“Hiba you know what you sing - and sing the true? Tsіkavі facts. You know what... You know what

The ingenious physicist Lev Landau was called by his friends "Khudiy Lion", and he himself began to say that he had "not a stature, but a body."

For in the Petrovsky hours, all foreigners were called Germans. To that the meaning of this word is old - be it an inshomovna, "nima Russian" person.

"... Countess I'm sorry, what has changed, bet."
It appears that this phrase is not clear: it was taken from the telegraph correspondence of the capital's journalist, which was present at the Astapovo station in the leaf fall of 1910. Mіzh іnhim, there were also offensive words: "Did you know the countess's swing: not having read the sheet, the count was bared to place a bet"

At the 19th century in Moscow, there was an order that, speaking, at the city, all the coachmen - p'yanitsa, around two. Tse buli statues, yakі vіnchali Triumphal Arch and wake up the Great Theatre.

In one of the books of the ironic English science fiction writer Terry Pretchet head hero calling spirits behind the book "Mallificarum Sumpta Diabolicite Occulars Singularum", which literally translates as "Curry on the evil Little One-Eyed Devil". MS DOS.

Yak z'appeared the word "kangaroo". On the nutrition of sailors "What kind of wondrous creature with a great tail is that bag on his stomach?" the tubers, like they didn’t understand anything, energized “Ken guru?”, which translates “What do people want?”.

And do you know why people in Ukraine love those traditional dishes of meat and cook pork? Therefore, during the attacks of the Tatars and the Turks, the herds of pigs could not be stolen for two reasons: firstly, a pig for Muslims is an unclean creature, and in another way, on short legs, you can’t get far and shvidko.

Vyazannya was invented by people three thousand years ago in the screeching deserts of the Gathering. In middle Europe, where the first Christian preachers brought, women were not allowed. A lot of people were engaged in this, and it was possible to spend until the closed guild of professionals only after a six-digit education and the best experience. The hours are changing: people have forgotten about it for a long time and respect it as a whole woman's prerogative.

One of the highly qualified and highly paid categories of science workers in America bears the marvelous slang name "professional idiots". All specialties in testing computer programs. Pereviryayuchi programs, stink of guilt, transfer all idiotic pardons, as if you could raise a coristuvach, and show the reaction of programs to them. Yakshcho not zmіg tse robiti, mean, idiot, but not qualified, unprofessional.

In the 19th century, the thickness of the walls of cans was 3 mm! The housekeepers of the past century had to beat the hammer and chisel hour by hour, and they worked the stench to the instructions that were specially added.

By decree of Peter I, on 31 December 7207, the birth of the world was celebrated on the 1st day of the cob 1700 of the birth of Christ.

The American magazine "Time" shortly describes "man of fate." In 1983, the result of the experiment turned out to be unsatisfactory. The editorial computer picked out the candidacies of the famous politician, the movie theater and the enchanting alien, the hero of a goofy movie. That's a computer.

Yak z'appeared the word "restaurant". In 1765, a new dish appeared in the tavern of Boulanger in Paris: meat broth. Vіdvar vvazhali irreplaceable zavіvlennya forces. To this very fact, the Boulanger tavern took off the new name "Restaurant" from the French. /restauer/ - "restore, restore".

At the famous Peter's assemblies, most of them were rewarded with an additional portion of licorice. Through this zayviy cloak, the battles flared up for an hour, and to that the participants of the assembly brought their squads of their people from them for the defense of the whole. The award process was called "dissertation".

At the beginning of the XX century. Orthodox Church Bula was given a recommendation for an offensive change: "When the newly-born name was named, the mother followed in the uvaz, that St. Inna and Rimma were people."

For example, in the 19th century, the Parliament of England having legislatedly confirmed the left-handed movement, out of the interests of travelers. So the parliamentarians wanted to protect their spivgromadyans from blows with a batog, even if the transport was like a kіnnim, and the airmen were more importantly right-handed.

The introduction of the house of bezshlyubnosti was called out for obvious non-religious reasons. Celibacy was initiated by Pope Gregory VII in the XI century, and practically established in the XIII. The reason is to save the church as the greatest feudal lord in the integrity of the land power, not allowing it to fall among the downtrodden.

