My special ecological research. Ecological Footprint: Resource Calculator for Your Needs

Dear friends!

If you want to find out what kind of ecological trace you have, give an opinion on the test. In order to calculate the ecological trace, it is necessary to choose according to your way of life hardness and to carry out a folding/checking of the number of balls assigned to the right-handed person. Summing up the balls, you take away the size of the environmental footprint.

1. Zhitlo.
1.1 The area of ​​​​your life allows you to trim the intestines, and the dogs of normal growths will be fine +7
1.2 Large, spacious apartment + 12
1.3 Cottage for 2 rooms +23
Bali, otrimani for vouchers for food about living, subdivision for the number of people, like living with someone else.
2. Vikoristannya energy
2.1. Naphtha, natural gas or vougillya is used to scorch your booth.
2.2. For the scorching of your booth, the energy of the water, the sun, or the wind, is victorious.
2.3 Most of us take electricity from combustible copalins, give them +75
2.4. The scorching of your booth is so that you can adjust it according to the weather.
2.5. In the cold season of rock at home, you are warmly dressed, and at night you curl up with two carpets.
2.6. Walking out of the kіmnati, you will always extinguish the light in it.
2.7. Be sure to mimic your own buttovі attach, not overwhelming їх in the draft mode -10
3. Transport
3.1. Go to work by public transport +25
3.2. You go to work or go by bike +3
3.3.You drive the same car +45
3.4.Vice win the great and tight car with all-wheel drive +75
3.5. On the rest of the day you flew by plane +85
3.6. At the entrance we went by train, moreover, the route took up to 12 years +10
3.7. At the entrance you went by train, moreover, the route took more than 12 years +20
4. Eating
4.1. At the grocery store or on the market, you buy mainly fresh products (bread, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat) of the local production, for which you yourself prepare meals.
4.2. You should take care of already processed products, finished products, fresh-frozen foods, we cook straws, as they require only a rise, as well as canned food, and don’t be surprised, the stench is prepared.
4.3. Basically, you should be ready to buy or may be ready before the product is brought in, but you can try so that the stench will be prepared closer to the booth +5
4.4. Viste m'yaso 2-3 times a day.
4.5. Wi їste m'yaso 3 times a day +85
4.6. Vіddaєte perevagu vegetarіanskiy їzhi +30
5. Vykoristannya drive that paper
5.1. You take a bath today +14
5.2. You take a bath 1-2 times a day.
5.3. Take a bath every day, take a shower.
5.4. Hour at hour you water the garden plot or wash your car from the hose.
5.5. If you want to read a book, then buy it.
5.6. Sometimes you take books from the library or go to the ones you know -1
5.7. After reading the newspaper, you її wikidaєte.
5.8. Vipisuvani or bought by newspapers read if you have more +5
6. Get out
6.1.Everything we create is a mass of leaving that memory, give yourself +100 to that
6.2. For the rest of the month, dances were given at least once.
6.3. Forget it, you put waste paper in an okremy container -17
6.4. You create empty cans of water and canned food.
6.5. You put the plastic packaging into the okremium container.
6.6. You are trying to buy more importantly not packaged, but rose goods; I will take away the packaging from the state in the store -15
6.7. From your home visits, you make compost to fertilize your farm.
If you live in a place with more populated areas and more, multiply your total result by 2.

Pіdbivaєmo pіdbags:
Divide the subtracted material by 100, and you know how many hectares of the earth's surface are needed to satisfy all your needs, and how many planets are needed, as if all people lived like that, like you!

1.8 ha *
3.6 ha * *
5.4 ha * * *
7.2 ha * * * *
9.0 ha * * * * *
10.8 ha * * * * * *

In order for us to get one planet, for 1 person we can have no more than 1.8 hectares of productive land. For comparison: the average resident of the United States victorious 12.2 hectares (5.3 planets!), The average European - 5.1 hectares (2.8 planets), and the average resident of Mozambique - a total of 0.7 hectares (0.4 planets). The average sack of Russia vikoristovu 4.4 hectares (2.5 planets).

Inquiry about your place of residence.

How many people live at once in your homeland?

-- choose -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 osib

Which house do you live in?

