My credit history. How to know credit history? How to review your credit history? My credit history

What is credit history

Credit history (КІ) - data about withdrawing credit products about those how the stench was repaid. Subject u to this particular type acts as a legal person (including an individual entrepreneur), as a candidate. The star has the same information about ship's restraints(as if they were), alimony, late payments for housing and communal services, mobile phone calls, fines DIBDR and submissive contractions.

To the very same skin hulk Russian Federation my credit rating, nezalezhno vіd tskogo, zratavsya vіn for otrimannyam credit product earlier chi nі. Credit history collects all information about billings both from banks and state authorities.

De saving Credit history

May all credit histories of Russians be saved in some of the largest banks:

  • JSC "National Bureau of Credit History" (NBKM).
  • ZAT "United Credit Bureau" (OKB).
  • Bureau of Credit History "Equifax" (Equifax Credit Services).
  • TOV "Credit Bureau Russian Standard".

To recognize which bureau saves Your credit history, you need to know your credit history subject code, which form the pіd hour of laying the loan agreement. Nad_slavshi is requested to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (CKKD) or through the website of the Bank of Russia from Designated code of the subject of the credit history, You accept the bureau list.

You have not formed your own special code of the subject of credit history - it means that you simply cannot do it. Ale, in order to find out about your credit history, zovsіm not obov'yazkovo know the code of the subject - dosit just turn into one of KI reverification services online, yaki svpratsyyut z usima credit bureaus, For example, through services or in.

Where to transfer Credit history to banks and MFIs

Some banks work from one bureau, other companies can work at once from a bank. We aim an example:

naming the jar

Kudi transfer

Kudi rob zapit



NBKI, Equifax, OKB, ZZBKI, MBKI, KB Russian Standard


NBCI, Equifax

NBCI, Equifax

Alfa Bank

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

VTB Bank of Moscow

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, OKB, Eqifax

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

Equifax, NBKI, ZZBKI


NBKI, Equifax, ZZBKI


Credit Europe Bank

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, MBKI, Equifax


Vidkrittya Bank

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBCI, Equifax

NBCI, Equifax


NBKI, Equifax, KB Russian Standard

Raiffeisen Bank

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB


Russian Standard

KB Russian Standard

Equifax, KB Russian Standard, NBKI

Tinkoff bank

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

Home Credit Bank

NBCI, Equifax

NBKI, Equifax, OKB, KB Russian Standard

Unicredit Bank

NBKI, KB Russian Standard

NBKI, Equifax, KB Russian Standard

Why did they encourage me to get a loan?

In 90% of financial companies, banks and MFIs, they encourage clients to give loans through a bad credit history. History of position from the assigned damages, non-hourly fees, penalties for the positions taken for a period of 10 years, they are collected from the credit bureau, they are updated.

In addition, in the last hour, the robots began to secure information from the applicant's credit history! Read more about the injection of credit history when applying for a job. Zaimtime's correspondents conducted a small investigation to find out how the credit history is included in the population's training.

How to find out about your Credit rating?

Recognize credit rating It is possible in various ways online via the Internet, and also when you are inspected. You can file a request for an hour of a special visit to the Central Bureau of Credit History, or if you send it there, you will be asked for a recheck by mail, after which you will be redirected to specific KI bureaus, you will not need to pay for the information.

Alone review of credit history with a special animal of a physical individual with a protracted fate shtetless for the patron. For the advance of the beast, a fee may be drawn.

Іsnuє alternative way. You can apply for otrimannym v_domosi to the organization, as spіvpratsyuє z usima provіdіm credit bureaus. Choose one of the companies represented on our resource, submit a request and take the necessary data for 1-5 minutes. Credit history online- It's simple, efficient, and to avenge a large amount of information. In our material, we have reported: , and how to carry out the improvement of the client's credit rating.

Doesn't matter, hope credit history cost-free or for a fee - in both ways you take up-to-date information for all credit products, that positions, you know, you act as a guarantor, whatever you please, that else important information(abortions for alimony, payment of taxes and fees, court decisions about confinement, borgs from housing and communal services). In addition, it will help you to get rid of the shahraystva to facilitate the procedure for withdrawing a new position for a loan.

