The ancient self-name of Japan. Japanese. Aini in Russia

PRC: 127,282
Filippini: 120 000
Canada: 98 900
Peru: 90,000
Australia: 71 013
UK: 63 017
Thailand: 45 805
Nіmechchina: 36 960
Argentina: 34 000
France: 30 947
Republic of Korea: 28 320
Singapore: 23 000
Republic of China: 20 373
Micronesia: 20 000
Mexico: 20 000
Bolivia: 14 000
New Zealand: 13 447
Italy: 12 156
indonesia: 11 263
Paraguay: 10 321
Chile: 10,000
V'etnam: 9468
Malaysia: 9142
Switzerland: 8499
New Caledonia: 8000
Spain: 7046
Netherlands: 6616
Belgium: 6519
Marshall Islands: 6000
Palau: 5000
Russia: 2137 Mova Religion Racial type

Number and population

Number - 130 million people, in Japan itself - 127 million. The Japanese also live in the USA (1.2 million people), the main rank in the state of California and the Hawaiian Islands, in Brazil (1.5 million people), in Canada (99 thousand people) and in the other lands of America, in Europe, Asia and Australia.


The mentality of the nation

If you look at the Japanese mentality in a flash, then, regardless of the majestic infusion into the new modern day culture, youma far away, adopting a rich “ring”, save your essence.

Nevlovimiy, kompromіsny, chuyny and reflexive. Individually un-Histentical and vkrai socially-deposited. Pogling and accepting, but with a zhorst system “our stranger”. Deep, rich internally, ale suvoro surroundings and structuring in the forms of expression.

This system of values, which is based on almost obov'yazku and ієrarchіchnі social vzaєmozv'yazki, is itself within the framework of and for the sake of the group, and not the group for the sake of the individual. With this inner "I" the individual is dbaily saved and guarded in the middle, and one does not want to impose the necessary world. I want to maximize the smoothing of cuts and compromises (let's go for the rahunok of insignificance), vipinnannya, categoricalness and nav'yazuvannya chogos are not praised and very difficult within the framework of the system.

In this way, the Japanese mentality, being compromising and group by its nature, is itself in the system of values ​​and priorities completely opposite to the zahidny mentality. І навіть те, що багато типово західні зовнішні форми соціальних взаємодій були дивним чином у найкоротший термін запозичені і настільки ефективно перенесені, адаптовані на зовсім чужий на перший погляд грунт, обумовлено природним розвитком все тієї ж стрункої японської системи цінностей і пріоритетів, схильної до пошуку шляхів , in mutuality and compromise, for total unity and integrity, in the presence of serious variability between the interests of a group and an individual. In fact, another (Japanese) cost was put into those same positions at the entrance of the form.

The modern Japanese mentality, even though it recognized a significant influx of foreign values ​​(the dekilka changed the spіvvіdnoshnja mizh with special freedom and almost obuv'yazka), all the same, having lost the compromising and group for its nature, completely choosing the world with its own


For a long time it was respected that, ymovіrno, the ancestors of the Japanese, the so-called proto-Japanese (“puїskі”) tribes, in 1000 BC. e. (and for deyaky vіdomosti і earlier) the Japanese archipelago from the Korean Pivostrova moved with the tribes. Under the ancient roots of the population of Japan, the Ainu and Austronesian tribes, step by step, were vitiated and assimilated by the proto-Japanese tribes, mov yaks (to lay down the Altai movnіy sіm'ї) took the mountain, having adopted the elements of the Austronesian substrate. Imovirno, at the IV century (just not sure) the first Japanese power, Yamato, appears.

Prote dani does not confirm the flooring of mass resettlement from the continent during the appointment period. Although the very fact of resettlement on the islands of the okremi Puysky tribes is unparalleled, as well as their cultural role, but spreading across the islands and even more circumscribed numerically at the first stage, the stench simply perished among the autochthonous tribes (Austronesian and ancient Ainu). Also, it’s simply impossible to talk about the kind of assimilation in that period. Ignoring the original role of these tribes in the formation of the ancient Japanese state of Yamato (Wa).

As long as the old Japanese state is standing, then there are many times, which will be enlightened until more ancient periods. Zgidno with Japanese chronicles - until the 7th century BC.

The rogues of the modern Japanese people of the Ainiv from the ancient indigenous peoples of the Japanese islands are not warto. At the light of the rich, it was established that the modern Aini were formed to finish the pozno, at about the same hour as the Japanese themselves. Although it’s unquestionably cultural (especially in the plan_movie), it’s rich in why it’s genetically, it’s closer to the Ainoan proto-tribes of the Demon era, and the modern Japanese (like the plan is closer to the Pui tribes who migrated from the continent). Ale just like the Japanese themselves, є pіznіshim pokhіdnim, passing the way so very thrival evolution through low cultures, epochs, ethnic and genetic changes and zapozichen.

Reminiscent of all the ancient tribes that inhabited the Japanese islands in the Demon era, and that developed most importantly from the Ainoids and the smaller world of the Austronesians, were the sum of the genotype of that culture. When the islands were spread around the islands, the tribes of the new pribultsiv from the continent (“Puysk” proto-Japanese-Korean tribes, which lie down to the shid-Asian gorka of the Mongoloid race), had a trival hour among the obvious minority, ruining the middle of the indigenous tribes. It seems quite obvious that there was a significant cultural influx during the growth, accommodating the expansion of irrigated arable farming and the development of a new type of culture (which expanded in the period of Yay). Navit at the stage of the formation of the state of Yamato, it was more cultured and organized, less well assimilated. It was simply impossible to see how to assimilate the indigenous population to them (due to small numbers). This process will be accomplished step by step and trivial and finally completed on the entire territory of the Japanese islands, only in the 19th century of our country. Tilki at Mir Rosvitka Davnoyaponsko, at Mir Zbilishnnya Kupolnosti, overwhelming the Puyskiy tribes on the islands, at Mir Activa of the Mongolodny (Puyski tribes), Australian racial type, Tsyeen of the nesting of the nesting. racial influx on the native population of the Japanese islands, which formed step by step the current genotype of that ethnos of the Japanese.

The rulers of Japan in the past historical hours were emperors (mikado), yak uninterruptedly lead their lives for 124 generations, starting from the 7th century BC (the hour of the first legendary emperor and the foundation of the Japanese state is a dead end to the Japanese chronicles). The stinks were drenched, vvazhayushchisya bastards of the goddess of sleep Amaterasu. In 1192, feudal lords seized power, the whole period is called sogunat and trivav until 1868. At this time, the imperial power was suto nominal, the right power of the mali viysk rulers - soguni. As a result of the Meiji revolution in the 19th century, the imperial power was re-established, right up to 1945, when after the capitulation of Japan it again became a daily nominal - constitutional. The dynasty of Japanese emperors is the oldest of the savings for this day on the Earth of royal dynasties. From 1989 to the fate of the emperor and "a symbol of power and unity of the people" - Akikhito. The monarchy is constitutional, the legislator is the parliament. According to the traditions, the Emperor of Japan cannot be a woman, the rule has never been broken.

Regardless of the height of the contemporary Japanese ethnos, in yoga, there are still some ethnic groups, with their own sounds and dialects of obov'yazkovymi for skin mass. The Ryukusians were especially seen, which in the Middle Ages were small to build their sovereignty.

A specific phenomenon is "tsya", the official title is "tokusyu burakumin" ("inhabitants of special villages"). These are the tips of the people of the "didlih" professions, the shkiryaniki, the smittyariv, the buffoons. Anthropologically, stinks are not disturbed by anything in other Japanese, officially we can community rights, but at the expense of their discrimination is saved.

