How to review your credit report Credit history. How її revіrit bezkoshtovno? To retrieve the code, you can

Credits have become much worse in the life of a modern person. However, in some cases, in the event of a transition to a financial organization, the bulk of the population will take away the negative impact. If so, the bank may have the right to recover from the explanation of the reasons for the recovery. Among the widest one can see three:

  • a potential source of income may not be sufficiently high;
  • the hulk has a bad credit history;
  • the bank itself has a timely exchange of work with the selected credit program.

Even though there was a reason, the problem can be overcome. However, in order to escape the possible incomprehensibility between a potential creditor and financial organizations, it is better to get to know the debts in advance, which is to be lost in the credit history of a gromad.

It is important to review your credit history

As a rule, if a person does not run into any problems when registering a position in a bank, then rechecking one's credit history should not be squeaky. Return respect for information that is to be avenged in the new, varto inspire with a one-time withdrawal of information in given positions.

It’s clear that the citizen simply doesn’t know the facts of untimely repayment of positions or Shakhraisky diy. It may be so, that in the wake of pardoning the bank's financial advisors, or due to a software security failure, negative information appeared in the credit history of the hulk (if there is no evidence of activity).

To immediately reveal the evidence of such facts, try to correct them, then periodically review the credit history. Call on those who, once a stretch of fate, whether a hulking man can take a credit card absolutely without cost.

At the moment, the list of the largest BCIs in Russia, in which more than 80% of all credit histories of Russians are taken, looks like this:

  • National bureau of credit histories (NBKI). This bureau transmits information to most banks in Russia.
  • Equifax. So it goes, like NBKI, the most popular bureau in the country.
  • United Credit Bureau (UCB). If the bureau is affiliated with Oschadbank, and if you need to review the credit history for loans to Oschadbank yourself, then it is better for you to go to that bureau.
  • BKI "Russian Standard". Subsidiary of the bureau to the bank "Russian Standard". All information about loans to Russian Standard is guaranteed to be transferred to this BCI. For loans from other banks, information may not be available.

TOP-5 ways to find out about your credit history

Іsnuyut different ways to get a credit score. When choosing the optimal variant, you should be sure that information about one and the same citizen can be collected in a number of credit bureaus at once. With any given in the skin, they can be different.

To that gromadyaninov, who took loans earlier, at the beginning of the day, in which bureau information about the new one is collected. For which one will need a central catalog of credit bureaus, which can be obtained through the website of the Central Bank. Here, it is necessary to indicate the code of the subject of the credit history, which is the number of assignments during the first application for a loan. At a glance, if such a code is not known to the hulk, you can update the code or install it again by writing an application to the bank, de wi maєte credit at once, or de vin you have earlier.

Can you name 5 shortest way rechecking your credit history. Let us report to the skin from them.

1. Return directly to the Bureau of Credit History

As you can see, when information is being collected, it is best to go directly to the necessary bureau. Zrobiti tse can be kіlkom ways:

  • special visit to the office;
  • sending telegrams to the address of the bureau;
  • in online mode, as BKI is able to do so. One of the largest light sources BKI Equifax is able to register on the website of special office. If so, you will be able to review your credit history online free of charge.

The Bureau of Credit History collects, collects and compiles information about applicants. Also, it is necessary to form and form credit cards on the basis of physical requirements of financial organizations.

BKI can propagate to the hulks an offensive range of services:

  1. data on the credit score of the client's credit history. For the statistics of the most popular service, for which they hunt like hulks, as if they are aware of their credit score, so are legal individuals with the method of z'yasuvannya nadiyanosti and reputation of a potential employer;
  2. in case of revealed inaccuracies and evidence of a pardon in the credit history, the credit rating can be discredited;
  3. preparation of a final report with detailed statements about all bureaus, such as data on the credit history of the client. You may need it at a glance, which means that the fact of the presence of information about the credit history of a hulk in a few databases is revealed at once. In this case, one of them may have negative information, which does not guarantee the obviousness of positive data in all others;
  4. bureau officials can also give or change the number of the credit history (in case of such a request, you need to give passport data and that confirmation).

