How do you help strength, soda, yeast, milk, kefir, mustard, Coca-Cola to summer residents near the garden of that city. Bread on yeast and yogo pouring on health

Force on the city
- The fruits of the tree, before the opening of the brunok, are sprinkled with mіtsnim salt rosemary, in order to avoid fungal infections.
– Pivsklyanki salt is spread by the water and once a season shed the cibula for the prevention of downy mildew and for the suppression of the cibula fly.
- Even more to love pіdzhivlennya salty rozchiny buryakіv. Її for two years: at the stage of 4-5 reference sheets and a month before the selection I give birth. Getting ready is even simpler: 100 g of salt is mixed in 10 liters of water.
Soda in the city
Without grub soda, it is important to show yourself a modern city. Here it is, it helps a little and everywhere.
- As you see it in your own way country house grapes, then do not forget about the hour of ripening of the grapes, sprinkle the vine with rose soda - 75 grams per 10 liters of water. Such a procedure protects the grapes from gray rot, and also moves the berries in the berries.
- You can cover everything with the same rozchiny fruit tree to fight the leafy caterpillar.
- Soda - one effective benefits against the bog dew. Rozchin a teaspoon of soda in a liter of water to zastosovat for prophylactic obskuvannya ogirkiv. Agrus and currants are processed in a complex way: 1 tbsp. soda, 1 aspirin tablet, 1 tsp. make dishes for the mittchi rare sweet, 1 tbsp. dewy olive for 4.5 liters of water.
- Sprinkle soda powder (1 tbsp. per 10 liters of water) to water the cinders, in order to prevent the early yellowing of the leaves.
- To see caterpillars, a lot of city dwellers sip cabbage leaves with soda.
- In addition, soda should enter the warehouse of a complex infusion for soaking the day before planting.
Mustard powder in the city
Girchitsa do not shun impersonal city ​​schoolchildren so stock up on the girchichny powder, hulks-dacha residents. Especially, as you fight pesticides with two hands for organic vegetables and fruits.
— First of all, the mustard helps in the difficult struggle with the slimaks. The powder is sprinkled between roslins for the first sign of an unbearable shkidnik: on cabbage, peppers, hosts, etc.
- In a different way, mustard powder is one of the components of the infusion against the cabbage pope.
- In a third way, nastiy girchitsa miraculously works against gnats, sawflies, bugs, thrips, popelitsy, apple codling and other leafy fungus caterpillars. To prepare 100 grams of gyrchich powder, pour 10 liters of water and insist for two days. Then treat, dilute with water 50:50 and add 40 grams of mil to the skin for a better adhesion. Apple trees are recommended to be consumed with this infusion in 15-20 days after flowering, and berry bushes - on the cob of summer.
Kefir or sirovatka in the city
— Kefir and other sour-milk products are, as a rule, used to prevent and fight against pathogenic fungal infections. Lactic acid bacteria and fungi despise competitors, but do not control the plants themselves.
- With yogurt, sprinkle the leaves of the ogirkiv, so that the zupinity of їhnє pzhovtinnya. For whom, two liters of kefir should be diluted in a bucket of water.
- For help kefir, you can ask for the bog dew on the Agrus.
- Among the components in the recipe for self-preparation of EAT-infusion, kefir is also marked.
- For the prevention of late blight, you can apply a rose garden of tomatoes with an offensive variety: pivlіtra kefir, 1 bottle of Pepsi or Coca-Cola per 10 liters of water. And since the first days, the lime has grown tomato and sprinkled with kefir with water.
- A liter of kefir, bred by the water, it is also miraculous nourishment, like for planting tomatoes, and for grown-up roslin.
In all well-known recipes, kefir can be replaced by syrovatka.
Drijdzhi on the city
— Drіzhdzhi є miraculous growth stimulant roslin. The stinks themselves, according to their own riches on the life of the speech, the stinks to improve the soil microflora, the stinks to suppress the development of the richness of pathogenic microorganisms - scorched, good.
— The most popular variant of victorious drіzhdzhіv in the city is tse pіdzhivlennya. Drіzhdzhové pіdzhivlennya befits all cultures. The recipe is as follows: a kilogram of pressed yeast is scattered in five liters of warm water, then, before the stagnation of the springs, it is diluted with water at a ratio of 1:10. You can cook dried yeast and dry dried yeast. For this, in 10 liters of water, add 10 g of dried fruits and a couple of tablespoons of zucru. Qiu "dough" is kept for 2 years, and then diluted with water 1:5.
- For pastlon tezh, it is recommended to prepare a special treatment with zukr. For three liters of water, take 100 g of drіzhdzhіv and half a flask of zukru, everything is fermented for a long time, and then diluted with water: 1 flask of "brazhka" per wind. They feed tomatoes, peppers, eggplants or potatoes, waving in a liter of roses for leather bushes.
— Watering the trees and the rose garden for the rainforests. Growing up “like on a drizzle”, do not pull out, it is easy to take root in the new earth at the hour of pikuvannya.
- Even before the flowers, water the midnight with rosemaries near the water (100 grams per 10 liters), the berry does not suffer from gray rot. In the same rozchiny obraskuyut tomati with the appearance of the first sign of phytophthora or її prophylaxis.
— Drіzhdzhі vykoristovuyut when preparing EM-drugs, "live brags" and other brown for the city of bionastoїv.
What is the next thing to remember when stagnation of drіzhdzhіv in the city?
Perche. Like all micro-organisms (and yeasts are fungi, like we were taught at school), yeasts do not actively work in the cold season. Therefore, everything is better than hanging up, if the soil is already warmed up.
Other. Drіzhdzhі poglyayut potassium in the process of life, do not forget to compensate for the "waste" of the introduced ash.
As a rule, drizhdzhami roslina a year to a maximum of three per season. More is not necessary.
Milk in the city
- You can transfer the dew on the ogirkas to the parishionist of the barnyard, by brushing the leaves with nine liters of water, a liter of low-fat milk and 10-12 drops of iodine.
- Sumish from 20 grams of the Lord's mil, a liter of milk and 30 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water to help save the early yellowing of the leaves of ogirkiv.
- And sour milk and sour milk miraculously replace kefir and syrovatka in previous recipes.
Coca-cola or pepsi in the city
- As it was already said, Coca-Cola and Pepsi at once with kefir are zastosovuetsya for priskivanya tomato seedlings.
- For Coca-Cola, poured into shallow bottles, dug into the ground in an order of roslins, slimaks come, like a bait.
- And yet the deyakі gorodniks stverdzhuyut, scho priskuvannya cola will help the roslin in the presence of the popelits.
Let me help you, pomies from the grocery store, gospodarskogo store and pharmacy, to serve you well in the city and to allow the need to zastosovuvat "otrut" there, where you can do without it.

"Give us our daily bread today"...

Before the history of nutrition:
For a long time in Russia, they marveled at the bread table like at the throne of God. I in a single prayer, as if having filled in Jesus Christ, the word bread is a synonym for zhi vzagali. Bread is a gift of God, our ancestors said. Ale baked the stench of yoga already n_yak not on thermophilic yeasts. Tsі drіzhdzhі z'appeared before the war. Vcheni, yakі were engaged in the brewing of this food, they drank in Lenintsy on the dzherel of the Hitlerite Nimechchini, it was said about those who were growing on human bones and that, if Russia does not perish in the war, then it will perish in the drіzhі.

Otzhe, yakscho thermophilic yeast vinified recently, then for the help of which kvass bread was brewed in ancient times and in the recent past ? The famous peasant sourdoughs were prepared from barley, straw, wheat, barley, and wheat. Dosi in the deaf villages saved the recipes for making bread without the annual yeast. The same starter cultures enriched the body with organic acids, vitamins, mineral cavities, enzymes, cellular mucus, mucus, pectin cavities, and biostimulants.

The brewing of bread in the national cuisine was always a ritual of its own. The secret of yoga preparation was passed down from generation to generation. May your skin be small with your secret. Bread was prepared about once a day on different starter cultures: wheat, wheat. Wicking the unpeeled wheat boar led to the fact that the bread was coarse, protesting the mustache of the curly speech, yakі є in cereals. And while brewing in the Russian oven, the bread filled with unforgettable relish and aroma. One can boldly say that there was no such bread, like in Russia, in the world. Buv is necessary wine for the great kіlkostakh. The average peasant, for example, in the XIX century, for example, had 3 pounds of bread a day (a pound is 430 grams). The very same bread allows you to regulate the work of the intestines and introduce into the body a low brown speech. About this white, so white, cleansing bread, the stench could only dream. The call to life's bread from the first days of life was so strong that it was well tolerated.