The newly independent ethnically Aini people, who are not known to the Japanese, who have their own racial and cultural characteristics, their language, visceral Honshu, and even in the 19th century, inhabiting Hokkaido and pіvnіchі islands, but there was a residual assimilation by the Japanese in the first half of the 20th century. Anthropologically, the Ainu attacked the Ainuan proto-tribes of the Demon era, and later before the Emisi tribes, assimilated by the Japanese in the Middle Ages to Honshu, but they lost their trace in their genotypes of that culture.


The traditional laces of the statehood are rille and irrigation of rice. You can also grow tea, vegetables, citrus fruits, rosemary and fishing. Nini Japan is a highly industrial country. Without wasting their resources, only on imported syrovina, the Japanese have grown foldable and thin galluzy of industry: machine building, electronics and other things, and even more quickly entered the world, having created one of the most advanced technological economies, they shine.

Pobut, zvichaї, culture

Settlements may be linearly planned. Traditional booth - frame-stovpovy, sound 1-2 on top. Characterized by rose-colored walls from frames pasted over with waxed paper or cardboard. The pidloga was lifted on small fires. Mayzhe povnistyu vіn covered with mats. Tables, chairs, armchairs should be placed less at the vital. The tables are low, sit Japanese on your knees, on pillows. Lіzhkіv mає, sleep on mats, put your head not on a pillow, but on a plank. Budinok obov'yazkovo embellishments with their own paintings, on which you can have images, little ones, or write (aphorism, quote). The stinks are called yak emono.

Among the most popular crafts are the production of lyalok from the chi paperu tree, basket weaving, vases, vial. Characteristic are their own kinds of art: making paper figures (origami), arranging flower bouquets (ikebanu).

In the image-creating art, the Japanese achieved great craftsmanship in engraving (classic Japanese engraving).

The national dress of the Japanese is called kimono (着物) - tse zagalny look upper garment, human and female. On the bottom shirt - juban (襦袢) put on the main kimono of the nagagi (長shchi), stretch along the length and fasten with a narrow belt, over which a wide decorative belt is tied. White scarpets are put on the legs - let's mark the tab with the thumb. A summer casual kimono without a lining is called a yukata. Take two vidi: zori (草moving) (sandals, which are made from straw, shkіri, gumi and in.) and tse - vuzutya from a tree on two supports. None of the Japanese have to wear European robes. Kimono can be worn on new river, a full day in Japanese villages.

Zhіnoche kimono vіdіznyаєєєєєєєєєєє ієєєєє ії ії koloveіgo cut sleeves. Women have sleeves with their own guts.

It seems that since ancient times, the Japanese have practiced a two-stage funeral ritual, and the first stage of the letter is the “rite of burial”. Tsya rites were inspired by the rites of Buddhism.

Japanese cuisine

Table etiquette in Japan is similar to European. Sound out of the porcelain cups with hashi sticks. Rіdku їzhu p'yut іz pіal, аlе іnоdі koristuyutsya spoons. With a knife and a fork, they are peeled off exclusively for European countries. It is unacceptable to slurp after a hedgehog, but to plant sticks in a hedgehog, especially in rice, is unacceptable. It is also impossible to put the sticks with hospitable kints to the left, or across the cup, to point them at the head, or to wave them in a circle, to squeeze them at the fist and in. In a good tone, it is important to drink water in the kelihi of the vessels, but do not take it.

The Japanese call rice “gohan”, (“boiled rice”, but the same word can be used in significant"zha"; moreover, the prefix “go” before the word “khan” (rice) is important; it’s all about talking about the greatness of the importance of civil war for the Japanese). At the meal, eat rice. Until the 19th century, rice was more or less rich, wine was expensive. Others cherished yoga to the holy day, replacing simple days with barley. Less than in the 20th century, rice became readily available. Popular herbs with lokshina, prepared with wheat (udon) or buckwheat (soba). Lokshina goes in soup, and as an independent dish, with additives and seasonings. An important place in Japanese cuisine is occupied by soy. Soupi, sauces, soy sir tofu, natto are prepared from it.

One of the most popular Japanese countries beyond the borders is sushi. Іsnuyut kіlka raznovidіv, for example, the most popular type of sushi є nіgіrіdzusi (握り寿司: sushi, zroblene for the help of hands). The wine is made up of a deep breast of rice, pressed with batons, a small amount of wasabi and a thin piece of stuffing (syroy ribi, shrimp abo іkri), yak pokryvaє rice (neta). Nigiri can also be tied with a thin female hole. Norimaki (海苔巻) - tse sushi of a cylindrical shape that consists of a piece of syroy ribi, stuffed into rice, and stuffed into a hole (pressed leaves of algae). One of the favorites of the country is sashimi (skipki) - shmatochki syro ribi. Її live with soy sauce, in which you add wasabi. Often sashimi is served at once on daikon radish strips and shiso leaves (lat. Perilla)

The Japanese have a lot of different soups, but the most traditional one is misoshiru (味噌汁). This soup is made from pasta miso (as it is made from jam, rosemary and soy beans that have been fermented, with additional salt and malt). Such soups in the skin region are prepared in their own way. Vegetables and herbs (potato, carrot, cabbage, horseradish, krip, seler, parsley, tomato, cibulya, apple, daikon), fish, shark meat, sea cabbage, chicken meat, squid, crab and other seafood.

Traditional and popular Japanese drink green tea, and alcohol-rice wine sake and sityu.

Mythology of the Japanese

According to the Syntoist myth, the creation of the earth, the first sources of the boulli Іdzanagi and Іdzanami, yak created the objects of nature and other gods.

The main principle of Shinto is the life of the people with nature and people. Holy kamі - not potoybіchne zhilo, but zagalne natural middle ground with the world of people. For that people, there is no need to find order in a different world, but it is necessary to try to achieve harmony with kami in another life.

Shinto is a deeply national Japanese religion and, in a sense, distinguishes the Japanese nation, її zvichaї, character and culture.

Between the deities and people, it is a close call to inspire for the adventures: with a happy lanka є mikado, Amaterasu’s bait and її representative on earth, and also the ancestor of the Japanese people. The most important legends about the deities who formed the pantheon of synthists have been put on the top of the chapter about history. From them it is possible to bachiti, that these deities may have a close connection with the forces of nature and often be able to represent their isolation.

The main role of the s-pomіzh them is played by the goddess of the sun Amaterasu; let us sweat the deities of the moon, earth, the underworld kingdom, wind, thunder, fire, drive, home fire, zhі, contagious ailments, etc. The cult of ancestors is added to the deification of nature in syntoism: divine honors are given here like a lot, so is the mikado that reigns, the souls of the heroes and the souls of the ancestors.

Buddhism is born. In Japan, the wines are divided into a sprinkling of sects and are intertwined with the mystic syntoism of the flooring, so you can’t always understand that the sect is more adopted by Buddhism, and that by syntoism. Skin sect shanuy their gods. "Amidaist" sects of the middle novice campaign are based on the ritualist Buddha-Amida (Amitaba). In the Shingon sect, the supreme Buddha is Dainiti-Nerai, the "Great Sleepy Buddha" In other sects, a group of five gods Meo, "Great Buddhas of Wisdom", one of them, Fudo-Meo, is depicted by a stern warrior with a sword and evil guises . Tse means those who do not know greed, anger and non-government. The main deities are the same, but in other lands, their identities: Butsu - Buddha, Bosatsu - Bodhisattva, Syaka-Nerai - Shakyamuni, Daruma, or Bodaidaruma - Bodhidharma.