    1. Many Russians are aware that Catherine II sold Alaska to the United States, but not so. Crossing the territory of Alaska was assigned for Oleksandr II.
    2. Like a Hawaiian woman, she puts a ticket for a leva vuho, she’s a zamіzhnya. Yakshto for the right, it is available for inspection by people.
    3. Not all people, as it is customary to respect, kiss with close ochima about 60% of them. Others love to watch out for the partner's reaction.
    4. The most recent mountains are located on the territory of Russia and are called the Ural Mountains, as if they oppose their machismo.
    5. The non-singular school itself was established in Cambodia, it is located in the middle of the river and is called Kompong Luong. It is noteworthy that children add basins to it.
    6. On the territory of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the largest camp for political connections, over 50,000 people, it is practically practical to sit at camp No. 22.
    7. Light-eyed people are more likely to distinguish the color palette, lower those who have brown eyes. Everything is explained by the pigmentation of the iris membrane, as in black-eyed people it is more sensitive to light.
  1. In the Altai Territory, in Russia, a marvelous place has been stashed, where it is not possible to change over 20 quills. This is where the “Valley of Death” is famous, volcanic vipari that drive everyone alive for the winter.
  2. The most radioactive place in Russia is Lake Karachay. Fifteen hvilin perebuvannya on the birch of the lake is enough, so to take a prominence of 600 roentgens, as it is considered mortally unsafe.
  3. Najdorozhcha potatoes in the world cost over 500 euros per kilo. Named vin "La Bonnote" and grown on the French island of Nurmoyette Atlantic Ocean. Potato connoisseurs say about the miraculous relish.
  4. The miniature Jioty Amge is respected by the smallest girl in the world. Її growing to become less than 62 centimeters, live krihta in the Indian city of Nagpur.
  5. The most expensive and most important mushroom in the world is called black truffle, the price of a great specimen can reach up to seven thousand euros. Not a skin simple upholsterer is so frequent in the gut.
  6. The best place on the planet, the Russian Karabash. For many hundred years the history of the work of the copper-smelting plant, the whole nature of Karabash has become more similar to the Martian one. Acid woods go to each city, and the rivers give off an unnatural color through the oxide of the sun.
  7. The right pole of the cold is the Russian city of Verkhoyansk. Record-breaking low temperatures have been recorded there with a minus sign on the planet in quiet places where people live.
  8. The majority of people on earth live with demotech mites, under the greater microscope, but a miracle!
  9. No matter what date you had a National Day, twenty million people all over the world are marked by you at the same time.
  10. Found a reality show in the world of Budinok-2. It's been over ten years, and it's obvious that the TV show will become another "Santa-Barbara".
  11. If a person marvels at porn, then he pays respect to the face of an actress. And the women, on the other hand, look at the genitals.
  12. People with black eyes are better off bacheling at the darkness. It is important that the people of the world have fewer daedals with skin at the same time than black-eyed children.
  13. At the entrance of the People's Republic of China, salted tea is drunk. The tradition is deeply rooted in the past, and instead of tsukra, put the kitchen sill into hot tea.
  14. Russia is no less than the largest country in the world outside the territory, it is the only power, as it is washed by 12 seas.
  15. The widest on the planet is named Mohammed, and the nickname is Li. Among the Russian nicknames, the nickname of Kuznetsov is wide.
  16. Leleka marabou for an hour of shifts can sizzle and soar in the air of ten quills.
  17. Cleaner fish is a hermaphrodite. The female can be reborn into a male and produce offspring.
  18. The only creatures in the world, yak mayut straight-curved chin of a goat, an octopus.
  19. All people with blue eyes are potentially related, because the black color is a mutation of the HERC 2 gene. On the planet, people with such a color of eyes appeared about 10 thousand years ago.
  20. Speech in repellents from mosquitoes does not make coma, but masks people. As a result, special receptors are blocked, and the mosquito simply does not recognize its species.
  21. After forty years, people begin to grow downward. People change from century to century by about one centimeter. There are signs of shrinkage of cartilaginous tissue in the loamy areas.
  22. The world's most feared and most ignominious road is called "The Road to Nowhere". Tse dilyanka drive fifteen kilometers from New Mexico, as it will end in an absolute deaf kut. It’s not good enough to walk about this road in the middle of the month.
  23. Venus is a single planet in the Sonyach system, as if wrapping itself against the arrow of the year. Why do you care? Vcheni give an explanation to this phenomenon of difference, but more obviously, the entire atmosphere of the planet.
  24. In the 19th century, Horace Fletcher uttered a diet under the name "Fletcherism". The bottom line was that you should chew it at least 30 times and then whistle it. It was said that the slug is suffocating, and the man is not gaining weight.
  25. The most fearful netrays in the world are scattered in Kenya, right in the capital of the state Nairobi. Over twenty millions of meshkants live in the world, there is no light, water, sewerage, shkil and medicine.
  26. The largest meteorite, which fell to the ground, was taken to be the Goba meteorite, which reaches at least three meters from Dozhin. A heavenly body was revealed in Namibia. It is important to take over 60 tons and 90 vіdsotkіv is stored from the hall.
  27. The ancient representatives of snakes had legs. Vecheni allowed that over 130 million years ago the snakes were small kіntsіvki, yakі allowed them to finish shvidko overdress.
  28. The largest and most densely populated metropolis on the planet of knowledge is Hong Kong. About thirty-five million people live near the city.
  29. Why wear hoops on the ring finger? The tradition started Ancient Greece, it was important that the “vein of the vein” pass through the ring finger, that it goes straight to the heart.
  30. At the crypt of Bob Marley lie yoga guitar, bible, soccer ball and a pack of marijuana.
  31. The human stegnova brush suffocated the Eiffel of the famous Parisian veil.
  32. Spirits vinayshli in the 16th century, to tidy up smorіd vіd nemitih tіl. In Europe, people have not bathed all their lives!
  33. In order to improve oneself in form, a person can work at least ten thousand kroki per day.
  34. The healthiest teeth in Americans, about forty hundred US citizens have had no problems with caries.
  35. Skin three seconds on earth one child is born, and skin 5 seconds one is dying.
  36. For all the life of an average statistical person, 30 tons of zhzhі, as if to show volume, then the vaga all їzhі, scho z'їdaєsya, dorivnyuє vag 8 elephants.
  37. The biggest billionaires live over the Arab Emirates, and Moscow. But all the same, the most expensive place in the world is not Moscow, but Hong Kong.
  38. The mythical nature of the moffman chi people blizzard at the hour of the accident of the bridge in Jersey, for example, the 60s of the 60s, killed about a hundred people at once.
  39. American Charles Osborne shukav 65 rocks without teeth. Nothing helped the bidolashny man.
  40. Russia and the United States support less than a couple of kilometers. Do not believe? Know Chukotka on the map and measure from the Chukotka region to Alaska.
  41. Bolivia has the most secure road in the world, and the road is 70 kilometers long. The waters go in a narrow swarm without guides over the quarry three thousand meters!
  42. Thailand has lots of transvestites. The authorities of the country have attacked the fact that in the places of Thailand there are schools where young transvestites are trained, at the best schools for such children a special toilet has been introduced.
  43. We often feel voice-overs from mili operas, but few people know that one and the same recording of 1950 rock is dubbed by the stretch of a rich rock. Bagatioh of these people is no longer alive.
  44. Napoleon Bonaparte is always infatuated with a short man. Ale for hours 18-19 centuries people did not grow up. Napoleon's growth was 170 centimeters, and vіn navit vvazhavsya at that hour, more than average.
  45. On the planet Uranus there is no such inter-season, like the Earth. There, winter is changing summer. Winter is almost three times equal to forty-two earthly rocks.
  46. Pluto for a long time entered one of the planets of the sleepy system. In 1930, this unimaginable celestial object was recognized by the roci, and the name was given to it by 11 girls Venice of Bern in Old England.
  47. On our planet there is a miraculous underground place. Found in Australia and called Coober Pedi. There, expensive people are seen to have fallen off, and local residents live at the apartments of the types of bathhouses literally near the caves.