Why you need to know your KI:

  • trust, but change - show pardons from the side of banks and credit organizations;
  • do not waste money on accepting swindlers, like applying for loans for other people's passports and photocopies of documents;
  • for the sake of peace and quiet.

The request is to avenge the following information:

  • borg / posture stitching;
  • how many credits you have, pay for them;
  • collection of alimony, taxes, rent, contraction through the service of ship bailiffs;
  • recommendations on how to correct weak points, through which they can recover from crediting;
  • chances of gaining a new position (scoring ball).

Let's guess, microfinance organizations see positions on more loyal minds, and even banks. Vibrating for the help of our Maidan, you can recognize how to take position without rechecking credit history. And the main thing is the recognition of microfinance organizations in the form of banks - the simplicity of withdrawing a credit product (position). Tse duzhe sutteva evaga in situations, if a penny is needed terminovo. On our resource, you can choose a company that is ready to issue a microposition without rechecking KI, and also, without guarantee, that nadannya dovіdok about gerelo income. With documents, you need only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and only for a sprat of fines You can get financial food.

Companies that specialize in microfinancing often see positions clients with bad credit history, and also give the possibility of correcting. All you need is a passport.

Mi pratsyyuemo only z perepіrenimi and superimposed MFIs. You can not worry about the confidentiality of your data, the stench is encrypted and protected in a proper way to decent legislation.

We hope that with our help you can learn term position without credit history be-if, 24 years for mining, 7 days for a week. Looks like a guarantee.

Yakshcho You ran into a problem when interacting with a service, placement on our site, be kind, tell me about it.

Suggestion: The smartest way for a person, if you want to reconsider your credit history, if you want to find out, you won’t save, there are close to 22 bureaus in Russia, so they accumulate data (it’s more important to know, it’s true, only in 4 of them).

Credit history is stored in the credit history bureau, and the axis of information AT THE CREDIT HISTORY Bureau is stored in the history of that number of applicants (subject of credit history) is collected in the central catalog of credit history (for short, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

In order to recognize and save your history, it is necessary to ask to the Central Control Commission.

Є kіlka ways. The first way in the list and the only one is without a cost, it is paid.

  • On the side joke point "Request for information about credit bureaus". Then follow the instructions. For this OBOV'YAZKOVO method, it is necessary to know the authority code of the subject of the credit history. Yogo can be found in loan agreements. This is a digital-letter cipher, a kind of pin-code for the Central Control Commission. If you don’t know anything, then you can try to turn around to the bank, de take a loan and write an application ( report instruction with pictures -). Abo read takі points.
  • Go back to the bank and write an application for the filing of information about the bureau, de saving the history. Do not stray from the previous point, there it was necessary to go back to the bank to find out about the subject's code, here we immediately write an application for a withdrawal from the bureau list. The bank itself will send a request to the Central Control Commission. Details and the price of the service should be clarified with the administrators of the bank (div.).
  • Return to the notary. Also, a special application form is completed, it is submitted by a notary public and the request is submitted to the Central Committee of the Commission. You will be informed about the readiness of the finalization. Returning to the Central Control Commission through a notary is subject to the law on credit history (div.).
  • Similarly, you can turn to any MFI or a credit cooperative with a similar application. These organizations may have special application forms for such applications (div.).
  • Send a special telegram, received a postal call (div.)
  • Turn back to the office of any BKI (not obov'yazkovo the largest) with such a statement about the given statements.
  • You can also remotely submit an update on the list of bureaus through the NBKI. It is necessary to fill in a special form (you can order it on the site), notarize it, add a receipt for payment and send it by mail. Also, NBKI has partners and practically in all regions of the country.
  • Іsnuyut special online services for inquiry to the Central Control Commission. Similar services have recently appeared at NBKI, Equifax, OKB. It doesn't matter in which bureau your credit history is taken. Cі organіzаtsії zroblyat inquiries, і You otrimаєte list nebhіdny bureaus. And farther - go where you need to go. These services are paid.

The result of any of these may be the appearance of your list of quiet bureaus, where credit history is saved. Dali You just inquire at the bureau's needs. How to fight, read in our other opinions.