Naimasovisha sect - Soka-Gakkai, is actively involved in the political life of the country. Nareshti, the largest nabula sect "Zen". Її shanuvalnikov you can see far away the pose of Japan. Її the essence is mystical self-destruction and understanding of the truth with the mind.

The old religion in Japan is buv, prote, not Shintoism, but the cult of ancestral spirits (kami). Wine is small. The priests of this cult were called ura-be (wizards) and they-be (spell-casters). Krіm tsyogo, among folk versions, the group of gods “sіti fukudzіn” corries out with great popularity, to this gods of happiness. Tse: Jurojin (寿老人 - dovgolittya), Daikoku (大黒 - wealth and farming),

PRC: 127,282
Filippini: 120 000
Canada: 98 900
Peru: 90,000
Australia: 71 013
UK: 63 017
Thailand: 45 805
Nіmechchina: 36 960
Argentina: 34 000
France: 30 947
Republic of Korea: 28 320
Singapore: 23 000
Republic of China: 20 373
Micronesia: 20 000
Mexico: 20 000
Bolivia: 14 000
New Zealand: 13 447
Italy: 12 156
indonesia: 11 263
Paraguay: 10 321
Chile: 10,000
V'etnam: 9468
Malaysia: 9142
Switzerland: 8499
New Caledonia: 8000
Spain: 7046
Netherlands: 6616
Belgium: 6519
Marshall Islands: 6000
Palau: 5000
Russia: 2137 Mova Religion Racial type

Number and population

Number - 130 million people, in Japan itself - 127 million. The Japanese also live in the USA (1.2 million people), the main rank in the state of California and the Hawaiian Islands, in Brazil (1.5 million people), in Canada (99 thousand people) and in the other lands of America, in Europe, Asia and Australia.


The mentality of the nation

If you look at the Japanese mentality in a flash, then, regardless of the majestic infusion into the new modern day culture, youma far away, adopting a rich “ring”, save your essence.

Nevlovimiy, kompromіsny, chuyny and reflexive. Individually un-Histentical and vkrai socially-deposited. Pogling and accepting, but with a zhorst system “our stranger”. Deep, rich internally, ale suvoro surroundings and structuring in the forms of expression.

This system of values, which is based on almost obov'yazku and ієrarchіchnі social vzaєmozv'yazki, is itself within the framework of and for the sake of the group, and not the group for the sake of the individual. With this inner "I" the individual is dbaily saved and guarded in the middle, and one does not want to impose the necessary world. I want to maximize the smoothing of cuts and compromises (let's go for the rahunok of insignificance), vipinnannya, categoricalness and nav'yazuvannya chogos are not praised and very difficult within the framework of the system.

In this way, the Japanese mentality, being compromising and group by its nature, is itself in the system of values ​​and priorities completely opposite to the zahidny mentality. І навіть те, що багато типово західні зовнішні форми соціальних взаємодій були дивним чином у найкоротший термін запозичені і настільки ефективно перенесені, адаптовані на зовсім чужий на перший погляд грунт, обумовлено природним розвитком все тієї ж стрункої японської системи цінностей і пріоритетів, схильної до пошуку шляхів , in mutuality and compromise, for total unity and integrity, in the presence of serious variability between the interests of a group and an individual. In fact, another (Japanese) cost was put into those same positions at the entrance of the form.

The modern Japanese mentality, even though it recognized a significant influx of foreign values ​​(the dekilka changed the spіvvіdnoshnja mizh with special freedom and almost obuv'yazka), all the same, having lost the compromising and group for its nature, completely choosing the world with its own


For a long time it was respected that, ymovіrno, the ancestors of the Japanese, the so-called proto-Japanese (“puїskі”) tribes, in 1000 BC. e. (and for deyaky vіdomosti і earlier) the Japanese archipelago from the Korean Pivostrova moved with the tribes. Under the ancient roots of the population of Japan, the Ainu and Austronesian tribes, step by step, were vitiated and assimilated by the proto-Japanese tribes, mov yaks (to lay down the Altai movnіy sіm'ї) took the mountain, having adopted the elements of the Austronesian substrate. Imovirno, at the IV century (just not sure) the first Japanese power, Yamato, appears.

Prote dani does not confirm the flooring of mass resettlement from the continent during the appointment period. Although the very fact of resettlement on the islands of the okremi Puysky tribes is unparalleled, as well as their cultural role, but spreading across the islands and even more circumscribed numerically at the first stage, the stench simply perished among the autochthonous tribes (Austronesian and ancient Ainu). Also, it’s simply impossible to talk about the kind of assimilation in that period. Ignoring the original role of these tribes in the formation of the ancient Japanese state of Yamato (Wa).

As long as the old Japanese state is standing, then there are many times, which will be enlightened until more ancient periods. Zgidno with Japanese chronicles - until the 7th century BC.

The rogues of the modern Japanese people of the Ainiv from the ancient indigenous peoples of the Japanese islands are not warto. At the light of the rich, it was established that the modern Aini were formed to finish the pozno, at about the same hour as the Japanese themselves. Although it’s unquestionably cultural (especially in the plan_movie), it’s rich in why it’s genetically, it’s closer to the Ainoan proto-tribes of the Demon era, and the modern Japanese (like the plan is closer to the Pui tribes who migrated from the continent). Ale just like the Japanese themselves, є pіznіshim pokhіdnim, passing the way so very thrival evolution through low cultures, epochs, ethnic and genetic changes and zapozichen.

Reminiscent of all the ancient tribes that inhabited the Japanese islands in the Demon era, and that developed most importantly from the Ainoids and the smaller world of the Austronesians, were the sum of the genotype of that culture. When the islands were spread around the islands, the tribes of the new pribultsiv from the continent (“Puysk” proto-Japanese-Korean tribes, which lie down to the shid-Asian gorka of the Mongoloid race), had a trival hour among the obvious minority, ruining the middle of the indigenous tribes. It seems quite obvious that there was a significant cultural influx during the growth, accommodating the expansion of irrigated arable farming and the development of a new type of culture (which expanded in the period of Yay). Navit at the stage of the formation of the state of Yamato, it was more cultured and organized, less well assimilated. It was simply impossible to see how to assimilate the indigenous population to them (due to small numbers). This process will be accomplished step by step and trivial and finally completed on the entire territory of the Japanese islands, only in the 19th century of our country. Tilki at Mir Rosvitka Davnoyaponsko, at Mir Zbilishnnya Kupolnosti, overwhelming the Puyskiy tribes on the islands, at Mir Activa of the Mongolodny (Puyski tribes), Australian racial type, Tsyeen of the nesting of the nesting. racial influx on the native population of the Japanese islands, which formed step by step the current genotype of that ethnos of the Japanese.

The rulers of Japan in the past historical hours were emperors (mikado), yak uninterruptedly lead their lives for 124 generations, starting from the 7th century BC (the hour of the first legendary emperor and the foundation of the Japanese state is a dead end to the Japanese chronicles). The stinks were drenched, vvazhayushchisya bastards of the goddess of sleep Amaterasu. In 1192, feudal lords seized power, the whole period is called sogunat and trivav until 1868. At this time, the imperial power was suto nominal, the right power of the mali viysk rulers - soguni. As a result of the Meiji revolution in the 19th century, the imperial power was re-established, right up to 1945, when after the capitulation of Japan it again became a daily nominal - constitutional. The dynasty of Japanese emperors is the oldest of the savings for this day on the Earth of royal dynasties. From 1989 to the fate of the emperor and "a symbol of power and unity of the people" - Akikhito. The monarchy is constitutional, the legislator is the parliament. According to the traditions, the Emperor of Japan cannot be a woman, the rule has never been broken.