Such a typical twist. In 1814, if the Russian grenadiers, who were famous for their strength and vitrivality, went to Paris, then the stench started, going to the bakery, shukati bread and asked the masters for "Shvidko-Shvidko bread." So they blamed "quickly". Suffering, rebuying in the Caucasus, without living bread, that Pushkin.

The ancient science of baking has been saved from the people for a long time. It happened a little bit about a comedy flurry, if bakers came to the minister of light and grub industry with a marvelous gift, which stink they brought to the canvas. Having shown that it was a cow's cow, the stench lit up again and sifted against him, then moved up, looked up the canvas and the following picture appeared to the eyes of the minister: bread, crushed by a vagary of great men, straightening up in his eyes and having a lot of roses. The minders remembered that such bread does not get wet and not stale and over the river. It was very important for me to believe it. This bread was not baked on thermophilic yeasts. Bula was seen all over Moscow by Fillipov's bakery, which was famous for its bakery products, living evidence of our glorious past in the bakery.

And yet, a ten-year-old bread is baked in a different way. And for him it is not natural sourdough, but vigadan human thermophilic yeasts, tsukromiceti, like in nature, simply do not know. The first technology of its preparation is anti-natural.

For a long time they have already scored on the flashes of the whole world. Describe the mechanisms of the negative impact of drіzhdzhіv on the body. French professor Etienne Wolf, academician F.G. Uglov, 13.11. Iskakiv. P.P. Dubinin (Problems of statistics and economic modeling. Pratsi MMNKh im. Plekhanov), Rozin Gianfranco ("Nyavnіst driving in the peculiarities of drіzhdzhіv". Canadian Journal of Microbiology", 1983r.. t, 29. No. 10. p. 1462), G. Bassi i D .Bassi .A.Sherman (The driving factor, - Biochemistry, Biophysics, 1973, No. 298, p.868-879), S.A. ), Vlaskor of "Izvestia" L. Volodin, (Paris, February 27 on the phone, published on February 28, p. 4), Rubin B. A. (Brodinnya, - BME, vol. 3, 1976, p. 383-384), V.M.Dilman ("Chotiri models of medicine", L., Meditsina, 1987. stor 40-42, 214-215), Marilyn Diamond, Donald Shnsall, (USA "Acid-luzhny balance"), St. Mikhailov, L. Trushkina ("Zha - on the right is serious" M., "Moloda Gvardiya", 1988, pp. 5-7) Bibliography on this topic can be continued, but rather we marvel that such thermophilic drіzhdzhi - tsukromitseti and how the role of stench play in reduced health 'I am quiet, who lives in the kitchen, eating food prepared from stasis.

Thermophilic yeasts and their negative impact on health.

Again, we repeat: drіzhdzhі-saccharomyceti (thermophilic drіzhdzhі), different races, such as get used to the alcohol industry, breweries and bakeries, do not grow in the wild camp in nature, that is the creation of human hands, and not the creation of God. The stench is seen behind morphological signs to the simplest marsupial fungi and microorganisms. Saccharomycetes, unfortunately, are more thorough, lower tissue cells, independent of temperature, pH of the medium, instead of repetition. Navіt when zruynovanіy lysozyme delinquent obolontsi kіtini stench continue to live. The production of baker's yeasts is based on the reproduction of them in rare life-giving mediums, which are prepared from the mincemeat (due to the production of tsukru). Technology is greedy, anti-natural. Melas is diluted with water, treated with chlorine vapor, acidified with sulfuric acid, etc. Wonderful methods, needing to know, vikoristovuyutsya for cooking grub product, before that, yakscho vrahuvati, scho in nature is based on natural yeasts, hops, for example, malt is thin.

And now we are wondering how to give thermophilic yeast to our organism. Tsikavy Dosvid of the French Grand Duke Etienne Wolf. We spent 37 months cultivating the evil fluff of the shell in samples with a variety, in which the extract of the yeast was known, which is fermented. At this hour, for 16 months, it was cultivated for such minds themselves, the pose of a link with living tissue, the swelling of the intestines. As a result of the experiment, it was revealed that in such a range the swelling of the fluff was won and consumed with a stretch of one tyzhnya. Ale, albeit only occasionally, the extract was seen, the plumpness was gone. Zvіdsi bulo zrobleno vysnovok, shcho ekstraktі drіzhdzhіv mіstitsya rechovina, scho stimulating the growth of cancer fluff (newspaper "Izvestiya").

Schools of Canada and England have established the building of drіzhdzhіv, which they drive in. Klitini-kіleri, kіtini-dryzhdzhivs drive in sensitive, less protection of the cells by the body by seeing in them the brittle proteins of the small molecular weight. Toxic protein on plasma membranes, increasing their penetration for pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. Drіzhdzhi raspravlyayut on the cob at the grass tract clitiny, that bov is already near the bloodstream. In this rank, the stench melts like a "Trojan horse", for the help of such a foe they infiltrate our body and spriyaє to boost my health.

Thermophilic drizzles are reactive and survivable, but at 3-4 times more active, the activity only grows. Apparently, when boiling bread, yeast is not reduced, but is taken from gluten capsules. It’s already good to see fahivtsy, that when multiplying yeasts, ascospores are formed, yak, hopping at our herbal tract, and then, trapping in the bloodstream, destroying the membranes of clitin, succumbing to oncological diseases.

Today a person lives richly, but it’s important to think. Why? To the one who alcohol fermentation, brewed with yeast, without access to sour, in an uneconomical process, costly from a biological point of view, shards from one molecule of zucru are seen as a total of 28 kcal, even as sour is allowed to sour from wide access 674.

The yeasts multiply in the minds of the body in a geometric progression and allow the pathogenic microflora to actively live and multiply, ignoring the normal microflora, the bugs in the intestines can vibrate when proper eating those vitamins of group B, those essential amino acids. Behind the visnovka Academician F. Uglov drіzhdzhovі components, which are consumed in їzhu, provoke vibration in the body of additive ethanol. It is not included that the primary biophone is one of the factors that speed up human life. Acidosis develops, due to the intake of aldehyde, which is seen with alcohol fermentation. octoic acid, which is the final product of the conversion to alcohol. Enol kefir is added to the ethanol of breast milk in the period of infancy. At the pererakhunka, for a grown-up human equivalent, it is more equal to the schodobovom spozhivannyu of the burner in the glass to the flask. This is how the process of alcoholization of Russia is viewed. Our country was one of the world's 212 countries with a large-scale celebration of children with low-alcohol kefir. Think about it, who needs it? Directions against healthy people, the union of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria, lead to an organism in the terminal pouch to an uncompensated stage of acidosis.

Nadzvichayno cіkave doslіdzhennya V.M. Dilman, what to bring, what oncogene gas to avenge yeast, A.G. Kachuzhny ta A .BUT. Boldirev confirmed the notifications with their reports Eten Wolf about those that yeast bread stimulates the growth of the swelling.

V.I. Griniv respect for those who are in the USA, Sweden and other countries without yeast bread, becoming a prominent phenomenon and is recommended as one of the means of preventing and curing cancer.


Let's take a look at what is seen in our body, if yeasts penetrate into it.

Damage caused by wanderings

The most rude rank disrupts the viability of all organs of etching during wandering, especially caused by yeasts. Wandering is accompanied by worms, microbial flora develops, shield oblyamivka is injured, pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate through the intestinal wall and consume blood streams. The evacuation of toxic masses from the body is improved, gaseous intestines are established, and feces are stagnant. Stepwise stench grows in the mucus and mucus balls of the intestines. Continues the growth of intoxication with the products of the life of bacteria, bacteremia (if the stench fills our blood). The secret of the etching organs is zahisnuyu function and reduce grass. Insufficiently acquired and synthesized vitamins, not acquired by the proper rank of microelements and the most important of them - calcium. there is a strong cycle of calcium with the method of neutralization of ruinous excess acids, which are due to aerobic wandering.

Vykoristannya in їzhu yeast produktіv spryaє not only carcinogenesis, to the establishment of fluff, ale and constipation, which potentiates the carcinogenic situation, the establishment of clotted piska, stones in the zhovchnoy mіkhuri, pečіntsi, pіdshlunkovіy zlozі; fatty infiltration of organs in the first place - dystrophic manifestations and the possibility of leading to pathological changes in the most important organs.

A serious signal about the onset of acidosis is an increase in cholesterol in the blood above the norm. Build up the buffering system of the blood to the point where excess acids injure the inner lining of the vessels. Cholesterol in the appearance of the putty begins to vikorate to patch up defects.
When wandering, like calling thermophilic drizzle, they blame it as negative physiological changes, and navit anatomical. Normally, the heart and lungs and lower organs - the sac and the liver, as well as the pidshlunkova ridge, take away the pressing massaging energy stimulus from the diaphragm, like a head dychalny m'yaz, which increases up to the 4th and 5th intercostals. With a dry broodinn, the diaphragm does not wilt the piercing ruhivi, takes a viscous position, the heart is rotting horizontally (at the position of the perceptible calm), it is often rotated (tobto, flare up your axis), the lower parts of the leg are crushed, all the organs of the etching will be pressed. , often chewing mikhur leaving your bed, changing the form.

