De stink now? (Oleksandr Voloshin). Sin Voloshina Illya engaged in fraud with credit cards De Voloshin

Voloshin Maksimilian Oleksandrovich, sings. Almost all of them were included in the book that appeared in 1910 ("Virsh. 1900-1910"). The hand of the "jeweler", "the right master" was shaken by V. Bryusov. Voloshin, having respected the virtuosos of the plastics of Zh. poets-"parnasts" from France. Your creations were changed in opposition to Verlenivsky "musical" straight away. This characteristic of Voloshin's creativity can be traced back to the first collection, and also to another one, as it was put together by Maximilian on the cob of the 1920s and was not published. Vin was called "Selva oscura". New Bulo included verses, created in the period from 1910 to 1914. The main part of them was published later before the book of the reverse, which was published in 1916 ("Ivern").

Orientation towards Verharna

You can talk for a long time about the creativity of such a poet, like Voloshin Maximilian Oleksandrovich. Biography, styslo was added to these articles, to avenge the main facts about him. It should be noted that the poet's political reference point is on the cob of the 1st light war Ege. Verhaern. Bryusov’s translations of yoga in the statute of 1907 and Valery Bryusov" were used as the basis of Maximilian’s poor criticism. Voloshin himself translated Verkharn "from different points of the dawn" and "in different eras." share. Creativity. Translate."

Voloshin Maksimilian Oleksandrovich - Russian poet, who wrote verses about war. "Anno mundi ardentis", which appeared before the collection of 1916 rock, full of sounds of Verkhaniv poetry. The stench was transformed into images and rhetoric, which became a stable characteristic of all the poetry of Maximilian's revolutionary hours, the gromadyan's war and distant fates. Some of the verses written at that time were published in the book "Demons of the Deaf" in 1919, and another part in 1923 was published in Berlin under the title "Vershes about Terror". Prote zdebіlshogo tі create lost in the manuscript.

Official service

In 1923, Voloshin began to win at the side of the state. Im'ya yoga forgot. In the SRSR, in the period from 1928 to 1961, a single row of poets did not appear at the press. If Erenburg in 1961 sangly guessed in his memoirs about Voloshin, he immediately called out the evidence of A. Dimshits, pointing out those who Maximilian was the decadent of the most insignificant and put himself negatively before the revolution.

Turn to Krimu, try to break through to the other

Spring 1917 Voloshin turned to Krim. In his autobiography of 1925, he wrote that he couldn’t get rid of yoga anymore, he didn’t emigrate anywhere and didn’t complain about anything. Earlier, declaring about those who do not speak out on the other side, who fight, prote live only for Russia and the team, who are fighting in it; and also writing what you need to lose from Russia until the end. Voloshin's Budinok, which is located in Koktebel, became marvelous during the Great War. Here they knew the porch, and they crossed over, and the white officers, and the red leaders. About tse Maximilian, having written in his verse in 1926 "The Poet's House". "Chervonim leader" buv Bela Kun. After that, Wrangel was defeated, and he ran the uprooted Crimea with a path of organized famine and terror. Obviously, in the city for the arrival of Kun at radianska vlady Voloshin was spared the houses, as well as the safety of the transport. However, none of his merit, nor the sting of a blow at that hour, nor frequent repentance, nor a blessed repentance to L. Kamenev, the all-powerful ideologist (1924), did not help Maximilian break through to the other.

Two straight thoughts of Voloshin

Voloshin wrote to the one who is deprived of his thoughts in a single way. And the stench went straight into the new two straight ahead. First - istoriosofske (the shares of Russia, create about the yak were taken in a new mentally-religious zabarvlennya). The other is anti-historical. Here it is possible to name the cycle "Ways of Kain", which gave rise to the idea of ​​universal anarchism. He sings writing that in these creations vin form mayzhe all yogo social ideas, as if they were overwhelmingly negative. Next, designate a ferocious ironic tone for the cycle.

Create knowledge and ignorance

The inconsistency of thoughts, characteristic of Voloshin, often led to the fact that one’s creations were taken for an hour like a pictorial melodic declamation (“Zdiysnennya”, “Holy Russia”, “Kitezh”, “Angel of the Hours”, “Wild Field”), aesthetized rozumuvannya (“Cosm "", "Leviathan", "Tanob" and other deeds with "Ways of Kaina"), pretentious stylization ("Dmetrius the Emperor", "Protopop Avakum", "Saint Seraphim", "The Tale of Chance Epiphany"). to say that a lot of years of the revolutionary hour were taken away from recognition, like that exact poetic meeting (for example, typological portraits of "Bourgeois", "Speculator", "Chervonogvardієts" and іn. masterpiece "Pivnichniy Skhid" and create something else).

Articles about art and painting

After the revolution, the activity of yoga, like a science of science, stumbled. Tim is no less, Maximilian zmіg published 34 articles dedicated to Russian figurative art, as well as 37 articles about French art. The first yoga monographic work, dedicated to Surikov, takes its meaning. The book "The Spirit of the Gothic" was left unfinished. Maximilian worked over her in 1912 and 1913.

Voloshin took up painting in order to professionally judge the image-making art. Yak appeared, vіn buv gifted artist. Crimean watercolor landscapes, embroidered with written inscriptions, have become my favorite genre. In 1932, Maksimilian Voloshin died near Koktebel. short biography yoga can be supplemented with statements about the special life, cіkavі facts with which we are guided lower.

Tsіkavі facts about the special life of Voloshin

The duel of Voloshin and Mikoli Gumilyov went to the Black River, the same one, where Pushkin shot Dantes. It happened in 72 years and also through a woman. However, the share saved two famous poets, such as Gumilov Mykola Stepanovich and Voloshin Maximilian Oleksandrovich. Sings, the photo of which is presented below - Mikola Gumilyov.

They shot stench through Liza Dmitrieva. Vaughn took a course in Old Spanish and Old French Literature at the Sorbonne. Gumilyov was filled with the first girl's chick. Vin її brought from the guest to Voloshin to Koktebel. That calmed down the girl. Mykola Gumilyov went, because we’ll see for ourselves. Prote tsia іstorіya in a deyaky hour continued and led to a duel. The court sentenced Gumilyov to arrest until the next day, and Voloshin - up to one day.

The first squad of Maximilian Voloshin - Margarita Sabashnikova. From her wine at the Sorbonne listening to lectures. Whole lover, however, broke up without a hitch - the girl suffocated at V'yacheslav Ivanov. Yogo's team propagated Sabashnikov's life in the morning. However, this "new type" did not develop. The paramedic (pictured in the photo) was another retinue of yoga, as if watching the old matir Maximilian.

The leftist radical site "Forum Moscow" held an emotional discussion between the official moderator of the pro-Korean blog "Juche Songun" and the synonymous head of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation Illya Voloshinim. Zaishovshi to Juche Facebook, to criticize turbotu about the children of the DPRK, Illya unconvincingly revealed that the ideological opponent is indecently aware of how good yoga and tata are for a sinless business. The discussion about the problems of childishness in the country's ranking freshness quickly grew into a discussion of the details of Voloshin's biography, after which the VIP-bill ended.

Everything began to be called a little bit. “Children need tato, and mom. - quote Illya Voloshin Forum.msk, - Ditbudinka tse remnants of the kraїn, such as mine and yours. About the development of ideas, I can also say b. Ideas of Mohammed, Jesus and Buddy we will think about the need to learn, and then all sorts of exotic ones, such as Juche, Marx and others.

On the thought of the author of the article - Ivan Razlagaev, the number of words to say about those that Voloshin is not a subject of knowledge, who does not know the spelling (the name of the founder of Islam in Russia is written, yak "Mohammed"), no history. The communist and social-democratic parties that grew out of the International founded by Marx, at different times were practically ruling in all the lands of Europe, the Radian Union, as well as a number of the powers of Asia, including the most populated land of the world - the People's Republic of China. Even so, talking about “exoticism” can be less than a half-educated person - serious economy and politics, like navigating to the opposite ideological positions, recognizing the significance of your opponent. So, following the words of the first head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development of Jacques Attali, "a man is welcome without having poured into the world a greater splash, lower Karl Marx in the XX century."

Well, up to the exclamations of the “ideas of Mohammed, Jesus and Buddhi,” one can evaluate their morality, less signifying the author’s specialty, for the assertions of Razlagaev - shakhrai and villainy. The correspondent of "Forum Moscow time" guessed that on 25 September 1998 the law enforcement agencies caught up with Illya Oleksandrovich for the application of the company "VISA Austria" for an hour from the Moscow representative office of "Federal Express" of the party of office equipment, as it was paid for on the Internet. bank cards. It was told about the purchase by Voloshin-young of the components of the computer for the sum of $3810, stolen from the Austrian woman from the VISA card 4548181428297013.

Looking around at the temple, the camp of the tata, that obіtsyanki vіdshkoduvaty sbitka youngak was not imprisoned. History has squandered less to the newspapers new text the heart of the recognition of Voloshin, the young, directed by him in the name of the prosecutor of Moscow. Ale, the lesson is not worthy, boy, being short-tempered through the status of a tata, continuing to turn around in criminal stakes. For example, in 2005 roci wines lit up at the plantation of the vice-president of Converse Bank. Tsya credit setting was due to the financier Oleksandr Antonov and his son Volodymyr. Years later, Antonov Sr. did not ruminate on authoritative Chechen partners and, otrimavshi cool, miraculously alive, and yogo, blue flying into the pipe, more than once arrested European policemen, for calls, appropriated someone else's lane from great rozmirakh and documents. At once Volodymyr Antonov points to the decision of the London court and, better for everything, sit down.