Regardless of the height of the contemporary Japanese ethnos, in yoga, there are still some ethnic groups, with their own sounds and dialects of obov'yazkovymi for skin mass. The Ryukusians were especially seen, which in the Middle Ages were small to build their sovereignty.

A specific phenomenon is "tsya", the official title is "tokusyu burakumin" ("inhabitants of special villages"). These are the tips of the people of the "didlih" professions, the shkiryaniki, the smittyariv, the buffoons. Anthropologically, the stench is not disturbed by anything in other Japanese, officially violating the rights of the people, but they are protected from discrimination.

The Ainu people, who are ethnically self-sufficient, who do not reach the Japanese, who have their own racial and cultural characteristics, their own language, have visited Honshu, even in the 19th century, who inhabited Hokkaido and the peninsulas of the islands, but there were still as many asimilations of the 19th century in Japan. Anthropologically, the Ainu attacked the Ainuan proto-tribes of the Demon era, and later before the Emisi tribes, assimilated by the Japanese in the Middle Ages to Honshu, but they lost their trace in their genotypes of that culture.


The traditional laces of the statehood are rille and irrigation of rice. You can also grow tea, vegetables, citrus fruits, rosemary and fishing. Nini Japan is a highly industrial country. Without wasting their resources, only on imported syrovina, the Japanese have grown foldable and thin galluzy of industry: machine building, electronics and other things, and even more quickly entered the world, having created one of the most advanced technological economies, they shine.

Pobut, zvichaї, culture

Settlements may be linearly planned. Traditional booth - frame-stovpovy, sound 1-2 on top. Characterized by rose-colored walls from frames pasted over with waxed paper or cardboard. The pidloga was lifted on small fires. Mayzhe povnistyu vіn covered with mats. Tables, chairs, armchairs should be placed less at the vital. The tables are low, sit Japanese on your knees, on pillows. Lіzhkіv mає, sleep on mats, put your head not on a pillow, but on a plank. Budinok obov'yazkovo embellishments with their own paintings, on which you can have images, little ones, or write (aphorism, quote). The stinks are called yak emono.

Among the most popular crafts are the production of lyalok from the chi paperu tree, basket weaving, vases, vial. Characteristic are their own kinds of art: making paper figures (origami), arranging flower bouquets (ikebanu).

In the image-creating art, the Japanese achieved great craftsmanship in engraving (classic Japanese engraving).

The national dress of the Japanese is called a kimono (mountaineer) - the whole look of the upper garment, the man and the woman. On the bottom shirt - juban (襦袢) put on the main kimono of the nagagi (長shchi), stretch along the length and fasten with a narrow belt, over which a wide decorative belt is tied. White scarpets are put on the legs - let's mark the tab with the thumb. A summer casual kimono without a lining is called a yukata. Take two vidi: zori (草moving) (sandals, which are made from straw, shkіri, gumi and in.) and tse - vuzutya from a tree on two supports. None of the Japanese have to wear European robes. You can wear a kimono for a new day, a new day in Japanese villages.

Zhіnoche kimono vіdіznyаєєєєєєєєєєє ієєєєє ії ії koloveіgo cut sleeves. Women have sleeves with their own guts.

It seems that since ancient times, the Japanese have practiced a two-stage funeral ritual, and the first stage of the letter is the “rite of burial”. Tsya rites were inspired by the rites of Buddhism.

Japanese cuisine

Table etiquette in Japan is similar to European. Sound out of the porcelain cups with hashi sticks. Rіdku їzhu p'yut іz pіal, аlе іnоdі koristuyutsya spoons. With a knife and a fork, they are peeled off exclusively for European countries. It is unacceptable to slurp after a hedgehog, but to plant sticks in a hedgehog, especially in rice, is unacceptable. It is also impossible to put the sticks with hospitable kints to the left, or across the cup, to point them at the head, or to wave them in a circle, to squeeze them at the fist and in. In a good tone, it is important to drink water in the kelihi of the vessels, but do not take it.

The Japanese call rice “gohan”, (“boiled rice”, but the same word can also be used in the common meaning “їzha”; moreover, the prefix “go” before the word “khan” (rice) is important to talk about the majestic importance of the line for the Japanese). At the meal, eat rice. Until the 19th century, rice was more or less rich, wine was expensive. Others cherished yoga to the holy day, replacing simple days with barley. Less than in the 20th century, rice became readily available. Popular herbs with lokshina, prepared with wheat (udon) or buckwheat (soba). Lokshina goes in soup, and as an independent dish, with additives and seasonings. An important place in Japanese cuisine is occupied by soy. Soupi, sauces, soy sir tofu, natto are prepared from it.

One of the most popular Japanese countries beyond the borders is sushi. Іsnuyut kіlka raznovidіv, for example, the most popular type of sushi є nіgіrіdzusi (握り寿司: sushi, zroblene for the help of hands). The wine is made up of a deep breast of rice, pressed with batons, a small amount of wasabi and a thin piece of stuffing (syroy ribi, shrimp abo іkri), yak pokryvaє rice (neta). Nigiri can also be tied with a thin female hole. Norimaki (海苔巻) - tse sushi of a cylindrical shape that consists of a piece of syroy ribi, stuffed into rice, and stuffed into a hole (pressed leaves of algae). One of the favorites of the country is sashimi (skipki) - shmatochki syro ribi. Її live with soy sauce, in which you add wasabi. Often sashimi is served at once on daikon radish strips and shiso leaves (lat. Perilla)

The Japanese have a lot of different soups, but the most traditional one is misoshiru (味噌汁). This soup is made from pasta miso (as it is made from jam, rosemary and soy beans that have been fermented, with additional salt and malt). Such soups in the skin region are prepared in their own way. Vegetables and herbs (potato, carrot, cabbage, horseradish, krip, seler, parsley, tomato, cibulya, apple, daikon), fish, shark meat, sea cabbage, chicken meat, squid, crab and other seafood.

Traditional and popular Japanese drink green tea, and alcohol-rice wine sake and sityu.

Mythology of the Japanese

According to the Syntoist myth, the creation of the earth, the first sources of the boulli Іdzanagi and Іdzanami, yak created the objects of nature and other gods.

The main principle of Shinto is the life of the people with nature and people. Holy kamі - not potoybіchne zhilo, but zagalne natural middle ground with the world of people. For that people, there is no need to find order in a different world, but it is necessary to try to achieve harmony with kami in another life.

Shinto is a deeply national Japanese religion and, in a sense, distinguishes the Japanese nation, її zvichaї, character and culture.

Between the deities and people, it is a close call to inspire for the adventures: with a happy lanka є mikado, Amaterasu’s bait and її representative on earth, and also the ancestor of the Japanese people. The most important legends about the deities who formed the pantheon of synthists have been put on the top of the chapter about history. From them it is possible to bachiti, that these deities may have a close connection with the forces of nature and often be able to represent their isolation.

The main role of the s-pomіzh them is played by the goddess of the sun Amaterasu; Let's sweat the deities of the moon, earth, the underworld, wind, thunder, fire, water, domestic fire, hedgehogs, contagious ailments, etc. , to the souls of the heroes and the souls of their ancestors.