2. In the offices of bank-agents BKI

Also, with a credit score, you can get help from one of the banks - agents of the Bureau of Credit History. Among them, zokrema, are such great banks: Poshta Bank, Renaissance Credit Bank, Binbank, VTB Bank of Moscow, regional banks. It is better to inquire about such a service without intermediary in the offices of the bank.

In order to take your details of any credit history, you need to go to the office of the bank - an agent and submit an application. Sound, the preparation of the document does not take more than a quarter of a year. At the discretion of BKI, representatives of agents for the preparation of history take payment - as a rule, it will be approximately 800-1300 rubles. At to this particular type It is not necessary to notarize the request.

3. In Internet banks

How to review credit history via the Internet without leaving home? Who cares too much, what is foldable, and the stench is merciful. For online re-verification, apply for a quick credit confirmation through the Internet-banks of the relevant credit institutions.

Among bank-agents, it is possible to give the opportunity to get a credit call directly to the Internet bank, Oschadbank and Binbank. For example, in order to check your credit history in Oschadbank-Online, you simply need to log in to the system and in the "Inshe" branch, select the item " Credit history» Press the button «Check credit history». The service charge is 580 rubles and will be debited from the account of the card to Oschadbank.

In the special office of the Binbank, as in other banks, the procedure for obtaining a credit score is approximately the same.

It is important to know that banks spіvpratsyuyut іz different BKІ. So, Oschadbank can take information from the bureau of the Design Bureau, and from the NBKM to Binbank.

4. Get a credit card at Euromerezh salons

It is possible to review the credit history from the passport from the recent fir in the Euroset company. In order to take such a service, it is necessary for a hulk to come to any kind of salon and turn to the seller. Three documents, crim passports, nothing is needed. The price of the service is paid - the price is 990 rubles.

Let's look at the data of the credit history, the company is also promoting the service under the name "Ideal worker". Z її in addition, you can designate a scheme for diy, so as to help improve your credit history (as it turned out to be negative). Recommendations can be formed on the basis of terms, for which the client needs to raise his rating, and the scoring score assigned from the credit history. For such a service, you will have to pay 490 rubles.

5. Service ACRIN (credit call from NBKI)

Defining credit history online? You can also request the required information through the special service of the Credit Information Agency, which is the largest official representative of the NBKM.

Through a credit information agency, you can get the following services:

  • Otrimati dovіdku іz Central Catalog of Credit Іstorії.
  • Enter the code of the subject of the credit history.
  • Form the NBKM express visa.
  • Get a credit call from the NBKI
  • Obtain a credit note from the credit bureau "Russian Standard" (BRS).
  • Recognize your credit and scoring of the applicant.
  • Check your credit history with the NBKI.
  • Connect SMS-information about your skin change of your credit history.
  • Find out information about the barrier cars.

Credit history, as expected in a special office, is available only to the master of the oblikovy record. If necessary, you can contact the fahivtsі of the Credit Information Agency for advice, either through e-mail or by phone.

Service ACRIN is ideal for the team who regularly updates the data that is recorded in the credit history. Here you can issue an overpayment for a bill of vouchers with a significant reduction, as well as get a short note from the NBKI, which costs only 60 rubles.

In order to become a servant of the service, it is necessary to go through the stage of registration and confirmation of specialization. You can pay for services in various ways, including electronic pennies (Webmoney, Yandex.Groshi) and from a bank card online.

6. Services for assessing credit history

In the rest of the hour, I will especially gain popularity by assessing the credit history of physical disabilities. These services will literally help you to collect your own minimum visa from your credit history. We have your rating of the employer and important information about your credit history (For example, what is the line, in what period will it be out, etc.). And more detailed information, for example, at which bank you have a loan, or de Buli stitched there, you won’t see it.

The advantage of this service is the simplicity of taking that credit, as it is 2-3 times lower for arranging the total credit score from BKI (approximately 300 rubles).

The most popular services are MoneyMan, Мій Rating, 3БКІ.


Someone who also asks and searches on the Internet how you can turn your credit history into a nickname. The reasoning here is simple - only in the name of perverting a credit history is impossible. Access to the applicant's information about the credit history is possible only for passport data and confirmation of the individual.