At the norm, the diaphragm, zdіysnyuyuchi kolyvalnі ruhi, priyaє stavlennyu primoktuyuchy vice in the chest klіttsі, which attracts blood from the lower and upper kіntsivok and the head for purification in legeni. When obmezhennі її ekskursu tsgogo not vіdbuvaєtsya. All at once priyaє growth of stagnant manifestations in the members of the lower limbs, small pelvis and head and as a result - varicose veins veins, thrombosis, trophic infections and a further decrease in immunity. As a result, people are transformed into a plantation for the growth of viruses, fungi, bacteria, rickets (mites).

If the specialists of the firm "Vivaton" worked at the Institute of Blood Pathology in Novosibirsk, the stench took away the reconciliation of certificates of academician Meshalkinі Professor Litasova about those negative mediations that may have dribbling on the heart's activity.

A small digression to the anatomy: LIKARAI OFFICATION OF THE PECHINKA RULD IN THE NORMIS PECHIK VIBLLALY APPORT 70% LIMPHI, YAKA PROMENT OF CAMER of Cherzi, Zbagachiy LIMFOCITS, Actively Fagocyte Clitins, Vytaminy, Balance of Venoi, Impae. . When wandering, the liver cannot cope with its functions, and the venous blood is poorly cleansed. We regret that our arterial blood, which is normally sterile, has microorganisms, eggs of worms, worms, and a lot of other nebulous bulges. At lectures at the NDI named after Sechenov, doctors enriched our knowledge about the negative effects of yeast products with new findings. Under the hour of sivbi exudation from the ear, nose and larynx, the stench revealed the majestic number of drіzhdzhiv, which had not been seen for ten years.

The buffer system of the body to lie down in the spirituality of the people for us to eat, eat, sleep, water procedures and physical adventures. It is especially traumatic to enter in stress, anxiety. Non-letting paralytic otters (lactic, octova, formic acid, and other acids) descend at night and hover near the venous bed of the lower extremities; The situation is getting stronger now, that wandering, caused by yeasts, causes diaphragms to give blood for purification in the legend.

Let's guess, the body is the beginning of a pragmatic support for the posture of its internal environment - homeostasis. Ale is especially important podtrimka permanent warehouse blood. The value of the acid-lub balance pH of the blood of a healthy person is found at narrow boundaries between 7.35 and 7.45. And to instill an insignificant yoga change can lead to illness. Acidosis develops - blood viscous on the sour side. Vіn disrupting the normal overshoot of the reaction of speech exchange. It’s so important to stitch it yourself, so that the reaction of the blood was more puddle, lower sour.

A constant excess of acid in the middle of the body leads to the rise of fabrics. In order to resist this, reduce the concentration of acid and reduce the life of important organs, the body traps water, which negatively affects the exchange of speech. The organism wears out more, the skin becomes dry, wrinkled.
The puddle of the reaction is to blame for the mother as a blood, and for other mothers and tissues of the body. The only culprit is the shell: the presence of a new amount of acid and the need to over-etch it. The sluice in the middle is covered with a special mucous membrane, resistant to acidic. However, if a person is poisonous with yeast products and acid-forming sorrel, then the tube cannot be resisted for a long time - I’ve brought it up to the end of the viraz, there will be more and more signs of damage to the etching, we can blame such a widening symptom, like a stove. You should be aware of those who have too much acid from the tube thrown into the stravochid.

Under the hour of pickling, interaction between acids and meadows along the grass tract is observed. In the norm, after etching, in an empty mouth, the pH is 7.5 and higher, in the shell - 7.67. in the small intestine and the cob duct of the larynx pH - 9.05 - meadow mill, mikhurova (zhovchny mikhura) zhovch and lower duct of the larynx may have a slightly acid reaction.

An empty mouth contains lysozyme sludge - an antibacterial enzyme that melts the membrane of bacterial cells and thereby destroys life itself. Lysozyme is a strong meadow with a pH that is as high as 11; The clitin shell of the drіzhdzhiv is an exclusively active physical and chemical system, and not a mechanical barrier. It easily penetrates the molecules of amino acids and glucose, aleone is non-penetrating for proteins.

In order to neutralize the acid that settles during fermentation, the organism of disturbances goes into its reservoirs - mineral resources: calcium, sodium, potassium, salt and magnesium. Significantly lowering the puddle reserve will weaken the organs of the system. There are symptoms of acidosis - "acidification" of the body.
If blood is poured into hemoglobin victorious to neutralize acid, people will be aware of it. As soon as you consume calcium, you get sleepless, drativity, as a result of a decrease in puddle reserves, rozum's activity increases. Not included is the link between the lower meadow reserve and depressive camps.

Exfoliation of mineral elements from the bones of the skeleton will inevitably lead to a sickly cry, and the exclusion of calcium salts from the bones to neutralize acids is one of the main causes of osteoporosis.

And now we can look at what is observed with the clitin in acidosis, the internal medium, which normally has a puddle reaction, as to deposit in the presence of salts of puddle minerals.

As soon as the blood, which omits them, becomes sour, then the cells of the madness will sacrifice their mineral resources, and the inner core of the cell itself will become sour. What can you do? In an acid medium, the activity of most enzymes decreases. In the aftermath of this, interclitinous interactions are broken. In the sour middle, cancerous cells miraculously feel and multiply.

Most of us are aware of the symptoms of acidosis, but they can be underestimated. Nasampered - tse volume, loss of elasticity of m'yaziv, drativity, bіl in m'yazakh in excess of acid, nudota, gastritis, virazki, constipation, shvidka physical and rozumova vtoma, hot water in the mouth, black cola pіd ochima, syriy poured on the tongue: rush blood to the individual. The body fights acidosis, sapping the mass of energy for the restoration of acid-puddle water.

Our doctors regret to indicate a decrease in blood calcium levels in children. Just before yoga showed off by becoming 9-12 singles, then at the same time it does not reach three. Focusing on the standard of justice, what happened, the norms were brought up to effectiveness.

In order to restore a healthy nation, we proponably turn to brew bread for additional yeast, which is found in nature itself in hops and malt. Our fellow thinkers have been practicing for over 20 years homemade vipichka bread for old recipes. This helped them to get rid of a lot of pathologies. For three years, an experiment was conducted at the "school of the future", the school of health. At this school for weakened children, 2724 illnesses fell on 713 students. As a result of the introduction of non-yeast bread into the diet, not on thermophilic yeasts, an improvement in health was registered in 74% of children, 133 diagnoses were taken, many children moved to a more prosperous group of health.

Decrease in biochemical indicators in blood was recorded, including indicators in place of calcium.

Bread on hop sourdough should contain essential amino acids, carbohydrates, cellular tissue, vitamins: B1, B2, PP, mineral speech: salts of sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, salt, calcium, and microelements - gold, cobalt, m established unique dichal enzymes. Pevne, nevipadkovo khlibnі ears are called golden.

Bread on hop sourdough gives the maximum juice effect, so that it actively absorbs the stool, liver, mush fermentation and other necessary for complete etching of the speech, improves intestinal motility, and conquers the infection of food.

Another alternative to simmering bread without soaking in thermophilic yeast is simmering fresh cakes and a bun in mineral water. The most economical way: save an hour, do not need to prepare a leaven, make a dough, wine is simple and accessible to the skin. Gas water can be prepared at the siphon, or you can buy borzhomi chi another pool of mineral water.

Spekti prіsnі korzhiki shvidshe, go to the bakery for bread, more for which it is necessary only to ask bobo, sho fry, spread with mineral water and form the biscuit, or place the bun in the oven in front of the rosigrita. From i all.

Fresh bread takes away additionally impersonal life of the necessary micro and macro elements, as well as carbonic acid, as our body needs no more, lower kisen.

At the same time, thin, like cardboard, bread from Vrmenskoy, Georgian, Jewish cuisine began to be sold at once, and a lot of them to avenge yeast, even in small quantities, for example, lavash. And yet, the very release of such bread itself can be said about those who are supportive for the production of bread products. You can start a small-scale release and fresh buns, and shortbread - even spend the least on them, the wine is highly profitable, and the cost of such bread is great, and people are ready to pay pennies for their health.