Buddhism is born. In Japan, the wines are divided into a sprinkling of sects and are intertwined with the mystic syntoism of the flooring, so you can’t always understand that the sect is more adopted by Buddhism, and that by syntoism. Skin sect shanuy their gods. "Amidaist" sects of the middle novice campaign are based on the ritualist Buddha-Amida (Amitaba). In the Shingon sect, the supreme Buddha is Dainiti-Nerai, the "Great Sleepy Buddha" In other sects, a group of five gods Meo, "Great Buddhas of Wisdom", one of them, Fudo-Meo, is depicted by a stern warrior with a sword and evil guises . Tse means those who do not know greed, anger and non-government. The main deities are the same, but in other lands, their identities: Butsu - Buddha, Bosatsu - Bodhisattva, Syaka-Nerai - Shakyamuni, Daruma, or Bodaidaruma - Bodhidharma.

Naimasovisha sect - Soka-Gakkai, is actively involved in the political life of the country. Nareshti, the largest nabula sect "Zen". Її shanuvalnikov you can see far away the pose of Japan. Її the essence is mystical self-destruction and understanding of the truth with the mind.

The old religion in Japan is buv, prote, not Shintoism, but the cult of ancestral spirits (kami). Wine is small. The priests of this cult were called ura-be (wizards) and they-be (spell-casters). Krіm tsyogo, among folk versions, the group of gods “sіti fukudzіn” corries out with great popularity, to this gods of happiness. Tse: Jurojin (寿老人 - dovgolittya), Daikoku (大黒 - wealth and farming),

: 120 000
Canada: 98 900
Peru: 90 000
Australia: 71 013
UK: 63 017
Thailand: 45 805
Nіmechchina: 36 960
Argentina: 34 000
France: 30 947
Republic of Korea : 28 320
Singapore: 23 000
Republic of China : 20 373
Micronesia: 20 000
Mexico: 20 000
Bolivia: 14 000
New Zealand: 13 447
Italy: 12 156
indonesia: 11 263
Paraguay: 10 321
Chile: 10 000
V'etnam: 9468
Malaysia: 9142
Switzerland: 8499
New Caledonia: 8000
Spain: 7046
Netherlands: 6616
Belgium: 6519
Marshall Islands : 6000
Palau: 5000

Russia: 2000

Number and population

Number - 127 million people, in Japan itself - 123 million. The Japanese also live in the USA (1.2 million people), the main rank in the state of California and the Hawaiian Islands, in Brazil (1.5 million people), in Canada (99 thousand people) and in the other lands of America, in Europe, Asia and Australia.



The oldest name of the Japanese people, recorded in ancient written Chinese monuments, is Va.

For a long time it was respected that, ymovіrno, the ancestors of the Japanese, the so-called proto-Japanese (“puїskі”) tribes, in 1000 BC. e. (and for deyakim vіdomosti and earlier) the Japanese archipelago from the Korean Pivostrova moved in large groups. At the same ancient Korinne in the village of Japanese Aini-EMISI (tribes of єvropoiy-nye-nyamny hikhokzhnnaya) I Austroneziye tribes on the PIVDNI KUMASO I Khayato, post-aim Imovirno, at the IV century (just not sure) the first Japanese power, Yamato, appears.

The data does not confirm the flooring of mass resettlement from the continent in the designated period. Although the very fact of resettlement on the islands of okremyh and disputed tribes is undoubted, as well as their cultural role, but spreading around the islands and arcing around the islands at the first stage, the stench simply ruined the middle of the autochthonous tribes (Austronesian and old Ainuan). Also, it’s simply impossible to go about the mass assimilation in that period. Irrespective of the important role of these tribes in the formation of the ancient Japanese state of Yamato (Wa).

In 2011, Sean Lee's investigation of Toshikazu Hasekavi revealed that the primal ancestor of the Japanese language settled down around 2182.

The study, conducted in 2017 by the Ulsan University in Pivdenniy Korea, presented evidence that the genetic affinity of Koreans in May is more common with the peoples of pivdenno-shidnoy Asia. Tse doslіdzhennya podverdzhuєtsya japanese, held in 1999 roci, scho to bring the theory about those, scho people of the epoch Yaєy little place in pіvdennogo China bіlja river Yangtze. Tse doslіdzhennya also confirms the already radically accepted theory of zmіshuvannya of people of the Demon and Yaї epochs.

The walks of the people of the Demon and Yaї epochs were often the subject of disagreements, and recently the Japanese dzherelo compiled a list of upcoming potential population groups of the Japanese archipelago:

  • Originally populated, yak settled on the territory of modern Japan over 10,000 years ago. (Without clarification, de same, what does it mean that all groups of people living on the territory from Hokkaido to Okinawan are respected by the natives.)
  • Immigranty from pivnoch (Jap. 北方ルート) including the population of the Korean Pivostrov, continental China and Sakhalin Island.
  • Immigranty from pivdnya (Jap. 南方ルート) including the population of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, shin-shidnoї Asia and, possibly, India.

If the power is good, then it’s a coincidence that it’s supposed to be enlightened until more early periods. Zgidno with Japanese chronicles - until the 7th century BC. The very same name was given to the imovirno mystic journey (Yamato/Yamata z movi davnіh ayniv). Prior to that, at the first stage, it was judged by other sovereign edifications and tribal unions. In fact, until the 6th century, our land conquered the most scattered part of the archipelago. The “barbarian” territories of the Kyushu pivdnya, the Khonshu pivnich and Hokkaido pivnich were quarreled and mastered already a year later and were harvested step by step.

Not varto so rogues of the modern Japanese Ainiv from the ancient indigenous population of the Japanese Islands. Although it’s unquestionably cultural (especially among the plans), it’s rich in why it’s genetic, the stench is closer to the Ainoan proto-tribes of the Jomon era, lower than the modern Japanese (injecting some of the past Mongoloid element is richer). Ale just like the Japanese themselves, є pіznіshim pokhіdnim, passing the way so very thrival evolution through low cultures, epochs, ethnic and genetic changes and zapozichen.

Reminiscent of all the ancient tribes that inhabited the Japanese islands in the Demon era, and which developed most importantly from the Ainoids (tribes of the Australoidean-European origin of the unknown march) and the smaller world of Austronesian cultures, were the sum of the cultures. During the time of spreading around the islands around the islands, the tribes of the new Baltic countries from the continent (most importantly the "Puysk" (Proto-Japanese-Korean) and the tribes disputed with them, which lie down to the sidno-Asiatic gorka of the Mongoloid race), there was a trival hour in the obvious middle, ruined It seems quite obvious that there was a significant cultural influx during the growth, accommodating the expansion of irrigated arable farming and the development of a new type of culture (which expanded in the period of Yay). Ale navіt at the stage of formation on the Japanese islands of the first sovereign abode, tsya role was more cultural, lower vlasne asimilyatsiynoy. For them it was simply not possible to see because of the assimilarity of the native population due to the lack of numbers (for example, in the last hours, right up to the middle centuries, most of the Japanese islands (the most important Ainu tribes) were still inhabited). The process of mutual assimilation will be very step-by-step and trivial and will finally be completed on the entire territory of the Japanese Islands until the 19th - first half of the 20th century. ]. Тільки у міру розвитку давньояпонської держави, у міру збільшення чисельності та поширення на островах пуїських і споріднених їм племен, посилення китайської міграції з континенту, у міру активізації змішування монголоїдного, айноїдного та австронезійського расового типів, цей новий елемент зміг надати не лише значне культурне, але th racial influx on the indigenous population of the Japanese islands, which shaped step by step the current genotype of that ethnos of the Japanese.

China, as well as Korea, has made a great contribution to the development of Japanese culture; I, in the middle, India.