"Forum Moscow" tells about those, like Illya Voloshin behind the show, the father, having opened a sleeping business from the son of his friend, the intercessor of the head of the presidential administration Vladislav Surkov - Artem Surkov, who fell asleep with him CJSC "MSM-5 Development" and TOV "Health Management Systems" ". A few hours later, MSM-5 Development investor Parviz Yasinov, who paid for Voloshin and Surkov, arrested for the calls at the shooting of the car, where Muscovites were sitting, as they were not like Yasinov.

Ivan Razlagaєv zagaduє i spіlnu komertsіynu іyalnіst, yak іz іz іz іz the ex-head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation tried to conduct the transnational financial group Unicredit. Іllya Voloshin studied the її Russian structure of ZAT UniCredit Securities, which specialized in great clients. After the transfer of management to a huge specialist in stealing cards, the group spent $71 million, which had to be written off as pennies, UniCredit Securities terminovo close. Іllya poslyatskogo spit on the estate of the head of the directorate for business development in the Moscow region to the department of corporate sales management of BAT "Bank of Moscow". Head of the jar Andriy Borodin rozshuk at the address about the robbing of the money of the Moscow order for the sum of 12.8 billion rubles. "Bank of Moscow" is the head of another effective manager - Andriy Kostin, President of the VTB Bank. Tsei gromadyan himself rospochav successfully sawing miliardi who perished in the Bank of Moscow. I was helped and helped by new spivrobitniks - they recruited, similarly to Іllі, from the splendid Moscow families, schob in different ways, tata and mothers stood against the defense of death, and with them Kostin himself.

Oleksandr Voloshin and team of the Vice-President of VTB Bank Oleksandr Budberg Natalia Timakova

Some of the connections of the criminal business called the "Bank of Moscow" for the shaker of the ideas of "Mohammed, Jesus and Buddy", maybe, the investigation should investigate. At once Illya, in response to the questioning of the opponents about the reputation of himself with that, Mav even a bluer looking. Especially since Voloshin the Younger was presented with the following list:

Having read to the end, the son of a great man became drowsy, - ironically "Forum Moscow time", - squealing incoherently about the all-worldly order of his father, then vikriv the steps of the Pivnichno-Korean special services, the Qatari television company "Al-kikhazosir" important ideological artillery.

But just like a booty, with orders from rich newspapers, and for 15 years, we won’t be forgiven for generous confessions from thieves and shahraists? Why did Illya Voloshin, even though he voted him “with the steps of the enemies”, but before the court for the goals did not file against anyone, but in the current discussion, he called the names of the “enemies” after moving and, blocking the voice of the enemy, hastily retreating? It is not surprising that the correspondent robs the whiskers, that Voloshin the Younger is closely tied to a criminal type, a place for him on the lava of the courts.

Our knowledge contacted the vice-president of one of the Moscow banks, who is closely known from the Voloshin family:

“It seems that the apple is not far from falling, but at this fall, unfortunately, nature has fallen on a child of a talented person. How smart is that energy person Oleksandr Stalovich, who rose from a simple scientific specialist to the head of the presidential administration, on the floor of Illya - a brainless rozdovbay. Remember at the film "Blind Man's Buff" by Mikhalkov that you can make a hole on the billiard table know a hole from the city ... and fall into it? So exactly about Illya. The old man has long sounded, scho to the trouble of ryatuvatime yogo in the militia and the number of robots, then we will come to the new place, then we will vryatuvatime again, and so on to inexactitude. Illi b sit quietly and, rozumіyuchi, that tato is the only yogo zahist, dbati about tatove health and, if possible, don’t work anything, good, batkiv’s zaschadzheni and on onukiv from great-grandchildren to stick. So at once the politician has benefited, starting to go to rallies and give money to the Navalny Foundation. Moreover, on the vіdmіnu vіd the wise dad, who knows all the traces [earlier about the contacts between Navalny and Voloshin Sr., Mikhailo Khazin, a writer for the Neocon expert consulting center, wrote to Ruspres], Illa to talk about those who gave skils and to whom, right-handed and left-handed. At the same time, we already know all of our people, including comrades in the service.

"Іllya Oleksandrovich Voloshin - the villainous shahrai"

At Oleksandr Stalovich Voloshin, clerk of the presidential administration, є sing Illya Oleksandrovich Voloshin. Vіn is similar to the father. No, there is still no uneven and, let's say, in the doorway, unacceptable fox - Imu is only 23 years old. Vіn not to wear a non-showy father's beard. The one on the right has no similarity

Illya Oleksandrovich Voloshin is a villainous Shakhray. Why wine, before the speech, he himself knows from the list to the prosecutor of Moscow. We provide a copy of the acknowledgment that is in the editorial office, and publish the text again, taking care of the spelling and punctuation of the author

On the right about hundreds of dollars

Well, let's get ready to read. I'll add some more facts later.

"To the Prosecutor of Moscow Vіd Voloshin Illi Oleksandrovich, on the 26th of February 1976, the birth of the people, born in Moscow, registered at the address: m. Moscow, st. Mashkov, 16

Vіdverte zіznannya

In fact, I live at the address: Leninsky Prospekt, 62-128, tel. 137-11-70 chi 137-03-92. Access to the Internet May-Spring 1996. Approximately 1.5 months ago on the IRC channel (efnet) # carding I got acquainted with the Russian koristuvannym Internet, a vicorist pseudonym Makhkh. After 2 days after acquaintance, I took away the proposition of practice at once. Following the instructions to my obov'yazkіv included otrimannya that rozmitnennya vantazhіv, yakі come to my address that im'ya. I'm aware of the scheme, what to do: Max rozshukuvav on the channel # carding numbers of VISA and Mastercard credit cards, after which rozshukuvav online stores on the Internet and spoofed at my address computer components with delivery by FedExy Kursk service is quiet, hto pogodzhuvsya pratsyuvati with him on yoga. minds. After I take away the allowance, I can anonymously take away the pennies and anonymously transfer the profit to you. Vineyards Bula was recognized by Makhkh at a rozmіrі 10% due to otrimanoї z vintorga

Send a message to my email: [email protected] corn from your email: My email address is being protected from spambots. You may have JavaScript enabled for review. Confirmation about the arrival of vantage to Moscow, I sent FedEx to check and receive the parcel. On the cob of the sickle after the closing of the mitnitsa (16:30) I’m on my mobile phone by calling Maxx and asking to leave the parcel in the bag at the entrance to the Miracle Bar and Drink restaurant. I have tried to find out who will come for the allowance, ale, check the whilin 10-15, pishov. That same evening, I received $270 USA as a mail order from the front door of the intercom. Last week, I took a call from FedExa about those that I think are worthy of vantage. After receiving the necessary handouts from Mahha via email, I went to FedEx and found out about those declared for the amount of 3890 $ USA and that in order to receive it, I would need to pay 50% of the mit. I thought I was trying to get in touch with him, that I did not have the necessary sum. After the closing of the clock (16.30), I took a call to Makhha and vin, having learned about the situation, instructing me to turn її vlasnik

Today, April 25, 1998, I found out by phone about the possible vantage and sent it to FedEx. I arrived at FedEx at about 3:30 pm with Pavel Sheik, a check on me in the car. I went to my service with FedEx and took off the documents for the front vanity and the documents for the new vanity. Mito I paid in cash to the Oschadbank of the Russian Federation (60 USD) after which I turned to take the vantage away. After otrimannya on the way out, militia officers shot me and we went to the UEP GUVS metro of Moscow. I would like to explain that I got to know Pavel Sheik at the club "Plasma" like spring. A few days ago, I told you about the future parcel, which was supposed to be on my name and address Mahhom with a variety of fake credit cards on the Internet. Pavlo repeatedly rushed about those who are unlawful and that he himself is rebuked under investigation for similar actions. I have been told that I will restore my strength and will no longer be engaged in this work at the link with them, that I will begin to study for a day. Faculty of Psychology PDTU. At the car, Pavlo Sheiko was thanked by me for the campaign. I repent of my deeds, I repent, I confess my guilt. I am in charge of the material shortage of goiter, I am obliged to blow. I ask you not to stop my suvorih calls. Written in a cursive handwriting, without moral and physical pressure from the side of the practitioners of the police

Signed (Voloshin I.A.) 25.08.98"

All clear? As I said, I supplemented this artistic text with other information. Voloshin got excited after the fact that in 1998 the company "VISA Austria" turned to the competent authorities of Russia. The Austrians complained that unknown Russians order goods via the Internet, but pay for them with other people's credit cards without the consent of their spymasters. Zocrema, I was told about the purchase of computer components for the amount of 3810 US dollars in the Mikromak store (USA) and payment VISA card 4548181428297013 with the term dії until sіchnya 2000, the fate of the bulk of Austria Brigitte Leitner. It was not without reason that the goods were taken away on 12 September 1998 in the Moscow representative office of "Federal Express" to Illei Voloshin

The GUVS of Moscow was engaged in the revision. The operatives established that, in a similar way, the president's administrative clerk had secured 13 days worth of goods from Hong Kong for 3,890 US dollars and paid with a fake credit card number. On April 20, the goods were already ordered in the USA and paid for with generated Austrian VISA credit card numbers.