Fahіvtsі recommend periodically rechecking your credit card no less than 1 time per rіk. In my opinion, in case of revealed inconsistencies, it is possible to correct data at the same time. If you need a loan for a significant amount, but you simply don’t have a credit history, you can start creating a positive story first, and then go back to the financial organization for the position.

Without a doubt, the clerk knows about the basis of the credit line, but if so, few people know why it is being formed? Who cares about cym? Can you change the credit line cost-free? Yakscho tse paid service- will you skilki koshtuvati?

BKI - what

Under the appointment of “BKI”, there is a legal person, who is commercial structure. BKI give services for molding, collecting and processing information about how to credit the skin care worker.

We have our own credit history and provide information for banking institutions about a particular client’s skin to help and in order for the lender to assess the payment efficiency of its potential client.

In that case, as in the case of BKI information, the fact of the fact that the positions were cleared up earlier by the employers, such hulks are encouraged to get new loans, is given.

Today in Russian Federation create your own job more than 20 BCI. The skin bureau be ready to give the credit history of the necessary applicant.

More important about molding history

Bagatioh tsіkavit pitanya, in what way is formed їх credit history. Let's try to rozіbratisya in tsoma.

In the first place, when the position of the skin is taken off, the clerk signs an agreement, in which there is a point that allows you to transfer information and payments (є prostrochennya chi nі) and about the clerk himself.

On the presentation of this document, the creditor transfers information about the specific borrower to the Bank of Credit, and on the presentation of the withdrawal of information, the credit line is stored.

As soon as the lender informed the BKI about the imminence of the line, the organization lowers the credit line by a few points, if there is no line, the credit line will be improved.

As a matter of fact, the main principle of formation of the credit line of the applicants is the main principle.

Bagato who cares that the rating can be reduced more bank loan. It is necessary to understand that regardless of whether for 500 rubles of credit or for 500 thousand, the rating decreases and rises however.

De twist history

Without a doubt, a lot of positive credit scores in a hopeless credit rating, but sometimes a credit line review is simply necessary.

It might be better for someone who has been ordered to give a loan to some bank, arguing for a negative credit line. For some reason, the prisoner is guilty of perverting why such a situation is blamed, maybe it’s just a pardon.

You can review your credit history:

  • via the Internet;
  • we will specialize the animals to a higher organization.

How to revise especially?

Perevirity especially can be shown more quickly, lower through the Internet. The order of action in which case is falling in the offensive:

the applicant travels to the nearest BKI for a month of his residence with a passport;

  • submit an application;
  • withdraw my credit line.

Where can you revise on the Internet?

On this day, you can check the credit line on the Internet in rich services. Among yakih:

  • Intermediary services.

If you are talking about more specific services, then in this case you can talk about such things, like:

  • Equifax - BKI, which gives such a service;
  • Payments - in this MFI, you can take a bank statement on a credit line;
  • at the National Bureau of Credit History;
  • from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

If you talk about the procedure for withdrawing a credit history, then in our organizations there are few people who think and act in the offensive:

  • it is necessary to go through a small registration;
  • indicate passport data;
  • confirm information about yourself for the help of the eID service;
  • send a request to the credit line;
  • Obtain a report on your credit rating.

How to reverse history in Oschadbank

Banking establishment Oschadbank gives all its clients a unique opportunity - to recognize their own credit line.

To get a credit line in Oschadbank, you need to:

  • go to special office Oschadbank (as it is not possible, it is necessary to register in advance);
  • go to the subdivision “Credit”;
  • click on the message/button "Remove credit history";
  • in the window, fill in all the language fields and request payment;
  • Confirm the payment by entering a special code to reach the client's phone;
  • go to the division of special credit history.

De pervіriti without cost

Today, there are a few ways to find out your credit history via the Internet without a cost. For whom it is enough to speed up one of the repaid lower organizations, and for yourself:

  • for assistance from the Credit Information Agency;
  • for help BKI Equifax;
  • for the help of MFI Platiz.

For assistance of the Credit Information Agency

The National Bureau of Credit History is the main partner of the Credit History Agency. Credit card holders in the NBKM may have the right to change their credit line without cost 1 time by stretching the calendar date.