  48. According to statistics, a person kisses for about three years of his life. To the point, in the realm of the powers, the French kiss to the dos is considered extremely obscene and is compared to a kiss in the genitals.
  49. Nimensha dog breed Tse Chihuahua. Ring out that the dogs do not reach the vag over two kilograms.
  50. In one bjolin's vulik, up to 100 thousand bjil live, the bjolin's uterus lays over a thousand eggs a day and lives in the middle two years. If the gyna is a uterus, the bjoli will deprive her of her vulik.
  51. Most of the copiers in the world are broken after people try to "examine" their backs.
  52. More expensive houses are sold, filled with a yellow color. There is less buying activity in buds with a white color.
  53. The famous yo-yo toy was previously planted in the Philippines as a battling against enemies.
  54. Bolivia is the only country of the world, de є voisky-marine fleet, but there is no way out to the sea and the ocean.
  55. Everest is not the highest mountain in the world, it is the top of the mountain. It is called Mauna Kea, its height is ten thousand meters and it is located on the Hawaiian Islands.
  56. The world's largest car is the Ford F 650. To carry such a machine is twelve tons!
  57. For the first time listening to music on headphones, the number of bacteria in the ear canal increased 700 times!
  58. The only creature, yak can laugh, є zvichaynі squint. With whom all other creatures in the world are relieved through the presence of mime.
  59. Kokhannya is not a problem for a whore. Herself great difference in vici bula was recorded in Malaysia. The named one was 105 years old, and the young one was less than 22 years old.
  60. Like Pablo Escobar was very cold, hovayuchis in the police. Sob zіgrіtisya, vіn podkidav wads of pennies from the bagattya, as a result, two million dollars of the United States flew from the fire.
  61. Shchokhvilin's mobile phone operators earn a million dollars on SMS.
  62. In India, a man is obliged to make friends with his elder sister's daughter. According to Indian canons, bloodsheds are not respected.
  63. The ancient noble Egyptians trimmed crocodiles like domestic intestines, and bathed them with gold embellishments and precious stones.
  64. Nayvischa people on earth bagging in Turechchina. Yogo call Sultan Kosen, and yogo growth sagaє two and a half meters. Such a veletny can be seen from a mile away and in Turechchyna Sultan is a famous celebrity, which is often requested on TV shows.
  65. Naiglybsha dira in the ocean, blakitna dira Dina. Behind the pіdrakhunkami vchenih, її deep to become over two hundred meters. Divers and simple mandrivniki love this place. It's more childish.
  66. North Korea is the most closed country in the world. Vaughn zhahaє a simple inhabitant with their suvori orders. For example, on the skin streets of Pyongyang, guchnomovtsi, as if on a somіy wound, sirens are roaring, signaling about those that people have an hour to work.
  67. Amancio Ortega, born in Volodya, was recognized as the best person in Europe by such companies as Pull and Bear, Bershka, Zara. With the help of Amancio Ortega, to achieve closures is a way of life and zovsim not similar to richness.
  68. A child until five years of life can live a dekilka foreign language. Children in the young vіtsi good to remember the words of that foreign language, and knowledge is saved by the human being until old age.
  69. Nayotruynisha fish in the world of fugu, can wipe off tetrotoxin, like driving a grown-up person practically for a sprat of whilin. Otruta is found in the guts, shkіrі, zyabrah and fugu in the eyes.
  70. At ancient Japan founded the cult of miniature women. That girls from rich families, literally from the people, had their feet tightly bandaged so that the brushes practically did not grow. Such feet were compared with a lotus, and if there was less than a little girl, then she was named from a greater noble family.
  71. Daltonism is an unacceptable phenomenon. Most colorblind people live in Europe, and most of them live in the Czech Republic. Vcheni have designated that there is no color blindness in Fiji and in a number of other island settlements.
  72. Are you often teased by those who did not catch you across the road with a light signal? Vcheni z'yasuvali, scho average-statistical person, as if alive at the city, to spend in front of the light for three days.
  73. The guard of our planet is not stable. Most importantly, the earth is massively gaining about fifty tons of weight and throwing off about a hundred tons. Vcheni still did not know the explanation for this phenomenon.
  74. Have you wondered why the rabbit itself is the symbol of Playboy? The logo of the letters of the creations and the fragmentation by Arutor Pohl in 1953 roci, like a cheerful painting and a funny cartoon. The very first zavdyaki tsіy zamalovtsi was created the layout of the first Playboy magazine in 1954.
  75. Vcheni created algae with relish of bacon and tatters. Stink to avenge the greatness of the number of vitamins and minerals necessary for our body. The main meta of winemaking, the fight against hunger in the lowlands of Africa. Algae cost inexpensively and can have a great taste.
  76. The most ecological place of roztashovan in Switzerland. The city of Zermatt is fenced in by cars, shards of stench fill the atmosphere. Horse-drawn transport, bicycles and rides on electric vehicles are allowed.
  77. The largest dinosaur known in Argentina. Yogo growth became 32 meters, and an important giant was about 80 tons.
  78. The biggest dog in the world, the cutest dog on the prize Gibson. Like Gibson gets up on his hind legs, he grows up to two meters!
  79. After three seconds, people say that they have been watching UFOs, and then ring out the greatest deception of the dawn. Zvichayno, there were mass warnings of UFOs, but there were always rational explanations for unknown objects in the sky.
  80. Medusa, stalking with one dot, lingers in Australia. Її disgusting a hundred times unsafe for the disgusting cobra. Tsya malecha important just a couple of grams!
  81. The largest star in the apparently all-world Betelgeuse. The won is roztashovana in our planet on the vіdstanі over six hundred millions of bright rocks. If you are equal to the sun, then the sun is a poppy seed, and Betelgeuse is an orange. Before the speech, with the closest 3 thousand rocks of the star of the vibe, and the glow in the vibe of the vibe can be guarded by an unbroken eye from the earth.
  82. Robots are being developed for human needs in the field of science. Robotics step by step enter into everyday life. Until 2070, the future of the city is planning to kill robots that will replace people in the building. Self-made people may have a chance to get their soul mate, robots can show their feelings and learn to have sex.
  83. The place, I can find the name of the world, tse Bangkok. The capital of Thailand to sound like a Thai language, like “Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya It’s wonderful that this chimera can be called by heart the nobility of skin taєts.
  84. Blow bliskavkoy zdatny spopelity people literally in seconds. Ale American Roy Cleveland is not without reason called a "people's thunderbolt." For all the life of the wine, having survived this blow of bliss, and having lost it, we are alive. Swarm of entries to the Guinness Book of Records.
  85. The best subway near the world rose above New York, and the Russian city of St. Petersburg. All on the right in mountainous rocks, during everyday life, the metro had a chance to make tunnels on a depth of ten meters.
  86. Naivishcha Novorichna Yalinka the bula was installed in Russia in 2013. Green beauties were placed on Poklonniy Gori, and the height of the yalinka reached 50 meters of the crown. So far, the record of the biggest yalinka has not been beaten.
  87. Crush people simply on a majestic scale. The greatest and most hostile sight to know is near the Pacific Ocean. Right in the middle of the ocean, there was a rich collection of plastic, technical inputs, fuel oil and oil.
  88. In the middle ages, they learned the wondrous rules of beauty in a woman. In order to achieve the whiteness of the face, the women were brushed with lead powder, the gusset was seen with sulfur, and the teeth were cleaned with a paste with a mish'yak.
  89. The Americans learned that gazing at aquarium fish is the most relaxing thing in the world. A 550-liter aquarium with various lighting was created specially for the introduction of one of the New York parks.
  90. Russia is respected as the largest land in the world. By stretching out to finish the thriving hour, Russia sat for the third time at the honorable list of empires. The area of ​​the Russian state should become over seventeen square million kilometers!
  91. The crocodile is a marvelous creation. The Nile crocodile even breathes with lungs, or it can keep breathing under the water for about two years.
  92. The most terrible disease has taken the lives of perhaps half of the population of the Earth - not the bubonic plague, but the famous Spaniard. This is malaria, which is called by a malarial mosquito. In the small corners of the planet, malaria is fierce and dosi.