The rulers of Japan and the spiritual leaders of the nation in all historical times were emperors (mikado), who have been continuously leading their line for 124 generations, starting from the 7th century BC (the hour of the first legendary emperor and the succession of the Japanese state). The stinks were drenched, vvazhayushchisya bastards of the goddess of sleep Amaterasu. In 1192, the feudal lords seized power. And the emperors became no longer a sacral, nominal figure, like a king, but not to rule. The real power is maw sogun - the military ruler of the country. This period lasted until 1868, if as a result of the fall of the emperor’s rule to the lordship of the emperor, it caused serious political and economic changes, leading to the Meiji Revolution. Just after the capitulation of the Japanese Empire in 1945, the succession of the adoption of a new constitution, the imperial power was transferred to the parliament of that order, transforming into a modern constitutional monarchy.

The dynasty of Japanese emperors is the oldest of the savings for this day on the Earth of royal dynasties. In the period from 1989 to 2019, the “symbol of power and unity of the people” was the Emperor Akikhito, on April 30, 2019, voluntarily dethroning the throne and resting in peace, transferring the throne to his elder son, crown prince Naruhito.

Irrespective of the cultural integrity of the contemporary Japanese ethnos, within its framework, there are still some ethnic groups with their own sounds and dialects of obov'yazkovymi for skin mass. Іsnuє і disputes to the Japanese people-ryukustsi. In the Middle Ages, the Ryukyusts reduced their sovereignty, formally liquidated only in 1879. Ninі stinks to become 99 hundreds of meshkantsіv in Okіnawa prefecture, and also on the islands of Amami.

A specific phenomenon is "tsya", the official title is "tokusyu burakumin" ("inhabitants of special villages"). These are the tips of people of "unclean" professions, most often associated with death - forfeiting thinness, vibrating skins, smittyari thinly. n. Anthropologically, the stench is not disturbed by anything in other Japanese people, officially, the ubiquitous hromadyansk rights may be exercised, but in the future, discrimination is avoided.

The Aini ethnically self-sufficient people, who do not belong to the Japanese, who have their own racial and cultural characteristics, their own language, veneration from Honshu, even in the 19th century, who inhabited Hokkaido and the peninsulas, but there were enough assimilations of the 10th century with the Japanese. Anthropologically, the Ainu attack the Ainuan proto-tribes of the Demon era, and later before the Emisi tribes, assimilated by the Japanese in the Middle Ages to Honshu, but they robbed their great trace of their genotypes, their culture.

Pobut, zvichaї, culture

Among the most popular crafts are the production of lyalok from the chi paperu tree, basket weaving, vases, vial. Characteristic are their own kinds of art: making paper figures (origami), arranging flower bouquets (ikebanu).

In the image-creating art, the Japanese achieved great craftsmanship in engraving (classic Japanese engraving).

The national dress of the Japanese is called

The food for the ethnogenesis of the Japanese and the Nin still calls out superchicks that give rise to the most supernumerary hypotheses and theories, although they cannot explain all the totality of the facts accumulated by science.

It is important to the Radian Japanese studies that the Ainu became the oldest basis of the population of Japan. The current state was based on watering, fishing, fox and coastal picking. In Hokkaido, before the Ain, there were wanderers who migrated there, from the same coast of the Asian continent. On the islands of Kyushu and Shikoku and Pivdni Honshu, the Ainu population mingled and assimilated with the Austronesian tribes.

In the middle of the first thousand years before our time, the ranks of proto-Japanese tribes penetrate the Japanese islands through the Korean channel from the first day of the Korean Pivostrova. With the last arrival on the islands, domestic creatures appeared - a dagger, a cow, a vine, until which time the culture of irrigated rice was introduced. The process of cultural development of the Zayvih tribes, their interaction with the Mistsevym Austronesian-Ainsk populations was observed right up to the 5th century. Rice became the main direct state in the Japanese islands.

Until VI-VII Art. The island's population was adopted from Korea, and imported from China elements of Chinese and Korean culture. VIII Art. completed the assimilation of Pivdni Kyushu surplus of the Austronesian population. The process of settling the leafy pivnochi of the island of Honshu began overnight. The local Ainsk population of the island often swarmed with the bulges, they often saw the pivnich.

In this hour, Japan is one of the most ethnically related countries of the world, the basis of the nation (over 99% of the population) is made by the Japanese. Aini are now saved less in Hokkaido, their number does not exceed 30 thousand. Nearly 600 thousand people live in Japan. Koreans, yakі importantly moved there at the rocks of the Other Light Vein, and up to 40 thousand. Chinese. There are very few Europeans and Americans among the permanent residents of the country.

Social history of the Japanese

The first reports about the Japanese are found at the Chinese dzherelakh, which lie up to the 1st century. to the sound e.- V Art. n. e. VIII Art. blame the Japanese chronicles, which are the cryptic myths and historical retellings. Tse "Kojiki" ("Notes of old" - 712 rubles) and "Nikhon seki", or "Nikhongi" ("Annals of Japan" - 720 rubles).

Zgidno with the Japanese system of worship - Shintoism, the Japanese nation led its ear of the goddess of the sun Amaterasu, as a direct baptism of the legendary Emperor of Japan Jimmu (Jimmu-Tenno), who ascended the throne of the "power of Yamato" in 660 rubles. BC e. and clawing the cob of the uninterrupted dynasty of the Japanese emperors. In Japan, it is customary to replicate the history of the country on the era of the reign of that emperor. In the present hour (since 1926), the Japanese live in the era of Emperor Hirohito. The person of the emperor, the very idea of ​​imperial power has always acted as the most important factor in the national self-confidence of the Japanese, which cements.

Buddhism penetrated Japan from India through Korea and China in the VI century. The Buddhist preachers highly appreciated all the benefits of an alliance with Shintoism, children could only do it, they tried to victorious for syntoist viruvannya to propagate the ideas of Buddhism. So, one of the most famous Buddhist deities, Kobo Daisi (774-835), arguing that Shintoism and Buddhism are closely related to each other, that the promenista goddess Amateraeu is the soul of Buddhi. As a result, having successfully established itself in Japan, Buddhism recognized here a significant transformation and became reconciled with both Indian and Chinese prototypes. The Japanese bonze is far from becoming a clergyman; That is why Buddhism was injected into Japan with an all-pervading floor: literally all spheres of suspenseful life recognized yoga as an injection. Maybe, Confucianism, which came to Japan halfway through Korea - IV-V Art. and then without interruption to China - in VI Art. Then the Chinese language became my consecration of the Japanese, it conducted official listing, created literature. Although the penetration of Confucianism caused the expansion of the Chinese language, the Chinese language, which, pinned in the greater spheres of the country, served the purpose of propagating the Confucian influx. It is not surprising that the Confucian doctrine of the deification of the ancestors, the shanuvanny of the fathers, the unrestricted ordering of the lower beings, the detailed regulation of the behavior of any member of the susprestvo mіtsno vzryzala in all spheres of human psychology. Confucian manifestations of goodness in the advancing Vistula: “Sunny blue between the highest and lower ones, similar to the blue between the wind and the grass: the grass is guilty of schilis, as if the wind is rising.” The social norms of the behavior of modern Japanese people are rich in why they are formed by such Confucian dogmas.

Buddhism and Confucianism began to play in Japan the role of a kind of ideological and moral suprabudov. Confucianism, for example, step by step turned into a panіvnu іdeology of the ruling military-feudal camp, which was formed in Japan.