To take a call from the NBKI, it is enough to go through a small registration and correct the request.

Equifax - BKI

All credit bureaus give their clients the opportunity to know about their credit rating for 1 calendar day 1 time without cost. It will be necessary to re-verify the HF again, it will be necessary to pay for it. Let's talk about the price below.

The presence of a wide range of services is the presence of a wide range of services, like the stench is ready to propagate. Zokrema go about such services, like:

  • the ability to connect SMS-information to clients about changing their credit ratings;
  • pardons from credit lines have not been corrected, as pardons have been made;
  • help the applicants to correct their credit histories.

Varto signify that the rіven zahistu from the shakhraїv of the last BKI of the past fate, we will cut the confessions from the porіvnіnі z reshtoi.

MFO Platiza

Irrespective of those that the company is not included in the BKI category, the stench will tell its customers without any cost about their credit line.

Moreover, this organization promotes the speed of unique ability: repair your negative credit line in a short term.

Behind the words is quiet, who is already scurrying with such a program, for 3-4 months in the distance to establish a positive credit line and stench can draw up any position in the current banking institutions of the country.

De fee

It is clear to everyone that the credit history can be taken seriously without cost (for the mind, it is only 1 time). Ale, in parallel with the cim, it is necessary to pay in case of a repeated payment. How much money can be prepared by the employers for the first hour of credit history for a fee? Let's look at the table:

Yakshcho at KI pardon

Often after otrimannya zvіtu for a credit line, poychalniki vyyavlyayut at a new pardon. For whomever you want, you can have your credit rating skewed and you can change your credit rating.

For whom it is enough to turn up to the BKI, in which the credit rating was taken, and the following procedure is followed:

  1. Return to whether a notarial organization and, together with a notary, file an official charge against the credit line.
  2. The application is filed with either a recommended sheet, or it should be placed especially before the BKI office.
  3. For 1 month, I have thoroughly reviewed the credit line for the clearness of pardons for my BKI.
  4. After re-verification, the caller is forced to call, for whom it is ordered, - pardons, and the stench has already been corrected, but the fact of pardons has not been revealed.

If, after re-checking the credit rating, the credit rating is not good enough for decisions, then you may have the right to file a summons statement to the district court for the place of your residence and even there to slander your position.

Credit history management

The skin of the cashier may have the right to charge his own credit line. For whom, it is enough to regularly review your credit line and at the time of the fact of the fact of an increase in work and a little improvement.

As practice shows, enough check your credit rating less often than not once per day. Whose period is enough.

If the borrower is regularly credited with positions, he may have the right to change his credit line after repaying his skin position.

About credit history on video

About credit history - at the program "Special Correspondent"

Do you want to know how you can check your credit history online without any cost? We give you instructions on how you can recognize a client on the list of all banks without registration.

Credit history today plays an important role for more people than ever before. If you had some shortfalls in the pretrial payment discipline, then the stench, as a rule, will lead to the establishment of new banking regulations in the form of giving you new positions.

And tse, in your own room, psuє life for people, if you plan to get a car, an apartment, or just buy a pilosos. It is also important for you at any stage to periodically chime in with records about you at the Central Russian Bureau of Credit History (further behind the text - BKI).

Credit history: molding process

The history of your payments for principal and already repaid loans is a unique chronology of payments on a total amount equal to a banking organization. Such a turn of the podіy z'yavlyaєtsya at once, as you have applied for an otrimannya, be it any kind of position.

Varto vrakhovuvaty and the fact that you still managed your position, but if you didn’t take it away for whatever reason, if you don’t go into your hands, the shards are clearly visible that you spent an hour and pennies of a credit organization, but if you were able to get it.

What is the cost of the current state of affairs - servicing a loan, then the information about you is taken up to BKI. With whom it is formed like this:

  • you have applied;
  • pleased credit;
  • took a position;
  • pay yoga hourly;
  • allowed prostochennya too thin.

All your “body’s hands” are spent on a digital wearer at BKI. Henceforth, we should protect the skin client of the bank and try with all our might to save the person.