Away from revealing other members of the stable criminal group, as if they were engaged in a malicious trade with the Internet. Mіlіcіya has opened a way to generate a number of cards, a channel for zbutu goods, a rozpodіlu roles and a pributka

25 Serpnya Іllya Voloshin buv zatrimany on mіscі zlochinu pіslya otrimannya from "Federal Express" chergovoї partії product. Vіn buv food and iznaєtsya from the mindful group stolen. Before the speech, a report about the tse zatrimannya today -29 April 1998 - was scolded by Izvestia. Ale was not called a nickname. Mi - rizikuёmo

We’ll leave Ill for a deaky hour, so that the fathers will sleep. Such a person! On such a landing! And syn is evil. Hi, it's true, in whom is this wine? Axis about tse i let's talk

On the right about hundreds of thousands of dollars

No, obviously, I don’t admit at any given time that Voloshin Sr. is also a computer villain. More than that, I am safe to believe Illi, if you write that 270 dollars, omitted in the mail order, were assigned to you himself, and not to the father for his services. Oleksandr Stalovich operates with more sums

They already talked about it on NTV, writing "Moskovsky Komsomolets". Ale, we publish documents. Wanting robimo tse without any satisfaction. And we are not pleased with it, because in these documents the deaf anger is called "AWA" and "Chara" among the Russians. Until then, the nickname "R.S. Sadikov" is heard, we know those who respectfully followed the trial of the famous [Ivankovim] Japanese in the USA. Alas, robiti, as in the documents we copy, it is mentioned as the name of Shanovny A.S. Voloshin, that's how I named the yoga company "ESTA Corp."

[Vriz "Ruspres", , 14.11.2011 "Voloshin in the shows in the shows, in 1993-1994, the role of the consultant I assured the documentary of the Avva - AT" All -Russian Automobile Alliance ". it’s not bad, but it’ll be better if you try to put this project on a par with other Shakhrai projects buli]

On the right, in the fact that the Prosecutor's Office of Moscow, for the inquiries of the deputies of the State Duma, and publications from the ZMI, are reviewed by reports about Shakhrai's activity of the gromadyan A.S. Voloshin. schodo contributors of AT "Automobile Alliance". Oleksandr Stalovich, certifier of "Esta Corp.", on behalf of "AWA" [Boris Berezovsky] having sold "Chari" to spivrobitniks for a pittance, won by them among contributors, 100,000 outstanding nominal shares. І os contributors stubbornly and dosi tsіkavlyatsya, why tse "Chari" for the Voloshin agreements was transferred not the shares themselves, but only a certificate about their deposition. So they sold not the price of paper, but the price of paper, so they confirm that "AWA" has qi price of paper

It turns out that such a sumnіvny method of selling "certificates", and not the shares themselves, is not the first in Russia to be sold by Oleksandr Voloshin himself - a non-abyakim economist. The first axis was already successfully planted by such firms as "MMM", "Doka-Khlib" and other low-budget penny pyramids. Axis contributors "Chari" and roll Voloshin's roll at the share of their pennies ... Pennies bye-bye

Oleksandr Stalovich Voloshin and General Director of the Moscow State Budgetary Fund Let's Tolerate the Evil Things in the Economy OM, Mislovskiy. To kill wines in the name of recent contributors in the company TOV "Agropromservis". Bonds of sovereign position III series No. 0168292, which should be fooled by depositors, with a nominal value of 100 thousand dollars with coupon payments at 48.55%, the bula was illegally resold through the bank "Credit-Moscow" to the ATZT's broker "Esta korp." Voloshin A.S. for a third of the price - 48,550 US dollars. Zgіdno zmіstom contract for the purchase and sale of shares (my and qі copies publіkuєmo), Voloshin could not know about those, scho scho, how to buy wine, belong to depositors of TOV "Agropromservis". Depositors state in their applications that Voloshin worked for Agropromservis. And for these furnishings, one of the actual clerks of "Agropromservis", Voloshin, by way of deceit that slandered by trust, robbed the depositors of their contributions from the instructions

What do you need visnovok?

Well, schoduvatimemo father-Voloshin, why did such a short-lived syn-Voloshin appear in a new one? Like such vipadkas seem: do yourself a favor! Abo kіlkoh austrian vlasnikіv credit cards. The beats didn’t blow like that. But hundreds of contributors to "Agropromservis". Abo thousand contributors of Chari, Abo tens of thousands of shareholders of AWA

But if only I wanted one lad - Pavel Sheik, Illya Voloshin, about whom he told his "big-hearted acknowledgment". Sitting the lad at the car for the company of Illey and even ahead of Voloshin, the shakhrayism is against the law on the computer. Because he himself is rebuying under the investigation for similar actions

So axis. After the introduction of Voloshin, the elder episode, who was married to Voloshin, the youngest, they did not develop a rose and do not appear in criminal law. The investigation of Pavel Shayk’s trial is trivaj /


... I pray for those who become a singer.


On January 16, 1877, in Kiev, on Tarasivskyi Street, in the family of Oleksandr Maksimovich Kirienka-Voloshin and his friend Deer Ottobaldivna, at the girlhood Glazer, was born a son, who was named Maksimilian. Fathers were thirty-nine years old, mothers - twenty-seven. More children do not stink. “My family name is Kirienko-Voloshin, and I’m going out of Zaporizhzhia,” Maksimilian Oleksandrovich wrote after forty years in Autobiography. - I know from Kostomarov that in the 16th century in Ukraine there was a blind bandura player Matviy Voloshin, from a living bula zderta shkir by the Poles for political songs, and from the help of Frantseva, that the name of your Kishinivskaya, young taboo people, a Pushgan woman drove Kirienko-Voloshin. I have nothing against the fact that stinks were my ancestors.

A blind bandura player who, through love, has suffered that political directness of the song… Well, a suitable ancestor for a writer, who in the rocks of the revolution showed a kind of uncompromisingness…

The second is a close acquaintance of Pushkin (for clarification - Dmitro Kirienko-Voloshinov), a poet, whose name for Voloshin was especially dear and to whom the future Koktebel resident should assign the following rows:

Tsі between the sacred vzhe tim, scho navechir

Pushkin marveled at them from the ship, on the way to Gurzuf.

Ale, all this controversy, as it seems, has not been established. Well, to the point of no middle ground ... The poet's father, a poor radnik, was a member of the Kiev Chamber of Crime public law. Judging by the lack of evidence, they saved themselves, being a good person, a comrade, writing letters. Before the speech, Max's single unspeakable spogad about the father of po'yazany s yoga recitation of the verses - like the same, the child, of course, did not forget. Oleksandr Maksimovich died when the lad got chotiri rocky. Vіm, vіn sacks along the same vzhe okremo vіd motherland. About his ancestors Maksimilian Voloshin write more quickly: “My father is not a nobility] nobility. And I first became a light intermediary, and then a member of the court in Kiev. Did mav a great maetok in the Kiev province, but I don’t know who’s wine, and I don’t know about my father’s relatives” (from an undated sheet of M. V. Sabashnikova).

The children were taken care of by the mother, the female volova, widely illuminated, from the same Russified Germans. Batko її buv head of the Zhytomyr telegraph district. Yak zgaduvav M. A. Voloshin: “December by mother was an engineer and head of the telegraph district (important). Yogo father buv syndic (maybe, a representative of some industrial and commercial corporation. - S.P.) in some Baltic region - some in Riza, some in Libau. And the father of the grandmother robbed the Italian death from Suvorov, like the father was a life doctor ... ”(in a different place:“ Great-great-grandfather - Sommer, life doctor, came to Russia under Hanni Іoanivnі).

A short portrait of the poet's mother, Olenya Ottobaldivny, was given to Marina Tsvetaeva, as she met her in Koktebel in 1911: “... look back at the hair, an eagle's profile with a blue eye... The shininess of a clearly German campaign... a disguise of old Goethe... first of all - about the first thing. Ruhaєtsya - give a ruble ... Friend, naturally whimpers first: fight. Such a thing cannot be lowered ... Magnificence with a small growth ... Everything: a hand-rolled cigarette in a silver mouthpiece, a sirnik from whole carnelian, a silver cuff of a kaptan, a leg in a kazkovo chobot, a silver skein of hair thrown up by the wind - unity. Tse boulo body of її soul.

Possibly, stars - marked Voloshin's color "Germanism": neatness, instill pedantry in the stars and behavior, creating sit-down; “with clearly French communicativeness - clearly German mode of behavior, for French communion - German quality of friendship…”. Marina Ivanivna ascribes Voloshin’s pantheism to this earthly Germanism: “All-Godliness, All-Gods, All-Gods, - that having passed through a new exchange with such power, that Yogo himself, and by virtue of himself, and us with him, including among the hosts - if only the young gods ... ”, and mysticism: “a mystic is attached ... a taєmny teaching of a taєmny vchennya about taєmne”.

Vtіm, "Germany" creative image of the poet is not exhausted: "French culture, Russian soul and word, German - spirit and blood." Mystic, pantheist, European from the Russian soul, “non-Russian sings the cob”, which “becomes and becomes a Russian poet”. Let it go like that... Well, how does Voloshin himself signify "the last of his spirit"? It seems so often to come to the aid of successors and just readers of Autobiography.