1. For the remaining 50 years, humanity has decreased 70% of light sources.

2. More than half of the population of the earth’s backcountry did not get snow at all.

3. The heart of a white whale rose from the Volkswagen Beetle.

4. If you pick up everything that is hidden in the body of a person, then we will see only a small twink for a woman’s birthday.

5. Behind the cordon, we are convinced that Cheburashka is VONA

6. In the city of Creskill in New Jersey, all cats and intestines are guilty of wearing 3 little stars, so that the birds always knew about their rotting.

7. As if to remind a teaspoon with speech, for which neutron stars are added, її vaga will be = approximately 110 million tons.

8. Pіpіdustry - hairy things of different colors, with which the girls from the group of supporters of sports teams beautifully wave.

9. Only women and horses can't borrow money.

10. Female pigeons cannot lay eggs on their own. Їm obov'yazkovo for which need bachiti is blue. In captivity, you can fool them for the help of a mirror.

11. Humovy podlokitnik escalator in the subway collapses with іnshoy swidkіstyu so that the passenger does not fall asleep on the escalatorі.

12. Sharks can become insecure about their people. So, the teachings of Stuart Springer were bitten by an embryo at that hour, if they survived the guts of a vagit shark.

13. To make the crocodile slit open, press with your thumbs on the apple of your eyes. It's not good to let you in.

14. Mova of the chameleon vdvichi dowsha for yoga body.

15. Michael Jordan in another year of college was not taken to the basketball team after a small age.
Until the speech, vchora vіn vіdsvyatkuvav your 50th day of the people!

16. In Kenya, it's a waste to make one third of the household budget.

17. Bіgun zdatny zі start ahead of the racing car at the first 10 meters.

18. You can add a lot of crushed tablets of any antibiotic, aspirin and suprastin (one at a time), with additional drops of water.

19. Hummingbird - the only bird that can fly backwards.

20. Giant Komodo lizards attack deer and wild boar.

21. The skin of the fourth American was shown on television.

22. Half of the people do not wash their hands after entering the toilet.

23. Like a yellow canary to be born with red pepper, the color of її pіr'ya will become bright orange.

24. For precise support of the balance and aerodynamic powers, the eagle, when falling off the feather from one wing, also uses the feather from the other wing.

25. At 18 Art. the soldiers who fought against the armies of Frederick brought targans to Moscow and St. Petersburg. There were no targans before.

26. To split the peas, enough to put yoga in hot water for 48 years.

27. Between the plates of the pyramid of Cheops, it is impossible to put a piece of wood.

28. Finland has a championship for pulling squads. Peremozhets otrimuє kіlkіst beer, equivalent to a vase friends.

29. Orly mate at the pollo.

30. Waters drive in more deer, lower thoughts.

31. Deyakі see stitched chrobakiv for the daytime їzhi eat for yourself. The stench can eat up to 95% of its body.

32. There are no penguins at the Pivnіchny pole, but the stereotype expands.

33. No one else could tame the elephant of Africa. Only the Indian elephant needs to be trained.

34. Patsyuk can fall from the five-overhead wakefulness without ears.

35. Instill a small drop of alcohol, placed on a scorpion, bring yoga to mind. Scorpion sting himself to death.

36. The most wide language is Chinese. And a friend for the width - Spanish. Bronze is awarded to the English.

37. The average life of Japanese women becomes 84 years; at that hour, the life of a woman in Botswana becomes less than 39 years old.

38. One-state sexual intercourse fenced by law more or less in 70 countries. Among nine, including Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, stench is punishable by death.

39. More than 70 thousand inhabitants of the planet have never heard a phone call. In Africa, less than one out of 40 has a telephone.

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You know what you are
sings - and sings true?
V. Belinsky

The poetic world of Nekrasov is at once rich and versatile. Talent, which nature has generously rewarded him with, and supra-divine practicality helped the poet create such a rich voice and singing lyrics.
Let's talk about Nekrasov's political, gromadian lyrics. Zustrich iz U. R. Belinsky played a great role in the life, and in the work of Nekrasov. He cannot sing a special life without creativity, forge mutual partners. One evolves into another, integrating it mutually one with one. Under the uninterrupted infusion of democratic ideas of Belinsky, the poet created miracle verses: “Fatherland”, “Triyka”, “Before the board”, “I go at night in a dark street ...”, “A beautiful day, years about the sixties ...”
Versh "Batkivshchyna" is rich in what is autobiographical. The author, depicting the right ways of life, like a witness, creatively rethinking them. The verse is inspired by childish tales about life at Greshnev. Vono vikrivaє kіpatstvo, despotism, the complete oppression of the villagers. Sings describing the sadiba:

De riy oppression and trembling slaves
Zadriv life of the remaining pansky psiv.
I am less than the one who crushes them all.
Vilno and breath, and day, and live ...

The theme of vikrittya krіpatstva and autocracy, love to ordinary people, we singly skryvdzhenim and let's bend down to pass like a red thread through the work of Nekrasov. The whole zhah and lack of rights of autocratic Russia sings a zoom in the shape of a short one, but at the same time it’s a lot behind a splendid verse:

Yesterday, the anniversary of the Shost.
Zaishov I on Sinnu;
There they beat the woman with a batog,
The villager is young.
No sound from її breasts.
Less than a scourge whistling loudly.

Nekrasov, as we intended, has no such love lyrics. Vaughn is all leaked hromadyanskim pochuttyam. Nekrasov put a sign of zealousness between two words at the verse “Sings and a hulk” Nekrasov, calling out the poet to get out of yoga and idleness, join the struggle for the benefit of the people.

It's shameful to sleep with your talent.
More sorry for the year of grief
The beauty of the valleys, the skies and the sea
And caresses with sweet sleep...

The verse is written in the form of a dialogue - a superwoman of a huge man with a poet, who calls out to a talented poet to raise his voice to the zahist of the poor, the poor, the orphans. Vіkon vykonaє svіy obov'yazok, yakshcho to ease the share of wanting to one, but the building sings to help thousands, vin is not guilty of movcha:

And you, sings, look at the sky,
Herald of the truths of the ages,
Do not believe that impossible bread
Not varto speeches of your strings.

