Somebody just doesn't want to reconcile. No one knows Nikandros. Detailed descriptions about yourself and your feelings

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We all try to take care of our cordons and do not want to get close to people who do not respect them. But what else is it for those who are so lonely - are they themselves? Are you sure that you correctly understand the signals of the aliens and set yourself up to this particular space? We often misjudge the steps of intimacy, through which we put unhandled food to our colleagues, or we give trouble for the sake of our loved ones.

mi in website they chose the situation, the behavior of those who lie down is the degree of proximity to the spy. Apply it to help you correctly vibudovuvat cordoni with otochyuchimi, so that the splintering brought mutual mischief and satisfaction.

1. Special features and non-handed nutrition

If you are sitting in a cafe with a close friend, she is discussing your recent marriage, then the food “Are you going to be a people?” whole predarchny. If a colleague shows his spring photo and you put a similar supply, be prepared before you want to increase the distance. You don't know what she's planning for children and maybe their mothers. Fallow in the event of a food situation, you can irritate or embarrass.

But youmu is unlikely to accept such a turbota. People do not want to talk about their health problems, especially obvious ones. If you take your mother or a person to the doctor, if you make a necessary visit, then you know about your health, in all other situations - you lie not at your right.

Porada: Unique food, sho hustle sane looking that healthy people. Just like a topic for you, do not feed on the forehead, but start from afar. If a person does not support the topic, then you will not be able to develop it.

2. Dotiki

If you want to walk around with your hand, or hang around people for an hour of conversation, then be prepared for a different reaction: it’s okay to put yourself up to this, but for others it might be unacceptable.

Why are we so put up to dotikiv? All on the right in the world of zhorstkost cordons. At someone between the m'yakіshi - such people are calmer to put up to tactile contacts. But for deyaks, tactility is more than riverine with those closest. And є people, yakі zovsіm not to love dotik.

In addition, we have a zone of comfortable communication. For acquaintances and colleagues, it is approximately 1-1.5 m. And as you will destroy your comfort zone and accompany it with dots, it’s easy to sing along with you.

Porada: Ask, persh nizh dotorknutisya or become too close to someone. So a person will be able to save a comfortable life and not be rude.

3. Gifts

It is important that you accept gifts - it’s welcome. Really happy to lie down and in the drive, in the gift box, and in the gift itself. Reveal that before the day of the people of the girl, with whom they separated not long ago, they grew up, guessed everything good and wrote down the letter. You can give yourself generously and respectfully.

But for a girl, such an unsatisfactory gift can be rewarded and tormented. Vaughn to believe that you need to see it and see yourself goiter. And it is easy to explain from the point of view of psychology: we are comfortable talking one with one on equal terms, do not be self-reliant and do not check for others. Todi splkuvannya flows freely and hatefully.

Incorrect gifts - tse intrusion in special interpersonal relationships. You are trying to get closer, without hitting that very person. I put yoga in an unhandled camp, to the one who has a gift on the street, I call it a symmetrical gift.

Porada: The price of a gift may show the world's closeness to people. Don't give people a gift for the sake of being worthy of them. And don't let their goiters give you a gift of natomistity.

4. Detailed descriptions about yourself and your feelings

We love to talk about ourselves. But not everyone is fit to hear us. Close people, as if they simply know, are often not in the grip of our “self-presentations”, but are confused by hearing, so that they don’t depict us.

How can one share one's feelings and stories so that one does not become intrusive? First, the stench may lie down to those troubles. In a different way, your history can be korisnoy or cicatoo svіvrozmovnik.

Thirdly, follow the reactions. Like a person nodding and saying “aha” to your rich monologues, the hour has come to bring up the topic and talk about it some other way.

Porada: Try to put yourself in the place of a person and tell yourself so that it would be ok to another. And sometimes people just want to listen to them and not insert them into their comments about themselves - such a skill should be mastered by everyone who wants to become a receptionist.

Let us agree to share with us. Why, then, should the deputy of the lads, for the sake of joy, be irritated and do not want to speak with us?

Because such a behavior we are trying to raise ourselves in the eyes of a spiritualist. Aje mi do not presume to make up the order yourself, but tell others as it is required. So we vibudovuєmo ієrarchіyu, in yakіy we put the svіvrozmovnik lower behind ourselves. If you don’t respect us with real authority, then you’ll respect us with a viscochka and shvidshe for more and more, you don’t want to deal with us.

