Russian movie dictation 4

Control dictations in Russian language for grade 4

Entrance control robot from Russian language for class 4


Autumn walks.

A group of schoolchildren in the autumn went to the dawn park. Aspens were blackened, birches were plowed. Grona yagіd ripened on a humpback.

The lads with a fox stitch went on a galyavin. Along with the growth of puffy yalinnik. Green young yalinkas. From the earth b'є cleanly dzherelo. The lads took off the knots and the chicks. The lads set fire to the merrily bagatya on the river birch. The fox was already quiet. The children were strong enough to make a fire. Sergiy filled the kettle with water. Time to make tea. Anna and Inna treated the lad to the oven. On the way home, everyone sang songs.

The lads turned their heads from the walk.

Words for dovіdok: fired, bagatya

Grammatically correct.

I option

On the galyavin, the yaskra grona of the gorobini is burning.

On the meadow -

Stitch, vidomy, violin, dawning, odorous, soft, leaf, sun, sharp.

II option

  1. Vikonai syntactic analysis of propositions. Write down the phrase.

Young birches grow on the node.

  1. Vikonai morphological analysis of the name.

On site -

  1. I divided the words into three groups. Add to the skin group behind your butt.

Line, charm, move, heart, wood, spritny, autumn, sumny, licorice.

Control dictation for the 4th grade

for the 1st quarter

Meta roboty - revise the correct spelling of words with unvoiced voices in folding voices (words with prefixes, words with shaded roots); with the voice in the root (dzvinki, deaf and invisible); words with unverified spellings; voices and voices in prefixes; pervert, as scientists can score practical theoretical statements about the same members of the proposition.

Covering the text - 65-70 slіv.

End of spring.

The fox was adorned with yellow, red, golden farbs of autumn. Changes of sun illuminated the galyavin in front of the gatehouse. Did Semyon move at dawn, taking a towel and wiyshov from home. The stitch led to the red forest. From both sides yurmilyas rіdkіsnі birіzki. The birch trees and boletus trawled along the road. Rapt over his head, piercing a drawn-out cry. High in the sky, flying over the cranes. Birds straightened for pivden. Your sumny cry sounded like a farewell greeting from the fatherland.

(For G. Skrebitsky)

(67 lines)

Words for dovodok: viyshov.

More grammar:

1. Find in the text similar terms of the speech and sub-chairs.

2. Learn the syntactic analysis of the proposition. Write down the phrase.

I option

A soft ball of fallen leaves nadіyno vkriv earth.

II option

Changes of the chilly sun easily cut through the birch grove.

3. Vikonai morphological analysis of the name

I option II option

Earth - Sontsya -

4. Pick out the words behind the warehouse:

I option II option

Aspen mushrooms

Gatehouse cat

Train trip

Transit skies

Control dictation for 4 classes

from the Russian movie for the second quarter

Yakim buvaє snіg.

A fearful, quiet first snow fell on the black earth. The sky is gray, the snow is white, light.

At the sіchnі snіg with an important, cold carpet, the fields are crooked. A lot of snow piled up to the knee, and even to the waist. Trochs zrobiv krok zі stitches - drowning in a barnstorming snowy swamp.

The prickly lute snow is hoarse from the low and misty sky. Fierce snow, b'є travel on a cottony back, throwing yogo nemov paper.

Rest of the snow near the birch and the square. Vіn becoming shіlnym, sticky. On the sleazy snow, lizhi shove filthy.

(81 words)

Words for dovodok: kolіno, nache; dash in the fifth sentence.

More grammar

1. Vikonai syntactic analysis of propositions.

A chest of snow fell from the tops of the old yalinka.

On the white tablecloth, traces of a hare can be seen from the snow.

2. Appointment of rіd i vіdminok prikmetnikіv.

at paragraph III

at the IV paragraph

3. Wikonai morphological analysis of the name of the scribe and the scribe.

From tops 3 – Hare 3 –

Old 3 – Bily 3 –

Control dictation in Russian language

for the third quarter for 4th grade

Meta roboti – reverify the formation of the new spelling of the endings of names and examples, different writing borrowers and receivers. The order of the tsim is changed to write the words with unvoiced voices in the roots of the words with a complicated warehouse (with prefixes, suffixes), as well as words on the basis of the rule (suspended, twinkling and deaf, nevimovnі prigolosni) into more collapsible vocabulary; words from the spelling minimum, vivcheni at the given moment.

Committed to dictation: 75-85

Spring month.

It's spring time. The land was thrown over from a long winter sleep. Outside the first spring month. On the knot lie glittering snow. The sun appeared. The fox's spit rang. Under the change of sonechka, the specks shine, shimmer. The willow flaunts brightly. At the high stump, the bugna's hawks appeared. On the buzka, poplars, wild cherry, apple trees, brunki piled up. The axis was grafted with a drop of licorice juice from a birch tree. Green shoots of young grass appeared. A crackle spilled a whiff of green mist. Svyatkovo at the spring fox! (76 lines)

Words for dovodok: bugno.

Grammatically correct.

I option

Near the thick eggplant, the birds are hovering in the cold.

II option

Spak is poured on the green glacier of poplars.

2. Morphological analysis of the application.

I option

At the thick (yalinnik) -

II option

On the green (g_lts) -

3. Put it down and write down the vocabulary of the human gender for R.p., the female gender for P.p., the middle gender for D.p.

I option

Sribna, sriblyasta (poplar, embellishment, coin)

II option

Chervoniy, barvistiy (album, book, cloth)

Podbag control robot

from Russian language for 4 classes

Meta: to reveal the acquired spelling and knowledge of grammar, transferring the program, but more importantly characteristic of two the rest of the years navchannya: unvoiced voices in the root of the word with a more complicated morphological warehouse, unvoiced endings of names and examples, special endings of words, as well as punctuation marks: rozdіlovi signs in the end of the speech and coma at perekhuvannіv.

Committed to dictation: 83-93 words.


Travneve marvel

The caressing sun warms the earth with its warmth.

Early vranci ti bіzhish near the nearest guy. At the thin coolness, the Bachish is a real wonder. The green tall grass has a charitable flower. Perlins hang on a thin lower leg. Downstairs, the stench is like crying twinkles. At the upper part, the closed tickets are guessing bubonic. Leaves are wide, mute, guarding the tendinous stalk. Chuesh, how do the twinkles of spring ring? You breathe in the delicate smell of the lower flower. A wonderful gift from the Russian fox!

Have you guessed about yak roslin? Konvaliya gave us spring. Don't ruin the beauty of the miracle galyavini! (86 lines).

Words for dovodok: nache perlini, below

More grammar

1. Syntactic analysis of the proposition.

1 option - 2 propositions; Option 2 - 3 propositions.

2. Morphological analysis of the word.

1 option - bizhish; Option 2 - bachish.

3. Wikonay rozbіr slіv behind the warehouse.

1 option 2 option

broke up

take a look at the painting

breathe in light

below the beast

right-hander Zliva

publicly disclosed

Control dictation from Russian language with grammatical tasks (revenge 3 numbers for the main divisions post school).

Review in place of the document
"Richny (visual) dictation from Russian language in the 4th grade."

Spive birds.

Skilki of beautiful masters sing at the birch forest, at the wide field! In every way larks, thrushes, nightingales ring. In the spring fox you will smell the thrush. With a clear voice, sing the anthem of the hangings. The Russian forest zapovnyu yogo dzvinky trill. Lark - early spivak. Tilki zagrav on the horizon promin the summer sun, at the clear blacks already sound a radiant song. You don’t flirt at the heavenly heights yourself. The best song of the Russian fox is the nightingale. You sleep well in the evening. Don't block the whole miracle sounds. You sit, hearing the most beautiful voice in the world.

