Who appointed the functions of social philosophy. The social function of philosophy and its role in the life of society. Meals for pre-training and training

What role does social philosophy play in society? First of all, let me tell you about the functions of philosophy: even a meaningful world of stink and sleep and for social philosophy.

1. the function of extrapolation of universals (revealing the most outrageous ideas, revealing, understanding, on which the supple-historical life of people is based);

2. the function of rationalization and systematization (translation into a logical and theoretical form of the total results of human knowledge in all varieties: practical, cognizant, valuable);

3. critical function (criticism of the dogmatic way of thinking and knowing, pardons, pardons, pardons);

4. the function of forming a theoretical, stylized image of the world of song, the development of the soul.

Speaking about the specifics of social philosophy, I would like to pay special attention to the upcoming functions:

1. epistemological function (continuing and explaining the most important regularities and tendencies in the development of prosperity in general, as well as the development of succession processes on the equals of great social groups);

2. methodological function (social philosophy stands as a fundamental study about the methods of recognition of social phenomena, the most important approach to their education);

3. integration and synthesis of social knowledge (establishment of vital links of social buttya);

4. predictive function of social philosophy (creation of hypotheses about global trends in the development of social life and people);

5. light-gazing function (for other historical forms of light-gazing - mythology and religion - social philosophy
connected with the conceptual, abstract-theoretical explanations of the social world);

6. axiological and valuable function (whether it be a social and philosophical concept to avenge one's own assessment of the object being studied);

7. social function (in the widest sense, social philosophy is called to victoriously double task - to explain socially buttya and acceptance of yogo material and spiritual change);

8. humanitarian function (social philosophy can accept the formation of humanistic values ​​and ideals, the affirmation of a positive life).

The functions of social philosophy are dialectically mutually related. The skin of them transfers to the decision and so chi іnakshe include їх at their own expense. In such a rank, it is obvious that the socio-philosophical follow-up of the successive processes will be more successful, which, with greater relativism, will be brutally respect for the skin and the functions of philosophy.

The philosopher K. Kh. Tsya totality is revealed by it in two mutually dependent aspects, which can be mentally called "substantial" and "functional". In the first place, there is a search for suttivih and non-violent similarities between subsystems of the whole world (an example of which can be subordering the universal principles of the causal-functional connection, the basis of which is based on the concept of the philosophical philosopher). Another one thinks about trying to explain similar similitudes with the help of a path of revealing suttev and non-violent links, real ones in the middle between the spivvіdnosniy "kingdom of buttya" (Momdzhyan K. Kh. Socіum. Suspіlstvo. Іstorіya. M., 1994).

In this manner, the main task of social philosophy is to explore the essence of society, to characterize it as a part of the world, which is infuriated by other parts of the world, but it is connected with them in a single world of light.

At the same time, social philosophy stands as a special theory that has its own category, laws and principles of follow-up.

Dopovіdі that abstract.

1. Vincent and main stages in the development of theoretical sociology.

2. Main social and philosophical ideas of Russian religious philosophy.

3. Concepts of classical sociology.

4. Truth and value in social knowledge.

5. Methods of applied sociology.

Basic Literature.

4. Sociology. Assistant for universities (G. St. Osipov, A. St. Kobischa, M. R. Turchansky) - M., Nauka, 1995, p. "52-67.

5. Spirkin A. G. Fundamentals of philosophy. - M., 2001.

6. Spirkin A. G. Philosophy. M: Gardariki, 2007.

7. Philosophy. / Відп. ed. V. P. Kokhanovsky. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008.

8. Frolov Z. Z. Fundamentals of sociology. - M., Lawyer, 1997, p. 7-38.

Dodatkov literature.

1. Meshcheryakov B., Meshcheryakova I. Introduction to human science. - M., 1994, p. 37-89.

2. Gladkov VV Philosophical workshop. Issues 1-3-M., Nauka, 1994, p. 166-168.

3. Komarov M. Z. Introduction to sociology. M., Nauka, 1994, p. 7-35.

4. Kravchenko A. I. Sociology. Reader. -M., Academy, 1997, p. 5-41.

5. Mamardashvili M.K. Z lectures on social philosophy. // Sociological journal, 1994 No. 3.

6. Momdzhyan K. H. Social. Suspіlstvo. History. - M., Nauka, 1994, pp. 51-66.

7. Radughin A. A., Radughin K. A. Sociology. Course of lectures. - M., Center, 1996, p. 10-49.

8. Smelzer N. Sociology. - M., Nauka, 1994, p. 14-26.

9. Philosophy. Pdruchnik (edited by St. D. Gubina) - M., 1996, p. 170-184.

10. Frolov Z. Z. Sociology. M., Nauka, 1994, p. 5-31.

Topic 15(2 years).

Purpose of employment.

Formulate a philosophical statement about the interplay of nature and sustainability in the past and present.


1. Vivchiti historical forms of the mutual nature of the suspіlstva.

2. Look at the main concepts of the mutual modality of nature and suspense.

3. Dates of analysis of global problems of modernity, including demographic and environmental problems.

Request for repetition.

1. Give a definition of social philosophy.

2. Name the functions of social philosophy.

3. Give a description of the main epochs of the development of social philosophy.

4. How do sciences about people and social philosophy speak?

5. Name the main stages in the development of sociology.

6. Give a description of the current sociological knowledge.

7. Name the main methods and applied sociology. Give it a short description.

8. Reveal the essence of civilizational and formational approaches in social philosophy.

Food for training before employment and training.