“I was born ... at the Spirit's day,“ if the earth is a birthday girl. Zvіdsi, mabut, my schilnіst to spiritual-religious spryyattya light of that love to the color of the flesh and speech in all forms of talaks. That past my spirit seemed to me to see one of these fauns, or centaurs, as they came to the desert before St. John and received the rite of holy baptism. I am a pagan in the flesh and I believe in the real foundation of all pagan gods and demons - and at the same time I can’t think of the posture of Christ.” Tse z_znannya to rob more zrozumilim and close spiritual light of the poet, which Marina Tsvєtaeva originally started as a “spіvіsnuvannya” - well, say, pagan mythology, anthroposophical knowledge, Christian esotericism, and so many other things.

Let's turn around, however, the child has Max's fate. First of all, tell me about life: “1 river - Kiev. Light of the crisis of color. In the fierce fate of 1878, Oleksandr Maksimovich was transferred to Taganrog and appointed a member of the district court. Nezabar there you move that yoga homeland. “2-3 rocks. Taganrog. Country house. Garden. Hard road. Old toys (train). Tsuzenya-kutnik. Three years old to the market (know the way). I've drunk the lizard." True, in Voloshin's booth there was a retelling about those, like a crying child, Max, sitting on the nanny's arms or shoulders, showing her the way home, yak took yogo to the market, wanting to go boulders. One more episode from early childhood: “Pishov from the garden of our dacha, naked deer. Lost. Plakav. The children put into their mouths some gingerbread, some tsukerki. "Ale, nothing tragic." Quiet calm place. "Shadow leaves, sun, quiet, silence."

Only y axis sleepy life befriending Voloshin, not everything went smoothly. Apparently, Olena Ottobaldivna, having taken the courtier Max, went as a man (was born in 1880), moved to Sevastopol, worked on the telegraph. Life was given to me by a friend from the Institute of Gentry Girls N. A. Lipina. “I am by no means alive in my fatherland,” we know from Autobiography. - Early childhood passed at Taganros and Sevastopol. I remember Sevastopol in ruins, with great trees that grow from the middle of the houses: one of the most unforgettable malovnichih foes. Sevastopol, as a reminder of God, has not yet been inspired on the cob of the 1880s after the Crimean war of 1853–1856.

From the bottom of the memory rises on the surface of the evidence, while receiving that ogidne, the radio is scary. "Go downstairs. Fishing booth. Dog Kazbek. The fisher-master eats chocolate. I bless. Proponuє z company razzhovaniya. Ogida". The decals appear terribly unacceptable dreams: “... the taste of the Kіnsk chestnut, like a perepovnenie mouth. Ogida to pea jelly. Darina the cook, she was cooking yogo…” The sea is blowing. “The boys who bathe, like they saw the sea across the road. Gostro visibly naked, naked. Soromno that is acceptable.

Obviously, until the late hour there are episodes described by Marina Tsvetaeva in the drawing “Live about living”. Closely communicating with Olena Ottobaldivna in Koktebel, Marina Ivanivna more than once showed herself to be a keen hearer of her mother's statements about the childishness of a wicked, guilty child. The axis of the kіlka is the same as the bright scenes created by Tsvetaeva: “We lived poorly, there were no toys, there were different markets. They lived - viciously. Navkolo, tobto in the Moscow garden ... - rich, happy, with towels, horses, wagons, balls, batogs, evening toys of all hours. І fast food at home:

Mom, why do some lads have cognacs, but I don’t have them, why do they have bubonts, but I don’t?

On the yak became a hint:

Bo in them є tato, but ti do not maєsh.

І axis after one such tata, which is not known, - a trival pause and quite clearly:


The second twist. Green door at the courtyard of the Trinity Max with mother.

Mom, stand up, be kind, don't turn your nose at the kut.

It will be a surprise. If I say you can, you turn around!

Pokіrna mother with an eagle nose at the stone wall. Check, check:

Max, are you coming soon? And then I got sick!

Now, Mom! More whilina, more two. - Zreshtoyu: - You can!

Wrap around. Floating smile and comradeship - a three-fold charming muzzle.

Where's the surprise?

And I (nathnennya zahoplennya, which is so lacking in the new one) went up to the well - marveling for a long time - without saying anything.

You're just a smart, unruly boy! Where's the surprise?

Why didn't I fall in there?

Krynytsya, like often on pivdnі, just a chotirikutny opening near the earth, without any fence, a square to the failure ... Another drop. Mothers for the five-year-old Max read the old verse, give up, Maykova, in the name of the maiden, as if pererakhovu everything that you don’t say to the kokhan: “I won’t tell you, how I love you, I won’t tell you, as they shone the stars, hanging mine cry, I won’t tell you, how my heart died, at the sound of the rocks - it’s not yours, I won’t tell you, how the dawn dawned, etc., etc. Nareshti - kinets. I p'yatirichny, deep zіthannyam:

Ah, yak! She promised not to say anything, but she herself took everything and said it!

The rest of the woman's breath from the kintsya. Ranok. Mother, zdivovana long-term absence of the son, to enter the child and let him sleep on the pіdvіkonnі.

Max, what does it mean?

Max, rejoicing and resigning:

I didn't sleep! I check! Vaughn didn't come!

Firebird! You forgot, you cursed me, so I behave well ...

Harazd, Maxe, tomorrow she will fly in without fail, and now let's go and drink tea.

An offensive wound - before the wound, an early chi even a transitory moment of bibachiti at the vіknі of one of the bilih budins ... - cholom at the sweater - a child Zeus in a carpet, with a hunched, white leg, with his head, also with a curly hair ... I moment bi a little bit transient:

Ma-a-ma! What is it?

Your Firebird, Max, is the sun!

Tsvєtaєva zvertaє respect for the “enchanting old-fashioned Maxino“ Vi ”mother - adopted by him from her, from її zvonennya to її mother. Sin and mother, while I was already drunk on brotherhood: thirty-six from five-ten-string (six-ten-string. - S.P.) - and clinked ... Koktebel drink soda, that's just lemonade.

The poet's widow, Maria Stepanivna Voloshina, guessed that in 1926 they had a guest at Koktebel, doctor Semyon Yakovich Lifshits, doctor of physics of the Moscow Higher Technical School, who was engaged in the investigation of "infantile injuries" and his own psychoanalysts. Maksimilian Oleksandrovich, having voiced the object of these sessions, and having allowed the healers at least twenty times to give himself up, as Maria Stepanivna respected, to the last. S. Ya. Lifshits will be taken as a follower of Freud. Voloshin, who also knows the rest of the practice, zavzhd vodkritiy to everything fresh, new, cic. Through the war of seances, deaks of “dreams” appeared, in some autobiographically mixed with the fantastic, the surreal vision was more pronounced.

“Dream: the most terrible: bachiv yourself. Zvichayny lad-dvіynik. The second dream: a man led a boy and a girl, put on a hump on a knee. Primushu lift shirts, shoot them at life. Dream about the revolution. About the past, what is the future? .. About those who are important for Voloshin, the category of “sleep” - for the psycho-physiological chi historical and philosophical sense - can be said for a long time. Thinking like this chotirivirsh:

Viishov is impenetrable, I'm impenetrable when I arrive.

I am going through the world in marenní and uvі dream.

Oh, how welcome to be Max Voloshin

This hot recording was made in 1923 before the album "Chukokkala". And having filled її in the hour already not hotly mature, the forty-six sings, having taken the human share and light history like a low dream, and for yourself - like a tlumach of "other people's dreams." Let's turn to the childishness of the poet.

Imovirno, in 1881, the birth of Olena Ottobaldivna with her son, the nanny - the Czech Nessі - and the dog Lloda abandoned Taganrog. For her capital, as if you write in the son's year, close to a hundred rubles. Near Moscow, they settled on Velykyi Gruzinsky, then moved to Vedmezhiy Provulok, near the apartment, de, by Max’s help, the trellises were built “in the face of the moor”. And again - viraznі dityachі pogadі, znіmki remembrance: Knocking in the head (lord to walk). Tsuzenya on the eyes rose. Have a baker transport an ailing person at Zaichenko's booths, at a hood. Sklepіnchastі gate". Lost in the memory of the "goddess of uncles. Uncle Sashko: "You look like Raphael's cherub." Plyami on the hat ... Yogo zhah. Trying to get out of the window. "On the bottom! Cut me!'". Oleksandr Ottobaldovich Glaser is truly seriously mentally ill. And the axis and the host, rather comedy, guessed: the visit of a friend of this family, the old (at the time of the reception) Orest Polienovich Vyazemsky. Max showing you his first little, obviously, people. “All the articles had a fallacy. Looking at the old Vyazemsky at the pince-nez: “Zayvy realism” ... "

Olena Ottobaldivna vlastovuetsya to work in the office at the Moscow-Brest zaliznitsi. Ї ї ї ї ї ї forty carbovartsiv plus vіsihimn a carbovansi pentsіd for Cholovika plus ten carbovantzi dopomogi of the noble foams of the Karbovansi yaks of the bastard (order of the Twestadsiyami of Carbovans), Yaka Darchs Yakovich, the Kiev mіsk treasury, the state guardian, the helper of that Evpraksії Oleksandrivna Kirienko-Voloshinikh.

Here at chotiri-p'yat rokiv - "a childish roar from a mother. My mother is calling from Chomus. Why, I don't remember. I confess, for I know that I am not brave, not timid. "No one else" ... Calling nonsense. Anger. Wimoga, schob zіznavsya. (I’ll guess at once - taking a small silver sirnikova sirnitsa.) From this moment, I’m ending all the children’s love affairs. For all life. After 40 years, if we were offended by the cause, it’s hard to understand why we’re merging between us in weldings, and mother and wife, I’m addicted to my fault, and I’m addicted to rebut it, although I still don’t remember the point of accusation. Child, well, unreasonable. Ale and the grown-up Max has a blue mother, sensible, mastery, not slender to the point of being thin, it will not be easy to put together.