You can’t miss the move and the same food. Where did a lot of whole grains come from, from which our ancestors baked bread? Just a little bit of whole grain to take away from your own vitamins of group B, macro- and micro-elements and germ, which can be fantastically powerful. Refined flour is enriched with germ, and husks - the replacement of these by nature of the creation of the whole parts of the grain in the flour, add all the strong food additives, the chemical way of the creation of the substitutes, as they cannot be remembered by those created by nature itself. Refined flour becomes a mucus-forming product, which lies like a breast on the bottom of the slug and slags our body. Refining is an expensive, vitreous process, and at the same time I drive in the power of grain. I need wine only in order to save more borosno in the water. Boroshno tsіlіsne can not be saved for a long time, scarlet is not needed. Let the grain be saved, and from the new, if necessary, you can cook well. So it was zavzhd. For the first time, in the name of the fortunes of trade, it is a vicious practice of transforming a God-given wholesome product to be eaten on a dead mucus-producing mass, which can have a delicious relish for the rahunki tsukra, salt, fat, and other thermoobrobts at high temperatures and carcinogenic.

Drіzhdzhi at the same time vicorist navit for the preparation of dry. The daedals boil less than the liver with a minimum amount of fat. And all the fatty, licorice of the liver is eaten by our children, and then they suffer from diabetes, osteoporosis in the youngest. Gastroenterologists are on a rampage, but the children of the medical profession cannot accommodate everyone who needs hospitalization.

In the Bible, "The Book of Books", in Vyhodi (ch. 12, vіrsh 20) a direct statement is given to the Jews that they have deprived Egypt:"Don't eat anything leavened, be sure to become your own fresh bread." Maybe, such a loaf of bread is good for health, especially for those who are on a high road, not knowing the osіlnogo way of life. Those that such bread does not call wandering, and, as a legacy of that wandering, do not destroy the pH of the blood into an acidic beak - the most important recommendation for yoga living for all of us, to that, as shown by numerical studies, such as people are not showing signs of pH . . Firstly, on the cob of the century, the normal pH was 7.5, now, focusing on the effective standard of speeches - 7.35-7.45. In fact, rich qi have indicators in the range of 7.25. When you need to respect, what pH, what is healthy 7.18, it calls for a lethal end. You can bachiti, where we go, chemically eating, living, clothes, strong government. Chi not hour zupinitsya bіlya prіrvi і turn back to nature?

Information about the speed of storage of dried bread products is correct, but it is correct to enter people's doors. Richly bake bread themselves, start making mini-bakery. This non-yeast bread is still expensive, but it’s better to know. Need to viperjayut the proposition. In Ryazan, following a new scheme, a bakery was founded, and the same production in Noginsk. It's time to turn around in disguise to the health of your spіvgromadyans. We are convinced that it is wiser to understand in the specialty of specialists in the bakery industry. Age new, as we proponuєmo, well forgotten old.

Like spectacles of bread on hop yeast at home minds. Practical for the sake of it.

1. Preparation of yeast
1.1. Pour the dry hop with a pot of water and boil it until the water changes.
1.2. Please insist 8 years, vіdtsіditi and vіdzhati.
1. 3. Pour one flask of the taken vodvar into a pivlitrovu jar, fill in a new one 1 tbsp. a spoonful of zucru, 0.5 flasks of wheat boroshn (mix until the breasts rise).
1.4. Take away the roses, put in a warm place (30-35 degrees), covering with a fabric double doby. A sign of readiness to drіzhdzhіv: the amount of money at the bank will increase approximately twice.
1.5. For two or three kilograms of bread, 0.5 bottles of yeast (2 spoons) are required.
2. Number of components.
2.1. For brewing 650-700 rubles of bread, you need: water - 1 bottle (0.2 liters); on a skin flask, water is required: flour - 3 flasks (400-450 gr.); salt - 1 teaspoon; tsukru - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
oliya vershkove or margarine - 1 tbsp. a spoon; wheat plastics - 1-2 layers. spoons; drіzhdzhi - 1 tbsp. spoon (abo sourdough).
3. Cooking sponge.
3.1. One bottle of boiled water, cooled to a temperature of 30-35 degrees, is poured into the room for mixing, mixed with 1 st. a spoonful of drіzhdzhіv or sourdough and 1 flask of borosna.
3.2. The preparations of the cuts are covered with cloth and put in a warm place for 2 years until the dotted bulbs are settled. The presence of bulbs means that the dough is ready before kneading the dough.
4. Zamis test.
4.1. At clean dishes ( glass jar not more than 0.2 liters in volume, with a lid that closes tightly) you need to add a small amount (1-2 tbsp. Spoons) of steam, to serve as a starter for the offensive bread, it is necessary to save it in the refrigerator.
4.2. Dodaemo 2 tbsp. spoons of boroshna and other components are valid until clause 2.1., tobto strength, tsukor oil, plastic (plastic is not a binding component). Vymіshuєmo tіsto until vіdlipanny vіd hands that pawn at the form.
4.3. The form is filled with dough 0.3-0.5 її obyagu troch more. If the form is not covered with teflon, it is necessary to coat it with olive oil.
4.4. The form with dough should be placed in a warm place for 4-6 years. To save heat її it is necessary to open it. As soon as after an hour of appointment, it will thicken up in the room approximately twice, it will fluff up and be ready to boil.
5. VIP mode.
5.1. The form is to be placed in the middle of the oven on the rack.
5.2. Vipichka temperature is 180-200 degrees. Vipіchka hour - 50 hvilin:


More often than not, the bread comes out not because of the filthy savings, but because of the infection of the borosh, - Tetyana Bogatirova, candidate of biological sciences, told the readers of the Versti newspaper.

With this, microscopic fungi develop on bread, and they synthesize and accumulate mycotoxins. Buhantsі, urazhenі pіsnyavoy, vzhivat, obviously, not recommended. Not ryatuє vіd tsієї adversity and zrіzannya "flames". On the right, in what similar micro-organisms are found in looking like mycelium - long, invisible threads that cannot be broken by the eye, which can penetrate the product to a great clay. Vipaluvannya rolls on the fire can not "fork": only the surface ball burns, and those in the middle are overwhelmed. It is possible to beat the splattered bread, just breaking it with thin skewers and smearing it. That and those, as the level of infection is small. Keep bread from plastic bags not varto. For rahunok viparovuvannya water from bread, moisture is created in them, which brings the development of flowers. Better trimatie batoni and loaves in a clean wooden or enameled dish, and a vletka - in the refrigerator.

Particularly unsafe for health is the name of the potato ailment of bread. Її zbudnik - a potato chi sinna stick. When infected with it the next day, picking up in the middle of the roll, a sticky mass with an unacceptable smell is settled. Bread becomes unsuitable for eating - it’s already disgusting.

During the processing of grains for boro spore-forming bacilli are saved and consumed from the finished product. Navіt when vipіkannі superchki become obsolete life. It is clear to the instructions how to prevent potato disease bread, seen in 1998, infected well-fenced to sell through a trade fence. Tim is not less, be drunk.


1. How to cook fresh shortbread (lavash) at home. Warehouse: 1 bottle of water, 2.5 bottles of borosna, 1.5 teaspoons of salt (or to relish). At the water, mix the strength | salt |. With a thin tsіvkom step by step, boil boroughly into the salty water. Let's mix it up. Let's let the test stand for 20-30 hvilin. Fire up the pan. Thinly spread the shortbread. Dry the cake for a few seconds on a roasted frying pan. Must go out 10-12 cakes. Ready shortbreads need to be sprinkled with water (you can use a butt-bottomed saw), otherwise the stench will be crispy. Save the cakes better in a plastic bag in the refrigerator no more than 3 decibels.

2. Bread from germinated wheat grains. Vologі, sprouts of wheat grains are pressed near the shortbread, then dried on warm sun, you can on a hot stone.

3. Fresh cakes and buns on mineral water. The most economical way, vin simple and accessible to the skin. Gas water can be prepared at the siphon, or you can buy a puddle of mineral water. Brilliantly fried. Dilute with mineral water. Form shortcakes or buns. Place in the front rose grate.

4. Homemade yeast. Take 100-200 g of rodzinok, wash with warm water, place it near a dance with a wide neck, pour warm water, add trohi tsukra, tie the beast with gauze in 4 balls and put a place near the heat. At 4-5, the bread will start to grow, and you can put it down. Vono can be storable and non-acidic.

5. Dry hop yeast. Pour hops with hot water (1:2) and boil near the pot. Yakshcho khmil virinaє, yogo drown in the water with a spoon. If the water evaporates from the flooring, then the vіvaru will be left with less vіdvіchі vіd cob, yogo ztsіdzhuyut. At the reached warm vіdvarі, tsukor is made (1 tbsp. Spoon per 1 bottle of vіdvar), mixed with boroshn (0.5 bottles of boroshn per 1 bottle of vіdvar). Let's put the drіzhdzhі at the warm place of the dvіchі for wandering. Drizzle is ready to be poured from a bowl, corked and saved from a cold place. For the preparation of 2-3 kg of bread, 0.5 bottles of yeast are needed.