-- choose -- House for one room House for two houses

What type of house do you live in (behind the construction material that is more important)?

-- choose -- At a wooden hut To a clay or straw hut To a hut with other wooden frames To a stone (castle or block) hut To a panel hut To a concrete hut

When did your day come up?

- Choose- 1850 1851 1852 1853 1855 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1871 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1879 1881 1882 1883 1889 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1902 1903 1904 1904 1905 1906 1908 1908 1909 1910 1911 1913 1914 1915 1916 1918 1919 1921 1922 1923 1925 1926 1929 1931 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1936 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 193L 1945 1946 1947 1948 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1956 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1968 1969 1970 1971 1974 1974 1975 1979 1979 1982 1982 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1991 1999 1992 1991 1991 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 201 7 2018 2019 2020

What is your living area like hati?

square meter (min 15, max 2000)

How do you live in a bungalow for one family, in a hut for two sims, or in a bungalow of an in-line type, like a plot area / yard, what should your family do?

It is less than the area of ​​a farmer's house, like a living house, and not less than a farm! At the courtyard square, the area under the house is also protected!
square meter (min 100, max 40000)

What connections do you make to your budinok to your hairline water supply system?

-- choose -- So Ni

What connected your budinok to the Russian hairline sewer system?

-- choose -- So Ni

How much is your family window glass for a month?

Vitrata of hot water, show it all right at the top, like you have a hot water lichnik, in another turn, show all the water, which beats like cold water.

Cold water: cubic meters per month (min 0.5, max 20)

Hot water: cubic meters per month (max 15)

How can I describe your sounds in victorious water in more detail?

- choose - We bring water from the well by hand I never fill up the water of the tekta just like that without consumption

Do you get hot water from your homeland?

-- choose -- From the central water supply system For the help of an electric boiler For the help of a ground scorching system It is heated on the stove For the help of any other internal scorching system

How much does your family buy electricity for a month? As if you win the difference in the amount of energy in the different times of fate, for example, to the one who wins the electric scorch, try to improve the middle of the month on the basis of the scorching spell!

kWh per month (max 10000)

How much is approximately your own glass of energy on the river for scorching, heating the water and preparing it? At the time of your choice in the distant energy supply, write yoga in kilowatt-years, or a better account for energy! Vitrati energy can be known in rahunka for scorching!

Sisesta väärtus: -- vibiray -- kuni 300 EUR (kuni 4694 kr) 301-600 EUR (4795-9388 kr) 601-1000 EUR (9389-15647 kr) 1001-1500 EUR (15648-2340 EUR) (23471-31293 kr) 2001-3000 EUR (31294-46940 kr) üle 3000 EUR (üle 46940 kr) per river

Vali vahemik - choose -

Vali vahemik -- choose -- 1-3 4-5 6-10 11-15 16-25 26-35 36-50 cubic meters per river

Vali vahemik -- choose -- 1-3 4-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 t per river

Vali vahemik -- choose -- 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-15 1000 cubic meters per river

Vali vahemik -- choose -- 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-15 1000 liters per river

Vali vahemik -- choose -- 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-15 t per river

Vali vahemik -- choose -- 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-15 t per river

Vali vahemik -- choose -- 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 kg per river

Specify what:

Links for rіk:

Inquiry about transport, how do you like it.

How many kilometers do you travel per day by bus, tram or trolleybus?

km per day (max 2000)

How many kilometers do you travel by train for the day?

Pack your bags and long trips!
km per day (max 2000)

How many kilometers do you spend on a day by car (like water and like a passenger at the same time)?

Store your luggage and long trips, and also pay for taxi trips!
km per day (max 2000)

What kind of windfall does your family car have for 100 km?

- choose -

How many people can be heard around your car at the same time?

Saad seda sisestada vaid siis, kui sisestate vastuse auto läbisõidu kohta!
-- choose -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 osib

How many years are you litany on the river?

-- choose -- 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-15 16-20 21-50 51-100 101-150 151-200

Rozmіr ekologicheskogo sієї tsієї part 0 zagalnyh hectares per rіk.

Nutrition about your stars in hedgehog

How often do you eat bread/roll?