Grammar tasks:

1. Know proposition z same members. Vote on them. 2. Tell the third person a part of the movie. See the end of examples, names and discourses. 3. In the word zap..vaє insert be-yaku z letters i or e; distort the unvoiced voice, they put it in.

The fourth class is the turn of the cob school, and dictations are already beginning to grow up, they can reach the age of 80 words and more. Children need to learn how to write correctly, and pay respect by stretching the dictation. A child in the fourth grade is already guilty of learning to easily pick out words in a warehouse, to work phonetic and morphological parsing. We try to look at this side of all those from the Russian language for the 4th grade and give the optimal number of dictations to them.

Obligation to the dictation:

1st class - 15 - 17 slіv.
2nd grade - 1-2 quarter - 25 - 35 slіv.
2nd grade - 3-4 quarter - 35 - 52 words.
3rd grade - 1-2 quarter - 45 - 53 words.
3rd grade - 3-4 quarter - 53 - 73 words.
4th grade - 1-2 quarter - 58 - 77 slіv.
4th grade - 3-4 quarter - 76 - 93 words.

Translation of dictations with topics for class 4 from tasks

Dictation on the topic “Prikmetnik”

Winter at the fox

Zіyshlo, the winter sun shone over the fox. The exchanges of the bright light with a burshtin glare set fire to the snow. With a glimmer of frost, the birch wombs have adorned themselves. On the white tablecloth of the glade, you can see the miraculous vizierunks of creatures and bird tracks. With a quiet whistle, fly to the high yalins of the klіsti. In the distance, a woodpecker let out a spring trill. A spritna squirrel jumped over from a spruce tree onto a land tree. The bear squeaked under the bush in the winter nest. From the soft snow, the red grouse flew, grew on the birches and began to peck at the arable grouse. Tsі oshatnі birds live as friendly zgray. (82 words.)


1) indicate names of names and references from other and fifth statements;

2) subtitle head members of the sixth speech and write word formation;

3) pick up a prikmetnik behind the warehouse: sr_blyastim (burshtinov);

4) pick up an apprentice as a part of the move at the eighth river.

Zimov farbi

It is important that winter is to wear a wine-coloured coat. At home they put on white snow hats. The trees were hung up in the frost under a white blanket. The roads were covered with snow, covered with white curtains. Everything was bіlim-bіlo dovkol.

But if you are surprised, then don’t forget white color. Under the change of the sun, the kuchuguri shimmer with all the shades of erysipelas and yellow. On the Uzbek roads there, when the snow is looking through the land, the snow is turning brown and turning brown.

Even more farb in the snowy atmosphere of nature can be seen in the evening. Zahid sun zabarvlyu snіg in buzkovі, buzkovі and violet tones. And dovgi burulki become similar to blue arrows.


1. Find references in the text. Enter their number and number.

2. To sort out the words in a warehouse: dovgі, look over.

3. To develop a grammatical analysis of the rest of the proposition.

winter day

Koshtuє miraculous winter day. Above us is a clear blue sky. Everything is covered with fluffy snow. We went to the fox. Trees stand on their own in kaztsi. On the Stovburi pines we commemorated the stringy woodpecker. Vіn spritno dovbaє gulyu. Titmouses and gorobtsі are picked up by us. Raptom we pumped the ore protein. Vaughn darted swiftly through the trees. Follow the birds in the snow. Good for the fox! (56 lines)


1. Write down three phrases “dod. + Іsn.». See the end and tell the experts of the prikmetniks.

2. Write off, inserting double marks after the zmist.

On... the sky fell... stars.

Outdoors - winter. Everything suddenly became bіlim and shaky. Snіg ishov all night and comprehended to cover the earth, the trees and the houses were white with a fluffy blanket.

In the sky - no haze. The sun sends a stingy change, but it becomes more fun when you see it. On the snow, like on a white paper, the hieroglyphs of the birds' traces grow up. The gorobtsy beat the parkan with a beat through the crust of bread. The crow croaked hoarsely, waved its wings and flew away. From the needles, the haze of a snow saw was sagging.

As soon as you stand in one place for a long time, then the coming frost climbs over the fur coat, starts to pinch your cheeks, and that’s the whiff. Nibi tonics of the head dig into the shkir. It's getting colder in the air.

(102 words)

Dictation for grade 4 on the topic “Zaymennik”

On a sleepy day, I blukav near the birch copse. In the distance, I felt a familiar fox voice. Tse cuckooed the zozulya. I feel richly developed, but not at all bachiv.

It's not easy to pamper її. I go to her voice, and there she sees me. At the hovanka with me graє. Virishiv pograti navpak: I'm going to hide, and you just joke around. Climbing at the bushes of lіshchini and lyalknuv once. Zozulya shut up. І raptom felt її cry. I'm talking. And there we are already calling close to cuckoo.

I wonder - birds fly through the galyavin. Her tail is long, the gray breast itself is in dark lines. Maybe a hawk? And the birds fly up to a succulent tree, sіv on a knot and zakukuv. So the axis of the yak won - zozulya!


1. Write three borrowers in the text. Significance of their faces, number, vіdminok.

2. Split the words into two groups. Write them down in two rows.

For, vin, by, її, vіd, bіla, vy, us, u, tobi.

Control dictation on the topic “Dieslovo” Grade 4

Nina did not prepare her lessons, she decided not to go to school, but she went to the traffic yard. Vaughn laid a bed of food and books under the bush, and she herself ran for a garnier blizzard.

On the stitches їy zustrіvsya little one. At rutsі vіn trimav primer іz zoshit. The girl sang the fire of the new one and called the little one a truant.

It appeared that the lad ticked like a dog and got lost. Nina led Yogo through the highway. Take away the snіdanok, that book got into a quarrel and left them out of the booth.

The dog came. I didn’t hook up the books, but I snidanok. Nina cried. Vaughn did not mess with the snidanok, її grizzly merciless conscience.


1. Write three words from the text, indicate the hour, person, number.

2. Putting a word in an undefined form.

Came, Ide, to marvel.

Dictations on the theme “Proposition” and “Single members of the proposition”

The boys were playing at the winery. Valya and brother Andriyk were not taken from the group. Valya bula boyaguz. And Andriy died only crying. Raptoma lads sensed screams. The dog Lokhmach was zirvavsya z lanceug. The children rushed out, only Andriyko ran out into the streets. Valya rushed to her brother. The majestic dog rushed just to the girl. Vaughn shielded Andryusha, threw a toy at the dog, and screamed loudly. Navpereymi Lokhmachu big watchman. Winning a dog for a collar and wearing it. The children went out of their own places. Andriyko already laughed, and Valya wept inwardly. Vaughn was already snarling.


1. Write out the text of the speech with the same members. Support the basis of the speech.

2. Vipisati folded word. Substantiate the basis of the speech.

In the autumn forest

Garno bulo in the fox season of the early year. There was a quiet noise, the trees were goyalis. Lead drops of dew dripped from the leaves. On the moss, in the grass, already lay the wake of autumn. There was a strong smell of orphan earth, smelt of leaves. Z buy an old leaf, herbs, mushrooms look at the hmizu. We went up to a red birch forest. And the axis and the fox king is a white mushroom. Vіn standing on the mіtsnіy nizhtsі, near the golden-brown hat. Mushroom buv duzhe garni.

Words for dovodok: lead, golden brown, kupa.

Grammatically: Know in the text of the speech with the same additions, sort it out by members, write down the phrase.