Mustache to be able to but less for a request. Vinyatok - people who are lower for us in the real hierarchy. For example, you can inspire your worker on a robot, as soon as possible to get back from the tasks. However, if you honor this rozpo_dat, if you correctly quarrel with the girls, then you will indulge in less aggression that rozdratuvannya. Your right person may not give you authority.

Porada: Energize the people who need help, first of all, for the sake of it. Abo directly shout: "Can I help you?" If you please the other side, you will be glad to receive adequately.

6. Evaluation and praise

It should be noted that you only closed a cool project on robots and took away the promotion. The director splashes on the shoulder and seems like a good fellow. You are satisfied. And why in this situation do we remember the director for your subordinate? Shvidshe for everything, you know the lack of hands, the anger, or the anger.

Estimates, as if to please, we are ready to accept more than others, whom we respect for authority. Your professionalism is higher for the kilk, lower for the weaker one. And if you praise you in the Batkiv way and splash on the shoulder, then you look stupid.

It's a pity, we don't know it ourselves, if our assessment is right. And it looks so stupid, if friends are praised for it, go to the gym, if we ourselves need more wine, lower it, or we say “So, it’s not bad” at the news about the increase in the salary of colleagues, if we ourselves take less money.

Porada: In order not to tease people, evaluate them only behind the back. Or turn the assessment into a compliment. Natomist "Nepogano" to the news about the promotion say "Hey, I'm radium for you." Avoid negative assessments, as you are not directly asked to say your thought.

7. Fuck

We take satisfaction if we work for others. In such moments, we seem to be strong and need them. But such an effect can be reached, only if we are able to vlasniy bazhannyam, and not at the request.

It is rich who is wise, what great prohannya is tight for others. Ale, we often stress people with all sorts of rubbish, for example, borrow a couple of hundred for obid, for they’ve forgotten the gamanets, give them a phone call, if they’ve forgotten the phone, bring them home, more expensively. In the course of time, everything accumulates in memory, and in the eyes of people we transform into a weary zhenk.

Fighting this problem is simple: you need to stop asking. Let your colleague and drive around today, pick up your booths, but even if wine itself doesn’t ask you to “ride”, it means you want to go alone or with others. And you can get to the house without yoga help.

Porada: Ask those who are stunned about this only in the extreme mood. And try to work for others yourself. We want to make them loyal, and we make you happy.

Dorimuvatsya kordonіv i be tactful - tse mystetstvo, yak mi duzhe tsіnuєmo in otochyuchih. And as I myself know about it, then the stoks with people will add up richer and richer. Did you have difficulties with the adoption of other people's cordonies?

Food: Card No. 1. Insert the missing letters and signs. Some people want to know them (n...) to know (n...) judges (n...) of strangers. Earlier in the Czech Republic, having sounded like a dream on the day of the Oil town, getting up (n ...) bright (n ...) dawn, they went to the woodworker behind carnival masks. Who only (n ...) wants to reconcile a beautiful tree ... th hood! Who (n ...) passed ... walking all day at the houses to the master, everyone took off the miraculous vbrannya. Ale yak (n ...) having done all this modest work (n, nn) ​​ik (n ...) one of the yogo robots (n ...) lived to the next holy day that everything was saved from the majestic Bagatti. (N...) once the maister leaned on this tradition ale (n...) once to no one (n...) swearing wine, giving joy to people.

Card number 1. Insert the missing letters and signs. Some people want to know them (n...) to know (n...) judges (n...) of strangers. Earlier in the Czech Republic, having sounded like a dream on the day of the Oil town, getting up (n ...) bright (n ...) dawn, they went to the woodworker behind carnival masks. Who only (n ...) wants to reconcile a beautiful tree ... th hood! Who (n ...) passed ... walking all day at the houses to the master, everyone took off the miraculous vbrannya. Ale yak (n ...) having done all this modest work (n, nn) ​​ik (n ...) one of the yogo robots (n ...) lived to the next holy day that everything was saved from the majestic Bagatti. (N...) once the maister leaned on this tradition ale (n...) once to no one (n...) swearing wine, giving joy to people.


Some people want to, so that they were not recognized, neither judges, nor strangers. Earlier in the Czech Republic, having sounded like a dream on the day of the Oil town, getting up in the light of the dawn, they would go to the woodworker behind carnival masks. Who just doesn't want to reconcile the garniy wooden captur! Someone who didn’t come all day at the house until the master, having taken off the skin of the miraculous vbrannya. Aleksey, without making any effort, this modest worker, his wife did not live to see the coming saint, for everything burned at the majestic bagatti. Every once in a while, the master was depicted on this tradition, and every other time he didn’t swear to anyone, giving joy to people.