6. Drіzhdzhi zі fresh hops. Fresh hops are put into the enameled pot, poured with hot water and boiled for about 1 year, covering the lid. Potim vіdvar trohi cool and boil salt, sugar. pisku and 2 flasks of wheat boroshn. Wipe the masa to smoothness, set it warm for 36 years, then wipe a couple of peeled boiled potatoes, mix it with yeast and again let it sip on a warm day. Drіzhdzhі ready to pour at the dance and close it with corks. Vitrata of such drіzhdzhіv is a quarter of a bottle per kilogram of barosh.

7. Malt yeast. I don’t care to guess that the malt is germinated in warmth and volose bread grain, dried and milled. 1 flask borosna and 0.5 flask sugar. dilute pisku in 5 flasks of water, add 3 flasks of malt and boil for about 1 year. Cool, pour more warm rozchin at the dance, lightly cover with corks and put it in a warm place, and then in the cold. Vitrata tsikh drіzhdzhіv on the preparation of bread is the same, like і drіzhdzhіv іz dry hops.

Bula deyaka zakhoplenіst idea of ​​dumplings. As a result, the dough was lost, the simplest - borough, sour milk. Tell me, be kind, what else can you grow, around dumplings?


Tell me, be kind, report as a work of milk with dry yeast. And then everything in me does not come out like that.

Axis here robiti vyrishili PITSCA. Ale! Oskіlki people are not accustomed to the kitchen, although they are technically equipped, they do not know how to grow a bird. Plate - є. The timer at the stove - tezh є. Temperature regulation e. Then why tudi phati, schob pіtsa bula? Yake dry. What will you please

Pies from yeast sponge dough

Judging by the joke memorandum prescription there were no pies. Otzhe - classic pies, s yeast test prepared in the same way Tisto. Take 3 bottles of milk 1 sachet of dry yeast 150-200 g olive oil 2 eggs 100 g zucru 1 tsp. salt 1 - 1.5 kg boroshn Robimo sourdough. Beremo Samu

cinnamon buns

Required: 2.5 dl of milk or water, 25 g of dried fruits, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 egg, 1-2 tsp. for dewy olії Zam_siti іsto. Roskoti yogo approximately 30 by 40 cm in size. Make up with soft margarine and lightly sip with cinnamon.

The main components of bread dough and yogo vplivom get dough.

Robimo bread is quiet.

The classic way, which helps to understand the process of mixing dough in bakery.

Qiu zdatnіst khlіbnіh virobіv dоpоmаgаt utilіzvаt all surpluses not only fats, аnd аnd аnd аnd аnd close їм prodіtіvі (into іїto you can аlѕо introduce small additives of syrah, syrup, later converted into powder, grated) the people you will burn everything.

First operation. At the same time, the sum of the yeasts, the source and all of the additive components (all the components are grown, including fat and eggs, as well as the rest of the recipe, are added).
You can add some retail or non-retail, dry components, for example, strength, spices (pepper, cibulya, cumin, coriander, anise). It is necessary to stitch, so that the stench is evenly distributed in the test.

Another virishal operation: preparing dough. Up to the deepest summish, it swells boroughly - insoles, skils are necessary for the dough, as if it were not sticky to the hands. Boroshno pіdsipаєtsya step by step, and the whole hour іsto vіshuєtsya. Best of all, it’s better to fight without interruption: with one hand you swipe bountifully, with another (spoon) you beat it with circular hands behind the year’s arrow.

For it to be easier to work, it is necessary to keep zavzhd in a deep, stable judgment. The axis of which earlier for the purpose of victorious was kvass - a cylindrical wooden vashka vіdro, which expands slightly on the burn. Now, with the most handy dishes, you can have a deep cylindrical enameled bowl (but not a saucepan).

The quantity of boroshna does not show up late in the preparation of boroshny (bread) rake, but everything is left to fall due to the fact that the quantity of rare sum has come out: some kind of specific warehouse and skolki boroshna you can take away the sum in yourself. If it’s too late to determine the number of borosna, then it’s almost impossible not to think about it, for sure, if the value is changed, it’s supposed to be colivan. Here they add different fat content, milk strength, water hardness, egg size, oil consistency and fat, as well as the freshness of the drіzhdzhіv and їх having poured into a rare part.

So don’t give special credit to the recipe, where for bread dough “exactly” the amount of boroshna is indicated. Vіn, as a rule, does not give the opportunity to take the akіsny virib, regardless of all our susilla.

It is important to vikonuvati іnshe - dotrimuvati proportions, do not go beyond the scope of the singing spіvvіdnoshen:
a) Us dry additives, indistinguishable: tsibula, sir, syr, spices - at once it’s not guilty to re-watch the pіvsklyanki on the skin two flasks of the native land at the warehouse of tіsta. Otherwise, it will be important for the test to be kind.

b) Zhiri, Olii it is not the fault of revisiting the pіvsklyanki to the skin bottle of rіdini (water, milk), otherwise it will be dry, thinned.

in) eggs at the bread, there was no trace of adding to the fire, for the stink of the stench was giving the dough of coldness, zhorstkost. To this, eggs are more important than confectionery dough, which may be the law.

G) Milk rob it more softly, softer, give it elasticity, springiness. Ale їm not a trace of malice: yogo may be less, lower water, or he drank with water, otherwise it will be important to drink. Dairy bread needs to be worked on for small breads: the smaller the milk bun, the easier it is to bake.

e) Khlibny virib vіdrіznyaєtsya like confectionery not tim, but only licorice, but otherwise - no. Take it easy. The culinary mission comes out of the fact that the role played in this event is great.

Like a borosno - the head component, like more yogo (behind a vag, obsyag), lower than all other components, then virib bread.

It’s better to become less than half of all other components (olive, egg, zucru, various additives), then virib confectionery.

Now, if you have become aware of the basic rules for preparing bread, try it yourself, without any recipe, for an eye, vipect bread from the one that is at home, with your hand: pour a bowl of water into a bowl, put some yeast, add milk, olives, drip a little of sour cream, boldly add flour, make it, grind it and in pich - it’s guilty to come out.

Now let's take a look at the actual components (which are put together) of the bread dough, more or less and report.


Motherland for the zamisu, whether it be a dough, it can be folded, as a minimum, from a pіvsklyanka water - for the development of drіzhdzhіv. Reshta rіdini can be made up of milk, sour cream, buttermilk, buttermilk, kefir, mixed in any proportions between them and those taken from any number.

Water or another homeland vikoristovuetsya for shaping boroshna dough.
Obsjag nebhіdnoї rіdini vary stalely according to the recipe, ale zagalnopriynyatim for yeast bread є zrazkove vіdnoshennia 1 part of the middle to 3 parts of the borow. In recipes, in which vicory is fermented for a couple, instead of redini, you can change it to boroshna.
In addition to the water, you can win the іnshі rіdini, yakіh dairy products, fruit juices and beer. At the storehouse of skin squash, in bread, as well as in water, they consume additives, salts, fats and components of the leaven.

To prepare a bakery for technological and state needs, call vicorist water from the city's drinking water supply. For the presence of yoga (for the sake of the authorities of the Sovereign Sanitary Inspection) vikoristovuyut mіstsevі dzherel vodopochannya (importantly artesian Sverdlovin). Water, taken from the earthen balls of the soil, avenges less bacteria and neglected houses, lower water of wells, rivers, lakes.
The quality of drinking water, independent of the water supply, is due to comply with GOST 2874 - 73.

“This standard is expanding on drinking water, which is supplied by centralized systems of public-drinking water supply, as well as centralized water supply systems, which supply water at once for public-drinking and technical purposes, and establish hygiene and control over the quality of drinking water.
Drinking water is guilty, but it is safe in epidemical use chemical warehouse those mothers are sympathetic to organoleptic powers.
Yak_st vodi signify її warehouse and authority at the entrance to the water supply line; at the water intake points of the outer and inner water supply lines.

Water may meet the standard to drinking water. The hardness of the water is mad in the place of calcium and magnesium salts, so as not only not to aggravate the brightness of the bread, but sometimes to improve the yogo, replacing weak gluten, and also to protect the human body with salts. For regions with soft drinking water, for example, Neva, it is recommended to carry out mineralization, so that it is enriched with calcium and magnesium salts. When kneading the dough with vicorist, water is heated up to 30 °C to ensure the optimum temperature for the dough.

For the preparation of dough per 100 kg of flour, brew in 35 to 75 liters of drinking water.