1. Historical forms of people and nature.

2. Basic concepts of mutually synergistic suspension of that nature.

3. Global problems of modernity:

a) the genesis of global problems;

b) see global problems: environmental, demographic and other;

c) ways to deal with global problems.

4. Space and people. The concept of noogenesis by Teilhard de Chardin and V.I. Vernadsky.

Test tasks.

1. View natural resources, mastered by people in the era of the primary communal way:

a) natural wealth of the natural resources;

b) natural wealth zasobіv pratsі.

2. Type of breeding, which is of primary importance for the development of the primary susceptibility:

a) virobnitstvo zabіv іsnuvannya;

b) the virility of the person herself.

3. Philosopher who developed the concept of noosphere?

a) Berdyaev;

b) Vernadsky;

c) Wittgenstein;

d) Spengler;

e) Toynbee.

4. Name the warehouses of the demographic official of the socio-historical dynamics:

a) the number of the population;

b) national-psychological characteristics of the population;

c) geopolitical features of the region of residence;

d) nationality rіven;

e) settlement size;

f) balance for state and century signs.

5. Prior to the main global problems of the current state of affairs are:

a) the problem of clouding the light ocean

b) SNID problem

in) environmental problem

d) demographic problem

d) the problem of hunger

f) the problem of saving the world.

6. The essence of the demographic problem as a global one:

a) depopulation

b) an increase in mortality

c) population growth

d) the emergence of small peoples

e) globalization.

7. The essence of the environmental problem:

a) the confusion of nature by industrial undertakings

b) the growth of the population for the growth of the population of the krai, which are developing

c) population decline due to short population

d) the unpredictability of the biosphere to reshape the life of the people

e) atmospheric pollution due to ozone depletion.

8. Features of the problem of saving the world in the XXI century:

a) widening the mass drop

b) race ozbroєn

c) cold war

d) availability of mass reduction

bud) promoting the role of the UN.

The main ideas of the topics.

Lyudina, like everything alive on the Earth, is not alike in the biosphere, like a necessary natural clerk її іsnuvannya. Nature is peredumova and the natural basis of people's life, natural minds. A person can only use more singing and even narrower limits of the natural environment, which reflects the biological features of his body. Vіn vіdchuvaє need in that ecological middle ground, in which the evolution of humankind took place, stretching the whole history. How does M. M. Moiseev designate, the development of the posture of the biosphere - the price is nonsense! The feasibility of establishing a suspension can be guaranteed only in the context of the development of the biosphere, and those only within a narrow range of parameters. Knowing which range is the life need of people.

Otherwise, it seems that a person, as a biosocial identity, for full life and development will require not only a social environment, but also a natural environment of a singing capacity. Tse means that with material and spiritual needs one should objectively establish environmental needs, all the necessities of which are affected by the biological organization of a person. Ecological needs are a special type of sustainable needs. People will need the singing quality of the natural environment for living. Only for the preservation of the necessary quality of such fundamental minds, the foundation of people, as if again, water and soil are possible for their full life. Ruinuvannya wanting one of these life important components dovkilla would call to the death of the life of the Earth. in such a manner, environmental needs so long ago, like people consumed in zhіzhі, odjazі, zhitlі, etc. With the stretch of the old history of their history, satisfaction was automatically and people were reconquered, as if to repeat, with water that stench was safe in abundance at all hours. Protverezinnya it is less than ten years old, if the connection with the growing threats of the environmental crisis, becoming the dedales, the deficit of clean air, drive that grunt. Today it is clear to everyone that a healthy middle ground is no less important, lower material and spiritual needs.

The nature of the Supreme Zapzhdi knew in the same, in the yaki stench, Doty will be burying, I will leave the land of the Earth I Lyudin, I in the same nature of the nature of the Survival of the Sorderer of the Perethnoye, the foundation of the human postіyny vpliv іz side suspіlstva. Vaughn has been constantly pushing and continuing to pour into all aspects of human activity, into the very process of a suspenseful life, into social progress, boosting it, or more quickly, moreover, its role in different regions and in different historical times. So, at the dawn of the development of human civilization, if people were satisfied with the appropriation of ready-made products, the society was in absolute staleness in the splendid middle ground. Like a herd of creatures, the first people after the supply of grub resources in one place moved to another, when there was enough natural resources. Otherwise, the development, the use of natural resources, the degradation of nature led to the singing of social changes - the migration of the population. Nadal, with the development of productive forces, the staleness of the suspense in nature was constantly changing, the people of the Daedal were more out of control of the power of the elemental forces. But the independence of the people in nature seemed to be illusory, shards of intense influx on dovkіllya led to a sharp deterioration in the minds of yogo іsnuvannya, tobto. ecological discomfort. Moreover, growing environmental concerns put under the nourishment of the very foundation of the earth's civilization, saving the life of the planet Earth. It’s all worth mentioning about those who, in the process of resurrecting people from nature, the fallowness did not weaken, but, on the contrary, grew. The social progress of the world in history is only due to those who have been constantly working on the ecological environment, and in our days the interests of the future human race are disturbing people more and more to the law of the functioning and development of the biosphere.