He sings of doubt in the might of his forces, in the ability to show his strength for the good of the Fatherland. Ale, the hulker inspires yoga for a feat in the name of a suspіlnogo good:

So you can not be.
Ale, a hulk buti goiter.

What is it - a hulk? Tse people, like vindicating for everything that happens in the Batkivshchyna, experiencing failures and reaching the reach of the country. Vіn wear її visors, like your own. Bagato virshiv sings dedicating to specific people, true fighters for the happiness of Russia: “In memory of Belinsky”, “Russian writer”, “Turgenev”, “Prophet”, dedicated to Chernishevsky.

Bagato verses of Nekrasov are dedicated to the description of folk, rural life. Nekrasov ris Volz. The image of the great Russian river is constantly growing in yoga creations. Zv'yazok Nekrasova from the native land, with a stretch of a mustache life, steadily poured into his creativity:

And there, at the depths of Russia -
There is eternal silence.
Only the wind does not give peace
To the tops of roadside willows,
I twist in an arc,
Kissing with mother earth,
Colossus of endless fields...

Versh "Elegiya" aptly completes Nekrasov's lyrics. It seems to him that the folk theme cannot become old, the docks are unfortunate and miserable, the position cannot be returned to those who do not bachiti.

I dedicated the lyre to my people.
Maybe I'll die unanimously.
Ale, I served you - and my heart is calm.
Let the head of shkodi vorogov not leather warrior,
Ale skin at bіy go! And beat the share ...

It's impossible to touch it. And Nekrasov's lyrics are rich in water, like a river. We bumped into less than a small part. Well, Nekrasov saw in his creativity all the diversity and complexity of life. Yoga poetry is incomprehensible, like folk wisdom, and beautiful, like Russia, which you have served, for which you have sacrificed your talent and life.

Sіte prudently, kindly, eternally.
Sit! I tell you from the bottom of my heart
Russian people...-

yells softly to follow him. This is a commandment to the tips of the great poet.

“Volodymir KLIMENKO Russia: a deaf corner like a tunnel? Do you know what Russia is? Krizhan is empty, and a dashing man is pestering on it. TO. ..."

Volodymyr KLIMENKO

Russia: a deaf corner like a tunnel?

Do you know what Russia is?

Krizhan empty,

and a dashing man will cherish her.

K. P. Pobedonostsev

Great powers do not think about their own the rest of the year and do not know yoga. Zahidna

The Roman Empire fell raptly, having not yet caught up with the triumph of Aecius on the Catalaunian fields,

back. The British Empire, over what truth never set

Sunshine great war in history in order to quietly go into trouble at the quarter of a century. How swiftly and incomprehensibly, the British look at the world changed, so proud of the nation, as if it had supported the whole of the continent, recognized a sharp sense of cleanliness, standing in the wake of 1982, the fate of the tricks of the empty Antarctic tundra. Prote is unlikely to be able to reconsider, lower than the date of the day of the epoch to the sunset, I hardly know what is checking this country for the nearest turn of history.

The axis of a row of one lucid document: “You, O king, live beyond the borders of rich seas; we are not less than, cherishing the blessings of our bazhannym to accept the good of our civilization, you straightening the mission with your faithful messages ... I have shown a noble self-abasement, like meriting high praise. Vrakhovuyuchi the fact that your Ambassador and representative went through a long journey with a memorandum and gifts, I bestowed upon them the honor of allowing them to be present at the reception.

In order to show them my flirtatiousness, I have won the honor of insulting them and generously bestowed them ... How about your accreditation to my heavenly Court with a method of control over trade with China, then there is a superb practice of my. How to inspire, how to make you strong, the honor to our Divine Dynasty instills in you the bazhanna to get to know our civilization, then the ceremonies and the laws of our floorings are blown into yours, be it, as if you can’t nave them, you can’t protect your messenger pinch them on your soil, which is alien to us. To that, even if it were your messenger of the teachings, you didn’t see anything. Cherryuyuchi all the world, I will repeat one metaphor, and myself: save the good rule and vice versa ob'yazov before the power. Aliens and dear ones don’t chirp for me. As I ordered to accept the gifts sent by you, oh, to the king, then I did it only to the one who sent the stench from afar.

K l i m e n o V. V. - doctor of technical sciences, head of the laboratory of the Institute for Problems of Safe Development of Atomic Energy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The royal honor of our Dynasty has penetrated all the lands of the Celestial Empire, and the kings of all peoples send us their gifts by dry land and by the sea. We can do everything, and we can testify to your ambassador. I do not attach special significance to exotic and primitive speeches, and your lands will not require goods”1.

It’s impossible to have a vivagance of the owners, they are sent to the preserves of the I, it is possible to feel the passes of the pass, hidden by the izinskoye to the British King of the British III, a dozen fiber to the threat, the nicknames in the nizhny worst The collapse of the empire will always be seen raptly in the historical scale of the hour, and carry ruinous traces. Obviously, a catastrophe is all those that seem to be unstoppable, but the scale of the collapse can still be changed, so we are preparing the inevitable.

At the borders of the humanities science, a statement about the cyclical nature of the historical process has long been disaggregated (Ibn-Khaldun, D. Viko, A. Toynbi, L. Gumilyov, P. Kennedy), and tse means that it is naivazhcha - psychological - a shift to the path of predicting dramatic moments in history of the day.

Forecast in yoga strict rozumіnі means mozhlivіst kіlkіsnogo prodbachennya, і z zim vinikaє seryozna problem. Right in the fact that historical science, having accumulated a great amount of factual material, operates with an even insignificant obligation of vindication of data, the quietest, like and give opportunity cycle analysis that forecast. The current situation with a significant world predicted the camp of the natural sciences at the beginning of the 17th century, if, for example, they understood the temperature, pressure, concentration, but there were no more important benefits of their world. The life of today's industrial and post-industrial civilizations has become possible only after the appearance of methods of vimiryuvannya, calculus analysis and forecast of the behavior of objects of human activity, natural things.

The last century has made it possible to significantly expand the natural knowledge base and at the same time accumulated enough information, so that a scientific analysis of the grandiose objects on the scale of the country, geopolitical regions and, in retrospect, the planet in a special historical context can be achieved. In the past, for the whole hour of the foundation of historical science, there appeared a real possibility of synthesizing intuitively the best guesses of prominent models of historical development with grandeur. rational knowledge, to conduct a revision of the main historical ideas from the modern state of affairs to a strict scientific ritual, which transfers the quiet position, as the world's largest, to give an ob'active warning, and to the other hand, to place the history of science in the pantheon The ambience of the set may be magnified by the importance of accessibility, but the shards to find the found road start from the first step, I will try to finish the long, but absolutely necessary step to proceed to the natural analysis of the history of Russia's two remaining capitals.