Otzhe, from chotirokh fates of life of Maximilian Voloshin enter Moscow, “Moscow from the background of“ Boyarina Morozova ”. They lived in Novy Sloboda, where they lived in Pidviskiv, where, de vone in the tirth, Surik was written by Surik at the courthouse” (“Avtobiografiya”). True, the cob of work U. I. Surikov with his painting posіdaє 1881 rіk. The artist is alive for the hour near Moscow on Dolgorukivskyi ulitsa, in the countryside of Voloshin, as they have recently moved there, robbed of drawing to the picture, writing sketches. Like an hour of walking with the nanny, little Max poached Surikov at the easel. Tsya zustrіch with great mysticism directed a great defeat at the child. Vіn samovіddanо vіddaєtsya painting.

Pass the fates, and Voloshin will turn to the creativity of the artist, like a science of art. In the course of the interviews, there was a conversation with the author of “Boyarina Morozova”, as a result of reflections on his canvases and the monograph “Surikov”, fragments of which were published in 1916.

The boy's interest in painting is given to literature, which is called "sp'yaninnya verses". “Loving declaiming, not yet ready to read,” Voloshin puts at Avtobiografiya. - For whom, stepping on the stele: a little bit of the field. The lad knew Nekrasov's Korobeiniki, Ershov's The Humpbacked Horse, Lermontov's Gilka Palestini, Pushkin's Poltava Bey. Moreover, as Valentina Orestivna Vyazemska witnesses, she knew yoga in a child’s rock, the whole butuz, “the redness of the Russian relish”, “singling the words in a way, with a resonant voice, and that whistling, giving wine to the wimov, so original, that everyone has grown up heard tsіkavіstyu”. In the spring of 1882, the child’s fate began to read for newspaper headlines, and for five years, “self-swimming for books” began.

Valentina Vyazemskaya was the daughter of an engineer-gentry Orest V'yazemsky Polienovich, at the apartment of that, at Vagankov, Olena Ottobaldivna settled in the blue spring of 1883. Max Voloshin ishov somy rok. Vin has already become familiar with a wealth of books from his mother's library, giving priority to other authors Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Dal. Already at the same time, the originality of the yogo nature was observed, it added vitality to the character. “I was not married to the new one,” Valentina Orestivna guessed, “... but I had more fun with him, lower with my same-year-olds. For the new one, there was such a cicava of a naive rusticity with a hospitable mind and watchfulness. In a moment, I immediately had time to strike either stupidity, or wisdom, not from the years of my thoughts and judgement.

Photographs of Max's life period were spared, descriptions of his identity were left behind, destroyed by people who knew him closely. As a rule, clothes are worn in style: in a vlіtka, for example, walking in a sailor's suit. Rum'yana, the lastovist (the stoneflies didn't sing yogo), the balakuch child is sometimes pensive, sometimes sly, sometimes cunning. Balakuchy, prote vin minds of the hearing of the speaker. Loving to look at pictures for a long time. I recited "Poltava bey", "Borodino", chirps from "The Demon", and the words "If I win and love" were recited with an unparalleled strength for my age and a reconciliation. As if for food about those that are especially suitable for you in Poltava, vіdpovіv: The birds of Petrov's nest. I farther - to the "napіvderzhny Volodar". Prote, what tse means, vin, naturally, explain bulo. “It seemed more comical, but, in fact,” V. O. Vyazemsk rightly puts it, “poetry has the beauty of unreasonable people, so that they don’t get swept up in knowledge, but in confidence, in a row to fill even riches, and in our hour you should respect poetry. The first words, which sounded funny, were deep.

Junius Max is even more passionate and willingly taking part in the contest of reciters, as if that girlfriend of your childishness guesses: “My uncle Mitrofan Dmitrovich ... a man with a strong humorous vein, sob yogo pidburiti, pronuvav yoma zmagannya: who better say, for example, “Borodino” ... As if, if for a greater effect of recitation, you were pleased to climb on the steel, vines, descending after the miraculously vikonan zavdannya, turning up to the uncle: “Well, Mitrofan Dmitrovich, now you can climb on the steel.” So very passionate buv Max Voloshin and in їzhi. Any Oleny Ottobaldovna had to be separated even though he was shy to the point of blue. “It’s suffocatingly sweaty (alle and trohi of Skoda), - write V. O. Vyazemsky, - it was heard by mothers from a blue drive: “Mom, and mom (it seemed like “mum”) ... I want ... "-“ Well, hot , although ", - she sounded quite seriously, without a hint of a laugh, this is the original woman. For evening tea, you saw 3 bowls of bread and 3 pieces of cowbass. On the spot (here a creative vein showed up. - S. Ya.) we got a bag of bread without cowbass, then - with one piece of cowbass, and, nareshti, having set up a tract moment: Max, having done it, put a big respect on himself and ї in one bag of bread with two pieces of cowbass.

Valentini Orestivnі and Max's aphoristic expressions were remembered, and he gave excellent characteristics, like wines, to people. “For example, especially about me, he said:“ Cardboard with a brain. I was defiantly at that hour at the period of philosophizing, whether or not driven. So “with the songless stupidity of the form, Max’s vigilance drove him cautious.”

It is not surprising that if before the children of Orest Polienovich Vyazemsky, as they were all significantly older than Voloshin, they asked the teacher - a student of the Kostyantinivsky Institute of Geographical Institute Nikandr Vasilovich Turkin, to begin to study with Max, prepare yoga before joining the gymnasium. Moscow and feodosіyskі gymnasiums gave few poets, "... soums and vіdraza to everything, scho in the gymnasium and kind of gymnasium", - swearing wine. Natomist had mercy on young Max and his mentor. “The Cob of Education: Let’s Learn about Sonic Grammar, Learn Latin Verses, Lectures on the History of Religion, Create on the Fold Not for a Century”, talk about spiritualism and Buddhism, about Dostoevsky; Homer's "Odyssey", Byron's "Don Juan", Edgar Allan Poe's revelations, myths of Ancient Greece... Obviously, not everything was easy. “We’ll all sleep at the booth, surround Max and N.V. (Turkina. - S. Ya), like sit by the small court room, Max’s “office”, and start, - write Lyuba Vyazemskaya to her mother. - ... Some intonations of Max's voice, which go from the most radiant to the most sensible, what do you think! Vіn is terribly tempted to think and everything is trying to overcome the need to vomit with the hands. However, the head result was still achieved. I am starting my “various cultural training ... to my teacher - the same student M. V. Turkin,” Voloshin states in his Autobiography.

Being the most original and variously illuminated person, Nikandr Vasilovich Turkin, having become an eminent journalist and theater critic, zoomed in on the originality of nature and his teaching, commemorated his gravity to the unimaginable, bright, fantastic. “Zavdyaki tsomu wine and hearing the reading of Edgar Allan Poe - obviously, from the crazy zhahu that annoyed, if you read Turkin yoma, - respect Valentin Vyazemsky. - ... Turkin was wise over him, and on the side it seemed wondrous that Olena Ottobaldivna allowed you to. It was necessary to think that, from one side, it was already busy and not everything was included, but on the other hand, that the originality of these presentations amused and їy it was a pleasure, that the reader's tricks showed the superiority of the learning. Vtіm, nurture th at that, how to name it, evaluate it. Can you, for example, use the "focus" to describe the Caucasus "according to Pushkin" in ethnographic and geographical aspects? (Do not forget that you learn everything with a ponytail.)

The young man has a passion for the unimaginable and the supernatural, which looks natural and at one time we will cut short. Sitting at the table, little Max instantly stretched out his hands and said: “Amen, amen, rose, zur, my holy place.” Vіn uniqav deyakyh "taєmnichih" mіsts in the surroundings, casting a spell. As if the hour of the gris in the qi spell Valerian, the son of the ruler of the apartment, lifting yoga in turn, turning his head upside down. Max, however, was uplifted and reconciled with many others, who roared up the hill to the spirits. “Watching after him, we observed that you were able to believe in the supernatural,” I am venting my hypothesis of Valentina Vyazemsky, “life for such a belief was given to you as a beautiful and hoary for a greatness ... Ale ... order with a divak, which one could be fooled by like everyone was laughing, even though still alive, a sensible, hard-hearted little man, who miraculously knew what to fool him, but talking about tse, for life, like giving rose to cherubate it, it seemed to you more boring. The lad loves to be in the center of respect, to cope with the enemy. “There is more food for him who led by him: chi ti, who irritated yogo, chi vin is quiet, who irritated yogo.” Shilnіst to hypocrisy and mystification is manifested by Voloshin and in the gymnasium, and in the past, in the Koktebel "turncoat".

The religious development of Max Voloshin in the period is significantly different from the global intellectual. “Yogo mother was an intellectual of a liberal warehouse, - to respect the friend’s squad of the poet Maria Stepanivna, - and it’s not necessary for me…” religious and philosophical "blanks". So, V. O. Vyazemsky guessed, “I’m sorry that evening, reading“ Lord, have mercy on that mother and mother ”and kinchav:“ I’m not talking about Max, and I’m Ness ′′. Feeling tse, Valerian began to speak, like Max praying to the future. Spopchatka: "and less, schoolboy Max, and Ness", then: "and less, student M., and N." ".