During the period of the Kamakur shogunate ( Syogunat is a form of government, if all the power of the country was seized by the hands of the feudal commander (shogun). In fact, the emperor for the rule of lords did not actually maw, although he was worshiped and his “divinity” was not overheard.) (1192-1333) the military-serving nobility was seen, the vinik camp of the samurai, they recognized the "virtue's valor" as the basis of supremacy. The samurai's shoulder was taken over by land allotments, but later, by the decree of Shogun Yetsun (1641-1680), the lands were taken away from them, and the samurai warriors were transferred to pay. The very middle of these consolation of the earth warriors-roniniv ( Ronin is a samurai who does not have a patron-suzerain.), like zmusheni blukati blukati kraїnoy zastosuvannya zastosuvannya voіyskovoї valor, and formed his own moral code "Bushido" (liter, "way of the war"), which step by step became an unwritten moral ideal for their suspіlstva.

The formal liquidation of the samurai after the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate (1867) did not even lead to the uprooting of the ethical norms of busido from the psychology of Japan. Bezmezhna vіddanіst suzerain, vassal readiness to drink after his pan to the grave, codified the procedure of self-destruction - harakiri - all the same, there was no obscurity. "Samurai valor" was adopted and cultivated by the Japanese of all social beliefs with great readiness richly in which the shards from them shone with their true, Japanese spirit. The vibrancy helped the Japanese to resist the foreign influx, the stench of the singing world encouraged the idea of ​​self-isolation from the Japanese people, which was vinyl on the cob of the 17th century.

U 1611-1614 pp. Shogun Ieyasu having seen low decrees about the fence Christian religion, the yaku missionaries were laid-back on the Japanese islands; from Japan, they learned the honors and honors of other Catholic orders. At the rocky, they tried to re-search and inspire the strata of Christians. In 1624 p. bulo fenced in 'їzd і living with Japan іspantsіv, and 1639 p. Bulo Vignano Portuguese. U 1633-1636 pp. edicts appeared, they imposed a fence on the way of the Japanese from the country; all of a sudden, those who are alive beyond the borders, under the fear of death, cursed to turn back to Japan. 1636 p. all foreigners were resettled on the island of Desima (in the Nagasaki region). In 1639 p. the spovіdannya khristiyanstva was residually fenced. Portuguese ships, shards of stench delivered Christian missionaries, navigating to approach the Japanese shores. Thus ended the self-isolation of Japan.

Vіd'єdnanіst vіd decide the world has created friendly minds for cultivating the principles of feudal housing construction and suvor regulation of social norms of behavior. Nabuv, zokrema, expanding the so-called principle of loyalty, which is the basis of dzunsi - I call, for which the vassal at the time of the death of the suzerain followed him to the grave. This principle is dictated by the sound of blood vengeance (katakiuti), if the samurai maw avenge the violent death of his pan chi, the elder member of this family. In Japanese literature, for example, there are widely known numerical creations that glorified the “feat of 47 roniniv” (1702), as if, having avenged the death of the suzerain, they killed their own harakiri.

Even though Japan's dovgostrokov's "closeness" was detrimentally signified to the country's economic development, it immediately took away the blame for the phenomenon of Japanese national psychology. I if in the middle of the XIX century. Japan was mingling all the time with foreign powers, the Japanese traditional culture, which was conserved in the Tokugawa era, could successfully resist the influx of foreign (western) culture, won equally painlessly with the greatest rationale.

If the bourgeois revolution of 1867-1869 was not completed, it was called “Meiji Isin” - “Meiji Restoration” (after the posthumous name of the Japanese Emperor Mutsuhito, who ruled from 1868 to 1911), led to fundamental changes in the economy , culture, for which there were significant changes in the system of social media, the national psychology of the Japanese changed very little. As before, the characters of the Japanese were dominated by rice, which was formed in the era of Japan's isolation, in the minds of a closed, strictly ritualized camp suspense: practicality, organization, readiness to an unguarded order, easy-going, vitriolic, unviable mind.

Although not all of these rice may have the same degree of sustenance, the stench is clearly stale like in the feudal, so in the capitalist period of Japan. Crazy, the advance of psychology is maddened by the advance of social institutions.

Zocrema, the reason for the constant jutility of the Japanese to the absolute order is the American scientist Douglas Haring to succumb to the greater lower three-dimensional panuvannya and the edge of the totalitarian system of oppression, based on all-pervading spying and police savagery. Those that were created for Tokugawa, vvazha Haring, were only modified and sold in post-meidziysky imperial Japan.

At its heart, national psychology has adopted a development centralized power. Japan reorganized industry at a fast pace, introduced improved statehood in the agricultural sector, and reformed the state system. The samurai military spirit spurred the people's struggle "the valor of the nation". For yakіs three-chotiri of ten years Japan has worked its way forward. Yakby did not have such national psychological traits, bourgeois visions would not take away such an intensive progress, as it happened at the exit of Japan on the capitalist path of development.

In the Serpni of 1945, when Japan recognized the defeats of the war, and the Japanese emperor, having voiced about the unguarded capitulation, a lot of Japanese people sprung this podia as the greatest catastrophe. However, in order to Japanese supremacy and confusion, it was sharply reoriented to new ideological values, it saved its focus on the decline of ethical moral norms in its depths. It is important to check the materials of the Japanese Institute of Mathematical Statistics, which since 1953 regularly, through the skin of five years, to carry out research on the Japanese national character.

Judging by the published data, the Japanese are not smart enough to learn from what they themselves know to be old. Tse stosuetsya, zokrema, principles of house building, traditions, etiquette is too thin. So, to the question: “How do you think, a woman can take care of her household chores instead of working on the selection?”. - Cholovіkіv that zhіnok vіdpovіli, їy it's better to sit at home. To the question: “What is the difference in the rosy zdіbnosti of a man and a woman?” - 62% of people in 63% of women gave a solid test (in both cases, 700 cases were tested). On the question: “Which varto do the Japanese do without the vowel turns of the word, zokrema without the various forms “I”, “ti”, “vi”?” - 60% of the experi- enced people who did not work, only 28% called the current practice of coercion old-fashioned. No less ostentatious are the Japanese opinions on food about self-destruction, about the code of conduct, and so on.

Japanese language

Today, 119 million inhabitants of Japan speak Japanese my language. Okremi population groups, like Japanese, live near Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Hawaii, Guami and other parts of Brazil.

Although the Japanese language was inspired on the same ieroglyphic basis, like the Chinese language, the combination of two languages ​​is combined with writing. Japanese language itself, yoga grammar and vocabulary are not analytic language, like Chinese, but agglutinative mode. That genetic stench is different. The Japanese did not reduce the Japanese writing and wrote down their old chronicles with a Chinese sheet. Chinese characters were attached to the phonetic mode of the Japanese language, which made great difficulties for the system of writing and reading, and for understanding the Japanese text. Chinese characters in the Japanese text were read in the Japanese way and often meant the same other realities, lower in the Chinese text. It was at this point that the Japanese suddenly turned to the warehouse alphabet, two phonetic varieties of the kind - hiragana and katakana - united under the common name kana. For help, the Japanese began to write down words, for which there were no Chinese meaningful characters. In addition, the canal appeared handy for the recognition of official discourses, the completion of famous discourses and grammatical parts. There was a unique combination of two writing systems - izhroglyphic and phonetic.

If you take a navmannya like a side of a modern Japanese magazine, then on it there will be in the second two times more kan, lower hieroglyphs. Tse spіvvіdnoshennia zminyuєtsya zalezhno vіd character of the text. Use the hieroglyphs in Japanese literature to write down words that mean objects, dії, become, signs, etc. So, in order to convey the Japanese my proposition “a person came from a place”, the root morphemes “person”, “place” and “їх” are required in the word "їhav" signify with hieroglyphs, and the slogan "punishment", which confirms the Russian successor "іz" - with the signs of kana.