Like a part of the bakery on your table is grown on the lands where your homeland lies?

How often do these other grain products, such as cereals, muesli, grain plastics, pasta and macaroni virobi?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

How often do you eat potatoes?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

Like a piece of potatoes on your table grown on the lands where your homeland lies?

-- select -- 0% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100%

How often do you have other vegetables?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

Like a part of the vegetables on your table is grown on the lands where your homeland lies?

-- select -- 0% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100%

How often do you eat fruits?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

What part of the fruit on your table is grown on the lands where your homeland lies?

-- select -- 0% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100%

How often do you drink milk and dairy products?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

What part of the milk and dairy products on your table is grown on the lands where your homeland lies?

-- select -- 0% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100%

How often do you eat meat and meat products?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

What part of the meat and meat products on your table is grown on the lands where your homeland lies?

-- select -- 0% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100%

How often do you eat ribu ta fish products?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

How often do you have eggs?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

What part of the egg on your table is grown on the lands where your homeland lies?

-- select -- 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

How often do you have malts, for example, zucchini, chocolate, cakes, pies, buns?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

How many of the products, how many times today, are prepared using environmentally friendly methods?

The cultivation of ecological methods means that the cultivation of foodstuffs and fodder of the creatures is not carried out by the piece of food and the methods of protection of growing. Products, cultivated by ecological methods, sound marked with the sign "mahetoit"
-- select -- 0% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Skіlki їzhі zalishaєє nez'їdenoy and vykidaєtsya?

-- choose -- 0% 5% 10% 20% 30% 40%

What part of the products and non-alcoholic drinks that you get used to is imported from abroad?

For example, Lithuanian syr, Finnish wheat borosno, Spanish grapes, Ugrian canned peas, Belgian chocolate, Brazilian cava, Indian tea or Georgian mineral water. Try to charge your pet a part of such products according to the gross budget for eating, as if you are cultivating on such products!
-- choose -- 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

How often do you drink tea, kava chi cocoa?

How often do you drink sik, nectar chi juice?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

How often do you drink cold drinks or energy drinks?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

How often do you drink water from a bowl?

-- choose -- Kilka once per day Once per day Kilka once per day Once per day

How often do you drink German alcoholic drinks, for example, beer, cider, cooler, gin long drink?

One serving - 0.33 liters of German alcoholic drink!

How often do you drink wine or champagne?

One serving is one kelikh chi 12 cl of wine!
-- choose -- The average has one serving per day The average has one serving a day The average has one serving a day The average has one serving a month

How often do you drink alcoholic drinks, for example, burner, whiskey, brandy?

One portion - tse charki or 20-25 ml of local alcohol!
-- choose -- The average has one serving per day The average has one serving a day The average has one serving a day The average has one serving a month

Rozmіr ekologicheskogo sієї tsієї part 0 zagalnyh hectares per rіk.

Nutrition about your stars in the service of goods and services.

Yaku sum ti vitrativ / vitrativ last month for goods?

If you bought some goods for all your homeland, pay a part of the purchase for one member of this family!

Clothes, fabrics, vzuttya

-- choose -- 400 EUR (>6260 kr)

Take paper, for example, books, newspapers, gospodarsky and toilet paper

-- choose -- 250 EUR (>3912 kr)

Tobacco virobi

-- choose -- 0 120 EUR (>1878 kr)

Other goods, for example, other goods for the home, paints, electrical equipment

-- choose -- 400 EUR (>6260 kr)

ti vitrativ last month the services of the private sector?

In payment for the services of the private sector, include, for example, payment for trips to sports clubs or swimming pools, prices for tickets for cultural visits, prices for posts, payment for services of a bureau more expensive, payment for banking services, fees for positions and leasing, car insurance, house insurance, payment special medical help then. Show only your vitrati; including at the razі zagalnyh witrats, razrahuy їhnyu chastku for one person!
-- choose -- 650 EUR (>10 170 kr)

How much is your family stained for a month for a visit that reworking? The one who confirms is guilty of choosing from the drop-down menu the sum in crowns.