Information about those that can be cost-freely re-verified credit history for a reason, most of the customers are given a pardon. However, pardon. Zgidno federal law No. 216, a leather clerk can freely transfer a credit history to a friend in online mode or in any bank.

It is possible to convert KI to a nickname without cost only 1 time per river. In other situations, you can’t go wrong without a cost, you’ll have to pay a small fee.

How to review credit history without cost?

Credit history (КІ) is formed free of charge after issuing a bank loan. He has the name of a poacher and that information about those who, having paid their debts, which was allowed to be scribbled too thinly. Credit histories themselves are collected from special bureaus (BCI). Russia has a few dozen. You yourself need to submit a request, so that you can freely convert your KI to a nickname.

There are three ways to convert KI on a nickname, two of which are without cost:

Submit a fee-free request for the re-verification of KI for admission to the Central Bank of Russia. You can review the information online by visiting the official website of the organization.

There is a special questionnaire. To check KI without cost, it is necessary to indicate the name and other passport data, the personal code of the employer, the transfer of banks, the debulo of credits. After completing the form, it is necessary to submit it. Having otrimavshi vіdpovіd, you without any cost perverіrite your KI;

At the bureau of credit history chi be-yakoy bank. In these installations, it is possible to reconcile the views on the name without cost more than 1 time by stretching the rock. Other animals will no longer be without cats.

For which client it is necessary to know, in which bureau this history is taken or to give a personal code. This code is given to the applicant for this title at the time of signing the loan agreement;

Through an online intermediary. Ring out, such intermediaries are brokers. This way allows you to turn your KI into a nickname, but not without cost. The number of servants is small (in the range of 400 rubles), but even the great risk is spent in the hands of liars and not knowing the necessary information.

You can check your credit history for free in online mode not only at the Bank of Russia. As it was said above, it is possible to revise the data of the candidate for the call without cost and when sent to the bank, BKI. Ale only once per river. Well, how can the gromadyaninov v_dmovlyayat such a swindler, or they don’t want to revise the KV without a cost, it’s considered an unlawful act.

Why change the credit history, how to change the name?

Tse pitanya want to recognize a lot of candidates. By the way, change the name of someone who is trying to improve their credit history, start everything from a clean slate. Prote to reconsider this method, because nedієvy. On the right, in the fact that the new passport has information about the previous document on the other side.

Pilny spіvrobіtnik bank, perevіryayuchi documents obov'yazkovo animal respect for the front prіzvische. At such a time, the credit history must be revised for the old nickname.

In this rank, changing the name is an inefficient way to correct KI without any cost. Efficient is the execution of other positions and their own redemption. So, the applicant is "gaining balls" for his credit history. Pidkhid allows you to gain a reputation as a viable hulk, who looks over piddhid to spivpratsi with banks.

Credits have become much worse in the life of a modern person. However, in some cases, in the event of a transition to a financial organization, the bulk of the population will take away the negative impact. If so, the bank may have the right to recover from the explanation of the reasons for the recovery. Among the widest one can see three:

  • a potential source of income may not be sufficiently high;
  • the hulk has a bad credit history;
  • the bank itself has a timely exchange of work with the selected credit program.

Even though there was a reason, the problem can be overcome. However, in order to escape the possible incomprehensibility between a potential creditor and financial organizations, it is better to get to know the debts in advance, which is to be lost in the credit history of a gromad.

It is important to review your credit history

As a rule, if a person does not run into any problems when registering a position in a bank, then rechecking one's credit history should not be clarified. Return respect for information that is to be avenged in the new, varto inspire with a one-time withdrawal of information in given positions.

It’s clear that the citizen simply doesn’t know the facts of untimely repayment of positions or Shakhraisky diy. It may be so, that in the wake of pardoning the bank's financial advisors, or due to a software security failure, negative information appeared in the credit history of the hulk (if there is no evidence of activity).

To immediately reveal the evidence of such facts, try to correct them, then periodically review the credit history. Call on those who, once a stretch of fate, whether a hulking man can take a credit card absolutely without cost.