Wonderful time of autumn

The autumn leaves flew and flew. Wind pidhopiv їх i drove to the river. Gold coins poured into the mirror water. On the edge of the village, there is a river. Tse shepherd took the flock. I leave the house, take the oars and go to the river. Skhіd svіtlіshaє, erysipelas. Wonderful silence all around. River niby garnishala, prostasya. Under the first exchanges, the sun began to shine, the drops of water began to sparkle. It was a wonderful time of autumn.

Words for dovodok: zіbrav, nache.

Grammatically: IV. At the 6th rechenni, the main members of the head, sort out yoga behind the warehouse, show parts of the language. II century At the 10th rechenni podkresliti head members, rati yogo behind the warehouse, show parts of the mov.

Dictation on the "Spelling of uncovered vіdmіnkovyh endings of names in one"

Like a man tidying up a stone

On the square of one place lay a majestic stone. Vіn having borrowed a lot of money and having taken care of the journey on horseback. They called the engineers and asked for help from cleaning the stone. The first one, after proponing with gunpowder, breaks the stone into pieces and takes them away. Vіn requesting payment from vіsіm thousand rubles. The second engineer, having invented a stone, to bring a great kovzanka and call her to empty. There will be 6,000 carbovants for a varty. And one man took a stone for a hundred carbovants to tidy up. Vіn vigadav vykopati bіla stone pit, call yogo there and fill it with earth. The man is so shabby. Youm was given a hundred karbovantz for his work and a hundred karbovantz for a smart guess.


Early in the morning I go to the courthouse. Kindness and joy of the spring season on the soul! In front of me are rows of white birches. Crispy leaves on the grass are warming the golden promises of the sun. Most bushes and trees are sung by birds. The sounds of their songs are spreading all over the neighborhood. It's a good spring in full bloom.

At a deep yar, a birch guy had a cold spring to play. I'll sit on a stump by the key, I'll take out a kitchenette and a piece of bread. Take a drink of the icy key water and inhale it on your chest, rejoicing in the joy of life!


1. Vikonai syntactic analysis of propositions:

I st. Light wind is gray in the green of the trees.

II. Sunshine on the earth hot change.

2. Indicate the names of the names and the examples of the rechenni:

In the night sky, the fires of the Christmas salute were fired.

Control dictations in Russian language 4th grade

Mighty oak

Rice on the node of a mighty oak. Bouv vіn naypomіtnіshim okruzі. Standing veleten and looking around the whole city, quietly rustling the leaves. The emerald grass spread under the tree like a sleeping kilim.

As if people came to the oak tree and set up benches. Now here from early morning until late evening all the people are huddled. The freshness beckoned everyone. On Uzliss, children loved children. Oak gave joy to all. Good to sit on the soft grass! Tse became in love with the place of repair.

Summer thunderstorm

The sky darkened, clouded. Killed gloomy stormy gloom. The old bir calmed down, preparing for battle. strong blow the wind blew through the tops of the trees. Whirling around, I drank along the road and rushed off.

The glints shone, the grim blew. They hit the board on the leaves of the first important drops. Raptom on the ground collapsed sucilny mur vodi.

Shvidko passes a summer thunderstorm. Light, the foggy distance is clearing up. The sky is beginning to be black. Above the field and the forest, above the water surface, there is a light steam. The sun was already looking hot, but the woods were not yet clear. Why do the boards fall from the trees and shine on the sun.

Kvitucha linden

I am in the woods and catching a strong smell of linden. Turning from the path and straightening up to knots. The tree blossomed. "Won be able to win some beauty contest," I thought. Lipa grimaced: “The unforgiving beauty sewed up today’s gloom.” I threw back my head and wobbled that the tree was reconciling the cloth. Wind vіdkidaє її white-snіzhny robe killed. Mustaches of navkolishni limes were getting ready for the flower ball. Pishov mushroom board. Crimson gloom, having looked at the radiant promin of the sun, in the sky, a brightly colored oar was hovering. Linden virishila threw the oar over the cloth. No one else has such a miraculous vbrannya in the holy place. (87 lines)

(According to A. Trofimov)

Take charge of yourself

The person is guilty of strangling anger, filthy moods in himself. Don’t go to life for the sake of it, let’s go far away today. Mavpi in hvilini beats his chest, the dog grumbles and bares his teeth, the elephant swings his trunk. The person is obliged to lead himself! A hero is valued by people, but it is not easy to give. Ti siv grati with a friend. You have a wonderful attitude. Hello, you are playing. Once we become suspicious, we change the skin, we cross, we weld. Be fair and say to yourself: "My friend is the strongest." Zoom in on your feelings. Self-control to serve you in the service. (82 words)

Fox wonder

Live here in the world a little fairy. There is no kim їy grati, from i it flowed like a fox. Ide nazustrich lion, and kryhta fairy levіv did not bachila at all. Having zagarchav vіn grіzno, siv, get ready for a haircut! And the fairy smiles affectionately, climb out of it. The lion marvels! Why not be afraid of yoga? Poor tse chi good? Do you need to be angry?

The fairy handed out her left enchantment wand. The lion is back to back angry to the sticks of pidishov, then right-handed. So I did not take it. But there was no way to get angry anymore. The Fairy and the Grizny Lion had a good time chatting.

At the forest on the birch of the lake, the lads caught the squirrel. The stench greeted the wild animal with a fluffy tail, eye-catching eyes and hoary paws. The boys were arranging the old white cage. The stinks crushed a bed of leaves, put a saucer with milk, put peas.
The children thought that they made the squirrel happy. And the animal did not become habitable to its own little house. The squirrel sat in a hutch and whined pitifully. She didn't lean to the stern. The children jiggled.
The lads tried to bring the squirrel back to the forest. There she hesitated. Zvir easily and strimko rushed from neck to neck. (85 sliv)

Buti chesnim - skin binding

Brother and sister walked along the street. A kulgava grandmother walked in front. Z її bags vipav hamanets іz pennies. Kostya pobachiv tse. Vіn nahlivsya, skohopiv yogo, escaped and vіddav old. Granny called herself ruined and took a hamanets.
Kostya turned to his sister and began to swear at the old man. Vіn buv skryvdzheny tim, scho won't dyakuyu yoma.
The sister snarled and stared hard at her brother. Vaughn told the youmu that we honor the binding of a human skin, not merit. Kostya did not understand the words of his sister. And if you are sensible, then forget them for the rest of your life. (93 words)

Mayzha, near the skin fold of the planet, you see creatures and roslin, which were never there. Guilty at tsimu people. Sometimes we see, if not, but we expand the variety of living organisms on the planet. Under the hour of the war, the English for masquerading airfields in India victorious birch tree Pivdenny America. The fortune-tellers of the breeders did nothing under the succulent canopy of curly growth, yak, before that, even tall. At once, the cym berunk covered thousands of square kilometers. Others growing up cannot live there. People have been fighting for ten years now with a berk, but you can’t get out of it. (95 lines)

The eagle has made a nest on the great dear and living children. Like a white tree, people worked. The eagle flies up to the tree with fish in the pazuras. People shook the fish, started throwing stones at the eagle. Vin missed the fish. People took її that went.
The eagle is on the edge of the nest. The eagles asked for food. The eagle vtomivsya and not a moment to fly. Vіn crooked eagles with wings and soiled them pestit. Ptah nibi asking for a trio of checks. But the little birds began to scream. Then the eagle flew to the sea.
Vin turned back pizno in the evening. At the pazuras at the new one, bula riba is new. The eagle looked around, sifting at the edge of the nest and praising the children. (96 lines)