-- choose -- 30 EUR (>470 kr)

Yaku part of the output, which are settled, do you sort and correct the processing?

waste paper

Plastic and glass containers

-- choose -- 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


-- choose -- 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Unsafe inputs and old electrical equipment, for example batteries, accumulators, licks, farbi, computers

-- choose -- 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Dodatkovo up to that on all inhabitants of Estonia there is a distribution of energy and earth-bearing ecological traces of the ordinary sector of the Estonian Republic at a rate of 0.15 gha / osib, whose activity is directed for the benefit of the Meshkans through various services.

Dodatkovo to the spіlnoї dіyalnostі sovereign and mіstsevogo adminіnnia tsey ekologichnіchny sіd vіdobrazhaє ііlnіstіnі such servitov yak lіkarska podpomoga, sotsіalna popomoga, osvіtnya robo at shoshko.

Rozmіr ekologicheskogo sієї tsієї part 0 zagalnyh hectares per rіk.

Show your podlog

-- choose -- Zhіnka Cholovіk

What fate were you born / was born?

- Choose- 1900 1901 1902 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1917 1919 1921 1922 1925 1925 1926 1927 1929 1931 1933 1934 1939 1939 1939 1944444444444444444444444444 1939 1939 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1956 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1968 1969 1970 1971 1974 1974 1975 1979 1979 1982 1982 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1991 1999 1992 1991 1991 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012

What are your nationalities?

-- choose -- Estonian Russian Russian Ukrainian Belarus Belarusian ) ) Pole


What is your family camp?

-- choose -- Linen/Unfriendly Friendship(s)

Who are you?

-- choose -- Student(s) Student(s) wages(also without salary on the family business / farm) Unemployed (a), I joke to the robot Pensioner (ka) nursery garden More


How do you work, how do you borrow land?

-- choose -- installer/principality manager Head Specialist Specialist of the middle category, assistant Clerk, clerical practitioner Private service provider/customer technician Meister, manual practice practitioner

How are you working, what is the sphere of activity of your organization?

-- вибирай -- Сільське господарство, мисливське господарство, лісництво Рибальське господарство Гірничодобувна промисловість Виробнича промисловість Електро-, газо- та водопостачання Будівництво Оптова та роздрібна торгівля Готелі, ресторани Перевезення, складування, зв'язок Фінансове посередництво Операції з нерухомістю, оренда, комерційна нерухомість Public Administration and Defense of the Education of the Protection of Health and Social Assistance Other Public, Social and Personal Services

What is your illumination?

-- choose -- Pochatkovo osvita Nepovna average illumination Vishcha osvita Scientific step

Where do you live?

Country: -- choose -- Estonia Finland Latvia Other

Prompt: - choose -

Volist: - choose -

Kirjuta, kus Sa elad võimalikult täpselt:

At the settlement, what type of ty bag?

-- choose -- Near the town, near the village of the mіska type Near the village, near the collective/hospitable center Near the new village Near the dacha village On the sparsely populated territory

How far is your school from your house?

-- select -- 0-1 km 1-2 km 2-3 km 3-5 km 5-7 km 7-10 km 10-15 km 15-20 km 20-30 km 30-50 km 50-100 km 100 -150 km 150-200 km > 200 km

How far is it from your house to find the closest sound of public transport?

-- select -- 0-500 m 0.5-1 km 1-2 km 2-3 km 3-4 km 4-5 km 5-7 km 7-10 km > 10 km

How far is the nearest grocery store from your house?

-- select -- 0-1 km 1-2 km 2-3 km 3-5 km 5-7 km 7-10 km > 10 km

How far from your booth is the township of your hair council?

-- select -- 0-1 km 1-2 km 2-3 km 3-5 km 5-7 km 7-10 km > 10 km

What is the net income of your homeland per person per month?

Add up the incomes of all the members of the family (that is, the income after the payment of taxes; here it is necessary to include also all the help for children and other assistance, pensions and pennies of money, income from the lane too much) and divide the taken away sum by the number of members of the family!
-- choose -- 2000 EUR (>31293 kr)

Do you want to add it and do you have respect for the calculator?


NB! To save the result, all fields can be filled in! As you take the fate of the old schoolchildren, enter, be kind, your code of the koristuvach!

Record the result!