Until the most memorable date of 1886, there was a record of the summer of 1886 in Kiev with the father on the Batkiv line Maxim Yakovich Kirienko-Voloshin. About vin rozmovlyav іz onuk - lost nez'yasovaniem. It seems that Maxim Yakovich has developed a very original concept of the etymology of his name. Vіn stverdzhuvav, scho "Kirієnko" resemble the Greek "pan", and "Voloshyn" - zaporіzke prizvisko, which means "come from Italy". Well, there are too many linguistic reports of Maximilian Voloshin's father without comments. Grandmother, Evpraksiya (Evgeniya) Oleksandrivna, a wealthy helper, how little land in the Orenburz, Poltava and Chernigiv provinces, was remembered by the onukovi vladna, I forgive the grandmother, in the kіmnats that the lamps were burning and the habitants were burning. One of її prayers began with the words: “Lord, curse…”

In the other half of May 1887, Voloshin began to sleep at the private gymnasium of L.I. Polivanov, and from the 1st of the spring he starts to take. Immediately, the children of Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy began to attack, as if Max had attacked such a picky butuz in one of the corridors. "Well, you can kill me with your head in a moment!" - pozhartuvav, vіddikhavshis, a great writer. The future sings from far away - to gain knowledge, like, for example, the first feast, they were assessed by the coming rank: the Law of God - “forward”; russian language, French language, geography and painting - “good”; latin mova, calligraphy and gymnastics - “pretty good”.

Polivanivska gymnasium was the most respected in Moscow, but the fee for education (200 rubles per river) was too high for Olenya Ottobaldivna. I had a chance to transfer my son to the 1st Moscow State Gymnasium. Max trimaє іspit i vstvaє up to another class. As it was already planned, Voloshin felt out of place here. Vlasne, the situation was already repeated, if the creative mind does not accept the routine system of training. In the “Autobiography” there is a strong confirmation: “These are the least and least fates of life, accompanied by hardship and powerless protest against the unhandy and inappropriate knowledge.” Porozuminnya with the teachers reached the buv, about what to say in the middle, or even low, badges of Max, zokrema and z behavior - punishment, as Voloshin himself, having appointed a pіznіshe, "for zarechennya and mirkuvannya." In the third class, the right went badly, and the non-Balian gymnasium student was deprived of another fate. “If I was going to the Feodosiya gymnasium,” Voloshin guessed, “I had two of the first two subjects, and “1” of the Greek one. One "3" bula for behavior. What was the lowest ball for the current high school understandings, like appreciating this subject ... I was able to match whether there were any interests: cultural-historical, linguistic, literary, mathematical, etc. And everything worked out for me to the point of success. ” . In this way, the results achieved by the graduates did not match the potential abilities of the young schoolboy. Yogo's reputation suffered. “If reports about my Moscow successes were presented to my mother at the Feodosiya gymnasium, then the director ... rose with his hands and said: “Sudarina, we, of course, will accept your son, but we can get ahead of you, we can’t correct idiots.”

However, the future sings, being placed to the filthy mark of great philosophical, not respecting their correct assessment of their knowledge of that vitality. Yogo spiritual rіvenіnіst, erudition, dopitlіvі rozіm vіdіlyaіlyaі yogo not only among comrades, but і teachers, sho, before the speech, pіdtverdzhuє one of іѕ yogo classmates, S. Poletayev: “Voloshin is already at that hour at the 14-15 immeasurably greater for us for its development, reading and individual thoughts. Only now I have become aware of yoga discussions and the essence of the vikladatsky staff and all the wretchedness of the present teachers, but they have not been astounded or understood, nor have they been slandered, but they have been slandered in front of the people. Voloshin's strong nature, regardless of its obvious superiority in front of comrades, knew ways to get along with us, perhaps, often unacceptable for the new lads-beshketniks; with philosophical calm enduring the guilt of the rot of teachers, they so clearly compromised with their development that light-gazing 15-year-old people ... "

Not forgetting about his many likenesses, Max Voloshin picks up new ones. In the autumn of 1890, at the twelfth century, in the beginning of 1890, they began to write verses, as if they were bad luck. Shilnist before romanism was already apparent in Max in his early childhood, if he improvised on a kshtalt: “At the laugh under the earth, a rich man lives with one foot”; but until the day of the people: "I know, I know: the sixteenth day of May." These fluctuations, multiplied by the hospitality of caution and living a fantasy, could not be expanded in that historical and cultural atmosphere, in which Voloshin is alive. Todishnya near Moscow Vagankovo ​​and foxes of Zvenigorod district, de poets had a chance to be, introduced to him as a “classic city of Russian Ile-de-France, de Pushkin’s childhood passed in the village of Zakhar'in, and in Semenkovo ​​(soon, tare for everything - Serednikovo .P.) - Lermontov. Yunak love to wander on its own: “As if you were walking in a forest, as if in a clearing: deaf, quiet, here, no one, Crimea for you, and there is no one in the world ...” Summer 1890 was the fate of the wines to spend at the dacha in Troykurov, a small village on the Setun birch, in which they saved remnants of the old pansky garden church, founded by the princes of the Troykurovs on the 17th century - on the cob of the 18th century. Picking up literary and geographical hostility, reading Russian classics, groaning with Dickens, taking in the souls of the children of Sevastopol, the young man remembers those who, after 35 years, turning their thoughts to these roki, vn say this: a poet."

"Like the stage" slowly to participate in the literary and musical evenings at the gymnasium. Max speaks from reading verses. Keep your own powers for the time being. Let the creations of their idols, Pushkin's zokrem, win. On September 31, 1893, the gymnasium student sings the verse “To the Riveters of Russia”. I am also close to the mood, expressed by Pushkin in his other masterpiece: "Singing and Natovp". One of the early poetic drawings of Voloshin’s “First Gymnasium Education” is not out of place to avenge their comments:

Bring on the osmiya I yurboy,

Let me know lightly,

Let them know about me

But still, I will sing.

Sings with heart and soul.

I with an indestructible head

I’m going to the middle of the day.

I can’t help me to the thoughts of light -

Empty stupid natovp.

Їy pisnі do not understand the poet,

Don't shy away from yoga world.

Voloshin's early gymnasium poems are a little disappointing for those who love yoga poetry today. Although it is significant for justice, that prophetic notes should sound in the guidance of more hereditary verses. The image of the poet, who goes “with an indestructible head” in the middle of the world and “burns the world”, is repeated on a new level at the verses about Russia and infiltrates into the shares of Voloshin himself, as if taking on himself the courage to turn around for the preaching of goodness to the “silly headless natovpu” suffocated with bises. Zrozumilo, the young poet is attracted like a hromada theme. "I am the nature of smallpox, suffocation," - one knows the fault in one of the verses.

Burial of Max pod_lyaє vuzke near yogo comrades from the gymnasium, zokrema P. Zvolinskiy and M. Davidov. He sings to get close to the gifted young man, the teachings of the Zemledrobskoy school, Modest Sakulin. Stink to read one to one opuses, to speak with passion about great poetry and to publish handwritten magazines. Serious publications are still far away. The first verse of Voloshin will be instructed already at Feodosiya, 1895, but he himself sings, with his right debut, a poetic publication in the magazine "New Way" (1903).

In the summer of 1891, Max Voloshin often spent time at his dacha in the village of Matviykov, Zvenigorod district, where his relatives Lyamina lived, and often - near Troykurov. Rich daily walks, zanurennya near the world of nature. Entries in the student’s book are made by the hand of a poet, artist, people, how can I sleep in the beauty of Italy, Spain, France and, most importantly, Skhidny Krim. For the time being, the landscape of the middle smog of Russia is still being described: “The majestic linden trees, dark green negrass, scarlet oaks, green pines and yalinkas, yawls, weeping willows, which schililis over the mirror surface of the rate and bathe their baggy trees in erysipelatous, red-faced and white, strongly smelling of dodder flowers, beautifully painted in groups of trees, to beckon their swedish under cover, to the shore of a small river they rush in the heat ... us otochyuchim ”(record was broken on July 12, 1892).

All the more often vyyavlyalosya and domineering nature almost like humor. Sumuyuyuchi for splkuvannyam s odnoletkami, wines are also asked from the mother to see relatives near the village of Matveykovo, which is thirty-three versts from Moscow. Starting a young artist from afar:

Can I, Mom, Pet, take a walk?

Only me already, mom, better to call the arrivals.

Come on.

You know, mom, even if you don’t want to go there for one day, it’s like that, you need to live for a day.

So, mommy, will I go there sooner?

Їd, only vodchepis!

While in Moscow, Voloshin often visits his maternal grandmother, Nadiya Grigorivna Glazer, as if she could speak the truth in her eyes (“God!

In the meantime, at the share of the very Deer of Ottobaldivna, the deacons of the change are seen. In the autumn of 1889, you will get acquainted with the doctor Pavel Pavlovich von Tesch, and you will be able to cross the river with your relatives. Von Tesch (that's how it was written before the revolution), the father's daughter, who is still alive for ten years okremo in the same way, settles with Olena Ottobaldivna and Max near Volkonsky Provulk.

Olena Ottobaldivna remembered the axis to close people, who they knew in the middle of the 1880s: “... in official clothes she dressed miraculously sewn black seam cloth ... she obviously wore a Little Russian suit from a sirim sipunom ... Vaughn was a great superwoman top ... їzd human costume And ... її originality fell into the vіchі more, lower її beauty.