The lighthouse is the only place left for the sailor to run, virushayuchi by the sea. Vіn same zustrіchaє yogo, if the sailor turns to the port. For a long time, sailors orientated themselves for the stars. Somebody knew better to create a man-made zirka and burn the bagattya on the birch. This was the first lighthouse, which, having helped the sailors to drink a bay at the vuzka, did not fly on the underwater stones. About the first promptings of the lighthouse, writing the Greek teachings of the seventh century BC. The most famous lighthouse, without a doubt, Oleksandriysky. Its height reached one hundred and thirty meters, and the light was visible for sixty kilometers. Name the islands Pharos, on which stood a marvel of light, like the word fari. (96 lines)

Open the pencil case, remove the pen. Why did this history begin? In a sing-song manner, from an ordinary pen, yakim wrote in Ancient Egypt. In the past, over a thousand years, people wrote to feasts of birds: paviches, swans, and most of all - geese. Pir'ya needed a lot of rich. The clerk did not sit at the table, as there were not fifteen or twenty prepared feasts in front of him. There were more and more writing people, there was a need for pirya metal. The stench was created in Germany and England. The pen was inserted into a wooden handle. Such pens have survived to the sixteenth century of the past century. The readers appreciated that such a pen could vibrate the "correct handwriting." Ale, there was progress, and the scientists began to write with bag pens. (102 words)

On the island of Java, there are a lot of volcanoes. On their heights, there is an unusual flower - a royal primrose. Vaughn blooms luxuriantly before the eruptions of the volcano, nibi ahead of the sky. Other growths and creatures are also aware of the approach of elemental hardship. Under the hour of the rest of the ruinous tsunami near Burma, the elephant did not die. The creatures saw the nearness of the wind and went near the jungle. There was a lot of vipadkiv, if the dog pulled the child from the colis and vibigala from her overhead. For the dog, singing rich, the whole motherland vibrated. And right there, the earth coward turned the houses into kupa ulamkiv. Lizards, snakes, rodents for a few years before the catastrophe deprive their nooks. Otzhe, tenacious in the unsafe area, we need to be respectful. (101 words)

On a late weekly morning, I crouched as a traveler and tried to whistle one charming motive. Ale marno. This day, the miraculous Queen Musica lifted me up with her sovereign hand. Having hung down the rest of the time, I made a lock and robbed the sounds no more, lower the silent stone. I started to look around. Mіstsevist bula to finish the humpback. In the distance one could see the fortification walls and the reddishness of the castle. There lived when virtuous faces lived and led the tsikav and not a safe life, more than baked battles. Now, honesty and serious naschadki live near the castle. The stench walks in tight corridors, fights along narrow gvintovy gatherings. The stench is savory offended by the front hall, where the walls are still hanging on the walls. That distant era is given to people who are greedy and indulgent, and in the light of fresh life - beautiful. (115)

Yesterday was an unacceptable day. And this year the sky is clear from the very morning. Gently warm the summer sun. Wonderful day! We virishuemo climb the mountain and marvel at the ancient fort. Tse duzhe tsikavo! We walked out of the house from the early morning and straightened it with a wide stitch to the fortress. She stands on the top of a small mountain and can be seen from afar. Vinikaє such a feeling that it is not long to go to her. Ale, we needed the whole year. Axis and fortechnі muri. beautiful view yell at the beast! Mustache around the yak on the valley. We didn't take a video camera for a while. Zalіzaєmo on the wall. We, valiant defenders of the fort, beat the attacks of the wicked enemy. Become more serious and not safe. Krіz vuzki, tіsnі bіynitsi mi shoot from crossbows. The wild assault is over. The enemy is to live. (113)

Early in the morning, the beautiful princess walked along the bank of the river and admired the window dressings. The weather was miraculous. Lungs hmarks flew over the heavenly blacks. The young page lovingly spoke to the princess. At the gatherings, a group of charming ladies-in-waiting gathered, Raptom lulled a stingy splash. From the outline it turned out to be more monstrous. The new giant has a green body and red paws with diamond claws. Wuha monster is similar to cabbage leaves. Vono looked at the princess with a long look and licked her lips. The bogeyman delivered a savory snack. The sensitive princess was mad. Then a young leader appeared at the gate. Tse valiant captain of the royal guard. Vіn loudly whistling and throwing at the miraculously written off. The enemy is seriously injured. Vіn attacking the good fight, al marno. Nezabar monstrously Bulo tumbled down. The shore was resounding with radio cries. At the kingdom they voiced great holy. (118)

Translation of dictations for the program "Planet of Knowledge"

Veresen. Introductory (diagnostic) dictation (carried out on the materials of the bag dictation for grade 3).

Veresen Zhovten. Dictation from creative tasks.

The words on the vivecheni rules were seen by the children.

Option 1

The teacher Alla Fedorivna read to the schoolchildren a note from the local newspaper. He gave an interview to a childish doctor. Vin explained the reasons for the frequent illnesses of children in autumn. Faces in the form of a cold and the flu helped to excite them. Ale lіkar radiv zmіtsnyuvati zdorov'ya. Lyudina is guilty herself to give her help. Sob don’t get sick, you need to do exercises, take a shower, eat fruits and vegetables.
Friends Stas that Grisha virishi walked to the pool. What are you doing for your health? (68 words)

Option 2

Nothing has come. Ale place not to sleep. The axis shone with yellow fires. Ce station. There are regular passenger trains to Kazan, Ufa and other places.
Boil the robot at the bakeries. Here for the townspeople bake savory life and wheat bread. Tomorrow people will enjoy fresh bread.
With a sharp howl, great machines swept past. Tovstі hoses on them, dovgі descend. The firemen hurry up. And raptom night people become nasty? Who will come to help youma? (70 sliv)

Zhovten. Control dictation for 1 quarter

Option 1


Do you know that potatoes in Russia are used as other bread? From the new one prepare different stravi.
Boil potatoes in salty water. Rozimni її and give milk. Take a savory puree. Tsya grass has become a favorite for rich children and grown-ups.
Potatoes can be brushed. Take good and good Christmas table. Hrumki skabochki zadayutsya with a great appetite!
Remember! Green potato bulb bruised. Yogo does not live, but vicorist for planting a new one. (69 lines)

Option 2

Do you like the circus? Moscow has a wonderful circus. Vіn wear im'ya Yury Nikulіn. There is a monument to the famous clown near the head entrance. The circus of Nikulin is known to the whole world. Kozhna vistava - tse sacred.
The light goes out. Yaskravy promin visvitlyuє dome. High above the heads of peeping and repeat gymnasts. Heart beats in fear for them!
And the axis of the dresser is to bring out the great bear. Vedmedic at the written Zhovtіy bed. Vіn zrobiv uklіn i started dancing.
How many joys the circus gives people! (71 words)

Breast. Control dictation for the 2nd quarter

Option 1

The winter fox has nothing. Frost is knocking on the stovburs, gilkahs and knots of tovst trees. On the low stubbles, it is possible to open with a sliver of snow and others. Sleeping in the dark sky yaskravі zіrki. The stench hangs the diamond tablecloth snig. Nothing has yet destroyed the wondrous beauty.
Who is the first to lay the path of his tracks here? Yak kazkovy vartovy, sit on a naked bough tadpole owlet. In the dark night, there is one poster, to follow the life of the fox for the attachment of people. (71 words)

Option 2

We have zhaks living under the gank. In the evenings, all my homeland comes out for a walk. Mature hedgehogs light up the earth with small paws, reach roots and eat. Zhanyata play, play.
Like an old hedgehog dog Vesta. Zhak curled up into a ball and froze. Dog pokotiv zvіryatka before the rate. Zhak plopped down at the water, drank. I recognized Vesta.
The hangings under the gunk showed only the old hedgehog. Where did the reshta go? Surely the stench moved. Only the old hedgehog did not want to leave our booth. (74 words)

Lyuty. 3 quarter.