In general, one can name the following stages of mutual interaction between the nature and the suspility:

1. Prehistoric (docivilization), if there is no known spivrobitnitstvo, and the opposition is non-antagonistic in nature;

2. Historical (civilization, modern). For this stage, it is characteristic: the growth of confrontational, antagonistic manifestations between nature and suspility; viroblyauchadіyalnіst, scho led to the demise of natural dovkіllya, svidkoї change of natural landscapes in anthropogenic, progressively aware of the ruinousness of confrontation vіdnosin.

3. Post-historical, post-civilization (maybe). Presenting the obviousness of the alternative: either it is an ecological catastrophe on a planetary scale, or it is a real rozbudova philosophical basis for the mutual Nature and People.

It is already clear that the way of life, which will require a greater number of unresourced resources on the planet, is unpromising; that the ruination of the middle is in itself the degradation of a person, both physically and spiritually, calling for irreversible changes in its genotype. Showing in what way the current environmental situation has evolved in the course of the activities of people, directed to the satisfaction of their needs. Подібна антропоцентрична стратегія перетворення природного Середовища, зміни окремих елементів природного оточення без урахування системної організації природи загалом призвели до змін низки факторів, які в своїй сукупності знижують якість природного Середовища, викликають необхідність дедалі більшої витрати сил, засобів, ресурсів для їх нейтралізації. Зрештою, трапилося таке: прагнучи до досягнення найближчих цілей, людина в результаті отримала наслідки, які не бажала і які часом діаметрально протилежні очікуваним і здатні перекреслити всі досягнуті позитивні результати, Загроза глобальної екологічної кризи свідчить про вичерпання можливостей саморегуляції людської діяльності у природі. The earth cannot be seen as if in the Kremlin of human civilization. Humanity is only a part of the whole; wildly our glance at nature, we are wildly yogo on ourselves. And it’s not clear to me that a person, being a part of nature, hopes to infuse a more intense light and a growing inflow, that a person, in fact, is the same natural force, like a wind and a rush, The land of rіvnovagi.

Like in the past, regardless of the non-negotiable changes of the navkolishny middle ground, which were experienced on the local and regional levels, nature itself coped with the industrial and other inputs that come from the biosphere, the wild obsyag of the zabrudnennya of nature completely outweighs the building to self-purification and self-improvement, it’s no longer possible to get into the mind with the growing anthropogenic adventures. In the wake of the zim, the people are not afraid to take on the responsibility for the conservation of natural dovkіll in the living quarters.

The problem of philosophical aspects in the relationship "human-nature-civilization" is super-great and rich-planned.

Irrespective of the appearance of a statement about the unity of nature and people, their mutual intellect, these two luminaries in the light of the scientists of the 19th century have not yet been mutually intertwined. With such a happy lanka, the vchennya about the noosphere was signified, as V. I. began to take shape. Vernadsky on the cob of the nineteenth century. Until 1900 їm boulo summed up the summation of the statutory accounts. As a result, vinyl nova scientific discipline: biogeochemistry. At the book with such a very name, Vernadsky ignited a wide program of evolution of the biosphere from її viniknennia and up to the present hour. The creation of biochemistry has naturally provided a new nourishment - the nourishment of the people's place in this picture of the global planetary development. І Vernadsky giving a new opinion. Already in the first years of the XIX century. Once you start talking about those who, having poured people into the superfluous nature, grow up the floors quickly, it’s not far off that hour, if they transform into the main geological force. And, as a reminder, it is necessary to take on yourself the responsibility for the future development of nature. The development of dovkіllya and suspіlstva become unexplained. The biosphere has passed as a sphere to the mind - the noosphere. There will be a great unification, as a result of which the development of the planet will become straightened - straightened by the power of the mind.

Dopovіdі that abstract.

1. Revolutionary strategy: principle and regulation.

2. Coevolution as a new paradigm of civilization.

3. A new image of the nature and new values ​​of civilization, spivrobitnitstva and non-violence.

4. Environmental awareness and the problem of rationality types.

5. Basic concepts of steel development.

6. Demographic situation in Russia.

7. Ecological situation in Russia and Udmurtia.

Basic Literature.

1. Aleksiev P.V., Panin A.V. Philosophy - M., 2001.

2. Gubin V. D. Philosophy. - M.: TK Velbi, 2008.

3. Kalashnikov V. L. Philosophy. M: VOLODOS, 2007.

4. Social philosophy (edited by V.M. Lavrinenka). - M., 1995, p. 53-67.

5. Sociology. - M., 1995, p. 79-85.

6. Spirkin A. G. Fundamentals of philosophy. - M., 2001.

7. Spirkin A. G. Philosophy. M: Gardariki, 2007.

8. Philosophy. / Відп. ed. V. P. Kokhanovsky. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008.

9. Khrustalov Yu. M. Philosophy. M.: Geotar - Media, 2005.

Dodatkov literature.

1. Aron R. Basic nutrition of philosophy of history. // Philosophy and Suspility. 1997 No. 1, p. 254-273.

2. Global environmental problem. - M., 1988.

3. Global problems primordial human value. - M., 1990.

4. Grin L. Philosophy and Sociology of History: Acts of Law in the History of Humanity. Part 2 - Volgograd, 1995, p. 5-22.

5. Kanke V. A. Philosophy. - M., 1996, p. 245-255.

6. Karєєv N. Basic nutrition of history. // Philosophy and Suspility. 1997 No. 1, p. 218-244.

7. Karpinska R. S., Lіsєєv I. K., Ogurtsov A.P. Philosophy of nature: evolutionary strategy. - M., 1995.

8. Moiseev N. N. Modern anthropogenesis and civilizational breaks. Ecological and political analysis. // and. Nutrition of Philosophy, 1995 No. 1.