A lot of water to lie in the test: in the form of boroshna and virobiv.
The least water content is low, it is recommended for bagel-shaped grains, the most - for life bread from a trellis boar;

Vіd vologostі boroshna. Chim is dry flour, more water will rot out when mixing;

Depending on the amount of zucru and fat, which are added for the recipe, yakі nіbі rіdzhuyut іsto. With the introduction of significant amounts of zucru and fat, a small amount of water will pass, as it is added during mixing.


Tsei savory component melodiously called the first, which began to be added to bread. Strength is no less hopeful for a resounding taste for a person, and th to milk strongly vplivaє molding of the framework of gluten (gluten).
The addition of salt in the proportion of 1-3%, according to the quantity, is borosh, adding to the elasticity of gluten, making it more springy and stable. In addition, the strength is also hygroscopic and allows the dough to absorb water.

The addition of 2% salt allows you to reduce up to 5% water, which raises vihіd vrobіv and upovіlnyuє staleness (vologa waste).
However, the supra-world dosing of salt is strongly conducive to wandering - the strength of the spirit is oppressed by yeast. For example, the addition of salt in the amount of 5% according to the amount to the vaga borosna mayzhe secondarily lowering the fermentation power of yeasts. The back of the zamіsu should be relatively unique to the dotik of the drіzhdzhіv іz сіllu - it's negaino to ruin them.

A little bit of salt. Description of the defect. In the root varieties of bread, there is not enough or there is a lack of salt with all other normal displays you can give a virib for the shape of the troch more often, the lower pick is slightly curved, and for the molds -
bіchnі skorinki m'yakіshi, ugvіgnutі. Pori m'yakіshu enlarged, tovstіnіnі. The upper pick is flat, but at the top it is sharply curved, sidly similar. Relish virobiv fresh. Quite often the presence of salt in the dough gives a decrease in elasticity due to insufficient swelling of the proteins during the molding of the pulp.

In this way, it is optimal to add 100 g of boron to the skin not less than 1 g and not more than 3 g of salt.
For 500 g of borosh, there is 5-15 g of salt.


When honey is added to the dough in the bread, some of its aromas are lost, while the temperature of the whiskey is allowed to evaporate more through the temple, the same is due to the low brown ingredients in honey. the stench of the likeness of bread is only slightly indicated. I want to use varieties of vipіchki, de for the recipe vikoristovuєtsya honey. The smut in copper is inverted (simply tsukri) yakі in a new place at the great kіlkost. Add qi tsukra to the mind of the vipіchki and to the last taste of the bread.

Vikoristannya honey with vypikanni bread is expensive, to that the most important recipes for vikoristovuetsya splendid tsukor. Zukor for vypіchki vikoristovuetsya less purification, crystal. The best beetroot - it is easier to break down with enzymes borosna and yeast into simple zucru (fructose, sucrose), as it ferments like yeast in carbon dioxide and alcohol.

The addition of tsukru in a rosemary ratio of 2% to the mass of wheat boroshna will improve the fermentation and suspense of dough, and the shards will fill the lack of simple tsukrіv in boroshni. With such dosing, the taste of malt in bread is not depleted - tsukor mayzhe again be recycled by yeasts. The relish of malt in the vipіchtsі begins to appear when dosing tsukr not less than 4% - even 2% tsukr is fermented, and 2%, which is left out, give malt relish.

Next, designate an important situation: if you add zucru in the test, 5% and more the activity of yeasts is strongly disregarded, especially the famous bakers. Special highly active (confectionery) yeasts are produced, fungal cultures such as this technology of cultivation allow vicoryisting them in the “important”, sucrose, confectionery test.

In some species healthy dough 9%, 12%, 15% zucru and more, so in such a test the power to create special confectionery French yeast "Irondelle" changes 2 times. In the recipes for healthy spicy, the dose of yeast is 3-5%, and for great bread 1-2%.

The crystalline tsukor, as a strong maє great hygroscopicity, to that, the additional effect of victorious tsukru є zbіlshennya vodopoglshennya zdatnostі tіsta, scho in his line zbіshuє vihіd virobіv through utrimannya drive that zbіlshenny vаgi tista.

An even more important effect in victorious circle and folding processes the preparation of ready-made viroba has a beautiful yellow and light brown color of “vipіchka”. The top crust and other surfaces of the cheese are fermented through carmelization (burning) zucru at a high temperature in the oven. The temperature of the pulp during boiling does not exceed 100 degrees Celsius, so the contamination of the pulp is one of the visible effects of folding processes in the interaction of amino acid groups, the protein is rich with mono-dwosaccharides (with simple sugars). This process is called the Maillard reaction.

At a dose of tsukru more than 10% to the main mass, the process of wandering is more stable. Zukor, yak i sil, viklikaє plasmolysis of yeast clitins, the proteo dіya tsukru in this way is rather weak. Zukor dehydrates proteins, which swell, and to that it dissolves. The viscosity of the dough decreases when adding zucru

Also, in the bread, we put 1-2% zucru of an excellent white in a quantity on the skin 100 g of borosna 1-2 g or 500 g of borosna 5-10 g of zucru.


In Russia, molasses is widely used to add to dough. It is a yellow-brown syrup, which is a sum of simple tsukrіv, mainly glucose, and other not shkidlivih houses. Molasses is obtained at high-temperature processing of starch (potato, corn). Often the replacement of vicory molasses is cheaper than molasses, as it is the source of blood brewers. Molasses is everywhere victorious as the main syrovina for fermentation of yeasts, bakery through a large number of houses and vikoristannya is not bazhano.

Vykoristannya molasses does not include zastosuvannya tsukra, shards of mechanisms of interaction between them and other ingredients in the dough and the results are different. Beyond the cordon, the molasses is not beaten up through a large number of houses and a small amount in glucose, which is very necessary for the rheology of the test. Only a syrup of pure glucose is stagnant, which is barless or slightly yellow in a viscous motherland, already similar to honey. Too many people confuse yoga with an inverted circle, but we also need another product. The main meta vicariance to glucose syrup is to prevent the crystallization of zukriv and to increase the starch starch in the pulp.

Tim by myself є straining against the “old” viroba, stale and hanging soft. Glucose syrup is added in a ratio of 2-4% to borosna with a method of staleness, and in a quantity of up to 8% confectionery paste to change the crystallization of zukriv.

Also, in the bread, we add molasses on the skin 100 g of borosna in a quantity of 2-4% or 2-4 grams. For 500 g of boroshna stock 10-20 g of molasses.


The addition of dairy products has long been practiced during the preparation of yogic varieties of bread. With their additions, add: lactic acid bacteria, which is to be found in dairy products, and lactic acid, which gives a special taste of vipichtsi; milk fat, yakі give vipіchtsі relish and smell inches of butter, and also envelop particles of starch softness, giving it softness and elasticity; milk proteins and milk zucchini, yakі strongly vpivayut on farbuvannya syrynka viroba - it is necessary to vrakhovuvat and koriguvat or add tsukra, or change the temperature of the vypіchka.

Beyond the cordon, dry milk, as an additive to the dough, does not vicorate - the powder of dry milkweed stagnates. Right in fact that the sirovatka still revenge all the components of milk, necessary for the vypіchka, ale richer cheaper, lower dry milk. Vikoristovuetsya syrovatka "pidsirna", as a way to avenge more of the necessary components.

The additive varies in quantity from 4 to 8%, fallow in the formulation of virobu. The addition of less than 2% does not give any effect.

Also, in bread it is added 4-8% of dry milk or powdered milk, which should be put on the skin 100 g of borosna 4-8 g or 500 g of borosna stock 20-40 g of milk powder.


Egg products have long been victorious at the svyatkovіy vipіchtsі. Lecithin, which is smeared into the chewing gum, is an emulsifying agent, rich in chewing gum additives, gaining a pleasant color, relish and smell.
Proteins are vicarious when preparing a protein cream. Behind the cordon, through the nebezpeka widening of salmonella, zastosuvannya fresh eggs are surrounded and strictly regulated.

The egg powder is stagnating, which is technologically advanced, good for vikoristan, not weak to the point of insecurities. One kilogram of egg powder, when mixed with warm water, replaces about a hundred fresh eggs. New technologies allow the production of egg powder, which can avenge the original vitamins and proteins - the stench of the special technology of drying the powder does not crumble, like the powder of the usual technology. Such egg powder is more common in warm water and is identical to fresh eggs.


Zhitnіy malt (not barley) is widely planted in bread production. Malt to revenge the great number of different enzymes and, in essence, natural baker's enzyme preservative. The group of diastatic enzymes (amilase) decomposes starch and folded zucrue in the simple, and the group of proteolytic enzymes transforms the protein into the dispersed parts. Groups of enzymes are found both in boroshni and in a small amount in drizhdzhakh, ale with zipped boron, enzymes for mixing in dough do not work, even if malt is necessary.