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lesson type: combinations

Target: show the distribution of particles NOT the same

Know: Umov to the selection of particles HE - HI.

Along the way, repetition: Rozdіlovі signs in SP.

Ownership: Fragment of tables, individual cards, multimedia settings.


1. Appointed by those lesson.

Hello, Listen to the hot verse and try to name the topic of the lesson.

NOT і NI we often have
We need shanuvati.
І at whom do not linger
Don't waste your time every year.

Father, what is the topic of the lesson? (Differentiation of particles NOT І NI)

2. Setting goals for the lesson.

Let's close the vіdomosti about vzhivannya chastok. Let's guess the punctuation of the joint venture.

Ale spochatku zgadaemo poddnannya z NOT that NI.

3. Repetition

Again, listen to the hot verse, know the staves of the day, NOT that NI that sing it out.

The sun shone on high
Not bright and bright.
І as a result there was a change
Neither cold nor smoky.

Up to the doshka I veyshov v_dpov_dati,
standing in front of the class.
No date or take, no system, no stand up,
No fish, no meat.

How did you know the words of the phrase? How often did you write?

Let's help: whoever is left in the ranks of the day is NOT chi NI, that one is a survivor!

(No stand up, no system, no village, no city, no rich, no little, no light, no dawn...)

Let's think, in what situation, in what style do the victorious times prevail?

Well. In pink style. The people see the traditions, rite the words that they can be known as. And once we get to the text, we get to know one marvelous tradition.

4. Work with text.

Take card number 5. Read the text.

Choose a topic, a head idea, come up with a title.

How did you become smarter?

What does it mean?

5. Vision of a practical task.

Meta: Formation of vminnya razraznyat and correctly write NOT-НІ (from differents of differentiated learning). Repeat the divided signs in a folding proposition.

Ale, back to back, we repeat the division of NOT and NI, a vicarious fragment of the table. (At the skin on the party).

Retailing is NOT the same

If you drop a particle, the sense will change in the opposite direction.

(Not viviv-viviv)

If you drop a particle, the sense will not change.

(Yogo do not ring up, burn, rivers - Yogo, do not sound fire, rivers)

Have zapitalnyh and oklichnyh rechennyakh.

(Who doesn’t feel about it? - Kudi vin just didn’t turn around!)

At folding propositions with step-by-step recognition of the significance of the strengthening of a solid sensation.

(Skilki do not marvel at the sea, it is by no means nabridne.)

Dodatkova part begins with words

What nі... who nі... what nі... skilki nі... where nі... about what nі... de nі...

Іz names in generic advice. (There is no haze in the sky. Not a little rough.)

In stable virazas

(Not on my own, not in my soul, etc.)

In stable virazas (neither light nor dawn, nor fluff nor feathers, etc.)

For vikonannya robots choose a card appropriately until it is appropriated by those.

(differentiation training)

Card number 5 for the quiet, who cares what to do well, having acquired the topic and remember the punctuation of the folding proposition.

Card No. 4 to give a hint: place different signs, focusing on the seat awards.

For whom the topic seemed to be collapsible, you can win hint card.

Card number 5

Insert missing letters, put punctuation marks in folded sentences.

Some people want to know them (n...) to know (n...) judges, (n...) strangers. Earlier in the Czech Republic, having sounded like a dream on the day of the Oil town, getting up (n ...) bright (n ...) dawn, they went to the woodworker behind carnival masks.

Who only wants to reconcile a beautiful wooden hood! Who (n ...) came all day at the budinochok to the master of the skin, having taken off the miraculous vbrannya. Ale yak (n ...) trying his humble worker (n ...), one of his yogo robots (n ...) lived up to the coming saint, more, after calling, everything burned at the majestic bagatti. (N...) at some point, the master was imagining this tradition ale (n. .) once to no one (n ...) swearing wine, giving joy to people.

MASK - French masgue to go to Arabic mashara - "zhart, gloom".

Card number 4

Insert the missing letters in a block-table, place punctuation marks in folding sentences, focusing on the suffix adjectives.