At the moment, the list of the largest BCIs in Russia, in which more than 80% of all credit histories of Russians are taken, looks like this:

  • National bureau of credit histories (NBKI). This bureau transmits information to most banks in Russia.
  • Equifax. So it goes, like NBKI, the most popular bureau in the country.
  • United Credit Bureau (UCB). If the bureau is affiliated with Oschadbank, and if you need to review the credit history for loans to Oschadbank yourself, then it is better for you to go to that bureau.
  • BKI "Russian Standard". Subsidiary of the bureau to the bank "Russian Standard". All information about loans to Russian Standard is guaranteed to be transferred to this BCI. For loans from other banks, information may not be available.

TOP-5 ways to find out about your credit history

Іsnuyut different ways win a credit card. When choosing the optimal variant, you should be sure that information about one and the same citizen can be collected in a number of credit bureaus at once. With any given in the skin, they can be different.

To that gromadyaninov, who took loans earlier, at the beginning of the day, in which bureau information about the new one is collected. For which one will need a central catalog of credit bureaus, which can be obtained through the website of the Central Bank. Here, it is necessary to indicate the code of the subject of the credit history, which is the number of assignments during the first application for a loan. At a glance, if such a code is not known to the hulk, you can update the code or install it again by writing an application to the bank, de wi maєte credit at once, or de vin you have earlier.

Can you name 5 best ways to check your credit history. Let us report to the skin from them.

1. Return directly to the Bureau of Credit History

As you can see, when information is being collected, it is best to go directly to the necessary bureau. Zrobiti tse can be kіlkom ways:

  • special visit to the office;
  • sending telegrams to the address of the bureau;
  • in online mode, as BKI is able to do so. One of the largest light sources BKI Equifax is able to register on the website of special office. If so, you will be able to review your credit history online free of charge.

The Bureau of Credit History collects, collects and compiles information about applicants. Also, it is necessary to form and submit credit statements for requests physical features chi financial organizations.

BKI can propagate to the hulks an offensive range of services:

  1. data on the credit score of the client's credit history. For statistics, the most popular service, for which they hunt like hulks, legal entities with the method of evaluating the arrogance and reputation of a potential applicant;
  2. in case of revealed inaccuracies and evidence of a pardon in the credit history, the credit rating can be discredited;
  3. preparation of a final report with detailed statements about all bureaus, such as data on the credit history of the client. You may need it at a glance, which means that the fact of the presence of information about the credit history of a hulk in a few databases is revealed at once. In this case, one of them may have negative information, which does not guarantee the obviousness of positive data in all others;
  4. bureau officials can also give or change the number of the credit history (in case of such a request, you need to give passport data and that confirmation).

2. In the offices of bank-agents BKI

Also, with a credit score, you can get help from one of the banks - agents of the Bureau of Credit History. Among them, zokrema, are such great banks: Poshta Bank, Renaissance Credit Bank, Binbank, VTB Bank of Moscow, regional banks. It is better to inquire about such a service without intermediary in the offices of the bank.

In order to take your details of any credit history, you need to go to the office of the bank - an agent and submit an application. Sound, the preparation of the document does not take more than a quarter of a year. At the discretion of BKI, representatives of agents for the preparation of history take payment - as a rule, it will be approximately 800-1300 rubles. It is not necessary for any person to ask for a notarized request.

3. In Internet banks

How to review credit history via the Internet without leaving home? Who cares too much, what is foldable, and the stench is merciful. For online re-verification, apply for a quick credit confirmation through the Internet-banks of the relevant credit institutions.

Among bank-agents, it is possible to give the opportunity to get a credit call directly to the Internet bank, Oschadbank and Binbank. For example, in order to check your credit history in Oschadbank-Online, you just need to log in to the system and in the "Insche" section, select the "Credit history" item, click the "Check credit history" button. The service charge is 580 rubles and will be debited from the account of the card to Oschadbank.

At special office Binbank, like in other banks, the procedure for obtaining a credit score is approximately the same.

It is important to know that banks spіvpratsyuyut іz different BKІ. So, Oschadbank can take information from the bureau of the Design Bureau, and from the NBKM to Binbank.