Malt buvaє zvichayny (white) and fermentation (lubrication in special minds).
Fermented malt can have a great effect, a brightly pronounced smell and a pleasant aroma. Particularly effective is the infusion of fermented malt in brewed brews. Bookmarking is carried out at a proportion of 3-8% by maturity to boroshno. Preparation of garny malt for the purposes of bakery and foldable technological plants, which is called the best malt - imported Baltic (Lithuanian).

Behind the cordon of the greater width of the pack malt extract yak thick dark syrup. One kilogram of extract replaces approximately 5 kilograms of wild malt, rich in vicarious, transportable, and economically dosed. The one behind vitraty vikoristannya malt extract vygіdnіshe, nizh zastosuvannya malt powder.

Warehouse analysis malt extract on the application of inactive Finnish extracts Maltax 10 Maltax 200F and Maltax 1500 (Table 1) shows that a number of characteristic gustatory speeches of wine can also be compared with a number of different carbohydrates (especially maltose, dextrin, glucose, fructose). Tsі tsukru, scho mіstya in malt, arc tsіkavі for the process of beating from different points of dawn.

In the first place, zavdyaki yakі mіstjatsya in the malt extract built up to the conquest of speeches, yeasts are given a large amount of food and a rich substrate for wandering. It’s not worth talking about those that can be stopped for speeding up the wandering process. Perevagou in to this particular type there will be a short time of wandering and saving on drіzhdzhakh. Most of the time, it’s easier to wander around to know one’s own vіdbitok at the sbіlshennі obyagu bread.

In another way, maltodextrin, which is located in the malt extract, impresses with its moisture-absorbing naturalness, which increases the moisture content and allows you to remove the lower m'akush from the bread, biscuit and bun, and at the same time take more product.

Thirdly, the zucru of the malt extract promotes the gas-producing building of the forest, and by the same token, the trivality of the vistoyuvannya, as well as the structurization of the powers of the tysta, is quickened.

Fourthly, life and dark malt extracts make for a good house. The amount of color of the malt extract is determined by the color of the pick and the pulp. The color of the streak is improved for the reaction of melanin-making - the interplay of amino acids and sucrose, which is reflected in the test. That is why malt extract is a natural alternative to piece barvniks.

The unique power of malt extracts pouring in the taste and aroma of products. The characteristic bready relish of the components in the malt extract is formed at the hour of sedimentation of the grain, which is especially important in the extraction process, if the malt is converted into malt extract.

Cream of that malt extracts help to soften the high acidity of bread from wheat bog, improve the consistency of dough for a rich flavor, to give a golden color and a crunchy taste of crackers and dry snacks, to give products a balanced natural malt, a natural taste and aroma, and you can use vikoristan instead of zucru and licorice syrups.

If you need a lot of malt, in the best way to zastosovuvat malt or yogo preparation, then more of the hard varieties of grain with a large amount of gluten will require a greater amount of malt, less of the soft varieties of wheat. For now, the addition of malt or yoga extract is considered to be the necessary amount of enzymes in boroshni. At normal diastatic strength (100 units of d.s.), sufficient dosing is required at 1.5-2%, in the case of a dry boron, or 1.0-1.5% in the case of dry bog.

Also, the laying of malt in the bread is carried out at a proportion of 3-8% at a ratio to boroshn. Either 3-8 g of malt is put on 100 g of borosh, or 15-40 g of malt is put on 500 g of borosh.

Dry pressed, if dry, go to the bakery enterprises from the yeast factories; rіdkі, scho zastosovuyutsya pіd hіrobnitstvа wheat bread, pogotyuyut without intermission at khlibozavody.

Pressed yeast with technically pure cultures of yeast fungi, water-cremation from the life-giving medium, on which the stench grew, passed and pressed into bars with a mass of 1 kg.

For organoleptic indications, dry garnish is characterized by a monotonous gray with a yellowish color, without dark patches on the surface of the bars, with a thin consistency, the stench is easily streaked and does not smear, does not smell of third-party smells and smells. The limiting moisture content of yeast is 75%, acidity is 120 mg of octic acid per 100 g of yeast, “pidyomna strength” is more than 75 min.

Dry drіzhdzhі vikoristovuyut in quiet vipadkah, if

delivery of pressed dried fruits is difficult, and

the selection of rare ones is not taxed. Dry yeast

possess the drying of pressing at a temperature, which ensures the preservation of the life of yeast cells. The moisture content of dry drizzle can be increased by 8-10%;

Rіdkі drіzhdzhі are prepared at khlіbozavody, de razrozhuyut pure cultures of baker's drіzhdzhіv on boroshnyanіy zavartsі.

Due to the quality of the drіzhdzhіv, їх "pіdіmnoії forces" to deposit the truvality of the process of wandering the dough and yogo fluffiness. Drizzle pressed ahead of time by warm water 30-35C. Needless to say, the suspension was obtained with a uniform consistency, the scales do not add up to the accuracy of dosing when mixing the test.

Dry (and often pressed) yeasts are activated. When activated, serve as a lively middle ground for a rare brew, which includes wheat and other soybeans, barley malt, biologically active speech and mineral salts. Drіzhdzhi introduce at the tea leaves and vitrimuyut ZOS vіd 45 min. up to 2.5 years. During the whole hour, the enzymatic complex of yeasts is activated and begins to multiply. Activation of the yeast in a short time for the preparation of dough.

The strength of the kitchen grub is broken by the water. Rozchin singing concentration filter and dose for obsyag. The strength is poured into the processes that are used in the dough when fermenting, so with the sponge method, add 0.3 - 0.5% salt to the dough to the dough, and add the reshta when mixing the dough.

Dodatkovu syrovin of bakery production should be introduced into the recipe of some bread brews for the promotion of their food value, the provision of their savory, aromatic, and physical and chemical powers of bread, healthy, bakery, bakery, dry bread.

3. Initial food: Zamis, brodіnnya, obrobka, vistoyuvannya testa.

Zamis guilty of ensuring the obedience of the test with his own powers, optimal for brewing bread of high quality. In case of a portion-wise mixing, mix the syrovina into a dish, mix it up with a periodic addition, dry it for wandering in the same capacity, or brew it into a different one. With an uninterrupted mixing of the test of syrovin, which is in the test of strong attachment, it is mixed and vivantage into a place for wandering. When mixing a part of the borosh, it is easy to take in water and swell. As a result of the mechanical action, the stench sticks to the thick mass.

Already without intermediary after zamіsu tіsto є polydisperse system, which is composed of solid, rare and gaseous phases, spіvvіdnennia kah znachnoy znamolyu umovlyuє domineering ієsta.

In illuminating the solid phase of wheat dough, the role of proteins lies. Proteins of gluten bind water like adsorption, and osmotic. It swells and calls out more importantly to the osmotic clays of the water. As a result of mechanical infusions, the white tongues swell up like particles, the stench vanishes, at the sight of the spleen or the juguli, as if in one’s own line, the white squirrels from the other parts are borosna. In this way, the infused water-resistant proteins establish in the dough a trivi- merous lip-like, often-sitch-chaste, uninterrupted structural basis - a “framework”, which is a meaningful world that inspires the specific physical power of wheat flour, its expansion and springiness. Bіlkovі rhechovina іѕ tіsta zdatnі pohlutі і zv'yazat vdvіchі vіlshe і for іѕ masu.

At the protein frame, grains of starch are interspersed and particles of grain shells.

Starch kіlkіsno to become the main part of the borow, moreover, close to 15% of starch grains are mechanically crushed up to 44%, and shkodzhenі - up to 200% water. Pevnu kіlkіst vody zv'yazuyut bran parts. Zagalom is close to 82-85% of water, which is found in the pastry, mixed with starch and gluten.

Rare phase Testa settles down when organic and mineral waters are dissolved in water - water proteins, sugars, pentosans (mucus), salts swell strongly. Vaughn is not bound by adsorption cavities of the solid phase.

However, due to the increased activity of proteolytic enzymes, the structural disaggregation of proteins in the test may be transcendental. Part of the water-resistant proteins, start to swell fringed, in the minds of the minds may begin to swell unflushed and as a result peptize and go into the camp of a colloidal expansion, which increases the viscosity of the rare phase.

Rare phase Wheat dough can often be rebuffed with a seemingly strong, viscous liquid, which removes the elements of the solid phase, or osmotically swell with swollen whites of the dough.

gaseous phase utvoryuєyutsya at the time of zamіsi for rahunok zahlennya that utrimannya test (occlusion) bulbashok povіtrya. Vaughn plays an important role in illuminating the porosity of the soft bread.