Option 1

This coniferous tree can often be used by the forests of Russia. Yogo's straight trunk is covered with a thin red bark. Mitsnі gіlki іz green needles are widely spread. They have cones of fresh roses on them. How do you know that tree? Tse pine.
The pine tree is considered a symbol of life. In pine forests it is easy to breathe. And what a bunch of pine bir! It smells like resin. The tops of the pines go to the sky. The crowns of the trees let in the light of the sun. The pine tree cannot bear the darkness. In the grassy kilim of a pine forest, lingonberry and blackberry grow. (74 lines)

Option 2

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is a famous Russian artist. All the lives of the wines lived in the Russian forest, the Russian wilderness. Shishkin zoom completely accurately portray the nature of Russia. There are no equals in my mastery of wines.
Look at yoga pictures. We have before us wide fields, foxes can. There, a skin tree, a bush, the whole territory can be looked at in the most detailed details. Nemov went to the pine forest and breathed in the air of healing. With such love, the mitet depicts a blade of grass! The picture can explain
wash life roslyn. (75 sliv)

Berezen. Control dictation for the 3rd quarter

Option 1

Coniferous forest

Why is Russia called the land of the forests? There are no extreme forest spaces here. Near the forest part of the edge of the coniferous fox. They grow pines, yalinkas, cedars. The qi of the tree is beautiful, be it the time of fate.
The fluffy whites of the fluffy yalinka are similar to great paws. The stench afflicts the entire Stovbur of the fox beauty. Three cones hang down from the hіlok. To gild the sun with your exchanges. On the fox knot, you will rarely succumb to a lonely yalinka. This tree cannot bear selfishness. Zimka in the fields viruє zaviryuha, and in the yalinnik - silence. Only the wind of the yalin domes rises above the head. (80 sliv)

Option 2

Bill of the monument to Lermontov

Evening. The city noise at P'yatigorsk subsides. Bіlya burn Mashuk especially good. Go along the path and breathe in the smell of the autumn fox. From the gіlka to the gіlka there is a fresh wind. We go to the monument to Mikhail Yuriyovich Lermontov. Vіn installations of the house of death of the great Russian poet.
People vshanovuyut memory about new. Bіlya pіdnіzhzhya monument kvіti. On the National Day of the poet, schoolchildren hold holy readings, exhibitions of little ones. Axis of watercolor robots for children. On this little one, the rider of the middle of the skeletal mountains is galloping. And then three beats of the mighty leopard. (79 lines)

Kviten. 4 quarter.

Option 1

The sun is very hot. Mosses, pine needles, grass hang on a dry place. At the same time, the forests of Russia often tread lightly.
Fear n burn in coniferous fox. It is easy to salvage hmiz, young yalinkas and pines. Fire creeps up to the old trees. Vіn live from neck to neck. At the fire, grow and grow and that creature. It is necessary to go through the dovgі roki, shchobi on tsmu mіstsі virіs new lіs.
The reason for it is to hit the sparkles. Bagato bіd bring lіs і people. Chi do not breed bagattya in fox! Take care of the fox! (78 lines)

Option 2

Above the flood meadow, full of spring kaluzhs, chibis fly. The stinks pirnayut at the counter, they spread. Yaskrave the sun gilded the whole outskirts. Yogo promenі to shine at the smooth kalyuzhі and on the green herbs.
From kupini to kupini stribaє chibis, waving a light forelock from a long feast. It's fun to marvel at the new!
Chibisi can protect their nests. The axis circles the hawk. Chibis strimko zlitaє she goes on the attack. The hawk dodges, but does not enter. I also see a piercing cry. From the sides of the wings to rush the birds and marry the dirty enemy. (80 sliv)

Perevirochnі and pіdbagsі control dictation class 4 (control robots for grammatical tasks - the school of Russia) for the manifestation of intellectual knowledge among students from Russian language, and also to reduce the virtuosity of the newcomer without mercy for the implementation of auditory information.

Podbag dictation "Remaining days"

Early in the birch wound, the sun broke through. It blew out a light muslin of darkness and looked at the ground. And there, overnight, winter and frost established their own rules. They threw a fresh snow on the white birch, covered it with a milk mist. And in the woods of krizhany, burulki rose on pines. It's a pleasure to earn money for the rest of the snow. The light looked at the leprosy and began to warm the earth. Lid and snig suddenly darkened. A merry balakuchi streak escaped along the forest den. Win big and sleep your little dog in the spring.

Podbag dictation "Spring Dzvin"

The land was thrown over from a long winter sleep. The young grass gleamed. A flurry of green mist spread over a wide puddle. Keep warm and quiet evenings. I listening until the evening silence. Ring bows. On the ground, on the bows, on the yars, the fire of the ring. What to call? The axis was grafted with a drop of licorice juice from a birch tree. Vaughn fell on the mirror surface bid. returned from the warm edge of the cranes. The stench looked around the swamp with dignity. The radio song sounded merrily. In these days we everywhere feel the music of nature. 76 lines / grammatical tasks

Sub-bag dictation "Travneve Miracle"

The caressing sun warms the earth with its warmth. Early vranci ti bіzhish near the nearest guy. At the thin coolness, the Bachish is a real wonder. The green tall grass has a charitable flower. Perlins hang on a thin lower leg. Downstairs, the stench is like crying twinkles. At the upper part, the closed tickets are guessing bubonic. Leaves are wide, mute, guarding the tendinous stalk. Chuesh, how do the twinkles of spring ring? You breathe in the delicate smell of the lower flower. A wonderful gift from the Russian fox! Have you guessed about yak roslin? Konvaliya gave us spring. Don't ruin the beauty of the miracle galyavini! 86 lines / for grammar tasks

Podbag dictation "Summer walk"

Early in the morning I go to the courthouse. Rows of white birch trees are stitched. Crispy leaves on the grass turn into golden promenades of the rank sun. Most bushes and trees are sung by birds. The sounds of their songs are heard throughout the neighborhood. At the knot, the first day of the sun rises. For example, I give a rate. At the deep-legged yar, strumok jingle. I will sit on a stump by the key, I will remove the kitchenette and a piece of soft fresh bread. It’s like drinking cold water at the sinter! Good luck in the forest, at the fox, at the field! 80 slіv / grammatical tasks

Podbag dictation "Spring layout"

Hanging our birds turn to the fatherland from the spekotnyh lands. Vidkrivaє ptashiny spring layout birch. Near the fields lie snow, and yet the first thawed patches appeared. Importantly, along the thawed area, the grak is walking. Cracked on river ice. The wagtail arrived. Zhartoma seems like she broke the ice with her long tail. The river swelled in the full of crying. Swans, geese, pitching turn around home. And the grassy forests have green flags. Vіn zustrіchaє nightingale. At night, a quail arrives. Tilky stars visvitlyuyut yogo landing maydanchik. 75 sliv

In the midst of click requests, the site often traps about the texts of dictations for the 4th grade. It is important to propagate such texts, as if they would rule all readers cob classes. Kozhen pratsyuє for his initial-methodical complex and the building itself to put together or choose a text that is appropriate for all minds (mark, thematic division, see the spelling, spend an hour just).