Other people want to no knew(n ...) judges, (n. .) strangers. Earlier in the Czech Republic іsnuvav sound zgіdno z yakim at the day of the Maslyana town, getting up (n ...) light (n ...) dawn, violated to the woodworker for carnival masks.

Who only wants to reconcile a beautiful wooden hood! Who (n…) Come to what day in the weekday to the master every taking miraculously taken. Ale yak (n…) dabbling this modest worker (n ...) one of the yoga robots (n ...) survived to the next holy, more, for zvichaєm, everything burned at the majestic bagatti. (N…) times imagining master on this tradition ale (n. .) once to no one (n ...) grimacing adzhe vin bestowing people are happy.

Card number 3

Insert the missing letters, lining up with a block-table and clues.

Some people want to know them (n ...) they knew ( as if omitting a particle, the sense is changed to a longer one) (n ...) judges, (n. .) strangers ( part can be omitted). Early in the Czech Republic, having sounded, for which the day of the Maslyana town, getting up (n ...) light (n ...) dawn ( phraseology), virulas to the woodworker for carnival masks

Who only wants to reconcile a beautiful wooden hood! ( simple hail proposition) Who (n ...) came all day at the budinochok to the maister, having taken off the skin of the miraculous vbrannya. ( the proposition is collapsible, a particle can be omitted). Ale yak (n ...) trying ( the proposition is collapsible, a part can be omitted) this modest worker, (n ...) one (- nothing) s yogo robit (n ...) survived ( As if omitting a particle, the sense is changed to the protile) until the next holy, to that, after calling, everything burned at the majestic bugatti. (N…) times (= rich times) imagining a master on this tradition, ale (n. .) once (= nicoli) to no one (n ...) snarling ( as if we omit a particle, the sense is changed to the protile) adzhe vin giving joy to people.

6. Work of folding a text on a single topic

Meta: shaping vmіnnya independently be vlasny vislav.

Making masks is hoarsely busy. And now to show that they would like to create a mask and describe it for the help of proponing constructions (the text is displayed on the screen through the multimedia installation).

Who doesn't feel about ______________? Whoever is not leaning on ____________, every _________ is neither alive nor dead.

It will take more than one day, schob ___________, against which not to rise n___________.

7. Pіdbittya pіdbagіv lesson

Otzhe, pіdіb'єmo pіdіb'єmo pіdbag lesson. Today we did not train less at different parts of NOT that NI.

Mi nibi visited the master, where the masks are being created.

Who can guess the etymology of the word "mask"? True, we are ahead of the “zhart”.

At home, I will preach to you to continue making masks, so that they can boost your mood.

List of literature.

  1. Polezhaeva E. BUT Current lessons of Russian 7th grade Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2002.
  2. On the banks of Linguine. For red. L. D. Chesnokova. M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 1996.

No one knows Nikandros

In a small, old Greek place, a boy is alive on the name of Nikandros. Yogo childishness was not easy, but far from being happy. Disliked in this child, Nikandros often did not sleep and did not get enough. Quite often, without having reached your meal, go to the witch's shop, and there for a long time, unimpressedly laughing at the purchases, not hanging on to bread or zucru.

Lavi panuvala has an unkind atmosphere, there panuvala is not truth, but deceit. Vіtchim buv zovsіm not bezkoslivy i arc unclean at hand. Ignoring those who could not manage without a helper, they underestimated Nikandros and did not trust you. Often, without being surprised by the lad in the eyes, we would say unfortunate words about our intractable stepson. Nikandros didn’t have anyone to quarrel with, and there were no signs of help from the check.

Prote lads should have traded. Vіn z nepіdrobnoy shirіstyu yak nі in what did not happen giving unknown people Having delved into the uninterrupted arrangement of the land and having taken the Borg from people, they did not pay for the purchases.

It is impossible to say that Nikandros simply did not like the witch, hated everything about him: lifeless disguise, which does not show, unkind eyes, unacceptable voice.

Once Nikandros was not surprised, and turned around unhandedly, breaking the amphora, as if the bula was not fixed like a trace. Do not hesitate to the one who is unhappy with you, lad, do not worry about the evening, vtіk z home.

After a deaky hour of the lad, some kind of bov was not taken in and not reprimanded, picking up one rich Greek. Vіn pobachiv, scho want Nikandros and not teaching like a trace, vіn may have a non-abyaya roznі and nezvichaynі zdіbnostі. The Greek virishiv take up the lad's education.