And go on with your life. Max Voloshin takes part in home performances at Sakulin's apartment (staged scenes from "Boris Godunov"), in theaters, read out by Dostoyevsky ("Humiliation of the Image", "Zlochin and Punishment", "Brothers Karamazov", "Idiot") and Saltikov ( "History of one place", "Pompadours and Pompadours"), write rich verses, as if you are trying to put them in order at the "Gymnasium zoshity". At the beginning of the move to the "Inverted" (intelligibly, handwritten) wines, I remind you not to sing on these verses, but go ahead. The author asks “skin, who read my verses, write, as if you are the best, and then, as if they know some of their faults ...”. І dali - even a characteristic order, “so that they were careful with zim zoshit and didn’t get confused, but smut, so they didn’t write anything of their own on її fields. Critical respect, I ask you to write on four pieces of paper. The axis is already truly: "Vcheny maly, ale pedant." Possibly, and Marina Tsvetaeva is right about Voloshin’s “Germanism” - roughness and neatness ...

Max is again interested in something that has such poetry: “In the skin, creaking, in all nature, inspiring in the lowest manifestations of poetry, but it is necessary to know there ...” І one more visnovok: “The ideal is beautiful - Nature itself. And people at their arts are less likely to try to reach that ideal, but they can’t ... ”Tim takes hours to get busy at the fifth grade of the gymnasium. Among the first books - "Yugurtinskaya war" of the Roman writer that sovereign fiance Sallust Crispa, "Anabasis" by Xenophon, "Metamorphosis" by Ovid, "Odyssey" by Homer, collection of Latin rights by K. Pavlikovsky and "Greek Grammar". Voloshin delve into the historical chronicles of Shakespeare, read "The Blind Musician" by Korolenko, translating one of the verses by O. Barb'є. Among the books of the home library, the most popular are the French Revolution, the Martyrs of the Coliseum. Tour, History of Russia by A. K. Tolstoy, verses by Byron and Nekrasov, numerical volumes by L. N. Tolstoy. Max's library is corrosed by yoga classmates. At the head of the young man, like before, do not shine: Latin and Greek - “dvіyki”, Russian mine - “three”. Olena Ottobaldivna is dissatisfied - she keeps away week-long walks and talks with friends. Prote lad firmly vіrishiv after the gymnasium to enter the Faculty of History and Philology, and then - to become a writer and a journalist.

The number of readings of the daedal expands more: Turgenev’s “Scholar of the Zayvoi people”; About the rest, there is a note from the student (Birch 5, 1893): "The most important thought of this novel is the one that Flammarion calls the body "timchasovy shell of the soul"". Dumka tsya bagatorazovo and in a different way to be drawn into the poetry of Voloshin.

Wіm, sometimes it was not up to high matters, the shards of Max's "temporary shell of the soul" greeted attacks. Professor-biochemist S. L. Ivanov, who started in the same gymnasium, knows, as if at the same time with the same shibeniks, for the teachings of Voloshin's classmate - Volodya Makarov, a cultured type of people and, obviously, I am a world of mentally neurological and neuroscientific. and a clumsy high school student, they nibbled on Yogo for a soft month and ran wild. The names of the "evil children" were not a problem for Voloshinim Vyvcheni, and they were for the first time. Sergiy Ivanov guessing: “... I didn’t manage to pinch him like a trace, like a wine, turning around and giving the arm such a cuff that I stretched out on the ground. I remember only the great round good-natured eyes that were humbled over me, and the sound of peace. Possibly, this is the only point of "resistance to evil by violence" of Max Voloshin; vodnosini yoga with Sergієm Ivanov to be filled with a whole bunch of friends, like with the same Volodymyr Makarov.

On February 17, 1893, Voloshin wrote to his student: “Today is a great day. This year it seemed like we were going to Crimea, to Feodosia, and we lived there. Forever demo!.. Farewell, Moscow! Now for the day, for the day! On this bright, eternally youthful, eternally fluffy, beautiful, miraculous day! A new, "Cimmerian" era is emerging from life and creativity of Maximilian Voloshin.

The artist Maksimilian Voloshin sings for the university, marveling at the diversity of his interests. The creator, who has the mind to lay down his passions, which he wields in the middle, at the frame of the mastered genre, surrounds painting and poetry, writing critical articles, engaging in translations, and also hoarding astronomical and meteorological cautions.

Yogo yaskrave, more boisterous podіy and rіznomanіtnyh zustrіchey zhiztіch zhiznі z kob 1917 roka zodilo in Rosії. At the literary evenings, held by the writer at a special booth in Koktebel, which he had specially inspired, there were many times present and syn - Mikola, i, i, i navit.

Childhood and youth

Maximilian Oleksandrovich Voloshin was born on May 16, 1877 near Kiev. The mother of the poet Olena Ottobaldivna was a strong-willed woman and self-made. Unexpectedly, after the people of the syna rose from a man. In Maxi, the woman wanted to have a fighting character, and the lad ris, as Marina Tsvetaeva said about the new one, “without pazurov”, but to all peace-loving and good-natured.

Maksimilian Voloshin at childhood with mother

It seems that at Koktebel, where Voloshin moved from his mother at 16 years, Olena hired the most cotton, so that the stench called Maximilian to the beat. Mother was interested in occultism and antrohi did not hesitate, as in the gymnasium of that school she had already left for another river. One of Max's readers once said that it is impossible to teach someone who is an idiot. It didn’t take long for the wind, like at the funeral of that very vikladach Voloshin, reciting his miracle verse.

Wanting a writer from 1897 to 1899, he was a student at the Faculty of Law of the Moscow University and correctly gave lectures, his completely versatile knowledge of wines, already independently taking them off. From the biographies of the publicist, it is clear that Maximilian did not get a diploma in such a way. Reimbursement for the fate of the zavorushennya, the lad did not continue the education and engage in self-illumination.


Voloshin's first book - "Virsh" - dates back to 1910. The robots, who had gone to the sack, clearly scribbled the author's purge to know the share of the world and the history of people in a spit. In 1916, the writer issued a collection of anti-war verses from the world “Anno mundi ardentis” (“At the rivers of the executioner world”). What fate is so powerful in the beloved Koktebel, to whom he dedicates a couple of sonnets in the future.

In 1918 and 1919, two new books of verses appeared - "Iverni" and "Demons of the Deaf". At the skin row, the hand of a writer is unmistakably visible. Especially the verses of Voloshin, dedicated to the nature of Skhidny Krim.

Since 1903, Voloshin has made other reports with the magazine "Terezi" and the newspaper "Rus". Nadalі vіn write articles about painting and poetry for the magazines "Golden Fleece", "Apollo", newspapers "Russian Artistic Litopis" and "Ranok Rosії". Zagalny obsyag robit, yakі until this day they have not spent their value, to become more than one volume.

In 1913, with a big swing to the painting “I blue yogo Ivan”, Voloshin spoke out against naturalism in art, publishing the brochure “About Repina”. Wanting to hear from the editorial staff of a large number of journals, they closed their doors in front of him, praising the work with a vipad of an artist who was passed over by the public, in 1914 a book of Maximilian's articles "Disguise of Creativity" was published.


Voloshin took up painting in order to professionally judge the image-making art. In 1913, he mastered the technique of tempera, and even the offensive rock, having written his first studies in watercolor (“Spain. The Sea of ​​the Sea”, “Paris. Square of Evil at Night”). The filthy quality of the watercolor papyrus instilled Voloshin in a proper tone, without correcting the blots.

Painting by Maximilian Voloshin "Bible Land"

Maximilian's new leather twirl carried in him a piece of wisdom and love. Creating pictures, the artist rozmіrkovuvav about the spіvvіdshenie chotirokh elements (earth, water, fire that fire) and the deep sensual space. Maximilian painted the leather on the landscape, saving its thickness and texture and leaving the light-penetrating navit on the canvases ("Landscape with a lake and mountains", "Christmas day", "Hills, visusheni spekoyu", "Misyachny whirlwind", "Lead light").

Painting by Maximilian Voloshin "Kara-Dag in the dark"

Maximilian was inspired by the classical works of Japanese painters, as well as the paintings of his friend, the artist Feodosiya Kostyantyn Bogaevskiy, whose illustrations embellished the first Voloshin collection of 1910s. In order of Emmanuil Magdesyan and Lev Lagorio, Voloshin is now eligible to be a representative of the Kimmeriisk school of painting.

Life Specialist

The robe in marriage with a small stature and a hairless mane on the head made Voloshin's impossibility about the human imprompibility of Voloshin in the opposite rank. The women, in order with the divacuate writer, felt themselves in safety and vowed that a writer who looked a little like a right person could not be ashamed to call on him to rub his back.

Stretching out his life, Voloshin was crowned with a pardon, popovnyuyuch his amorous treasury with new names. The first brigade of criticism was the artist Margarita Sabashnikova. Your novel was born in Paris. Young people watched lectures at the Sorbonne, and after one writer and remembering the girl, like two drops of water, I go to Queen Taїakh.

On the day of acquaintance, the writer went to the museum and showed her the statue of the ruler of Egypt. From the sheets to friends, Maximilian knew that he could not believe in those that Margarita was a right person from the flesh and blood. The friends in the messages to the Vidpovid ardently asked the amorous poet not to take the alabaster lady for his retinue.