For all those who qualify for the power supply of the calculator, and especially for the participants of the study of schoolchildren!

Empty the fields!

  • Canada:
  • Nіmechchina:
  • Switzerland:
  • Kids Calculator:
  • Zavantage rating of ecological leaders of the country's world and read additional information:

    Folding the financial calculator

    SA Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus, British Council, British Embassy, ​​Geography Branch of the University of Tartu, ETF 7562.

    Calculator folded

    Geography contribution to the University of Tartu in cooperation with OÜ Positium LBS. Agep Poom (, Annika Tächepild, Rein Ahas, Margus Tiru (technical solution), Anri Likhodeevski (illustration), Svitlana Bogomolova (translated by Russian language) and many others.

    In case of technical problems, please contact Aari Puussaar (

    For all those who supported us at the folded calculator and gave us the correct data!


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    • Arro, H., Prikk, A., Pihu, T. 2006. Calculation of CO2 emission from CFB boilers of oil shale power plants. Oil Shale, 4(23): 356-365.
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    • AS Tallinna Küte 2008, (vaadatud detsembris 2008).
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    • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 2008, (vaadatud septembris-detsembris 2008).
    • Fortum Termest AS 2008, (vaadatud detsembris 2008).
    • GEMIS ver 4.5, energetitikaalane and mebaas.
    • GFN 2008. Calculation methodology for the national footprint accounts, 2008 Edition, version 1.0. Global Footprint Network, Research and Standards Department, 17 p.
    • Keskkonnainfo 2009, (vaadatud jaanuaris 2009).
    • Maamajandusteabe portaal PIKK 2008. Eesti Põllumajandus-Kaubanduskoda, (vaadatud oktoobris 2008).
    • Mauring, T. 2008. Suulised and med.
    • Metsvahi, T. 2008. Autopargi läbisõit Eestis 2007. aastal. Vahearanne. TTÜ Teedeinstituut, 94 lk.
    • Nilsson, K. 2004. Carbon dioxide emission factor for combustion of Swedish peat. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Report B1595, 24 p.
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    • Teeregister 2008, (vaadatud jaanuaris ja novembris 2008).
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    Dear friends!

    If you want to find out what kind of ecological trace you have, give an opinion on the test. In order to calculate the ecological trace, it is necessary to choose according to your way of life hardness and to carry out a folding/checking of the number of balls assigned to the right-handed person. Summing up the balls, you take away the size of the environmental footprint.

    1. Zhitlo.
    1.1 The area of ​​​​your life allows you to trim the intestines, and the dogs of normal growths will be fine +7
    1.2 Large, spacious apartment + 12
    1.3 Cottage for 2 rooms +23
    Bali, otrimani for vouchers for food about living, subdivision for the number of people, like living with someone else.
    2. Vikoristannya energy
    2.1. Naphtha, natural gas or vougillya is used to scorch your booth.
    2.2. For the scorching of your booth, the energy of the water, the sun, or the wind, is victorious.
    2.3 Most of us take electricity from combustible copalins, give them +75
    2.4. The scorching of your booth is so that you can adjust it according to the weather.
    2.5. In the cold season of rock at home, you are warmly dressed, and at night you curl up with two carpets.
    2.6. Walking out of the kіmnati, you will always extinguish the light in it.
    2.7. Be sure to imitate your own butovі accessories, not depriving them of the working mode -10
    3. Transport
    3.1. Go to work by public transport +25
    3.2. You go to work or go by bike +3
    3.3.You drive the same car +45
    3.4.Vice win the great and tight car with all-wheel drive +75
    3.5. On the rest of the day you flew by plane +85
    3.6. At the entrance we went by train, moreover, the route took up to 12 years +10
    3.7. At the entrance you went by train, moreover, the route took more than 12 years +20
    4. Eating
    4.1. At the grocery store or on the market, you buy mainly fresh products (bread, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat) of the local production, for which you yourself prepare meals.
    4.2. You should take care of already processed products, finished products, fresh-frozen foods, we cook straws, as they require only a rise, as well as canned food, and don’t be surprised, the stench is prepared.
    4.3. Basically, you should be ready to buy or may be ready before the product is brought in, but you can try so that the stench will be prepared closer to the booth +5
    4.4. Viste m'yaso 2-3 times a day.
    4.5. Wi їste m'yaso 3 times a day +85
    4.6. Vіddaєte perevagu vegetarіanskiy їzhi +30
    5. Vykoristannya drive that paper
    5.1. You take a bath today +14
    5.2. You take a bath 1-2 times a day.
    5.3. Take a bath every day, take a shower.
    5.4. Hour at hour you water the garden plot or wash your car from the hose.
    5.5. If you want to read a book, then buy it.
    5.6. Sometimes you take books from the library or go to the ones you know -1
    5.7. After reading the newspaper, you її wikidaєte.
    5.8. Vipisuvani or bought by newspapers read if you have more +5
    6. Get out
    6.1.Everything we create is a mass of leaving that memory, give yourself +100 to that
    6.2. For the rest of the month, dances were given at least once.
    6.3. Forget it, you put waste paper in an okremy container -17
    6.4. You create empty cans of water and canned food.
    6.5. You put the plastic packaging into the okremium container.
    6.6. You are trying to buy more importantly not packaged, but rose goods; I will take away the packaging from the state in the store -15
    6.7. From your home visits, you make compost to fertilize your farm.
    If you live in a place with more populated areas and more, multiply your total result by 2.