After ten years, Nikandros was not able to become a merchant for himself. There are no wines in some regions! De b vіn not z'yavlyavsya, yogo zustrіchali with honors. Yogo word was not only mіtsnim, but obedient. "So no one else ordered it, like Nikandros," they said about him. Nobody else has such an incomparable authority.

So unhappily, happily, the life of this lad, unknown to anyone, developed.

Card number 5

Insert missing letters, put punctuation marks in folded sentences.

Some people want to know them (n...) to know (n...) judges, (n...) strangers. Earlier in the Czech Republic, having sounded like a dream on the day of the Oil town, getting up (n ...) bright (n ...) dawn, they went to the woodworker behind carnival masks.

Who only wants to reconcile a beautiful wooden hood! Who (n ...) came all day at the budinochok to the master of the skin, having taken off the miraculous vbrannya. Ale yak (n ...) trying his humble worker (n ...), one of his yogo robots (n ...) lived up to the coming saint, more, after calling, everything burned at the majestic bagatti. (N...) at some point, the master was imagining this tradition ale (n. .) once to no one (n ...) swearing wine, giving joy to people.

Card number 4

Insert the missing letters in a block-table, place punctuation marks in folding sentences, focusing on the suffix adjectives.

Other people want to no knew(n ...) judges, (n. .) strangers. Earlier in the Czech Republic іsnuvav sound zgіdno z yakim at the day of the Maslyana town, getting up (n ...) light (n ...) dawn, violated to the woodworker for carnival masks.

Who only wants to reconcile a beautiful wooden hood! Who (n…) Come to what day in the weekday to the master every taking miraculously taken. Ale yak (n…) dabbling this modest worker (n ...) one of the yoga robots (n ...) survived to the next holy, more, for zvichaєm, everything burned at the majestic bagatti. (N…) times imagining master on this tradition ale (n. .) once to no one (n ...) grimacing adzhe vin bestowing people are happy.

Card number 3

Insert the missing letters, lining up with a block-table and clues.

Some people want to know them (n ...) they knew ( as if omitting a particle, the sense is changed to a longer one) (n ...) judges, (n. .) strangers ( part can be omitted). Early in the Czech Republic, having sounded, for which the day of the Maslyana town, getting up (n ...) light (n ...) dawn ( phraseology), virulas to the woodworker for carnival masks

Who only wants to reconcile a beautiful wooden hood! ( simple hail proposition) Who (n ...) came all day at the budinochok to the maister, having taken off the skin of the miraculous vbrannya. ( the proposition is collapsible, a particle can be omitted). Ale yak (n ...) trying ( the proposition is collapsible, a part can be omitted) this modest worker, (n ...) one (- nothing) s yogo robit (n ...) survived ( As if omitting a particle, the sense is changed to the protile) until the next holy, to that, after calling, everything burned at the majestic bugatti. (N…) times (= rich times) imagining a master on this tradition, ale (n. .) once (= nicoli) to no one (n ...) snarling ( as if we omit a particle, the sense is changed to the protile) adzhe vin giving joy to people.

3 not ... fallow reasons; don't ... revise the task; the grass is not ... cut; not ... tidied up the field; the book is not ... read; no one ... knew fear; do not ... sing in front of some kind of pereskoda; no one ... doslіdzhene food; do not ... marvel at the drive of a classmate's behavior; not ... yakі caught at once for help; not…corrected math robot; not ... populated on the outskirts of the house; not ... a higher task in physics; speeches are not ... chosen; tvir not ... written; not ... written in literature; the stitch is not ... clarified;

the paths are not cleared; not ... skhvilyovans, but a calm sea; far from the best food; don't… get angry; the task is not ... virishena, but only rozpochata; not ... zustrіnuty nikim.

Open the temples (zlito chi okremo), explain your choice


Need a book (not) read.

1 option

2. window (not) hung with a curtain

4. (not) indulging humor

5. (does not) help anyone

6. (not) fallow candidate

7. (not) greedy fighter

8. (not) distant jart

9. Not Christmas

10. never (not) boast

2 option

1. yet (not) scho having appeared

2. far (not) crafty

4. freedom (un)voted

5. nothing (not) water

6. (not) who is listening to anyone

7. (not) a dream about wealth

8. Koshti (not) Vishukani

9. harmony (not) achieved

10. more (not) than

Fill in the butts “NOT with dieprikmetnikami” in the columns

(write down the serial number butt)

Good, to that which I have communion

Okremo, oskilki parch.