9. Momdzhyan K. H. Social. Suspіlstvo. History. - M., 1994, p. 75-100.

10. Momdzhyan K. H. Social. Suspіlstvo. History. - M., 1994.

11. Radughin A. A. Philosophy. Course of lectures. - M., 1996, pp. 313-329.

12. Smelzer N. - Sociology. - M., 1994, p. 84-90.

statement about the subject-substance as the substrate of power and status. In ancient philosophy, the ontological zmist is of little importance, and the scholastic polemics of nominalism "realism" in the Middle Ages gave it to you the gnoseological zmist, explanations and enrichment of the philosophy of the New Hour. Ale understanding of the epistemological subject appears in a transformed form of manifestation of the social subject. So, the power of spy materialism 18 tbsp. stating about the organs of the human being like keys, for which nature strikes, having looked at the human being as an isolated individual, who is aware and sensible (social atomism, "robinsonade"), recognizing the vitality of a natural biological. The quintessence of classical rationalism is the statement about the cognitive activity of the subject, which appears in an ontological way: statements about the primary (that is the power of "nature") and the secondary (that is constituted by the bodies of the human being) as a quality. The substantive presentation of the subject to the object in the rationalistic dualism of R. Descartes was a necessary crucible for the search for an indestructible basis of credibility human knowledge. The statement about the activity of the subject of knowledge was confirmed by the statement about the social subject - the primordial nature and social constructor, the powerful ideology of the technogenic civilization. Critical analysis I. Kant of the cognitive possibilities of the epistemological subject, the manifestation of transpersonal, sacredly significant storage of human knowledge (a priori forms of pure sensitive perception and forms of constitutive activity of the mind and mind) in the socio-philosophical plan, meaning the first serious statement of the problems of the philosophical mind

Statement of the problem of the dialectics of the social subject and the historical environment of its activity within the framework of the idealistic ontology belongs to GWF Hegel. At the basis of the development of all social phenomena, for Hegel, lies the suprapersonal svіdomіst - the absolute spirit, which sets the process of logical development of the power of vznachen normative views of all conceivable forms of human activity. The peoples act as signs of the absolute spirit, which “at the rich-sided activity of the peoples themselves, tastes rich-sided for themselves.” And yet, in the philosophy of history, the Hegelian absolute spirit is concretized as a hundred and fifty-seven cultural-geographical medium as the “spirit of the people”, the turmoil is calmly swept away from the solid matter. There, where the spirit knows the blows, there is no development. Non-historical peoples, after Hegel, the subject of all-world history. The idea of ​​forging the center of all-world history from the Gathering on Zakhid was connected with statements about the realization of human freedom. But the idealistic ontology of Hegel imposes a sharp change on the statements about the dialectics of historical environments and goal-directed activity: the historical development ends with an adequate infusion of the idea of ​​a state in reality.

In the process of laying out the Hegelian school, earthly analogues of the absolute spirit multiply, as they appear not only the “spirit of the people”, but also the “spirit of European culture”, “national awareness”, “mova”. The atmosphere of the wildly anti-metaphysical mood of the cinema. 19 Art. that recognition of the value of the individual as a methodological specificity of the "sciences about culture" of the manifestations of the social subject in opposition to the romantic manifestations of the suffering rebel, equally reflect the social nature of the person. In view of the anthropological materialism of L. Feuerbach, the social nature of the human being within the framework of Marxism is no more than a “product of furnishing that vihovannya”, but the use of suspile-historical practice, “the aggregation of all suspіlny vіdnosin”. K. Marx’s materialistic “turning Hegel from his head to his feet”, supplemented by the principle of a class approach to the analysis of the manifestations of a suspended life in the concept of a materialistic comprehension of history, respected the social subject as a social subject, not idealistically concrete motives of visible class specifics, a specific cultural spirit as a bearer of material interests.

In the sociology of M. Weber, the social subject was distinguished from the subject of the social input, i.e., an individual, meaningful input, oriented differently. For the understanding of social phenomena, it is necessary to reconstruct the subjective motives of all the developments to a new degree, just as the statement about the subjective motivation of the “collective personality”, according to Weber, is sociologically stupid. The post-Berarians respected the possibility of a reasonable sub'jective motivation of the collectives on the way to encourage a high-fold system of personal ideal types.

An anthropological turn in philosophy of the 20th century, which means a shift in the focus of interests from theoretical and scientific knowledge to social and philosophical problems, as a result of large-scale suspile collapses under the influx of the scientific and technological revolution; brought new ideas to the understanding of the social subject. The process of virіvnyuvannya main and illuminating equal class and the process of becoming a middle class as a result of the development of high technologies and the democratization of suspіlnogo life in the 20th century. lead to the fact that the classical capitalism of the 19th century. the daedals more swell the rice of the mass suspense. As a result of such social transformations, the role of the social subject is played not in the proletariat, but in the people's masses, who have taken away the "pros" of the colossal class suspense. Conducted by Hannah Arendt, a study of totalitarian and fascist revolutions is evidence that it is possible to inspire differences of individualism and cultural subtlety that it is impossible to serve as an anti-truth against diversity among the masses. In singing social minds, the stench not only does not succumb, but also desires self-discovery in the masses. The conservative-romantic criticism of the “mass revolt” is opposed to radical leftist statements about the growing role of the popular masses in history. (X. Ortega-i-Gasset) as a cause of cultural decline and the danger of social cataclysms.