Where do banks send information about applicants?

Often our readers are kindly aware that banking organizations work in the country's economy. However, on the right, we call it inaksha. On the right, in what you do with the bureau, the service is paid, and also, the more companies you have, with which you work, they have to pay more.

For the same reason, banks most often pay only for 1-3 BKI. There they add information about their clients, and in the same place they ask for data about those people who come to them first.

Merezhi has information about those who are doing it, it is recommended to read this table. She will help you to get an idea of ​​where your file can be saved.

Credit history review online free of charge

You can find out about your KI different ways- Free of charge and for a small fee (between 1000 rubles). Mustaches are in the photo below:

Call the procedure allowing you to go back to BKI without any fees once and apply for your dossier, report instruction given. If you want to follow the records regularly, such a request will cost you 300 to 1000 rubles for one visit.

If you do not leave the house, you can also get help, as you can do it, but if you need to know the special code of the subject, which may be instructed by your loan agreement. This information allows recognition, some of your data is saved, that is. like the Bureau vіdpovіdaє for the preservation of your folder. And if earlier for cym I had to go especially to BKI, then the procedure was easy.

It is enough to fill out a special request online, indicate personal data (PIB, date of birth, region), as well as a form of withdrawal of confirmation: to the postal address or fax number. Call for everything about everything, you can see up to 7 decibels from the moment you submit a confirmation request.

Pokrokov's instruction for the removal of data from KI

As you know where your data is being saved, just go to the website of the BCI you need and fill out an application. But if there are over thirty similar organizations in Russia, then the information can be in one or more mortgages.

Pozichalnik, which you know for sure, which organization itself is aware of data about your reputation. In order to recognize that number of the Bureau, de є records about you, it is necessary to return to the website of the Central Bank of Russia at the address

The simplified procedure looks like this:

How is your credit history taken care of?

  1. Go to the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the branch of "Credit History" for,
  2. Choose the section “Request for information about credit bureaus”,
  3. Choose the appropriate form of setting up to KI. For the pozhalnik tse subject'ekt.
  4. Choose the fallow according to the presence of information about your code of the subject КІ in the event of a value – I know my code of the number. If you don’t know anything, you don’t see the tribute without cost in such a rank, and you will happen to get paid services. Otherwise, if you want to get a new code, then for whom it is necessary to return to the representation of the BCI at your place, or to be some kind of credit organization,
  5. If you want to enter a code, check the box there. Let us then indicate who to rob the request (positive - this is a physical person), and also put a tick in the field confirming the knowledge of the minds of the Internet request,
  6. If you don't have enough fill in the empty fields in the online form and submit your data. It is necessary to remember these rules - all words are written in Russian letters, between the series and the passport number there is no gap, do not put a clearing more than once, the dates must be indicated in the form DD.MM.RR.
  7. If everything is filled in correctly, then click on the entry “Dakoy, your data has been sent to the system”

How to send a request to a specific BKI

After that, as you know, where it is known that your file is given about you, you should apply for a new request at a specific bureau. Vikonuete such manipulations:

- Passport data (number, series, date of withdrawal);
- Special code of the subject of the credit history;
- enter your e-mail address (Email);
- submit an application for review;
- Check for confirmation.

If you have a credit history, then the Central Committee for Combating the Credit Card will check the BKI, if you have records about you, otherwise check the message that "no credit history was found." But it means that in the same BKI there is no data about you.

List of BCIs, how to give information online

Deyakі organіzаtsії, yakі take away the credit histories of the citizens of the Russian Federation, can supersede in the online mode. Before these one can see:


You take back the data after registration from the system. The first request for all is free of charge. Krym tsgogo, є kіlka accepting bonuses for registering koristuvachіv resource: zahist vіd shakhrai dіy, sms-notification about the introduction of new data in your file, options for correcting any pardons, yak z'appeared in your credit history in further assistance.


This organization works closely with the Credit Information Agency, so on the official website of this organization you can request all the information you need. The resource also requires additional registration.