Describing more physical and columnar processes that take place during mixing and are formed from a single mass of components - completely, all the processes that are tested in the test are not exhausted. Under the hour, the zamіsu is to begin the processes of various biochemical processes that catalyze the enzymes of borosna, yeasts, and acid-forming bacteria.

Thriftiness and intensity of kneading of dough are poured into the bread's yakіst. At the cob stage, as a result of the mechanical injection, the components are mixed, the swelling of the particles and the hardening of the dough is soon. Another hour of the next mechanical day can improve the physical power of the test, adhering to the new spongy gluten structural bone. With a little change, the physical power of the test is growing worse, which is connected with the mechanical ruination of both the gluten bone and the structural elements of swollen whites.

When optimizing the mechanical processing, the quantity of the clayed dough is increased, while the size of the bulbs is changed again, and the quantity is greatly increased. Carbon dioxide, which is produced during fermentation, does not make new bulbs in the test, but rather penetrates into the repeated bulbs, making them larger. The presence of a large number of dry, spiced bulbs ensures the fluffing of the dough, the thin-walled and equal porosity, improves the taste and aroma of the bread and strengthens it.

Traditional ways of preparing wheat dough are two-phase and single-phase safe.

With a two-phase sourdough method, with 45-60% of the boar and all yeasts (0.8-1 kg per 100 kg of borosh) transferred to the recipe, mix the sourdough with a moisture content of 47-50%, and ferment for 3-3.5 years at a temperature of 27-29C. Let's then add the batter to the finished sourdough recipe, resolutely mix it up, ferment for another 1-1.5 years, after which it's ready to ferment.

With this method, it is possible to improve the bakery features of the boar and change the technological process of preparing the dough, the bread will come out of high quality. However, the opposing method of trials, the wild trial of the preparation of bread 6508 years. At the link with the cym, it is necessary to have a lot of capacities for wandering and that great

harvesting area, moreover, to dry the temple with dry speeches for wandering.

Various modifications of the sourdough method - preparation of dough on a large thick sourdough, rare beverages, fermented emulsions (for shortened and tasty dough) straightening for a short hour with a one-hour reduction in the quality of bread.

The preferred method of preparing dough in various modifications in this hour is the main one in bakery enterprises.

A single-phase, safe method of transferring a one-time batch to a test with a simple recipe for syrovin (for wine fat and zucru for healthy recipes). Vitrata drіzhdzhіv become 1.5-2%. With this method, it is necessary to have less taste, because the hour of preparing the dough will soon be short, and the syrovin vitrata will decrease by about 0.5%. The total duration of the preparation of bread is 1.5-2 years, including fermented bread - 2.5-3.5 years. However, bread, which is accepted in this way, as a rule, is traded for the quality of bread, twisted in a double way, that wine is stagnant.

In this hour, a safe way is most likely to stop for the fermentation of baked goods and other healthy varieties. At this moment, they cook it up on a large amount (up to 5% of the mass of the whole boar) of pressing drizhzhivs, which are activated in advance by the stretch of the year. Quietly mix with intensive mechanical injection, add fat and zucor for 20-30 min. to the trim.

Under an hour of wandering of wheat dough, one or two punches are made - a short hour (2-Change) of mixing the dough.

When crushing the dough, a part of carbon dioxide is seen and it swells again and again, after which the physical authority becomes reddened, which allows you to take away the bread of the great volume with the fine even porosity of the thin-walled m'yakish. It is more convenient to add fat, zucor and other flavoring additives at other times. With all the more resurfacing methods of making wheat dough, the process of making wheat dough is the same as fermentation (ripening).

Meta Wandering - brought to the test in the camp, the best for the gas-fuelled building and the physical authorities for the generalization of that vipicanny. While wandering at the dough itself, the main quantity of speeches is established, which impresses the unique aroma and relish of baked bread.

The ripening of the dough is a folding complex of processes that are added to the wet ferments in the boron, the enzymes introduced in the dry yeast and other microorganisms, which are carried out in the boron, the yeast and the other transferred recipe, the syrovin, or in the other, drank it.

Drіzhdzhі, scho dodayutsya in the past, call alcohol fermentation. Under the influence of the winter complex of yeasts, the molecules of hexoses are transformed through a number of intermediate products into alcohol and carbon dioxide, which expands it. By itself, the accumulation of carbon dioxide at this stage, the preparation of the dough is practical, the shards of wine may be all seen during processing. However, during this period, carbon dioxide takes an active part in the molding of the spongy gluten frame, which increases the shape and gas-tightness of the dough with residual viability. It should be noted that part of the carbon dioxide can differ in the rare phase, facilitating carbonic acid, which increases the acidity of the acid, and also adsorbs in the solid phase. Povyazaniya tim chi іnshim rank of carbon dioxide pіd hіpіkannya zvіlnyаєє that dodatkovo raspushuє іsto.

With alcoholic fortification in the past, cream of ethyl alcohol, other alcohols can accumulate in small quantities - amilovium, propylovium, butylovium, isoamilovium and other deacids, which take an active part in illuminating the taste and aroma of the finished bread.

One hour at test ide the process of acid accumulation due to the active activity of acid-forming bacteria. The main acid, which dissolves in the dough, is lactic, which makes up about 65% of all acids, and also accumulates richly ottovoї-close to 25%. In a small number of micro-organisms, they synthesize murashina, burshtin, malic, vine, citric and deacic acids. Due to the vitality of yeasts for rachun deamination of amino acids in the test, it is possible to assimilate ketocarboxylic acids.

The warehouse of acids, which are settled, directly pours into the taste of bread. Lactic acid gives a pleasant relish, otstovoy and other summer ones - sharp, rough, unacceptable. With the accumulation of acids in the test, its active acidity (PH) changes - about 5, which pleasantly adds the activity of yeasts and the activity of proteolytic enzymes.

In the process of fermentation in the test, cream of various alcohols and organic acids, aldehydes and ketones are dissolved, for example: acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, propionic, isovalerian aldehyde, acetone, ethyl acetate. The stench is mixed with industrial products of the forage, or they are settled under the hour with the interdependence of the components of the dough.

For shaping the quality of bread, an important mill is in the carbohydrate-amylase complex. Wheat flour contains about 2% of sugars, and for the production of bread of good quality, 5-6% must be redeemed. About 2.5-3% of the quantity is fermented by yeasts and other microorganisms during fermentation and vistoyuvannya and approximately stylka can be left out in the test until the moment of boiling for the normal preparation of crackers. That normal capacity can be taken away for the sufficient activity of amylase, in the first place, β-amylase, which hydrolyzes starch to maltose. In addition, the speed of hydrolysis to deposit due to natural features of starch and its mechanical weakness, shards of crushed starch grains are hydrolyzed much easier, lower strength. Until the end of the wandering, the speed of hydrolysis is growing due to the increase in the acidity of the paste, which will saturate it.

Processing Meta - preparation of test preparations, which are used for masa and shape of the song variety of bread. On shmatki it is worth dilyat at the cost of rozpodilchih cars, yakі may be buti clearly in regulation. Vіdhilennya vіd vіd ї masi not guilty perevischuvat 1.5%. When you spread the dough on the shmatki, spend it when you drink it and when it's cold. The mass of dough pieces for small pieces of bread is set approximately 12-15% more than the weight of the finished chilled bread, for dough pieces with a weight of 0.2 to 0.5 kg -10-12%, up to 1 kg 8-10, over 1 kg -5-7 %.

Immediately after the hem, the pieces of dough are rounded off. Rounded wheat test blanks for root varieties of bread after rounding should be sent for vinification. Test preparations for shaped varieties of wheat bread are laid in the form after rounding, and the life and wheat-wheat bread are laid in the form after the rounded pieces.

Preparations for dovgastyh vyrobіv z wheat tіsta (loaves, mіsk buns, saiok and іn.) Under the hour of the short-hour (5-8hv) pasture, the internal tension is dissipated into a small piece of dough, which vinicks when rounded, and the gluten frame is often damaged. As a result, the physical dominance of the dough, its structure, which positively swells into the quality of the finished bread, swells in the past. Then the pieces of dough are given the shape of future virobivs and come to the residual vistoyuvannya.

Vistoyuvannya testa carried out for quicker wandering near special chambers at a temperature of 35-40C and an average moisture content of about 80-85%. The increase in moisture content is improved after the improvement on the surface of the test workpiece with a dry spit - a streak that dries old look virobiv.

Under the hour of vistoyuvannya trivaє brodіnnya and test preparations will be re-fluffed with carbon dioxide, may be more distant from it during molding, which allows you to take good flaking bread. The trivality of vistoyuvannya from 15 to 120 mins is fallow in the presence of power, the recipes of dough, mass of shmatkiv, minds of vistoyuvannya and other factors. Like a lack, and an overworld vistoyuvannya, however, negatively pours in the quality of bread.

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