Dictation is proponable without a grammatical task, but with the improvement of the main ones, up to the number of spellings on the table, the rules and the text obsyag (recommendations obsyag 60-80 words). Guessing that these texts have been adapted so that they are attached to writing control dictations. If you want, perhaps, you can vicariate as if otherwise: for a free, vibratory dictation, a dictation with a follow-up, a viklad, a copying.

The texts are divided for pivrichchya, and not for quarters. In addition, the stench is roztashovani for a thematic sign of urakhuvannyam pore rock (summer-autumn-winter-spring-summer). Actual texts of dictations were selected from encyclopedias, from works of children's writers: I. Sokolov-Mikitov, M. Prishvin, G. Skrebitsky, V. Bianka, K. Ushinsky, L. Kuzmin, S. Romanovsky and others. Usy 40 texts.

1 pivrichchya

4 class

Wind and Sun

Like the Sun and the angry Wind crossed. Virishili stench reconcile forces over the road. Zakhotіv Vіter cloak from mandrivnik zіrvati. Pochav vin dmuhati. Ale mandrіvnik only mіtsnіshe wrapped himself in a cloak. The wind got angry, sifting the man with wood and snow. Then the mandrinnik pulled on his cloak at the sleeve and pulled it up with a belt. The wind understands that you can’t wear a cloak to you.

And the Sun laughed, warmed the earth, that mandriva. Vіn podbadyorivsya and taking off his cloak. To the lagoon of the Sun to the angry Wind: "With kindness and kindness, you can grow richer, less with anger." (For K. Ushinskiy.)


I went to the forest for mushrooms. Raptom Viletiv great bird. And under the ice grouse crouched down to the ground black grouse.

I'm a black grouse. The head of the new one is small, its eyes are like beads, the yellow dziobik is peeping out of the perelyaku. A hot tilt has a heartbeat. I hear the beating of another heart. Let me know that it will jump out of a tendit breast.

I lowered the black grouse into the grass. І vіn pokotivsya a fluffy bag to the mother. And I was sitting on the node, and for a long time my heart did not rage in me. (For L. Kuzmin.)


Zebras linger in Africa. The stench graze herds alone. The herd is guarded by a zebra guard.

The head horn of zebras is a lion. Commemorate the guard of the hut and blow the blast. The herd grows from month to month. Stallions run behind the herd. The stench steals the females and the horses.

It turns out that zebras are the same. Truly, all kinds of marriages. Zebra skin infection is not repeated.

The zebra looks like a pretty horse. Indeed, zebras are evil and wild. Lyudina could not tame a zebra. She already has a strong-willed character.


I visited my grandma for a meal. As if we were able to offend. Bіlya vіkna z'yavivsya pіven. Pіven buv garny, all rudiy, with white earrings, that great black dzhob. The crest of yoga trimmed proudly and was similar to the yaskrav half-light from the caught tongues.

The piven was importantly passed, and then we zupinivsya. Vіn gazing at the grandmother, like she cut bread. I beckoned the bulge, ale vin and without blinking an eye. Then I threw a pick at you. The piven їsti did not become, but gave the pick to the hens. (For P. Sidorov.)

(74 words.)

Guest from the fox

At the door of the fox lodge, there were some voices shaking. Myslivets uncle Dron opened the door. At the kіmnatu vbіg a great syrian animal with a cat muzzle, fluffy b about kami and stubby tail. Black penzliks were washed on the vukhs. Two green eyes shone at the darkness.

That was Masha. Mislivets distav її z lіgva, if there was a crying rice. She would perish without a mother.

Uncle Dron pouring a bowl of milk. Masha began to drink milk, like a domestic intestine. (For G. Skrebitsky.)

Our dacha

We like to drink vlіtka at the dacha. The white of our dacha is a farmer's house. Fruit trees and chagarniks grow on the farm.

The spring wonderful smell spills over all the outskirts. Blooming apple trees, plums, cherries. Axis and the middle of the summer. Near the greenhouse ripen tomatoes, cucumbers.

At the center of the dacha there is a gazebo. Near the gazebo there are bobs. The path is squeaky. We love the richness of this path. It's cold at the Altanza. You can read it. In autumn, our dacha is empty, but Skoda!


There will be fireworks at our place in the evening. Darkness. Grown up and ditlahi hung overhead. Bagato who marvels at the fireworks at the center of the place. People stand on the balcony, on the square, bіlya booth chi kіmnati bіlya vіkna.

Anniversary on the Spassky Vezhi breaking ten. Volleys pierced. They crackled and flew at the height of the fire. In the night sky, reds, greens, and yellows of the grone were blooming. The stench brightly visvetlyuvali the outskirts. Children screamed, caressed radiantly in the valley.


A lot of lads were trained on the blues. Shchoranku did Mikhey shouting: “Pidyom! Yushka was brewing! Mustache ran to the shore of Pіzhmi, they swam, they sat down to eat.

Once at Dida Mikheya, there was a hero who wielded riba. We lied to slander the villain. At night it was quiet, only mosquitoes jiggled and crawled at the vich.

The vranci felt the crackle of knots, the grass rose by the water, then the witch rose up. Mishko stood on his hind legs and planted the fish with nets.

We laughed. Clubfoot sensing a noise and sipping hotly at the line. (For G. Durkin.)

Pozhezha at the fox

The sickle had a strong speck. The grass on the forest galyavin shivered, withered in patches. Leaves drooped on a young birch.

Raptom from pivdnya smelt garom. Dim thick. The fire quickly crossed from the tops to the tops of the pines. Did Stepan from onuk hurried to the lake. The stench begly, hurried, fell. With a narrow stitch they made their way to the water. The white shores of the lake were offended and fell into fatigue.

Fire viruvav aside. Onuk didpomіg didovі sіsti among chovens. The stinks poured to the village.

Maydanchik to the young

We often visited the zoo. Loved by the place - maidan to the young. Vaughn at the center of the zoo. On the Maidanchik, foxes, wolves, and vedmezhats live peacefully. The animal is comedy, funny. The stinks climb over the decks, play at the ball, run from the descents to the descents. Bіlya maidanchik zavzhd topіt dіtlakhi.

Watch out for the sounds of little huts. End of summer. The little animal grew up, zmіtsnіli. Before autumn, the stench should leave their cheerful Maidanchik. On them, the warmth of the life and the strong hands of people are checked.


The oak is especially garnished, if it grows on a galyavin. Other trees do not respect youma. Yogo majestic trunk stand straight. Wide necks spread out on the heights of human growth.

Hanging foxes have long dressed up at Christmas time. The birch tree is all curly, but the oak trees have not yet blossomed. According to the growth of one leaf. The scarlet of autumn leafing from other trees is already falling, and the oak is still worth the clothes of the leaves. Navіt uzimku more dark yogo leaf.

Garniy sound

Buv among the ancient Greeks sounds like a garni. The most powerful skins, the most powerful, the most beautiful young men of all Greece, were selected in the valley of the Olympia to beat the wrestling, the big, the methane disk and the hammer. For the sake of which the Greeks forgot the witch. Heavy punishment threatening people with a sword.

Tsey glorious sound deyshov to our days. Skin chotiri rocks are the best sportsmen of the world z'zhzhayutsya on sports zmagannya. to the riddle about Olympic Games zmagannya was called olympic. (For D. Rodari.)


Rich ribey in the Ice-cold Ocean, only to catch її important.

White seagulls are flying over the pines. Anniversary on the wings, sіsti nicoli. Ochima plunged into the water. Chi no meine de dark back of ribey?

The seagull had a herd of fry. She licked down, threw down, snatched up the fish and rose in the air.