In terms of the statements about the social positions and roles, structural functionalism (T. Pirson, R. Merton and others) is difficult to see the social subject as a similar way of functioning of the objective social structures. However, even in the context of a critical debate about existentialism and in. sub'activist currents of social-philosophical thought the thesis about the "decomposition" of the subject in social structures was viraz the pathos of objectivity, try to show the stasis in the minuscule, then postmodernism ascribes to the "death of the subject" the meaning of the loss of social in text, discourse, incomprehensible (R. Barthes, J. Derrida, J. Lacan, M Foucault and others). The postmodern subject traverses a personal spiritual outline and self-identity, saving building to a parodic quotation, deconstruction and grie. Reality, which hangs, of the “decentred” subject, which plays with meaningful tricks of many cultural values, is tired in modern sociology and political science of the understanding of the actor. It turns out to be a statement about the reduction of personalism, shilling to “leakage from freedom” (E. Fromm) and social viability, to the shifting of the burden of choice to power and elite. The actor replaces the social subject in the postmodern situation of the "death of the subject". The social foundation is about the phenomenon of “depersonalization” (“identity crisis”) and the process of establishing stable social cohesion as centers of group identification. Place "class on paper" (P. Bourdieu) sits impersonal timchasovyh, "flying" social groups, hourly founding less authority cultural symbol ("neotribalism").

The instruction from the statements about the "crisis of identity" and the "death of the subject" is even more productive today to try the theoretical "introduction" of sociality into human physicality, i.e., leading to the analysis of physical practices of the history of culture: the mechanisms of power, the system of punishment, forms of sexuality. До них належить політична семіологія Барта (уявлення про початкову репресивність знаків як відображення балансу влади), дослідження пенітенціарних систем і сексуальності в Європі (Фуко), концепція цивілізації Н. Еліаса, заснована на вивченні палацових ритуалів, етикету та зразків самоконтролю, як інкорпорованої соціальності, instilled in the eyes spriynyatta that symbolic capital is too thin. bud. Similar studies inspire the anthropological optimism of the "rebirth of the subject" in contemporary culture.

Vіdmіnne vyznachennya

Not exactly appointed ↓

The object of social philosophy is social life and social processes. The very term "social" is used in the literature and in various senses. To that, we mean what can be considered under this term, if we are talking about social philosophy. It is significant that, from the understanding of the social, it is included, on one side, natural, on the other side, individual psychological phenomena. Tobto social phenomena are the foundations of social phenomena. However, under the concept of "suspіlnі yavischa" fit and economic, and political, and national and rich other phenomena of the life of the suspіlstva.

Sufficiently primed to the point of dawn, zgіdno z some kind of social reality, including the various sides of a suspenseful life. Briefly speaking, the social life of the sspіlstva - tse spіlne buttya people, tse їх "on-buttya". It includes material and spiritual manifestations and processes, various aspects of a suspenseful life: economic, political, spiritually. in their rich-sided mutual modality. Aje social action is the result of interdependence of a whole series of supporting factors.

For the current socio-humanitarian knowledge behind the cordon, and in our country, more and more often, for the knowledge of the community, there are two categories: “social” and “social”. The category "social" refers to the processes of the "first equal", tobto. processes, like suspense for the suspense in a slur: economical, well social, political, regulative, spiritual. The category of "social" lie down to bezperednіh vіdnosin "another equal" - between social svіlnotami and in the middle of them, tobto. This category is most likely to belong to sociological science.

Tom the main subject of social activity and social contributions community group(social cohesion) or suspіlstvo zagal. A characteristic moment of social life is its organization and structure at the boundaries of a singing social system.

A different kind of interaction between the elements of the social system establishes this structure. The elements of the system themselves may have a different character. It includes various ways of functioning, various social institutions, which ensure the implementation of suspіlnyh vіdnosin. I, obviously, such elements are the main subjects of social life - social cohesion and individuals, organized by social groups.

On the basis of the contribution, one can give the following definition: social philosophy is the system of scientific knowledge about the most significant laws and trends in mutuality, the functioning and development of the elements of sustainability, the whole process of social life.

It is necessary to see such a sight subject gallery of social philosophy:

Dzherela rostivku suspіlstva;

Rukhovі forces that dzherela have suspіlny rozvitkovі;

Meta, straightening and tendencies of the historical process;

Forecasting the future.

Social philosophy is based on the sustainability of social life in the structural and functional plan, and in the historical development. It's insane, that the subject of її razglyady is the person herself, taking, prote, not "by itself", as an individual, as a representative of a social group of people, tobto. at the system of yoga social links.

Social philosophy is based on the laws that form the stances of the susspility, great groups of people, between these groups, their links and the role of the suspility.

Social philosophy upholds the entire system of suspense, interplay with all aspects of suspense life, regularities and trends in the development of suspense. With whom you won’t see the peculiarities of the recognition of the suspile phenomena, the socio-philosophical equivalence is aggravated. In other words, social philosophy analyzes the whole process of changing the life of a successful life and the development of social systems.

The subject and the specifics of social philosophy, like science, cannot be explored without interfering with nutrition functions. You can see the main ones.