not live

eat without NOT

no fallow slіv, protipost. іz union "A"

may fallow

my word

may be marked with the union "A"

in short form

1. Unforgettable defeat.

2. Do not close the sky yet.

3. Undeveloped territory.

4. Materials are not verified.

5. The people are not stolen by anything.

6. Unorganized presidium.

7. Buried people.

8. Not holding a tournament.

9. Vegetables are not picked.

10. Who hates the enemy.

11. No diploma was awarded to anyone.

12. Zdivovyi glance.

13. Do not see, but close the window.

14. The pardon is not corrected.

15. Hair is not combed.

16. Uncovered head.

17. They did not call for discipline.

18. We don’t grim, so we don’t growl, but mutter dully.

19. Postiyne solution.

20. Nevidkrita mystery.

21. Not insulated for the winter windows.

22. Look, they didn’t joke.

23. Unforgettable sun.

24. Paths are not cleared.

25. Naked person.

26. Who is not virishuvati.

27. Nezoran field.

28. Forgive nothing.

29. Unforeseen problems.

30. Pardons are not corrected, there is no more reassurance.

Lies on the steppe, which did not get cold for nothing, the warm wind pulls.

Poem is accumulated from (un)completed distributions.

Need a book (not) read.

(Not) zamіsh .. nniy from the evil man gave a certificate.

(Not) hanging dokor shining in the eyes of Sophia Mykolaivna.

The wind knocks on the stem with still (not) withered dew.

A right-handed star shone over the leafy humps (not) quickly.

A saucepan with (not) mixed dough was on the table.

Vіdpovіd zap dosi not otrimana.

Ptahіv wife on the day (not) it is cold, but the day is cold.

Open the arches (zlito chi okremo), explain your choice graphically.

Lies on the steppe, which did not get cold for nothing, the warm wind pulls.

Poem is accumulated from (un)completed distributions.

Need a book (not) read.

(Not) zamіsh .. nniy from the evil man gave a certificate.

(Not) hanging dokor shining in the eyes of Sophia Mykolaivna.

The wind knocks on the stem with still (not) withered dew.

A right-handed star shone over the leafy humps (not) quickly.

A saucepan with (not) mixed dough was on the table.

Vіdpovіd zap dosi not otrimana.

Ptahіv wife on the day (not) it is cold, but the day is cold.

Open the arches (zlito chi okremo), explain your choice graphically.

Lies on the steppe, which did not get cold for nothing, the warm wind pulls.

Poem is accumulated from (un)completed distributions.

Need a book (not) read.

(Not) zamіsh .. nniy from the evil man gave a certificate.

(Not) hanging dokor shining in the eyes of Sophia Mykolaivna.

The wind knocks on the stem with still (not) withered dew.

A right-handed star shone over the leafy humps (not) quickly.

A saucepan with (not) mixed dough was on the table.

Vіdpovіd zap dosi not otrimana.

Ptahіv wife on the day (not) it is cold, but the day is cold.

Open the arches (zlito chi okremo), explain your choice graphically.

Lies on the steppe, which did not get cold for nothing, the warm wind pulls.

Poem is accumulated from (un)completed distributions.

Need a book (not) read.

(Not) zamіsh .. nniy from the evil man gave a certificate.

(Not) hanging dokor shining in the eyes of Sophia Mykolaivna.

The wind knocks on the stem with still (not) withered dew.

A right-handed star shone over the leafy humps (not) quickly.

A saucepan with (not) mixed dough was on the table.

Vіdpovіd zap dosi not otrimana.

Ptahіv wife on the day (not) it is cold, but the day is cold.

1 option

1. zovsіm (not) scribbled child

2. window (not) hung with a curtain

3. (not) reliable information

4. (not) indulging humor

5. (does not) help anyone

6. (not) fallow candidate

7. (not) greedy fighter

8. (not) distant jart

9. Not Christmas

10. never (not) boast

2 option

1. yet (not) scho having appeared

2. far (not) crafty

3. (not) exchange facilities

4. freedom (un)voted

5. nothing (not) water

6. (not) who is listening to anyone

7. (not) a dream about wealth

8. Koshti (not) Vishukani

9. harmony (not) achieved

10. more (not) than

No one knows Nikandros

(Not i nі s different parts of the movie)

In a small, old Greek place, a boy is alive on the name of Nikandros. Yogo childishness was not easy, but far from being happy. Disliked in this child, Nikandros often did not sleep and did not get enough. Quite often, without having reached your meal, go to the witch's shop, and there for a long time, unimpressedly laughing at the purchases, not hanging on to bread or zucru.