After registration, you will have access not only to the data of your dossier, but also to other details:

Notification to a special phone number;
test scoring, which is used by the banks to establish the method of assessing the prospects for obtaining a loan;
otrimanya your special code of the subject, which you forgot;
cost-free re-verification of the outpost car, report.
Rechecking history through the website of your bank

Active banks allow their clients to request information about their payment discipline through their special office. If you didn’t know such a request, then you can phone to the information center and clarify about the presence of such a possibility, the phone was ordered for Oschadbank.

How to quickly find out about your KI?

It’s a pity, I don’t know about my dossier, but I don’t see it without a hitch. The process of strengthening the call from the BCI for additional enforcement of the application on the website of the Central Bank is to complete the trial process, which can be carried out from a few days until today.

If you need a copy of the term, you can take it only for a fee. The simplest thing to do is to work with a banking organization, like in your city - you need to see the special permission, with a passport, and it’s practical for you to see the necessary information.

If you need to collect data via the Internet, then for which it is low online portals, for example, they have overwhelmed us more. It's a win in saving the client's time, you don't need to go anywhere, all the data will come to your post office.

From the other side, the deacons of the company proponuyut the service of "subscription", tobto. you will need information about those that have changed in your file, new records have appeared. It’s even more convenient for those who are involved in the help of MFIs and the passage special programs to Radcombank.

How to get a credit history through State services?

Not long ago, a new service became available to the citizens of our country - the ability to request KI through the association portal of the State Service. If you don't need to pay for anything, you also don't need to know about your subject's code. All you need is the entrance fee to your Special Cabinet and access to Merezha.

Pokrokov's instruction:

  1. Go to
  2. Pass authorization in the Special Cabinet,
  3. At the servants, choose a distribution “Gifts and finance”,
  4. Scroll through the list until the message “Vidomosti about the bureau of credit services”,
  5. Click on the active promotion "Access for the community ..",
  6. Read the instructions and press the right-handed button on the button "Take service",
  7. A new page is being opened, all fields will be automatically filled in. You need to confirm the operation,

After you fill in that correct application, in a few days your Special Cabinet will receive information about those BCIs, in which information about you is collected. There will be your name and contact information.

The call itself from KI can be taken in the office of the bureau with a passport or be it from financial companies via the Internet on the official website. It is to be clarified that it is now possible to inquire about your right without cost 2 times on a river on a free basis.

These allow you, without leaving your home, to gain access to your credit history, and also, you do not spend your time looking for your data.

Once on the bank, the applicant may have the right to request his credit history (KI) without any fees. However, even if you know the best ways to get rid of the call, then it will appear that you can work smoothly without pennies, but you can still equalize.

Experts are happy to review the credit history 1-2 times per day. In the first place, in view of the fact that it is possible to lay a deposit of credits for the future, the same rate is behind them. As if the bank had messed up, it could become a rebate to get a new loan, if you need wine.

If the borrower applies for a loan, the bank will apply to the credit bureau. It is necessary, to recognize, chi not allowing the client to scribble for past loans, and also to evaluate it more accurately borgove vanity.

In a different way, it allows you to vacate, without having issued a shakhrai on your name credit, but still trapleyaetsya.

First, you need to pay for KI, you need to know, in some kind of bureau of credit history (BCI) you won't be saved. On the right, in the fact that today Russia has 21 BKI. The bank will instantly send them to them, be it from them, or to put them in a kilka. And if it has already become necessary to reconsider your history, then recheck the information required from all bureaus (it can vary, the shards of different banks will match with different banks).

How can a hopeful person find out, where is yoga KI saved?

It is possible to find out, in some bureaus, the information about the applicant can only be obtained through the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (CKKD). If the borrower knows his/her code of the subject of the credit history, he/she can contact the Bank of Russia.

The code of the subject of the credit history is the number of letters and digits that were invented by the borrower at the time the loan was issued. Він є PIN-code for online access to the CKKI database.

If the code is not formed, or if you forget yoga, you will not be able to use the necessary information via the Internet. Come especially to go with your passport to the bank, be it a credit history bureau, a post office, a microfinance organization, a credit cooperative, or a notary public, and through them you will be charged to the CPU.

The Central Bank does not give the borrowers the very credit history, they only update the list of BCIs, in which they are taken out.