Other gulls were babbling. They got angry, threw themselves at the water, grabbed, fought, shouted. Tilki Darma to weld. Densely small go. Hang on to everyone! (For V. Bianka.)

(63 words.)


There was a great swamp close by. A strong wind hit a low birch and a dry outline. It was foggy and gloomy in a row.

Raptom prolunav strong cry. Tse screaming young crane. On the right, the wing of the boulder podbite sank to the ground. Youmu lived well in the swamp. There was a lot of rich water here, herbs and savory spicy herbs. Now the crane is standing tall and marveling on all sides. Vin guessing his game and clicking її shout.

At the cry of the crane came the forester from the blue. The stinks took the zhurka to their home.


The people are so powerful that they dream about soft snow, about krizhan vіzerunki on windows. Then give him a charge of greenery, the rustle of grass, the burning sun, the smell of wild cherry blossoms.

I am deep in the snow and thinking about summer with the tedious smells of ash trees, with stones, baked, like bees, with lazy sea sinter. Sipuchy snow falling from the bushes of pines. I dreamed so that it became hot. (According to Yu. Yakovlev.)

(64 words.)


On the knot of a young fox there are small rates. Here, in thin marshes and viscous shakings, the Volga was born. Zvіdsi won virushila on a distant road.

Rarely do you know such a beauty, like the Volga. Її beauty was glorified in fairy tales, explanations, paintings.

Belya Ribinskaya Volga turns. The low banks of the її were covered with kilim onions and chagars. Behind the pagorbs you can see the expanse of watering. The licorice smell of flowers spilled from the soft ceiling.

Im'ya beautiful river is near that road to us.

stara yalina

Until autumn, important cones hung on the old tree. Yalina was getting ready to sing the birds and the animals.

The fox is hungry. The axis of the galyavin vibіgla squirrel. Vaughn climbed onto the yalinka, took the gulya and took up the hedgehog. Strokatny woodpecker zirvav cone and flew near the forest. Zgrayka mites flew to the yalinka. With lanky claws, the little birds were picking up the cones.

A lot of cones were left without white yalinka until spring. The sun warmed up. From the cones flew lightly to us. Spend some time on the earth, sprout. It will give life to a new tree. (For G. Skrebitsky.)

After autumn winter

It's cold outside. Frost biting the earth. Vecheri tumbled snow with plastics. Vin settled on the tops of the trees. It became light in the forest.

The guests came from the pivnoch. Birds in raspberry hats on their heads sat on the birch-trees. They flew up to the snowy hobrow with a red breast.

The inhabitants of the forest are wintering with a new chosen one. The squirrel has a lilac fur coat, the bunny has a white one. Toptigin has long been sleeping by the pit of the pit. Farewell, autumn, soar, winter!

Piznya osin

Autumn has come. A cold, sharp wind blows. It whirled in a circle and flew a different color leaf. Fly from the birch trees to the leaves. On the road lie a red leaf of aspen, a storm of leaf of poplar and wilha. Autumn leaves circling at the window.

Unforgettably, the boards were sent, the wound on the earth was different. Nothing is long now, and the day is short. The rest of the migratory birds are watching. It became quiet in the park alley. Z navkolishnіh forces pulled the car to the city. Carry potatoes, carrots, cabbage, apples to the market.

(72 words.)

Who cracked aspens?

Wind transferring from one month to another. On the river, in the forest, yogo puffed up the fire.

Then the miraculous calm weather set in. Great plastic drops fell to the ground. We went to the swamp. It was overgrown with grass, just about the outline of that young aspen. My susid marveled at the tree and said: "All aspen trees have broken tops!"

There was no light in the aspen forest, I tried to stop the snowfall. “Sim'ya mosiv was chewing here,” I guessed. A tree in a strong frost melts crying. The axis of their moose and lamayat. (For A. Ivanovim.)

Vzimku from the fox

An early wound in a fox. Quietly rise up the Svitanok. M'yako crunch under the feet of snow. And the birch trees and bushes were embellished with frost.

On the snow you can see the visor of the slides. The axis of the lancet glides along the fox's fox trail. Wolves passed along the edge of the clearing. Raptom over the knots, a cheerful bird of birds flew by. Vaughn spread out on top of a pine tree.

A snowy hat fell from the fox's beautiful tree. Vaughn lay down on an old stump. Good smell in foxes with resin and needles.


Tse bulo vzimku. It's a sleepy day. The lads swung over the door and played in the snow. Mikhail has new forges. Vіn vіrishiv go ice-skating. A thin lead on the bet is not shattered and cracked. Mishko fell into the water. Vin huddled over the edge of the krieg and screamed.

Wet clothes became important. The lad did not immediately vibrate from the water. Workers walked along the birch zaliznitsi. The stench rushed to Mishkov to help. The stinks gave you a doshka. The boy was bullied.

(71 words.)

Winter wound

Unochi ishov snig. The vranci people plowed the land at the white vbranny. Bov light frost. At the window, self-made snowflakes were circling in full. The trees stood in frost. On the birch and aspen needles there is a wonderful fringe.

The sun peeped out. Looking at the strength of the mass has changed. Everything shone, shone. Snowflakes shone with sparks on the tablecloth. How to marvel at the present world!

Gorobtsі, chickadees chirped on the humpback. Igor and Dima were going to be kryzhan gіrka. Uncle Vasya's porter cleared the paths to the gatehouse.

(71 words.)

Why embellish the yalinka?

New river. There is a yalinka at the skin booth. On it hang toys, bags, malt.

At a long time ago, Novy Rik was hung with hinges. People radiated the sun and warmth. On the holy day, the stinks were made with vogniks of the fruit of the tree. Tse symbolize the dream of kindness.

Ale, they changed. Novy rіk began to collect money. I pіvnіchnі people robbed yalinka with a new tree. Just out to stand in the winter cold green. People hang toys on її gіlka, which they make fruit, vegetables. Zam_st vognikiv yalinka is embellished with garlands of light bulbs.

2 pivrichchya

4 class

At the kvіtnі

The kvіten of triumph has already been a whole day. The rest of the snow melted under the bright changes of the sun and the warm wind. They rose from the snow cover of the forest bush. Persh blizzards, beetles, and spiders flew to the galyavin.

Guy jumped. The arable brunks of the white trees were crooked. Young pagons timidly made their way through the old leaves. Happy sounding bird choir. Throughout the winter, the birds of the warm sun were minted. And the creatures are hungry. Skin cone, licorice root for the little animal. The lasts arrived before the end of the month. The stinks settled under the house of our booth.

(74 words.)

Rozpal spring

Sonyachne light fills the mist. Stand rose up in the spring. Bjoli hoot over roslins. Along the knots of the forests, along the banks of the rivers and streams in the blossom of wild cherry. Tse already accepted that merry little tree at the white merezhivniy nakidtsi.

І vletka, and in the autumn of garna fox beauty. Її rushed usisto from dark yagid. Yagidki shine on the bright sun. Forever remember this marvelous picture. Cheremkha can be commemorated in the savage regions. Lord bake pies licorice filling from wild cherry. The lads caress the berries. Do not lay the wild cherry on the hinges, fill the beauty of people!

Miracles of the Spring Fox

The woods and the sun signaled the snow. Dzvinki strings take away the winter. The song of a lark is ringing high. Everything is amazing in spring. Go to the renewal of nature. Corrected the wings of the bjilka. To buzz over the leaves of the winter willow. Weeped up on the bark of komakhi trees.

At the silence, the birches are still crying. Leakage from the wounds, de bark cracked in the bitter frost.

Forty friends, they tell everyone about everything. Wink the woodpecker's red cap. The rejoicing of the tree is the fox likar, the shkіdlі larvae of the s-pіd of measles are distaє. The spring fox has a lot of miracles!