Lavi panuvala has an unkind atmosphere, there panuvala is not truth, but deceit. Vіtchim buv zovsіm not bezkoslivy i arc unclean at hand. Ignoring those who could not manage without a helper, they underestimated Nikandros and did not trust you. Often, without being surprised by the lad in the eyes, we would say unfortunate words about our intractable stepson. Nikandros didn’t have anyone to quarrel with, and there were no signs of help from the check.

Prote lads should have traded. Vіn z nepіdrobnou shіrіstyu nі in what did not happen, giving for the sake of unknown people, delving into the uninterrupted arrangement of favors and taking borgs from people, as if they suddenly did not pay for purchases.

It is impossible to say that Nikandros simply did not like the witch, hated everything about him: lifeless disguise, which does not show, unkind eyes, unacceptable voice.

Once Nikandros was not surprised, and turned around unhandedly, breaking the amphora, as if the bula was not fixed like a trace. Do not hesitate to the one who is unhappy with you, lad, do not worry about the evening, vtіk z home.

After a deaky hour of the lad, some kind of bov was not taken in and not reprimanded, picking up one rich Greek. Vіn pobachiv, scho want Nikandros and not teaching like a trace, vіn may have a non-abyaya roznі and nezvichaynі zdіbnostі. The Greek virishiv take up the lad's education.

After ten years, Nikandros was not able to become a merchant for himself. There are no wines in some regions! De b vіn not z'yavlyavsya, yogo zustrіchali with honors. Yogo word was not only mіtsnim, but obedient. "So no one else ordered it, like Nikandros," they said about him. Nobody else has such an incomparable authority.

So unhappily, happily, the life of this lad, unknown to anyone, developed.

Card number 5

Insert missing letters, put punctuation marks in folded sentences.

Some people want to know them (n...) to know (n...) judges, (n...) strangers. Earlier in the Czech Republic, having sounded like a dream on the day of the Oil town, getting up (n ...) bright (n ...) dawn, they went to the woodworker behind carnival masks.

Who only wants to reconcile a beautiful wooden hood! Who (n ...) came all day at the budinochok to the master of the skin, having taken off the miraculous vbrannya. Ale yak (n ...) trying his humble worker (n ...), one of his yogo robots (n ...) lived up to the coming saint, more, after calling, everything burned at the majestic bagatti. (N...) at some point, the master was imagining this tradition ale (n. .) once to no one (n ...) swearing wine, giving joy to people.

Card number 4

Insert the missing letters in a block-table, place punctuation marks in folding sentences, focusing on the suffix adjectives.

Other people want to no knew(n ...) judges, (n. .) strangers. Earlier in the Czech Republic іsnuvav sound zgіdno z yakim at the day of the Maslyana town, getting up (n ...) light (n ...) dawn, violated to the woodworker for carnival masks.

Who only wants to reconcile a beautiful wooden hood! Who (n…) Come to what day in the weekday to the master every taking miraculously taken. Ale yak (n…) dabbling this modest worker (n ...) one of the yoga robots (n ...) survived to the next holy, more, for zvichaєm, everything burned at the majestic bagatti. (N…) times imagining master on this tradition ale (n. .) once to no one (n ...) grimacing adzhe vin bestowing people are happy.

Card number 3

Insert the missing letters, lining up with a block-table and clues.

Some people want to know them (n ...) they knew ( as if omitting a particle, the sense is changed to a longer one) (n ...) judges, (n. .) strangers ( part can be omitted). Early in the Czech Republic, having sounded, for which the day of the Maslyana town, getting up (n ...) light (n ...) dawn ( phraseology), virulas to the woodworker for carnival masks

Who only wants to reconcile a beautiful wooden hood! ( simple hail proposition) Who (n ...) came all day at the budinochok to the maister, having taken off the skin of the miraculous vbrannya. ( the proposition is collapsible, a particle can be omitted). Ale yak (n ...) trying ( the proposition is collapsible, a part can be omitted) this modest worker, (n ...) one (- nothing) s yogo robit (n ...) survived ( As if omitting a particle, the sense is changed to the protile) until the next holy, to that, after calling, everything burned at the majestic bugatti. (N…) times (= rich times) imagining a master on this tradition, ale (n. .) once (= nicoli) to no one (n ...) snarling ( as if we omit a particle, the sense is changed to the protile) adzhe vin giving joy to people.