4. Get a credit card at Euromerezh salons

It is possible to review the credit history from the passport from the recent fir in the Euroset company. In order to take such a service, it is necessary for a hulk to come to any kind of salon and turn to the seller. Three documents, crim passports, nothing is needed. The price of the service is paid - the price is 990 rubles.

Let's look at the data of the credit history, the company is also promoting the service under the name "Ideal worker". Z її in addition, you can designate a scheme for diy, so as to help improve your credit history (as it turned out to be negative). Recommendations can be formed on the basis of terms, for which the client needs to raise his rating, and the scoring score assigned from the credit history. For such a service, you will have to pay 490 rubles.

5. Service ACRIN (credit call from NBKI)

Defining credit history online? You can also request the required information through the special service of the Credit Information Agency, which is the largest official representative of the NBKM.

Through a credit information agency, you can get the following services:

  • Otrimati dovіdku іz Central Catalog of Credit Іstorії.
  • Enter the code of the subject of the credit history.
  • Form the NBKM express visa.
  • Get a credit call from the NBKI
  • Obtain a credit note from the credit bureau "Russian Standard" (BRS).
  • Recognize your credit and scoring of the applicant.
  • Check your credit history with the NBKI.
  • Connect SMS-information about your skin change of your credit history.
  • Find out information about the barrier cars.

Credit history, as expected in a special office, is available only to the master of the oblikovy record. If necessary, you can contact the fahivtsі of the Credit Information Agency for advice, either through e-mail or by phone.

Service ACRIN is ideal for the team who regularly updates the data that is recorded in the credit history. Here you can issue an overpayment for a bill of vouchers with a significant reduction, as well as get a short note from the NBKI, which costs only 60 rubles.

In order to become a servant of the service, it is necessary to go through the stage of registration and confirmation of specialization. You can pay for services in various ways, including electronic pennies (Webmoney, Yandex.Groshi) and bank card online.

6. Services for assessing credit history

In the rest of the hour, I will especially gain popularity by assessing the credit history of physical disabilities. These services will literally help you to collect your own minimum visa from your credit history. We have your rating of the employer and important information about your credit history (For example, what is the line, in what period will it be out, etc.). And more detailed information, for example, at which bank you have a loan, or de Buli stitched there, you won’t see it.

The advantage of this service is the simplicity of taking that credit, as it is 2-3 times lower for arranging the total credit score from BKI (approximately 300 rubles).

The most popular services are MoneyMan, Мій Rating, 3БКІ.


Someone who also asks and searches on the Internet how you can turn your credit history into a nickname. The reasoning here is simple - only in the name of perverting a credit history is impossible. Access to the applicant's information about the credit history is possible only for passport data and confirmation of the individual.

Fahіvtsі recommend periodically rechecking your credit card no less than 1 time per rіk. In my opinion, in case of revealed inconsistencies, it is possible to correct data at the same time. If you need a loan for a significant amount, but you simply don’t have a credit history, you can start creating a positive story first, and then go back to the financial organization for the position.

Stan credit history (KI) for wealth is a factor of the possibility of obtaining a bank loan or microposition. For all potential applicants, it becomes a key aspect of lending to a quieter mind, helping to form a clear reference point in the parameters of a loan, where you can count. Zreshtoy, know your financial and credit history - it's just tsikavo, to take an objective picture about the facts of your credit goitre's past, to understand, to summarily put yourself before taking on financial obligations.

Its own KI is available to the skin, and її can be requested and taken off at any time. However the right to know the credit history without cost, and, unfortunately, not all systems and services provide such a possibility.

How to find out about your credit history

Today, there are a large number of options, so that you can recognize your KI in the best way:

  1. especially turn around to the nearest bank or BKI (credit bureau). To apply, you will only need a passport. If so, it doesn’t matter if they took a loan earlier or not, whether it was a client of a particular bank, or not. Yakshcho you are going to be killed in the first place, otherwise you have never been killed for the first time rest river, then all information will be given without cost. At the same time, banks charge a fee for this service, as the applicant is not a client. Tse not to superechit the law, oskіlki bezplatnіst nadannya - obov'yazok, transfers for BKІ.
  2. Request a deposit on the website of the bank, so take KI via the Internet. In this case, registration is needed, and on the bank's website, access can only be provided by its customers. In addition, not all banks provide such a service, for example, Oschadbank has recently connected it to its Internet banking service.
  3. Submit an application poshtoyu at the BCI, having previously assigned the Central Bank on the website, deznatisya credit history for a specific person, so that in the bureau itself, how many bureaus take your history. The statement, as it is enforced to the BKI, obov'yazkovo requires a notarial certificate, in order to override the removal of other people's personal statements, then we will not speak correctly about the total costlessness of the service.
  4. Hurry up to be one of the numerous Internet services that will promote the services of the credit history. online. For each type, the number of servants varies widely, but everything is not too expensive - ring out, in the range of hundreds of rubles. It is important to say that all specialized Internet resources are not suitable for those who want to take credit history without cost, so you should think about a one-time download for a rock.

What is needed for KI

For otrimannya credit history (KI) it is necessary to know, what is known and in which BKI are known. It is cost-free and quick to pay through the website of the Bank of Russia (Central Bank), for which it is necessary to speed up with a special service and go through all the stages of the formation of a letter.

For the payment to the tribute, the Central Bank needs:

  1. Passport data (hope for information on a mission, name, according to father's, series, number and date of issuer of the passport).
  2. E-mail addresses, on the basis of the information.
  3. Subject code KI.

The subject's code is a unique identifier (letter-digital dialing), which is assigned (generated) to a skin claimant, which would like to take a loan once. A lot of banks see the code at the time of issuing a loan as an addendum to the contract. If the code is not taken away, not entered, intervened, etc., it may happen to be taken (recognized) again. Unfortunately, without new online access to confidential information no matter what, BKI will be closed.

To retrieve the code, you can:

  1. Return from the application to your creditor bank. It's harmless.
  2. Hurry up with a paid Internet service with a code. It is often undervalued;
  3. Generate the code again in any bank or BKI, which may be on your account, or a special visit, or a voucher paid services, Schopravda, and for a special visit you can take a sum of money.

You can get around the need to change the code only, so you can ask to the central catalog of credit histories through the BCI, bank, MFI, notary, etc.

The opinion of the Central Bank is important only if you want to know exactly in which BCI itself your history and chi є won’t matter, and also take all the data online. Information must be sent to the email address. Even though these moments are not important, you can make it simpler - go to a specific bank account (or a bank), be it a bank, or get a hold of it, be it from paid services of an otrimannya KI.

The existence of the code of the subject KI itself is not a transition for the verification of a credit history, but it is between the possibility of an otrimanya in an electronic form (online). For any reason, a passport is the main and only document required for submitting data to your BKI.

Features of the selection of KI fallow in the method

On this day, three main directives were formed for the removal of KI:

  1. Especially come to the bank chi KBI and submit an application. It’s easy to see, it’s more than a passport is needed, it’s possible to take it without a cost, but it’s far from handy, it will take an hour, and if you want to get to the KBI, you need to know, like yourself.
  2. Online via internet. On the site of KBI chi to the bank, as a servant is hoped, chi through special resources. The service may be paid, but the amount is small, you can request a story at any hour. Obmezhennia - the need for visibility to the code of the subject KI. Perevaga is the speed of retrieval of information. In order to get to KBI, you can speed up with some sort of brown services, for example, a scoring test (review for the possibility of borrowing money), KI corrections, SMS-information about changes in KI, and help with correcting KI and others.
  3. Through the Post of the Russian Federation, having sent an application to the BKI, it is necessary to know, as the bureau itself should address the request. The service is hoped without cost, but the statement is notarized, that you are pulling for yourself, moreover, you will need to pay for the postal service. Not a lot of option - dovge ochіkuvannya otrimannya KI. Perevaga is the biggest shortest way it is necessary to take the history without cost, and the bank or KBI is far away.

As you can see, there are no ideal options, and we have to sacrifice a penny, or an hour. Therefore, it is necessary to choose those that will be optimal for you. It is necessary to check that the CV can only be taken on oneself, for which the need for a passport is transferred, or to the code of the subject of the CV, or else. At the same time, if you can allow someone access to your history, then it will be necessary to take away the titles of the subject's addendum code, ale vin de suvoro obmezheniya hour.

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