We may note that such an analysis is still possible only for a short period of time, for which it is also climatic, geographical, demographic and economic information.

In connection with this, it will be impossible to predict that a systematic selection of statistical data necessary for my research appeared on the scale of the four lands in the 17th-18th centuries, on the scale of the planet - only in the other half of the 20th century. Thus, the change in temperature due to meteorological purposes began in England in 1659 (a greater or less dense line of meteorological stations appeared only before 1900), the rest of the continent was declared in 1819 (the area of ​​the territory and the relief of the territory is specified). The world's first census was conducted in the United States in 1790, W h i t e A. F. China and Foreign Powers. London, 1927, p. 41.

And, nareshti, the statistics of the volatility and the reduction of energy, which became the basis of the industrial society, appeared in England and France in the 1800s (complete complete information on all countries of the world and later in 1950). In this way, it is possible to create visnovok, which for some countries the natural base extends in an hour not far from the remaining two hundred years and practically expands over the period, we call it New History or the era of industrial success.

The analysis of natural data in the period of the establishment of the industrial sector allowed me to formulate a number of fundamental regularities, which may seem to be distorted by the final path of the calculus ratios2:

1) the supply of energy savings (per capita) in the industrial sector of growth, reaching the limit value by the year. Stable energy supply is an indicator of the post-industrial (informational) stage of the development of the economy;

2) the boundary value of the pet's energy supply in different lands is not the same and is determined only by their climatic and geographical minds. The colder the climate and the larger the territory of the region, the greater the rіven of the pet's energy savings, which will provide the inhabitants of the tsієї krai with a pleasant mind;

3) in this hour, the world has close to 40 middle and great powers with a population of over 1 million people, which have entered the phase of post-industrial development, such that in some pets the energy level has reached equal;

4) otrimani regularities є universal, tobto. stench with acceptable accuracy describe the behavior of all the powers, without blame, that care about natural minds, the structure of the economy, arrange political, ethnic, racial and religious signs. This camp allows you to lay down, that in the expanse of material culture, a single type of civilization has been formed, attacking stereotypes, we will establish a chi naming a Christian (according to Toynbee) civilization.

Now, if it is given a vascular about the principle of a new factologic basis, the basis of an advanced lower analiza, Taedenno Golovni Filosofski concept, I can go to the person who is to be discussed by the one in the heading of the Statti, the dates of the bachenny, was based upevneniy forecast farther share of our state.

People are more willing to engage in myth-making, and in this sense Russia does not show blame, but the axis of the building is to turn the myth into a great month idea and cultivate it for a long time to build our country, maybe, you can’t create your own equals. It is easy to guess what to say at once about the doctrine of Philotheus, the chants of the Pskov Eleazar monastery, hanged for more than 500 years: "Two Rome fall, stand the third, but do not beat the fourth." Tsіkavo, that the main idea was promoted to mass Russian svіdomіst because of the cordon, shards for hours in Philotheus of Pskov as an independent state with republican rule and a real alternative to the choice between Catholic Russia, Lithuanian Moscow and Orthodox Moscow. Varto also add what you can sovereign arrangement The Pskov Republic was, without a doubt, closer to the Polish-Lithuanian, after the privileges of 1413, 1447, 1492 and 1506, the power, in fact, turned into a gentry republic3. Tim is not less than the same number of people, divas. Klimenko V. V. Influx of climatic and geographical minds on the rіven of saving energy. Dopovidi RAS. 1994, v. 339 No. 3; yoga Energy, climate and historical perspective of Russia. "Community sciences and modernity", 1995 No. 1.

3 e m t o v B. N. Zvіdki є pіshla ... russian civilization. "Community sciences and modernity", 1994 No. 4.

giving priority to the firm imperial order to the summative democratic liberties, which the Pskovites’ nevdovs clearly confirmed with the heroic defense of the city of Stefan Batory. So the doctrine of Philotheus appeared in an invincible place and in an indescribable hour, madly, lay up to great ideas, more unconcerned with all the uncertainties of the historical development of Russia, it was abandoned and abandoned by the central sovereign idea by stretching five hundred years.

Dumka about Mesianku the role of the Russian, the very building of the INSHIST IN THE INNSHIKS TO THE POLY OF THE FATIFICATION OF THE VIRISHIKH without Viniki conflicts, de -nani, post -nasty greatness - all things and є great uniting idea, one, like, madly, pov'yazuє all the rulers of Russia of the past that day, who would lay claim to power. Five centuries of uninterrupted propaganda, in which they took the fate of Volodar thoughts on the scale of M. Gogol, F. Dostoyevsky, L. Tolstoy, V. Bryusov, and the power that grew even more in the 20th century with the emergence of new mass information, led us to a situation, if the mission of the global leader is not known from Russia for the occasion.

However, sooner or later, all great ideas lose strength, because there is no truth in time and space. Being hopeless for the beginning of the heroic 16th century and rightly raising its own goal right up to the ousting of Napoleon, the month’s idea of ​​Philotheus vreshti-resht broke if a great power, pretending to be an absolutely unbearable burden on it today.

The breaking point was ahead of the nineteenth century, with the ear of the industrial era, which Russia was late at the last sunset of the century. Navit prograni pospil three wars against industrial krajn Sunset that Immediately did not steal the soil under the feet of the feudal great power, as if for the achievement of communist rule, it was significantly changed again. This idea is encouraged to be exploited at once, forgetting about those who should lay down a historical epic that has long passed.

Asking, nareshti, forgive food: what are the criteria for the greatness of the state and in what way do the stench vanquish? Vidpovіd may be ahead of the respect that different epochs give different statements about greatness. For the pre-industrial era, I don’t care about other criteria, demographic and territorial ones, so that the most powerful powers of their time madly respected you, as they controlled the largest territory and took the maximum number of people for it. However, it is said that it goes to the Roman Empire, the Arab Caliphate, the Ottoman Empire or the Habsburg Empire. In the industrial era, the role of extensive demographic and territorial officials is weaker, and even more important officials of material well-being come to the fore, in many robots showing that this official is nothing else, like a pet, it sounds like energy, it sounds good.

Yakshcho Kranei stimulate the soul of the population of Energi, Skilki, to punish the same naturally (Klimat, Teriteria, Realf), then there are no problems with the Zmist Army Chi Aparata Director, Chi Medica, the Medica, Men, Micanism of the Distribution of Personal. The problem is that for the great powers with a cold climate, more energy is needed - for Japan, three tons of oil per river per person is enough, and for Russia, it was not enough to put in 10 tons, but we didn’t have any of them.