3 not ... fallow reasons; don't ... revise the task; the grass is not ... cut; not ... tidied up the field; the book is not ... read; no one ... knew fear; do not ... sing in front of some kind of pereskoda; no one ... doslіdzhene food; do not ... marvel at the drive of a classmate's behavior; not ... yakі caught at once for help; not…corrected math robot; not ... populated on the outskirts of the house; not ... a higher task in physics; speeches are not ... chosen; tvir not ... written; not ... written in literature; the stitch is not ... clarified;

the paths are not cleared; not ... skhvilyovans, but a calm sea; far from the best food; don't… get angry; the task is not ... virishena, but only rozpochata; not ... zustrіnuty nikim.

Open the temples (zlito chi okremo), explain your choice


Need a book (not) read.

Fill in the butts “NOT with dieprikmetnikami” in the columns

(write down the serial number butt)

1. Unforgettable defeat.

2. Do not close the sky yet.

3. Undeveloped territory.

4. Materials are not verified.

5. The people are not stolen by anything.

6. Unorganized presidium.

7. Buried people.

8. Not holding a tournament.

9. Vegetables are not picked.

10. Who hates the enemy.

11. No diploma was awarded to anyone.

12. Zdivovyi glance.

13. Do not see, but close the window.

14. The pardon is not corrected.

15. Hair is not combed.

16. Uncovered head.

17. They did not call for discipline.

18. We don’t grim, so we don’t growl, but mutter dully.

19. Postiyne solution.

20. Nevidkrita mystery.

21. Not insulated for the winter windows.

22. Look, they didn’t joke.

23. Unforgettable sun.

24. Paths are not cleared.

25. Naked person.

26. Who is not virishuvati.

27. Nezoran field.

28. Forgive nothing.

29. Unforeseen problems.

30. Pardons are not corrected, there is no more reassurance.

Lies on the steppe, which did not get cold for nothing, the warm wind pulls.

Poem is accumulated from (un)completed distributions.

Need a book (not) read.

(Not) zamіsh .. nniy from the evil man gave a certificate.

(Not) hanging dokor shining in the eyes of Sophia Mykolaivna.

The wind knocks on the stem with still (not) withered dew.

A right-handed star shone over the leafy humps (not) quickly.

A saucepan with (not) mixed dough was on the table.

Vіdpovіd zap dosi not otrimana.

Ptahіv wife on the day (not) it is cold, but the day is cold.

Open the arches (zlito chi okremo), explain your choice graphically.

Lies on the steppe, which did not get cold for nothing, the warm wind pulls.

Poem is accumulated from (un)completed distributions.

Need a book (not) read.

(Not) zamіsh .. nniy from the evil man gave a certificate.

(Not) hanging dokor shining in the eyes of Sophia Mykolaivna.

The wind knocks on the stem with still (not) withered dew.

A right-handed star shone over the leafy humps (not) quickly.

A saucepan with (not) mixed dough was on the table.

Vіdpovіd zap dosi not otrimana.

Ptahіv wife on the day (not) it is cold, but the day is cold.

Open the arches (zlito chi okremo), explain your choice graphically.

Lies on the steppe, which did not get cold for nothing, the warm wind pulls.

Poem is accumulated from (un)completed distributions.

Need a book (not) read.

(Not) zamіsh .. nniy from the evil man gave a certificate.

(Not) hanging dokor shining in the eyes of Sophia Mykolaivna.

The wind knocks on the stem with still (not) withered dew.

A right-handed star shone over the leafy humps (not) quickly.

A saucepan with (not) mixed dough was on the table.

Vіdpovіd zap dosi not otrimana.

Ptahіv wife on the day (not) it is cold, but the day is cold.

Open the arches (zlito chi okremo), explain your choice graphically.

Lies on the steppe, which did not get cold for nothing, the warm wind pulls.

Poem is accumulated from (un)completed distributions.

Need a book (not) read.

(Not) zamіsh .. nniy from the evil man gave a certificate.

(Not) hanging dokor shining in the eyes of Sophia Mykolaivna.

The wind knocks on the stem with still (not) withered dew.

A right-handed star shone over the leafy humps (not) quickly.

A saucepan with (not) mixed dough was on the table.

Vіdpovіd zap dosi not otrimana.

Ptahіv wife on the day (not) it is cold, but the day is cold.

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