Before the Other World War, the leading Tokyo newspapers got used to 7500 to 8000 hieroglyphs. The first test of the speed of their number can be dated until 1872, if it was ordered to increase the number of characters to 3167. The Ministry of Education recommended a short list of characters until 1850. The simplified and shortened form of writing is also accepted as close to 740 characters. Regardless of the time of the reform, in Denmark, the number of characters that live in the Japanese press reaches 4-5 thousand, and in special literature - up to 8-10 thousand. Ієroglіfi po'azuyut the national culture of Japan with the culture of a far-reaching region, as everything was formed on the basis of the unity of ієroglyphics, and kana bring self-confidence to Japanese writing, which allows you to recognize the nationality itself. Japanese specific language is more clear to see the same thing (div. division IV).

Japanese are not indigenous people of Japan October 19th, 2017

Everyone is aware that Americans are not the same as they are today. Did you know that the Japanese are not the indigenous people of Japan?

Who is it that sacked at these places before them?

Before them, the Ainy, a taєmnichiy people, lingered here, having a lot of riddles in their journey. Aini for a long time were sucid with the Japanese, until the rest of them were able to see them at the pivnich.

About those who are the ancient rulers of the Japanese archipelago, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, write letters and numerical names of geographic objects, similar to my Ainiv. І to name the symbol of Japan - the great Mount Fujiyama - may have its name in Ainsk the word "fuji", which means "the deity of the fire". As vvazhayut vcheni, the Ainu settled the Japanese islands about 13,000 years before our era and established the neolithic culture Demon.

The Aini were not engaged in farming; They lived in small settlements, yakі dosit vіddalenі one vіd one. Therefore, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhistory of residence is great: the Japanese islands, Sakhalin, Primor'ya, the Kuril Islands and the day of Kamchatka. Approximately in 3000 BC, Mongol tribes arrived on the Japanese islands, as if by chance they became the ancestors of the Japanese. The new settlers brought with them a culture of rice, which allowed a great number of people to prosper in a seemingly small territory. So started heavy hours at the life of the Ainiv. The stinks of the madness were resettled pіvnіch, depriving the colonists of their peaceful lands.

Ale Aini were rightful warriors, as if they were fully equipped with a bow and sword, and the Japanese did not go to overcome them for a long time. For a long time, maybe 1500 years. The Aini were able to manage with two swords, and on the right stegni they wore two daggers. One of them (cheyki-makiri) served as a knife for cutting ritual self-destruction - harakiri. The Japanese were able to overcome the Ainiv only after the founding harmat, having caught up to this moment rich in them to take over in a part of the Viysk art. The code of honor of the samurai, killing two with swords and guessing the ritual of harakiri - tsі, nachebto, the characteristic attributes of Japanese culture were actually compared to Ainiv.

There are dossiers about the trip of Ainiv vcheni. And for those that our people are not disputed with the other indigenous peoples of the Far Descent and Siberia, this is already a fact. characteristic of riceїkh zvnіshnostі - arc thicker hair and the beard of the people, which was spared by the representatives of the Mongol race wild root with the peoples of Indonesia and the aborigines of the Pacific Ocean, the stinks of the stench are similar to rice disguise. However, genetic studies included this variant. And the first Russian Cossacks, who arrived on the island of Sakhalin, took the Ainiv for the Russians, the stinks of the stench were not similar to the Siberian tribes, but they predicted the Europeans. A single group of people from the analyzed options, with which they have a genetic controversy, appeared the people of the Demon epoch, as if imovirno were the ancestors of the Ainiv. The Ainu language also strongly vibrates from the modern linguistic picture of the world, and youmu still did not know the place. It appears that in an hour of trival isolation, the Ainu made a connection with the other peoples of the Earth, and the deacons of the past see them as a special Ainu race.

Today, the Ainiv lost even a little, close to 25,000 people. The stinks linger mainly in the nights of Japan, and in practical terms, they assimilate the population of the country.

Aini in Russia

In the past, the Kamchatka Ainu was brought into contact with Russian merchants, for example, in the 17th century. Visible from the Amur and Pivnichno-Kuril Ainu stood at the XVIII century. The Ainu were respected by the Russians, as they were considered a race in their Japanese enemies, friends, and until the middle of the 18th century, over a thousand Ainu took over Russian citizenship. The Japanese could not bring the Ainu to the Russians through their ancient imitation (there were shkira and Australian rice disguise, like according to the row of rice similar to European ones). If the Japanese were earlier in contact with the Russians, they called them Chervona Aina (Ainu with bright hair). Only on the cob of the 19th century did the Japanese realize that the Russians and the Ainu were two different peoples. Tim is no less, for the Russians, the Ainu were “hairy”, “smarty”, “dark-eyed” and “dark-haired”. The first Russian scholars described the Ainu as similar to the Russian villagers with a swarthy skin and more like a gypsy.

Ainu buli for the Russian draw of the Russian-Japanese wars of the 19th century. However, after the strikes in Russian-Japanese War 1905 fate, the Russians threw them at will. Hundreds of Ainu were imprisoned and their families were forcibly transported to Hokkaido by the Japanese. As a result, the Russians did not succeed in reconquering the Ainu in the course of the Other Light. Only a few representatives of the Ainu were deprived of Russia after the war. Over 90% went to Japan.

Behind the minds of the St. Petersburg treaty of 1875, the Kurils came from Japan, at once from the Ainu. 83 pivnіchnokurilski Ayni on 18 spring 1877 came to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, having lost the cherubs of Russia. The stinkers decided to move to the reservations on the Commander Islands, as if they had propagated the Russian order. After what, s birch 1881 fate, stretched four months the stench of the pishka reached the village of Yavin, where they ruled everywhere. The village of Goligine was founded later. Another 9 ainiv arrived from Japan in 1884. The census of 1897 shows 57 inhabitants of Goligino (usi - Ainu) and 39 characters near Yavin (33 Ainu and 6 Russians). Radianskoy dominion the villages were depleted, and the Meshkants were resettled to Zaporizhzhya, Ust-Bilsheretsky district. As a result, three ethnic groups were assimilated with Kamchadals.

The Pivnichno-Kuril Ainu at once is the largest subgroup of the Ainu on the territory of Russia. Sim'ya Nakamura (pivdennokurilska behind the Batkivska line) - the least and available only 6 osib, who linger at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. On Sakhalin, the sprat is quiet, who recognizes himself as an Ainu, but a richer Ainu does not recognize himself as such. Most of the 888 Japanese who live in Russia (census 2010) may be a little poignant, although they do not recognize it (full-blooded Japanese are allowed to travel to Japan without a visa). The situation is similar with the Amur Ainu, who linger near Khabarovsk. I care that none of the Kamchatka Ainu were left alive.

In 1979, the SRSR voted the ethnonym "Ainu" on the list of "living" ethnic groups in Russia, voting that the people of the SRSR died. Judging by the 2002 census, no one entered the ethnonym "Ainu" in field 7 or 9.2 of form K-1 in the census

And so it seems that the most direct genetic links for the human lineage can be, not surprisingly, with the Tibetans - half of them carry a close haplogroup D1 (the group D2 itself practically does not follow the borders of the peoples of the Japanese archipelago) pivdni to China. the one in Indochina. If there are women (Mt-DNA) haplogroups, then the Ainivs have the dominant group Y, as it is also common in other peoples of Northern Asia, but in a small number.


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