After the fun that happened in 1906, they died as far as St. Petersburg. V'yacheslav Ivanov sings popular with 'khnіm susidom'. Symbols were collected from the apartment of the writer. Part of the guest buv i Voloshin іz retinue. While Maximilian was suffocated by reciting, arguing and quoting, yoga blessedly led a quiet conversation with Ivanov. At the roses, Margarita repeatedly stated that the life of a right artist can be permeated with drama and that friendly friends are betting over fashion.

At the periode, if V'yacheslav I Margariti Tilki, the romantic was romantic, the Voloshin tanned by love to the playwright Dmitriyovo, I wrote to Dazheh, I wrote to Dazheshnu, Literetorna Mostifsky-Tamnich-Katolybichka Cherubina, Chi.

Mystification lasted less than 3 months, then Cherubina was victorious. At the fall of the leaves of that fate, which at one time I knew Dmitrieva and Voloshin, for Maximilian, the poetess hung sideways, for which he negligently dismissed the author of the verse "Venice" as a blunder.

At the result of the negligent kulgava, the girl became the reason, through the yak Voloshin and Gumilyov ruled the duel on the Black River. After a scandalous duel, in the course of which no one was hurt by a diva, Maximilian's team helped a man, who was intoxicated by the vir of amorous passions, to separate about us. As if it was late, Ivanov's squad urged Margaret to live three times, and she was in time.

In 1922, famine arose in Crimea. The publicist's mother, Olena Ottobaldivna, began to commemorate. Max lured paramedic Maria Zabolotska for his beloved father from the village. The very good and strange woman, who stood for a new hour at the funeral of her mother, made friends in the birch of 1927.

And wanting to have a friend so it was not possible to have children, Maria Stepanivna was in order with a writer and in joy, and in sadness right up to her death. Widowed, she did not change the Koktebel order, and so continued to accept mandriving poets and artists into Voloshin's booth.


The rest of the poet's fates were full of robots - Maximilian richly wrote and painted watercolors. In the 1932 Linden, asthma, which had been a publicist for a long time, was aggravated by the flu and burning of the lungs. Voloshin died after a stroke on 11 April 1932. Yogo's grave is located on the Kuchuk-Yanishar mountain, which is crossed for a couple of kilometers from Koktebel.

After the death of the eminent writer, the sculptor Sergiy Merkurov, who, having made posthumous masks, took off his zipper and rested Voloshin. The comrades of the writer, Mary Zabolotsky, went a long way to preserve the creativity of the beloved person. Zavdyaki її diligence at the serpnі 1984 to the rock of roztashovaniya at Krim's houses of Maximilian having taken away the status of the museum.


  • 1899 - "Venice"
  • 1900 - "Acropolis"
  • 1904 - “I'm a krіz nіch. I'm on the verge of death half moon..."
  • 1905 - "Taїh"
  • 1906 - "Angel of revenge"
  • 1911 - "To Edward Wittig"
  • 1915 - "Paris"
  • 1915 - "Spring"
  • 1917 - "The Capture of Tuileries"
  • 1917 - "Holy Russia"
  • 1919 - "Writing about the kings of Moscow"
  • 1919 - "Kitezh"
  • 1922 - "The Sword"
  • 1922 - Steam
  • 1924 - "Anchutz"

On September 11, 1932, on the 11th wound at his booth in Koktebel, where, having lived most of his life, Maximilian Voloshin died. Zavdyaki youmu Koktebel, having become known far beyond the borders of Krim. "" prepared for you a piece of amazing facts from the life of this amazing person.

Maximilian Voloshin

"I pray for the quiet and for others"

Budinok Voloshin in Koktebel, who sings after being in 1903 as a roci, zamyslyuvavsya by him at the sight of the ship - the Maidan people and the descendants depicted the decks with ladders, and at the vezha there was an artist's workshop. This "ship" actually became the first work place in Russia - Voloshin took 500-600 people per summer. Whose booth has an hour Hromadyan war sings having covered the red ones with white ones, and the white ones - with red ones.

“And I stand alone between them in half-light and dim, how roaring, and with all my strength I pray for peace and for others,” Voloshin wrote about the Gromadyansk war.

Vihovannia character

“All masculinity, given for two, went to mother, all femininity - to sin,” that yoga matir said about Voloshin, Olena Ottobaldivna Glaser, Marina Tsvetaeva. Їy echoed Veresaev: “The bula of the thin husband is old. She had a short haircut, she wore trousers in trousers, she smoked. Olena Ottobaldivna herself raised her son and wanted to change the character of a new one.

Ale on the right was tight: Voloshin was wonderfully peaceful. And in Koktebel, after moving from mother at 16 years old, Olena Ottobaldivna… hired the best cotton, so that the stench called Max to the beat. Vrakhovuchi Voloshin's character, unlikely to have succeeded in success - the same Tsvetaeva recounted that she sings to inspire attackers against wild dogs ryatuvavsya, beginning to speak with them and exhorting not to bite yoga. And with his mother, Voloshin, having been left close to his death (when he survived її for more than 9 years).

The grave of Maximilian Voloshin on the mountain Kuchuk-Enishari near Koktebel. 1934 Photo:

"Spirny" profile

Voloshin's rows: "I on the rock, which closed the shavers of the inlets, the share and winds created my profile!" - you know a lot of who. The stench was written in 1918. Tsіkavo, that at that time tsyu skele was often called "Pushkin's profile". Veresaev, who was alive near Koktebel in his dacha in 1918-1921, writing: “The case is high on the steep rocks of Karadag; on the slopes of yoga step up the frame absolutely exactly the human profile, which little guesses the profile of Pushkin. Vtim, Voloshin sings, who is constantly alive at Koktebel, stverzhu, what is his profile.

After the earth-coward of 1927, the skeleton often collapsed - and the belonging of the spire profile became quite obvious: it was found to have an overarching similarity with Maximilian Voloshin.

magnetic force

Behind the tips of the fellows, Voloshin was able to develop extrasensory health. They told me that in moments of strong spiritual tension, sparks flew from the fingers and toes of the hair, and a firanka blew up once in them. And they also said that Voloshin's doctor's hand was seen by people while passing through. Katerina Balmont, the squad of the poet Kostyantin Balmont, affirmed that “Max has a magnetic force, he exacerbated nerve pain through the hands that they felt on their own.”

"Entrance is only for grown-ups"

Voloshin zavzhdy mav your own independent thought, for an hour I’m not able to. For example, in 1913 Voloshin's reaction to history with Rpin's painting "Ivan the Terrible and Ivan the Terrible" caused a scandal. On September 16, 1913, the icon painter Abram Balashov came to the Tretyakov Gallery with a knife and rushed at the picture with a cry of “Drawing blood!”.

Everyone was overwhelmed by Balashov’s vchinka and sang to the artist (he had a chance to rewrite the appearance of Grozny and that son anew.) Voloshin, stating that “Repin crossed the line between his paintings, and he knew the potsinouvach, like a її porizav.” As the newspapers wrote, “Voloshin’s picture of Repin is not to his soul; vіn vvazhaє that the very flows of blood on it are unnatural.

On Voloshin’s thought, Repin’s paintings, yak, obviously, can be corrected, the place is not in the national museum, but in the panopticon. And if you want to leave it in the Tretyakov Gallery, then don’t let it be delivered to a room and write: “Enter only for grown-ups.” Voloshin, having finished his promo, saying that he doesn’t know whether Repin is Balashov’s victim, or Balashov is Repin’s victim, shards could long ago recognize such an excess with the rudeness of the picture.

Poet's booth near Koktebel. Photo:

Another duel on the Black River

At the fall of the leaves of 1909, Voloshin and Gumilov ... shot at the Black River. Gumilyov shot up, Voloshin's pistol misfired, and then it jammed. The duel was fought through the poetry of Elizabeth Dmitrieva. In 1909, Dmitrieva and Voloshin came up with a hoax: Dmitrieva began to make friends under the pseudonym Cherubina de Gabriak, and the life of the queen was sung by a mystery.

Under the mask of Cherubina Dmitriev, as if not Volodya with an affable sound, she achieved great success. She has a lot of correspondence shanuvalniks. The protest of the mystification was blatantly criticized, and Voloshin was a little off the mark, that Gumilyov cynically spoke about Dmitrieva. Then a blunder was sent, given to Voloshin Gumilyov, and a duel on the Black River - a friend of the history of Russian literature.

obscene writing

At the linden of 1914 at Feodosiya, before the ship’s court, she drank on the right, in the yakіy Voloshin, figuring like accusations. As the newspapers said, the singer sings “not to blame for the sight of boards installed on the beaches against summer cottages, as they indicated the place for bathing people and women. The official inscriptions were smeared over, and as a result, they got the police for lowering the signs installed at Koktebel for the orders of the government.

There was a letter of explanation, like Voloshin slandering the county police: “Against my dachas on the birches of the sea, it’s true, I’ve been arbitrarily set up on the island of the resort landscape, at the hour of my daytime, I’ve written “for people” and “for women.” Without stinging the stovp itself, I vvazhav for the need to cover up obscene writing, like vin embellishments, shards, I think you know that the formula is given to be more equal and ambiguous and it’s less likely to be written in other places. In this way, I act like this, don’t be on the parking lot, even if someone else, who is trying against my vicons, obscene words were written.

In addition, I respect for the need to remind me of the reference book that I call me Maksimilian Oleksandrovich Kirienko-Voloshin, and my name is Max (as it is indicated in the protocol), I change it for me and caress me, so I can’t put it in official vodnosins.

Voloshin with mother. Photo:

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