    Pіdbivaєmo pіdbags:
    Divide the subtracted material by 100, and you know how many hectares of the earth's surface are needed to satisfy all your needs, and how many planets are needed, as if all people lived like that, like you!

    1.8 ha *
    3.6 ha * *
    5.4 ha * * *
    7.2 ha * * * *
    9.0 ha * * * * *
    10.8 ha * * * * * *

    In order for us to get one planet, for 1 person we can have no more than 1.8 hectares of productive land. For comparison: the average resident of the United States victorious 12.2 hectares (5.3 planets!), The average European - 5.1 hectares (2.8 planets), and the average resident of Mozambique - a total of 0.7 hectares (0.4 planets). The average sack of Russia vikoristovu 4.4 hectares (2.5 planets).

    What else can a profile be for you

    If you want to change your ecological footprint, the questionnaire will help you to increase the largest contribution to your life. So you can think that virishity, like the spheres of life you are ready to change. Maybe you have long dreamed of changing your way of life - take a bike, go to more healthy zhu, Optimize the domestic dacha state - an ecological step to allow not only to realize the world, but also to help the planet.

    For your little darling, go to the planet online, go to.


    If you want to find out what kind of ecological trace you have, give an opinion on the test.

    In order to calculate the ecological trace, it is necessary to choose according to your way of life hardening and to carry out the folding/examination of the number of balls assigned to the right hand. Summing up the balls, you take away the size of the environmental footprint.

    1. Zhitlo

    1.1. The area of ​​your life allows you to trim the intestines, and the dogs of normal growths will be close +7

    1.2. Velika, spacious apartment +12

    1.3. Cottage for two people +23

    Take away the eyepieces for the first time to feed on that number of people who are lingering at your apartment or at your booth.

    2. Vikoristannya energy

    2.1. Naphtha, natural gas or vougillya is used to scorch your booth.

    2.2. For the scorching of your booth, the energy of the water, the sun, or the wind, is victorious.

    2.3. Most of us take electricity from combustible copalins, give them +75

    2.4 The scorching of your booth is set so that you can regulate it in fallow weather -10

    2.5. The houses are warmly dressed, and at night they curl up with two carpets.

    2.6. Walking out of the kіmnati, you will always extinguish the light in it.

    2.7. Be sure to imitate your own butovі accessories, not depriving them of the working mode -10

    3. Transport

    3.1. Get a job using local transport.

    3.2. You go to work, or you go to e +3

    3.3. You drive the same car +45

    3.4. You win the great that tight car with a full drive +75

    3.5. In the rest of the day you flew by plane +85

    3.6. At the entrance we went by train, moreover, the route took up to 12 years +10

    3.7. At the entrance we went by train, moreover, the route took over 12 years +20

    4. Eating

    4.1. At the grocery store, or at the market, you can buy fresh produce (bread, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat) of the mass production, and prepare an insult for yourself.