Gnoseological function social philosophy is related to it, which will explain the most significant regularities and trends in the development of the whole society and social processes on the equal of the great social groups.

Methodological function social philosophy is based in the fact that it speaks like a blatant exposition about the methods of recognizing social phenomena, the most plausible approach to their education. On the socio-philosophical level itself, the staging of these other social problems and the main ways is born. Socio-philosophical theory with the great world of consistency of its positions, laws and principles speaks at the same time as the methodology of other secondary sciences.

Which row has such a function, like integration and synthesis of social knowledge, the installation of deep links of the suspіlny butt Integrative function social philosophy is manifested in its directness, let's think, for the integration and consolidation of human society. It is the very prerogative of the created all-season concepts, calling to unite people for the achievement of collective goals.

Here you can see predictive function social philosophy, formulation within the framework of hypotheses about global trends in the development of social life of that people. At any stage of imovirnosti forecast, naturally, it will be greater, the more social philosophy spires on science.

Necessary to signify light-seeing function social philosophy On the basis of other historical forms of light-gazing (mythology, religion), social philosophy is connected with the conceptual, abstract-theoretical explanations of the social world.

Critical function social philosophy - the principle of "give us all the sumnivu", which in antiquity is propagated by philosophers, to note the importance of the critical approach and the obviousness of the singing part of skepticism due to the deep social knowledge of those sociocultural values. Such a pidkhid plays an anti-dogmatic role in the development of social knowledge. If so, it is necessary to substantiate that positively significant criticism can be less constructive, which is based on dialectical banishment, and not abstract nihilism.

Closely tied to the critical axiological (tsіnnіsna) function of social philosophy. Be it a social-philosophical concept to take the moment of evaluating a well-done object from the glance of the most discriminating social values. Especially acutely this function is manifested in the transitional period in the suspensory development, if there is a problem in choosing the way to the floor and supplying food, what should be seen, what should be saved from the old values.

Social function social philosophy - to finish bagatoplanov for one's own money and cherish the different aspects of a suspenseful life. In the most wide-ranging social philosophy, it is called to celebrate the dual task - to explain the social buttya and the acceptance of both material and spiritual change. First, try to change the social world, please explain it well.

The social function is closely related to the function, which can be called humanitarian. It is necessary that social philosophy can play an adaptive and vital role like for the skin people, and for the skin people, accept the molding of humanistic values ​​and ideals, the affirmation of a positive sense and life. Vaughn, in such a rank, was called to win the function intellectual therapy, it is especially important in the period of an unstable state of suspension, if too many idols and ideals collapse, but new ones did not take shape and gain authority; if people are forced to be in a “cordial situation”, on the border between buttya and nebuttya, and the skin can work its hard vibir, which at times leads to a tragic rozvyazki.

It should be noted that the functions of social philosophy are dialectically mutually related. The skin of them transfers to the decision and so chi іnakshe include їх at their own expense. It is not possible to describe, for example, the svetoglyadnaya methodological, methodological and epistemological, social and humanitarian and other functions. It is only through their whole unity that the specificity and essence of social and philosophical knowledge is manifested.

Social philosophy - "philosophy of the suspense butt of a person". The subject of social philosophy is sustainability as a whole social system, as well as the law of functioning and development of sustainability.

Suspіlstvo - the conglomeration of people united by historically educated social forms sleepy life that activity.

Vidylylyatu Kilka of the Basic Social Filosofi: 1. Svitgogy is functioning social fіlosofiye Polyaga, in the form of people's forms, the sovish is in the form 2. The theoretical function of social philosophy lies in the fact that it allows you to penetrate into the glib of social processes and judge them on the basis of the theory of systems їх sutnіst, zmіst that straight to development. Theoretically, it is possible to talk about trends, regularities in the development of suspіlnyh phenomena and suspіlstva as a whole. 3. The methodological function of social philosophy is associated with the functions assigned to it, which means that the status of other phenomena and processes of a successful life, which are developed by these other successful sciences, is considered. And here, the provisions of social philosophy play the role of methodology in studies, developments in the sphere of historical, legal, economic, psychological and other sciences. 4. The legitimate, predictive function of social philosophy lies in the fact that it is supposed to adopt the transfer of tendencies to the development of society, its other side, the most likely and the most distant heritage of people. On the basis of such a transfer, we can predict the development of other social phenomena and of all prosperity. The assigned functions of social philosophy are manifested in the mind of a human being, like a philosophical svetoglyad, theory and methodology of philosophy. In this way of wines, one thinks systematically, dialectically, looks at the supplicant phenomena in their mutual modality, changes the development. At the result, a single methodological discipline of thought is formed, which makes it possible to work with a suvoro logical and clear, which is an indicator of the culture of thought. At the end, it is significant that the functions of social philosophy are dialectically mutually related. The skin of them transfers to the decision and so chi іnakshe include їх at their own expense. It is impossible to describe, for example, the luminous and methodological, methodological and theoretical functions. It is only through their wholeness that the specificity and essence of social and philosophical knowledge is manifested.