(72 words.)

Verby's guests

Blackened in the fields of the road. Zіshchulivsya snіg yar. The trees are still naked and gray. The willow among them shines like a golden bouquet. With a finger, you can chew a fluffy breast, and we will begin to chew a finger. Smell and smell the honey aroma.

The guests hurry to the banquet. Axis sіv on a gіlku nezgrabny dzhmil. Vіn all at the yellow file was stained. Hungry ants came. The flies are buzzing. Everything is good, call.

Green willow and spend your beauty in the midst of green bushes. Ale forever be deprived of the memory of the miraculous holy!

On the meadow

For a long time you check for the arrival of spring. І axis won on the porosi. Warm the spring sun. Vono z'їdaє the rest of the snow. From the girki on the road to bіzhat strumki. The stench is reminiscent to the brim of deep kaluzha and hasten away.

The white of the old stump has left the winter quarters. Having revived under the warm sun, the majestic forest goosebump. From early morning until late in the evening, yoga bags are turbulent. The stench is carrying blades of grass at the booths, a pine head. An elk appears. Vіn glancing mіstsevіst, having drunk cold water from the Kaluga and vtіk. Galyavina is full of marvelous lives!


A grassy thunderstorm blew over the highway. Vіdgrimіv grіm. On the birch, aspen, from leaf to leaf, hollow plank drops are sheared. spring sun flood the whole city with warm light.

At a small river, wild cherry blossoms. From early morning until late evening, the voices of birds do not call. You go up to the white trunks of birches and you can smell the song of the shpak. Sing wines easily, radiantly, ringingly.

At the bottom young greenery is dressed up by nature. Make up the grass in the fields, bows, foxes. We will spread light and warmth throughout the earth. Hello, spring!

About vitrimka

The person is guilty of strangling anger, filthy moods in himself. Don’t go to life for the sake of it, let’s go far away today.

Mavpi in hvilini beats his chest, the dog grumbles and bares his teeth, the elephant swings his trunk. Vitrima is valued by people, but it is important to give.

Ti siv grati with a friend. You have a wonderful attitude. Hello, you are playing. Once we become suspicious, we change the skin, we cross, we weld. Be fair and say to yourself: "My friend is the strongest."

Zoom in on your feelings. Self-control to serve you in the service.

Linden flowers

I am in the woods and catching a strong smell of linden. Turning from the path and straightening up to knots. The tree blossomed. "Won be able to win some beauty contest," I thought.

Lipa grimaced: “The unforgiving beauty sewed up today’s gloom.” I threw back my head and wobbled that the tree was reconciling the cloth. The wind, having seen the white clothes, killed.

Pishov mushroom board. Crimson gloom, having looked at the radiant promin of the sun, in the sky, a brightly colored oar was hovering. Linden virishila threw the oar over the cloth. No one else has such a miraculous vbrannya in the holy place. (For A. Trofimova.)

After I finish

The summer board stops. You marvel at the sky. It's blue. The enchanting place spread from the village to the pine forest. Tse beautiful merry. The smell of pollen colors fills the whole territory. Behind the fox the sun is howling.

Wood drops fall importantly from leaves and blades of grass. Their skin vibrates and sparkles. On the ground, there is a light pair. Look fresher. You can scream out of the bird's eye. The sun hangs high on a pine tree with a smooth trunk.

Raptom bachu under the pine blushing with a dark head on the minuscule. Tse mushroom boletus. Axis slacked off!


Grandma was sitting on the bench. Mi s Valerka was a rocket. Grandmother marveled at our Bik and Zithala. We did not give her respect. Mi Mali is more important on the right.

Іz pіd'їzdu viyshov football player Sashko. Vіn glancing at the door and pіdbіg just to grandma. Sashko took her bag and pennies from her. I turned around and handed over a loaf of bread, a pack of syrup, a package of milk. A smirk showed the face of a grandmother. Vaughn got up and walked to the door.

Vona wanted to ask us for help. And we were a rocket.


Kindly weep at night on a monthly path. Plivesh and throwing at the temryavі zhmeni monthly gold. I spluttered and marveled at the marvelous winding trace. Monthly light sparkled and settled on the bottom. The day shone faintly.

I remembered the great shell. Vaughn was similar to a gigantic sleepyhead. The shell was furrowed with dark smog. The middle of the shells know pearls. Less than one perlin falls on a thousand shells. Also, I didn’t varto overturn one shell for me.

Summer days

In the languor of the summer sun, the sun yearned for a shower. Vono threw the rest of the warm change. The stinks doused the tops of the yalinkas and pines with gold and died out. The self-sustained crow flew from yalinka to yalinka. Fox quieted down. Only the horses rattled more. It smelled of vogkistyu. The trees have become like monsters.

Me and my comrade swidko rose the bagattya. The smell of yushka spread throughout the world. They crackled the bitches in bagatti. The sparks flew from neck to neck.

Under the great mighty oak, we ruled over nothing. I didn't sleep for a long time. The urochist quiet fox lamented me.


A birch string grew in the taiga wilderness. Vaughn dreamed of the sun. Modrini screamed її. Bida became a Suvor winter. They healed її important snow kuchuguri. All spring she cried. Strumin juice flowed down on the ground to the Vologda. The autumn winds bent the birch with an arc. Without a bright sun, under a cold plank, the birch tree became wrinkled. At її leaves the moss got lost.

Isov hour. Little birch trees appeared on the hunched birch. The stench grew swiftly and became thicker than modrin. Birch-mother trimala children on their backs and radilas. I managed to make the sun shine! (For I. Bonfire.)

love tree

Bila birch bula and є our beloved tree. Vaughn yak good man: a garna, a string, a bіlolik. I coristi vіd it is rich. Birch firewood in the nayzharkish stove. And birch trees and leaves are the best way to get rid of colds and other ailments.

For the old hours they didn’t take a zayvo from the birch, they didn’t bring it to sickness and didn’t destroy it. I stood with birch forests in Russia, like palaces. They were cherished in sympathy for beauty and kindness. (For S. Romanovsky.)

(72 words.)

On the birch

We lay down with Petka on a warm stone, marveled at the water. Shards of shells are falling on the light sand. Lіniva flows more soft grass. We lie quietly. The axis is selected until we get a new population.

The dark tadpole minion wiliz from nori under a stone and shot at the thicket. Shvidko missed the roach. And the axis and the great wusaty cancer fork. Willis, ochima drive. Who made fun of us turbuvati? Let's eat now! Fry rushed in fear, roaches, perches. Someone cheered. Send and mi with Petka. (For E. Shim.)


I have a bad mood. I bought a correct one soccer ball. I am already healthy and calling Andriy Susid. I wanted to work to do it holy. I laid a new tablecloth on the table, took out the tart, a piece of cake.

Andriy took the vase with a spoon. Three spoonfuls of drop by drop slid the boil onto the tablecloth. The droplets rose brightly. Andriy laughing, roaring, like mi gratimemo at the yard.

Vіn pishov, and I became more summarily.


Swans settled on a distant lake. Tse arcade that proud bird.

Early vranci mi broke to the lake. Yurka's path descended into the ravine, vibrated onto the ridge, and hovered at the bushes. We were on the road. Shipshina grew on the edge of the road. Trochy gave a heavy field. Life was already there. The dew droplets shone brightly.

Axis and lake. Swans eagerly took up about rm. Naismilivishim buv the great swan. Mi called Yogo Bear. You sit with friends on the birch and marvel at these proud beauties. Horny birds!

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