    4.2. You should take care of already processed products, finished products, fresh-frozen foods, we cook straws, as they require only a rise, as well as canned food, and don’t be surprised, the stench is prepared.

    4.3. Basically, you should be ready to buy or may be ready before the product is brought in, but you can try so that the stench will be prepared closer to the booth +5

    4.4. Viste m'yaso 2-3 times a day.

    4.5. You need meat for the day +85

    4.6. Vіddaєte perevagu vegetarіanskiy їzhi +30

    5. Vykoristannya drive that paper

    5.1. You take a bath today +14

    5.2. You take a bath once or twice a week +2

    5.3. Take a bath every day, take a shower.

    5.4. Hour at hour you water the garden plot or wash your car from the hose.

    5.6. Sometimes you take books from the library or go to the ones you know -1

    5.7. After reading the newspaper, you її wikidaєte.

    5 8 Vipisuvani chi bought by newspapers read if there are more of you +5

    6. Get out

    6.1. Everything we do is a mass of leaving that smittya, give it to yourself: +100

    6.2. For the rest of the month, dances were given at least once.

    6.3. vykidayuchi smіttya, vydkladaєte in okremy container waste paper -17

    6.4. You create empty cans of water and canned food.

    6.5. You put the plastic packaging into the okremium container.

    6.6. You are trying to buy more importantly not packaged, but rose goods; I will take away the packaging from the state in the store -15

    6.7. From your home visits, you make compost to fertilize your farm.

    If you live in a place with more populated areas and more, multiply your total result by 2.

    Pіdbivaєmo pіdbags :

    Divide the subtractive result by one hundred and You know how many hectares of the earth's surface are needed to satisfy all your needs, and how many planets are needed, how many people lived like that, how you!

    In order for us to get one planet, for 1 person we can have no more than 1.8 hectares of productive land.

    For comparison: the average resident of the United States victorious 12.2 hectares (5.3 planets!), The average European - 5.7 hectares (2.8 planets), and the average resident of Mozambique - a total of 0.7 hectares (0.4 planets).

    The average sack of Russia vikoristovu 4.4 hectares (2.5 planets).

    • In ecology, it’s good to understand “having poured into the middle ground” as if it were a change in the middle ground, as if more or less often it could be the result of the state’s chi and other activities. An assessment of the nature of the middle ground reflects the analysis of the type of activity with a glance of the environmental effects associated with it.

    • In illuminating for the steel development of the beginning of the century, the scientists and teachers from Great Britain came to understand the “environmental impact” (environmental impact on the Earth, environmental impact on energy, environmental impact on transport and other).

    • "Ecological trace" - a new indicator, which allows you to show an interest in the middle ground, as if you hope for a good person, great settlements, for example, a place or a whole power.

      Ekologiy Slid Pressuz, yaka kilkiy, byologically productive land, and such a water is not at one and the naughty pirimati of the lives of a specific people abstained (vicorista vicorista vicorias, paper, venaige, boldwoods, yields. number, clean water and clean air), as well as for the disposal of waste, which is blamed on the process of virobnitstva and that saving.

    • The ecological trace is vitiated by individuals called global hectares.

    • 1 global hectare - a territory of 100 x 100 meters from the average biological productivity for the Earth and the building of clay carbon dioxide.

    • 1 hectare of forest = 1.7 global hectares .

    • The greatest biological productivity is in the territories covered with evergreen tropical forests. The least biological productivity is for territories covered with tundra and dry deserts. The foxes of the peace belt, wider in Russia, may have an average productivity.


    • Target: by the method of testing, the authoritative ecological trace is determined that sphere of activity, which is responsible for the biggest problems in the most important medium.

    • In order to calculate the ecological trace, it is necessary to choose according to your way of life hardness and to carry out a folding/checking of the number of balls assigned to the right-handed person. Summing up the balls, you take away the size of the environmental footprint.

    • 1.1 The area of ​​​​your life allows you to trim the intestines, and the dogs of normal growths will be fine +7

    • 1.2 Large, spacious apartment + 12

    • 1.3 Cottage for 2 rooms +23

    • Bali, otrimani for vouchers for food about living, subdivision for the number of people, like living with someone else.