The specificity of this kind of knowledge is paramount to the fact that, as an object, the activity of the subjects of knowledge itself appears here. That is, the people themselves are the subjects of knowledge, and the real acting persons. Krіm tsgogo, the object of knowledge is also the interplay between the object and the subject of knowledge. Otherwise, it seems, on the vіdmіnu of the sciences about nature, technical and other sciences, the very object of social knowledge is a little bit present and її subject. Dali suspіlstvo i people, from one side, act like a part of nature. For the rest - create the very soul, and the very people, the objectified results of your activity. Suspіlstvі dіyut like social, i іndivіdualnі forces, like material, i іdеalnі, ob'єktivnі і sub'єktіvnі chinniki; a new one can have meaning like a little, passion, and a mind; as svіdomі, so і nesvіdomі, rational and irrational sides of life of people. Use the very suspіlstva raznі yogo structure and elementi to pragvat satisfaction with their needs, interests and goals. Tsya skladnіst suspіlnogo zhittya, yogo rіznoyakіnіttya and raznoyаkіsnіst umovlyuyut slozhnіstі and difficulties of social knowledge and yоgo specifics in relation to other types of knowledge. Before the difficulties of social knowledge, we explain by objective reasons, i.e., the reasons that may represent the specifics of the object, add to the problems that arise from the subject of knowledge. Such a subject is the person herself in the end, even though she is educated in the suspіlnі links and scientiс skills, but may have her own individual knowledge, that intellect, interests and values, consume that similarity. In such a rank, with the characteristics of social recognition, the mother on the street is also a special official. Nareshti, we should designate the socio-historical intelligence of social knowledge, we will equate the development of the material and spiritual life of the society, its social structure and pan-intentional interests.

Behind the topic 22. The subject of that function of social philosophy. The specifics of philosophical recognition of social action.

  1. Essence, specificity, subject, structure and function of philosophy
  2. The subject of so many problems of modern history and philosophy of science.

The history of philosophy exists for over two and a half thousand. Over the course of an hour, an indefinite definition of philosophy has accumulated, but do not you hear super things about those who are themselves - a skygazer, science, ideology, mysticism? Vsіm vіdomі rozmovnі, zhittєvі vyznachennya philosophії:

  • 1) philosophy - ce molded reconciliation on drive chogos(for example, life philosophy, student philosophy);
  • 2) abstract, hot, not what can be seen before right mirkuvannya(For example, develop philosophy).

One of the widest definitions of philosophy, like a decade was adopted in the Soviet Socialist Republic, was the theses of K. Marx about the need for the creation of a new philosophical science, precise methods doslіdzhennya buttya, suspіlstva that people: philosophy - ce the science about most outrageous laws development nature, human fellowship і myslennia.

It is not uncommon to understand philosophy read vchennya about light(for example, ancient philosophy, philosophy of Hegel only)

The term "philosophy" is often called methodological principle, recumbent in basics yaky-nebud science, regions knowledge(For example, philosophy of history, philosophy of mathematics, etc.)

Appreciate the social philosophy more folded, the shards of knowledge without intermediary capture the interests of people, rozuminnya by them to the world and from that world. Social philosophy takes its bud from Antiquity. This appearance is connected with the names of Socrates and Plato, as they put the head of the philosophical understanding of the spheres of those other spheres.

As far as the philosophy of history is concerned, then Augustine Aurelius (IV century AD) laid the first cob in Europe with his famous practice "About the place of God." The Augustinian clouding of the historical process in European philosophy continued until the 18th century. Ale shaping social philosophy as well as okremo galusi knowledge to lie until the middle of the nineteenth century. At this hour, the formation of sociology and psychology is being observed. Vcheni v_dmovlyayutsya in the form of "speculative", founded only on thought, rozumous recognition of the world on the merit of the informed, rational knowledge. They see the active role of a person, like an opposing secret of light, and not for the help of metaphysical, shattering views of the real life of the mind, but for the analysis of exact scientific methods.

The second century, which passed from quiet feast, did not bring clarity to the problem of the essence of philosophy as a whole, as well as social philosophy, zocrema. I until this day in the literature there is no unity in the designated social philosophy and subject matter. More than that, the scientific world is able to develop a common understanding of one of the main categories - "social" - although the object of social philosophy is social life and social processes.

The literature has the term " social"Victory in different sensations. Perhaps, most often victorious, given to P.A. Social apparition є world understand, world logical (scientific - suvoro sensi what words) buttya, go out in processes vzaєmodії (collective dosvid) human individuals", - pi - sal tsey american doctrines (Sorokin P.A. Lyudina. Civilization. Suspіlstvo. M., 1992. S. 527.).

Look at appointment social philosophy. One of the most important ones is the next step: " Social philosophy poklikana opinion on the food about to that yak vzagali maybe Svidome ordering people their vіdnosin in suspension, yaki shouted і shout before them in different historical epochs paths і sobi everyday life social vіdnosin, yakiy character wore і wear here objective pereshkodi, standing up before people yak qi obmezhennya are assured people і appear in practice, naskolki adequately qiu problem kicked philosophical systems і ideological constructions past і today"(Draw social philosophy. M., 1994. P.3.).

Not Budomo Analizuvati Taku is a folding defіnizi (Tlumachennya of the Words), Mabut, there can be finished with a corbarine for a dotent, Ale to know the bilsh simple: "Social Filosofiy - the science system of the native of the lawsuits. that development of a sustainable, integral process of social life” (Social Philosophy. M., 1995. P. 13-14.).

The author of one more vznachennya є Vіdomiy Vіtchiznyany vcheniy V.S. Barulin. Vіn vvazhaє scho " social philosophy vivechaє law, zgidno yakim in suspension add up sticks, great groupie of people, see blue mizh cimi groups, x zv'azku і role in suspension"(Barulin V.S. Social Philosophy. Ch.1.M., 1993. P.90.)