Prior to the speech, when sent to the bank, the bureau of credit history can create a new code of the subject of credit history for future applications. Ale tsyu service establish can slap like a bezkoshtovnіy, and on a paid basis.

What are the ways of obsession?

The creditor has the right to review his/her credit history free of charge. You are to blame for the supply, but what information is collected from how many bureaus? "Leather bureau will give one credit card without cost," commented in Equifax BCI.

You can take your sound in the skin bureau with a few ways:

  • submit a request for mail, but the application may be certified by a notary;
  • send a request by telegram;
  • through the online services of partner bureaus;
  • return to the office of the organization, as a spіvpratsyuє from the bureau (the list can be found on the website of the bureau);
  • especially return to the office of the BCI with a passport.

But most of these methods can be called without cost only mentally. The receipt of a signature from a notary in Moscow costs 900 rubles, for editing by telegrams you also have to pay (281 rubles for writing a “certification by the operator of the call” and 2.8 rubles for a skin word).

Partners of the bureau charge a fee for intermediary services - approximately 400 rubles. You only have to go to the bureau especially. The downside of such an approach is that BKI only works on weekdays from 9:00-10:00 to 17:00-18:00, who will have to ask for work.

Why is it so difficult to review your credit history cost-free?

How to sign in "Ekvіfaksі", current ways to get a credit card, effectively, є zagorzhuvalny bar'єrom, especially for the people who live not in Moscow and the Moscow region. “We had a bunch of hulks, and they also took care of transport costs for trips to the bureau,” they say at the bureau. – Navit for bazhannya, it’s impossible to cover all BCIs, because a lot of them to know different places. The largest BKI is located in Moscow, and for the regions, the way of submitting an application to the BKI is also important.

Ale, with a glance, the safety of the commencing of the KV is true. As the experts explain, information from the credit history may only be available to the subject, which, when applying for a credit score, needs to identify the subject of the credit history. “In addition, to the information of the subject of the credit history, there is almost no access to the information: a person / team, matchmaker, brother, fathers, shakhrai - all who have personal data of the subject of the credit history,” BKI says.

Taking credit history is practical

Krok 1. Z'yasovuyemo, from some bureaus a credit card is taken. I have not entered the code of the subject of the credit history. That's why I phoned ahead of us to the bank, which, having let go of my credit card (a single loan product, which if I applied for), they told me that such a request was made by the Central Committee of the Commissariat of Commodities, as well as the creation of a code would cost 350 rubles. Shards in front of me was a meta - to find out about my credit history absolutely without any money, I had a chance to go to another bank for a referral.

I wanted to go to Promzv'yazokbank just before - I fell on a new one only to the one that was closest to me - my office is located on the territory of the business center, which I practice. I was spared once - you can send a request for free. Alone, I had a chance to get close to 15 quills, while the spіvrobitnik knew the very form of the application - for the price of service, they rarely go to them.

Spivrobitnik to the bank, having taken a copy of my passport and asked to fill in the form, which, having sent it to the Central Control Commission, will ask for the application for the code of the subject of the credit history (Crimea of ​​these passports, it is necessary to indicate SNILZ and IPN).

The next time, if I want to take away information from the Central Control Commission, it will be easier for me to find out, so now I have the code of the subject of the credit history, don’t forget the smut.

The bank, having accepted my application at about 15:00, the next day at the same hour (that was no more than a day later), they called me from the bank and asked me to come for a ticket in the application, even though I entered the office of the bank, walk close - so it’s not so scary anymore).

On my inquiry, I found out that my bank was reporting about my credit card "self-confidently" to three credit bureaus - the National Bureau of Credit History (NBKI), "Equifax Credit Services" and the United Credit Bureau (OKB).

As a matter of principle, information about the Bureau could be tried and recognized from your bank. Ale, first, the bank can, ale not goiter, provide information about it. And, in a different way, as a meta-revision of KI - recognition, without having issued a loan for you, then your way is not possible, the attacker could take away the position pennies and in another credit institution. So it’s best - still take the official opinion from the Central Committee of the Commissariat for Combating.

Krok 2. We go to the BCI website. I once again review information about the services of private clients.