    • 2.1. Naphtha, natural gas or vougillya is used to scorch your booth.

    • 2.2. For the scorching of your booth, the energy of the water, the sun, or the wind, is victorious.

    • 2.3 Most of us take electricity from combustible copalins, give them +75

    • 2.4. The scorching of your booth is so that you can adjust it according to the weather.

    • 2.5. In the cold season of rock at home, you are warmly dressed, and at night you curl up with two carpets.

    • 2.6. Walking out of the kіmnati, you will always extinguish the light in it.

    • 2.7. Be sure to imitate your own butovі accessories, not depriving them of the working mode -10

    • 3.1. Go to work by public transport +25

    • 3.2. You go to work or go by bike +3

    • 3.3.You drive the same car +45

    • 3.4.Vice win the great and tight car with all-wheel drive +75

    • 3.5. On the rest of the day you flew by plane +85

    • 3.6. At the entrance we went by train, moreover, the route took up to 12 years +10

    • 3.7. At the entrance you went by train, moreover, the route took more than 12 years +20

    • 4.1. At the grocery store or on the market, you buy mainly fresh products (bread, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat) of the local production, for which you yourself prepare meals.

    • 4.2. You should take care of already processed products, finished products, fresh-frozen foods, we cook straws, as they require only a rise, as well as canned food, and don’t be surprised, the stench is prepared.

    • 4.3. Basically, you should be ready to buy or may be ready before the product is brought in, but you can try so that the stench will be prepared closer to the booth +5

    • 4.4. Viste m'yaso 2-3 times a day.

    • 4.5. Wi їste m'yaso 3 times a day +85

    • 4.6. Vіddaєte perevagu vegetarіanskiy їzhi +30

    • 5.1. You take a bath today +14

    • 5.2. You take a bath 1-2 times a day.

    • 5.3. Take a bath every day, take a shower.

    • 5.4. Hour at hour you water the garden plot or wash your car from the hose.

    • 5.5. If you want to read a book, then buy it.

    • 5.6. Sometimes you take books from the library or go to the ones you know -1

    • 5.7. After reading the newspaper, you її wikidaєte.

    • 5.8. Vipisuvani or bought by newspapers read if there are more of you -5

    • 6.1.Everything we create is a mass of leaving that memory, give yourself +100 to that

    • 6.2. For the rest of the month, dances were given at least once.

    • 6.3. Forget it, you put waste paper in an okremy container -17

    • 6.4. You create empty cans of water and canned food.

    • 6.5. You put the plastic packaging into the okremium container.

    • 6.6. You are trying to buy more importantly not packaged, but rose goods; I will take away the packaging from the state in the store -15

    • 6.7. From your home visits, you make compost to fertilize your farm.

    • If you live in a place with more populated areas and more, multiply your total result by 2.

    • Divide the subtraction result by 100, and you know how many hectares of the earth's surface are needed, to satisfy all your needs, and how many planets are needed, yakby all people lived like that, like you!

    • Ecological trace Necessary planets Earth

    • 1.8 ha *

    • 3.6 ha * *

    • 5.4 ha * * *

    • 7.2 ha * * * *

    • 9.0 ha * * * * *

    • 10.8 ha * * * * * *

    • the average resident of the United States victorious 12.2 hectares (5.3 planets!),

    • middle European - 5.1 hectares (2.8 planets),

    • the average inhabitant of Mozambique - a total of 0.7 hectares (0.4 planets),

    • the average sack of Russia vikoristovu 4.4 hectares (2.5 planets).

      If you want to change your ecological footprint, the questionnaire will help you to increase the largest contribution to your life. So you can think that virishity, like the spheres of life you are ready to change. Perhaps, you have long dreamed of changing your way of life - getting on a bicycle, switching to a healthy lifestyle, optimizing your home and country government - an environmentally friendly way to allow you not only to realize your dreams, but also to help the planet.

    • The laptop is connected to the projector, if you go to the site all at once repeat the test, explaining the skin stage - for feeding, give a count, in order to take the average result of the group. The results are discussed (how they compare with the average results in the Russian Federation, in the world).

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