the enchantment is removed. In the original game, the Enchanting Awakened armor gives less damage, lower armor, but by changing the balance in Enchanting Awakened, the armor is now costing a little more. In order to compensate, I zbіlshiv dosvіd. Mayte on uvazі, scho when znyatti zacharuvannya smuzhka do not collapse until the end, tse pov'azano z especially robotic interface gri. If you are not in control of the function, you can turn it on to the MCM menu.
Access to charms:

Now, in order to winch or koristuvatisya more enchanting, the presence of singing perks is needed. Without these perks, the armor enchantment will not work on enemies, but the armor enchantment will immediately. However, you can gain access to most of the enchantments by putting three points into the school's first perk, Soul Shaping. Six enchantments that have been lost, unique and accessible only to fahivtsy in one of the three enchantment schools - two per skin school. Below is a table, so you can find out about all the enchantments that are associated with the skin rank of the "Soul Shaping" perk.

Respect for Perks:

With this fashion it is impossible to specialize more in the same school of enchantment! However, the first three ranks of starting skin school perks are available to everyone, regardless of specialization. In this rank, you can immediately remove the perks "Shukach Efiru", "Chaos Adherent", "Successor of Life" - leather up to three ranks at any time.

Farther away, slipping a thick perk is only available for a direct selection of specializations.

Sumіsnіst, installed that vision

- Inconsistency -

I’ve broken all the susilla for the safety of Enchanting Awakened torkavsya only quiet speeches, like pove’azan іz zacharuvannya that zahoplennyam souls. However, EA reworks these aspects again, which will conflict with the usual similar mods. To show respect that in the archives there are anonymous patches in the mix with a lot of great global plugins, now I plan to expand the range of these patches.

- Vіdomі pardons -

All bugs have been fixed. Get ready to play without problems!

- Installed -

IMPORTANT: before setting up to see the battle, change the character, so that the character is not equipped with soul burying spells.

- Visible -

IMPORTANT! Like for other mods, before EA zastosovna main recommendation - it is not recommended to remove the mod, after which you continue with the same character. However, if you still want to see Enchanting Awakened, then follow these lines:

  1. Go to some kind of interior, in some kind of daily pentagrams of souls or a stone of souls. For example, I have a store that does not sell magic goods.
  2. Learn from the character ALL enchanted speeches and zbroyu. In inventory, you can get rid of them, just change your mind, so that the stench is not put on the hero.
  3. Go to the MSM menu and start the remote procedure (if you are not grating without the MSM menu, console command StartQuest EAUninstall).
  4. After seeing, check if you want one piece of real time. Save yourself, close the game, delete the mod.
  5. After the next step, zavantage the creation in the front point of saving and saving again.
  6. - naive and completely underestimated rebalance of the stealth navi. Enchanting Awakened


    s7o, hypno, B1gBad, CDM_, JustinOther, heilghast, Diegog5

    I'll give you a gris of Enchanting Awakened!

Yake craft for yours in Skyrim is the best. Kovalska on the right? Maybe an enchantment? Well, it's enchanting.
Upgraded to 100 enchantments, you can enchant your possessions and armor in such a rank that any enemy on the legendary folding will not be strong for you for a great battle. Moreover, the choice of possessions and armor is absolutely free, you can turn it around with the greatest clothes.
Otzhe. When pumped up to 100 enchantments, we have a perk that allows you to put two different enchantments on one river, victorious with only one soul stone. Obviously, the best way to enchant is to vicorate the Great Stone of Souls.
You can buy the same stone from the court magicians in the Volodya of Skyrim, or in the collegium of Winterhold, and also know their personality. Well, otherwise, having taken the empty VKD to the extreme edge and having cast spells Buried souls and well-sharpened with a sword, we’ll love the mammoths that are great, or rather the great souls will fill the empty VKD.
For complete happiness, we need five EVAs. Let's not stop before the enchantment of possessions and drink the Elixir of the Enchanter.
Repair your guards, more often than not, you will be a two-handed guard, but savagely on the right. Cast the following enchantment on your armor:
1) Good health
2) Poglinannya stock of forces
When choosing the efficiency of your enchantment, set the slider to the maximum, and do not worry about the charge dropping quickly, about the chain below.
Zi zbroєyu rozіbralis, now about the enchantment of the possessions, the hoops of that namist. Enchantment can be like this:
Kіltse ta Namisto - Enchantment for the advancement of shkodi in the sight of the zbroї yakim volodyte that promotion of the newcomer: Ruinuvannya.
Sholom - advancement of the newcomer: Ruinuvannya. Another effect on your judgment, another can not be put in front of you.
Armor - advancement of the newcomer: Ruinuvannya, Another effect is like a sholom, put whatever you want.
Mittens - enchantment for the advancement of vtrat in the form of a zbroї as if you are a volodiete, another enchantment can be put on an advancement of a newcomer: forgery, but you will be violated.
Chobots - charіvnіst vіdvischennya vytrat vіd vіd vіd vіd zbroї. Another - the promotion of zakhist in the light of the elements. Fire, cold or bliskavka. Enchant fallow according to your needs.
What can we do:
Zavdyaks of the owners, the ring of that namist your zavda majestic shkodi for the fire enchanted for the advancement of the shkodi, and may have an inexhaustible magical charge that vismoktues from the enemies of your health that vitrivality of the zavdyaka enchanted for the promotion of the newcomers: Ruynuvannyaki. In fact, you become an indifferent and restless warrior. You may become immune to dragon attacks, as you will have the subject of elemental protection enchantments. Such an item can be a cloak from the Skyrim Cloaks mod, which you yourself know on the Internet.
Tse enchantment pіdіyde and tim, who wants to change the fighting style, and zamіst mahannya with a sword to burn fire and bliskavki at the enemies, with the victorious magic of the school of Ruinuvannya mana will not be vitrachatisya.
It's easy to pump up charіvnіst. Yacomoga earlier take the perk of the adept of the school of chaklunstva. You can do it, having bought the spell Shout out, and victorious yogo, if possible. the adept’s perk is necessary for us to win the spell of burying souls without special mana costs during the first time of the gri. Once you know merchants, buy empty soul stones from them and fill them with the souls of wild animals, which Skyrim has a lot of. In a couple of years, blazing with Skyrim will give you a lot of soul stones, for pumping enchantment, crying stone of souls will come in handy. Then let's go to the forge, kuєmo kіltsya, what is bigger, lower is more beautiful and let's go to the table to enchant and enchant the mustache of the kiltsya. Spell you how to charm, enchant us with smut tsі kіltsya, then sell tsі enchanted kіltsya, you won't need the stench.
Break on the table the enchantment of the enchanted ring, the namist and the wielders of that broth, to bring out new effects of the enchantment, the lamanna of enchanted speeches so promote the newcomer enchantment.
This is my first guide, and better for everything else. I spodіvayus, tse bude korisno.

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