On the site of guilt, all the methods of obtaining KI are described in detail. Possibly, there will be another cost-free option, for a special visit. In my mind, I have pleased "Equifax". We may have a special online service, but if you want to speed it up, I need to re-identify. The process is not the easiest, but it takes an hour on the road.

How to receive calls without cost via Equifax online service?

To gain access to my KI online, I needed to register on the resource. For whom I ordered PIB, passport data and e-mail. Dali - the process of my identification. There are 4 ways to get through її:

  1. send a telegram (I’m still paying for it, I didn’t see such an option);
  2. especially to come to the office of the bureau (alternatively, you can especially ask and take the call, I didn’t consider such an option);
  3. confirm the person in the office of the Contact payment system (the service is paid - 180 rubles, I did not consider this option);
  4. win the cost-free eID service (in the form for the food provider, which is based on your credit history).

The only viable option for me was eID. Vibrala yoga that service having formed five meals. Including:

  • What is the closest value to the credit limit charged for your card?
  • Which range is more suitable for your flow chart collection?
  • What is the closest date to the date of full repayment of the car loan from Bank N (there was no food for a trick, there were no signs of any car loan from Bank N)?

A few options were added to skin nutrition, but not one of them did not show exact numbers - it was only a clear range. Koristuvach can only try three times, so that you can correctly answer all the questions. If you do not pass the test successfully, you will have to go to the office especially. It happened to me for the third time (on the right, in that the bank sends information to the bureau not instantly, but with some kind of delay, for example, the charge on the card, for example, is 10 thousand rubles, and the kilka tyzhniv that won 15 thousand) . rubles, then in the case of types it is necessary to choose a range closer to 15 thousand rubles. rubles, I got burned at such pardons).

Hour of reopenings with 10 quills. Then, if you need to, try to make arrangements for the processing of personal data, sign it and send a scan, and also send a scanned copy of your passport (in a special office you can attach files). They gave us a service to advise you of the need for rechecking, as it may take a few days. But really, I got access to my first cost-free credit card in a year.

Call for e-mail at the sight of sending a PDF-file.

Krok 3. Still, there are no other ways to get a free call, so we can check on the BKI website for contacts and a schedule for receiving residents. The central office of BKI and the office, de physical person can take credit history - do not start one and the same place. So you need to be respectful. For example, the head one is located near the center of Moscow - vul. Velyka Nikitskaya, Budinok 24/1, Budova 5, pid'zd 3, and the office of the recipient of the applicant is located right next to the Vladykino metro station at the address: Novovolodikinsky pr., 8, stor 4, pid'zd 1.

Krok 4. Idemo to the office of the bureau, do not forget to take your passport with you. The road from work to the office of the NBKM took me close to a year. The process of withdrawal itself is no more than five minutes. It was enough to show your passport and fill in the application. While I filled in the required graphs on the form, the bureau’s spokesman knew me in the database, having provided a credit call.

Axis, vlasne, and that's it. The bureau lost its footing for the whole scheme. The credit history can be absolutely free of charge for the address: Moscow, 2nd Kozachi provulok, bud. 11, building 1.

The whole process of omitting the list of all bureaus, taking care of my credit history, and it took me three days to get to them. Tsіkavo, scho yakby I took sruchnіshi ways to otrimannya KI, then the trivality of the process all the same would not be short. In case of a special way to BKI, the sound is hoped for by the caller immediately, and even through other channels, then it will stretch three days. Everything is nourished by clarity and visibility for an hour on the road.

Having taken off your credit score, it is necessary to respectfully check it out - so that a pardon has not crept in, like a pardon, a friend's pardon, or a loan. At the time of pardoning, you can consult with a BKI specialist in the field about ways to correct incorrect information. There are two options: write an application to the bureau, then BKI will contact you with the wrong statements and ask them to check them again, otherwise the applicant can turn directly to the bank or the MFO, as if he sent pardon information. Like a pardon to be confirmed - to correct history. For everything, before the application, it is necessary to add documents confirming the inaccuracy, for example, receipts for payment of a loan in lines. Therefore, it is important to take such papers.

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