Now, let's say, we can understand the strategically incorrect assessment of the camp of Russia to the current world: it is not necessary to look like zastosuvannya criteria of the 16th century to the state that stands on the threshold of the 21st Cikavo is also Z m.

Table I Population of the ten largest countries in the world in 1900 and 2005 (million people) 1900* 2005** 1 China 475 1 China 1362 2 British India 293 2 India 1106 3 Russia 133 3 USA 26 Brazil 18 57 5 46 6 Pakistan 176 7 Japan 45 7 Nigeria 171 8 Great Britain 42 8 Bangladesh 161 9 France 41 9 Russia 151 10 Indonesia 38 10 Japan 38 10 Japan World Population History. London, 1978.

**CM. World Population Prospects. 1992 revision. new. Work, 1993.

to ease the drift at the camp of our state and prolong the advancing century - for the sake of clarity, explore in terms of extensive (pre-industrial) and current ones, which lie before the era of global transition to post-industrial society.

Let's go back to the pre-industrial criteria - the population size of that territory (div. tables 1, 2). Russia, which in 1900 occupied the 3rd month for the number of people in the world and far outperformed, before the speech, Successful States and the German Empire, which included even more land, lower, on the ear of the XXI century to lean on the distant ninth mіstsі, and in nіy live less than 2% of the light population versus 7% in 1900 people. The square of Russia, de jure, has changed by a quarter for a hundred years, and if you want to follow this ostentatious show, it’s still the first, it’s not guilty to make us happy. Over two-thirds of our territory (11.57 out of 17.08 million km2) to become lands that are not suitable for permanent human habitation (because of the blame of the supernumerary groups of the autochthonous population, which were attached to extreme minds for a thousand years of free revolutionary living).

On some lands, in some places the average temperature is lower than -2 ° C, but higher than 2000 m above the sea level. For ten thousand years, after the end of the rest of the ice age period, people have not been able to firmly establish themselves in these areas with supernaturally strong natural minds. That one cannot be vimagati for one of the species of the African fauna, for some snows of that kriga - a rare and terrible podia, but not the norm of life5. Before the speech, Russia is one country in the world, de in the zone of extreme natural minds perebuvayut great places from the population over 100 yew.

Meshkantsiv: Vorkuta, Inta, Surgut, Nizhnyovartovsk, Norilsk and so on.

At once with certificates natural process the mass result of the inhabitants of the Russian Pivnoch at the level of naturalness to the ob'ektivnyh laws of nature.

Early chi pizno Pivnich will become a new team, chim won, in fact, є:

komori of majestic riches as a cold light of the planet, but be it ever so clear that it’s still impossible to live all life in komori chi lyohu people.

Turning to Table 2 and operating already on the “effective” area of ​​the edge, I repeatedly had a chance to control the panic, as it was accompanied by a collapse of the transport system, the heat and energy supply and the inhabitants of the east 10 ° C.

Table 2 Territory of the ten largest countries in the world in 1900 and 1995 (million km2) de jure “effective” *

–  –  –

Under the effective area, the territory is contemplated, attached to a tribal permanent residence. A special study of the density of the distribution of the population on the surface of the Earth's backbone showed that the population is practically daily on the territory, when the average temperature becomes less than -2 ° C, or the height exceeds 2000 m above the sea level. In this way, the “effective” part of the territory of the state, roztashovana, as if to go about Pivnіchnu pіvkulyu, on pіvdnіd vіd srednіorії іzothermy Ta = -2 ° С and lower іzogіpsi Н = 2000 m. oceans, which separate Antarctica, that effective territory, which lies below the altitude H = 2000 m.

looking at all the well-worn mirkuvannya mi with a miracle, it is obvious that Russia is not the largest country in the world, but only a piat on the territory, and that in the XX century we spent half of Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Baltic Ukraine! ) its effective area.

Look at tables 1 and 2 to make it obvious: parts of the population and the coris area of ​​Russia, according to the age to the light stretch of the XX century, changed, obviously, at 3.5 and 2 times and reached, I will add, a new historical minimum, which did not wait for the century . Kolo closed up, and navit behind the middle criteria, which and at once richly those who miraculously miraculously opera, mini nin anew there, in the presence of the court rozpochali their death under the ensign of the philosophical idea of ​​Great Russia.

Let's guess, however, that we are alive in the 20th century, and at the same time we can conquer other criteria for the power of the state - the zocrema for saving energy (div. Table 3.). If we look at absolute numbers, then our camp looks simply gleaming: we are ahead of Nіmechchini, France, Japan and other distant lands, Crimea, the USA and Australia (they need to be added to Canada and pіvnіchnі kraїnі, vіdomostі on such places not to be directed here). The availability of absolute figures is reduced to a simple visnovka: we have sufficient energy supply, ale, ymovirno, it won’t be victorious, not rationally, but effectively. It is necessary to know the universal zasіb, for the help of which it will be possible to turn on the inefficient use of energy, for example, I will start the development model, and after a non-tribal transitional period, I will become an equal member of the club of the largest industrial countries, and for the cob I would like to be a member of the “Greatly Wanted”. Tsі mrії rozsіyutsya like smoke, like a real criterion vikoristovuvat vіdnosny, i.e., normalization for the improvement of the real natural minds, the reduction of energy. Table 3 Energy savings per capita in some countries of the world in 1900 and 1993

–  –  –

* A ton of mental fire is the world's energy, which costs 7 billion calories, or 29.3 billion joules.

Approximately the amount of heat is observed, which is seen every hour when one ton of high-oxide stone coal or 0.7 tons of oil is burned.

Dani 1994 rock.

For the Great Terito, that is a signs of a cold klimata 6, Lichasu 40% of the time of the non -chief Yenergiyi, for the zim, is for some time to see the Pershin 152 Kraiyan Svita, the settlement of the Khozhna, far from Vilka, is not the same. which are developing (Zimbabwe, Paraguay, Jordan).

This means that in order to reach the prosperity of today's expanded lands, it is necessary for Russia - to build a zero population growth - to increase energy savings from the lowest 1.1 billion toe per river to 2.8 billion toe per river. For whom it is necessary to know and develop two more oil and gas-bearing provinces, like Zahidnosibirsk! In the history of industrial civilization in Russia, Russia is the coldest country in the world with an average temperature of Ta = -5.5 ° С. pivnichne place with a population of over 100 thousand. a person (Edmonton) lies there at the latitude of Minsk and Orel, in Iceland Ta = +0.9 ° С, Finland (“our pіvnіchny susіd”) Ta = +1.5 ° С.

only one country, as far as I can see such an energetic haircut, - ce Successful States of America, which needed about 80 years to complete this grandiose project. Only a non-striking optimist can admit that we will go through this path more quickly - more successfully for all Russia, which is rebuying in the sky, do not go through it, because the hour of the great powers has passed and we have an hour to turn back home.