A student can take it for a review, whether it’s for guidance or praise. You can also try to synthesize them, or try to try to construct your own purpose. But for whom it is necessary to know, what is the difference between the significance of social philosophy and what is connected with it, what do not understand the problem-subject status of social philosophy. The reasons for this are different. There are signs of nihilistic (that I will block all the minutes of my reach) opening up with the "istmativsky" minulim. The firmness of the mid-80s pours into the "pluralism of thoughts, but you don't know." Signs and difficulties are given in the development of modern foreign literature.

For the rest of the reasons, let us report. Dekіlіt ten years navіt radyanskі philosophers-professіonals, not kazhuchi already about the tihs, hto vyvchav philosophіy vishchi initial mortgages otherwise, simply chit-chatting with her, you will have the opportunity to communicate with your foreign non-Marxist colleagues and read foreign philosophical literature. The legacy of this, the last, was those who, since the end of the 80s, brought down the book market on readers such a deal with previously unknown literature, which was simply important to master. Alerich not only in tsoma. In Russia, it has become a fashionable richness of what behind the cordon was already the history of philosophy.

As soon as the term "social philosophy" comes in, having become more widespread in the middle of the twentieth century, then Russia is only the final years of the 90s. For justice, it should be noted that there is not a single thought about the essence of social philosophy at Zahodі. Thus, a handyman for students at Oxford (Graham G. Modern social philosophy. Oxford, 1988.) revenge was divided about the essence of society, specialty, social justice, social equality and її promotion, health protection, moral standards and law. The second assistant, vision at Darmstadt (Forshner M. Ludina and Suspіlstvo: Basic Understanding of Social Philosophy. Darmstadt, 1989), looking at the concept of suspіlstva, the idea of ​​free will and vitality of people, problems of punishment, vlady, political systems, the theory of just wars, etc. The list can be continued.

It is significant that the approaches of the venerable authors, yak and different, and the stench may be right to use, the oscules are alternative, more than supplementing one, looking at the folds of the social world from the different sides of the philosophical world.

Yaku role graє social philosophy in the society? First of all, let's guess functions philosophy: even a meaningful world stinks є sleeping and for social philosophy

  • 1) function extrapolations universal(Showing the most outrageous ideas, to understand, to understand, on which the life of people is based on a life of history);
  • 2) function rationalization і systematization(translation into a logical and theoretical form of the summary results of human knowledge in all varieties: practical, knowledgeable, valuable);
  • 3) critical function ( criticism of the dogmatic way of thinking and knowing, pardons, pardons, pardons);
  • 4) function shaping theoretical slanderous image world on the singing shably development fellowship.

Speaking about the specifics of social philosophy, the following special respect should be given to the coming functions:

  • 1) epistemological function(The following is an explanation of the most important regularities and trends in the development of prosperity in general, as well as the development of social processes on the equal of great social groups);
  • 2) methodological function(social philosophy is like a fundamental study about the methods of recognition of social phenomena, the most important approach to their education);
  • 3) integration і synthesis social knowledge(Establishment of incendiary links of the social buttya);
  • 4) predictive function social philosophy (creation of hypotheses about global trends in the development of the social life of that people);
  • 5) light-seeing function(on the basis of other historical forms, the light-gazer - mythology and religion - social philosophy is related to the conceptual, abstract-theoretical explanations of the social world);
  • 6) axiological or valuable function(be it a social-philosophical concept to take revenge on oneself for the assessment of the object being studied;
  • 7) social function(at the most wide meaning, social philosophy is called to victorious over the dual task - to explain socially buttya and acceptance of yogo material and spiritual change);
  • 8) humanitarian function(social philosophy can accept the formation of humanistic values ​​and ideals, the affirmation of a positive life).

Functions social philosophy dialectically mutually. The skin of them transfers to the decision and so chi іnakshe include їх at their own expense. In such a rank, it is obvious that the socio-philosophical follow-up of the successive processes will be more successful, which, with greater relativism, will be brutally respect for the skin and the functions of philosophy.

Vidomy philosopher K.Kh. Momdzhyan rightly states that, on the basis of specific sciences, the skin expands its “dilyanka” in some of them, in philosophy there is a lot of wisdom to try to comprehend the light of totality, universality, and exaltation. Tsya totality is revealed by it in two mutually dependent aspects, which can be mentally called "substantial" and "functional". At first vipadku language go about joke suttevih і nonviolent similarities mizh subsystems wholesome light (butt what maybe serve x ordering universal principles causal-functional zv'azku, on the grounds yakih put on concepts philosophical determinism). At another vipadku language go about samples explanation similar similarities way rozkrittya suttevih і nonviolent zv'azkiv, real in the middle mizh spіvvіdnosnimi "kingdom buttya"(Momdzhyan K.Kh. Socіum. Suspіlstvo. Іstorіya. М., 1994. С.68.).

In this manner, the main task of social philosophy is to explore the essence of society, to characterize it as a part of the world, which is infuriated by other parts of the world, but it is connected with them in a single world of light.

At the same time, social philosophy stands out as special theory, scho maє ї ї ї categorії, zaglati principle dolіdzhennya.

social philosophy

Through the great world of the consistency of its positions, laws and principles, social philosophy emerges as the methodology of other modern sciences.

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