Metoyu be-like science є peredbachennya. The sciences about suspіlstvo, the factological basis of which are super-subjective and bіdna on obєktivnі kіlkіsnі pokazniki, and krіm moreover, under a strong influx of panoychoї ideology, it's very easy to put yourself to the head mischief. The stench draws its own transmission from a polyvariant form about “scenarios”, shifting the conclusions of the decision to those who follow the forecast, i.e., to a non-professional. Why not to that in the hall of the management of the state of the mysticism with a manifestation of razyuchoї incompetence, like in rich other spheres she would fight against the sackmaster of the kar'єri? In the natural sciences, behind the veneer of more than a few exotic areas, generated by the 20th century, they appear in the form of a clear forecast, based on the established correct extrapolation of a number of regularities. Since this article is based on natural methodology, then the next lower forecast is entirely significant and allows only insignificant (with respect to the scenario approach) amendments.

As a rule, regularities have been established during the last period of the New History, and the years may end earlier than the completion of demographic, energy and, also, environmental stabilization, but at least 200 years, be the power of Russia. Like a good, right and long time not zdіysnyuvalis in nіy reinvention (guess, how many їх were already from the beginning of the industrial epoch!), We are invariably checked by a deaf kut naprikintsі tunnel of reforms.

From a new perspective to real possibilities, given to us by nature, we can transform from a colony into an empire.

At the same time, the process is going in a straight line, moreover, with a hostile swedishness: we already have all the classic signs of a colonial regime:

a colossal contribution to the export of natural resources 7, a gigantic increase in incomes between riches and others, the establishment of a prosharka compradors at once with the great criminal camp, nareshti, the transformation of the countryside into a dzherelo super cheap labor force for the suidnіh powers. Tsilkom naturally at the Tsomo Svytli process of the process of vitsynnia of science, inspiration of such a culture on the backwalls of suspension - Mabut Mati Mati Angazhovan, yak servigovan ibynyan ї qinovanu, oriyntovanovan for the illegitimate of Shvydkhovna.

I’m here, I’m not making a big deal, it’s more about the really ongoing processes, you see, be it an unsupervised posterigache. It is important to add less, but we can rightly not from the implementation of such a villainous spirit, but from the development of natural historical trends social psychology called "inadequate ambitions".

And yet you don’t want to deprive yourself of yourself, or the reader in the country of total absence, because it’s more obvious that the laws of action show a whole real historical exit through the analysis of the vicious dichotomy of “colony - empire”. We live in the epoch of the sunset of the empire and attack our miltsi. The newest transformation will require more doping, the lower imperial policy of twenty years ago.

to the true status of the country now and in the nearest future - it means to imitate the emperor Jianglong, from the leaf of which I have planted qiu statue.

We need to forget about “Great Russia”, about the її revival, if we don’t come, it’s demagogy without evidence, if it’s not supported by everyday factual tributes. Great Russia is a subject of study by historians and culturologists, but not an object that is real. I am guilty, like before the Roman Empire after Trajan, to stand in strategic defense and, like before Theodosius the Great, my mother’s masculinity spend half of what was conquered, in order to save money for a thousand lives.

In a practical plan, it means:

1. Vidmova in the form of geopolitical concept "zones of strategic interests"

(Transcaucasia, Baltic, Middle Asia). We all have a chance to go, and to that the interests of Russia may end with the lowest cordon, at the borders of which it is possible to create justice between the powers, as if to say only my own. We are preparing the buti until the process of establishing new powers does not end in the borders of the Ninish cordon, the docks are great idea of ​​prosperity, which has enchanted the world, not to change another philosophy.

Impartial statistics, as I may, talk about those that all the lands of the world want to acquire the stereotypes of living, growing in the depths of a Christian Christian civilization, but also for those that can only be found in natural (climatic, geographical) environments

2. It is necessary for Russia to acknowledge the status of a country that is developing. The potential reception at the “Great Symbol” is an absolutely clear, borderline cynical overrun of foreign powers, as such a rank is supported by the hearing and the powerless postal leader of the sirovins (for us in front of the energy) and human resources. Usі kraїni "Great Simka" (with a note of Canada, that and then only in the remaining 20 years) - the largest net importers of energy, yakі take at once more than half of the light exports of energy resources. Our simple-hearted curiosity would not care to think about why we should be called to the “Great Simka”, and not, let’s say, Brazil, as we are already overturning Russia for the number of population and rich for the gross national product and the pace of economic growth. The evidence on the flooring is obvious, so it does not require a succinct formulation.

3. It is necessary to lay down the role of the bearer of the messianic idea. Russia has been carrying this load for a long time, and the wrong nation and the country have broken under this unbearable load, why is it so wonderful? No other great civilizational ideas came from the country during the short summer and eight-month winter. Navpaki, history shows that from these lands in the periods of climatic optimums and local demographic vibes there came only "dashing people", building less to violence, that stupid ruin and in the shortest downturn to the expansion of the most friendly, middle-of-the-world , Mongols from China). It’s worth raising a radical point of dawn, but it’s more than guessing about those, about which the great Arab historian Ibn-Khaldun wrote in the XIV century: them to those to resist the divining forces of nature "8.

The heroic saga of Russia is over, and whoever you want, you can write to them, as we are one of the powers, we won't last so long. The world has been panting for a long time other "great ideas" (to be more precise - their surrogates), zocrema hobno ozumila special independence and individual well-being (behind the principle "here and now"). The ideas turned out to be supra-lingually addictive and contagious I b n - K a l d o u n A. Mukaddamat. Vol. 1. Paris, 1863, p. 68.

є dominating, zaluchayuchi to their orbit new lands, next to next they repeat the path of development, the appointments of the chi imposed by foreign powers. While a small number of intellectuals tried to look at and cultivate a new civilizational idea in the future, people united around the “great idea” of mass living, as if they were occupying the very same mist, de small spread of new ecumengiyachna. The versatility of the stereotype of living, is clearly seen in a single planetary character of energy, showing that the objective laws of the material culture of modern life are really established. Ruining the wall that sees us in the city of the world, we see ourselves in the hands of the rulers of their laws, to lean like a foolless and not without care - even if you support those that are doomed by history, it means to put a blow to the future.
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